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热度 1 Greg66 2017-2-19 09:58
两种 ICAM 表格 【20170220补充】: 按事件分析,就有一个事件分割的问题,事件从何处开始、到何处结束?如何分割?分割到多细致?什么叫做“一个”?一个大的事件里面可能还包括很多小事件。如果按照人员来分析,就省去了这些麻烦。按照人员分析,物的不安全状态,有可能是人造成的,也可能是他面对的、固有的。
个人分类: 1|2937 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 1 wya 2016-12-13 09:29
http://media.china.com.cn/cmsp/2016-12-12/923471.html 把时间耗在“表格”上的又何止是扶贫 2016-12-12 11:07:03 来源: 中国网 a href=http://media.china.com.cn/cmsp/2016-12-12/923471.html# class=bds_weixin data-cmd=weixin title=分享到微信 style=padding:0px;margin:6px 10px 6px 0px;color:#3a8ceb;overflow:hidden;text-decoration:none;float:left;width:32px;line-height:32px;height:32px;cursor:pointer;text-indent:-100em;background-image:url( v=7f3ed0f4.png);background-position:0px target=_blank target=_blank 《人民日报》报道,近日,听一位驻村扶贫的第一书记吐槽:扶贫工作中,各类登记表、调查表、明细表、记录表雪片般飞来,“5+2”“白加黑”都难招架,最多时一天就填了48份。 大量时间、精力耗在纸面上,要为村里做点实事,反倒只能挤时间。 (12月11日 澎湃新闻) 在扶贫工作中,一些单位、部门事无巨细,动辄下发文书、表格,形式繁多,实质雷同。过多过滥、重复烦琐的报表,“为精准而精准”,让基层同志难堪其扰。很多时候 ,基层干部都在忙填“表格”交资料,哪有时间把扶贫工作落实到具体行动中? 扶贫工作需要“实打实”。需要基层干部走村串户,在围绕精准扶贫下功夫,精确制导、因地制宜破解贫困地区发展困局上下功夫。尤其要找准基层工作的切入点和关键点,对症下药。这些都要在深入走访调研了解村里的实际情况、切实掌握村情民意的基础上,科学合理制定方案,找到一条扶贫脱贫的发展之路。这都需要花费大量的时间和精力,如果在做资料上花大量功夫,难保将扶贫工作“架空”,让扶贫工作浮于表面,形成“花架子”。 其实,把时间耗在“表格”上的又何止是扶贫工作!任何一个地方政府,一个单位部门,不管哪一项工作,现在都极为强调上报资料及时,而且收档及时,资料齐全,以备上级检查。尤其是基层部门,上级分管部门多,报表多,检查多,甚至报了电子档的还要交纸质件,基层干部往往在填“表格”交资料上疲于奔命,加班加点,这样怎能做好实际具体工作? 不可否认,一些“表格”一些资料是少不了的,是必要的。但是我们不能为了“资料”而做“资料”,把宝贵的时间和有限的人力物力浪费一些重复、繁多的资料上。这就需要上级各部门真正转变工作考核的观念和方式方法,少看资料,多看实效。而且要切实运用好“互联网+”的平台,真正做到信息共享,尽量减少一些不必要的“表格”、文书等。 “只有干在实处,才能走在前列。”习近平一贯强调真抓实干。他认为,不抓落实,再美好的蓝图也是空中楼阁。能否向人民群众交上一份满意的答卷,关键就要看我们是否求真务实地干。只有通过真抓实干去打开工作新局面,才能推动党和人民事业新发展,创造人民新幸福。(文/扬清风)
个人分类: 社会观察|607 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 10 姜文来 2016-12-12 16:19
表格和材料泛滥是“腐败”和“懒政” 姜文来 近日,听一位驻村扶贫的第一书记吐槽:扶贫工作中,各类登记表、调查表、明细表、记录表雪片般飞来,“ 5+2 ”“白加黑”都难招架,最多时一天就填了 48 份。大量时间、精力耗在纸面上,要为村里做点实事,反倒只能挤时间。( 12 月 11 日《人民日报》) 我经常到基层调研,类似的吐槽比较普遍,基层人员每天忙于上级部门布置的各种表格填报或者材料上报,没有时间真正干自己的事情,基层人员几乎成了“填表专业户”或者“材料撰写人员”,让基层人员苦不堪言。 其实,被表格和材料困扰的不仅仅局限于基层人员,有相当于一部分人受此影响。如教师或者科研人员,每年都要填各种与教研、科研有关或者无关的表格或材料,占用了大量宝贵的时间,干扰正常的教学和科研工作,烦不胜烦,尽管填表者很不情愿,但这是上级部门的要求的工作,不得不完成。 从上级单一部门来看,每个部门要求上报的材料或者填写的表格并不多,没有觉得为下级造成多大的困扰,是完成工作任务必要的工作。但从基层的角度来看,上级管理部门众多,上面千条线,下面一根针,上级布置的每一项任务都需要基层一一落实,上级所有的要求都落到了基层人数不多的人头上,不忙得“头昏脑涨”那才是奇迹。 造成表格和材料泛滥的原因是多方面的,其中之一是不正确的政绩观作怪。表格和材料是上级了解下级工作的重要载体,也是下级向上级汇报成绩成效的通道。一些表格和材料是不可少的,是必须的,对于这些表格和材料基层是理解的,也是大力支持的。基层人员最不情愿和最反感地是那些为了政绩“制造”出来的表格或材料,对于基层而言没有什么用处,是加重负担额外的任务,如果不是因为情分或者愿意牺牲谁愿意“为他人做嫁衣”?这些材料即使送到上级部门,或者束之高阁,或者作为资料保存,几乎没有发挥其作用或者价值,既浪费了大量填表人宝贵的时间,也浪费了纸张、传递等自然资源和社会资源,是一种浪费,也是一种 “腐败”,甚至比常见的“腐败”更可怕,它是以正常工作的名义进行的“腐败”,具有隐蔽性、难以拒绝性和普遍性的特点。 表格和材料泛滥绝对不是一种“勤政”,是与“勤政”恰恰相反的 “懒政”行为。它体现了上级部门或者工作人员处理相关问题时做法过于简单、作风粗糙的行为。上级部门通过自报表格或者材料了解基层工作,也通过此对基层工作进行评价或者进行决策,由于自报的数据或材料因各种原因与真实性存在很大的差距,上级部门同时缺乏对表格或材料真实性鉴别,导致评价或决策建立在不真实“虚幻”的基础之上,其最终效果可想而知。这种“懒政”行为更暴露出上级治理能力的 “短板”。 表格和材料泛滥与国家治理体系和治理能力有密切的关系,它从另一侧面说明我国目前国家治理体系和治理能力还不能充分满足社会的需求,对其进行改革是非常必要的,推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,将有利于表格和材料的泛滥,对基层是一个福音,有利于治理表格和材料方面的“腐败”和“懒政”。
5266 次阅读|10 个评论
xyzg198891 2016-11-15 20:09
