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[转载]Examples of Fortran MEX-Files
Amedee 2011-6-10 19:49
Examples of Fortran MEX-Files exsample 2================================================================================ C This is an adaptation of matsq from the API Guide. C C This file has been written to demonstrate the use C of two functions so that the size of the input C matrices must not be known at compilation. C C As an m-file, this would be written C function z=multscalar(x,y) C % x is a matrix of any dimension C % y is a scalar C z=x*y; C C Written by Matthew C Roberts, matthewcroberts@hotmail.com C C This is the gateway function subroutine mexFunction(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs) implicit none integer nlhs, nrhs, mxGetM, mxGetN integer m(nrhs), n(nrhs), mxIsNumeric C Change this to integer*8 for 64 bit matchines integer plhs(nlhs), prhs(nrhs) C Check the proper number of input and output arguments if (nlhs .gt. 1) then call mexErrMsgTxt('No more than one output argument') end if if (nrhs .ne. 2) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Must be exactly two input arguments') end if C Check to make sure that the arguments are non-numeric if (mxIsNumeric(prhs(1)).eq.0) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Non-numeric Data Present') end if if (mxIsNumeric(prhs(2)).eq.0) then call mexErrMsgTxt('Non-numeric Data Present') end if C Get size of input arguments m(1)=mxGetM(prhs(1)) m(2)=mxGetM(prhs(2)) n(1)=mxGetN(prhs(1)) n(2)=mxGetN(prhs(2)) call matmult_1(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs,m,n) end C ================================================================= C This is the computational function subroutine matmult_1(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs,m,n) implicit none integer nrhs, nlhs integer m(nrhs), n(nrhs) C These are the input argument double precision x(m(1),n(1)), y, z(m(1),n(1)) C Change these to integer*8 for 64 bit machines integer plhs(nlhs), prhs(nrhs), zpr integer mxCreateFull, mxGetPr external mxGetPr C Copy the inputs into FORTRAN call mxCopyPtrtoReal8(mxGetPr(prhs(1)),x,m(1)*n(1)) call mxCopyPtrtoReal8(mxGetPr(prhs(2)),y,1) C Now, do the math: call matmult_2(x,y,z,m,n) C Send the answer home plhs(1)=mxCreateFull(m(1),n(1),0) zpr=mxGetPr(plhs(1)) call mxCopyReal8toPtr(z,zpr,m(1)*n(1)) end C Computational Subroutine? subroutine matmult_2(x,y,z,m,n) implicit none integer m(2), n(2) double precision x(m(1),n(1)), y, z(m(1),n(1)) z = x*y end exsample 3========================= dgemv.f ===================================== Here is an example of a fortran routine for multiplying a vector by a matrix. Of course, Matlab can do this already. This example was chosen because it can so easily be verified to work, and also because it contains several examples of important issues in creating a gateway file. In particular, variables of all types (integer, float, character) are passed, and in the case of float, we use scalar, vector, and matrix forms. Also addressed the issue of when an input parameter in fortran is modified and is output as well. This is distinct from functions in Matlab, where input and output to and from a function are distinct. This example contains most of the commands that would be needed by someone using numerical algorithms. dgemv.f is a fortran subroutine for multiplying a vector by a matrix. It is from the Blas set of routines, downloaded from Netlib. xerbla.f and lsame.f are called by dgemv.f. dgemvg.f is the gateway routine that links the fortran code to Matlab. mvmults.m is a Matlab script that defines the matrix and vector we wish to multiply, and calls the routine for doing the multiplication. --------------------------------dgemv.f-------------------------- subroutine mexfunction(nlhs,plhs,nrhs,prhs) integer*4 plhs(*),prhs(*) integer nlhs,nrhs C Define types for mx functions. Recall that pointers used C in mex files must be of type integer*4 integer*4 mxgetpr, mxcreatefull, mxgetstring real*8 mxgetscalar integer*4 status C Variables (and pointers to variables) used by the Fortran subroutine. C The floating point variables will be referred to by pointers. C For the integer and character variables, we will use the actual C values, so we defing the variables accordingly. integer*4 a,x,y,alpha,beta character*1 trans if (nrhs .ne. 11) then call mexerrmsgtxt('Wrong number of inputs in sgemv') end if if (nlhs .ne. 1) then call mexerrmsgtxt('Wrong number of outputs in sgemv') end if C Retrieve the dimensions of the input matrix and vector. This is not C necessary, but it gives us an opportunity to check for errors. C Moreover, this will help us determine how long to make the output C vector. ma = mxgetm(prhs(4)) na = mxgetn(prhs(4)) mx = mxgetm(prhs(6)) nx = mxgetn(prhs(6)) status = mxGetString(prhs(1),trans,1) m = int(mxgetscalar(prhs(2))) n = int(mxgetscalar(prhs(3))) lda = int(mxgetscalar(prhs(6))) incx = int(mxgetscalar(prhs(8))) incy = int(mxgetscalar(prhs(11))) C Create the output variable. plhs(1) = mxcreatefull(na,1,0) alpha = mxgetpr(prhs(4)) a = mxgetpr(prhs(5)) x = mxgetpr(prhs(7)) beta = mxgetpr(prhs(9)) y = mxgetpr(prhs(10)) call dgemv(trans,m,n,%val(alpha),%val(a),lda, %val(x),incx,%val(beta), %val(y),incy) plhs(1) = prhs(10) return end --------------------- xerbla.f ------------------------------- SUBROUTINE XERBLA( SRNAME, INFO ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (preliminary version) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * February 29, 1992 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER*6 SRNAME INTEGER INFO * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * XERBLA is an error handler for the LAPACK routines. * It is called by an LAPACK routine if an input parameter has an * invalid value. A message is printed and execution stops. * * Installers may consider modifying the STOP statement in order to * call system-specific exception-handling facilities. * * Arguments * ========= * * SRNAME (input) CHARACTER*6 * The name of the routine which called XERBLA. * * INFO (input) INTEGER * The position of the invalid parameter in the parameter list * of the calling routine. * * WRITE( *, FMT = 9999 )SRNAME, INFO * STOP * 9999 FORMAT( ' ** On entry to ', A6, ' parameter number ', I2, ' had ', $ 'an illegal value' ) * * End of XERBLA * END -------------------- lsame.f ----------------------------------- LOGICAL FUNCTION LSAME( CA, CB ) * * -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 2.0) -- * Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley, NAG Ltd., * Courant Institute, Argonne National Lab, and Rice University * January 31, 1994 * * .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER CA, CB * .. * * Purpose * ======= * * LSAME returns .TRUE. if CA is the same letter as CB regardless of * case. * * Arguments * ========= * * CA (input) CHARACTER*1 * CB (input) CHARACTER*1 * CA and CB specify the single characters to be compared. * * ===================================================================== * * .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC ICHAR * .. * .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER INTA, INTB, ZCODE * .. * .. Executable Statements .. * * Test if the characters are equal * LSAME = CA.EQ.CB IF( LSAME ) $ RETURN * * Now test for equivalence if both characters are alphabetic. * ZCODE = ICHAR( 'Z' ) * * Use 'Z' rather than 'A' so that ASCII can be detected on Prime * machines, on which ICHAR returns a value with bit 8 set. * ICHAR('A') on Prime machines returns 193 which is the same as * ICHAR('A') on an EBCDIC machine. * INTA = ICHAR( CA ) INTB = ICHAR( CB ) * IF( ZCODE.EQ.90 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.122 ) THEN * * ASCII is assumed - ZCODE is the ASCII code of either lower or * upper case 'Z'. * IF( INTA.GE.97 .AND. INTA.LE.122 ) INTA = INTA - 32 IF( INTB.GE.97 .AND. INTB.LE.122 ) INTB = INTB - 32 * ELSE IF( ZCODE.EQ.233 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.169 ) THEN * * EBCDIC is assumed - ZCODE is the EBCDIC code of either lower or * upper case 'Z'. * IF( INTA.GE.129 .AND. INTA.LE.137 .OR. $ INTA.GE.145 .AND. INTA.LE.153 .OR. $ INTA.GE.162 .AND. INTA.LE.169 ) INTA = INTA + 64 IF( INTB.GE.129 .AND. INTB.LE.137 .OR. $ INTB.GE.145 .AND. INTB.LE.153 .OR. $ INTB.GE.162 .AND. INTB.LE.169 ) INTB = INTB + 64 * ELSE IF( ZCODE.EQ.218 .OR. ZCODE.EQ.250 ) THEN * * ASCII is assumed, on Prime machines - ZCODE is the ASCII code * plus 128 of either lower or upper case 'Z'. * IF( INTA.GE.225 .AND. INTA.LE.250 ) INTA = INTA - 32 IF( INTB.GE.225 .AND. INTB.LE.250 ) INTB = INTB - 32 END IF LSAME = INTA.EQ.INTB * * RETURN * * End of LSAME * END ---------------------------- mvmults.m ------------------------------------- mvmults.m is a Matlab script that defines the matrix and vector we wish to multiply, and calls the routine for doing the multiplication. clear rows = 100; for i = 1:rows, for j = 1:rows, amat(i,j) = (i*j-1)/rows; end xvec(i) = i/rows; end xvec = xvec'; yin = zeros(rows,1); yvec = dgemv('N',rows,rows,1.0,amat,rows,xvec,1,0.0,yin,1);
个人分类: 程序设计|2413 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]difference between “__syncthreads” and “cudaThreadSynch()
dishengbin 2011-6-1 22:07
cudaThreadSynchronize() is a _host_ function that waits for all previous async operations (i.e. kernel calls, async memory copies) to complete. __synchtreads() is a _device_ function that acts as a thread barrier. All threads in a block must reach the barrier before any can continue execution. It is only of use when you need to avoid race conditions when threads in a block access shared memory.
