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panfq 2019-6-12 15:31
Ⅷ . 自然合目的性的逻辑表象 On the Logical Presentation of the Purposiveness of Nature Von der logischen Vorstellung der Zweckmäßigkeit der Natur Z 合目的性能在一个经验给予的对象中以两种方法表述出来:或是出于纯粹主观方面的,在此情况下,对象的形式是被作为 存在于一切概念之前 的把握( apprehensio )里的,它和认识诸机能协合一致,从而把直观和诸概念结合起来提升为知识一般并被表述为对象形式的合目的性;或是出于客观方面的,在此情况下,它的形式,按照一个先行于它的并包含着这 形式的根据的概念 而和物自身的可能性协合一致。 D 在由经验所提供的一个对象上, 合目的性 可以表现为两种:或是出自单纯 主观 的原因,在先于一切概念而对该对象的 领会 (apprehension )中使对象的 形式 与为了将 直观和概念结合 为一般知识的那些 认识能力 协和一致;或是出自 客观 原因,按照物的一个先行的包含其形式之根据的 概念 ,而使对象的形式与该 物本身的可能性 协和一致。 When an object is given in experience, there are two ways in which we can present purposiveness in it. We can present it on a merely subjective basis : as the harmony of the form of the object (the form that is in the apprehension (apprehensio) of the object prior to any concept) with the cognitive powers –i.e., the harmony required in general to unite an intuition with concepts so as to produce a cognition. 作为对象的形式与那些认知能力的和谐,即通常需要将直觉与概念结合起来以产生认知的协和/和谐。 But we can also present it on an objective basis: as the harmony of the form of the object with the possibility of the thing itself according to a prior concept of the thing that contains the basis of that form. Since the presentation of the second kind of purposiveness does not refer the object's form, in its apprehension, to the subject's cognitive powers, but instead to a determinate cognition of the object under a given concept, the presentation of this purposiveness has nothing to do with a feeling of pleasure in things but rather with the understanding in our judging of them. 与主体的认知能力间的关系,而是在给定概念下对对象的一个决定性的认知/知识,所以这种目的性的表现与事物的愉悦感无关,而 与 我们对其判断中 的知性/理解 有关。 Z 我们已经见到:第一种合目的性的表象是建基于单纯对对象形式的反省中而直接感到的愉快上面。而第二种的合目的性的表象却和对于物的愉快情绪毫无关系,因为物体的形式不是和主体在对物的把握中的认识机能相联系,而是在给定概念下和对象的特定认识相联系,和对物判定的悟性相联系。 D 如果一个对象的概念被给予了,那么在运用这概念达到知识时判断力的工作就在于 表现 ( exhibition),就是说,在于 给这概念提供一个相应的直观 :无论这件事是通过我们自己的想像力来进行,如同在艺术中,当我们把一个预先把握住的、有关一个 作为我们的目的的对象的概念 实现出来时那样;还是通过自然在它的技术里来进行(像在有机体中那样),如果我们 把我们的目的概念加给自然 以评判它的产品的话;在后面这种情况下不单是自然在物的形式中的 合目的性 ,而且它的这件产品作为 自然目的 都得到了表现。 When the concept of an object is given and we use it for cognition, the task of judgment is to exhibit (exhibere) the concept, i.e., to place beside the concept an intuition corresponding to it. Exhibition may occur by means of our own imagination, as happens in art, where a concept which we have already formed of an object that is a purpose for us is made real. Or it may come about by nature, through its technic (as in the case of organized bodies), where we attribute to nature our concept of a purpose in order to judge its product; in that case we present not just a purposiveness of nature in the form of the thing, b ut present the product itself as a natural purpose. —虽然我们关于自然在其按照经验性规律的诸形式中的 主观合目的性 这一概念根本不是客体的概念 , 而 只是判断力 在自然的这种过于庞大的多样性中为自己求得概念 ( 而能在自然中把握方向 ) 的 一条原则 : 但我们这样一来就仿佛是把对我们认识能力的某种考虑 按照对一个目的的类比而赋予了自然 ; Although our concept of a subjective purposiveness in nature's forms in terms of empirical laws is not at all a concept of the object, but is only a principle of judgment by which it provides itself with concepts in nature's immense diversity (so that judgment can orient itself in this diversity), we are still attributing to nature, on the analogy of a purpose, a concern, as it were, for our cognitive power. 这样 , 我们就可以把 自然美 看作是形式的 ( 单纯主观的 ) 合目的性概念的表现 , 而把 自然目的 看作是实在的 ( 客观的 ) 合目的性概念的表现 , 前者我们是通过鉴赏 ( 审美地借助于愉快情感 ) 来评判的 , 后者则是通过知性和理性 ( 逻辑地 , 按照概念 ) 来评判的。 Hence we may regard natural beauty as the exhibition of the concept of formal (merely subjective) purposiveness , and may regard natural purposes as the exhibition of the concept of a real (objective) purposiveness , the first of which we judge by taste (aesthetically, by means of the feeling of pleasure), and the second by understanding and reason (logically, according to concepts). 29 This is the basis for dividing the critique of judgment into that of aesthetic and that of teleological judgment. By the first I mean the power to judg e formal purposiveness (sometimes also called subjective purposiveness) by the feeling of pleasure or displeasure; by the second I mean the power to judge the real (objective) purposiveness of nature by understanding and reason. 在这上面就建立起判断力批判被划分为 审美的判断力 批判和 目的论的判断 力批判的根据:因为前一种判断力被理解为 通过 愉快和不愉快的 情感对形式 的合目的性(另称之为 主观 合目的性)作评判的能力后一种判断力则被理解为通 过知性和理性 对自然的 实在 的合目的性( 客观 合目的性)作评判的能力。 在一个判断力的批判中,包含审美判断力的部分是本质地属于它的,因为只有这种判断力才包含有 判断力 完全先天地用作 它对自然进行反思的基础 的 原则,这就是自然根据其特殊的(经验性的)规律对我们的认识能力的 形式合目的性原则, 没有这种形式合目的性,知性就会不可能和自然相容; In a critique of judgment, the part that deals with aesthetic judgment belongs to it essentially. For this power alone contains a principle that judgment lays completely a priori at the basis of its reflection on nature: the principle of a formal purposiveness of nature, in terms of its particular (empirical) laws, for our cognitive power, without which principle the understanding could not find its way about in nature. 与此不同,必须有 客观的自然目的 ,即必须有只是作为自然目的才可能的那些事物,这一点却并不能指出任何先天理由,就连它的可能性也不由作为普遍经验对象和特殊经验对象的自然的概念来说明,相反,只有自身不包含这方面的先天原则的那个判断力,在偶尔遇到的(某些产品的)场合下,当那条先验原则已经使知性对于把这目的概念(至少是按照其形式)应用于自然之上有了准备之后,才包含有这种规则,以便为理性起见来使用目的概念。 By contrast, we cannot indicate any a priori basis whatever that there must be objective purposes in nature, i.e., things possible only as natural purposes; indeed, the concept of nature as object of experience, whether in its universal or in its particular , does not tell us that such a basis is even possible. Rather, judgment, without containing a priori a principle for such , merely contains the rule for using the concept of purposes for the sake of reason when cases (certain products) occur, after the former transcendental principle has already prepared the understanding to apply the concept of a purpose (at least in terms of form) to nature. Z 但是由于超验原理,自然的合目的性在它的主观方面联系到我们的认识机能时,是在物的形式上被表述作评定这形式的原理的,而超验原理完全不规定我们在何处和在什么场合,按照一个合目的性的原理而不仅是按照普遍的自然诸规律,来从事关于对象的作为一个成果的评定。它让审美的判断力在鉴赏里决定这成果(在它的形式中)对我的认识诸机能的一致性(这些机能不是通过和概念的一致,而是通过情感,来决定的)。 D 但是,这个 先验原理 ,即把自然在一物的形式上 与我们的认识能力处于主观关系中 的合目的性 设想为对这形式的一条评判原则 的原理 ,它所留下而完全未加规定的是,我应当在何处、在哪种场合下把这种评判作为对一个按 照合目的性原则 的产物、而不是对宁可只 按照普遍自然律的 产物的评判来进行,它把这一点托付给 审美的 判断力,在鉴赏中去决定这产物(它的形式)对我们的 认识能力的适合性 (只要这种适合不是通过与概念的协和一致、而是通过情感来断定的) 。 But as a principle for judging the form of a thing, the transcendental principle of presenting in the form a purposiveness of nature, with regard to the subject and his cognitive power, leaves it wholly undetermined where and in what cases when judging a product I am in accordance with a principle of purposiveness rather than merely in accordance with universal natural laws; the principle leaves it to aesthetic judgment to ascertain by taste whether the thing (its form) is commensurate with our cognitive powers (as far as judgment decides by feeling rather than by a harmony with concepts). 这个原则让审美判断通过品味来确定事物(它的形式)是否与我们的认知能力相称(只要判断是由情感决定的,而不是由与概念的协和决定的)。 Z 与此相反,那使用于目的论的判断力明确地指出那些条件,在这些条件下对某物(例如,一个有机的躯体)依照自然的一个目的的观念来评定;但它却不能从自然作为经验对象的概念里对下面的权能获致原则:即先验地把目的赋予自然甚至仅仅从实际经验中在这类成果上不确定地假定有这些目的,因此许多特殊的经验必须搜集起来并在它们的原理的统一性里被考察着,以便在某一对象上仅能经验地认识到客观的合目的性。 D与此相反,运用于目的论上的判断力却确定地指出了某物(例如一个有机体)能够据以按照一个自然目的的理念来评判的诸条件,但 对于 把与目的的关系 先天地赋予自然、甚至只是不确定地 从 这样一些产物的现实经验 中假定 这一类目的的那种 权利 ,它却不能从作为经验对象的自然的概念中提出任何原理;因为这样做的根据在于,必须占有许多特殊的经验,并在它们的原则的统一性中使之得到考察,以便能仅仅经验性地在某一对象上认识某种客观的合目的性。 On the other hand, when judgment is used teleologically, it indicates determinately the conditions under which something (e.g., an organized body) is to be judged in terms of the idea of a purpose of nature; but judgment cannot adduce a principle from the concept of nature, taken as object of experience, authorizing it to assert a priori that nature by reference to purposes, or authorizing it even to assume in an indeterminate way that actual experience will manifest anything of the sort in such products.【 但是,判断力不能从自然的概念中引证出一个原则,它被视为经验的对象,授权它先验地断言 自然参照目的 ,或者 授权 它甚至 以不确定的方式 假定 实际经验将在这种产品中 表现 出任何类似的东西 。 The reason for this is that, in order for us to cognize only empirically that a certain object has objective purposiveness, we would have to engage in many particular experiences and examine them under the principle that unites them. Z —所以审美判断力是一特殊的把诸事物 按照一个规则而不是按照概念来判定 的机能。目的论的判断力不是特殊的机能,而仅是一般反省着的判断力,如它常常按照着概念在理论认识中所做的那样,面对着自然的某些持定的对象,按照着诸特殊原理,即仅仅是反省着的而不是规定对象的判断力的诸特殊原理而进行的时候。 Hence aesthetic judgment is a special power of judging things according to a rule, but not according to concepts. Teleological judgment is not a special power, but is only reflective judgment as such proceeding according to concepts (as it always does in theoretical cognition), but proceeding, in the case of certain natural objects, according to special principles, namely, according to principles of a power of judgment that merely reflects upon but does not determine objects. Z 所以,就它的运用来说,它是属于哲学的理论部分,并且由于那些不是对客体从事规定的如同属于一个教理中那样的特殊原理,它也必须同样地构成批判的一个特殊部分。另一方面,审美判断力对于它的对象的认识既然无所贡献,因此,必须把它隶属于判断主体和它的认识机能的批判里去,以便这机能可以具有先验原理,不管它们除此以外还有什么用处(理论的或实践的)——这批判是一切哲学入门。 Hence, as regards its application, teleological judgment belongs to the theoretical part of philosophy; because of its special principles, which are not determinative (as would be required in a doctrine),37 it must also form a special part of the critique. Aesthetic judgment, on the other hand. contributes nothing to the cognition of its objects; hence it belongs only to the critique that is the propaedeutic to all philosophy-viz., to the critique of the judging subject and his cognitive powers insofar as these are capable of [having) a priori principles, no matter what their use may be (theoretical or practical). D 所以审美判断力是按照一条规则、但不是按照概念来对物作出评判的一种特殊的能力。目的论判断力则不是什么特殊的能力,而只是一般反思性的判断力如果它就像到处在理论认识中那样按照概念,但在某些自然对象上则按照特殊原则,亦即按照单纯反思的判断力,而不是规定客体的判断力行事的话,所以根据其应用它属于哲学的理论部分,并且由于这些特殊原则并不像在一条学理中所必须的那样是规定性的,所以它必定也构成批判的一个特殊部分;与此不同,审美判断力却对其对象的认识毫无贡献,因而必须仅仅被列人判断主体及其认识能力的批判,只要这些认识能力能提供这些先天原则,而不管这些先天原则还有什么另外的(理论的或实践的)运用,这样的批判是一切哲学的入门。33 相关链接: 判断力批判-前言 判断力批判 / 一般哲学的领地 导言 1 判断力批判 / 哲学的划分 Ⅳ . 判断力,作为一种先天立法能力 V 合目的性原则是判断力的一个先验原则 判断力批判 导言 6-8 § 3. 对快适的愉悦是与利害 4 善的愉悦是与利害 5 三种不同特性的愉悦之比较 59 美作为德性的象征 ; 鉴赏方法论 实践理性批判 序言 1 实践理性批判 序言 (2) 实践理性批判的理念
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panfq 2019-6-10 17:51
序言 Vorrede zur ersten Auflage, 1790 D 我们可以把 出自先天原则的认识能力 称之为 纯粹理性 ,而把对它的可能性和界限所作的一般研究称之为纯粹理性批判: 尽管我们所理解的这种能力只是在 其理论运用中的理性 ,如同在第一部著作中也已经以那种命名出现过的那样,那时还没有打算把 理性能力作为实践理性 并按照其特殊原则来加以研究。 Z人们可以把 基于先验原理的认识能力 唤做纯粹理性,而对于它的可能性及界限的硏究,一般称作纯粹理性批判:尽管人们对于这项能力只理解为理性在它的理论的运用里,像在第一部批判著作里在这个名义下所做的那样。而这理性的机能作为实践理性,按照它的特殊诸原理来研究,还不是我们现在所要做的事。 /The faculty of knowledge from a priori principles may be called pure reason , and the general investigation into its possibility and bounds the Critique of Pure Reason . Man kann das Vermögen der Erkenntnis aus Prinzipien a priori die reine Vernunft , und die Untersuchung der Möglichkeit und Grenzen derselben überhaupt die Kritik der reinen Vernunft nennen: This is permissible although “pure reason ,” as was the case with the same use of terms in our first work, is only intended to denote reason in its theoretical employment , and although there is no desire to bring under review its faculty as practical reason and its special principles as such. /ob man gleich unter diesem Vermögen nur die Vernunft in ihrem theoretischen Gebrauche versteht, wie es auch in dem ersten Werke unter jener Benennung geschehen ist, ohne noch ihr Vermögen, als praktische Vernunft, nach ihren besonderen Prinzipien in Untersuchung ziehen zu wollen. Z 因此前者 仅是从事于研究我们的先验的认识能力 ,排除掉它和愉快及不快情绪以及欲求机能的混和;并且在认识能力里面只研究悟性,探究这悟性的先验原理,排除判断力和理性(它们作为属于理论认识的诸能力),因为在这项进行里,除掉悟性外, 没有别的认识能力给予我们构成性的先验认识原理 。 D 于是那种批判就只是指向我们先天地认识事物的能力,所以只是讨论 认识能力 ,而排除愉快和不愉快的情感和欲求能力;而在诸认识能力中则根据其先天原则来讨论 知性, 而排除 ( 作为同属于理论认识的能力的 ) 判断力和理性 ,因为在这一进程中的情况是, 除了知性以外,任何别的认识能力都不可能提供出构成性的先天认识原则 。 That Critique is, then, an investigation addressed simply to our faculty of knowing things a priori . Hence it makes our cognitive faculties its sole concern, to the exclusion of the feeling of pleasure or displeasure and the faculty of desire; and among the cognitive faculties it confines its attention to understanding and its a priori principles , to the exclusion of judgement and reason , (faculties that also belong to theoretical cognition,) because it turns out in the sequel that there is no cognitive faculty other than understanding capable of affording constitutive a priori principles of knowledge. // Jene geht alsdann bloß auf unser Vermögen, Dinge a priori zu erkennen; That goes then just to our ability things a priori to know 于是那种批判就只是指向我们先天地认识事物的能力 und beschäftigt sich also nur mit dem Erkenntnisvermögen, mit Ausschließung and deals so only with the cognitive faculty, with the exclusion of des Gefühls der Lust und Unlust und des Begehrungsvermögens; und unter the feeling of pleasure and displeasure and desiring ability; and under den Erkenntnisvermögen mit dem Verstande nach seinen Prinzipien a priori, the cognitive faculty with the understanding according to its principles a priori, 而在诸认识能力中则根据其先天原则来讨论知性, mit Ausschließung der Urteilskraft und der Vernunft (als zum theoretischen Erkenntnis gleichfalls gehöriger Vermögen), 而排除 ( 作为同属于理论认识的能力的 ) 判断力和理性, weil es sich in dem Fortgange findet, daß kein anderes Erkenntnisvermögen, because it finds itself in the progression, that no other cognitive faculty, 因为在这一进程中的情况是, 除了知性以外,任何别的认识能力都不可能提供出构成性的先天认识原则 。 