%将下面的命令 放在导言区 \newcommand{\tabincell} {\begin{tabular}{@{}#1@{}}#2/end{tabular}} % 然后使用\ tabincell{c}{} 就可以在表格中自动换行,其中c代表居中对齐,可应用l或r代替 %一个例子如下: \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline 1 the first line\\ \hline 2 \tabincell{c}{这里将占用三行\\前面的2将垂直居中\\即位于第二行}\\ \hline \end{tabular} %这种方法需要手动设置换行的位置,不够智能。正确的做法是使用tabularx宏包提供的X参数(注意是大写的X)。后者除了更简单,更智能。排版后未换行的列顶端对齐而非垂直居中。
个人分类: LaTeX|4198 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 plgongcat 2015-7-6 11:09
Here we will focus on how to add figures, tables, and equations into your document. Here are the complete source file and results in PDF format: Figures To insert a figure in a LaTeX document, you write lines like this: \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics {imagefile1} \caption{Caption for figure} \label{fig_sample} \end{figure} The whole block is enclosed between \begin{figure} and \end{figure}. The command \includegraphics does the actual insertion of the image. Here we insert a file named imagefile1.eps (or imagefile1.pdf when using PdfLaTeX). LaTeX assumes a .eps file extension (and PdfLaTeX assumes .pdf). You don't need to write it. You can also specify the width of the image. Give it as a parameter (enclosed in brackets) to the \includegraphics command. Acceptable measurement units are for example in, mm, and cm. Also the height of the figure is scaled proportionally so the image doesn't get distorted. The \caption command gives a caption for the figure. We have also added the \label which is useful when you want to refer to the equation in your paragraph text (see References ). Additionally, we have used a \centering command to center the figure in the column. If you don't yet know how to create EPS images for LaTeX documents, read the Creating figures tutorial. Subfigures If you want to divide a figure into many smaller parts, use the \subfigure command. First, you have to add this in the beginning of your .tex file: \usepackage{graphicx,subfigure} You probably already have the graphicx package loaded so add only the word subfigure here. Let's add three small figures in place of one normal figure. Use the \subfigure command: \begin{figure} \centering \subfigure { \includegraphics {imagefile2} \label{fig_firstsub} } \ \ \subfigure { \includegraphics {imagefile2} \label{fig_secondsub} } \subfigure { \includegraphics {imagefile2} \label{fig_thirdsub} } \caption{Common figure caption.} \label{fig_subfigures} \end{figure} The result is: Write as many \subfigure commands as you have figures. \subfigure takes an argument (enclosed between ) which specifies the caption for that subfigure. Then put the \includegraphics and \label commands between { and } of the subfigure. Here we use an image file named imagefile2.eps. We have also specified a width for each image using the optional width parameter of the \includegraphics command. Note the \ \ command after the first subfigure. This command creates a line break. In this case, it separates the three subfigures into two rows. Without the \ \ all the three subfigures may end up in just one row. You can try the \ also in other places and see its effect. In the end, we put one more \caption and \label. These are for the whole three-part figure element. Tables A table in