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如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part II (Feb 12, 2019)
zuojun 2019-2-13 10:56
讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) Part II: Patterns of Essay Development ( 短文的分类和写作手法 ) Chapter 15 Division-Classification ( 关于分类的短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on division-classification. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize division-classification. Wait Divisions By Tom Bodett Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Division-Classification Considering Purpose and Audience With big data (including outputs from many models, such as CMIP5), such writing is common. Let’s find some research papers on this. Chapter 16 Argument ( 论证式短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on argument. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize argument. Ban the Things. Ban Them All By Molly Ivins http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=1161885 Strategies for Argument 1. Use Tactful, Courteous Language 2. Point Out Common Ground 3. Acknowledge Differing Viewpoints 4. When Appropriate, Grant the Merits of Differing Viewpoints 5. Rebut Differing Viewpoints 这些技巧,尤其是回复审稿人意见时,可以用。 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Argument Considering Purpose and Audience Your main purpose is to convince your readers that your particular point or opinion is correct. 第二部分结束了。如果你是一路看下来的,一定已经知道这本教科书不是针对科学家写科技论文的。不过,你多多少少还是学到了一些有用的写作知识。 这本书就讲这些。是的,这本教科书的第三部分是所谓的 “ 学术写作 ” 。但是,不是我们写科技论文的那种写作。当然,看了没有坏处。 教科书的第四部分是 “ 句子写作技巧指南 ” 。学生完完全全可以自学。(不过,我不赞成这种 “ 看错句、学英语 ” 的方式。因为,我可能从来不会 “ 这么错 ” ,何苦呢?) 教科书的第五部分非常不错,是阅读。建议大家慢慢看。 有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|4507 次阅读|1 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part II (Feb 11,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-12 07:02
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) Part II: Patterns of Essay Development ( 短文的分类和写作手法 ) Chapter 13 Comparison and/or Contrast ( 比较和对比式短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on comparison and/or contrast. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize comparison and/or contrast. Born to Be Different By Camille Lewis Method of Development Details can be presented one side at a time or point by point . 这 两种比 较 方式,都是科技英 语 写作常用的。 One Side at a Time You can describe observational results (say the mean ocean state); then, you can describe modeling results. 科技英语写作会用这种方式。比如在一篇文章中,首先描述观测结果。然后,分析模拟结果,看它们和观测结果是否相似。 Point by Point You can compare two datasets or two models’ outputs this way. Developing a Comparison or Contrast Essay Considering Purpose and Audience Be sure to keep your audience in mind when you write. Chapter 14 Definition ( 下定义式短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on definition. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize definition. Television Addiction By Marie Winn Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Definition Considering Purpose and Audience Defining a term or an index is common in research papers. Let’s find some papers that contain such definitions. 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3545 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part II (Feb 10,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-11 07:01
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) Part II: Patterns of Essay Development ( 短文的分类和写作手法 ) Chapter 12 Cause and/or Effect ( 说明因果的短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on cause and/or effect. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize cause and/or effect. Taming the Anger Monster By Anne Davidson I don’t like to use this essay. You may go find another essay on cause and/or effect. 我不想用教科书里的短文。 Try: http://www.environmentalpollution.in/essay/essay-on-plastic-pollution-top-4-essays/1496 Note: The English in these essays may not be “perfect,” so we can actually use these essays for “editing demo.” We should spend more time on this chapter because it is what we do as scientists. However, the textbook is not written for the kind of cause and/or effect in research. 科技论文,常常就是讲“因果”。所以,我们应该好好学习这一章。但是,需要看一些专业文献。 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Cause and/or Effect Considering Purpose and Audience The primary purpose of such essay is to support your main point by using examples that explain (1) the causes of a particular event or situation; (2) the effects of an event or a situation; or, more rarely (3) a combination of both. Assignment: Find two research papers in your field: one on causes (mechanisms), and the other on effects. 作业:找两篇你的专业的论文。一篇讲“因”(机制),另外一篇讲“果”。 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3059 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part II (Feb 9,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-10 07:01
讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) Part II: Patterns of Essay Development ( 短文的分类和写作手法 ) Chapter 9 Narration ( 记叙式短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on narration. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize narration. The Yellow Ribbon By Pete Hamill Since we usually do not use dialogues in research papers, I will skip the rest of this chapter. Chapter 10 Exemplification ( 举例式短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on exemplification. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize exemplification. Dad BY Andrew H. Malcolm Below is a link to this essay: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogquickforward=1id=1161338 It is possible to use this style in research paper, such as citing an idea from a published paper. For now, I will just skip the rest of this chapter. Chapter 11 Process ( 介绍一个过程的短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on process. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize process. How to Do Well on a Job Interview By Glenda Davis (Essay starts on page 234 of this pdf file.) 这篇关于 “ 面试 ” 的短文,虽然有点 “ 老派 ” ,还是有许多可取之处。 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Process Considering Purpose and Audience Deciding on Structure, Content, and Style · Include a thesis. · Use language that is easy to follow and not unnecessarily complex. · List each step in chronological order or time order. (See p83 for words that signal time.) · Explain each step in a separate paragraph. If two steps are done simultaneously, connect the two paragraphs with phrase such as “At the same time.” 上面这些提示,让我想起一些科技论文的 section 2 ,里面介绍 in situ data 是如何获取的。 Developing through Prewriting Developing through Revising 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3304 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part II (Feb 8,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-9 07:02
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) Part II: Patterns of Essay Development ( 短文的分类和写作手法 ) Chapter 7: Introduction to Essay Development … Patterns of Essay Development Traditionally, writing has been divided into the following patterns of development: Description Narration Exposition Exemplification Comparison or contrast ProcessDefinition Cause and effectDivision-classification Argumentation As you practice writing, keep these two points in mind: · While each essay that you write will involve one predominant pattern, very often it may involve one or more additional patterns as well. · No matter which pattern(s) you use, each essay will probably involve some form of argumentation. The Progression in Each Chapter In Chapters 8-16, after each pattern is explained, student essays and a professional essay illustrating that pattern are presented, followed by questions about the essays. You are then asked to write your own essay. Chapter 8 Description ( 描述式短文 ) This chapter will explain and illustrate how to develop, write, and revise an essay with emphasis on description. You are provided with two student essays and one professional essay that emphasize description. 注意: with emphasis on description 和 emphasize description 的 “ 差别 ” 。 有课本的同学,请看 Beth Johnson 写的 Lou’s Place 。(我不打算按教科书进行,原因是我偏 “ 科技英语写作 ” 。) Lou’s Place By Beth Johnson https://wenku.baidu.com/view/d769d903998fcc22bdd10d31.html 读这篇短文,我感觉像在看电影。你是否也有同感? 显然,科技英语不需要这么生龙活虎,除非你打算写科普。 Developing an Essay with Emphasis on Description Considering Purpose and Audience Visualizing the Subject Perhaps, the most important sense is sight. It allows the writer to visualize his/her subject before describing it in words. This is why researchers use figures in their papers. Use different colors to reveal the complexity of your result. 我一直是用 “ 看图说话 ” 写科技论文的。你也可以试一下。 Developing through Prewriting Developing through Revising 这一章有许多分析和练习。自己好好学习哦。 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2927 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part II (Feb 7,2019)
热度 1 zuojun 2019-2-8 10:40
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) Part II: Patterns of Essay Development ( 短文的分类和写作手法 ) Preview 7 Introduction to Essay Development 8 Description 9 Narration 10 Exemplification 
 11 Process 
 12 Cause and/or Effect 13 Comparison and/or Contrast 14 Definition 
 15 Division-Classification 
 16 Argument 
 Chapter 7: Introduction to Essay Development This chapter will · introduce you to nine patterns of essay development · explain the importance of understanding the nature and length of an assignment · explain the importance of knowing your subject, your purpose, and your audience · explain the three different points of view used in writing · show you know to conduct a peer review and personal review Important Considerations in Essay Development Understanding the Nature and Length of an Assignment Knowing Your Subject Knowing Your Purpose and Audience Determining Your Point of View First-Person Approach Second-Person Approach Third-Person Approach Using Peer Review We should try this in class. Doing a Personal Review 1. While you’re writing and revising a paragraph or essay, you should be constantly evaluating it in terms of unity, support, and organization. Use as a guide the detailed checklist on the inside back cover of this book. 
