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The sea of Tranquility 安宁之海
热度 1 duke01361 2014-4-14 16:40
The sea of Tranquility 安宁之海 空旷旷的一片天地 没有鸟兽也没有人迹 光线亦扑朔迷离游曳在茂密的树林里 清冷的山风 吹起毛发倒立 这是一片安宁之海 是灵的故乡 这里没有工厂,也不需要庄稼地 这里生长着智慧之花 形形色色 既不美丽也不娇柔 却充满了神奇 这里没有世上的元素 这里是达尔文、牛顿、康德、黑格尔... 等人的故居 这里的安宁的海洋 这里是人类伟大灵魂的祖居地 我误入这诡异的地方 感觉是那么的恐惧 在这里我显得异常孤独 在这里我失去了活着的勇气 我想象不出生活的乐趣 执着、坚毅和孤独 这些都是生命的大敌 阳光下的人们把这里当做传说 一代一代传播着传奇 .... 我的那点可怜的欲望 还有佛洛依德的观点 我不知道何去何从 是逃跑,还是留在这里 做一个逆来顺受的仆人?
个人分类: Life a Bit|2421 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]好看纪录片《DEEP SEA》
热度 1 jlpemail 2013-3-27 01:27
http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/c5qArrTZ-hQ/isRenhe=1 英文配音、汉语字母。
个人分类: 资料库|2311 次阅读|4 个评论
Adriatic Sea的早晨
热度 2 jwmao 2012-10-16 22:59
清晨的Adriatic海湾,这里天亮的比较晚 一早就有人就在海边钓鱼,可惜听不懂他们的意大利语 海边的餐馆,有正宗的意大利海鲜面
个人分类: 生活点滴|5516 次阅读|5 个评论
The air quality from Beijing to Qingdao on May 10th
zuojun 2012-5-10 22:31
My eyes saw smog, which got much worse as the train D337 approached Tianjin South. The visibility was not much improved until the train arrived at Weifang, the last but one station. From there, one could tell the sky was (lite) blue. As the train entered Qingdao, the sky was getting bluer. Suddenly, everything went hiding, behind a veil, this time it's the sea fog. I was warned about the fog and temperature drop; so, I was prepared. It was chilly even with a jacket on. I feel sorry for those who were in their summer clothes... In comparison, one has to admit that Qingdao is beautiful. (I don't even remember what Hawaii looks like.) My memory resurfaces--after all, this is the city where I spent four years. In many ways, it's like a home-coming to me.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2855 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Radio Program: Science and the Sea
热度 1 zuojun 2012-1-14 09:56
http://www.scienceandthesea.org/index.php?option=com_contenttask=categorysectionid=1id=2Itemid=10 Our regular Science and the Sea TM radio program presents marine science topics in an engaging two-minute story format. Our script writers gather ideas for the radio program from the University of Texas Marine Science Institute's researchers and from our very popular college class, Introduction to Oceanography , which we teach to hundreds of non-science majors at The University of Texas at Austin every year. Our radio programs are distributed to commercial and public radio stations across the country.
个人分类: Education|1509 次阅读|0 个评论
科学网的朋友别着急,没有榨菜了,俺email sea water 给你们!
热度 5 wangxh 2011-3-17 23:21
盐和碘都是从海里来的, 这里的人们不要着急, 如果连榨菜都没了, 俺给你们Email Sea Water 这叫“望海水止淡”!
个人分类: 未分类|3302 次阅读|8 个评论
OCN 201 at U. Hawaii System
zuojun 2010-8-25 11:35
You get what you pay for OCN 201--at least in this case, if you are a student at U. Hawaii, or one of its community colleges. (Note: The tuition is pretty cheap at U. Hawaii, but the cost at its community colleges is only 1/3 of U. Hawaii's.) Science of the Sea at U. Hawaii Manoa Campus is co-taught by three professors and assisted by a group of TAs. OCN 201 at U. Hawaii Manoa Campus Science of the Sea at LCC (Leeward Community College of U. Hawaii System) is taught by one instructor (and probably no TA). OCN 201 at LCC Science of the Sea at WCC (Windward Community College of U. Hawaii System), by one instructor. OCN 201 at WCC And, I am struggling if I should apply for the job to teach this course at KCC (Kapiolani Community College of U. Hawaii System), all by myself. (Yes, the school started yesterday, and they need a new instructor to start the coming Monday! The current instructor is going to take a full-time job in California.) OCN 201 at KCC
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|3730 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Science and the Sea
zuojun 2010-7-24 03:33
Science and the Sea Science and the Sea TM is a production of The University of Texas Marine Science Institute on the Gulf of Mexico in Port Aransas, Texas. The sea affects our lives in many ways - we relax by its shores and play on its surface, eat of its bounty and enjoy its beauty, it moderates our climate and fuels powerful storms, and it supports an amazingly rich and diverse ecosystem. Researchers know a great deal about how marine life survives and even thrives in the sea, how the sea is critical to human life on the land, and how man affects the vast ocean. The goal of Science and the Sea TM is to convey this understanding of the sea and its myriad life forms to everyone, so that they, too, can fully appreciate this amazing resource. We do this through magazine articles, a radio program, and activities on our website. In all of these, we provide entertaining stories and activities that teach about the marine world and even convey how scientists approach, and ultimately solve, some of the oceans' mysteries.
