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先当院士后当教授的英国孢粉学家&生态学家Harry Godwin FRS
livingfossil 2016-5-17 23:12
The Epic of Palaeobotany-454 Umbrella of British Palaeobotany (45) 先当院士后当教授的英国孢粉学家、生态学家 Sir Harry Godwin FRS (1901--1985) SPS-454-Harry Godwin-rev2.pdf
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沉痛悼念富勒烯发现者、诺奖得主Harry Kroto教授
热度 8 yolandahongmei 2016-5-6 17:23
诺贝尔奖得主,前英国皇家化学会主席 (2002-2004) ,化学家 Harry Kroto 于 4 月 30 日(上周六)逝世,享年 76 岁。 因为发现了富勒烯, Kroto 与 Robert Curl 、 Richard Smalley 一同获得了 1996 年的诺贝尔化学奖,并在同年被授予爵位。 科研之路 Kroto 于 1940 年出生在剑桥郡的威兹比奇,他的父母是二战期间逃离德国的难民,而后他们在英国北部的博尔顿开始了气球生产和印刷公司的生意,因此 Kroto 在这度过其大部分童年时光。 Kroto 曾在 Bolton School 就读,也就是在那里,他发现了化学、物理以及数学学科神奇的魅力。 并在 1958 年前往谢菲尔德大学修读化学专业,获得了化学学士学位,接着又获得了分子光谱学的博士学位。 在 1964 年完成博士学位后,他搬到加拿大并在渥太华的国家研究委员会以博士后的身份进行光谱学研究。接着,他在 19 6 6 年进入贝尔实验室从事拉曼光谱对液相反应的研究,但很快又回到英国接受了一份博士后的职位,随后获得了苏塞克斯大学的终生教职。 在苏塞克斯, Kroto 继续着对新化学物质的光谱学研究。与此同时,他也在与加拿大宇航员合作来检测外太空探测到的长链线形碳链分子(如 HC 3 N 和 HC 5 N )。这项工作最终还导向了给他赢得诺贝尔奖的那个发现。上世纪 80 年代, Kroto 和 Curl 以及 Smalley 一同在美国的莱斯大学进行恒星大气成分模拟情况的研究。正是在这些实验中,他们发现了碳的一种新的同素异形体:足球形状的 C 60 ,可能是碳蒸汽被压缩后形成的。为了向美国建筑师 Buckminster Fuller 致敬, Kroto 提议将这种新的同素异形体命名为巴克敏斯特富勒烯,正是他的网格穹顶设计帮助 Kroto 具象化了 C 60 的结构。 科学传播者 伴随着诺贝尔奖的荣誉, Kroto 成为了一名活跃的演说家和科学传播者,将其大部分精力投身于教育拓展服务和公众科普活动。在 1995 年他创办了 Vega Science Trust ( http://www.vega.org.uk/ )网站,用以支持科学视频的拍摄、传播和交流。 Kroto 旨在为广大科研工作者和科学爱好者提供一个免费自由的交流平台。 2002 年 -2004 年, Kroto 担任英国皇家化学会主席一职,之后成为了美国佛罗里达州立大学的化学教授。 现任英国皇家化学会现任 首席执行官 Robert Parker 在 Kroto 在任期间任职于学会的出版部门 。“我常常被 Harry 对化学赤诚的热情所震惊,他总是慷慨地和年轻人尤其是青年研究者进行分享。他为人随和,很好相处,是化学界很好的传播者与代言人。” Robert 说道。“同时,他毋庸置疑是一位杰出的科学家,除了在艺术和设计方面的热情以及持久的兴趣能对推进创新和为解决重大问题提供新思路有着潜移默化的影响,他温润的天性,待人的真诚以及坚定的个人见解也充满着无限魅力。” 人格魅力 苏塞克斯大学的副校长, Michael Farthing 评价说:“ Harry Kroto 的才智是如此高深,他对于化学学科的贡献将会永存。他改变了现代科学家关于化学的看法,同时也活跃在全球政治和艺术界将这一影响扩大。对于多个学科和文化的热爱让他能够以一种独特而积极的眼光看待这个世界。” 英国皇家化学会前任主席 Lesley Yellowlees (2012-2014) 也对 Kroto 的贡献表示高度赞扬,称 Kroto 的激情与感染力将激励着一代一代的科研工作者。 RSC Chemistry World 接下来将推出一系列关于 Kroto 的独家专访,英国皇家化学会还将通过各种社交媒体渠道向 Harry 致以最诚挚的哀悼。
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Lyman Harry Daugherty (1894--??)与美国亚利桑那州化石森林
livingfossil 2015-5-12 22:50
位于美国亚利桑那州东北部的化石森林国家公园( Petrified Forest National Park)是世界上最大的化石木(硅化木)保护区,其独特的自然景观吸引着世界各地的游客。公园内三叠纪“Chinle” 地层(Chinle Formation ,距今大约2.25亿年)富含木化石。那些沉睡亿年的木化石表明这个广袤而苍茫的地质公园曾经是充满生机的绿色大森林。 美国古植物学家 Lyman Harry Daugherty (1894-??-)是研究亚利桑那木化石的代表人物之一。Lyman Harry Daugherty 1925年毕业于斯坦福大学,获得硕士学位,主要研究树木生长和细胞生长的关系。之后,Lyman Harry Daugherty 主要供职于加州San Jos State College,从事古植物学和孢粉学的教学和科研。 根据公开文献, 1933年Lyman Harry Daugherty 和美国古植物学家Ralph Works Chaney (1890--1971)合作,在当时的中国地质学英文期刊 -- Bulletin of the Geological Society of China (《中国地质学会汇报》)发表论文,报道了产自北京周口店的豆科紫荆属植物化石( Cercis )。两位作者选择中国的学术期刊,可能是考虑便于中国地区的同行参考。 1941年,Lyman Harry Daugherty与热爱地质公园的博物学家Howard R. Stagner(1907--1995)合作,发表了系统研究亚利桑那州木化石的古植物学专著。 时光飞逝。也许 Lyman Harry Daugherty和他的著作早已被世人遗忘 …… ∮1 教育背景 A.B.1924;M.A. 1925, Stanford University Lyman Harry Daugherty在斯坦福大学完成的硕士学位论文基本信息 : Title: Tree growth as afunction of cell growth Author: Lyman Harry Daugherty Publisher: 1925. Dissertation: Thesis(M.A.)