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twhlw 2012-9-24 12:59
2012年09月24日07:37 来源: 人民网-人民日报海外版 作者:盈思   22日,日本首相野田佳彦在民主党党首竞选中宣称将继续强调日本主张,以强硬姿态来解决领土问题。此前一天,日本政府派遣多名警察登上钓鱼岛。看来,野田又要拿钓鱼岛说事,为未来的众议院选举造势了。日方在“购岛”问题上执迷不悟,在错误道路上越走越远。显然,当前形势已不适合举行纪念中日邦交正常化40周年招待会,中国推迟举行招待会是必然之举。   加上此前的“无奈购岛”,将“购岛”作为政绩宣传,以及承认对后果估计不足,野田反反复复,已将“购岛”闹剧演至第四幕。但这场把自己私心暴露无遗,更把一盘本来是“双活”的棋下成形同鸡肋、得不偿失的“打劫”的演出,只能用“拙劣”二字形容,必将以惨败收场。   大国之道,守静处下。中日两国一衣带水,中国政府重视发展中日关系,希望中日双方能够互利共赢。在钓鱼岛问题上,中国一直顾全大局,恪守两国老一辈领导人达成的重要谅解和共识,也正因此中日关系才有了40年巨大发展,中日人民才得到了切实的实惠,东亚地区才有了40年稳定与安宁。   日本政府非法“购岛”行径已经大幅跨越了中方底线。无论野田政府如何狡辩,作为一种国家行为,日本政府“购岛”都是比东京都“购岛”更大程度强化国家控制、改变钓鱼岛现状的行为。中国连石原“购岛”都坚决反对,让中国接受日本政府“购岛”更是痴人说梦。而且,如果未来接手政权的是石破茂之类口口声声要将自卫队改编为“国防军”的右翼政客,其后果更不堪设想,更何况在当前日本政坛右翼横行大环境下,这种可能性还相当大。    大国之怒,万钧雷霆。不是不报,时候未到。 发表外交部声明、公布领海基线、实施维权巡航、提交东海部分海域大陆架划界案,中国政府打出了一套淋漓畅快的组合拳,这是早已告别积贫积弱、任人欺凌年代的中国,为捍卫自己主权和领土完整的必然反应。同时,不施霹雳手段难显慈悲心肠,促使“邻居”认识和修正错误,确保东亚地区稳定与安宁,维护反法西斯战争胜利成果和战后国际秩序,也是中国作为东亚大国应尽的国际责任。   日本非法“购岛”侵犯中国主权的行为,已激起中国人民的强烈愤慨。日系产品特别是汽车在华销售全面下挫,大量游客取消赴日旅游安排。在全球化浪潮席卷世界,竞争和选择多样化的今天,腰包渐鼓的中国企业和民众有理由根据自己的好恶去改变投资和消费取向,出现这种反应非常正常。这对长期低迷,对中国日益倚重的日本经济来说,无异于当头棒喝。   一贯在商言商、不问政事、习惯于政冷经热的日本经济界,最先感受到政冷经也冷的丝丝寒意,坐不住了,急急忙忙要派团访华,希望为修复日中关系牵线搭桥。   日本人民也要及早警醒,不要再被把自身利益置于国家民族利益之上的少数政客所蛊惑和挟持,让日本四面树敌,在重蹈覆辙的错误道路上越走越远。    野田政府更要认清现实,要明白中华民族铮铮铁骨,在主权问题上不会有丝毫退让,谁侵犯中国的国家主权和领土完整只会碰得头破血流。 尽快回到双方迄今达成的谅解和共识上来,以实际行动消除恶劣影响,是解决问题的唯一出路,否则只会害人害己。
1447 次阅读|0 个评论
lmrbc 2012-9-23 22:12
写医学论文和发表医学论文不是科研的一部分,甚至连科研活动都算不上,只能算与科研有关的必不可少的商业活动。 不知道现在还有多少农民,我知道农业活动包括耕、种、管、收,而记录一季或者一年种了多少收了多少的事情不算农业的活动,把这个报表交到有关部门的过程也不是农业活动的过程。 工人现在也很少了,大多数的工人都是农民变的,他们干活,在生产线上或者工地,一般不需要写个什么报告,非要写的话,没人说这是生产过程,而只是一个商业过程,为了某种利益。 当老师的这里很多,写教案,课堂上课,课下改作业,辅导学生,都是教书育人的过程,但不会有人把老师的学期总结和年终总结当成教学的一部分,那些是获取报酬或者奖金必要的商业过程或者行政事务,与教学过程扯不上边。 士兵和军官们戌边守疆,训练、巡逻、演习、出征是他们的责任和义务,写个什么事迹报告不是战斗过程,也不是军事过程,而是行政的或者荣誉的需要。 一旦把农民写了几分报告,并是否递交到党中央或者是否在人民日报上发表当成评价一个农民好坏的依据,害虫笑了,出版商笑了,大家哭了。 科研课题设计并没有什么特殊,也是做点自己感兴趣的事情而已,通过劳动,做点事情,要求有点产出,要么贡献知识,要么贡献技术,比农民种地需要学会的事情还少,写报告更简单。 不做事情写不了报告,没做出深度思考的事情写不了好报告,如此而已。 研究生需要通过写报告来练习思维,整理自己对科研课题设计的认识,在写报告的过程中提高自己的认识和深化对问题的看法,无论做了一点什么,好坏无所谓,练就看问题的能力并通过写报告的过程提高发现问题的能力,这只是一个必要的过程,就像农民总结自己的收成得失,为来年做点准备。 一个教授整天拿写了几篇报告交到了什么领导手里说事儿,政策也规定只看做了几次报告,而不看做了一点什么,或者做出什么,就像要求一个农民必须交报告,却可以种不出粮食,或者占着大片土地却极少收成却受到政策表彰一样。有人笑,有人哭。 一个国家上上下下整天议论这点事儿,还真拿这点事儿当回事儿,就像一个家里整天吵架昨天谁记了昨天买油盐酱醋的帐功劳就该归谁,而不看谁挣的钱或者去买了拎回来,拎不清的荒唐! 一个人拎不清,那是糊涂、受穷;一家子拎不清,那是吵架,离婚;一个国家拎不清,挨打、灭亡。 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
2062 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Brodmann's area and function
julyfairy 2012-9-3 14:00
来自心心水滴论坛--sea 发表 Brodmann's area 1 Sensory cortical area in the crest of the postcentral gyrus; this area is a component of the primary somatosensory cortex. Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus) Function: processes somatic sensory sensations See Also: Central sulcus Parietal lobe Paracentral lobule Primary somatic sensory cortex Brodmann's area 2 Brodmann's area 3 Brodmann's area 2 Sensory cortical area in the crest and posterior bank of the postcentral gyrus; this area is a component of the primary somatosensory cortex. Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus) Function: processes somatic sensory sensations See Also: Central sulcus Parietal lobe Paracentral lobule Primary somatic sensory cortex Brodmann's area 3 Brodmann's area 1 Brodmann's area 3 Sensory cortical area in the posterior bank of the central sulcus (postcentral gyrus); this area is a principal component of the primary somatosensory cortex. Area 3 is further subdivided into area 3a, which receives proprioceptive signals that originate in deep receptors, and area 3b, which receives discriminitive mechanosensory signals that arise from cutaneous receptors. Location: anterior parietal lobe (postcentral gyrus) Function: processes somatic sensory sensations See Also: Central sulcus Parietal lobe Paracentral lobule Primary somatic sensory cortex Brodmann's area 2 Brodmann's area 1 Brodmann's area 4 Motor cortical area in the anterior bank of the central sulcus (precentral gyrus); this area corresponds to the primary motor cortex, which governs the execution of volitional movement. Location: posterior frontal lobe (precentral gyrus) Function: involved in motor execution See Also: Precentral gyrus Primary motor cortex Central sulcus Thalamus, ventral lateral nucleus Premotor cortex Brodmann's area 5 Associational cortical area in the superior parietal lobe, just posterior to the somatosensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus; this area is involved in maintaining a spatial reference system for goal oriented behavior. Location: superior parietal lobe Function: involved in spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions See Also: Parietal lobe Somatic sensory cortex Postcentral gyrus Brodmann's area 7 Superior parietal lobule Brodmann's area 6 Motor cortical area in the posterior frontal lobe just anterior to the primary motor cortex; this area contains the lateral and medial divisions of the premotor cortex that participate in the planning and execution of volitional movement. Location: posterior frontal lobe Function: involved in motor planning and execution See Also: Frontal lobe Premotor cortex Primary motor cortex Brodmann's area 7 Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the superior parietal lobe; this area is involved in maintaining a spatial reference system for goal oriented behavior. Location: superior parietal lobe Function: involved in spatial orientation, among other parietal associational functions See Also: Parietal lobe Somatic sensory cortex