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Guchangjun 2019-3-20 20:46
之前跟老师交流,我总是给一堆图表,一堆废话,老师说,你得搞明白哪些是错分的点?这些错分点来自什么?分别是什么类型?错分成什么了?不搞清楚这些,你瞎鼓捣一通也是浪费时间,看运气。我觉得,嗯,非常有道理,其实我也明白,但是怎么找出错分点呢?我表示比较头疼,今天终于想明白了: 精度验证的本质也是用一批独立的点去验证已经分类的图像,通过混淆矩阵来检验哪些分对了,哪些分错了,总体分类精度是多少。这样一来,找出错分点就容易了,验证点我都给了土地覆被类型的label,然后我在用这些点提取已分类图像上的土地覆被类型,然后以CSV文件导出,并保证验证点都有一个独立的ID,这样我可以溯源,这些点的经纬度、来源(照片、google earth还是样方?),然后再去TM影响或者Google Earth去对,到底哪里出了问题?
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Guchangjun 2019-3-20 15:36
之前处理一批数据,是野外采集的验证点,想在GEE中完成监督分类。GEE提供的方法包括两个,一个是上传table和导入Fusion table,我使用的是Fusion table,需要对fusion table进行转换,包括格式转换以及土地覆被类型点的转换,主要用到了ee.FeactureCollection.remap函数,将对应的土地覆被类型点进行转换(remap后的覆被类型应该是从0开始,可以看remap函数介绍)。有一点需要注意,土地覆被类型点的经纬度坐标需要用longitude和latitude,如果用x,y会导致提取不出点所在的经纬度信息(strange~)。 fusiontable确实比较好用,但是不幸的是,到今年年底就要停止服务了(sad~)。如果不用fusiontable,用table upload也是可以的:将土地覆被类型点在ArcGIS中展示为shp文件,然后上传shp就搞定了,需要用到的依然是ee.FeactureCollection()函数,举个例子: var referenceData = ee.FeatureCollection(users/****/Trainingdata); var water = referenceData.filter(ee.Filter.eq(landcover,1)) //完成了对于验证点的调用
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罗马假日的拍摄地,Google Earth版
rasin 2018-11-15 21:38
话说几周前的一个晚上,闲来无事,就将《罗马假日》 (Roman holiday) 再看了一遍。我曾经跟几个朋友在罗马(Rome)穷游过两天,重温这部经典勾起了我的回忆。就借助 Google earth 将这部电影主要的取景地寻找了一番,总算找到了大多数的地点。 电影中出现了威尼斯广场、西班牙广场、许愿池、真理之口、天使城堡、梵蒂冈的彼得广场、共和广场、波波洛广场、斗兽场、万神殿等著名景点,就不再多解释了。 几个有意思的: * 安妮公主从巴贝里尼宫的卧室向外看,随后给了一个天使城堡的外景。实际上,巴贝里尼宫应该是看不到天使城堡的。这个外景是在梵蒂冈南面的一个高地上拍到的。 * 美国新闻社记者乔的老板从办公室看到乔开车来到报社,其视角是在圆柱广场 (Piazza Colonna) 的东南角,但是,在后面拍摄老板办公室内景的时候,办公室应该是位于广场的东北角。 * 电影中有一个无名钟楼,拍摄的方向是向东,而乔的家或者办公室都是在这个钟楼的东方 ( 有一定距离 ) ,所以从乔的家里是看不到那个钟楼的,办公室也看不到。 * 电影开始时,圆柱上的浮雕是图拉真广场 (Forum of Trajan) 的图拉真圆柱,可以通过其上的图形辨认。这个地方离阅兵式的地方很近,要注意与圆柱广场上的浮雕相区别。 * 估计大家旅游都不会去的地方是圣焦万尼教堂 (San Giovanni in Laterano ,出现在字幕时 ) ,以及记者打牌的地方,离老城区较远,不过前者附近还有很多好玩的地方。 * 借助网络上的帮助,最后几个镜头的取景地也都找到了。只有安妮公主逃走的窗台,我相信不是在巴贝里尼宫的背面拍的,除非巴贝里尼宫经过了较大的改装。 * 巴贝里尼宫是一个艺术博物馆。可以从 https://www.barberinicorsini.org/ 访问。而在德国的波茨坦还有另外一个 barberini 博物馆,建筑风格一致。 https://www.museum-barberini.com/en/ * 摩托车骑行的路线其实是凌乱的。 罗马是一座充满了回忆的城市, 65 年来罗马老城几乎没有什么变化。 Comparing with Wuhan City ‘ s Slogan, Different everyday, I prefer Better everyday or A different day in Wuhan! 2018 年 11 月 9 日补记 *************************************** 我最终找到了公主逃出的地方,是 Palazzo Brancaccio ,靠近火车站不远的地方。 公主逃下楼后,第一个镜头是在这栋建筑的西南角拍摄的。 (11.21) *************************************** 《罗马假日》一部美好的电影,也是很多人的青春回忆。本文 ( 网络版本已去除大部分文字内容 ) 利用 Google Earth 以及网络图片探寻《罗马假 日》的取景地。 几个原则: 我们对于罗马的景点不作细节介绍, 只给出中文名和英文名 ( 或意大利名 ) 。 忽略了伦敦、阿姆斯特丹、巴黎这些非罗马的位置。因为无法考证,基本忽略了室内取景位置,但是报馆老板、马格塔街 51 号的位置是可以获得的。 同一取景地,基本只给出一个截图。 由于网速和个人电脑配置的原因,部分截图 ( 特别是近景图 ) 不是很清晰,但是相信应可反映地理位置的对应。 对于 Google 不能呈现的细节图,我们采用了部分网络图片,以做佐证。 Google 地图的截图时间是 2018 年 11 月初, Google 卫星地图的采集时间是 2018.4 月份的。 图中 google earth 的位置已保存为 kmz 文件,请下载附件。如有问题请联系本人dxkong@163.com。 电影截图 Screenshot 谷歌地球截图或网络图 Google Earth or Pictures from Internet (repairing) 以下是不能确认的地点: 完成本文后,发现也有不少人对罗马假日的取景感兴趣,如: http://lovebunnies.luckypro.biz/01_stuff/roman_holiday/rom_07-1.html 德国的巴贝里尼博物馆 ( 实景来自于网络 )
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qiuyuan809 2017-12-5 23:42
2017年11月1日上午,澳大利亚北部矿业(Northern Minerals)集团董事兼CEO乔治•鲍克(George Bauk)来访亚洲金属,亚洲金属分析师、稀土市场负责人邱圆热情接待并就稀土市场现状及北部矿业布朗山(Browns Range)稀土项目最新进展进行交流。 左起:亚洲金属邱圆、北部矿业乔治•鲍克 亚洲金属邱圆向北部矿业着重介绍了近期重稀土产品供需格局和市场行情,并对后市价格走势预测,此外双方还就目前稀土矿的供应及可能的政策变化进行深入探讨。北部矿业乔治向邱圆介绍了布朗山试验工厂项目(Browns Range Pilot Plant Project)在矿山开采、基建和厂房设计的最新进展,并表示该司预计将于2018年7月开始向全球供应高附加值的重稀土富集物。 此外,邱圆介绍了亚洲金属网将于2018年5月10-11日在海南三亚召开的第十届国际稀土峰会的情况,并向乔治发出诚挚邀请;乔治对亚网在稀土市场信息提供及对该司跟踪报道工作表示衷心感谢,并表示将积极支持并赞助亚洲金属网的十周年峰会。 北部矿业致力于生产镝等重稀土产品,公司在澳大利亚西部及北部拥有矿山。其旗舰项目--布朗山项目--位于澳大利亚西部、荷氏溪东南部160公里处,该项目稀土资源富含镝、铽等重稀土元。该项目已探明的稀土氧化物储量为55,663吨,其中含4,795吨氧化镝和335吨氧化铽。 链接: http://www.asianmetal.cn/cag/2017/visit2017110201.shtml
个人分类: 友好往来|736 次阅读|0 个评论
qiuyuan809 2017-12-5 23:38
2017年9月1日上午,德国蒂森克虏伯原材料公司Rainbow Rare Earth项目负责人Annette Buttner博士,冶金部经理Niels Hachmann和天津蒂森克虏伯冶金产品有限公司矿产部经理田杰来访亚洲金属网,亚洲金属分析师邱圆和林芳雯分别就稀土和锂市场与蒂森克虏伯一行座谈。 左起:亚洲金属邱圆、德国蒂森克虏伯Annette Buttner、德国蒂森克虏伯Niels Hachmann、亚洲金属林芳雯、天津蒂森克虏伯田杰 Buttner博士和Niels向邱圆介绍了该司位于布隆迪Rainbow Rare Earth项目进展,并表示该项目已于今年年中启动,目前正在进行矿山及选矿设备安装等工作。该稀土矿中稀土氧化物含量为54%,计划两年内实现年产5,000公吨,并有望增至10,000公吨。目前该司正密切与中国企业洽谈并寻求合作。双方在亚、欧稀土市场及走势方面交换看法。此外,邱圆向蒂森克虏伯Buttner博士一行介绍了中国外主要稀土项目进展情况。 Niels及Annette表示公司目前对非洲地区锂云母矿感兴趣,想了解目前中国市场对锂云母的需求情况。亚洲金属网林芳雯向其介绍,中国锂盐生产原料以进口锂辉石为主。锂云母供应集中在江西宜春地区,下游需求也以当地锂盐生产商为主,价格约2,000-2,300元/吨,2016年价格仅约800元/吨。随着中国环保政策收紧,锂云母开采受到限制,国外锂辉石进口量也逐步增加,国内生产商更倾向于采购锂辉石进行生产。 链接: http://www.asianmetal.cn/cag/2017/visit2017090501.shtml
个人分类: 友好往来|825 次阅读|0 个评论
[请教] 地球固体潮、地球不规则自转与“引力波”观测
热度 1 zlyang 2017-10-28 15:13
地球固体潮( solid Earth tide )、地球不规则自转与“引力波”观测 看到 姬扬 老师的“引力波”博文屡屡 精选 , 真傻不禁妒火中烧! 冒着说错话的巨大风险,贴出下述请教。 月球、太阳,不仅引起地球的海洋潮汐,还引起大气潮汐和地球固体潮(solid Earth tide)。Wikipedia列出的地球固体潮(solid Earth tide)参数如下图: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_tide 地球平均半径 (Mean radius)6371.0 km。地球固体潮(solid Earth tide)的垂直幅值(Vertical amplitude)384.83mm;水平幅值(Horizontal amplitude)53.84mm。 因此,固体潮引起的地表长度的相对变化在 1.0e-9 ~ 1.0e-8的水平。 对应于 4 公里长的干涉仪,变化在 1.0e-8 m 的水平。固体潮变化,假如也在一定程度上引起干 涉仪变化的话,微小的地球固体潮测量误差, 可能会对“引力波”的观测带来一定的影响。不知道科学家们是怎样扣除地球固体潮影响的。 类似地,其它地质活动,如微小的地震等,是否予以考虑和清除对引力波观测的影响。 微小的地震,可能引起偶然性的地形变化。或许会出现不同观测站之间的接近同步性变化(如处在两个观测站中间的地震等)。 地球自转( Earth's rotation )也存在不规则的变化。 某次不规则的地球自转突变,是否会引起多个观测站之间的近似同步的变化? 地球自转突变,会引起固体潮的突变。 姬扬老师说:“首次探测到的引力波信号只有 10-21 ,对应于 4 公里长的干涉仪,其长度改变了 10-18 米,也就是原子大小的一亿分之一,原子核大小的千分之一。” 类似“水星近日点反常进动 Precession of the perihelion of Mercury ”对“广义相对论”的验证问题, “ 因此,岁差常数的任何微小变动,如有万分之一的变动,都会直接影响到对广义相对论的验证,而这种变化是完全可能的。其次,影响水星近日点进动的因素很多,任何一个微小 的因素,例如太阳的扁率,对它都有直接影响。因此,这个问题尚需继续研究。 ” 这个说法,和《中国大百科全书(天文学)》里的词条“水星近日点进动问题 problem of the advance of Mercury's perihelion ”基本一致。 真傻的站队说明: 反对相对论,是典型的民科。 对量子力学不满,是不是民科? 俺完全支持爱因斯坦,但是对量子力学有些不满意。 声明:真傻最支持爱因斯坦了! 俺最相信引力波的存在了! https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2017/ 再次祝贺三位物理学家获得2017诺贝尔物理奖! 相关链接: 固体潮,百度百科 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%9B%BA%E4%BD%93%E6%BD%AE Earth tide, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_tide 水星近日点进动问题,百度百科 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%B0%B4%E6%98%9F%E8%BF%91%E6%97%A5%E7%82%B9%E8%BF%9B%E5%8A%A8%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98 Precession of the perihelion of Mercury http://physics.ucr.edu/~wudka/Physics7/Notes_www/node98.html 地球自转,百度百科 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%9C%B0%E7%90%83%E8%87%AA%E8%BD%AC Earth's rotation, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth%27s_rotation International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service http://hpiers.obspm.fr/ EOP series (mostly operational) comparison http://hpiers.obspm.fr/eop-pc/index.php?index=operationallang=en Tests of general relativity, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tests_of_general_relativity#Perihelion_precession_of_Mercury 2017-10-08,2017年诺贝尔物理奖:颁发合理! http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1079715.html 姬扬老师的部分精选博文: 精选 2017-10-28,引力波的补充说明 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1319915-1082738.html 2017-10-26,引力波探测需要更多的检验 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1319915-1082511.html 2017-10-22,引力波数据分析的困难 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1319915-1081941.html 2017-10-06,最后一次谈谈引力波 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1319915-1079401.html 2017-10-06,引力波数据分析的简单说明 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1319915-1079382.html 姬扬 http://sourcedb.semi.cas.cn/zw/rczj/yjsds/200907/t20090730_2285720.html 中国科学院半导体研究所,姬扬,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误! 感谢您提供更多的相关资料!
