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热度 1 liuzhenzhen 2015-12-7 20:33
----- Original Message ----- From: smithsbs To: bhwang@ustc.edu.cn Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 5:52 PM Subject: 一位想学金融物理学大一学生的困惑 汪教授,你好 我是一位在物理学院的大一学生,十分喜欢物理和金融方面的知识。而在我去年报考中国科学技术大学的时候,就是想在科大学一些金融物理学的知识。然而现在我有一些困惑想请教一下您,希望您能在百忙之中替我解答一下我的困惑。谢谢您。 1. 金融物理学本身是一个交叉学科。我很想知道在目前阶段,我需要在学习本物理系的课程之外还需要怎样来补充一下金融方面的知识。是选修一些跨专业的课程(因为我听说大三可以选修跨专业的课,那如何选择),还是报双学位,还是其他? 2. 我很想出国,我想问一下出国的话如何能够在国外能够攻读商学院或者金融方面的专业? 打扰您了,希望您能解答我的疑惑,谢谢您。 ========================================= smithsbs 同学: 所谓金融物理学就是用理论物理学(特别是统计物理学、非线性科学、复杂系统理论、计算物理、量子力学量子场论及规范场理论方法)来研究金融市场这一复杂系统。 所以你想学金融物理学,那么首先就要学好理论物理(包括四大力学、计算方法、高超的计算模拟本领)等课程。除非你只对于传统的经济学、金融学感兴趣,并不关心是否要用物理学方法做你的研究工具。如果是后者,那么,你应该转学到本校的商学院去。 附件发来一些关于金融物理学的启蒙文章,供你参考。 adaporg9912002 Farmer:物理学家企图攀登金融之象牙塔 adaporg9912002Farmer PhysicaA269 Stanley:经济物理学:物理学家对于经济科学能否有贡献 PhysicaA269Stanley Schulz 统计物理与经济学:概念-工具及应用 Schulz 统计物理与经济学 Science2009年7月复杂系统与网络专辑 中译文 Science复杂系统与网络专辑 中译文 以下给出一些可以了解中科大复杂系统研究组当前的复杂系统研究方向的网址,供你浏览: 科学网博客: http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/bhwangustc/ http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/pb00011127/ 科学网复杂网络论坛: http://www.sciencenet.cn/g/ComplexNets/ 中科大非线性科学中心网站: http://nlsc.ustc.edu.cn Science2009年7月复杂系统与网络专辑的英文原文及中文翻译: http://nlsc.ustc.edu.cn/phpcms/2010/0401/158.html 复杂系统研究青年论坛(2010年 3月23-24日)之全部报告: http://nlsc.ustc.edu.cn/phpcms/2010/0324/157.html 军事科学院 曾宪钊教授(2010年3月28日)学术报告会 “美军对恐怖组织网络的动态分析及对军事网络科学的探索” http://nlsc.ustc.edu.cn/phpcms/2010/0323/156.html 希望这些信息对于你有用。 汪秉宏 (中国科学技术大学 近代物理系) ---------------------------------------------------- Bing-Hong Wang Professor, Institute of Theoretical Physics Department of Modern Physics University of Science and Technology of China Hefei, Anhui 230026, P.R.China Phone: (86-551) 3607407(O) ,3601206(H) Mobil: (86) 13905696151 Fax: (86-551) 3603574 Email: bhwang@ustc.edu.cn Personal Webpage: http://nlsc.ustc.edu.cn http://www.sciencenet.cn/u/bhwangustc/ ----------------------------------------------------
个人分类: 资料|1648 次阅读|2 个评论
bhwangustc 2011-11-22 23:17
国际金融物理会议Photo 地点:上海 华东理工大学 时间:June 4-6,2011 国际金融物理会议
个人分类: 会议信息|3661 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]国际金融物理学术会议(华东理工大学 2011年6月4-6日)报告日程
bhwangustc 2011-5-21 12:32
International Conference on Econophysics (2011) June 4-6, 2011 East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai ICE2011 Conference Program June 4, Yi-Fu Building, Lecture Room (逸夫楼报告厅) 8:00-8:15 School buses from Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel to Yi-Fu Building Opening ceremony Time Speaker Title 8:30-8:32 Wei-Xing Zhou Opening address 8:32-8:40 Si-Wei Cheng Greetings from Honorary President of ECUST and ICE 2011 Chairman 8:40-8:45 Xu-Hong Qian President’s welcome address 8:45-8:50 Bai-Jun Wu Dean’s welcome address 8:50-8:55 Didier Sornette ICE 2011 Chairman’s address 8:55-9:00 H. Eugene Stanley ICE 2011 Chairman’s address 9:00-9:30 Photo-taking and tea break Chairman Wei Zhang (Tianjin University, Tianjin) Time Speaker Title 9:30-10:10 H. Eugene Stanley Economic fluctuations and statistical physics: Quantifying extremely rare events with applications 10:10-10:50 Yi-Cheng Zhang Can financial markets be efficient? 10:50-11:30 Luciano Pietronero Agent based models, self-organization and systemic risk 11:30-12:00 Fabrizio Lillo How efficiency shapes market impact? 