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shenlong1398 2013-1-4 11:35
由于不能一键分享,所以粘贴过来了,见谅! 【转】 原网址: http://www.ecocn.org/thread-176667-1-1.html How innovative is China? 中国多有创造力? Valuing patents 专利价值评估 Jan 5th 2013 | from the print edition China has overtaken America again. Its patent office received more applications than any other country’s in 2011. (The numbers were released in December.) But look closer, and the picture is murkier. 中国又超过了美国——2011年其专利办公室收到的申请数比其他任何国家都多(12月份公布的数字)。但越是深入去了解,越觉得迷雾重重。 In America and Europe, roughly half of patent applications are lodged by foreigners. This used to be true in China, but in the past few years filings by locals have surged to three-quarters of the total (see chart 1). Is this because China has suddenly become more innovative? Or is it because government incentives have prompted people to file lots of iffy patent applications, which the local patent office has a tendency to approve? 在美国和欧洲,大约有一半的专利申请是由外国人提出的。 中国以前也是这样, 但在过去几年里,由本国人提出的申请已飙升至总数的四分之三(见图表1)。这是因为中国突然变得更具创造力吗?还是因为 受政府的激励措施影响,人们提交了很多有问题的专利申请,而地方专利局又乐于批准? 图表1:美、中、欧本国居民及外国人提出的专利申请数(百万) There is no reliable way to measure a patent’s value. But one can use a rough-and-ready yardstick: in how many places did the inventors seek a patent for the same technology? If it is a good idea, they will try to patent it in lots of places. If they just want to pocket a Chinese subsidy, they won’t bother. 衡量专利的价值尚无可靠的方法。不过,我们可以使用一个 现成的粗略 标准:对于同一项技术,发明者在多少个地方同时寻求获得专利?如果这是个好点子,他们会在许多地方申请专利。如果只是想骗取中国政府的补贴,他们 不会烦这个心 。 Data from the UN’s World Intellectual Property Office suggest that some of the apparent spurt in Chinese innovation is illusory. Or at least, patents in China are probably less valuable than those in America or Europe. 联合国世界知识产权组织的数据显示,中国的创新飞跃部分上是虚假的。或者至少可以说, 中国专利的含金量很可能没有美国或欧洲的高 。 Hardly any Chinese inventors seek to patent their ideas abroad. Between 2005 and 2009 fewer than 5% did (see chart 2). In America, the figure was 27%; in Europe, more than 40%. Geeks in the West should not relax, but it is not clear that their Chinese rivals have yet outstripped them. 很少有中国发明家想到国外申请专利 ,2005-2009年不到5%(见图表2)。在美国,这个数字是27%,欧洲则超过40%。西方的极客们不能松懈,但目前还不清楚中国对手是否已经超过了他们。 图表2:为同一项技术(向不同国家的专利局)提出的专利申请数
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热度 2 duanrf 2012-12-31 13:44