Postcentral gyrus Brodmann's area 5 Superior parietal lobule Brodmann's area 8 Motor cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area contains the frontal eye fields, which participate (together with the superior colliculus) in the control of saccadic eye movements. Location: frontal lobe Function: involved in governance of eye movements (contains "frontal eye fields") See Also: Frontal lobe Superior colliculus Brodmann's area 9 Associational cortical area in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: frontal lobe Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Brodmann's area 10 Associational cortical area in the anterior-polar prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: frontal pole Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Brodmann's area 11 Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: ventral frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Orbitofrontal cortex Brodmann's area 12 Associational cortical area in the orbital-medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Orbitofrontal cortex Brodmann's area 13 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann's area 14 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann's area 15 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann's area 16 Associational cortical area in the insula. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: insula Function: associational cortex See Also: Insula Brodmann's area 17 Sensory cortical area in the banks of the calcarine sulcus (lingual and cuneus gyral formations of the medial occipital lobe); this area corresponds to the primary visual cortex (also known as "striate cortex"). Location: medial occipital lobe Function: processes visual information See Also: Occipital lobe Calcarine sulcus Primary visual cortex Cuneus Lingual gyrus Brodmann's area 18 Sensory cortical area in the medial and lateral aspect of the occipital lobe; this area is part of the extrastriate visual cortex that surrounds the primary visual cortex (area 17 is also known as "striate cortex"). Location: occipital lobe Function: processes visual information See Also: Occipital lobe Primary visual cortex Brodmann's area 19 Sensory cortical area in the medial and lateral aspect of the occipital lobe; this area is part of the extrastriate visual cortex that surrounds the primary visual cortex (area 17 is also known as "striate cortex"). Location: occipital lobe Function: processes visual information See Also: Occipital lobe Primary visual cortex Brodmann's area 20 Associational cortical area in the inferior temporal gyrus; this area participates in the analysis of visual form and the representation of objects. Location: ventral temporal lobe (inferior temporal gyrus) Function: processes visual information See Also: Temporal lobe Inferior temporal gyrus Brodmann's area 21 Associational cortical area in the middle temporal gyrus; this area participates in the analysis of visual signals related to object form and motion. Location: lateral temporal lobe (middle temporal gyrus) Function: involved in processing visual information, among other temporal associational functions See Also: Temporal lobe Middle temporal gyrus Brodmann's area 22 Associational cortical area in the lateral aspect of the superior temporal gyrus; this area participates in the analysis of auditory signals and the reception of language (this area is a major component of Wernicke's area). Location: lateral temporal lobe (superior temporal gyrus) Function: involved in auditory processing and language reception See Also: Temporal lobe Superior temporal gyrus Wernicke's area Brodmann's area 23 Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus) Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Brodmann's area 24 Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system that is involved in emotional processing, the control of facial expressions and the affective dimensions of pain. Location: medial frontal lobe (anterior cingulate gyrus) Function: involved in emotional and cognitive processing See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Brodmann's area 25 Associational cortical area in the medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that governs personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Subcallosal area Brodmann's area 26 Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus) Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Temporal lobe Brodmann's area 27 Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe; this area corresponds to Ammon's horn division of the hippocampal formation, which is subdivided into (cornu ammonis) fields, CA1-CA4. Together with the other parts of the hippocampal formation in the medial temporal lobe, the hippocampus proper is involved in short-term declarative memory processes. This area is not visible in medial and lateral views of the hemisphere. Location: medial temporal lobe: hippocampal formation Function: hippocampal formation: short-term declarative memory See Also: Temporal lobe Hippocampal formation Hippocampus CA1 CA3 Brodmann's area 28 Associational and sensory cortical area in the anterior-medial temporal lobe. This area is part of the olfactory cortex; it also is a component of the entorhinal division of the hippocampal formation. