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热度 7 jiasf 2019-6-5 12:35
我在6月1日发了博客 “真正交钱就能当的“院士”——欧盟科学院院士”,发之前虽然也想到可能会引起争论,但还是没料到会引起如此大的震动。有朋友要我删除博客、消除影响,甚至提出要采用法律手段。 首先,我要澄清一点:此博文只是叙述我个人的经历,并没有涉及其他任何人,更没有那些已经加入欧盟科学院的人士是花钱买院士的任何隐义!我知道他们受到邀请的过程跟我一样,是受到邀请才加入的,并不是自己主动交钱加入的,不同之处只是我不过选择放弃而已!而且客观而言,那些受到邀请的人士都在各自专业有所成就,明显看出也是经过挑选的!对因此受到困惑的各位朋友表示歉意! 其次,关于欧盟科学院院士是否权威、是否有欺诈这件事到底应该怎么看?最核心的还是要弄清楚一些事实,最关键的有两点:是否是欧盟官方的科学院?那些列名的诺贝尔奖获得者是否真是他们的董事会成员?是否真参加了新院士的评审?关于第一点,我们在欧盟官方查不到任何有关欧盟科学院的信息,而且大家公认的欧洲的权威科学院是欧洲科学院。关于第二点,除了前面的博文中披露的 2016年诺贝尔奖得主 Sir Fraser Stoddart的否认之外,前两天还收到了另外两位诺贝尔奖得主的回复: Same here. He has written to me many times but I never responded. I am not aware of any EU recognition for his Academy. I agree naming us he is committing a fraud. The only Europe-wide Academy with recognition as far as I am aware is the Academia Europea. Decile his invitation! Best wishes Christopher Pissarides Sent from my iPhone On 3 Jun 2019, at 20:10, Randy Schekman schekman@berkeley.edu wrote: Dear Shaofeng, This is a fraud. I never agreed to join this organization, let alone to be listed as a Governor in the Division of Medicine! Ladopolos continues to issue these invitations in spite of repeated requests to cease and desist. Sorry, Randy Schekman 目前,至少已经有三个诺贝尔奖得主明确否认了他们与欧盟科学院的联系,并明确指出这就是“欺诈(fraud)”。 第三,如果明确欧盟科学院的欺诈行为,那些已经加入欧盟科学院的人士就是受欺骗者!我觉得这也已经是明摆的事实了。要明确他们受害者的定位,不能因为他们受骗加入就认为他们有过错!这一点希望诸位智者能够明察! 第四,我不过无意中看到骗子的欺骗手段、指出他是骗子的事实而已。那些已经受骗的人,不能因为我指出受骗的事实而怨恨我、反而要跟骗人者一起合伙对付我吧?我想我们应该一起对付骗子才对!果如此,善莫大焉!
个人分类: 社会观察|12014 次阅读|15 个评论
热度 4 jiasf 2019-6-1 15:17
前几天收到一个来自自称 Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos的 邮件,邀请我加入欧盟科学院EU Academy of Sciences,说如果我回复同意就可以给我寄院士证书。不由得有点奇怪—— 哈哈,天上掉馅品了! 这么容易就能当上院士? 上网查了一下,倒是找到了他们的网站, http://www.interpaper.org ,但一看就有点邪乎,是一个叫什么Interpaper Research Organization组织的网站,挂有EU Academy of Sciences的说明,但找不到章程、院士名录和院士介绍。虽然他们的网站列出的董事会成员(Board of Governors)除了 Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos 都是诺贝尔奖获得者,虽然网上也有一些某某当选欧盟科学院院士的新闻,但还是一下子就感觉这是一个非正规科学院! 于是写了一个回复,问他们都有哪些人是他们的院士?如何选的?按我的成绩是否达到与他们同列的水平?是否需要缴费? 很快就得到了 Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos的回复,为了不失原意,把原文贴在这里: Dear Professor Jia, Thank you for your interest to join the EU Academy of Sciences ( EUAS ). The election was done through President’s Council consisting of the following Board of Governors: Board of Governors in the Division of Engineering and Physics: Professor E.G. Ladopoulos (2000 Outstanding Scientists 20th-21st Centuries), Professor G. Mourou (Nobel Physics 2018) and Professor G. Smoot (Nobel Physics 2006). Board of Governors in the Division of Chemistry: Professor R.Ernst (Nobel Chemistry 1991) and Professor F. Stoddart (Nobel Chemistry 2016). Board of Governors in the Division of Medicine: Professor C. Greider (Nobel Medicine 2009), Professor R. Schekman (Nobel Medicine 2013) and Professor S. Yamanaka (Nobel Medicine 2012). Board of Governors in the Division of Social Sciences, Law Economics: Professor P. Krugman (Nobel Economics 2008), Professor J. Stiglitz (Nobel