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[转载]中国心血管病死亡地图发布 北方警惕冠心病,南方严防高血压
ericmapes 2017-3-30 19:34
中国心血管病死亡地图发布南北有别 北方警惕冠心病,南方严防高血压 作者:董潇男来源: 生命时报 发布时间:2017/3/3011:13:34 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2017/3/372184.shtm 受访专家:中国医学科学院阜外医院心律失常中心主任 张澍 本报特约记者 董潇男 《生命时报》(2017年03月28日第15版) 近日,由中国科学院大学和昆明科技大学等多家科研机构联合发布的“中国心血管病死亡地图”(以下简称“地图”)显示,我国各地区、不同省市心血管病死亡率存在明显差异。在冠心病、脑血管病和高血压的死亡率方面,南方高血压问题更严重,北方则是冠心病和脑血管病的重灾区。 心脑血管病南北有别 从“地图”上看,山东、河南、湖南和辽宁是冠心病死亡率最高的四大省份,死亡率最低的则是西藏、青海和海南,且东北地区死亡率明显高于西南。 脑血管病方面,河南、山东、湖北、湖南四省是死亡率最高的省份,西藏、海南、青海和宁夏死亡率最低,华中和华东地区成为脑血管病死亡重灾区。 至于高血压,死亡率排名前四位的分别是湖北、广东、湖南和重庆,死亡率最低的是青海、天津、宁夏和海南。 空气污染是个罪魁祸首 中国医学科学院阜外医院心律失常中心主任张澍教授告诉《生命时报》记者,影响心血管死亡率差异的原因众多,但不外乎外因和内因,归结起来主要为环境和生活方式。 心脑血管疾病发病率逐年增加,既与诊断水平的提高有一定关系,也与近年空气污染加重、生活方式节奏加快密切相关。“地图”显示,燃煤量和空气中细微颗粒(PM2.5)浓度与冠心病和脑血管病死亡呈正相关,其中东北和华北的燃煤量、PM2.5浓度均高于其他地区。空气中的粉尘和有害气体(如一氧化碳、二氧化硫)不仅会加重呼吸系统负担,也严重影响心血管系统的功能,破坏心血管内皮功能,促进动脉粥样硬化和心梗的发生。 同时,受气候和饮食习惯影响,北方人多喜高盐、高脂、高糖饮食。由于户外寒冷,居民活动少、有氧消耗少,北方人更易肥胖,高血压、高血脂、高血糖比例较高。肥胖和“三高”均是导致心脑血管疾病的重要危险因素,加速心脑血管事件的发生。 目前,心脑血管疾病呈现年轻化的问题,这更加提醒我们要及时干预和调整生活方式,增强环保意识,促进健康。 预防疾病有四大手段 万幸的是,心脑血管疾病均属于可以预防的疾病,这要从导致疾病的四大危险因素入手。 第一,预防超重和肥胖。有研究对11万余名女性进行了长达16年的随访,发现体重超标是缺血性心脑血管病的危险因素。膳食中饱和脂肪酸及钠摄入与脑卒中呈正相关,是人群脑卒中病死率的主要决定因素。一般而言,脂肪摄入以每天不超过50克为宜,且饱和脂肪酸所占比例不宜过高。 第二,避免蛋白质缺乏。曾经有调查表明,动物蛋白可以抑制脑卒中的发生,但肉类吃太多,也会导致脂肪摄入过量,并加重肾脏负担。因此,老年人每天每千克体重摄入蛋白质以1.2~1.5克为宜,其中以优质蛋白质如鱼、蛋、奶类、瘦肉、豆制品为主,食用鱼类蛋白、大豆蛋白等还可降低脑卒中发病率。 第三,补充膳食纤维。增加膳食纤维摄入可预防高血压、降低脑卒中风险。提倡多食用谷类食物、粗杂粮,每天多吃蔬菜、水果等含膳食纤维较高的食物。糖果等甜食要少吃。 第四,低盐饮食。以往调查均显示,中国高血压患病率北方高于南方;而这次出炉的“地图”表明,湖广和重庆地区高血压死亡率明显升高,这与人们喜辛辣、高盐饮食,导致高血压发病率上升有关。我国膳食指南提示,每人每天食盐摄入量应小于6克。1克食盐大约是一个牙膏盖的量。从心脑血管病预防角度来说,人们的饮食还是要尽量清淡一些,逐渐减少食盐用量,直到不特意在食物中加盐。 此外,心脑血管疾病与空气污染、工作紧张、生活不规律和内分泌调节等因素都有一定关系。我们应该结合自身情况,合理调整生活方式,保证环保,健康饮食,戒烟限酒,降低心脑血管疾病的发生风险。同时还提醒大家加强体育锻炼,增强抵抗力,并定期进行体检。建议每年至少体检一次,以防病为主,做到早发现、早诊断、早治疗。
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中波101.10千赫林兰广播奥络通ω-6 从00:00-02:10现还在报道中
ericmapes 2017-1-29 02:10
林兰咨询订购热线4006828785,北京医学会血管分会主任,我国著名血管外科专家。毕业于天津医科大学,1981-85年去美国、加拿大深造学习专修血管学。 今晚提到林兰毕业于天津医科大学,这让我蒙了,因为与我以前查到的北京广安门医院林兰毕业于上海中医药大学不同。 我采用林兰和林岚两个名字,都查不到北京医学会血管分会主任,到是有血管外科学分会,但也查不到主任林兰或林岚。 查北京医学会心血管病学分会主任也不是林兰或林岚。 说实在,从这2个小时及以前报道看,这ω-6效果如此好,全国心脑血管病医院医生及相关研发人员都该下岗回家种地去。 不要说真假容易辨别,现代这种报道跨度之大,的确很难辨别! 从她与4院士合作在中国科学院研发成功等引起我怀疑的。
个人分类: 社会热点时评|625 次阅读|0 个评论
fqng1008 2017-1-9 08:34
2016 年心血管领域充满生机与活力,多项重磅研究与指南的发布给临床实践带来诸多启示。 2016 年 12 月 28 日,在中国心血管健康联盟成立一周年总结会上,哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院于波教授从抗血小板和抗凝两个方面介绍了 2016 年度抗栓领域的前沿和热点话题。 一、抗血小板治疗 1. 中外新指南:双抗疗程突破 12 个月 冠心病患者双联抗血小板治疗( DAPT )的疗程问题一直备受关注。 2016 年美国心脏病学会和美国心脏学会( ACC/AHA )发布冠心病患者 DAPT 指南,强调要依据患者疾病类型、再灌注治疗方法、缺血及出血风险,对 DAPT 疗程进行个体化管理,明确了可以延长 DAPT 疗程超过 12 个月的几种具体情况。 与此同时, 2016 年中国也更新了经皮冠状动脉介入治疗指南(简称 “ 中国 PCI 指南 ” ),推荐 ACS 患者 DAPT 疗程至少 12 个月(除非存在禁忌证),非 ST 段抬高型急性冠脉综合征( NSTE-ACS )患者双抗治疗首选替格瑞洛(Ⅰ, B )。 2. EROSION 研究:侵蚀斑块的治疗新策略 哈医大二院于波教授团队早期研究提示,斑块侵蚀是 ACS 的常见病理机制,侵蚀斑块可能无需植入支架。该团队今年在欧洲心脏病学会年会( ESC )发布的 EROSION 研究结果表明, 1/4 的 ACS 患者潜在发病机制是斑块侵蚀,无需植入支架仅仅通过 抗栓治疗 (研究使用阿司匹林和替格瑞洛双抗治疗)即可有效减少血栓体积,增加血流面积。研究提示,由斑块侵蚀所致的 ACS 患者或可仅用抗栓治疗而无需植入支架,这是一种新的潜在治疗模式。 3. 血小板功能监测 ANTARCTIC 研究是在接受 PCI 的老年 ACS 人群中进行的大型随机研究,结果显示通过监测血小板功能调整抗血小板治疗未能改善临床预后。 ANTARCTIC 研究与之前的 ARCTIC 研究均未能证实通过监测血小板功能进行个体化抗栓治疗可以改善患者预后。这一失败的结果与患者风险水平和 P2Y12 拮抗剂的类型无关。 二、抗凝治疗 1. 2016 年中国 PCI 指南:比伐芦定受到重视 基于国内外最新研究进展,在 2016 年中国 PCI 指南中,针对稳定性冠心病( SCAD )高出血风险患者,指南首次推荐使用比伐芦定(Ⅱ a , A );推荐所有 NSTE-ACS 和 STEMI 患者 PCI 术中在抗血小板治疗基础上加用抗凝药物(Ⅰ, A ), PCI 术中使用比伐芦定(Ⅰ, A )。 2. PIONEER AF-PCI :为房颤患者 PCI 术后提供治疗新选择 PIONEER AF-PCI 研究是第一项评估房颤患者 PCI 术后抗栓治疗华法林对比新型口服抗凝药相对出血并发症风险的随机对照研究。结果显示,在房颤接受 PCI 植入支架的患者中,与维生素 K 拮抗剂 +DAPT 1 、 6 或 12 个月标准治疗相比,给予低剂量利伐沙班 +P2Y12 拮抗剂 12 个月或极低剂量利伐沙班 +DAPT 1 、 6 或 12 个月治疗组有临床意义的出血发生率更低,三组主要有效性终点发生率相似。该研究为解决房颤合并 PCI 抗栓这一重要临床问题提供了新的选择。 3. 房颤电复律患者的另一种抗凝选择 ENSURE-AF 研究是目前评估非瓣膜性房颤电复律患者抗凝治疗的最大规模前瞻性随机临床试验。总体而言,依度沙班组与依诺肝素 / 华法林组的主要有效性复合终点和主要安全性复合终点的发生率均较低且相似,与经食管超声( TEE )引导策略无关。依度沙班组的净临床终点事件率低于依诺肝素 / 华法林组,但差异无统计学意义。依度沙班是依诺肝素 / 华法林治疗的有效和安全的替代方案,并且可以允许在抗凝开始后进行快速心脏复律( TEE 指导策略 ≥2 小时,非 TEE 指导策略 ≥3 周)。
个人分类: 临床研习|1368 次阅读|0 个评论
jiaweibin 2016-6-18 18:57
2015 年 11 月 21 日 ,受北京阜外医院心血管病中心荆志成教授邀请,参加 第七届“长征之路”全国血管医学大会暨中华医学会心血管病分会肺血管病学组2015年度年会。自山东来到北京,时间已进入初冬,同时也迎来了北京降临的第一场雪花,给古老北京城增加了靓丽的风景,初冬的雪花,夹杂着雨水,温度骤降,但来自各地的参会者不惧寒冷均陆续赶到阜外医院学术报告厅会场,来自国内外的40余位专家就国内外心肺血管病研究进展做了精彩的演讲。 中华医学会心血管病分会肺血管病学组组长、第三军医大学新桥医院黄岚教授致开幕辞,并讲述了即将发表在《中华内科杂志》的肺栓塞2015诊治指南。北京阜外医院荆志成教授对于内皮素、内皮素受体拮抗剂研究现状做了发言。台中荣民总医院王国阳教授就台湾肺动脉高压的诊治现状做了介绍。广东省人民医院谭虹教授介绍了做了肺动脉高压的新药瑞莫杜林的应用介绍。英国丘吉尔医院Corlos Aguilar 讲解了易栓症诊治进展。北京协和医院的李景南教授演讲的题目是《抗血小板药物所致胃粘膜损伤的防治策略》,他指出:对于服用阿司匹林引起胃出血的患者,不建议用氯比格雷替代,而是应该加用胃粘膜保护药PPI。阜外医院呈显声教授讲的题目是:《肺栓塞四十年》。他说:“肺栓塞涉及到多学科疾病的知识,是跨学科的疾病,搞好这个病的诊治是非常艰难的,祝贺大家取得的成绩”。大会内容很丰富,收获很大,多位专家演讲的题目很多,不再一一赘述。 会议当晚举行VIP欢迎晚宴,国内老、中、青三代从事肺血管病研究的专家学者进行了几场合影留念。虽然我来自基层医院,但大家都认识我,在合影时,北京世纪坛医院王勇教授招呼我说:“贾老师,您坐在中间吧”,我很不好意思,还是坐在了第一排的边起。荆志成教授做晚宴主持人,致欢迎辞,回忆了共主办了七届“长征之路”全国血管医学会议的发展历程。会议及晚宴期间见到了几张较熟悉的面孔:湘雅医院余再新教授,哈尔滨医科大学吴炳祥教授,广东姚桦教授,上海沈节艳教授,阜外医院的徐希奇、蒋鑫教授,还见到了来自上海肺科医院的几位熟知的同志,等等。 临别时,荆主任嘱咐:“明年在北京召开中法血管病研讨大会,规模较大,你可一定要过来参会”,我愉快的接受了邀请。离开会场,雪还在下,刚到达火车站,突然接到一个电话,是北京的孙明利医生打来:“贾主任,下雪了,回到旅馆了吗?”,我回答:“谢谢孙医生,我已到达车站,准备回家,后会有期吧”,在寒冷的北京接到一个问候的电话,内心激动心情油然而生。
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jiaweibin 2016-6-14 12:50
2009 年夏季荆志成教授邀我去同济大学附属上海肺科医院心肺循环科做访问学者。上海之行,缘于几个月前我在大连做大会发言与荆教授的初次接触。 2009 年6月,中华医学会心血管病年会在大连召开,我受大会邀请做大会发言,发言效果很好,在场评委给予很好的评价, 发言论文被评为优秀发言论文,也是当年山东省参会代表唯一获奖的论文。目前在阜外医院工作的荆志成教授当时在上海肺科医院心肺循环科做科主任,会后他邀请我到他的科室做访问学者,我愉快的接受了邀请。 7月我收到了上海肺科医院邀我做访问学者的邀请函,荆主任亲笔写到:“贾医生是基层医院的杰出代表” 。 报到地点: 上海市杨浦区政民路507号。 上海的 空气是潮湿的, 生活与工作是紧张的。上海作为国际大都市,生活节奏较快,影响到居住在上海每一个人的生活。到了肺科医院,荆主任说:“你将来要担任国家级委员,负有重要的责任,所以要来我这里学习”。荆教授还分配了我一个任务,完成一项特发性肺动脉高压的临床研究。学习时间只有3个月,我能否完成任务,充满疑惑。 接下来的事情是要适应科室的工作环境,观察病人,深入学习涉及肺血管病各种疾病的知识。上海的医生彼此间习惯称呼“某医生”,如王医生、李医生、贾医生……。而在家乡的医院则习惯称“某大夫”,如呼王大夫、李大夫、贾大夫……。这 里的大夫无论上什么班(包括上下夜班),白天都要呆在科室一整天。每位医生要主管好各自的病人,每天早晨要提前到达科室为自己的病人量血压,做心电图。每个人拥有一台笔记本电脑,整理数据,专研业务,每天下午下班后荆主任带领大家进行学术讨论,所以上白班的大夫一般也是晚上8点后才能下班,我也领略到了荆教授的大家风范,荆主任为肺血管病事业发展倾尽了心血,组建了上海肺科医院心肺循环中心, 为了帮助我学到更多的肺血管病知识,荆主任自己出钱购买上海-北京往返机票,资助我到北京参加国际长城心血管病学术会议。肺科医院心肺循环科 的患者来自全国各地,来自临清魏湾患者的父亲老刘,听说我是来自临清市医院,而不是聊城二院,伸出大拇指表示敬佩。在上海肺科医院使我大开眼界,见到许多在基层见不到的疾病,比如,特发性肺动脉高压、肺毛细血管扩张症、肺间质性疾病性肺高压、各种先天性心脏病相关肺动脉高压等等。学习这些疾病的新知识对于我起初就很艰辛,还要值班,还要做右心导管,每天要参与科室的学术讨论,我能否完成课题,是压在我心中的一块石头。 转眼间时间飘入8月份,白天下班后静静的躺在宿舍的床上可以闻到窗外桂花树散发出沁人心脾浓郁的桂花香味,真实体会到了人间“八月桂花香”的境界。忙完一天这时才拥有属于自己可以自由思考、休整的空间,就算是忙里偷闲吧,我仍思考如何设计完成课题。要说讲故事,一定要提起一个地方:肺科医院内,有一处静谧的地方——叶家花园,一处鲜为人知的私家花园,是民国时期的老上海留下的一处已难寻觅的 遗址。 园内 亭台楼阁、小桥流水、 山石洞壑, 保存有法国老式建筑, 比邻我们的宿舍区,仅几步之遥。园内曾发生过许多讲不完的故事,有关 花园的来历也蕴藏着生动的故事,但我已无心再去关心。 通过不断与科室的工作人员交流学习,认真搜集和整理科学数据,建立数据库。3个月时间到了,我终于如愿以偿完成了课题,文章发表在了《中华心血管病杂志》上。这个课题属于目前我国对特发性肺动脉高压最大规模的临床研究,具有重要意义。 在上海的3个月,时间是充实的, 工作是忙绿的,生活是紧张的。 我增长了见识,学到了丰富的知识,提升了自己,成为我继续攀登医学高峰的“加油站”。对于荆主任对我无私的帮助,在这里致以由衷的感谢,祝愿荆主任的医学事业更加辉煌,造福于人类。 肺科医院 肺科医院 肺科医院 藏在医院内的叶家花园(独具特色)
7015 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 jinchenchen 2015-9-29 00:44
左图为正常牙龈,粉红色;右图为牙龈炎,鲜红色 血战?是的,因为对付牙龈炎肯定会出血。本文又是“健康的口腔不会出血” 的后话(写于博文“ 一箭三雕的老药 ---- 阿司匹林 Aspirin ”), 详细 谈谈吃阿司匹林与刷牙出血的问题。 牙龈炎(牙周炎,牙肉发炎)是当之无愧的口腔炎症。几乎人人都有,程度不同罢了。 引起牙龈炎的元凶之一是 一种细菌,叫 PG ( Porphyromonas gingivalis ) 牙龈红棕色单胞菌。 这些 P 君们天天和我们作伴,在温暖舒适的口腔里活得滋滋润润的,数量之多远超想象。无论我们多卖力地刷牙,使用各种五花八门的神器以及琳琅满目,酸甜苦辣的牙膏,都没有可能把这群 P 君请出嘴巴。是吗?肯定的!因为 P 君们喜欢睡在我们的牙龈(牙肉)和牙根之间的缝隙里 ---细菌最爱的温床。所以,无论你在嘴里怎么山呼海啸,都无法动它们半根毫毛。它们在温床里吃着我们吃剩的美味,使出便便拉在牙齿上,再和食物残渣混合在一起,牢牢地像水泥般地黏在你根本刷不到的地方,那就是除了上述的温床,还有两颗牙齿儿面对面的两个面面上,不!整整六十个个面面上!数数看吧。久而久之,不用!几天的功夫就可以形成斑块,久而久之那就得堆成厚厚的,黑黑的,硬硬的牙垢了。这些牙垢和 P 君们时时刻刻,分分秒秒地在刺激着我们的牙龈(牙肉),引起炎症,使牙龈发红,发肿,发热,发痛。与此同时, P 君们还要啃噬我们的牙齿,掘壁打洞成蛀牙。最可恶的是它们还会成群结队地进入血液,在主动脉和大动脉壁上筑巢安家,造成血管硬化和狭窄。这才真是要命呢。 那么,牙龈炎的表现是什么呢? 1.刷牙出血。因为牙龈的炎症使得牙龈红肿,血管脆弱,吹弹即破,一刷牙,白牙膏立马变成红牙膏。2.牙龈红肿。牙肉红红的,鼓鼓囊囊的,按上去很有弹性的,按重了会出血。3.牙龈痛。开始是痒,记住,痒也就是痛,轻微的痛。见上图。 说到这里,就得为小酸丸子 ---阿司匹林平反昭雪了。请注意,阿司匹林本身并不导致出血。它只是阻止血小板的聚集,使得出血不易凝结,好处就是让粘稠的血液在血管里畅流。换言之,阿司匹林不会使血管破裂而出血。血小板就像飘在河里的大块泥石头一样,要很多堆在一起才能堵住河堤的缺口。阿司匹林的作用就是不让泥石头堆挤在一起,能让河流通畅。所以心血管病人,特别是做了手术的心血管病人,阿司匹林是首选药来防止血液中的血块形成。这种情况下阿司匹林的服用剂量很大,是专科医生必须认真讨论后方能决定的。阿司匹林的服用剂量是非常关键的事情,100mg左右属于小剂量范围,也是既能够抗炎,又比较安全的常用剂量。在医生的指导下可以长期服用。 好了,现在知道为什么吃了阿司匹林后,刷牙时会觉得出血更多了吧?因为不吃的时候,牙龈炎出血很快就会凝结,快到几秒钟。吃了以后,凝血时间延长了,出血就多了,就会觉得小酸丸子造成出血。呵,这下就 说不清了,主人怪小酸丸子,小酸丸子怪牙龈炎,牙龈炎又怪主人,主人又 ----。朋友,我也说不清了,自己掂量吧。 怎么办?请把牙龈炎治好! 怎么治? 1.找牙医洗牙 (别忘了让他们给点回扣哦!)。 很容易吧? 2.天天打牙线(怎么打网上找,拜师你的牙医)。 不难吧? 3.吃完东西就刷牙(要上下刷,还要刷舌苔) 。也不难吧? 尽管这三项我都卖力地做了,但还是有很轻微的牙龈炎,没法根治的。牙医们也有,没法根治的。只能力所能及地尽量把牙龈炎控制在最轻的状况。健康的口腔不会出血。能做到吃阿司匹林后刷牙都不会出血,应该可以说有一个健康的口腔了。 抗炎是保持口腔健康和其他器官健康的重要手段之一,而保持口腔健康的优势在于有直接的,物理的抗炎手段,上述三种方法就是。动物一般是以牙齿的脱落来决定寿命的,它们不会刷牙,更不会抗炎,给牛喂阿司匹林?非喷你一口酸水不可! 保持口腔健康说说简单,做起来有点难度的。健康确是来之不易呀!动员起来吧,为了健康,你做,我做,大家做,天天做, 让孩子们从小就做 ,养成了习惯后就不难做了。真的!做吧。 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=2507284do=blogid=915992 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=2507284do=blogid=920479
个人分类: 科普集萃|17135 次阅读|18 个评论
热度 2 qpzeng 2015-6-14 14:07
今年6月1日,《日本药学会誌》发表了水田荣之助的一篇综述论文,题目是“味觉对生活方式相关疾病的影响”( https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/yakushi/135/6/135_14-00250-5/_article )。这篇论文可以OA,但仅摘要是英文,正文则是日文。 文章的大意是:通过对250位患有生活方式相关疾病(如心血管病)的患者味觉异常变化的调查, 发现 心血管病患者对甜味与咸味的敏感性下降, 而肥胖人士对鲜味的敏感性下降。 换句话说,心血管病高危者 偏爱很甜或很咸的食品或饮料,而肥胖者偏 爱鲜味很浓的主食和汤。 以下示意图A是偏爱甜味的心血管病患者的比例,占21位参试者的38.1%,示意图B是偏爱咸味的 心血管病患者的比例,占21位参试者的57.1%。相对于54位健康参试者而言,偏爱甜味的比例仅为20.4%,偏爱咸味的比例仅为11.1%。 这篇文章得出的结论是:味觉异常不仅与饮食习惯及生活方式疾病有关,而且也与心血管疾病的发作有关。因此,以“重口味”预测心血管病是可行的,但本文并未交代处于进展期的心血管病高危人士的味觉异常是如何形成的。 不过,生活方式相关及心血管病患者服用的药物中有很多都会引起味觉异常,如抗高血压药、他丁类、贝特类、别嘌呤醇类等,它们会使得这类患者的味觉异常更为严重。 实际上,早就知道 胰高血糖素及 胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)可降低 人们 对甜味的敏感性,它不仅分泌于肠道,也可在味蕾中产生。 有趣的是,一些年长的消防员会出现嗅觉越来越不灵的状况,这大概是因为经常闻到各种化学气体和烟雾的气味后,“久闻不知其臭”的缘故吧。 基因与味觉、嗅觉显然有着密切关系,但研究结果少之又少。比如,现在有“盐敏感性高血压”(salt-sensitive hypertension)的说法,暗示高盐并不会在所有人群中引发高血压,但有些人确实会因吃盐太多而患上高血压。
个人分类: 期刊论文|2108 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 25 qpzeng 2015-5-30 08:04
根据肌红蛋白的多少以及外观颜色的深浅,可将肉类分为“红肉”(如牛、羊、猪肉)和“白肉”(如鱼、禽肉)。一般认为,红肉能增大心血管病的发病风险,被称为“有害”健康的肉类,少吃为妙,而白肉不增大心血管病的发病风险,被称为“有益”健康的肉类,多吃无妨。 但是,官方机构发布的食品消费指南并无明确规定:白肉可多吃,红肉要少吃。比如,1992年美国USDA发布的Food Guid Pyramid就因未区分红肉与白肉而饱受诟病。为此,该指南于2005年推出修改的MyPyramid,但仍未明确红肉与白肉对健康的影响,仅把鱼、坚果、种子看做健康食品,可以经常食用,以取代肉类或禽类(fish, nuts, and seeds contain healthy oils, so choose these foods frequently instead of meat or poultry)。 到了2011年,USDA又推出新版MyPlate,再次未区分红肉与白肉,只是建议每周吃8盎司的鱼。不过,哈佛公共卫生学院于 同年发布了不同于USDA的Healthy Eating Plate,宣称食用过多红肉及腌制肉可增大心脏病、糖尿病和肠癌风险,所以不要吃腌制肉,红肉也要限制在每周不超过两次。用鱼、鸡、坚果、豆类代替红肉和腌制肉可以改善胆固醇水平,并能降低心脏病与糖尿病风险( Eating a lot of red meat and processed meat has been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and colon cancer. So it’s best to avoid processed meat, and to limit red meat to no more than twice a week. Switching to fish, chicken, nuts, or beans in place of red meat and processed meat can improve cholesterol levels and can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes)。 由此可见,不管红肉或白肉,也不管是谁发布的食品指南,鱼肉对健康有益应该是普遍接受的共识。我昨天发表了一篇奇文( 鱼肉也是肉,吃多也不妙 ),应声者寥寥,想必我的观点得不到普遍认同。今天我就来继续挖掘一下,用别人的实验数据说话,以免让大家觉得我只是一味地想当然。 首先来看一看“北欧健康食品”(全麦面包、燕麦片、苹果或梨、根菜类、卷心菜和鱼)对心血管病(缺血性心脏病、中风、心律不齐、血栓症和高血压病)的影响。今年5月19日在《内科学杂志》(J Intern Med)发表的一篇文章( joim12378.pdf )指出,在瑞典妇女中,北欧健康食品指数与心血管病风险之间没有相关性,说明不吃红肉、只吃白肉和蔬菜、水果并不能降低心血管病发生的风险。相反,风险来自吸烟,而该食谱对吸烟者有所改善。 下面再来看看鱼肉对痛风发作的影响。这里有一篇今年3月25日刚发表在《 关节炎与 类风湿病学》(Arthritis Rheumatol)上的最新研究论文,作者来自新加坡国立大学和美国匹兹堡大学。他们得出的结论是:来自禽类、鱼和海鲜的总蛋白摄入与痛风发作高风险有关,而食用黄豆及其他豆类则与痛风发作低风险有关。 具体来说,在 2167名 参试华裔痛风患者中,痛风发作风险最高的食品是总蛋白(1.27)和禽类(1.27),其次是鱼和海鲜(1.16),豆制品的风险较低(0.86),黄豆的风险最低(0.83)。至于摄入其他来源的蛋白质(红肉、蛋、奶制品、谷类、坚果和种子),并不显著增加风险。 最后来看看昨天提到的在北极圈内生活的爱斯基摩人与因纽特人的心脏病发作风险与“爱斯基摩膳食”(Eskimo Diets)之间的关系。此处的所谓“爱斯基摩膳食”由大量海豹及鲸脂(动物来源的油脂)组成,应该是人们最热衷的“深海鱼油”。 2014年8月,《加拿大心脏学杂志》(Can J Cardiol)发表了一篇由加拿大、德国和斯洛伐克学者共同撰写的综述文章,彻底否定了1970年代提出的“爱斯基摩膳食与低冠心病(CAD)发生率”的观点,并证实格林兰岛爱斯基摩人及北美因纽特人与非爱斯基摩人的CAD发病率相近( file.pdf )。 事实上,爱斯基摩人的脑血管中风死亡率比非爱斯基摩人翻了一番,其寿命也比非爱斯基摩人的丹麦人短了大约10年。这充分说明鱼肉既不能降低CAD风险,也不能延长人的寿命。由此推而广之,作者也不认为ω-3脂肪酸能降低 CAD风险。可是,仅美国就有1100万成年人及50万儿童服用深海鱼油胶囊。 2013年发表的一篇评论( 1471-2318-13-41.pdf )指出, 老年人服用鱼油适得其反,身体“似乎有轻微至中度变差,而且好像没有临床意义” (the potential for adverse events amongst older adults taking fish oil appear mild–moderate at worst and are unlikely to be of clinical significance)。这可能是因为鱼油中维生素A含量过高、毒素和污染物积累等原因造成的。 按照“硫酸软骨素-多形拟杆菌-硫酸盐还原菌”的食物链,吃鱼肉(含硫酸软骨素)和摄入鱼油及所含多不饱和脂肪酸(无硫酸软骨素)的结局是完全不同的,两者绝对不能等同。吃鱼的好处可能在于摄取具有抗炎作用的多不饱和脂肪酸,坏处在于它也能滋养破坏肠道完整性的肠道细菌,导致炎症。两者相抵,经常出现有效但不明显甚至矛盾的结果就不奇怪了(Omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids have previously been shown to reduce the risk of cardiac events, cardiac death, and all-cause mortality in randomized controlled trials. However, recent data have challenged the benefits of n-3 fatty acids in the current era of optimal medical therapy)。 总之, “ 多吃素、少吃肉有益健康”的说法应该暂时不会过时,而红肉与白肉对健康的影响 目前 尚有争议,建议大家尽量用豆类取代肉类,并适当补充蛋和奶,防止某些必需氨基酸(如含硫氨基酸)缺乏。希望你有一个健康的好身体,更好地为祖国、为人民服务。