4686 次阅读|18 个评论
Google Earth网页版初探
GISdsq 2017-8-30 15:34
最近三维GIS界有个比较爆炸性的消息,嗯,没错,Google Earth Enterprise(谷歌地球企业版)宣告开源,47万行代码的大项目就此开放。(深深感觉谷歌就是要搞事情)。 概括下GEE开源可以提供些啥。官方github的Readme文档如是写道: 1.Fusion(融合)——影像、矢量与地形(或者可以说集成)的多源数据融合,导入三维地球(可以漫游飞行)或者集成的二维地图。 2.Server(服务器)——可以通过融合用户自定义的多源数据定制一个私人三维地球服务器(基于Apache或者Tornado)。 3.Client(客户端)——谷歌地球企业版客户端和谷歌地图Javascript API V3版用来浏览三维地球和二维地图。 可以说这个开源项目强大异常,感觉GEE开源对于GIS和Web三维开发者是个很大的福利。 GEE开源地址: https://github.com/google/earthenterprise 接着近日,早前预告过会在世界地球日(4 月 22 日)前发布新版 Google Earth的 Google,今天公布了新消息,各位期待已久的网页版 Google Earth终于来了。现在 Google Earth在电脑端不再是只以应用形式存在,Google 为桌面浏览器推出了专门版本,不过目前只支持 Chrome,未来会增加对其它主流浏览器的支持。移动端方面,则是 Android 版先行,而 iOS 版会在未来得到更新(该段文字引自《Google 地球网页版上线,点击探索者按钮开启环球旅程吧》,文末贴链接)。 嗯,终于进入了本篇的正题,虽然跑题的篇幅略长(其实我觉得也不算跑题)。 首先贴主页面,感觉整个页面很舒服。 接下来介绍下功能。 主菜单其实包括了下面的几个功能,也可以登录你的谷歌账户。 定义地图样式。 而网页版最主要的两个功能(探索者和知识卡片,貌似官方把知识卡片称之为运气不错)。 探索者是实现了在世界知名景点的虚拟旅游,包括嵌入了360°全景、VR以及谷歌街景。 ps,给我一个谷歌地球,我能在跑步机上走遍世界。 这里尝试了下BBC的纪录片的这个虚拟旅游(在Youtube上,请自备梯子),这里只放了简单的gif图,后面有详细视频的链接。 知识卡片功能显示(随机到达2万个地点,都有知识卡片和简介) Google Earth在2005年推出之后,引起了全球对GIS、空间科学的新一轮思考与认知。是Google Earth真真正正让GIS、VGI(Volunteer Geographical information,志愿者地理信息)和空间科学的理念普及到了千家万户。而这一次Google Earth网页版的推出,又将驱动VR(Vitrual Reality,虚拟现实技术)与三维GIS的进一步发展。对于地理教学方面,Gooogle Earth真正提供了一个0门槛,高质量的集成。可以期待的是,随着GEE开源,接下来GEE的发展将再次焕发生机。 分享的链接: https://earth.google.com/web/@39.9388838,116.3974589,54.08506769a,142593.39805527d,35y,0h,0t,0r/data=CkwaShJECiUweDM1ZjA1Mjk2ZTcxNDJjYjk6MHhiOTYyNTYyMGFmMGZhOThhGXvXoC-980NAIXNjesISGl1AKgnljJfkuqzluIIYAiAB 谷歌地球网页版: https://earth.google.com/web/ 《Google 地球网页版上线,点击探索者按钮开启环球旅程吧》: http://cn.technode.com/post/2017-04-19/google-earth-voyager/ 体验视频链接: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjcxNzgyODYzMg==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0from=y1.7-2#paction http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjcxNzgyNjIzMg==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0from=y1.7-2#paction
个人分类: 技术干货|3441 次阅读|0 个评论
全球空气质量的AirVisual Earth:地球是一架静电除尘器
热度 1 杨学祥 2017-1-11 19:30
全球空气质量的AirVisualEarth:地球是一架静电除尘器 杨学祥,杨冬红 可以实时查看全球空气质量的 AirVisualEarth 2017 年 01 月 06 日 14:30 可以实时查看全球空气质量的 AirVisualEarth1/11 查看原图图集模式 新浪科技讯 全世界每十个人中就有九个人呼吸着糟糕的空气,空气质量问题已经成为每年导致 700 万人死亡的罪魁祸首。 AirVisualEarth 提供了实时的全球空气污染分布图,包括全球的气流情况和细颗粒物浓度分布。 这张动图显示了北美洲东部、欧洲西部和非洲西部的空气污染情况。流动的白色线条表示的是气流和天气模式,填色部分则显示了 PM2.5 的浓度。 AirVisualEarth 采用了位于世界各地的 8000 个小型地面空气监测器所采集的数据。 这张截图显示的美国东部的空气污染情况。白色线条指气流和天气模式,填色部分则是细颗粒物的浓度。美国西部还尚未被 AirVisual 的监控器覆盖,他们希望能尽快在那里设置足够的传感器。红色表示的空气严重污染的区域,绿色区域的细颗粒物浓度则相对较低。 除了空气污染水平,这些图片还呈现了地球表面不断纠缠旋转的气流和天气模式。此前的研究显示,对人体而言没有“安全”的细颗粒物浓度水平,长期暴露在高浓度细颗粒物中将引发心脏和肺部疾病,缩短预期寿命。它目的是揭示人类活动排放有害气体对地球生态环境及人类自身造成的影响 从这张图片可以看出,印度和中国的空气污染非常严重。就在一年多以前,两位在北京工作的法国数据科学家建立了 AirVisualEarth ,他们希望以此为减少空气污染做一点贡献,从而使自己的孩子能在一个环境更加友好的城市里成长。 用户可以固定页面,查看细颗粒物浓度和天气数据,也可以只观看气流的变化模式。 AirVisualEarth 的图像显示,纽约和华盛顿及其周围地区是美国空气污染最严重的区域。毫不意外的是,许多国家的最大城市往往就是该国空气污染最严重的地区。 从这张图片可以看出,巴黎是欧洲污染最为严重的地区。从 2016 年 1 月开始,巴黎将实行一项新的法规,要求司机贴上表明汽车对环境影响程度的贴纸。 令人意外的是, AirVisualEarth 显示非洲中部和北部有大片地区是严重污染。 AirVisual 的创建者认为,这一不寻常的现象主要是因为撒哈拉沙漠的沙尘“欺骗”了卫星的成像系统。 英国和西欧部分地区的空气污染地图。英国几乎全部处于空气污染的情况下。网站创建者之一表示:“接下来,我们希望一起努力将这个地图做得尽可能精确,并让尽可能多的人参与其中。地图越精确,它就越能帮助我们了解是什么导致了空气污染,以及哪里存在空气污染。” 澳大利亚的空气污染情况。 AirVisualEarth 的创建者未来将继续扩展众包项目,在世界各地设置尽可能多的空气质量监测仪器。根据世界卫生组织近期发布的一份报告,全世界将近 92% 的人口呼吸的是受污染的空气。 http://www.sina.com.cn/mid/pic/index.d.html?url=slide.tech.sina.com.cn/slide_5_453_73860.htmlcre=sinapcmod=gloc=41r=0doct=0rfunc=16tj=none 地电场、地磁场、气流和天气模式的一致性 静电除尘,利用静电场使气体电离从而使尘粒带电吸附到电极上的收尘方法。在强电场中空气分子被电离为正离子和电子,电子奔向正极过程中遇到尘粒,使尘粒带负电吸附到正极被收集。当然近年来通过技术创新,也有采用负极板集尘的方式。以往常用于以煤为燃料的工厂、电站,收集烟气中的煤灰和粉尘。 地球具有地电场和地磁场,本身就是一架静电除尘器,正负电极就是烟尘的集中地。近几年来,美洲的磁场减弱,亚洲的磁场增强,这是亚洲雾霾增强的一个原因,亚洲棕云的漂浮方向指明了电场力的方向。 亚洲发展中国家的工业发展史雾霾增强的污染物来源,大气环流和电磁力是雾霾集中的原因。 2017 年 1 月 8 日 香港雾霾突发的原因证实其确实存在。 我们在 2014-2015 年就提出了这一问题,可参看相关的博文: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-772079.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-943937.html 造成雾霾的棕色云团生成于不同的电极性地区而带有不同极性的电荷,在电场力的作用下向异性电极地区漂移集中,因此地电异常区的电极中心就是雾霾的高发区(见图 1 )。 图 1 雾霾集中发生在地表电磁异常中心 英国、美国和中国都是地表电磁异常的中心地区,与图 2-3 有很好的对应关系。地球的电磁异常场就是一台巨大的电磁除尘器,在无风的天气条件下带电的烟气和灰尘颗粒向相反极性电磁中心集聚,形成雾霾高发区。 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-772079.html 图 21950 年地磁场与地电场对比 图 1-2 和前 8 张图的对比表明,地电场、地磁场、气流和天气模式有非常好的一致性,表明它们之间地球物理机制的相关性。 据研究,非洲负磁异常 (AF) 、北美正磁异常 (NAM) 区域、东亚正磁异常 (EA) 区域和北大西洋负磁异常 (NAT) 对应的地电场,成为巨大的静电除尘器,雾霾向磁异常中心集聚,形成菱形的雾霾通道。伴随磁异常强度变化,菱形通道有三条变弱,唯独非洲负磁异常 (AF) 和东亚正磁异常 (EA) 区域的通道变强,与 2001-2006 全球空气质量图的雾霾分布完全一致,与非洲到欧洲的沙尘暴通道一致。 我们在 2014 年 3 月 1 日 指出了雾霾与电磁异常的关系:英国、美国和中国都是地表电磁异常的中心地区,与雾霾集中有很好的对应关系。地球的电磁异常场就是一台巨大的电磁除尘器,在无风的天气条件下带电的烟气和灰尘颗粒向相反极性电磁中心集聚,形成雾霾高发区。 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-772079.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-782877.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-795535.html 理论和实验表明,地球磁场快速减弱,导致非洲沙尘通往美国的路径被截断,形成直通中国的畅通渠道,使中国雾霾与日俱增。降低中国的磁异常,采用电磁除尘是最有效的方法。这种方法既可作为电磁武器,又可和平利用于造福人类。 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-795535.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-798473.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-838621.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-943937.html http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-2277-1026651.html
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好像不是Google Earth的问题
热度 4 ChaomeiChen 2014-6-21 21:56
刘夏如 2014-6-21 04:43 陈老师您好,我和胡小洋同学遇到了相同的问题,已经把截图和文件上传……也是google earth 没有任何反应,谢谢老师…… http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-1465507-805340.html 胡小洋 2014-6-20 21:42 谢谢超美老师,但我用一个中文版的google earth点击文件打开时,却发现google earth 没有任何反应,生成的kmz文件在链接文件中( http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=106558do=blogquickforward=1id=803616 ),请超美老师在美国打开试试,我想是不是因为最近中国的google 服务器被禁(连google网站都打不开)所致,谢谢! 我刚刚试了:你们二位的图是空的。见 中 locations 文件 size=0。这说明问题出在前面。 我同时在我这儿试了一下,结果正常,见下图。很有可能是前面的哪个步骤在中国用不了。很抱歉。
个人分类: CiteSpace使用指南|5211 次阅读|3 个评论
关于google earch 不能打开用citespace3生成的KMZ文件的问题?