--Stanford University, 1925. Edition/Format: Thesis/dissertation : Thesis/dissertation : Manuscript Archival Material : English Database: WorldCat ∮ 2 研究领域 古植物学和孢粉学 ∮3 部分论著 Daugherty, L. H. , H . R. Stagner 1941. Upper Triassic flora of Arizona. Carnegie. Institute of Washington Publication, 526:1-108. Daugherty, L. H. 1960. Itopsidema , a new genus of the Osmundaceae from the Triassic of Arizona. American Journal ofBotany, 47:771-777. Daugherty, L. H. 1963. Triassic rootsfrom the Petrified Forest National Park, American Journal of Botany,50:802-805. Ralph Works Chaney , Lyman H Daugherty , 1933. The occurence of Cercis associated with the remains of Sinanthropus. Bulletin of the Geological Society of China, Vol.12, no.3, S. 323-328 ------------------- 孙启高 2015 年 5 月 11 日整理 本期编目 古植物学的故事 353 期 Story of Paleobotany Series (No.353) Umbrella of American paleobotany-111-Lyman Harry Daugherty (1894--??) 美国古植物学家 Lyman Harry Daugherty (1894-??-) American paleobotanist—Lyman Harry Daugherty (1894--??) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-889715.html ===================== 参见 : Petrified Forest National Park Arizona http://www.nps.gov/pefo/index.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrified_Forest_National_Park 古植物学的故事 228 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.228) Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-826366.html 2014-9-10 05:45 Ralph Works Chaney (1890--1971), a leader of world palaeobotany in the 20 th century http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-403166.html ==================================
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“古植物学家的古植物学家”--H. D. MacGinitie
livingfossil 2011-1-6 00:13
古植物学的故事(100) 美国古植物学是如何崛起的?(之七) 古植物学家的古植物学家 (palaeobotanist's palaeobotanist)-- Harry Dunlap MacGinitie (1896--1987) 孙启高 2011年元月4日写于美国康州 本期《古植物学的故事》的期号比较特别---本期是第100期,但实际上为第101期,因为期号是从零开始的!可是,我自己认为本期《古植物学的故事》的真正特别之处在于题目和人物---古植物学家的古植物学家 Harry Dunlap MacGinitie (1896--1987)!题目直接来自英文palaeobotanist's palaeobotanist,这种说法不是我的创造(coin),而是出自美国著名古植物学家Jack A. Wolfe (1936--2005)的一篇文章。 我对已故Jack A. Wolfe教授是非常感激的。在我涉猎新生代植物研究的初期,他曾给予我很多帮助。有一年冬天,他将他的所有论著(单行本)装在一个大纸箱里邮寄给我。我很有兴趣地阅读了他于1987年发表的一篇回忆性文章,该文怀念美国著名古植物学H. D. MacGinitie: Wolfe, JA, 1987, Memorial to Harry D. MacGinitie: Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, v. 74, p. 684688. Jack A. Wolfe非常博学,为人与为学非常坦率。他在文章中对H. D. MacGinitie的学术成就给予很高评价,认为H. D. MacGinitie是古植物学家的古植物学家。 我建议对古植物学研究有兴趣、有激情的朋友们抽时间读一读Jack A. Wolfe撰写的文章。 20世纪,美国加州大学伯克莱分校(Berkeley)是第三纪古植物学研究的圣地,涌现了一批杰出的古植物学家,其中R. W. Chaney (1890--1971)是世界古植物学的学术领袖之一。Jack A. Wolfe在他的文章中回忆了他与R. W. Chaney 和H. D. MacGinitie的交往。 1933年,H. D. MacGinitie到加州大学伯克莱分校跟随R. W. Chaney 从事古植物学研究,攻读博士学位。1936年,H. D. MacGinitie毕业,他的博士论文题目是:The flora of the Weaverville beds, Trinity County, California(论文提交时间为1936年5月)。毕业后,他继续在伯克莱分校工作,直到1970年退休。 按照Jack A. Wolfe的评价,H. D. MacGinitie一生的论著不多,主要有: 1936 The flora of the Weaverville beds, Trinity County, California 1941 A Middle Eocene flora from the central Sierra Nevada 1953 Fossil plants of the Florissant beds, Colorado 1962 The Kilgore flora 1969 The Eocene Green River flora of northwestern Colorado and northeastern Utah 1974 An early middle Eocene flora from the Yellowstone-Absaroka volcanic province, northwestern Wind River Basin, Wyoming 但是,我认为H. D. MacGinitie的研究非常深入而全面,特别注重研究工作的系统性,他的著作比较厚重,少而精。如果H. D. MacGinitie有意将他的专著分成若干小文章发表,那么他的出版物清单会很长! H. D. MacGinitie的学术成就与水准主要体现在A Middle Eocene flora from the central Sierra Nevada和Fossil plants of the Florissant beds, Colorado等有长期影响的学术专著中,尤其是后者为H. D. MacGinitie奠定了很高的学术地位。