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临床营养学_百度百科—translate this page
zuojun 2010-12-2 14:31
Before you read this Blog , I have a short story to share with you. One day many months ago, a colleague asked me how I was going to make a living in a few years when MACHINE will be translating, say English into Chinese, or vice verse. I didn't know how to answer his question, and became worried (because I was planning to be a full-time freelance English editor). So, I went home and did my homework, by asking the machine to translate a page for me online. Guess what happened? This is what a machine can do for us, in terms of translation. Enjoy 百科名片 Wikipedia card 临床营养学是关于食物中营养素的性质,分布,代谢作用以及食物摄入不足的后果的一门科学。 Journal of Clinical Nutrition is about the nature of nutrients in food, distribution, metabolism and food intake in the consequences of a science. 临床营养学中的营养素是指食物中能被吸收及用于增进健康的化学物。 In Clinical Nutrition is the food nutrients can be absorbed and used to improve the health of the chemicals. 某些营养素是必需的,因为它们不能被机体合成,因此必须从食物中获得。 Certain nutrients are necessary because they can not synthesized by the body and therefore must obtain from food. 对患者来说,合理平衡的营养饮食极为重要。 For patients, a reasonable balance diet is extremely important. 医食同源,药食同根,表明营养饮食和药物对于治疗疾病有异曲同工之处。 Medical and Edible food and medicine from the same root, that diet and medication for the treatment of diseases would be similar. 合理的营养饮食可提高机体预防疾病、抗手术和麻醉的能力。 A reasonable diet can improve the body to prevent disease, the ability of anti-surgery and anesthesia.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|5415 次阅读|0 个评论
学坛杂俎(6):A Short Review for a Piece of Blog News
pww1380 2010-11-30 10:22
学坛杂俎(6 ):A Short Review for a Piece of Blog News 杨文祥 I don't think it's a good thing to back up people's brain and its memories though the rapid progress of technology could offer this possibility. For in that way, we will be not able to protect our privacy and individuality effectively on which our dignity based. __________ Writing Date: 2010-11-19 Reference: 1. Humans able to back up their brain and its memories within two decades, claims top scientist http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=376695
个人分类: 各抒己见(Airing Our views)|2722 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Human brain has more switches than all
fangjinqin 2010-11-18 14:57
Human brain has more switches than all computers on Earth http://news.cnet.com/8301-27083_3-20023112-247.html?part=rsssubj=newstag=2547-1_3-0-20 Human brain has more switches than all
个人分类: 科学论坛|2330 次阅读|1 个评论
Thanks「Google.com. hk」for supporting Human equality!
baijiab 2010-11-10 11:01
Thanks 「 Google.com. hk 」 for supporting Human equality! http://www.google.com.hk/search?hl=zh-CNsource=hpq=electronegativityaq=0aqi=g10aql=oq=electroneggs_rfai=CTVPW7P3ZTNrrHoWaiwPr7u2LCwAAAKoEBU_QOA 1M
个人分类: 科研成果|554 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]A map of human genome variation from population-scale
xupeiyang 2010-11-1 08:02
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v467/n7319/full/nature09534.html#/affil-auth A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium Affiliations Contributions Corresponding author Journal name: Nature Volume: 467 , Pages: 10611073 Date published: (28 October 2010) DOI: doi:10.1038/nature09534 Received 20 July 2010 Accepted 30 September 2010 Published online 27 October 2010 Abstract Abstract Introduction Data generation, alignment and variant discovery Power to detect variants Genotype accuracy Putative functional variants Application to association studies Mutation, recombination and natural selection Discussion Methods References Acknowledgements Author information Supplementary information Comments Article tools 日本語要約 Print Email Download PDF Download