als der Verstand, konstitutive Erkenntnisprinzipien a priori an die Hand geben kann. as the understanding, can provide constitutive principles of cognition a priori. D 所以这个批判 按照其他每一种能力或许会自以为出于自己的根芽而在知识的现金资产中 所拥有的份额,对所有这些能力加以 审查 ,它没有剩下别的,只有 知性 先天地作为对自然、即诸现象的总和(这些现象的形式同样也是先天被给予的)的规律而制定的东西;但这个批判使所有其他的纯粹概念都听从理念的指点,这些理念对于我们的理论认识能力来说是言过其实的,但却或许并不是无用的和可以缺少的,而是用作调节性的原则: Z 因此这个批判全面地 清理出各个部分在认识总体里所占有的 ,自认为源出于自身根柢里的一份,剩下来的没有别的了,只是先验的悟性 对于自然(作为现象界的全体)所定下的规律 。(它的形式也是先验地被给予着)。一切别的纯粹的概念都被编进观念界里去。这些观念对于我们的理论认识能力是超验的。却又不是无用的或可以缺少的,而是作为 调节原理 被运用着: Accordingly the critique which sifts 筛 / 细查 these faculties one and all, so as to try the possible claims of each of the other faculties to a share in the clear possession of knowledge from roots of its own, retains nothing but what understanding prescribes a priori as a law for nature as the complex of phenomena—the form of these being similarly furnished a priori . 以便其他各能力 在从其自身的根源 清楚地拥有知识中,尝试对一份额的可能要求, 只保留了知性先验地为自然 规定法则。(作为现象的复杂性——这些存在的形式同样被先验地提供) Die Kritik also, welche sie insgesamt, nach dem Anteile den jedes der anderen The criticism, therefore, which, on the whole, to the share each one of the other an dem baren Besitz der Erkenntnis aus eigener Wurzel zu haben vorgeben möchte, at the bare possession of knowledge, from own root would like to pretend to have sichtet, läßt nichts übrig , als was der Verstand a priori als Gesetz für die Natur, sifts, leaves nothing to it, except what the intellect a priori as law for nature, als den Inbegriff von Erscheinungen (deren Form eben sowohl a priori gegeben ist), vorschreibt; as the epitome 缩影 of phenomena (whose form is given both a priori) , prescribes All other pure concepts it relegates 降级 / 转移 to the rank 行列 of ideas, which for our faculty of theoretical cognition are transcendent 超越性的 ; though they are not without their use nor redundant, but discharge certain functions as regulative principles . 虽然它们并非没有用途,也不是多余的,而是作为调节性原则履行某些功能。 / verweisen 逐出;指引指导 sondern als regulative Prinzipien dienen: but serve as regulative principles: Z 作为调节原理,一部分是控制着悟性的非正式的权利,自以为它——当它能够指出一切它所认识的物界的可能性的先验诸条件时—也能把一切物的可能性包括在这范围之内。调节原理却又领导着悟性自己在观察大自然时按照着完整性原则,尽管这个是永不能达到的,却推动一切知识向往着最后的目标。 D 一方面抑制知性的这种令人担忧的僭妄,好像它(由于它能够先天地定出它所能认识的一切事物的可能性条件)由此就把任何一般物的可能性也包括在这个界限内了似的;另方面在考察自然界时 按照一条知性永远也达不到的 完整性原则 来引导知性本身,并由此来促进一切知识的最终意图。 For these concepts serve partly to restrain the officious 过分殷勤的 pretentions 自负 of understanding, which, presuming on its ability to supply a priori the conditions of the possibility of all things which it is capable of knowing, 它假定有能力先验地提供它所能知道的一切事物的可能性的条件 behaves as if it had thus determined these bounds as those of the possibility of all things generally, , 其行为就好像它已经这样确定了这些界限,这些界限是所有一般事物的可能性的界限 , and partly also to lead understanding, in its study of nature, according to a principle of completeness, unattainable as this remains for it, and so to promote the ultimate aim of all knowledge. 另一方面在其研究自然的过程中,根据完整性的原则,虽然这仍然是不可能实现的,引导知性,从而促进所有知识的最终目标。 teils um ihn selbst in der Betrachtung der Natur nach einem Prinzip der Vollständigkeit,... partly about itself in the consideration of nature according to a principle of completeness, und dadurch die Endabsicht alles Erkenntnisses zu befördern. and thereby to promote the ultimate purpose of all knowledge. D 所以真正说来是 知性 ,就其含有先天的构成性认识原则而言,作为拥有,也就是在 认识能力 中 拥有它自己的领地 的知性,本应当通过一般地这样称呼的纯粹理性批判 而在所有其他有资格的能力面前 确保自己独占的财产。 同样,仅仅只在 欲求能力 方面包含有 先天构成性原则的那种 理性 ,它的财产已在实践理性批判中被分得了。 Z 所以真正的说来,是 悟性 ,它在认识诸能力里具有它自己的领域,那就是在它含有 构成性的 先验的认识诸原理的限度内。通过一般所称为“纯粹理性批判”,它稳固地保障了它独有的财产。同样,那个只在欲求能力的领域内具有着构成性先验原理的理性,就是实践理性。 M: Properly, therefore, it was understanding -which, so far as it contains constitutive a priori cognitive principles, has its special realm, and one, moreover, in our faculty of knowledge --that the Critique, called in a general way that of pure reason was intended to establish in secure but particular possession against all other competitors. 这一批评,以一种纯粹理性的一般方式,旨在建立针对所有其他竞争对手的安全但特别的占有权。 Es war also eigentlich der Verstand , der sein eigenes Gebiet und zwar im Erkenntnisvermögen hat, It was, therefore, really the understanding that has its own field, and indeed in the faculty of knowledge, sofern er konstitutive Erkenntnisprinzipien a priori enthält,... insofar as it contains a priori constitutive principles of knowledge, gegen alle übrige Kompetenten in sicheren alleinigen Besitz gesetzt werden sollte. / against all other competent in secure sole possession should be placed In the same way reason, which contains constitutive a priori principles solely in respect of the faculty of desire , gets its holding assigned to it by The Critique of Practical Reason .  D 那么,在我们认识能力的秩序中,在知性和理性之间构成一个中介环节的 判断力 ,是否也有自己的先天原则;这些先天原则是 构成性的还是仅仅调节性的 (因而表明没有任何自己的领地),并且它是否会 把规则先天地赋予 作为 认识能力和欲求能力 之间的中介环节的愉快和不愉快的情感(正如同 知性 对认识能力、理性对欲求能力 先天地制定规律 那样):这些正是目前的这个判断力的批判所要讨论的。 But now comes judgement , which in the order of our cognitive faculties forms a middle term between understanding and reason. Has it also got independent a priori principles? If so, are they constitutive , or are they merely regulative, thus indicating no special realm? And do they give a rule a priori to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, as the middle term between the faculties of cognition and desire, just as understanding prescribes laws a priori for the former and reason for the latter? This is the topic to which the present Critique is devoted./ 但现在是判断力,它在我们认知能力的顺序中,在知性和理性间形成了一个中间术语。它是否也有独立的先验原则?如果是的话,它们是 构成性的,还是仅仅是调节性的( 因此没有特别的领域)?它们是否 给 快乐和不快的 情感 先天地赋予一个规则,作为认知和欲求间的中介,正如知性为前者 ,理性为后者 先天地立法?这是当前批判所关注的主题。/ Ob nun die Urteilskraft , die in der Ordnung unserer Erkenntnisvermögen zwischen dem Verstande und der Vernunft ein Mittelglied ausmacht, auch für sich Prinzipien a priori habe; ob diese konstitutiv oder bloß regulativ sind (und also kein eigenes Gebiet beweisen), und ob sie dem Gefühle der Lust und Unlust, als dem Mittelgliede zwischen dem Erkenntnisvermögen und Begehrungsvermögen (eben so wie der Verstand dem ersteren, die Vernunft aber dem letzteren a priori Gesetze vorschreibend/ prescribe) , a priori die Regel gebe: das ist es, womit sich gegenwärtige Kritik der Urteilskraft beschäftigt. 人们所称为审美的,涉及自然界或艺术里的优美与崇高的审美诸判断里面。因而在它里面批判地研究判断力的原理是这对于该种能力的批判中最关重要的部分。因为尽管它们自身单独不能对于认识有所贡献,它们仍然只是隶属于认识能力而证明着这个能力对于愉快及不快情绪的直接关系,按照着任何一个先验原理,而不和那能成为欲求机能的规定基础混合,因为后者的先验原理是存在诸概念里面的。 This perplexity about a principle (whether subjective or objective) arises mainly in those judgments called aesthetic, which concern the beautiful and the sublime in nature or in art. And yet a critical inquiry of a principle of judgment in them is the most important part of a critique of this power. For though these judgments do not by themselves contribute anything whatever to our cognition of things, they still belong to the cognitive power alone and prove a direct relation of this power to the feeling of pleasure or displeasure according to some a priori principle, without there being any confusion of this principle with the one that can be the basis determining the power of desire, since that power has its a priori principles in concepts of reason. 这种对一个原则(无论是主观的还是客观的)的困惑主要来自于那些被称为美学的判断,它涉及到自然或艺术中的美和崇高。然而,对其中的判断原则进行批判性的探究(寻找)是对这种能力power进行批判的最重要的部分。因为尽管这些判断本身对我们认识事物没有任何贡献,但它们仍然独属于认知能力,并根据某种先验原则证明了这种能力与快乐或不愉快的情感之间的直接关系,而没有将这一原则与能够决定欲望能力的基础的那一原则相混淆,因为这种能力在理性概念中有其先验原则。 D为了一条原则(不管它是主观的还是客观的)而感到的这种 困窘主要发生在 我们称之为审美的、与自然界和艺术的美及崇高 相关的评判中 。尽管如此,对判断力在这些评判中的某种原则的批判性研究是对这种能力的一个批判的最重要的部分。因为即使这些评判自身单独不能对于事物的认识有丝毫的贡献,它们毕竟只是隶属于认识能力的,并证明这种认识能力按照某条先天原则而与愉快或不愉快的情感有一种直接的关系,而 不与那可能是欲求能力的规定根据的东西相混淆 ,因为欲求能力在理性的概念中有其先天的原则。 Diese Verlegenheit wegen eines Prinzips (es sei nun ein subjektives oder objektives) findet sich hauptsächlich in denjenigen Beurteilungen, die man ästhetisch nennt, die das Schöne und Erhabne, der Natur oder der Kunst, betreffen. Und gleichwohl ist die kritische Untersuchung eines Prinzips der Urteilskraft in denselben das wichtigste Stück einer Kritik dieses Vermögens. This embarrassment of a principle (whether subjective or objective) is found chiefly in those judgments which are called aesthetic, concerning beauty and sublime, nature, or art. And yet the critical examination of a principle of judgment in them is the most important piece of criticism of that faculty. Denn, ob sie gleich für sich allein zum Erkenntnis der Dinge gar nichts beitragen, so gehören sie doch dem Erkenntnisvermögen allein an, und beweisen eine unmittelbare Beziehung dieses Vermögens auf das Gefühl der Lust oder Unlust nach irgendeinem Prinzip a priori, ohne es mit dem, was Bestimmungsgrund des Begehrungsvermögens sein kann, zu vermengen, weil dieses seine Prinzipien a priori in Begriffen der Vernunft hat. For though they do not contribute anything at all to the knowledge of things, they belong to the faculty of knowledge alone, and prove a direct relation of this faculty to the feeling of pleasure or displeasure according to some principle a priori, without it having, which may be the ground of determination of the desire to mingle, because this has its principles a priori in terms of reason. Z 至于涉及对于自然的逻辑的判断,却因经验在事物中提示一种规律性,理解或说明这种规律性是感性里的一般悟性概念所不能达到的,而判断力能够从自己自身获致一个原理,即 自然事物和那不可认识的超感性界的关系的原理 。但这原理它也必须只为自己的企图在对自然的认识里使用着。这样一个先验原理固然能够和必须运用于对世界本体的认识,并且同时开示着对于实践理性有利的展望:但是它不具有对愉快及不快情绪的直接关系,而这却正是判断力原理中的谜样的东西。 这东西必然构成了对于这项判断力的批判里一个特殊的部分 ,因为按照着诸概念(从这些概念永不能引申出一个对于愉快及不快情绪的直接结论来)的逻辑评判固然能够系属于哲学的理论的部门,带着对于它的 批判性的限制 。 logical judging of nature: when experience manifests in things a lawfulness that understanding's concept of the sensible is no longer adequate to understand or explain, judgment can find within itself a principle that refers the natural thing to the uncognizable supersensible , though judgment must use this principle for cognizing nature only in relation to itself. (事实上,这种审美判断直接指的是愉快和不快的情感,它区别于某种)对自然的逻辑判断:当经验在事物中表现出一种合规律性,对此规律性有关感性的知性概念不再足以(帮助我们)理解或解释时,判断力可以在自身中找到一个原则,将自然事物指向/引向 不可知的超感性的原则,尽管判断力必须运用这一原则来认识只与自身有关的自然。 In these cases such an a priori principle can and must indeed be employed if we are to cognize the beings in the world, and it also opens up prospects advantageous to practical reason. Yet here the principle has no direct relation to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, while it is precisely this relation which gives rise to that puzzle regarding judgment's principle , which necessitates a special division for this power in the critique: 在这些情况下, 如果我们要认识世界上的存在物,就可以而且必须采用这种先验原则 ,而且它也为实践理性开辟了有利的前景。然而,在这里,这一原则与快乐和不快的情感没有直接的关系,而正是这种关系引起了关于判断力的原则的困惑,这就需要在批判中对这一能力进行特殊的划分: for the logical judging according to concepts (from which no direct inference can ever be drawn to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure) could at most have formed an appendix, including a critical restriction on such judging, to the theoretical part of philosophy./ 因为根据概念(从中不能直接推断出快乐和不快的情感)进行的逻辑判断 至多可以构成哲学理论部分的附录,包括对这种判断的 严格限制 。 D 至于对自然界的逻辑的评判 , 那么 凡是 在经验提出诸物的某种不再能由关于感性东西的普遍知性概念所理解和解释的合规律性的 地方 , 以及 凡是 在判断力能够从自身取得自然物对不可知的超感性东西的关系的某种原则、并且也必须只是着眼于它自身而 运用这原则 于自然知识上 的地方 , 则一条这样的 先天原则 虽然能够和必须 应用 于对世间存在物的 认识 , 同时开启着对实践理性有利的前景 : 但它 并不具有对 愉快和不愉快的 情感的直接关系 , 这种关系正是在判断力的原则中那神秘难解之处 , 它使得在批判中为这种能力划分出一个特殊部门成为必要,因为按照概念(从中永远不可能引出对愉快和不愉快的情感的直接结论)而进行的这种逻辑评判本来顶多能够附属于哲学的理论部分以及对它的 批判性限制。 – Was aber die logische Beurteilung der Natur anbelangt, da, wo die Erfahrung eine Gesetzmäßigkeit an Dingen aufstellt , welche zu verstehen oder zu erklären der allgemeine Verstandesbegriff vom Sinnlichen nicht mehr zulangt , But as far as the logical appraisal of nature is concerned, where the experience establishes a lawfulness of things which to understand or explain, the general understanding’s concept of the sensible no longer can/help, P:when experience manifests in things a lawfulness that understanding's concept of the sensible is no longer adequate to understand or explain, und die Urteilskraft aus sich selbst ein Prinzip der Beziehung des Naturdinges auf das unerkennbare übersinnliche nehmen kann, es auch nur in Absicht auf sich selbst zum Erkenntnis der Natur brauchen muß, da kann und muß ein solches Prinzip a priori zwar zum Erkenntnis der Weltwesen angewandt werden, und eröffnet zugleich Aussichten, die für die praktische Vernunft vorteilhaft sind: and the judgment out itself / a principle of the relation of the natural thing on the unknowable supernatural take can, it too only in intention on itself to the knowledge of nature/ need must, here can and must such a Principle a priori indeed to the knowledge of the world-beings applied become, and opens up at the same time prospects ,which for practical reason / advantageous are: // judgment can find within itself a principle that refers the natural thing to the uncognizable supersensible , though judgment must use this principle for cognizing nature only in relation to itself. In these cases such an a priori principle can and must indeed be employed if we are to cognize the beings in the world, and it also opens up prospects advantageous to practical reason. aber es hat keine unmittelbare Beziehung auf das Gefühl der Lust und Unlust, die gerade das Rätselhafte in dem Prinzip der Urteilskraft ist, welches eine besondere Abteilung in der Kritik für dieses Vermögen notwendig macht, da die logische Beurteilung nach Begriffen (aus welchen niemals eine unmittelbare Folgerung auf das Gefühl der Lust und Unlust gezogen werden kann) allenfalls dem theoretischen Teile der Philosophie, samt einer kritischen Einschränkung derselben, hätte angehängt werden können. but it has no immediate relation to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, which is just the enigmatic in the principle of judgment, which makes a special department in criticism necessary for this faculty, since the logical appraisal of concepts (of which no immediate inference could be drawn to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure) could have been appended to the theoretical part of philosophy, with a critical limitation of it. Z 对于鉴赏能力作为审美判断力,在这里不是以培养和精炼审美趣味为目的,—因为它没有这些探究工作也能照样进行,像迄今所做的—而我只是在先验哲学的企图里。所以我希望,我的研究纵然缺乏该项目标,应仍可获得人们宽容的评判。在 先验哲学的意图里,它必须准备受到极严格的检验。 但是就在那里,由于自然界问题异常复杂,解决它时不可避免地将遇到些瞹昧之处。这种巨大的艰难可以使人原谅我仅仅正确地指出了原理,而未能明确地把它表述出来。固然,把判断力的现象从那里面导引出来,人们不能要求全面的明确,像人们要求于概念认识那样,关于这一点,我相信,在本书的第二部分里我已经做到。 Since this inquiry into our power of taste, which is the aesthetic power of judgment, has a transcendental aim, rather than the aim to form and cultivate taste (since this will continue to proceed, as it has in the past, even if no such investigations are made), I would like to think that it will be judged leniently as regards its deficiency for the latter purpose. As a transcendental inquiry, however, it must be prepared to face the strictest examination . Yet even here, given how difficult it is to solve a problem that nature has made so involved, I hope to be excused if my solution contains a certain amount of obscurity, not altogether avoidable, as long as I have established clearly enough that the principle has been stated correctly. the way in which I have derived from that principle this phenomenon, viz., judgment, may fall short of the clarity we are entitled to demand elsewhere, namely, where we deal with cognition according to concepts, and which I do believe I have achieved in the second part of this work. / D对于作为审美判断力的鉴赏能力的研究在这里不是为了陶冶和培养趣味(因为这种陶冶和培养即使没有迄今和往后的所有这类研究也会进行下去的),而只是出于先验的意图来做的:所以我自认为这一研究在缺乏那种目的方面也会得到宽容的评判。但说到先验的意图,那么它必须准备经受最严格的检验。然而我希望即使在这里,解决个如此纠缠着自然的问题的这种巨大困难,可以用来为我在解决这问题时有某些不能完全避免的模糊性作出辩解,只要这个原则被正确地指出、足够清楚地加以说明就行了;假使说,从这里面引出判断力的现象这种方式并不具有我们在别的地方,即对于依据概念的认识所可以正当要求的全部的清晰性,那么这种清晰性我相信在本书的第二部分①中也已经做到了。 _________ 解释 【(即使存在这种先天原则,)因为判断力只针对知性的应用, 判断力的特有原则不能由属于知性的先天概念中推导出来 或直接认识事物;】 所以判断力本身应当指示某种概念,通过这概念本来并不是认识事物,而只是充当判断力本身的规则。( It therefore has to provide a concept itself, through which no thing is actually cognized, but which only serves as a rule for it )。 ” 这一批判分成两个部分:审美评判( aesthetic judging )和对自然的逻辑评判( logical judging of nature )。审美评判自身单独不能认识事物,但毕竟 “ 隶属于认识能力的,并证明这种认识能力按照某条先天原则而与愉快或不愉快的情感有一种直接的关系。 ” 正是审美判断导致了划分判断力批判这一特殊部门。自然的逻辑评判则不涉及愉快或不愉快的情感,它涉及那些普遍知性概念不足以解释的、经验中出现的合规律性( conformity to law ), “ 判断力能够从自身取得自然物对不可知的超感性东西的关系的某种原则 … 则一条这样的先天原则(虽然)能够和必须应用于对世间存在物的认识( the power of judgment can derive from itself a principle for the relation of the thing in nature to the uncognizable supersensible but can only use it with respect to itself for the cognition of nature, there indeed such an a priori principle can and must be applied for the cognition of the beings in the world ) ” 相关链接: 判断力批判 / 一般哲学的领地 导言 1 判断力批判 / 哲学的划分 Ⅳ . 判断力,作为一种先天立法能力 V 合目的性原则是判断力的一个先验原则 判断力批判 导言 6-8 § 3. 对快适的愉悦是与利害 4 善的愉悦是与利害 5 三种不同特性的愉悦之比较 59 美作为德性的象征 ; 鉴赏方法论 实践理性批判 序言 1 实践理性批判 序言 (2) 导言 理念
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判断力批判 导言 8
panfq 2019-5-5 13:27
Ⅵ . 愉快的情感和自然合目的性概念的联结 VI On the Connection of the Feeling of Pleasure with the Concept of the Purposiveness of Nature VI Von der Verbindung des Gefühls der Lust mit dem Begriffe der Zweckmäßigkeit der Natur Ⅶ . 自然的合目的性的审美表象 VII Von der ästhetischen Vorstellung der Zweckmäßigkeit der Natur Ⅷ . 自然合目的性的逻辑表象 On the Logical Presentation of the Purposiveness of Nature VIII Von der logischen Vorstellung der Zweckmäßigkeit der Natur 这样,我们就可以把 自然美 看作是形式的(单纯主观的)合目的性概念的表现,而把 自然目的 看作是实在的(客观的)合目的性概念的表现,前者我们是通过鉴赏(审美地借助于愉快情感)来评判的,后者则是通过知性和理性(逻辑地,按照概念)来评判的。 Hence we may regard natural beauty as the exhibition of the concept of formal (merely subjective) purposiveness , and may regard natural purposes as the exhibition of the concept of a real (objective) purposiveness , the first of which we judge by taste (aesthetically, by means of the feeling of pleasure), and the second by understanding and reason (logically, according to concepts). This is the basis for dividing the critique of judgment into that of aesthetic and that of teleological judgment. By the first I mean the power to judg e formal purposiveness (sometimes also called subjective purposiveness) by the feeling of pleasure or displeasure; by the second I mean the power to judge the real (objective) purposiveness of nature by understanding and reason. 在这上面就建立起判断力批判被划分为 审美的判断力 批判和 目的论的判断 力批判的根据:因为前一种判断力被理解为 通过 愉快和不愉快的 情感对形式 的合目的性(另称之为 主观 合目的性)作评判的能力后一种判断力则被理解为通 过知性和理性 对自然的 实在 的合目的性( 客观 合目的性)作评判的能力。 In a critique of judgment, the part that deals with aesthetic judgment belongs to it essentially. For this power alone contains a principle that judgment lays completely a priori at the basis of its reflection on nature: the principle of a formal purposiveness of nature, in terms of its particular (empirical) laws, for our cognitive power, without which principle the understanding could not find its way about in nature. 在一个判断力的批判中,包含审美判断力的部分是本质地属于它的,因为只有这种判断力才包含有 判断力完全先天地用作它对自然进行反思的基础的 原则,这就是自然根据其特殊的(经验性的)规律对我们的认识能力的形式合目的性原则,没有这种形式合目的性,知性就会不可能和自然相容:与此不同,必须有客观的自然目的,即必须有只是作为自然目的才可能的那些事物,这一点却并不能指出任何先天理由,就连它的可能性也不由作为普遍经验对象和特殊经验对象的自然的概念来说明,相反,只有自身不包含这方面的先天原则的那个判断力,在偶尔遇到的(某些产品的)场合下,当那条先验原则已经使知性对于把这目的概念(至少是按照其形式)应用于自然之上有了准备之后,才包含有这种规则,以便为理性起见来使用目的概念。 By contrast, we cannot indicate any a priori basis whatever that there must be objective purposes in nature, i.e., things possible only as natural purposes; indeed, the concept of nature as object of experience, whether in its universal or in its particular , does not tell us that such a basis is even possible. Rather, judgment, without containing a priori a principle for such , merely contains the rule for using the concept of purposes for the sake of reason when cases (certain products) occur, after the former transcendental principle has already prepared the understanding to apply the concept of a purpose (at least in terms of form) to nature./ Ⅸ . 知性和理性的各种立法通过判断力而联结 IX Von der Verknüpfung der Gesetzgebungen des Verstandes und der Vernunft durch die Urteilskraft /On the connection of the legislations of the understanding and the reason by the judgment power/ D 知性对于作为感官客体的自然是先天地立法的,以在一个可能经验中达到对自然的理论知识。 理性对 于作为主体中的超感官东西的 自由 及其独特的 原因性 是先天立法的,以达到无条件地实践的知识。前一种立法下的 自然概念 的领地和后一种立法下的 自由概 念的 领地 ,与它们有可能独自(每一方根据自己的基本规律)对对方拥有的一切交互影响相反,由于使超感性的东西与现象分离开来的那个巨大的鸿沟,而 被完全隔离开来 了。 Das Gebiet des Naturbegriffs, unter der einen, und das des Freiheitsbegriffs unter der anderen Gesetzgebung, sind gegen allen wechselseitigen Einfluß, den sie für sich (ein jedes nach seinen Grundgesetzen) aufeinander haben könnten, durch die große Kluft , welche das übersinnliche von den Erscheinungen trennt, gänzlich abgesondert. G: The domain of the concept of nature, under one law, and that of the concept of freedom under other law, are opposed to all the mutual influence which they might have on their own (each according to its basic laws) through the great divide, which is the supersensible of the phenomena separates, completely separate./ How Judgment Connects the Legislations of the Understanding and of Reason The understanding legislates a priori for nature, as object of sense, in order to give rise to theoretical cognition of nature in a possible experience. Reason legislates a priori for freedom and for freedom's own causality, in other words, for the supersensible in the subject, in order to give rise to unconditioned practical cognition. The great gulf that separates the supersensible from appearances completely cuts off the domain of the concept of nature under the one legislation, and the domain of the concept of freedom under the other legislation, from any influence that each (according to its own basic laws) might have had on the other. The concept of freedom determines nothing with regard to our theoretical cognition of nature, just as the concept of nature determines nothing with regard to the practical laws of freedom ; 鸿沟完全切断了自然概念的领域和自由概念的领域,使之不受(根据其自身的基本法律)可能对另一方产生的任何影响。
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panfq 2019-3-31 09:14
§5.三种不同特性的愉悦之比较 Comparison of the three specifically different kinds of delight. Vergleichung der drei spezifisch verschiedenen Arten des Wohlgefallens 快适和善 二者都具有对欲求能力的关系,并且在这方面,前者带有以病理学上的东西〔通过刺激, stimulus)为条件的愉悦,后者带有 纯粹实践性的愉 悦,这不只是通过对象的表象,而且是同时通过 主体和对象的实存 之间被设想的联结来确定的。不只是对象,而且连对象的实存也是令人喜欢的。 Z快适和善二者对于欲求能力都有关系,并且前者本身就带着一种 受感性制约的(因刺激而生的) 愉快,后者带着一种纯粹的实践的愉快..// pathologically 病理学上的/ Both the agreeable and the good involve a reference to the faculty of desire , and are thus attended, the former with a delight pathologically conditioned (by stimuli), the latter with a pure practical delight. Such delight is determined not merely by the representation of the object, but also by the represented bond of connection between the subject and the real existence of the object. It is not merely the object, but also its real existence, that pleases./ D反之, 鉴赏判断 则只是静观的,也就是这样一种判断,它对于一个对象的 存有是不关心 的,而只是把对象的性状和愉快及不愉快的 情感 相对照。但这种静观本身也不是针对概念的;因为 鉴赏判断不是认识判断 (既不是理论上的认识判断也不是实践上的认识判断),因而也 不是建立在概念之上、乃至于以概念 为目的 的 。 Z 因为鉴赏判断并不是知识判断(既不是理论的,也不是实践的),因此既不是以概念为其基础也不是以概念为其目的。 On the other hand, the judgment of taste is simply contemplative , 静观的 i.e., it is a judgment which is indifferent as to the existence of an object, and only decides how its character stands with the feeling of pleasure and displeasure. But not even is this contemplation itself directed to concepts; for the judgment of taste is not a cognitive judgment (neither a theoretical one nor a practical), and hence, also, is not grounded on concepts, nor yet intentionally directed to them. 【 denn das Geschmacksurteil ist kein Erkenntnisurteil (weder ein theoretisches noch praktisches), und daher auch nicht auf Begriffe gegründet , oder auch auf solche abgezweckt . 】 or even aimed at such. D 所以 , 快适、美、善标志着表象对 愉快和不愉快 的情感的三种不同的关系 , 我们依照对何者的关联而把对象或表象方式相互区别开来。 Z 快适,美,善,这三者表示表象对于 快感及不快感 的三种不同的关系,在这些关系里我们可以看到其对象或表现都彼此不同。 The agreeable, the beautiful, and the good thus denote 标志 three different relations of representations to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, as a feeling in respect of which we distinguish different objects or modes of representation. 【 Das Angenehme, das Schöne, das Gute bezeichnen also drei verschiedene The pleasant, the beautiful, the good, therefore, signify three different Verhältnisse der Vorstellungen zum Gefühl der Lust und Unlust, relationships of the imaginations to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, in Beziehung auf welches wir Gegenstände, oder Vorstellungsarten, in relation to which we have objects, or modes of perception, von einander unterscheiden. Auch sind die jedem angemessenen Ausdrücke, from each other , differ.] Also are the every appropriate expressions/terms, womit man die Komplazenz in denselben bezeichnet, nicht einerlei. with which one , the complacency 满足 in the same denote, are not alike. D 就连我们用来标志这些关系中的满意而与每一种关系相适合的表达方式也是各不相同的。 / Also, the corresponding expressions which indicate our satisfaction in them are different . 而且表示这 三种愉快的各个适当名词 也是各不相同的, D 快适 对某个人来说就是使他快乐的东西 ; 美 则只是使他喜欢的东西 ; 善 是被尊敬的被赞成的东西 , 也就是在里面被他认可了一种客观价值的东西。 Z快适,是使人快乐的;美,不过是使他满意;善,就是被他珍贵的,赞许的,这就是说,他在它里面肯定一种客观价值。 The agreeable is what GRATIFIES a man; the beautiful what simply PLEASES him; the good what is ESTEEMED (approved), i.e., that on which he sets an objective worth ./ GRATIFIES 使高兴满意 P We call agreeable what GRATIFIES us, beautiful what we just LIKE, good what we ESTEEM, or endorse , i.e., that to which we attribute an objective value. 、惠爱、敬重 相关联。而惠爱则是惟一自由的愉悦。 And so we may say that delight, in the three cases mentioned, is related to inclination 倾向 / 爱好 , to favour, or to respect. For FAVOURis the only free liking . 