H. D. MacGinitie是学界的楷模,是后学的榜样! - Harry MacGinitie splits shale at Florissant with a rock hammer and butcher knife. Photo credit: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/science/parks/images/fl_mac600.jpg - H. D. MacGinitie关于科罗拉多Florissant地层中植物化石的研究是一个非常好的古植物学的故事。19361937年,H. D. MacGinitie开始采集和研究Florissant地层的植物化石。直到1953年他才正式发表一本非常经典的学术专著,对该地层的植物群进行了系统的修订,并且对有关古气候、古地理和古生态问题进行了很细致的讨论。 - From left to right: Harry MacGinitie, Jack Wolfe and Herb Meyer at Berkeley circa 1980. 古植物学博士Herbert W. Meyer1986年毕业于伯克莱. Photo credit: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/science/parks/images/fl_macjackherb538.jpg 值得一提的是,Jack A. Wolfe与伯克莱古植物学圣地有很深的学术渊源。1957年,Jack a Wolfe到伯克莱攻读古植物学博士学位,他的指导老师由3人组成:Wayne L. Fry, A.S. Foster and Herbert L. Mason(1896-1994)。1959年,Jack a Wolfe获得古生物学的硕士学位,他的论文题目是:The Tertiary Juglandaceae of Western North America。1960年,Jack a Wolfe获得博士学位,他的博士论文题目是:Early Miocene floras of northwest Oregon。如果我们用心研读Jack A. Wolfe一生发表的著作,我们会发现他像H. D. MacGinitie那样具有真正的学者风范。Jack A. Wolfe的许多专著让人感到敬畏,他也是古植物学家的古植物学家! ------------------------
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Harry H. Cheng清华大学计算机系学术报告
huangfuqiang 2009-7-2 11:52
信息来自清华大学计算机系主页,很好的主题. Title: Embedded Scripting, Mobile Agent Based Computing, and Teaching/Learning Computer Programming in C Using a C/C++ Interpreter Speaker: Dr. Harry H. Cheng, Professor University of California, Davis Email: hhcheng@ucdavis.edu Web: http://iel.ucdavis.edu/people/cheng.html Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm, July 1, 2009 Host: Dr. Maosong Sun, Professor and Chair ( 孙 茂松教授, 系主任) Department of Computer Science Tsinghua University Tel: +86-10-6278-1286 Email: sms@tsinghua.edu.cn Abstract: Embedded scripting is increasingly gaining popularity in design of software systems and applications. In the programming paradigm of embedded scripting, an interpreter or scripting engine is embedded into a binary application program. The application can execute script code through the embedded interpreter. The script code can also invoke binary code. As an application example, by using scripts, executed at the defined points from the application, customer or product specific behaviors can be implemented. As another example, modern engineering systems such as intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems are increasingly becoming complex. However, most existing systems were designed with static and customized architectures, which are inflexible to operate and interact. In addition, many systems, such as network sensors, have long life span. Once deployed, they may not be physically reachable. Hence, the ability to be reprogrammable, or in-situ programming, is critical to systems such as automated testing systems, intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems operating in a dynamically changing environment with uncertainty. An embeddable computing engine is an ideal solution to address this challenge. It allows a system in-situ programmable. Mobile agent technology is also emerging as a key concept in building highly distributed, autonomous, scalable, and collaborative intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems. It allows deployment and execution of mobile code dynamically in response to events unanticipated at the design