12:00-12:20 Ding Chen Quant investment: An alternative view from a practitioner 12:30-13:10 Lunch at First Dining Room 13:20-14:00 Poster Tea at Yi-Fu Building Chairman Zeng-Ru Di (Beijing Normal University) Time Speaker Title 14:00-14:40 Wei Zhang An agent-based order-driven market model with calibration by scaling analysis 14:40- 15 :10 Bing- Hong Wang Study of the evolutionary games on complex networks 15: 10 -15:40 Tiziana Di Matteo The use of dynamical correlated networks to investigate volatile markets 15:40-16:00 Mao-Fu Qiu Taijiniu investment art of war 16:00-16:20 Tea break Chairman Bo Zheng (Zhejiang University) Time Speaker Title 16:20-17:00 Didier Sornette Financial bubbles with finite-singularity models and their calibration 17:00- 17 :30 Zeng-Ru Di Detecting important nodes to community structure in complex networks 17:30-18:00 Zhong-Xing Ye Some case studies of financial data mining 18:00-18:15 School buses from Yi-Fu Building to Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel 18:30-22:00 Banquet at Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel Session A, June 5, Third Teaching Building (三教三阶上) 8:00-8:15 School buses from Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel to Third Teaching Building Chairman Woo-Sung Jung (POSTECH, Pohang) Time Speaker Title 8:30-9:00 Serge Galam Fair value and common beliefs: An application from sociophysics 9:00-9:25 Jun-ichi Inoue A statistical-mechanical modeling of labor markets 9:25-9:50 Lian-Zhong Zhang Approximate best response in volunteering public goods games 9:50-10:05 Yu Du Mixed-game behavior mining for stock market predictions 10:05-10:20 Oishi Koji Formations of exclusive communities on festival games 10:20-10:40 Tea break Chairman You-Gui Wang (Beijing Normal University, Beijing) Time Speaker Title 10:40-11:10 Misako Takayasu Application of PUCK formulation to Financial Market Fluctuations 11:10-11:35 Hong-Gang Li A consolidated model of self-fulfilling expectations and self-destroying expectations in financial markets 11:35-12:00 Li-Xin Zhong Extreme heterogeneity inhibits cooperation in coevolutionay CSG 12:00-12:15 Tong-Kui Yu Costly punishment and collective cooperation: Theory, experiment and simulation 12:15-12:30 Wei-Te Yu A web-based exchange for market research 12:30-13:10 Lunch at First Dining Room 13:20-14:00 Poster Tea at Third Teaching Building Chairman Fabrizio Lillo (Universita' di Palermo, Palermo) Time Speaker Title 14:00-14:30 Boris Podobnik Coupled Simon model: Predicting probability of bankruptcy using Zipfscaling 14:30-14:55 Yu Chen An agent-based model for the analysis of leverage limitation in financial markets 14:55-15:20 Rudolf Fiebig Simulating financial markets with a microscopic self-organizing critical model 15:20-15:45 Kun Guo Development of fictitious economy in China and its relationship with real economy: Based on thermal optimal path method 15:45-16:00 Wen Fang Voter interacting systems applied to Chinese stock markets 16:00-16:20 Tea break Chairman Diego Rybski Time Speaker Title 16:20-16:50 Ji-Ping Huang Revisiting "the invisible hand" in resource allocation 16:50-17:15 Yan-Lin He The information revelation ability of inquiry system: Evidence from China 17:15-17:40 Yong Fang Nonlinear herding mechanism and asset price evolution 17:40-17:55 School buses from Third Teaching Building to Garden Hotel 18:00-21:00 Banquet at Garden Hotel Session B, June 5, Third Teaching Building (三教三阶下) 8:00-8:15 School buses from Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel to Third Teaching Building Chairman