热度 5 xiaoyanghu 2014-6-15 17:31
之前在构建相关主题机构知识地图时(通过google earth KML 生成器完成),出现了如下问题: 超美老师后来告诉我说KMZ文件已经生成,可以通过打开google earth 查看该地图,如是我下载了一个中文版的google earth(7.0以上的版本),安装后找到该kmz文件,并导入文件查看,发现google earth 没有任何动静,也没有出现分布地图,不知道是不是google服务器在中国被禁所致,现在google网站在国内都打不开已经有几个月了。 还有一个问题,在kmz文件创建成功的对话框中出现了ERRORS ENCOUNTERED:431的问题,不知道这意味着什么?另生成的中型kmz文件的大小我这边显示只有67kb,感觉对于图像文件小了点。我发给超美老师,请帮我在美国用google earth打开我这边生成的KMZ文件试试,烦请告知您那边生成的结果,谢谢! master-medium.kmz 武汉大学信息管理学院 胡小洋
个人分类: 学习资料|6918 次阅读|13 个评论
热度 2 smalljasmine 2014-3-8 22:00
下了个landsat8 oli 影像,本来想用google earth来精校正的,但结果发现同样一个点,影像与谷歌地球差10'的纬度,整整差了6540米啊,又听说google earth是经过加密的,真不知道如何是好
4749 次阅读|2 个评论
Down to the earth
mugexueshu 2013-12-23 10:18
四年的光阴,每个人的世界里,都有着不同的情节在上演。时间的触角可以柔软的让人麻痹,日复一日让人无知无觉;又可以残酷的摧枯拉朽,翻天地覆,使人回首时不禁唏嘘,恍若隔世。对于我而言,四年的时间,让我对这个陌生的国家,从最初的感性的幻想,经过真切的亲密接触,到现在骨感的了解和体会。 出国的动机也许很简单,年轻,不甘心人生在毕业的那刻就被定格在熟悉的环境下,安稳又单调的行进。外面的世界,总是因为陌生而显得神秘,未知而憧憬精彩。在经历了所有出国必须的考托考G,申请陶瓷后,终于如愿拿到一所不错大学的offer。站在陌生土地上,刺眼又明媚的阳光下,陪伴我的只是我全部的两包家当和一颗无知无畏的心。 新鲜感很快被各种不适应所代替。首先要面对的语言问题。学习了近15年的英语,在美国仍然无法满足基本的交流应用。其它买菜问路等生活问题暂且不表, 最大的障碍在于上课赚学分,上课基本不懂老师说什么,为了考试,只能靠课下多看笔记书自学。带助教也只能和学生比划着交流,再着急也只能看图说话。对口音(accent ) 的不适应是语言障碍的一个重要原因。美国的口音和我们学习的British English 有很大的差别,重音和爆破的规则都不一样。加上native speaker 惊人的语速和无度的吞音,导致这种也许每个词都能听懂,但是一句话就完全不知所云的现象。虽然俚语的问题也是影响交流的问题之一,但是其实美国人并没有大比例的使用俚语,发现开始听不懂的词,都是认识的单词。何况,其实美国人常用的词汇不过2500左右,就凭大家平时苦背读过的单词,在美国也能算个文化人。需要时间适应的,是口音和表达习惯。 其实面对的是文化背景冲突。研二开始进入实验室, 开始和美国人真正打交道。因为东西方思维方式的不同,初期的合总是磕磕碰碰。美国人不加掩饰自我为中心的处事方式,让爱面子而不愿意说出自己需求的的中国人很容易吃亏。处理问题的方法上,美国人更习惯一板一眼按部就班的把每一个细节不分轻重的慢慢做出来。而中国人更注重效率和时效性。其实两种方式各有利弊,美国式的态度显得踏实严谨,中国式的态度会更加高速有效。然而合作初期,却很难认同对方达成工作方式的共识。慢慢的随着工作的进展,也适应了美式的一板一眼,更理解美国人办事思维的方式,合作起来也就渐渐轻松愉快。 几年的时间下来,这些障碍不能说完全的克服,但是已经慢慢熟悉了这个国家的语调和态度,没有刚来时候的窘迫和无措。国外的生活虽然辛苦,各方面都需要靠自己打点和准备,但是与之而来的是每个人都更加独立能干。同时,工作之余,这个车轮上的国度,带给我们留学生一个很大的好处是移动性。大家总能在闲暇之余,邀上三五好友,开车自驾游,走南闯北,体验各种文化差异的乐趣,开阔眼界其乐融融。虽然辛苦艰苦的生活,却也能为在国内所不曾体验到的新经历而充实起来。 回首这几年的留学经历,自己生活的阅历丰富了,虽然体会到国内吃不到的苦,但是,却也有在国内,体会不到的生活经历和人生的感悟。 更多原创写作心得,请点击此处
个人分类: 募格原创写作心得|84 次阅读|0 个评论
Google Earth 和遥感影像的区别
热度 3 majiaping 2013-11-29 16:21
从数据合法性、完整性、有效性、时效性方面对比下 Google Earth 和遥感影像的区别 。 一、 Google Earth ( 1 )在 Google Earth 上截图、抽取高程、打印等及处理后的成果是侵权的,不受欢迎的; ( 2 )从 Google Earth 里截图仅为 jpg 图像,未含相应的经纬度信息(这个不一定,你看用什么工具截图了,呵呵),且影像精度、比例尺、投影信息也不易处理, GIS 软件通常难以识别和处理 jgp 图像(需要用 GIS 或遥感影像软件处理,处理后也可以用地); ( 3 ) Google Earth 图像已经过处理,质量不能满足工作要求(这个不一定,有些地方的分辨率那也是相当地高哦,完全可以满足要求地); ( 4 ) Google Earth 的影像更新速度较为滞后(毕竟是免费的嘛,但很多地方更新的速度也是很快的哟)。 二、遥感影像 ( 1 )掏钱买的,可以合法使用,并拥有成果数据的版权; ( 2 )说白了,不光有图像,并含有地理信息,直接可以拿来用; ( 3 ) GeoTiff 格式,信息无损,波段可以自由组合,便于信息提取; ( 4 )想要哪就可以买到哪里的(涉及敏感、安全的区域除外哈),而且是最新的。 参考文献:上帝之眼( http://www.godeyes.cn/map-sale/Question1.htm#q5 )
9590 次阅读|6 个评论
[转载]【化学】2013023D Rare earth porous coordination frameworks w
lcj2212916 2013-6-5 19:20
3D Rare earth porous coordination frameworks with formamide generated in situ syntheses: Crystal structure and down- and up-conversion luminescence 共6页。 摘要: The reaction of RE(NO)3·6H2O and formamide yielded the coordination polymers, − + (RE=Y 1, Eu 2, Gd 3, Tb 4, Dy 5, Er 6, and Yb 7). They possess 3D porous frameworks with the 1D rhombic channels occupied by + cations. Complexes 2 and 4 display the characteristic down-conversion emissions corresponding to 5D0→7FJ (J=1–4) transitions of Eu(III) ion and 5D4→7FJ (J=6−3) transitions of Tb(III) ion, respectively. Longer lifetime values of 2.128±0.002 ms (5D0) for 2 and 2.132±0.002 ms (5D4) for 4 have been observed. The up-conversion spectra of the Y:Yb,Er and Gd:Yb,Er codoped complexes exhibit three emission bands around 410 (4H9/2→4I15/2, blue), 518–570 (4S3/2, 2H11/2→4I15/2, green), and 655 nm (4F9/2→4I15/2, red). 下载地址: http://www.pipipan.com/file/22418410
1586 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载][刘文丽 于国杰]google earth上的图
热度 1 physicsxuxiao 2013-4-1 23:14
【转载说明】我并不赞同刘文丽和于国杰的观点,但是我赞赏事实。 我们是刘文丽于国杰,制作些图片给大家在愚人节助兴。 2小时前 上传 下载附件 (202.6KB) 2小时前 上传 下载附件 (914.57KB) 2小时前 上传 下载附件 (650.11KB) 地方1.jpg (202.6KB,下载次数:0) 2小时前 上传 下载次数:0 地方10.jpg (914.57KB,下载次数:0) 2小时前 上传 下载次数:0 地方11.jpg (650.11KB,下载次数:1) 2小时前 上传 下载次数:1 评分 收藏 0 分享 0 ​ 回复 引用 举报 返回顶部 ​ ​ aimgcount = ;attachimgshow(2157890); yuguojie 发短消息 加为好友 yuguojie 当前在线 最后登录2013-4-1注册时间2013-3-31威望0活跃度405℃金币23枚积分23精华0帖子3主题1 新手上路 新手上路 ,积分23,距离下一级还需27积分 沙发 发表于 2小时前 | 只看该作者 只有三张图,重复传了一次. ​ ​ 回复 引用 评分 举报 返回顶部 ​ ​ yuguojie 发短消息 加为好友 yuguojie 当前在线 最后登录2013-4-1注册时间2013-3-31威望0活跃度405℃金币23枚积分23精华0帖子3主题1 新手上路 新手上路 ,积分23,距离下一级还需27积分 板凳 发表于 半小时前 | 只看该作者 本帖最后由yuguojie于2013-4-122:26编辑 这些图片来自于googleearth,将视觉点放到云层下面,用QQ截取图片后在fotoshop里处理即可得到这些清晰的图片。 我得到这些图片的来源动力就是陶罐的印文,也就是我们使用的印章。搜索印文陶罐可以看到很多的例子。 天是方的,事实就在那儿! 祖宗不会愚弄他们的后代,我们更不会作假! 1小时前 上传 下载附件 (47.92KB) 处理前后 1小时前 上传 下载附件 (2.2MB) 上海博物馆藏 另有Nature上一张图,用以解释出版业的合作与分享。应刘余二人要求,贴如下(网络动力学?): 图片来源: http://www.nature.com/news/specials/scipublishing/index.html
个人分类: 科研笔记|114 次阅读|1 个评论
Where are the jobs for Earth scientists?
热度 1 zuojun 2012-11-30 04:07
NATURE GEOSCIENCE | EDITORIAL Rare Earth scientists http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v5/n12/full/ngeo1670.html?WT.ec_id=NGEO-201212 Nature Geoscience 5 , 835 (2012) doi:10.1038/ngeo1670 Published online 29 November 2012 Not enough young people enter the geosciences. A passion for the subject should be sparked early on. Hello, Nature editor, Are you so blind? Do you know how many post docs are enslaved in geosciences?
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2281 次阅读|2 个评论
John R. Townshend在《国际数字地球学报》发表新文章
gll 2012-11-2 13:28
John R. Townshend's New Paper published in IJDE In volume 5, Issue 5, 2012 of the InternationalJournal of Digital Earth, Dr. John R. Townshend, professor and dean of Departmentof Geographical Sciences at Maryland University, published an science paperentitle “Global characterization and monitoring of forest cover using Landsatdata: opportunities and challenges” http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17538947.2012.713190#preview Dr. Townshend earned his BSc (1967) and PhD (1971) ingeography from University College London. Dr. Townshend has held academicpositions at the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, the University ofReading, UK and Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. He also held asenior National Academy of Sciences fellowship at NASA’s Goddard Space FlightCenter. He has held affiliate positions at the University of Maryland’sInstitute for Advanced Computing Studies and the Earth System ScienceInterdisciplinary Center. Check more http://geog.umd.edu/facultyprofile/Townshend/John%20R .
122 次阅读|0 个评论
Chitin as a composite material
acmuser 2012-10-19 09:51
Materials science of chitin: Arthropods have adapted to every habitat on earth, adaptive material Building block: Organic matric, Inorganic nano-particles, Cuticle Homogenization, porous media, topological distribution X-ray wide angle diffraction, lobster Hierarchical modeling of stiffness starting from ab initio
个人分类: Materials|2778 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 JRoy 2012-10-15 04:18
昨个,科网最著名的拍客:孟津老师和李学宽老师两篇博客,不约而同(?)拍摄了一组浓浓的秋意黄叶,一叶知秋不说,实在养眼。咱这里做个和,拍不出来秋,看别人拍地球。 孟津 知秋一叶 李学宽 终于找到你啦:秋 美图再补: 嵇少丞 秋的本色 陈安 羞愧,俺不上原创了,翻拍几张照片给大家看【主题:大与小】 今晚上看了一个西班牙人Enrique Pacheco制作的"Made on Earth"短片。短片采用时间间隔( time lapse)拍摄的一些地球奇观照片拼接成视频,非常漂亮。印象中,这种手法近几年变得很火(不少的探险队和探险家都在做),先前看过一个太空拍摄的地球(The Earth)也很漂亮。这次,Enrique Pacheco制作的素材主要来自西班牙,冰岛,爱沙尼亚和美国。我采用截图的方法生成图片供君欣赏,希望博文标记为原创没有侵权(也是费老劲了)....哈哈..... 视频中的这些场景我都没有去过,甚至也说不上名字,您呐? 规矩还是要有的, 感谢短片的制作人和特别鸣谢。。。 哪能看帖不顶帖呐?哈哈哈
个人分类: 文艺欣赏|3075 次阅读|11 个评论
第一篇SCI: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences
热度 1 dodobirddlq 2012-10-12 10:34
今已博三,第一篇SCI才出炉,实在惭愧。 刚刚还在跑财务询问版面费的问题,现写下过程与各位博友们共勉。 我的方向是宏观的水文水资源方面,之前写的一直是中文EI,这篇英文文章构思是在11年的年底,于2012年4月份完成最后的修改,但老板觉得第一篇英文写的不够地道,于是找了润色公司给润色后,又让国外的一个合作老师帮我修改语法及提出意见。真正投出去已是7月底了,当中状态变了很多次,在9月15号变成了minor revision,老板很高兴,毕竟是第一篇而且是小修,改完之后返回去几经确认修改和校对之后,目前已经是在HESSD published,公开讨论完之后就会在HESS正式发表。但是open access publication的费用真的好高,841欧。因为没去汇过此类款,HESS只是发过来一个invoice的pdf文件让我处理,正在各种茫然中。 从投到此刻,我都还迷糊着,能这么顺利的发表第一篇SCI,真的要感谢这些帮助过我的老师、同门们。
个人分类: SCI|67 次阅读|1 个评论
Earth Towers of the Hakkas
热度 2 zuojun 2012-9-5 23:54
Earth Towers of the Hakkas
http://www.travelchinaguide.com/attraction/fujian/fuzhou/earth_tower.htm Can you name this Earth Tower? A quiet moment inside, before a large tour group arrived... Four dishes plus soup (a common set manu for Chinese), which is the nick name for this group of Earth Towers.
个人分类: iPhoto|6156 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]13% of the earth's land is covered by extreme heat this year
yue 2012-8-7 21:53
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/07/science/earth/extreme-heat-is-covering-more-of-the-earth-a-study-says.html?_r=1ref=global-home Study Finds More of Earth Is Hotter and Says Global Warming Is at Work The percentage of the earth’s land surface covered by extreme heat in the summer has soared飞翔 in recent decades十年, from less than 1 percent in the years before 1980 to as much as 13 percent in recent years, according to a new scientific paper . The change is so drastic剧烈, the paper says, that scientists can claim主张 with near certainty肯定 that events事件 like the Texas heat wave last year , 热浪the Russian heat wave of 2010 and the European heat wave of 2003 would not have happened without the planetary 星球warming caused by the human release排放 of greenhouse gases. Those claims, which go beyond the established确立 scientific consensus共识 about the role of climate change in causing weather extremes, were advanced提出 by James E. Hansen , a prominent杰出 NASA 美国宇航局 climate scientist, and two co-authors in a scientific paper published online on Monday in the Proceedings期刊 of the National Academy of Sciences. “The main thing is just to look at the statistics统计 and see that the change is too large to be natural,” Dr. Hansen said in an interview. The findings provoked引起 an immediate split分歧 among his scientific colleagues, however. Some experts said he had come up with带来 a smart聪明 new way of understanding the magnitude程度 of the heat extremes that people around the world are noticing. Others suggested that he had presented a weak差 statistical case for his boldest大胆 claims and that the rest of the paper contained little that had not been observed in the scientific literature for years. The divide is characteristic of the strong reactions that Dr. Hansen has elicited 引起playing dual双重 roles in the debate over climate change and how to combat反击 it. As the head of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in Manhattan , he is one of NASA’s principal主要 climate scientists and the primary custodian管理者 of its records of the earth’s temperature. Yet he has also become an activist who marches in protests to demand new government policies on energy and climate. The latter role — he has been arrested拘捕 four times at demonstrations示威,请愿, always while on leave假期 from his government job — has made him a hero to the political left, and particularly to college students involved参与 in climate activism. But it has discomfited为难 some of his fellow researchers, who fear that his political activities may be sowing unnecessary doubts about his scientific findings and climate science in general. Climate-change skeptics怀疑者 routinely照旧 accuse Dr. Hansen of manipulating操纵 the temperature record to make global warming seem more serious, although there is no proof that he has done so and the warming trend has repeatedly been confirmed by other researchers. Scientists have long believed that the warming — roughly 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit over land in the past century, with most of that occurring since 1980 — was caused largely by the human release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels. Such emissions 排放have increased the likelihood of heat waves and some other types of weather extremes, like heavy rains暴雨 and snowstorms, they say. But researchers have struggled with the question of whether any particular heat wave or storm can be definitively linked to human-induced人为 climate change. In the new paper, titled “Perception感觉 of Climate Change,” Dr. Hansen and his co-authors compared the global climate of 1951 to 1980, before the bulk大量 of global warming had occurred, with the climate of the years 1981 to 2011. They computed how much of the earth’s land surface in each period was subjected in June, July and August to heat that would have been considered particularly extreme in the period from 1951 to 1980. In that era, they found, only 0.2 percent of the land surface was subjected to extreme summer heat. But from 2006 to 2011, extreme heat covered from 4 to 13 percent of the world, they found. “It confirms people’s suspicions that things are happening” to the climate, Dr. Hansen said in the interview. “It’s just going to get worse.” The findings led his team to assert肯定 that the big heat waves and droughts of recent years were a direct consequence结果 of climate change. The authors did not offer formal正式 proof证据 of the sort favored赞成 by many climate scientists, instead presenting what amounted写成 to a circumstantial详细,周详 case 说明that the background warming was the only plausible可能 cause of those individual heat extremes. Dr. Hansen said the heat wave and drought afflicting 折磨the country this year were also a likely consequence of climate change. Some experts said they found the arguments persuasive说服. Andrew J. Weaver , a climate scientist at the University of Victoria in British Columbia who reviewed the paper before publication, compared the warming of recent years to a measles 麻疹outbreak popping流行 up in different places. As with a measles epidemic, he said, it makes sense to suspect a common cause. “You can actually start to see these patterns规律 emerging whereby in any given year more and more of the globe is covered by anomalously非正常 warm events,” Dr. Weaver said. But some other scientists described the Hansen paper as a muddle糊弄. Claudia Tebaldi , a scientist with an organization called Climate Central that seeks to make climate research accessible to the public, said she felt that the paper was on solid ground in asserting a greater overall likelihood of heat waves as a consequence of global warming, but that the finding was not new. The paper’s attribution of specific heat waves to climate change was not backed by persuasive evidence, she said. Martin P. Hoerling , a researcher with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who studies the causes of weather extremes, said he shared Dr. Hansen’s general concern about global warming. But he has in the past criticized Dr. Hansen for, in his view, exaggerating the connection between global warming and specific weather extremes. In an interview, he said he felt that Dr. Hansen had done so again. Dr. Hoerling has published research suggesting that the 2010 Russian heat wave was largely a consequence of natural climate variability, and a forthcoming study he carried out on the Texas drought of 2011 also says natural factors were the main cause. Dr. Hoerling contended that Dr. Hansen’s new paper confuses drought, caused primarily by a lack of rainfall, with heat waves. “This isn’t a serious science paper,” Dr. Hoerling said. “It’s mainly about perception, as indicated by the paper’s title. Perception is not a science.” A version of this article appeared in print on August 7, 2012, on page A 13 of the New York edition
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热度 1 douglas086 2012-6-5 21:37
易经系辞传:古者包羲氏之王天下也,仰则观象于天,俯则观法于地,观鸟兽之文,与地之宜,近取诸身,远取诸物,于是始作八卦,以通神明之德,以类万物之情 . 我的翻译,请斧正。In ancient times, BaoXi was the king of the world. He looked into the sky and observed the phenomenon of the star, looked around the earth and found the rule underlying it. Learning from the language of the animals, and studying the environment where they live, thinking about him own body and extend to everything, therefore he made Ba Gua to get the wisdom of the God and to elucidate the living of everything.
