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eye tracking
justinzhao 2013-8-2 02:37
eye tracking research applications: ​http://www.tobii.com/eye-tracking-research/global/research/advertising-research/
个人分类: 读书日记|3974 次阅读|0 个评论
outcrop 2012-8-31 21:43
澳大利亚的Bionic Vision Australia成功为一位盲人植入了人造生化眼(bionic eye);这则消息给人的第一感觉就是cyborg——《星际旅行》中的一个半机器人种族。 这款人造眼通过摄像头获取视频信号后,由专门的信号处理系统处理发回眼球,由视网膜模拟电极,反馈给大脑;类似美国的Argus II 系统。 目前的挑战可能是分辨率低下。 延伸阅读 人造生化眼基本原理 Bionic Eye 澳大利亚第一例人造生化眼 Cyborg =============================关于博主============================= 博主的主要兴趣是:知识管理;相关兴趣有:语义网、机电及DIY、哲学与心理、信息安全、科幻等。 我的常用博客在科学网 (访问可点链接,下同); 新浪微博是@outcrop ,欢迎互粉;建了一个超级QQ群:17662971,希望能闲聊无白丁,欢迎加入;自己打理着一个 机电工程师 小网站,欢迎来玩。最近在科学网关注“ 科学网大学 ”,欢迎加入 科学网大学群组 讨论、尝试。
个人分类: 机电工程|6443 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 charlesqwu 2012-6-3 16:47
人类眼睛的盲点是如何 被 发现 的? 埃德姆•马略特发现盲点不是因为他仔细观察过视觉现象,而是因为他解剖过很多眼睛。 How did Edme Mariotte Discovered the Blind-Spot? As we all know, in each of the two eyes in every one of us, there is a blind spot. In some ophthalmology textbooks, the blind spot is also called the Mariotte spot, as it was first discovered by French scholar Edme Mariotte in 1660s.(see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edme_Mariotte ) How did Mariotte discovered the blind spot? He discovered it not by carefully observing the visual world in front of him, but by dissecting eyes from both humans and other animals. As he found that the optic disk in the retina lacks any photo-receptors, he reasoned that there must be a blind spot in the eye's visual field corresponding to this optic disk in the retina; and from there he figured out a procedure to delineate (or detect) the blind spot. From this story, it is reasonable to state that it is very difficult, if not completely impossible, to discover the blind spot without some detailed knowledge about the anatomy of the human eye. Edme Mariotte (1620 - 1684)
8490 次阅读|2 个评论
How to take care of itchy (and red) eyes
zuojun 2009-11-17 14:44
We, Bloggers, use our eyes a lot. My routine work involves computing, reading, writing, and editing. I feel sorry for my eyes (and hands). Once in a while, my eyes itch so badly that I need to buy OTC (over the counter) eye drops (either as natural tears to reduce dryness or as eye drops to reduce both dryness and redness). It worked fine until this time. Early last week, I bought some OTC eye drops, but I felt my eyes were not getting better (maybe even getting worse). I finally called Kaiser on Saturday, after suffering for days of eye irritation, ranging from minor discomfort to burning sensation. I made an appointment to see Dr. Ling on Monday. I also went to the Longs Drugstore to buy an eye wash kit. While on the phone with the Kaiser staff, I recalled that eye wash helped me in the past. The kit includes an eye cup and a bottle of purified water. I felt a lot better after giving one eye bath to my worse left eye. So the practice continued throughout Sunday. By Monday morning, I was thinking NOT to see Dr. Ling because it could be a waste of time and money if the eye wash had solved my problem. Then, my eyes felt itchy again, urging me not to neglect them, and I feared that I have some kind of allergy (yes, Hawaii is a great place to have all kinds of allergies), so I kept my Kaiser appointment. I was lucky that there were not many patients in the waiting area this morning. Dr. Ling listened to my story, and nodded constantly. It all made sense to him what I had gone through: itchy eyes, OTC eye drops not working, eye wash sort of worked but not solving the problem Ok, what I want to share with you is something I learned from Dr. Ling today, which may help you some day. What I have is called allergic conjunctivitis or dry eyes. (Correct me if an eye doctor is reading this.) Why didnt the OTC eye drops work this time? Well, there are all kinds of OTC eye drops, and many of them contain preservatives to keep the fluid clean. Some preservatives can irritate our eyes, which probably did in my case. The eye wash is good to wash away unwanted things, such as pollen, dust, etc. However, it also washes away our natural tears, which is bad because we need tears to lubricate our eyes (so we wont have dry eyes or irritated eyes). At the end of the visit, I was asked to use two kinds of OTC eye drops. Zaditor (by Novartis), which was a prescription drug at $50/bottle, is now available as OTC medicine for less than $15/bottle. It contains antihistamine. To face the medical problem head on, I was told to use 4 times daily (instead of twice daily) for 14 days, and then switch to twice daily as needed. Refresh Tears (by Allergan, Inc.) are lubricant eye drops, which you can get at a drugstore. It has some preservative, but the preservative is gone once the drop sees the light. I was told that I can use Refresh Tears as often as needed. Another thing I havent tried is to apply cold compressor over closed eyes for 10 minutes 4 times daily as needed. One can make a cold compressor at home by using a sandwich bag to hold some ice and cold water inside, and wrapping the bag with a towel. I am glad that I dont have eye infection, and Zaditor is already making my eyes less irritated
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|4576 次阅读|1 个评论
paintinghrh 2009-7-10 10:19
中 国艺术史上每当一种新的绘画题材出现以后,绘画本身就面临一场变革。 热 带雨林是生物多样性的圣地,在西双版纳自然保护区内,高等植物种类就有5000种之多,在一公顷的土地上,就有各种开花植物200多种,传统的折枝花卉已经不能表达如此丰富的植物景观,全球各地的艺术家对此都在面临新技法,新形式的绘画语言挑战,西双版纳热带植物写生基地就是以热带雨林为绘画题材,研究热带雨林生态环境,研究热带植物的生长规律,从而抛弃传统笔墨,用能够表达热带雨林的绘画形式出现,并与全国从事研究以热带植物为绘画创作题材的艺术家共同打造一个可以研究、思考的绿色空间,从虚拟到现实,让热带风吹,我们共同关注。
个人分类: 瑞华评论|3407 次阅读|0 个评论

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