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[转载]Plotting a table of numbers as an image using R
zhao1198 2011-12-24 09:16
Plotting a table of numbers as an image using R Problem : How to plot a table of numbers such that the values are represented by color? Solution : Use the function below by handing it a matrix of numbers. It will plot the matrix with a color scale based on the highest and lowest values in the matrix. Optional arguments are: usage: myImagePlot (m) where m is a matrix of numbers optional arguments: myImagePlot (m, xlabels, ylabels, zlim, title=c("my title")) xLabels and yLabels are vectors of strings to label the rows and columns. zlim is a vector containing a low and high value to use for the color scale. For example, you might have a table of gene expression values which you want to represent visually. Alternatively, you might want to display a table of correlation coefficients between a set of DNA microarrays. ="" td="" ="" td="" 1.) A panel of gene expression values. 2.) A table of correlation values illustrating how identical samples placed on several different DNA microarrays correlate with one another. The images above were generated as follows: myImagePlot(bm , yLabels=c(as.character(baylies )), title=c("Sig Genes")) notes : bm is a dataframe with numbers in the first three columns. The code above references the first 25 entries of the first 3 columns. The row labels are taken from the second column of another data frame called baylies. myImagePlot(cm, xLabels=c(targets$SlideNumber), title=c("stage 12-14 array correlation matrix"), zlim=c(0,1)) notes : cm is a matrix of correlation values. You can load the function below into your R session by copy and paste, or you can load it directly using the source command: source(" http://www.phaget4.org/R/myImagePlot.R ") image plot function # ----- Define a function for plotting a matrix ----- # myImagePlot - function(x, ...){ min - min(x) max - max(x) yLabels - rownames(x) xLabels - colnames(x) title -c() # check for additional function arguments if( length(list(...)) ){ Lst - list(...) if( !is.null(Lst$zlim) ){ min - Lst$zlim max - Lst$zlim } if( !is.null(Lst$yLabels) ){ yLabels - c(Lst$yLabels) } if( !is.null(Lst$xLabels) ){ xLabels - c(Lst$xLabels) } if( !is.null(Lst$title) ){ title - Lst$title } } # check for null values if( is.null(xLabels) ){ xLabels - c(1:ncol(x)) } if( is.null(yLabels) ){ yLabels - c(1:nrow(x)) } layout(matrix(data=c(1,2), nrow=1, ncol=2), widths=c(4,1), heights=c(1,1)) # Red and green range from 0 to 1 while Blue ranges from 1 to 0 ColorRamp - rgb( seq(0,1,length=256), # Red seq(0,1,length=256), # Green seq(1,0,length=256)) # Blue ColorLevels - seq(min, max, length=length(ColorRamp)) # Reverse Y axis reverse - nrow(x) : 1 yLabels - yLabels x - x # Data Map par(mar = c(3,5,2.5,2)) image(1:length(xLabels), 1:length(yLabels), t(x), col=ColorRamp, xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE, zlim=c(min,max)) if( !is.null(title) ){ title(main=title) } axis(BELOW-1, at=1:length(xLabels), labels=xLabels, cex.axis=0.7) axis(LEFT -2, at=1:length(yLabels), labels=yLabels, las= HORIZONTAL-1, cex.axis=0.7) # Color Scale par(mar = c(3,2.5,2.5,2)) image(1, ColorLevels, matrix(data=ColorLevels, ncol=length(ColorLevels),nrow=1), col=ColorRamp, xlab="",ylab="", xaxt="n") layout(1) } # ----- END plot function ----- #
个人分类: R&Rstudio|3247 次阅读|0 个评论
MATLAB Functions Introduction -the simple the better
xiaoxinghe 2011-11-21 23:04
MATLAB Functions What is a MATLAB function? A MATLAB “function” is a MATLAB program that performs a sequence of operations specified in a text file (called an m-file because it must be saved with a file extension of *.m). A function accepts one or more MATLAB variables as inputs, operates on them in some way, and then returns one or more MATLAB variables as outputs and may also generate plots, etc. (sometimes a function doesn’t return any output variables but instead just generates plots, etc.). How do I Create a new MATLAB function? Since an m-file is nothing more than a text file it can be created using any text editor – however, MATLAB provides its own editor that provides some particular features that are useful when writing/editing functions. To open a new m-file: In the MATLAB command window, go to FILE on the toolbar, select NEW, then select M-FILE. This opens the MATLAB editor/debugger and gives an empty file in which you can create whatever m-file you want. What do I have to put on the First Line of a MATLAB function?  The 1st line of a function must contain the “function definition,” which has a general structure like this (see also the specific example below) 1 : function = function_name(In_1,In_2,…,In_M) where Out_1,Out_2,…,Out_N are the N output variables and In_1,In_2,…,In_M are the M input variables;  If there is only a single output variable use: function Out_1 = function_name(In_1,In_2,…,In_M)  If there is no output variable use: function function_name(In_1,In_2,…,In_M) What do I have to put after the 1 line? After the first line, you just put a sequence of MATLAB commands – with one command per line – just like you are computing in MATLAB in the command line environment. This sequence of commands is what makes up your program – you perform computations using the input variables and other variables you create within the function and in doing so, you create the output variables you desire. How do I use the input variables in a MATLAB function? When you are writing the lines that make up your function you can use the names of the input variables defined in the first line just like they are previously created variables. So if In_1 is one of the input variables you could then do something like this: y=In_1.^2; This takes the values in In_1, squares them, and assigns the result to the variable y. Note: putting a semicolon at the end of an expression stops the display of the result – a good idea unless you really WANT to see the result (sometimes useful when debugging or verifying a function). How do I make the output variables in a MATLAB function? On any line in your function you can assign any result you compute to any one of the output variables specified. For example: Out_1=cos(y); will compute the cosine of the values in the variable y and then assigns the result to the variable Out_1, which will then be output by the function (assuming that Out_1 was specified as an output variable name). How do I Save a MATLAB function? Once you have finished writing your function you have to save it as an m-file before you can use it. This is done in the same way you save a file in any other application: • go to FILE, and SAVE. • type in the name that you want to use o it is best to always use the “function name” as the “file name” o you don’t need to explicitly specify the file type as *.m • navigate to the folder where you want to save the function file o see below for more details on “Where to Save an M-File?” • click on SAVE Where to Save an M-File? It doesn’t really matter where you store it… BUT when you want to use it, it needs to be somewhere in “MATLAB’s path”or should be in MATLAB’s present working directory (PWD) • the path specifies all the folders where MATLAB will look for a function’s file when the function is run • the PWD specifies a single folder that MATLAB considers its primary folder for storing things – it is generally advisable to specify an appropriate PWD each time you start up MATLAB and specify it to be wherever you have the m-files you are working on o Click on FILE, click on SET PATH, click on BROWSE, navigate to the folder you want as PWD and click on it, and then click OK How do I Run an M-File? Once you have a function saved as an m-file with a name the same as the function name and in a folder that is either the PWD or is in MATLAB’s path, you can run it from the command line: = function_name(In_1,In_2,…,In_M) How do I Test an M-File? Once you have a file written you need to test it. When you try to run it the first time there is a good chance that it will have some syntax error that will cause its operation to terminate – MATLAB will tell you on what line the operation was stopped, so you can focus immediately on somewhere further along in the function and will give you some idea if what the problem is. Just keep at it and you’ll eventually get it to run, but here is a tip: • open the m-file that you are debugging • click on DEBUG on the toolbar at top • click on STOP IF ERROR o note: there some other options that can be useful, so try them out • Now when you run your function and it encounters an error, it will stop and will put you into a mode that will allow you to view all the variables at the point at which the error occurred o When you are stopped (i.e., “in debug mode”) you have a different prompt than MATLAB’s standard prompt o To quit from the debug mode click on DEBUG and the click on QUIT DEBUGGING • When you are all done using this feature you can turn it off by clicking on DEBUG on the toolbar and then clicking on STOP IF ERROR (which should be checked to indicate that it was turned on) Then you are returned to having the standard prompt Then, once you have it running without any syntax errors or warnings, you need to test it to verify that it really does what you intended it to do. Obviously, for simple functions you may be able to verify that it works by running a few examples and checking that the outputs are what you expect. Usually you need to do quite a few test cases to ensure that it is working correct. For more complex functions (or when you discover that the outputs don’t match what you expect) you may want to check some of the intermediate results that you function computes to verify that they are working properly. To do this you set “breakpoints” that stop the operation of the function at a specified line and allow you then view from the command: • open the m-file that you are debugging • put the cursor in the line at which you want to set a breakpoint • click on DEBUG on the toolbar at top and then click SET/CLEAR BREAKPOINT • Now when you run your function, it will stop at that line and will put you into a mode that will allow you to view all the variables at that point • When you are stopped (i.e., “in debug mode”) you have a different prompt than MATLAB’s standard prompt o When you are all done using this feature you can turn it off by repeating the process used to set the breakpoint Once you have it stopped, any variable that has been computed up to that point can be inspected (plot it, look at its values, check its size, check if it is row or column, etc. You can even modify a variable’s contents to correct a problem). Note that the ONLY variable you have access to are those that have been created inside the function or have been passed to it via the input arguments. Note that you can set multiple breakpoints at a time – once you have stopped at the first one you can click on DEBUG and then click on CONTINUE and it will pick up execution immediately where it left off (but with the modified variables if you changed anything). Note also that once you have a function stopped in debug mode you can “single-step” through the next several lines: click on DEBUG and click on SINGLE STEP. Comments on Programming Style 1. In many ways, programming in MATLAB is a lot like programming in C, but there are some significant differences. Most notably, MATLAB can operate directly on vectors and matrices whereas in C you must operate directly on individual elements of an array. Because of this, loops are MUCH less common in MATLAB than they are in C: in C, if you want to add two vectors you have to loop over the elements in the vectors, adding an element to an element in each iteration of the loop; in MATLAB, you just issue a command to add the two vectors together and the vector addition of all the elements is done with this single command. 2. The “comment symbol” in MATLAB is %. Anything that occurs after a % on a line is considered to be comments. 3. It is often helpful to put several comment lines right after the function definition line. These comments explain what the function does, what the inputs and outputs are, and how to call the function. 4. Putting in lots of comments helps you and others understand what the function does – from a grading point of view you will have a higher probability of getting full credit if you write comments that tell me what your code is doing . FROM:http://www.ws.binghamton.edu/fowler/fowler%20personal%20page/EE521_files/MATLAB%20Functions.pdf
个人分类: Matlab|3362 次阅读|0 个评论
ChenboBlog 2011-11-1 10:47
Curve fitting is the process of constructing a curve, or mathematical function , that has the best fit to a series of data points, possibly subject to constraints. Curve fitting can involve either interpolation , where an exact fit to the data is required, or smoothing , in which a "smooth" function is constructed that approximately fits the data. A related topic is regression analysis , which focuses more on questions of statistical inference such as how much uncertainty is present in a curve that is fit to data observed with random errors. Fitted curves can be used as an aid for data visualization, to infer values of a function where no data are available, and to summarize the relationships among two or more variables. Extrapolation refers to the use of a fitted curve beyond the range of the observed data, and is subject to a greater degree of uncertainty since it may reflect the method used to construct the curve as much as it reflects the observed data.