美国女生给我的六个惊诧 来源:常州市电教馆、教育信息中心   去年,孩子高一的时候我们有幸接待了一位美国私立高中的同龄女孩,共同生活了一周。零距离的接触,让我从中美两个同龄女孩子身上看到了很多不同之处,感慨万千!   来中国游学的这十几位孩子都是来自country day(孩子们习惯译为国日中学)学校,据说这个学校全部费用来自于富豪们的捐助,只收符合条件的孩子,是标准的贵族子弟学校。在经过若干个表格的事无巨细的项目填写(细致到父母的宗教信仰、饮食习惯)和层层审核后,我家被确定负责接待其中一位女孩子。   第一次见到这位女孩子,个子比我孩子高出一个头,瘦削高挑,皮肤白皙,脸上露着真挚的微笑,非常动人。记得第一顿早餐我准备的是扬州的包子和小馄饨,孩子们吃得很开心,美国孩子也使用筷子,说是为了入乡随俗特地学习的。在用餐尾声时,美国女孩跟我说:“这是我吃过的最好吃的早餐,非常谢谢您!”这个孩子这么会赞美别人,我第一次被惊到了。给我孩子做了十几年的饭菜,也没听到啥赞誉的话。被赞美的感觉的确非常美妙,一下子就把我们的距离拉近了不少。   晚餐,我做了最拿手的西红柿炒鸡蛋、糖醋排骨等三菜一汤,我们边吃边聊,非常开心。吃完饭,两个孩子依旧在聊天,我开始收拾碗筷,美国女孩连忙站起来对我说:“Can I help you?”我第二次一惊,看着这个孩子真诚的样子,我连忙说:“不用了,你们聊。”我的孩子看着我忙碌了十几年都习惯了,基本是熟视无睹。而美国女孩能为对方着想,瞬间做出本能的反应,看来是习惯使然。   第二天以后,大家就比较熟悉了,所以一般想问啥就问了。我看到美国女孩子的护照已经很破旧了,就很好奇地问:“你走过了哪些国家?”美国女孩的回答让我第三次被惊到了:“这是我的第三本护照,大概走过了30多个国家。”看着我惊诧的表情,她解释说:“一般假期,我们学校都组织同学出去游学。这次是第一次到中国,主要去上海、南京、北京和西安。”这四个城市是家长和老师们精心挑选出来的,基本代表了中国的过去和现在,我在暗自佩服的同时不由得发问:“你们这样周游世界,学习怎么办?”要知道我们的孩子寒暑假几乎都奔波在各培训点啊。美国女孩看着我孩子一脸的羡慕说:“我们平时的学习任务很重的,每天回家的作业量是5小时。”就这个“5小时”把我丫头给震住了。   在聊到业余生活时,我了解到美国女孩家庭的基本情况:爸爸在自己的企业工作;妈妈基本是家庭主妇,不上班,但是美国女孩强调她的妈妈很辛苦,要负责家里的日常生活、草地、游泳池和直升机的日常养护;哥哥负责洗碗和协助妈妈搞卫生;她则是负责家里两条狗和三只猫的衣食起居。一家人各负其责,井井有条。我们家是爸爸、妈妈要上班,妈妈还要负责全家的生活,孩子是两耳不闻窗外事只管学习。在对家庭义务和责任方面明显的我们差距很大。   我第四次被惊到的是听俩孩子聊天,我孩子问美国女孩子遇到最恐惧的事情是啥?美国女孩子说是有一年的暑假,几个家庭的父母把几个10多岁的孩子送到原始森林里,没给带水和食物,没有床和帐篷,跟孩子们相约一周后来接。那一周是这个孩子最恐惧的,也是最刺激的。她告诉我孩子为了不挨,他们生吃过抓来的老鼠。这样的活动家长们的出发点是锻炼孩子们的生存能力。   第五次被惊到的是最后一顿晚饭。快要离开南京了,为了尽地主之谊,给美国女孩尝尝最美味的中国菜,我们带她到了南京最繁华的地段——狮子桥,点了获国家金奖的“鸡煲翅”,当美国女孩明白是鱼翅做的,她非常坚决地拒绝了这道菜:“这道菜我无法接受,动物需要保护。”没有任何回旋的余地,甚至是不近人情。我汗颜之余,敬佩之情油然而生。   饭后,几个孩子相约到附近的电玩城去玩,除了我孩子和美国女孩外,我们还邀请了女儿的两个好朋友。整个玩的过程我是听孩子跟我复述的:“妈妈,太可怕了,美国人太厉害了!一进电玩城,我的两个好朋友就上去玩了,什么好玩玩什么。看得出平时繁重的学习压力在这一刻被化解了。而美国女孩子则拉着我边走边观察什么游戏盈利最大,转了一圈才锁定目标,美国女孩子赢了很多游戏币,分给我们3个,再去找自己感兴趣的游戏玩。”我这一次不仅仅是惊了,简直是被震撼了:小小年纪就知道如何做到利益最大化,处处深思熟虑,确实是太可怕了。我孩子说了一句让我思考至今的话:“妈妈,我们这样下去,以后真的只能是给他们打工的啊……”   短暂的一周时间,给了我六个大大的惊诧,我们的孩子未来将要面对的是这样的对手!而我们是在培养怎样的孩子?过分的溺爱、频繁的干预、过度的保护,导致了我们的孩子无情和无能。目前的复印机式的教育消耗着孩子们的精力,限制了孩子们的追求。众所周知:自然是孩子的天性,自由是孩子的本性,扼杀天性和本性,就是扼杀成长的活力和动力,如此的教育能培养出创造性的人才吗?不一样的教育决定不一样的结果,未来的主宰属于什么样的人相信大家都很清楚,而我们则是在为人家输送打工仔,再优秀充其量也就是个高级打工仔!   本文推荐者:常州市教育局局长 丁伟
1595 次阅读|2 个评论
mohong 2012-12-31 12:01