stage. The concept of agents is widely applicable in distributed systems for intelligent monitoring and condition assessment, proactive control, predictive maintenance, autonomous sensor fusion, autonomous robotic control, dynamic system reconfiguration, grid computing, autonomic computing, and cloud computing. In this seminar, first, recent research advances and development challenges of embeddable computing engines and mobile agent technology will be presented. Then, the design and implementation of an ISO C standard compliant embeddable C/C++ interpreter called Ch will be presented. Many new features, such as complex numbers, variable length arrays (VLAs), and generic functions, first implemented in Ch became part of the latest C standard called C99 to make C more suitable for applications in engineering and science. In addition, Ch contains all salient features of MATLAB for graphical plotting and numerical computing. Ch can also be seamlessly embedded in other applications as a C/C++ scripting engine for in-situ programming, especially for mechantronic and embedded systems. Next, the design and implementation of an open-source mobile agent system called Mobile-C ( http://www.mobilec.org ) is then introduced. The C/C++ interpreter Ch is embedded into Mobile-C to handle mobile C/C++ agent code. Mobile-C supports both stationary and mobile agents, and is especially designed to support C/C++ mobile agents in networked intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems. Both Ch and Mobile-C have been widely used in academia and industries including Lockheed Martin, LG Electronics, Agilent, ABB, TeleCommunication Systems, FunctionBay, and Sandia National Labs to automate the industry processes, control of robots, equipment, emergency 911 call, and homeland and national security. Applications of Ch and Mobile-C for task-level control of a robot workcell with multiple manipulators, bio-inspired mobile robots, intelligent sensor nodes with tiny embedded computers for real-time monitoring and control will be demonstrated. In this seminar, how to use a Ch-based teaching platform ( http://iel.ucdavis.edu/cfores ) for teaching and learning computer programming in C will also be presented. The teaching platform consists of the Ch computing environment with both command shell and user-friendly IDE called ChIDE, a textbook on introductory computer programming in C ( http://www.mhhe.com/cheng ) with over 350 fully-documented complete sample code and 500 well-designed exercises, over 1400 PowerPoint slides for classroom presentation, over 200 PowerPoint slides for discussion sessions, and Instructor's Guide including solutions and source code for exercises. Experience indicates that this C/C++ interpreter based teaching platform increases the effectiveness of teaching computer programming for real-world problem solving and lowers the barrier for beginners to learn computer programming in C ( http://iel.ucdavis.edu/publication/2009/Ch4Teaching.pdf ). About the Speaker: Harry H. Cheng is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Graduate Group in Computer Science, and Graduate Group in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California, Davis. He is also the Director of the Integration Engineering Laboratory at the University of