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[转载]CFP-7th China Semantic Web Symposium & 2nd Web Science Conf.
timy 2013-1-10 10:51
From: http://csws2013.apexlab.org/ 7th China Semantic Web Symposium 2nd Web Science Conference (CSWS 2013) Call for research papers With only a few years, the rapid developing Web has led to revolutionary changes in the whole human society. The Semantic Web is the next generation of the Web. It provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. Semantic Web technologies facilitate building a large-scale Web of machine-readable and machine-understandable knowledge, and thus facilitate data reuse and integration so that the new generation of the Web can provide better applications and services. Nowadays, many scholars and experts are devoting them to the work of applying the Semantic Web theories into specific practice, while in turn improving the Semantic Web standards and technologies according to the demand in practice. Web Science involves full scope of Web-related researches and applications, and it integrates the Web-related interdisciplinary researches into a new field of scientific research. This joint conference aims to promote expansions from the Semantic Web to Web Science, and then to discuss the core technologies of Next Generation Web, such as the Web and swarm intelligence, a new generation of semantic search, semantic and Web security and so on. Scope and Interests The theme of CSWS 2013 is Linked Data Knowledge Graph . CSWS 2013 invites submissions of original work. The topics of the symposium include, but are not limited to: Languages, tools, and methodologies for ontology engineering Ontology extraction/induction from data and the Web Ontology engineering (including ontology matching, merging, evolution, versioning, ect.) Ontology/knowledge patterns Semantic search Ontology management and maintenance Ontology and data quality and evaluation Ontologies for semantic technologies network analysis of the Web and human communities on the Web Detailed studies of micro-level processes and interactions on the Web Collective intelligence and social computing The architecture and philosophy of the Web The intersection of design and human interaction on the Web Economics and social innovation on the Web Governance, democracy, intellectual property, and the commons Personal data, trust, and privacy Social media mining and searching Studies of Linked Data, the Cloud, and digital eco-systems. Web access, literacy, and development Knowledge, education, and scholarship on and through the Web People-driven Web technologies, including crowd-sourcing, open data, and new interfaces Instuctions for Authors Submission is via EasyChair. Accepted papers written in English will be published by Springer and will be indexed by EI Compendex. Accepted papers written in Chinese will be published in a special issue of Journal of Southeast University (Chinese Edition). At least one of the authors of an accepted paper must attend the conference and present their work to ensure publication of their paper. Submissions should not have been previously accepted, published, presented, or be under review for another conference or journal. Submissions should be written in either English or Chinese, and be no longer than 14 pages (research paper) or 4 pages (poster demo paper), following the LNCS style. Accepted papers, before publication in journals, should be further revised following corresponding styles. Important Dates Submissions: April 12, 2013 Notification: May 24, 2013 Camera ready: May 31, 2013 Further Information For further information, please contact the PC co-chairs Guilin Qi, Southeast University, Email: gqi@seu.edu.cn Jie Tang, Tsinghua University, Email: jietang@tsinghua.edu.cn
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review: 支持向量机训练算法综述
jiangdm 2011-8-19 10:34
支持向量机训练算法综述 刘江华 程君实 陈佳品 信息与控制 2002 摘要: 本文介绍统计学习理论中最年轻的分支—— 支持向量机的训练算法, 主要有三大类: 以SVM-light 为代表的分解算法、序贯分类方法和在线训练法, 比较了各自的优缺点, 并介绍了其它几种算法及多类 分类算法. 最后指出了支持向量机具体实现的方向及其在模式识别、数据挖掘、系统辨识与控制等领域中的应用. 关键词: 支持向量机; 训练算法; 统计学习理论 1 引言( Introduction) 支持向量机问题 = 一个二次型方程求解问题 2 各种训练算法介绍及比较( Introduction to different training algorithms and comparison between them) 3 支持向量机的应用及发展方向( Application and future direction of SVM) I comment: talk in generalities 支持向量机训练算法综述.pdf