citation Order reprints Rights and permissions Share/bookmark Connotea Cite U Like Facebook Twitter Delicious Digg The 1000 Genomes Project aims to provide a deep characterization of human genome sequence variation as a foundation for investigating the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Here we present results of the pilot phase of the project, designed to develop and compare different strategies for genome-wide sequencing with high-throughput platforms. We undertook three projects: low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of 179 individuals from four populations; high-coverage sequencing of two motherfatherchild trios; and exon-targeted sequencing of 697 individuals from seven populations. We describe the location, allele frequency and local haplotype structure of approximately 15 million single nucleotide polymorphisms, 1 million short insertions and deletions, and 20,000 structural variants, most of which were previously undescribed. We show that, because we have catalogued the vast majority of common variation, over 95% of the currently accessible variants found in any individual are present in this data set. On average, each person is found to carry approximately 250 to 300 loss-of-function variants in annotated genes and 50 to 100 variants previously implicated in inherited disorders. We demonstrate how these results can be used to inform association and functional studies. From the two trios, we directly estimate the rate of de novo germline base substitution mutations to be approximately 10 8 per base pair per generation. We explore the data with regard to signatures of natural selection, and identify a marked reduction of genetic variation in the neighbourhood of genes, due to selection at linked sites. These methods and public data will support the next phase of human genetic research. Subject terms: Genetics Genomics
个人分类: 自然杂志|2926 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Nature-P:Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility
fangjinqin 2010-10-7 11:44
Nature Phys:Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility Modelling the scaling properties of human mobilit
个人分类: 学术文章|5121 次阅读|1 个评论
搜寻者优化算法?不,现在是人群优化!(The seeker optimization
热度 1 dchzyf 2010-9-27 22:25
The seeker optimization algorithm is renamed as human group optimization (HGO), As a swarm intelligenc algorithm, HGO mimics human group behaviors, especially the searching/foraging behaviors to solve optimization problems. However, we stillhave many things to do about human group searching/foraging behaviors beyond the seeker optimization algorithm. 基于现有类似群体智能算法的取名规律,如蚁群优化、粒子群优化、蜂群优化、菌落群优化、鱼群优化等,根据 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=366669 中各位老师的建议,原搜寻者优化(seeker optimization algorithm,见 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=292900 )因为模拟人类(人群)搜索/觅食行为,已更名为人群优化(human group optimization, HGO)。当然不只是改名了事,我们正在进一步研究人群的搜索/觅食行为。 恳求您的指导!
个人分类: 人类智能(Human Intelligence)|5126 次阅读|2 个评论
人类智能还是人群智能?human team,human group还是human crowd?
热度 1 dchzyf 2010-9-25 10:25
本人致力于对人类(人群)搜索/觅食行为的研究,并基于此开展新的群体智能研究。在我的前期工作中,我们提出了搜寻者优化算法(Seeker optimization algorithm, SOA)(一些研究进展见 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=292900 )。但是后来我们发现,这个名称不好,主要在于她不能反映是基于人类(人群)搜索/觅食行为这一基本思想。 考虑到一些现有类似算法: 蚁群优化 (ant colony optimization, ACO)、 粒子群优化 (particle swarm optimization, PSO)、 鱼群优化( fish school optimization, FSO)、 蜜蜂群优化 ( honey bee colony optimization, HBCO)等的取名规则, 我们正在对human search/foraging behaviors进行in-depth研究,然后对SOA进行改进、完善,并将SOA更名为human teamsearch algorithm/humanteam optimization (HTO) algorithm (人群搜索/人群优化)。 但是其中的几个专业术语我至今仍在纠结:基于模拟人的行为的群体智能算法称为人类智能(Human Intelligence,HI)呢还是人群智能(HumanTeamIntelligence,HTI)?人群优化中的人群翻译成humanteam是否合适?或者应该翻译成human crowd? 欢迎各位同仁、高人指点迷津,另外也恳请推荐相关研究资料!