个人分类: 科普集萃|14517 次阅读|65 个评论
热度 23 何裕民 2015-5-26 16:14
坚果是闭果的一个分类,果皮坚硬,内含一粒种子。因为其储存有植物繁衍后代的大量信息及充分营养(以利于后代很好发育),故其往往营养全面、丰富;是食物中的上佳之品。常食对癌症、心血管病有防治作用。 美国德克萨斯大学流行病学系的研究者发现,如果人们每天都吃开心果,不仅会降低得肺癌的可能性,而且患上其他癌症的可能性也有所降低。权威的世界癌症研究基金会推荐的癌症患者饮食指南中,就对坚果抗癌效果赞不绝口,大加推荐。因此,建议多食坚果,尤其是中老年人(无论男女)。根据每个人每天的活动量、年龄和性别,建议每人每天至少应该从植物油和坚果中摄取身体所需总热量的5%~10%。 杏仁:无癌之国的国宝 斐济人爱吃杏仁,每日三餐必有杏干、杏仁伴食,被誉为“无癌之国”。杏仁分苦杏仁和甜杏仁,苦杏仁能止咳平喘、润肠通便,可治疗肺痈、咳嗽等;而甜杏仁和日常吃的干果大杏仁偏于滋润,有润肺作用。 现代研究已经明确:杏仁有抗肿瘤作用。杏仁抗肿瘤机理的研究主要集中在以下几方面:①癌细胞中含有大量β-葡萄糖苷酶,该酶能水解苦杏仁苷产生氢氰酸、苯甲醛。由于癌细胞缺少硫腈生成酶,该酶可使氢氰酸变成无毒的硫腈化物,而正常细胞缺少β-葡萄糖苷酶而含有大量的硫腈生成酶。苦杏仁苷能够选择性杀死癌细胞,而对正常细胞几乎无害。②苦杏仁苷能帮助体内胰蛋白酶消化癌细胞的透明样黏蛋白膜,使体内白细胞更易接近癌细胞,并吞噬癌细胞。③苦杏仁苷类能够影响胸腺嘧啶核苷进入肝癌细胞DNA和其他肿瘤细胞,从而影响对磷酸盐及氨基酸的吸收。 杏仁含有丰富的维生素C和多酚类成分,不但能降低人体内胆固醇,还能显著减少心脏病和多种其他慢性病发病危险性,这些成分也有一定的抗癌功效。 《蛋白质组学研究杂志》的论文显示:每天吃一把核桃或杏仁果等,可有效减少腹部脂肪,且还使心情舒畅(因促进有“幸福荷尔蒙”之称的血清素分泌),并降低食欲。加利福尼亚的研究人员发现:喜欢吃杏仁等坚果的人,其腰围比从不吃这些食品的人要小50%以上;西班牙的研究发现,不增强锻炼强度,只要吃富含不饱和脂肪酸的食物(指杏仁等坚果),也能减少身上的赘肉。 但杏仁不可过多食用,因其含有少量氰化物,而苦杏仁甙的代谢产物会导致组织细胞窒息,严重者会抑制神经中枢,导致呼吸麻痹。 花生:长生果 花生既可归为坚果类,也有归入豆类的。花生,俗名“长生果”,据测定:其蛋白质含量高达30%,营养价值可与鸡蛋、牛奶、瘦肉媲美,且易于被人体吸收。花生仁中含有丰富的脂肪、卵磷脂、维生素A、维生素E以及钙、磷、铁等,经常食用可起到滋补益寿之效。 美国阿拉巴马州的研究小组最近发现:花生中含有的植物化学物质有很强的抗氧化特性,它能够预防癌症、糖尿病和心血管病等。研究人员对水煮花生、鲜花生、晒干花生和烤花生中的植物化学物质进行分析后发现:煮花生的防病成分含量最高。该研究小组的负责人表示,水和热量穿透花生时会释放出有益化学物质。而对花生的过度烹调,比如炸、烤等,会破坏这些有益的成分。水煮花生则保留了花生中原有的植物活性物质,如植物固醇、皂角甙、白藜芦醇等,尤其是花生所含的谷固醇,有预防大肠癌、前列腺癌、乳腺癌及心血管病的作用。 此外,美国农业部的实验结果表明:白藜芦醇具有很强的生物活性,不仅能预防癌症,还能抑制血小板凝聚,防止心肌梗死与脑梗死的发生。 在食用花生时,尽量少吃油炸花生;还要注意食用安全。花生是最容易被黄曲霉毒素感染的,而后者是公认的迄今为止发现的最强致癌物。且黄曲霉毒素耐热,即使加热到200℃也不能被破坏,而且不溶于水。因此,禁食可疑的霉变花生。
个人分类: 何裕民谈肿瘤|4641 次阅读|24 个评论
热度 1 qpzeng 2014-7-11 11:06
以往的流行病学研究指出,饮酒与2型糖尿病及冠心病的发生呈现“U型” 关系,也就是滴酒不沾或酩酊大醉的心脏病发生率高,而少量饮酒则降低心脏病发生率。 可是,刚刚发表在《英国医学杂志》(BMJ)的一篇论文( Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data )却否定了这一结论,认为饮酒对心脏健康没有好处。这个研究由英国心脏基金会和医学研究理事会共同赞助,其团队组成堪称豪华,共有 来自英国、欧洲大陆、北美和澳洲的 155位科学家共同参与研究。 这项大型研究的特点是使用了26万多个来自乙醇脱氢酶1B基因(ADH1B)单核苷酸多态性变异体rs1229984 携带者 的研究 数据。携带这个变异基因的人不仅喝酒易脸红,而且喝酒后还有恶心、呕吐和全身不舒服的感觉,因此他们很少饮酒。 结果发现, rs1229984 携带者每周饮酒量仅为17.5%个单位(1个单位等于10毫升或7.9克乙醇),其冠心病发生率比非携带者低,而且其收缩压、白介素6水平、腰围和体质指数(BMI)均较低!作者由此推论,即使对于少量至中量饮酒者,减少乙醇消耗对心血管健康是有益的。 然而,2010年丹麦科学家发表在PLoS One上的一篇论文( The Association of Alcohol and Alcohol Metabolizing Gene Variants with Diabetes and Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in a White Population )则得出不同结论:乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)及乙醛脱氢酶(ALDH)变异基因(包括 rs1229984 )对 2型 糖尿病及冠 心 病的影响极小,也就是不会明显改变饮酒的健康效应,而且支持以往饮酒与健康的U型理论。 那么,面对以上两种截然相反的结论,公众究竟应该听谁的?呵呵,当然还是要听专家的,恰好BMJ专门为此配发了一篇编者按(Editorial)。尽管这篇Editorial肯定了文章的优点,但也不完全是说好话哦,有的话说得还很难听。我将Editorial链接在此( Alcohol and cardiovascular disease ),仅择要翻译其主要观点如下: 1、把ADH1B多态性对心血管病风险的影响仅仅局限在饮酒上,而且饮酒量并未严格确定,但却认定他们饮酒量相同,也许中度饮酒的 rs1229984 携带者比中度饮酒的未携带者的饮酒量就少一点点,因此其得出的不饮酒有利于心脏健康的结论就值得质疑。 Challenging assumptions is an important part of interpreting all observational work, and justifying assumptions is an important part of reporting it. For example, mendelian randomisation studies assume that effects of ADH1B polymorphisms on cardiovascular disease risk operate only via drinking. Holmes and colleagues try to show this by exploring whether ADH1B predicts coronary heart disease among people with similar levels of alcohol consumption. Although estimates are imprecise, results (figs 1 and 2 of paper) suggest ADH1B predicts cardiovascular disease risk even within groups of people with similar alcohol use. This should make us cautious about the conclusions—the allele should not predict cardiovascular risk among adults who all drink roughly the same amount. But we cannot be sure because alcohol use is imperfectly measured, and it’s still possible that, for example, moderate drinkers with the A-allele drink slightly less than moderate drinkers without it. 2、 ADH1B多态性可影响乙醇代谢,因而就要同时考虑乙醇及其代谢物的影响。如果是那些代谢物影响心血管病风险,那么该研究的孟德尔随机化就违背了其所依据的核心假说之一,因为它仅仅是以乙醇作为高危因素。 There is a further problem with this particular allele as a proxy for alcohol consumption. ADH1B polymorphisms influence alcohol metabolism, and therefore influence exposure to both alcohol and its metabolites. 9 If these metabolites influence risk of cardiovascular disease, one of the core assumptions underlying mendelian randomisation is violated. 3、最令人诧异的结论是中度饮酒者减少饮酒量也有益,而文中数据分析并不足以支持这个结论,因为他们依据的是参试者自报的饮酒量。中度饮酒与重度饮酒应该作为两个变量进行多变量的辅助变量分析。 One of the most surprising conclusions by Holmes et al is that reduced drinking is beneficial even for light to moderate drinkers. The analyses presented in the paper cannot establish this claim, however, because they rely on how much alcohol use individuals actually report. To evaluate whether effects of reducing drinking for moderate drinkers are similar to effects for heavy drinkers, one approach would define moderate and heavy drinking as separate variables and conduct a multiple-variable instrumental variables analysis. 10 姑且把这篇文章看成是万花丛中的一朵“奇葩”,但千万不要“见树不见林”,“听到风就是雨”!我认为,“创新”固然弥足珍贵,但决不可“喜新厌旧”,假如一篇文章就能颠覆传统的“旧”观念,我一定为它拍手叫好! Drinking alcohol provides no heart health benefit, new study shows Date: July 10, 2014 Source: University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Summary: Reducing the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed, even for light-to-moderate drinkers, may improve cardiovascular health, including a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, lower body mass index and blood pressure, according to a new multi-center study. The latest findings call into question previous studies which suggest that consuming light-to-moderate amounts of alcohol may have a protective effect on cardiovascular health. Reducing the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed, even for light-to-moderate drinkers, may improve cardiovascular health. Credit: © ramoncin1978 / Fotolia Reducing the amount of alcoholic beverages consumed, even for light-to-moderate drinkers, may improve cardiovascular health, including a reduced risk of coronary heart disease, lower body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure, according to a new multi-center study published in The BMJ and co-led by the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. The latest findings call into question previous studies which suggest that consuming light-to-moderate amounts of alcohol (0.6-0.8 fluid ounces/day) may have a protective effect on cardiovascular health. The new research reviewed evidence from more than 50 studies that linked drinking habits and cardiovascular health for over 260,000 people. Researchers found that individuals who carry a specific gene which typically leads to lower alcohol consumption over time have, on average, superior cardiovascular health records. Specifically, the results show that individuals who consume 17 percent less alcohol per week have on average a 10 percent reduced risk of coronary heart disease, lower blood pressure and a lower Body Mass Index. These new results are critically important to our understanding of how alcohol affects heart disease. Contrary to what earlier reports have shown, it now appears that any exposure to alcohol has a negative impact upon heart health, says co-lead author Michael Holmes, MD, PhD, research assistant professor in the department of Transplant Surgery at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. For some time, observational studies have suggested that only heavy drinking was detrimental to cardiovascular health, and that light consumption may actually be beneficial. This has led some people to drink moderately based on the belief that it would lower their risk of heart disease. However, what we're seeing with this new study, which uses an investigative approach similar to a randomized clinical trial, is that reduced consumption of alcohol, even for light-to-moderate drinkers, may lead to improved cardiovascular health. In the new study, researchers examined the cardiovascular health of individuals who carry a genetic variant of the 'alcohol dehydrogenase 1B' gene, which is known to breakdown alcohol at a quicker pace. This rapid breakdown causes unpleasant symptoms including nausea and facial flushing, and has been found to lead to lower levels of alcohol consumption over time. By using this genetic marker as an indicator of lower alcohol consumption, the research team was able to identify links between these individuals and improved cardiovascular health. The study was funded by the British Heart Foundation and the Medical Research Council, and was an international collaboration that included 155 investigators from the UK, continental Europe, North America, and Australia. Story Source: The above story is based on materials provided by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine . Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. Journal Reference : M. V. Holmes, C. E. Dale, L. Zuccolo, R. J. Silverwood, Y. Guo, Z. Ye, D. Prieto-Merino, A. Dehghan, S. Trompet, A. Wong, A. Cavadino, D. Drogan, S. Padmanabhan, S. Li, A. Yesupriya, M. Leusink, J. Sundstrom, J. A. Hubacek, H. Pikhart, D. I. Swerdlow, A. G. Panayiotou, S. A. Borinskaya, C. Finan, S. Shah, K. B. Kuchenbaecker, T. Shah, J. Engmann, L. Folkersen, P. Eriksson, F. Ricceri, O. Melander, C. Sacerdote, D. M. Gamble, S. Rayaprolu, O. A. Ross, S. McLachlan, O. Vikhireva, I. Sluijs, R. A. Scott, V. Adamkova, L. Flicker, F. M. v. Bockxmeer, C. Power, P. Marques-Vidal, T. Meade, M. G. Marmot, J. M. Ferro, S. Paulos-Pinheiro, S. E. Humphries, P. J. Talmud, I. M. Leach, N. Verweij, A. Linneberg, T. Skaaby, P. A. Doevendans, M. J. Cramer, P. v. d. Harst, O. H. Klungel, N. F. Dowling, A. F. Dominiczak, M. Kumari, A. N. Nicolaides, C. Weikert, H. Boeing, S. Ebrahim, T. R. Gaunt, J. F. Price, L. Lannfelt, A. Peasey, R. Kubinova, A. Pajak, S. Malyutina, M. I. Voevoda, A. Tamosiunas, A. H. Maitland-van der Zee, P. E. Norman, G. J. Hankey, M. M. Bergmann, A. Hofman, O. H. Franco, J. Cooper, J. Palmen, W. Spiering, P. A. d. Jong, D. Kuh, R. Hardy, A. G. Uitterlinden, M. A. Ikram, I. Ford, E. Hypponen, O. P. Almeida, N. J. Wareham, K.-T. Khaw, A. Hamsten, L. L. N. Husemoen, A. Tjonneland, J. S. Tolstrup, E. Rimm, J. W. J. Beulens, W. M. M. Verschuren, N. C. Onland-Moret, M. H. Hofker, S. G. Wannamethee, P. H. Whincup, R. Morris, A. M. Vicente, H. Watkins, M. Farrall, J. W. Jukema, J. Meschia, L. A. Cupples, S. J. Sharp, M. Fornage, C. Kooperberg, A. Z. LaCroix, J. Y. Dai, M. B. Lanktree, D. S. Siscovick, E. Jorgenson, B. Spring, J. Coresh, Y. R. Li, S. G. Buxbaum, P. J. Schreiner, R. C. Ellison, M. Y. Tsai, S. R. Patel, S. Redline, A. D. Johnson, R. C. Hoogeveen, H. Hakonarson, J. I. Rotter, E. Boerwinkle, P. I. W. d. Bakker, M. Kivimaki, F. W. Asselbergs, N. Sattar, D. A. Lawlor, J. Whittaker, G. Davey Smith, K. Mukamal, B. M. Psaty, J. G. Wilson, L. A. Lange, A. Hamidovic, A. D. Hingorani, B. G. Nordestgaard, M. Bobak, D. A. Leon, C. Langenberg, T. M. Palmer, A. P. Reiner, B. J. Keating, F. Dudbridge, J. P. Casas. Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data . BMJ , 2014; 349 (jul10 6): g4164 DOI: 10.1136/bmj.g4164