Xiao-Song Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) Time Speaker Title 8:30-9:00 Gabjin Oh Characteristics of limit order books 9:00-9:25 Vladimir Filimonov Modeling financial time series using the self-excited multifractal process 9:25-9:50 Ying Yuan Measuring multifractality of stock price fluctuation using multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis 9:50-10:05 Ladislav Kristoufek Multifractal height cross-correlation analysis 10:05-10:20 Hua-Xi Zhou The fat tails of price fluctuations in Chinese stock market 10:20-10:40 Tea break Chairman Boris Podobnik (University of Rijeka, Rijeka) Time Speaker Title 10:40-11:10 Bence Toth Price impact of metaorders: The latent order book 11:10-11:35 Yu Wei A copula-MFV hedging model for CSI 300 index futures 11:35-12:00 Zhi-Qiang Jiang Multifractality in financial markets: Methods and applications 12:00-12:15 Tomasz Gubiec What is the true origin of autocorrelations on a stock exchange? 12:15-12:30 Alexander Petersen Quantitative law describing market dynamics before and after interest-rate change 12:30-13:10 Lunch at First Dining Room 13:20-14:00 Poster Tea at Third Teaching Building Chairman Serge Galam (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris) Time Speaker Title 14:00-14:30 Sai-Ping Li Quantitative analysis of the stylized facts in financial markets 14:30-14:55 Woo-Sung Jung Complexity analysis on the Korean system: Financial market as an emerging market and transportation system as complex systems 14:55-15:20 Jonathan Batten Price runs, volatility and volume 15:20-15:45 Rui Gonalves Universality in stock markets fluctuations 15:45-16:00 Lei Zhang The research of returns distribution of China’s stock market based on Tsallis theory 16:00-16:20 Tea break Chairman Bence Toth (Capital Fund Management, Paris) Time Speaker Title 16:20-16:50 Tobias Preis Switching processes in financial markets 16:50-17:15 Hui-Jie Yang Hurst exponents for short time series 17:15-17:40 Yi-Ming Ding Nonstationarity measure of stock markets: Some empirical results 17:40-17:55 School buses from Third Teaching Building to Garden Hotel 18:00-21:00 Banquet at Garden Hotel Session C, June 5, Third Teaching Building (三教 107 ) 8:00-8:15 School buses from Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel to Third Teaching Building Chairman Sai-Ping Li (Academia Sinica, Taipei) Time Speaker Title 8:30-9:00 Rui Menezes The impact of financial crises in EU stock markets 9:00-9:25 Adriano Souza (by Rui Menezes) The behavior among the major stock exchanges in the world and the Brazilian BOVESPA Index 9:25-9:50 Ryszard Kutner Catastrophic bifurcation on the Warsaw stock exchange 9:50-10:05 David M. de Lachapelle Improving portfolio allocation with long-memory covariance estimators 10:05-10:20 Gao-Xiu Qiao A forward measure approach to hedging defaultable contingent claims 10:20-10:40 Tea break Chairman Ji-Ping Huang (Fudan University, Shanghai) Time Speaker Title 10:40-11:10 Diego Rybski Company networks and their correlations beyond nearest neighbors 11:10-11:35 Sofia Portela Dynamic modeling of asymmetric signals in financial markets 11:35-12:00 Tian Qiu An instantaneous cross-correlation based financial network dynamics 12:00-12:15 Shamshuritawati Sharif A social network analysis to analyze safety culture and worker behavior 12:15-12:30 Jing Deng Systemic risk and market structure 12:30-13:10 Lunch at First Dining Room 13:20-14:00 Poster Tea at Third Teaching Building Chairman Tobias Preis (Boston