个人分类: AI & ML|0 个评论
热度 2 timy 2011-6-18 12:53
From: http://blog.baojie.org/2011/06/16/semantic-web-red-flag/#respond 语义网的红旗能打多久? 2011/06/16 Jie Bao 发表评论 Go to comments 1) 语义网的头10年(2001-2011),是成功的10年,也是失败的10年。语义网的后一个10年,要强调实事求是、群众路线和“武装”斗争。 2)语义网的头10年是成功的,因为10年前除了在少数专业领域(比如医学和生物),几乎没有对广大Web用户有价值的数据集的存在。在10年中,各种标准语言,如OWL, SPARQL, RIF, SKOS, RDFa等被制定出来,并出现了数以百计的实现。专门从事语义网相关产业的公司有上百家,而主要的大IT公司和很多传统领域公司都有相关的团队进行语义网的应用或者预研。现在,有很多的开放域数据可供我们使用,例如DBPedia, Freebase, 和几百个Linked Data数据集。这些数据集,在提高某些问题解决方案(比如问答系统)的实践中,被证明是有价值的。数以千计的语义网的研究和技术人员被培养出来并进行各行各业,一些人已进入了决策阶层。 3)语义网的头10年是失败的,因为它发展的速度大大低于预期和Web本身。Web在1991年出现后,短短3、4年就为决策层高度重视,到2001年时,已经产生了百亿美元以上的市场,并几乎改变了IT和非IT产业的游戏规则。大约到2001年前后,目前意义上的社交网络(Social Web)开始形成(代表性事件是wikipedia的建立和blog进入主流);到2011年,已经出现了数以千计的各种Social Web公司,十亿以上的用户和百亿以上的市场。语义网的成功,与Web本身或者Social Web,还有两个以上数量级的差别。2001年《科学美国人》上的文章,目前还被看成一种科幻。 4)语义网发展的相对缓慢,从宏观上,很大程度上源于三个脱离:脱离现实,脱离群众,脱离市场。近年来,已经有很多工作来解决这三大问题,但到目前为止,还是初步的。 5)说语义网脱离现实,是因为早期的语义网推动力,高校和W3C,集中注意力于技术的发展和规范。但是,一些实验室的方法无法推广到实际的Web应用去,例如如下问题: 认为推理能力是必要的,并强调推理的完备性和正确性。这使OWL使用描述逻辑DL作为建模基础 认为Web是分散的从而本体也是分散的和自主的,可以使用本体映射的方法来做数据集成 认为用户会使用本体编辑器或某些标注工具来提供元数据 认为用户可以进行简单的本体建模,如区分概念、关系和实例,建立概念分类树 现有的工具(如推理机和语义数据库)无法处理Web级的数据(这直到最近一两年才得到改观) 认为表达力的限制是制约语义网发展的核心问题(从而制定了OWL2和RIF) 6)相对的,语义网的发展,应该实事求是。应当放弃逻辑推理为主的想法。 语义网的 实现,应当是多种技术的综合使用 ,比如信息检索、机器学习、数据库、自然语言处理、数据采集、可视化等。推理在其中,是起到一个辅助的而不是主要的地位。 应当从问题出发,探索既有技术的集成和发展,而不是从主义出发,至上而下规划技术的发展 。从问题出发,就要多开发如IBM的沃森系统和 TripIT (建立和旅行相关的元数据)这样的系统,在解决具体问题的过程中发现问题,解决问题。从主义出发,就是象OWL 2的制定一样,先定下技术基调,再通过 OWL ED 这样“自己人”的小圈子来寻找应用案例,最后用技术的考虑(例如推理的完备性和最差时间复杂性)而不是实际应用的考虑来决定取舍。 应当重视Web工程系统的复杂性和现实数据的低质量性 。Web科学和Web工程,如同化学和化工的区别,要考虑各种实验室中不会出现的问题。用户会“犯错”,数据必然是杂乱和充满噪声的,90%的正确率在实验室中是很好的结果而在应用中往往不可接受;绝大多数程序员还不能接受传统语义网技术(如RDF和OWL)所要求的知识建模能力;语义网技术规范集的复杂性超过了许多中小企业和开发团队的接受能力。 具体如何制定可行的技术路线,应当从实践中来,到实践中去,大兴调查研究之风,而不是本本主义 。某些W3C的工作组,制定Web的规范而几乎一个大Web公司的代表都没有,这是闭门造车,结果十九是碰壁。 7)说语义网脱离群众,是因为 早期的语义网的“用户”,过多集中于特殊行业用户,如制药、医学、出版等大型企业和研究机构 。从这些特定用户、特定案例获得的经验,难以推广到数以十亿计的普通Web用户那里。如何从普通用户那里获得数据?如何使语义网数据可以造福普通用户?长久以来,人们在呼唤语义网的“杀手级应用”,到目前为止还没有出现。我认为很重要的原因,就是脱离对普通用户的需求的关注,着眼的数据集既不是从普通用户那里来,也不是普通用户所需要的,哪里能建立好的、普通用户喜欢的应用? 8) 语义网要走群众路线,就是要急群众之所急,想群众之所想 。普通Web用户需要什么?衣食住行,饮食男女。找工作,有找工作的数据;买房子,有买房子的数据;炒股,有炒股的数据。看电影是数据,打电话也是数据;买菜是数据;治病也是数据。 先有了语义网的数据,才有了语义网的应用。先有了语义网的高质量数据,才有了语义网的高质量应用。 Social Web之所以成功,一是它利用了Web Form,解决了数据输入的门槛;二是利用了社交粘性,解决了数据发布的即时回报效用。语义网的高质量数据,也要首先降低结构化数据输入的门槛,使数据在用户的自然活动中产生并被采集、提取,甚至不一定需要键盘、鼠标或者触摸屏的输入;其次,要使用户在发布数据的短期内就可以得到回报,保持其数据发布的意愿。 一个杀手级应用,设计之初就应当面向百万之上的用户,而且与普通人的日常生活相结合。 群众是要分两亩地不是要共产主义;群众是要搜仓老师的作品而不是仓老师的foaf。 9) 说语义网脱离市场,是说早期的语义网推广路线,不是依赖Web公司循序渐进,而是企图至上而下,事先规划了行业的发展方向 。语义网是一种革命,好的革命的路线要也要有人事的配合,也要有“武装”的支持——这里的武装,就是市场,具体就是投资。作为规划,既要有远期(3年以上)的蓝图,也要有近期(6-12个月)的规划。Google和Microsoft等大公司在语义网技术的采用上是谨慎的,当然并不是保守的。他们通过并购的方式吸纳语义网的小公司(如Freebase和Powerset),并试图消化语义网的团队技术到他们的主流产品中,这是一种渐进而稳妥的方式。我们期待更多的这种并购出现,比如在Facebook或者LinkedIn。 10)语义网要坚持“武装”斗争,就是 要充分利用现有的产业平台 ,而不是另起炉灶。要先降低姿态,以初级阶段的语义网技术来辅助现有的产业平台来提高某些应用的性能,也许只能有几个百分点的提高。关键是通过关键应用(比如搜索、广告和推荐)的这几个百分点的提高,起到语义网技术的示范作用。要让语义网的技术沾满铜臭,然后才能有进一步的良性循环。 11)总结:我认为,语义网的三个(还有其他n个)未来应着眼的重点是 实事求是 :放弃实验室思维,重视工程实践 群众路线 :面向普通用户采集数据,为普通用户开发应用 “武装”斗争 :从人事和资金上,加强利用现有产业平台(主要是大Web公司),渐进实现技术-市场的良性循环 P.S. (2011-06-17) 中国革命开始的设想,是工人城市暴动。这个方法不是很成功。首先,在社会的主要组成群体还是农民的时候,工人不与农民相结合,不能有大的作为。其次,革命的武装,其主要成员必然是农民;在革命的早期阶段,也要根植与农村,提出农民可以接受的、可以理解的口号和政策。语义网的今天,“农民”和“农村”就是现有的最广泛的、面向普通Web用户的应用。现有的大多数“应用”,无论是Protege, Swoogle, Sindice, NCBO Index (2010 SWC winner), TrialX (2009 SWC winner),都不是为普通用户设计的。这一点应该在不久的未来得到改变。
个人分类: 信息组织|4535 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]2nd Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web
timy 2011-6-3 22:17