2584 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]drug design
albumns 2011-10-29 01:37
Drug design From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation , search Not to be confused with Designer drug . Drug design , also sometimes referred to as rational drug design or structure based drug design, is the inventive process of finding new medications based on the knowledge of the biological target . The drug is most commonly an organic small molecule which activates or inhibits the function of a biomolecule such as a protein which in turn results in a therapeutic benefit to the patient . In the most basic sense, drug design involves design of small molecules that are complementary in shape and charge to the biomolecular target to which they interact and therefore will bind to it. Drug design frequently but not necessarily relies on computer modeling techniques. This type of modeling is often referred to as computer-aided drug design . The phrase "drug design" is to some extent a misnomer . What is really meant by drug design is ligand design. Modeling techniques for prediction of binding affinity are reasonably successful. However there are many other properties such as bioavailability , metabolic half-life , lack of side effects , etc. that first must be optimized before a ligand can become a safe and efficacious drug. These other characteristics are often difficult to optimize using rational drug design techniques. Contents 1 Background 2 Types 2.1 Ligand based 2.2 Structure based 2.2.1 Active site identification 2.2.2 Ligand fragment link 2.2.3 Scoring method 3 Rational drug discovery 4 Computer-assisted drug design 5 Examples 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Background Typically a drug target is a key molecule involved in a particular metabolic or signaling pathway that is specific to a disease condition or pathology , or to the infectivity or survival of a microbial pathogen . Some approaches attempt to inhibit the functioning of the pathway in the diseased state by causing a key molecule to stop functioning. Drugs may be designed that bind to the active region and inhibit this key molecule. Another approach may be to enhance the normal pathway by promoting specific molecules in the normal pathways that may have been affected in the diseased state. In addition, these drugs should also be designed in such a way as not to affect any other important "off-target" molecules or antitargets that may be similar in appearance to the target molecule, since drug interactions with off-target molecules may lead to undesirable side effects . Sequence homology is often used to identify such risks. Most commonly, drugs are organic small molecules produced through chemical synthesis, but biopolymer-based drugs (also known as biologics ) produced through biological processes are becoming increasingly more common. In addition mRNA based gene silencing technologies may have therapeutic applications. Types Flow charts of two strategies of structure-based drug design There are two major types of drug design. The first is referred to as ligand-based drug design and the second, structure-based drug design . Ligand based Ligand-based drug design (or indirect drug design ) relies on knowledge of other molecules that bind to the biological target of interest. These other molecules may be used to derive a pharmacophore model which defines the minimum necessary structural characteristics a molecule must possess in order to bind to the target. In other words, a model of the biological target may be built based on the knowledge of what binds to it and this model in turn may be used to design new molecular entities that interact with the target. Alternatively, a quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) in which a correlation between calculated properties of molecules and their experimentally determined biological activity may be derived. These QSAR relationships in turn may be used to predict the activity of new analogs. Structure based Structure-based drug design (or direct drug design ) relies on knowledge of the three dimensional structure of the biological target obtained through methods such as x-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy . If an experimental structure of a target is not available, it may be possible to create a homology model of the target based on the experimental structure of a related protein. Using the structure of the biological target, candidate drugs that are predicted to bind with high affinity and selectivity to the target may be designed using interactive graphics and the intuition of a medicinal chemist . Alternatively various automated computational procedures may be used to suggest new drug candidates. As experimental methods such as X-ray crystallography and NMR develop, the amount of information concerning 3D structures of biomolecular targets has increased dramatically. In parallel, information about the structural dynamics and electronic properties about ligands has also increased. This has encouraged the rapid development of the structure-based drug design. Current methods for structure-based drug design can be divided roughly into two categories. The first category is about “finding” ligands for a given receptor, which is usually referred as database searching. In this case, a large number of potential ligand molecules are screened to find those fitting the binding pocket of the receptor. This method is usually referred as ligand-based drug design. The key advantage of database searching is that it saves synthetic effort to obtain new lead compounds. Another category of structure-based drug design methods is about “building” ligands, which is usually referred as receptor-based drug design. In this case, ligand molecules are built up within the constraints of the binding pocket by assembling small pieces in a stepwise manner. These pieces can be either individual atoms or molecular fragments. The key advantage of such a method is that novel structures, not contained in any database, can be suggested. These techniques are raising much excitement to the drug design community. Active site identification Active site identification is the first step in this program. It analyzes the protein to find the binding pocket, derives key interaction sites within the binding pocket, and then prepares the necessary data for Ligand fragment link. The basic inputs for this step are the 3D structure of the protein and a pre-docked ligand in PDB format, as well as their atomic properties. Both ligand and protein atoms need to be classified and their atomic properties should be defined, basically, into four atomic types: hydrophobic atom : all carbons in hydrocarbon chains or in aromatic groups. H-bond donor : Oxygen and nitrogen atoms bonded to hydrogen atom(s). H-bond acceptor : Oxygen and sp2 or sp hybridized nitrogen atoms with lone electron pair(s). Polar atom : Oxygen and nitrogen atoms that are neither H-bond donor nor H-bond acceptor, sulfur, phosphorus, halogen, metal and carbon atoms bonded to hetero-atom(s). The space inside the ligand binding region would be studied with virtual probe atoms of the four types above so the chemical environment of all spots in the ligand binding region can be known. Hence we are clear what kind of chemical fragments can be put into their corresponding spots in the ligand binding region of the receptor. Ligand fragment link Flow chart for structure based drug design When we want to plant “seeds” into different regions defined by the previous section, we need a fragments database to choose fragments from. The term “fragment” is used here to describe the building blocks used in the construction process. The rationale of this algorithm lies in the fact that organic structures can be decomposed into basic chemical fragments. Although the diversity of organic structures is infinite, the number of basic fragments is rather limited. Before the first fragment, i.e. the seed, is put into the binding pocket, and other fragments can be added one by one, it is useful to identify potential problems. First, the possibility for the fragment combinations is huge. A small perturbation of the previous fragment conformation would cause great difference in the following construction process. At the same time, in order to find the lowest binding energy on the Potential energy surface (PES) between planted fragments and receptor pocket, the scoring function calculation would be done for every step of conformation change of the fragments derived from every type of possible fragments combination. Since this requires a large amount of computation, one may think using other possible strategies to let the program works more efficiently. When a ligand is inserted into the pocket site of a receptor, conformation favor for these groups on the ligand that can bind tightly with receptor should be taken priority. Therefore it allows us to put several seeds at the same time into the regions that have significant interactions with the seeds and adjust their favorite conformation first, and then connect those seeds into a continuous ligand in a manner that make the rest part of the ligand having the lowest energy. The conformations of the pre-placed seeds ensuring the binding affinity decide the manner that ligand would be grown. This strategy reduces calculation burden for the fragment construction efficiently. On the other hand, it reduces the possibility of the combination of fragments, which reduces the number of possible ligands that can be derived from the program. These two strategies above are well used in most structure-based drug design programs. They are described as “ Grow ” and “ Link ”. The two strategies are always combined in order to make the construction result more reliable. Scoring method Main article: Scoring functions for docking Structure-based drug design attempts to use the structure of proteins as a basis for designing new ligands by applying accepted principles of molecular recognition. The basic assumption underlying structure-based drug design is that a good ligand molecule should bind tightly to its target. Thus, one of the most important principles for designing or obtaining potential new ligands is to predict the binding affinity of a certain ligand to its target and use it as a criterion for selection. A breakthrough work was done by Böhm to develop a general-purposed empirical function in order to describe the binding energy. The concept of the “Master Equation” was raised. The basic idea is that the overall binding free energy can be decomposed into independent components which are known to be important for the binding process. Each component reflects a certain kind of free energy alteration during the binding process between a ligand and its target receptor. The Master Equation is the linear combination of these components. According to Gibbs free energy equation, the relation between dissociation equilibrium constant, K d and the components