【 Daher könnte man von dem Wohlgefallen sagen: es beziehe sich in den drei genannten Fällen auf Neigung , oder Gunst , oder Achtung . Denn Gunst ist das einzige freie Wohlgefallen. 】 only free pleasure. 一个爱好的对象和一个由理性规律责成我们去欲求的对象 , 并没有留给我们使哪怕任何东西对我们成为一个愉快的对象的自由。所有的利害都以需要为前提 , 或是带来某种需要 ; 而作为赞许的规定根据 , 这种需要就不再容许关于对象的判断有自由了。 An object of inclination, and one which a law of reason imposes upon our desire, leaves us no freedom to turn anything into an object of pleasure. All interest presupposes a want,or calls one forth(call forth,evoke, 唤起) ; and, being a ground determining approval,deprives the judgment on the object of its freedom. 至于在快适上的爱好的利害 , 那么每个人都说 : 饥饿是最好的厨师 , 有健康胃口的人吃任何可吃的东西都有味 ; 因此一个这样的愉悦并不表明是按照品味来选择的。 M :So far as the interest of inclination in the case of the agreeable goes, every one says “Hunger is the best sauce; and people with a healthy appetite relish everything, so long as it is something they can eat.” Such delight, consequently, gives no indication of taste having anything to say to the choice. 只有当需要被满足之后,我们才能够分辨在众人中谁是有品味的,而谁没有品味。同样,也有无德行的 风尚( 行为方式),不带友好的客气,缺乏正直的礼貌等等。 Only when men have got all they want can we tell who among the crowd has taste or not. Similarly there may be correct habits (conduct) without virtue , politeness without good-will, propriety without honor, etc. 因为凡是在显露出风尚的规律的地方 ,关于什么是该做的事客观上就再没有任何自由的选择;而在自己的举止中(或是在评判别人的举止时)显示出品味,这是完全不同于表现自己的道德思想境界的:因为后者包含一个命令并产生某种需要,反之,风尚上的品味却只是和愉悦的对象做游戏,而并不拘泥于某个对象。 For where the moral law dictates, there is, objectively, no room left for free choice as to what one has to do; and to show taste in the way one carries out these dictates, or in estimating the way others do so, is a totally different matter from displaying the moral frame of one’s mind. For the latter involves a command and produces a need of something, whereas moral taste o nly plays with the objects of delight without devoting itself sincerely to any. P: Only when their need has been satisfied can we tell who in a multitude of people has taste and who does not. In the same way, second, one can find manners (conduite) without virtue, politeness without benevolence, propriety without integrity, and so on.* * 自由的品味可以表现在举止、礼貌和礼仪上 , 只有在美德、仁爱和正直 ( 涉及的道德利益 ) 不存在的地方。 For where the moral law speaks we are objectively no longer free to select what we must do; and to show taste in our conduct (or in judging other people's conduct) i s very different from expressing our moral wa y of thinking. For this contains a command and gives rise to a need, whereas moral taste only plays with the objects of liking without committing itself to any of them. Denn wo das sittliche Gesetz spricht, da gibt es, objektiv, weiter keine freie Wahl in Ansehung dessen, was zu tun sei; For where the moral law speaks, there is, objectively, no further free choice as to what to do; und Geschmack in seiner Aufführung (oder in Beurteilung anderer ihrer) zeigen, ist etwas ganz anderes, als seine moralische Denkungsart äußern:// and taste in his performance (or judgment of others) is something quite different from expressing his moral mode of thinking: denn diese enthält ein Gebot und bringt ein Bedürfnis hervor, da hingegen der sittliche Geschmack mit den Gegenständen des Wohlgefallens nur spielt, ohne sich an einen zu hängen. for it contains a commandment and brings forth a need, since, on the other hand, the moral taste plays with the objects of pleasure only to hang on one. 从第一契机推得的美的说明 Definition of the Beautiful derived from the First Moment: 鉴赏 是通过 不带任何利害 的愉悦或不悦而对一个对象或一个表象方式作评判的能力。一个这样的愉悦的对象就叫作 美 。/ Taste is the faculty of estimating an object or a mode of representation by means of a delight or aversion apart from any interest . The object of such a delight is called beautiful .
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panfq 2019-3-23 11:32
Ⅳ . 判断力,作为一种先天立法能力 On judgment as a power that legislates a priori D 一般判断力是把特殊思考为包含在普遍之下的能力。如果普遍的东西(规则、原则、规律)被给予了, 那么把特殊归摄于它们之下的那个判断力(即使它作为 先验的判断力 先天地指定了惟有依此才能归摄到那个普遍之下的那些条件)就是 规定性的 。但如果只有特殊被给予了,判断力必须为此去寻求普遍那么这种判断力就只是 反思性的 。 P Judgment in general is the ability to think the particular as contained under the universal . If the universal (the rule, principle, law) is given, then judgment, which subsumes the particular under it, is determinative (even though as transcendental judgment it states a priori the conditions that must be met for subsumption under that universal to be possible). But if only the particular is given and judgment has to find the universal for it, then this power is merely reflective. 从属于 知性所提供的普遍先验规律 的规定性的判断力只是归摄性的;规律对它来说是先天预定的,所以它不必为自己思考一条规律以便能把自然中的特殊从属于普遍之下。 Determinative judgment, under universal transcendental laws given by the understanding, is only subsumptive. The law is marked out for it a priori, and hence it does not need to devise a law of its own so that it can subsume the particular in nature under the universal . 。律法是先验的,因此它不需要设计一个自己的律法,这样它就可以把自然中的特定包含在普遍之下。 subsume 归入,包括 ] Die bestimmende Urteilskraft unter allgemeinen transzendentalen Gesetzen, die der Verstand gibt, ist nur subsumierend; The determining power of judgment under general transcendental laws which the understanding gives is only subsuming; 知性所赋予的一般先验法则下的决定性的判断力只是一种包涵; das Gesetz ist ihr a priori vorgezeichnet, und sie hat also nicht nötig, für sich selbst auf ein Gesetz zu denken, the law is predetermined a priori, and therefore it does not need to think for itself of a law in order to subordinate the particular in nature to the general. 法则是预先先验地确定的,因此它不需要为自己考虑一个法则,以便将自然中的特定服从于一般 。 um das Besondere in der Natur dem Allgemeinen unterordnen zu können. D —不过,自然界有如此多种多样的形式,仿佛是对于普遍先验的自然概念的如此多的变相,这些变相 通过纯粹知性先天给予的那些规律 并未得到規定,因为这些规律只是针对着某种(作为感官对象的)自然的一般可能性的,但这样一来,对于这些变相就也还必须有一些规律,它们虽然作为经验性的规律在 我们的 知性眼光看来可能是偶然的,但如果它们要称为规律的话(如同自然的概念也要求的那样),它们就还是 必须出于 某种哪怕我们不知晓的 多样统一性原则 而被看作是必然的。 Z 但是自然界有那么多的形式,亦即有那么多的关于普遍的超验的自然概念的 变形 ,它们是不被上述的纯粹先验 悟性 给定的规律所规定的,因为这些规律 只涉及 一个自然物(作为感官的一个对象)的 一般可能性 ,因此,对于前者也必须有规律。这些规律,作为经验的规律,按照我们悟性的见地是偶然性的,但是它们既然应该称作规律(如同自然概念所要求的一样)那就仍然必须 把它看作一个多样统一的必然的原理 ,尽管它是我们所不知的。 On the other hand, since the laws that pure understanding gives a priori concern only the possibility of a nature as such (as object of sense), there are such diverse forms of nature, so many modifications 变体/限制as it were of the universal transcendental concepts of nature, which are left undetermined by these laws, that surely there must be laws for these forms too. 另一方面,由于纯粹知性先验地给予的 法则 只关注 某一自然本身的可能性(作为感觉的对象),因此存在着如此多样的自然形式,如此之多的对普遍的先验的自然概念的变体,它们(变相)并没有被这些法则来规定,当然对这些形式也必须有法则。 Allein es sind so mannigfaltige Formen der Natur, gleichsam so viele Modifikationen der allgemeinen transzendentalen Naturbegriffe, die durch jene Gesetze, welche der reine Verstand a priori gibt, But these are so many forms of nature, as it were so many modifications of the universal transcendental concepts of nature, which through the(those) laws, which a pure understanding gives a priori, weil dieselben nur auf die Möglichkeit einer Natur (als Gegenstandes der Sinne) überhaupt gehen, unbestimmt gelassen werden, / /dieselben- the same since they are left indefinitely only on the possibility of a nature (as the object of the senses) , // überhaupt -in general,anyhow daß dafür doch auch Gesetze sein müssen, die zwar, als empirische, that there must be laws for it , which though, as empirical, nach unserer Verstandeseinsicht zufällig s ein mögen, die aber doch, to our understanding may be accidental , but they /which wenn sie Gesetze heißen sollen (wie es auch der Begriff einer Natur erfordert) aus einem, if they called laws should be (as the concept of a nature requires) from one wenngleich uns unbekannten, Prinzip der Einheit des Mannigfaltigen, although unknown to us, a principle of the unity of the manifold, als notwendig angesehen werden müssen. must be considered necessary. Since these laws are empirical, they may indeed be contingent as far as our understanding can see; still, if they are to be called laws (as the concept of a nature does require), then they must be regarded as necessary by virtue of some principle of the unity of what is diverse, even though we do not know this principle. 由于这些规律是经验的,就我们的知性来看,它们确实可能是偶然的;然而,如果它们被称为规律(正如自然概念所要求的那样),那么凭借多样化的统一原则(即使我们不了解这一原则)它们也必须被看作是必要的。 ——反思性的判断力的任务是从自然中的特殊上升到普遍,所以需要一个原则,这个原则它不能从经验中借来,因为该原则恰好应当为一切经验性原则在同样是经验性的、但却更高的那些原则之下的统一性提供根据,因而应当为这些原则 相互系统隶属 的可能性提供根据。 Hence reflective judgment, which is obliged to ascend from the particular in nature to the universal, requires a principle, which it cannot borrow from experience, precisely because it is to be the basis for the unity of al l empirical principles under higher though still empirical principles, and hence is to be the basis that makes it possible to subordinate empirical principles to one another in a systematic way. 所以这样一条先验原则,反思性的判断力只能作为规律自己给予自己,而不能从别处拿来(因为否则它就会是 规定性的判断力 了),更不能颁布给自然:因为有关自然规律的反思取决于自然,而 自然并不取决于 我们据以努力去获 得一个 就这些规律而言 完全是偶然的自然概念的 那些条件 。 * Z 所以,这样一个超验原理,..它也不能对自然提供规律:因为对于自然规律的反省是以自然为依归的,而自然不是以那些我们据之以求自然概念—一个从自然角度看来完全是偶然性的概念——的条件为依归的。 So this transcendental principle must be one that reflective judgment gives as a law, but only to itself : it cannot take it from somewhere else (since judgment would then be determinative); nor can it prescribe it to nature, because our reflection on the laws of nature is governed by nature, not nature by the conditions under which we try to obtain a concept of it that in view of these conditions is quite contingent. 也不能把它规定给自然,因为我们对自然规律的反思是由自然所支配的,而自然不是由我们试图获得一个自然概念的条件所支配的, 鉴于这些条件 是相当偶然的。 M Nor can it prescribe it to nature, for reflection on the laws of nature adjusts itself to nature, and not nature to the conditions, according to which we strive to obtain a concept of it—a concept that is quite contingent in respect of these conditions. 它也不能把它规定给自然,因为对自然规律的反思使它自己适应自然,而不是自然适应条件, 根据这种条件,我们努力获得一个自然的概念——一个在这些条件下相当偶然的概念 。 Ein solches transzendentales Prinzip kann also die reflektierende Urteilskraft sich nur selbst als Gesetz geben, Such a transcendental principle, therefore, can ,the reflective power of judgment, only itself as a law, give. 所以这样一条先验原则,反思判断力只能作为规律自己给予自己 nicht anderwärts hernehmen (weil sie sonst bestimmende Urteilskraft sein würde), not take it elsewhere (because otherwise it would be decisive judgment), noch der Natur vorschreiben; weil die Reflexion über die Gesetze der Natur sich nach der Natur, nor prescribe nature; because the reflection on the laws of nature is based on nature, und diese sich nicht nach den Bedingungen richtet , and this does not depend on the conditions / set,direct nach welchen wir einen in Ansehung dieser ganz zufälligen Begriff von ihr zu erwerben trachten . we one in view of this quite accidental concept of it to acquire by which we seek to acquire … a concept of it D 于是,这一原则不可能是别的,而只能是:由于普遍的自然规律在我们的知性中有其根据,所以知性把这些自然规律颁布给自然(虽然只是按 照 作为自然的自然 这一普遍概念),而那些特殊的经验性规律,就其中留下而未被那些 普遍自然规律所规定的 东西而言,则必须按照这样一种统一性来考察, 就好像有一个知性(即使不是我们的知性) 为了我们的认识能力而给出 了这种统一性,以便使一个按照特殊自然规律的经验系统成为可能似的。 Z 现在,这个原理只能是:因为普遍的诸自然规律在我们悟性中有它们的基础,悟性把这些规律提供给自然(虽然只是 按照它的作为自然的普遍概念 ),而那些 特殊的经验规律就其未被那些普遍规律所规定 的部分看来,必须看作是这样一个统一体,好似有一个悟性(纵然不是我们的这个悟性),为了使我们的认识机能构成一个——按照特殊的自然规律——可能的经验体系而把这统一体赋予了我们。 P Now this principle can only be the following: since universal natural laws have their basis in our understanding, which prescribes them to nature (though only according to the universal concept of it as a nature), the particular empirical laws must, as regards what the universal laws have left undetermined in them, be viewed in terms of such a unity as if they too had been given by an understanding (even though not ours) so as to assist our cognitive powers by making possible a system of experience in terms of particular natural laws. 现在这个原则只能是这样的:既然普遍的自然规律在我们的知性中有其基础,它规定给自然(虽然只是根据普遍的自然概念),那么对于普遍规律中未确定的东西,特定的经验规律必须 从这样一个统一的角度来看待 。如果它们也是通过一种知性(即使不是我们的知性)来给予的,那么它们就可以帮助我们的认知能力,使一个特定自然规律的经验系统成为可能。 M Now the principle sought can only be this: as universal laws of nature have their ground in our understanding, which prescribes them to nature (though only according to the universal concept of it as nature), particular empirical laws must be regarded, in respect of that which is left undetermined in them by these universal laws, according to a unity such as they would have if an understanding (though it be not ours) had supplied them for the benefit of our cognitive faculties, so as to render possible a system of experience according to particular natural laws. 现在所寻求的原则只能是这样的:因为普遍的自然法则在我们的知性中有其基础,知性把这些规定颁布给自然( 尽管只有根据它之作为自然的普遍概念 ),必须考虑到特定的经验法则,关于此,普遍规律在其中尚未规定,根据这样的一个统一性(就像它们 会有的那样),如果一知性(虽然它不是我们的)为我们的认知能力的便利 提供它们 ,/如果一知性(虽然不是我们的)为我们的认知能力提供了帮助,那么他们就会有这样的统一,使 根据特定自然规律的经验体系 成为可能。 D 并不是说好像一定要以这种方式现实地假定这样一个知性(因为这只是反思的判断力,17这个理念用作它的原则是用来反思,而不是用来规定);相反,这种能力借此只是给它自己而不是给自然界提供一个规律。 Z 这并不意味着必须真正假定有这样一个悟性(因为这只是反省着的判断力,它使 观念作为原理 是为了从事反省而不是为了从事规定);但是,这个机能通过这一举动只是给自己而不是给自然一个规律。 