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: involved in olfaction and hippocampal processing See Also: Temporal lobe Entorhinal cortex Primary olfactory cortex Brodmann's area 29 Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe (posterior cingulate gyrus) Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Temporal lobe Parietal lobe Brodmann's area 30 Associational cortical area in the transitional region between the posterior cingulate gyrus and the medial temporal lobe; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Temporal lobe Brodmann's area 31 Associational cortical area in the posterior part of the cingulate gyrus and the posterior banks of the cingulate sulcus; the cingulate part of this area is a cortical component of the limbic system. Location: medial parietal lobe Function: participates in limbic and parietal associational integration See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Brodmann's area 32 Associational cortical area in the medial prefrontal region of the frontal lobe; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that governs personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: involved in emotional and cognitive processing See Also: Frontal lobe Prefrontal cortex Brodmann's area 33 Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the cingulate gyrus just dorsal to the corpus callosum; this area is a cortical component of the limbic system that is involved in emotional processing and the affective dimensions of pain, among other functions. Location: medial frontal lobe (orbitofrontal cortex) Function: involved in emotional and cognitive processing See Also: Cingulate gyrus Limbic system Corpus callosum Brodmann's area 34 Associational and sensory cortical area in the anterior-medial temporal lobe; this area is a principal division of the olfactory cortex; it also is a component of the entorhinal division of the hippocampal formation. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: involved in olfaction and hippocampal processing See Also: Temporal lobe Entorhinal cortex Primary olfactory cortex Brodmann's area 35 Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe near the position of the rhinal sulcus; this area (also known as the perirhinal cortex) is a component of the hippocampal formation. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: participates in hippocampal associational functions See Also: Temporal lobe Rhinal sulcus Hippocampal formation Parahippocampal gyrus Brodmann's area 36 Associational cortical area in the medial temporal lobe; this area lies at the interface of visual processing systems in the inferior temporal lobe and semantic memory systems in the medial temporal lobe. Location: medial temporal lobe Function: involved in visual and hippocampal associational functions See Also: Temporal lobe Hippocampal formation Brodmann's area 37 Associational cortical area in the temporal lobe that extends from the medial to lateral sides of this lobe; this area participates in the analysis of visual form, motion, and the representation of objects. Location: posterior temporal lobe Function: involved in visual recognition See Also: Temporal lobe Brodmann's area 38 Associational cortical area in the anterior pole of the temporal lobe; this temporal area is related to networks in the amygdala and orbital prefrontal cortex that govern personal and social behavior, emotion, and decision making. Location: temporal pole Function: participates in limbic associational integration See Also: Temporal lobe Temporal pole Amygdala Orbitofrontal cortex Brodmann's area 39 Associational cortical area in the angular gyrus at the interface between the posterior parietal and occipital lobes. Location: lateral junction of temporal, parietal and occipital lobes Function: involved in processing language, spatial orientation and semantic representation See Also: Angular gyrus Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Inferior parietal lobule Brodmann's area 40 Associational cortical area in the inferior parietal lobe, including the supramarginal gyrus. Location: inferior parietal lobe Function: involved in spatial orientation and semantic representation See Also: Parietal lobe Supramarginal gyrus Inferior parietal lobule Brodmann's area 41 Sensory cortical area in the superior aspect of the temporal lobe (located in a series of transverse gyri, called Heschl's gyri, that form the inferior bank of the lateral fissure); this area corresponds to the primary auditory cortex. Location: superior temporal lobe Function: processes auditory information See Also: Temporal lobe Superior temporal gyrus Primary auditory cortex Lateral fissure Brodmann's area 42 Sensory cortical area in the superior aspect of the temporal lobe and the dorsal-lateral margin of the superior temporal gyrus; this area is part of a "belt" of higher-order auditory areas that surround the primary auditory cortex (area 41). Location: superior temporal lobe Function: processes auditory information See Also: Temporal lobe Superior temporal gyrus Primary auditory cortex Lateral fissure Brodmann's area 43 Sensorimotor cortical area in the inferior margin of the postcentral and precentral gyri where the frontal-parietal operculum merges with the insula just below the inferior termination of the central sulcus; this area may participate in the sensorimotor representation of the mouth and taste reception. Location: junction of insula, frontal and parietal lobes Function: involved in sensorimotor representation and taste processing See Also: Postcentral gyrus Precentral gyrus Insula Central sulcus Brodmann's area 44 Motor cortical area in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus; this division of the lateral premotor cortex is involved in the production of language, especially in the left hemisphere (also known as Broca's area). Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus) Function: involved in language production See Also: Inferior frontal gyrus Brodmann's area 45 Broca's area Premotor cortex Inferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularis Inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis Brodmann's area 45 Associational cortical area in the anterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus; the posterior part of this area may contribute (with area 44) to the production of language (Broca's area), while other circuits in this area participate in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus) Function: involved in language production and participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Inferior frontal gyrus Brodmann's area 44 Broca's area Premotor cortex Inferior frontal gyrus, pars orbitalis Brodmann's area 46 Associational cortical area in the middle frontal gyrus and anterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: lateral frontal lobe (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Inferior frontal gyrus Middle frontal gyrus Prefrontal cortex Brodmann's area 47 Associational cortical area in the anterior-ventral part of the inferior frontal gyrus; this area participates in prefrontal cortical networks that govern executive functions. Location: inferior frontal lobe (inferior frontal gyrus) Function: participates in prefrontal associational integration See Also: Frontal lobe Inferior frontal gyrus Prefrontal cortex
3826 次阅读|0 个评论
chengdong166 2012-9-2 22:20
var EventUtil = { /** * br给元素对象注册事件处理程序br * @param ele 要绑定的元素对象 * @param type 事件名称,例如click、load等 * @param handler 事件处理程序函数 */ registerEvent : function(ele, type, handler){ // 支持IE9、Firefox、Safari、Chrome、Opera if (ele.addEventListener) { ele.addEventListener(type, handler, false); } // 支持IE浏览器 else if(ele.attachEvent) { ele.attachEvent(on + type, handler); } // 通过属性名的方式为元素指定事件处理程序 else { ele = handler; } }, //删除事件处理程序 removeEvent : function() { if (ele.removeEventListener) { ele.removeEventListener(type, handler, false); } else if(ele.detachEvent) { ele.detachEvent(on + type, handler); } else { ele = null; } }, // 获取(DOM/IE中的)事件对象 getEvent : function(event) { return event ? event : window.event; }, // 返回事件的目标 getTarget : function(event) { return event.target || event.srcElement; }, // 取消事件冒泡 stopPropagation : function(event) { if (event.stopPropagation) { event.stopPropagation(); } else { event.cancelBubble = true; } }, // 获取当前事件发生的对象 preventDefault : function(event) { if (event.preventDefault) { event.preventDefault(); } else { event.returnValue = false; } } } EvenUtil.js
个人分类: JS学习|2326 次阅读|0 个评论
itellin 2012-8-20 06:35
求素数表中 1~100 之间的所有素数 prime - function(m) { p - rep(T, m) for (i in 2:sqrt(m)) { if (p ) { p - F } } which(p) } prime(100) 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97
2032 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 welemengxiang 2012-8-11 13:31
各位同仁,帮忙做个问卷行吗? 【问卷简介】词语联想类型(联想几个词语) 【不胜感激】本人系心理学专业的研究生,仅需要花费您2--3分钟,但对我来说却十分重要! 【问卷地址】问卷星 http://www.sojump.com/jq/1783921.aspx 有事请联系我的邮箱:suhong@inbox.com (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
3142 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 等离子体科学 2012-7-12 03:09
在UCSD参加中美聚变合作研讨会(US-PRC Fusion Cooperation Workshop),主要讨论托卡马克物理。 中午休息,到科学网看看,正好看到 蒋老师提到 狄利克雷函数 。 这个 D irichlet Function (比如F(x)=1,如果x是有理数;F(x)=0,如果x是无理数),看着好像很数学——一个数学家杜撰出来做反例难为大家的。 想不到这位德国数学家去世一百年后,前苏联的科学家们真的建造了一种具有狄利克雷函数性质的叫做托卡马克的装置。这种圆环形状(见下图)的装置中的磁力线的几何特性可以用绕大环转过的角度和绕小环转过的角度之比q来表示。这个比值q显然是小环截面半径的函数:q=q(r),而且是随r连续变化的的。 (图片来自Wiki网站) 在q是有理数的圆环面(r=r_0)上,可以写q=m/n,m和n都是整数。显然m是磁力线绕大环转过的圈数,n是绕小环转过的圈数。q=m/n表示磁力线在绕大环转过m圈,绕小环转过n圈之后首尾相接。 在q是无理数的圆环面上,磁力线显然无法首尾相接,只能转了又转,“各态历经”——铺满整个圆环面。 所以在有理面上,磁力线占据面积的测度是零。而无理面上磁力线占据整个圆环面。如果定义r处: 圆环面的面积 - 磁力线占据面积 圆环面的面积 为F(r)。则这个函数就是D irichlet Function! 这是函数的几何意义。 物理意义是什么呢? 在有理面上,因为磁力线是闭合的,扰动可以传回来并得到加强,所以可能产生不稳定性;而无理面则一定是稳定的: F=1——可能产生不稳定性; F=0——稳定的! 一个数学家杜撰出来的函数,百年后获得了几何与物理的生命! 又: 蒋老师的故事里,那位学生说这个函数没有图形对应。 但是上文里引的website有这个函数(的另一种表示)的“图形”:
个人分类: 学海无涯|12429 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]我国加大力度综合治理 出生人口性别比偏高问题
热度 1 xuxiaxx 2012-7-9 20:59
国务院日前发布关于落实《政府工作报告》重点工作部门分工的意见。意见要求,继续稳定低生育水平,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题,提高出生人口质量。   意见强调,要全面做好人口和计划生育工作。继续稳定低生育水平,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题,提高出生人口质量。   加快实现计划生育优质服务全覆盖,将免费孕前优生健康检查试点范围扩大到60%的县(市、区)。提高农村部分计划生育家庭奖励扶助、特殊扶助标准。   加强流动人口计划生育服务管理。做好妇女儿童工作,扩大农村妇女宫颈癌、乳腺癌免费检查覆盖面,提高妇女儿童发展和权益保障水平。   意见指出,此项工作由人口计生委、卫生部、发展改革委、财政部、公安部、国务院妇儿工委、民政部等部门负责。 来源:中国政府网
1467 次阅读|1 个评论
[求教] Quadratic radical function 胜过 Fisher 大师后的困惑
热度 6 zlyang 2012-7-3 15:48
[求教] Quadratic radical function 胜过 Fisher 大师后的困惑