6506 次阅读|2 个评论
google earth的kmz与地形图契合
majiaping 2012-6-2 13:24
(一)保存数据及转换 我从 google earth 路径(在我这里是 管线走向 ): 用 globe mapper 打开管线走向 .kmz 文件, fike→export vertou format 点击 export lines 保存到制定文件。 (二)坐标系统转换 由于 kmz 数据属于 WGS1984 坐标系,即美国的地心坐标系,要想和你配准的中国地形图契合,必须进行坐标系统转换,即 WGS84 to BeiJin54( 在这里我的地图是 6 度分带,北京 54 坐标系,根据自己的进行灵活处理 ) ,首先定义坐标转换,如下图: 打开 Create Custom Geographic Transformation 工具;注意: input 和 output 输入一定是 geographic coordinate system 好了,点击 ok (三) 投影变换     打开工具箱下的 Projections and TransformationsFeatureProject , 在弹出的窗口中输入要转换的数据以及 Output Coordinate System ,然后输入第一步自定义的地理坐标系如 wgs84ToBJ54 ,开始投影变换; 这里 input 进去 line 数据就是我用 globe mapper 另存的矢量文件,可以看出是 WGS84 坐标的;可以选址 output dataset 路径; 好了,到了最关键的时候了( 我是这么认为的,因为这里没弄明白,花了我大把的时间 ),我的配准后的地图是 6 度分带 18 带,按道理 output coordinate system 我应该选择 Project coordinate system 的高斯克吕格投影的 beijing 1954 中的 beijing 1954 GK Zone 18.prj (表示 6 度分带加带号。靠!我就是选择了这个把我给害惨了),研究了半天我才发现,应该选择 beijing 1954 GK Zone 18N.prj (不加带号) 对照配准后的地形图的 X 、 Y 只交坐标仔细看红色椭圆里面的坐标。哦,原来不显示带号,如果显示带号, X 是: 18 484011.44 meters ,但是我前面投影定义时都加了带号的。我重庆投影转换以及投影定义,都把带号去了,最后成功了。 Line 和地形图契合了。
5268 次阅读|0 个评论
生态学文献10:Google earth 影像来估测生物量
热度 2 mengchanghe 2012-5-30 17:28
Pierre et al 2012.pdf Assessing aboveground tropical forest biomass using Google Earth canopy images 要不要把语言搞得科普一点啊? 在艳照门为我国摄影事业的推广做出巨大共享的同时,遥感影像,也逐渐走向高清无码,由之前的90m,30m逐渐走向了……1m!这是什么主义精神?这是白求恩大夫精益求精、技术更上一层楼的精神,是一个纯粹的科学家(技术员)的体现。于是本文作者,踏着革命先烈走过的痕迹,站在他们用数据和模型做出来的道路上,利用遥感影像的数据计算出来的生物量模型和实地估测的比较,发现存在高度的相关性。充分表明,Google earth影像可以用于估测生物量。 对,你没有看错,真的是Google earth,不是百度地图!本研究大力声明,本文绝对没有得到Google earth公司哪怕Onedollar的赞助。这就是结果,30平方公里的印度热带雨林遥感数据,其中有14个1 ha样地的实测数据,虽然技术需要进一步研发,结果却充满了前景。 F带头表示,于是与会代表发表声明说,确实不错,全票通过啊,有木有?当然有几个小问题: 1. 文中提到是mean quandratic diameter 与冠层指数有关,而不是BA,为什么? 2. 14个样地显然不是随机的,能代表整个样地吗?
个人分类: 文献阅读及心得|4063 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载] We are one big family on Earth (ozone polllution)
zuojun 2012-5-22 04:37
Transport of Asian ozone pollution into surface air over the western United States in spring Key Points Using a high-resolution global chemistry-climate model and observations Asian pollution contributes to high-O3 events in western U.S. surface air Develop a space-based indicator to inform Asian influence on U.S. surface O3 Meiyun Lin (lead author) JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 117, D00V07, 20 PP., 2012 doi:10.1029/2011JD016961 http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2012/2011JD016961.shtml
个人分类: My Research Interests|2077 次阅读|0 个评论
截取给定平面坐标范围内的Google earth图片。
entropy 2012-3-23 15:04
截取给定平面坐标范围内的Google earth图片。
不讨论知道了 WCS 坐标,那你就输入吧。 Google 有专门的读取程序吧,或者去编辑 KMZ 文件。直接用 Getscreen 截图就行了。 给定平面坐标图 X.dwg ,如何截取对应 Google earth 图片。要求是截出图来,还要把线画上。 以前的方法是把 X.dwg 的坐标读取出来,再转换成 WCS 坐标,输入到 Google earth 中。差距也不大 100 米左右,位置就差不多了。截图。再输入到 Arcgis 里,通过地物配准。加上线图层出图。 缺点,还是不知道正确的 WCS 坐标,不知道 kml ,别人不能共享。 有时截小了就得重新来。 如果 4 个点行,如果 1000 个点呢?工作量太大,有些曲线点更多。 没有边界坐标,配准时利用的是图片中间的地物,使得图片变形不均匀,我的棋盘井项目就存在这样的问题。 1 用到软件 Arcgis/AutoCAD/Google earth/GetScreen. 2 整理平面坐标图 设 X 包括 A 、 B 、 *n 部分。 整理 CAD 文件中平面图 X ,保留中的可能在 Google earth 中看到的矿界、等高线、道路、建筑等地物,剔除冗余信息(一定要保留矿界信息和标志地物)。 3 转出 shp 在 Arcgis 中打开 X.dwg ,导出,形成 A.shp 文件,加上坐标系。保证在此坐标下显示上正确的。即文件的坐标与软件中的坐标是一致的。 4 找校正标准 4.1 概述 如果知道 X 中某地物 A 的 WCS 坐标,直接进 Google earth ,画出 A.kml ,它就是校正标准。 如果不知道任何 WCS 坐标,就得找标志性地物,即 Google earth 和 X 上都有的地物。总之要有一个联系平面坐标与 WCS 坐标下图片的东西。 A 地物在 X 中,即有平面坐标,又有 WCS 坐标,能联系。标志地物 B 必须在平面坐标中有坐标,在 WCS 的图片上有图像。二者可以通过 Arcgis 配准。 A 和标志地物 B 带动整个 X 。 4.2 导出为 KML 从 Arcgis 中用“ Layer to KML ”工具,把平面坐标 X 输出为 Google earth 的位置文件 X.kml 。 4.3 找标志性地物 在 Google earth 打开 X.kml ,界线 X 也出来了(但大致位置差 100 多米)。 如果没有,停止吧 ! 如果有,断续 ! 5 截图 - 标准图片 把 A.kml 或 X.kml 边界设成黄色或其他什么色,在 Google 中截图。已知 WCS 的截成 A.bmp ,有标志性地物的 X.bmp 。其中的 A 地物和 X 中的标志性地物就是校正标准。 6 配准标准图片 Arcgis 中利用 X.shp 配准 A.bmp 或 X.bmp 。 配准他们的同时,与 A 在同一平面的其他 X 也配准了,当然配准 X.bmp 的结果也是这样的。 7 复制中间文件 复制一个 X.shp 为 X1.shp ,作为中间文件。 8 偏移 X.shp 文件 Arcgis 中加载截图 A.bmp 、 X1.shp 或 X.bmp 与 X1.shp 。 根据 A.bmp ,调整 X1.shp 。 或者根据 X.bmp 上的标志地物,调整 X1.shp 。 这就是为什么要有 A 地物 WCS 信息 注意 X1.shp 已经不能作为设计文件使用,仅仅是取得卫星图的中间工具。原来的 x.shp 才能用于设计。 这个图就是第一次截图的结果 x.bmp ,是配准到 x.shp 上的,图中红线即 x.shp 。蓝线是偏移了的 X1.shp 。 1 输出偏移的 X.shp 为 KML 从 Arcgis 中用“ Layer to KML ”工具,输出为 Google earth 的位置文件, X1.kml 。 2 截图 用 Google earth 打开 X1.kml 。 用 GetScreen 截图,得到 X1.bmp 。 这里下载软件和使用说明: http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=44407do=blogid=548103 下图上用 X1.kml 截的图,完美了。 1 小结 同样上通过部分校正整体,传统方法是校正栅格图,本方法是校正矢量图,后者变形更均匀。
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[转载]DNA sorts out the world’s bugs
eatbutthin 2012-3-13 13:13
By Clive Cookson http://www.ftchinese.com/story/001043617/en In your body there are 10 times more microbes than your own human cells. A billion more microbes live on Earth than there are stars in the known universe. Biologists are confident in estimating the terrestrial total at about a nonillion of individual microbes – that is 10 with 30 zeros after it. Most are bacteria but no one has a good idea how many species or strains there are, or how these are distributed around the world. Only a minute fraction of microbial species have been characterised or cultured in the lab. Now, scientists armed with the latest gene sequencing technologies are embarking on the first systematic attempt to measure the diversity of microbial life. The Earth Microbiome Project is an international collaboration based at Argonne National Laboratory outside Chicago. In its pilot stage the project aims to characterise the microbes living in 10,000 samples taken from a wide range of environments, from soil and sea water around the world to surfaces in our homes and the inside of people and other animals. Working out which microbes are present in each sample is a formidable challenge in bioinformatics. It uses a technique called metagenomics, which avoids the need to isolate individual microbes. Instead, all the DNA present in a sample is sequenced at the same time; then clever computer software works out the contribution of different microbes to the genetic soup. Metagenomics was developed using samples of sea water. Jack Gilbert, the project leader, took part in the metagenomic analysis of 10,000 samples from the English Channel, which yielded about 100,000 microbial species. Soils from a variety of environments, from desert to farmland and rainforest, are also an important source of samples. Agriculture depends on the interaction between microbes, soil and plant roots, and so will climate change. “As the Arctic tundra heats up, carbon stored in its depths begins to move. If it joins the atmosphere, it could contribute to rising global levels of carbon dioxide,” Gilbert says. “And microbes affect where it goes – whether it is released into the air or absorbed by lakes, the oceans or soil.” But perhaps the greatest interest is in the microbiomes associated with humans. The project is analysing the microbes present in our homes and workplaces, on our phones, our shoes, and inside us. One question is the extent to which wiping out bad bacteria, through antibiotics and extreme hygiene in hospitals, can be counterproductive if it also destroys the good, protective bugs. There is evidence, for example, that opening windows in hospitals to let in fresh air and microbes is healthier than a super-hygienic sealed environment.