个人分类: 期刊论文|2973 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 9 qpzeng 2014-3-26 15:56
本来我只有周末才能抽出时间写科普博客,但看了几篇相关 博文后有些最新感悟今天就想写出来跟各位分享。我这篇博客最早拟出的题目是“氧化与抗氧化:一个被忽视的科学原理”,但觉得这个说法只概括了在专业层面上我想说的话,而没有凝练出我真正想表达的意思,故改为现题。 话题的起因出自本月24日Science上的一篇新闻,文章题目译成中文是“科学家修正了关于饱和脂肪酸争议论文中的若干错误”(见附录)。该文提到的这篇所谓“争议”论文于 本月18日 在线发表于《内科学年报 》(Annals of Internal Medicine)上,文章的题目是“膳食、血液循环、脂肪酸补充剂与心脏风险的关系:系统研究和大数据分析”( Association of Dietary, Circulating, and Supplement Fatty Acids With Coronary Risk : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis ) 。 据说该文发表后收到了若干意见,作者根据这些意见已经对文章作了修改,估计我们现在见到的版本应该是更新版。 尽管作者对文章作了一些有针对性的修改,但最后结论仍然不变: 现有证据并不明确支持指南上关于鼓励多食用多价不饱和脂肪酸而少食用全饱和脂质的建议 (Current evidence does not clearly support guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats)。这个结论实际上正是该文被“围攻”的靶子,而修改并未如意“改邪归正”。黄油、肉类、巧克力、奶酪中富含饱和脂肪酸,而鱼类、坚果、植物油中富含不饱和脂肪酸。饱和脂肪酸能增大心血管病风险历来被认为是已成定论的“科学教条”,并被世界卫生组织、美国国家食品药品监督管理局和美、英、加、欧盟膳食协会等权威机构采纳,而这篇文章的结论恰恰挑战了这个定论。 以英国的“指南”为例,它是这样写的:男性每日摄入的饱和脂肪酸不应超过30克,女性每日摄入的饱和脂肪酸不应超过20克。这可视为对不同种类脂肪酸摄取的“清规戒律”,言下之意是过多摄入饱和脂肪酸有害,而适量摄入不饱和脂肪酸有益(或多多益善?)。因此,这篇文章的发表惹来了很多国际权威们的高调反对。哈佛大学公共卫生学院营养学系主任Walter Willett就批评道:“他们(对科学结论)已经造成很大损害”,还说:“我认为可以考虑像快速发表那样立即撤稿”。新西兰Otago大学的Jim Mann也表示:“如果这篇文章让我审稿,我也会建议退稿”。 究竟这篇文章的观点是对还是错呢?我们先看看NCBI就此组织的专题点评给出的结论:尽管存在一些不足,但这是一项令人印象深刻的详细而全面的研究( Saturated fats and heart disease link unproven )。以下仅贴出长篇点评中的Conclusion部分,供专业人士参考: In contrast to current recommendations, this systematic review found no evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of coronary disease, or that polyunsaturated fats have a cardioprotective effect. Similarly, there was no significant association between the levels of total omega-3 or omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids and coronary disease. This lack of association was seen in both cohort studies, which looked at dietary intake or circulating levels the in blood, and in randomised controlled trials that had looked at the effect of supplementation. There was also no significant association between total saturated fatty acids and coronary risk, both in studies using dietary intake and in those using circulating biomarkers. In addition, there was no significant association between total monounsaturated fatty acids and coronary risk – again, both in studies using dietary intake and those studying fatty acid composition. Dietary trans fatty acid intake was associated with increased coronary disease risk, although circulating levels were not. There are some limitations to this study: For the studies based on dietary intake, it is not clear over how long a period of time their diet was assessed. Dietary questionnaires can be inaccurate due to recall bias and may not be representative of diet over a number of years. The level of fat consumption is unclear – that is, how large the difference in fat consumption per day was between people in the top third compared with people in the bottom third. Some of the studies involved people with a pre-existing health condition, so the results may not be applicable to a healthy population. Despite these limitations, this was an impressively detailed and extensive piece of research, which is likely to prompt further study. Current UK guidelines remained unchanged: The average man should eat no more than 30g of saturated fat a day. The average woman should eat no more than 20g of saturated fat a day. Even if saturated fats don’t directly harm your heart, eating too much can lead to obesity, which in turn can damage it. The key to a healthy diet is “everything in moderation”. The occasional buttered scone or cream cake is not going to hurt you, but you need to be aware of your total calorie intake. Eating a healthy, balanced diet , being physically active and not smoking are the best ways to keep your heart healthy. Analysis by Bazian . Edited by NHS Choices . Follow Behind the Headlines on Twitter . Join the Healthy Evidence forum . 下面就来扼要谈谈我个人的看法: 首先,这涉及到心血管病的发病机理。现有证据表明,心血管病与慢性炎症息息相关,而炎症可以导致活性氧(ROS)与活性氮(RNS)的大量产生。不过,究竟是炎症本身还是ROS和RNS引起心血管病,现在还不清楚。假如是炎症直接导致心血管病,那么无论是饱和脂肪酸还是不饱和脂肪酸都没有抗炎作用,该文关于脂肪酸与心血管病无关的结论就是正确的。如果是 ROS和RNS引起心血管病,那就牵涉到下面要谈的另外一个问题。 其次,涉及到自由基的清除系统。假如过多的 ROS和RNS会导致心血管病,那么具有清除自由基能力的不饱和脂肪酸就能降低心血管病的风险,而饱和脂肪酸却没有这个作用。然而,人体具有完备的抗氧化系统,专门针对体内外环境中出现的氧化剂,小分子的有还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)等,大分子的有各种抗氧化酶。实际上,外源抗氧化剂的摄入确实能清除自由基,但同时也抑制了内源抗氧化酶的诱导。 在人体中, 抗氧化剂与 抗氧化酶的关系类似于“矛”与“盾”的关系,用“水涨船高”来解释就很容易理解。 从这个意义上来说,不饱和脂肪酸充其量只是部分行使了抗氧化酶的功能,只不过外源抗氧化剂增加了,而内源抗氧化酶就会相应减少 ,这就能解释为什么不饱和脂肪酸与心血管病无关。 再次,还涉及到不饱和脂肪酸的作用。显然,不饱和脂肪酸不仅仅是作为抗氧化剂发挥作用,它们既然被定义为人体的“必需脂肪酸”,那就一定有着不可替代的作用。至于它们是否与心血管病有直接关系,恐怕还要开展更深入的研究。比如,Science文章中提到的一篇 A 2009 review 就这样描述过:用糖类代替饱和脂肪酸不能降低心脏病风险,用不饱和脂肪酸代替饱和脂肪酸就能降低心脏病风险。也就是说,不饱和脂肪酸至少跟心血管病有间接关系,今后的任务是要阐明这种间接关系。 另外,尽管这项研究来自大数据分析,而且以Review的形式发表,但它仍然开展了多人参与的临床研究,研究阵容也很豪华(来自哈佛、剑桥等)。既然能得出不饱和脂肪酸与心血管病无关的结论,那也是不会轻易被人否定的,用作者的话来说就是:结论是Valid的,证据是Hardest的,关键在于我们如何进行正确解读。上述专题评述对此的解读是:虽然饱和脂肪酸不会直接损害心脏,但吃得太多会引起肥胖,而肥胖反过来就能损害心脏。 我认为,心血管病的最大风险来自长期感染(如病原细菌)或非感染(如吸烟、肥胖)导致的经久不愈的慢性炎症,抗氧化剂或不饱和脂肪酸的抗氧化作用都不能消除炎症,因此可能与心血管病没有直接关系。不过,目前不能排除不饱和脂肪酸与心血管病的间接关系,即与发病机制相联系。它们也许可以延缓老年人心血管病的发病进程,因为老龄化会降低对食物中抗氧化剂的吸收及对体内抗氧化酶的诱导,因而削弱本身的抗氧化能力,但这个推测还需经过实验研究证实。 最后,我想说两句题外话:我总感觉在国外发表文章存在“潜规则”,若遇审稿人“看不顺眼”(来自中国?英文表达别扭?)就很难过他们的十指关。同样是中国人,在国外的工作容易发表,而回国后的工作就难以发表。因此,我非常推崇用“发表后评价”制度代替“发表前评审”制度。 附: Scientists Fix Errors in Controversial Paper About Saturated Fats 24 March 2014 3:15 pm 12 Comments Wikimedia Commons/Sage Ross Going nuts. Critics have panned a paper that questions whether unsaturated fats, common in nuts, are healthier than saturated ones. When a paper published on 17 March questioned whether fats from fish or vegetable oils are healthier than those in meat or butter, it quickly made headlines around the world ; after all, the study seemed to debunk a cornerstone of many dietary guidelines. But a new version of the publication had to be posted shortly after it appeared on the website of the Annals of Internal Medicine to correct several errors. And although the study's first author stands by the conclusions, a number of scientists are criticizing the paper and even calling on the authors to retract it. They have done a huge amount of damage, says Walter Willett, chair of the nutrition department at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston. I think a retraction with similar press promotion should be considered. Health officials have long argued that so-called saturated fatty acids, which are found in butter, meat, chocolate, and cheese, increase the risk of heart disease, and that people should instead eat more unsaturated fatty acids, the type that dominates in fish, nuts, or vegetable oils. In the new study, a meta-analysis, scientists from Europe and the United States pooled 72 individual studies to gauge how different fats influence the risk of a heart attack or other cardiac events, such as angina. These included trials in which participants were randomly assigned to different diets, as well as observational studies in which participants' intake of fatty acids was determined by asking them about their diet or by measuring the fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream. When the researchers compared people with the highest and the lowest intake of saturated fats, they found no clear difference between the risk of heart disease or other cardiac events. Similarly, they found no significant difference between those consuming high or low amounts of the supposedly healthy unsaturated fats. Current evidence does not clearly support guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats, the authors concluded . But even before the paper was published, other scientists began pointing out errors, says first author Rajiv Chowdhury, an epidemiologist at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. For instance, the authors took one study on omega-3 fats, one type of unsaturated fats, to show a slightly negative effect while, in fact, it had shown a strong positive effect. The correction means that the meta-analysis now says people who report eating lots of this particular fat have significantly less heart disease; previously, it said there was no significant effect. Critics also pointed out two important studies on omega-6 fatty acids that the authors had missed. The errors demonstrate shoddy research and make one wonder whether there are more that haven't been detected, writes Jim Mann, a researcher at the University of Otago, Dunedin, in New Zealand, writes in an e-mail. If I had been the referee I would have recommended rejection. Mann and others say the paper has other problems, too. For instance, it does not address what people who reduced their intake of saturated fats consumed instead. A 2009 review concluded that replacing saturated fats with carbohydrates had no benefit, while replacing them with polyunsaturated fats reduced the risk of heart disease. Several scientists say that should have been mentioned in the new paper. Chowdhury says the paper's conclusions are valid, however, even after the corrections. Randomized clinical trials are the hardest kind of evidence, he says, and they don't show a significant effect of saturated or unsaturated fats. But even one of the paper's authors, Dariush Mozaffarian, of the Harvard School of Public Health, admits that he is not happy with the key conclusion that the evidence does not support a benefit from polyunsaturated fats. Personally, I think the results suggest that fish and vegetable oils should be encouraged, he says. But the paper was written by a group of authors, he points out. And science isn't a dictatorship. Another study author, Emanuele Di Angelantonio of the University of Cambridge, says the main problem is that the paper was wrongly interpreted by the media. We are not saying the guidelines are wrong and people can eat as much saturated fat as they want. We are saying that there is no strong support for the guidelines and we need more good trials. Willett says correcting the paper isn't enough. It is good that they fixed it for the record, but it has caused massive confusion and the public hasn't heard about the correction. The paper should be withdrawn, he argues. The controversy should serve as a warning about meta-analyses, Willett adds. Such studies compile the data from many individual studies to get a clearer result. It looks like a sweeping summary of all the data, so it gets a lot of attention, Willett says. But these days meta-analyses are often done by people who are not familiar with a field, who don't have the primary data or don't make the effort to get it. And while drug trials are often very similar in design, making it easy to combine their results, nutritional studies vary widely in the way they are set up. Often the strengths and weaknesses of individual studies get lost, Willett says. It's dangerous.