 2. After you’ve finished the next-to-final draft of a composition, check it for the sentence skills listed on the inside back cover. It may also help to read your work out loud. If a given sentence does not sound right—that is, if it does not read clearly and smoothly—chances are something is wrong. In that case, revise or edit as necessary until your composition is complete. 
 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2575 次阅读|1 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Feb 5,2019)
热度 1 zuojun 2019-2-6 07:05
猪年好! 讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) You can get a free copy for the 7th edition: https://blaw05.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/english-skills-with-readings-7th-edition.pdf but it is a very old version. Part I: Essay Writing (如何写短文) Chapter 5: The Fourth Step in Essay Writing This chapter will show you how to · revise so that your sentences flow smoothly and clearly · edit so that your sentences are error free Editing Sentences After revising sentences in an essay so that they flow smoothly and clearly, you need to edit the essay for mistakes in grammar, punctuation, mechanics, usage, and spelling. Even if an essay is otherwise well-written, it will make an unfavorable impression on readers if it contains such mistakes. To edit an essay, check it against the agreed-upon rules or conventions of written English—simply called sentence skills in this book. Here are the most common of these conventions: · Write complete sentences (rather than fragments). 
 · Do not write run-on sentences. 
 · Use verb forms correctly. 
 · Make sure that subject, verbs, and pronouns agree. 
 · Eliminate faulty modifiers. 
 · Use pronoun forms correctly. 
 · Use capital letters where needed. 
 · Use the following marks of punctuation correctly: apostrophe, quotation marks, comma, semicolon, colon, hyphen, dash, parentheses. 
 · Use correct manuscript form. 
 · Eliminate slang, clichés, and pretentious words. 
 · Check for possible spelling errors. 
 · Eliminate careless errors. 
 我做润色,基本上就是干上面清单上的这些活。 Chapter 6: Four Bases for Revising Essays This chapter will show you how to evaluate an essay for · unity · support · coherence · sentence skills Base 1: Unity ( 论点一致 ) Understanding Unity Two sample essays are given in the book. Base 2: Support ( 论据支撑论点 ) Understanding Support Two sample essays are given in the book. Base 3: Coherence ( 连贯性 ) Understanding Coherence Two sample essays are given in the book. Base 4: Sentence Skills (句子写作技巧) Understanding Sentence Skills Two sample essays are given in the book. This wraps up Part I. 如果你从一开始就 “ 好好学习 ” ,现在可以 “ 天天向上 ” :每天写 300 字的短文。 Part II is about “Patterns of Essay Development.” 第二部分是讲短文的分类和写作手法。我会慢慢地一章一章继续。同时,我会比较注重培养阅读能力。回忆自己的写作成长过程,应该是 阅读的结果 。 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3062 次阅读|1 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Feb 4,2019)
热度 1 zuojun 2019-2-5 07:01
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) You can get a free copy for the 7th edition: https://blaw05.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/english-skills-with-readings-7th-edition.pdf but it is a very old version. Part I: Essay Writing (如何写短文) Chapter 5: The Fourth Step in Essay Writing This chapter will show you how to · revise so that your sentences flow smoothly and clearly · edit so that your sentences are error free Vary Your Sentences One aspect of effective writing is to vary your sentences. If every sentence follows the same pattern, writing may become monotonous. The following are four methods you can use to make your sentences more varied and more sophisticated: · Add a second complete thought (coordination). 
 · Add a dependent thought (subordination). 
 · Begin with a special opening word or phrase. 
 · Place adjectives or verbs in a series. 