1854 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]利用google earth制作地形等高线,代替地形图
热度 1 cui99515158 2011-12-14 10:35
[转载]利用google earth制作地形等高线,代替地形图
SRTM 数据主要是由美国太空总署 (NASA) 和国防部国家测绘局 (NIMA) 联合测量的, SRTM 的全称是 Shuttle Radar Topography Mission ,即航天飞机雷达地形测绘使命, 2000 年 2 月 11 日上午 11 时 44 分,美国“奋进”号航天飞机在佛罗里达州卡那维拉尔角的航天发射中心发射升空,“奋进”号上搭载的 SRTM 系统共计进行了 222 小时 23 分钟的数据采集工作,获取北纬 60 度至南纬 56 度之间,面积超过 1.19 亿平方公里的 9.8 万亿字节的雷达影像数据,覆盖全球陆地表面的 80% 以上,该计划共耗资 3.64 亿美元,获取的雷达影像数据经过两年多的处理,制成了数字地形高程模型,该测量数据覆盖中国全境。 好了,刚才简单介绍了 SRTM 地形数据,现在开始进入正体、,如何在 Google Earth 里面显示等高线呢? 先下载 Srtm 数据,可以参考下面的链接 Srtm 中国区域文件名查询图 也可以直接到 http://srtm.csi.cgiar.org/SELECTION/inputCoord.asp 去下载 下载后得到一个 zip 压缩包,解压开来,会有一个 70M 的 tif 图片 用 PHOTOSHOP 打开来,如下图,几乎是黑色一片,只能分辨出海岸线,看图像属性,可以知道是一个 16 位通道的灰度图片,我们常用的 JPG 图片都是 8 位通道。 下载 Global Mapper ,网上可以搜索一下,这是一个强大的地图格式转换软件,几乎无所不能。 ok ,安装好以后,打开 tif 地图察看,完全不一样了 ( 可以点击 enable hill shading 按钮显示立体效果 ) ,山脉清晰可辨 , 大好河川展现在眼前。 开始创建等高线,选择 file\generate contours , 出现等高线创建对话框,在 "descripti" 处输入等高线的名称,可以自己定义。 contour interval 这里设置等高线得分度值,常规 20 米就足够了,如果是小面积的一座山 (10km 以内 ) ,也可以分 10 米 下面的选项可以如图中一样勾选,其中 "append unit label..." 是必须要选的,其作用是在等高线上面用文字标出高度 ok ,转到 Simplification 页面,拖动划块来控制采样的精度,向左精度高,文件也大,处理时间长,向右则相反。通常 0.10-0.15 就足够用了 , 数值越小 , 生成的文件越大 , 处理时间也越长。 然后再转到 contour bounds 页面,点击 "drop window" 按钮,会弹出一个地图缩略图,用鼠标在地图上选择一块矩形区域赖声称等高线。 图例中,黄色框内便是选择的范围 上述步骤完成后,点击确定,大约十几秒钟的处理,等高线就生成好了。 放大观看效果,与地形很贴切。 继续 生成等高线 选择菜单 file\export vetor data\export kml/kmz 可以使用默认选项,但是,一定要记得勾选最后一个选项 "display label..." ,这样在 google earth 里面,才能主动显示等高线的海拔数值 ok ,点确定,输入文件名保存,然后打开生成的 kmz/kml 文件 有朋友会问,为何有 0 米的等高线 , 这是因为地形中有低于海拔的位置 , 否则 , 是不会出现 0 米等高线的。 关于等高线的颜色 Global mapper 的默认等高线颜色是土黄色,然而在 Google Earth 里面,土黄色看起来并不是很舒服,这是可以调整的。 在保存到 kmz 之前,我们看看选项 打开菜单 tools\configure 看 line style 页面 我们需要修改的是 contour line,intermediate/contour line,major/contour line,minor 这三个线型。 contour line, minor 是细分等高线的线型 intermediate 和 major 是主要等高线,分别代表第 5+10 和 10 根等高线 draw style ,线形,有实线和各种虚线可以选择 line ,线宽,以像素为单位,基本宽度为 1 个像素,主要等高线可以用 2 个像素 line color ,线条颜色,如果要醒目,可以选择粉红色,效果最明显,就是看多了眼花,三种线型进两选择一个色系的颜色,看起来比较舒服 更改参数后,黄色的预览框里可以马上看到效果。点击确认后,立刻生效,并且作为默认属性影响到以后生成的等高线颜色。
个人分类: 小软件|12976 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Hope for our Earth?
zuojun 2011-12-11 11:31
个人分类: News|1646 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] A cool HD video about the Earth
zuojun 2011-11-15 07:35
The planet we call home, seen from 240 miles up http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/planet-call-home-seen-240-miles-145006199.html
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|1596 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]God will make a way
mimizhu2003 2011-10-24 07:25
God will make a way where there seems to be no way He works in ways we cannot see He will make a way for me He be my guide hold me closely to his side with love and strength for each new day He will make a way,he will make a way by a roadway in the wilderness he will lead me and rivers in the desert will I see heaven and earth will fade but his word will still remain he will do something new today
个人分类: 随感|2010 次阅读|0 个评论
earth texture map
machinelearn 2011-10-21 20:27
earth texture map http://planetpixelemporium.com/earth.html 3D地球 http://www.cnblogs.com/ddw1997/archive/2009/10/11/1580974.html hi I've got a quite specific problem. I want to draw a Map, consisting of 256x256 pixle Tiles (a lot of them). These cover a big area. The transformation to convert lat|lon(from the globe) to x|y (map) spawns quite big values. With these big values goes accurcy and so, if I go far away from the 0/0 Point, I get inaccuracies of multiple pixels between textures of two Tiles being next to each other (e.g. 2E8 | 0 and 2E8-1 | 0). How can I fix these messy unwanted grid appearences? The current failing implementaition is to use float to draw the primitives (this should not matter, as all Tiles are clipped to multiples of 256 in both coordinate directions). I hope this makes any sense to you. Actually, I have recently run into the exact same problem in my implementation of rendering entire planets from space to ground. In fact, what you have to do is create a new position structure that splits the accuracy between different floats. For example, struct location { vec3 metre ; vec3 megametre ; vec3 terametre ; vec3 examtre ; vec3 yottametre ; }; Then you code all of the operators and type cast functions for this structure (+, -, *, /, toVec3), you then use this location struct to encode the location of your camera and each grid tile. On rendering time, you dont translate the camera, but instead you translate the tiles by difference. For example: void render () { // ... location diff = this - position - camera . position ; vec3 diffvec = diff . toVec3 (); glPushMatrix (); glTranslatef ( diffvec . x , diffvec . y , diffvec . z ); // render the tile glPopMatrix (); } What it does is removes the difference calculation from the OpenGL pipeline which only has up to double precision and puts the work on your program which can essentially have infinite precision. Now the precision and accuracy fall the further away you are from the camera instead of the further away you are from the orgin. Happy Coding. -------------------------------------------- Jason.M.Brewster@gmail.com wrote in message news:1190266566.132704.273690@k79g2000hse.googlegroups.com... I need to map a 2d image onto a sphere in JOGL, any ideas on how to do this? It's all about putting the right texture coordinates on the vertices that make up the sphere. for 2d textures with coordinates at every vertex; The "poles" -- all the vertices there -- will have a J texture coordinate of (approximately -- you need to deal with texel centering). The vertices around the "equator" will have a J of 0.5 Get it ? The X coordinates start a approximately 0 at the "prime meridian" and go all the way aroudn the globe to approx 1 at the end (duplicating the coordinates at the "prime meridian"). I'll leave edge effects and correct centering ot texels to you. You should easily be able to use automatic texture coordinate generation, if your project permits it. jbw http://objectmix.com/graphics/136652-glusphere-texture-mapping.html
个人分类: 3D|1 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]I was born at Tsrrtrsqsqqqrqrtsst
bluewind23 2011-8-16 19:33
From: http://intepid.com/2005-07-17/21.50/ I’ve been playing around with the marvellous Google Earth and Google Maps , and just noticed how elegant the system for addressing image tiles is . Google Maps now offers a satellite view as well as a map view, and does so using the former Keyhole database. The view is built using tiles– 256 pixel square JPEGs fetched from the the kh.google.com server. As of this writing, the image URLs take the form: http://khm.google.com/kh?v= version t= address version is between 85 and 88, and I’ve no idea why. It doesn’t really seem to affect the projection like it once did, but it does seem to change the particular images used in some cases. It may be simply a number which must be raised occasionally to correspond with newer data– eg it once accepted 45 as a valid argument and now it doesn’t. Unfortunately leaving it out altogether results in a 404 error. address is a short string of letters encoding the location of a particular map square. The addressing mode is quite elegant, with the world recursively quartered until the desired detail level is reached. This simple heirarchical structure is known as a quadtree , and is commonly used in computer graphics. For whatever reason, Google labels the four quadrants q , r , s t . The topmost tile contains the entire world map, and is referenced with an address of t . Adding an s to this selects the lower-right quadrant of the map, and adding a further r selects the upper-right of that map, resulting in a tile containing most of Australasia. Each time an extra letter is added, we descend into a new quadrant, and this continues until the maximum detail is reached. So, for example, the hospital where I was born can be uniquely addressed using the URL: http://khm.google.com/kh?v= 88 t= tsrrtrsqsqqqrqrtsst Converting between Quadtree addresses and Longitude/Latitude This page contains Javascript to returns all tiles containing a particular location, with each yellow quadrant marking the region occupied by the subsequent map. If you’d like to copy the code you can view the page source, or simply use the excerpts shown below. The first two functions are based on equations from Wikipedia’s entry on the Mercator Projection. function MercatorToNormal ( y ) { y = -y * Math. PI / 180 ; // convert to radians y = Math. sin ( y ); y = ( 1 +y ) / ( 1 -y ); y = 0.5 * Math. log ( y ); y *= 1.0 / ( 2 * Math. PI ); // scale factor from radians to normalized y += 0.5 ; // and make y range from 0 – 1 return y ; } function NormalToMercator ( y ) { y -= 0.5 ; y *= 2 * Math. PI ; y = Math. exp ( y * 2 ); y = ( y- 1 ) / ( y+ 1 ); y = Math. asin ( y ); y = y * - 180 / Math. PI ; return y ; } function GetCoordinatesFromAddress ( str ) { // get normalized coordinate first var x = 0.0 ; var y = 0.0 ; var scale = 1.0 ; str = str. toLowerCase (); str = str. substr ( 1 ); // skip the first character while ( str. length 0 ) { scale *= 0.5 ; var c = str. charAt ( 0 ); // remove first character if ( c == ‘r’ || c == ‘s’ ) { x += scale ; } if ( c == ‘t’ || c == ‘s’ ) { y += scale ; } str = str. substr ( 1 ); } var ret = new Object (); ret. longmin = ( x – 0.5 ) * 360 ; ret. latmin = NormalToMercator ( y ); ret. longmax = ( x + scale – 0.5 ) * 360 ; ret. latmax = NormalToMercator ( y + scale ); ret. long = ( x + scale * 0.5 - 0.5 ) * 360 ; ret. lat = NormalToMercator ( y + scale * 0.5 ); return ret ; } function GetQuadtreeAddress ( long, lat ) { // now convert to normalized square coordinates // use standard equations to map into mercator projection var x = ( 180.0 + parseFloat ( long )) / 360.0 ; var y = MercatorToNormal ( parseFloat ( lat )); var quad = “t” ; // google addresses start with t var lookup = “qrts” ; // tl tr bl br for ( digits = 0 ; digits 24 ; digits++ ) { // make sure we only look at fractional part x -= Math. floor ( x ); y -= Math. floor ( y ); quad = quad + lookup. substr (( x= 0.5 ? 1 : 0 ) + ( y= 0.5 ? 2 : 0 ) , 1 ); // now descend into that square x *= 2 ; y *= 2 ; } return quad ; } ---------------------------------------- Q-tress 维基百科 中的图
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There is hope for our home, the Earth...
zuojun 2011-6-19 07:37
Finally, I sat down and opened the book, "Silent Spring." A book I heard about when I was a little girl, from my mother who was an environmental scientist by the government's order in the late 1950s. (I became a meteorologist in China, also not by my own choice.) Even for someone who has been involved in co-teaching "Global Environmental Change" since spring 2008, the book impressed me greatly. I love the author's ability to express herself, with such a force, and am taken by her knowledge and vision of the Earth as a living being. A friend was afraid that this book would be too depressing to read. Well, yes and no. Maybe I refuse to get depressed. While I am still only half way through the book, I THINK there is hope for the Earth. Why? This is because most people would agree with me that today's America is a beautiful country (when compared to many heavily polluted developing countries). If the America could recover from the chemical assault lasted from the 1950s through the early 1970s, we surely can expect similar recovery in other countries. So, do not give up, when you see polluted food, air, water, and land in your country. It will pass, IF people stand up and speak out... Link to 《寂静的春天》 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=456147