University, Boston) Time Speaker Title 14:00-14:25 Guillermo Sierra Juarez Options valuation, volatility and term structure model of underlying long memory features: The case of Mexican Stock Market Index 14:25-14:50 Tomasz Werner Modeling of dragon-kings 14:50-15:15 Fei Ren Reoccurrence interval analysis in Chinese stock markets 15:15-15:30 Wan-Feng Yan Inferring fundamental value and crash nonlinearity from bubble calibration 15:30-15:45 Hao Ye The analysis of financial bubble and anti-bubble based on LPPL model 15:45:16:00 Xu-Qing Huang Robustness of coupled networks under targeted attack 16:00-16:20 Tea break Chairman Hernan Rozenfeld (APS Editorial Office, New York) Time Speaker Title 16:20-16:45 Jonathan Batten Scaled volatility as a measure of market efficiency 16:45-17:10 Xin Weng The mobility of volume of Chinese stock markets 17:10-17:25 Jozef Barunik Forecasting volatility with wavelet-based realized variance estimator 17:25-17:40 Zheng Chen Function of the intrinsic value of the assets determined by the yield equation and its properties 17:40-17:55 School buses from Third Teaching Building to Garden Hotel 18:00-21:00 Banquet at Garden Hotel Session D, June 5, Third Teaching Building (三教 212 ) 8:00-8:15 School buses from Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel to Third Teaching Building Chairman Yu Chen (University of Tokyo, Tokyo) Time Speaker Title 8:30-9:00 You-Gui Wang Monetary perspective on dynamic structure of macroeconomics 9:00-9:25 B. G. Sharma Multiscale entropy analysis approach to the study of Bombay Stock Exchange Index 9:25-9:50 Mario Bertella Controversies of the neoclassical theory of finance, the behavioral finance and the agent based models 9:50-10:05 Shu-Peng Chen Bubble dynamics and trader’s behavior: A multi-agent perspective 10:05-10:20 Chao Wang Why market integration matters? 10:20-10:40 Tea break Chairman Rui Menezes (ISCTE Business School, Lisbon) Time Speaker Title 10:40-11:10 Xiao-Song Chen Principal fluctuation modes of global stock market indexes and their characters 11:10-11:35 Peng Wang Retrospect and prospect of the research on econophysics 11:35-12:00 Jiang Zhang Size-dependent distribution and allometric scaling 12:00-12:15 Jin-Zhong Guo Firm size mobility and Validity of Gibrat’s model 12:15-12:30 Hale Kirer Firm size distribution in Turkey’s top 1000 12:30-13:10 Lunch at First Dining Room 13:20-14:00 Poster Tea at Third Teaching Building Chairman Tiziana Di Matteo (King's College London, London) Time Speaker Title 14:00-14:30 Hernan Rozenfeld The area and population of cities: New insights from a different perspective on cities 14:30-14:55 Wei-Xing Zhou Complex financial networks: A brief survey 14:55-15:20 Qing-Hua Chen What is behind the individual donation? 15:20-15:45 Lei-Lei Shi Market crowd's trading conditioning and its measurement 15:45-16:00 Maciej Jagielski Comparison of households’ income in Poland with European Union and United States ones 16:00-16:20 Tea break Chairman Misako Takayasu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo) Time Speaker Title 16:20-16:45 Javier Villarroel Effects of Non-Markoviannes in mean exit times in risk theory 16:45-17:10 Xiao-Neng Zhu A regime-switching Nelson-Siegel term structure model and interest rate forecasts 17:10-17:25 Jing Huang The time dependency of relative mobility in money exchange models 17:25-17:40 Sheng-Li Chen Forecasting stock index trend based on GA-SVM and Yin-Yang volatility on multiple time scales 