(今天在学院QQ中,汤教授发了这个帖子,转发一下以表支持。) 去年,孩子高一的时候我们有幸接待了一位美国私立高中的同龄女孩,共同生活了一周。零距离的接触,让我从中美两个同龄女孩子身上看到了很多不同之处,感慨万千!   来中国游学的这十几位孩子都是来自country day(孩子们习惯翻译为国日中学)学校,据说这个学校全部费用来自于富豪们的捐助,只收符合条件的孩子,是标准的贵族子弟学校。在经过若干个表格的事无巨细的项目填写(细致到父母的宗教信仰、饮食习惯)和层层审核后,我家被确定负责接待其中一位女孩子。   第一次见到这位女孩子,个子比我孩子高出一个头,瘦削高挑,皮肤白皙,脸上露着真挚的微笑,非常动人。记得第一顿早餐我准备的是扬州的包子和小馄饨,孩子们吃得很开心,美国孩子也使用筷子,说是为了入乡随俗特地学习的。在用餐尾声时,美国女孩跟我说:“这是我吃过的最好吃的早餐,非常谢谢您!”这个孩子这么会赞美别人,我第一次被惊到了。给我孩子做了十几年的饭菜,也没听到啥赞誉的话。被赞美的感觉的确非常美妙,一下子就把我们的距离拉近了不少。   晚餐,我做了最拿手的西红柿炒鸡蛋、糖醋排骨等三菜一汤,我们边吃边聊,非常开心。吃完饭,两个孩子依旧在聊天,我开始收拾碗筷,美国女孩连忙站起来对我说:“Can I help you?”我第二次一惊,看着这个孩子真诚的样子,我连忙说:“不用了,你们聊。”我的孩子看着我忙碌了十几年都习惯了,基本是熟视无睹。而美国女孩能为对方着想,瞬间做出本能的反应,看来是习惯使然。   第二天以后,大家就比较熟悉了,所以一般想问啥就问了。我看到美国女孩子的护照已经很破旧了,就很好奇地问:“你走过了哪些国家?”美国女孩的回答让我第三次被惊到了:“这是我的第三本护照,大概走过了30多个国家。”看着我惊诧的表情,她解释说:“一般假期,我们学校都组织同学出去游学。这次是第一次到中国,主要去上海、南京、北京和西安。”这四个城市是家长和老师们精心挑选出来的,基本代表了中国的过去和现在,我在暗自佩服的同时不由得发问:“你们这样周游世界,学习怎么办?”要知道我们的孩子寒暑假几乎都奔波在各培训点啊。美国女孩看着我孩子一脸的羡慕说:“我们平时的学习任务很重的,每天回家的作业量是5小时。”就这个“5小时”把我丫头给震住了。   在聊到业余生活时,我了解到美国女孩家庭的基本情况:爸爸在自己的企业工作;妈妈基本是家庭主妇,不上班,但是美国女孩强调她的妈妈很辛苦,要负责家里的日常生活、草地、游泳池和直升机的日常养护;哥哥负责洗碗和协助妈妈搞卫生;她则是负责家里两条狗和三只猫的衣食起居。一家人各负其责,井井有条。我们家是爸爸、妈妈要上班,妈妈还要负责全家的生活,孩子是两耳不闻窗外事只管学习。在对家庭义务和责任方面明显的我们差距很大。  我第四次被惊到的是听俩孩子聊天,我孩子问美国女孩子遇到最恐惧的事情是啥?美国女孩子说是有一年的暑假,几个家庭的父母把几个10多岁的孩子送到原始森林里,没给带水和食物,没有床和帐篷,跟孩子们相约一周后来接。那一周是这个孩子最恐惧的,也是最刺激的。她告诉我孩子为了不挨饿,他们生吃过抓来的老鼠。这样的活动家长们的出发点是锻炼孩子们的生存能力。   第五次被惊到的是最后一顿晚饭。快要离开南京了,为了尽地主之谊,给美国女孩尝尝最美味的中国菜,我们带她到了南京最繁华的地段——狮子桥,点了获国家金奖的“鸡煲翅”,当美国女孩明白是鱼翅做的,她非常坚决地拒绝了这道菜:“这道菜我无法接受,动物需要保护。”没有任何回旋的余地,甚至是不近人情。我汗颜之余,敬佩之情油然而生。   饭后,几个孩子相约到附近的电玩城去玩,除了我孩子和美国女孩外,我们还邀请了女儿的两个好朋友。整个玩的过程我是听孩子跟我复述的:“妈妈,太可怕了,美国人太厉害了!一进电玩城,我的两个好朋友就上去玩了,什么好玩玩什么。看得出平时繁重的学习压力在这一刻被化解了。而美国女孩子则拉着我边走边观察什么游戏盈利最大,转了一圈才锁定目标,美国女孩子赢了很多游戏币,分给我们3个,再去找自己感兴趣的游戏玩。”我这一次不仅仅是惊了,简直是被震撼了:小小年纪就知道如何做到利益最大化,处处深思熟虑,确实是太可怕了。我孩子说了一句让我思考至今的话:“妈妈,我们这样下去,以后真的只能是给他们打工的啊……”   短暂的一周时间,给了我六个大大的惊诧,我们的孩子未来将要面对的是这样的对手!而我们是在培养怎样的孩子?过分的溺爱、频繁的干预、过度的保护,导致了我们的孩子无情和无能。目前的复印机式的教育消耗着孩子们的精力,限制了孩子们的追求。众所周知:自然是孩子的天性,自由是孩子的本性,扼杀天性和本性,就是扼杀成长的活力和动力,如此的教育能培养出创造性的人才吗?不一样的教育决定不一样的结果,未来的主宰属于什么样的人相信大家都很清楚,而我们则是在为人家输送打工仔,再优秀充其量也就是个高级打工仔!  本文推荐者:常州市教育局局长 丁伟为了孩子,为了民族,为了国家请多传几个群。
个人分类: 人物记事|1553 次阅读|0 个评论
zhao1198 2012-10-3 11:35
发展经济学中的贫困陷阱,就是指由于经济中存在恶性循环,而使发展中国家陷于贫困落后之中难以摆脱。贫困陷阱可分为两种:技术陷阱和人口陷阱. 所谓“贫困陷阱”,通常地讲是指这样一种情况,处于贫困状态的个人、家庭、群体、区域等主体或单元由于贫困而不断地再生产出贫困,长期处于贫困的恶性循环中而不能自拔。一旦掉进这种“贫困陷阱”,要想从里边跳出来就不是一件容易的事情了。 20世纪50年代有三位经济学家揭示了“贫困陷阱”的产生根源: (1)纳克斯(Nurkse)于1953年提出“贫困恶性循环”(vicious circle of poverty)理论; (2)纳尔逊(Nelson)于1956年提出“低水平均衡陷阱”(low-level equilibrium trap)理论; (3)缪尔达尔与1957年提出“循环积累因果关系”理论。 这些理论认为发展中国家总是陷入低收入和贫困的累积性恶性循环之中,用纳克斯的话说:“一国穷是因为它穷”(A country is poor because it is poor)。 “贫困陷阱”为什么能够相对地把人锁定在贫困中,其基本原理是这样的:因为你穷,你就享受不到良好的教育,引起人力资本的退化;因为你穷,你就缺少物质资本的投入,许多赚钱的机会因而与你无缘;因为你穷,就限制了你的活动范围和自由,因而使你游离于主流社会之外而日益边缘化;因为你穷,就可能影响你的情绪和精神状态,从而一蹶不振而荒度人生。 扩展阅读: 1 《贫穷的终结》,杰弗里·萨克斯,上海人民出版社 2 《发展经济学》,谭崇台等,上海人民出版社,1989年版
