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gcshan 2014-7-21 18:50
目前,在欧洲地区激光产业发展最快的是德国,特别是激光材料加工方面处于世界领先的地位。 一、弗劳恩霍夫应用研究促进协会(Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft) 弗劳恩霍夫研究所是德国也是欧洲最大的应用科学研究机构。弗劳恩霍夫协会是被认为和马克斯·普朗克协会并驾齐驱的德国最高水平的两大科研机构之一,在国际上享有盛誉。相比普朗克研究所基础科学方面的造诣,她更偏重于应用科技的研究。1991年,世界上第一台MP3就产生于弗劳恩霍夫协会位于埃尔兰根的集成电路研究所。 1.1 激光技术研究所 ILT 弗朗和夫激光技术研究所(FraunhoferInstitutLasertechnik-ILT)位于德国西部与荷兰交界的亚深市。该所建立于1985年7月,隶属于德国弗朗和夫学会,是国际上著名的应用型激光技术研究所。2011年底,该所的Reinhart Poprawe教授极其激光专家团队被授予德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州2011年“创新奖”。Reinhart Poprawe教授是夫琅和费激光技术研究所的主任。20多年来,夫琅和费激光技术研究所始终致力于推动激光添加制造技术的发展、开发能在生产环境中节约能源和资源的工艺技术。夫琅和费激光技术研究所的专家们推动了激光加工技术在不同材料和不同应用中的使用,为激光加工技术在整个工业领域的大规模使用铺平了道路。 二、柏林固体激光研究所FLI FLI位于柏林技术大学老物理楼的FLI建于1987年,于当年10月正式开展科研工作,现有科研、行政管理人员50人。所长H.Weber教授是欧洲第一台红宝石固体激光器的主研人,国际著名固体激光专家,曾多次来华访问、讲学。他在高功率固体激光器、光学谐振腔和超短激光脉冲技术等方面的著作和成就早已为我国激光界熟悉。FLI是在德国工业界对材料加工用kW级固体激光器的需求日益增长和欧洲尤里卡计划的推动下应运而生的。 三、汉诺威激光中心Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. 德国汉诺威激光中心最新开发出的基于光纤激光器的皮秒激光系统,能够满足工业应用的所有需求。该系统非常灵活,能够实现不同的设置,因为激光振荡器和放大器是分开的。根据所要加工的材料不同、以及想要达到的加工效果,该激光系统的重复频率和平均输出功率可以很容易地调节,以满足不同加工应用的需求。因此,该系统能够快速、独特地对加工步骤进行优化。 四、应用光学和精密机械研究所IOF 去年,该所研制出一种可用于智能手机的微型LED投影仪,可以集成在智能手机内部,将手机显示屏的内容投射到外界投影面,其显示图象为标准A4纸大小,清晰度高,并可作为触屏使用。 五、耶拿市弗里德里希·席勒大学(Friedrich schiller Universitat Jana ) 耶拿大学位于德国图林根耶拿市,创立于1558年,是德国最古老的大学之一;1934年改名为弗里德里希·席勒大学以纪念德国诗人弗里德里希·席勒。耶拿大学的光学专业历史悠久富有盛名。耶拿是一座真正的大学城,是一个高端技术工业区(光电子学,激光应用,光学,玻璃,高品质材料,生物仪器等)。图林根州位于德国中部被称为“德国的绿色心脏”,有着悠久的工业历史,早在150年前这里就诞生了光学和玻璃加工业。著名的企业有:耶拿的卡尔·蔡司光学公司(Carl-zeiss)、耶拿的玻璃加工企业 ( Schott Jena) 及埃森纳赫的欧宝汽车制造厂。 六、米特韦达应用科技大学 米特韦达应用科技大学创立于1867年,距今已有近一百五十年历史,是一所具有悠久传统的公立高等学府。整个校园处于米特韦达市内,环境怡人。1900年学校发展成当时德国最大的贵族高校,并且一直持续到二战前。今天的米特韦达大学是一所应用科技大学,学科广泛,它与世界各地的学府已经签订了一百多个合作协议,其中,该大学的激光研究所位于萨克森州中部地区。 七、斯图加特大学(University of Stuttgart) 斯图加特大学是位于德国斯图加特的一所国立大学,创建于1829年,以技术科目闻名。斯图加特大学现有140个研究所,共5000名教职员工及20000名在校学生。亦拥有全德第一的超级计算机,及全德第一来自第三方的科研经费。斯图加特大学激光(IFSW)学院成立于1986年,是世界著名的激光技术研究中心之一,它涉及整个激光技术的研究,从激光源到激光应用,从基础研究到工业技术转化。IFSW目前最主要方向激光源(特别是碟片激光),光学元件和光传输部件、光学整形,光和物质的相互反应的基础研究、以及随后发展的工业设备的应用。 除此之外,德国还有诸如光电微系统研究所(IPMS)、材料和射线研究所(IWS)、电子射线和等离子技术研究所(FEP)、柏林激光医疗技术研究所、耶那物理高技术研究所、德雷斯顿材料及射线技术研究所、不来梅应用射线技术研究所等激光光电研究所。 摘录自http://optics.ofweek.com/2013-09/ART-250003-8500-28719973.html
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PhD position on Optical properties of cluster in Madrid, EU
gcshan 2014-3-8 19:34
PhD candidate for thesis in Marseille and Madrid We are looking for a highly motivated candidate for a PhD thesis on Ab-initio Simulation of Optical Properties of Noble-Metal Clusters at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanosciences de Marseille, France (CINaM), co-supervised with the Centre of Condensed Matter Physics (IFIMAC), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. For details, please refer to the attachment. Interested candidates should contact us before March 26. Sincerely, * Hans-Christian Weissker * CINaM-CNRS * Campus de Luminy * Case 913 * 13288 Marseille Cedex 9 * * weissker@cinam.univ-mrs.fr * * European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility ( www.etsf.eu)
个人分类: Information|2818 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Plastic Optics Provide Precision
oupan 2013-1-25 02:55
Plastic Optics Provide Precision Valerie Coffey, Science Writer http://www.photonics.com/Article.aspx?AID=52488 Polymer optics are taking everyday applications by storm, thanks to advances that make plastic more and more competitive with glass. Polymer optics have long been known for being inexpensive and low in optical quality. The ease of high-volume, low-cost manufacturing meant that just a few decades ago, consumers would find them primarily in disposable toys, diffraction-grating glasses and $5 film cameras. As materials, engineering design and tooling improved between the mid-1990s and the middle of the past decade, plastic grew to be common in more high-end optical applications, including fiber optics, biomedical devices, biometric scanning, and the displays and devices used in defense and homeland security. 1 This flexibility of plastic optics is in large part the result of polymer optics manufacturers using sophisticated injection-molding and -testing techniques. Injection molding allows a polymer to be replicated from a master or metal inserts into complex optics such as Fresnel lenses, aspheres, toroids, free-form and micro-optics in a cost-effective, high-volume process (Figure 1). 