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xuyue 2017-10-11 05:01
新! 介 绍 CNS 和 NMT 博客系列 New! Introducing CNS and NMTBlog series 201710EJS01-004 声明: 当今每天甚至每一分 钟,新的研究成果会在数以千计的期刊上发表。在这里,我将从 CNS 杂志(《细胞》,《自然》和《科学》)中挑选一些 ‘ 精品 ’ ,在进行简述之后,会尽力 揭示非损伤微测技术( NMT )与 这些优秀科研成果之间的潜在联系,同时与大家分享 NMT 在该科学 领域未来研究中的可能应用 。 ***精力所限,恕不能奉献正文中文翻译版本。 《自然》:氨化作用的全新竞争者 Nature: Ammonia Oxidizers have New Competition The nitrogen cycle is incredibly important in many industries, such as agriculture and waste water treatment. The microbes involved in this cycle are the stars of the show; one bacteria in particular was highlighted in Nature this past week. In addition, NMT could further this research by measuring nitrogen-based molecules in this bacteria. The Paper One main step of the nitrogen cycle is when certain microbes take and oxidize ammonia (NH3) to use for energy. This step is interesting, because there are tons of bacteria and archaea eager for ammonia, but very little is actually available in their environment. They have to make do with the tiniest scraps they can find, and beat the competing microbes for food. Usually, the archaea prevail. Nature just published “ Kinetic analysis of a complete nitrifier reveals an oligotrophic lifestyle ,” by K. Dimitri Kits and Michael Wagner et al. of the University of Vienna. They cultured one particularly interesting bacteria, Nitrospira inopinata , that not only oxidizes ammonia, but nitrite (NO2-) as well, which is not common. They wondered, does this bacteria have an advantage over other ammonia-oxidizers? Who would win in a fight? In this experiment, researchers compared three oxidizers on their affinity for ammonia: Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), and Nitrospira inopinata . Out of the three, they found that N. inopinata had the best affinity. Even though it could fall back to another source of energy, this champion bacteria still made the most efficient use of ammonia, beating out it’s closest competitors. NMT Connection It seems that NMT would be a perfect tool to further this research on the intriguing N. inopinata. Not only can NMT measure ammonium (NH4+) flux, but it also has sensors available for nitrate (NO3-), which is one of the products from this bacteria’s reactions. NH4+ and NO3- have both been measured by NMT numerous times, such as in a Nitrosomonas europaea biofilm, in a study by Eric McLamore et al. in 2009. They measured a large biofilm measuring more than 5 cm both wide and long, but NMT can measure a wide variety of sample sizes, so smaller colonies could easily be tested as well. Now, this new Nature study discovered that N. inopinata has an impressive ammonia affinity compared to other microbes. But when measured with NMT, what will its ammonium flux profile actually look like, and what will this indicate about it’s use of ammonia? What will the nitrate efflux look like? How will these data look compared to the other microbes? Only NMT can answer these questions with real time flux measurement in live colonies of N. inopinata . As this research moves forward, it will surely lead to new techniques for agricultural practices and wastewater protocols. One must wonder, what will be the next discovery about this amazing bacteria? For more NMT connections, see NMT Publications: http://youngerusa.com/index.php/publications References K Dimitri Kits, et al. Kinetic analysis of a complete nitrifier reveals an oligotrophic lifestyle. Nature, 2017. 269–272. Eric S. McLamore, et al. Non-invasive self-referencing electrochemical sensors for quantifying real-time biofilm analyte flux. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2009.102:791–799.