个人分类: 百科|2792 次阅读|0 个评论
Don't bark at your fellow country (wo)man
热度 4 zuojun 2012-5-9 09:04
It was crowded inside the place for breakfast. There were Chinese, as well as foreign devils. Suddenly, I heard barking, by a young man. A waitress came to tell him that his room charge does not include (free) breakfast. He got so upset and started to yell at the poor young lady. People from three tables away were turning their heads toward his table, and I felt so uncomfortable sitting next to his table. So, I got up and moved. As I was leaving, I saw the waitress and told her not to get too upset with rude people. She is only doing her job. And, I don't think RMB38/pp for breakfast meant anything to this young man, who clearly is some kind of expert (or he would not be staying at "Foreign Experts Building."
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3076 次阅读|9 个评论
yhy188 2012-4-23 22:05
China’s rapid industrialization has led to a severe deterioration in water quality in the country’s lakes and rivers. By exploiting variation in pollution across China’s river basins, I estimate that a deterioration of water quality by a single grade (on a six-grade scale) increases the digestive cancer death rate by 9.7 percent. The analysis rules out other potential explanations such as smoking rates, dietary patterns, and air pollution. I estimate that doubling China’s levy rates for wastewater dumping would save roughly 17,000 lives per year but require an additional 500 million dollars in annual spending on wastewater treatment. A. Ebenstein. The Consequences of Industrialization: Evidence from Water Pollution and Digestive Cancers in China. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 2012(0)
4424 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 liuyingxiang 2012-3-3 13:57
温斯顿·丘吉尔,政治家、画家、演说家、作家以及记者,1953年诺贝尔文学奖得主(获奖作品《第二次世界大战回忆录》),曾于1940-1945年及1951-1955年期间两度任英国首相,被认为是20世纪最重要的政治领袖之一,带领英国获得第二次世界大战的胜利。据传为历史上掌握英语单词词汇量最多的人之一(十二万多)。被美国杂志《展示》列为近百年来世界最有说服力的八大演说家之一。2002年,BBC举行了一个名为“最伟大的100名英国人”的调查,结果丘吉尔获选为有史以来最伟大的英国人。 "Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have."