个人分类: Education|2175 次阅读|1 个评论
We should verify these “留学人员考虑是否回国的最重要因素”by 陈中红
zuojun 2009-10-14 17:14
I think only a survey could verify whether or not these are indeed the key factors for talented Chinese to become sea turtles: 1、归属感; 2、成就感; 3、机会成本; 4、环境适应. (For details, see 陈中红的博客 at http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=262264 .) What about these factors? a) Fresh Ph.D. who does not feel well-established yet. He would go for post doc, and hopefully professorship someday (actually quite a few years later or never). b) Childrens educationSo many Chinese mothers are in tears (go check out Blogs on the ScienceNet), seeing their only child has to join the rat race (no insult; a phrase often used for scientists with soft money positions in U.S.) at a tender age in middle school; c) Air pollution in cities (where big institutions and universities are located). I agree that 水从高处流向低处, but question 人才从低处流向高处. How many of todays talents were talents when they were still in China? Many of these Chinese went abroad to study, and then a few of them became talents. With all that said, I agree that 海外人才会逐渐回流,而且因为回流,竞争也会越来越激烈。 This is because there are much more opportunities in China, especially when the economy is bad in the west. What I would be concerned is how a highly-paid sea turtle would not feel a bit uncomfortable by the special treatment he receives while most Chinese are trying hard to ... p.s. Here are two true stories that involve myself. As we were about to graduate with master's degrees from Zhongshan Univercity in late 1984, we were told in our face that a person with a masters degree from abroad would immediately get a two-bedroom apartment, while those made in China might not even get one-bedroom. What was the hidden message there? Go abroad, and then you would become special. About eight years later, I was invited to attend a conference in Qingdao for young oceanographers from abroad to meet colleagues in China. A high-level official from Beijing sat down with us, and asked for suggestions. I only asked the M.S. or Ph.D. who was trained in China be treated the same way as one with the same degree from abroad, telling him the story I told you earlier. Talents should be determined by some merits, not by where he received his M.S. or Ph.D. While the government's intention to attract talents from abroad is good, hurting Made-in-China scientists is not wise.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3561 次阅读|2 个评论
chni 2009-6-29 19:29
老人是海 献给我的八十高龄老博友以及我尊敬的老科学家们 老人是海,博大精深。老科学家、老专家学者更是一个波澜壮阔之后的平静之海。 我早年读过一部叫《老人与海》的小说,那是美国作家海明威的一部象征性的小说,也是他的代表作。《老人与海》如童话般地叙述了一个简单的故事:作品的主人公圣地亚哥是一位老渔夫,他经过重重艰险,捕获了一条不止一千五百磅重的大马林鱼,但这条大马林鱼却被鲨鱼吃光了,在历经艰辛之后,圣地亚哥拖回了一副鱼的骨架。当海明威被宣为布普利策文学奖得主时,他说了一句简单的话 ―― 简单得让每一个人都能从灵魂深处反观人性: 人可以被毁灭,却不可以被打败。 《老人与海》让我感触很多。其实,每位老人都经历了一个生活的大海,每位老人在老年时仍要面临着一个生活的大海,每位老人也同样都是一个大海。在我看来,八十老者就是这样的海。 老友八十老者,请允许我这样称呼他,其实我们不曾相识,但我们却像相识很久很久。因为是老年尊长,所以谓他老友;因为是感觉相识太久,所以呼他老友;因为尊老敬老,所以尊他老友;因为老而友善,所以称他老友。老友好似海明威《老人与海》中的圣地亚哥,他是老人,他也是海。圣提亚哥为了证明自己是个古怪老头儿,为了证明自己有坚强勇气与毅力,完成了只能属于自己而别人完成的任务。为了光荣与尊严,圣提亚哥一定要捕到一条大鱼。老友八十老者,一直在捕那条叫做光荣与尊严的大鱼。老友八十老者,一直在表现着他对待神圣生命的从容和优雅。 因为老友知道,什么是人之责无旁贷(海明威语)。 因为老友知道,生命中阳光虽然刺眼,但阳光依然美好(海明威语)。 因为老友知道,一定有属于他的大鱼在什么地方等着(海明威语)。 因为老友知道,人可以被毁灭,却不可以被打败(海明威语)。 因为老友知道,时日可贵,人生的意义更值得考虑(海明威语)。 因为老友知道,与飞鸟走兽相比 , 人类并无任何优越可言(海明威语)。 因为老友知道,男人的词典里没有痛苦(海明威语)。 我想,其实每一个老科学家、老专家学者又何曾不是如此呢? 开博于斯的这几天,我深深地感触到,在科学网上,无论是老者们自己博客里的谈笑风生,还是专家们博客中的提及忆起,都让我看到了不少老科学家仍然风貌在斯、影子在斯、精神在斯,他们与我们同行、与我们同在这是其他网上所不能比拟的,令我感动不已,所以,我以此文献给他们,祝福他们,期盼他们永远与我们同在!
个人分类: 生活点滴|4686 次阅读|5 个评论

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