个人分类: CUDA|1850 次阅读|0 个评论
windlight 2011-5-25 10:36
深圳位列第六 来源: 深圳新闻网-深圳特区报 2011年05月25日06:09   深圳特区报讯 (记者 范京蓉)世界著名学术刊物《自然》发行方自然出版集团最近发布《自然出版指数2010中国》报告,称中国科研论文量增质升,并首次评出中国科研实力十强城市,深圳在其中名列第六。   报告首次对中国城市的基础科研实力进行排名,排名前十的城市依次是北京、上海、南京、合肥、香港、深圳、厦门、杭州、广州和天津。报告称,中国2010年在《自然》及其子刊发表的论文中,这10个城市论文发表数占88%,而且,中国前20名科研机构全部位于这十个城市。   在报告同期评选的中国前十位科研机构中,深圳的华大基因研究院名列第四。这十家科研机构依次为:中国科学院、清华大学、中国科技大学、深圳华大基因研究院、北京大学、南京大学、香港大学、东南大学、厦门大学和浙江大学。   报告以中国2009-2010年在《自然》及其子刊上发表的包括论文、快报和综述在内的文章数量为参考,同时也统计了中国在《科学》、《细胞》、《新英格兰医学杂志》以及《柳叶刀》上发表的文章数量。   作者:范京蓉
个人分类: 知道分子 分享|1699 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 wangyong77 2011-4-13 19:15
这是一位专门为富人漂白的心理专家 药家鑫VS马家爵:李玫瑾的矛盾心理学 来源: 金羊网—羊城晚报 2011年04月10日14:22 我来说两句 ( 1689 ) 复制链接 打印 大 中 小 大 中 小 大 中 小    药家鑫VS.马家爵:李玫瑾的矛盾心理学 □肖鹰   对22岁的大二学生药家鑫杀人,李教授曾通过记者提问说:“这8刀仅动作就要持续十几秒,他在被害人的呻吟中如何完成这一行为过程?他为什么没有‘不忍’的感受?”解释药家鑫故意杀人,李教授用的理论是:“在很多心理不成熟的人当中,他往往是把人只看做一个不良的刺激物,他觉得只要把这个人做掉了,这个刺激物就消失了,他却不明白生命背后的东西是什么。”   而对23岁的大三学生马家爵杀人,李教授用的理论则是:“当他与别人发生冲突时,他就这样随意地轻易地置人于死地。当他意识到自己犯了罪的时候,他就希望赶快死,在这个过程当中,人生观才是他无情感反应的必然原因,也是他真正的杀人动机,而不是贫穷。”   作为犯罪心理学家,李教授特别强调马加爵根深蒂固的“自我中心”,强调他的无论在集体生活中,还是在家庭生活中都永远表现出的冷漠、孤僻、狠毒。李教授特别引用和详细解读马加爵在15岁时看到父母的激烈争吵而写下的想杀死父亲的日记,不仅认定马加爵是心中没有爱的人,而且认定这颗心就是多年后杀死四个同学的那颗心。   马加爵在被捕后写给他十四叔十四婶的信中向叔婶一家人表示最后诀别的感谢,他写到:“十四叔、十四婶,我真的是有很多话想跟你们讲,我对你们家对我家的帮助从来就是很感激的,在我的心中从来就没有忘记过,只不过我这个人动情的话历来就讲不出口……”这是一个自知死期不远的在押杀人犯的真情流露。对于药家鑫在法庭上乞求活命的哭诉,李教授是句句信作真理,而对于马加爵绝笔信中表现的纯朴的人伦关爱的品格,却无动于衷。我们看到,无论掌握了多少复杂、矛盾的资料,在李教授的眼中,马加爵们永远只能是一群“把人世间复杂的关系当作一种简单的无情感反应的关系处理”的另类大学生。   李教授认定马家爵完全是因为“自我中心”的“人格缺陷”导致他恶性杀人。她甚至认为被杀害的龚博只因为过生日没请马加爵,而别人又用此事教育马加爵:“就是因为你人品不好,所以龚博过生日都没叫你。”   然而,药家鑫在法庭上为求免于死刑而哭诉的话语,不仅李教授毫无质疑,似乎还很能打动李教授的心,让李教授一方面认定22岁的钢琴系大三学生药家鑫是一位从小被迫苦学钢琴、缺少心灵抚养的好孩子。药家鑫说:“从小到大,我的生活几乎除了学习以外就是练琴,妈妈陪我练琴,小的时候每周练琴,为了练琴,妈妈都会打我,或者拿皮带抽我……”就是看了包含着这几句的一段几分钟的视频,李教授说她“突然就明白”了药家鑫杀害张妙的心理活动。李教授说:“他拿刀扎向这个女孩的时候,我认为他的动作是在他心里有委屈,在他有痛苦,在他有不甘的时候,却被摁在钢琴跟前弹琴的一个同样的动作。”   李教授对药家鑫与马加爵的态度的反差,是建立在她对两人的根本原则区别的:对于马加爵因认为同学歧视和冤枉他而故意杀人,李教授的原则是:“我特别主张要想真正了解马加爵犯罪的心理问题,不能以一般的社会理由去遮掩他个性当中的问题。”对于药家鑫害怕“农民难缠”而杀人灭口,李教授的原则是:“ 这个问题确实不是他一个人的一种东西,我认为这个案件,药家鑫说的话确实是完全错误的,但是他确实也在社会当中可以找到相应的一种背景。因此我觉得这个案件非常值得我们去思考,我们这个社会有哪些是属于社会偏见,而这种偏见它形成的原因是什么。”   李教授在她最新的博客文章中写道:“我始终认为:研究犯罪心理就是研究人性的弱点。但人性还是有另一面的。法律处罚一个人是因为他的具体行为。但我们从心理上评价一个人时,就不能仅从一次或几次行为来评价。否则你研究的人就不是完整的人。”   李教授这段话说得非常好!但是,这段话除了实用于等待判决的药家鑫外,是否也实用于已经处决的马家爵呢?李教授目前的态度似乎是否定的。
个人分类: 生活点滴|2230 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]越王勾践 卧薪尝胆
xupeiyang 2011-4-13 16:11
勾嵊山启动省级森林公园创建 2011-04-08 08:54:11 诸暨日报  作者: 小寿   如果要在诸暨境内,找一座最能代表“於越文化”的名山,勾嵊山当之无愧! 当年,越王勾践在这里“卧薪尝胆”,“十年生聚,十年教训”的故事影响和激励着一代又一代中华儿女。 据史载,勾嵊山又叫句无山,是越国在绍兴建都城之前的“古都”。如果说埤中(今店口、阮市一带)是越国建国之发端,大部(今枫桥一带)是越国稳定过渡时期,那么勾嵊山就是越国由弱到强进而位列春秋五霸的摇篮。勾嵊山是於越文化的发祥地之一。诸暨史称“越国古都”,应与之一脉相承。 今年1月7日,绍兴市林业局发文,认定勾嵊山森林公园为绍兴市森林公园。与此同时,“启动勾嵊山省级森林公园创建工作”写进了诸暨市十五届人大五次会议的《政府工作报告》。这标志着勾嵊山森林公园的开发,已经提到了政府工作的议事日程上。 确实,这样的一座越中名山,本不该寂寞。
个人分类: 西施故里|1545 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 ecoliugy 2011-3-25 22:55
2008年5月15日,四川省北川县一所被地震震塌的教室的废墟下,一只蝴蝶在一位已经死亡的学生脚旁飞舞。Jason Lee 摄 2008的那场地震。 蝴蝶落在姑娘的花布鞋上。 这到底伤心了谁? 摄影师的蝴蝶比摄影师更令人难过, 科学家却比科学家的文章更加忧伤。 Pnas说,伤及大脑,日后难以忘记。 Plosone说,他们不难过,伤心的是你们。 都是真相吧,区别就在一年以后。 担忧的事很多,担忧的人却很少, 昨晚版纳的地震就够人难以入睡的。 更难以入梦的却不是摇晃,而是摇晃的房子。 和摇晃过后,我们该如何摇晃我们的房子。 参考文献: Su Luia, Qiyong Gonga,2009 High-field MRI reveals an acute impact on brain function in survivors of the magnitude 8.0 earthquake in China .Pnas.106(36)15412–15417.doi: 10.1073/pnas.0812751106 Li S, Rao L-L, Bai X-W, Zheng R, Ren X-P, et al. (2010) Progression of the “Psychological Typhoon Eye” and Variations Since the Wenchuan Earthquake . PLoS ONE 5(3): e9727. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009727 附: 如果西双版纳是这样的楼房,再大的地震我们都不会害怕。
3584 次阅读|1 个评论
yangyingguo 2011-3-14 20:37
法国核安全局认为日核电站爆炸为化学因素导致   新华网巴黎3月12日电(记者李学梅)法国核安全局12日说,发生在日本福岛第一核电站的爆炸是“化学因素”引起的,而非核爆炸,因此与苏联切尔诺贝利核电站事故不可同日而语。   法国核安全局主任奥利维耶·古普塔当天对媒体说,根据目前情况来看,福岛第一核电站1号机组爆炸的原因是氢气和氧气发生剧烈反应,而且受到影响的反应堆早已关停,因此这次事故与1986年的切尔诺贝利核电站爆炸完全不同。   受11日大地震影响,日本福岛第一核电站发生放射性物质泄漏,随后1号机组发生爆炸。目前,核电站区域内辐射剂量仍大大超出正常值,核电站冷却遭遇难题。 media_span_url('http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2011-03/13/c_121181236.htm') 核电站爆炸
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热度 1 chile 2011-3-11 11:53
http://bgpt.zdzsc.zju.edu.cn/news/129843088330526598.html 2011中国大学排行榜揭晓 发布人:浙江大学 资讯来源:浙江大学 发布时间:2011-02-22 22:13:37 点击数量: 2011 年1月17日,中国校友会网与《21世纪人才报》发布最新《2011中国大学评价研究报告》,其中,北京大学连续4年问鼎“2011中国大学排行榜”榜首,清华大学居第二, 浙江大学 上升至第三 ,复旦大学下降一位列第四,南京大学居第五。 华中科技大学 武昌分校、北京师范大学珠海分校和华中科技大学文华学院居中国独立学院前三甲;北京城市学院、湖南涉外经济学院和南昌理工学院列中国民办大学前三强。今年最引人关注的是,“校友捐赠”首次纳入中国大学评价,引领大学向世界一流大学看齐;大学“造富”能力凸显,有望成为中国大学又一职能,北京大学最盛产“亿万富豪”,蝉联“2011中国造富大学排行榜”榜首,造就79名富豪校友,继获得“院士摇篮”、“社会科学家摇篮”之后,勇夺“造富摇篮”美誉。    “ 校友捐赠”首次纳入中国大学评价,引领大学向世界一流大学看齐   自2003年起,中国校友会网和《21世纪人才报》已连续第9年发布中国大学评价报告。2011年的最大亮点是首次将“校友捐赠”纳入中国大学评价。中国校友会网大学评价课题组首席专家蔡言厚教授指出,校友是大学最杰出的产品、最得意的佳作、最自豪的财富;“校友捐赠”是欧美世界著名大学的常态,是对大学教育成果的重要检验,已成为评价世界一流大学和检验校长执行力的重要标准。同时,在国家最新“985”工程大学三期评价指标体系中,新增加“学校获得的捐款在学校经费中所占的比例”指标。因 此课题组在国内率先将“校友捐赠”纳入中国大学评价,旨在倡导大学树立校友捐赠文化、引导大学更好地以人为本、以教学为根、引导中国大学向世界一流大学看齐。    北京大学连续4年蝉联榜首,华中科技大学挺进前十   报告显示,在最受关注的2011中国大学排名中,北京大学连续4年蝉联“中国校友会网2011中国大学排行榜”榜首,清华大学列第二,浙江大学上升至第三名,复旦大学比去年下降一个名次居第四,南京大学上升至第五,上海交通大学比去年下降一位,列第六;名列第七、八位的是武汉大学和中国人民大学,华中科技大学再次挺进前十强,名列第九,中山大学名次没有变化,仍居第十, 吉林大学 下降至第十一位。   名列“中国校友会网2011中国大学排行榜”前二十的其他高校”是吉林大学、四川大学、北京师范大学、南开大学、中南大学、山东大学、哈尔滨工业大学、中国科技大学、西安交通大学和厦门大学等。中国校友会网大学评价课题组首席专家蔡言厚教授介绍说,在今年报告中,除首次将“校友捐赠”纳入评价指标外,还删除了学生获国家大学生竞赛奖等较低层次人才指标。 今年浙江大学的名次上升至第三位,完全得益于其在“校友捐赠”和杰出校友等方面的最佳表现,表现出中国一流大学应有的底气; 而华中科技大学凭借2010年在国家科技奖励和杰出校友等多个方面的突出表现,则再次挺进中国大学排行榜十强。 中国校友会网2011中国大学排行榜10强 名次 学校名称 所在省市 办学类型 总分 1 北京大学 北京 综合 100 2 清华大学 北京 理工 96.18 3 浙江大学 浙江 综合 56.10 4 复旦大学 上海 综合 55.57 5 南京大学 江苏 综合 42.90 6 上海交通大学 上海 综合 42.52 7 武汉大学 湖北 综合 39.37 8 中国人民大学 北京 综合 36.61 9 华中科技大学 湖北 理工 34.56 10 中山大学 广东 综合 33.77 蔡言厚 百科名片 蔡言厚,湖南省资兴人,北京吉利大学教育研究所教授, 我国最权威大学评价咨询专家之一 ,中国校友会网大学评价课题组学术主任,代表中国校友会网大学评价课题组先后多次接受国内几十家家新闻媒体专访。 目录 人物简介 学术成果 媒体专访 人物观点 科学研究获奖、杰出校友首次作指标 评价核心为高校对科学与人才的贡献 将评选“杰出社会科学家” 纵论高考状元“全军覆没”现象 人物简介 学术成果 媒体专访 人物观点 科学研究获奖、杰出校友首次作指标 评价核心为高校对科学与人才的贡献 将评选“杰出社会科学家” 纵论高考状元“全军覆没”现象 展开 编辑本段 人物简介    蔡言厚 蔡言厚,是我国最权威大学评价咨询专家之一、中国校友会网大学评价课题组学术主任,北京吉利大学教育研究所教授。1937年5月生,湖南省资兴人。   蔡言厚教授自1980年开展科技管理与研究工作,1982年发表研究论文以来,共发表了科技管理、大学评价方面的论文60余篇,著作4本,其中《走向世界》一书填补了中国国内科学管理领域的一项空白,获各类奖励23项,其中研究成果奖6项,科技管理奖5项,优秀论文12篇。