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热度 1 chunyinzhou 2011-4-21 10:52
科学家发现碳在地球深部新的赋存状态 New host for carbon in the deep Earth 最近法国科学家在研究中发现一种新的含C高压相,这种含C高压相具有相当的稳定性,与理论计算所预测的结构非常一致,这对于认识C在地球深部的赋存状态以及地球内部的碳循环具有一定的意义。这一成果发表在2011年3月29日美国科学院院报PNAS上: http://www.pnas.org/content/108/13/5184 PDF下载: 2011-PNAS-New host for carbon in the deep Earth.pdf 以下是全文翻译:(原文中有太多的化学式,难于在编辑器中一一编辑,请见谅;所有化学式以公式请参考原文。) 全球地球化学碳循环包含地球内部和表层碳的交换。碳通过俯冲作用主要以碳酸盐形式再循环进入地幔中,通过火山作用主要以 CO2 形式释放到大气中。所以碳酸盐的稳定性以及脱碳酸盐化作用和熔融作用对于认识全球碳循环具有重要意义。由此,我们需要认识一直到核幔边界条件下这些矿物的热动力学性质和相图。但是含 C 矿物在这些条件下的性质仍然不太清楚。本文我们报道了在 1800km 以下条件下存在一种新的 Mg-Fe 含 C 化合物。它具有由共角 (CO4)4- 四面体所构成的三元环结构,与第一性原理量子计算所预测的结构 (Oganov et al.,2008) 非常接近。该碳酸盐高压相可以通过如下 Fe(II) 和 (CO3)2- 的晶内反应: 4FeO + CO2 → 2Fe2O3 + C ,来聚集大量的 Fe(III) 。这将会形成由新的高压相 + 磁铁矿 + 纳米金刚石所组成的矿物组合。 关键词: diamond, Earth mantle, phase transition, experimental petrology, redox interaction 碳酸盐是主要的含 C 矿物,能够通过大洋岩石圈深俯冲作用进入到地幔中 (1) 。俯冲下去的成分与原始的 C 一同被认为对下地幔 C 储库具有重要作用 (2,3) 。因为在深部地幔矿物中 C 的溶解度极低 (4,5) ,因此 C 有可能以单独的相存在,如碳酸盐或者金刚石。有些研究表明碳酸镁 ( 菱镁矿 ) 是方解石和白云石消失之后 C 在深部的主要赋存方式 (6-8) 。另外一些模型认为与橄榄岩达到平衡以后的碳酸盐将会在下地幔被还原成金刚石 (9) 。但是,如同在上地幔所观测到的,下地幔氧化还原状态的不均匀性很有可能也存在:例如,俯冲带是由能够在很长时间尺度都保持稳定的更加氧化的矿物所组成的 (10) 。也有观点认为氧化和还原矿物可以在地球深部共存,如富 CO2 的金伯利岩浆可以将金刚石携带至地表来 (11,12) ,并且在来自下地幔的金刚石中发现了碳酸盐包裹体 (13,14) 。有关碳酸盐稳定性的高压实验表明菱形结构的 MgCO3 菱镁矿可以稳定至 115 GPa 、 2000-3000K ,而它在高压下会形成一种新的结构 (8) 。但是,第一性原理计算预测菱镁矿在 82 GPa 会转变成由 (CO4)4- 四面体所构成的新相,在 160 GPa 会转变成类似辉石的结构。考虑到地幔中平均 Fe/Mg 摩尔比为 0.12 ,那么碳酸盐的成分可能是介于菱镁矿和 FeCO3 菱铁矿之间,这两相可以形成连续的固熔体。目前含铁碳酸盐的相变研究很少。菱铁矿可以稳定至至少 47 GPa 和 2000K(18) ,在常温下可以稳定至 90 GPa(19) 。总之,菱铁矿和菱镁矿端元的结构特征是相似的,因为 Fe(II) 和 Mg 原子之间大小不匹配可以由 Fe(II) 中的自旋态转换来补偿 (19,20) 。 结果 Result 对于 MgCO3 和 MgO+CO2 组合,高压含 C 化合物的稳定性是一致的。在两种情况下,在类似温压条件下 ( 大约 80 GPa , 2400K) 所获取的 X 光衍射 (XRD) 图像中出现了新的峰,这些峰并不是已知的 MgO 和 CO2 氧化物或者菱镁矿结构的峰。这些峰指示在该压力范围内一种新的稳定结构。 MgO+CO2 组合在 82 GPa 、 2350 ± 150K 条件下典型的 XRD 图像如图 1A 所示。淬火到室温之后该高压相会转变回低压菱镁矿结构。对回收样品的 EELS (Electron energy loss spectroscopy) 分析结果与原位 (in situ) 观测结果是一致的。图 1B 显示自 MgO+CO2 组合回收样品在碳 K-edge 所获取的 EELS 图谱。 290.3 eV 处尖锐的峰指示 (CO3)2-(21) 。另外,根据 EELS 分析所得出的化学成分指示为 MgCO3 成分。所以,该高压相是菱镁矿的一种等化学多晶体。 图 1. (A) X-ray diffraction pattern of a sample obtained from the transformation of periclase in CO2 confining medium at 82 GPa and 2,350 ± 150 K. Crosses represent observed data after subtraction of the background and the solid line represents the profile refinement. For this refinement we used an assemblage of untransformed periclase (Upper), platinum (Middle), and the new high-pressure phase (Lower). Residual between observations and fit is shown below the spectrum. (B) C K-edge EELS spectrum done on the recovered sample. 大于 80 GPa 时,天然富菱铁矿样品在 1850-2300 K 会发生相变,生成与上述 MgCO3 样品类似的 XRD 图像,同时还有一种铁氧化物 ( 图 2A) 。这表示形成了一种 Mg-Fe 系列的含 C 高压相。与 MgCO3 端元不同地是,该高压含铁结构是可淬火的 (quenchable) 。随后对回收样品的 TEM 分析显示有三种不同相对存在:未相变的 (Fe0.75Mg0.25)CO3 菱铁矿、高压相和一种铁氧化物 ( 图 2B) 。图 2C 中显示在铁 L2,3 dege 所获取的 EELS 图像;部分图谱与残余菱铁矿晶体结构比较吻合,与在相同能量分辨率条件下所获取的含 Fe(II) 相的图谱比较相似 (22) 。菱镁矿的出现同样也由 EELS 分析所确认。该高压相 Fe L2,3 edge 处的结构显示处理含 Fe(III) 矿物的明显结构 (22,23) ,并且根据参考文献 24 所作的定量分析表明至少 3/4 的铁是以 Fe(III) 氧化态形式存在的。根据碳 K-edge 的 EELS 数据 ( 图 2D) 确认残余菱铁矿的存在,并显示未相变的碳酸盐的峰偏移到 290.7 eV 处的特征。 287.5 eV 处的小峰指示一氧化碳 (CO)(25) 可能以包裹体 / 纳米泡形式存在,形成了该高压相的独特显微结构 ( 图 2B) 。如下面所讨论的,这些包裹体是在碳酸盐高压相形成过程中生成的。 EELS 测量表明元素比值与初始碳酸盐有所不同: Fe/C ~0.61 ± 0.07 , Fe/O ~0.22 ± 0.02 。 图 2. (A) X-ray diffraction pattern collected at 80 GPa and room temperature of siderite transformed at 1,850–2,300 K. Crosses represent observed diffraction data after subtraction of the background and solid line the profile refinement. For the refinement we used an assemblage of high-pressure polymorph of magnetite (37) (Upper), untransformed siderite (space group R-3c) (Middle), and the new high-pressure phase (Lower). Residual between observations and fit is shown below the spectrum. (B) STEM high-angle annular dark field showing the untransformed siderite (Sid), the iron oxide (Mt for magnetite), and the transformed carbonate (HP carb.) appearing as a dark gray uniform matrix in the left side of the image. (C) EELS spectra collected on the recovered sample. These spectra provide qualitative information on the Fe(III)/ Σ Fe ratio of each phase (23, 24) and noticeable features have been indicated by small bars and can be compared with reference siderite, magnetite, and Fe(III) oxide (22). Spectrum collected on the untransformed carbonate shows a high intensity peak of 707.7 eV that indicates the main iron speciation to be Fe(II). In the case of the iron oxide, the broad L3 peak at 707–709 eV with no splitting is characteristic of magnetite, whereas the L2 shows many subsplitting and an intermediate energy position between pure ferric and ferrous iron that is typical of a mixed valence of magnetite (23). The spectrum collected in the new phase shows a L3 line at higher energy loss than in carbonate groups with a fine structure indicating the main iron speciation to be Fe(III). (D) C K-edge spectra collected in the untransformed and transformed carbonate phases. In the case of siderite relic, the peak at 290.3 eV corresponds to planar (CO3)2- carbonate groups. In the spectrum collected in the transformed carbonate, the slightly broader peak at 290.7 eV is attributed to the tetrahedral (CO4)4- forming rings of (C3O9)6-. Presence of CO can also be detected in intimate association with the new phase. (Mg0.6,Fe0.4)O+CO2 在 105 GPa 、 ~2850 K 条件下的相变会形成一个由未反应的 (Mg0.6,Fe0.4)O 、菱镁矿的高压相和相同的新高压相所组成的组合。这一组合已经由 XRD 所观测到并进一步由 ATEM 所确认 ( 图 3A) 。纳米金刚石也由电子衍射和碳 K-edge EELS 图谱所鉴别出来 ( 图 3B) 图 3. (A) TEM image of the recovered sample from the ferropericlase + CO2 experiment. Magnetite (Mt), high-pressure carbon-bearing phase (HP carb.), ferropericlase (FP), and nanodiamonds (D) are present. (B) C K-edge EELS spectrum of nanodiamonds observed in the recovered sample. The spectrum presents the absorption edge at 289 eV and the dip at 303 eV is characteristic of diamond C K-edge (38, 39). 讨论 Discussion 对高温高压下 XRD 图像分析可以鉴定高压含 C 结构。 XRD 图像与在该压力范围内理论计算所得到的菱镁矿的 phase II 相 ( 空间群为 C2/m) 是一致的 (15) 。但是当使用另一个晶体对称性更低一些的 P21/c 空间群时,拟合的质量会得到明显提高。这一结构见图 4 所示,它由共角的三个 (CO4)4- 四面体组所构成,这样组成了 (C3O9)6- 环。晶格常数为: MgO+CO2 在 P=82 GPa 、 T=2350 ±150K 条件下: a=8.39 , b=6.41 , c=6.82 , β =105.49 (V=354.7 3 ) ; MgCO3 在 P=85 GPa 、 T=2400 ±150K 条件下: a=8.37 , b=6.37 , c=6.80 , β =104.57 (V=351.7 3 ) 。对于后者,假设每个晶胞化学式单位为 12 (15) ,得到的密度为 4.76 g/cm3 ,与相同 P-T 条件下的低压结构具有 +10% 的密度差异。因为有相对较小的 Fe(III) 原子的加入,这种新的含铁相的晶格体积比富镁端元的要小 10% : (Mg0.6Fe0.4)O+CO2 在 P=105 GPa 、 T=2850 ±150K 条件下: a=7.72 , b=6.41 , c=6.57 , β =101.31 (V=319.0 3 ) ; (Mg0.25Fe0.75)CO3 在 P=80 GPa 、室温 条件下: a=7.83 , b=6.37 , c=6.73 , β =101.97 (V=328.9 3 ) 。 图 4. Structure of the new high-pressure phase in space group P21/c related to phase II of magnesite proposed by theoretical calculation (15). (CO4)4- tetrahedra appear in green and magnesium atoms are shown as violet spheres. 对于这种新的高压相由于没有现成的 EELS 图谱做参考,我们对该未知的电子态密度进行了密度泛函理论 (DFT) 计算。 Mg 态密度显示在大约 5 eV 费米能级之上有个很窄的峰,对应着碳的 K-edge 以及它的“分子”类型 (CO3)2-( 图 5) 。由这种高压含 C 新相所得到的态密度并没有任何 (CO3)2- 峰,但是在高能区 (7-11 eV) 有一个很宽的带 (band) 。晶体密度在 80 GPa 时为 4.79 g/cm3 。 (C3O9)6- 环的几何形态见图 5 右边所示。 为了解四面体 (C3O9)6- 环在减压时是如何变化的,在常温常压条件下该结构得到松弛。结果如下图所示 ( 密度为 3.60 g/cm3),C-O 键会变长。从 80 GPa 到 0 GPa C-O-C 角从大约 10-112 变到 115-118 ,这些值与已知的四面体的畸变 (distortion) 是一致得 (15) 。这些结构变化对于态密度具有重要影响。的确,正如对低密度结构的预测,整体态密度会向低能方向偏移。这些出现的窄峰对应着四面体 (C3O9)6- 环,其分子结构特征与高压实验样品的 EELS 分析结果非常相似 ( 即 290.7 eV 附近的峰 ) 图 5. DFT calculations for electronic density of state of the carbon atoms (p orbital symmetry). This unoccupied density of state roughly corresponds to the excitation probed by EELS at the C K-edge (excitonic effects are neglected in the calculation). 在含铁实验中,大量的 Fe(III) 进入到这种新结构中。实验中未见 Pt 的出现,因此 Pt 对该氧化还原反应没有影响。 Fe(III) 形成的氧化还原配对 (partner) 最终可能是 Fe(0) ,就像在高压硅酸盐如钙钛矿中观测到的一样 (9) 。但是 Fe(0) 可能只是一个过渡配对,因为在回收样品中并未观测到 Fe(0) 的存在证据。我们认为 Fe(III) 的加入更可能是由于一个氧化碳配对。我们由此认为铁的氧化是通过下面的化学反应由如 (CO3)2- 或 CO2 这样的含 C 分子结构的部分还原作用来平衡的: 20(Mg0.25Fe(II)0.75)CO3 = 20Mg0.25Fe(III)0.3(C3O9)0.2333 + 3Fe3O4 + 6CO 该反应指示含 Fe(III) 新相中的元素比值为 Fe/C ~0.43 , Fe/O ~0.14 ,与对回收样品的 EELS 估算值非常吻合。 结论 Conclusion 我们的研究证明,在近于下地幔地温 P-T 条件下 CO2 和其他氧化物的重新作用可以形成一种新的高压含 C 相。这表明这种新相具有较高的稳定性而不会分解为简单氧化物。同样,新高压相中 Fe(III) 的出现指示部分 C 的还原,如以上化学反应。这表明在下地幔条件下 C 的氧化态和还原态可以共存。这种性质可能是由于该含 C 相具有较强的热动力学稳定性。但是若这种新相真在下地幔深部存在的话,那么碳酸盐必须能够在深俯冲中保存下来。尽管根据下地幔矿物组合推测下地幔为还原条件 (9) ,但是如果与周围地幔隔离开来碳酸盐是可以在深部保持稳定的,例如在相对低温的俯冲板片中,由局部矿物组合所控制的氧逸度会相对较高一些 (10,26) 。残留的部分碳酸盐可以被搬运到 1800 km 深度以下,并转变成这种新的含 Fe(III) 相。 参考文献: ↵ Sleep NH, Zahnle K (2001) Carbon dioxide cycling and implications for climate on ancient Earth. 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[转载]shapefile文件与Google earth文件的相互转换
JiuBaiYi 2011-3-31 04:53
一、shapefile 2 kml Method1: Arcgis9.2中3D Analyst Tools Conversion To KML - Layer to KML/Map to KML,可以把shapefile文件转成KML文件,然后在Google Earth的File中打开,就可以在Google Earth上显示了! Method2: 借助软件Free Version of GPS Track Maker 把shapefile文件转成KML,但是其限制了属性的输出! Method3: 中央研究院 版權所有All Rights Reserved 提供了一个免费的软件,并附有说明文件! 除此之外,下面两个英文网站均列出了一些软件,有些是全免费的,有些是要收费的! http://www.ascc.sinica.edu.tw/gis/ISTIS/tools.html http://freegeographytools.com/2007/recap-of-exporting-shapefiles-to-google-earth-series (转自http://lzb419.popo.blog.163.com/blog/static/9087091200872143740/) 二、kml 2 shapefile 1.点文件例:首先把所有的点在google earth中用save place as功能,保存为后缀名为kml的文件,然后借助一个软件Free Version of GPS Track Maker( http://www.gpstm.com/)把kml文件采用open file打开,然后另存为Waypoint+ Text Format(*.txt),再借助Excel把形成的txt文件导入进去,处理一下,仅保留所需的经纬度坐标,就可以在arcgis中重新生成点文件。 同理,对于在google earth中生成的多边形,可以采用同样的方法,把组成多边形的点导出,然后在Arcgis中重新生成Google Earth中的多边形。 2.从 gis-lab.info/qa/kml2shp-eng.html中下载kml2shp.avx,将它复制到ArcView GIS3的的扩展功能模块路径下(如D:\ESRI\AV_GIS30\ARCVIEW\EXT32),启动ArcView GIS,点击菜单file→Extensions...,钩选KML2Shape项。此时,菜单中会多出一项Import from KML,点击展开相应的工具,可以将points, lines ,polyons等不同类型的KML文件转换为shape图层。 3.其他方法:KML to ArcMap Converter http://www.spatiallyadjusted.com/2005/11/25/kml-to-arcmap-converter/ KML2SHP Conversion http://arcscripts.esri.com/details.asp?dbid=14980 Batch conversion from KML to ESRI shapefile using Arcview http://gis-lab.info/qa/kml2shp-eng.html (转自http://lzb419.popo.blog.163.com/blog/static/9087091200852242613789/)。
个人分类: 科研|5859 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 ChaomeiChen 2011-3-10 22:48
CiteSpace可以用来自动生成合作网络地理分布地图。输入数据要求和CiteSpace对数据文档的要求一样。 生成的地图显示作者和合作作者间的关系,可按年份显示具体某年的情况。以Google Earth作为界面显示。 详见所附PDF文件。 CiteSpace2GoogleEarth.pdf 合作网络地理分布
个人分类: CiteSpace使用指南|24621 次阅读|6 个评论
[转载]The race to make the world's strongest magnet
chrujun 2011-3-10 20:15