Quadratic radical function 胜过Fisher Z Transformation 后的困惑 中国人的新发现! 超过了Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher,这可能是近97年来最好的数理统计学逼近结果之一。 1912年的 Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher, 22岁 我们提出了一个 quadratic radical function,比目前国内外教材普遍使用的 Fisher Z Transformation (Fisher z-transform,Fisher z transformation,Fisher's z' transformation,Fisher's Z Transformation) 逼近标准正态分布累积分布函数的误差小了29%。投稿给我们学校的 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 后,收到的一个英文评审意见 Comments 如下: (1) The proposed quadratic radial function is rather elementary and may provide limited if any useful information in applications . Some pratical application of the proposed function should be provided. 但是我不懂 may provide limited if any useful information in applications 是神马意思。请大家给解释一下吧。很希望该文能够发表。 我们的 quadratic radical function,可是比大名鼎鼎的数理统计学老祖宗 Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (17 February 1890 – 29 July 1962) 在1915年提出的 Fisher Z Transformation 还好。 丑土豆 也可能超过 洋帅哥 , 土老帽 也可能胜过 洋大师 ! Si r Ronald Aylmer Fisher , 帅帅的洋大师。 http://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/portraitLarge/mw98424/Sir-Ronald-Aylmer-Fisher 请您指出以上各种错误!谢谢您的指教! Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher 在 T he MacTutor History of Mathematics archive http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/Biographies/Fisher.html 2012-06-11《温家宝在两院院士大会上的讲话(全文)》 http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2012-07/02/c_112335725.htm 基础科学是科学技术应用的先导和源泉。今天的基础科学就是明天科学技术的应用。 http://news.xinhuanet.com/politics/2012-07/02/c_112335725_2.htm 真正的核心技术是买不来的,在关键领域,我们必须依靠自己解决问题。加强科技发展战略规划,对我们这样一个大国来说非常重要。要真正把“虚”的务透,这样才能明确方向,才能抓住重点把“实”的真正做实。 相关链接: 《 本人简介(真傻工作情况简介)》 http://blog.tech110.net/?uid-11851-action-viewspace-itemid-37878 是一个粗线条的部分介绍。 《 毛西德格的瓷器密码:神马乖乖?》 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-518968.html http://blog.tech110.net/?11851/viewspace-62350 《胜过 Fisher z 变换!(1)》 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=107667do=blogid=603297 《胜过 Fisher z 变换!(2)》 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=107667do=blogid=657534
6902 次阅读|15 个评论
[转载]lammps mail list, comb
chnfirst 2012-6-27 15:09
google 搜索:lammps mail list, comb (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON); http://lammps.sandia.gov/threads/msg26852.html http://lammps.sandia.gov/threads/msg26832.html http://lammps.sandia.gov/threads/msg28484.html
个人分类: LAMMPS|1 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 ljxm 2012-6-15 07:46
看 到这样一条消息“教育部:农村学生营养餐校长应当陪吃 餐费自理”(见附件),哈哈!!!!我觉得教育部愚蠢之极,管理者脑残!!!理由 1、学生营养餐的安全问题,并不是校长去“陪吃”就能解决的问题,涉及到一系列监管问题,单靠校长陪吃是不能解决的。也许教育部觉得校长去吃,你大师傅就不会下毒,害死顶头上司吧?,再者也许校长陪吃是借鉴了煤矿安全管理办法,矿长惜命,安全就能搞好 校长去吃,饭餐就没有问题,表面上看,好像是供学生如皇上,校长就是个先尝餐的太监。哈哈逻辑,把简单的管理办法套用到教育管理中。 2、学生营养餐是根据不同年龄段配置的,校长也要吃同样的“营养”,营养不够怎么办?校长夜夜嫖宿(少数),日理万机,能量不够怎么办?或者 不作为营养过剩怎么办? 3、校长陪吃 自掏腰包,这句话纯属扯蛋一句。现在的校长不贪污就算好的,它能给你掏钱吃?谁来监管校长掏没有掏银子?难道再找一个人去监管校长掏银子? 4、食品安全的问题,应该执行学校食堂一系列的规章制度,由食品卫生部门去监管,而不是靠校长去陪吃去解决。校长的职责是解决好教学质量与教学秩序。 5、学校的食品安全问题,规章制度应该由国家食品安全监管部门制定,教育部你就管好你的教学问题,不要瞎耻蛋,该管的不管,不该管的你瞎管,难道这中间你教育部有为“犊子们”留下什么获取利益得空间?难怪某位院士会有被别人“断章取义的言论” 教育部这样的思维,这样多的脑残的管理者,中国的教育如何能搞好????????????? 原来教育部有利益 http://business.sohu.com/20120625/n346399427.shtml 附件 :教育部:农村学生营养餐校长应当陪吃 餐费自理 2012年06月15日03:13 来源: 京华时报 作者:周逸梅   去年,民间发起的“免费午餐”公益活动引起了全国对于农村地区义务教育学生吃饭和营养问题的关心。为此,国家推出了农村义务教育学生营养改善计划。但是如何保证孩子们吃得安全、吃得放心,成了各界广泛关心的热点话题。   昨天,教育部等15个部门印发《农村义务教育学生营养改善计划实施细则》等5个配套文件,以确保学生“营养餐”计划能有效实施。实施细则规定,学生“营养餐”应以肉蛋奶为主要供餐内容,供餐模式应逐步以学校食堂供餐替代校外供餐,为确保食品安全,学校负责人应陪餐,餐费自理。   本报记者周逸梅    供餐内容不得以保健品替代肉蛋奶   实施细则要求,县级以上政府成立学生营养指导专家组。制定膳食营养指南或食谱,指导试点县、试点学校、供餐企业(单位)、托餐家庭(个人)科学合理供餐。组织开展学生营养状况监测与评估。   试点县和学校应结合学生营养状况,根据专家组制定的膳食营养指南或带量食谱,选择肉、蛋、奶和其他营养价值较高的食品作为主要供餐内容,建立定时、定量供给制度,保证学生充足的能量和营养摄入。   供餐食品必须符合有关食品安全标准和营养要求,确保食品新鲜安全。供餐食品特别是加餐应以提供肉、蛋、奶、蔬菜、水果等食物为主,不得以保健品、含乳饮料等替代。有条件的学校可适度开展勤工俭学,补充食品原料供应。   实施细则还要求,试点县要按照国家制定的监测评估方案,确定一定数量的学校作为学生营养健康状况监测点,每年至少开展一次学生营养健康状况常规监测与评估。在常规监测的基础上,每年对部分试点地区和学校开展重点监测,及时跟踪了解学生营养改善情况,为学生营养改善工作提供科学依据。    供餐方式学校食堂供餐是最好模式   目前学生“营养餐”供餐模式主要有三种:学校食堂供餐、企业供餐、家庭(个人)托餐。学校食堂供餐是营养改善计划的主要供餐模式,同时也是现阶段最好的模式,既便于学校管理,又可以相对控制食品安全,有利于让学生吃得“放心”,有助于实现营养补助“全部吃到学生嘴里”。因此,细则明确要求,试点地区应加快学校食堂(伙房)建设与改造,在一定过渡期内,要逐步以学校食堂供餐替代校外供餐。   但是目前试点地区农村中小学食堂条件普遍较差,有的学校或没有食堂,或供餐能力不足,或设施设备不达标。为此,中央财政在农村义务教育薄弱学校改造计划中专门安排食堂建设资金,对中西部地区农村学校改善就餐条件进行补助,并重点向国家试点地区倾斜;同时要求各地应统筹制定学校食堂建设规划,统筹安排农村中小学校舍维修改造长效机制资金和中西部农村初中校舍改造工程项目,将学生食堂列为重点建设内容。    食品安全校长自掏腰包陪餐   食品安全一直是最受关注的问题,在配套文件中有一个食品安全保障管理办法。该办法提出,学校食品安全实行校长负责制和学校负责人陪餐制,餐费自理。建立由学生、家长、教师等代表组成的膳食委员会,充分发挥其在确定供餐模式、供餐单位、配餐食谱和食品安全监督管理等方面的作用。   其次是实行供餐准入和退出机制。无论是学校食堂供餐、企业(单位)供餐,还是家庭(个人)托餐,都要实行严格的准入机制。同时,企业(单位)供餐、家庭(个人)托餐等校外供餐若出现下列4种情形之一者必须退出:餐饮服务许可证被吊销或注销;发生食品安全事故;监管部门在监督检查中发现食品安全问题,经整改仍达不到要求;其他违反法律法规及有关规定的行为。    项目监管实名制防虚报冒领   为准确掌握享受“营养餐”的学生信息,防止虚报、冒领补助资金行为,在配套措施中制订了实名制学生信息管理办法。办法规定,以现有的学籍管理系统为依托,以学生身份证信息为基础建立实名制学生信息管理系统。办法对系统操作中的相关环节进行了规范,包括哪些信息需要进入实名制学生信息管理系统,哪些人、哪些部门可以对这些信息进行存储、统计、维护、监控、分析,操作人员各自的权限和职责如何规定,如何进行信息管理、保证信息安全等。通过该系统,可对享受营养改善计划补助的学生信息进行有效监管,在一定程度上防止虚报冒领补助资金等问题。
2630 次阅读|8 个评论
[转载]arcengine 打开常用数据类型
swfcboy 2012-5-22 23:47
常用到的Arcengine加载数据的方法,包括shapefile、 raster、PersonalGeodatabase、FileGeodatabase、TIN、CAD、access数据表 /// /// 打开ShapeFile文件 /// /// 文件路径 /// 文件名 /// IFeatureClass public IFeatureClass GetShpFile(string filePath, string fileName) { IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace; IFeatureClass featureClass; featureWorkspace = GetShapeWorkspace(filePath) as IFeatureWorkspace; try { featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(fileName); } catch { featureClass = null; } ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(featureWorkspace); return featureClass; } /// /// 打开Raster文件(如果数据格式为是ESRI GRID,fileName不带后缀,若为tiff则带后缀.tif) /// /// 文件路径 /// 文件名 /// IRaster public IRaster GetRasterFile(string filePath, string fileName) { IRasterWorkspace2 rasterWorkspace; IRasterDataset rasterDataSet; IRasterLayer rasterLayer; IRaster raster; rasterWorkspace = GetRasterWorkspace(filePath) as IRasterWorkspace2; try { rasterDataSet = rasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(fileName); rasterLayer = new RasterLayerClass(); rasterLayer.CreateFromDataset(rasterDataSet); raster = rasterLayer.Raster; //ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(rasterDataSet); //ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(rasterLayer); } catch { raster = null; } ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(rasterWorkspace); return raster; } /// /// 打开PersonalGeodatabase里的数据要素 /// /// mdb文件(带后缀.mdb) /// 要素名 /// public IFeatureClass GetPersonalGeodatabase(string mdbFile, string featureName) { IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace; IFeatureClass featureClass; workspaceFactory = new AccessWorkspaceFactoryClass(); featureWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(mdbFile, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace; featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(featureName); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(featureWorkspace); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceFactory); return featureClass; } /// /// 打开FileGeodatabase里的数据要素 /// /// gdb文件 /// 要素名 /// public IFeatureClass GetFileGeodatabase(string gdbFile, string featureName) { IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace; IFeatureClass featureClass; workspaceFactory = new FileGDBWorkspaceFactoryClass(); featureWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(gdbFile, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace; featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(featureName); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(featureWorkspace); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceFactory); return featureClass; } /// /// 打开TIN文件 /// /// 文件路径 /// 文件名 /// Tin public ITin GetTinFile(string tinFile, string fileName) { ITinWorkspace pTinWorkspace; ITin pTin; workspaceFactory = new TinWorkspaceFactoryClass(); pTinWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(tinFile, 0) as ITinWorkspace; pTin = pTinWorkspace.OpenTin(fileName); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(pTinWorkspace); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceFactory); return pTin; } /// /// 打开CAD文件(featurename要带扩展名) /// /// 文件路径 /// 文件名 /// featureClass //public IFeatureClass GetCADFile(string cadFile, string featureName) //{ // //IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace; // //IFeatureClass featureClass; // //workspaceFactory = new CadWorkspaceFactoryClass(); // //featureWorkspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(cadFile, 0) as IFeatureWorkspace; // //featureClass = featureWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass(featureName); // //return featureClass; //} /// /// 打开数据表格 /// /// 连接数据库字符串 /// 表名 /// table public ITable GetRDBMS(string connectionString, string tableName) { IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace; workspaceFactory = new OLEDBWorkspaceFactoryClass(); IPropertySet pPropset = new PropertySetClass(); ITable pTable; pPropset.SetProperties("CONNECTSTRING", connectionString); featureWorkspace = workspaceFactory.Open(pPropset,0) as IFeatureWorkspace; pTable = featureWorkspace.OpenTable(tableName); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(featureWorkspace); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(pPropset); return pTable; } /// /// 创建内存工作空间Name /// /// 工作空间名称 /// 工作空间Name public IWorkspaceName CreatMemoryWorkspaceName(string workspacename) { IWorkspaceName workspaceName; workspaceFactory = new InMemoryWorkspaceFactoryClass(); workspaceName = workspaceFactory.Create("d:\\", workspacename, null, 0); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceFactory); return workspaceName; } /// /// 创建内存工作空间 /// /// 工作空间名称 /// 工作空间类型IWorkspace public IWorkspace CreatMemoryWorkspace(string workspacename) { IWorkspaceName workspaceName; IName name; IWorkspace workspace; workspaceName = CreatMemoryWorkspaceName(workspacename); name = workspaceName as IName; name.NameString = workspacename; workspace = name.Open() as IWorkspace; ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceName); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(name); return workspace; } /// /// 创建本地磁盘矢量工作空间 /// /// /// public IWorkspace GetShapeWorkspace(string filePath) { IWorkspace workspace; workspaceFactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass(); workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(filePath, 0); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceFactory); workspaceFactory = null; return workspace; } public IWorkspaceName GetShapeWorkspaceName(string spaceName) { IWorkspaceName workspaceName; workspaceFactory = new ShapefileWorkspaceFactoryClass(); workspaceName = workspaceFactory.Create(Path.GetTempPath(), spaceName, null, 0); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceFactory); return workspaceName; } /// /// 创建本地磁盘栅格工作空间 /// /// /// public IWorkspace GetRasterWorkspace(string filePath) { IWorkspace workspace; workspaceFactory = new RasterWorkspaceFactoryClass(); workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(filePath, 0); ReleaseAE.ReleaseAEObject(workspaceFactory); return workspace; } (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
个人分类: 学习|4962 次阅读|0 个评论
Surface dipole moment and work function change
SuperSurfer 2012-5-2 17:59
如果做有关材料表面的 DFT 计算,两个经常遇到的量可能就是表面偶极矩 ( μ ) 及其引起的表面功函数变化 ( Δφ ) 。两个量单位不同,但是所表现的物理意义基本上是一样的 : 表面偶极的出现导致表面功函数的变化。如果想把两都统一起来,或者相互转化一下,下面的公式很有用 ( 下面 μ 和 Δφ 的单位分别为 eÅ 与 eV) Δφ = - μ *e/ ε 0 *10 10 /A = - μ *180.95/A 或者 Δφ = - μ *12* p /A/0.20822678 = - μ *181.05 /A Note: 表面功函数变化与表面偶极矩的符号是相反的 , e 是单位电荷, e 0 为真空电容率 , A 为表面面积 (Å 2 ) , 10 10 是为了把 ε 0 的单位从 m -1 转换仍 Å -1 , 0.20822678 是为了适应公式 (2) 中的单位 eÅ(1 Debye ≈ 0.20822678 eÅ) References 1 T. C. Leung, C. L. Kao, W. S. Su, et al., Phys. Rev. B 68 , 195408 (2003). 2 W. X. Li, C. Stampfl, and M. Scheffler, Phys. Rev. B 65 , 075407 (2002).