2005年以来作为中国校友会网中国大学排行榜大学评价课题组学术负责人,发表《2007中国大学评价研究报告》、《2006中国高校杰出人才培养状况调查报告》《2006中国民办大学评价报告》等多项大学评价研究成果。蔡言厚,1937年5月生,汉族,湖南省资兴人。中国最资深大学评价咨询专家,中南大学高等教育研究所教授,曾任中南大学科研处副处长、高等教育研究所副所长。现任中国校友会网大学评价课题组首席专家,中国材料研究学会理事。   2005年以来,蔡言厚教授代表 中国校友会网 大学评价课题组先后多次接受国内几十家家新闻媒体专访,包括中央电视台(CCTV)《新闻会客厅》、《道德观察》栏目、中国教育电视台(CETV-1)《国视报告》栏目、上海电视台《七分之一》栏目、南京电视台、湖南教育电视台等的邀请,分别就我国大学评价和高考状元相关话题做专题采访。 编辑本段 学术成果   自1980年开展科技管理与研究工作,1982年发表研究论文以来,共发表了科技管理、大学评价方面的论文七十多篇,出版专著4本,其中《走向世界》一书填补了中国国内科学管理领域的一项空白,获国家、地方及校级奖励23项,其中研究成果奖6项,科技管理奖5项,优秀论文12篇。   自1997年以来发表的主要论著:   1、高等教育专业化评估的探讨《高教改革》 1997.2   2、高等学校科学研究效益指标体系的探讨《有色金属高教研究》1997.4   3、大学量化评价案例研究《有色金属高教研究》2003.3   4、完善中国科学基金制的建议?D?D对实施国家自然科学基金连续资助框架方案的探讨《21世纪中国科学技术基金会发展与展望》1999   5、我国高校培养高层次人才的综合实力比较《湖南研究生教育》1998.2   6、完善中国大学评价的若干建议《中国高等教育评价》2000.3   7、大学排序在我国高等教育发展中所起的作用《中国高等教育评估》2001.1   8、用科学计量法评估高校科技工作的两种指标集的比较《科研管理》2001.5   9、大学科研定量评价指标体系的探讨《中国高等教育评估》2002.5   10、大学科研定量评价指标体系设置若干原则的探讨《研究生和发展管理》2002.5   11、进一步完善中国大学评价的若干建议《中国高等教育评估》2002.6   12、中国大学评价给各个大学的启示《三湘高校论坛》2003.4   13、完善中国大学排行榜的若干建议《现代大学教育》2003.3   14、从历史的视角看中国大陆一流大学的评价《江苏高教研究》2003.6   15、大学排序对学校发展的促进-中南大学改革发展的个案《中国高等教育评估》2003.3   16、再进一步完善中国大学评价的若干建议《中国高等教育评估》2003.4   17、985工程和一流大学综合评价的探讨《中国高等教育评估》2004.3   18、大学排名的名次是大学文化沉淀与底蕴地标志《现代大学教育》2004.5   等等   研究报告:   《2010中国大学评价研究报告》   《2009中国两院院士调查报告》   《2009中国大学创业富豪榜》   《2009中国大学评价研究报告》   《1999-2008中国高考状元调查报告》   《2008中国杰出人文社会科学家研究报告》   《2008中国两院院士调查报告》   《2008中国奥运冠军调查报告》   《中国高考状元职业状况调查报告》   《2008中国高校富豪校友排行榜》   《2006中国高校杰出人才培养状况调查报告》   2009中国造富大学排行榜等。
个人分类: 转自他乡|1761 次阅读|1 个评论
www053991 2011-3-10 12:35
青年人才成长环境堪忧 老院士不好意思争抢讲台    来源: 中国青年报 青年人才成长环境令人忧虑   老院士不好意思跟年轻人抢讲台   本报记者 张 国 原春琳   最初到北京大学兼职时,中国科学院院士、全国政协委员陈运泰的热情很高。他给学生们开了选修课,很受欢迎。   可是讲了两年以后,这位老科学家决定不再授课了。原因很简单——“我不能去跟年轻老师争饭碗,我很可怜他们”。   中国科学院院士、南开大学教授张伟平委员也是出于同样的原因不给本科学生开课的。虽然学生们都盼望着听院士的课,教育部也一再提倡“名师上讲台”,但对于这两位院士来说,开课令他们有负疚感。   “我是一片好心,但是影响了年轻老师的成长。”陈运泰告诉中国青年报记者,“现在我们都想办法尽量不上课。我们去学校里上课,学生都被吸引到我们这儿来了,就没有时间去选年轻老师的课了。”   他说,按照如今的评价办法,大学老师又要教书,又要做科研,两方面都有考评指标。年轻教师只有完成课时数量和研究成果数量,才有希望晋级。他认为,这是不合理的评估体系。   张伟平院士还指出了一个更为现实的顾虑:年轻教师待遇较低,没课上就意味着没有课时费。   但是,名师不上课无疑会造成教育质量的损伤。3月7日,中国工程院院士、武汉大学原校长刘经南委员就当面向参加教育界别联组会的教育部长袁贵仁反映了高校里的另一个现象:有时明明该上课的是教授,站在讲台上的却是教授的研究生。   刘经南还说,现在年轻老师的压力太大,忙着教学、科研,没有时间与学生交流。在一些新建的校区,下午课程结束以后,整个校园静悄悄的,像个“鬼城”。学生们也不怎么运动,躲在宿舍里上网。   李未明委员曾经在高校任教。他举了一个极端的例子,学校有一位引进的博士,无论是学术、人品还是教学水平都很好,结果自杀了,让人非常痛心。这样的情况在全国高校不时发生。   “青年教师的成长环境实在令人万分忧虑。”北京交通大学教授王玉凤委员说。她认为,住房问题是年轻老师们面临的首要困难。   王玉凤以本校情况举例说,在20世纪90年代,一名博士后入校后,可分一套两居室的房子,博士是一居室。后来,博士后分一居室,博士只能住周转房。再后来,一律住周转房。开始还能“周转”两年,后来改为一年。现在,连周转房也没了。面对北京动辄每平方米3万元的房价,很多人想都不敢想买房的事情。   “他们读了20多年书,也要结婚、生子、赡养老人。在重压下,有人选择了离开,另谋高就。有人选择了第二职业,创收自救。当然,也有相当多年轻教师在忍耐中奋斗,非常悲壮。”王玉凤说。   年轻老师要想申请科研课题资助,成功率极低。中国科学院院士、北京大学教授丁伟岳委员告诉记者,现在很多项目不愿冒险,所以不肯资助默默无闻的年轻人,更愿意把钱投到那些已经功成名就的人身上。   王玉凤说,没有仪器,没有经费,没有职称,发表论文还要交版面费,国家设置了各种人才计划,跟多数年轻教师无关。在创造力的高峰期,他们却迫于生活压力,无法全身心投入教学和科研。   华东师范大学党委书记张济顺委员也持相同的观点。她说,如今关于人才的政策很多,各种计划都是吸引和支持高端人才成长的。虽然在一些重点高校,青年教师的成长环境有改善,但是近几年来,鼓励青年脱颖而出的人才计划,其效应和支持力度正在衰减。   “我们国家现在特别重视人才。”中国气象局原局长、中国科学院院士秦大河委员说。他指出,现在最受重视的好像是“外来的和尚”。   秦大河说,自己很支持各类人才引进计划,但是,引进人才和培养人才要有机结合起来。不要亏待那些长期立足国内老老实实工作的群体。除了引进之外,如何使国内的科学家也能得到充分发挥,应当是人才计划的重要内容。   秦大河接触了一些从外国引进的人才。他发现很多人做着兼职工作,拿着比全职还要高的薪酬。还有人号称是全职回国,实际根本没有做到。“这个事情我觉得不利于调动国内科学家的积极性。”   另一位政协委员在两会上说,现在引进人才的待遇给得很高,动辄“百万年薪”。如果引来水平很高的领军人才,当然是值得的。但是千万要警惕,不要形式化,造成人们心理的不平衡,这是在一些人才项目上“容易犯的毛病”。   张伟平委员连续几年在全国政协会议上呼吁,在引进人才的同时,一定要重视本土杰出人才,不能盲目信奉“外来的和尚会念经”,防止“请来女婿气走儿子”。   北京科技大学教授朱鸿民委员承认,尖端的人才计划可以带动顶尖人才的加盟。但是对国家而言,人才队伍素质的提高是靠真正基础队伍的提高,光靠几个人带是带不起来的。   清华大学教授邢新会委员发现,很多年轻人,刚刚博士毕业,就没时间老老实实地呆在实验室了。他说:“还没找到科研感觉的时候就不做实验了,这是很危险的。怎么让一些有竞争潜力的年轻人,更好地把自己的时间投入到职业上面,政策上面值得关注,否则青年学者脱颖而出就是空话。”   本报北京3月9日电
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热度 1 HuanLiuVIP 2011-3-4 15:50
SCI和EI收录中国出版的期刊列表及投稿指南(转) 写于2009-05-28 09:37:18 .hide_but { DISPLAY: none } .absolute_but { POSITION: absolute; LINE-HEIGHT: 10px; BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH: 0px; WIDTH: 1px; BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px; HEIGHT: 1px; FONT-SIZE: 1px; BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH: 0px; TOP: 700px; LEFT: 200px; flowover: hidden; size: 1px } A.fav_item_s { BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; LINE-HEIGHT: 24px; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; DISPLAY: inline-block; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; BACKGROUND: url(http://s.mipang.com/images/2010/store/btn_favgreen.gif); HEIGHT: 24px; COLOR: #ffffff !important; MARGIN-LEFT: 20px; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; TEXT-DECORATION: none !important } A.fav_item_s:hover { BORDER-BOTTOM-STYLE: none; LINE-HEIGHT: 24px; BORDER-RIGHT-STYLE: none; BORDER-TOP-STYLE: none; BACKGROUND: url(http://s.mipang.com/images/2010/store/btn_favgreen_hover.gif); HEIGHT: 24px; COLOR: #ffffff; BORDER-LEFT-STYLE: none; CURSOR: pointer } A.fav_item_s SPAN { PADDING-LEFT: 30px; PADDING-RIGHT: 10px; DISPLAY: inline-block; BACKGROUND: url(http://s1.mipang.com/images/2010/store/dot.gif) no-repeat right 50%; HEIGHT: 24px } A.yfav_i { BORDER-RIGHT-WIDTH: 0px; DISPLAY: inline-block; BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px; BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px; MARGIN-LEFT: 20px; BORDER-LEFT-WIDTH: 0px; TEXT-DECORATION: none !important } // 1. 序言 在平时的咨询过程中,本人注意到了一种在我国各个高等学校、科研机构和研究所普遍存在的现象,那就是十分重视论 文水 平的评价:科研人员在技术职称评定、院士申请、杰出青年申报、 长江 学者申报、博硕士导师申报前,都需要做论文被世界著名数据库科学引文索引(SCI)收录及被引用和工程索引(EI)收录情况的证明,以证明个人的学术水平;博硕士在学位论文答辩或找工作前,也要做论文被世界著名数据库收录情况证明,以证明自己的科学研究能力;非官方的网站、调查机构也以各学校被SCI、EI数据库收录的论文数量的统计结果,来衡量该学校的工程学及其相关领学术水平科研能力的一个指标,甚至影响到在全国大学综合排名中的位置。 要想提高论文被SCI、EI收录的可能性,除了选择处于国际前沿的科研课题,做出有创新性的科研成果,写出有创新性内容的论文、英文文摘以及规范书写格式外,还必须投稿到被SCI、EI收录的期刊上,因此了解上述文摘数据库的收录期刊信息非常必要。对于我国的科技人员,综合语言、地域、习惯等各种因素,他们更愿意把论文投给 中国 出版的期刊。由于SCI、EI数据库都有严格的选刊标准,收录的期刊都是动态变化的,过时的 SCI、EI收录国内期刊一览表,不能更好的支持科研人员的科研成果发表需求。他们向图书馆咨询最新的SCI、EI收录中国期刊情况时,本人了解到其需求的迫切程度已到愿意付费获取的地步。 感受到科研人员的强烈愿望后,本人查找了清华、北大等图书馆的主页,发现他们专门对SCI、EI做了一定深度的开发,可能考虑的该项工作付出了一定的智力劳动以及需要辛勤收集相关信息,因此该项服务严格限定了服务范围,只限本校局域网使用,外校人员没有权限访问。 鉴于上述情况,本人做出最新的SCI收录的中国(出版地包括大陆、港台)期刊刊名字顺表、新增中国大陆期刊列表、EI收录的中国期刊刊名列表、SCI和EI共同收录的中国出版期刊列表。 2. SCI收录的中国(出版地包括大陆、港台)期刊刊名字顺表 本人的式dedZHO由于 美国 科学情报研究所(ISI)大概每年6月份公布上一年的期刊引用报告(Journal Citation Reports on the Web, JCR Web),现在最新的SCI收录的期刊只能依据2003年的JCR报告。