个人分类: 人类智能(Human Intelligence)|5040 次阅读|6 个评论
翻译: 自然地理学和人文地理学
热度 1 waterlilyqd 2010-8-9 16:29
Geography consists of at least two different sub-fields of knowledge with similar methodology: Physical geography and human geography . The following table also helps to make the differences between these two types of geography more apparent. This table describes some of the phenomena or elements studied by each of these sub-fields of knowledge. Knowing what kinds of things are studied by geographers provides us with a better understanding of the differences between physical and human geography. 地理学由自然地理学和人文地理学两个知识领域组成 , 二者采用的研究方法相似。表 1 可以帮助大家更清楚地了解这两种地理学之间的区别。此表描述了自然地理学和人文地理学两个领域的一些现象或者研究要素。明白地理学家所要研究的对象,会让我们更好地了解自然地理学和人文地理学两者之间的差异。 Table 1 : Some of the phenomena studied in physical and human geography. 表 1 :自然地理学和人文地理学研究的一些现象 Physical Geography 自然地理学 Human Geography 人文地理学 Rocks and Minerals 岩石和矿物质 Population 人口 Landforms 地貌 Settlements 聚落 Soils 土壤 Economic Activities 经济活动 Animals 动物 Transportation 运输 Plants 植物 Recreational Activities 娱乐活动 Water 水 Religion 宗教 Atmosphere 大气 Political Systems 政治体制 Rivers and Other Water Bodies 河流和其它水体 Social Traditions 社会传统 Environment 环境 Human Migration 人类迁徙 Climate and Weather 气候和天气 Agricultural Systems 农业系统 Oceans 海洋 Urban Systems 城市系统 Geography is also a discipline that integrates a wide variety of subject matter. Almost any area of human knowledge can be examined from a spatial perspective. Figure 1 describes some of the main subdisciplines within human and physical geography. Physical geography's primary subdisplines study the Earth's atmosphere ( meteorology and climatology ), animal and plant life ( biogeography ), physical landscape ( geomorphology ), soils ( pedology ), and waters ( hydrology ). Some of the dominant areas of study in human geography include: human society and culture ( social and cultural geography ), behavior ( behavioral geography ), economics ( economic geography ), politics ( political geography ), and urban systems ( urban geography ). 地理学是一门融合了一系列广泛主题的学科。人类的所有知识领域几乎都可以从空间层面加以剖析。图 1 描述了自然地理学和人文地理学的一些主要分支学科。自然地理学的主要分支学科分别研究地球的大气(气象学和气候学)、土壤(土壤学)、水体(水文学)。人文地理学的一些主要领域包括:人类社会和文化(社会文化地理学)、行为(行为地理学)、经济学(经济地理学)、政治(政治地理学)以及城市系统(城市地理学)。 The graphic model in Figure 1 indicates that the study of geography can also involve a holistic synthesis. Holistic synthesis connects knowledge from a variety of academic fields in both human and physical geography. For example, the study of the enhancement of the Earth's greenhouse effect and the resulting global warming requires a multidisciplinary approach for complete understanding. The fields of climatology and meteorology are required to understand the physical effects of adding addition greenhouse gases to the atmosphere's radiation balance. The field of economic geography provides information on how various forms of human economic activity contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases through fossil fuel burning and land-use change. Combining the knowledge of both of these academic areas gives us a more comprehensive understanding of why this serious environmental problem occurs. 图 1 表明,地理学研究还涉及整体的合成,即将人文地理学和自然地理学中各学术领域的知识相互串联起来。例如,研究地球温室效应的增强和温室效应所导致的全球变暖时,需要通过多学科的方法进行全面的了解。通过气候学和气象学,我们了解到温室气体的额外增加对大气辐照平衡的物理效应;经济地理学提供了各种形式的人类经济活动在燃烧化石燃料和土地利用变化方面对温室气体排放的贡献信息。将这些学术领域的知识相结合,我们能够更全面地了解为什么会出现这样严重的环境问题。 The holistic nature of geography is both a strength and a weakness. Geography's strength comes from its ability to connect functional interrelationships that are not normally noticed in narrowly defined fields of knowledge. The most obvious weakness associated with the geographical approach is related to the fact that holistic understanding is often too simple and misses important details of cause and effect. 地理学的这种整体性既是其优势,也是其劣势。其优势是能够将在某一狭窄的知识领域中难以被发现的功能之间的相互关系串联起来,而采用地理学方法最为明显的劣势是这种整体的了解往往太过简单,常常会遗漏原因与结果之间的重要细节。
个人分类: 翻译实践|10116 次阅读|5 个评论
Human- nature interaction system
starboy 2010-7-5 15:15
个人分类: 未分类|2922 次阅读|0 个评论
[Patriotic] or/and [love human society] ?
baijiab 2010-6-14 08:58
emerges imagination: Would promote ? By Yonghe Zhang for totalitarian countries people is a kind of political fanaticism, and for Westerners, on the other hand, is a political so-so, because politicsisaprocessbywhichgroupsofpeoplemakedecisions. For human society, the State is also a political group. Therefore we can say ? Because Marxism also proposed: the world proletariat unites to realize the communism: the average of material enjoyment, withering away of the States. 浮想: 可否提倡 ? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=269586
个人分类: 惠林之谏|873 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]我们是多么的渺小 when compared to ultra deep field...