By John D. Sutter , CNN March 9, 2011 -- STORY HIGHLIGHTS Researchers are trying to create the world's most powerful magnet The magnet would be used in green technology like wind turbines and electric cars Supplies of "rare earth" elements that make up current magnets are hard to come by Arm of the Energy Department has put $6.6 million into race for new magnets (CNN) -- George Hadjipanayis' assistant came to him with perplexing news: Some incredibly strong magnetic field had caused their lab instruments to go haywire. "You're out of your mind," Hadjipanayis recalls telling him in the early 1980s. "You have something wrong; go back" and try the experiment again. Nothing was wrong, though, and Hadjipanayis soon realized that his team accidentally had created what was then, and continues to be, the world's strongest magnet -- made of a strange and little understood "rare earth" element called neodymium. That magnet would help revolutionize technology, powering wind turbine motors and giving juice to electric cars. But the luck wouldn't last. Accessible supplies of neodymium and 16 other rare earth elements -- which occupy those two orphaned rows at the bottom of the periodic table -- are running short. China, which controls supplies of 97% of these materials, doesn't like sharing them with the West. And the only U.S. mine for rare earth elements went out of production after a radioactive waste accident in the 1990s. Throw in the fact that rare earth elements are important to all kinds of technologies -- they're the reason smartphones vibrate, why TVs have vivid reds and greens, and how computer hard drives are able to etch data -- and you've got a recipe that scares many technologists and researchers. What would happen to our technological landscape without these rare earths? Hadjipanayis, chairman of physics at the University of Delaware, and researchers from two other institutions, the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory in Iowa and GE Global Research in upstate New York, are preparing for that day. They're in a race to make an even stronger magnet than before -- an essential component in green technologies, which use magnets to transfer electrical energy into motion. And they're trying to do it by using as little neodymium as possible, since that element is getting harder to come by. For Hadjipanayis, this is a professional as well as personal struggle. He's trying to recreate the accidental success he had with magnets in the 1980s. "I have pressure," he said. "Look, this is not easy. I mean, you need also a little bit of luck. We have the concept here, but there are many, many obstacles that we need to resolve before we succeed." Rare earth mysteries Rare earth elements possess strange magnetic and conductive properties aren't found anywhere else in our cabinet of elements. Understanding precisely why this is the case would require graduate degrees in both chemistry and physics, but the for-dummies version goes something like this, according to Frank Johnson, a materials scientist at GE Global Research: "In a magnetic material, the magnetic ions are connected by springs." To keep that metaphor going, a typical rare earth element is full of super-powerful springs, but they're all jumbled up, facing various directions as if they'd been thrown onto the floor of a closet. Something magical happens when a rare earth element like neodymium is combined with specific other elements: They form crystals. And if the shape of those crystals is just right, all of the super-powerful springs align, and -- bam! -- the springs amplify each other, and you have the very powerful magnet. "They are very unique elements, and the science of them is fascinating," Johnson said. Metallic recipes Hadjipanayis didn't know that boron was the missing ingredient when he asked his lab assistant to add that gas to the metallic mixture they were working with. All he knew was that the experiments were going wrong because the metal kept crumbling and falling apart. He thought boron might do for this metallic solution what eggs and milk do for cake batter. It would smooth things over. The unexpected result: He discovered the neodymium-iron-boron magnet, which was far stronger than anything that preceded it. "For me, that was kind of a very exciting experience," Hadjipanayis said. He keeps several of these nickel-sized magnets on his desks to show visitors. Scientists measure the strength of magnets with a unit called the "maximum energy product." A typical refrigerator magnet has a rating of 3 or 4. Current neodymium magnets register 57 to 60. Several years ago, Hadjipanayis recalls going to an airport with a neodymium magnet tucked away in his coat pocket. He walked past a metal object near security, he said, and got temporarily stuck. Hadjipanayis was able to free himself from that situation. But if two neodymium magnets get stuck together, "you have to slice it into two parts." "If you're an ordinary person, you can't separate them" by pulling, he said. Now, Hadjipanayis and researchers at GE and the Ames Laboratory in Iowa are trying to create magnets that are nearly twice that strong. A world without rare earths In addition to trying to invent magnets that don't depend as heavily on rare earth elements, mining companies are trying to harvest new supplies. This carries environmental risks, however. China has become the world leader in rare earth mining and production in part because it's more willing to put up with these risks than the United States, which faced them head-on in the 1990s. A rare earth mine now owned by Molycorp Minerals was fined in 1998 for leaking hundreds of thousands of gallons of wastewater containing low levels of radioactive material. Molycorp's mine in the California desert, near the Nevada border, is set to reopen this year. A U.S. Department of Energy report from December says the country needs to ramp up its rare earth production in order to ensure that technology companies here maintain a supply of these vital elements. A spokesman for Molycorp, Jim Sims, said the reopened mine and upgraded processing center will put the U.S. back in the rare earth business -- and will do so safely. "America will have the most environmentally progressive and technologically advanced rare earth processing capability," Sims said. Starting a rare earth element mine is an expensive, long and arduous task, however. The elements aren't especially rare in nature, but they're usually found in relatively small quantities, mixed in with other materials, which makes them both difficult and somewhat uneconomical to mine and process. Consequently, the Department of Energy also says we should look for alternatives. And that's where the magnet researchers come in. A wing of the Energy Department called the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, or ARPA-E, has put $6.6 million into grants for programs to develop a magnet that is stronger than any that exist on earth today -- and uses much less neodymium. That's important because a world without rare earth magnets -- or some unknown substitute -- would mean big changes in technology, said Karl Gschneidner, a senior metallurgist at the Ames Laboratory, which is in this race. For example, without rare earth magnets, laptops would be three to four times as heavy as they are now. "There's no other substitutes for them," he said. And could we create one, as magnet researchers essentially are trying to do? "The odds are less than 50-50." Remixing nature's magic Topping the natural magic of rare earth elements is no easy task. Hadjipanayis and the other researchers are using nanotechnology to essentially remix the recipe for today's strongest magnets. For now, the best they can do is break the three ingredients of a neodymium magnet into small chunks that include only a couple thousand atoms and measure 20 nanometers across. About 2,500 of these tiny "composites," as Hadjipanayis calls them, would fit in the width of a human hair. Then the lab uses bizarre techniques, from chemical treatments to shaking the elements vigorously, to try to fuse these pieces back together. Hadjipanayis said he feels like he's trying to cram 100 years' worth of work into the three years that make up his Energy Department contract. He visits the lab daily to check on the progress. He worries about the high risk involved. But he sees this grant as a way for him and other researchers to ensure the U.S. has a future in green technology. "If it happens, then you revolutionize everything," he said. 来源: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/TECH/innovation/03/09/rare.earth.magnet.race/index.html?hpt=Sbin
个人分类: 地球物理及仪器|2764 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Encyclopedia of Earth
zuojun 2011-2-25 09:51
Encyclopedia of Earth: About the EoE The Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE) is an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society. The EoE is a free, expert-reviewed collection of content contributed by scholars, professionals, educators, practitioners and other experts who collaborate and review each other's work. The content is presented in a style intended to be useful to students, educators, scholars, professionals, as well as to the general public. Here is the link: http://www.eoearth.org/topics/view/63435/ p.s. What's missing from EoE? Humans, the main enemies of Earth!
个人分类: Education|1539 次阅读|0 个评论
Zhang electronetativity of Rare Earth Elements
baijiab 2010-10-31 10:21
Zhang ionocovalency applications (36) Zhang electronetativity of Ln shows bimodal curves of catalytic activity Zhu proposed : Zhang electronegativity of Ln shows bidodal curves for the catalytic activity of the butadiene and isoprene that consistent with the results of experiments (Fig.1) and Xa-MO calculation . Fig. 1 shows the bimodal curves and the sharp decreases at Eu 3+ and Yb 3+ . According Zhangs ionocovalent definition : Electronegativity is in proportion to its ionic function, the effect nuclear charge n*(I z /R) ½ , and in inverse proportion to its covalent functiont, the covalent radii r, i.e., n*(I z /R) ½ /r 2 , a cation with a large covalent radius will deduct its effect of ionic function (ionic potential), i.e. its polarizing power . From Table 1 we can interestingly see that despite the increase of their ionization potential I z ( ionic wave functiont ) the suddenly increase of the covalent radii of Eu 3+ and Yb 3+ cause them immediately to decrease their ionic effects, preventing them from their getting higher electronegativities, and good catalytic conversion of the butadiene and isoprene . Table 1. Atomic parameters of Ln elements Ln Configuration Obital EN Ln 3+ EN I z Cov.Radii La 5d 1 6s 2 - 1.212 19.177 1.690 Ce 4f 1 5d 1 6s 2 1.80 1.248 20.199 1.646 Pr 4f 3 6s 2 1.84 1.263 21.019 1.648 ND 4f 4 6s 2 1.90 1.272 22.075 1.642 Pm 4f 5 6s 2 1.93 1.281 22.283 1.630 sm 4f 6 6s 2 1.96 1.275 23.423 1.660 Eu 4f 7 6s 2 1.95 1.190 24.874 1.850 Gd 4f 7 5d 1 6s 2 2.02 1.272 20.624 1.614 Tb 4f 9 6s 2 2.00 1.301 21.868 1.592 Dy 4f 10 6s 2 2.01 1.314 22.801 1.589 Ho 4f 11 6s 2 2.03 1.320 22.801 1.580 Er 4f 12 6s 2 2.04 1.328 22.697 1.567 Tm 4f 13 6s 2 2.06 1.343 23.671 1.562 Yb 4f 14 6s 2 1.85 1.269 25.029 1.699 Lu 4f 14 5d 1 6s 2 3.87 1.313 20.956 1.557 Y. Zhang,, Inorg Chem. , 1982, 21, 3886 . T.-W. Zhu, J. Neimenggu Normal University (Natural Science Ed.), 1983, 2, 22. Z. Q. Shen, Chinese Journal of Nature, 1980, 3(9), 658. Kali, Dsen et al. Theo Chim. Acta, 1980, 58, 69.
个人分类: 科研成果|533 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Google Earth KML数据格式转换成Shp数据格式
热度 2 cui99515158 2010-8-8 11:43
Google Earth KML数据格式转换成Shp数据格式 1 打开Google Earth ,用 工具条可以绘制点线面,比如画一条道路面: 点击OK结束画图操作 2 保存为KMZ或KML文件格式 FileSaveSave Place As 3 利用ArcGis的Data Interoperability Tools工具进行Kml到shp格式的转换 Data Interoperability Tools是esri公司集成了著名空间数据集成工具FME后提供的一个扩展模块,提供了上百种数据格式之间的数据转换。 打开ArcMap,ToolsExtensions 把Data Interoperability勾上 点开 打开ArcToolbox工具条 如果是第一次使用Data Interoperability Tools工具条,即使扩展模块已经装上,但arctoolbox也不会显示出来, 此时可以通过右击ArcToolbox 打开加载Toolbox对话框,到arcgis安装目录底下的ArcToolBox\Toolboxes 目录底下,比如: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolBox\Toolboxes 点击Data Interoperability Tools中的Quick Export导出工具 选择Input DatasetForamt选择kml 在选择Dataset的数据源所在位置 选择输出位置:此时只能导出为Geodatabase数据格式 Geodatabase数据格式 现在是Esri公司大力推广的一种非常强大的数据格式。如果一定要求数据格式是shp,可以通过如下方式进行GeoDatabas到shp的数据格式转换 导出成功后 在arcmap中打开 右健选择图层列表中的多边形图层,Data-Export Data 选择导出位置,点击确定即可导出为shp文件数据格式 End!