SCI涵盖了全世界范围内理、化、农、林、医、生命科学、天文、地理、环境、材料、工程技术等自然科学各学科领域内的最优秀的科技期刊,网络版包括期刊6375种(包括光盘版所有的刊)①,其中有影响因子的期刊5907种。 2. 1 SCI收录的中国(出版地包括大陆、港台)期刊总详表 2.1.1期刊总详表说明 总详表以Journal COUNTRY为PEOPLES R CHINA, HONG KONG和TAIWAN(即中国出版)全部期刊共有92种期刊( 澳门 没有期刊入选),按期刊的英文题名全称排序。其中包括有影响因子的期刊:中国大陆67种、 香港 1种、 台湾 16种②、没有影响因子(中国大陆新增)的期刊8种。未包括台湾新增期刊,ISSN:1561-8625, ASIAN JOURNAL OF CONTROL, Publisher:CHINESE AUTOMATIC CONTROL SOC, NATL CHIAO TUNG UNIV, DEPT ELECTRICAL CONTROL ENG, TAIPEI, TAIWAN。未收入有争议的期刊ISSN:0256-7679,Chinese journal of polymer science, 从中国科学院文献情报中心③查到该刊有中国国内出版号CN11-2015,团体名称等同责任为:Chinese Chemical Society,出版发行项为Beijing Science Press Berlin Springer-Verlag 1986-,但JCR报告显示该刊Journal country: Germany. Publisher: Springer-Verlag Heidelberg②。 详表列出期刊的ISSN、Full Journal Title、中文刊名、Abbreviated Journal Title、期/年、正文语种、Publisher、Subject Categories、Impact Factor、cnki/中国期刊全文数据库、最新最近国内收藏图书馆、编辑部地址、邮编、电话和电子邮件共15个项目的数据,让读者通过多种途径知晓利用收录的期刊。 2.1.2期刊总详表特点 中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)是许多图书馆都购买了的数据库,而且是绝大多数读者最善长使用的数据库。经过逐一核查SCI收录的中国期刊有23种期刊该库收入。如果该数据库有收藏,读者可方便获取所需期刊的原文、了解论文版式等信息。最新国内收藏图书馆项目主要提供截至2004年还没有被CNKI收录的期刊的收藏位置,通过试查得知,中国科学院文献情报中心收录的期刊最多且连续性最好,故优先选择提供该馆收藏信息;其他依次选取中国科技信息所信息服务中心④、国图⑤以及清华、北大等著名大学收藏馆⑥。 2.1.3期刊总详表分析 通过分析该表得出:1)期刊正文语种为英文的70种,15种中文,多语种7种,SCI收录的中国出版的期刊语种英文所占比例最大,与SCI收录的全部期刊语种比例一致,相对来讲用英文写稿容易被收录;2) 北京 地区中国科学院文献情报中心从期刊收藏的全面和连续性上是最好的,收藏除被CNKI收入外的69种期刊中的49种,另有2种收藏在分馆。 注意:ISSN:1007-9327,WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY 在SCI⑦中查到只收录该刊到JAN 15 2004,该刊被淘汰。因此建议有条件检索SCI数据库的读者,在准备投稿某一刊之前,限定投稿前三个月的期限检索看看该刊期卷收录状况(根据本人对SCI数据库的了解,收录的时间滞后大部分在3个月内),来核实期刊是否正在被SCI收录,以免好文章限制在被SCI收录引用之外。 2. 2新增中国大陆期刊列表(参见表1) 收录中国大陆期刊共8种,正文语种全部为英文,相关的期刊信息已经包含在总详表,单独列表是为更醒目,让读者注意到这些期刊,这些期刊已经被SCI收录,由于没有出现在JCR 中,不太引起投稿人的注意,投稿这些期刊易被SCI收录。 特别说明:大陆期刊ISSN:1006-9283,Science in China series A-mathematics,2002年以前为ISSN:1006-9283,Science in China Series A Mathematics, physics, astronomy,从V.46,no.1(Jan. 2003)分成ISSN:1006-9283, Science in China. Series A, Mathematics 和 ISSN:1672-1799, Science in China. Series G, Physics, astronomy 的两种期刊,后者进入新增刊源表。 表1 没有影响因子的大陆新增期刊 序号 ISSN Full Journal Title 卷/年 cnki 最新最近国内收藏图书馆 电话 电子邮件 2003收录论文 1 1003-7713 CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS/化学物理学报 6 有  0551-3601122 hwxb@ustc.edu.cn 236 2 1009-0630 PLASMA SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY/等离子体科学和技术 6 无 中科院 0551-5591617 pst@ipp.ac.cn   3 1007-8827 NEW CARBON MATERIALS/新型碳材料 4 无 中科院 0351-2025254 tcl@sxicc.ac.cn 或 xxtcl@263.net 110 4 1009-2757 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES F-INFORMATION SCIENCES/中国科学F—信息科学 6 无 中科院 010-64019820 scichina@scichina.com 42 5 0529-1526 ACTA PHYTOTAXONOMICA SINICA/植物分类学报 6 有 中科院 010-62591431-6132 62594946 aps@caf.forestry.ac.cn 57 6 0253-505X ACTA OCEANOLOGICA SINICA/ 海洋 学报 4 无 中科院 010-62179976   45 7 1002-0160 PEDOSPHERE/土壤圈 4 无 中科院 025-6881235 rmdu@mail.issas.ac.cn 46 8 1672-1799 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES G-PHYSICS ASTRONOMY/中国科学G—物理天文学 6 无 中科院 010-64019820 scichina@scichina.com 67 3. 2005年EI中国期刊刊名列表 Ei中国”网站⑧的收录中国期刊列表,虽然没有提供刊源变化中的减少了的期刊情况说明,但该列表更新及时。但遗憾的是EI的中国镜像网站没有提供链接,科研人员利用不太方便。 EI是人们获取工程学及其相关领域域信息的最主要 来源 。其主题范围涉及工程及相关学科的各个领域,包括:核技术、生物工程学、交通、化工和工艺学、光学和光学工程、农业工程和食品工程、计算机和数据处理、应用物理学、电子学和通讯、土木工程、机械工程、材料、石油、宇航和控制工程等。鉴于篇幅,请参考“ 识别Compendex (核心刊) 数据和 Page One (非核心刊) 数据是许多人关心的,Compendex 数据和Page One 数据的主要区别在于:数据中是否有分类码(Ei classification codes)和主题词(Ei main heading);有这两项内容的数据是Compendex 数据,反之是 Page One 数据。 2004年访问时EI 核心期刊一览表共收录中国期刊111种, EI page one收录一览表129种,故2004年共收录中国大陆出版期刊240种;2005年分别为118种和127种,共收录245种,EI page one减少的两种期刊全部进入核心期刊,核心期刊变化见表2。 表2 2005年EI收录中国大陆核心期刊变化 项目 序号 ISSN 题名 说明 新增期刊 1 0529-6579 中山大学 学报(自然科学版) 从2004年的PAGE ONE刊源升级 2 1000-2383 地球 科学 — 中国地质大学学报 3 1004-924X 光学精密工程   4 1548-7741 Journal of Information and Computational Science   5 1553-9105 Journal of Computational Information Systems   6 1671-2021 沈阳 建筑大学学报(自然科学版)   7 1671-4512 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)   8 1671-5497 吉林大学 学报(工学版)   9 1671-7694 Chinese Optics Letters   减少期刊 1 1004-2822 中国光学快报 (英文版)   2 1004-9541 中国化学工程学报(英文版)   3 1671-4512 华中科技大学学报   4. SCI和EI共同收录的中国出版期刊列表(参见表3) 做收录证明时本人注意到有些论文既被SCI收录又被EI收录,被SCI和EI收录的中国优秀期刊是否有些联系呢?通过逐一对比SCI、EI收录的刊源发现:中国的2003年收录中国大陆(JOURNAL COUNTRY:Peoples R China)期刊75种中26种在2005年被EI收录,其中有14种入选EI核心期刊,特别提醒SCI中国大陆新增期刊无一入选EI;2003年收录中国香港(JOURNAL COUNTRY:Hong Kong)有影响因子的期刊1种,入选EI核心期刊;2003年收录中国台湾((JOURNAL COUNTRY:Taiwan)有影响因子的期刊16种,其中4种被EI收录,且全部入选EI核心期刊(不包括一种期刊ISSN:1017-4370,该刊从2002年始EI未收录,故未入同录表)。故最新SCI和EI共同收录的中国出版期刊共31种,入选EI核心期刊19种,比2004年少一种期刊,ISSN:1004-9541,CHINESE JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING/中国化学工程学报。 SCI、EI数据库学科覆盖的范围有交叉,因此有些期刊可能同时被收录。但是由于二者收录范围和评价标准的不同,入选SCI的中国期刊可能没有入选EI,而且入选SCI光盘版或SCIE的有影响因子的期刊即使入选EI也未必入选EI核心期刊。 5. 结论 通过搜索引擎百度搜索“SCI”,与其它图书馆所做期刊列表比较,本人所做列表有如下特色:1)其他馆多为有关中国的或是大陆的SCI期刊列表,本人给出了SCI收录的中国(出版地包括大陆、港台)期刊,且每种期刊逐一经过查SCI库核实,同时给出92种期刊方便获取原文的信息(是否可从CNKI获取原文以及国内收藏最新期卷的图书馆如国家图书馆、中科院图书馆、中信所、中科院图书馆等馆藏收录信息),节省读者为查找获取原文时定位的时间;2)单列SCI新增中国大陆期刊列表,起到醒目推荐作用;3)做出最新SCI和EI共同收录的中国出版期刊列表,供稿件水平较高的作者有选择的投稿,提供一篇稿件被SCI和EI共同收录的可能性,这也是未见其他图书馆做出的。 总之,本人希望通过自己的辛勤整理工作成果,在图书情报等有关部门之间共享,免去不必要的重复劳动;既然中国目前科学研究绩效评价依据SCI、EI这二种世界权威检索文摘提供的数据,而科学研究绩效评价除了评价研究人员(包括研究个人、研究组以及研究单位) 表3 SCI 和 EI共同收录的中国出版的期刊列表 序号 ISSN Full Journal Title 中文刊名 EI状态 cnki 最新期国内收藏图书馆 1 0567-7718 ACTA MECHANICA SINICA 力学学报(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 2 0412-1961 ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA 金属学报 PAGE ONE 无 科学院 3 1000-3290 ACTA PHYSICA SINICA 物理学报 PAGE ONE 有   4 0253-4827 APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND MECHANICS-ENGLISH EDITION 应用数学与力学(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 5 0251-0790 CHEMICAL JOURNAL OF CHINESE UNIVERSITIES-CHINESE 高等学校化学学报 PAGE ONE 有   6 1005-9040 CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN CHINESE UNIVERSITIES 高等学校化学研究 PAGE ONE 无 科学院 7 0890-5487 CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING 中国海洋工程 PAGE ONE 无 科学院 8 1022-4653 CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS 电子学报(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 9 0254-3052 HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS-CHINESE EDITION 高能物理与核物理 PAGE ONE 有   10 1005-9784 JOURNAL OF CENTRAL SOUTH UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 