P That does not mean that we must actually assume such an understanding (for it is only reflective judgment that uses this idea as a principle, for reflection rather than determination); rather, in using this principle judgment gives a law only to itself, not to nat ure. 这并不意味着我们必须实际地假定这样一种知性(因为它只是反思性判断,将这一思想作为一项原则,用于反思而不是规定);相反,在使用这一原则时,判断只给自己一条律法,而不是给自然一条律法。 M This is not to be taken as implying that such an understanding must be actually assumed (for it is only the reflective judgement which avails 有助于 itself of this idea as a principle for the purpose of reflection and not for determining anything); but this faculty rather gives by this means a law to itself alone and not to nature. 这并不意味着这种知性必须被实际地假定(因为只有反思性的判断才能将这个理念本身作为一个原则,目的是反思,而不是规定任何事情);但这种能力更倾向于通过这种方式给予自己一条律法,而不是给予自然(一条律法)。 Z 一个关于对象的概念在它同时包含着这个对象的现实性的基础时唤做 目的 ,而一个物体和诸物的只是按照目的而可能的品质相一致时,唤做该物的形式的 合目的性 :所以判断力的原理,在涉及一般经验规律下的自然界诸物的形式时,唤做在自然界的多样性中的 自然界的合目的性 。这就是说,自然通过这个概念如此这般地表述出来,好象悟性包含着自然诸经验规律的多样统一的基础。 D 既然有关一个客体的概念就其同时包含有该客体的现实性的根据而言,就叫作 目的 ,而一物与诸物的那种只有按照目的才有可能的性状的协和一致,就叫作该物的形式的 合目的性 :那么,判断力的原则就自然界 从属于一般经验性规律的那些物的形式 而言,就叫作在自然界的多样性中的 自然的合目的性 。这就是说,自然界通过这个概念被设想成好像有一个知性含有它那些经验性规律的多样统一性的根据似的。 P Now insofar as the concept of an object also contains the basis for the object's actuality, the concept is called the thing's purpose, and a thing's harmony with that character of things which is possible only through purposes is called the purposiveness of its form. Accordingly, judgment's principle concerning the form that things of nature have in terms of empirical laws in general is the purposiveness of nature in its diversity. In other words, through this concept we present nature as if an understanding contained the basis of the unity of what is diverse in nature's empirical laws./ M Now the concept of an object, so far as it contains at the same time the ground of the actuality of this object , is called its end , and the agreement of a thing with that constitution of things which is only possible according to ends, is called the finality of its form . Accordingly the principle of judgement, in respect of the form of the things of nature under empirical laws generally, is the finality of nature in its multiplicity. In other words, by this concept nature is represented as if an understanding contained the ground of the unity of the manifold of its empirical laws. Weil nun der Begriff von einem Objekt, sofern er zugleich den Grund der Wirklichkeit dieses Objekts enthält, der Zweck und die übereinstimmung eines Dinges mit derjenigen Beschaffenheit der Dinge, die nur nach Zwecken möglich ist, die Zweckmäßigkeit der Form desselben heißt: so ist das Prinzip der Urteilskraft, in Ansehung der Form der Dinge der Natur unter empirischen Gesetzen überhaupt, die Zweckmäßigkeit der Natur in ihrer Mannigfaltigkeit. D.i. die Natur wird durch diesen Begriff so vorgestellt, als ob ein Verstand den Grund der Einheit des Mannigfaltigen ihrer empirischen Gesetze enthalte. D所以,自然的合目的性是一个特殊的先天概念,它只在反思性的判断力中有其根源。因为我们不能把像自然在其产物上 对目的的关系 这样一种东西加在自然的产物身上,而只能运用这一概念就 自然中按照经验性的规律己给出的那些 现象的联结而言 来反思这个自然。而且这个概念与实践的合目的性(人类艺术的,或者也有道德的)也是完全不同的,尽管它是按照和这种合目的性的类比而被思考的。 : Z 所以,自然的合目的性是一个特殊的先验概念,它只在反省着的判断力里有它的根源。因为人们不能把任何东西附加在自然的成品上 当作自然在它们中的目的 ,人们只能运用这个概念 在涉及自然诸现象的联系时 按照经验诸规律来对它反省。进一步说,这个概念和实践的合目的性(在人类的艺术甚至道德中)完全不同,虽然它无疑地是依据类比被思维着的。 P Hence the purposiveness of nature is a special a priori concept that has its origin solely in reflective judgment. For we cannot attribute to natural products anything like nature's referring them to purposes, but can only use this concept in order to reflect on nature as regards that connection among nature's appearances which is given to us in terms of empirical laws. This concept is also quite distinct from practical purposiveness (in human art or in morality), though we do think it by analogy with practical purposiveness. / as regards that = 关于 M ..For we cannot ascribe to the products of nature anything like a reference of nature in them to ends, but we can only make use of this concept to reflect upon them in respect of the nexus of phenomena in nature—a nexus given according to empirical laws. Furthermore, this concept is entirely different from practical finality (in human art or even morals), though it is doubtless thought after this analogy. 因为我们不能把自然的产物归结为任何事物,比如说自然的参照物之于目的,但是我们只能利用这个概念来反思它们(关于自然现象的联系——即根据经验法则给出的联系。此外,这个概念与实际的目的性/最终性(在人类艺术甚至道德上)完全不同,尽管毫无疑问它是依据这个类比而被思考的。
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判断力批判 /一般哲学的领地
panfq 2019-3-22 09:38
判断力批判 II 一般哲学的领地 10-11 D 现在,虽然在作为感官之物的自然概念领地和作为超感官之物的自由概念领地之间固定下来了一道不可估量的鸿沟,以至于从前者到后者(因而借助于理性的理论运用)根本不可能有任何过渡,好像这是两个各不相同的世界一样,前者不能对后者发生任何影响:那么毕竟,后者 应当 对前者有某种影响,也就是自由概念应当 使 通过它的规律所提出的 目的 在感官世界中成为现实; Hence an immense gulf is fixed between the domain of the concept of nature, the sensible, and the domain of the concept of freedom, the supersensible, so that no transition from the sensible to the supersensible ( and hence by means of the theoretical use of reason) is possible, just as if they were two different worlds, the first of which cannot have any influence on the second; and yet the second is to have an influence on the first, i.e., the concept of freedom is to actualize in the world of sense the purpose enjoined by its laws . 因而自然界也必须能够这样被设想,即它的形式的 合规律性 至少会与依照自由规律可在它里面 实现的 那些目的的 可能性 相协调。 Hence it must be possible to think of nature as being such that the lawfulness in its form will harmonize with at least the possibility of the purposes that we are to achieve in nature according to laws of freedom. ——所以终归必须有自然界以之为基础的那个超感官之物与自由概念在实践上所包含的东西 相统一的某种根据 , 关于这根据的 概念 虽然既没有在理论上也 没 有在实践上 达到 对这根据的 认识 , 因而不拥有特别的领地 , 但却仍然使按照一方的原则的思维方式向按照另一方的原则的思维方式的过渡成为可能。 So there must after all be a basis uniting the supersensible that underlies nature and the supersensible that the concept of freedom contains practically, . Ob nun zwar eine unübersehbare Kluft zwischen dem Gebiete des Naturbegriffs, als dem Sinnlichen, und dem Gebiete des Freiheitsbegriffs, als dem übersinnlichen, befestigt ist, so daß von dem ersteren zum anderen (also vermittelst des theoretischen Gebrauchs der Vernunft) kein übergang möglich ist, gleich als ob es so viel verschiedene Welten wären, deren erste auf die zweite keinen Einfluß haben kann: so soll doch diese auf jene einen Einfluß haben, nämlich der Freiheitsbegriff soll den durch seine Gesetze aufgegebenen Zweck in der Sinnenwelt wirklich machen; und die Natur muß folglich auch so gedacht werden können, daß die Gesetzmäßigkeit ihrer Form wenigstens zur Möglichkeit der in ihr zu bewirkenden Zwecke nach Freiheitsgesetzen zusammenstimme. – Also muß es doch einen Grund der Einheit des übersinnlichen, welches der Natur zum Grunde liegt, mit dem was der Freiheitsbegriff praktisch enthält, geben, wovon der Begriff, wenn er gleich weder theoretisch noch praktisch zu einem Erkenntnisse desselben gelangt, mithin kein eigentümliches Gebiet hat, dennoch den übergang von der Denkungsart nach den Prinzipien der einen, zu der nach Prinzipien der anderen, möglich macht. Ⅲ . 判断力的批判作为把哲学的这两部分结合为一个整体的手段 D 就认识能力可以先天地提供的东西而言,对这些认识能力的批判本来就不拥有在客体方面的任何领地:因为它不是什么学说,而只是必须去 调查 ,按照我们的能力现有的情况, 一种学说 通过这些能力是否以及如何是可能的。这个批判的领域伸展到这些能力的一切僭妄之上以便将它们置于它们的合法性的边界之内。但是那不能进入到这一哲学划分中来的,却有可能作为一个主要部分进人到对一般纯粹认识能力的批判中来, 就是说,如果它包含有一些自身既不适合于理论的运用又不适合于实践的运用的原则的话。 P A critique that assesses what our cognitive powers can accomplish a priori does not actually have a domain as regards objects. 评估我们的认知能力所能够先验地实现的(东西)的这一 批判 实际上并没有关于对象的领地 。 For it is not a doctrine: its only task is to investigate whether and how our powers allow us (when given their situation) to produce a doctrine. 因为它不是一个学说:它的唯一任务是调查我们的能力是否以及如何允许我们(在他们的情况下)产生一个学说。 The realm of this critique extends to all the claims that these powers make, in order to place these powers within the boundaries of their rightful . 这一批评的范围延伸到这些官能所提出的所有主张,以便将这些能力置于其正当 的范围内。 But if something cannot have a place in the division of philosophy, it may still enter as a main part into the critique of our pure cognitive power in general, namely, if it contains principles that by themselves are not fit for either theoretical or practical use. 但是,如果某件东西(因为缺乏领地)不能在哲学的划分中占有一席之地,那么它仍然可以作为一个主要部分进入对我们纯粹认知能力的批判中来,也就是说,如果它包含的原则本身不适合理论或实际的运用。 Die Kritik der Erkenntnisvermögen in Ansehung dessen, was sie a priori leisten können, hat eigentlich kein Gebiet in Ansehung der Objekte; The critique of the cognitive faculties in view of what they can a priori actually have no domain in terms of objects; weil sie keine Doktrin ist, sondern nur, ob und wie, nach der Bewandtnis, die es mit unseren Vermögen hat, eine Doktrin durch sie möglich sei, zu untersuchen hat. because it is not a doctrine, but only, whether and how, according to the circumstances it has with our faculty, a doctrine is possible through them, has to eximaine Ihr Feld erstreckt sich auf alle Anmaßungen derselben, um sie in die Grenzen ihrer Rechtmäßigkeit zu setzen. Their field extends to all the presumptions of the same, to put them within the limits of their lawfulness. Was aber nicht in die Einteilung der Philosophie kommen kann, das kann doch, als ein Hauptteil, in die Kritik des reinen Erkenntnisvermögens überhaupt kommen, But what can not come into the division of philosophy can, as a major part, enter into the critique of pure cognitive faculty in general, wenn es nämlich Prinzipien enthält, die für sich weder zum theoretischen noch praktischen Gebrauche tauglich sind. if it contains principles which are suitable neither for theoretical nor practical use. 含有一切先天的理论知识的根据的那些自然概念是基于知性立法之上的。—含有一切感性上无条件的先天实践规范之根据的那个自由概念是基于理性立法之上的。所以这两种能力除了它们按逻辑形式能应用于不论是何种来源的诸原则之外,它们每个按内容还都有自己独特的立法,在这立法之上没有别的(先天的)立法,所以这种立法就表明哲学之划分为理论哲学和实践哲学是有道理的。 The concepts of nature, which contain a priori the basis for all theoretical cognition, were found to rest on the legislation of the understanding. The concept of freedom was found to contain a priori the basis for all practical precepts that are unconditioned by the sensible, and to rest on the legislation of r eason . 自然概念包含了所有理论认知的先验基础,它是建立在 知性 立法之上的。自由的概念 先验地包含 所有实践的戒律的基础,并以理性的立法为基础。 Therefore, both these powers, apart from being applicable in terms of logical form to principles of whatever origin, have in addition a legislation of their own in terms of content which is not subject to any other (a priori) legislation, and hence this justifies the division of philosophy into theoretical and practical. 因此,这两种能力,除了在逻辑形式上适用于任何起源的原则之外,还有其本身的按内容的立法,不受任何其他(先验)立法的约束,因此,这就证明了将哲学分为理论和实践的合理性。 D 不过,在高层认识能力的家族内却还有一个 处于知性和理性之间的中间环节。 这个中间环节就是判断力,对它我们有理由按照类比来猜测,即使它不可能先天地包含自己特有的立法,但却同样可以先天地包含一条它所特有的寻求规律的原则,也许只是主观的原则:这个原则虽然不应有任何对象 领域 作为它的 领地 ,却仍可以拥有某一个基地和该基地的某种性状,对此恰好只有这条原则才会有效。 And yet the family of our higher cognitive powers also includes a mediating link between understanding and reason. This is judgment, about which we have cause to suppose, by analogy, that it too may contain a priori, if not a legislation of its own, then at least a principle of its own, perhaps a merely subjective one, by which to search for laws. 然而,我们的高级认知能力家族也包括理解和理性之间的中介联系。这是一种 判断力 ,我们有理由通过类比来假设,它也可能先验地包含一个,如果不是它自己的立法,那么至少是它自己的一个原则,也许只是一个主观的原则,通过它来寻找律法。 Even though such a principle would lack a realm of objects as its own domain, it might still have some territory ; and this territory might be of such a character that none but this very principle might hold in it. 即使这样一个原则会缺少一个对象的领域作为它自己的领地,它可能仍然有一些基地;而且这个基地可能是这样一个性质,除了这个原则,没有其他任何 可以在它里面持有。 welches, wenn ihm gleich kein Feld der Gegenstände als sein Gebiet zustände, doch irgendeinen Boden haben kann, und eine gewisse Beschaffenheit desselben, wofür gerade nur dieses Prinzip geltend sein möchte. 但这方面(按照类比来判断)还应该有一个新的根据来把判断力和我们表象能力的另一种秩序联结起来,这种 联结 * 看起来比和认识能力家族的亲缘关系的 联结 还更具重要性。因为所有的心灵能力或机能可以归结为这三种不能再从一个共同根据推导出来的机能: 认识能力、愉快和不愉快的情感和欲求能力 。 * 根据原文应为“联结”应为“秩序 ”。 相关链接 But there is also (judging by analogy) another basis, namely, for linking judgment with a different ordering of our presentational powers, a n ordering that seems even more important than the one involving judgment's kinship with the family of cognitive powers. For all of the soul's powers or capacities can be reduced to three that cannot be derived further from a common basis: the cognitive power, the feeling of pleasure and displeasure. and the power of desire. :认知能力、快乐和不快的情感以及欲望的力量。 Hierzu kommt aber noch (nach der Analogie zu urteilen) ein neuer Grund, But there is still a new reason (to judge by the analogy) die Urteilskraft mit einer anderen Ordnung unserer Vorstellungskräfte the power of judgment with another order of our imagination, in Verknüpfung zu bringen, / of linking (connect to bring), welche von noch größerer Wichtigkeit zu sein schein t, als die der Verwandtschaft mit der Familie der Erkenntnisvermögen. which seems to be of even greater importance than that of affinity with the family of cognitive faculties. Denn alle Seelenvermögen, oder Fähigkeiten, können auf die drei zurückgeführt werden, welche sich nicht ferner aus einem gemeinschaftlichen Grunde ableiten lassen: das Erkenntnisvermögen , das Gefühl der Lust und Unlust , und das Begehrungsvermögen . For all mental faculties, or abilities, can be traced back to the three, which can not be further deduce d from a common ground: the faculty of knowledge, the feeling of pleasure and pain, and the faculty of desire. M But in addition to the above considerations there is yet (to judge by analogy) a further ground, upon which judgement may be brought into line with another arrangement of our powers of representation, and one that appears to be of even greater importance than that of its kinship with the family of cognitive faculties. 