个人分类: 生活点滴|3487 次阅读|2 个评论
liuyingxiang 2012-3-2 17:54
个人分类: 生活点滴|3670 次阅读|0 个评论
scutyu 2012-1-13 09:19
美国总统肯尼迪曾说:“不要问你的国家能为你做什么,问你能为国家做什么”(ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country)。   今天我们的时代可以说:“不但要问中国还有什么问题,而且要问你可以为中国解决什么问题” (ask not only what problems China has, but also what problems you can solve for China)。 ( 1 )审稿人是上帝,不管是挖苦还是赞美你的工作,先虚心接受 , 来一句: Thank the reviewers for these precious comments and suggestions. ( 2 )所有 comments ,必须一一响应: Point by point: comments and response (3) 当能容易满足审稿人要求时,必须尽量满足,补充实验,补充结果比较,补充文献参考,补充实验描述,补充各色各样的内容。 (4) 当根本无法满足审稿人要求时,比如要你比较算法性能,而你实在无法操作,你得说你已经努力的实施这个实验,但是因为很多的客观原因而无法实施,把过程和结果在报告里列出来,而且我已经在论文里 review 了相关于比较对象或者相似实验的论文给读者提供更多参考性意见,同时列举在 Responding Report 里,需要说明将来一旦可行了,必然完整进行这个实验。 (5) 当审稿人质疑你的模型和实验结果时,就需要旁征博引(其他文献),补充过程和实验细节,额外的在 Responding Report 里增加一些容易实现的实验结果来增强审稿人信心。 (6) 当审稿人需要你验证某些方法和结论时,而你无法说明的时候,除了补充一些引用说明外,还需要特别指出: This is an interesting open issue, and we will continue to …... 。 ( 7 )当审稿人指出你的英文质量有问题时(发表了几十个文章,我还是经常被质疑):需要在文章里尽量找错误,但是同时要在 response report 里一一列出来,使得审稿人认为你已经尽力了(我是中国人,洋文能看懂就可以了)。 ( 8 )尽量把 revision part 一一列在 response report 里相应的地方,而不要让审稿人到文章中去找你修改的地方。 ( 9 )尽量使得文章格式符合该期刊格式 ( 10 )顶级期刊往往有多于 3 个审稿人,必须认真对待,留足够的修改时间, 1 年 1-2 个顶级期刊(专业前五,非NSC之类)发表足矣,就少费点心思在次点的期刊上吧,或者就放弃(这个需要等到了一定层次,呵呵)。 ( 11 )字体一般 11 号和 1.5 倍行距刚好,大了或小了都感觉累,累了自然就给刁钻的 Judgement 了
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[转载]Startup America Policy Challenge: Clean Energy
whyhoo 2012-1-6 14:48
I’ve met with researchers, entrepreneurs and students across the country and I can say without hesitation that the United States is the world’s most innovative country.At those same meetings, I’ve also learned firsthand about obstacles that clean energy entrepreneurs face. To compete in the global economy, we need to unleash the creativity and ingenuity of our citizens in high-growth markets like clean energy. We also need to remove unnecessary barriers to startups – to increase the chances for a clean energy entrepreneur to be successful in starting and scaling a high-growth business. Trillions of dollars will be invested in clean energy over the coming decades. Countries around the world recognize this enormous economic opportunity and are racing to get ahead. Our country faces a simple choice: we can develop and produce clean energy technologies today or we can import them tomorrow. President Obama believes that the United States can, must and should lead the world in clean energy and he wants to make sure that our businesses are in the best position to be successful. Earlier this year, he launched the Startup America initiative to promote entrepreneurship in key areas like energy and to make it easier for America’s innovators to turn a great idea into a great business. Now the Startup America Policy Challenge is looking to tap into our greatest resource – the American people – for ideas on how we can accelerate innovation in energy and position the United States to lead in this critical sector. America’s entrepreneurs are on the front lines of the global clean energy race, and the Department of Energy andthe Administration want to hear from you about the barriers that are standing in your way and whatwe can do to help remove them. Through Quora, an idea-sharing platform, you can share your thoughts and ideas directly with senior Administration officials . Specifically, we are interested in your answers to these questions: What do you see as the primary barriers to moving clean energy technologies and innovations into the market place? What policy tools do you recommend to dismantle these barriers in order to grow the U.S. clean energy sector? The stakes are too high for the United States to miss out on the clean energy opportunity. We look forward to hearing from you about how we can move ahead in clean energy and lead in the 21stcentury. Steven Chu is the U.S. Secretary of Energy 原文见 http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2011/12/13/startup-america-policy-challenge-clean-energy-0
个人分类: 能源|1235 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Urban Trends and Policy in China
whyhoo 2012-1-2 20:14
1. Introduction China surpassed the United States in the mid-1970s to become the nation with the largest number of urban dwellers in the world (Figure 1). Although still a predominantly rural country, with an urbanisation rate just under 20%, in absolute numbers China had become – over 30 years ago – the world’s largest urban nation in human history.1 Paradoxically, this ascendance occurred at the end of a period in which China’s public policy was profoundly anti-urban. Much has changed since then. China’s “opening up”, and the introduction of market-oriented reforms in the early 1980s, accelerated urbanisation across China such that, today, 600 million urban Chinese constitute 44% of the country’s population. Indications are that urbanisation will continue, at even more rapid rates in parts of the country, well into this century. Aside from the national socio-economic changes fuelled by urbanisation over the last 30 years, the growth of China’s cities is starting to have major global impacts. The most obvious are environmental: pollution of coastal waters by industries and untreated urban wastewater; cross-border and inter-continental air pollution from power plants, industries, and motor vehicles; and emissions that have made the country the second largest contributor to global warming. But less obvious global linkages are equally important: China’s transformation