中南工业大学学报(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 11 0254-9409 JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS 计算数学(英文版) PAGE ONE 无 北京大学 12 1000-9000 JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 计算机科学与技术学报(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 13 1001-0742 JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES-CHINA 环境科学学报 核心 无 科学院 14 1016-2364 JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING   核心 无 中信所 15 1001-9014 JOURNAL OF INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES 红外与毫米波学报 核心 有   16 1000-324X JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS 无机材料学报 核心 有   17 1005-0302 JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY 材料科学技术 核心 无 科学院 18 1022-9760 JOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH-TAIWAN   核心 无 北航 19 1002-0721 JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS 中国稀土学报 核心 无 科学院 20 0368-1653 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS   核心 无 科学院 21 0253-3839 JOURNAL OF THE CHINESE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERS   核心 无 科学院 22 1005-8850 JOURNAL OF UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BEIJING 北京科技大学学报(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 23 1000-2413 JOURNAL OF WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-MATERIALS SCIENCE EDITION 武汉理工大学学报(英文版) PAGE ONE 无 科学院 24 1002-0071 PROGRESS IN NATURAL SCIENCE 自然科学进展 PAGE ONE 有中文版 科学院 25 1002-185X RARE METAL MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 稀有金属材料与工程 PAGE ONE 有   26 1001-0521 RARE METALS 稀有金属 核心 无 科学院 27 1006-9283 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES A-MATHEMATICS 中国科学A—数学(英文版) PAGE ONE 无 中信所 28 1006-9291 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES B-CHEMISTRY 中国科学B—化学(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 29 1006-9313 SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES D-EARTH SCIENCES 中国科学D—地球科学(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 30 1000-0593 SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 光谱学与光谱分析 PAGE ONE 有   31 1003-6326 TRANSACTIONS OF NONFERROUS METALS SOCIETY OF CHINA 中国有色金属学会会刊(英文版) 核心 无 科学院 所取得的科研成果的科学价值外,更多的时候还体现在如何在研究人员之间分配有限的 资源 ——经费资源及人力资源(包括职位升迁)⑨,因此他们不可能不考虑向上述文摘的刊源期刊投稿,本人的整理结果可以给他们以信息支持。另外引导他们投稿给中国期刊,中国人高水平的稿件投到中国出版的期刊而不是国外期刊,一方面可以提高国内期刊总体的办刊质量,利于科研成果在国内的交流传播,另一方面也省去中国图书情报界花高价购买我们中国人自己的发表在国外期刊的科研论文。
6080 次阅读|1 个评论
wangke321 2011-3-3 12:04
国务院提请提高个税起征点 SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript /*实现图片的按比例缩放*/ function DrawImage(ImgD, iwidth, iheight) { var image = new Image(); image.src = ImgD.src; if(image.width 0 && image.height 0){ if(image.width / image.height = iwidth / iheight){ if(image.width iwidth){ ImgD.width = iwidth; ImgD.height = (image.height * iwidth) / image.width; } else{ ImgD.width = image.width; ImgD.height = image.height; } // ImgD.alt = image.width + "×" + image.height; } else{ if(image.height iheight){ ImgD.height = iheight; ImgD.width = (image.width * iheight) / image.height; } else{ ImgD.width = image.width; ImgD.height = image.height; } // ImgD.alt = image.width + "×" + image.height; } } } // --------------------------------------- 2011年03月03日06:26 来源: 长江商报   个税起征点,一个撩拨无数人神经的基本点,时隔3年,终于要动“手术”了。   国务院总理温家宝1日主持召开国务院常务会议,讨论并原则通过《中华人民共和国个人所得税法修正案(草案)》。从2008年第二次调整后,个税起征点一直固定在2000元。如今,这一基准线将再次上提。   税率级次级距将调整 全国政协会议下午3时开幕 聚焦两会专题 国务院通过个税修正案 专家建议以家庭为单位征收个税 成渝经济区规划终获批 影视剧控烟非禁烟 审查是关键 高清:中国空军运输机利比亚撤侨 曹建海:我为何非常同情郎咸平 和讯网新闻中心诚聘编辑   会议认为,为加强税收对收入分配的调节作用,进一步减轻中低收入者的税收负担,有必要对个人所得税方法进行修改,提高工资薪金所得减除费用标准,调整工资薪金所得税率级次级距,并相应调整个体工商户生产经营所得和承包承租经营所得税率级距。   会议决定,《中华人民共和国个人所得税法修正案(草案)》经进一步修改后,由国务院提请全国人大常委会审议。   11类所得将合并收税   据悉,此次个人所得税法修正草案,还计划将目前个人11类所得合并成少数几个,例如将目前的劳动报酬所得与工薪所得进行合并。   合并之后,各类所得扣除将大大降低。   根据财政部统计,从分项目收入看,近年来工薪所得项目个人所得税收入,占个税总收入的比重为50%左右。   据介绍,目前个人所得税的改革方向,是由现行的“分类所得税制”,改为实行综合和分类相结合的“混合所有税制”。   基本设想是:根据简税制、宽税基、低税率、严征管的原则,对工资薪金等具有连续性、经常性的收入实行综合征税。   同时合理调整税率级距和税负水平,适当降低边际税率;统一、规范扣除标准,实行基本生计扣除加专项扣除。   按照调整草案,综合征收的前提很可能是,将其余10类所得的征点,调整到与工薪所得一个水平,也就是说其他专项扣除很可能提高到2000元。不过,个税起征点上调后,专项扣除如何调整还需讨论。    影响   若调至3000元一年最少省1200元   多位专家预测,个税起征点可望从目前的2000元提高至3000元。   如果个税起征点上调至3000元,税务部门工作人员帮百姓算了这笔账:假设按现行标准不变,即个税的最低税率超出500元征收5%,超出500元至2000元之间征收10%,那么一方面月收入低于3000元的人就可以不缴税了;另一方面月收入超过3000元的,也可以有1000元的收入纳入免征税范畴,一年下来比过去至少节省1200元。   比如,对于一名月收入2500元的普通员工来说,他过去每年要缴300元的个税,以后就不用缴这笔钱了。以月收入不到4000元为例,每年缴税2100元左右,如果起征点上调至3000元,那么一年就只要缴900元的个税了。   分析人士认为,按照改革思路,工薪阶层作为个税纳税大户的现状有望改善。   全国政协委员、祈福集团董事长彭磷基提交提案,建议提高个税起征点,并逐步建立与地区物价水平、通胀系数相挂钩的个税浮动机制,完善以家庭为单位的个税缴纳机制。   彭磷基认为,个税起征点没有充分考虑生活资料价格和房价的上涨,没有考虑教育、医疗、抚养、赡养等家庭必需的支出日趋沉重等因素。
811 次阅读|0 个评论
Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves
kingroupxz 2010-10-24 12:40
http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v81/i6/e066202 Computation of the drift velocity of spiral waves using response functions Abstract: Rotating spiral waves are a form of self-organization observed in spatially extended systems of chysical,chemical, and biological nature. In the presence of a small perturbation, the spiral waves center of rotation and fiducial phase may change over time, i.e., the spiral wave drifts. In linear approximation, the velocity of the drift is proportional to the convolution of the perturbation with the spirals response functions, which are the eigenfunctions of the adjoint linearized operator corresponding to the critical eigenvalues =0, +-omega. Here, we demonstrate that the response functions give quantitatively accurate prediction of the drift velocities due to a variety of perturbations: a time dependent, periodic perturbation inducing resonant drift; a rotational symmetry-breaking perturbation inducing electrophoretic drift; and a translational symmetry-breaking perturbation inhomogeneity induced drift including drift due to a gradient, stepwise, and localized inhomogeneity. We predict the drift velocities using the response functions in FitzHugh-Nagumo and Barkley models, and compare them with the velocities obtained in direct numerical simulations. In all cases good quantitative agreement is demonstrated. 这是作者所在研究组一系列文章的一个总结类文献,理论基石仍然是第二作者,D. Barkley在上世纪九十年代发展的稳定性分析。 如其所言,计算response 函数的复杂性让一般,习惯于直接模拟的研究者有点发怵,别人我不敢说,对于我是这样的。 我感兴趣的是其中的resonant drift.