个人分类: GIS应用|11622 次阅读|3 个评论
国外地学界职位招聘广告 (不断更新)
majorite 2010-7-6 01:49
The Institute for Study of the Earth'sInterior (ISEI), Okayama University Misasa, Japan, invites an application for the following position. http://www.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp/ http://www.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp/eng/announcement/?eid=00451 Application Deadline$B!'(BAugust 31, 2010 Tatsuki Tsujimori -- Dr. Tatsuki Tsujimori,Associate Professor ISEI, Okayama U. Misasa, Tottori 682-0193, Japan PhD Position in Metamorphic Petrology at the Department of Earth Sciences at Carleton University Project The inverted metamorphic sequence (IMS) of the Sikkim Himalayas is characterized by a continuous increase of metamorphic grade with structural height. It contains one of the best developed Barrovian sequences of metapelitic rocks world-wide but its tectonic evolution is still unresolved. Due to its wide extent and continuous nature, the IMS serves as an excellent natural laboratory to study various rock-forming processes that occur during regional metamorphism. The successful PhD student will derive detailed information on the metamorphic history of the IMS that will help to constrain models of its tectonic evolution. Electron probe micro-analysis will be carried out and linked to results obtained through X-ray computed tomography and thermodynamic modelling. In close collaboration with an international research team, these findings will be integrated with monazite U-Th-Pb geochronology and high-precision Sm-Nd and Lu-Hf age dating. Requirements Applicants should hold a Master's degree in geosciences, chemistry or physics and should be fluent in English. The ideal candidate has a background in hard-rock geology and is interested in thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of mineral reactions. The ability to actively participate in and cooperate with an international research team will be an advantage. Funding The position will be funded for 4 years including salary, tuition, field and laboratory expenses. International students are motivated to apply for alternative funding (e.g., https://osap.gov.on.ca/OSAPPortal/en/A-ZListofAid/TCONT003465.html ) to cover tuition fees. Application Applications including a CV with publication list, a statement of research interests, and the mail and e-mail addresses of at least two referees, should be sent by e-mail to Dr. Fred Gaidies ( fgaidies@earthsci.carleton.ca ) AND mail to: Dr. Fred Gaidies Carleton University Department of Earth Sciences 1125 Colonel By Drive Ottawa, ON, K1S 5B6 Canada The closing deadline is October 15, 2010 but applications will be considered until the position is filled. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laboratory Manager Isotope Geochemistry Facility The Research Group of Isotope Geochemistry at the Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen requires a laboratory manager to establish, oversee and manage the new multicollector mass spectrometry and isotope chemistry clean laboratories. Applicants must hold a degree in geology, geochemistry, analytical chemistry or physics and have demonstrated expertise and operational experience in MC-ICPMS and TIMS; holding a PhD would be of advantage. The applicant should have substantial experience in using and maintaining multicollector mass spectrometers and clean laboratories. Preference will be given to Candidates with prior lab manager experience. Fluent German and English language skills (written and spoken) are required. The Laboratory Manager will be responsible for conducting and supervising maintenance and repair of instrumentation and laboratory, developing and improving analytical protocols and instrumentation, oversight of sample preparation, ensuring quality control and tracking of data and supporting internal and external research projects of students, faculty and visiting scientists. The laboratory manager will also participate in research projects pursued by the facility and will be encouraged to launch new initiatives. The incumbent can take an active role in the communication of research results to the scientific community and industry (if desired). The appointment is a permanent position, preferably starting as soon as possible. Salary level is according to German salary system TV-L and will be commensurate with experience (up to 13 TV-L). A curriculum vita, a letter of motivation describing your interest in the position, a statement describing past and current analytical accomplishments and a list of at least two references must be submitted to be considered as an applicant. The facility is under the direction of Simone Kasemann and applications and questions regarding the position should be sent electronically to simone.kasemann@uni-bremen.de . Applications quoting reference A78/10 must be received by August 13th, 2010. As the University of Bremen intends to increase the proportion of female employees in science, women are particularly encouraged to apply. In case of equal personal aptitudes and qualification priority will be given to disabled persons. Please send only copies of your documents (without hard covers and folders) as we will not be able to send back your application. ---- Simone Kasemann Professor fr Isotopengeochemie Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universitt Bremen Postfach 330 440 28334 Bremen Telefon: +49 421 218-65460 Email: simone.kasemann@uni-bremen.de ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Job offer In the framework of a tectonics and sedimentology research project in the Tadjik basin of Uzbekistan and Tadjikistan, we have a post-doc position (or alternatively 2 PhD positions) available for 2 years (prolongation possible). Main duties are fieldwork on thrust and strike-slip tectonics, section balancing, and thermochronology on the burial history; publication of results is expected. The project is embedded into a multi-Institute and multi-disciplinary project on the Pamirs and Tadjik basin. Starting date: as soon as possible. Information from Lothar Ratschbacher Lothar Ratschbacher Institut fr Geowissenschaften Technische Universitt Bergakademie Freiberg Bernhard-von-Cottastr. 2 D-09596 Freiberg/Sachsen Tel.: +49-3731-393758 Fax.: +49-3731-393599 e-mail: lothar@geo.tu-freiberg.de http://tu-freiberg.de/fakult3/geoarc/ http://www.geo.tu-freiberg.de/tektono/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Research Scientist position to operate and manage our new laser ablation ICP-MS/OES facility The University of New Brunswick Geology Department has an opening for a Research Scientist position to operate and manage our new laser ablation ICP-MS/OES facility. The official posting is on the UNB HR website at the following link: http://www.unb.ca/postings/eup/eup1279104716_199.html The newly renovated lab will comprise two new state-of-the-art instruments including an Agilent 7700x quadrupole ICP-MS coupled to a Resonetics M-50 Ar-F 193nm excimer laser system. The facility will also house our existing Spectro CIROS ICP-OES. The new lab will be supported by microbeam instrumentation operated by the UNB Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility and by in-house wet chemistry and sample preparation labs ( http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/science/geology/facilities.php ). The new LA-ICPMS lab will be focused on producing high quality and high impact research primarily in metamorphic and igneous petrology, ore geology, and regional tectonics. We are seeking a motivated person with a sound understanding of the theory and applications of geochemistry and mass spectrometry to problems in earth sciences. This individual must have a strong work ethic, uncompromising analytical standards and an ability to engage users and assist with the development of new techniques. Please pass this information on to any potentially interested people. Best regards, Chris McFarlane Associate Professor Department of Geology University of New Brunswick Fredericton NB E3B 5A3 office: 506-458-7211 http://www.unb.ca/fredericton/science/geology/faculty/crmm.php ------------------------------------------------------------------- JOb at Leicester This is a great opportunity to join our expanding Applied Environmental Geology Group at Leicester! Our Department of Geology is seeking to appoint a Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Applied and Environmental Geology for a two year fixed term post to cover a period of secondment. We are particularly interested in candidates with a strong research record in, and ability to contribute to, the teaching of applied and environmental geology. You will contribute to campus based teaching and to the delivery of distance/blended learning programmes, including residential schools overseas. We particularly encourage applications from candidates able to contribute to teaching in one or more of the following fields: industrial rocks and minerals, environmental geoscience, mineral economics, the diamond industry. For further information and to apply on-line, please visit our website: www.le.ac.uk/joinus Ref: SEN00078 The closing date for this post is midnight on 25 July 2010. Dr Gawen RT Jenkin Senior Lecturer Applied Geology Chair Mineral Deposits Studies Group mdsg.org.uk Leicester Geology Department - Top Ranking for Student Satisfaction. Highest % of Student Satisfaction amongst departments teaching full-time Geology degrees for three years running (NSS www.unistats.com). Senior Lecturer Applied Geology direct dial: +44 (0116) 252 3934 Department of Geology general office: +44 (0116) 252 3933 University of Leicester fax: +44 (0116) 252 3918 LE1 7RH, UK skype: gawenjenkin ------------------------------------------------------------ Postdoc scholarship available The School of Geological Sciences at the University of Kwa-Zulu-Natal, Durban , South Africa , invites applications for a postdoctoral scholarship. The field (within geology) is not specified, but a research proposal must be part of the application, and the project is supposed to relate to one of the main research areas of the School. Thus, at least one staff member of the School will be directly involved in the application. This particular call is obviously aimed at members of the petrology and/or structural geology / tectonics community. Current projects involve the Namaqua-Natal Belt, the Bushveld Complex and high-grade Archaean terrains of the southern Kaapvaal craton margin. For more details please contact me at the address below. (Sorry, the departmental website is somewhat out of date. The position of webmaster has also not been filled yet) Anyone interested should get in touch a.s.a.p. as the deadlines set by the Faculty Office are just around the corner. Juergen Reinhardt reinhardtj@ukzn.ac.za School of Geological Sciences University of KwaZulu-Natal Durban , 4000 South Africa ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Faculty position as Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Geology The Department of Applied Geosciences at GUtech seeks applications for a faculty position as Lecturer or Assistant Professor in Geology Applicants are expected to be experienced as a field geologist, preferably having specialised in soft-rock structural geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, ... and would be interested to carry out applied, field-oriented research projects in Oman. She or he will be responsible for ca. 10h/week teaching. Courses would center around geological field methods, geological mapping, quantitative field methods and rock microstructures and organising geological excursions. Your Profile: You should hold a PhD degree, are an excellent teacher and researcher. You have contributed to the advancement of research internationally. And you are looking forward to work at a start-up university in an exciting challenging environment. Our Offer: Our enthusiastic and open-minded Omani students will make you really like to teach and never want to leave. Successful applicants will be part of a core team playing a vital role in the further development of the University. Salary packages are competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. The appointment is initially for 4 years and renewable, dependent on a positive performance review. The successful candidate would preferably take up employment in September or October 2010. To apply, email your CV with a covering letter addressing all essential criteria, a statement of teaching experience, copies of relevant certificates, a selection of student evaluations of teaching (if available), and 2-3 reference letters to recruitment@gutech.edu.om no later than 16 July 2010. http://www.earthworks-jobs.com/geoscience/gutech10062.html
个人分类: 论大学|3550 次阅读|0 个评论
Introducing Physical Oceanography
zuojun 2010-5-20 09:09
According to wikipedia, Physical oceanography is the study of physical conditions and physical processes within the ocean , especially the motions and physical properties of ocean waters. Physical oceanography is one of several sub-domains into which oceanography is divided; others include biological , chemical and geological oceanography. I would describe it simply that physical oceanography is like Meteorology , which is the interdisciplinary atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and forecasting (in contrast with climatology ). scientific study of the Another way to put it is, both PO (physical oceanography) and Met (meteorology) are part of Earth_science . Earth science (also known as geoscience , the geosciences or the Earth sciences ), is an all-embracing term for the sciences related to the planet Earth . It is arguably a special case in planetary science , the Earth being the only known life -bearing planet. There are both reductionist and holistic approaches to Earth sciences. The formal discipline of Earth sciences may include the study of the atmosphere, oceans and biosphere, as well as the solid earth. Typically Earth scientists will use tools from physics , chemistry , biology , chronology and mathematics to build a quantitative understanding of how the Earth system works, and how it evolved to its current state. I was trained as a meteorologist in China, not by my own three wishes but by the government's. I was then trained as a physical oceanographer in the States; this time by my own choice, because I wanted a Ph.D. degree that I could not get in China in the mid 1980s. I certainly have the advantage of being trained in both Met and PO. Some of my colleagues majored in physics and mathematics first, and they are like fish in the water, or shark in the sea
个人分类: My Research Interests|3290 次阅读|1 个评论
老家的村子在 Google Earth
热度 3 zlyang 2010-4-1 20:56
老家的村子在 Google Earth 南堤下村 南堤下村周边 狗台疙瘩 狗台疙瘩特写 不知道狗台疙瘩是什么。就是一个土堆,什么时间堆起的?有什么目的? 灵寿石牌坊,三世中枢石坊 http://hi.baidu.com/188cjb/blog/item/bf50e2503b650d581138c24f.html 灵寿石牌坊座落于灵寿县城北关西街,是典型的明代石牌坊建筑。建于明崇祯十四年( 1641 年)。 该牌坊平面呈“口”字形,高 12 米 ,东西长 8 米 ,南北宽 2.6 米 ,通体用“灵寿绿”大理石仿木透雕而成。楼顶正脊两端置吻兽,正中脊饰为象驮宝瓶,火焰宝珠,前后两面明间正中额坊上均阳刻楷书“三世中枢” 4 个大字,相传出自隐逸朱仲福之手。前后两面下层额坊上刻 3 行楷书小字,内容系傅氏三代官阶及其夫人姓氏。主间上层正中悬挂匾额,其上竖书“皇恩龙赐” 4 字。在三层额坊栏柱之间深浮雕流云、仙鹤、游龙、麒麟、双凤等图案,镌镂精巧生动传神。 此牌坊是为傅氏三代即傅承训、傅承向、傅铤、傅永淳而敕建的。据《明史》《灵寿县志》记载,灵寿北关村傅氏,系明清时代河北地区“名门望族”几代名宦,官高禄厚,地位显赫。 1956 年被公布为河北省重点文物保护单位。 河北省 灵寿县 北狗台乡(公社) 南堤下村
个人分类: 真傻个人材料|8332 次阅读|10 个评论
Happy Earth Day
元宵 2009-4-23 12:06
(April 22 2009 Earth Day,The picture from metronews.ca) 在加拿大感觉最深的是环境好,这是在今天报纸上的一张图片,每个人对环境都有一种爱护的好感,非常喜欢这张图片,它透明,单纯,就像每日的蓝天一样明快,Martin老师选了一个开天辟地的故事,How the World was Created http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creation_myth Pan Ku's final breaths became the winds and the cloud, and his voice turned into thunder.His eyes became the sun and the moon. The giant's arms and legs became mountain ranges and his blood the rivers. The hairs on his body became plants, his tears rain and his bones sank into the ground. I wonder what his bones became? Some Chinese thought Pan Ku's life did not really end for his body parts were all around them in different forms and because his eyes were up in the heavens, he still watched over his people below. Albert Einstein famously predicted that if bees were to cease to exist, humans could last only four years after the last bee died. A shocking estimation, but these pollinators truly make our ecosystems work. Whats frightening is that the worlds pollinators, predators, prey, vegetation and oceans that we rely on for food, oxygen and water are at risk. Which is precisely why Metro is dedicating this years annual Green Metro to the topic of biodiversity a term that, quite simply put, means the vast variety of plants, animals and natural resources found on Earth. Like bees. So read on and plant a garden. Ride your bike. Remember the oceans, the bees, the worms they are your neighbours ... and our heroes.(metronews.ca) Happy Earth Day! (Maple syrup)
个人分类: 生活点滴|4624 次阅读|3 个评论
wido 2009-3-13 10:18
THIS IS THE WORLD'S FIRST GLOBAL ELECTION, BETWEEN EARTH AND GLOBAL WARMING! On March 28, you can VOTE EARTH by switching off your lights for one hour, or you can vote global warming by leaving your lights on. The results of the votes are being presented at the Global Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen 2009. We want one billion votes for earth, to tell the world leaders that we have take action against global warming. We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together, we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations. Saturday, March 28, 8:30-9:30pm. Details on page: http://wwf.org
个人分类: 科普,可普|4150 次阅读|0 个评论
【分享】New Theory of the Earth
quaternary1 2008-9-21 09:27
加州理工的大牛写的,从以下地址进去可以下载 http://caltechbook.library.caltech.edu/view/subjects/divgeo.html
个人分类: 未分类|878 次阅读|0 个评论
First Earth Gravity Field Model Including CHAMP Tracking Data
jlpemail 2007-6-19 20:41
EIGEN-1S is a satellite-only gravity field model including 88 days of CHAMP data. The model is a combination of GRIM5-1S normal equation system More can be found on the section 1.3 webpages Lageos-1,-2, Starlette derived constraints on zonals additional Lageos-1,-2, Starlette and Stella laser tracking data (year 2000) CHAMP GPS satellite-to-satellite tracking data: 88days within the periods 2000, July 30 - Aug. 10, and Sept. 24 - Dec. 31 (accelerometry used for surface force reduction) Please note: although higher degree/order terms are solved in EIGEN-1S, the solution has got full power only up to about degree/order 35, which is typical for a satellite-only solution. Higher degree/order terms are solvable applying stochastic a priori information according to a degree variance model (regularization of the normal equation system). The EIGEN-1S data set contains fully normalized spherical harmonic coefficients complete to degree/order 100 with higher degree terms up to maximum degree 119 for CHAMP sensitive and resonant orders permanent tide is not included in C(2,0) C(0,0) and degree 1 terms are not solved DOT-terms (C(2,0) to C(4,0)) represent drifts per year, epoch for corresponding static terms: 1997.0 standard deviations are given along with the coefficients. The standard deviations were posteriori calibrated applying a degree dependent calibration factor (cf. header of EIGEN-1S data set) The EIGEN-1S correlation matrix of the spherical harmonic coefficients is available as a CHAMP OG Level 4 product through the CHAMP Information System and Data Centre (ISDC) the formats are described on the CHAMP web pages (op.gfz-potsdam.de/champ) under 'Online Available Documents' in the document 'CHAMP gravity field solution data formats'. from:http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/pb1/op/champ/results/index_RESULTS.html
个人分类: 资料库|3700 次阅读|0 个评论
CHAMP-only Earth Gravity Field Model derived from 33 months of CHAMP data
jlpemail 2007-6-19 20:36
EIGEN-CHAMP03S is a CHAMP-only gravity field model derived from CHAMP GPS satellite-to-satellite and accelerometer data out of the period October 2000 through June 2003. EIGEN-CHAMP03S is the final version of the preliminary model EIGEN-3p and results from a homogeneous reprocessing of all normal equations including the improved parametrization of the accelerometer calibration parameters. Normal equation regularisation starts at degree 60. from:http://www.gfz-potsdam.de/pb1/op/champ/results/index_RESULTS.html
个人分类: 时空与重力场|3468 次阅读|0 个评论

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