Economics 2001) and Professor C. Pissarides (Nobel Economics 2010). In the EU Academy of Sciences are members very excellent scientists all over the world and so our Academy is unique worldwide. So, we are expecting EUAS to become the top Academy worldwide. Besides, the EU Academy of Sciences is the official Academy by European Union. All the members will receive the membership Newsletter EU Academy Annual Repor t . Thus, we are expecting our members to send us some articles about their news, the improvements of their science, etc. in order to be included in the Annual Report. Information about the names and the research interests of our members can be found in the EUAS Annual Reports which are available in the EUAS members area: http://www.interpaper.org/MEMBERS.htm The Board of Governors of the EU Academy consists mainly by Nobel prize winners (Physics, Chemistry, Medicine Economics) and Outstanding Scientists winners (like me). Furthermore, within the scope of the Academy is to organize an annual symposium called Next Generation Sciences of the 21st Century . Our annual membership fee is 150 EUR. Please confirm that you are interested to join the EU Academy and then I will inform you about the next procedure to become member. With my very best regards, Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos President CEO of the EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS) 首先,他列出了主要由诺贝尔奖获得者组成的董事会名单,以显示学术权威性;其次,说欧盟科学院是欧盟的官方科学院,以显示官方的权威性,可惜在欧盟网站找不到相关信息;最后,重点来了, 当他们的院士需要一年缴纳150欧元的会费! 我一看如此情况,就没有再理。过了两天,他们主动发 转账信息, 并告诉我可以邀请同事参加: Dear Professor Jia, Thank you for your interest to join the EU Academy of Sciences ( EUAS ). We are sending you attached the Invoice with the annual membership fee which is 150 EUR. You can pay it by Bank Transfer or Western Union. Besides, if you want to use your Credit Card then please use PayPal in order to transfer an amount of 159 EUR (by adding 9 EUR as expenses for PayPal) to: academy@interpaper.org https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/send-money-online After the transfer please inform us accordingly, in order to send you immediately the Membership Card. Furthermore, please inform us the names (with their emails) of any of your colleagues you might propose, in order to invite them to join the EU Academy of Sciences. With my very best regards, Prof. E.G. Ladopoulos President CEO of the EU Academy of Sciences (EUAS) 原来如此——虽然号称科学院和科学院院士,但跟一般的科学院、科学院院士是两回事!说好听一点,欧盟科学院就是一个交费、不需要评选就能加入的组织! 到此,我还有一个疑问:他们列出的差不多十来位诺贝尔奖获得者欧盟科学院 董事会成员, 真是他们的董事会成员吗?今天我给其中的2016年诺贝尔化学奖得主 Sir Fraser Stoddart教授发了一封邮件求证,马上就得到了他的回信: Dear Shaofeng Please ignore. Please bin the e-mail. I wish they would stop using my name. Kind regards Fraser Sir Fraser Stoddart 2016 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Board of Trustees Professor of Chemistry Northwestern University | Department of Chemistry 这下清楚了:所谓的欧盟科学院是个盗用诺贝尔奖获得者名义的、只要缴纳会费就能加入的组织!——哈哈,掉下的馅饼又飞了!
个人分类: 社会观察|27345 次阅读|9 个评论

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