个人分类: 科普集萃|5330 次阅读|16 个评论
xupeiyang 2013-6-12 06:33
我国心血管病患者超过两亿人,心血管疾病成为健康“头号杀手”。研究表明,至少三分之一的心血管疾病是由烟草、酒精、高血压、高血脂和肥胖等5种危险因素引起。专家预测,到2020年我国每年因心血管疾病死亡的人数可能增加到400万人。 CCTV13新闻视频 http://t.itc.cn/faDEG
个人分类: 心血管病|2258 次阅读|0 个评论
昌大二附院主编《当代防治心血管病260问》问世/ 罗伟教授
hucs 2013-4-1 15:27
昌大二附院主编《当代防治心血管病260问》问世 罗伟报道 昌大二附院心血管内科编著的《当代防治心血管病260问》一书出版,(本书由江西科技出版社与江西教育出版社联合出版)。 本书作者:主编罗伟、程晓曙、吴清华;副主编李菊香、吴延庆、李萍、洪葵、姜醒华、胡春松;参编杨人强、陈琦、鲍慧慧。昌大二附院心血管内科是国家临床重点专科(省内心血管内科领域唯一),心血管内科具有硕士学位和博士学位授予权,是国家药品临床研究基地心血管专业点,卫生部介入技术培训基地(先天性心脏病和心律失常)。江西省高校重点学科、江西省医学领先专业。江西省心电协会、江西省遗传疾病及基因治疗研究所、江西省心血管病专业委员会和南昌大学心血管病研究所挂靠在我科。学科地位总体在江西省内领先,国内先进水平,心律失常的遗传学研究达国际先进水平 本书内容提要 一提到心脏这个器官,人人都知道它对生命的重要性。心脏是人体各器官中最重要的器官,心脏血管的功能,在很大程度上决定人的健康状况和体质水平。可以说,心脏就如同汽车的发动机一样,一旦熄火,汽车就要停顿下来。人体的心脏如果停止跳动,生命也就此终结。因此,切实转变卫生观念发挥自我保健作用,积极防治心血管病刻不容缓。 根据《中国心血管病2010报告》,我国心血管病现患人数至少2.3亿,高血压患者2亿,脑卒中患者700万,心肌梗死患者200万,心力衰竭患者420万,风湿性心脏病患者250万,先天性心脏病患者200万。提示每10个成年人中就有2人患心血管病。 编者根据多年从事心血管病的临床实践和科学研究体会,并参阅当代国内外文献资料,从我们发表的数百篇医学科普文章中,精心编纂了《当代防治心血管病260问》的科普读物,推广科普知识,献给广大读者。 本书从不同方面介绍当代防治心血管病的常识(包括高血压病、冠心病、血脂异常、心律失常、心肌疾病、风湿性心脏病、先天性心脏病、心力衰竭及其他心血管病),内容丰富,包含新知识、新观念、新技术和新方法等。 本书以小标题、小问答的形式编写,按类分述,深入浅出,通俗易懂。具有时代性、科学性、实用性、可读性。适合大众朋友们更科学防治心血管病参考、适合心血管病患者及其家属阅读。也可供广大基层医务人员、社区医务工作者阅读参考。 ( http://www.jxndefy.cn/efy/show.php?contentid=15776 )
个人分类: 博士学习|2643 次阅读|0 个评论
hucs 2013-3-19 17:11
新书推介: 江南名医堂丛书 《当代防治心血管病260问》 江西科学技术出版社 江西教育出版社 主编: 罗伟程晓曙吴清华 副主编: 李菊香吴延庆李萍 洪葵姜醒华胡春松 编委: (按姓氏笔画排序) 李萍李菊香吴延庆 吴清华杨人强陈琦 罗伟胡春松洪葵 姜醒华程晓曙鲍慧慧 策划编辑:文恒益 责任编辑:曹雯刘茂 封面设计:陈芳 版次:2013年2月第1版 定价:20.00元 ISBN978-7-5390-4716-4 (编著者单位:南昌大学第二附属医院心内科)
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jerrycueb 2013-3-18 16:01
PM2.5增加心血管病死亡率 PM2.5可谓这个冬季常谈常新的话题,近日,人们又开始讨论为PM2.5起中文名字。其实,不管是叫“细颗粒物”还是叫“烟尘”、“细飘尘”,都意在提醒人们小心雾霾对健康带来的危害。 PM2.5可以进入肺部产生刺激作用,损害呼吸道和身体其他器官(通过血液循环产生),从而可能诱发肺癌或其他癌症。所以,每当雾霾增加时,医院呼吸系统门急诊人数就会增加。不过,雾霾对健康的影响不仅限于此。 2月20日,《欧洲心脏期刊》( The European Heart Journal )刊登的一项研究结果表明,PM2.5与心脏病的死亡率有正相关关系,PM2.5浓度越高,心脏病患者的死亡率也越高。患有急性冠脉综合征的病人如果过度暴露在PM2.5浓度较高的空气中,死亡率也会上升。 英国伦敦卫生和热带医药学院的凯瑟琳·汤纳等人对英格兰和威尔士15.4万名心脏病患者进行了3年多的跟踪研究,这些人曾在2004年至2007年间因突发心脏病而住院。研究人员在这些人出院后继续调查他们的健康情况,其间有4万人死亡。 (来源:北京日报) Abstract Aims The aim of this study was to determine (i) whether long-term exposure to air pollution was associated with all-cause mortality using the Myocardial Ischaemia National Audit Project (MINAP) data for England and Wales, and (ii) the extent to which exposure to air pollution contributed to socioeconomic inequalities in prognosis. Methods and results Records of patients admitted to hospital with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in MINAP collected under the National Institute for Cardiovascular Outcomes Research were linked to modelled annual average air pollution concentrations for 2004–10. Hazard ratios for mortality starting 28 days after admission were estimated using Cox proportional hazards models. Among the 154 204 patients included in the cohort, the average follow-up was 3.7 years and there were 39 863 deaths. Mortality rates were higher for individuals exposed to higher levels of particles with a diameter of ≤2.5 μm (PM 2.5 ; PM, particulate matter): the fully adjusted hazard ratio for a 10 μg/m 3 increase in PM 2.5 was 1.20 (95% CI 1.04–1.38). No associations were observed for larger particles or oxides of nitrogen. Air pollution explained socioeconomic inequalities in survival to only a small extent. Conclusion Mortality from all causes was higher among individuals with greater exposure to PM 2.5 in survivors of hospital admission for ACS in England and Wales. Despite higher exposure to PM 2.5 among those from more deprived areas, such exposure was a minor contribution to the socioeconomic inequalities in prognosis following ACS. Our findings add to the evidence of mortality associated with long-term exposure to fine particles. Particulate matter air pollution and cardiovascular disease: An update to the scientific statement from the american heart association Authors: Brook R.D., Rajagopalan S., Pope C.A., Brook J.R., Bhatnagar A., Diez-Roux A.V., Holguin F., Hong Y., Luepker R.V., Mittleman M.A., Peters A., Siscovick D., Smith S.C., Whitsel L., Kaufman J.D. Cited by: 232 Add time: 2012-11 Document Type: Review Source: Circulation,2010,121(21):2331-2378 全文 Abstract: In2004,thefirstAmericanHeartAssociationscientificstatementon"Air PollutionandCardiovascularDisease"concludedthatexposuretoparticulate matter(PM)airpollutioncontributestocardiovascularmorbidityandmortality. Intheinterim,numerousstudieshaveexpandedourunderstandingofthis associationandfurtherelucidatedthephysiologicalandmolecularmechanisms involved.ThemainobjectiveofthisupdatedAmericanHeartAssociation scientificstatementistoprovideacomprehensivereviewofthenewevidence linkingPMexposurewithcardiovasculardisease,withaspecificfocuson highlightingtheclinicalimplicationsforresearchersandhealthcareproviders. Thewritinggroupalsosoughttoprovideexpertconsensusopinionsonmany aspectsofthecurrentstateofscienceandupdatedsuggestionsforareasof futureresearch.Onthebasisofthefindingsofthisreview,severalnew conclusionswerereached,includingthefollowing:ExposuretoPM2.5μmin diameter(PM2.5)overafewhourstoweekscantriggercardiovasculardisease -relatedmortalityandnonfatalevents;longer-termexposure(eg,afewyears) increasestheriskforcardiovascularmortalitytoanevengreaterextentthan exposuresoverafewdaysandreduceslifeexpectancywithinmorehighlyexposed segmentsofthepopulationbyseveralmonthstoafewyears;reductionsinPM levelsareassociatedwithdecreasesincardiovascularmortalitywithinatime frameasshortasafewyears;andmanycrediblepathologicalmechanismshave beenelucidatedthatlendbiologicalplausibilitytothesefindings.Itisthe opinionofthewritinggroupthattheoverallevidenceisconsistentwitha causalrelationshipbetweenPM2.5exposureandcardiovascularmorbidityand mortality.Thisbodyofevidencehasgrownandbeenstrengthenedsubstantially sincethefirstAmericanHeartAssociationscientificstatementwaspublished. Finally,PM2.5exposureisdeemedamodifiablefactorthatcontributesto cardiovascularmorbidityandmortality. http://paper.sciencenet.cn/htmlpaper/20133111015383728114.shtm http://eurheartj.oxfordjournals.org/content/26/8/804.full?ijkey=ae4ca65b3c9a3b2f349dc8a607e835daa58ab278keytype2=tf_ipsecsha http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/health-sapping.html http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/?term=10.1289/ehp.0901623
个人分类: 安全科学|30 次阅读|0 个评论
Valentina 2013-3-2 10:13
The traditional Mediterranean diet is characterized by a high intake of olive oil, fruit, nuts, vegetables, and cereals; a moderate intake of fish and poultry; a low intake of dairy products, red meat, processed meats, and sweets; and wine in moderation, consumed with meals. 1 In observational cohort studies 2,3 and a secondary prevention trial (the Lyon Diet Heart Study), 4 increasing adherence to the Mediterranean diet has been consistently beneficial with respect to cardiovascular risk. 2-4 A systematic review ranked the Mediterranean diet as the most likely dietary model to provide protection against coronary heart disease. 5 Small clinical trials have uncovered plausible biologic mechanisms to explain the salutary effects of this food pattern. 6-9 We designed a randomized trial to test the efficacy of two Mediterranean diets (one supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil and another with nuts), as compared with a control diet (advice on a low-fat diet), on primary cardiovascular prevention. Methods Study Design The PREDIMED trial (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea) was a parallel-group, multicenter, randomized trial. Details of the trial design are provided elsewhere. 10-12 The trial was designed and conducted by the authors, and the protocol was approved by the institutional review boards at all study locations. The authors vouch for the accuracy and completeness of the data and all analyses and for the fidelity of this report to the protocol , which is available with the full text of this article at NEJM.org. Supplemental foods were donated, including extra-virgin olive oil (by Hojiblanca and Patrimonio Comunal Olivarero, both in Spain), walnuts (by the California Walnut Commission), almonds (by Borges, in Spain), and hazelnuts (by La Morella Nuts, in Spain). None of the sponsors had any role in the trial design, data analysis, or reporting of the results. Participant Selection and Randomization Eligible participants were men (55 to 80 years of age) and women (60 to 80 years of age) with no cardiovascular disease at enrollment, who had either type 2 diabetes mellitus or at least three of the following major risk factors: smoking, hypertension, elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, overweight or obesity, or a family history of premature coronary heart disease. Detailed enrollment criteria are provided in the Supplementary Appendix , available at NEJM.org. All participants provided written informed consent. Beginning on October 1, 2003, participants were randomly assigned, in a 1:1:1 ratio, to one of three dietary intervention groups: a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil, a Mediterranean diet supplemented with nuts, or a control diet. Randomization was performed centrally by means of a computer-generated random-number sequence. Interventions and Measurements The dietary intervention 8,10-13 is detailed in the Supplementary Appendix . The specific recommended diets are summarized in Table 1 Table 1 Summary of Dietary Recommendations to Participants in the Mediterranean-Diet Groups and the Control-Diet Group. . Participants in the two Mediterranean-diet groups received either extra-virgin olive oil (approximately 1 liter per week) or 30 g of mixed nuts per day (15 g of walnuts, 7.5 g of hazelnuts, and 7.5 g of almonds) at no cost, and those in the control group received small nonfood gifts. No total calorie restriction was advised, nor was physical activity promoted. For participants in the two Mediterranean-diet groups, dietitians ran individual and group dietary-training sessions at the baseline visit and quarterly thereafter. In each session, a 14-item dietary screener was used to assess adherence to the Mediterranean diet 8,14 (Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix ) so that personalized advice could be provided to the study participants in these groups. Participants in the control group also received dietary training at the baseline visit and completed the 14-item dietary screener used to assess baseline adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Thereafter, during the first 3 years of the trial, they received a leaflet explaining the low-fat diet (Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix ) on a yearly basis. However, the realization that the more infrequent visit schedule and less intense support for the control group might be limitations of the trial prompted us to amend the protocol in October 2006. Thereafter, participants assigned to the control diet received personalized advice and were invited to group sessions with the same frequency and intensity as those in the Mediterranean-diet groups, with the use of a separate 9-item dietary screener (Table S3 in the Supplementary Appendix ). A general medical questionnaire, a 137-item validated food-frequency questionnaire, 15 and the Minnesota Leisure-Time Physical Activity Questionnaire were administered on a yearly basis. 10 Information from the food-frequency questionnaire was used to calculate intake of energy and nutrients. Weight, height, and waist circumference were directly measured. 