2 Figure 1. Thermoplastic molding pellets, the source material for injection molding, are melted to form finished molded lenses for numerous everyday applications, from cellphone cameras to LED lens assemblies. Specifying plastic When it comes to thermoplastics, the specifications are the same as for glass. Designers must call out the dimensions, surface accuracy, index of refraction, Abbe number and transmission characteristics. They also must consider inherent autofluorescence characteristics and likely stress birefringence. Surface coating selection depends on the spectral environmental conditions of the application. Whether a design uses plastic or glass, however, depends upon understanding the widely varying strengths of glass and plastic, according to Scott Cahall, president of the optical design firm Moondog Optics Inc. in Fairport, N.Y. Glass comes in a wide variety of materials that can be chosen to optimize properties such as high refractive index, low dispersion or transmission over a broad spectrum. Glass enables tighter tolerances on material properties, while featuring a lower coefficient of thermal expansion and change of index with temperature (dn/dT) compared with plastic. Glass offers more resistance to surface abrasion and heat than plastic. Besides being “formable” into unique optical elements such as double-sided microlens arrays and prisms with optical power (Figure 2), strengths of plastic include the ability to incorporate significant departures from spherical surfaces, which facilitates aberration correction and reduces element count, Cahall said. Plastic has a low mass compared with glass for a given optical power and can weigh up to five times less. A big advantage of plastic optics is that they can incorporate built-in features for mounting or other functionality, potentially eliminating parts from an assembly. Whereas glass is created in small batches at best, plastic has cost-effective scalability up to mass-production volumes. Figure 2. Complex polymer optics design: A double-sided plastic microlens array combines the injection molding specialty of Jenoptik Polymer Systems with the design and manufacturing expertise of the micro-optics unit of Jenoptik Optical Systems Inc. in Huntsville, Ala. The gray-scale lithography-generated glass master is used to create an electroformed negative, which is then used as the mold insert. Proprietary tooling allows for accurate alignment of the front and back sides of the mold. “The decision when to use polymers is an engineering consideration, no different from deciding which type of glass to use,” said William S. Beich, director of sales and marketing at G-S Plastic Optics in Rochester, N.Y. “It depends on the application, and in some cases, the ability of the designer to compensate for the shortcomings of the material.” Recent advances In the past decade, plastic optics have exploded into a wide range of everyday applications including LED lenses, optical scanners, cellphone cameras and displays. Injection molding advances have greatly improved the optical quality of plastics so that they are becoming more common in growing nonconsumer markets such as medical equipment, biometrics and sensing. Polymer injection molding lends itself nicely to LEDs because of its ability to integrate optical elements into one part with mechanical features such as snaps, apertures, holes, barrels, light pipes and mirrors (Figure 3), said Andreas Maahs, site manager of polymer operations at Jenoptik Polymer Systems GmbH in Jena, Germany. “Combining several optical features in one component allows smaller unit sizes and eliminates the need for an optical alignment assembly, which improves replicated tolerance, unit manufacturing cost and nonrecurring expenses.” Figure 3. Everyday applications: The MS-820 bar-code scanner, designed and manufactured by Microscan Systems Inc. of Renton, Wash., involves numerous plano-optical surfaces on a polygonal mirror, integrated with a mounting datum into one part. Applications for LEDs are booming. “LED lighting is a huge and growing market for polymer optics,” Beich said. “The advantages of using polymer optics comes from the ability to replicate very complex shapes in a cost-effective manner, using injection molding.” With the incorporation of LEDs into low-cost, efficient illumination everywhere, on the street, in buildings and in mobile ambient applications such as in trains, planes and automobiles, the high volume and low cost of polymer are key. Zeon Corp., a Tokyo-based supplier of optical-grade polymers, recently announced the development of a high-transparency thermoplastic resin called Zeonex K26R, specifically for use in smartphone- and tablet-PC camera lenses. This material enables a 50 percent thinner lens element compared with conventional lenses used in mobile imaging applications, while still maintaining low birefringence (Figure 4). 