LaTeX may look a bit scary bunch of code at first. But you can copy and paste the basic lines that are needed. Then inserting your own text into the table is a piece of cake. Here we go: \begin{table} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3} \caption{Simple table} \label{table_example} \centering \begin{tabular}{c|c} \hline Heading One Heading Two\ \ \hline \hline Three Four\ \ \hline Five Six\ \ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} The result will look like this: Hence it's a table with two columns and two rows. Here is how you organize the text in a table: Horizontal lines are separated by \ in the end of line. That is, \ begins a new row. Then write \hline to insert a horizontal line (one or more). Write an where you want a vertical line. The number of columns is specified like this: Here we used a line like \begin{tabular}{c|c}. The | represents a vertical line and c makes the text of a column centered. Thus, c|c creates two columns with centered text. Text can also be left and right aligned if you use l or r instead of c. More columns can be added by using many | symbols. For example, this produces four columns: l|c|c|c . Now the leftmost column is left-aligned and the others are centered. You may wonder about the strange line \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}. This is needed for adjusting the white space around text in the table cells. The value 1.3 produces quite a pleasing look. Double column figures and tables If you are writing a two column document and you would like to insert a wide figure or table that spans the whole page width, use the starred versions of the figure and table constructs. Like this: \begin{figure*}...\end{figure*} or \begin{table*}...\end{table*}. Write the contents in the usual way. You can use also subfigures inside figure*. Note that double column figures and tables have some limitations. They can't be placed at the bottom of pages. Additionally, they will not appear on the same page where they are defined. So you have to define them prior to the page on which they should appear. Equations Short mathematical expressions can be inserted within paragraph text by putting the math between $ and $. For example: ... angle frequency $\omega = 2\pi f$ ... This is called an inline equation. The result is: . In equations the normal text symbols are written as such, for example 2 and f. Greek symbols are named for example \alpha, \beta and so on. You don't need to remember these because in WinEdt (and TeXnicCenter) you can use the symbol toolbar which has buttons for all the Greek letters and other math symbols. Numbered equations are separate from paragraph text and they are automatically numbered. The contents of the equation are written using the same ideas as inline equations but now we write \begin{equation} and \end{equation} instead of $s. \begin{equation} \label{capacitor_impedance} X_{C} = \frac{ 1 }{ \omega C } \end{equation} The result is: Here we learn another structure which is often used in equations: the \frac command inserts a fraction whose numerator and denominator are enclosed in braces. http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a582a1f0100cyiw.html