但是,除了上述考虑之外,还有一个更进一步的理由(通过类比来判断),根据这个理由,判断力可能会与我们的 表象能力的另一种安排 相一致,而且这一 安排 似乎比它与认知能力家族的亲缘关系的 安排 更为重要。 For all faculties of the soul, or capacities, are reducible to three, which do not admit of any further derivation from a common ground: the faculty of knowledge, the feeling of pleasure or displeasure, and the faculty of desire . 对于认识能力来说只有知性是立法的,如果认识能力(正如它不和欲求能力相混淆而单独被考察时必定发生的情况那样)作为一种理论认识的能力而和自然发生关系的话,只有就自然(作为现象)而言 我们才有可能 通过 先天的自然概念,也就是真正的纯粹知性概念 而立法 。 The understanding alone legislates for the cognitive power when this power is referred to nature, namely, as a power of theoretical cognition, (as indeed it must be when it is considered by itself, without being confused with the power of desire); for only with respect to nature (as appearance) is it possible for us to give laws by means of a priori concepts of nature, which are actually pure concepts of the understanding . 来立法。 —对于作为按照自由概念的高级能力的欲求能力来说,只有理性 ( 只有在它里面才发生自由概念 ) 是先天立法的。 For the power of desire, considered as a higher power governed by the concept of freedom, only reason (which alone contains that concept) legislates a priori . 对于欲望的力量,被认为是受自由概念支配的更高级的能力,只有理性(单独包含了那一概念)才有先验的立法。 —现在,在认识能力和欲求能力之间所包含的是愉快的情感,正如在知性和理性之间包含判断力一样。所以至少我们暂时可以猜测, 判断力自身同样包含有一个先天原则 ,并且由于和欲求能力必然相结合着的是愉快和不愉快(不论这愉快和不愉快是像在低级欲求能力那里一样在这种能力的原则之前先行发生,还是像在高级欲求能力那里一样只是从道德律对这能力的规定中产生出来),判断力同样也将造成一个从纯粹认识能力即从自然概念的领地向自由概念的领地的过渡,正如它在逻辑的运用中使知性向理性的过渡成为可能一样。 Now between the cognitive power and the power of desire lies the feeling of pleasure, just as judgment lies between understanding and reason . 是否先于 这一能力的原则,如在较低级的欲求能力的情况下;或在较高级的能力的情况下,只有遵从 道德律对这一能力的规定), judgment will bring about a transition from the pure cognitive power, i.e., from the domain of the concepts of nature, to the domain of the concept of freedom, just as in its logical use it makes possible the transition from understanding to reason. [ 判断力才会带来从纯粹的认知能力,即从自然概念的领地到自由概念的领地的转变,正如在逻辑运用上,它使从知性到理性的转变成为可能一样。 所以,即使哲学只能划分为两个主要的部分,即理论哲学和实践哲学;即使我们关于判断力的独特原则所可能说出的一切在哲学中都必须算作理论的部分,即算作按照自然概念的理性认识;然而,必须在构筑那个体系之前为了使它可能而对这一切作出决断的这个纯粹理性批判却是由三部分组成的:纯粹知性批判,纯粹判断力批判和纯粹理性批判,这些能力之所以被称为纯粹的,是因为它们是先天地立法的。 Hence, even if philosophy can be divided into only two main parts, theoretical and practical, and even if everything we might need to say about judgment's own principles must be included in the theoretical part of philosophy, i.e., in rational cognition governed by concepts of nature , 因此,即使哲学只能分为两个主要部分,即理论部分和实践部分,即使我们可能需要就判断本身的原则所说的一切都必须包括在哲学的理论部分中,即在由自然概念支配的理性认识中, yet the critique of pure reason, which must decide all of this before we attempt to construct the mentioned system so as to inform us whether this system is possible, still consists of three parts: the critiques, respectively, of pure understanding, of pure judgment, and of pure reason, which are called pure because they legislate a priori. 但在我们试图构建上述体系以告知我们该体系是否可行之前,纯粹理性批判,必须决定这一切,纯粹理性批判仍包括三个部分:分别是纯粹知性批判、纯粹判断力的批判和纯粹理性的批判,这三个部分被称为纯粹,因为它们是先验地立法的。
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panfq 2019-3-21 08:07
德文 Begriffe, sofern sie auf Gegenstände bezogen werden, unangesehen, ob ein Erkenntnis derselben möglich sei oder nicht, haben ihr Feld, welches bloß nach dem Verhältnisse, das ihr Objekt zu unserem Erkenntnisvermögen überhaupt hat, bestimmt wird. – Der Teil dieses Feldes, worin für uns Erkenntnis möglich ist, ist ein Boden (territorium) für diese Begriffe und das dazu erforderliche Erkenntnisvermögen. Der Teil des Bodens , worauf diese gesetzgebend sind, ist das Gebiet (ditio) dieser Begriffe und der ihnen zustehenden Erkenntnisvermögen. Erfahrungsbegriffe haben also zwar ihren Boden in der Natur, als dem Inbegriffe aller Gegenstände der Sinne, aber kein Gebiet (sondern nur ihren Aufenthalt, domicilium); weil sie zwar gesetzlich erzeugt werden, aber nicht gesetzgebend sind, sondern die auf sie gegründeten Regeln empirisch, mithin zufällig, sind. Pluhar 英译 : Insofar as we refer concepts to objects without considering whether or not cognition of these objects is possible, they have their realm ; and this realm is determined merely by the relation that the object of these concepts has to our cognitive power in general. The part of this realm in which cognition is possible for us is a territory (territorium) for these concepts and the cognitive power we need for such cognition.That part of the territory over which these concepts legislate is the domain (ditio ) of these concepts and the cognitive powers pertaining to them. Hence empirical concepts do have their territory in nature, as the sum total of all objects of sense, but they have no domain in it (but only residence, domicilium); for though they are produced according to law, they do not legislate; rather, the rules that are based on them are empirical and hence contingent. Meredith 英译: Concepts, so far as they are referred to objects apart from the question of whether knowledge of them is possible or not, have their field , which is determined simply by the relation in which their object stands to our faculty of cognition in general. The part of this field in which knowledge is possible for us is a territory ( territorium .) for these concepts and the requisite cognitive faculty. The part of the territory over which they exercise legislative authority is the realm ( ditio ) of these concepts, and their appropriate cognitive faculty. Empirical concepts have, therefore, their territory , doubtless, in nature as the complex of all sensible objects, but they have no realm (only a dwelling-place, domicilium ), for, although they are formed according to law, they are not themselves legislative, but the rules founded on them are empirical and, consequently, contingent. 邓晓芒译: 概念只要与对象发生关系,不论对于这些对象的知识是否可能,它们都拥有自己的 领地 ,这个领地仅仅是依照它们的客体所具有的对我们一般认识能力的关系来规定的。——该 领地 中对我们来说可以认识的那个部分,就是对于概念和为此所需要的认识能力的一个 基地 ( territorum)。在这个 基地 上有这些概念在行使 立法的那个部分 就是这些概念和它们所该有的那些认识能力的 领地 (ditio)。所以经验概念虽然在自然中,亦即一切感官对象的总和中拥有自己的 基地 ,但却并不拥有 领地 (而只有自己的暂居地,10 domicilium):因为它们虽然合法地被产生出来,但并不是立法者,而是在它们之上所建立的规则都是 经验性的, 因而是偶然的。 宗白华译: 一些概念,当它们联系到对象上时,不管对于这些对象的认识是否可能,这些 概念具有它们的领域 ,这领域完全是按照着它们的对象对我们的全部认识能力所具有的关系而规定着的。这领域中的对我们而言认识是可能的那个部分,就是这些概念和为此所必需的认识能力的 地盘 (territorium)。这个地盘的一个部分,即这些 概念立法于其上的部分 ,就是这些概念和隶属于它们的诸认识能力的 领域 (ditio)。经验的诸概念固然在自然界里——作为感官对象的总和——有它们的 地盘 ,但没有 领域 (只有它们的居住地,domicilium):因为它们虽是 依照规律构成的 ,但自身不是立法的,在它们上面所建立的 诸法则只是经验的,因而是偶然的 。 简化比较: 原文 :.. Feld, .. Teil dieses Feldes, . ist ein Boden (territorium) .. Teil des Bodens , ist das Gebiet (ditio) dieser Begriffe.. Erfahrungsbegriffe haben also zwar ihren Boden .. aber kein Gebiet 英译 : realm , part of realm … is a territory, part of territory.. is the domain of ..concepts.., empirical concepts do have their territory ,.. have no domain 英译 2 field , part of . field .. is a territory ( territorium .) .. part of the territory .. is the realm ( ditio ) of these concepts, ..Empirical concepts have, ..their territory , …have no realm 邓译 : 领地 .. 认识的那部分 ,. .是 一个 基地 ( territorum) 。 .. 基地 上 .. 立法的那部分 .. 认识能力的 领地 (ditio) 。 .. 经验概念 .. 有自己的 基地 , 但却并不拥有 领地 .. 宗译 领域 中..那个部分,..是.. 地盘 ( territorium )。地盘的..部分,…是诸认识能力的 领域 ( ditio) 。经验的诸概念..有.. 地盘 ,但没有 领域 ... 相关链接 1 英语问答 2 “ 疆场 “ ” 地域 “ ” 领域 ” ...(Feld) ,地域 (Boden, Territorium ) , 领域 (Gebiet, Ditio ) 摘要: Feld 思辨理性的中的先天概念,也就是知性的诸范畴试图做出规定的一切可能的对象,都是它们想要去战斗的地方,也就是它们的疆场 ; 康德把一切可能的对象——经验的和超验的对象——都叫作理性的疆场,但是,它们能否在这个疆场上夺得一席之地 , 就是另一回事了。 Boden ,“土地”“地皮”,理性活动的一个合法范围。康德:超越经验的世界追求一切可能的对象的知识,这是人类理性的一个自然倾向。例如,形而上学的上帝理论与灵魂学说,就是这种努力的结果。但这种努力必定是毫无结果的,或总是会导致一些荒谬的结论。 如果“疆场” Feld 的是指可以战斗、但未必能够占领的地方,那么“地域” Boden 就是通过战斗能够占领的区域。不过,能够占领、有权在这块土地上居住,这并不同时表示能够享有这块土地的主权。 “地域” Boden 仅仅是你能够居住的地方,“领地” Gebiet 是你享有立法权的地方。康德: “ 这个地域的那个由这些概念在其上立法的部分,就是这些概念和它们该有的认识能力的领域 ” 。 就思辨理性而言,唯有知性活动与自然的诸概念在 经验世界的地域 之上,才拥有真正的立法权。 就实践理性而言,理性的活动与自由的概念在经验世界的地域之上,也拥有自己的领域与立法权。 旧形而上学滥用了人类理性的认识能力,导致了许多矛盾的结论。根据康德:知性能力凭借诸范畴对认识对象做出规定,这是我们获得知识的唯一方法。但 之前 ,知性的先天概念的合法应用范围,从未得到严肃的考察。 根据《第一批判》:思辨理性的合法应用范围,仅限于一切可能经验的对象。因为,知性中的先天概念,是在对一般的经验知识的可能性根据的追溯中获知的,它们的合法应用标志也仅限于此。至于超验的对象,知性的诸范畴在那里没有应用的标志。因此,思辨理性的“地域”只能在可能经验的世界。康德所言:“哲学的领域建立于其上和哲学的立法施行于其上的这个地域,却永远只是一切可能经验的对象之总和,只要这些对象仅仅被当作纯然的显象; .. ” 同理,实践理性的合法范围,其实也仅限于经验的世界。 *** D 我们全部认识能力有两个 领地 ,即 自然概念的领地和自由概念的领地 ;因为认识能力是通过这两者而 先天地立法 的。现在,哲学也据此而分为 理论哲学和实践哲学。 但哲学的 领地 建立于其上且哲学的立法施行于其上的 这个 基地 却永远只是一切可能经验的对象的总和,只要这些对象不被看作别的、只被看作单纯的现象;因为否则 知性 对于这些对象的立法就是不可思议的。 P: Our cognitive power as a whole has two domains , that of the concepts of nature and that of the concept of freedom, because it legislates a priori by means of both kinds of concept. Now philosophy too divides, according to these legislations, into theoretical and practical. And yet the territory 基地on which its domain 领地 is set up and on which it exercises its legislation is still always confined to the sum total of the objects of all possible experience, insofar as they are considered nothing more than mere appearances , since otherwise it would be inconceivable that the understanding could legislate with regard to them. Unser gesamtes Erkenntnisvermögen hat zwei Gebiete , das der Naturbegriffe , und das des Freiheitsbegriffs ; denn durch beide ist es a priori gesetzgebend. Die Philosophie teilt sich nun auch, diesem gemäß, in die theoretische und die praktische. Aber der Boden , auf welchem ihr Gebiet errichtet, und ihre Gesetzgebung ausgeübt wird, ist immer doch nur der Inbegriff der Gegenstände aller möglichen Erfahrung, sofern sie für nichts mehr als bloße Erscheinungen genommen werden; denn ohnedas würde keine Gesetzgebung des Verstandes in Ansehung derselben gedacht werden können. for without it no legislation of the understanding could be thought of in regard to them (the same) . M : Our entire faculty of cognition has two realms , that of natural concepts and that of the concept of freedom, for through both it prescribes laws a priori . In accordance with this distinction, then, philosophy is divisible into theoretical and practical . But the territory upon which its realm is established, and over which it exercises its legislative authority, is still always confined to the complex of the objects of all possible experience, taken as no more than mere phenomena, for otherwise legislation by the understanding in respect of them is unthinkable. D 通过自然概念来立法是由知性进行的并且是理论性的。通过自由概念来立法是由理性造成的并且只是实践性的。不过只有在实践中理性才是立法性的;在理论认识(自然知识)方面它只能(作为凭借知性而精通法律地)从给予的规律中通过推理而引出结论来,而这些结论终归永远只是停留在自然界那里的。 但反之,如果规则是实践的,理性却并不因而立刻就是 立法的 ,因为这些规则也可能是技术上实践的。 P Legislation through concepts of nature is performed by the understanding and is theoretical. Legislation through the concept of freedom is performed by reason and is merely practical. Only in the practical sphere can reason legislate; with regard to theoretical cognition (of nature), all it can do (given the familiarity with laws that it has attained by means of the understanding) is to use given laws to infer consequences from them, which however remain always within nature. But the reverse does not hold: if rules are practical, that does not yet make reason legislative , since they might only be technically practical. K Die Gesetzgebung durch Naturbegriffe geschieht durch den Verstand, und ist theoretisch. Die Gesetzgebung durch den Freiheitsbegriff geschieht von der Vernunft, und ist bloß praktisch. Nur allein im Praktischen kann die Vernunft gesetzgebend sein; in Ansehung des theoretischen Erkenntnisses (der Natur) kann sie nur (als gesetzkundig, vermittelst des Verstandes) aus gegebenen Gesetzen durch Schlüsse Folgerungen ziehen, die doch immer nur bei der Natur stehen bleiben. Umgekehrt aber, wo Regeln praktisch sind, ist die Vernunft nicht darum sofort gesetzgebend , weil sie auch technisch-praktisch sein können. 因此,理性和知性对于同一个经验的 基地 拥有两种各不相同的立法,而不允许一方损害另一方。因为自然概念对于通过自由概念的立法没有影响,正如自由概念也不干扰自然的立法一样。这两种立法及属于它们的那些能力在同一个主体中的共存至少可以无矛盾地被思维,这种 可能性 是《纯粹理性批判》通过 揭示 反对理由中的 辩证幻相 而摧毁这些反对理由时所证明了的。 P Hence understanding and reason have two different legislations on one and the same territory of experien ce. Yet neither of these legislations is to interfere with the other. For just as the concept of nature has no influence on the legislation through the concept of freedom, so the latter does not interfere with the legislation of nature. That it is possible at least to think, without contradiction, of these two legislations and the powers per taining to t hem as coexisting in the same subject was proved by the Critique of Pure Reason, for it exposed the dialectical illusion in the objections against this possibility and thus destroyed them 因为它揭示了反对这种可能性的辩证错觉,从而摧毁了它们。 