First Call for Papers 2nd Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web co-located with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2011) in Bonn, Germany http://msw2.deri.ie Given the substantial growth of Web users that create and update knowledge all over the world in languages other than English, multilingualism has become an issue of major interest for the Semantic Web community. This process has been accelerated due to initiatives such as the Linked Data project, which encourages not only governments and public institutes to make their data available to the public, but also private organizations in domains such as medicine, geography, music etc. These actors often publish their data sources in their respective languages, and as such, in order to make this information interoperable and accessible to members of other linguistic communities, multilingual knowledge representation, access and translation are an impending need. Given the success of the first edition of this workshop, which was co-located with the 19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2010), we were encouraged to organize the second version of this series. In this second edition we will have a special focus on: • representation of multilingual information and language resources in Semantic Web and Linked Data formats • cross-lingual discovery and representation of mappings between multilingual Linked Data vocabularies and datasets • cross-lingual querying of knowledge repositories and Linked Data • machine translation and localization strategies for the Semantic Web Further topics of interest include: • standards and best practices for representing multilingual data on the Web • transformation of (multilingual) resources to Semantic Web and Linked Data representations • architectures and infrastructure for a truly multilingual Semantic Web • models for multilingualism in knowledge representation, in particular OWL and RDF(S) • localization of ontologies to multiple languages, incl. label translation, multilingual terms • lexicon models for ontologies • automatic integration of (multilingual) lexicons with ontologies • multilingual and cross-lingual ontology-based information extraction and ontology population • multilingual aspects of semantic search of knowledge repositories • multilingual aspects of ontology verbalization • ontology learning across languages Important Dates August 15th - submission deadline September 5th - notification September 10th - camera-ready deadline October 23th or 24th - workshop Submission will be through the Easy Chair system: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=msw2 . We will accept long papers of at most 12 pages (LNCS), short papers describing preliminary results (max. 6 pages) as well as position papers describing work in progress or planned work (max. 6 pages). Organizing Committee Elena Montiel-Ponsoda, OEG - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Web: http://www.oeg-upm.net/index.php/en/phd/52-emontiel John McCrae, Semantic Computing Group, CITEC – University of Bielefeld Web: http://www.sc.cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de/people/jmccrae Paul Buitelaar, DERI - National University of Ireland, Galway Web: http://www.paulbuitelaar.net/ Philipp Cimiano, Semantic Computing Group, CITEC – University of Bielefeld Web: http://www.cimiano.de Program Committee Guadalupe Aguado de Cea, OEG, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Dimitra Anastasiou, Language Literary Studies, University of Bremen, Germany Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles, IRIT, Knowledge Engineering, Cognition and Cooperation, France Roberto Basili, Universita Tor Vergata, Rome - Artificial Intelligence group, Italy Kalina Boncheva - Natural Language Processing Group, University of Sheffield, UK Francis Bond, NICT - Language Infrastructure Group, Japan Christopher Brewster, Aston University - Operations and Information Management Group, UK Nicoletta Calzolari, ILC-CNR - Computational Linguistics Institute, Italy Jeremy Carroll, TopQuadrant, USA Key-Sun Choi, KAIST - Semantic Web Research Center, South-Korea Thierry Declerck, DFKI - Language Technology Lab, Germany Aldo Gangemi, ISTC-CNR - Semantic Technology Laboratory, Italy Asuncion Gómez Pérez, OEG, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Gregory Grefenstette, Exalead, France Siegfried Handschuh, DERI, Nat. Univ. of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Michael