个人分类: 文献阅读|5560 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]What is a pure virtual function?
wqfeng 2010-10-21 16:55
Whatisapurevirtualfunction? 转自:BjarneStroustrup'sC++StyleandTechniqueFAQ Apurevirtualfunctionisafunctionthatmustbeoverriddeninaderivedclassandneednotbedefined.Avirtualfunctionisdeclaredtobe"pure"usingthecurious"=0"syntax.Forexample: classBase{ public: voidf1(); //notvirtual virtualvoidf2(); //virtual,notpure virtualvoidf3()=0; //purevirtual }; Baseb; //error:purevirtualf3notoverridden Here,Baseisanabstractclass(becauseithasapurevirtualfunction),sonoobjectsofclassBasecanbedirectlycreated:Baseis(explicitly)meanttobeabaseclass.Forexample: classDerived:publicBase{ //nof1:fine //nof2:fine,weinheritBase::f2 voidf3(); }; Derivedd; //ok:Derived::f3overridesBase::f3 Abstractclassesareimmenselyusefulfordefininginterfaces.Infact,aclasswithonlypurevirtualfunctionsisoftencalledaninterface. Youcandefineapurevirtualfunction: Base::f3(){/*...*/} Thisisveryoccasionallyuseful(toprovidesomesimplecommonimplementationdetailforderivedclasses),butBase::f3()muststillbeoverriddeninsomederivedclass. Ifyoudon'toverrideapurevirtualfunctioninaderivedclass,thatderivedclassbecomesabstract: classD2:publicBase{ //nof1:fine //nof2:fine,weinheritBase::f2 //nof3:fine,butD2isthereforestillabstract }; D2d; //error:purevirtualBase::f3notoverridden 评论;http://just-study.blogbus.com/logs/26304795.html 虚函数主要实现多态机制 避免二义性问题 至于纯虚函数是抽象累机制基类提供接口 派生类提供实现 抽象类不能定义对象
个人分类: 编程|2008 次阅读|0 个评论
Curve Fitting
热度 1 lryj 2010-8-11 21:49
There are several method for curve fitting should be summarized for latter use. 1. "Solver" in Excel Step1 Define the objective parameters; Step2 Calculate the objective function with initial estimation of parameters and the observation data; Step3 Calculate and sum " { y_obs -y_pred }^2 "; Step4 Click "Solver" in the "Tool" tab; Step5 Select the "objective cell" and let "Solver" guess the "changed cell", and press "Solve" Advantage: Easy to implement without coding; Disadvantage: Time-consuming in estimating the reasonable initial value of parameters without priori-knowledge. 2. "lsqcurvefit" and "nlinfit"function F=fun(x,xdata)F=(x(1)./(xdata-x(2))).^(x(3)+1).*exp(-x(1)./(xdata-x(2)))/(x(1)*gamma(x(3))); xdata= ; ydata= ;x0= ; =nlinfit(xdata,ydata,@fun,x0) or =lsqcurvefit(@fun,x0,xdata,ydata) MaxValue=max(xdata); MinValue=min(xdata); x1= ; y1=(x(1)./(xdata-x(2))).^(x(3)+1).*exp(-x(1)./(xdata-x(2)))/(x(1)*gamma(x(3))); loglog(xdata, ydata, 'ko',xdata,y1,'k-') Summary: The "Isqcurvefit" doesn't need very accurate initial estimation of parameters,however, the result is much worse than solver or good initial estimation of parameters. The "nlinfit" needs good estimation of initial parameters to get results. 3. Maximum Likelihood Estimation The advantage of this method is the loose need for the accurate initial estimation of the parameters. And, it is super-good method to do the curve fitting for the data set span several orders of magnitude. Open the M file of “Inverse_Gamma” Step1. Prepare Input Data Copy the bin of landslide area into “A_L” at line 5; Copy the calculated probability into “y” at line 11; Copy the frequency of landslides into “y_freq” at line 15; Step2. Change function ‘mlecustom’ in MATLAB Open ‘mlecustom’ with the path of “InstallationDrive:\Matlab\toolbox\stats\private\mlecustom.m”; Or type ‘mlecustom’ in MATLAB Editor, then, select the string, right-click the string, and select ‘Open Selection’ in the popup list; Right after the function head, type in “global y_freq”; At line 150, replace “uncensFreq=freq(c);” with “uncensFreq =y_freq;” Step3. Output Run the script (Inverse_Gamma.m) in MATLAB Editor; The optimized parameters and the coefficient of determination will be showed in the command window; The fitting curve is showed in the figure window;
个人分类: 生活点滴|5098 次阅读|2 个评论
wanyou9 2010-7-6 22:55
11.6.1族 R提供了一系列广义线性建模工具,从类型上来说包括gaussian,二项式,poisson,反gaussian和gamma模型的响应变量分布以及在响应变量分布没有明确给定时的逆似然(quasi-likelihood)模型。在后者,方差函数(variancefunction)可以认为是均值的函数,但是在另外一些情况下,该函数可以由响应变量的分布得到。 每一种响应分布允许各种关联函数将均值和线性预测器关联起来。这些自动关联函数如下表所示: Familyname Linkfunctions binomial logit,probit,log,cloglog gaussian identity,log,inverse Gamma identity,inverse,log inverse.aussian 1/mu^2,identity,inverse,log poisson identity,log,sqrt quasi logit,probit,cloglog,identity,inverse,log,1/mu^2,sqrt 这些用于模型构建过程中的响应分布,关联函数和各种其他必要的信息统称为广义线性模型的族(family)。 http://www.biosino.org/pages/newhtm/r/schtml/Families.html#Families R导论 本文档是对R(“GNUS”)的入门介绍。R是一种为统计计算和图形显示而设计的语言及环境,它和贝尔实验室(BellLaboratories)JohnChambers等人开发的S系统相似。它提供了一系列统计和图形显示工具(线性和非线性模型,统计检验,时间序列分析,分类,聚类,……)。 该文档提供了有关R的数据类型,编程原理,统计建模和图形显示等方面的信息。 提供最新的pdf文档http://www.biosino.org/R/R-doc/。 丁国徽(ghding@gmail.com)译。 ISBN3-900051-12-7
个人分类: 生活点滴|5507 次阅读|0 个评论
研究热点分析:认知功能 Cognitive function 1954 - 2010
xupeiyang 2010-5-10 16:21
http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/WEB10O00d000j1002000101?WEB1mOWEB10O00d000j10020001000h01000900001 74,961 documents semantically analyzed 1 2 3 Top Years Publications 2009 7,741 2008 6,962 2007 6,754 2006 6,125 2005 5,369 2004 4,597 2003 4,007 2002 3,615 2001 3,150 2000 3,046 1999 2,599 2010 2,415 1998 2,283 1997 1,992 1996 1,725 1995 1,565 1994 1,399 1993 1,312 1992 1,144 1991 1,044 1 2 3 1 2 3 ... 208 Top Journals Publications Neuroimage 1,184 Neurology 1,165 Neuropsychologia 1,013 J Neurosci 1,008 Brain Res 914 Behav Brain Res 692 Neurosci Lett 669 Biol Psychiat 619 Neuroreport 590 Neuroscience 571 Neurobiol Aging 567 Brain 545 J Am Geriatr Soc 493 Schizophr Res 490 Arch Neurol-chicago 469 Eur J Neurosci 462 Psychopharmacology 458 Psychiat Res 444 J Clin Exp Neuropsychol 431 Cereb Cortex 431 1 2 3 ... 208 1 2 3 ... 1107 Top Terms Publications Humans 62,542 Adult 28,799 Patients 25,979 Aged 17,977 Animals 17,602 Middle Aged 17,549 Cognition 16,895 Neuropsychological Tests 14,525 Cognition Disorders 13,719 Brain 12,804 Evaluation Studies as Topic 11,117 Neurons 9,598 Adolescent 9,040 Alzheimer Disease 9,012 Magnetic Resonance Imaging 8,759 Child 8,526 Dementia 8,067 learning 7,706 Reaction Time 7,181 Aged, 80 and over 7,057 1 2 3 ... 1107 1 2 3 ... 8 Top Countries Publications USA 27,960 United Kingdom 7,125 Germany 4,609 Canada 3,347 Italy 2,944 France 2,890 Japan 2,741 Netherlands 2,445 Australia 1,861 Spain 1,442 Sweden 1,279 China 1,207 Israel 838 Switzerland 833 Finland 796 Belgium 670 Brazil 668 Austria 455 India 424 Norway 422 1 2 3 ... 8 1 2 3 ... 111 Top Cities Publications London 2,745 New York 1,719 Boston 1,389 Cambridge, USA 1,129 Baltimore 961 Los Angeles 867 Philadelphia 836 San Diego 831 Pittsburgh 784 Bethesda 779 Toronto 754 Montreal 749 Paris 737 Chicago 709 Amsterdam 689 Cambridge 639 Leipzig 629 Rome 565 Durham 556 Tokyo 534 1 2 3 ... 111
个人分类: 信息分析|2579 次阅读|0 个评论
shenxzh 2010-1-29 21:54
Xuzhang Shen Sex: Male Born: 7 /29/1976 Email: shenxzh@gmail.com Office Address: Lanzhou Institute of Seismology, China Earthquake Administration (CEA). 450 Donggang West Road, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730000, China Tel: +86-09318277661; Cell phone: +86-15009313127 Education PH.D. Earth College of Graduate University of Chininese Academy of Science (GUCAS). Beijing, China. 2008 M.S. Lanzhou seismology institute of China Earthquake Administration (CEA). Lanzhou, China. 2003 Undergraduate. Physical department of Gansu educational institute. Lanzhou, China. 2000 Junior college. Physical department of Zhangye teacher’s college. Zhangye, China. 1996 Professional Experience 11/2012-present. Researcher, LIS. 11/2008-11/2012. Associate researcher, LIS. 01/2005-12/2008. Assistant researcher , LIS. 05/2013-06/2013, Visit researcher in GFZ, hosted by Dr. Xiaohui Yuan 04/2012-05/2012, Visit researcher in GFZ, hosted by Dr. Xiaohui Yuan 09/2011-10/2011, Visit researcher in GFZ, hosted by Dr. Xiaohui Yuan 12/2009-12/2010, Visit researcher in ERI, hosted by Prof. Hitoshi Kawakatsu 11/2007-12/2007, Foreign research fellow in ERI, hosted by Prof. Hitoshi Kawakatsu 02/2007-06/2007, Foreign research fellow in ERI of Tokyo University, hosted by Prof. Hitoshi Kawakatsu 07/2003-12/2004. Research Assistant, Lanzhou institute of seismology (LIS), Chinese Earthquake Administration (CEA). List of academic publications 1. SHEN Xu-Zhang . An analysis of the deformation of the crust and LAB beneath the Lushan and Wenchuan earthquakes in Sichuan province (In Chinese with English abstract) . Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2013,56(6): 1895-1903,doi: 10.6038/cjg20130612 2. SHEN Xu-Zhang . Imaging structures of crust and upper mantle beneath the source of the 14 April 2010 Yushu, Qinghai earthquake using P- and S- wave receiver functions (In Chinese with English abstract) . Chinese Journal Geophysics, 2013,56(2): 493-503,doi: 10.6038/cjg20130213 3. Shen Xuzhang , Zhou Huilan, Receiver functions of CCDSN and crustal structure of China continent, Earthquake Science, 2012, 25:3-16, doi:10.1007/s11589- 012-0826-6 4. Shen Xuzhang , Zhou Huilan, Peeling linear inversion of upper mantle velocity structure with receiver functions, Earthquake Science, 2012, 25:65-74, doi:10.1007/s11589-012-0832-8 5. Xuzhang Shen , Xiuping Mei and Yuansheng Zhang. The crustal and upper mantle structures beneath the northeastern margin of Tibet, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am.,2011,101,6, 2782–2795, doi: 10.1785/0120100112 6. SHEN Xu-Zhang , QIN Man-Zhong, ZHANG Yuan-Sheng et al. Seismological evidence of ultra-crust faults in northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (In Chinese with English abstract). Chinese J. Geot. Eng., 2011, 33(Suppl.1): 255-260. 7. Shen Xuzhang , Study on the low-velocity discontinuity at the depth of 170 km beneath SSE station in Shanghai, China. Chinese J. Geophys.2011. 8. SHEN Xu-zhang , MEI Xiu-ping, YANG Hui. Study on the crustal structures beneath Wenchuan earthquake rupture zone. Progress in Geophysics (In Chinese with English abstract), 2011, 26(2): 477-488, doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-2903.2011.02.012 9. Shen Xuzhang , Zhang Shuzhen, Zheng zhong and Hao Chunyue, Study on the small-scale heterogeneities below the Hailaer CTBTO seismic array, Chinese J. Geophys (In Chinese with English abstract). 2010, 53(5):1158-1166. DOI:10.3969/j.issn. 0001-5733.2010.05.107 10. Shen Xuzhang and Mei Xiuping, The Array Response Function of Lanzhou Seismic Array and Results of FK analysis for Small earthquakes of Different Azimuths(In Chinese with English abstract). 2010, Northwestern Seismological Journal, 32 ( 1 ): 59-64 11. Xuzhang Shen and Joachim R. R. Ritter, Small-scale heterogeneities below the Lanzhou CTBTO seismic array, from seismic wavefield fluctuations, Journal of Seismo, 2009, 10.1007/s10950-009-9177-8. 