3 Figure 4. New materials: The new Zeonex K26R polymer resin, designed for microlens applications such as camera optics for smartphones and tablets, enables high-precision molding of thin cross-section lenses with significant reduction in weld line size and lower birefringence compared with traditional resins. “This new plastic reportedly enables a lens only 0.15 mm thick, which is amazingly thin,” Cahall said. Glass manufacturing also has made advances in recent years, according to Jenoptik’s Maahs. “The equipment used in precision glass molding technology has been very innovative, especially in high-volume manufacturing. Aspherical surfaces can be replicated at more reasonable costs than ever. Even some limited integrated features can be accomplished, although not with the same degree of freedom as with polymer.” Recent advances in testing and quality-assurance capabilities ensure the quality of plastic. At G-S Plastic Optics, an OGP Smart Scope optical coordinate measuring system checks the mountings and assembly fiducials on molded products, holes and planar-shaped surfaces. Another high-performance coordinate measuring system certifies dimensional accuracy and product uniformity. Aspheric and other surface shapes are characterized using high-resolution stylus profilometry technology and phase-measuring laser interferometry in conjunction with computer-generated holograms. And the sphericity and irregularity of spherical optical surfaces such as mold inserts and molded optics are measured using phase-measuring laser interferometry (Figure 5). Figure 5. Advanced testing: The sphericity and irregularity of spherical optical surfaces such as mold inserts and molded optics are measured using phase-measuring laser interferometry. ‘A matter of physics’ Knowing that polymer keeps making inroads into glass quality territory, will polymer optics ever completely replace glass in the photonics world? No, agree the experts. “It’s a matter of physics,” Beich said. Plastics with significant aspheric departure are useful for aberration correction, but various types of materials are limited in plastic. Glass has the advantage of many material options, which is also useful for aberration correction. “Clearly, plastic does and will continue to dominate for some applications such as cellphone cameras, disposable medical apps and any case where surface shapes are not conducive to glass fabrication,” Cahall said. “The optimal choice depends on the details of the application. Both plastic and glass will continue to be used for the foreseeable future.” And sometimes they’ll be used together in polymer-glass hybrid optical systems. Polymer optics can be combined in systems with glass optics to take advantage of the benefits of both. “An appropriate glass lens can be used to correct chromatic aberrations,” Beich said, “while the aspheric polymer lenses in the system can be used to correct for spherical and other aberrations. Such an arrangement also takes advantage of the fact that one can replicate aspheric surfaces very efficiently by injection-molding the optic.” “I believe hybrid systems have a strong future,” Cahall said. “In many applications, they provide a preferred balance of cost and performance versus what’s possible with all-glass or all-plastic solutions.” Whether a design calls for straight-up polymer optics or a polymer-glass hybrid system, consulting an experienced specialist in polymer optics is critical. “I think Warren Smith said it best,” Beich said: “ ‘In considering a venture into the plastic optics arena, one is well-advised to seek out a specialist in making plastic optics. Not only is the typical injection molder incapable of making good optics, but he or she also has no conception of what is required to do so.’ ” 4 The plastic future Where will polymer optics go in the next five to 10 years? It will continue to be a key enabling technology for laboratory instruments, LED illumination applications, and small, portable, lightweight devices in a wide spectrum of markets, Beich said. “For example, we have customers who are employing sophisticated spectrometry techniques that were once used only in laboratories. Because of advances in the science, what was once a lab-based instrument can now be carried around by a user.” Also, developments in advanced optical data networking and optical computing will definitely benefit from polymer optical solutions, Maahs said. “We will certainly continue to see plastics in high-volume imaging and nonimaging applications,” Cahall said. “Imaging systems in particular are increasingly becoming high-end. Cellphone cameras today, for example, typically offer greater than 5 megapix and are generally all plastic. The goal will be to push the lenses to even higher quality – no surprise. At the same time, we will continue to see the scale of lenses pushed smaller. “Also, the number of consumer and medical applications where we see optical sensors and cameras will grow. This will be good for plastics and the optics industry in general.” Meet the author Freelance science and technology writer and editor Valerie C. Coffey is the founder of Stellar Editorial Services in Boxborough, Mass.; email: stellaredit@gmail.com . References 1. P. Tolley (October 2003). Polymer optics gain respect. Photonics Spectra , pp. 76-79. 2. J.G. Smith et al (2008). High efficiency micro-optics for illumination in projection systems. White paper. Mems Optical Inc. 3. http://www.zeonex.com/press/ZeonexK26R.asp . 4. W.J. Smith (2000). Modern optical engineering: The design of optical systems . 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 190.
个人分类: 光学|1 次阅读|0 个评论
Miller--Integrated Optics: An Introduction
isping 2012-9-10 20:05
Miller--Integrated Optics: An Introduction
相信从事集成光学研究的人都会知道这篇文章,它是集成光学鼻祖Miller开山之作。一般在网上搜索到的都是这篇 A1979HZ30700001.pdf: This Week’s Citation Classic Miller S E. Integrated optics: an introduction. Bell Syst. Tech. J. 48: 205969, September 1969. 但其实是一篇介绍该文的短文。真正的原文在这里: bstj48-7-2059.pdf
个人分类: PhotonicWiki|28 次阅读|0 个评论
kinglandom 2012-5-2 10:07
Nonlinear optics for free-space laser communications Alexander Dudelzak and Alexander Koujelev http://spie.org/x8466.xml Nonlinear optical materials provide precision beam pointing and tracking in free-space laser communications. 20February2007, SPIE Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1200702.0545 Free-space laser transmission represents a promising option for communication, for example, in optical intersatellite links (OISLs). However, precisely locating the communicating parties and tracking the signal beams continue to be major challenges. The narrow emission angle of lasers demands micro-radian pointing precision. Without adequate beam pointing and target-tracking precision, a link can easily be lost due to such factors as orbit uncertainty and satellite jitter. 1 Traditional optical communication systems employ mechanically steered mirrors to point and track laser beams. The standard approach has been to use a corner mirror for beam return and a two-stage (coarse-fine) dual-detector concept. This approach, however, is complex, involves moving parts, and limits the efficiency with which the signal is fed to the terminal's fiber. A different, ‘all-optical’ approach to beam control uses nonlinear optical materials to locate a distant, moving counterpart and to point the communication signal at the detected recipient. 2,3 This concept allows automatic coupling of emitters and receivers (e.g., optical fibers or telecommunication satellite antennas) using a single optical element. It also eliminates the need for ultraprecise mechanical steering. The system provides fully automated, continuous, direct- and return-beam tracking between communicating parties. Figure1. In double phase conjugation (DPC), two incoherent beams intersect in a nonlinear optical material, where stimulated scattering of both beams induces a dynamic holographic grating. The hologram conjugates the wavefronts of the incident beams, resulting in phase-conjugated (PC) beams redirected precisely toward each other's source. Thus, the two sources are automatically linked, regardless of their relative angular positions. Figure2. Holographic grating recording is based on a nematic liquid crystal (NLC) cell sensitized at 1.5μm using an absorbing indium-tin oxide (ITO) coating. The E 1 and E 2 beams record a hologram in the cell. The solid purple curve schematically shows the resulting thermal grating diffused by the ITO coating into the NLC. This has become possible with so-called double phase conjugation (DPC), shown in Figure 1 . DPC has been extensively studied both theoretically and experimentally in materials with photorefractive nonlinearity. 