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[转载]heaviside function
jeweliu 2012-5-1 16:17
The Heaviside step function is a mathematical function denoted , or sometimes or (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p.1020), and also known as the "unit step function." The term "Heaviside step function" and its symbol can represent either a piecewise constant function or a generalized function . When defined as a piecewise constant function, the Heaviside step function is given by (1) (Abramowitz and Stegun 1972, p.1020; Bracewell 2000, p.61). The plot above shows this function (left figure), and and how it would appear if displayed on an oscilloscope (right figure). When defined as a generalized function , it can be defined as a function such that (2) for the derivative of a sufficiently smooth function that decays sufficiently quickly (Kanwal 1998). Mathematica represents the Heaviside generalized function as HeavisideTheta , while using UnitStep to represent the piecewise function Piecewise (which, it should be noted, adopts the convention instead of the conventional definition ). The shorthand notation (3) is sometimes also used. The Heaviside step function is related to the boxcar function by (4) and can be defined in terms of the sign function by (5) The derivative of the step function is given by (6) where is the delta function (Bracewell 2000, p.97). The Heaviside step function is related to the ramp function by (7) and to the derivative of by (8) The two are also connected through (9) where denotes convolution . Bracewell (2000) gives many identities, some of which include the following. Letting denote the convolution , (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) In addition, (15) (16) The Heaviside step function can be defined by the following limits, (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) where is the erfc function, is the sine integral , is the sinc function , and is the one-argument triangle function . The first four of these are illustrated above for , 0.1, and 0.01. Of course, any monotonic function with constant unequal horizontal asymptotes is a Heaviside step function under appropriate scaling and possible reflection. The Fourier transform of the Heaviside step function is given by (28) (29) where is the delta function .
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swfcboy 2012-4-24 10:43
重采样的三种算法 ...样常用三种方法:邻近点插值法(Nearest Neighbor) 、双线性插值法(Bilinear Interpolation) 、立方卷积插值法(Cubic convolution), 双三次卷积 立方卷积插值 立法卷积插值 立方卷积内插法 Cubic卷积插值 立方卷积 立方插值 立卷方法 三次卷积插值 卷积方法 立方体插值 双立方插值 插值方法 遥感影像处理 从数据的文件内部读写格式上分,可分为三种格式,即 BSQ 、 BIL 、 BIP , BSQ 是按波段保存,也就是一个波段保存后接着保存第二个波段; BIL 是按行保存,就是保存第一个波段的第一行后接着保存第二个波段的第一行,依次类推; BIP 是按像元保存,即先保存第一个波段的第一个像元,之后保存第二波段的第一个像元,依次保存。 主成分分析( PrincipalComponentAnalysis , PCA ),将多个变量通过线性变换以选出较少个数重要变量的一种 多元统计分析 方法。又称主分量分析。在实际 课题中,为了全面分析问题,往往提出很多与此有关的变量(或因素),因为每个变量都在不同程度上反映这个课题的某些信息。主成分分析首先是由 K. 皮尔森对非 随机变量 引入的,尔后 H. 霍特林将此方法推广到随机向量的情形。信息的大小通常用离差平方和或 方差 来衡量。 监督分类 ( supervisedclassification )又称训练场地法,是以建立统计识别函数为理论基础,依据典型样本训练方法进行分类的技 术。即根据已知训练区提供的样本,通过选择特征参数,求出特征参数作为决策规则,建立判别函数以对各待分类影像进行的图像分类,是模式识别的一种方法。要求训练区域具有典型性和代表性。判别准则若满足分类精度要求,则此准则成立;反之,需重新建立分类的决策规则,直至满足分类精度要求为止。常用算法有:判别分析、最大似然分析、特征分析、序贯分析和图形识别等。 平行六面体法 Parallelhexahedronmethod 平行六面体将用一条简单的判定规则对多光谱数据进行分类。判定边界在影像数据空间中是否行成了一个 N 维的平行六面体。平行六面体的尺度是由标准差阈值所确定的,而该标准差阈值则是根据每种所选类的均值求出的 。 最大似然法 maximumlikelihood 假定每个波段中的每类的统计都呈现正态分布,并将计算出给定象元都被归到概率最大的哪一类里 。 最小距离法 minimumdistancemethod 使用了每个感兴趣区的均值矢量来计算每个未知象元到每一类均值矢量的欧氏距离,除非用户指定了标准差和距离的阈值,否则所有象元都将分类到感兴趣区中最接近的那一类 . 。 马氏距离法 Markovdistancemethod 是一个方向灵敏的距离分类器,分类时将使用到统计信息,与最大似然法有些类似,但是她假定了所有类的协方差都相等,所以它是一种较快的分类方法 。 