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[转载]Design and development of CSP techniques for finding robust
lcj2212916 2018-8-30 17:03
Design and development of CSP techniques for finding robust solutions in job-shop scheduling problems with operations Master Thesis in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Imaging September 2012 Supervised by: Dr. Miguel á. Salido Gregorio Dr. Federico Barber Sanchís Presented by: Joan Escamilla Fuster 下载地址: http://putpan.com/fs/3lc6j23217290162634/
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主编引语:物理社会信息空间中无际的ITS前沿 (2015. No. 04)
王飞跃 2015-10-13 15:38
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 16, NO. 4, AUGUST 2015 Scanning the Issue and Beyond: The Endless ITS Frontier in CSP Spaces With my great pleasure, I would like to announce that Prof. Petros Ioannou of the University of Southern California has been elected as the fourth Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS by the Board of Governors of IEEE ITS Society on June 27 at its meeting in Seoul, Korea. After three terms and seven years’ service, I will step down as the EiC and will be succeed by Petros next year. I am sure that our journal will move to a new and higher level of quality and service under Petros’ leadership. For the remaining half of this year, the IEEE ITSS BoG has approved our request to increase our page budget to 3600 to reduce the backlog and be ready to publish the T-ITS monthly in 2016, which would be another milestone in the history of IEEE T-ITS. In addition, to accommodate the rapid and significant development in intelligent vehicle technology recently, our newest journal, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES, will be launched next year. The Seoul BoG meeting has also selected Changshu, a city of Suzhou near Shanghai, as the site of China’s new Intelligent Vehicles Proving Center, to host the 2018 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, and Prof. Nanning Zheng and I will lead the effort to organize the event. In July, IEEE ITS Society also opens its first Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0 and Beyond, in Qingdao, Shandong, China, the site for the 2014 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2014). Many interesting and exciting topics are addressed there, which I will be back to after scanning the issue. The Endless ITS Frontier in CSP Spaces On the day it was issued 70 years ago in July, Vannevar Bush’s report Science: The Endless Frontier, was greeted by front page headlines in the New York Times. Since then, the report has come to occupy a biblical status in science policy and become a pillar of support for the prerogatives of fundamental and unfettered research and development. Inspired by the report and also to celebrate the 70th anniversary of its publication, as well as the 10th anniversary of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Society, we decided last year at IEEE ITSC to have the IEEE ITSS Summer School on Frontiers in ITS: Transportation 5.0 and Beyond, the first summer school of the IEEE ITS Society, which is supported and operated by the Qingdao Academy of Intelligent Industries (QAII) and IEEE ITS Shandong Chapter, from July 12 to July 17, 2015 in Qingdao. The summer school has eight speakers and 60 researchers and graduate students from four countries/regions, topics ranging from artificial intelligence, traffic visualization, deep learning, social transportation, natural language processing, active safety systems, data-driven and model-driven approaches, and social media and movement for traffic intelligence, to benefit cost analysis for life-saving transportation improvement. My lecture is on parallel transportation and transportation 5.0, covering my long-term basic research and recent investigation on ITS, from ACP-based ITS, ITS knowledge automation, total traffic control, social signal and social transportation, to parallel driving and driving knowledge robots for automated partially to autonomous