Hausenblas, DERI, Nat. Univ. of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Laura Hollink, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands Antoine Isaac, Vrije Universiteit - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, the Netherlands Ernesto William De Luca, Universitaet Magdeburg - Data and Knowledge Engineering Group, Germany Vanessa López, KMI, Open University, UK Gerard de Melo, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK Sergei Nirenburg, University of Maryland - Institute for Language and Information Technologies, USA Alessandro Oltramari, Carnegie Mellon University - Department of Psychology, Pittsburgh, USA Jacco van Ossenbruggen, CWI - Semantic Media Interfaces VU - Intelligent Systems, the Netherlands Wim Peters, University of Sheffield - Natural Language Processing group, UK Laurette Pretorius, University of South Africa - School of Computing, South-Africa James Pustejovsky, Brandeis University – CS Dept., Lab for Linguistics and Computation, USA Felix Sasaki, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany Marta Sabou, Department of New Media Technology – MODUL University, Vienna Martin Volk, Universitaet Zürich - Institute of Computational Linguistics, Switzerland Piek Vossen, Vrije Universiteit - Dept. of Language, Cognition and Communication, the Netherlands Yong Yu, Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China The workshop is endorsed and sponsored by the Monnet project on Multilingual Ontologies for Networked Knowledge: http://www.monnet-project.eu
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Discuss on Ontology
putin24 2010-12-10 15:38
'ontology' has a very different sense in philosophy and in information science. Representation of conceptual domains. This is the information science use, and is due to Tom Gruber, who was generally influenced by Husserlian formal ontology. In analytic philosophy, an ontology is determined by an *interpretation* , which is - loosely speaking - a function that projects an element of a language onto an element of the world, however widely-set or limited the world might be. In more formal semantics, an interpretation determines a model by assigning values to the variables of a theory; if the theory is of first or higher order, then its domain will be those individuals over which the quantifiers range and the properties and relations which obtain between and among them. So, in analytic metaphysics , an ontology is usually determined by an interpretation of a first-order theory; and a first-order theory is (evidently) expressed in first-order logic. This, I think, provides a unified language standard that is sufficient to anyone's requirement ;-) //提供统一的标准符合每个人的需求 Of course, this is entirely irrelevant to your particular practical interrogations . But I surmise that your puzzlement is due to the divergence between: 1.*extensional ontology*, which is the ontology of first-order theories, and is derived from the Frege-Russell school through Carnap, the Polish logicians, and Quine. Such ontologies are concerned with the *extension* of concepts //本体外延 2. *formal ontology*, which is derived from Brentano and Husserl; Barry Smith is a typical theorist in this field and any top-level ontology (BFO, DOLCE, GFO...) gives an example. Such ontologies are concerned with *concepts* and the relations between concepts //形式化的本体,关注概念和概念与概念间的关系 3. *applied ontologies*, which derive from formal ontologies through Tom Gruber s use of the term, are representations of a certain domain of knowledge. Vanrullen and Hirst (forthcoming) will show that ontology is, in fact, a misnomer here: as such ontologies concern concepts and the representation of knowledge, they range over *semantic * and *epistemic * domains, rather than *ontic* domains in sense (1) above; they would perhaps be better described as applied epistemologies . //应用本体,对某领域知识的表述, Applied ontologies in sense (3) range over domain-specific concepts and the relations obtaining between such concepts: thus, the objects of such ontologies are not regions of the world, but concepts. The ontologies I describe (in sense (1)) range over the *extensions* of concepts - that is, things