17:40-17:55 School buses from Third Teaching Building to Garden Hotel 18:00-21:00 Banquet at Garden Hotel June 6, Yi-Fu Building, Lecture Room (逸夫楼演讲厅) 8:10-8:15 School buses from Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel to Yi-Fu Building Chairman Rosario N. Mantegna (University of Palermo, Palermo) Time Speaker Title 8:30-9:10 Hideki Takayasu Electronic composite currency system for aversion of instability of foreign exchange markets 9:10-9:40 Bo Zheng Cross-correlation decomposition and its application in financial systems 9:40-10:10 Fabio Pammolli Size and growth of business firms 10:10-10:30 Tea break Chairman Bing-Hong Wang (University of Science and Technology of China) Time Speaker Title 10:30-11:10 Shlomo Havlin Robustness of network of networks 11:10-11:50 Rosario N. Mantegna New approaches in the investigation of correlations of stock returns and index returns 11:50-12:00 Didier Sornette Closing remark 12:00-12:15 School buses from Yi-Fu Building to Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel 12:30-14:00 Lunch at Shanghai Airline Travel Hotel
个人分类: 会议信息|4024 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]International Conference on Econophysics (2011)
热度 5 bhwangustc 2011-5-15 18:11
International Conference on Econophysics (2011) 网页: http://rce.ecust.edu.cn/index.php/zh/home2 会议首页 | 学术委员会 | 邀请报告 | 会议日程 | 会议地点 | 会员系统 | 签证说明 | 会议赞助 时间 : 2011 年 6 月 4-6 日 主办 : 华东理工大学 虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心 主席 : 成思危 教授, Didier Sornette 教授, H. Eugene Stanley 教授 赞助: 华东理工 大学 , 华东理工大学商学院 , 诚邀会议赞助商 联系人: 周炜星 教授, 电话 : 021-64250053 电邮 : wxzhou@ecust.edu.cn , ice2011.ecust@gmail.com 金融物理学国际会议( ICE 2011 ) 2011 年 6 月 4-6 日 华东理工大学,上海 会议主旨: 金融物理学国际会议( ICE )计划每两年在华东理工大学举办,其主旨是为了在金融物理学和金融学(特别是金融工程)之间的架设链接的桥梁,为包括经济学、金融学、物理学、数学、金融物理学、复杂性科学等在内的不同相关学科的学者提供一个交流的平台,并在一个思想开放和相互启发的交流环境中为学者和实务界创造联接的纽带。 会议论题: l 金融经济系统基于 Agent 的建模 l 复杂社会经济网络 l 计算实验金融 l 金融衍生品定价与对冲 l 演化博弈理论 l 金融工程 l 分形与多重分形分析 l 市场动力学、宏观模型及预测 l 市场微观结构理论 l 风险管理 l 金融经济中的统计与概率模型 l 市场程式化规律 重要日期: l 2011 年 6 月 3 日 报到注册 l 2011 年 6 月 4-6 日 会议 学术委员会 Masanao Aoki (University of California, Los Angeles) Marcel Ausloos (University of Liege, Liege) Olivier Brandouy (Universite des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Lille) Guido Caldarelli (Universita' La Sapienza, Roma) Anna Carbone (Politecnico di Torino, Torino) Plamen Ch. Ivanov (Boston University, Boston) Carl Chiarella (University of Technology, Sydney) Michel Dacorogna (SCOR Switzerland Ltd, Zurich) Emanuel Derman (Columbia University, New York) Tiziana Di Matteo (King's College London, London) Stanislaw Drozdz (University of Rzeszow, Rzeszow) Giorgio Fagiolo (Laboratorio di Economia e Management, Pisa) J. Doyne Farmer (Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe) Xavier Gabaix (New York University, New York) Mauro Gallegati (Universita Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona) Shlomo Havlin (Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan) Janusz Holyst (Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw) Cars Hommes (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam) Giulia Iori (City University, London) Taisei Kaizoji (International Christian University, Tokyo) Janos Kertesz (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest) Seunghwan Kim (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang) Thomas Lux (University of Kiel, Kiel) Rosario N. Mantegna (University of Palermo, Palermo) Enrico Scalas (Universita del Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria) Frank Schweitzer (ETH Zurich, Zurich) Didier Sornette (ETH Zurich, Zurich) H. Eugene Stanley (Boston University, Boston) Hideki Takayasu (Sony Computer Science, Tokyo) 陈树衡(国立政治大学,台北) 成思危(中科院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心,北京) 狄增如(北京师范大学,北京) 龚 朴(华中科技大学,武汉) 黄登仕(西南交通大学,成都) 黄吉平(复旦大学,上海) 李心丹(南京大学,南京) 任 飞(华东理工大学,上海) 汪秉宏(中国科技大学,合肥) 王国彝(香港科技大学,香港) 王有贵(北京师范大学,北京) 魏一鸣(北京理工大学,北京) 许伯铭(香港中文大学,香港) 曾 勇(电子科技大学,成都) 张 维(天津大学,天津) 张翼成(弗里堡大学,弗里堡) 郑 波(浙江大学,杭州) 周炜星(华东理工大学,上海) 地方组织委员会 范体军、顾高峰、黄庐进、蒋志强、任飞、闫晚丰、周炜星 大会报告 成思危 (中科院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心,中国) 题目:待定 Shlomo Havlin (巴伊兰大学,以色列) 题目:待定 Rosario N. Mantegna (巴勒莫大学,意大利) 题目: New approaches in the investigation of correlations of stock returns and index returns Didier Sornette (瑞士联邦理工学院,瑞士) 题目: Financial bubbles with finite-singularity models and their calibration H. Eugene Stanley (波士顿大学,美国) 题目: Economic fluctuations and statistical physics: Quantifying extremely rare events with applications to the present worldwide crisis 张 维(天津大学,中国) 题目: An agent-based order-driven market model with calibration by scaling analysis 张翼成(弗里堡大学,瑞士) 题目: Can financial markets be efficient? 邀请报告 陈晓松(中国科学研究院,北京) 狄增如(北京师范大学,北京) 龚 朴(华中科技大学,武汉) 黄吉平(复旦大学,上海) 汪秉宏(中国科技大学,合肥) 王有贵(北京师范大学,北京) 叶中行(上海交通大学,上海) 郑 波(浙江大学,杭州) Tiziana Di Matteo (King's College London, London) Serge Galam (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris) Fabrizio Lillo (University of Palermo, Palermo) Rui Menezes (ISCTE Business School, Lisbon) Boris Podobnik ( University of Rijeka, Rijeka ) Fabio Pammolli (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Lucca) Luciano Pietronero (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome) Tobias Preis (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz) Hernan Rozenfeld (APS Editorial Office, New York) Diego Rybski (Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam) Bence Toth (Capital Fund Management, Paris) Hideki Takayasu (Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc., Tokyo) Misako Takayasu (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo) 会务费 提前汇款: 2011 年 4 月 15 日 前 教师 ¥ 1000 ;学生 ¥ 500 ; 金融实务界人士 ¥ 3500 。 注册时缴费: 教师 ¥ 1100 ;学生 ¥ 600 ; 金融实务界人士 ¥ 4000 。 注:提前汇款的老师同学,若届时因故无法与会,我们将在会后全额退还注册费。 各大交通站点至上海南站的交通信息 1. 上海市虹桥国际机场( 1 号航站楼) → 上海南站 1.1 公交路线 地铁 10 号线换乘地铁 3 号线 虹桥 1 号航站楼 ( 地铁 10 号线,新江湾城方向 )→ → 虹桥路(换乘地铁 3 号线,上海南站方向) → → 上海南站 ( 南广场 ) 1.2 出租车 虹桥机场 → 上海航空酒店 ( 南站店 ) ( 约 15 公里 , 20 分钟, 60 元左右 ) 2. 上海市虹桥机场( 2 号航站楼) → 上海南站 2.1 公交路线 地铁 10 号线换乘地铁 3 号线 虹桥 2 号航站楼 ( 地铁 10 号线,新江湾城方向 )→ → 虹桥路(换乘地铁 3 号线,上海南站方向) → → 上海南站 ( 南广场 ) 2.2 出租车 虹桥机场 → 上海航空酒店 ( 南站店 ) ( 约 15 公里 , 20 分钟, 60 元左右 ) 3. 上海浦东国际机场 → 上海南站 3.1 公交路线 公交机场七号线 浦东机场 ( 机场七号线,上海南站方向 ) → → 上海南站 ( 南广场 )( 约 1 小时 ) 3.2 出租车 浦东机场 → 上海航空酒店 ( 南站店 ) ( 约 60 公里 半小时 150 元左右 ) 4. 上海火车站 → 上海南站 4.1 公交路线 4.1.1 路线一: 在上海火车站北广场乘坐地铁 3 号线 上海火车站(地铁 3 号线,上海南站方向) → → 上海南站(南广场) 4.1.2 路线一: 在上海火车站南广场乘坐地铁 1 号线 上海火车站 (地铁 1 号线,莘庄方向) → → 上海南站(北广场) 4.2 出租车 上海火车站 → 上海航空酒店 ( 南站店 ) ( 约 16 公里, 20 分钟, 60 元左右 ) 5. 上海虹桥火车站 → 上海南站 5.1 公交路线 地铁 10 号线换乘地铁 3 号线 上海虹桥火车站 ( 地铁 10 号线,新江湾城方向 )→ → 虹桥路(换乘地铁 3 号线,上海南站方向) → → 上海南站 ( 南广场 ) 5.2 出租车 上海虹桥火车站 → 上海航空酒店 ( 南站店 ) ( 约 15 公里 , 20 分钟, 60 元左右 ) 上海南站 → 上海航空酒店 乘坐地铁到达上海南站,从 2 号或者 3 号口出上海南站,可到上海南站南广场。由浦东机场乘坐机场七号线可到达上海南站南广场公交车站。如地图所示,由上海南站南广场向南走上石龙路,沿石龙路西南方向步行约 500 米 ,可达上海航空酒店。 上海航空酒店南站店。 地址:上海市石龙路 951 号。 电话 : 0086-(21)-51533000 。 上海航空酒店 → 华东理工大学东门 沿石龙路向西南方向走,上老沪闵路后向南走约 50 米达华东理工大学东门。 华东理工大学校园地图 版权所有 华东理工大学 地址 : 上海市梅陇路 130 号 邮编 :200237 技术支持: BuddyInfo