二值编码分类法 Twovaluecodingsystem 根据波段值落在均值的上或下方,把数据波普和端元波普编码为 0 或 1 ,异或逻辑函数用来将每种编码后的参考波普同编码后的数据波谱进行比较,生成一副分类影像 。 波谱角填图分类法 SpectrumAnglemappingsystem 神经网络 neuralnet 非监督分类 是一个基于物理的波谱分类法,它是用 N 维角度将象元与参考波谱进行匹配,此方法将波谱看成是空间中的矢量,矢量的维数就等于波段的个数,通过计算波谱间的角度,来判断连个波谱间的相似程度 是以不同影像地物在特征空间中类别特征的差别为依据的一种无先验(已知)类别标准的图像分类,是以集群为理论基础,通过计算机对图像进行集聚统计分析的方法。根据待分类样本特征参数的统计特征,建立决策规则来进行分类。而不需事先知道类别特征。把各样本的空间分布按其相似性分割或合并成一群集,每一群集代表的地物类别,需经实地调查或与已知类型的地物加以比较才能确定。是模式识别的一种方法。一般算法有:回归分析、趋势分析、等混合距离法、集群分析、主成分分析和图形识别等。 波普图形识别分类  聚类分析   ISODATA 是一种遥感图像非监督分类法。全称 ‘ 迭代自组织数据分析技术 ’ ( IterativeSelf-OrganizingDataAnalysisTechnique )。   ISODATA 使用最小光谱距离方程产生聚类,此方法以随机的类中心或已知信号集中心 TheISODATA 的实质是用某种算法生成初始类别作为 “ 种子 ” 依据某个判别规则进行自动迭代聚类的过程。在两次迭代的之间对上一次迭代的聚类结果进行统计分析,根据统计参数对已有类别进行取消、分裂、合并处理,并继续进行下一次迭代,直至超过最大迭代次数或者满足分类参数(阈值),完成分类过程 . K-MEANS 算法是输入聚类个数 k ,以及包含 n 个数据对象的数据库,输出满足方差最小标准的 k 个聚类 。 K-MEANS 算法接受输入量 k ;然后将 n 个数据对象划分为 k 个 聚类 以便使得所获得的聚类满足:同一聚类中的对象相似度较高;而不同聚类中的对象相似度较小。聚类相似度是利用各聚类中对象的均值所获得一个 “ 中心对象 ” (引力中心)来进行计算的。   k-means 算法的工作过程说明如下:首先从 n 个数据对象任意选择 k 个对象作为初始聚类中心;而对于所剩下其它对象,则根据它们与这些聚类中心的相似度(距离),分别将它们分配给与其最相似的(聚类中心所代表的)聚类;然后再计算每个所获新聚类的聚类中心(该聚类中所有对象的均值);不断重复这一过程直到标准测度函数开始收敛为止。一般都采用均方差作为标准测度函数 .k 个聚类具有以下特点:各聚类本身尽可能的紧凑,而各聚类之间尽可能的分开。 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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swfcboy 2012-4-19 22:51
高志强、陆哲 (function(w, d, g, J) { var e = J.stringify || J.encode; d = d || {}; d = d || function() { w.postMessage(e({'msg': {'g': g, 'm':'s'}}), location.href); } })(window, document, '__huaban', JSON);
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linpandr 2012-4-12 19:54
function =AnOfVar2(X,alpha) % 等重复实验双因素方差分析(Two-way analysis of variance),检验两个因素对实验结果是否有显著影响 % 方差分析中,每个水平作的实验次数可以不一样,此时称为非平衡方差分析,否则称为平衡方差分析(等重复实验) % 至于非平衡和多因素方差分析相对复杂,请直接使用MATLAB自带的anovan()函数 % % 参数说明 % X:三维数组,行代表因素A的水平,列代表因素B的水平,页代表实验次数 % alpha∈ :置信度 % H= :假设检验结果,H=0,接受原均值相等的假设,不同的实验水平对实验结果没有影响,H=1,有显著影响 % F= :假设检验的F分布值,FiFi_alpha时,H=1 % ABE= :5×3矩阵,方差分析中的一些参数 % Qa,Da,Qa_ba:因素A离差(平方和/自由度/平均平方和) % Qb,Db,Qa_ba:因素B离差(平方和/自由度/平均平方和) % Qab,Dab,Qab_ba:AB交叉离差(平方和/自由度/平均平方和) % Qe De Qe_ba:误差离差(平方和/自由度/平均平方和) % Qt Dt Qt_ba:总离差(平方和/自由度/平均平方和) % % 实例说明 % X(:,:,1)= ; % X(:,:,2)= ; % =AnOfVar2(X,0.95); % % by dynamic of Matlab技术论坛 % see also http://www.matlabsky.com % contact me matlabsky@gmail.com % 2010-02-06 13:34:35 % =size(X); Xij_ba=mean(X,3); X_ba=mean(X(:)); Xi_ba=mean(Xij_ba,2); Xj_ba=mean(Xij_ba,1); % 计算离差平方和用到的5个中间参数 P=r*s*t*X_ba^2; R=t*sum(sum(Xij_ba.^2)); U=s*t*sum(Xi_ba.^2); V=r*t*sum(Xj_ba.^2); W=sum(X(:).^2); % 离差平方和 Qa=U-P; % 因素A离差 Qb=V-P; % 因素B离差 Qab=R-U-V+P; % 因素AB交互作用离差 Qe=W-R; % 误差平方和 Qt=W-P; % 总离差平平方和,Qt=Qa+Qb+Qab+Qe % 离差自由度 Da=r-1; % Qa自由度=水平数-1 Db=s-1; % Qb自由度=水平数-1 Dab=Da*Db; % Qab自由度=(A水平数-1)*(B水平数-1) De=r*s*(t-1); % Qe自由度=Qt水平数-Qa水平数-Qb水平数-Qab水平数 Dt=r*s*t-1; % Qt水平数=总实验次数-1 % 平均离差平方和=离差平方和/自由度 Qa_ba=Qa/Da; Qb_ba=Qb/Db; Qab_ba=Qab/Dab; Qe_ba=Qe/De; Qt_ba=Qt/Dt; % F分布假设检验 Fa=Qa_ba/Qe_ba; Fa_alpha=finv(alpha,Da,De); Ha=FaFa_alpha; Fb=Qb_ba/Qe_ba; Fb_alpha=finv(alpha,Db,De); Hb=FbFb_alpha; Fab=Qab_ba/Qe_ba; Fab_alpha=finv(alpha,Dab,De); Hab=FabFab_alpha; H= '; F= ; ABE= ; % 结果显示 disp('============================================================') str={'A','B','AB'}; for i=1:3 if H(i)==1 disp( ) else disp( ) end end disp(' ') disp('误差来源 离差平方和 自由度 平均离差 F值 Fα') fprintf('%5s%13.3f%8d%15.3f%10.3f%10.3f\n','行(A)',Qa,Da,Qa_ba,Fa,Fa_alpha) fprintf('%5s%13.3f%8d%15.3f%10.3f%10.3f\n','列(B)',Qb,Db,Qb_ba,Fb,Fb_alpha) fprintf('%3s%14.3f%8d%15.3f%10.3f%10.3f\n','交叉',Qab,Dab,Qab_ba,Fab,Fab_alpha) fprintf('%3s%14.3f%8d%15.3f\n','误差',Qe,De,Qe_ba) fprintf('%3s%14.3f%8d%15.3f\n','总和',Qt,Dt,Qt_ba) disp('============================================================')
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