 Revise by Adding a Second Complete Thought (Coordination) When you add a second complete thought to a simple sentence, the result is a compound (or double) sentence. The two complete statements in a compound sentence are usually connected by a comma plus a joining, or coordinating, word ( and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet ). Use a compound sentence when you want to give equal weight to two closely related ideas. The technique of showing that ideas have equal importance is called coordination. I repeatedly failed the math quizzes, so I decided to drop the course. Revise by Adding a Dependent Thought (Subordination) When you add a dependent thought to a simple sentence, the result is a complex sentence. A complex sentence is used to emphasize one idea over another. Look at the following complex sentence: Although I lowered the thermostat, my heating bill remained high. Revise by Beginning with a Special Opening Word or Phrase Among the special openers that can be used to start sentences are (1) -ed words, (2) -ing words, (3) -ly words, (4) to word groups, and (5) prepositional phrases. Here are examples of all five kinds of openers: -ed word 
 Tired from a long day of work, Sharon fell asleep on the sofa. -ing word 
 Using a thick towel, Mel dried his hair quickly. -ly word 
 Reluctantly, I agreed to rewrite the paper. to word group 
 To get to the church on time, you must leave now. prepositional phrase With Fred’s help, Martha planted the evergreen shrubs. Revise by Placing Adjectives or Verbs in a Series Various parts of a sentence may be placed in a series. Among these parts are adjectives (descriptive words) and verbs. Here are examples of both in a series. Adjectives The black, smeary newsprint rubbed off on my new butcher-block table. Verbs The quarterback fumbled the ball, recovered it, and sighed with relief. 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|7525 次阅读|2 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Feb 3,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-4 14:07
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) You can get a free copy for the 7th edition: https://blaw05.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/english-skills-with-readings-7th-edition.pdf but it is a very old version. Part I: Essay Writing (如何写短文) Chapter 5: The Fourth Step in Essay Writing This chapter will show you how to · revise so that your sentences flow smoothly and clearly · edit so that your sentences are error free 我讲写作课时一直强调:好文章是改出来的。其中包括改句子。 Revising Sentences The following strategies will help you to revise your sentences effectively. 1. Use parallelism. 
 2. Use a consistent point of view. 
 3. Use specific words. 
 4. Use concise wording. 
 5. Vary your sentences. 
 Use Parallelism 
 (p107 on 9 th edition, p124 on 7 th edition) Nonparallel (Not Balanced) I resolved to lose weight, to study more, and watching less TV. Parallel (Balanced) I resolved to lose weight, to study more, and to watch less TV. (A balanced series of to verbs: to lose, to study, to watch ) 
 More examples are given in the book. Use a Consistent Point of View Consistency with Verbs Do not shift verb tenses unnecessarily. If you begin writing a paper in the present tense, don’t shift suddenly to the past. If you begin in the past, don’t shift without reason to the present. Consistency with Pronouns Do not shift point of view unnecessarily. When writing a paper, be consistent in your use of first-, second-, or third-person pronouns. 上面这些,也是我润色时会关注的。 Use Specific Words To be an effective writer, you must use specific words rather than general words. Specific words create pictures in the reader’s mind. They help capture interest and make your meaning clear. Use Active Verbs Even for research papers, use active voice when you can. Use Concise Wording Wordiness —using more words than necessary to express a meaning—is often a sign of lazy or careless writing. Here are two examples of wordy sentences: 
 Anne is of the opinion that the death penalty should be allowed. I would like to say that my subject in this paper will be the kind of generous person that my father was. Omitting needless words improves the sentences: Anne supports the death penalty. My father was a generous person. 
 Vary Your Sentences One aspect of effective writing is to vary your sentences. If every sentence follows the same pattern, writing may become monotonous. We will go into details on this tomorrow. 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3885 次阅读|1 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Feb 2,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-3 06:13
讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) You can get a free copy for the 7th edition: https://blaw05.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/english-skills-with-readings-7th-edition.pdf but it is a very old version. Part I: Essay Writing (如何写短文) Chapter 4: The Third Step in Essay Writing This chapter will show you how to · organize and connect specific evidence in the body paragraph of an essay · begin and end an essay with effective introductory and concluding paragraphs Step 3: Organize and Connect the Specific Evidence ( 组织、连接论据 ) Common Methods of Organization Time order and emphatic order. Time order, or chronological order, simply means that details are listed as they occur in time. Emphatic order is sometimes described as “saving the best till last.” The last position in a paper is the most emphatic position because the reader is most likely to remember the last thing read. Finally , last of all , and most important are typical words or phrases showing emphasis. Transitions Transitional Words Transitional Sentences Other Connecting Words Repeated words Pronouns Synonyms Introductions, Conclusions, and Titles A well-organized essay has a strong introductory paragraph, an effective concluding paragraph, and a good title. Introductory Paragraph Function of the Introduction 1. Attracts the reader’s interest 2. Supplies background information 3. Presents a thesis statement 4. Indicates a plan of development (or not) Common Methods of Introduction · Begin with a broad, general statement of your topic and narrow it down to your thesis statement. · Start with an idea or a situation that is the opposite of the one you will develop. · Explain the importance of your topic to the reader. · Use an incident or a brief story. · Use a quotation. Concluding Paragraph It is your chance to remind the reader of your thesis and bring the paper to a natural end. Common Methods of Conclusion · End with a summary and final thought. · Include a thought-provoking quotation. · End with a prediction or recommendation Titles You may find it easier to write the title after you have completed your paper. Practice in Organizing and Connecting Specific Evidence Activities 8-13 (p98-p105) 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3238 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Feb 1,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-2 07:13
讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) You can get a free copy for the 7th edition: https://blaw05.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/english-skills-with-readings-7th-edition.pdf but it is a very old version. Part I: Essay Writing (如何写短文) Chapter 3: The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing This chapter will show you how to · Start an essay with a point, or thesis · Support that point, or thesis, with specific evidence Step 2: Support the Thesis with Specific Evidence ( 用具体的论据支持论点 ) The Importance of Specific Details Specific details are valuable in two key ways. First, details excite the reader’s interest. Second, details serve to explain a writer’s points. A box on p59 illustrates vague support vs. specific support. The Importance of Adequate Details It means providing enough specific supports, instead of using “repetition and generalities.” Practice in Advancing and Supporting a Thesis ( 练习如何推进和支撑观点 ) Identifying the Parts of an Essay Activity 8 Activity 9: A paragraph with no indentations for new paragraphs. Evaluating Thesis Statements Activities 10-13 Completing Thesis Statements Activity 14 Writing a Thesis Statement Activity 15 Limiting a Topic and Writing a Thesis Statement Activities 16-17 Providing Specific Evidence Activity 18 Identifying Adequate Supporting Evidence Activity 19 Adding Details to Complete an Essay Activity 20 显然,学写作在于 “ 学 ” 。这些练习,可以在课堂上进行。 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|7533 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Jan 31,2019)
zuojun 2019-2-1 09:36