16 Biomarkers of compliance, including urinary hydroxytyrosol levels (to confirm compliance in the group receiving extra-virgin olive oil) and plasma alpha-linolenic acid levels (to confirm compliance in the group receiving mixed nuts), were measured in random subsamples of participants at 1, 3, and 5 years (see the Supplementary Appendix ). End Points The primary end point was a composite of myocardial infarction, stroke, and death from cardiovascular causes. Secondary end points were stroke, myocardial infarction, death from cardiovascular causes, and death from any cause. We used four sources of information to identify end points: repeated contacts with participants, contacts with family physicians, a yearly review of medical records, and consultation of the National Death Index. All medical records related to end points were examined by the end-point adjudication committee, whose members were unaware of the study-group assignments. Only end points that were confirmed by the adjudication committee and that occurred between October 1, 2003, and December 1, 2010, were included in the analyses. The criteria for adjudicating primary and secondary end points are detailed in the Supplementary Appendix . Statistical Analysis We initially estimated that a sample of 9000 participants would be required to provide statistical power of 80% to detect a relative risk reduction of 20% in each Mediterranean-diet group versus the control-diet group during a 4-year follow-up period, assuming an event rate of 12% in the control group. 10,17 In April 2008, on the advice of the data and safety monitoring board and on the basis of lower-than-expected rates of end-point events, the sample size was recalculated as 7400 participants, with the assumption of a 6-year follow-up period and underlying event rates of 8.8% and 6.6% in the control and intervention groups, respectively. Power curves under several assumptions can be found in Figure S1 in the Supplementary Appendix . Yearly interim analyses began after a median of 2 years of follow-up. With the use of O'Brien–Fleming stopping boundaries, the P values for stopping the trial at each yearly interim analysis were 5×10 −6 , 0.001, 0.009, and 0.02 for benefit and 9×10 −5 , 0.005, 0.02, and 0.05 for adverse effects. 18 The stopping boundary for the benefit of the Mediterranean diets with respect to the primary end point was crossed at the fourth interim evaluation; on July 22, 2011, the data and safety monitoring board recommended stopping the trial on the basis of end points documented through December 1, 2010. All primary analyses were performed on an intention-to-treat basis by two independent analysts. Time-to-event data were analyzed with the use of Cox models with two dummy variables (one for the Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil and another for the Mediterranean diet with nuts) to obtain two hazard ratios for the comparison with the control group. To account for small imbalances in risk factors at baseline among the groups, Cox regression models were used to adjust for sex, age, and baseline risk factors. We tested the proportionality of hazards with the use of time-varying covariates. All analyses were stratified according to center. Prespecified subgroup analyses were conducted according to sex, age, body-mass index (BMI), cardiovascular-risk-factor status, and baseline adherence to the Mediterranean diet. Sensitivity analyses were conducted under several assumptions, including imputation of data for missing values and participants who dropped out (see the Supplementary Appendix ). Results Baseline Characteristics of the Study Participants From October 2003 through June 2009, a total of 8713 candidates were screened for eligibility, and 7447 were randomly assigned to one of the three study groups (Figure S2 in the Supplementary Appendix ). Their baseline characteristics according to study group are shown in Table 2 Table 2 Baseline Characteristics of the Participants According to Study Group. . Drug-treatment regimens were similar for participants in the three groups, and they continued to be balanced during the follow-up period (Table S4 in the Supplementary Appendix ). Participants were followed for a median of 4.8 years (interquartile range, 2.8 to 5.8). After the initial assessment, 209 participants (2.8%) chose not to attend subsequent visits, and their follow-up was based on reviews of medical records. By December 2010, a total of 523 participants (7.0%) had been lost to follow-up for 2 or more years. Dropout rates were higher in the control group (11.3%) than in the Mediterranean-diet groups (4.9%) (Figure S2 in the Supplementary Appendix ). As compared with participants who remained in the trial, those who dropped out were younger (by 1.4 years), had a higher BMI (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters; by 0.4), a higher waist-to-height ratio (by 0.01), and a lower score for adherence to the Mediterranean diet (by 1.0 points on the 14-item dietary screener) (P0.05 for all comparisons). Compliance with the Dietary Intervention Participants in the three groups reported similar adherence to the Mediterranean diet at baseline ( Table 2 , and Figure S3 in the Supplementary Appendix ) and similar food and nutrient intakes. During follow-up, scores on the 14-item Mediterranean-diet screener increased for the participants in the two Mediterranean-diet groups (Figure S3 in the Supplementary Appendix ). There were significant differences between these groups and the control group in 12 of the 14 items at 3 years (Table S5 in the Supplementary Appendix ). Changes in objective biomarkers also indicated good compliance with the dietary assignments (Figure S4 and S5 in the Supplementary Appendix ). Participants in the two Mediterranean-diet groups significantly increased weekly servings of fish (by 0.3 servings) and legumes (by 0.4 servings) in comparison with those in the control group (Table S6 in the Supplementary Appendix ). In addition, participants assigned to a Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil and those assigned to a Mediterranean diet with nuts significantly increased their consumption of extra-virgin olive oil (to 50 and 32 g per day, respectively) and nuts (to 0.9 and 6 servings per week, respectively). The main nutrient changes in the Mediterranean-diet groups reflected the fat content and composition of the supplemental foods (Tables S7 and S8 in the Supplementary Appendix ). No relevant diet-related adverse effects were reported (see the Supplementary Appendix ). We did not find any significant difference in changes in physical activity among the three groups. End Points The median follow-up period was 4.8 years. A total of 288 primary-outcome events occurred: 96 in the group assigned to a Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil (3.8%), 83 in the group assigned to a Mediterranean diet with nuts (3.4%), and 109 in the control group (4.4%). Taking into account the small differences in the accrual of person-years among the three groups, the respective rates of the primary end point were 8.1, 8.0, and 11.2 per 1000 person-years ( Table 3 Table 3 Outcomes According to Study Group. ). The unadjusted hazard ratios were 0.70 (95% confidence interval , 0.53 to 0.91) for a Mediterranean diet with extra-virgin olive oil and 0.70 (95% CI, 0.53 to 0.94) for a Mediterranean diet with nuts ( Figure 1 Figure 1 Kaplan–Meier Estimates of the Incidence of Outcome Events in the Total Study Population. ) as compared with the control diet (P=0.015, by the likelihood ratio test, for the overall effect of the intervention). The results of multivariate analyses showed a similar protective effect of the two Mediterranean diets versus the control diet with respect to the primary end point ( Table 3 ). Regarding components of the primary end point, only the comparisons of stroke risk reached statistical significance ( Table 3 , and Figure S6 in the Supplementary Appendix ). The Kaplan–Meier curves for the primary end point diverged soon after the trial started, but no effect on all-cause mortality was apparent ( Figure 1 ). The results of several sensitivity analyses were also consistent with the findings of the primary analysis (Table S9 in the Supplementary Appendix ). Subgroup Analyses Reductions in disease risk in the two Mediterranean-diet groups as compared with the control group were similar across the prespecified subgroups ( Figure 2 Figure 2 Results of Subgroup Analyses. , and Table S10 in the Supplementary Appendix ). In addition, to account for the protocol change in October 2006 whereby the intensity of dietary intervention in the control group was increased, we compared hazard ratios for the Mediterranean-diet groups (both groups merged vs. the control group) before and after this date. Adjusted hazard ratios were 0.77 (95% CI, 0.59 to 1.00) for participants recruited before October 2006 and 0.49 (95% CI, 0.26 to 0.92) for those recruited thereafter (P=0.21 for interaction). Discussion In this trial, an energy-unrestricted Mediterranean diet supplemented with either extra-virgin olive oil or nuts resulted in an absolute risk reduction of approximately 3 major cardiovascular events per 1000 person-years, for a relative risk reduction of approximately 30%, among high-risk persons who were initially free of cardiovascular disease. These results support the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for cardiovascular risk reduction. They are particularly relevant given the challenges of achieving and maintaining weight loss. The secondary prevention Lyon Diet Heart Study also showed a large reduction in rates of coronary heart disease events with a modified Mediterranean diet enriched with alpha-linolenic acid (a key constituent of walnuts). That result, however, was based on only a few major events. 4,19,20 There were small between-group differences in some baseline characteristics in our trial, which were not clinically meaningful but were statistically significant, and we therefore adjusted for these variables. In fully adjusted analyses, we found significant results for the combined cardiovascular end point and for stroke, but not for myocardial infarction alone. This could be due to stronger effects on specific risk factors for stroke but also to a lower statistical power to identify effects on myocardial infarction. Our findings are consistent with those of prior observational studies of the cardiovascular protective effects of the Mediterranean diet, 2,5 olive oil, 21-23 and nuts 24,25 ; smaller trials assessing effects on traditional cardiovascular risk factors 6-9 and novel risk factors, such as markers of oxidation, inflammation, and endothelial dysfunction 6,8,26-28 ; and studies of conditions associated with high cardiovascular risk — namely, the metabolic syndrome 6,16,29 and diabetes. 30-32 Thus, a causal role of the Mediterranean diet in cardiovascular prevention has high biologic plausibility. The results of our trial might explain, in part, the lower cardiovascular mortality in Mediterranean countries than in northern European countries or the United States. 33 The risk of stroke was reduced significantly in the two Mediterranean-diet groups. This is consistent with epidemiologic studies that showed an inverse association between the Mediterranean diet 2,34 or olive-oil consumption 22 and incident stroke. Our results compare favorably with those of the Women's Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial, wherein a low-fat dietary approach resulted in no cardiovascular benefit. 35 Salient components of the Mediterranean diet reportedly associated with better survival include moderate consumption of ethanol (mostly from wine), low consumption of meat and meat products, and high consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, fish, and olive oil. 36,37 Perhaps there is a synergy among the nutrient-rich foods included in the Mediterranean diet that fosters favorable changes in intermediate pathways of cardiometabolic risk, such as blood lipids, insulin sensitivity, resistance to oxidation, inflammation, and vasoreactivity. 