个人分类: latex|6266 次阅读|1 个评论
lcj2212916 2014-5-12 19:58
【名稱】:教你成为Excel制表高手 【作者】:--- 【大小】:536K 【格式】:doc 【語言】:簡體中文 【內容簡介】: 教你做表格,办公室工作必须要学习的东西!教程很全,也超级实用... 【下載載點】: http://www.400gb.com/file/64553515
1168 次阅读|0 个评论
lcj2212916 2014-5-8 22:24
【資源名稱】:十个品牌笔记本介绍 【資源作者】:--- 【資源大小】:3.34MB 【資源格式】:pdf 【資源語言】:簡體中文 【資源空間】:ctdisk 【內容簡介】:惠普(HP)家用产品线首先,惠普笔记本分为家用和商用两大产品线,而在这两大产品线中,又都有自己的中高端和中低端型号。 家用产品线的中高端型号是HP Pavilion(畅游人)系列,中低端则是HP Compaq Presario(自由人)系列。 值得一提的是,原本属于Pavilion 系列中的HDX 近期被独立出来,成为家用产品线的第三大系列,定位高端市场。 商用产品线的中高端型号是HP EliteBook 系列,中低端则是HP Compaq 系列。综上所述,我们制作了下面的表格: 惠普笔记本家用产品线商用产品线中高端型号HP Pavilion,HP HDXHP EliteBook 中低端型号HP Compaq PresarioHP Compaq 下面,我们先对家用产品线的命名方式做进一步分析。 【下載載點】: http://www.400gb.com/file/64336752
1109 次阅读|0 个评论
Bearjazz 2014-4-24 15:29
R 语言构建遗传距离似的矩阵表格 #作者信息 熊荣川 六盘水师范学院生物信息学实验室 xiongrongchuan@126.com http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Bearjazz # 预装函数 #有时候我们需要做一组数据内部的两两比较,比较结果的呈现通常有两种方式,一种是类似于系统发育生物学上常常用到的遗传距离矩阵风格;另外一种则是双列式的表格。下面我们撰写的两个R语言函数分别能够完成两种风格矩阵的构建。 #原始代码已在发布24小时后删除。 # 使用方法 Step 1 首先需要准备一个名录文件, .txt 格式 Step 2 相关 R 函数应用 taglist = readLines(taglistB.txt) mat = Genetic_matrixA(taglist) write.csv(mat,Genetic matrix— 方表 .csv) mat = Genetic_matrixB(taglist) write.csv(mat,Genetic matrix- 竖表 .csv)
个人分类: 我的研究|5674 次阅读|0 个评论
itso310 2014-4-19 11:18
引自: http://blog.csdn.net/nightelve/article/details/7957726 1. 单像素边框CSS表格 这是一个很常用的表格样式。 2. 带背景图的CSS样式表格 和上面差不多,不过每个格子里多了背景图。 3. 自动换整行颜色的CSS样式表格(需要用到JS) 这个CSS样式表格自动切换每一行的颜色,在我们需要频繁更新一个大表格的时候很有用。 4. 鼠标悬停高亮的CSS样式表格 (需要JS) 纯CSS显示表格高亮在IE中显示有问题,所以这边使用了JS来做高亮(由于csdn博客限制了js的使用,我会在近期将博客迁移放到自己的web主机上)。
个人分类: java|0 个评论
Bearjazz 2014-3-1 11:05
熊荣川 六盘水师范学院生物信息学实验室 xiongrongchuan@126.com http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Bearjazz 本地blast因为不需要联网,且运算数据较快而受到欢迎,但是,操作上有诸多不便,其中之一就是结果为文本结果,手动转化成表格形式较为繁琐,也不利于大数据情况下的操作,因此我们撰写了R语言函数LBlastF2Tab以方便这一转化,使用方法如下 #使用方法 首先预装R函数LBlastF2Tab 函数源代码地址http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=7041661 LBlastF = AB043889 # AB043889 为本地 blast 产生的结果文件名 outfile = AB043889.csv #设置生成表格的文件名 LBlastF2Tab(LBlastF,outfile) #调用已经预装的函数 LBlastF2Tab
个人分类: 我的研究|6302 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 8 罗帆 2013-12-25 00:50
平安夜,静静地坐在桌前。舒缓的音乐,让我回忆在美国度过的那个圣诞节。 节前,明大的各项活动繁多,朋友们带我参加了几次聚会,印象最深的是在明尼阿波利斯校区的圣诞晚会,电声小乐队很棒。 很快,学校放假了,校园里顿时显得冷清。表哥邀请我去弗罗里达度假,表嫂帮我订了机票。向合作导师Gary请了假,提着行李箱,兴奋地从冰天雪地的北方飞往南方。 在迈阿密附近的小城,我在表哥家中度过了十五天愉快而难忘的时光。全家人的深情厚爱,使我忘记了远离故土的乡愁。 平安夜,是在表哥的中国朋友家度过的。大家在一起品尝美食,唱卡拉 OK ,谈天说地,非常开心。 天真可爱的小侄儿光光,特意在电脑上画了一张圣诞卡送给我。 弗罗里达的阳光和亲情,让我感到特有的温暖和快乐。时间过得真快,当年谦谦接到了大学录取通知书的情景还历历在目,现在 谦谦从哈佛大学毕业 已有好几年了。 与表哥全家在房前留影 后排从右到左:侄女谦谦、维嘉表哥、表嫂的妹妹、表嫂高琼和我;前排右一是小侄儿光光,还有两个小精灵——表嫂妹妹的宝贝。 元旦过后,我回到明州,新年的气氛依然很浓。布鲁斯夫妇邀请宇红和我去看圣诞歌舞剧。 那天,宇红要我穿中国式礼服,于是穿了旗袍,外套毛衣和风衣。布鲁斯夫妇曾经到山东一所大学当过外教,非常喜爱中国,对中国学者和学生特别热情关照。演出很精彩,但不允许观众拍照。演员谢幕之后,友好地与观众合影。 我与布鲁斯夫妇在一起 宇红在与布鲁斯夫妇交谈 我与歌唱家合影 复活节,我们一起去布鲁斯夫妇家聚餐。后来,还去他家的湖畔老屋度过了一个不同寻常的周末。 在遥远的大洋彼岸,为表哥全家、导师及亲朋好友们祝福,祝你们平安健康、幸福快乐! 银装素裹的东湖 同时,祝科学网博友们圣诞节快乐,心想事成!
个人分类: 生活感悟|4724 次阅读|18 个评论
readnet 2013-5-22 13:50