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Symposium at Complexity Center of USST [3rd June 2011]
热度 2 halcon 2011-5-4 22:16
Symposium at Complexity Center of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Data: 3rd June 2011 In the morning, some talks would be given, but the name, titles and abstracts are not conformed yet. 13:45-14:00 President Prof. Xiaoming Xu Symposium Welcome 14:00-14:50 Prof. Gene Stanley Title: ISOLATED NETWORKS AND COUPLED NETWORKS---A BRIEF INTRODUCTION 15:00-15:50 Prof. Luciano Pietronero Title: THE ECONOMIC COMPLEXITY OF COUNTRIES AND PRODUCTS 16:00-16:50 Prof. Didier Sornette Title: TheUSstock market leads the Federal funds rate and Treasury bond yields ISOLATED NETWORKS AND COUPLED NETWORKS---A BRIEF INTRODUCTION H. Eugene Stanley Departments of Physics and Chemistry, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215 USA We will introduce the ``modern theory of networks'' in terms understandable to the nonspecialist. Then we will describe specific examples that support the idea that there are universal features that characterize networks, whether they appear in internet, airline routes, or even networks of sexual contacts. As an example, we will discuss very recent work , emphasizing its direct applicability to specific problems of preventing network breakdown. The key concept is that systems comprised of more than one network are vastly more susceptible to failure cascades than isolated networks. We also discuss potential applications to understanding financial breakdowns. This work was carried out in collaboration with a number of colleagues, chief among whom are S. Havlin R. Parshani (Bar-Ilan), S. V. Buldyrev (Yeshiva U), T. Preis and J. J. Schneider (Mainz), X. Gabaix (MIT and Princeton), X. Huang, J. Gao, V. Plerou, G. Paul, and P. Gopikrishnan (Boston University). S. V. Buldyrev, R. Parshani, G. Paul, H. E. Stanley, and S. Havlin, ``Catastrophic Cascade of Failures in Interdependent Networks'' Nature 464, 1025--1028 (2010). Accompanied by ``News Views'' article by A. Vespignani on pp. 984--985. J. Gao, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin and H. E. Stanley, ``Robustness of a Network of Networks'' Phys. Rev. Lett. (under review). X. Huang, J. Gao, S. V. Buldyrev, S. Havlin, and H. E. Stanley, ``Robustness of Interdependent Networks under Targeted Attack'' Phys. Rev. Rapid Communications 83 (2011). Title: THE ECONOMIC COMPLEXITY OF COUNTRIES AND PRODUCTS Luciano Pietronero ISC-CNR and Univ. Sapienza, Roma, Italy luciano.pietronero@roma1.infn.it Abstract: We discuss a recent new approach to the complexity of countries and products in the spirit of the recent papers by Hidalgo and Hausmann (PNAS 2009). The basic information is represented by the matrix of countries and exported products. The standard economic analysis is essentially based on the GDP but the diversification of this into a series of different products provides an additional element of fitness in the spirit of biodiversification in a fluctuating enviroment. In fact the idea that specialization of countries towards certain specific products is considered as optimal in the standard analysis, but this could only be valid in a static situation. The strongly dynamical situation of the world market suggests that flexibility and adaptability are also important elements. The basic idea is to introduce a Fitness parameter for each country which is able to take into consideration this effect. Such an analysis, selfconsistently