38 Our study has several limitations. First, the protocol for the control group was changed halfway through the trial. The lower intensity of dietary intervention for the control group during the first few years might have caused a bias toward a benefit in the two Mediterranean-diet groups, since the participants in these two groups received a more intensive intervention during that time. However, we found no significant interaction between the period of trial enrollment (before vs. after the protocol change) and the benefit in the Mediterranean-diet groups. Second, we had losses to follow-up, predominantly in the control group, but the participants who dropped out had a worse cardiovascular risk profile at baseline than those who remained in the study, suggesting a bias toward a benefit in the control group. Third, the generalizability of our findings is limited because all the study participants lived in a Mediterranean country and were at high cardiovascular risk; whether the results can be generalized to persons at lower risk or to other settings requires further research. As with many clinical trials, the observed rates of cardiovascular events were lower than anticipated, with reduced statistical power to separately assess components of the primary end point. However, favorable trends were seen for both stroke and myocardial infarction. We acknowledge that, even though participants in the control group received advice to reduce fat intake, changes in total fat were small and the largest differences at the end of the trial were in the distribution of fat subtypes. The interventions were intended to improve the overall dietary pattern, but the major between-group differences involved the supplemental items. Thus, extra-virgin olive oil and nuts were probably responsible for most of the observed benefits of the Mediterranean diets. Differences were also observed for fish and legumes but not for other food groups. The small between-group differences in the diets during the trial are probably due to the facts that for most trial participants the baseline diet was similar to the trial Mediterranean diet and that the control group was given recommendations for a healthy diet, suggesting a potentially greater benefit of the Mediterranean diet as compared with Western diets. In conclusion, in this primary prevention trial, we observed that an energy-unrestricted Mediterranean diet, supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts, resulted in a substantial reduction in the risk of major cardiovascular events among high-risk persons. The results support the benefits of the Mediterranean diet for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.
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热度 13 qpzeng 2013-2-20 18:14
​ 【新闻背景】 年后出版的《科学》杂志开辟了一期“炎症”专刊,共发表一篇导论《炎症的阴和阳》和4篇相关的综述文章。随后,《科学—信号转导》又推出焦点专辑,包含“了解炎症机理”编辑部评述及“炎症”和“免疫学”专栏论文、综述和播客,作为《科学》专刊的补充。 发炎与消炎是免疫系统特有的功能,代表着机体损伤及修复的自然过程。炎症有急性与慢性之分,由病原体感染或非感染因素引起,有些炎症是可控的,而有些炎症是不可控的。 炎症的发生有利有弊,通常短期急性炎症对健康有好处,而长期慢性炎症对健康有坏处。那么,如何才能避免炎症从“生命之盾”变成“病痛之源”呢? 【点评】 恶性肿瘤、Ⅱ型糖尿病、心血管病、自身免疫病、神经退行性疾病等均为多发性和渐进性代谢疾病。这类疾病的“罪魁祸首”就是慢性炎症,已知1β-、16-、17-、23-白介素、α-肿瘤坏死因子等促炎症细胞因子正是慢性炎症的“肇事者”。 由病原体感染而迁延不愈导致慢性炎症并致癌已经是“铁证如山”,如乙型及丙型肝炎病毒感染诱发肝癌、血吸虫感染诱发膀胱癌、幽门螺杆菌感染诱发胃癌、毒性大肠杆菌感染诱发结直肠癌等。 除病原体感染外,能引起慢性炎症的还有吸烟、污染、辐射等“外因”以及饱和脂肪酸、含脱脂蛋白B的脂蛋白、蛋白质聚合体等“内因”。 致癌细菌的“新定义” 细菌感染引起的慢性炎症已成为致癌的最大嫌疑,但并非所有细菌都能致癌。以大肠杆菌为例,只有含“基因毒性岛”的大肠杆菌才能诱发结直肠癌。 基因毒性岛是指大肠杆菌基因组中的聚酮合酶基因,带有该基因的NC101菌株被称为“毒性”大肠杆菌。若把该毒性基因删除,尽管肠炎依旧,但其致癌性及侵润性皆减弱。 现在知道,结直肠癌归根结底还是由肠道细菌产生的聚酮类化合物诱发的。不过,聚酮合酶及聚酮类化合物究竟如何参与炎症向癌症的转化过程,目前还不清楚。 毒性大肠杆菌为肠黏膜结合细菌,在正常人肠道内仅有20%,而在炎症性肠病及肠炎相关性结直肠癌患者的肠道中所占比例极高,分别达到40%和66.7%。在毒性大肠杆菌占优势的肠道中,非毒性菌群(如粪肠球菌)的比例相应降低。 “杀敌三千,自损一百” 免疫细胞不仅要消灭“外敌”——病原体,而且还要清除“内鬼”——癌细胞。不同于抗体,细胞因子并非“短兵相接”,而是“借刀杀人”。被抗原激活的T细胞可释放促炎症细胞因子,刺激巨噬细胞等释放一氧化氮及活性氧,从而有效杀灭入侵的病原体。 尽管低浓度一氧化氮对身体有益,但高浓度一氧化氮在杀菌的同时也会伤害身体细胞。例如,一氧化氮的瞬时性爆发,会造成关节滑膜细胞损伤。若慢性炎症持续,不仅会诱发滑膜炎,而且可能发展成关节炎。 滑膜炎发生的真正“元凶”是细菌或其他病原体的慢性感染,其中一氧化氮只是充当了发病的媒介。用抗生素抗感染、雷帕霉素抑制免疫激活、青蒿素抑制一氧化氮合成等方法,均能阻断滑膜炎的发生及恶化。 一氧化氮还能与超氧阴离子结合形成过氧化亚硝酸盐,它不仅是一种极强的DNA诱变剂,而且能促进酪氨酸硝基化,可分别从基因和蛋白质水平上造成细胞的多种功能障碍。 高脂和炎症才是脂肪肝的诱因 过去曾认为,脂肪肝是因为长期酗酒而引起的肝细胞酒精中毒(酒精性脂肪肝),但后来发现,肥胖与脂肪肝的关系比饮酒更密切(非酒精性脂肪肝)。至于肥胖如何导致脂肪肝的原因并不十分清楚。 在正常肝枯否细胞表面通常没有CD14表面受体的表达,即使细菌感染释放出脂多糖,也不会刺激肝枯否细胞。反之,若摄入高脂饮食,并伴有细菌脂多糖,CD14便会受到诱导,导致肝枯否细胞对脂多糖应答增强,并分泌促炎症细胞因子而引起非病毒性肝炎。 肥胖者的脂肪细胞可分泌瘦素,它与肥胖蛋白受体结合后经STAT3转录因子也能激活CD14表达,同样能提高枯否细胞对脂多糖的应答而引起肝炎。髓样细胞中JNK1和JNK2激酶是肥胖诱导免疫细胞募集、脂肪组织发炎、胰岛素抗性及葡萄糖失衡所必需的蛋白激酶。 自噬充当细胞的“清道夫” 动脉粥样硬化是多种心血管病的成因,其起始步骤是低密度脂蛋白被活性氧自由基氧化。氧化型低密度脂蛋白接触动脉血管壁造成的损伤,可启动一系列细胞修复反应,包括单核细胞招募、巨噬细胞克隆刺激因子分泌、单核细胞分化为巨噬细胞、巨噬细胞吞噬氧化低密度脂蛋白、胆固醇以脂滴形式堆积形成泡沫细胞等。 若巨噬细胞不能加工氧化低密度脂蛋白,它们就不断膨胀并破裂,把更多的氧化胆固醇留在动脉壁上,激发更强烈的免疫反应,导致动脉炎症和噬斑形成,使平滑肌细胞增大和加厚,血管变窄且血流减慢,最终发展成中风和心肌梗死。 肥胖和动脉粥样硬化受细胞自噬活性调节。自噬活性高,脂滴分解为游离胆固醇并外排;自噬活性低,脂滴无法与溶酶体形成自噬小体,胆固醇继续堆积无法外排。在此过程中,Wip1磷酸酶通过mTOR途径抑制细胞自噬,控制脂肪堆积和动脉粥样硬化形成。 在饲喂高脂饮食的小鼠中,将Wip1基因敲除后,不仅能抑制巨噬细胞转变成泡沫细胞,也能阻止动脉粥样硬化形成噬斑。不过,Wip1位于mTOR上游,只要能抑制mTOR(如雷帕霉素),也能促进自噬活化。 硝基化:自噬的“克星” 一氧化氮通过对蛋白激酶中半胱氨酸的S-硝基化可阻断细胞自噬活性。以mTOR信号通路为例,上游IKKβ激酶的S-硝基化,可减少磷酸化IKKβ激酶数量及下游激酶的磷酸化,导致mTOR激活,自噬功能受阻。 S-硝基化修饰是一种可逆反应,当巯基化合物或抗氧化剂存在时会从蛋白质上脱落。蛋白质中酪氨酸则能发生不可逆硝化反应,其诱因是一氧化氮与超氧阴离子反应生成的过氧化亚硝酸阴离子。 在老龄动物中,内皮型一氧化氮合酶仍然正常表达,但一氧化氮却明显不足,原因在于一氧化氮结合超氧阴离子而被消耗。同时,当活性氧过量时,一氧化氮合酶可发生“解偶联”,不再合成一氧化氮,而是产生超氧阴离子。 老年健康的“杀手锏” 小鼠衰老树突状细胞中充满氧化修饰蛋白质,这些蛋白质都聚集在溶酶体形成的内酶体中。蛋白质氧化损伤使树突状细胞抗原加工与呈递能力减弱,用抗氧化剂处理可恢复其免疫应答功能。因此,老年人应注意补充抗氧化剂,多吃新鲜蔬菜和水果。 缺锌随年龄增长而加剧,造成免疫功能下降和炎症相关疾病滋生。缺锌是老龄动物锌转运蛋白功能失调所致,即使提供正常剂量的锌,细胞也无法足量吸收。只有把膳食中锌的剂量提高到正常剂量的10倍时,老龄动物的炎症指标才能接近幼龄动物的水平。 美国农业部建议老年人每天补锌11毫克(男)或8毫克(女)。食用海鲜和肉类也能适量补锌,但只吃谷物和蔬菜则不够。补锌切勿过量,每天超过40毫克,会干扰其他微量元素吸收。 原载《中国科学报》2013年2月20日5版 注:《科学》炎症专辑可从链接下载: http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/thread-1133872-1-6.html (全文) 《科学—信号转导》的炎症内容见: http://stke.sciencemag.org/content/vol6/issue258/ (仅有摘要)
个人分类: 科普集萃|7027 次阅读|22 个评论
nooney1986 2012-8-3 15:04
中国国家 心血管 病中心/阜外心血管病医院与美国默沙东集团旗下的默克实验室8月1日在北京签署合作协议,双方将发挥各自优势,进一步加强和拓展在大样本流行病学和临床试验、心血管病基础研究和转化医学研究、专业人员培训和基础设施建设等方面的交流与合作。同时,双方还将共建中国首个心血管和 代谢 类疾病 生物样本库 。 随着转化医学的发展,高质量的生物研究样本在探索新的诊疗方法,确定新的诊断指标,研发新的治疗药物的重要作用日益突显。中国心血管和代谢类疾病生物样本库的建立,对于研发心血管疾病、恶性肿瘤等创新药物,特别是探索符合中国人的诊疗方法和诊断标准等具有重要意义。Peter S. Kim说,默克实验室拥有强大的研发实力,中国国家心血管病中心拥有一流的临床和科研实力,并以其真实可靠的研究数据和科学严谨的管理模式赢得了极高的国际声誉。曹雪涛表示,欢迎和支持跨国企业与中国医学科研机构的合作,并通过充分发挥和整合双方各自的优势,为人类健康事业作出新的贡献。
个人分类: 生物实验室|1371 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 14 fs007 2012-6-28 11:29
【本系列其它章节链接: (1)捐精死 ; (2)伟哥死 ; (3)心脑死 ; (4)自慰死 ; (5)性累死 ; (6)中医篇 】 寻正 汉成帝刘骜青年时代就沉溺酒色,几乎被其老爸拿掉太子资格。一旦继位,成帝变本加厉,再也不受任何制约。所谓四体不勤、五谷不分,连放屁,都有人代劳,就是汉成帝日常生活的写照。国王与贵族常犯一些富贵病,希波克拉底把痛风定为“王病”(Disease of Kings),其实跟肥胖相关的三大疾病更为常见:高压血、糖尿病、以及心血管疾病。汉成帝后期阳萎,需借助药物行房事,这属于典型的三大疾病的并发症之一。 据《赵飞燕外传》,成帝跟赵合德酒醉乱性,“ 帝昏夜拥昭仪居九成帐,笑吃吃不绝,抵明,帝起御衣,阴精流输不禁,有顷,绝倒,挹衣视帝,余精出涌,沾污被内 ”。人的心血管意外呈明显的日周期,晨起两个时晨是高峰时期,而酒色乱性更是典型的诱发因素,成帝起床骤动,马上大小便失禁,倾倒而亡,很明显,他是大面积出血性的中风,迅速昏迷死亡,连遗言呼叫都没有机会。古代医学不发达,分不清楚精与尿并不奇怪。中枢神经系统出现意外,精尿齐出也并非没有可能,在绞刑时,犯人就可能死翘勃起并精尿齐出。 性交中或者性交后因为心血管意外而死亡是性死亡的远比其它可能性更大的原因。 那么,究竟在性活动中发生了什么,会导致人的猝死? 几乎所有成年人,或者有过性活动的青少年,大约都会不约而同地说一个字,那就是“爽”。在医学上,这一个字有许多成份,包括一系列的神经内分泌与器官反应。许多反应的细节可能仍然不是很清楚。对于人体器官来说,首当其冲的是心血官系统。 在联系到性情节时(包括心理上的及生理上的),人的自主(即交感与副交感)神经兴奋,神经兴奋引发了体内涉性激素的分泌,导致了一个正反馈式的循环,激素使人变得更加敏感,相应的神经兴奋增强,又导致更多的激素分泌——神经传导也是通过介质进行的,可以猜测,这个正反馈的终结在于消耗尽了储存的激素与介质,此时达到高潮。 不管你是意淫,还是自慰,还是真刀实枪地体验人伦之乐,你的身体遵循标准的性反应模式,那就是为女性受孕做准备。为了避免种族危机,上帝使得这一过程充满生理性的愉悦,让我们乐此不疲,以印证他让人生养众多的应许。标准模式就极有挑战性与竞争性,从进化或者维持种族活力不退化的角度来说,这一模式就是上帝的关于人种质量控制的又一关卡。身体条件不好时,让你有精都排不出来,就自然给历史淘汰了。 所谓追求的是心跳,那隐含的目的就是性愉悦。在自主神经兴奋与激素大量释放后,我们的心脏就嘣嘣地大跳特跳,心率显著增加。心率增加对于心脏获取营养来说有重要意义。心肌本身也需要血液供应,它的血液供应来自冠脉血管,在它收缩时,整个心脏缩小,那么那些供血血管也同时受到挤压而关闭,它获得供血就只有在舒张时才有可能。当心脏增加跳动的次数时,它每次收缩的时间没有太大变化,所以心率增加的结果就是舒张时间从整体上减少。心跳加快,做功增加,耗氧量增加,但供给时间上却减少,那心脏怎么能达到供需平衡呢? 心脏达到新的平衡靠两个机制,一个是心输出量增加的自然结果,二是心脏本身的精确调节。心输出量增加,导致血压增高,血压增高,当然单位时间内血流量会增加。另一个机制是心脏本身通过代谢调节供血血管的管径,需氧量增加,管径就增大,相反则减小,从而让心脏在高强度工作时仍然得到适当供给。在血压增高时,会伴有血粘滞度升高,显然,这会让全身的血管调节不是那么辛苦,可以抵消高血压带来的血流增速的后果。血粘滞度增加,当然血管堵塞的风险增加,于是乎在正常人又有溶栓能力的增强。总而言之,在正常人,这些机制一环扣一环,让人有惊无险,只有愉悦,没有风险。 然而,对于心血管功能已经因为疾病受损的人来说,上述机制就受到限制了,比如血管本身有硬化狭窄,那它能扩大的空间就受限,导致功能储备减少,平时没事,一兴奋就有麻烦。如果本身就有高血压,血管壁就变硬,那么增加的血输出量就导致血压骤升,比如在正常人舒张压升至140/120(男/女),在冠心病患者就升至150/140,而高 血 压患者可升至200mmHg以上 1 。这么高的血压,对脆弱的脑血管就是极大考验,再加入血粘度增高,如果同时伴有溶血能力递增不足,脑中风的危险就大增。 以人静息状态下需氧量为标准,人行走速度为2英里(大致3.5公里)每小时耗氧量翻倍,而每小时3英里则为3倍,在人性活动达到高潮前,就大概是这个强度。在高潮时,耗氧量再增加为静息时的3-4倍。骑自行车每小时17公里会消耗大约6-7倍的耗氧量,而慢跑大概消耗13倍以上的耗氧量。因此,医生对有心血管风险的人要求能达到一定的运动能力而没有异常再享受性福生活,一个极常见的建议是爬两层楼没有任何不适。 在性生活过程中,不同的体位对体力的消耗也是不一样的 2 ,如果没有心血管基础病变,你差不多想咋办就咋办,即使是高难度动作,耗氧量增加也是一时性的,没有太多顾虑。但上了年纪,有点高血压、糖尿病、心脏病什么的,就需要留心了,人难免一死,但死了被人笑话精尽人亡,更冤的是精囊装得满满的,那就不发算了。关于体位的最基本常识是,你受到支撑的部位越多,越安全,越不费力,比如躺在下面,坐在椅子上,或者全身都斜靠在床上等。 在心脏病发或者中风而死的患者,估计约1%是风流死的。现在的医生通常都鼓励患者做爱,倒不是他们对老夫少妻育长寿有领会,或者同情少妻的性福生活要老夫知难而上,而是基于两个医学原因。第一个原因是尽管性生活对于有基础风险的人来说可能增加相对风险达到6倍,但绝对风险增加并不多,就象许多人对长寿的豁达态度一样,这也怕那也怕,爱都不敢做,白活了,长寿也没价值。 第二个原因是流行病研究发现,做爱的比不做的心血管风险更低,单身的鳏夫寡妇比有性福生活的心血管风险要高 3 。这之中的原理可能等同于运动,经常得到锻炼的身体比不锻炼的身体更经久耐用。 由于发生心血管意外的基础疾病基本上都会或多或少地影响到性功能,不少人在伟哥帮助下重振雄风,但那也只是三板斧的事情,这些相比于正常人更难以精尽,所以,人亡跟精尽成了负相关,更见证精尽人亡之荒谬无稽。 在数个针对性奋死的研究中,有一个有趣的现象,那就是近乎90%以上死的是男性,而其中大部分死于婚外情(60-80%)的性爱上 1 。基于这个观察我猜测,老夫少妻尽管可以育长寿,却未必对老夫的长寿有利?如果能收集到相关数据,这倒是一个合理的研究课题。 【本系列其它章节链接: (1)捐精死 ; (2)伟哥死 ; (3)心脑死 ; (4)自慰死 ; (5)性累死 ; (6)中医篇 】 注: 1 Chen X., Zhang Q., Tan X. Cardiovascular effects of sexual activity. Indian J Med Res 130, December 2009, pp 681-688 2 Debusk R.F. Evaluating the Cardivascular Tolerance for Sex. Am J Cardiol 2000; 86(suppl): 51F–56F 3 Chen H., Tseng C., Wu S., Lee T., Chen T.H. A prospective cohort study on the effect of sexual activity, libido and widowhood on mortality among the elderly people: 14-year follow-up of 2453 elderly Taiwanese. International Journal of Epidemiology 2007;36:1136–1142 doi:10.1093/ije/dym109
个人分类: 科学普及|13400 次阅读|14 个评论
xupeiyang 2012-3-16 22:43
1 冠心病及动脉粥样硬化研究 2 高血压研究 3 心律失常及心脏起搏电生理研究 4 心肌病、心肌炎研究 5 心血管病流行病学研究 6 心力衰竭研究 7 心血管病学相关基础研究及新技术研究 8 肺血管病研究 9 心血管疾病影像学研究 10 女性健康有关研究 11 血脂有关研究与临床 12 介入心脏病学研究
个人分类: 热点前沿|3106 次阅读|0 个评论
xuxiaxx 2011-10-27 08:38
“让健康成为时尚!公益健康需要政策法规来护航!”近日,由中国科协主办的“科学家与媒体面对面”第九期活动在中国科技会堂举行,中华医学会心血管病学分会主任委员胡大一在会上发出呼吁。   本次活动主题为“重压下的青春——慢性病低龄化”。胡大一指出,慢性非传染性疾病(NCD)是影响健康和导致过早死亡的主要原因。对于慢性病低龄化趋势,他提出了几项优先干预措施:加快烟草控制、减盐、健康饮食和体力活动、减少有害饮酒、基本药物与技术的广泛普及。其中,控烟和减盐是最需优先考虑的措施。   中国老年保健协会副会长洪昭光介绍了中青年人养生经:“健康不能靠高科技和药物,最好的医生是自己,最好的药物是时间,最好的心情是宁静,最好的运动是步行。”   对于目前中青年人中普遍存在却不敢承认的心理疾病,中科院心理研究所副研究员史占彪给出了六条建议:“保持积极、留住热情、培养兴趣、保持平常心、适当表达感受、对自己好一点。”   据悉,在中国,具备健康营养科学素质的人只占人群比例的6.48%。专家呼吁,国家层面应出台相关政策法规,发动更多有公益心、高水平的专家站出来讲健康,传授正确的公益健康信息。 来源: http://scitech.people.com.cn/GB/16022202.html
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xupeiyang 2011-7-29 10:02
  肠溶片是指只在肠道溶解的药片,通常是通过在药物外层添加肠溶包衣达到这样的目的,所以不能嚼碎服用,否则会失去肠溶的功效。   肠溶包衣在正常情况下只溶于碱性液体, 空腹服用(即饭前)时更利于药物快速进入肠道,减轻胃刺激。   但目前阿司匹林肠溶片的生产工艺还不是很完善,有些厂家生产的肠溶包衣在胃酸的侵蚀下会提前溶解,而空腹时胃酸酸性较大,致使空腹服用时肠溶包衣有可能提前在胃内崩解,释放出阿司匹林,造成对胃的刺激。 在这种情况下,饭后服用更有利于对胃黏膜的保护。    糖尿病患者年过40建议服用阿司匹林    女性糖尿病患者坚持服用阿司匹林可防心血管病    科学用药指南:清晨服阿司匹林更易发挥药效    医生详解高血压患者是否都需服用阿司匹林    研究发现服用阿司匹林有助预防结肠癌
个人分类: 科普知识|2537 次阅读|0 个评论
welcomezp 2011-6-11 11:07
美国和欧洲科学家组成的研究小组,公布了一只被捕获的名为苏西的红猩猩的基因草图,一同发布的还有10只野生红猩猩的不完整的图谱。 红猩猩是婆罗洲(一半属马来西亚,一半属印尼)和印尼苏门答腊本地动物,它们的栖息地正遭受破坏,被砍伐,或是变成了油棕榈种植地。10只野生红猩猩中,5只来自婆罗洲,5只来自苏门答腊。研究者发现,婆罗洲的红猩猩遗传多样性要低一些。这似乎有点奇怪,因为婆罗洲的红猩猩数量是苏门答腊的6~7倍。不过有研究者表示,因为我们还没有完全理解遗传多样性和种群数量的关系,这也并不太让人吃惊。 通过比对苏门答腊和婆罗洲红猩猩的DNA,研究者估计这两者是在约40万年前进化分离的,比之前认为的要晚很多。研究者也将红猩猩的基因与黑猩猩和人类做了对比,并吃惊地发现红猩猩的基因演化得要慢得多。研究者表示,红猩猩也会像人类一样得心血管病和自发性糖尿病。论文发布在2011年1月27日的《自然》(Nature)杂志。 这些数据或许可以帮助人们拯救红猩猩这一濒危动物, 根据遗传多样性来优先救助一些种群,动物园中的红猩猩繁育也能从中受益,以把基因多样性提升到最大。即使这些数据不能帮助拯救红猩猩,也可能可以帮助推进我们对人类遗传病的认识。 来源 : 《自然》网站1月26日报道
个人分类: 人类学|1935 次阅读|0 个评论
williamshell 2011-3-8 11:43
加拿大研究人员综合30年内数十项研究结果后认为,适量饮酒者比滴酒不沾者患心脏病风险低,但过量饮酒不利健康。 防疾病: 加拿大卡尔加里大学教授威廉·加利率领研究团队回顾1980年至2009年84个以饮酒与心脏病关系为主题的研究,比较饮酒者与不饮酒者患心脏病、中风以及因这两种疾病死亡的比率。研究发现,适量饮酒与患心血管病几率以及因病死亡几率低存在关联。同一所大学教授苏珊·布赖恩率领另外一个研究团队回顾这一时期63项研究,调查饮酒与胆固醇、脂肪细胞、血管状况等心脏病相关指标关系,同时研究不同种类酒是否对健康影响不同。布赖恩团队研究后得出结论,适量饮酒可显著增加体内“好”胆固醇含量,有效预防心脏病。 适量指女性每天摄入最多15克酒精,男性每天摄入最多30克酒精 。布赖恩团队说,适量饮酒对健康的好处来自酒精本身,与喝哪一种酒无关。 需适量: 两个研究团队分别撰写报告,发表于《英国医学杂志》网站。适量饮酒有益健康并非新发现。但是卡尔加里大学研究人员说,他们的研究更全面、更新。尽管酒可能促进健康,但过量饮用会适得其反。前英国医学院院长伊恩·吉尔摩等医学专家说,英格兰和威尔士每年3万人死于肝病,大部分与酗酒相关,1986年以来肝病致死率显著上升。吉尔摩说,如果英国能切实改变“酗酒文化”,今后20年肝病致死人数可减少2.2万人。如果任由这种“文化”发展,死于这种疾病人数可能增加8900人。 可替代: 卡尔加里大学教授加利认为,酒精与心脏病间关联已无需讨论,眼下只需要考虑如何把这个结论“应用到临床”,怎样告诉公众,适量摄入酒精总体而言对健康有好处。英国心脏基金会高级护士凯茜·罗斯认为,公众不必因为适量饮酒有益健康改变饮食习惯。“如果你本来滴酒不沾,用不着转而饮酒。经常运动,注意饮食均衡可以起到同样作用,”她告诉英国广播公司记者。罗斯提醒,过量饮酒对心脏起不到任何保护作用,反而会导致高血压、中风、癌症,损害心脏。
2197 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-3-4 16:19