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英语写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) You can get a free copy for the 7th edition: https://blaw05.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/english-skills-with-readings-7th-edition.pdf but it is a very old version. Part I: Essay Writing (如何写短文) Preview: 1. An Introduction to Writing (引言) 2. The Writing Process (写作本身是个过程) 3. The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing 4. The Third Step in Essay Writing 5. The Fourth Step in Essay Writing 6. Four bases for Revising Essays Chapter 3: The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing This chapter will show you how to · Start an essay with a point, or thesis · Support that point, or thesis, with specific evidence Step 1: Begin with a Point, or Thesis ( 从一个观点/论点开始 ) You can do so by using one sentence. “Your first step in writing is to decide what point you want to make and to write that point in a single sentence. The point is commonly known as a topic sentence. As a guide to yourself and to the reader, put that point in the first sentence of your paragraph. Everything else in the paragraph should then develop and support in specific ways the single point given in the first sentence.” (Copied from p64 of the 7 th edition) Understanding Thesis Statements A good thesis statement does two things: essay’s topic, and writer’s attitude, opinion, idea, or point about that topic. This is often referred to as the author’s claim. For example, Eating brown rice has several important benefits. In this thesis statement, the topic is eating brown rice . The author’s main point is that it has several important benefits . 谁能写一篇科普文章: 少吃白米饭 Activity on p47-p48. Writing a Good Thesis I Make sure your thesis is neither too broad nor too narrow, for a 300-word essay. Examples and activity on p48-p49. How to Limit Your Thesis One way to do this is by clustering. See p25 if you need to review this prewriting technique. An example on Physical Exercise is given on p50. Next, using another prewriting technique to determine which “main point” to focus on, that is, by making a list (see p23-p24). You can write several different thesis statements about the same topic. (p51-p53) 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2913 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Jan 30,2019)
热度 2 zuojun 2019-1-31 07:00
讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 (我一般不光顾中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。(就像我路过中国的星巴克。) Part I: Essay Writing(如何写短文) Preview: 1. An Introduction to Writing(引言) 2. The Writing Process(写作本身是个过程) 3. The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing 4. The Third Step in Essay Writing 5. The Fourth Step in Essay Writing 6. Four bases for Revising Essays Chapter 2: The Writing Process(写作的过程) Writing a First Draft (写初稿) Put down any additional thoughts and details. Don’t worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling. You can even use “do later” as a place holder, if I think you want to write something there, but don’t know what to put down there yet. Revising (修改) There are two stages to the revising process: · revising content · revising sentences Revising Content Ask these questions: 1. Is my essay unified? 2. Is my essay supported? 3. Is my essay organized? (Is this a good story? Does the logic flow smoothly?) Chapters 3-4 will give you practice in achieving unity, support, and organization in your writing. Revising Sentences Chapter 5 will give you practice in revising sentences. Editing (编辑) Chapter 5 and Part 4 of this book will serve as a guide to eliminate mistakes in sentence skills.( 第4 部分 是关于 语法和“句法”,p403-p492。) Activities are on p32-p45.这些练习非常重要,否则你只是“理论上知道”如何写短文。(理论上知道如何游泳的人,不能算会游泳。) 关于revising and editing,再啰嗦几句。一般是作者修改、再修改(revising is the key to strong writing)。中国作者几乎不做editing。(我是Freelance English editor,我的工作是editing/润色。) 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|7706 次阅读|6 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Jan 29,2019)
zuojun 2019-1-30 07:26
讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。(我一般不抬举中国的星巴克。) 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。 Part I: Essay Writing (如何写短文) Preview: 1. An Introduction to Writing (引言) 2. The Writing Process (写作本身是个过程) 3. The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing 4. The Third Step in Essay Writing 5. The Fourth Step in Essay Writing 6. Four bases for Revising Essays Chapter 2: The Writing Process (写作的过程) This chapter will explain and illustrate · the sequence of steps in writing an effective essay · prewriting · revising · editing Prewriting ( 构思 ) 有 5 种构思方法。 Technique 1: Freewriting Freewriting means jotting down in rough sentences or phrases everything that comes to mind about a possible topic. See if you can write nonstop for 10 mins or longer. No worry about spelling or punctuations. 这,也是我一直推荐的写科技论文的方法。我称它为 “ 打草稿 ” 。