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科技英语写作基础(系列):food vs foods
zuojun 2018-12-30 08:42
昨天“笼笼统统”地注解、评论了不可数和可数名词。 一位小帅哥微信我:我以前不知道food是“双性词”:又可数,又不可数。我,居然晕了:我从来不考虑这些“无聊的问题”。反正“随便”用,用错了,也许有人在乎;也许,老美根本不在乎。 但是,既然想当老师,不得不“现学现卖”。网上什么都有。在中国,不能上Google,我就上Bing。 一般来说,food是不可数名词。 The noun food is a member of the category mass (noncount) nouns. A mass noun represents an undifferentiated mass of something. Food is used as a mass noun in utterances like 例子: I've never seen so much food in my life! Who's going to eat it all? I've left some food for the cat in the fridge. Be sure to heat it a little before you give it to her. 不过,food也可以作为可数名词。(所以,有时英语不好学。) The noun food is not always a mass noun, however. It is often used as a count noun: At this year's international fair we sampled foods (kinds of food) from many more countries than last year. 上面的foods是指“各种各样的食物”。 事实上,不少不可数名词,可以作为可数名词。(我起床后立马写这篇博客,还没有喝咖啡。但是,室外1C的杭州,室内穿着羽绒服的我,还是非常清醒的。) 下面这三种用法,值得好好学习: Many mass nouns in English can be used as count nouns. Quirk et al. state that noncount nouns may be converted to count nouns to express three ideas: 1) A unit of N: two coffees; two (huge) cheeses 原来,这就是为什么我的一位美国同事,常常说:I need just one coffee in the morning. 我,常常弱弱地说:I can only drink 1/3 tube of coffee.(因为,我喝咖啡是为了做瑜伽。微波炉热半杯牛奶,倒入1/3条咖啡粉。津津有味地喝完这“药”。) 2) A kind of N: Some paints are more lasting than others; This is a better bread than the one I bought last. 我最怕用的詞包括bread,原来它也是“双性的”。 3) An instance of N: A difficulty; small kindnesses; a miserable failure; home truths; a great injustice* 我就不评论3)了,因为,罗马不是一天建成的。 *Quirk et al., A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language (Longman, 1985), Appendix I.53 想继续学习,请看: https://thegrammarexchange.infopop.cc/topic/food-vs-foods-1 如果你想提高科技英语写作能力,请跟我来... http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-306792-1146577.html
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