个人分类: CNS和NMT|3039 次阅读|0 个评论
bqxiha 2016-4-21 16:06
论文标题叫《 Crossing the Border between Laboratoryand Field: Bacterial Quorum Quenching for Anti- Biofouling Strategy in an MBR 》。 出自韩国学者 Seonki Lee。 这篇文章用了带能够分解QS机构中AHL的酶的细菌 Rhodococcus sp. BH4 ,该菌分离自实际水处理场的原水,具有良好的分解AHL的作用,并且通过此行为来阻止biofilm的形成,从而阻止生物污垢的形成。 实验系统,先用了单纯的好氧槽,把过滤膜浸泡在里面,透过泵来使处理水透过膜。水源用的是实际废水处理厂的水。一个对比槽,加了没有固定QQ菌的beads,一个实验槽,加了固定QQ菌的beads。以此对比QQ菌的防生物污垢的能力。然后用了常规厌氧槽,好氧槽和膜,来观察实际应用中的效果和对处理水质的影响。 文章应用性研究比较强,没有多做菌机理方面的解释。 本人研究用的不是菌,是酶。把酶固定在膜材料,来阻止biofouling。跟Lee的研究比起来,虽还处于基础研究,但还是有很多可以继续研究的地方。希望自己能脚踏实地的走下去。
2764 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Gut feelings, literally (胃里的微生物和你的大脑功能)
zuojun 2013-11-19 03:17
Gut Bacteria Might Guide The Workings Of Our Minds by ROB STEIN November 18, 2013 3:07 AM Illustration by Benjamin Arthur for NPR You can learn more about this at http://www.npr.org/blogs/health/2013/11/18/244526773/gut-bacteria-might-guide-the-workings-of-our-minds
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|2003 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]New rust-eating bacteria found in the Titanic
shixiuchao 2010-12-11 09:23
come from http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2010/12/182_77807.html The bow of the Titanic is at rest at the bottom of the North Atlantic, about 400 miles southeast of Newfoundland. Scientists say the ship's hull is under attack from a new form of bacteria. A newly discovered species of rust-eating bacteria is eating the wreck of the Titanic, the Daily Mail newspaper reports. The micro-organisms, which have never been seen before, are destroying the famous ship at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, said researchers. Samples of rusticles from the Titanic were gathered in 1991 by the Mir 2 robotic submersible. They isolated the micro-organisms from a rusticle collected from the ship ― lying 3.8km below the ocean surface ― and named their find Halomonas titanicae. The researchers from Dalhousie University, Canada, and the University of Sevilla, Spain, say the bacterium could pose a new microbial threat to the exterior of ships and underwater metal structures such as oil rigs. They published their findings in the latest issue of the International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, also testing the rusting ability of the bacteria. They found that it was able to stick to steel surfaces, creating knob-like mounds of corrosion products. A similar process is thought to be responsible for the formation of the rusticles ― which resemble icy icicles ― that adorn the hull of the RMS Titanic. While these appear to be solid structures, rusticles are highly porous and support a complex variety of bacteria. The findings suggest that H. titanicae may be working alongside other organisms to speed up the corrosion of the metal. Lead researchers Dr. Bhavleen Kaur and Dr. Henrietta Mann from Dalhousie University said, We believe H. titanicae plays a part in the recycling of iron structures at certain depths. This could be useful in the disposal of old naval and merchant ships and oil rigs that have been cleaned of toxins and oil-based products and then sunk in the deep ocean. They believe that the findings have opened up further areas of research that could be applied elsewhere, saying: 'We don't know yet whether this species arrived aboard the RMS Titanic before or after it sank. We also don't know if these bacteria cause similar damage to offshore oil and gas pipelines. Finding answers to these questions will not only better our understanding of our oceans, but may also equip us to devise coatings that can prevent similar deterioration to our metal structures. Setting out on its doomed maiden voyage on April 10, 1912, from Southampton to New York City, the Titanic was made up of 50,000 tons of iron but has now been progressively deteriorating for the past 98 years.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2379 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zhangt10 2009-6-11 15:43
前几天在路上碰到做代谢通路的PK,感叹了一下他的世界是多么的充满数据及易与验证,尤其是相比起免疫系统. 他说其实我这是典型的草地那边绿,代谢也没那么简单,人类基因只是一部分-菌落的故事才刚刚开始解析. 有这么多可玩的新花头,他自然非常开心. 提到肠道菌群,突然想起来某位同事介绍的一部科幻小说(名字忘了,明天再问问),主题就是我们人类啊其实是被病毒细菌们长期选择出来的智能培养皿. 算算呢, 人体携带的细菌数是人类本身细胞数的十倍. 人类携带的基因组里面也有的是病毒序列. 看着某流感病毒的成功全球殖民,也许机器人agent smith的看法有那么一点点事实根据。 前几天提到的恶性HPV 16,居然也懂得怎么搭精子们的顺风车,狡猾狡猾地 http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0005847
个人分类: 生活点滴|2786 次阅读|1 个评论

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