怎么改善我的表格? 尊敬的 Eddy 博士:   我刚收到期刊评审员的意见,有一个评审只说 “The presentation of the tables needs to be improved” ,我该怎么做?   期刊评审员的意见有点笼统,你可能要回邮件询问期刊编辑明确的改进项目。不过在发邮件之前,可以先看看几个项目可以帮助你让表格呈现更有吸引力,资料更简单易懂: 内容 : 表格是不是呈现该数据的最好方式? 想想 同样的数据如果用图片或是文字呈现,效果会不会更好? 同样的信息应合并在同一个表格中;同时, 如果表格信息过多或是太长,清将它拆开成不同的表格或考虑把该数据变成补充信息 。 一致性 : 内文提到的数据应与图表一致 。虽然这个工作需要极大的耐性与眼力,但这对同行评审来说是非常重要的项目。 表格编号 :所有的表格都应该 按照内文引用的顺序编号 。交叉确认目标期刊是使用阿拉伯数字( Table 1 )或罗马数字( Table I )、大写( TABLE )或小写( Table )。补充表格通常会另外编号例如补充表格 1 ( Supplementary Table 1 )。 在内文引用表格 : 引用表格的内文不应重复提及已在表格里呈现的数据 。例如,你可说: In total, 32% of the subjects were highly satisfied with the treatment (Table 1) ,但避免: but avoid “As shown in Table 1, 32% of the subjects chose Option 1, 12% chose Option 2, 10% chose Option 3, and 46% chose Option 4 。 表头 :每一个表格都应该有自己的抬头, 抬头必须精确且含有主要信息 。表格就算没有内文参考也可以自成一格,所以 表头要能传达表格本质,像是论文题目一样 。例如: Blood levels of glucose 10 min after the rats were injected with streptozotocin 比 Glucose levels after experiment 1 好多了。 行列标题 :必要时提供行列标题。如果整行/列都是用某一计量单位,在该行/列加上计量单位。 注脚 :如果 任何栏位需要任何说明,应使用注脚 。如果你的表格是数据,注脚编号应为字母。许多期刊建议使用符号( # 、 † 、 ‡ 等)并注明其顺序。 星号通常用来标示统计显著影响的等级 ,如 *P 0.05 。 来源 :如果你的 表格数据来源是先前的研究,记得要注明出处 。此外,如果你使用先前的研究数据进行加工,仅注明出处是不够的,你 需要得到著作权所有者的允许 。如果你获得许可,你可以插入注脚说明“Reproduced with permission from…”。 视觉呈现 :最后,看看 表格的美观程度,检查表宽、行距、字型大小等 。 所有的数据应该要清晰易读并靠同一边对齐 。   以下范例表格包含以上所提各项:   上述项目看似基本且不重要但可以显著的提升表格质量。一旦你逐项检查后还是无法了解评审员的意见或是不了解还可以怎么改进,你可以发邮件礼貌的询问期刊编辑进一步说明评审员的意思。祝你好运,如果关于这个主题你还有任何问题,请随时提出来讨论,或许本博客的其他读者有碰过类似情况也可提出建议。 本文引用地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-769813-614113.html
个人分类: 科技写作|0 个评论
haijunwang 2013-3-25 17:27
今天,和实验室师兄讨论关于tex中双栏情况下某个跨栏表格和表格下方两栏之间的距离设定问题,最后的解决方法是用了minipage环境: \begin{table*} \begin{minipage}{1.0\linewidth}%linewidth猜测应该是该小页的宽度,以整行宽度linewidth为比例 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} \vspace*{-0.5in} \end{table*}
个人分类: tex排版|3772 次阅读|0 个评论
设置单元格垂直居中,并设置单元格高度 latex
orient 2013-2-28 08:27
\begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{m{0pt}m{1.7cm}m{1.7cm}m{1.7cm}} \hline \rule{0pt}{8pt} Head1 Head2 Head3 \\\hline \rule{0pt}{8pt} 3 2 3 \\\hline \end{tabular} \end{table} 注释1:m{0pt}设置了一个dummy column,如果不设置这一列,\rule{0pt}{8pt}会使得最靠左的一列垂直居中的设置失效。 注释2:\rule{0pt}{8pt} 将表格中单元格撑起来(0pt:线的宽度,8pt:撑起的高度)【这一点参考自:http://suzy8802.blog.163.com/blog/static/2124020642012911325769/】 vertically centered, and adjust row height
33328 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]wyckoff position 各种晶格群的表格
ljliu2 2013-2-13 23:37
http://www.cryst.ehu.es/cgi-bin/cryst/programs/nph-wp-list 下面是从其他网站转的,读过后,对wyckoff position 可以有大致的了解了。 Space Groups The International Tables for Crystallography From examination of a space group in “The International Tables for Crystallography” Vol. A, you should be able to ascertain the following information: · Herman-Mauguin (HM) Symbol (Long, Short) · Point Group (HM, Schoenflies) · Locate and identify symmetry elements · Understand Wyckoff site multiplicity and symmetry · Distinguish general and special positions · Extinction conditions · Identify possible subgroups and supergroups Understanding the Herman-Mauguin Space Group Symbol Space groups are typically identified by their short Herman-Mauguin symbol (i.e. Pnma, I4/mmm, etc.). The symmetry elements contained in the short symbol are the minimum number needed to generate all of the remaining symmetry elements. This symbolism is