of free energy alternation was built. The sub models of empirical functions differ due to the consideration of researchers. It has long been a scientific challenge to design the sub models. Depending on the modification of them, the empirical scoring function is improved and continuously consummated. Rational drug discovery In contrast to traditional methods of drug discovery which rely on trial-and-error testing of chemical substances on cultured cells or animals , and matching the apparent effects to treatments, rational drug design begins with a hypothesis that modulation of a specific biological target may have therapeutic value. In order for a biomolecule to be selected as a drug target, two essential pieces of information are required. The first is evidence that modulation of the target will have therapeutic value. This knowledge may come from, for example, disease linkage studies that show an association between mutations in the biological target and certain disease states. The second is that the target is "drugable". This means that it is capable of binding to a small molecule and that its activity can be modulated by the small molecule. Once a suitable target has been identified, the target is normally cloned and expressed . The expressed target is then used to establish a screening assay . In addition, the three-dimensional structure of the target may be determined. The search for small molecules that bind to the target is begun by screening libraries of potential drug compounds. This may be done by using the screening assay (a "wet screen"). In addition, if the structure of the target is available, a virtual screen may be performed of candidate drugs. Ideally the candidate drug compounds should be " drug-like ", that is they should possess properties that are predicted to lead to oral bioavailability , adequate chemical and metabolic stability, and minimal toxic effects. Several methods are available to estimate druglikeness such Lipinski's Rule of Five and a range of scoring methods such as Lipophilic efficiency . Several methods for predicting drug metabolism have been proposed in the scientific literature, and a recent example is SPORCalc. Due to the complexity of the drug design process, two terms of interest are still serendipity and bounded rationality . Those challenges are caused by the large chemical space describing potential new drugs without side-effects . Computer-assisted drug design Computer-assisted drug design uses computational chemistry to discover, enhance, or study drugs and related biologically active molecules . The most fundamental goal is to predict whether a given molecule will bind to a target and if so how strongly. Molecular mechanics or molecular dynamics are most often used to predict the conformation of the small molecule and to model conformational changes in the biological target that may occur when the small molecule binds to it. Semi-empirical , ab initio quantum chemistry methods , or density functional theory are often used to provide optimized parameters for the molecular mechanics calculations and also provide an estimate of the electronic properties (electrostatic potential, polarizability , etc.) of the drug candidate which will influence binding affinity. Molecular mechanics methods may also be used to provide semi-quantitative prediction of the binding affinity. Alternatively knowledge based scoring function may be used to provide binding affinity estimates. These methods use linear regression , machine learning , neural nets or other statistical techniques to derive predictive binding affinity equations by fitting experimental affinities to computationally derived interaction energies between the small molecule and the target. Ideally the computational method should be able to predict affinity before a compound is synthesized and hence in theory only one compound needs to be synthesized. The reality however is that present computational methods provide at best only qualitative accurate estimates of affinity. Therefore in practice it still takes several iterations of design, synthesis, and testing before an optimal molecule is discovered. On the other hand, computational methods have accelerated discovery by reducing the number of iterations required and in addition have often provided more novel small molecule structures. Drug design with the help of computers may be used at any of the following stages of drug discovery: hit identification using virtual screening (structure- or ligand-based design) hit-to-lead optimization of affinity and selectivity (structure-based design, QSAR , etc.) lead optimization optimization of other pharmaceutical properties while maintaining affinity Flowchart of a Usual Clustering Analysis for Structure-Based Drug Design In order to overcome the insufficient prediction of binding affinity calculated by recent scoring functions, the protein-ligand interaction and compound 3D structure information are used to analysis. For structure-based drug design, several post-screening analysis focusing on protein-ligand interaction has been developed for improving enrichment and effectively mining potential candidates: Consensus scoring Selecting candidates by voting of multiple scoring functions May lose the relationship between protein-ligand structural information and scoring criterion Geometric analysis Comparing protein-ligand interactions by visually inspecting individual structures Becoming intractable when the number of complexes to be analyzed increasing Cluster analysis Represent and cluster candidates according to protein-ligand 3D information Needs meaningful representation of protein-ligand interactions. Examples A particular example of rational drug design involves the use of three-dimensional information about biomolecules obtained from such techniques as x-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy. This approach to drug discovery is sometimes referred to as structure-based drug design. The first unequivocal example of the application of structure-based drug design leading to an approved drug is the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor dorzolamide which was approved in 1995. Another important case study in rational drug design is imatinib , a tyrosine kinase inhibitor designed specifically for the bcr-abl fusion protein that is characteristic for Philadelphia chromosome -positive leukemias ( chronic myelogenous leukemia and occasionally acute lymphocytic leukemia ). Imatinib is substantially different from previous drugs for cancer , as most agents of chemotherapy simply target rapidly dividing cells, not differentiating between cancer cells and other tissues. Additional examples include: Many of the atypical antipsychotics Cimetidine , the prototypical H 2 -receptor antagonist from which the later members of the class were developed Selective COX-2 inhibitor NSAIDs Dorzolamide , a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used to treat glaucoma Enfuvirtide , a peptide HIV entry inhibitor Nonbenzodiazepines like zolpidem and zopiclone Probenecid SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), a class of antidepressants Zanamivir , an antiviral drug Isentress , HIV Integrase inhibitor Case studies 5-HT3 antagonists Acetylcholine receptor agonists Angiotensin receptor blockers Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase inhibitors Cannabinoid receptor antagonists CCR5 receptor antagonists Cyclooxygenase 2 inhibitors Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors HIV protease inhibitors NK1 receptor antagonists Non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors Proton pump inibitors Triptans TRPV1 antagonists Renin inhibitors Discovery and development of small molecule c-Met inhibitors See also Bioinformatics Cheminformatics Drug development Drug discovery List of pharmaceutical companies Medicinal chemistry Molecular Conceptor Molecular design software References ^ Madsen, Ulf; Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl; Liljefors, Tommy (2002). Textbook of Drug Design and Discovery . Washington, DC: Taylor Francis. ISBN 0-415-28288-8 . ^ Cohen, N. Claude (1996). Guidebook on Molecular Modeling in Drug Design . Boston: Academic Press. ISBN 012178245x . ^ Guner, Osman F. (2000). Pharmacophore Perception, Development, and use in Drug Design . La Jolla, Calif: International University Line. ISBN 0-9636817-6-1 . ^ Leach, Andrew R.; Harren Jhoti (2007). Structure-based Drug Discovery . Berlin: Springer. ISBN 1-4020-4406-2 . ^ a b Wang R,Gao Y,Lai L (2000). "LigBuilder: A Multi-Purpose Program for Structure-Based Drug Design". Journal of Molecular Modeling 6 (7-8): 498–516. doi : 10.1007/s0089400060498 . ^ a b Schneider G, Fechner U (August 2005). "Computer-based de novo design of drug-like molecules". Nat Rev Drug Discov 4 (8): 649–63. doi : 10.1038/nrd1799 . PMID 16056391 . ^ Jorgensen WL (March 2004). "The many roles of computation in drug discovery". Science 303 (5665): 1813–8. doi : 10.1126/science.1096361 . PMID 15031495 . ^ Verlinde CL, Hol WG (July 1994). "Structure-based drug design: progress, results and challenges". Structure 2 (7): 577–87. doi : 10.1016/S0969-2126(00)00060-5 . PMID 7922037 . ^ Böhm HJ (June 1994). "The development of a simple empirical scoring function to estimate the binding constant for a protein-ligand complex of known three-dimensional structure". J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. 8 (3): 243–56. doi : 10.1007/BF00126743 . PMID 7964925 . ^ Gohlke H, Hendlich M, Klebe G (January 2000). "Knowledge-based scoring function to predict protein-ligand interactions". J. Mol. Biol. 295 (2): 337–56. doi : 10.1006/jmbi.1999.3371 . PMID 10623530 . ^ Clark RD, Strizhev A, Leonard JM, Blake JF, Matthew JB (January 2002). "Consensus scoring for ligand/protein interactions". J. Mol. Graph. Model. 20 (4): 281–95. doi : 10.1016/S1093-3263(01)00125-5 . PMID 11858637 . ^ Wang R, Lai L, Wang S (January 2002). 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[转载]Variations in Three Genes Predict Early Stent Thrombosis
xuxiaxx 2011-10-28 08:49