into the world’s biggest consumer of steel, cement and a wide range of resource commodities, including carbon-based energy sources, that is beginning to affect availability and supply prices in other countries; the transformation of China’s cities into the world’s factory; and the rapid evolution of the urban populace into a consumer base that is changing what global firms produce, and how they market them. Economic changes in China’s cities are fundamentally changing the global structure of flows of natural resources, products, capital, technology, information, and people.2 Many aspects of public policy in OECD countries will increasingly need to be considered within a global context influenced by China’s urbanisation, and how China’s government manages that urbanisation. This paper provides an introduction to urban trends and policies in China, and is largely descriptive. It describes urban growth trends, where and in what kinds of cities growth is occurring, how China’s cities are governed, and how public policy has influenced the extent, pace, and spatial distribution of urbanisation. The report concludes with a description of some of the key policy challenges facing central and local urban governments in China. • Section 2: China’s changing approaches to urbanisation outlines describes key changes to national urbanisation policy since 1949, and the resulting classification and statistical issues associated with accurately measuring historical levels of urbanisation. • Section 3: Urbanisation trends and projections present official government urbanisation estimates and projections to 2020, and the distribution of China’s urban population by location and city size. • Section 4: China’s urbanising regions describes how urbanisation is consolidating 28 Regional Urban Systems across the country, some of which cross provincial boundaries, and the implications of these urban systems for national regional development policy. It also describes the emergence of 53 metropolitan regions, with populations over one million, all of which cross municipal boundaries. Their economic performance and prospects are reviewed, including issues surrounding national and global competitiveness, especially related to human capital. Key constraints to the realisation of agglomeration economies in these emerging metropolitan regions are outlined. • Section 5: Urban governance describes the current system of sub-national governance in China, the allocation of functional responsibilities among levels of government, the need for better inter-governmental co-ordination, and resulting policy implications. • Section 6: Key policy challenges facing concludes with a review of challenges in attaining and sustaining the global competitiveness of China’s cities, managing environmental quality in cities, ensuring equity in the urbanisation process, and implementing more effective urban governance. • The paper concludes by providing a short executive summary. 原文见 http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/28/21/42607972.pdf
个人分类: 社会|1271 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]In Kim’s Death, an Extensive Intelligence Failure
whyhoo 2011-12-20 16:33
WASHINGTON — Kim Jong-il , the enigmatic North Korean leader, died on a train at 8:30 a.m. Saturday in his country. Forty-eight hours later, officials in South Korea still did not know anything about it — to say nothing of Washington, where the State Department acknowledged “press reporting” of Mr. Kim’s death well after North Korean state media had already announced it. For South Korean and American intelligence services to have failed to pick up any clues to this momentous development — panicked phone calls between government officials, say, or soldiers massing around Mr. Kim’s train — attests to the secretive nature of North Korea , a country not only at odds with most of the world but also sealed off from it in a way that defies spies or satellites. Asian and American intelligence services have failed before to pick up significant developments in North Korea. Pyongyang built a sprawling plant to enrich uranium that went undetected for about a year and a half until North Korean officials showed it off in late 2010 to an American nuclear scientist. The North also helped build a complete nuclear reactor in Syria without tipping off Western intelligence. As the United States and its allies confront a perilous leadership transition in North Korea — a failed state with nuclear weapons — the closed nature of the country will greatly complicate their calculations. With little information about Mr. Kim’s son and successor, Kim Jong-un, and even less insight into the palace intrigue in Pyongyang, the North’s capital, much of their response will necessarily be guesswork. “We have clear plans about what to do if North Korea attacks, but not if the North Korean regime unravels,” said Michael J. Green, a former Asia adviser in the Bush administration. “Every time you do these scenarios, one of the first objectives is trying to find out what’s going on inside North Korea.” In many countries, that would involve intercepting phone calls between government officials or peering down from spy satellites. And indeed, American spy planes and satellites scan the country. Highly sensitive antennas along the border between South and North Korea pick up electronic signals. South Korean intelligence officials interview thousands of North Koreans who defect to the South each year. And yet remarkably