very efficient, condensed form of noting all of the symmetry present in a given space group. We won’t go into all of the details of the space group symbol, but I will expect you to be able to determine the Crystal system, Bravais Lattice and Point group from the short H-M symbol. You should also be able to determine the presence and orientation of certain symmetry elements from the short H-M symbol and vice versa. The HM space group symbol can be derived from the symmetry elements present using the following logic. The first letter identifies the centering of the lattice, I will hereafter refer to this as the lattice descriptor : · P Primitive · I Body centered · F Face centered · C C-centered · B B-centered · A A-centered The next three symbols denote symmetry elements present in certain directions, those directions are as follows: Crystal System Symmetry Direction Primary Secondary Tertiary Triclinic None Monoclinic Orthorhombic Tetragonal / Hexagonal/ Trigonal / / Cubic / / – Axis parallel or plane perpendicular to the x-axis. – Axis parallel or plane perpendicular to the y-axis. – Axis parallel or plane perpendicular to the z-axis. – Axis parallel or plane perpendicular to the line running at 45° to the x and y axes. – Axis parallel or plane perpendicular to the long face diagonal of the ab face of a hexagonal cell. – Axis parallel or plane perpendicular to the body diagonal. For a better understanding see specific examples from class notes. However, with no knowledge of the symmetry diagram we can identify the crystal system from the space group symbol. · Cubic – The secondary symmetry symbol will always be either 3 or –3 (i.e. Ia3, Pm3m, Fd3m) · Tetragonal – The primary symmetry symbol will always be either 4, (-4), 4 1 , 4 2 or 4 3 (i.e. P4 1 2 1 2, I4/m, P4/mcc) · Hexagonal – The primary symmetry symbol will always be a 6, (-6), 6 1 , 6 2 , 6 3 , 6 4 or 6 5 (i.e. P6mm, P6 3 /mcm) · Trigonal – The primary symmetry symbol will always be a 3, (-3) 3 1 or 3 2 (i.e P31m, R3, R3c, P312) · Orthorhombic – All three symbols following the lattice descriptor will be either mirror planes, glide planes, 2-fold rotation or screw axes (i.e. Pnma, Cmc2 1 , Pnc2) · Monoclinic – The lattice descriptor will be followed by either a single mirror plane, glide plane, 2-fold rotation or screw axis or an axis/plane symbol (i.e. Cc, P2, P2 1 /n) · Triclinic – The lattice descriptor will be followed by either a 1 or a (-1). The point group can be determined from the short H-M symbol by converting glide planes to mirror planes and screw axes to rotation axes. For example: Space Group = Pnma Point Group = mmm Space Group = I`4c2 Point Group =`4m2 Space Group = P4 2 /n Point Group = 4/m Wyckoff Sites One of the most useful pieces of information contained in the International Tables are the Wyckoff positions. The Wyckoff positions tell us where the atoms in a crystal can be found. To understand how they work consider the monoclinic space group Pm. This space group has only two symmetry elements, both mirror planes perpendicular to the b-axis. One at y = 0 and one at y = ½ (halfway up the unit cell in the b direction). Now let’s place an