Variants of three genes related to clopidogrel metabolism and platelet receptor function – CYP2C19, ABCB1, and ITGB3 – appear to be independent risk factors for early stent thrombosis, beyond the already known clinical and angiographic risk factors, according to a report in the Oct. 26 issue of JAMA. A risk-prediction model that incorporated both genetic and clinical data had greater sensitivity and specificity at predicting early stent thrombosis than did a clinical model alone, said Dr. Guillaume Cayla of Institut de Cardiologie, INSERM Unite Mixte de Recherche, Salpetriere Hospital, Paris, and his associates. The researchers assessed all of the 23 genetic variants that have been reported to correlate with clopidogrel pharmacogenetics and arterial thrombosis to determine which ones contribute most to early stent thrombosis. They used a nationwide French registry of patients who had definite stent thrombosis within 30 days of implantation to identify 123 cases, then matched these for age and sex with 246 control subjects who had no stent thrombosis. Peripheral blood samples from these 369 subjects were genotyped for the suspect genetic variations. Only four variations in three genes were found to be significantly associated with early stent thrombosis. First, the CYP2C19 loss-of-function allele occurred in 49% of cases but only 26% of controls. Second, the CYP2C19 gain-of-function allele occurred in only 20% of cases but in 33% of controls. These findings strengthen the current evidence that CYP2C19 plays a predominant role in clopidogrel metabolism, Dr. Cayla and his colleagues said. "The effects of different genes according to different ethnic groups may warrant dedicated studies." Third, an ABCB1 variant occurred in 32% of cases but only 19% of controls. "The ABCB1 gene encodes a drug efflux transporter, P-glycoprotein, that modulates clopidogrel absorption. It has been previously associated with reduced clopidogrel response, but with variable clinical consequences," they noted. And fourth, an ITGB3 variant occurred in only 16% of cases but 28% of controls. The ITGB3 gene encodes for integrin beta-3, "a component of the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa platelet receptor, which mediates the final pathway of platelet aggregation," they said. There was a dose-response relationship in that risk of early stent thrombosis climbed steadily with carriage of an increasing number of these risk alleles, the investigators said. A risk-prediction model that combined genetic data with clinical data had significantly greater power to predict early stent thrombosis than did a clinical model alone. The combined model had 67% sensitivity and 79% specificity in this regard, compared with 60% sensitivity and 70% specificity for the model using only clinical data. "Patients in the highest tertile of risk using the combined clinical and genetic model had a sevenfold increased risk of early stent thrombosis vs. patients in the lowest tertile," Dr. Cayla and his associates said ( JAMA 2011;306:1765-74 ). The researchers also found that two nongenetic factors – loading dose of clopidogrel and the concomitant use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) – were significantly related to early stent thrombosis. Cases were much more likely than controls to have received a low loading dose of clopidogrel at stent implantation. And cases also were much more likely than controls to be taking PPIs, which have been suspected of interfering with clopidogrel metabolism. Unlike the genetic risk factors, both clopidogrel dose and PPI use are modifiable risk factors, they noted. This study was limited in that patients with the most severe early stent thrombosis died before they could be included in the study, so the genotype-phenotype relation remains unknown for them. "Stent malappositions or underexpansions are other important factors associated with stent thrombosis that were not evaluated," the investigators said. In addition, the study findings may apply only to white patients because virtually all the subjects, who were drawn from the general population in France, were white. "The effects of different genes according to different ethnic groups may warrant dedicated studies," they added. This study was funded by ACTION, the Société Francaise de Cardiologie, the Fédération Francaise de Cardiologie, and INSERM. The French registry of patients with early stent thrombosis was partially supported by Eli Lilly and the SGAM Foundation. Dr. Cayla and his associates reported ties to numerous industry sources. 来源: http://www.internalmedicinenews.com/news/cardiovascular-disease/single-article/variations-in-three-genes-predict-early-stent-thrombosis/2e03d029e5.html
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加强嘉陵江水源的监测预警 保障城乡居民饮用水安全
cdcldb4595 2011-10-27 17:07
水是生命之源,人类文明之舟自古依水而行。饮用水安全问题,直接关系到广大人民的身体健康,切实做好饮用水安全保障工作,是维护最广大人民群众根本利益,落实科学发展观的基本要求,是实现全面建设小康社会目标,构建社会主义和谐社会的重要内容。嘉陵江流经我市七县(市、区),是我省内河航运中一条重要的大动脉,是我市沿江城乡居民生活饮用水和工农业用水的主要水源。为了保障南充人民的生活饮用水安全,切实加强嘉陵江水源的监测预警是真正落实以人为本的一项紧迫任务,必须引起各级党政高度重视。 一、嘉陵江水源污染现状 嘉陵江发源于陕西省宁强县属的藻林坝交界处进入四川境内,从广元流经苍溪,阆中、南部、仪陇、蓬安、顺庆区、高坪区、嘉陵区至武胜出川经合川、重庆等十二县(市、区)汇入长江,全长 1006km ,流经我市 7 个县(市、区) 542km ,占全长的 54% ,源远流长,奔腾浩淼,为我省最大的内陆河流之一,是我市城乡居民生活饮用水和工农业生产用水的主要供水源。 1.1 工业废水和生活污水污染严重 嘉陵江是南充人民的母亲河,它与南充人民休戚相关,患难与共,然而据调查统计表明,从沿江城市每天排入嘉陵江的工业废水总量 30 万吨左右,生活污水数十万吨,这些工业废水中含有不同程度的有害物质,主要为酚、氰化物、铬、汞及贵重金属的铜、锌、镍和化工原料,酸碱、油脂、各种染料、农药、甲醛、硝基、胺基类化合物等等。主要来源于机械、电镀、仪表、造纸、化肥、化工、石油、炼染、丝绸、塑料等工业企业排放的废水,其中绝大部分未经任何处理,加上城市生活污水中大量的微生物和有机物直接排入嘉陵江,嘉陵江正在成为工业废水和生活污水的倾泻场,一直以来直接被南充人民作为饮用水源的嘉陵江正受到越来越严重的污染, 南充地区卫生防疫站 70 年代中期领导组织沿江各县(市、区)卫生防疫站对嘉陵江阆中、南部、蓬安、南充段 13 个采样断面连续三年的水质监测,采集水样 558 件,获得检验数据 6189 个、检测指标包括水温、浑浊度、色度、 PH 、总硬度、溶解性固体、 BOD 、 DO 、 COD 、挥发性酚、氰化物、汞、砷、总铬共 14 项。结果表明五种有害物质在嘉陵江水样中均检出了阳性水样,绝大多数断面都受到酚的污染,甚至部分水样超过卫生标准限值 24 倍,枯水期污染比丰水期严重、氰化物、汞、总铬在南充段面均有不同程度的检出。然而沿江各城市对嘉陵江的污染、主要表现在废水排出口下游形成岸边型带状或扇形污染带,有的江段水面水质呈现不同颜色和水面遍布泡沫,除产生不良的感官性状外,其色度、 PH 、 DO 、 BOD 和某些有害物发生了显著的变化,甚至还不乏死鱼、晕鱼现象发生,据渔业部门反映,渔产量明显减少,嘉陵江中某些较为珍贵的天然鱼种(如江团)已濒临绝种的危险,更有甚者,发现捕捞的个别鱼类内脏变形,颜色异常,显然工业废水的污染是其重要的原因之一。仅管这些监测指标在当时监测仪器落后,指标有限,但就是这些监测数据反映了嘉陵江水质的卫生状况和污染概况,为工农业生产和生活饮用水质提供了难能可贵的历史数据和科学证据。遗憾的是各沿江卫生监测部门由于监测经费紧张和监测仪器不足等诸多原因致使这项前无古人,惠及后人的嘉陵江水质监测工作被迫休矣,那么嘉陵江水质动态变化如何?污染现状又如何、污染物的时空分布究竟处在何水平? 1.2 嘉陵江水源污染突发事件频发 近年来嘉陵江的水源不断遭到突发性公共事故的污染,距我市远的城市江段不说,就我们南充市境内近几年发生的几起典型污染事件,想必大家还记忆犹新吧:( 1 ) 1994 年 4 月 5 日高坪自来水公司在更换安装水源水管道施工中,将氮肥厂排污渠破坏造成含氮废水直接排入该公司在嘉陵江的取水断面,导致水源水、出厂水、管网水受氨氮污染,经南充市卫生防疫站监测结果表明,自来水中的氨氮含量超过国家标准 129 倍,由于嘉陵江水源的严重氨氮污染,造成高坪城区五万居民的停供水、对居民生活造成很大的影响,对此,当时《健康报》还进行了报道。( 2 ) 2004 年 8 月 30 日南充炼油化工总厂因油管垫子破裂造成 18.5 吨柴油泄漏经桓子河直排嘉陵江 , 造成下游生活饮用水取水源水质的石油污染,经南充市疾病预防控制中心采集嘉陵江水样监测,结果表明石油超出《生活饮用水卫生规范》水源水限值 24.3 倍,导致南充六合集团生活用水水源石油污染,被迫停供生活和生产用水数天。( 3 )最近南部嘉陵江段发生的石油污染事件,也在一定程度上造成江水不同程度的影响。再者嘉陵江流域还经常发生船舶漏油,农药沉船等事件造成对嘉陵江水质的事故性污染,使嘉陵江水质不堪重负。 综上所述,我们的母亲河——嘉陵江水质不容乐观,目前,源源不断的各种工业废水和人们不计后果向江水大量倾倒垃圾的行为,使原本已受到污染的嘉陵江水更是雪上加霜,然而,我们 如果熟视无睹,顺其自然的话,那么伟大的爱国诗人屈原的“ 沧浪之水清兮 , 可以濯吾缨;沧浪之水浊兮,可以濯吾足”的浪漫情怀,必将成为历史的慨叹!因此,为了保护嘉陵江水资源有效利用降低和消除水源污染,保护南充人民的身体健康,了解并掌握水质的预见性和江水水质的动态变化,对嘉陵江水源水质作出科学的评估,必须加强南充嘉陵江水源水质的监测和预警。 二、加强嘉陵江水质监测和预警的建议 2.1 充分认识嘉陵江水源保护的重要性和紧迫性 党中央国务院对饮用水安全保障工作非常重视、胡锦涛总书记、温家宝总理多次作出重要批示,把它提高到实践“三个代表”重要思想和执政为民的高度来认识,必须认真贯彻落实国务院办公厅 2005 年 8 月 17 日国办发 45 号“关于加强饮用水安全保障工作的通知”,对进一步加强饮用水安全保障工作提出的具体措施和对策,进一步加大水资源保护和水污染防治工作力度,因此,建议南充市人民政府,沿江县(市、区)人民政府要加强领导,把这项工作纳入重要议事日程,建立领导责任制,切实抓好各项措施的落实。各级各部门明确相应的职责,密切配合,加大工作力度,通力协作做好嘉陵江水源的保护工作。 2.2 认真组织编制《嘉陵江水污染防治规划》 认真贯彻执行《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》,按照该法第十条(四)项之规定,南充市人民政府应依法编制《嘉陵江水污染防治规划》并将嘉陵江水污染防治纳入南充市国民经济和社会发展中长期和年度计划加以实施。使之进一步明确嘉陵江水源保护,污染防治的目标,任务和政策保障措施。 2.3 建立长期的嘉陵江水质监测系统 , 为水污染突发事件预警提供及时准确的科学数据 水中的化学污染物质种类多,数量大,仅有机化学污染物全世界检出 2221 种,自来水中检出 765 种,其中 20 种为确认致癌物。 26 种为可疑致癌物, 18 种为促癌物和辅癌物, 48 种为致突变物。就现有监测仪器、方法灵敏度和检出下限而言,水中能检出的这些有机化合物只是“冰山一角”微不足道。而且,近年来备受科学界广泛关注的环境内分泌干扰物( endocrine disruptors,EDs )是对 21 世纪人类健康所面临的最大挑战,据调查研究表明在水中能够检出 EDs 约有 22 种,而检出频率较多的为壬基酚,双酚 A 、邻苯、二甲酸二基已基酯,因此,建议建立“南充市嘉陵江水质监测系统”每年从地方财政拨付专款给予重点支持,在市疾病预防控制中心长期开展水质监测的基础上,增添先进的监测仪器设备,制订科学的监测方案,领导沿江县(市、区)疾控中心将被迫停止的水质监测工作重新开展起来,为嘉陵江的旅游开发和科学研究提供预见性基础数据。 2.4 筛选、甄别和确定嘉陵江水中主要污染物 筛选和确定水源水中优先污染物对预警和评估嘉陵江水质对人群健康的影响具有十分重要的意义,建议以《生活饮用水水质卫生规范》、《地表水环境质量标准》、《中国水环境优先污染物名单》中所列化学物质作为初筛的主要依据,组织卫生、环保、科研、驻市高等院校的专家筛选、甄别确定“嘉陵江水中优先污染物“黑名单”作为调查和监测的基准数据。 2.5 加强嘉陵江水污染对人群健康危害的预警研究 建议将嘉陵江水污染与人群健康影响的预警研究列入南充市科研项目,组织预防医学、临床医学、环保、生物、渔业、科研、高等院校多学科的专家联合开展综合性科学研究,探讨饮用水对人群健康慢性健康危害(滞后效应),采用环境流行病学、生物监测等方法揭示水环境介质与人体健康的因果关系,并在此基础上建立嘉陵江水质污染所致人群健康危害的预警系统,以提高决策部门在可能产生健康危害之前采取必要干预措施的科学评价和预见性。 2.6 加强嘉陵江生活饮用水水源水质的监测 我市嘉陵江流域内七个县(市、区)城市均饮用嘉陵江水质为水源,为了降低和消除水源水对居民饮用水污染的健康危害,必须加强水源水质的定期监测,根据即将颁布的强制性国家标准《生活饮用水卫生标准》常规和非常规项目 106 项指标,评价饮用水水质是否优劣,将执行这个新的标准进行监测和评价,但各级卫生监测机构目前还难以进行全项目的监测,尤其是新标准中农药、环境激素、持久性化合物这些评价饮用水安全的主要指标不能监测,主要原因是监测经费严重不足和仪器设备十分落后,建议财政应加强对卫生监测仪器设备和经费投入,使之尽快适应开展新的《生活饮用水卫生标准》项目的检测工作。
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Numeric Reading System for Digital Meter without I/O Interfa
bolandi 2011-10-26 09:09
自动I/O数字读入系统 中島翔太, 北園優希,陸慧敏,張力峰,芹川聖一 Recently, measuring instruments that automatically record measurement values by using the communication function of PC and RS232C have been widely used. However, there are a lot of measuring instruments that cannot communicate with an external instrument at present. Also, the ones that have the communication function are very expensive. The system that reads the instruction value from the image is by taking a picture of the measuring instrument with a camera. However, because the specification of the target measuring instrument has been limited, versatility of this system is low. Therefore,this paper proposes a strong numerical recognition system that doesn't depend on the model of a digital measuring instrument. The experiments showed that the proposed method has the characteristics of fast speed, efficiency and strong anti-interference. 2-a numeric reading system for digital meter without IO interface.pdf
3538 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-9-12 22:33
翰泽堂非物质文化遗产艺术馆开馆暨“相约诸暨·翰泽堂中国书画名家邀请展”开幕式10日在诸暨西施故里景区举行。   翰泽堂非物质文化遗产艺术馆是迄今全省首个民间综合性非物质文化遗产艺术馆。艺术馆内设非物质文化遗产精品展厅、艺术品交流鉴赏中心、游客服务中心等区域,所展示的国家级、省级非物质文化遗产项目均是国内省内手工技艺、民间美术相关传承人、工艺美术大师之作。艺术馆免费向游客及公众开放。
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baiyunrui 2011-8-24 20:13
基金成功的两个重要条件 ★ ★ ★ ahauwangrui(金币+3): 鼓励分享 2011-08-24 20:05:38 最近大家很兴奋,可以理解。众人八仙过海、各显神通,纷纷刺探内部“军情”。本人没有关系和门路,无法追究此事,也懒的去问校科技处。同事问起,我也说不管它,往最坏处去想,就没有比这更坏的了!昨天早晨收到基金委的通知,面上中了,75万。近几年我一共写了5个基金,中了4个【第一次我自己申请青年,被毙了;第二次我自己青年一个、帮同事草拟面上一个(我参与),都中了;这一次我写了两个面上(自己主持一个、参与同事一个),也都中了】。另外,今年我也审了几个基金。有一些想法,简述如下: 第一,基金成功的两个重要条件 1)要有好的IDEA 基金要求创新,好的IDEA是能否成功的关键。这里面可能有一个误区。我在评审中发现,有人刚刚发了一篇不错的文章,于是他申请的基金就准备围绕此做一些扫尾的工作。当然,他不这么说,但一眼就能看得出来。这可能是有问题的。他前面的工作是创新,不错,但申请项目的创新性就要大打折扣。就好比,某人经过仔细研究,在某地挖了个金条(创新)。然后,他躺在床上美滋滋地想,明天还去那里挖,不要动脑筋、挖啥是啥。这就不一定是创新了。不是说不能挖了,要挖还要经过仔细的研究、论证,这样挖而不是那样挖,挖多深、如何挖,要挖出新意来。 2)2篇或以上第一作者的、影响因子在3以上的论文 现在牛人不少、竞争激烈。除了少数人以外,大多数会有一篇像样的(影响因子在3以上的)论文。这通常是表明我们研究基础、工作能力的。基金评审时,基金委发给你若干份材料,让你挑选出大约30%的候选人。那只能挑最好的几个(择优录取),即使有些不错的、可以资助的,你也只能用“放大镜”查找问题,将之毙掉(由于入选人数的限制和项目本身的缺陷,尤其是上述两个因素。但评审人可能不明确说出来,“顾左右而言他”)。所以要想进入前列,最好有两篇或以上好的文章,这样就可能占据优势。当然,多多益善。我第一次申请青基,有1篇IF=7的文章,但其它的4篇影响因子都在2及以下,结果被毙了。第二次有2篇3以上的文章,1A2B勉强通过。这一次有6篇3以上的一作(其中7以上的有2篇),顺利通过。 当然,上面所说既非充分也非必要条件,因为有许多例外和不确定因素(抛开关系不谈)。如果你拥有这两个条件,申请成功的可能性将大大增加。 第二,一些建议 1)文章数量靠合作,文章质量靠自己 尽量能多发一些文章,但不要只追求数量。自己一个人无论怎样做,文章数量都很难有大的飞跃。但通过合作研究,可以有效的增加文章的数量。然而,文章的质量要靠自己。一年不要多,搞1-2篇影响因子在3以上的文章,就差不多了。经过几年的积累,你的基金上写上多篇高质量的文章,这无疑是比较带劲的、给力的。你参与的、别人一作的好文章,当然也很好,但总是不是最好的。打个比较俗气的比方,你爱上的漂亮的姑娘,但人家早已名花有主,那你心里肯定是不得劲的。 2)始终记住,我还有许多东西要学 知识浩如烟海,学不尽的,也研究不尽的。要谦虚、谨慎,不要自满。现在牛人多啊!高质量的文章,人家一年发几篇,我们几年发一篇(还不一定发的出来)。差距还是很大的哦! 3)诚实做人,踏实做事,保持一颗平常心 现在很多人很浮躁,这也没有办法。但对做研究是不利的。尽量能静下心来,坐得住,保持良好的心态!这很重要。好的心态能让你更冷静地分析、处理问题,取得成功。 4)劳逸结合,适当享受生活 不赞成整天扑在科研上。要抽出时间,陪陪老婆和孩子。俗话说,身体是革命的本钱。注意休息,劳逸结合,休息是为了更好的工作。人活着、没有项目,那确实是很痛苦。但最最痛苦的是什么,你知道吗?那就是项目没完成,人却完了! 另外,衷心希望国家能够提高我们教学、科研人员的待遇。让我们能够静下心来,好好地做我们的工作。10年来,工资未曾有啥变化,但物价翻了几番。这要让人完全淡定,确实是相当困难的。10年前,我的堂兄(瓦工)问我工资如何,我说大概3000。他说,发自肺腑的,“还是读书好!”10年后,他又问我,我说3000,他哈哈一笑,“真的吗?不错不错!”从此,他找我吹牛时声音都是钢钢的! 第一次发帖,说的不一定正确,请各位包涵!最后,对基金取得成功的同行表示祝贺,对未成功的兄弟、姐妹表示鼓励!