4 But telecommunication applications require fast, millisecond-scale response time of a nonlinear material sensitive in the 1550nm range. Liquid crystals, with their extraordinarily high thermal and orientational nonlinearities (see Figure 2 ), were proposed for this application at the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and have been the only materials known so far to satisfy the relevant requirements. 5 Figure3. DPC could enable all-optical tracking for communications between two satellites, SAT1 and SAT2. Figure4. The beam-intensity profile at the receiver's fiber with only coarse, electro-optical tracking (a) improves in signal level by a factor of 2 with both coarse tracking and nonlinear optical fine tracking (b), in agreement with a numerical model (c). In automatic tracking (d), the nonlinear module keeps the narrow-angle beam pointed precisely to the receiver even while the wide-angle beam is moving. CSA is now studying the feasibility of this novel technique for both intersatellite and satellite-to-ground optical communications. The OISL scenario is illustrated schematically in Figure 3 . Each satellite is equipped with identical optical terminals. First, the data-modulated optical signal to be transmitted is merged with the beacon beam, resulting in a summation beam (s) in the fiber interface. Then, both beams are sent into the nematic liquid crystals, where the DPC-induced hologram directs the signals toward the respective communication counterparts. Beacon beams form gratings at each end of the link. Since each grating is rewritten in real time by every beacon pulse, it tracks the relative positions of the two satellites, automatically linking them and precisely pointing the signal beam to the targeted receiver. Unlike classical optomechanical beam steering, this all-optical method does not merely redirect the beam but redistributes the angular directivity pattern into a much narrower angular spread, pointing the beam precisely to remote recipients (see Figure 4 ). The current CSA system requires only a few megawatts of optical power and shows a millisecond-range response time. To date, nonlinear optical tracking has been successfully demonstrated in the laboratory. Nonlinear beam control and fine tracking can be efficiently used in a variety of applications, including high-speed free-space optical links between fast-moving parties (ground and marine vehicles, aircraft, satellites, and so on), optical-cable-cross precise beam addressing, and precision aiming at other types of targets. Alexander Dudelzak,Alexander S. Koujelev Canadian Space Agency St-Hubert, Canada Alexander E. Dudelzak received a PhD in physics and mathematics in 1977 from the Institute of Physics, Estonian Academy of Sciences. Since 1993 he has been working at the Canadian Space Agency as a senior scientist and group leader. Areas of RD involvement include optical spectroscopy, photonics, laser and lidar principles and systems for real-time environmental, defense and biomedical analytical sensing, free-space optical communications, and laser therapeutic medicine. He is a member of SPIE and has participated in many SPIE conferences as a contributing or invited speaker. Alexander S. Koujelev received his MS and PhD degrees from Lobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, in 1994 and 1998, respectively. He is a research scientist with the Canadian Space Agency. His research activity includes nonlinear optical materials, phase conjugation, optical tracking, optical communications, laser remote sensing, and spectroscopy. He is a member of SPIE and has participated in many SPIE conferences as a contributing speaker. References: 1. S. G. Lambert, W. L. Casey, Laser Communications in Space, Artech House, Norwood, MA, 1995. 2. A. Dudelzak, A. Kuzhelev, A. Novikov, G. Pasmanik,Method of establishing communications through free space between a pair of optical communication devices, US and Can. Patent Applications, 9 Aug 2004. CSA 330-5-1/50561 3. A. S. Koujelev, A. E. Dudelzak,Double phase conjugation in a liquid crystal at 1.5μm for optical beam tracking, Opt. Eng, in print. 4. P. Yeh, Introduction to Photorefractive Nonlinear Optics, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1993. 5. A. S. Kuzhelev, A. E. Dudelzak,Thermally induced holographic gratings in liquid crystal at telecommunication wavelengths, J. Opt. A 5, pp. L5-L9, 2003.