zuojun 2010-5-8 08:43
If you cannot watch it now, please save the link for future... http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-ultra-deep-field-3d.htm A Blog by 王元君 (发表于2009-7-15 18:23:39) has a few pictures from the above link, and his thoughts... http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=243699
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2774 次阅读|0 个评论
The Hidden Brain, a book by Shankar Vedantam
zuojun 2010-3-30 08:48
Sometimes, I regretted immediately the quick remark I just made. Like a few days ago, I walked next to Prof. Dou and recounted what my college classmates thought about men’s height, an important consideration for a potential boyfriend in the late 1970s. I would not have said that if Prof. Dou were short, but I would not have said it either had I thought about how other people in our sightseeing group might feel. Such a slip happens to me from time to time, and now I know it’s my hidden brain that does it when I am not paying enough attention. A girlfriend of mine complained about verbal abuse by her husband, when he was tired and became impatient. He would later apologize to her: “I have no idea why I said what I said.” It’s hard for her to accept his explanation, but I told her she should. I also told her to read “The hidden Brain” by science writer Shankar Vedantam. In fact, I would recommend The hidden brain to anyone, just because it's good for us to understand why we sometimes say things that we regret (often immediately) and how to be more forgiving to other people's rude remarks or behaviors. It’s by no means a great book, and I don’t agree with everything in it. However, reading this book certain has helped to make me a happier person :) To learn more about this book, go to NPR’s How 'The Hidden Brain' Does The Thinking For Us
个人分类: iBook|4027 次阅读|0 个评论
语言学与人类本质language and human nature
carldy 2010-2-23 20:15
语言学与人类本质 language and human nature 正常人至少能说一种语言,而且大多数人对所说的语言都有比较好的认识。语言是什么东西?为人类所特有?对人类又有何贡献?语言学作为研究语言现象的学科,算不算科学?这样的话题,经常出现在与语言问题相关的场合。 一个多世纪以来,语言学家一直在尝试把语言学解释给其他对语言学话题感兴趣的人。有许多杰出的语言学家都曾撰书立说,介绍语言与语言学知识,目的在于教育外行人员或启迪临近学科的学者。这些书有些已成为经典,比如美国著名语言学家 William Dwight Whitney ,在 1875 年出版了专著 The life and growth of language: an outline of linguistic science( 《语言的生命与成长:语言科学简介》 ) 。随后有三位著名的以英语为母语的语言学家 Edward Sapir ( 1921 )、 Otto Jespersen (1922) 与 Leonard Bloomfield (1933) 出版了同名书籍 Language( 《语言》 ) ,这些书成为研究语言的一代经典。美国当代著名语言学家 Noam Chomsky在1975年 出版了 Language and Mind( 《语言与心智》 ) ,另一著名学者 Steven Pinker于1995年 出版了 The language instinct (《语言本能》 ,该书曾数月保持为最畅销书之一)。这样的书,不一而足,举不胜举。 语言学家把自身所研究的语言看成一门科学,即专门研究语言的科学。这一观点,早在十九世纪就已经得到学者的认可。 Max Mueller 在 1869 年出版专著 The science of language (《语言的科学》),在该书第一章,作者就指出 the science of language one of the physical science( 语言科学物理学的分支学科 ) 。 语言,与人类其他活动一样,不属于真正的科学活动。语言学家把所研究的领域看成是一种科学,那是因为他们共同分享科学所共有的特征即具有明确的科学研究与调查目标,那就是语言。语言可以通过科学的手段进行客观科学的认知(或更准确地说进行跨学科理解)。