个人分类: 基金相关|1 次阅读|0 个评论
baiyunrui 2011-8-21 10:59
(function(){ var _w = 86 , _h = 16; var param = { url:'http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=3505810', type:'6', count:'', /**是否显示分享数,1显示(可选)*/ appkey:'', /**您申请的应用appkey,显示分享来源(可选)*/ title:'#基金申请交流#青基中标后的感受与体会', /**分享的文字内容(可选,默认为所在页面的title)*/ pic:'', /**分享图片的路径(可选)*/ ralateUid:'2014610707', /**关联用户的UID,分享微博会@该用户(可选)*/ rnd:new Date().valueOf() } var temp = || '' ) ) } document.write('') })() function postToWb(){ var _t = encodeURI('#基金申请交流#青基中标后的感受与体会'); var _url = encodeURIComponent('http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=3505810'); var _appkey = encodeURI("appkey");//您从腾讯获得的appkey var _pic = encodeURI('');//(例如:var _pic='图片url1|图片url2|图片url3....) var _site = 'http://emuch.net/bbs';//您的网站地址 var _u = 'http://v.t.qq.com/share/share.php?url='+_url+'&appkey='+_appkey+'&site='+_site+'&pic='+_pic+'&title='+_t; window.open( _u,'', 'width=700, height=680, top=0, left=0, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, location=yes, resizable=no, status=no' ); } 青基中标后的感受与体会 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ wg423:恭喜,您的帖子被版主审核为资源贴了,别人回复您的帖子对资源进行评价后,您就可以获得金币了 理由:资源帖,接受评价 2011-08-20 19:01 wg423(金币+20, 基金EPI+1): 感谢楼主分享经验心得 2011-08-20 19:02:05 茄子:标题高亮 2011-08-20 19:32 收到科研秘书的邮件,青基已经中标,高兴中。首先感谢国家,感谢政府,感谢党,感谢基金委,感谢各位领导(不说这些会出问题的,你懂的)。感谢上苍的眷顾,感谢实验室课题组的各位兄弟姐妹,感谢小木虫坛子里的各位虫虫们这些天的最新消息。由于我是新虫,初来乍到,注册才不到一周,没多少金币,都散了吧,以表心意。主要想掰一掰中标后的一些个人想法,虽然不如金币实在,但希望能对虫子们有些帮助。文章有点长,你若觉得讲的有理,你就姑且看完,你若觉得我讲的不对,拍砖时候也请手下留情,我是新来的虫虫,也不要人肉我是哪里的。此外由于学科的不同,研究方向的不同,一些经验想法也未必适合每个人。 先掰一掰申请的背景,本人985学校工科博士毕业,留校,青椒(讲师)。进入课题组,各位师兄师姐们都是小牛人,都有基金支持,就我一个穷光蛋,虽说发文章的版面费,实验材料等这些师兄师姐们都会帮衬支持的(在此,再次谢谢他们),但时间久了也总归是不好意思。相信坛子里有些虫虫也是同样的情况,说一起进来的都中了,就自己没中,我很能理解他们的心情,因为我体验过同样的心情。那种压力,不仅仅是经费上的压力,更多的是精神上的压力,总觉得自己低人一等,这种压力如影随行,象空气一样时时刻刻包围着你,很难受。国家基金是为数不多的救命稻草,“成者王,败者寇”,虽然我们搞科研的人不应该这么功利,但是领导们就是拿科研经费做指标,他们也没办法,从学校开始上头一层压一层,每次开会都是强调科研经费多少多少。放眼看去,现在的高校都是重科研,轻教学,严格说应该是重科研经费,只要你能拿到经费,管你怎么来的,管你拿到之后怎么做,你就是好样的。我不是什么牛人,只是草根一个,要说我对基金申请也很功利,除了在此发发牢骚之外,我也只能顺应这个环境,毕竟还要混口饭吃。我们这边其他大多数项目的申报还是限项申报的,就是给你学校多少申请的名额,学校再分到学院多少个名额申报,这样一来,要申请什么项目一般要先在学院内部先答辩,先PK一番才有资格申请。对我们这样初出茅庐的小青椒而言,研究基础肯定不如那些资深教授,失败了,也是输的心服口服。所以如此一来,能够自由申请的国家基金几乎就是唯一的救命稻草了。可惜周期太长,一年一次,机会太少,20%的中标率。今年是第二次申请,第一次申请时候,因为临时更换研究方向和内容,写了个自己都不满意的本本,属于“打酱油”探路性质等待专家修改意见,这次申请根据专家的修改意见认真调整过,并做了一些研究基础,给师兄师姐们都看过,评价还不错,我自己也觉得有信心。7月中旬有渠道的人就知道了会评后的结果,可惜我没渠道,只能干等,到了8月中旬,差不多是最后放榜的日子了,也没有得到任何的消息,也不知道去哪里打听基金的动态。有一天上google搜索基金消息时才无意中发现小木虫,那时才注册了个帐号,小木虫坛子确实人气很旺,虫虫们都是志同道合等待消息的申请者,所以消息也很灵通。到了17号开始,坛子里更是一股热潮,一波接一波,我也开始不淡定了,而且很不淡定,几乎做不了什么事情,简直就是寝食难安。坛子里的虫虫们可能都知道17号开始“船时”通知,接下去就是那个“复审”通知公布了又撤了,然后就是19日上午的内部查询,后又不能查,下午快下班时候才发正式公告,最后才是通知发放到各个依托单位。至此坛子里才稍微安静一些,接着没多久就是新一拨的成功者发金币和失败者求安慰的帖子,总之放榜了揭晓了,有结果了,从小木虫坛子里面得到的消息果然是最快的第一手消息。回头看我们学校,奇怪,静悄悄的,没有任何动静,网页上没有,BBS上没有,QQ群中也没有任何消息,而且没有任何人讨论这个事情,难道大家都很淡定,还是都已经事先得知消息。最后我实在忍不住了,因为已经过了下班时间,只能发了邮件。晚上得到回信,说是清单已经通知到各个学院,明天可以到各个学院去查,而且那老师很热情很能体谅我们焦急等待的心情,答应帮我查。但那时候我又犹豫了,我担心着万一查到是失败了怎么办。说起来人真的是很矛盾的,一方面又想着早点知道结果,另一方面又害怕失败的打击,又退缩了,印象中好像心理学上有个专门的名词解释这种现象,不是搞这行的,不做深究。就这么忐忑忐忑的过了一个晚上,辗转难眠,什么也做不了,下载个片子看也没看进去,也不知道几点,总算睡着了。今早(20日)一起床,先开机,收邮件,因为坛子里有虫虫说中标的邮件是0点开始机器发送的,虽说我有点不信,但是这时候的心情,大家都能理解吧,任何的小道消息风吹草动都会让人信以为真的。说实话,我还不敢直接收邮件,我先是邮箱“远程管理”,先看看是否有邮件,看到了,标题为“2011国基清单”,我想可能有希望,又一想,可能这个是群发邮件吧让全部的老师都收到而已,不管怎样,结果就在眼前。调整好心情,收邮件,第一眼看到邮件内容“祝贺…”,再看附件清单,有自己的名字,心中的石头总算落地了。高兴的心情同大多数人一样,在此不表。写完这些,自己再回头看看过程,觉得自己太在乎这个结果了,太不淡定,太急躁,太功利,这样不好。虽然一再告诫自己不要太在乎结果,应该努力认真扎实的去研究,告诫自己要淡定,告诫自己要宁静要平和不要浮躁,但,但我还是无法做到。写下这些文字算是对这些天焦急心情的一种纪念吧,今后也用来提醒自己遇事还是要淡定,要“泰山崩于前而不改色”,要“不以物喜,不以己悲”,虽不能至,心向往之吧。 无关的事情说了这么多,现在掰一掰我对基金公平性的看法。其实也不是什么新观点,同大多数人一样,我还是认为国基是相对而言比较公平的一个。百分百的公平不可能,林子大了什么鸟都有,我就听传言说有人可以弄到5个函评专家名单,剩下的事情你懂的。坛子里一位高人的帖子里说的好,就算有10%的不公平,你为什么要想尽方法往里面钻呢?为什么不做那90%公平里面的佼佼者呢?而且,我觉得函评专家提出的意见还是很到位、很中肯的,你把这些都完善了,把本本写的滴水不漏,等你觉得函评专家提出的意见你不接受的时候,再来考虑公平不公平吧。再退一万步来说,即便这里面是有内幕有关系,那又怎么样?你不交本本么?不交一点希望都没有,交了本本,先做“分母”,多做几次,多完善几次,就慢慢爬上去变成了“分子”。写的本本很烂很垃圾,连自己都不满意,那不正好给专家揪住你这个“小辫子”,正好有藉口把你搞下去,所以无论如何,不管怎样,先把本本写好。 下面掰一掰申请过程中我觉得需要注意的一些地方吧,坛子里的高人很多,我在这里讲这些,有点班门弄斧的感觉,而且各个学科各个方向未必相同,我也不是函评专家,仅仅申请过两次,这里不敢太过造次,所以谈不上经验,仅说我个人想法,供各个虫虫参考而已。 首先要重视和发挥团队的力量,团队合作实验和科研的重要性在此就不多说了,这里仅仅掰一掰团队在写本本过程中的作用。很庆幸我能够在这样的一个团队中工作,中标过的师兄师姐们是真诚的帮助我,能够把中标的本本供我参考,虽然研究内容不同,但是大方向都差不多,看看人家中标的本本,会很有收获,知道怎么去写,要把握哪些内容。其次,在自己完善本本之后,给过来人审核审核,他们也会给你不少有用的建议和意见,因为毕竟一个人的思路有限,有时候容易进入死胡同。最后关键要讲一下,我们的老板专门集中时间让课题组的所有成员讨论申请书,每个人的本本用投影仪投影到大屏幕上,逐字逐句的过,我认为,这样的效果很好。因为人多了,容易形成讨论,有讨论的气氛,就容易有思路和创新,因为很多时候你的本本通过邮件请教某些大牛修改审核,毕竟大家都很忙,而且不是自己的本本,不大可能逐字逐句的过,而且有时候他的意见仅仅是他个人的。但是如果有几个人一起看,某个人发表了自己的意见,就可能会引起共鸣或反驳,大家都会乐于发表自己的看法,在讨论的过程中就肯定会有所收获。坛子里的虫虫们,你们若有一个好的团队,若有条件,明年申请时不妨试试,应该会取得较好的效果。 其次,写本本的过程中,要重视“科学问题”的凝练。我老板(导师)、学院科研副院长在给我们指导的时候一再强调这个问题,在坛子里的不少函评专家也多次强调这个问题。《科学通报》2006年发表了一篇“从自然科学基金项目申请看科学问题的凝练”,是基金委生命科学学部的专家写的,看完之后很有收获,虫虫们一定要重视这个问题,强烈推荐虫虫们一定要去认真研读一下这篇文章。我又仔细研究了师兄师姐们中标的本本,确实,他们提出的科学问题很到位。这里再多掰一掰我个人对“科学问题”的理解,不对之处,欢迎讨论,以免贻误后人。自然科学基金同其他基金不同,肯定是对“科学”问题进行研究,而不是其他技术问题。这里我想就我个人观点再掰一掰“科学问题”同“技术问题”的区别,因为很多人容易把这两个混为一谈。你有好的基础,好的项目,很好的应用前景,很好的社会经济效益,甚至很好的商业价值,这些都不属于“科学问题”,你拿这个项目去申请“科技计划”或许很好,去申请“产学研”资助也或许很好,但是如果直接拿来申请“自然科学基金”或许要做一定的调整和修改。譬如研究成某项技术能够大幅度降低成本、提高质量、提高产量,就我个人观点,这属于“技术问题”的范围,若能研究出这个技术为什么能提高产量,同提高质量之间有何关系,有哪些因素影响质量的提高,机理如何等,这或许更加的靠近“科学问题”的范畴吧。总之,大家都认为这个问题很重要,那究竟如何凝练到位,这就看各位的本事了。 第三,研究内容和研究方法的把握。本本都要求要有创新,而且创新是最重要的因素,但是说实话,哪来那么多的创新,我们的创新是本质上的根本创新还是小创新。我们也知道本本都是送到“小同行”手里函评的,“小同行”整天研究这个,熟悉的不能再熟悉了,因此,多少不可避免的会存在“轻估”的现象。尤其是当你把研究方法写的很详细很实在的时候,可能那点小创新就根本算不上什么了,可能就象一层纸张似的,一捅就破,说穿了就没啥值钱的了。但是呢,写的时候也不能写的太虚,否则专家会认为你的方法不到位,仅仅有想法,没有具体实现的过程。