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[转载]A List of Optics Journals with Links and Impact Factors
hdxia 2012-2-29 10:46
A List of Optics Journals with Links and Impact Factors Monday, February 23, 2009 Posted by Optolinks There are currently more than thirty five optics related journals which require subscription and a few open access journals: Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications , Optics Express and The Open Optics Journal. In this post I will outline a brief overview of the journals with link to the original journal homepage. Impact factor of the journals, according to the 2007 Journal Citation Report (JCR) by Thomson Reuters; whenever available is also mentioned. Open access journals : Journal of the European Optical Society: Rapid Publications (JEOS: RP) is an on line, open access, peer-reviewed journal published by the European Optical Society. The journal is completely free to view and the authors pay a mandatory publication fee. Optics Express is an open access, rapid publication journal by the Optical Society of America and published every other Monday. Optics Express is one of the most heavily cited journals in Optics with an impact factor of 3.709 . The costs are paid by the authors and thus get a wide range of audience. It publishes original, peer-reviewed articles that report new developments in the field of Optics. The Open Optics Journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal from Bentham Open covering research articles and reviews in all areas of optics. Subscription based journals : Advances in Optics and Photonics is a new journal from the Optical Society of America, planned to capture the most important advances in optics and photonics with four issues per year. Applied Optics is Optical Society of America’s one of the most widely circulated journals, published three times a month. Each issue of the journal contains four divisions of editorial scope: Optical Technology; Information Processing; Lasers, Photonics, and Environmental Optics; and Biomedical Optics. 2007 impact factor for the journal was 1.701 . Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics is a peer-reviewed, rapid publication of experimental and theoretical investigations in the field of laser physics and optics, with an impact factor of 2.280 . Applied Physics Letters from the American Institute of Physics, publishes brief, latest information on new findings in applied physics. The journal is published on line daily and collected into weekly on line and printed issues. 2007 impact factor for the journal was 3.596 . Applied Spectroscopy is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Society for Applied Spectroscopy and available from SAS and OSA, and covers applications in analytical chemistry, materials science, biotechnology, and chemical characterization. Chinese Optics Letters (COL) is considered as one of the most significant journals in optics in China, published from January 2003. Fiber and Integrated Optics is an international bimonthly journal, published by Taylor Francis covers articles on optical fibres and electro-optical devices. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics is one of the highly cited journals in Optics, with an impact factor of 2.384 ; published by the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. This journal publishes novel papers in various areas of quantum electronic devices and technologies. IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics (JQE), published by IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society is a peer-reviewed journal covering advances in the understanding of quantum electronics phenomena emphasizing quantum electronics principles or devices. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (PTL) published by IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, twice on line and once every month in print, is a peer-reviewed, rapid publication journal covering innovative research relevant to photonics technology. 2007 impact factor for the journal was 2.015 . Japanese Journal of Applied Physics is a peer-reviewed journal in the area of applied physics, published monthly by The Japan Society of Applied Physics. Journal of Applied Physics from the American Institute of Physics publishes new findings in applied physics and emphasizes on understanding of the physics underlying modern technology. The journal is published on line daily and collected into two on line and printed issues per month. 