一旦我们接受科学需要调查研究这样的观点,我们就可以说,研究任何事物,只要能通过科学手段进行理解与阐释,都可以说具有科学性。 在很大程度上,科学理解的可能性取决于研究目标的复杂性与规律性,物理学之所以如此成功,相对来说,是因为物理现象的高度规律性而非杂乱无章。相反,人文科学没有取得像物理学这样的成就,主要是因为人类行为非常复杂的,不像物理世界或生物界那样有规律。语言与人类行为的其他方面相比,也具有规律性,我们称之为语言规则制约性。正是语言及与语言相关行为的这种本质特征,使得我们在人类语言这一领域内取得了巨大进步。通过研究这种为人类所特有的语言,我们可以更好地了解人类,认识人类的本质。 We now know that the possibility of scientific understanding depends largely on the complexity and regularity of the object of study. Physics has been so successful because the physical world is, relatively speaking, highly regular and not terribly complex. Human sciences, by contrast, have been much less successful and much slower to produce results, largely because human behavior is so complex and not nearly so regular as is the physical or even the biological world. Language, though, contrasts with other aspects of human behavior precisely in its regularity, what has been called its rule-governed nature. It is precisely this property of language and language-related behavior that has allowed for fairly great progress in our understanding of this delimited area of human behavior. Furthermore, the fact that language is the defining property of humans, that it is shared across all human communities and is manifested in no other species, means that by learning about language we will inevitably also learn about human nature. Aronoff, M. Janie Rees-Miller. (eds.), 2001/2003. The handbook of linguistics. Oxford : Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
个人分类: 读书心得体会 Harvest|4748 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 dchzyf 2010-2-5 17:11
论文下载地址: http://epub.cnki.net/grid2008/detail.aspx?filename=2009217480.nhdbname=CDFD2010 论文的主要创新点: 1. 利用正态云模型自适应确定交叉、变异概率,提出了一种新的云自适应遗传算法 (CAGA) 。传统遗传算法 ( GA) 采用固定的交叉、变异概率,没有充分考虑算法初期侧重 探索 、算法后期侧重 开发 的要求,易受早熟和收敛速度慢的困扰;现有自适应 GA(AGA) 都只考虑了进化过程交叉、变异概率的趋势性,而忽视了自然界进化过程交叉、变异概率本身的随机性,以至于虽然提高了算法收敛速度,但也容易使进化陷入局部极值的可能性增加。基于以上原因,本文提出了 CAGA 。由于云模型云滴的随机性和稳定倾向性特点,使得 CAGA 既具有传统 AGA 交叉、变异概率的趋势性,满足快速寻优能力;又具有随机性,提高了算法避免陷入局部极值的能力。典型函数优化和 TSP 应用验证了 CAGA 算法的有效性。 2. 利用正态云模型的 Y 条件云发生器和基本云发生器分别实现交叉、变异操作,提出了一种新的云进化算法 (CEA) 。现有 AGA( 包括 CAGA) ,只是调整了交叉、变异概率,但没有改变进化方向的不可控性 ( 无记忆性 ) ; CEA 克服了 GA 和 AGA 的 无记忆性 ,能够在当前解的邻域内实施 聚焦 搜索。 CEA 由于利用了正态云模型云滴的随机性和稳定倾向性特点,随机性可以保持种群多样性从而避免陷入局部极值;稳定倾向性又可以很好地保护较优个体并对全局最优值进行自适应定位,从而较大程度克服了 GA 局部搜索能力差和收敛速度慢的缺陷。典型函数优化和 FIR 数字滤波器设计验证了 CEA 算法的有效性。 3. 在研究和分析人类搜索行为的基础上,提出了一种新的搜寻者优化算法 (SOA) 。虽然 CEA 实现了模拟人的 聚焦 搜索行为,但是由于是通过云模型实现基于进化算法框架的交叉、变异操作,计算较为复杂,也难以直接、灵活地体现人的搜索行为。 SOA 基于经验梯度确定搜索方向、不确定性推理确定步长,具有智能性、鲁棒性、更好的收敛速度和全局搜索能力。并将拟牛顿法引入搜寻者优化算法中,提出了带局部搜索的搜寻者优化算法,提高了算法的局部搜索能力。 4. CAGA 和 CEA 是提出 SOA 过程中的前期工作,从中可以体现作者提出 SOA 的思考历程;同时 SOA 的性能也优于前面两种算法。因此,论文以 SOA 为研究重点,将 其 应用于 CEC05 的 benchmark 函数优化、神经网络训练、 IIR 数字滤波器优化设计、质子交换膜燃料电池优化建模以及电力系统无功优化等问题,为这些问题的求解提供了一种新的有效方法。通过与遗传算法(genetic algorithm)、粒子群优化(particle swarm optimization)、差分进化(d ifferential Evolution )等比较,仿真结果表明 SOA 是一种在全局搜索能力、收敛速度和计算复杂度等方面都具有很强竞争力的新算法 。 参考文献: 戴朝华,朱云芳,陈维荣. 