atom in the unit cell at an arbitrary position, x,y,z. If we now carry out the symmetry operation associated with this space group a second atom will be generated by the mirror plane at x,-y,z. However, if we were to place the atom on one of the mirror planes (its y coordinate would have to be either 0 or ½) then the reflection operation would not create a second atom. All of the information in the proceeding paragraph is contained in Wyckoff positions section of the International Tables. Pm has three Wyckoff sites as shown in the table below: Multiplicity Wyckoff Letter Site Symmetry Coordinates 2 c 1 (1) x,y,z (2) x,-y,z 1 b m x,½,z 1 a m x,0,z The multiplicity tells us how many atoms are generated by symmetry if we place a single atom at that position. In this case for every atom we insert at an arbitrary position (x,y,z) in the unit cell a second atom will be generated by the mirror plane at x,-y,z. This corresponds to the uppermost Wyckoff position 2c. The letter is simply a label and has no physical meaning. They are assigned alphabetically from the bottom up. The symmetry tells us what symmetry elements the atom resides upon. The uppermost Wyckoff position, corresponding to an atom at an arbitrary position never resides upon any symmetry elements. This Wyckoff position is called the general position. The coordinates column tells us the coordinates of all of the symmetry related atoms (two in this case). All of the remaining Wyckoff positions are called special positions. They correspond to atoms which lie upon one of more symmetry elements, because of this they always have a smaller multiplicity than the general position. Furthermore, one or more of their fractional coordinates must be fixed. In this case the y value must be either 0 or ½ or the atom would no longer lie on the mirror plane. Generating a Crystal Structure from its Crystallographic Description Using the space group information contained in the International Tables we can do many things. One powerful use is to generate an entire crystal structure from a brief description. Consider the following description of the crystal structure of Sr 2 AlTaO 6 . Space Group = Fm`3m a = 7.80 Atomic Positions Atom X Y Z Sr 0.25 0.25 0.25 Al 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ta 0.5 0.5 0.5 O 0.24 0.0 0.0 From the space group tables we see that the atoms are located on the following Wyckoff sites Sr 8c Al 4a Ta 4b O 24e The number associated with the Wyckoff sites tells us how many atoms of that type there are in the unit cell. In this So there are 40 atoms in the unit cell, with stoichiometry Sr 8 Al 4 Ta 4 O 24 which reduces to the empirical formula Sr 2 AlTaO 6 . Since the number of atoms in the unit cell is four times the number of atoms in the formula unit, we say that Z = 4. Using the face centering generators (0,0,0), (½,½,0), (½,0,½), (0,½,½) together with the coordinates of each Wyckoff site we can generate the fractional coordinates of all atoms in the unit cell: Sr 1:(0.25,0.25,0.25), 2:(0.75,0.75,0.25), 3:(0.75,0.25,0.75), 4:(0.25,0.75,0.75) 5:(0.25,0.25,0.75), 6:(0.75,0.75,0.75), 7:(0.75,0.25,0.25), 8:(0.25,0.75,0.25) Al 1:(0.0,0.0,0.0), 