California, Davis. Before joining the faculty at the University of California, Davis, he worked as a Senior Engineer on robotic automation systems in the Research and Development Division at United Parcel Service from 1989 to 1992. He is the founder of SoftIntegration, Inc. which provides infrastructure software and services for rapid development and deployment of application software. He received the M.S. degree in Mathematics in 1986 and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1989 from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Dr. Cheng has been teaching computer programming in C for engineering applications, engineering software design, robotics, and computer-aided design at the University of California, Davis since 1992. His research is focused on computer-aided engineering, mobile agent-based computing, intelligent mechatronic and embedded systems, and innovative teaching. He has published over 140 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. He is the author of the book entitled C for Engineers and Scientists: An Interpretive Approach published by McGraw-Hill in 2009, with a Chinese edition to be published by Chinas Higher Education Press soon. He received a Research Initiation Award from the National Science Foundation, the Best Paper Award at the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, the Procter and Gamble Best Paper Award as well as the Waldron Award at the Applied Mechanisms and Robotics Conferences. He received an Outstanding Contribution Award from United Parcel Service Inc. Dr. Cheng is the original designer and implementer of an embeddable C/C++ interpreter Ch ( http://www.softintegration.com ) for cross-platform scripting, shell programming, two- and three-dimensional plotting , numerical computing, and embedded scripting. His C/C++ interpreter has been well received in both academia and industry. Dr. Cheng participated in revision of the latest C standard called C99 through ANSI X3J11 and ISO S22/WG14 C Standard Committees and made contributions to new C99 numerical features of complex numbers, variable length arrays, and IEEE floating-point arithmetic, which had been implemented in his C/C++ interpreter Ch. Ch provided proof of concept implementations for the C99 standardization process. Dr. Cheng is a Fellow of ASME and a Senior Member of IEEE. He has presented tutorials on real-time Linux for the control of mechatronic systems at the ASME IDETC. He is the Chair of the Technical Committee on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications in the Design Engineering Division of ASME ( http://iel.ucdavis.edu/mesa/ ). He is also the Chair of the Technical Committee on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems in ITS of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society. He is the General Chair of the 2009 ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications. He was the Chair of the Technical Area of Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing and Chair of Technical Area of Computers in Electromechanical Systems in the ASME Division of Computers and Information in Engineering. He served as the Conference Chair and Program Chair of the IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications.
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