in the world that supposedly correspond to, exemplify, or satisfy concepts. As far as social systems are concerned: // 关注社会系统 Generally, the relation between a concept and the range or sequence of things in the world that might satisfy that concept is a matter of *determination* - of how well the concept picks out one specific thing or class of things in the world. Where an applied ontology models a well-defined taxonomy (as in ontologies applied to biological sciences) or a domain having a prescribed or semi-formalised language (as in air traffic control), the concepts which figure in the ontology have a clear, well-defined extension. Practical tools based on such ontologies (decision-making tools, diagnostic tools) function efficiently because theres not much room for concept-based indetermination. However, when the ontology ranges over concepts with a less well-defined extension (as in most social interactions), the content of the concepts is not fixed and objectively-determinable in every situation, but is normative and context-sensitive. In everyday interaction, the precise sense of a concept depends on a context-sensitive and speaker-sensitive *interpretation* - and here, theres a strong risk of underdetermination of any concept with respect to the range of things and situations in the world to which it might apply. Such indetermination can touch terms with an apparently technical definition and here we can take the different understandings of the term ontology as an example. It follows that indetermination is common where terms have social and cultural connotations that will be understood differently by different actors (this is a common problem in employer-employee relations, where notions of the nature and finalities of collective action can be understood very differently by operational agents, management, and direction); such distinctions are often determined by the sociolect of the interlocutors. The possibilities of indetermination are already large in exchanges between sociolects in one language and within a common general culture; theyre evidently far greater in exchanges between interlocutors having different native languages and no shared general culture. All this being the case (and this rejoins Gustavos interrogations), any tools which might apply to social situations (sociometric tools, tools for managing and planning the disposition of human resources, tools for skills management, training tools etc.) need to integrate norm-based rather than rule-based conceptual domains (domains in which a term takes a range of possible values or sets of values that are further determined by context, rather than domains in which a concept takes one, fixed value or set of values). A particular problem in the use of such devices as is to decision or consulting is that the user (and, for that matter, the technician) can confuse concepts with the putative extension of concepts for example, that he or she can take for granted not only that everyone knows what a family is, but also that everyone knows that a family is a system. The first is perhaps pragmatically the case for all competent speakers of English, but the second depends on the speaker having a reasonably sophisticated understanding of what a system is... that is, on the speaker possessing a theory of systems系统理论. Indeed, this is precisely the weakness of most systems thinking systems theory originated with biologists, and biological entities (living organisms, organs, cells...) are probably the most self-evident class of systems in the natural world. 系统理论起源生物学,生物实体 However, while it might be evident to a biologist that something is a system, this is a product of the biologists particular epistemic context it doesnt follow that it is *universally* evident that that thing is a system. The biological systems theorist is confusing混淆 a concept organism, organ with the extension of that concept: a liver is a system *with respect to a system of theories* - but with respect to the man on the Clapham omnibus, its a piece of offal that hes going to fry with onions for his tea. This material came from talking with David Hirst ..
