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陈龙珠 2009-7-25 14:54
后记 (2009-7-27): 朱金颖博士今日上午如期在上海市建科院做了一场内容丰富、形象生动的土木工程无损检测技术报告,来自上海市建科院、上海隧道公司、上海现代集团、上海交大等单位的科技人员和师生20余人与会进行了学术交流。美国新近研发和应用的拔剥法(Pull-off method)和利用辐射空气声波进行混凝土无损检测技术(A ir-coupled sensing techniques )等,值得国内相关科技人员消化吸收和在工程中推广应用。 朱金颖博士一篇相关文章: Imaging Concrete Structures Using Air-Coupled Impa ct-Echo ----------- 经本博建议,上海市力学学会工程结构诊断及加固技术委员会、上海市工程结构新技术重点实验室,联合邀请美国得克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校助理教授、科学网博主 朱金颖 博士来上海做一场《土木工程中无损检测技术的过去、现在和未来》的学术报告。 报告时间:2009年7月27日(星期一)上午9:30~11:30 报告地点:宛平南路75号上海市建筑科学研究院2号楼4楼第四会议室 欢迎在沪相关科技人员和高校师生参加研讨! ------ The past, present and future of NDT techniques in civil Engineering Abstract: This presentation will first review the past and present state of non-destructive testing (NDT) technique in civil engineering. The applications and limitations of commonly used NDT methods will also be discussed. The second part of the presentation focuses on air-coupled sensing technologies for civil infrastructure. The research activities at the University of Texas-Austin and the most recent progress in air-coupled sensing will be presented. Jinying Zhu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Civil, Architectural and environmental engineering The University of Texas at Austin , USA Biography: Jinying Zhu is currently an assistant professor at the University of Texas . She received her Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana , in 2006. Dr. Zhus research interests are in rapid NDT for concrete, surface wave measurement, material characterization using NDT methods, and innovative sensing. She is one of the pioneer researchers of air-coupled sensing techniques for concrete. She was the recipient of ACI-James NDT research award in 2003.
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