also leads to a ranking of the Quality of the products. These concepts are implemented with the use of statistical concepts inspired to the page rank (Google) problem may lead to a novel classification for the fitness of the countries and the quality of products which adds new information with respect to the standard economic analysis. This information can be used in various ways. The direct comparison of the Fitness with the country GDP gives an assessment of the non expressed potential of the country. Also for each country it is possible to define the quality of the products exported and how competitive is this country with respect to the other countries which produce the same product. Finally it is possible to make a planning for the optimal development of a country by considering its potential for adding a new product. The US stock market leads the Federal funds rate and Treasury bond yields Didier Sornette ETH Using a recently introduced method to quantify the time varying lead-lag dependencies between pairs of economic time series (the thermal optimal path method), we test two fundamental tenets of the theory of fixed income: (i) the stock market variations and the yield changes should be anti-correlated; (ii) the change in central bank rates, as a proxy of the monetary policy of the central bank, should be a predictor of the future stock market direction. Using both monthly and weekly data, we find very similar lead-lag dependence between the SP500 stock market index and the yields of bonds inside two groups: bond yields of short-term maturities (Federal funds rate (FFR), 3M, 6M, 1Y, 2Y, and 3Y) and bond yields of long-term maturities (5Y, 7Y, 10Y, and 20Y). In all cases, we observe the opposite of (i) and (ii). First, the stock market and yields move in the same direction. Second, the stock market leads the yields, including and especially the FFR. Moreover, we find that the short-term yields in the first group lead the long-term yields in the second group before the financial crisis that started mid-2007 and the inverse relationship holds afterwards. These results suggest that the Federal Reserve is increasingly mindful of the stock market behavior, seen at key to the recovery and health of the economy. Long-term investors seem also to have been more reactive and mindful of the signals provided by the financial stock markets than the Federal Reserve itself after the start of the financial crisis. The lead of the SP500 stock market index over the bond yields of all maturities is confirmed by the traditional lagged cross-correlation analysis. This TOP method used here is generic to compare two time series and is of broad interest for matching patterns in financial time series in a systematic, non-parametric and precise way.
3317 次阅读|4 个评论
majl 2009-7-13 12:56
以自发破缺的超对称理解金融市场, 问题的关键是,金融市场(股市)中除了看上去完美对称的多头(持股者)、空头(卖股者)外,还有另一关系极为密切的群体持币观望者,恰恰这就是破缺的基础; 而回到超对称理论,费米子与玻色子的互补性质在超空间中,却还没有这一基础性构建。 莫非金融物理真要走出高能物理的原教旨主义领地? 以上猜想是我们于 2009 年 7 月 7 日 下午 在 中国科学院研究生院教学楼阶一 5 举行的 现代物理与STS教育研讨会上提出 。 报告的题目 为从金融海啸看百年来物理与金融的三次交汇 ,主要从以下四个方面探讨了百年来金融与物理的三次交汇:从金融市场价格涨跌到布朗运动随机模型;从金融市场价格的分数布朗运动到分形几何;从基本粒子相互作用到金融孤子的发现以及展望引力波的验证。参加本报告会的人员包括物理学界人士和金融(学)界朋友。 我们的文章从金融海啸看百年来物理与金融的三次交汇,在 2008 年 中国科学院高能物理研究所举办的 我心目中的现代物理科普征文活动中荣获 三等奖。 我心目中的现代物理 科普征文活动,由著名物理学家陈佳洱、陈和生等院士提议,中国物理学会科普工作委员会、中国科学院研究生院、中国科学院高能物理研究所共同发起,《现代物理知识》杂志编辑部承办,旨在激发物理学科研工作者投身科普工作的热情,使广大的中青年物理学爱好者参与到现代物理学的学习和探讨中来。 从金融海啸看百年来物理与金融的 三次交汇(PPT )
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