这是个“度”的问题,如何把握这个“度”,既不能太“实在”也不能太“虚幻”,这也就是需要个人各自的创作了,要靠个人的经验或者让过来人指点指点吧。在此我只能提醒各位虫虫,这是一个需要注意的问题。 第四,本本中,细节问题的把握。本本中最重要的是创新,研究内容、方法,除此之外一些小小的很细节的内容也不可忽视。成功的本本是若干个因素的“布尔与”运算而得到的,每个因素都要为1,有一个为0,就失败了。这里所说的细节或许不会影响到最终的结果,但是如果做的好的话,或许能增加一下印象分。首先是本本中排版方式,字体、字号、行间距、段间距、黑体、着重斜体等都需要注意。好的本本,有图有表,文字安排的很好,不说内容如何,仅仅一眼,就让人觉得舒服、清爽,让人可以感觉得到写本本人的态度认真和严谨的科研精神。试想,一个函评专家十来份本本,每份都是二三十页,你搞了个5号字体,全部是字,密密麻麻,看的不火大才怪。其次是研究方法中最好增加一个技术路线图,用什么样的框,直角还是圆角,实线还是虚线,间距如何,自己都慢慢一一去调整,最终做出来的效果,你说不出来哪里好,但是整体上美观大方、赏心悦目、心旷神怡,这就对了。我这次写这个本本时候,就这个技术路线图折腾了我整整两天。最后就是若你的老板是大牛,或者是圈内有很好的人脉关系,不妨在你的个人简历中写上这么一句:“师从***教授”,因为人嘛,总是有感情的,说不准,你的本本送到了某个同你老板关系好的函评专家的手上,希望他(她)能看在老板的面子上手下留那么小小的一点点的情份,或许就够了。这些都是不影响大局的细节问题,关键还是本本的研究内容和方法要靠谱,不过这些细节问题多少注意一下的为好,总归不是坏事。 最后掰一掰拿到基金的感受。上午时的喜悦已经逐渐退去,突然想到“一将功成万骨枯”这句诗,或许是基金申请很好的写照。20%的中标率,意味着一份成功的本本后面躺着4份失败的本本,在这个没有硝烟的无声的战场上,你PK掉了4个同仁,其实是一场很惨烈的厮杀。或许我们成功的人们应该感谢那些未中标的同仁们,他们未必比我们差,但是是他们成为了分母,我们才可能成为分子。没拿到基金,你吃喝玩乐荒废时光是你自己的事情,但拿到了基金,肩上的担子应该更重一些,是国家对你的信任,你用的是国家的资源,更应该要认真去完成既定的目标,为了几年后验收的考核,也为了自己内心深处那份不变的理想。失败的虫虫们,我理解你们的心情,看过坛子里的那篇“喝过那瓶黄酒,来年还是个申请人”,我有些动容,竟然是热泪盈眶。不要紧,20%的中标率,也意味着平均申请5年才有结果,听听刘欢的“从头再来”吧,“心若在梦就在,天地之间还有真爱,看成败人生豪迈,只不过是从头再来”。心若不在了,梦也不在,白送给你个基金也是浪费国家资源。科研很难做,高校的青椒们压力很大,既要教学又要科研,还要兼顾家庭,不容易啊,申请个基金还争个“头破血流”,慢慢熬吧,那些资深教授们当年也是这么过来的。我相信现在我们这些青椒们已经成为或逐渐成为中国科研的中坚力量,再过5年,10年,20年,今天这些面对种种压力的青椒们、虫虫们一定是中国科研的脊梁。我们在抱怨这个社会太浮躁,周围的环境太浮躁,其实是我们的内心太浮躁,我们不能安静的以平和的心态去做学问,我们很多时候的不快乐是因为我们想要的太多,基金仅仅是工作中的一部分,工作也仅仅是生活中的一部分。很喜欢坛子里一位留美GG的收获总结, http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=3484708 ,这几天等待过程中心烦的时候总会去读读他的文字。借用他的文字来结束我的体会,你我共勉吧。 “其实,生活不是要我们急匆匆的迎上去,而是静静坐下来。只有静静坐下来,才会有云淡风轻的注视和凝望,才会有可触可感的深邃,才会有静静的陪伴和守候。” —— 写于青基中标后(2011.8.20) by 乖乖的助教
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hucs 2011-8-18 19:53
致全省各县(市、区)教育局长、中小学校长和各位学生家长的一封信 发布时间: 2011-08-18 07:13 转载来源:江西文明网 全省各县(市、区)教育局长、中小学校长、各位学生家长:   你们好!时值暑期盛夏,我省连续发生几起学生游泳安全事故,令人痛心。省委苏荣书记、省政府鹿心社代省长高度重视,先后作出重要批示。   各级政府及有关部门、各级各类中小学校和广大学生家长要从维护人民群众根本利益的高度,充分认识做好中小学安全工作的重要性和紧迫性,从中吸取教训,坚决克服麻痹思想,加强暑期中小学生安全教育和管理,扎扎实实做好各项工作,防止溺水等安全事故发生。   一、各地要利用多种途径,再次开展预防溺水和暑期游泳安全的专题教育,充分利用农村和社区广播、报纸、宣传橱窗以及网站,对广大中小学生进行游泳常识和安全知识的教育,切实提高每一名学生的安全意识和自护自救能力,坚决避免中小学生因擅自下水游泳玩耍和盲目施救等原因导致溺水身亡。   二、各地教育行政部门、中小学校以及社会培训机构必须和每一位学生家长加强联系。尤其是有的学生家处偏远地区、山区,有的学生在外旅游度假,要想方设法和这些学生家长联系。要通过印发《告家长书》、家庭访问、家长会等多种形式,告知每一位学生家长,告知每一位学生,切实增强安全意识和监护人责任意识。   三、各地教育行政部门要协调有关部门,督促社区及村民自治组织、义务巡查队等,检查河流和水塘边警示标牌和安全设施是否完好、栏杆是否结实,落实江河湖泊、水库池塘等水域安全巡游责任区制度。发现青少年学生在水边有异常情况时,要及时劝阻和制止。发现险情要及时施救。 江西省人民政府副省长 孙刚 2011年8月17日 稿源: 江西日报 作者: 编辑: 胡武龙
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热度 1 runrun 2011-8-11 15:36
一些傻话: 那个心理学、教育学有多久没翻了…那个自闭症知道的又有多少?…太少太少了… 经过半年的苦练,偶的英语阅读水平总算有所提高了,现在看十多页的英文论文也能从头看到尾了,小小的进步,值得鼓励!有些事情贵在坚持… 回来一直都没怎么开风扇(家里也没空调),本来广东的三十七度对我来说根本就不是个事,起码没南京那种黏呼呼的感觉,到这两天确实扛不住了,太热了,汗涔涔! 昨天把刻刀磨好了!本来打算给祁老爷子刻个章作为他的生日礼物的,不过字典忘放哪了,查查再看吧! 2011-07-29 11:18:46 low function autism由于各种能力差,即使训练也很难回归主流。high function autism是最有希望回归主流的。从一开始我就选错了切入点! 2011-07-27 23:07:51 可悲地发现,偶然碰见以前的同学,我不知道说什么,我也不想说什么!除了你们几个以外,我好像从未和什么同学特别friend过!平时和同学见到也只是简单地笑笑或者能避开就避开!我的失败!交往障碍啊… 2011-07-19 09:28:07 我的奖学金打进卡里还没放几个月就得拿来交学费(还得贴几百),我那白花花的银子啊! 2011-06-28 15:31:27 今年我将和一群智障有可能加自闭的小孩一起渡过我的生日! 2011-06-27 22:33:46
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热度 2 app1e 2011-7-26 16:07
作为一个民工~就是要想办法把简单的东西做复杂~再把结果归纳总结~简化成结论~发个paper~ 所以做实验的人~就不断的尝试~换结构相似的原料来一堆平行实验~换PH来一堆平行实验~换溶剂来一堆平行实验~换浓度来一堆平行实验~~~用一个正交表~把所有能改变的变量都尝试一遍~~总结规律提出解释~~发现有趣的新现象说不定就能开创个新领域~~然后发paper申专利拿大奖~~ 做计算的呢~就是把结构类似的分子都算一下~换方法从ab initio到MP2到DFT到CASS CF都算一下~改个wave fuction加个basic set都算一下~换不同的溶剂都算一下~加个氢键作用1个2个3个无数个都算一下~~~解释实验现象预测实验结果~~~做完应用就去发展方法~设计个新function~建立个新force field~~全部用自己的名字来命名~~~ 等哪天发大S大N拿炸药奖了~就帮拍个传记体电影《让paper飞》和《诺奖伟业》~ 挂在驴前面的胡萝卜描绘好啦~多么诱人多么可爱多么美好多么不切实际多么异想天开多么遥不可及~ 要忍得住寂寞,才能成大业吖。。。说起来容易做起来难~囧。。。午觉睡到现在白日梦还做不停的小民工真是伤不起啊~
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DynamoChina 2011-6-30 07:43
西南财大校长赵德武连续三天为5917名学生授位 来源: 四川新闻网-成都商报 2011年06月28日04:51 毕业典礼现场    毕业典礼·西南财大   西南财大校长赵德武   他的言:   不要总戴着灰色的眼镜去看世界;   世界上的事情都是干出来的;   人是要有点境界的    他的行:   烈日当空   握手、拨穗、赠言、留影   连续三天他为5917名学生授位   他浑身湿透,连领带上都是汗水   “也许在国内再也找不出第二个能为全体毕业同学一一授位的校长了吧?直至今日校长已经连续授位三天了。长久的站立,不停的拨穗,持续的微笑,加之今天难耐的酷热……让我们一起大声地喊:赵校长,谢谢您!”   24日晚,这样一条帖子出现在财大校园网bbs上,很快便被跟帖者顶成热帖。发帖人是该校2011届毕业生王开烨。   从本月22日早上开始,西南财经大学校长赵德武坚持站立在学校体育馆里,握手、拨穗、赠言、留影……这样的动作,三天里,赵德武重复了5917次。校长浑身湿透,就连领带上都是汗水,平实的校长用专注感动了学生,有的同学感动得热泪盈眶。    为5917名学生授学位   汗水浸湿校长的领带   本月22日,西南财经大学的毕业典礼如期举行。全校5917名毕业生在学校体育馆里倾听了校长的毕业致辞。   毕业生王开烨听得尤其入神,校长的演说很平实,没有太多华丽的辞藻,但听起来却让她有些伤感。“经世楼自习室里通宵的苦读、其孜楼里弥漫书香的相遇、军训时八个人争抢的大盘菜……”她现在仍然记得校长的三句寄语,“不要总戴着灰色的眼镜去看世界;世界上的事情都是干出来的;人是要有点境界的。”   上午10点,典礼一结束,一对一的授位典礼开始了。每位同学依次走上台,和校长握手,接受校长的拨穗、赠言,和校长一起合影。一天的时间显然不够,王开烨被排在第三天下午。24日,烈日当空,仅仅几分钟,王开烨背后的学士袍已经有些湿润了。“难以想象,校长就这么连续站了三天”。   而当她面对校长赵德武时,他的脸上汗如雨下,但仍一脸微笑。她注意到,校长浑身湿透,就连领带上都是汗水。在她走下台,另一个同学走上台的间隙,校长用纸巾擦了下脸上的汗,又立刻笑容满满地迎接下一个同学。   握手、拨穗、赠言、留影……这样的动作,三天里,赵德武重复了5917次。在24日的那天下午,有同学们在授位现场高喊:“德武威武,能文能武”,“我爱武哥,我爱西财!”王开烨记得“声音大得在体育馆外也能听到”。    学生感动   征集999个感谢谢校长   自从大学扩招以来,动辄好几千人的大学,也让毕业典礼成为一个庞大的工程。不知从什么时候起,校长拨穗、合影等等毕业仪式已经被简化成了半个小时内完成的领导讲话。   正因为如此,在即将离开母校的那个晚上,王开烨在学校bbs上发了文章开头那篇帖子,征集999个感谢谢校长。帖子很快被同学们顶到首页,得到了不少同学的回应。“SWUFE小猪”说:“真是对体力的极大考验啊,赵校长真是不容易啊,谢谢你啦”。   “真的要非常感谢赵校长,虽然累了很久,但还是如同第一次一样,甚至帮我整理了衣衫,让自己保持一个良好的形象。”……同学们纷纷留言。“唯美旭婕”在典礼上听到校长祝福的话,泪水唰就下来了,“赵校长给大家说了那么多那么多的话……很多年后看视频肯定还会感谢您的!谢谢可爱可敬的校长!”    校长坦言:   “这确实辛苦 但不得不做”   为5917名学生依次举行授位礼,校长赵德武坦言“这确实是件辛苦的事”。为了保证严肃、庄严的气氛,他必须穿正装系领带,还要披上一层校长服,并且面对每个学生微笑、挺胸抬头,大声地和他们说话、交流。   “但再难却不得不做”。在他看来,这是学校文化建设的一个重要时刻,开学典礼、毕业典礼上大学校长的言行对学生的影响有时难以估量。   他至今仍然记得,1979年前北大校长胡适发表在《独立评论》上的《赠与今年毕业的大学生》中提到的那些话,“我们要深信:今日的失败,都由于过去的不努力。我们要深信:今日的努力,必定有将来的大收成。”这些名言依然屡被提起,成为很多人毕业后的精神指南。   为此,在2008年,赵德武第一年担任西南财经大学校长起,这样为每一位同学举行授位仪式的传统就一直延续至今。到今年,他已为16000余名毕业生一一授位。   毕业了两年的西南财经大学毕业生王千玥至今仍然记得两年前校长授学位时的场景,“校长帮我整理了一下学士服,说祝贺你,我怯生生地说了句谢谢校长,声音太小,每件事情我们都要做到最好!大声点,再大声点。”成都商报记者 汪玲    赵德武校长的三句话(节选)   第一句 “不要戴着灰色的眼镜看世界”   ……当我们扔掉灰色的眼镜,客观地认识自我、宽容地对待他人、乐观地看待社会,这种积极的思维力将帮助我们穿透变化中的重重迷雾……人生旅途中,重要的不是你现在所处的位置,而是你迈出下一步的方向。如果你一直迎着阳光走,那么阴影就会被甩在身后。    第二句 “世界上的事情都是干出来的”   今后,我们要实现一个又一个的人生目标,攻克一个又一个的难题。我们要紧盯目标,勇敢前行;也要改变心浮气躁,脚踏实地。我们不仅要用力做事,更要用心做事。    第三句 “人是要有点境界的”   在这个飞速变化的时代,浮躁就像一种流行病,人们在急切思变中追逐着自己的目标,却可能忽略对生命本身意义的追问……人是应该有点境界的,“忧以天下乐以天下”的情怀,“不以物喜不以己悲”的超然,“穷且益坚,不坠青云之志”的品格……这些都是境界。 // (责任编辑:UN021
