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yxwdi 2012-2-25 17:47
1,网页中嵌入了javascript语言,通过编程手段屏蔽了复制。   只要点击IE的“工具”→“Internet选项”菜单,进入“安全”标签页,选择“自定义级别”,将所有脚本全部禁用,然后按F5键刷新网页,这时你就会发现那些无法选取的文字可以选取了   在采集到了自己需要的内容后,一定要给脚本“解禁”,否则会影响到我们浏览网页。   2,有些网站为了防止别人使用他的内容把它禁掉了,除了上述同志们的说法,你还可以试试这一方法:单击IE窗口中“文件”菜单,选择“使用 Microsoft FrontPage编辑”,在FrontPage中复制,还不行就用“文件”“另存为”,然后在FrontPage中打开。   3,打开要复制的网页,点“查看”-“源文件”—复制你需要的文字即可   4,点击ie的文件菜单,里面有一项“用excel(word)分析”即可。   5,把这个网页从“文件”菜单里的“另存为”中把你想要的网页内容给下载下来!这个保存的路径你一定要清楚,不然你忘了,没有办法找到的啊,找到合适的路径你就下载下来。下载之后你用WORD打开就行了啊,一般的只要要在WORD可以打开看到的就可以复制,排版了!   6,现在市面有很多电子档的说明书加了锁,有时想把其中的文字复制下来供自己参考,但很多人可能会发现用鼠标选选不中文字,右击不出现菜单,按下Ctrl+C键也无效。这时,怎么办呢?帮你搞定!   首先保证你打开着不能复制文字的电子书的情况下(如图1)   图1 打开一本电子书   然后打开一个Word文档。将你的鼠标放在此电子书文本的右下方,按住“Shift”单机鼠标右键,再点击鼠标左键就会出现(如图2)    图2 用上文方法选中文字   接下来是最简单的一步了!在选中的文本上方点住鼠标左键,将其拖拽到Word文档中,OK搞定了(如图3)!   图3 将其拖拽到Word文档   我们来了解一下为什么不能被复制。   当前很多网页制做者都不想让自己网页中的内容直接就让人给复制去,有的是为了版权、有的是为了让人再回来看这段文字,提高他的访问量等等,具体原因我也说不清的啦^_^。他们一般会在网页代码 中加入以下一个或多个代码:   onpaste="return false" 不准粘贴   oncopy="return false;" 不准复制   oncut="return false;" 防止剪切   onselectstart = "return false" 不准选择   例如:,这是一个典型的不让选择复制的语句。   好啦,现在我们知道为什么不能被复制了,那我们就可以针对这些代码下药了。   第一步:打开你想要复制的那个网站   第二步:将该网页另存到你的电脑上(文件|另存为)   第三步:用记事本打开你刚保存的网页,找到这段代码(不一定完全是这样的),你把里面的代码(除body)全部删除,最后就剩,保存文件。   第四步:双击你刚保存的文件,也就打开民你的那张网页。   到此,所有步骤全部结束了,用鼠标选择你想要的那些文字,是不是可以选择并且复制下来了? (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON); 采集到花瓣
个人分类: 电脑相关|0 个评论
热度 7 卫军英 2012-2-20 10:21
总以为是别人的原因,到头来却发现问题出在自己这里。我突然冒出了这么一句话,感觉颇有些哲理。其实我只是想说这几天电脑问题,这样的句子略加抽象一下,就可以从具体而一般,上升成一种普遍性认识。可见古往今来多少智者名言,也许都是出于生活中偶然的感受吧。 因为网络原因懒得打开博客也懒得写文章,偶尔见湘兄说起好词,果然甚有风情。杨晓虹作品不多,但篇篇都有韵味,从春节前的《水龙吟》到前几天的两首《点绛唇》,显然深受宋人婉约作品影响。细细品读,俨然有欧阳永叔以及小晏、易安之遗踪。科网女子,自关燕清隐迹之后,词风明显且谙于章法者莫过于晓虹。故湘兄见说,即于其后附貂两篇: 卫军英 2012-2-17 08:56 湘兄见说好词,奈何近日科网迟迟难开,有扫雅兴。随手依韵涂上几句。 科网迟迟,网页无奈难开起。 此心空系,何处新词觅? 潦草之间,文字无从细。 当此际、叹息声里,聊寄蹉跎意。 博主回复(2012-2-17 10:00) : 卫老师真是才思敏捷啊!想想自己,写首短词都象憋什么似滴 卫军英 2012-2-20 08:46 却才湘明处和了一首,是步韵晓红第二首的,改几个字也贴在这里。恼人的网页很慢很不爽。 料峭春寒,东风渐染不思别。 瘦梅新月,点点灯明灭。 顾念花开,不想花时谢。 情急切、寸阴谁借,幽梦逐明月。
个人分类: 诗词歌赋|3304 次阅读|14 个评论
热度 6 dlg0303 2012-1-9 17:31
2304 次阅读|10 个评论
liwenbianji 2011-12-31 17:44
出版空间以及编辑关注度的竞争异常激烈。将原稿投送给杂志编辑,附上一封信“原稿请见附件”是远远不够的。投稿信是你与拟投杂志直接交流的机会。除了写明你的研究与众不同外,还应直接向总编辑说明为什么你的发现很重要及其应该在此杂志上发表的理由。 投稿信应含有几个重要内容。具体内容可通过www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter 链接下载。大家可根据批注中的建议起草你自己的投稿信,选择提出的句子类型替代括号中的句子。投稿信的格式几乎适用于所有投稿;当然,某些类别的论文需要加入额外的内容。例如,关于临床试验数据的存储信息通常需要附上一份临床试验报告,提供你的序列数据进入公共数据库的信息。 查阅目标杂志的《稿约》是每篇稿件的既定程序,其中很可能含有投稿信必须写入的内容。另外一个信息来源是杂志的投稿网页。尽管以下列出的内容以及关于“Edanz投稿信模版”中描述的内容不一定完全都是这些目标杂志所要求的,但所有这些都是投稿信中必不可少的,因为这样做可引起编辑对你的关注。以下方法适用于投稿信的撰写: • 一些杂志根据其刊出文章领域的不同进行编辑分工,你可以根据不同的领域,有时也可根据编辑的专业背景选择最合适的编辑。直接称呼收信编辑,如:“Dear Dr. Smith”。如果不能找到合适的编辑,可将投稿信写给总编辑。 • 信的开头应写出文章题目,希望文章在杂志的哪一个栏目或作为哪一个文章类别发表,以及投稿杂志的名称。 • 之后简单叙述研究背景与理论基础,说明研究目的以及开展的工作。然后简单描述研究成果。 • 接下来的段落很重要。你需要向研究界解释你的发现的意义,特别是对杂志读者的意义。如果你不能解释为什么该杂志读者会对你的发现感兴趣,你需要选择另一家更合适的刊物,因为编辑只将他们认为会引起读者兴趣的文章送同行评议。研究一下你准备投稿杂志的“目标与刊出范围”会对你有帮助。 • 投稿信的最后一段应包含杂志所要求的声明或说明。这些通常包括关于利益冲突、基金资助与资助来源的声明,以及所有作者已阅读过并同意文章的内容以及未一稿多投的声明。每个作者的作者资格确认也是需要的。 • 最后,留下详细的通讯方式以及礼貌的结束语。 