云自适应遗传算法. 控制理论与应用, 2007, 24(4):646-650. (EI: 074110859673) Zhu Yunfang, Chaohua Dai, Weirong Chen, et al. Adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in genetic algorithms based on cloud generators. Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2005, 1(4): 671-678. (EI: 063610101001 ) Chaohua Dai, Yunfang Zhu, and Weirong Chen. Adaptive probabilities of crossover and mutation in genetic algorithms based on cloud model, In: Proc. of the 2006 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Chengdu, 2006, pp. 710-713. (ISTP: BFN39) 戴朝华. 云进化算法. 西南交通大学110周年校庆研究生学术论坛论文集, 2006. 戴朝华,朱云芳,陈维荣 . 云遗传算法及其应用 . 电子学报, 2007, 35(7): 1419-1424. (EI: 073510790218) 戴朝华,朱云芳,陈维荣. 云遗传算法. 西南交通大学学报,2006,41(6):729-732. (EI: 070610415221 ) Chaohua Dai, Yunfang Zhu, and Weirong Chen. Cloud-model-based genetic algorithm, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems-Series B-Applications Algorithms, 13E: 1860-1864 Part 4 Suppl. S DEC 2006. (ISTP: 201OS) 戴朝华. 搜寻者优化算法及其应用研究 . 成都: 西南交通大学博士学位论文, 2009. Chaohua Dai, Weirong Chen, and Yunfang Zhu. Seeker optimization algorithm for digital IIR filter design,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics , 2010, 57(5): 1710-1718. (SCI: 000276680000024 ; IF: 5.468) Chaohua Dai, Weirong Chen, Yunfang Zhu and Xuexia Zhang. Seeker optimization algorithm for optimal reactive power dispatch,IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2009, 24(3):1218-1231. ( SCI:000268282600013; IF: 1.875,封面论文 ) Chaohua Dai, Weirong Chen, Yunfang Zhu and Xuexia Zhang. Reactive power dispatch considering voltage stability with seeker optimization algorithm,Electric Power System Research, 2009, 79(10), pp.1462-1471. (SCI:000268822800016; IF: 1.259 ) Chaohua Dai, Weirong Chen, Yonghua Song and Yunfang Zhu. Seeker optimization algorithm: A novel stochastic search algorithm for global numerical optimization, Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics , 2010, 21(2): 300-311 . ( SCI : 000277515800021 ) 戴朝华,陈维荣,朱云芳 等 . IIR 数字滤波器设计的搜寻者优化算法 . 西南交通大学学报 , 2009, 44(6): 871-876 . ( EI: 20100312640633 ) Chaohua Dai, Yunfang Zhu and Weirong Chen. Seeker optimization algorithm, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Y. Wang, Y. Cheung, and H. Liu (Eds.), Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg: Revised selected paper from CIS 2006, pp. 167176, 2007. (EI: 080411055369 ) Chaohua Dai, Weirong Chen, Zhanli Cheng, et al. Seeker Optimization Algorithm for Global Optimization: a Case Study on Optimal Modelling of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC). International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, accepted. (IF:1.613 ) Chaohua Dai, Weirong Chen, Yunfang Zhu, et al. Seeker optimization algorithm for tuning the structure and parameters of neural networks. Neurocomputing , acce pted. (IF: 1.44 ) 说明:群体智能(Swarm Intelligence, SI)包括人类智能(Human Intelligence)和非人类智能(如蚁群算法、粒子群算法等),文中的搜寻者优化算法(seeker optimization algorithm)属于HI。注:这里的SI限指SI算法。
