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Bearjazz 2019-6-15 15:45
# 编者信息 熊荣川 明湖实验室 xiongrongchuan@126.com http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Bearjazz Statistical parsimony The statistical parsimony algorithm begins by estimating the maximum number of differences among haplotypes as a result of single substitutions (i.e. those that are not the result of multiple substitutions at a single site) with a 95% statistical confidence. This number is called the parsimony limit (or parsimony connection limit). After this, haplotypes differing by one change are connected, then those differing by two, by three and so on, until all the haplotypes are included in a single network or the parsimony connection limit is reached. The statistical parsimony method emphasizes what is shared among haplotypes that differ minimally rather than the differences among the haplotypes and provides an empirical assessment of deviations from parsimony. This method allows the identification of putative recombinants by looking at the spatial distribution in the sequence of the homoplasies defined by the network 统计简约法 统计简约算法首先估计单倍型之间的最大差异数,这是由 95% 的统计置信度的单个替换(即那些不是单个位点上多个替换的结果)引起的。这个数字被称为简约限制(或简约连接限制)。在此之后,将有一个不同点的单倍型连接起来,然后将两个不同点的单倍型连接起来,依次类推,直到所有的单倍型都包含在一个网络中或达到简约连接限制为止。统计简约法强调了最小差异单倍型之间的共同点,而不是单倍型之间的差异,并提供了对简约偏差的经验评估。这种方法可以通过观察网络定义的异源同形序列的空间分布来识别假定的重组。 Posada D , Crandall K A . Intraspecific gene genealogies: trees grafting into networks . Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2001, 16(1):0-45.
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