little is known about the inner workings of the North Korean government. Pyongyang, officials said, keeps sensitive information limited to a small circle of officials, who do not talk. “This is a society that thrives on its opaqueness,” said Christopher R. Hill, a former special envoy who negotiated with the North over its nuclear program. “It is very complex. To understand the leadership structure requires going way back into Korean culture to understand Confucian principles.” On Monday, the Obama administration held urgent consultations with allies but said little publicly about Mr. Kim’s death. Senior officials acknowledged they were largely bystanders, watching the drama unfold in the North and hoping that it does not lead to acts of aggression against South Korea. None of the situations envisioned by American officials for North Korea are comforting. Some current and former officials assume that Kim Jong-un is too young and untested to step confidently into his father’s shoes. Some speculate that the younger Mr. Kim might serve in a kind of regency, in which the real power would be wielded by military officials like Jang Song-taek, Kim Jong-il’s brother-in-law and confidant, who is 65. Such an arrangement would do little to relieve the suffering of the North Korean people or defuse the tension over its nuclear ambitions. But it would be preferable to an open struggle for power in the country. “A bad scenario is that they go through a smooth transition, and the people keep starving and they continue to develop nuclear weapons,” said Jeffrey A. Bader, a former Asia adviser to President Obama. “The unstable transition, in which no one is in charge, and in which control of their nuclear program becomes even more opaque, is even worse.” As failures go, the Central Intelligence Agency’s inability to pick up hints of Mr. Kim’s death was comparatively minor. But as one former agency official, speaking on condition of anonymity about classified matters, pointed out: “What’s worst about our intel is our failure to penetrate deep into the existing leadership. We get defectors, but their information is often old. We get midlevel people, but they often don’t know what’s happening in the inner circle.” The worst intelligence failure, by far, came in the middle of the Iraq war. North Korea was building a nuclear reactor in Syria, based on the design of its own reactor at Yongbyon. North Korean officials traveled regularly to the site. Yet the United States was ignorant about it until Meir Dagan, then the head of the Mossad, Israel’s intelligence service, visited President George W. Bush’s national security adviser and dropped photographs of the reactor on his coffee table. It was destroyed by Israel in an airstrike in 2007 after the United States turned down Israeli requests to carry out the strike. While the C.I.A. long suspected that North Korea was working on a second pathway to a bomb — uranium enrichment — it never found the facilities. Then, last year, a Stanford University scientist was given a tour of a plant, in the middle of the Yongbyon complex, which American satellites monitor constantly. It is not clear why satellite surveillance failed to detect construction on a large scale at the complex. The failure to pick up signs of turmoil are especially disconcerting for people in South Korea. The South’s capital, Seoul, is only 35 miles from the North Korean border, and the military is on constant alert for a surprise attack. Yet in the 51 hours from the apparent time of Mr. Kim’s death until the official announcement of it, South Korean officials appeared to detect nothing unusual. During that time, President Lee Myung-bak traveled to Tokyo, met with the Japanese prime minister, Yoshihiko Noda, returned home and was honored at a party for his 70th birthday. At 10 a.m. local time on Monday, even as North Korean media reported that there would be a “special announcement” at noon, South Korean officials shrugged when asked whether something was afoot. The last time Pyongyang gave advance warning of a special announcement was in 1994, when they reported the death of Mr. Kim’s father, Kim Il-sung, who also died of a heart failure. (South Korea was caught completely off guard by the elder Mr. Kim’s death, which was not disclosed for 22 hours.) “‘Oh, my God!’ was the first word that came to my mind when I saw the North Korean anchorwoman’s black dress and mournful look,” said a government official who monitored the North Korean announcement. “This shows a big loophole in our intelligence-gathering network on North Korea,” Kwon Seon-taek, an opposition South Korean lawmaker, told reporters. Kwon Young-se, a ruling party legislator and head of the intelligence committee at the National Assembly, said the National Intelligence Service, the main government spy agency, appeared to have been caught off guard by the North Korean announcement. “We will hold them responsible,” he said. 原文见 http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/20/world/asia/in-detecting-kim-jong-il-death-a-gobal-intelligence-failure.html?_r=1hp
个人分类: 政治|1644 次阅读|0 个评论
Devil's advocate (1): a girl's birth & a country's future
zuojun 2010-5-24 06:13