个人分类: 智能优化算法(human search/foraging behaviors )|6853 次阅读|2 个评论
bupt1419 2009-9-15 22:15
一个二十一世纪的科学(翻译) 最近做了一篇human dynamics的文章,准备试一下PNAS,一直在思考自己将来的科研方向要怎么定位,最终决定了以社会动力学的定量分析为自己的方向。今天在网上查资料,看到D.J.Watts的一篇在nature上的文章,原来很久没看到这个复杂网络的开山鼻祖的文章,是因为他转到社会网络上去了。我相信二十一世纪,社会科学由于有了复杂网络工具,会有一个很好的发展,于是把这篇文章翻译了下,留个纪念。 一个二十一世纪的科学 如果选择合理,基于因特网的通信与相互作用可以给我们对人类集体行为的理解发生革命性变化。 很少能否认现在人类面对的主要问题是社会与经济问题。从伊斯兰教的外表,到集体经济安全,全球变暖,大规模疾病传播,我们的时间,能量在起着难以置信的作用 但很少自然的读者会认为二十一世纪的科学是社会科学。虽然经济,社会,政治科学与人口科学已经制造了过多的认识人类社会行为的发现,但是他们在建立理论解释他们的发现方面远没有比物理与生物科学成功。这并不是因为社会科学家不及其他领域的人聪明,而是因为社会问题是最难得科学问题之一。 社会现象是大量的不同的个体之间相互作用的,社会行为在时间上展开式多维的。这很难理解,举个例子,为什么一个组织的行为和他认为的不一样,有以下几个方面(a)在这个组织里工作的人,(b)其他组织,比如竞争对手,合作组织和自己的影响,(c)它操作的制度,(d)所有这些因素的相互作用。为了用物理来描述,人必须同时处理围观机制与宏观相关性之间,多体问题之间的平衡,甚至严格的理论者也没它这么坏。幸运的是,最近关于复杂网络科学的发展为将来提供了希望。 在过去的50年,社会学家深入思考了人,组织,市场在决定社会行为中的相互作用的重要性。他们甚至建立了一种语言,网络分析,来定量描述这些相互作用。但分析的对象,比如朋友连接,是很难挖掘的,特别是很多人在一定的时间内。所以,网络数据只有历史上的某个时间的快照,经常只有很小的群体。大部分的研究都基于个体的自我报告,这会遇到认识的局限性,感知错误以及框架的模糊。 基于因特网的通信与相互作用的惊人发展开始减少这种限制。我们第一次可以研究百万人的实时相互作用,这种作用是个体水平敏感的。同时,快速计算机的应用允许我们仿真大规模的社会网络相互作用。这个结果是社会网络的巨大兴趣。在一个世纪里有上千的文章以及书是这个方向的。预示着一个网络科学的到来。 这里面的一些思路与有些时候的广告比不是很新。许多流行的模型都过于简单,甚至过多关注数据的可行性,而忽略了一个特别的研究问题。因此,实际的社会过程很少被研究。 尽管如此,最近的将来看起来很有希望,特别是一些社会网络的基本特点可以被计算。首先,社会网络不是一个静态的结构,而是随时间演化的。其次,他们不是单元的,而是多元的,意思是人不止一种联系,正式的,非正式的,强的,弱的,商业关系以及朋友关系,每一种都起着不同的作用。最后,在大量的人类集体动力学的框架下,网络结构必须被理解。 把这些所有的特点连在一起研究在过去很少,但我们组的两个课题开始研究这种过程。第一个是使用一个学校一年的40000个用户的email log数据来跟踪日常网络。这些动态数据在结构与个人行为的相关性方面起很大的作用,比如发现朋友圈的不均匀性。 第二个是一个基于网页的实验,有14000个用户,关于听歌,下载歌的行为。一些人自己做决定,而一些人看这首歌被人下载了多少次。这个实验不但说明了一个人的行为对其他人的影响,而且说明了个体水平对宏观现象的作用,比如一个预测热门产品。 很清楚,研究社会科学的大问题仍然是难以克服的。在这个问题上,研究机构与有这些数据的因特网公司合作是很有用的。虽然这些合作会面临着很多挑战,包括隐私。这个问题很难扔给标题,甚至经历。我们必须开始问,因特网技术的改革是怎么导致社会科学的改革的。
个人分类: 科研笔记|2994 次阅读|1 个评论
xupeiyang 2009-8-27 08:55
http://www.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2009/8/222772.shtm 数字人不是真人,而是人体数据集,起源于1989年美国国立医学图书馆发起的可视人计划,是通过计算机技术,将人体结构数字化,在电脑屏幕上出现看得见的、能够调控的虚拟人体形态。其制作先选取一具尸体,将人体切成非常薄的片,利用数码相机和扫描仪对已切片的切面进行拍照、分析,将数据输入电脑,再由电脑合成三维的立体人类生理结构。 专访钟世镇:不要叫我数字人之父 表示研究方向已转到临床应用阶段 25日下午,84岁的钟世镇院士因其在解剖学、创伤救治、航天医学、数字人研究等多个领域的重要成就,被授予广东省科学技术突出贡献奖。 2003年初,我国首例女性数字人数据集在南方医科大学构建成功,中国成为继美国、韩国后,世界上第三个拥有本国数字人数据库的国家,中国数字人和数字医学的研究工作便是在钟世镇院士的一手倡导下开展起来的。他在我国数字人领域的地位毋庸置疑。但他却一再对数字人之父的头衔摆手千万不要这么叫我!在他眼里,数字人的研究已不再是当下的重点,而对于这一点,他没感到失落,却有欣慰。他说如果永远最辉煌,就是停滞不前了。 现在不讲数字人了。为什么说数字人不重要了?因为现在研究方向已经转到解决临床问题了。钟世镇介绍,如今数字人的研究成果已应用到临床实践,即当下热门的数字医学,比如现在的数字骨科手术:以往骨科医生诊病,只能看片子,现在可以直接拿着病人的骨头研究分析。医生通过对患者的CT图进行分析推测,再通过快速成形机,将患者骨髓一比一地制造出来,在正式手术前先模拟手术,从而提高手术的精度,实现了骨科手术的数字化。 