(因为,好文章是改出来的。) Technique 2: Questioning Ask why, when, where, who, what, and how. It helps you generate ideas and reveal details. Technique 3: Making a List Also known as brainstorming . You collect ideas and details this way. Don’t worry about the order of the list. Technique 4: Clustering Also known as diagraming or mapping . Tip: In addition to generating material, clustering can give you an early sense of how ideas and details relate to one another. Technique 5: Preparing a Scratch Outline This step is like summarizing Techniques 1-4. In a scratch outline, you think carefully about the point you are making, the supporting items for that point, and the order in which you will arrange those items. Think about how to tell a story! 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3094 次阅读|0 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Jan 28,2019)
热度 2 zuojun 2019-1-29 05:45
讲课用的 textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。 Part I: Essay Writing(如何写短文) Preview: 1. An Introduction to Writing(引言) 2. The Writing Process(写作本身是个过程) 3. The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing 4. The Third Step in Essay Writing 5. The Fourth Step in Essay Writing 6. Four bases for Revising Essays Chapter 1: An Introduction to Writing(引言) … Writing as a Process of Discovery 写作的过程(强调一下,这是一个过程)是曲折的。 Very often, writers do not discover just what they want to write about until they explore their thoughts in writing. Writing is often a process of continuing discovery; as you write, you may suddenly switch direction or double back. You may be working on a topic sentence and realize suddenly that it could be your concluding thought. Or you may be developing a supporting idea and then decide that it should be the main point of your paper. Chapter 2 will treat the writing process more directly. (Great advertising skill!) 科研更是如此! 如果不明白什么是double back,请留言。 Writing as a Way to Communicate with Others In class, I will ask registered students to stand up and talk for one minute (non-stop). Keeping a Journal This is a good idea. You can turn this in to get homework credit. Using This Text 如何使用这本教科书 其实,这本书只有第1-2部分(Part I and Part II, pp358)是讲写作。感觉第3 部分 (Academic Writing/学术写作,p359-p402)是后来加上去的,不太适合写科技论文。第4 部分 是关于语法和“句法”(p403-p492)。第5 部分 是阅读(p493-p614)。 我会鼓励学生多阅读。你可以看你的专业的文章,也可以看小说(需要推荐的,请留言)。 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2937 次阅读|5 个评论
如何写好科技英语300字短文:Part I (Jan 27,2019)
zuojun 2019-1-28 06:49
讲课用的textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition (美国大学英语写作第九版) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。 这是一本不需要老师就可以自学的教科书。才两杯星巴克咖啡的价格。 没有教科书,你只是路过看热闹。 Part I: Essay Writing(如何写短文) Preview: 1. An Introduction to Writing(引言) 2. The Writing Process(写作本身是个过程) 3. The First and Second Steps in Essay Writing 4. The Third Step in Essay Writing 5. The Fourth Step in Essay Writing 6. Four bases for Revising Essays Chapter 1: An Introduction to Writing(引言) This Chapter will explain and illustrate · the importance of supporting a point in writing · the structure of the traditional essay · the benefits of writing the traditional essay This Chapter also · presents writing as both a skill and a process of discovery · suggests keeping a journal 突然,想起一位期刊editor曾经找我麻烦,说Section 2 describes xxx不对。为此,我不得不改正我经手的每一篇文章,如果作者用了Section 2+verb。既然John能用This chapter+verb,我们以后可以用这本书去跟那种editor说理? When John was a first-year college student, he received a C_ for an essay. Why? His essay lacked logical! His instructor said to him: “ If you don’t think clearly, you won’t write clearly. ” 评论:小白们,加油!这本书现在已经出了第10版!纸质版USD98,电子版USD120。如果你现在好好学习,说不定以后也会发教科书之财。 记住了:只有思路清晰,才能写得清清楚楚。(但是,思路清晰,不等于一定能写清楚。你还必须会“写作”。而写作本身是一个过程,一个能学会的过程。) So, clear, disciplined thinking is the key to effective writing. This textbook develops this idea by breaking down the writing process into a series of four logical, easily followed steps. These steps, combined with practical advice about prewriting and revision, will help you write strong papers. Here are the four steps in a nutshell: 1. Discover a clearly stated point, or thesis. (提出明确的论点) 2. Provide logical, detailed support for your thesis. 3. Organize and connect your supporting material. 4. Revise and edit so that your sentences are effective and error-free. Point and Support (论点和论据) In writing, any idea that you advance must be supported with specific reasons or details. 论点需要用论据“撑“起来。 Point and Support in a Paragraph A paragraph is a short paper of around 150-200 words. It usually consists of an opening point, call a topic sentence, followed by a series of sentences that support that point. 英语写作, 每一段开头的那句话,称为“ topic sentence”。接下来每一句都是为“主题句”服务的。 On pages 4 and 5, there is an example of a paragraph, and some activity (think of it as homework). 光是纸上谈兵,你不可能学会写作。第4-5页上,有例子和作业。看不懂,请留言。 今天就讲这些。有问题,请留言。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3439 次阅读|0 个评论