示例: 英文原文 The cover letter: your sales pitch Competition for publication space and for editors’ attention is now very high, and it is no longer sufficient to send a manuscript to a journal editor along with a letter saying little more than “please find my manuscript attached”. The cover letter is your opportunity to directly address the editor of your target journal. It can be used to set your study apart from others and directly explain to the editor why your findings are important and why they should be published in their journal. There are a number of important components of a cover letter, all of which should be included. These components are described in detail in Edanz Cover Letter Template, which is shown on the following page and can be downloaded from: www.liwenbianji.cn/coverletter. This template can be used to develop your own cover letters by following the suggestions in the comments and replacing the bracketed sentences with the types of sentences explained. The format of this letter is applicable for most if not all submissions, although additional sections may be required for some types of paper; for example, information about deposition of clinical trial data would most likely need to accompany a report of a clinical trial, and information about the deposition of sequence data into public databases would possibly need to be provided where such data has been obtained. As always, the target journal’s instructions to authors should be consulted; these will most likely outline the information that absolutely must be included in the cover letter. Another source of this information is the journal’s submission webpages. Although not all of the components listed below and described in the cover letter template will be described as required on the target journal’s webpages, all should be included in your letter, because to do so will increase your chances of grabbing the editor’s attention. The following principles apply to cover letter development: • Some journals have different editors for the different areas of research the journal covers and you can choose the most appropriate one based on area and occasionally also editor profiles. Address your letter personally to the appropriate editor, e.g., “Dear Dr. Smith”. If one cannot be readily identified, address your letter to the editor-in-chief. • Begin by providing the title of your manuscript, the section/publication type you would like to see it published as, and the name of the journal you are submitting it to. • You then need to provide a very brief background and rationale for your study, explaining why you did what you did. This can be followed by a brief description of the results. • The following paragraph is very important. You will need to explain the significance of your findings to the research community, and specifically to the readers of your target journal. If you find it difficult to explain why the readers of that journal would be interested in your findings, then you may need to select a more appropriate journal. Editors will only send papers to review that they think will be of interest to their readers. Studying the ‘aims and scope’ of your chosen journal might help with this. • The last paragraph of the letter should contain any statements or declarations required by the target journal. These usually include declarations of any conflicts of interest, grant support or other sources of funding, a statement that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and a statement that the same manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. Confirmation of each author’s qualification for authorship may also be required. • Finally, include details for correspondence and a polite farewell. Example: Dr Daniel McGowan 分子神经学博士 理文编辑学术总监