午睡有助降血压 美国一项最新研究发现,如果工作压力大使人血压升高,不妨午睡片刻,这样会有助降低血压。 http://news.sciencenet.cn//htmlpaper/20113414393223615402.shtm http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/2?WEB01a11tzghnaiodIcI1I00h001000j100200010 信息分析报告 Daytime Sleep and Cardiovascular.docx
个人分类: 信息分析|1820 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 tchaoke 2011-2-14 15:56
1. 唐朝克,以 ABCA1 为靶点防治动脉粥样硬化的新机制 —ABCA1 作为膜受体介导抗炎的新功能( 81070220 ), 2011-01 至 2013-12 , 33 万元 2. 王 佐, LP(a) 对内皮祖细胞的损伤作用及其机制研究 (81070221) , 2011-01 至 2013-12 , 33 万元 3. 姜志胜, AUG 启动编码的 FGF-2 心肌保护作用的新机制研究( 30971169 ), 2010-01 至 2012-12 , 31 万元 4. 袁中华,脂肪分化相关蛋白通过酰基辅酶 A :胆固醇酰基转移酶促进泡沫细胞形成( 30971268 ), 2010-01 至 2012-12 , 31 万元 5. 危当恒,组织蛋白酶 L 在异常剪切应力诱导 AS 的作用和机制研究( 30800449 ), 2009-01 至 2011-12 , 20 万元 6. 刘录山, Caveolin-1/VEGFR2 在异常切应力诱导动脉粥样硬化局部好发性中作用研究( 30700325 ), 2008-01 至 2010-12 , 17 万元 7. 姜志胜, CUG 启动编码的 FGF-2 对大鼠缺血心肌的影响及其作用机制的研究( 30570766 ), 2006-01 至 2008-12 , 28 万元 8. 易光辉,载脂蛋白E对B类 I 型清道夫受体介导胆固醇双向转运调节机制研究( 30570958 ), 2006-01 至 2008-12 , 24 万元
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热度 2 tchaoke 2011-2-14 15:53
2010年 1.Yin K, Liao D, Tang CK(通讯作者). ATP-Binding Membrane Cassette Transporter A1 (ABCA1): A Possible Link between Inflammation and Reverse Cholesterol Transport. Mol Med. 2010, 16 (9-10): 438-449. (IF: 5.02). 2.Hu YW, Wang Q, Ma X, Li XX, Liu XH, Xiao J, Liao DF, Xiang J, Tang CK(通讯作者).TGF-beta1 Up-Regulates Expression of ABCA1, ABCG1 and SR-BI through Liver X Receptor alpha Signaling Pathway in THP-1 Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2010, 17(5): 493-502. (IF: 3.048). 3.Liu XH, Xiao J, Mo ZC, Yin K, Jiang J, Cui LB, Tan CZ, Tang YL, Liao DF, Tang CK(通讯作者). Contribution of D4-F to ABCA1 Expression and Cholesterol Efflux in THP-1 Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2010, 56(3):309-19. ( IF:2.826) 4.Chen SG, Xiao J, Liu XH, Liu MM, Mo ZC, Yin K, Zhao GJ, Jiang J, Cui LB, Tan CZ, Yin WD, Tang CK(通讯作者). Ibrolipim increases ABCA1/G1 expression by the LXRα signaling pathway in THP-1 macrophage-derived foam cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2010, 31(10):1343-9. (IF: 1.783). 5.Sun SW, Zu XY, Tuo QH, Chen LX, Lei XY, Li K, Tang CK(通讯作者), Liao Duan-fang(通讯作者).Caveolae and caveolin-1 mediate endocytosis and transcytosis of oxidized low density lipoprotein in endothelial cells. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2010, 31 (10): 1336-42. (IF: 1.783). 6.Liu Q, Dai Z, Liu Z, Liu X, Tang C, Wang Z, Yi G, Liu L, Jiang Z, Yang Y, Yuan Z. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein activates adipophilin through ERK1/2 signal pathway in RAW264.7 cells . Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai),2010, 42(9):635-645. 7.Qinkai Li, Weidong Yin(Corresponding author), Manbo Cai, Yi Liu, Hongjie Hou, Qingyun Shen, Chi Zhang, Junxia Xiao, Xiaobo Hu, Qishisan Wu, Makoto Funaki, and Yutaka Nakaya. NO-1886 suppresses diet-induced insulin resistance and cholesterol accumulation through STAT5-dependent upregulation of IGF1 and CYP7A1. J. Endocrinol., Jan 2010; 204: 47 - 56. 8. Lin J, Wang LY, Liu S, Wang XM, Yong Q, Yang Y, DU LP, Pan XD, Wang X, Jiang ZS.A novel mutation in proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 gene leads to familial hypercholesterolemia in a Chinese family. Chin Med J (Engl). 2010 May;123(9):1133-8. 9.Hu B, He X, Li A, et al. Cystogenesis in ARPKD results from increased apoptosis in collecting duct epithelial cells of Pkhd1 mutant kidneys . Exp Cell Res, 2010. 10.曹冬黎,尹凯,莫中成,郝新瑞,胡炎伟,李晓旭,唐雅玲,唐朝克(通讯作者). 脂多糖通过核因子-κB途径下调泡沫细胞ABCA1的表达. 生物化学与生物物理学进展. 2010, 37 (5): 540-548. (IF: 0.193). 2009年 11.Jiang ZS, Wen GB, Tang ZH, Srisakuldee W, Fandrich RR, Kardami E. High molecular weight FGF-2 promotes postconditioning-like cardioprotection linked to activation of the protein kinase C isoforms Akt and p70 S6 kinase. Can J Physiol Pharmocol, 2009, 87:1-7 12.Srisakuldee W, Jeyaraman MM, Nickel BE, Tanguy S, Jiang ZS, Kardami E. Phosphorylation of connexin-43 at serine 262 promotes a cardiac injury-resistant state. Cardiovasc Res. 2009,83 (4):672-81. 13.Feng X, Chen Y, Zhao J, Tang C, Jiang Z, Geng B. Hydrogen sulfide from adipose tissue is a novel insulin resistance regulator. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009,380:153-159(通讯作者) 14.Hu YW, Ma X, Li XX, Liu XH, Xiao J, Mo ZC, Xiang J, Liao DF, Tang CK(通讯作者). Eicosapentaenoic acid reduces ABCA1 serine phosphorylation and impairs ABCA1- dependent cholesterol efflux through cyclic AMP/protein kinase A signaling pathway in THP-1 macrophage-derived foam cells. Atherosclerosis. 2009, 204(2): e35-e43. (IF: 4.522). 15.Hao XR, Cao DL, Hu YW, Li XX, Liu XH, Xiao J, Liao DF, Xiang J, Tang CK(通讯作者). IFN-gamma down-regulates ABCA1 expression by inhibiting LXRalpha in a JAK/STAT signaling pathway-dependent manner. Atherosclerosis. 2009, 203(2): 417-428. ( IF:4.522) 16.Ma X, Hu YW, Mo ZC, Li XX, Liu XH, Xiao J, Yin WD, Liao DF, Tang CK(通讯作者). NO-1886 Up-regulates Niemann-Pick C1 Protein (NPC1) Expression Through Liver X Receptor alpha Signaling Pathway in THP-1 Macrophage-Derived Foam Cells. Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2009, 23(3): 199-206. (IF: 2.515) 17.Meihua She, Xiaojian Deng, Zhenyu Guo, Moshe Laudon, Zhuowei Hu, Duanfang Liao, Xiaobo Hu, Zehong Su,Weidong Yin. NEU-P11, a novel melatonin agonist, inhibits weight gain and improves insulin sensitivity in high-fat/high-sucrose-fed rats. Pharmacol Res 2009; 59(4) 248-253. 18.WEI Dang-heng, WANG Gui-xue, TANAG Chao-jun, LIU Lu-shang, WANG Zuo, TANG Chao-ke, RUAN Chang-geng. Effect of low density lipoprotein concentration polarization on endothelial cells adhesion. 2009 2nd International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics.2009,3:1343-1347 19.TANG Ya-ling, YANG Yong-zong, WANG Shuang。Mast cell degranulator compound 48-80 promotes atherosclerotic plaque in apolipoprotein E knockout mice with perivascular common carotid collar placement。Chinese Medical Journal(Engl),2009;122(3):319-325 20.刘录山,谢闵,姜志胜,杨琼,潘利红,武春艳,唐志晗,唐朝克,危当恒,王佐。pcsk9 siRNA对oxLDL诱导的THP-1源性巨噬细胞凋亡的影响。生物化学与生物物理进展,2009;36(3):323-330 2008年 21.Dai XY, Ou X, Hao XR, Cao DL, Tang YL, Hu YW, Li XX, Tang CK(通讯作者). The Effect of T0901317 on ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter A1 and Niemann-Pick Type C1 in ApoE-/- Mice. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2008, 51(5):467-475.( IF:2.826) 22.OU Xiang, DAI XiaoYan, LONG ZhiFeng, TANG YaLing, CAO DongLi, HAO XinRui, HU YanWei, LI XiaoXu, TANG ChaoKe(通讯作者). Liver X receptor agonist T0901317 reduces atherosclerotic lesions in apoE-/- mice by upregulating NPC1 expression. Science in China Series C: Life Sciences. 2008, 51(5): 418-429. (IF:0.661) 23.Xiaoyan Dai, Xiang Ou, Xinrui Hao, Dongli Cao, Yaling Tang, Yanwei Hu, Xiaoxu Li, Chaoke Tang (通讯作者) . A Synthetic LXR Agonist T0901317 Inhibits Semicarbazide-Sensitive Amine Oxidase Gene Expression and Activity in ApoE-/- Mice. Acta Biochim Biophys Sin , 2008,40(3): 261-268. (IF:1.086) 24.Yuan ZH, Madamanchi NR, Vendrov AE, Niu XL, Li JX, Runge MS. NADPH oxidase activity does not affect cellular cholesterol loading in vascular smooth muscle cells . Sheng Li Xue Bao,2008, 60(4):511-519. 25.LIN Jie, WANG Lu-ya, LIU Shu, XIA Jun-hui, YONG Qiang, DU Lan-ping, PAN Xiao-dong, XUE Hong, CHEN Bao-sheng and JIANG Zhi-sheng. Functional analysis of low-density lipoprotein receptor in homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia patients with novel 1439 C→T mutation of low-density lipoprotein receptor gene. Chin Med J 2008;121(9):776-781 26.Shuang Wang, Ying Zheng, Yun Yu, Li Xia, Guo-qiang Chen, Yong-zong Yang, Li-shun Wang. Differential proteomics research of camptothecin analog NSC606985 inducing apoptosis in U937 cells: phosphorylation of three kinds of cytoskeleton proteins. Cell Bio int.2008; 32(3):S35-S36 27.Shuang Wang, Ying Zheng, Yun Yu, Li Xia, Guo-qiang Chen, Yong-zong Yang, Li-shun Wang. Phosphorylation of β-actin by protein kinase C-delta in camptothecin analog-induced leukemic cell apoptosis. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2008;29(1):135-142 28.刘录山,程艳丽,谢闵,杨琼,潘利红,姜志胜,唐朝克,危当恒,唐志晗。LDL、oxLDL对THP-1巨噬细胞PCSK9、LDLR表达的影响研究。生物化学与生物物理进展,2008;35(5):540-547 29.胡炎伟, 唐朝克(通讯作者). 三磷酸腺苷结合盒转运体A1研究的最新进展. 生物化学与生物物理学进展. 2008, 35 (4): 373-379. (IF:0.211) 30.王佐,周晓峰,王仁,童中艺,姜志胜,王贵学。AMD3100对apoE~(-/-)小鼠骨髓源性内皮祖细胞增殖、迁移和黏附的影响 。生物化学与生物物理进展,2008;35(7):807-813
个人分类: SCI论文|5979 次阅读|2 个评论
xupeiyang 2011-1-19 13:18
基因组将为人们找到合适药物 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2011/1/243041.shtm 国际心血管病专家、美国斯克利普斯转化科学研究所所长埃里克·托普尔表示,10年前,测序一个完整的人类基因组可能要30亿美元;2010年其成本降到1万美元左右。2011年,其成本有望降到4000美元。而且,随着测序成本不断降低,基因组研究领域在2011年将会出现更多的医学突破。他说:“这个领域正如雨后春笋一般,蓬勃发展。” Prediction 6: Genomics will find medicines that work for you. Sequencing an entire human genome cost about $3 billion a decade ago. Last year it cost around $10,000, according to Dr. Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Translational Science Institute in La Jolla, Calif. Topol said he expects to see the price drop again in 2011, to about $4,000. And with lower financial barriers, he said, more medical advances from genomic research will come in the next year. http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/seven-predicted-medical-advances-in-2011-0949/ Genomics and medicines http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB018e95z6bgci1oIeI1I00h001000j100200010 信息分析报告 Genomics and medicines 1-19.docx
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xupeiyang 2010-9-2 13:03
http://www.jkb.com.cn/document.jsp?docid=145852 心血管疾病已经成为我国高死亡率、高致残率、高医疗风险和高医疗费用的第一大慢性疾病。今天,国家心血管病中心预防研究部在京破土动工,建设完成后的研究部,将建立国家心血管病信息系统,为更好地防治我国心血管疾病提供数据指导。 据了解,自2009年国家批准国家心血管病中心成立以来,按照卫生部要求,院所积极对国家心血管病中心发展进行规划。根据2004年国家批准的医院长远发展规划,报经卫生部和医科院同意,院所设计了国家心血管病中心临床医学部与预防研究部整体发展构想。2010年5月卫生部下文同意预防研究部建设项目立项。目前建设资金已经到位,国家心血管病中心预防研究部具备了开工建设条件。 依山而建的国家心血管病中心预防研究部,座落于北京市门头沟区永定镇冯村。园区规划占地总面积38780平方米,规划建筑面积31300平方米,由预防医学部、科学研究部、心血管信息部组成。 其中,心血管信息部将建立国家心血管病信息系统,发布我国心血管病防治报告,为国家提供心血管病防治的权威信息。 建设完成后的国家心血管病中心预防研究部,将是一座具有国际理念的科研、教学、预防为一体的国家级心血管病转化医学基地,进一步加强对心血管疾病防治技术的研究,攻克医药科技难关,为我国心血管病预防与研究提供一流的预防、研究和培训服务,不断提升我国心血管疾病监测、预防控制能力和临床诊治整体水平,促进我国心血管疾病防治工作的基础研究、临床医学转化及技术创新的推广,加快国际卫生科技合作交流,提升我国心血管病防治领域的国际地位,为人民群众健康提供技术保障。(程赟)
个人分类: 肿瘤研究|1753 次阅读|0 个评论
hucs 2010-8-27 22:37
消危术:防治心血管病的新策略 南昌大学 胡春松 在职博士生 现状 现阶段,心血管病防治策略主要包括三个方面:合理预防,有效治疗,康复保健。其中,有效治疗包括药物治疗和非药物治疗。前者包括西药、中药、中西结合和其它医药;后者包括外科手术(有创)、介入手术(微创,例如 消融术 、 支架术 )、再生医学(微创或无创)、中医和物理治疗(无创,例如按摩、推拿、针灸、太极、气功和瑜珈等)。 随着社会生活水平的不断提高和现代生活方式的显著变化,生活方式越来越成为人类疾病尤其心血管等慢病和急病发作的重要病因和危险因素。目前,人们已将不良生活方式导致的各类疾病称之为生活方式病。因此,应对生活方式病大流行大增长的趋势就是大力倡导健康科学的生活方式,努力消除各种不良生活方式和行为带来的心血管危险。本文将消除危险因素防治心血管等慢病和急病发作称为 消危术 。 消危术:防治心血管病的新策略 和快速型心律失常、心肌病等的 消融术 一样,以治疗性生活方式改善为重要内容的 消危术 更具有针对性,更加符合病因治疗、标本兼治的原则。随着生活方式病越来越常见、越来越多见, 消危术 作为注重消除各种危险因素来防治心血管病的新策略具有越来越重要的意义。 方法 步骤 1 医护评估患者心血管状况 1 列出主要危险因素检查单( Checklist ); 2 通过问诊(中医望闻问切)和体检、辅检查明确危险因素; 3 评估积分,明确心血管危险等级; 4 告知患者需要消除的危险因素(被动消危) 间接消危 (可调危险因素); 步骤 2 患者配合医护,主动消除危险因素 5 接受医护建议; 6 改善不良生活方式和行为 直接消危 (可调危险因素); 遵守 胡氏健康生活方式 ( HHLi 或 E(e)SEED-BasEDi ) 7 预防保健 -- 间接消危 (不可调危险因素, 例如性别、年龄、身高、指长等生理指标); 步骤 3 医护主动消除危险因素 -- 直接消危 (不可调的遗传性危险因素); 8 基因敲除( Gene Knockout ) (用于消除不可调危险因素 遗传基因的致病作用) 9 RNAi 适应症 各种慢病、急病和急病发作。 例如:心血管病、各种癌症、 2 型糖尿病和肥胖等。 如何有效提高 消危术 临床效果?这需要医护、患者及家属三方面互相配合。医护要正确评估,合理指导;患者要加强自律性和依从性;家属要认真监督或督促。 病例 1 : 病例 2 : 病例 3 : 展望 从 消融术 到 消危术 ,性质不一样,本质却是一样的,即都是针对性很强的病因治疗。这是从微创到无创的心血管病防治策略的新变化。在生活方式病越来越常见、越来越多见的今天,应对看病难看病贵和过度医疗,更好地达到治未病的目标,需要我们大力推广心血管、癌症、 2 型糖尿病等慢病的 消危术 , 需要我们大力推广 胡氏健康生活方式 。
个人分类: 生活点滴|3605 次阅读|0 个评论
心血管病研究优秀国际论文 by F1000 Factor
xupeiyang 2010-8-7 13:55
详细请见 http://f1000medicine.com/browse/8133 国际医学专家按F1000 Factor评出的 心血管疾病研究国际优秀论文,你可以选择查阅近一周至近五年发表的优秀论文。 可以按以下分类进行检索查阅: Cardiovascular Disorders Arrhythmias, Electrophysiology Pacing Cardiovascular Imaging Congenital Heart Disease Coronary Artery Disease Geriatric Cardiology Heart Failure Hypertension Valvular Disease Vascular Diseases (Non-Coronary)
个人分类: 心血管病|2896 次阅读|0 个评论
阿司匹林预防心血管病研究进展与信息分析 1957 - 2010年
xupeiyang 2010-8-6 10:40