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[转载]专家称中国人活得太累了 被权力和金钱所诱导
热度 1 thismoment 2011-6-16 17:27
专家称中国人活得太累了 被权力和金钱所诱导 来源: 中国日报网 作者:金盛华 2011年06月16日08:40 我来说两句 ( 5019 ) 复制链接 打印 大 中 小 大 中 小 大 中 小    当今社会,不管男人还是女人,当官的还是老百姓,有钱的还是没钱的,朋友一见面都会抱怨几句, “活得累”几乎成了这个时代的“口头禅”。有人将中国人太累的原因归结为以下几种:太看重位子,总想着票子,倒腾着房子,放不下架子,撕不开面子,眷顾着孩子。人们的“累”真是由这些原因造成的吗?累的背后还有怎样的社会根源、文化根源?   如果我们被权威主义和简单功利主义所诱导,即便我们达成了我们渴望的成就,一次性的满足之后依然是失落。   你过得开心吗?是否常遇到特别堵心的事?你遇到过被欺骗、被冒犯、被欺负的情况吗?总的来说,你对自己的生活状况满意吗?你总体的幸福感又如何?当你认真地回答这些问题时,你已经可以大体上评价你的生活质量,并知道自己是不是跟很多人一样,活得很累。    中国人活得究竟有多累   中国人活得尤其累,不只是传说或人们日常的感受,更是不争的事实。根据幸福研究的权威专家、美国密歇根大学社会学教授英格尔哈特最新发布的研究结果,在52个国家进行的持续性调查(平均为17年)中,幸福指数在40个国家中有所增长,只在12个国家中出现了下降。总体平均,认为自己“很幸福”的人增加了近7个百分点,但是,中国 台湾 和大陆却占据了在此期间幸福感百分数下降最为严重的两个位置,期间中国人的生活满意度也排在负增长的倒数第6位。   《人民论坛》2010年12月(上)发布的对6235人的调查结果表明,自认为属于弱势群体的网友为73.5%,党政干部、知识分子和白领员工自认为弱势的比例也高达45.1%、55.4%和57.8%。笔者2010年12月29日对相关网站调查截取的即时结果为,在2648名参与调查的网友中,90%的选择了认为自己是弱势群体,其中弱势感很强烈和比较强烈的占到84%。   为什么中国人活这么累?为什么世界多数国家幸福指数增长,而中国反而反向降低且程度进入最底的行列?英格尔哈特教授试图用发展和自由与幸福的联系来分析幸福的强度和变化趋势,但显然难以解释,为什么中国人在社会经济和物质生活财富积累大踏步进步,个人选择空间明显扩大而制约相对减少的情况下,幸福感却反而明显下降了。    活得累的社会根源   人要想活得从容,需要两个条件,一个是活出自己的价值,一个是能够获得安全感。能够很好地解决这两个问题的,才会成为真正的“幸福者”。遗憾的是,在中国现实的社会与文化条件下,要想很好地实现自我价值,其实非常困难,这就正好解释了为什么只有很小比例的人有机会成为“幸福者”。   中国人实现自我价值和获得安全感的困难到底在哪里呢?   人能否感觉到自我价值决定于两方面要素,第一方面的要素是核心和关键,即一个社会作为外部环境怎样判定一个人的价值,这种判定倾向发挥着引导人们怎样评判自我价值的作用。长期的封建传统和独特的中国文明史,使中国社会养成了深厚的权威主义价值倾向。也就是说,现实社会倾向于用种种直接或间接、外显或潜隐的方式,从一个人所占据的地位和拥有的资源来判定其价值,而缺乏一般性的文明、平等、尊重、平权和尊严的概念。近年来,虽然中央政府在政治、经济、文化等方面制定了一系列政策,采取了一系列措施,为弱势群体提供了有力的制度性支持。但是与强势群体相比,弱势群体的利益诉求还不能得到诸多保障。由于这种价值取向的存在,人们从自我意识诞生起,就存在着强烈的需要自我被承认的焦虑感,这种焦虑感驱使人们不断寻找和建立一个又一个可以显示自我价值的标志,特别是具有社会公认价值的金钱和官衔,并不断进行各种社会比较,以期建立自己的相对优势,得到社会环境的价值承认。   这种从社会权威主义环境价值取向衍生出来的价值追求倾向,又派生出来了简单功利导向的金钱至上主义价值观,即一切都必须还原到金钱,金钱成为了通用价值尺度,一切价值和荣誉,都必须由金钱的强度来衡量。为此,金钱成为了压倒一切的追求。本来,追求金钱是人的本性的一部分,但金钱主义使人的这一本性掩盖了本来与之平行的另外一种“人之初,性本善”的本性。从中国社会市场经济实施以来频发的环境污染、广泛的食品毒化事件和医疗系统之种种超出想象力的怪象看,很容易发现,一个社会本该自然存在的人与人之间作为同类的善意,已经广泛而深刻地被金钱追求所击垮。其他同类,褪变成了赚钱的工具。“己所不欲,勿施于人”的祖训,早已被对金钱的欲望所淹没。   一个社会消除权威主义的最好良方,是取消特权和制约权力,让社会尊重的不再是权力和位置,而是人人都有可能通过自身努力达成的成就和事业。社会在实际运作之中呈现出多重的使人们自我价值得以实现的价值导向,权威主义才能逐步弱化和退出影响的主导地位。   安全感是一种不用自我警惕和随时准备实施自我保护的放松状态。当你过马路时汽车给你让道,司机还示意请你先行的时候,你体会的是安全感。而司机看到你要过马路拼命鸣笛和加速,你体会的则是不安全感。平时低头不见抬头见的邻里随时可以委托责任,你体会的是安全感,而你的随身提包或电脑一离开视野就可能被盗,你则体会不安全感。每个人都可以从不安全感的提醒中体会到压力和担忧,你的生活伴有长期的和广泛的不安全感时,会随时处于一种防卫状态,心力也不断耗费,活得很累,是这种状态的自然结果。    活得累的文化根源   活得比较累,与其说是外在生活压力过大所致,毋宁说是我们中国人的生活习惯追求使然。再追求,再累,也要更上一层楼。正所谓“没有最好,只有更好”。看来,中国人具有一种不完全自觉地置身于现实生活压力当中的习惯。也就是说,中国人的生命旅程似乎注定要面对永远也翻越不完的崇山峻岭,永远也克服不完的艰难险阻。所以,我们中国人感到活得比较累,不是一时的“累”,而是日积月累的“累”,是一种难以为继的“累”,是一种习惯性的“累”……   如果我们被权威主义和简单功利主义所诱导,总试图用达成某种经济和地位的方式来确立自己的价值和建立自己的幸福,甚至为此不择手段。那么我们会发现,即便我们达成了我们渴望的成就,一次性的满足之后依然是失落,我们依然无法建立自己所渴求的稳定自信。不顾一切成功实现升官发财的人会猛然发现,升官发财远不是人生的全部,只是让我们变换了参照环境,自我的命运,仍然在前途的不确定中风雨飘摇。    重要的一点,中国人无信仰,欲望无止境,内心浮躁,没有基本共同的价值观念。心中无信仰,精神无依托,内心常常充满困惑,不敢肯定自己,为人言所累,大多数人都蹑手蹑脚,战战兢兢,每走一步,说一句话,都要担心别人对自己的评价。或者做的不说,说的不做,努力假装自己很正统,很高尚,常常被迫去做自己不愿意作的事,为面子、为名声,往往也不为自己,更不为他人。   人生的结果是由历史、文化、环境、社会和自我多方面因素造就的,不以人的意志为转移。无论我们想得到什么,也无论我们的欲望有多强烈,我们最终得到的,不是我们想得到的,而是我们应该得到的。个人对自己命运能够做的,是建构让自己的愿望成为现实的被社会公理支持的逻辑,增加让愿望成为事实的理由。 ( 注:本文为《人民论坛》杂志原创文章 作者为 北京 师范大学心理学院教授) //
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[转载]Examples for C MEX-Files
Amedee 2011-6-10 19:50
Passing a Scalar Let’s look at a simple example of C code and its MEX-file equivalent. Here is a C computational function that takes a scalar and doubles it. #include math.h void timestwo(double y ) { y = 2.0*x ; return; } Below is the same function written in the MEX-file format. /* * ============================================================= * timestwo.c - example found in API guide * * Computational function that takes a scalar and doubles it. * * This is a MEX-file for MATLAB. * Copyright (c) 1984-2000 The MathWorks, Inc. * ============================================================= */ /* $Revision: 1.8 $ */ #include "mex.h" void timestwo(double y ) { y = 2.0*x ; } void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs ) { double *x, *y; int mrows, ncols; /* Check for proper number of arguments. */ if (nrhs != 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("One input required."); } else if (nlhs 1) { mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments"); } /* The input must be a noncomplex scalar double.*/ mrows = mxGetM(prhs ); ncols = mxGetN(prhs ); if (!mxIsDouble(prhs ) || mxIsComplex(prhs ) || !