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xuechunxiang 2010-11-9 10:07
ISWC2010The International Semantic Web Conference(http://iswc2010.semanticweb.org/) 先记下!
个人分类: 学海泛舟|3797 次阅读|1 个评论
huguangwei 2010-10-8 23:43
今天实在没力气继续昨天的内容了,就介绍我们最近的一篇文章吧。 九月二十六日收到出版的通知,今天链出来供大家批评。相关信息如下: 1)出版信息: The Distinctive Lexicon and Consensual Conception of e-Government: an Exploratory Perspective in International Review of Administrative Sciences Volume 76 Issue 3, September 2010; 2)摘要:Presently, the field of e-Government still lacks a coherent identity. For its future development, it would be useful to identify a distinctive lexicon and widely shared conception to help scholars understand its essence. In this study, exploratory work was conducted using a large-scale survey of e-Government articles from 1993 to 2008. A total of 752 abstracts from the worlds leading databases (i.e. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts Humanities Citation Index (AHCI) and Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (CPCI-S)) were retrieved, and 528 were analyzed using Computer-Aided Text Analysis (CATA) software. Based on the content analysis, a widely shared conception of the field held by its members was determined and a methodology to obtain a consensual definition of an academic field was designed. 3)实践意义:By determining and presenting a widely shared conception of e-Government, this study aims to provide scholars, particularly the young, with a deeper understanding of the scope and meaning of the field. This consensual conception may serve either as a screen or as a magnet for future practitioners and academics. The methodology may be applied to several academic fields, including administration science, library science, management science, computer science, and others. 4)考虑到版权问题,这里给出全文链接: http://ras.sagepub.com/content/76/3/577 欢迎同行批评指正!
个人分类: 研海拾贝|2358 次阅读|0 个评论
ECDL2010上的NKOS Workshop
xuechunxiang 2010-9-3 10:22
一直关注NKOS的研究东西,在即将召开的ECDL2010会议上,今年NKOS的主题是关于Mapping、SKOS、link data。参与者都是每年NKOS会议的老面孔啊,议题也延续了往年!期望等资料公开后能看到KOS的一些新内容。 Networked Knowledge Organization Systems and Services The 9th European NKOS Workshop at the 14th ECDL Conference, Glasgow, Scotland Thursday 9th (start 2:00pm) Friday 10th (finish 1.30pm) September 2010 议程安排:Workshop Programme (Venue: BO Theatre A) Thursday 9th September 14.30 15.00 Welcome and introduction to workshop and participants (Doug Tudhope) Session 1: Mapping, mapping relationships and retrieval performance Chair: Vivien Petras 15.00 15.30 Antoine Isaac. Progress in semantic mapping 15.30 16.00 Stella Dextre Clarke. Types of mapping recommended in ISO 25964, and the question of reciprocity 16.00 16.30 Coffee break 16.30 17.00 Mapping discussion 17.00 17.15 Felix Boteram. Stratified semantic relations: Information retrieval and knowledge exploration in distributed knowledge organization systems 17.15 17.45 Philipp Mayr, Peter Mutschke, Philipp Schaer, York Sure. Search term recommendation and non-textual ranking evaluated 17.45 18.30 Demonstration session (using participants own laptops) The session will be followed by the usual informal evening dinner where discussions can continue. The venue will be announced at the workshop. Friday 10th September Session 2: User centred KOS design and evaluation Chair: Stella Dextre Clarke 09.00 09.30 Anna Mastora and Sarantos Kapidakis. Users and KOSs: When Can We Trust Those Two Together for Conceptual Query Expansion? 09.30 09.45 Louise Spiteri, Laurel Tarulli, Alyssa Graybeal. The public library catalogue as a social space: Transaction log analysis of user interaction with social discovery systems 09.45 10.00 Hugo Manguinhas, Jos Borbinha. Integrating Knowledge Organization Systems Registries with Metadata Registries 10.00 10.15 Margie Hlava. Using KOS as a basis for text analytics and trend forecasting 10.30 11.00 Coffee break Session 3. SKOS and linked data Chair: Antoine Isaac 11.00 11.15 Gudrun Johannsen, Ahsan Morshed, Johannes Keizer, Gudrun Johannsen, Armando Stellato, Thomas Baker. Towards AGROVOC OWL Model to AGROVOC SKOS Model 11.15 11.30 Johannes Hercher, Harald Sack. Indexing Audiovisual Heritage in Germany by SKOSification of Existing Vocabularies 11.30 12.00 Ceri Binding, Doug Tudhope. KOS-based tools for archaeological dataset interoperability 12.00 12.30 Riccardo Albertoni, Monica De Martino, Franca Giannini. SKOS and semantic web best practice to access terminological resources: NatureSDIPlus and CHRONIOUS hands-on experience 12.30 13.00 Thomas Schandl, Andreas Blumauer, Helmut Nagy. Using Linked Data in Thesaurus Management 13.00 13.15 Conclusions