3788 次阅读|0 个评论
weimg 2011-12-24 10:13
个人分类: 开篇|1579 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 StephenCatholic 2011-12-14 00:19
尽管国内的网络相当自由,但偶尔还会有该页无法显示的情况, 习惯了GOOGLE浏览器和GOOGLE搜索,即使因为连续搜索会屏蔽一会儿,也心甘情愿的等着, 人家能砸倒现实的墙,我现在却找不到翻越网络这堵墙的工具, 喜欢在TIME上搜索一些关于教宗的报道和照片,刚才看到一条,却打不开,挺着急。 Pope Benedict - The Top 10 Everything of 2011 点击链接后 —————————— 贴出全文,感谢网友 anonymity Top 10 Apologies 10. Pope Benedict By Feifei Sun Wednesday, Dec. 07, 2011 A quarter-century after his predecessor, John Paul II, established the World Day of Prayer for Peace, Pope Benedict returned to Assisi on Oct. 27 for an interfaith gathering with 300 leaders. In his address, Benedict apologized for Christians' use of violence throughout history in growing their faith, including holy wars, inquisitions and crusades. "We acknowledge it with great shame. But it is utterly clear that this was an abuse of the Christian faith, one that evidently contradicts its true nature," he said, in one of the few instances when a sitting Pope has acknowledged and apologized for such behavior. ——————
2111 次阅读|5 个评论
不错的网页 动态更新中
onewaystreet 2011-10-15 13:00
一个不错的网页链接:国人的一天, http://news.qq.com/photon/oneday.htm 即写即得的在线latex联系网 http://jaxedit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/jaxedit.html 中国高校自动化 http://www.zdh1909.com/Index.html 文档搜索 http://www.ynxl.com/?site:www.mathworks.cn-all1/
个人分类: 其它|2910 次阅读|0 个评论
计算系统生物学 网页
yiming123 2011-10-12 10:41
About Us | News | Membership | Conferences | Education | Publications | Aliances Consortium | Contact Membership http://www.issb.org/membership.html http://www.bioss.uni-freiburg.de/cms/589.html Zur Navigation springen Zum Inhalt springen !-- -- Language: !-- Startseite Newsroom Medienecho Pressemitteilungen Videos Downloads Veranstaltungen Forschungsprogramm Bioss Area A Bioss Area B BIOSS Area C Bioss Area D Pathway Assembler 4-D-Analyser Incubator Incubator Team Synthetische Biologie SynBiol-Forschung Analyse durch Synthese Design Soz-Eth.Fragestellungen SynBio News Toolbox Publikationen 2010 2009 2008 People Gender + Career Wiss. Nachwuchs Stellenangebote Kontakt Impressum -- Startseite Newsroom Medienecho Pressemitteilungen Videos Downloads Veranstaltungen Forschungsprogramm Bioss Area A Bioss Area B BIOSS Area C Bioss Area D Pathway Assembler 4-D-Analyser Incubator Incubator Team Synthetische Biologie SynBiol-Forschung Analyse durch Synthese Design Soz-Eth.Fragestellungen SynBio News Toolbox Publikationen 2010 2009 2008 People Gender + Career Wiss. Nachwuchs Stellenangebote Kontakt Impressum Passwort vergessen? Registrierung Tragen Sie bitte Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein um ein neues Passwort zu erhalten: if (document.loginfrm) document.loginfrm.username.focus(); Gefrdert durch: Mathematical modeling and quantitative analysis of cell signaling networks Cell signaling networks involve complicated dynamic processes that are important for cell decisions-making such as proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Our group aims at studying the principles of cell signaling by merging prior knowledge with quantitative experimental and mathematical modeling analyses. In particularly, we are interested in the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) signal, which