indem sie die Einwürfe dawider durch Aufdeckung des dialektischen Scheins in denselben vernichtete . By (destroying) the objections ( against it ) by exposing the dialectic appearance to them ( the same ). M ...That it is possible for us at least to think without contradiction of both these jurisdictions, and their appropriate faculties, as co-existing in the same subject, was shown by the Critique of Pure Reason , since it disposed of the objections on the other side by detecting their dialectical illusion. 因为它通过检测对方的辩证错觉来处置对方的异议。 但这两个 领地 虽然并不在它们的立法中 , 却毕竟在感官世界里它们的效果中不停地牵制着 , 不能构成为 一体 , 这是因为 : 自然概念虽然在直观中设想它的对象 , 但不是作为自在之物本身 , 而只是作为现象 ,.. P Now although these two different domains do not restrict each other in their legislation, they do restrict each other incessantly in the effects that their legislation has in the world of sense . Why do these two domains not form one domain? This is because the concept of nature does indeed allow us to present its objects in intuition, but as mere appearances rather than as things in themselves , whereas the concept of freedom does indeed allow us to present its object as a thing in itself, but not in intuition; and so neither concept can provide us with theoretical cognition of its object (or even of the thinking subject) as things in themselves, which would be the supersensible. .. K Aber, daß diese zwei verschiedenen Gebiete, die sich zwar nicht in ihrer Gesetzgebung, aber doch in ihren Wirkungen in der Sinnenwelt unaufhörlich einschränken, nicht eines ausmachen, kommt daher: daß der Naturbegriff zwar seine Gegenstände in der Anschauung, aber nicht als Dinge an sich selbst, sondern als bloße Erscheinungen, der Freiheitsbegriff dagegen in seinem Objekte zwar ein Ding an sich selbst, aber nicht in der Anschauung vorstellig machen, ... D 因此对于我们的全部认识能力来说,有一个无限制的、但也是不可接近的领域,这就是超感官之物的领域 Feld, 在那里我们不能为自己找到任何 基地 territory-Boden ,因而在上而既不能为知性概念也不能为理性概念拥有一块用于理论认识的 领地 domain/Gebiet ;这个 领域 我们虽 然必须为了理性的理论运用以及实践运用而以理念去占领,但对这些理念我们在与出自自由概念的规律的关系中所能提供的无非是实践的实在性,所以我们的理论知识丝毫也不能由此而扩展到超感官之物上去。 P Hence there is a realm that is unbounded, but that is also inaccessible to our entire cognitive power: the realm of the supersensible. In this realm we cannot find for ourselves a territory on which to set up a domain of theoretical cognition, whether for the concepts of the understanding or for those of reason. It is a realm that we must indeed occupy with ideas that will assist us in both the theoretical and the practical use of reason; but the only reality we can provide for these ideas, by reference to the laws from the concept of freedom, is practical reality, which consequently does not in the least expand our theoretical cognition to the supersensible. K Es gibt also ein unbegrenztes, aber auch unzugängliches Feld für unser gesamtes Erkenntnisvermögen, nämlich das Feld des übersinnlichen, worin wir keinen Boden für uns finden, also auf demselben weder für die Verstandes- noch Vernunftbegriffe ein Gebiet zum theoretischen Erkenntnis haben können; ein Feld, welches wir zwar zum Behuf des theoretischen sowohl als praktischen Gebrauchs der Vernunft mit Ideen besetzen müssen, denen wir aber in Beziehung auf die Gesetze aus dem Freiheitsbegriffe, keine andere als praktische Realität verschaffen können, wodurch demnach unser theoretisches Erkenntnis nicht im mindesten zu dem übersinnlichen erweitert wird. p11 ..在高层认识能力的家族内却还有一个 处于知性和理性之间的中间环节。 这个中间环节就是判断力,对它我们有理由按照类比来猜测,即使它不可能先天地包含自己特有的立法,但却同样可以先天地包含一条它所特有的寻求规律的原则,也许只是主观的原则:这个原则虽然不应有任何对象 领域 作为它的 领地 ,却仍可以拥有某一个 基地 和该基地的某种性状,对此恰好只有这条原则才会有效。 P And yet the family of our higher cognitive powers also includes a mediating link between understanding and reason. This is judgment, about which we have cause to suppose, by analogy, that it too may contain a priori, if not a legislation of its own, then at least a principle of its own, perhaps a merely subjective one, by which to search for laws. Even though such a principle would lack a realm of objects as its own domain, it might still have some territory ; and this territory might be of such a character that none but this very principle might hold in it. ..welches, wenn ihm gleich kein Feld der Gegenstände als sein Gebiet zustände, doch irgendeinen Boden haben kann, und eine gewisse Beschaffenheit desselben, wofür gerade nur dieses Prinzip geltend sein möchte. 相关链接 判断力批判/哲学的划分 The Critique of Judgment /Preface 康德 形而上学导论 实践理性批判 定理 纯粹的知性概念 范畴表 相关原理 纯粹知性概念的先验演绎 康德之“先天”、“先验”与“超验” 实践理性批判 序言 纯粹理性批判 第二版序 康德 理性批判要点 纯粹理性批判中一段重要论述的翻译
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panfq 2019-3-10 09:09
今早又读了一段康德。每当中文译文费解,就找来费解的原文再读一遍。粘贴此处,以备他日再读起来链接方便。 汉英德语言对比学习:判断力批判/导言/哲学的划分: 导言 Ⅰ. 哲学的划分 如果我们就哲学 凭借概念而包含有事物 的理性认识的诸原则(而不单是像逻辑学那样不对客体作区别而包含有 一般思维形式的诸原则 )而言,把哲学像通常那样划分为 理论哲学和实践哲学 ,那么我们做得完全对。但这样一来, 为这个理性认识的诸原则指定了它们的客体的那些概念必定是特别各不相同的 ,因为否则它们将没有理由作出划分,划分总是以属于一门科学的各个不同部分的那些理性知识之诸原则的某种对立为前提的。 Wenn man die Philosophie, sofern sie Prinzipien der Vernunfterkenntnis der Dinge 如果我们就哲学 包含凭借概念而对事物的理性认识 的诸原则 If you have the philosophy, provided they have principles of reasoning of things (nicht bloß, wie die Logik, Prinzipien der Form des Denkens überhaupt, (not merely, like logic, principles of the form of thinking in general, (而不单是像逻辑学那样不对客体作区别而包含有 一般思维形式的诸原则 )而言, ohne Unterschied der Objekte) durch Begriffe / enthält, without distinction of objects) through concepts, contains wie gewöhnlich in die theoretische und praktische einteilt: so verfährt man ganz recht. as usual divided into the theoretical and practical: so one proceeds quite right. 把哲学像通常那样划分为 理论哲学和实践哲学 ,那么我们做得完全对。 Aber alsdann müssen auch die Begriffe, welche den Prinzipiens dieser Vernunfterkenntnisihr Objekt anweisen, spezifisch verschieden sein, But then also the concepts which instruct the object of the principles of this knowledge of reasonmust be specifically different, 但这样一来, 为这个理性认识的诸原则指定了它们的客体的那些概念必定是特别各不相同的, weil sie sonst zu keiner Einteilung berechtigen würden, because otherwise they would not qualify for classification 因为否则它们将没有理由作出划分, welche jederzeit eine Entgegensetzung der Prinzipien, which at any time an opposition of the principles, der zu den verschiedenen Teilen einer Wissenschaft gehörigenVernunfterkenntnis, voraussetzt. which to the different parts of a science belongingthe knowledge of reason presupposes 划分总是 以 属于一门科学的各个不同部分的那些理性知识之诸原则的某种对立 为前提的。 Pluhar 翻译 : Insofar as philosophy contains principles for the rational cognition of things through concepts (and not merely, as logic does, principles of the form of thought in general without distinction of objects 13 ), it is usually divided into theoretical and practical. That division is entirely correct, provided there is also a difference in kind between the concepts that assign to 分配给 / 归因于 the principles of this rational cognition their respective objects: otherwise the concepts would not justify a division, since a division presupposes that the principles of the rational cognition pertaining to the different parts of a science are opposed to one another. 他译: Philosophy may be said to contain the principles of the rational cognition that concepts afford us of things (not merely, as with logic, the principles of the form of thought in general irrespective of the objects), and, thus interpreted, the course 过程 , usually adopted, of dividing it into theoretical and practical is perfectly sound. But this makes imperative a specific distinction on the part of the concepts by which the principles of this rational cognition get their object assigned to them, 这就必须对概念部分作出具体的区分,通过这些概念 理性认识的原则得到了分配给他们的客体 / 对象, for if the concepts are not distinct they fail to justify a division, which always presupposes that the principles belonging to the rational cognition of the several parts of the science in question are themselves mutually exclusive. 因为如果概念不明确,它们就不能证明一种划分是正当的,这种划分总是假定 属于所讨论科学的几个部分的理性认识的原则 本身是相互排斥的。 / 但是,只有两类概念,是容许它们的对象的可能性有正好两种各不相同的原则的:这就是 自然诸概念和自由概念 。既然前者使按照先天原则的某种 理论知识 成为可能,后者却在这些理论知识方面在其概念本身中就已经只具有某种否定的原则(单纯对立的原则),相反,对于意志的规定则建立起扩展性的原理,这些原理因而叫作 实践的原理 :所以,哲学被划分为在原则上完全不同的两个部分,即作为 自然哲学 的理论部分和作为 道德哲学 的实践部分(因为理性根据自由概念所作的实践立法就是这样被称呼的),这是有道理的。 Pluhar: There are, however, only two kinds of concepts, which : so wird die Philosophie in zwei, which, therefore, are called practical: thus is the philosophy divided into two, den Prinzipien nach ganz verschiedene, Teile, in die theoretische als Naturphilosophie , und die praktische als Moralphilosophie (denn so wird die praktische Gesetzgebung der Vernunft (for then the practical legislation of reason is named nach dem Freiheitsbegriffe genannt) mit Recht eingeteilt. after the concept of freedom) rightly divided. 所以,哲学被划分为在原则上完全不同的两个部分.即作为自然哲学的理论部分和作为道德哲学的实践部分(因为理性根据自由概念所作的实践立法就是这样被称呼的),这是有道理的。 但迄今为止,在以这些术语来划分不同的原则、又以这些原则来划分哲学方面,流行着一种很大的误用: 由于人们把按照自然概念的实践和按照自由概念的实践等同起来,这样就在理论哲学和实践哲学这些相同的名称下进行了一种划分, 通过这种划分事实上什么也没有划分出来(因为这两部分可以拥有同一些原则)。 In the past, however, these terms have been badly misused for dividing the different principles and along with them philosophy. For no distinction was made between the practical governed by concepts of nature and the practical governed by the concept of freedom , with the result that the same terms, theoretical and practical philosophy, were used to make a division that in fact did not divide anything (since the two parts might have the same kind of principles). // Hitherto, however, in the application of these expressions to the division of the different principles, and with them to the division of philosophy, a gross misuse of the terms has prevailed; for what is practical according to concepts of nature has been taken as identical with what is practical according to the concept of freedom, with the result that a division has been made under these heads of theoretical and practical, by which, in effect, there has been no division at all (seeing that both parts might have similar principles). 所以意志,作为欲求的能力,它是尘世间好些自然原因之一,就是说,它是那种 按照概念起作用的原因 ;而一切被设想为通过意志而成为可能(或必然)的东西,就叫作实践上可能(或必然)的,以与某个结果的自然的可能性或必然性区别开来,后者的原因不是通过概念(而是像在无生命的物质那里通过机械作用,在动物那里通过本能) 而被规定为原因性的 ——而现在,就实践而言在这里还没有规定, 那赋予意志的原因性以规则 的概念是一个自然概念,还是个自由概念。 The will—for this is what is said—is the faculty of desire 欲望的能力 and, as such, is just one of the many natural causes in the world, the one, namely, which acts by concepts; 通过概念来行动的; and whatever is represented as possible (or necessary) through the efficacy of will 意志的效力来表现 is called practically possible (or necessary ): the intention being to distinguish its possibility (or necessity) from the physical possibility or necessity of an effect 某种效应的物理可能性或必然性 /the causality of whose cause is not determined to its production by concepts (but rather, as with lifeless matter, by mechanism, and, as with the lower animals, by instinct). Now, the question in respect of the practical faculty 关于实践能力的问题是 : whether, that is to say, the concept, by which the causality of the will gets its rule, is a concept of nature or of freedom, is here left quite open. 也就是说,意志的因果关系藉此得到其规则的概念,是自然的概念还是自由的概念,在这里是完全开放的。 Der Wille, als Begehrungsvermögen, ist nämlich eine von den mancherlei Naturursachen in der Welt, nämlich diejenige, welche nach Begriffen wirkt; The will, as faculty of desire, is in fact one of the many causes of nature in the world, namely, that which works according to concepts; und alles, was als durch einen Willen möglich (oder notwendig) vorgestellt wird, heißt praktisch-möglich (oder notwendig): and everything ,what as ,by a will as possible (or necessary) is presented , called practical-possible (or necessary): zum Unterschiede von der physischen Möglichkeit oder Notwendigkeit einer Wirkung , to the difference of the physical possibility or necessity of an effect, wozu die Ursache nicht durch Begriffe (sondern, wie bei der leblosen Materie, durch Mechanism, und bei Tieren, durch Instinkt) zur Kausalität bestimmt wird. for which the cause is determined not by concepts (but, as in inanimate matter, by mechanism, and by animals, by instinct) to causality. – Hier wird nun in Ansehung des Praktischen unbestimmt gelassen: Here, with regard to the practical, it is left indefinitely: ob der Begriff, der der Kausalität des Willens die Regel gibt, ein Naturbegriff, oder ein Freiheitsbegriff sei. whether the concept, which gives the rule to the causality of the will, is a concept of nature, or a concept of freedom. Pluhar: For the will, as the power of desire, is one of the many natural causes in the world, namely, the one that acts in accordance with concepts; and whatever we think of as possible (or necessary) through a will we call practically possible (or necessary), as distinguished from the physical possibility or necessity of an effect whose cause is not determined to its causality through concepts (but through mechanism, as in the case of lifeless matter, or through instinct, as in the case of animals). It is here, concerning the practical, that people leave it undetermined whether the concept that gives the rule to the will's causality is a concept of nature or a concept of freedom. 