(mrows == 1 ncols == 1)) { mexErrMsgTxt("Input must be a noncomplex scalar double."); } /* Create matrix for the return argument. */ plhs = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(mrows,ncols, mxREAL); /* Assign pointers to each input and output. */ x = mxGetPr(prhs ); y = mxGetPr(plhs ); /* Call the timestwo subroutine. */ timestwo(y,x); } In C, function argument checking is done at compile time. In MATLAB, you can pass any number or type of arguments to your M-function, which is responsible for argument checking. This is also true for MEX-files. Your program must safely handle any number of input or output arguments of any supported type. To compile and link this example source file at the MATLAB prompt, type mex timestwo.c This carries out the necessary steps to create the MEX-file called timestwo with an extension corresponding to the platform on which you’re running. You can now call timestwo as if it were an M-function. x = 2; y = timestwo(x) y = 4 You can create and compile MEX-files in MATLAB or at your operating system’s prompt. MATLAB uses mex.m, an M-file version of the mex script, and your operating system uses mex.bat on Windows and mex.sh on UNIX. In either case, typing mex filename at the prompt produces a compiled version of your MEX-file. In the above example, scalars are viewed as 1-by-1 matrices. Alternatively, you can use a special API function called mxGetScalar that returns the values of scalars instead of pointers to copies of scalar variables. This is the alternative code (error checking has been omitted for brevity). /* * ============================================================= * timestwoalt.c - example found in API guide * * Use mxGetScalar to return the values of scalars instead of * pointers to copies of scalar variables. * * This is a MEX-file for MATLAB. * Copyright (c) 1984-2000 The MathWorks, Inc. * ============================================================= */ /* $Revision: 1.5 $ */ #include "mex.h" void timestwo_alt(double *y, double x) { *y = 2.0*x; } void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs ) { double *y; double x; /* Create a 1-by-1 matrix for the return argument. */ plhs = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1, mxREAL); /* Get the scalar value of the input x. */ /* Note: mxGetScalar returns a value, not a pointer. */ x = mxGetScalar(prhs ); /* Assign a pointer to the output. */ y = mxGetPr(plhs ); /* Call the timestwo_alt subroutine. */ timestwo_alt(y,x); } This example passes the input scalar x by value into the timestwo_alt subroutine, but passes the output scalar y by reference. Exsample2:PassingStrings AnyMATLABdatatypecanbepassedtoandfromMEX-files.Forexample, thisCcodeacceptsastringandreturnsthecharactersinreverseorder. /* *============================================================= *revord.c *Exampleforillustratinghowtocopythestringdatafrom *MATLABtoaC-stylestringandbackagain. * *Takesastringandreturnsastringinreverseorder. * *ThisisaMEX-fileforMATLAB. *Copyright(c)1984-2000TheMathWorks,Inc. *============================================================ */ /*$Revision:1.10$*/ #include"mex.h" voidrevord(char*input_buf,intbuflen,char*output_buf) { inti; /*Reversetheorderoftheinputstring.*/ for(i=0;ibuflen-1;i++) *(output_buf+i)=*(input_buf+buflen-i-2); } Inthisexample,theAPIfunctionmxCallocreplacescalloc,thestandardC functionfordynamicmemoryallocation.mxCallocallocatesdynamicmemory usingtheMATLABmemorymanagerandinitializesittozero.Youmustuse mxCallocinanysituationwhereCwouldrequiretheuseofcalloc.Thesame istrueformxMallocandmxRealloc;usemxMallocinanysituationwhereC wouldrequiretheuseofmallocandusemxReallocwhereCwouldrequire realloc. NoteMATLABautomaticallyfreesupmemoryallocatedwiththemx allocationroutines(mxCalloc,mxMalloc,mxRealloc)uponexitingyour MEX-file.Ifyoudon’twantthistohappen,usetheAPIfunction mexMakeMemoryPersistent. BelowisthegatewayroutinethatcallstheCcomputationalroutinerevord. voidmexFunction(intnlhs,mxArray*plhs ) { char*input_buf,*output_buf; intbuflen,status; /*Checkforpropernumberofarguments.*/ if(nrhs!=1) mexErrMsgTxt("Oneinputrequired."); elseif(nlhs1) mexErrMsgTxt("Toomanyoutputarguments."); /*Inputmustbeastring.*/ if(mxIsChar(prhs )!=1) mexErrMsgTxt("Inputmustbeastring."); /*Inputmustbearowvector.*/ if(mxGetM(prhs )!=1) mexErrMsgTxt("Inputmustbearowvector."); /*Getthelengthoftheinputstring.*/ buflen=(mxGetM(prhs )*mxGetN(prhs ))+1; /*Allocatememoryforinputandoutputstrings.*/ input_buf=mxCalloc(buflen,sizeof(char)); output_buf=mxCalloc(buflen,sizeof(char)); /*Copythestringdatafromprhs intoaCstring *input_buf.*/ status=mxGetString(prhs ,input_buf,buflen); if(status!=0) mexWarnMsgTxt("Notenoughspace.Stringistruncated."); /*CalltheCsubroutine.*/ revord(input_buf,buflen,output_buf); /*SetC-stylestringoutput_buftoMATLABmexFunctionoutput*/ plhs =mxCreateString(output_buf); return; } Thegatewayroutineallocatesmemoryfortheinputandoutputstrings.Since theseareCstrings,theyneedtobeonegreaterthanthenumberofelements intheMATLABstring.NexttheMATLABstringiscopiedtotheinputstring. Boththeinputandoutputstringsarepassedtothecomputationalsubroutine (revord),whichloadstheoutputinreverseorder.Notethattheoutputbuffer isavalidnull-terminatedCstringbecausemxCallocinitializesthememoryto 0.TheAPIfunctionmxCreateStringthencreatesaMATLABstringfromthe Cstring,output_buf.Finally,plhs ,theleft-handsidereturnargumentto MATLAB,issettotheMATLABarrayyoujustcreated. ByisolatingvariablesoftypemxArrayfromthecomputationalsubroutine,you canavoidhavingtomakesignificantchangestoyouroriginalCcode. Inthisexample,typing x='helloworld'; y=revord(x) produces Thestringtoconvertis'helloworld'. y= dlrowolleh
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