12. Shen Xuzhang and Zhou Huilan, Locating seismic scatterers at the base of the mantle beneath eastern Tibet with PKIKP precursors, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 10.1007/s11434-009-0382-1 13. Shen Xuzhang and Zhou Huilan, The low-velocity layer at the depth of 620 km beneath Northeast China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, DOI 10.1007/s11434-008-0559-z 14. Xuzhang Shen , Huilan Zhou, and Hitoshi Kawakatsu, Mapping the upper mantle discontinuities beneath China with teleseismic receiver functions, Earth Planets Space, 2008 , 60 (7):713-719 15. Shen Xuzhang and Mei Xiuping, Temporal and spatial evolution of water-tube tiltmeter record of China deformation stations and its implication before and after Ms8.1 earthquake west to the Kunlun Mountain pass (In Chinese with English abstract). Northwestern Seismological Journal, 2009,31(1):57-60 16. Shen Xuzhang and Zhou Huilan Inversion of velocity structure under HLR seismic station with receiver function and NA method(In Chinese with English abstract), Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2005, 22(3 ) :322-328 17. Shen Xuzhang , Chang qianjun and Mei Xiuping, Analysis on precursor effect to earthquake of FSQ water tube tiltmeter in Lanzhou deformation station (In Chinese with English abstract). Northwestern Seismological Journal, 2004, 26(4): 368-370 18. Xiaoqing Xu , Xuzhang Shen * , Chang Ming , et al., Preliminary analysis of teleseismic receiver functions of the Ningxia and its adjacent area, Earthquake Science, 2012, 25:47-53. doi:10.1007/s11589-012-0830-x 19. Tang Jiuan, Shen Xuzhang *, and Gao Antai et al., Exprolation of estimation of observations of confined water level(In Chinese with English abstract). Journal of Geodesy and Geodynamics,2012,32(4):37-40 Meeting Abstracts Xuzhang Shen , Teh-Ru Alex Song, Determinating the lithosphere/asthenosphere boundary (LAB) with multiples on P-receiver functions, “Symposium III: Craton vs. Orogen”at theInternational Conference on Craton Formation and Destruction, 2011, Beijing, 25-29 April 2011. Shen Xuzhang , Origin of the geothermal in Tianshui region in the northeastern margin of Tibet and its implication, JPGU, 2010.6 Tokyo, Japan (Talk) Shen Xuzhang , Zhou Huilan. Peeling hybrid inversion of upper mantle structure with receiver functions. Poster, WPGM, 2006, Beijing, China. Shen Xuzhang , Zhou Huilan. The low velocity zone influence of receiver functions and the treat with it in theinversion, China Earthquake Annual, 2005 393 (Talk) Shen Xuzhang , Zhou Huilan. Parallel NA Inversion of Receiver Functions China Earthquake Annual, 2004 370 (Talk) Fu Guanyu, Shen Xuzhang , Tang, Jiuan, Fukuda,Y, Coseismic Strain Steps of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Indicate EW Extension of Tibetan Plateau and Increased Hazard South to Epicenter, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008 Research grant record Project Manager National Science Foundation of China. Study on the lithospheric anisotropy and deformation of eastern margin of Tibet and its adjacent area, 2013-2016 National Science Foundation of China. Study of lithosphere and deep discontinuities of upper mantle beneath northeast and east margin Tibet with P and S receiver functions. 2010---2012. Basic RD fund of Institute of Earthquake Prediction, CEA, Full wavefield simulation in 3-D media in the northeastern margin of Tibet. 2009-2010. China Earthquake Administration (CEA) associate fund. Study of the detailed structure of lithosphere and upper mantle under Lanzhou Dajianshan array. 2005---2007. Project Participants China Earthquake Administration (CEA) associated fund. Relationship of seismocity and spatio-temporal distribution of China deformation field. 2005---2007 National Science Foundation of China. Study of peeling inversion method of receiver functions and detection of deep discontinuities of upper mantle under China. 2003---2006. Special basic funding of Ministry of Science and Technology of the P.R.C. Construction of China tidal database. 2004---2006 Skills Operation system: Proficient in Windows, Linux Programming languages: Fortran Seismic software: SAC, Matseis, SH Script languages: Be familiar with Matlab, Perl, Shell, Java, Python Other software applications: Word, Powerpoint, Excel, GMT, TauP, Photoshop Excellent communication skills including written,verbal and interpersonal.
个人分类: Host_Page|4591 次阅读|0 个评论
upzl 2009-10-23 08:51
Biodiversity in a complex world: consolidation and progress in functional biodiversity research 从 Ecology Letters 作者: Helmut Hillebrand, Birte Matthiessen The global decline of biodiversity caused by human domination of ecosystems worldwide is supposed to alter important process rates and state variables in these ecosystems. However, there is considerable debate on the prevalence and importance of biodiversity effects on ecosystem function (BDEF). Here, we argue that much of the debate stems from two major shortcomings. First, most studies do not directly link the traits leading to increased or decreased function to the traits needed for species coexistence and dominance. We argue that implementing a trait-based approach and broadening the perception of diversity to include trait dissimilarity or trait divergence will result in more realistic predictions on the consequences of altered biodiversity. Second, the empirical and theoretical studies do not reflect the complexity of natural ecosystems, which makes it difficult to transfer the results to natural situations of species loss. We review how different aspects of complexity (trophic structure, multifunctionality, spatial or temporal heterogeneity, and spatial population dynamics) alter our perception of BDEF. We propose future research avenues concisely testing whether acknowledging this complexity will strengthen the observed biodiversity effects. Finally, we propose that a major future task is to disentangle biodiversity effects on ecosystem function from direct changes in function due to human alterations of abiotic constraints. Source: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/122659286/abstract?CRETRY=1SRETRY=0
个人分类: Literature|3293 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 anny424 2009-9-12 16:14
差异基因筛选方法 和 时间序列表达数据分析工具 有多种,结果多样,就会导致下游的功能分析大相径庭。 下面这两段话似乎解决了问题? Hosack , showed that prevalent biological themes within the set of differentially expressed transcripts derived from the same experiment, but using different transcript selection methods, are a stable representation of the biology underlying the experiment . Therefore, even though differentially expressed transcript lists have only partial overlap they all represent subsets of transcripts associated to a specific biological event (Figure 2). The integration of transcription profiles with biology knowledge bases (e.g. GO, KEGG, PUBMED, etc.) is another way of mapping differentially expressed transcripts in specific biology knowledge domains. A coordinated change among many gene products can produce potent biological effects, while the effect of each individual transcript can be subtle. The identification of pathways distinctively enriched within a set of differentially expressed transcripts can also be subsequently used to check if more subtle transcriptional variations, not considered in the stringent differential expression analysis , could also be used to strengthen the biological mean of the identified pathway. Another possible application could be the link of alternative splicing events, detected with the new exon-oriented Affymetrix microarray platform, to functional pathways depicted by conventional differential expression analysis. GO is however marked by flaws of certain characteristic types, due to a failure to address basic ontological principles . 做过GO注释的都会遇到这个头疼的问题,就是每个基因都会有好几个GO号,但不一定所有基因包含同一层次的GO号(本来就是有向无环图,没法确定层次), 因此,拿哪些GO号来分类?真懵!幸好已经有工具解决了这个问题。 工具: Class 1: Singular enrichment analysis (SEA) The most traditional strategy for enrichment analysis is to 1. take the users preselected (e.g. differentially expressed genes selected between experimental versus control samples by t-test with a P-value 0.05 and fold change 1.5) interesting genes, and then iteratively 2. test the enrichment of each annotation term one-by-one in a linear mode. Thereafter, the individual, enriched annotation terms passing the enrichment P-value threshold are reported in a tabular format ordered by the enrichment probability (enrichment P-value). The enrichment P-value calculation, i.e. number of genes in the list that hit a given biology class as compared to pure random chance, can be performed with the aid of some common and well-known 3. statistical methods (11,12,76), including Chi-square, Fishers exact test, Binomial probability and Hypergeometric distribution , etc. (Table 1). More discussion regarding the enrichment P-value can be found 4. in a later section of this paper. (概括得太好了,我已经写完的那篇论文就是这个路子,看来已经过时了) Even though the strategy and output format of SEA are simple, SEA is indeed a very efficient way to extract the major biological meaning behind large gene lists, which may be generated from any type of high-throughput genomic studies or bioinformatics software packages. Most of the earlier tools (such as GoMiner, Onto-Express, DAVID and EASE ) and a lot of the recently released tools (such as GOEAST and GFinder ), adopted this strategy and demonstrated significant success in many genomic studies. However, the common weakness of tools in this class is that the linear output of terms can be very large and overwhelming (from hundreds to thousands). Therefore, the data analysts focus and interrelationships of relevant terms can be diluted . For example, relevant GO terms like apoptosis, programmed cell death, induction of apoptosis, anti-apoptosis, regulation of apoptosis, etc., are spread out at different positions in a large linear output. It is difficult to focus on interrelationships of relevant biology terms among hundreds or thousands of other terms. In addition, the quality of pre-selected gene lists could largely impact the enrichment analysis , which makes SEA analysis unstable to a certain degree when using different statistical methods or cutoff thresholds .(这就回到了本文开头的那种情况) Class 2: Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) GSEA carries the core spirit of SEA, but with a distinct algorithm to calculate enrichment P-values as compared to SEA (35). People in the field give great attention and expectation to the GSEA strategy. The unique idea of GSEA is its no-cutoff strategy that takes all genes from a microarray experiment without selecting significant genes (e.g. genes with P-value 0.05 and fold change 1.5). This strategy benefits the enrichment analysis in two aspects: 1) it reduces the arbitrary factors in the typical gene selection step that could impact the traditional enrichment analysis; and 2) it uses all information obtained from microarray experiments by allowing the minimally changing genes, which cannot pass the selection threshold, to contribute to the enrichment analysis in differing degrees. The maximum enrichment score (MES) is calculated from the rank order of all gene members in the annotation category. Thereafter, enrichment P-values can be obtained by matching the MES to randomly shuffled MES distributions (a KolmogorovSmirnov-like statistic) (35). Other enrichment tools in the GSEA class using the no-cutoff strategy, such as ErmineJ (31), FatiScan (55), MEGO (36), PAGE (29), MetaGF, Go-Mapper (22) and ADGO (45) , etc., employ parametric statistical approaches such as z-score, t-test, permutation analysis , etc. These approaches directly take experimental values (e.g. fold change) of all genes into the calculation for each annotation term. Collectively, recent GSEA tools which integrate the total experimental values into the functional data mining are an interesting trend with a lot of potential as a complement to traditional SEA (47,7779). However, tools in the GSEA class are also associated with some common limitations. First, the no-cutoff strategy is the key advantage of GSEA, but is also becoming its major limitation in many biological studies. The GSEA method requires a summarized biological value (e.g. fold change) for each of the genome-wide genes as input. Sometimes, it is a difficult task to summarize many biological aspects of a gene into one meaningful value when the biological study and genomic platform are complex . For example, each gene derived