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[转载]The Semantic Vectors Package
timy 2010-5-4 14:43
http://code.google.com/p/semanticvectors/ The Semantic Vectors Package Apache Lucene . The package was created as part of a project by the University of Pittsburgh Office of Technology Management, and is now used by several other institutions and companies as well. Semantic Vector indexes, created by applying a Random Projection algorithm to term-document matrices created using The package creates a WordSpace model, of the kind developed by Stanford University's Infomap Project and other researchers during the 1990s and early 2000s. Such models are designed to represent words and documents in terms of underlying concepts, and as such can be used for many semantic (concept-aware) matching tasks such as automatic thesaurus generation, knowledge representation, and concept matching. The Semantic Vectors package uses a Random Projection algorithm, a form of automatic semantic analysis, similar to Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and its variants like Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA). However, unlike other methods, Random Projection does not rely on the use of computationally intensive matrix decomposition algorithms like Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). This makes Random Projection a much more scalable technique in practice. Our application of Random Projection for Natural Language Processing (NLP) is descended from Pentti Kanerva's work on Sparse Distributed Memory, which in semantic analysis and text mining, this method has also been called Random Indexing. A growing number of researchers have applied Random Projection to NLP tasks, demonstrating: Semantic performance comparable with other forms of Latent Semantic Analysis. Significant computational performance advantages in creating and maintaining models. Documentation http://semanticvectors.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/doc/index.html . Java API Documentation is at Installation help can be found in the InstallationInstructions . Help on using SemanticVectors for DocumentSearch . A page with links to more RelatedResearch . The package requires Apache Ant and Apache Lucene to have been installed, and the Lucene classes must be available in your CLASSPATH. User Group http://groups.google.com/group/semanticvectors . Issues and bugs can be posted using the Issues tab above. More general questions and discussions may be posted at the group webpage, Originally written by Dominic Widdows , in collaboration with Kathleen Ferraro and the University of Pittsburgh. The project is now maintained and extended by a small group of developers, as listed in the SemanticVectors AUTHORS file. Projects Using Semantic Vectors ProjectsUsingSemanticVectors . We're aware of a few more that we'll try to add in due course: please visit this page and leave comments if you know of any. We're starting a list of
个人分类: 工具箱|114 次阅读|0 个评论
CFP: 1st Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web
timy 2010-1-12 15:50
From: http://msw.deri.ie/ Although knowledge processing on the Semantic Web is inherently language-independent, human interaction with semantically structured and linked data will remain inherently language-based as this will be done preferably by use of text or speech input in many different languages. Semantic Web development will therefore be increasingly concerned with knowledge access to and generation in/from multiple languages, i.e., in: multilingual querying of knowledge repositories and linked data multilingual knowledge and result presentation in semantic search multilingual verbalization of ontology structure in ontology engineering ontology-based information extraction from multilingual text and semi-structured data ontology learning from multilingual text and semi-structured data Multilinguality is therefore an emerging challenge to Semantic Web development and to its global acceptance across language communities around the world. The workshop will therefore be concerned with discussion of new infrastructures, architectures, algorithms etc. that will enable easy adaptation of Semantic Web applications to multiple languages, addressing issues in representation, extraction, integration, presentation etc. Expected Topics models for the