研究进展: http://news.sciencenet.cn//htmlnews/2010/8/235672.shtm 加拿大研究称阿司匹林防心血管病效果不如预想 信息分析结果: http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB088zlw1jrq6luI1aI2hI0 4,723 documents semantically analyzed 1 2 3 Top Years Publications 2007 278 2005 276 2006 272 2003 269 2008 258 2009 256 2004 236 2002 235 2001 212 2000 196 1999 178 1998 166 1997 143 2010 142 1994 141 1996 135 1995 133 1993 105 1992 101 1991 85 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 Top Countries Publications USA 1,350 United Kingdom 397 Germany 209 Canada 191 Italy 154 France 142 Japan 124 Spain 86 Netherlands 79 China 70 Israel 70 Australia 69 Switzerland 56 India 49 Turkey 46 Sweden 45 Poland 39 Belgium 32 Denmark 32 Norway 29 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 ... 36 Top Cities Publications Boston 139 London 114 New York 80 Houston 58 Durham 49 Montreal 49 Chicago 44 Cleveland 44 Baltimore 43 Paris 43 Toronto 39 Philadelphia 34 Hamilton 33 Glasgow 32 Barcelona 32 Bethesda 32 San Francisco 31 Tokyo 29 Beijing 29 Rotterdam 27 1 2 3 ... 36 1 2 3 ... 58 Top Journals Publications Circulation 185 Am Heart J 144 Am J Cardiol 141 Heart 125 J Am Coll Cardiol 118 Eur Heart J 50 Stroke 45 Arch Intern Med 44 Ann Thorac Surg 44 Lancet 41 Thromb Haemostasis 40 New Engl J Med 40 Am J Med 37 Ann Intern Med 34 Bmj 34 Clin Cardiol 31 J Thorac Cardiov Sur 31 Chest 30 Eur J Heart Fail 29 Rev Esp Cardiol 29 1 2 3 ... 58 1 2 3 ... 344 Top Terms Publications Aspirin 4,643 Humans 4,025 Patients 3,029 Middle Aged 1,711 Aged 1,578 Myocardial Infarction 1,516 Heart Diseases 1,478 Infarction 1,326 Coronary Disease 1,279 Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors 1,270 Arteries 1,242 Risk Factors 1,097 Adult 1,055 Pharmaceutical Preparations 1,026 Anticoagulants 909 Heart Failure 886 Evaluation Studies as Topic 841 Coronary Vessels 825 Mortality 809 Blood Platelets 804 1 2 3 ... 344 1 2 3 ... 808 Top Authors Publications Califf R 28 Cleland J 27 Topol E 26 Fuster V 25 Lip G 22 Hennekens C 20 Yusuf S 19 Hart R 19 Peterson E 18 Serebruany V 18 Newby L 18 Chesebro J 18 Verheugt F 17 Hirsh J 17 Ohman E 16 Cannon C 16 Gulati A 16 Armstrong P 15 Roe M 14 Kleiman N 14 1 2 3 ... 808
个人分类: 信息分析|3548 次阅读|0 个评论
hucs 2010-7-15 12:57
近期学术活动: 雅施达在心血管病防治中的重要地位 主题: 雅施达在高血压和冠心病防治中的重要地位 主席:王梦洪教授 主 任 医师 博士生导师 南昌大学一附院 主讲: 胡申江 教授 主 任 医师博士 留美博士后 博士生导师 浙江大学 一附院 主办:施维雅(天津)制药有限公司 地点:南昌七星商务宾馆 3 楼 2 号会议厅 时间: 2010-07-17 上午 内容: 主讲简介 胡申江,男,主 任 医师,教授,博士生导师 1982 年毕业于浙江医科大学医学系 1989.12 ~ 1990.9 以访问学者于德国基尔大学医学院进修 1994 年获得浙江医科大学心血管病专业博士学位 1996.12 ~ 1999.1 在美国路易维尔大学医学院、辛辛那提大学医学院 从事 博士后研究 1999 年晋升教授、主 任 医师、博士生导师 职务 浙医一院心内科副主任、内科教研室主任、浙江大学心血管病研究所所长、浙江省生物医学工程协会心脏病学分会主任委员、浙江省医学会心电生理与起搏学会副主委。
个人分类: 生活点滴|2139 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-5-31 09:40
http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/ 1,049 of 1,612,398 documents semantically analyzed Cardiovascular Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Risk Factors top author statistics Top Years Publications 2009 672 2008 214 2010 163 2006 1 1 2 3 4 Top Countries Publications USA 273 Italy 66 United Kingdom 65 Germany 39 China 37 Australia 37 Japan 36 France 29 Canada 29 Sweden 28 Netherlands 28 Spain 26 Denmark 20 India 18 Turkey 18 Greece 15 Iran 12 Belgium 12 Taiwan 11 Poland 11 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 ... 21 Top Cities Publications Boston 26 New York 16 London 15 Shanghai 12 Toronto 12 Istanbul 12 Athens 10 Melbourne 10 Utrecht 10 Copenhagen 10 Paris 9 Barcelona 8 Stockholm 8 Lige 8 Amsterdam 7 Tehran 7 San Antonio 7 Baltimore 7 Rome 7 Philadelphia 7 1 2 3 ... 21 1 2 3 ... 24 Top Journals Publications Diabetes Care 40 Diabet Med 28 Metabolism 25 Diabetes Res Clin Pract 21 Diabetologia 19 Am J Cardiol 14 Circulation 13 Vasc Health Risk Manag 11 Cardiovasc Diabetol 11 Diabetes 10 Atherosclerosis 10 Metab Syndr Relat Disord 9 J Hypertens 9 Curr Diab Rep 9 Prim Care Diabetes 9 Am J Clin Nutr 8 Lancet 8 Postgrad Med 8 Bmj 8 Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis 8 1 2 3 ... 24 1 2 3 ... 150 Top Terms Publications Risk Factors 1,049 Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 1,045 Humans 1,001 Cardiovascular Diseases 635 Patients 611 Middle Aged 545 Diabetes Mellitus 439 Aged 424 Adult 364 Hypertension 333 Obesity 331 Metabolism 320 metabolic process 320 Glucose 297 Blood Pressure 283 Prevalence 260 Pressure 254 Insulin 244 receptor binding 233 Syndrome 232 1 2 3 ... 150 1 2 3 ... 269 Top Authors Publications Dekker J 4 Scheen A 4 Haffner S 4 Dahl J 3 Nilsson P 3 Zarich S 3 Hu F 2 Anderson R 2 Taub N 2 Walker B 2 Simmons R 2 Knig W 2 Barnett A 2 ADVANCE Collaborative Group 2 Misra A 2 Steiner G 2 Cannon C 2 Howard B 2 Teede H 2 Sieradzki J 2 1 2 3 ... 269 医学新证据 http://plus.mcmaster.ca/EvidenceUpdates/NewArticles.aspx?Page=1ArticleID=34211#Data He M, van Dam RM, Rimm E, et al. Whole-Grain, Cereal Fiber, Bran, and Germ Intake and the Risks of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Disease-Specific Mortality Among Women With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Circulation. 2010 May 10. (Original) PMID: 20458012 ReadAbstract ReadComments Clinical Evidence Topic: Glycaemiccontrolindiabetes:type2 DISCIPLINE RELEVANCE TO PRACTICE IS THIS NEWS? General Internal Medicine-Primary Care(US) General Practice(GP)/Family Practice(FP) Endocrine Print Save Article Delete Article Email this article to a colleague Abstract BACKGROUND: -Although whole-grain consumption has been associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and mortality in the general population, the association of whole grain with mortality in diabetic patients remains to be determined. This study investigated whole grain and its components cereal fiber, bran, and germ in relation to all-cause and CVD-specific mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods and Results-We followed 7822 US women with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Nurses` Health Study. Dietary intakes and potential confounders were assessed with regularly administered questionnaires. We documented 852 all-cause deaths and 295 CVD deaths during up to 26 years of follow-up. After adjustment for age, the highest versus the lowest fifths of intakes of whole grain, cereal fiber, bran, and germ were associated with 16% to 31% lower all-cause mortality. After further adjustment for lifestyle and dietary risk factors, only the association for bran intake remained significant (P for trend=0.01). The multivariate relative risks across the fifths of bran intake were 1.0 (reference), 0.94 (0.75 to 1.18), 0.80 (0.64 to 1.01), 0.82 (0.65 to 1.04), and 0.72 (0.56 to 0.92). Similarly, bran intake was inversely associated with CVD-specific mortality (P for trend=0.04). The relative risks across the fifths of bran intake were 1.0 (reference), 0.95 (0.66 to 1.38), 0.80 (0.55 to 1.16), 0.76 (0.51 to 1.14), and 0.65 (0.43 to 0.99). Similar results were observed for added bran alone. Conclusions-Whole-grain and bran intakes were associated with reduced all-cause and CVD-specific mortality in women with diabetes mellitus. These findings suggest a potential benefit of whole-grain intake in reducing mortality and cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients. Comments from Clinical Raters General Internal Medicine-Primary Care(US) This story is ongoing, unfortunately most of the chapters are in nutrition, epidemiology and lipidology journals and only a few make their way into main-stream medical journals. It's nice to see this in Circulation. If fiber and bran were sold by a pharmaceutical company they would be hawked at multiple meetings and pushed in multiple journals and rightly so since these are inexpensive, reasonably healthy approaches to a number of medical problems, for eg. type 2 diabetes, obesity, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Actually high fiber/bran diets are not the most palatable choices and are boring, but they are beneficial. The authors are cautious in their claims and conclusions but their analysis needs to be taken seriously.
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专家解读《共识》& 述评:早预防是心血管病最好的治疗
hucs 2009-12-18 23:12
预防有道 众志同行 聚焦预防 城市论坛 时间: 2009-12-18 (星期五) 14 : 30 17 : 00 地点:南昌七星商务酒店三楼 2 号会议室 主持人:陈园教授 南昌大学第三附属医院 院长 讲题及主讲人: 预防前移 更多获益 -- 解读《动脉 粥样 硬化性疾病一级预防中国专家共识》 南昌大学第二附属医院 程晓曙 教授 院长 规范使用 安全有效 -- 解读《抗血小板药物消化道损伤的预防和治疗中国专家共识》 南昌大学第一附属医院 王梦洪 教授 主任 主办:拜耳先灵医药公司 述评: 早预防是心血管病最好的治疗 胡大一 Jun-Yan Hong 胡春松 DW Losordo 胡 盛寿 北京大学人民医院 新泽西医科齿科大学 南昌大学医学院 塔芙茨大学医学院 北京阜外心血管病医院 凡事预则立、未雨绸缪、居安思危都是防患于未然的意思。对于心血管病,也强调预防为主。早预防是最好的治疗。这里,关键是早:即早发现、早干预,尽可能从治有病转向治未病。 一、 早预防的重要性 几千年前,中国古代医学家就已认识到上工治未病 , 其中的典型代表就是扁鹊的兄长。我国著名的近代医学教育 家颜福庆 先生就极力提倡预防医学。 西方谚语说 一盎司的预防胜过一磅的治疗 ;俗话说三分治疗,七分护理与保健。可见预防对于减少心血管病的发生、心血管事件发作和心血管死亡率非常有效。大型临床试验已证实,控制血压可有效减少脑中风 1 ;服用合理剂量的阿司匹林和积极调脂治疗可减少心血管事件发作和中风 2, 3 ;对恶性心律失常及时给予药物治疗或安置植入式心律转复除颤器( implantable cardioverter defibrillator , ICD ),可避免心脏猝死 4 ; 受体阻滞剂可防止心梗后心源性猝死、再梗死和心衰 5 ;扩张性心肌病和心衰的预防有多种选择 6-8 ;而治疗性生活方式改善可减少 I 或 II 型糖尿病及其并发症等等 9- 11 。因此,强调早预防对于疾病,尤其心血管病有着非常重要的经济及社会意义。 二、 早预防是最好的治疗 传统的预防观念主要集中在传染病如结核、肝炎、性病和 AIDS 等的预防;现代预防则是大预防概念。它不仅包括通过隔离病原人群和易患人群、切断传播途径的传染病预防,而且包括以改善生活方式为主的非传染性慢病如心血管病的预防。 1. 早预防是最科学的治疗 心血管病的发生、发展,无论是从发病机理、还有病理生理方面理解,都是一个渐进的过程。即使急性发作的心血管病,也有一个潜伏期或前驱症状。而心血管病的前期或早期病变如高血压前期、动脉粥样硬化( AS )、糖耐量异常( IGT )(糖尿病是心血管病等危症,研究表明它与冠心病密切相关) 12 ,往往处于可逆阶段。若能早期发现、早期干预,在病变的初期得到有效的预防性治疗,就可以达到完全治愈和康复。例如冠心病预防的 ABCDEs 策略包括戒烟、限酒、运动、减轻体重、降压、调脂等,是防止心绞痛、急性冠脉综合征( ACS )、急性心梗( AMI )、恶性心律失常、心衰等的有效方法;其它疾病如高血压、尤其是无症状性高血压,常常不易早期发现,直至出现急性心脑血管事件如 AMI 、脑卒中、心衰时,才知道早已有高血压。因此,从疾病的转归、预后方面来说,科学的早预防是改善病情、防止复发、延长寿命、提高生活质量的重要措施。对于疾病的危险因素和诱发因素,若能及时处理,往往能起到事半功倍的效果。因此,早预防是最科学的治疗。 2. 早预防是最合理的治疗 某种心血管病的发生、发展进入到后期病变,往往是难以逆转的过程。因此,需要终身药物、手术治疗。药物治疗可以缓解症状、延缓病变加重、发展,但需坚持终身治疗如高血压治疗;终末期心衰药物治疗尚不能凑效,需要具有破坏性、创伤性、重建性治疗手段如机械工程治疗、再生工程治疗如心脏移植等,而且费用较大。因此,从治疗费效( cost-effectiveness )分析的药物经济学角度以及营养学角度考虑 13, 14 ,先于疾病发生和发展的早预防是最合理的治疗。例如,费效分析表明阿司匹林是冠心病二级预防最好的药物 14 ;而先心病的防治,若能在母体孕期正确保健、干预,则发生的可能性大大减低。因此,政府需加大公共卫生和预防医学的投入,推行全民健身、营养计划和普及健康教育,真正使大众享受到最合理的治疗预防带来的好处,如计划免疫、疫苗接种、生活方式改善等。 3. 早预防是最简单的治疗 当前,大部分疾病如心脑血管病与人们的不良生活方式密切相关。因此,治疗性生活方式改善,一方面,可预防许多相关心血管病的发生、发展。正如所谓好习惯胜过打针吃药、食物是最好的医药。许多简单、有效的措施,如我们创 新 的健康的 E ( e )种子法则 15 ,即 : 环境 (Environment) 法则:适宜环境,远离污染;睡眠 (Sleep) 法则:合理睡眠,午间小憩;情绪 (Emotion) 法则:情绪稳定,心态平和;运动 (Exercise) 法则:有氧运动,动静结合;饮食 (Diet) 法则:科学饮食,营养均衡 / 恒(包括戒烟限酒)以及保持口腔卫生、科学饮水和心理干预等,由此形成胡氏健康生活方式,它的推广与应用,则是一种真正的低成本或无成本治疗;另一方面,还在于药物或其它疗法可导致不良反应,如 HRT 使绝经后妇女心血管危险性增加,以及可带来经济负担和对患者产生心理压力。因此,心血管病治疗期间如抗高血压治疗、冠心病与心衰治疗等还需注意心理护理与干预,这就是 胡大一 教授提出的双心医学的概念 16 。这些措施可以减少心血管事件的发生和提高患者生活质量。所以说,早预防是最简单的治疗。 综上所述,早预防是最科学、最合理、最简单的治疗。一句话,早预防是最好的治疗。 三、医护人员在心血管病早预防中的作用 要做好心血管病的早预防,我们认为首先必须采取 RT-ABCDEF 策略 15 , 17 。一要做到定期检查,从而早期发现、早期诊断、早期干预,实施最佳的预防性治疗(如我们提出的 OOH 综合征 18 ,可以通过减肥和中止 OSA 达到降低血压的目标),可避免心脑血管事件和恶性心律发生与猝死;其次,要根据检查结果,对原发病和心血管危险因素( CVRF )系统、全面地评估以及进行危险分层,从而有效控制,如戒烟、限酒、改善糖尿病肾脏病变和治疗牙周疾病;第三,针对异常结果如超重和血脂高( LDL-C 100 mg/dl ),相应地改善生活方式; 第四,对于异常的生理和生化指标如血糖 / 糖化血红蛋白高( A1c 7% )或心率快,要及时采取积极的、靶向性干预;第五,对于明确的病变,采取正确的处理和对症治疗,如胆石症需择期手术,防止胆心综合征;恶性心律失常需及时治疗如植入 ICD ,避免心脏猝死;强化降脂治疗,减少心脑血管事件等。 其次,需要掌握更多、更全面的心血管病预测知识,做到未卜先知。如应用基因组学从基因水平检测、预测心血管病发生的可能性、危险性以及减轻药物治疗的副作用 19-20 ;以 BMI 预测远、近期心血管疾病及其死亡率 21-23 ;还有中国自古以来的面相术,也是对疾病的预测。有时,人们可能会自找籍口说:防不胜防啊!,但科学地、理性地看,定期检查,尤其是查找能反映早期病变的功能性指标,如 BMI 、 WHR 、 ABI 等 24 ,则完全可以做好心血管预防工作,将早期病变消除或逆转。只有科学地预测,才能更好地做好心血管的早预防工作,达到防患于未然的目的。 最后,政府出台政策,多宣传,组织有力的权威指挥系统是必要的。号召临床医学与公共卫生相结合,利用学术会议、医学公众人物的影响力,深入社区服务也是行之有效的策略。而 新任卫生部长陈竺则直言: 13 亿人的健康不能光靠看病吃药 解决,加强预防和保护环境是根本。 参考文献 1. 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个人分类: 生活点滴|3476 次阅读|0 个评论
hucs 2009-11-28 08:50
预防心患与管理患心 中国医科院阜外心血管病医院 胡盛寿 教授 南昌大学医学院 胡春松 硕士 原载《健康报》 2008 年 11 月 21 日
个人分类: 生活点滴|2953 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2009-9-16 12:31
http://news.xinhuanet.com/health/2009-09/14/content_12046799.htm 大量研究证明,尽管心血管病的深层次病因还不太清楚,但其危险因素已十分明确,其中最重要的是高血压、血脂异常、糖代谢异常、肥胖、吸烟、缺少运动和心理压力。这些危险因素常积聚于同一个体,大大加速了心血管病的进程。
个人分类: 心血管病|1978 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2009-8-8 05:56
2008年英国科研评价报告。 心血管病
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