from a SNP microarray could associate with a set of SNPs, which vary in size, P-values, physical distances, disease regions, LD (Linkage Disequilibrium) strength and SNP-gene locations (e.g. in exon, or in intron) from gene to gene. It is still a very experimental procedure to summarize such diverse aspects of biology into one comprehensive value. Similar challenges may be found in many of the emerging genomic platforms (e.g. SNP, Exon, Promoter microarray). The situations in the examples fully or partially fail in the GSEA-required input data structure requirement. For another example, many clinical microarray studies involve multiple factors/variants simultaneously, such as disease/normal, ages, sex, drug treatment/control, reagent batch effects, animal batch effect, etc. In such complex situations, sophisticated statistical methods, like ANOVA, time series analysis, survival analysis, etc., will be more powerful to handle multi-variances, multiple time points and batch effects, etc. simultaneously for datamining interesting gene lists. In many similar cases, the upstream data processing and comprehensive gene selection statistics cannot be simply avoided or replaced by GSEA. Moreover, the genes ranked in higher positions (usually with higher differences, e.g. fold change) are the major force driving (highly weighted) the enrichment Pvalues in GSEA. Thus, the underlying assumption is that the genes with large regulations (e.g. fold changes) are contributing more to the biology. Obviously, this is not always true in real biology . Biologists know that small changes of some signal transduction genes can result in larger downstream biological consequences. In contrast, some big changes in metabolic genes may be just a consequence of other small, but important, signal regulation events. Depending on the questions that the researcher is asking, the mildly changed signal transduction genes may be more interesting/important than those largely regulated genes. The GSEA and SEA methods have been available in the community for many years. Surprisingly, no comprehensive and systematic side-by-side comparisons are available yet. A recent study ran the same datasets with DAVID methods (a SEA/MEA method) versus ErmineJ (a GSEA method) (60). As expected, the results from both methods were highly consistent with each other. The consistency makes sense because the major driving force of the enrichment calculation in GSEA is the largely changing genes. In addition, those genes most likely have better chances to be selected in the traditional gene selection procedures, thus resulting in very similar results between the SEA and GSEA methods . (共同的缺点却导致了结果的一致) Class 3: Modular enrichment analysis (MEA) MEA inherits the basic enrichment calculation found in SEA and incorporates extra network discovery algorithms by considering the term-to-term relationships. Recent tools, such as Ontologizer (69), topGO (41), GENECODIS (59), ADGO (45) and ProfCom (68), claimed to improve discovery sensitivity and specificity by considering inter-relationships of GO terms in the enrichment calculations, i.e. using genes of composite (joint) annotation terms as a reference background. The key advantage of this approach is that the researcher can take advantage of termterm relationships, in which joint terms may contain unique biological meaning for a given study, not held by individual terms . Moreover, when using heterogeneous annotation content, the annotation terms are highly redundant, and also have strong interrelationships regarding different aspects for the same biological process. Building such relationships is one step closer to the true nature of biology during data mining. GoToolBox (18) developed functions to cluster related GO terms or genes, which provides the gene functional annotation in a network context. However, the functions only work for a small scope and only for GO terms. DAVID (60,61) recently provided a new tool that is able to organize and condense a wide range of heterogeneous annotation content, such as GO terms, protein domains, pathways and so on, into term or gene classes. This organization is accomplished by using Kappa statistics to mine the complex biological co-occurrences found in multiple heterogeneous annotation content. Combined with traditional enrichment P-value calculations, the new approach allows the enrichment analysis to progress from termcentric or gene-centric to biological module-centric analysis . These methods take into account the redundant and networked nature of biological annotation content in order to concentrate on building the larger biological picture rather than focusing on an individual term or gene . Such data-mining logic seems closer to the nature of biology in that a biological process works in a network manner. However, the obvious limitation of MEA is that orphan terms or genes (without strong relationships to neighbor terms/genes) could be left out from the analysis . Thus, it is important to examine those terms or genes that are left out during analysis when using MEA (60). In addition, the quality of the pre-selected gene list impacts the analytic results , just as it does in SEA analysis. Class1 举例: GOEAST is web based software toolkit providing easy to use, visualizable, comprehensive and unbiased Gene Ontology (GO) analysis for high-throughput experimental results, especially for results from microarray hybridization experiments. The main function of GOEAST is to identify significantly enriched GO terms among give lists of genes using accurate statistical methods. Class2 举例: topGO (topology-based Gene Ontology scoring) More recently, Alexa proposed a conditional hypergeometric test that computes the significance of a GO term based on its neighbourhood. Using the classical approach in which each node is scored independently, only few true significant nodes remain undiscovered . However, the dependencies between top scoring nodes yield a high false-positive rate . Alexa introduced the possibility of weighting genes annotated to a GO term based on the scores of neighboring GO terms or iteratively removing genes mapped to significant GO terms from more general (higher level) GO terms. The conditional hypergeometric test based on GO terms weightings reduces the false-positive rate, while not missing many true enriched nodes . The other conditional test is more efficient in finding the important areas in the GO graph, it also further reduces the false-positive rate, but with a higher risk of discarding relevant nodes. 总结一下, 无非是从两种角度出发: 1.从差异基因出发,先筛基因,再分析功能;受到基因筛选方法和参数的限制。 2.从功能出发,再看每个功能对应的基因如何;倒向基因变化幅度大的功能,是否可以通过降低基因变化的权重来改进一下? 功能分析的检验 Routinely, both over- and under-representation of ontology terms can be detected using the standard hypergeometric test . In probability theory and statistics, the hypergeometric distribution is a discrete probability distribution that describes the number of successes in a sequence of n draws from a finite population without replacement. The test based on the hypergeometric distribution is identical to the corresponding one-tailed version of Fishers exact test(看不同) . Reciprocally, the P-value of a two- sided Fishers exact test(看大小) can be calculated as the sum of two appropriate hypergeometric tests. Even though ontology enrichment approaches are widely used, only the most significant portion of the gene list is used to compute their statistic. Furthermore, the order of genes on the significant gene list is not taken into consideration. As a result simply counting the number of gene set members contained in the short list leads to loss of information, especially if the list is long and the difference between the more significant and the less significant is substantial. Finally, the correlation structure of gene sets is not considered at all . Two of the most used statistics to evaluate the association between functional pathways and differential expression are the one-tailed Fisher exact test, (FET) and Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA)(TM4 Mev) . FET is a statistical significance test used in the analysis of categorical data where sample sizes are small. The test is used to examine the significance of the association between two variables in a 22 contingency table. GSEA on the other hand evaluates microarray data at the level of genesets. The gene sets are defined based on prior biological knowledge , e.g. published information about biochemical pathways or co-expression in previous experiments. The goal of GSEA is to determine whether members of a gene set S tend to occur toward the top (or bottom) of the list L, in which case the gene set is correlated with the phenotypic class distinction. GSEA acts through three steps: (i) Calculation of an enrichment score. (ii) Estimation of significance level of enrichment score. (iii) Adjustment for multiple hypothesis testing. Since an accurate and rapid identification of perturbed pathways through the analysis of genomewide expression profiles facilitates the generation of biological hypotheses, Tian proposed a statistical framework for determining whether a specified group of genes for a pathway has a coordinated association with a phenotype of interest. In this framework, the overall objective of the analysis is to test whether a group of genes has a coordinated association with a phenotype of interest evaluating the following two null hypothesis: (i) The genes in a gene set show the same pattern of associations with the phenotype compared with the rest of the genes. (ii) The gene set does not contain any genes whose expression levels are associated with the phenotype of interest. After the test statistics are computed for testing the two hypotheses gene sets are then ranked in order of their significance and a control for the inflated Type I error due to multiple comparisons of gene sets is also applied. The authors claimed that their approach has more statistical power than currently available methods and can result in the discovery of statistically significant pathways that are not depicted by other methods . 牛! Markowetz proposed an algorithm to infer nontranscriptional pathway features based on differential gene expression in silencing assays . The authors idea is that cellular signalling pathways, which are not modulated on a transcriptional level, cannot be directly deduced from expression profiling experiments. However, when external interventions occur i.e. RNA interference or gene knock-outs, even if the expression of the signalling genes is not changed, secondary effects in downstream genes shed light on the pathway, and allow partial reconstruction of its topology. The core of Markowetz approach is the definition of a scoring function, which measures how well hypotheses about pathway topology are supported by experimental data. 参考文献: Microarray data analysis and mining approaches Francesca Cordero , Marco Botta and Raffaele A. Calogero Corresponding author: Raffaele A. Calogero, Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences, University of Torino, Italy. Briefings in Functional Genomics and Proteomics 2008 6(4):265-281; doi:10.1093/bfgp/elm034 Bioinformatics enrichment tools: paths toward the comprehensive functional analysis of large gene lists Da Wei Huang , Brad T. Sherman and Richard A. Lempicki * Laboratory of Immunopathogenesis and Bioinformatics, Clinical Services Program, SAIC-Frederick, Inc., National Cancer Institute at Frederick, Frederick, MD 21702, USA Nucleic Acids Research 2009 37(1):1-13; doi:10.1093/nar/gkn923
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