http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible/visible_human.html The Visible Human Project Overview The Visible Human Project is an outgrowth of the NLM's 1986 Long-Range Plan. It is the creation of complete, anatomically detailed, three-dimensional representations of the normal male and female human bodies. Acquisition of transverse CT, MR and cryosection images of representative male and female cadavers has been completed. The male was sectioned at one millimeter intervals, the female at one-third of a millimeter intervals. The long-term goal of the Visible Human Project is to produce a system of knowledge structures that will transparently link visual knowledge forms to symbolic knowledge formats such as the names of body parts. 1989年美国国立医学图书馆发起的可视人计划 Background The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has seen an increasing use of electronic images for clinical medicine and biomedical research. The Visible Human Project was established in 1989 to build a digital image library of volumetric data representing complete, normal adult male and female anatomy. 博主:应该是1986年。 可视人
个人分类: 科技评价|1835 次阅读|0 个评论
celestial bodies movement and human movement
orient 2009-6-11 03:45
I think there is some relation between celestial bodies movement and human movement. Last night I watched the movie, Einstein and Eddington. It make me moved. The scientists don't feel any tired when they are doing research. They love their research. And also think that science is beyond the national differece, and politics. It also inspired me. I am doing some research about the social network.
个人分类: 未分类|2568 次阅读|0 个评论
celestial bodies movement and human movement
orient 2009-6-11 03:45
I think there is some relation between celestial bodies movement and human movement. Last night I watched the movie, Einstein and Eddington. It make me moved. The scientists don't feel any tired when they are doing research. They love their research. And also think that science is beyond the national differece, and politics. It also inspired me. I am doing some research about computer social network. I want to explore something about it. I think every movement has their similarity. So what is the relation between celestial bodies movement and human movement?
个人分类: 未分类|31 次阅读|0 个评论
bupt1419 2009-6-7 22:52
最近的工作 前3个月,去了香港浸会大学一个老师那访问。重新拾起了自己很久之间就一直在脑海里的一个课题,曾经去思考过,但总是没有成功,这次有人指导,有点进步。 可以说自己很失败,或者说机会不好,在我进入研究生的时候,就拿到了这份sms的数据,老师很早就让我分析这份数据,开始因为没人指导,一直不指导怎么搞科研,后来慢慢摸索,在写了很多个垃圾程序后,终于发现一个地方可以写文章,这就是第一篇文章的来源。 之后老师又给了我一篇关于human dynamic 的第一篇文章,关于达尔文,爱因斯坦的写信规律研究以及建模,看了很久没认真看懂,被老师批了好几次,批的很惨很惨,说的一些话到现在还记得,比如我招你来干吗,要是只会写程序,不如直接招一个计算机编程的人。北师大现在的学生怎么成这样了等等。在连续一个礼拜每天晚上的教训之后,终于在一天下午的半争论中,把这个文章给理解了,也重复出来了。因为缺少眼光,也没有对这个课题继续下去,这是最大的失败,到现在才发现一个老师和学生的差别在哪,老师给我文章是发现了这是一个新的热点方向,而我一点都没感觉。对于那份sms数据,心里也一直觉得不好,没有特别想着去用。 之后就是到了德国,在一段时间没有课题的时候,又想起来这个课题,查了查文章一看,一大堆相关的PRL的文章出来了,那时候大叫可惜可惜,要是我也早进入这个题目,这些文章中可能就有我的了。后来也思考过这个题目,有一个很好的idea,也在空余时间写了一些程序,但因为缺少指导,也没人真正愿意和我交流,又放下了。之后电脑坏了,程序都丢了,就暂时放一边了。 这次去香港,本来是找那个老师要一个课题来当毕业论文的,但是第一次讨论,他就对我说的这个题目产生了很大的兴趣,觉得这个可以当一个切入点,然后接下来的时间就全耗在这个题目上了。得到的结果还不错,老师说有希望发PNAS,但我缺少信心,这个题目已经不是很新了。我已经错过了最佳时机了,碰碰自己的运气了。 这个题目自我感觉很有意思,和实际联系很紧密,关于具体内容等下次再写。
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