vehicles. The Summer School is still in process as I am writing this editorial, and I hope it will be a big success and great start for our Summer School program. Science is the endless frontier, and the potential for IT Sresearch, development, and application is also endless. Since the first trial almost 50 years ago of applying hierarchical intelligent control systems based on a combination of artificial intelligence, operations research, and control technology for urban traffic operations in the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, by the late Prof. George N. Saridis, my former Ph.D. advisor, I have been often asking myself the question: Where is the big “I” of Intelligence in ITS research and applications? Now it seems that the satisfactory answer to the question is near: the big I cannot come from the physical world alone; it must come from Karl Popper’s combined three worlds of physical, mental, and artificial, or in engineering terms, the integrated Cyber–Social–Physical Spaces. Uber, DiDi Dache, or DiDi Taxi Calling, and their recent fierce competition in China, has provided strong support and a showcase for my observation. In other words, intelligence, especially intelligence in ITS that involves human and social behaviors, must be derived from and based on the principle of virtual-real duality and related virtual-actual interactive parallel intelligence. The term CSP for cyber–social–physical is identical with the term CPSS for cyber–physical–social systems, but now I feel the original term CSP, as used in my report for the establishment of the CAST (Complex Adaptive Systems for Transportation) Laboratory 15 years ago, is more appropriate. Especially, this is in line with the ACP approach that uses artificial societies/systems for achieving agility, computational experiments for providing a mechanism of focusing, and parallel execution for the ensure of convergence to the goal or objectives in uncertain, diversified, and complex operations, such as transportation. Transportation in CSP is the endless frontier, now and future. FEI-YUE WANG, Editor-in-Chief ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scanning the Issue and Beyond-The Endless ITS Frontier in CSP Spaces-2015.04.pdf
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lix 2009-8-27 21:50
国务院提出要抑制部分行业产能过剩和重复建设(2009年08月26日 18:44 中国政府网 ) 新华网北京8月26日电(记者刘菊花)中国工业和信息化部总工程师朱宏任26日透露,在国际金融危机的冲击影响下,目前中国部分行业产能严重过剩更为突出,太阳能、风能等新兴产业重复建设、无序上马的问题也不容忽视。 朱宏任在2009年中国工业经济运行夏季报告发布会上说,最近随着经济的发展,各地积极寻找通过产业结构调整来走出经济危机之路,一些新兴产业因此受到各方面关注和追捧,尤其是风电产业和光伏产业,被一些地方作为下一轮经济发展的重要产业。 从经济发展方向看,这些代表新经济,特别是代表环保、节能的产业,应该说具有更强的生命力,朱宏任说,但是现在这些新兴产业一哄而上,缺乏有序发展,就有可能形成新一轮产能过剩。而且在这些新兴产业领域,我们并不掌握核心关键技术,只是在一般加工制造过程发展得比较快,这就可能带来其他问题, 比如光伏电池生产过程中有可能造成严重污染。这些问题值得我们高度重视,要防止重复建设给行业发展带来新的严重困难。 黄老邪点评:目前风电大跃进表现在风电场建设一哄而上,没有很好规划。有人已经提出了一万亿投入的大跃进方案。理由仅仅是我国海岸线长,靠近太平洋。靠这个就能超日赶美?美国日本比我们更靠近太平洋呢。 太阳能发电则不一样。光伏电池生产的大跃进已经跃过了。问题是应用没跟上,主要靠输出负熵到欧洲。欧洲一缺钱,我们消耗的资源环境,完全没有回报。所以自己得赶紧自己用起来。 全球熵减 VS 全球熵增 化石能源眼看靠不住了。怎么规划利用好太阳能是迫不及待的任务。有领导批评我不应该讲熵,太哲学化。接受批评,就讲规划利好太阳能吧。 但是,好像搞规划的哥们,根本拒绝把光当回事。我讲水土光、人生气,老师辈的也笑我,学生辈的也笑我,以为我酒喝多了,把光也算资源。我现在倒是喝了不少,科普一把吧。 太阳送给地球的能源(功率),是12万个TW。一个人,正常体力消耗功率是300W。100亿人口,消耗3个TW,这3个TW,必须靠食物,喝汽油是不行的。现在全球发电(装机容量)是4个TW。其他能源消耗,飙车,做爱,统统加起来,一共也就12个TW左右,只有太阳提供能源的万分之一。 话是这么说,怎么用好太阳能,学问多了。首先是直接利用: 1. 光合作用,生产食物。这玩意效率低,但无可替代。也可生产生物能源。 2. 光伏电池(PV),效率已可达15%左右。但生产光伏电池的资源环境熵增本身大。光伏电池应用的优点是可以小而散。电站可达万瓩级。 3. 集光型太阳能热发电(CSP),效率已可达50%左右,规模已可达5-28万瓩级且本身有一定能量存储功能,技术成熟。是美欧发展的重点。但我们好像重视不够。缺点是需要整片占地。 4. 。。。。。。。 其次是间接利用: 1. 水能。太阳学雷锋,巴巴地把水从大洋搬到东亚水塔形成降水,使我国的水能资源总量达6T度/年,大约相当于每年30亿吨原煤。这个怎么利用,网友水博管,我就不班门弄斧了。 2. 风能。在风电大跃进中,好像觉得风电就是无中生有,这个风能就是天上掉下来的馅饼,不要付出代价的。世界上好像没有这样的事吧?走个极端,风能都发电了,咱们每年30亿吨原煤的水能肯定没了,而且大家也没水喝了。但是,究竟我们有多少可利用的风能?哪些地方建千万瓩级的地上三峡有利无弊?我们好像根本没有研究。。。。。 所以,支持叫停风电大跃进,好好规划规划水土光、人生气。
个人分类: 怪哉虫儿|6108 次阅读|7 个评论
lix 2009-8-26 19:40
国务院办公厅关于进一步推进三北防护林体系建设的意见 09-08-15,http://china.findlaw.cn/fagui/xz/24/223239.html 不知道能不能把太阳能光伏(PV)发电站一道规划?在那些地方利用沙地建站,应该对生态重建有利无害,又容易入网的。
个人分类: 怪哉虫儿|3745 次阅读|0 个评论

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