2007 impact factor for the journal was 2.171 . Journal of Display Technology is a joint quarterly publication of the Optical Society of America and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and covers theory, fabrication, manufacturing and application of information displays. Journal of Laser Applications is the official journal of the Laser Institute of America, published four times a year and covers areas that apply laser technology. Journal of Lightwave Technology is a joint bimonthly publication of the Optical Society of America and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and contains both theoretical and experimental papers on current research, applications and methods used in lightwave technology and fiber optics. The journal impact factor for the year 2007 was 2.196 . Journal of Luminescence is a peer-reviewed journal, with an impact factor of 1.611 , published semi-monthly by Elsevier. Journal of Modern Optics by Taylor Francis publishes articles on classical and quantum optics, with an impact factor of 1.074 . Journal of Optical Networking (JON) is published monthly by the Optical Society of America. Journal of the Optical Society of America A (known as J. Opt. Soc. Am. A or simply JOSA A) is a peer-reviewed journal, published by the Optical Society of America and covers various topics in classical optics, image science and vision. 2007 impact factor of the journal was 1.776 . Journal of the Optical Society of America B (known as J. Opt. Soc. Am. B or simply JOSA B) is a peer-reviewed journal, published by the Optical Society of America and covers various topics in the field of optical physics particularly quantum optics, nonlinear optics and laser physics. 2007 impact factor of the journal was 2.030 . Journal of Optical Technology is a monthly publication in English-language translation of Opticheskii Zhurnal and originates at the S.I. Vavilov Optical Institute in Russia and includes design details of a diversity of optical instruments with a strong section on computational optics. Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics published by Institute of Physics, covers all aspects of modern and classical physics. Issued since 1999, the journal is one of the top journals in optics with an impact factor of 1.752 . Journal of the Physical Society of Japan is a peer-reviewed journal in Physics including optics and quantum electronics articles, published semi-monthly on line and monthly in print by The Physical Society of Japan. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics by Institute of Physics, publishes quality research in all areas of atomic, molecular and optical physics. 2007 impact factor for the journal was 2.012 . Laser Physics is a monthly international published by Maik Nauka/Interperiodica Publishing and distributed through Springer. Laser Physics Letters is a monthly international peer-reviewed journal in the area of laser physics, published by Wiley-VCH and distributed through Wiley InterScience. Optical and Quantum Electronics from Springer publishes novel research papers, tutorial reviews and letters in the fields of optical physics, optical engineering and optoelectronics. Optical Fiber Technology is published by Elsevier, covers various topics on fiber materials, devices, system performances and measurements. The journal impact factor for the year 2007 was 0.845 . Optical Materials by Elsevier publishes articles on the design, synthesis, characterization and applications of optical materials, with an impact factor of 1.519 . Optical Review is published by the Optical Society of Japan (an affiliate of the Japan Society of Applied Physics) and publishes research and review papers in all areas of optics on a bimonthly basis. Optics and Laser Technology by Elsevier, publishes high quality research and review papers related to the progress and application of the optics and laser technology, with an impact factor of 0.872 . Optics and Lasers in Engineering by Elsevier, reflects the main areas in which optical methods are being used and developed in the engineering environment, with an impact factor of 0.872 . Optics and Photonics News (OPN) is the monthly membership magazine of the Optical Society of America and provides in-depth coverage of latest progresses in optics. Optics and Spectroscopy , published for the Russian Academy of Sciences by Maik Nauka/Interperiodica and distributed by Springer, publishes research and review papers on a monthly basis covering various topics of modern optics and spectroscopy. Optics Communications is a peer-reviewed publication from Elsevier, with an impact factor 1.314 and available from 1969. It reports new results in various fields of optical science and technology. Optics Letters from Optical Society of America offers quick distribution of new results in all areas of optics with a maximum of three pages, original, peer-reviewed communications, published twice a month. According to the 2007 JCR, Optics Letter received the highest impact factor of 3.711 in all optics journals. Optik – International Journal for Light and Electron Optics by Elsevier publishes articles on all subjects related to light and electron optics, with an impact factor of 0.383 . Proceedings of SPIE is the conference proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering. Solid State Communications by Elsevier publishes short communications on significant developments in condensed matter science, with an impact factor of 1.535 . Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics by Optical Society of America publishes selected articles from recently published OSA's peer-reviewed journals and articles from Applied Spectroscopy journal by the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. Please feel free to leave your comments and suggestions below.