在这里,关于实践,人们不确定 赋予意志因果关系以规则的概念是自然概念还是自由概念。 但辨明后面这点是根本性的。因为如果规定这原因性的概念是一个自然概念,那么这些原则就是 技术上实践的; 但如果它是一个自由概念,那么这些原则就是 道德上实践的 ;而由于在对理性科学的划分中完全取决于 那些需要不同原则来认识的对象 的差异性,所以前一类原则就属于 理论哲学 (作为自然学说),后一类则完全独立地构成第二部分,也就是(作为道德学说的)实践哲学。 Yet this distinction is essential. For if the concept that determines the causality is a concept of nature, then the principles will be technically * practical; but if it is a concept of freedom , then the principles will be morally practical. And since the division of a rational science depends entirely on that difference between the respective objects which requires different principles for cognition, the technically practical principles will belong to theoretical philosophy (natural science , while the morally practical ones alone will form the second part, practical philosophy (moral theory ). * Der letztere Unterschied aber ist wesentlich. Denn, ist der die Kausalität bestimmende Begriff ein Naturbegriff, so sind die Prinzipien technisch-praktisch ; ist er aber ein Freiheitsbegriff, so sind diese moralisch-praktisch : und weil es in der Einteilung einer Vernunftwissenschaft gänzlich auf diejenige Verschiedenheit der Gegenstände ankommt, deren Erkenntnis verschiedener Prinzipien bedarf, so werden die ersteren zur theoretischen Philosophie (als Natur lehre) gehören, die andern aber ganz allein den zweiten Teil, nämlich (als Sittenlehre) die praktische Philosophie, ausmachen. 一切技术上实践的规则(亦即艺术和一般熟练技巧的规则,或者也有作为对人和人的意志施加影响的熟练技巧的明智的规则),就其原则是基于概念的而言,也必须只被算作对理论哲学的补充。因为它们只涉及到按照自然概念的物的可能性, 属于自然概念的 不只是在自然界中可以为此找到的 手段 ,而且甚至有 意志 (作为欲求能力、因而作为自然能力),就其可以按照那种规则被自然冲动所规定而言。 All technically practical rules (i.e., those of art and of skill in general, or for that matter of prudence, i.e., skill in influencing people's volition), insofar as their principles rest on concepts, must be included only in theoretical philosophy, as corollaries.For they concern nothing but the possibility of things according to concepts of nature; and this includes not only the means we find in nature for producing them, but even the will (as power of desire and hence as a natural power ), as far as it can be determined, in conformity with the mentioned rules, by natural incentives. Ⅱ . 一般哲学的领地 Ⅲ . 判断力的批判作为把哲学的这两部分结合为一个整体的手段 Ⅳ . 判断力,作为一种先天立法能力 Ⅴ . 自然的形式的合目的性原则是判断力的一个先验原则 Ⅵ . 愉快的情感和自然合目的性概念的联结 Ⅶ . 自然的合目的性的审美表象 Ⅷ . 自然合目的性的逻辑表象 Ⅸ . 知性和理性的各种立法通过判断力而联结部分 相关链接: The Critique of Judgment /Preface 康德 形而上学导论 实践理性批判 定理 纯粹的知性概念 范畴表 相关原理 纯粹知性概念的先验演绎 康德之“先天”、“先验”与“超验” 实践理性批判 序言 纯粹理性批判 第二版序 康德 理性批判要点 纯粹理性批判中一段重要论述的翻译
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The Critique of Judgment /Preface
panfq 2019-3-9 12:56
今早又读了一段康德。每当中文译文费解,就找来费解的原文再读一遍。 The Critique of Judgment , Preface to the First Edition 1790 English 2 German * 我们可以把出自先天原则的认识能力称之为 纯粹理性 ,而把对它的可能性和界限所作的一般研究称之为纯粹理性批判: /The faculty of knowledge from a priori principles may be called pure reason , and the general investigation into its possibility and bounds the Critique of Pure Reason . Man kann das Vermögen der Erkenntnis aus Prinzipien a priori die reine Vernunft , und die Untersuchung der Möglichkeit und Grenzen derselben überhaupt die Kritik der reinen Vernunft nennen: * 尽管我们所理解的这种能力只是在 其理论运用中的理性 ,如同在第一部著作中也已经以那种命名出现过的那样,那时还没有打算把 理性能力作为实践理性 并按照其特殊原则来加以研究。 This is permissible although “pure reason ,” as was the case with the same use of terms in our first work, is only intended to denote reason in its theoretical employment , and although there is no desire to bring under review its faculty as practical reason and its special principles as such. /ob man gleich unter diesem Vermögen nur die Vernunft in ihrem theoretischen Gebrauche versteht, wie es auch in dem ersten Werke unter jener Benennung geschehen ist, ohne noch ihr Vermögen, als praktische Vernunft, nach ihren besonderen Prinzipien in Untersuchung ziehen zu wollen. * 于是那种批判就只是指向我们先天地认识事物的能力,所以只是讨论 认识能力 ,而排除愉快和不愉快的情感和欲求能力;而在诸认识能力中则根据其先天原则来讨论 知性, 而排除(作为同属于理论认识的能力的) 判断力和理性 ,因为在这一进程中的情况是, 除了知性以外,任何别的认识能力都不可能提供出构成性的先天认识原则 。 That Critique is, then, an investigation addressed simply to our faculty of knowing things a priori . Hence it makes our cognitive faculties its sole concern, to the exclusion of the feeling of pleasure or displeasure and the faculty of desire; and among the cognitive faculties it confines its attention to understanding and its a priori principles , to the exclusion of judgement and reason , (faculties that also belong to theoretical cognition,) because it turns out in the sequel that there is no cognitive faculty other than understanding capable of affording constitutive a priori principles of knowledge. // Jene geht alsdann bloß auf unser Vermögen, Dinge a priori zu erkennen; That goes then just to our ability things a priori to know 于是那种批判就只是指向我们先天地认识事物的能力 und beschäftigt sich also nur mit dem Erkenntnisvermögen , mit Ausschließung and deals so only with the cognitive faculty, with the exclusion of des Gefühls der Lust und Unlust und des Begehrungsvermögens; und unter t he feeling of pleasure and displeasure and desiring ability; and under den Erkenntnisvermögen mit dem Verstande nach seinen Prinzipien a priori, the cognitive faculty with the understanding according to its principles a priori, 而在诸认识能力中则根据其先天原则来讨论 知性, mit Ausschließung der Urteilskraft und der Vernunft (als zum theoretischen Erkenntnis gleichfalls gehöriger Vermögen), 而排除(作为同属于理论认识的能力的) 判断力和理性 , weil es sich in dem Fortgange findet, daß kein anderes Erkenntnisvermögen, because it finds itself in the progression, that no other cognitive faculty , 因为在这一进程中的情况是, 除了知性以外,任何别的认识能力都不可能提供出构成性的先天认识原则 。 als der Verstand, konstitutive Erkenntnisprinzipien a priori an die Hand geben kann. as the understanding, can provide constitutive principles of cognition a priori. * 所以这个批判 按照其他每一种能力或许会自以为出于自己的根芽而在知识的现金资产中 所拥有的份额,对所有这些能力加以 审查 ,它没有剩下别的,只有 知性 先天地作为对自然、即诸现象的总和(这些现象的形式同样也是先天被给予的)的规律而制定的东西; Accordingly the critique which sifts 筛 / 细查 these faculties one and all, so as to try the possible claims of each of the other faculties to a share in the clear possession of knowledge from roots of its own, retains nothing but what understanding prescribes a priori as a law for nature as the complex of phenomena—the form of these being similarly furnished a priori . 以便其他各能力 在从其自身的根源 清楚地拥有知识中,尝试对一份额的可能要求, 只保留了知性先验地为自然(作为现象的复杂性——这些存在的形式同样被先验地提供)规定法则。 Die Kritik also, welche sie insgesamt, nach dem Anteile den jedes der anderen The criticism, therefore, which, on the whole, to the share each one of the other an dem baren Besitz der Erkenntnis aus eigener Wurzel zu haben vorgeben möchte, at the bare possession of knowledge, from own root would like to pretend to have sichtet, läßt nichts übrig , als was der Verstand a priori als Gesetz für die Natur, sifts, leaves nothing to it, except what the intellect a priori as law for nature, als den Inbegriff von Erscheinungen (deren Form eben sowohl a priori gegeben ist), vorschreibt; as the epitome 缩影 of phenomena (whose form is given both a priori) , prescribes * 但这个批判使所有其他的纯粹概念都听从理念的指点,这些理念对于我们的理论认识能力来说是言过其实的,但却或许并不是无用的和可以缺少的,而是用作调节性的原则: All other pure concepts it relegates 降级 / 转移 to the rank 行列 of ideas, which for our faculty of theoretical cognition are transcendent 超越性的 ; though they are not without their use nor redundant, but discharge certain functions as regulative principles . 虽然它们并非没有用途,也不是多余的,而是作为调节性原则履行某些功能。 / verweisen 逐出;指引指导 verweiset aber alle andere reine Begriffe unter die Ideen, but refers /all other pure concepts under the ideas, die für unser theoretisches Erkenntnisvermögen überschwenglich, those for our theoretical knowledge / 超亮,热情奔放 dabei aber doch nicht etwa unnütz oder entbehrlich sind, but not useless or expendable, sondern als regulative Prinzipien dienen: but serve as regulative principles: 一方面抑制知性的这种令人担忧的僭妄,好像它(由于它能够先天地定出它所能认识的一切事物的可能性条件)由此就把任何一般物的可能性也包括在这个界限内了似的;另方面在考察自然界时 按照一条知性永远也达不到的 完整性原则 来引导知性本身,并由此来促进一切知识的最终意图。 For these concepts serve partly to restrain the officious 过分殷勤的 pretentions 自负 of understanding, which, presuming on its ability to supply a priori the conditions of the possibility of all things which it is capable of knowing, 它假定有能力先验地提供它所能知道的一切事物的可能性的条件 behaves as if it had thus determined these bounds as those of the possibility of all things generally, ,其行为就好像它已经这样确定了这些界限,这些界限是所有一般事物的可能性的界限, and partly also to lead understanding, in its study of nature, according to a principle of completeness, unattainable as this remains for it, and so to promote the ultimate aim of all knowledge. 另一方面在其研究自然的过程中,根据完整性的原则,虽然这仍然是不可能实现的,引导知性,从而促进所有知识的最终目标。 teils die besorglichen Anmaßungen des Verstandes, partly the caring presumptions of the understanding, als ob er (indem er a priori die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit aller Dinge, as if it (by a priori giving the conditions of possibility of all things, die er erkennen kann, anzugeben vermag) dadurch auch die Möglichkeit which it can recognize, can indicate/specify) thereby also the possibility aller Dinge überhaupt in diesen Grenzen beschlossen habe, zurückzuhalten, of all things anyway within those limits, have decided to ,restrain, teils um ihn selbst in der Betrachtung der Natur nach einem Prinzip der Vollständigkeit, partly about itself in the consideration of nature according to a principle of completeness, wiewohl er sie nie erreichen kann, zu leiten, although it can never reach (her),to lead, und dadurch die Endabsicht alles Erkenntnisses zu befördern. and thereby to promote the ultimate purpose of all knowledge. 所以真正说来是 知性 ,就其含有先天的构成性认识原则而言,作为拥有,也就是在 认识能力 中 拥有它自己的领地 的知性,本应当通过一般地这样称呼的纯粹理性批判而在所有其他有资格的能力面前确保自己独占的财产。 Properly, therefore, it was understanding -which, so far as it contains constitutive a priori cognitive principles, has its special realm, and one, moreover, in our faculty of knowledge --that the Critique, called in a general way that of pure reason was intended to establish in secure but particular possession against all other competitors. Es war also eigentlich der Verstand , der sein eigenes Gebiet und zwar im Erkenntnisvermögen hat, It was, therefore, really the understanding that has its own field, and indeed in the faculty of knowledge, sofern er konstitutive Erkenntnisprinzipien a priori enthält, insofar as it contains a priori constitutive principles of knowledge, welcher durch die im allgemeinen so benannte Kritik der reinen Vernunft which, by the generally so-called criticism of pure reason, gegen alle übrige Kompetenten in sicheren alleinigen Besitz gesetzt werden sollte. / against all other competent in secure sole possession should be placed * 同样,仅仅只在 欲求能力 方面包含有 先天构成性原则的那种 理性 ,它的财产已在实践理性批判中被分得了。 In the same way reason, which contains constitutive a priori principles solely in respect of the faculty of desire , gets its holding assigned to it by The Critique of Practical Reason . / Eben so ist der Vernunft , welche nirgend als lediglich in Ansehung Just so is the reason, which is nowhere as only in respect des Begehrungsvermögens konstitutive Prinzipien a priori enthält, of the faculty of desire contains constitutive principles a priori, in der Kritik der praktischen Vernunft ihr Besitz angewiesen worden. in the critique of practical reason its possession instructed been.  * 那么,在我们认识能力的秩序中,在知性和理性之间构成一个中介环节的 判断力 ,是否也有自己的先天原则;这些先天原则是 构成性的还是仅仅调节性的 (因而表明没有任何自己的领地),并且它是否会 把规则先天地赋予 作为 认识能力和欲求能力 之间的中介环节的愉快和不愉快的情感(正如同 知性 对认识能力、理性对欲求能力 先天地制定规律 那样):这些正是目前的这个判断力的批判所要讨论的。 But now comes judgement , which in the order of our cognitive faculties forms a middle term between understanding and reason. Has it also got independent a priori principles? If so, are they constitutive , or are they merely regulative, thus indicating no special realm? And do they give a rule a priori to the feeling of pleasure and displeasure, as the middle term between the faculties of cognition and desire, just as understanding prescribes laws a priori for the former and reason for the latter? This is the topic to which the present Critique is devoted./ Ob nun die Urteilskraft , die in der Ordnung unserer Erkenntnisvermögen zwischen dem Verstande und der Vernunft ein Mittelglied ausmacht, auch für sich Prinzipien a priori habe; ob diese konstitutiv oder bloß regulativ sind (und also kein eigenes Gebiet beweisen), und ob sie dem Gefühle der Lust und Unlust, als dem Mittelgliede zwischen dem Erkenntnisvermögen und Begehrungsvermögen (eben so wie der Verstand dem ersteren, die Vernunft aber dem letzteren a priori Gesetze vorschreibend/p rescribe), a priori die Regel gebe: das ist es, womit sich gegenwärtige Kritik der Urteilskraft beschäftigt .
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