

tag 标签: 威士忌呼吸


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zuojun 2020-9-25 09:53
最近一直在 “研究” 老年痴呆 症。起因是一本书: The End of Alzheimer's Program: The First Protocol to Enhance Cognition and Reverse Decline at Any Age By Dr. Bredesen 这 本 书给 出一个“ 补脑 食物金字塔”。塔基是晚 饭 后 12小 时 的 节 食, 给 身体一个修复机会。 这 当然离不开好的睡眠。有朋友看了我的博客, 马 上就抱怨 说 :失眠。(好像人生最痛苦的 3件事,第一就是失眠,其次才是失恋和脱 发 。年 轻 男性脱 发 ,在美国不 难 治 疗 。有 兴 趣的可以上网搜一下。我不是开玩笑。) 我昨天晚上无聊到玩油管,不小心看到一个瑜伽老 师 教“如何呼吸”。和瑜伽相伴 7年的我, 马 上点开。然后推荐 给朋友。她说:马上试!有兴趣的可以搜“ Whiskey Breath”。 Water, Whiskey, Coffee Breath: Breathing as a Health Tool by Lucas Rockwood https://www.yourdailybreath.com/water-whiskey-coffee-breath-breathing-as-a-health-tool/ Whiskey Breath (AKA Down-Regulating Breath) moves at 4 breaths per minute. 简译:威士忌呼吸法(也就是让身体节奏慢下来的呼吸法)追求一分钟少于4次呼吸(呼和吸)。 When you reduce your breath below 4 breaths per minute, it triggers a strong parasympathetic (rest and digest) nervous system response, reduces your heart rate, reduces activity in skeletal muscles, and improves digestion. 简译:这样做的目的是让神经系统进入休息和消化状态:减慢心率、放松肌肉、改善消化。 This type of breathing is great after meals, in the evening, and most commonly, right before bed. This practice should be done seated or lying down, and never while driving or doing anything standing or active. 简译:这种呼吸适合饭后、晚间休息、和入睡前。可以坐着或躺着。不要在开车时试,也不要站着或干活时试。 It’s common for students to fall asleep while using Whiskey Breath, so it should be used with care. Use primarily before bed Can be used (with care) to reduce intense stress or anxiety After eating, this breathing pattern can aid in digestion How to Practice(如何 进行) : Sit down or lie down in bed(坐下或躺下) Inhale through your nose to the count of 1-2-3-4(用鼻子吸气1-2-3-4) Hold 1-2-3-4(屏住呼吸1-2-3-4) Exhale through your nose to the count of 4-3-2-1(用鼻子吐气4-3-2-1) Hold 4-3-2-1(屏住呼吸1-2-3-4) Repeat for at least 10 rounds (approx 10 min)(至少做10次, 约10分钟。译者注:应该不到3分钟。) Practice only while seated or lying down (never while driving)(必须是坐下或躺下。不要在开车 时玩。)
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