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英文编辑讲座:使文章“好”上加好 | 符号篇
liwenbianji 2017-1-18 21:47
Punctuation Has the Power to Completely Change the Meaning of a Sentence 标点可以完全改变句子意思 1. Commas: Be careful about commas with essential and nonessential information 逗号:注意必要和非必要信息 Ask yourself, “Is the information essential or is it extra information that could be omitted”? 问你自己:“此信息 必要 吗, 或是否为多余信息进行省略” ? If the information is essential , do NOT use commas. 如果此信息是 重要 的, 不要 使用逗号。 If the information is extra, nonessential , information, you MUST use commas. 如果此信息是附加的, 不必要 的, 必须 使用逗号。 正确用法: The equipment that we used was made by the XX Company. 错误用法: The equipment, which we used, was made by the XX Company. 正确用法: The equipment, which was made in Shanghai, was very expensive. Basic Rule for Comma Use 逗号使用的一般规则 Use commas + “which” for non-essential information. 用逗号+“which”表示非必要的信息 ○ This review, which can also be found online, covers research that started in 1999. × This review that can also be found online covers research that started in 1999. Use NO commas + “that” for essential information. 直接使用“that”表示必要的信息 ○ The research that I reviewed started in 1999. × The research, that I reviewed, started in 1999. 2. Hyphens, en dash, em dash: Try not to overuse because they can slow down the reader 连字符,一字线,破折号尽量少用 Hyphens and Dashes Hyphen (-): Connector rather than in indicator of interruption or omission. 连接 well-being, advanced-level En dash (–): Means “through.” 范围 August 28–29; pp. 2–5. • Em dash (—): Separator to create a strong break in a sentence, like parentheses. 断开 These two cities—that is, Beijing and Shanghai—are developing rapidly. Practice Exercise 练习 1. The introduction is written on pages 3□6. 2. The CUJS conference will be held November 24□November 30 in Beijing, China. 3. Mr. Wang had tried asking, begging, and even demanding cooperation from his staff□all of whom were busy with other things□before he gave up and wrote the report himself. 4. No one□not even his professor□thought that his article would be published in Nature. 5. This is a well□known problem in organic chemistry. 3. Colons, Semicolons 冒号和分号 Colon: for listing and defining, and indicates a stronger pause than a semicolon. 冒号: 用于列举,定义,比分号停顿强 The presentation covered three topics: grammar, punctuation, and format. Semicolon: for joining two related complete sentences (shows closer relationship than “.”). 分号: 用于连接两个相关句子,比句号更具关联性 The patient had no prior history of disease; however, he presented with many common symptoms. 4. Asian Symbols 亚洲字符:全角字符 All Asian, full-space fonts should be changed to Western, half-space fonts for accurate display on other computers and for proper printing. 全角 字符亚洲字符应 转换为西文(半角) 字符,以便准确 显示和打印 The biggest offenders: 用错最多的符号: 、 , ; : ( ) × % < > ℃ 英文编辑讲座:使文章“好”上加好 | 用词篇 英文编辑讲座:使文章“好”上加好 | 短语篇 英文编辑讲座:使文章“好”上加好 | 句子篇 预存得赠礼活动进行中 现在预存,先开发票,春节后再付款 100万元的赠送金额+礼品等你拿
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