integration of linguistic information with ontologies architectures and infrastructure for a truly multilingual Semantic Web models for multilinguality in knowledge representation, in particular OWL and RDF(S) localization of ontologies to multiple languages, incl. label translation, multilingual terms adaptation of (multilingual) lexicons to ontologies automatic integration of (multilingual) lexicons with ontologies multilingual cross-lingual ontology-based information extraction ontology population multilingual aspects of semantic search querying of knowledge repositories multilinguality and linked data (generation, querying, visualization presentation) multilingual aspects of ontology verbalization ontology learning across languages Important Dates Submission Deadline: February 21st, 2010 Notification: March 19th, 2010 Camera-ready Deadline: April 1st, 2010 Workshop: April 26th or 27th, 2010 Organizing Committee Paul Buitelaar Unit for Natural Language Processing , DERI - National University of Ireland, Galway http://www.paulbuitelaar.net/ Philipp Cimiano Semantic Computing Group, Cognitive Interaction Technology Excellence Cluster (CITEC) Bielefeld University, Germany http://www.cimiano.de Elena Montiel-Ponsoda Ontology Engineering Group, Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Espaa emontiel(at)delicias.dia.fi.upm.es Program Committee Guadalupe Aguado de Cea , Universidad Politcnica de Madrid - Artificial Intelligence Department, Spain Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles , IRIT, Toulouse - Knowledge Engineering, Cognition and Cooperation, France Timothy Baldwin , Univ. of Melbourne - Language Technology Group, Australia Roberto Basili , Universita Tor Vergata, Rome - Artificial Intelligence group, Italy Chris Bizer , Freie Universitt Berlin - Web-based Systems Group, Germany Francis Bond , NICT - Language Infrastructure Group, Japan Christopher Brewster , Aston University - Operations and Information Management Group, UK Dan Brickley , Vrije Universiteit FOAF project, the Netherlands Nicoletta Calzolari , ILC-CNR - Computational Linguistics Institute, Italy Manuel Tomas Carrasco Benitez , European Commission, Luxembourg Key-Sun Choi , KAIST - Semantic Web Research Center, South-Korea Thierry Declerck , DFKI - Language Technology Lab, Germany Aldo Gangemi , ISTC-CNR - Semantic Technology Laboratory, Italy Asuncion Gmez Prez , Universidad Politcnica de Madrid - Artificial Intelligence Department, Spain Gregory Grefenstette , Exalead, France Siegfried Handschuh , DERI, Nat. Univ. of Ireland, Galway - Semantic Collaborative Software Unit, Ireland Michael Hausenblas , DERI, Nat. Univ. of Ireland, Galway - Data Intensive Infrastructures Unit, Ireland Ivan Herman , CWI W3C, the Netherlands Chu-Ren Huang , Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Dept. of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, Hong Kong Antoine Isaac , Vrije Universiteit - Web and Media Group, the Netherlands Ernesto William De Luca , Universitt Magdeburg - Data and Knowledge Engineering Group, Germany Paola Monachesi , Universiteit Utrecht - Institute of Linguistics, the Netherlands Sergei Nirenburg , University of Maryland - Institute for Language and Information Technologies, USA Alessandro Oltramari , ISTC-CNR - Laboratory for Applied Ontology Univ. of Padua, Italy Jacco van Ossenbruggen , CWI - Semantic Media Interfaces VU - Intelligent Systems, the Netherlands Wim Peters , University of Sheffield - Natural Language Processing group, UK Laurette Pretorius , University of South Africa - School of Computing, South-Africa James Pustejovsky , Brandeis University CS Dept., Lab for Linguistics and Computation, USA Maarten de Rijke , Univ. van Amsterdam - Information and Language Processing Systems, the Netherlands Felix Sasaki , W3C deutsch-sterr. Bro FH Potsdam, Germany Martin Volk , Universitt Zrich - Institute of Computational Linguistics, Switzerland Piek Vossen , Vrije Universiteit - Dept. of Language, Cognition and Communication, the Netherlands Yong Yu , Shanghai Jiao Tong University - APEX Data Knowledge Management Lab, China var sc_project=5409784; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=49; var sc_click_stat=1; var sc_security="217098ed";
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huanglican 2009-7-27 12:02
黄理灿于2009-07-26应邀为在北京主办的BIFE2009国际会议做semantic P2P network for e-Business主题报告。
个人分类: 生活点滴|3060 次阅读|0 个评论

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