个人分类: 科研笔记|0 个评论
[转载]Free Optics Journals and Magazines
hdxia 2012-2-29 10:38
引自 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=50441do=blogid=350558 Free Optics Journals and Magazines Monday, February 23, 2009 Posted by Optolinks There are several Optics related journals and magazines, where it is possible to get a free subscription. In this post I will give a brief overview of the journals with a link to their homepage. As those journals run on advertisement, the free subscription is mostly for students and professionals who can convince the publisher as a prospective buyer of optics related products. It is worth trying for a free subscription as they have many interesting well written articles on latest Photonics related topics. Subscription service is available through their website. Print and On line Subscription : Bio Optics World is a bimonthly publication from Pennwell Publishing offering news, analysis and explanation of applications involving lasers, optics and imaging systems in the life sciences. Bio Photonics from Laurin Publishing presents the latest worldwide developments and techniques from the photonics industry to readers in the fields of medicine and biotechnology. Euro Photonics from Laurin Publishing offers detailed coverage of the European photonics industry, reporting on business and technology news, conferences and exhibitions. Fiber Systems Europe is a bimonthly magazine from the Institute of Physics Publishing and delivers detailed coverage of the technology and business issues affecting the specification, purchase and deployment of optical equipment, networks and services across Europe. Industrial Laser Solutions is a monthly publication from Pennwell Publishing providing global coverage of industrial laser applications. Laser Focus World is a monthly publication from Pennwell Publishing offering international resource for technology and applications in the global photonics. Lightwave Europe from Pennwell Publishing is a source for international optical communications technology, applications, and industry trend information. Optics and Laser Europe is a monthly magazine for the global Photonics industry, from the Institute of Physics Publishing. It covers research, technology, applications, products and patents in the area of optoelectronics, lasers, fibre optics, advanced materials, optical techniques and imaging. Photonics Spectra is a monthly magazine from Laurin Publishing and provides business news and technology solutions to readers in the optics, lasers, and imaging, fiber optics, electro-optics and optoelectronics industries. Solid State Technology from Pennwell Publishing is an excellent resource of information for the semiconductor manufacturing industry. Vision Systems Design is a monthly publication from Pennwell Publishing offering vision and automation solutions for engineers. On line Subscription : Fiber Optics Online offers free e-news letter with fibre optics related information and industry resources. Photonics Online offers free e-news letter covering product information and industry resources. If you know any further Journals, which should be listed on this post, please use the “suggest a link” form on the top.
个人分类: 科研笔记|0 个评论
热度 1 slowlight 2010-7-15 14:27
OSA的OA期刊OPTICS EXPRESS(OE)从4月份开始出版增刊ENERGY EXPTRESS(EE)。EE增刊第两月一期,现在已经出版了两期,报道内容包括LED,光伏,薄膜,核聚变等。 EE是OE的一部分,当然也就享有OE的影响因子,只不过是把这个方向的稿子集中出版,满足读者对光能源研究的需要。 能源是最近几年而且也是今后科研与产业领域重点关注的领域,作为期刊也不能无动于衷。可以预见,几年之后OSA将会把EE剥离出来,做成一本新的、独立的期刊。凭OSA在光学界的影响力,这应该不难实现。 有从事这方面研究的朋友抓紧投稿了,新刊投稿人不太多,发表相对会快一些,不过OE本来就比较快。
个人分类: 编辑部的故事|8083 次阅读|3 个评论
BaoQiaoliang 2009-9-6 22:05
Title: Atomic layer graphene as saturable absorber for ultrafast pulsed lasers The optical conductance of monolayer graphene is defined solely by the fine structure constant, = e 2 /hc (where e is the electron charge, h is Diracs constant and c is the speed of light). The absorbance has been predicted to be independent of frequency. In principle, the interband optical absorption in zero-gap graphene could be saturated readily under strong excitation due to Pauli blocking. Here, we demonstrate the use of atomic layer graphene as saturable absorber in a mode-locked fiber laser for the generation of ultrashort soliton pulses (756 fs) at the telecommunication band. The modulation depth can be tuned in a wide range from 66.5% to 6.2% by varying the thickness of graphene. Our results suggest that ultrathin graphene films are potentially useful as optical elements in fiber lasers. Graphene as a laser mode locker can have many merits such as lower saturation intensity, ultrafast recovery time, tunable modulation depth and wideband tuneability. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200901007
个人分类: Graphene Research|10802 次阅读|0 个评论
Nature: Pendry 为 Illusion Optics 写的评论
kenyonchen 2009-8-6 09:58
News and Views Nature 460 , 579-580 (30 July 2009) | doi doi:10.1038/460579a ; Published online 29 July 2009 Optics:All smoke and metamaterials John Pendry Abstract An illusion device, placed near but not enclosing an object of arbitrary shape, manipulates and transforms light scattered off the object so as to give it the appearance of a completely different object. 详见: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v460/n7255/full/460579a.html
个人分类: 未分类|3645 次阅读|1 个评论

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