is the cytokine that has a dual role in regulating various cellular processes, such as cell growth, differentiation and tumorigenesis 1 . The principal molecular components of TGF-beta signaling have been identified, yet relative little is known about how the TGF-beta signal is translated into different biological responses in different cell context. We have developed mathematical models for canonical TGF-beta/Smad signaling dynamics based on quantitative experimental data sets 2,3 . Recently our modeling and experimental analyses revealed that short-term TGF-beta signaling responses are graded, but long-term signaling responses are ultrasensitive (switch-like), which suggests that long-term switch-like signaling responses might be critical for TGF-beta mediated cell fate determination 3 . Our long-term goal is to study how individual components of TGF-beta pathway work together as a system to make cell fate decisions, for example, cell growth inhibition and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Other ongoing projects in our lab include the mathematical modeling of T cell, B cell receptor and mTOR signaling pathways. Shi Y, Massague J (2003) Mechanisms of TGF-beta signaling from cell membrane to the nucleus. Cell 113: 685–700 Zi Z, Klipp E. (2007) Constraint-based modeling and kinetic analysis of the Smad dependent TGF-beta signaling pathway. PLoS One. 2:e936 Zi Z, Feng Z, Chapnick DA, Dahl M, Deng D, Klipp E, Moustakas A and Liu X. (2011) Quantitative analysis of transient and sustained transforming growth factor-beta signaling dynamics. Molecular Systems Biology. 7:492 Publications Z. Zi (2011). Sensitivity analysis approaches applied to systems biology models. IET Systems Biology, in press M. . Adrover*, Z. Zi *, A. Duch, J. Schaber, A. González-Novo, J. Jimenez, M. Nadal-Ribelles, J. Clotet, E. Klipp, F. Posas. (2011) Time-dependent quantitative multicomponent control of the G1-S network by the stress-activated protein kinase Hog1 upon osmostress. Science Signaling. 4, ra63 . (*These authors contributed equally to this work.) Zi Z a,* , Feng Z a , Chapnick DA, Dahl M, Deng D, Klipp E, Moustakas A and Liu X * . (2011) Quantitative analysis of transient and sustained transforming growth factor-beta signaling dynamics. Molecular Systems Biology. 7:492 ( a These authors contributed equally to this work, * Corresponding authors) Zi Z . (2011) SBML-PET-MPI: a parallel parameter estimation tool for Systems Biology Markup Language based models. Bioinformatics. 27:1028-9. Zi Z * , Liebermeister W, Klipp E * . (2010) A quantitative study of the Hog1 MAPK response to fluctuating osmotic stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. PLoS One. 5:e9522. (* Corresponding authors) Zi Z , Zheng Y, Rundell AE, Klipp E. (2008) SBML-SAT: a systems biology markup language (SBML) based sensitivity analysis tool. BMC Bioinformatics. 9:342. Zi Z , Klipp E. (2007) Constraint-based modeling and kinetic analysis of the Smad dependent TGF-beta signaling pathway. PLoS One. 2:e936. Zi Z , Klipp E. (2007) Cellular signaling is potentially regulated by cell density in receptor trafficking networks. FEBS Lett. 581:4589-95. Zi Z , Klipp E. (2006) SBML-PET: a Systems Biology Markup Language-based parameter estimation tool. Bioinformatics. 