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I'd like to know your opinions
hzluan 2013-8-22 23:18
I read the information infra : Supermarket are convenient because you can buy just about anything you want. I wish they wouldn't dream up so many different brand names for the same thing. For example, I could shop for a year and never buy the same brand of corn flakes(玉米片).Now that isn't necessary. As far as I'm concerned, corn flakes are corn flakes. These words are kind of funny like that.
个人分类: 学术问题|4375 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]World Intellectual Property Day 2011 — Apr. 26
LEOLAND 2011-4-14 12:27
Message from the Director Generalof WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organization Designing the Future Design touches every aspect of human creativity. It shapes the things we appreciate from traditional crafts to consumer electronics; from buildings and bicycles to fashion and furniture. Design has been called “intelligence made visible”. Design is where form meets function. It determines the look and feel of the products we use each day – from everyday household items to the latest tablet computers. Design marries the practical with the pleasing. It brings style to innovation. This year’s World Intellectual Property Day celebrates the role of design in the market-place, in society and in shaping the innovations of the future. Originally referred to as “art in industry”, industrial design provides the means to differentiate between mass-produced objects, drawing us to one product rather than another, making one brand more successful than another. Behind every new design is a desire to break new ground, to improve and to enhance consumer experience. Good design makes products easier, more comfortable and safer to use. With today’s increasing emphasis on ecologically sound living, “designing out waste” is now an aspiration shared by many creators. Sustainable design processes can help lower production costs and reduce environmental impact. The designs of the future will necessarily be green, and the intellectual property system will encourage designers to produce them, by helping to protect original designs against unauthorized copying and imitation. In international markets, companies need to be able to protect their designs quickly and cost-effectively in several countries. WIPO’s Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designswhich simplifies that process saw a 30 percent increase in international applications last year. On World Intellectual Property Day 2011 WIPO joins governments, organizations, schools and enterprises around the world in celebrating the designers today, who are designing the future.
个人分类: 知识产权|1731 次阅读|0 个评论
LEOLAND 2010-5-2 17:14
曲津華 去年寫過一篇博文《 IP 與 IPR 小議》( http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=248183 ),談的就是如題的意思。昨天,也寫了一篇 WIPO 新 LOGO 的介紹。總是感覺 IP 與 IPR 被混淆了,不妨再說幾句。 不是要顯示中國沒有明白人,而是覺得這個問題是體量極大的知識產品維權領域(暫避免使用知識產權這個概念)的最基礎的問題,卻一直名稱不順。 應該承認,對無形資產 intangible asset 的認識和擁戴都來自外國,是舶來品。中國人在這方面的發育比較晚,加之創造力不強(模仿力卻相當不錯),所以很久以來都沒有形成一套理論和踐行的體系。一個表現就是,對無形資產中的最基礎概念沒有移植好。 再次強調, IP 是資產 / 財產, IPR 是權利,二者的差別不是一點點。當我們把 IP 翻譯為知識產權,肯定是犯了錯了,因為 IPR 才是知識產權。 按這個原理, WIPO 應該翻譯為世界知識財產組織,而不是 世界知識產權組織 。 那麼爲什麽會出現這個全民性的錯誤呢(不包括台灣,人家這方面很清楚)?一個可能的解釋是,華語中稱呼 IP 為知識財產不太順口,用起來不太方便。 對這一點,也要批評一下香港了。作為華洋交融的地區,香港本身就是國際大都市,也應該最清楚 IP 代表的是什麽意思,爲什麽也跟著大陸一起犯錯呢? 這方面,中國內地和香港什麽時候能學台灣,不好說,但應該有人來呼籲這個事。總不能就一直這麼錯下去吧? 2010-05-02
个人分类: 知识产权|2629 次阅读|1 个评论
LEOLAND 2009-8-8 15:48
曲津華 經濟社會,只要是正當的權益,怎樣主張和重視都不過分。在知識產權領域,IPR和IP應該是盡人皆知的前者就是知識產權(臺灣地區叫智慧財產權 ) ,後者是知識資產(或叫知識財產intellectual property),二者的區別也是有的。這種區別,在當今知識經濟的大背景下,也應該是社會各界的一個常識。 然剛剛看到了國家知識產權局的英文State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.C(簡稱SIPO),感覺人家對IPR和IP就有混淆其中文名稱中多出了一個權字,與其英文相比。 這就涉及到了一個問題。就如同本博說過的中醫醫院與中醫院的問題一樣,這也是一個俗語進了正式名稱的問題。但這個正式名稱是個國家部級機構,問題就有點那個了。 這裡所說的俗語,是指大眾分不清知識資產和知識產權兩個概念的區別,都籠統地稱之為知識產權。這倒是沒有什麽大不了的,本來資產就都有個權利的問題,捆綁起來說也未必不可。但作為專業領域,還是應該恢復二者的本原,發揮其應有的作用為好,以免被同行看做不專業。 網上搜索了一下,香港的HKIPD與大陸一樣名為知識產權署,而臺灣的IPO名為智慧財產局。後者顯然是支持筆者的觀點的。但願這兩地的名稱與回歸與否沒有關係,呵呵。 總之,SIPO的英文名是非常準確的(其實不準確也不行啊,我們國家的這方面在國際上沒少碰到事兒,也沒少跟老外打交道),但其中文名就有點不專業了。作為官方機構,是否應該摒棄俗語,更多地表現出專業精神?就此談一點見解,也不奢望田大首長能看到。 2009-08-08
个人分类: 知识产权|5279 次阅读|0 个评论

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