2:(0.5,0.5,0.0), 3:(0.5,0.0,0.5), 4:(0.0,0.5,0.5) Ta 1:(0.5,0.5,0.5), 2:(0.0,0.0,0.5), 3:(0.0,0.5,0.0), 4:(0.5,0.0,0.0) O 1:(0.24,0.0,0.0), 2:(0.74,0.5,0.0), 3:(0.74,0.0,0.5), 4:(0.24,0.5,0.5) 5:(0.76,0.0,0.0), 6:(0.26,0.5,0.0), 7:(0.26,0.0,0.5), 8:(0.76,0.5,0.5) 9:(0.0,0.24,0.0), 10:(0.5,0.74,0.0), 11:(0.5,0.24,0.5), 12:(0.0,0.74,0.5) 13:(0.0,0.76,0.0), 14:(0.5,0.26,0.0), 15:(0.5,0.76,0.5), 16:(0.0,0.26,0.5) 17:(0.0,0.0,0.24), 18:(0.5,0.5,0.24), 19:(0.5,0.0,0.74), 20:(0.0,0.5,0.74) 21:(0.0,0.0,0.76), 22:(0.5,0.5,0.76), 23:(0.5,0.0,0.26), 24:(0.0,0.5,0.26) From these fractional coordinates you can sketch out the structure of Sr 2 AlTaO 6 . With some luck I will provide a link to a picture of the structure here, at some point in the future. We can also work out bond distances from this information. The first Al ion is octahedrally coordinated by six oxygens (1,5,9,13,17,21) and the Al-O distance is : d = 7.80 1/2 = 1.87 while the first Ta ion is also surrounded by 6 oxygens (4,8,11,15,18,22) at a distance of d = 7.80 1/2 = 2.03 and Sr is surrounded by 12 oxygens (1,4,6,7,9,11,14,16,17,18,23,24) at a distance of d = 7.80 1/2 = 2.76 Determining a Crystal Structure from Symmetry Composition Another use is that given the stoichiometry, space group and unit cell size (which can typically be determined from diffraction techniques) and the density of a compound we can often deduce the crystal structure of relatively simple compounds. As an example consider the following information: Stoichiometry = SrTiO 3 Space Group = Pm3m a = 3.90 Density = 5.1 g/cm 3 To derive the crystal structure from this information the first step is to calculate the number of formula units per unit cell : Formula Weight SrTiO 3 = 87.62 + 47.87 + 3(16.00) = 183.49 g/mol Unit Cell Volume = (3.9010 -8 cm) 3 = 5.9310 -23 cm 3 (5.1 g/cm 3 )(5.9310 -23 cm 3 )(mol/183.49 g)(6.02210 23 /mol) = 0.99 Thus there is one formula unit per unit cell (Z=1), and the number of atoms per unit cell is : 1 Sr, 1 Ti and 3 O. Next we compare the number of atoms in the unit cell with the multiplicities of the Wyckoff sites. · From the multiplicities of the special positions in space group Pm3m we see that Sr must occupy either the 1a or 1b positions (otherwise there would be more than one Sr in the unit cell) · By the same reasoning Ti must also reside in either the 1a or 1b position, and, since there are no free positional parameters (x,y or z) in either 1a or 1b, the two ions cannot occupy the same site. · To maintain 3 oxygen ions in the unit cell it must reside at either site 3c or 3d. If we arbitrarily put Ti at the origin (1a), then by default Sr must go to 1b. To evaluate the prospects of putting O at either 3c or 3d we calculate the Ti-O bond distances: D (O @ 3c) = 3.90 1/2 = 2.76 D (O @ 3d) = 3.90 1/2 = 1.95 Of these two the latter (3d) is obviously more appropriate for a Ti-O bond (consult tables of ionic radii to convince yourself of this statement). Thus we obtain the structure of SrTiO 3 to be Space Group = Pm3m a = 3.90 Atomic Positions Atom Site X Y Z Sr 1b 0.5 0.5 0.5 Ti 1a 0.0 0.0 0.0 O 3d 0.5 0.0 0.0
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