22:2704-5. Zi Z , Cho KH, Sung MH, Xia X, Zheng J, Sun Z., (2005) In silico identification of the key components and steps in IFN-gamma induced JAK-STAT signaling pathway. FEBS Lett. 579:1101-8. Groups Department of Biology, Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin http://www.biologie.hu-berlin.de/ Zentrum für BioPhysik und BioInformatik (BPI), Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin http://www.biologie.hu-berlin.de/%7EBPI/ Institute for Theoretial Biology, Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin - Hanspeter Herzel, Peter Hammerstein http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/ Computational Systems Biochemistry, Charité - Universittmedizin, Berlin - Hermann-Georg Holzhütter http://www.charite.de/sysbio/people/hergo/ Mathematial Modelling and Systems Biology, University of Potsdam - Wilhelm Huisinga http://compphysiol.math.uni-potsdam.de/cms/default/rubrik/2/2995.compphysiol.htm Department of Cell and Molecular Biology/Microbiology, University of Gothenburg - Stefan Hohmann http://www.gmm.gu.se/groups/hohmann/ Cell Systems Modelling, Oxford Brookes University - David Fell http://www.brookes.ac.uk/res/experts/profiles/david_fell Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester - Hans Westerhoff http://www.mcisb.org/people/index.html Graduate Program in Bioinformatics, Boston University http://www.bu.edu/bioinformatics Bioinformatics Center, University of Kyoto http://www.bic.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ Databases EMBL Nucleotide Sequence Database http://www.ebi.ac.uk/embl GenBank - all known nucleotide and protein sequences http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/GenbankOverview.html Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg Protein Data Bank (PDB) - structure data determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR http://www.rcsb.org/pdb http://www2.hu-berlin.de/biologie/theorybp/index.php?goto=cv_klipp Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. EddaKlipp edda.klipp rz.hu-berlin.de homepage +49 30 2093 9040 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Edda Klipp Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin Department of Biology Theoretical Biophysics Invalidenstrae 42 D-10115 Berlin (Germany) phone: +49 30 2093 8698 fax: +49 30 2093 8813 e-mail: edda.klipp rz.hu-berlin.de Scientific career 2011 - Spokesperson for the Research Training Group "Computational Systems Biology" 2010 - Member of the prearrangment committee of the "Excellence Initiative" 2009 Doctor honoris causa, University of Gothenburg (Sweden) 2008 - Professor for Theoretical Biophysics, Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, Department of Biology 2007 - 2008 Guest professorship for Theoretical Biophysics, Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, Department of Biology 2006 - 2008 Head of the Research Group „Computational Systems Biology", Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Otto Warburg Laboratory 2001 - 2006 Group leader of the Junior Research Group „Kinetic Modeling", Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Department of Vertebrate Genomics, group of Prof. Hans Lehrach, and Berlin Center for Genome Based Bioinformatics (BCB) 1997 - 2001 Research scientist, Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Theoretical Biophysics 1996 - 1997 Postdoc, Charité Berlin, Innovationskolleg Theoretical Biology, group of Prof. Hanspeter Herzel 1995 - 1996 Postdoc, Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, Department of Biology, TBP/ITB??? 1990 - 1994 PhD thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) in Theoretical Biophysics: "Calculation of optimal kinetic parameters of enzymatic processes based on special reaction mechanisms". At Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Heinrich. 