科技英语写作基础: I will take three students for advanced writing
zuojun 2019-1-27 07:47
Ad for taking in three students for advanced writing When I teach scientific writing, I often add such advice: practice daily, by writing 500 words. However, I have never gone into details by how to write an essay. So, here we are. I do not charge for such online teaching. However, I request an application that includes three parts: 1. 600-word essay in Chinese on how you studied English in the past and how much time you are willing to commit daily for this “online” course (writing well requires logic, which is the same for any language), 2. a machine-translated version of the essay, and 3. a polished version in English (based on the machine or writing on his/her own). If you don’t know how to contact me, try firstname.lastname@gmail.com Textbook: College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英 语 写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70) 。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|393 次阅读|0 个评论
zuojun 2019-1-25 10:59
今天 被考问: 名 词 dynamics 是 单 数, 还 是复数? 我以前写过好几篇关于 ocean dynamics 的文章。如果我没有 记错 ,我喜 欢 把它作 为 复数。但是,但是,我知道我的有些同事,喜 欢 把它作 为单 数。 我 顺 手 Google 一下。 结 果之一是: https://www.dictionary.com/browse/dynamics noun ( usedwitha singular verb ) Physics .thebranchofmechanicsthatdealswiththemotionandequilibriumofsystems undertheactionofforces,usuallyfromoutsidethesystem. ( usedwitha plural verb )themotivatingordrivingforces,physicalormoral,inanyfield. ( usedwitha plural verb )thepatternorhistoryofgrowth,change,anddevelopmentinanyfield. ( usedwitha plural verb )variationandgradationinthevolumeofmusicalsound. ( usedwitha singular verb ) psychodynamics . 所以,如果审稿人不是太挑剔,你可以任性选择。 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来 ... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|9220 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 zuojun 2019-1-25 02:06
好像也没怎么眨眼,两个星期就溜走了。来去匆匆,感叹人生! 为了“避寒”,这次回国期间去三亚讲课、辅导学生写作3-4天。喜欢那里的学生、食堂,当然,还有那里的气温、空气和大海。 今天写博客,是想分享一下自己最近的感想:英语是靠学,而不是靠教。(想跟我学英语的不少,但是,感觉我非常失败。最后,找到这个原因/借口。)不同意的请留言。 极力推荐一本教科书 : College Writing Skills with Readings, Ninth Edition ( 美国大学英 语 写作第九版 ) by John Langan (available on jd for less than RMB70)。不喜欢这本教科书的请留言。 如果我教科技英语写作课(32 学时),我会用这本书。 How to spend the 32 hours: 20 hours for scientific writing (2 hr daily, for two weeks if teaching daily, or one week at a time), 10 hours for reading and discussion (1 hr daily, for two weeks; discussion may require a smaller group, say 10-12 students for each group), and two hours for mid-term and final. Your comments are welcome. (Updated: I have decided to teach two hours daily.)
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3009 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 zuojun 2018-11-17 10:30
讲课自然需要大纲。每个老师可以任性地按自己的意愿列大纲。我为此纠结了好几天。因为,我想“一口气”吃成一个胖子,否则,某学生可能天天催我写博客(教材)。 我努力回忆一下自己的成长过程(只限于英语写作),开一张清单,送给想“一口气”长胖的学生。 让我们从大学开始吧。 1. 背课文。 2. 背课文。 3. 背课文。 我在中大读硕士时,英语老师是一位南方人,但是他和我的大学英语老师(谷老师,天津人)一样高大、英俊。教学方法也一模一样。所以,你可以继续背课文(1年)。 在美国读博,不用背课文。但是,天天在English山English海(仿“人山人海”)中沉浮。 有人看到这里,说:再见了,老师。因为我在中国,没有这个条件。 我自然急了:别!我认识一位气象学家,他曾经是我的客户。他的英语论文,写得那个溜,我直接人肉他(因为他的名字比较特殊)。想雇他一起做英文润色。这位科学家,从来没有出过国。他又是怎么学会写作的呢?看科技论文!看科技论文!!看科技论文!!!他把他主攻的课题的英文文章,几乎都看了(超过300篇!!!)。 好了,你现在可以说“再见了”,因为你已经学到了写作的“秘密武器”。 那些还不想马上跟我说“再见”的朋友,请评论一下 The Elements of Style (4 th edition)第一部分的大纲。你觉得能轻轻松松看明白吗?如果喜欢看中文版,请留下。 I. ELEMENTARY RULES OF USAGE (p. 1) 1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding 's. (p. 1) 2. In a series of three or more terms with a single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last. (p. 2) 3. Enclose parenthetic expressions between commas. (p. 2) 4. Place a comma before a conjunction introducing an independent clause. (p. 5) 5. Do not join independent clauses with a comma. (p. 5) 6. Do not break sentences in two. (p. 7) 7. Use a colon after an independent clause to introduce a list of particulars, an appositive, an amplification, or an illustrative quotation. (p. 7) 8. Use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption and to announce a long appositive or summary. (p. 9) 9. The number of the subject determines the number of the verb. (p. 9) 10. Use the proper case of pronoun. (p. 11) 11. A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject. (p. 13) http://www.jlakes.org/ch/web/The-elements-of-style.pdf ps. I am still working on the outline. Be patient with me.
个人分类: Scientific Writing|9827 次阅读|3 个评论

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