The sky is falling! Why? Because 姚明 and his wife decided (?) to have their baby girl born in the U.S. See 我 们对中国的未来还有信心么 ? by 刘锋 Cheer up! This is good for China: one less person to count toward its population, one (or three) less people to contribute to the carbon footprint in China, one more space in an expensive private daycare for another baby born in China, and ... I can go on and on... Before I finish, let's hope that this girl will be the first Chinese-American FEMALE president in the U.S. 30-40 years from now! Devil's advocate: In common parlance , a devil's advocate is someone who takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with for the sake of argument . This process can also be used to test the quality of the original argument and identify weaknesses in its structure.--From Wikipedia
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3494 次阅读|1 个评论
country search(SJR):Taiwan
rbwxy197301 2010-2-10 17:53
个人分类: 信息检索|1968 次阅读|0 个评论
country search(SJR):Hong Kong
rbwxy197301 2010-2-10 17:41
个人分类: 信息检索|2831 次阅读|0 个评论
country search(SJR):China
rbwxy197301 2010-2-10 17:29
Find a Country http://www.scimagojr.com/countrysearch.php?country=CN Finding a country to be analyzed is a rather intuitive task through the interactive. Countries are easily browsable through the world regions list and the interactive map. Rank Countries and World Regions Country ranks can be customized by filtering and ranking criteria and and applying a lower threshold to the ranking. Every country can be then analyzed separately, just click the country name's link to obtain an individual profile. This profile includes time series tables and charts including significative metrics of country performance. Ranking and filtering options include: Scopus Subject Areas and Subject Categories Journals are assigned to 27 major thematic categories as well as to 313 specific subject categories according to Scopus Classification. You can use these to narrow the output set Region Ten Wajor World Regions in which we have splitted the world to facilitate sectorial analyses Year Source year for obtained values Order by The result set can be ranked by Cites per document (2 years), H index, Documents, Citable Documents and Total Cites Display countries with at least Low threshold based upon the amount of published documents, citable documents or cites Understand tables and charts Documents Amount of documents published during the selected year. It is usually called the country's scientific output. Citable Documents Selected year citable documents. Exclusively scientific articles and reviews are considered. Cites Amount of citations of all dates received by the documents published during the source year, --i.e. citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X. When referred to the period 1996-2008, all published documents during this period are considered. Self Cites Country self-citations. Amount of self-citations of all dates received by the documents published during the source year, --i.e. self-citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X. When referred to the period 1996-2008, all published documents during this period are considered. Cites per Doc. Average citations (of all times) per document published during the source year, --i.e. citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X. When referred to the period 1996-2008, all published documents during this period are considered. H index The h index is a country's number of articles (h) that have received at least h citations. It quantifies both country scientific productivity and scientific impact and it is also applicable to scientists, journals, etc. ( see H-index wikipedia definition ) Self Cites per Doc. Average country's self-citations (of all times) per document published during the source year, --i.e. self-citations in years X, X+1, X+2, X+3... to documents published during year X. Non-citable Documents (Available in the graphics) Non-citable documents ratio for the period being considered. Cited Documents (Cited Doc.) Amount of documents cited at least once. Uncited Documents (Uncited Doc.) Amount of uncited documents, i.e. documents that have never been cited. % International Collaboration Document ratio whose affiliation includes more than one country address. % Region Country relative contribution to regional publication output. % World Country relative contribution to world publication output.
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zhao1198 2009-8-25 16:52
说明: 提供了IFS和ISO3的国家代码比较 对IFS02版和之前版本进行了比较;IFS02版包括了除188之外的之前版本的全部国家。 1 IFSname IFS2002 code ordered by country name 2 IFScode IFS2002 code ordered by code code 3 IFSname_ISO (1)Compare between ISO code and IFS2002, sorted by ctry_name (2)和IFScode_ISO的唯一不同在于排序变量和方法不同 (3)导出STATA数据推荐使用。 4 IFSname_ISO (2):阉割输出版 (1)IFSname_ISO 原版复制,删除IFS中红色标记和荧光笔标记,以及ISO3中对不上的obs (2)作为导出csv或者STATA格式使用。 (3)配对比较 IFS2002 和 COMTRADE代码 5 IFScode_ISO (1)Compare between ISO code and IFS2002, sorted by ctry_code (2)final version for IFS2002 + COMTRADE (3)推荐打印版 6 Rose_IFS-02 (这一组数据的处理是为了利用rose数据中的FTA) (1)比较了Rose文章数据(data4web_rev.dta,应该是02年之前版本的编码)和IFS2002的国家编码 (2)02版包括了除(188 YUGOSLAVIA, SOCIALIST FED)之外的前一版本的国家。 7 IFS02 (1)based on Rose_04F, final version (2)分别按照code和name排序 说明:我从网络找到的是IFS2002版 IMF International Financial Statistics IFS country code http://www.imfstatistics.org/imf/logon.aspx source: http://www.disc.wisc.edu/codebooks/ifscty2002.htm IFS - A Guide to International Financial Statistics CD-ROM www.columbia.edu/acis/eds/dset_guides/imf.../ifs.html A step-by-step ESDS International dataset guide http://www.esds.ac.uk/international/support/user_guides/imf/ifs.asp http://www.esds.ac.uk/international/support/user_guides/imf/ifs.asp#IFS_Countries
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