1985 - 1990 Study at the Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin, Department of Biology, Diploma in Biophysics: "Berechnungen kinetischer Konstanten monomolekularer enzymatischer Reaktionen in den Zustnden maximaler Aktivitt unter Berücksichtigung spezieller Reaktionsmechanismen". Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R. Heinrich. Research profile Mathematical modelling of dynamic biological phenomena. The group is involved in multi-disciplinary research projects to understand cellular organization, cellular processes, stress response, and decision making. Using yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as major model organism, we develop predictive models of various signalling pathways, metabolic pathways, cell cycle and the interaction of such pathways upon environmental changes. They closely collaborate with various experimental groups for iterative modelling and experimentation. The mathematical methods include ordinary and partial differential equations, Boolean and Bayesian networks, deterministic and stochastic simulations as well as various aspects of dynamic systems theory. They also develop computational tools for the processing of such models, including parameter estimation, sensitivity analysis and semantic assignments. Klipp is involved in various initiatives for standardization both of mathematical models and respective experimentation. She is founding member of the International Society of Systems Biology, member of several scientific advisory boards for systems biology consortia (Reactome, RoBust, Crisp), co-organiser of FEBS Advanced Lecture Courses in Systems Biology (2007, 2009), and PI in several European and national research consortia for systems biology. Information about... ... education of students you find under Teaching ... mentoring of students and PhD students you find under Theses ... research and third party funding you find under Research ... and about Publications Cufon.now();
10 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 2 zhxfish 2011-10-8 22:17
http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~hooft101/theorist.html 以前在哪见过一次,今天再次找到,希望对需要的人有用。 如果有兴趣,可以每天看一点。
个人分类: 科研笔记|5338 次阅读|8 个评论
热度 1 tyjhit 2011-9-29 20:51
http://www.ptable.com/ 比如, 比如改变那个温度拖拽条,你可以看在某个温度下,那些是固体,那些是液体。 再比如, 可以自己定义物理性质看是否有元素满足。 比如你可以指定沸点,电负性,硬度,半径,等等... A small tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX56SP-lTHchd=1
3251 次阅读|2 个评论
seawan 2011-8-24 16:22
看来, 软件编程时向着越来越“网页化”的方向发展了。 Chrome的扩展,实际上就是页面, 由html,javascript,css等构成。 今天看到wing微博客户端,是去年一个大二女生做的。 没有使用过FLEX,但是估计门槛很低,同样是“页面”性质。 另外,多样性是整体健壮的基础。 如果在软件相关的学习中放弃“成绩”的追求, 致力于“多样性”和“创意”, 估计可以“折腾”出来更好的结果。
个人分类: 随笔|3201 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 DNAgene 2011-5-23 16:02
今天google查找国外一同行的近况。无意中竟然进入了Facebook。反应过来之后,尝试着注册,竟然一路畅通。 Facebook、twitter、RSS 这些网络时代的交流工具,看到很多学术期刊网页上有关图标,感觉应该很有用。但过去一直无法访问。今天竟然可以访问了。是临时的监管漏洞呢,还是真正开放了? 阿弥陀佛,但愿是我们的社会朝着开放又迈出了一步。
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