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We Were There the Boston Tea Party
黄安年 2019-3-6 07:16
We Were There the Boston Tea Party 【Robert N. Webb 著 《我们看 波士顿茶会事件 》 1 9 56 年版 】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号 366 】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 / 2019 年 3 月 06 日 发布(第 21118 ) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过365单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Robert N. Webb 著 We Were There the Boston Tea Party( 《我们看 波士顿茶会事件 》),Grosset Dunlap, 1 9 56 年版,173页。 照片10张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5, 6, 7 8 , 9 , 10 ,
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1229 次阅读|0 个评论
Invited for big data talks in Harvard and Salt Lake City
liwei999 2015-1-23 09:13
Going to give an invited talk on social media mining at Modelfest 2015 on 26th at Harvard. Have not been inside the beautiful campuses of Harvard MIT before, so this time will sure take some pictures, to have: been there seen that (including the famous Media Lab of MIT, recommended by Michael). Modelfest 2015 eventbrite.com Novel analytical tools to interpret large and complex data sets are reshaping the foundations of several fields of science, and, simultaneously, many commercial enterprises. Shared statistical and computational concepts... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before flying to Boston for Modelfest 2015, I will also give an invited talk the day after tomorrow (24th) at Salt Lake City, CAST-UT 2015 Annual Conference (Big Data Session). In the evening, we have an opportunity to listen to the keynote speech by Dr. Mario Capecchi, Nobel Prize laureate. http://www.castut.org/?p=865 Big data mining is changing our life. This presentation focuses on using Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology to parse and mine a special type of big data, i.e. ever-growing social media (twitter, Facebook, Chinese Weibo and WeChat, etc), for public opinions of almost any topics. It is domain independent and widely applicable. Real life results will be illustrated in many use scenarios to show the power of big data, for example, business cases of tracking customer insights on brands, competitions, crisis management or PR campaigns; tracking public opinions for political policies and campaigns to help presidential election; tracking stock market media trends; helping consumers in making educated purchase decisions. Domain specialization to refine a domain-independent mining engine for optimal performance and customized use cases can also be discussed if time permits and there is interest. 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|3418 次阅读|0 个评论
World baseball championship came to Boston
热度 2 何毓琦 2013-10-31 10:16
(For new reader and those who request 好友请求, please read my 公告栏 first) The World Series Baseball Championship Came To Boston.Sport is a metaphor for life from the ecstasy of wining to the agony of defeat. Duke Wellington of England famously said that “The battle of Waterloo was won on the playfield of Eton” emphasizing the importance of determination, persistence, team work, and sportsmanship that one learns in sports for carrying on in life.Sports are emphasized since very young in the US. In China, doing well on exams rather than sports are emphasized in schools. Thus the nature of a sports fan are different between the US and China. Baseball is the national sport in the US. Unless you live in this country it is difficult for others to imagine the hold of this sport on the population. So many metaphors, legends, use of language, movies, and Americana are built around this sport. No boy or youngster in America can forget his first introduction to major league baseball park as he walks into the bright sunshine of a perfectly manicured green baseball field through a darkening tunnel under the stadium seat (For those of you familiar with the baseball movie “The Rookie”, there is a scene towards the end of the movie that approximate but cannot equal the feeling). Mine came in the spring of 1951. I became a Red Sox (the Boston Baseball team) fan since then. All my children are ardent Red sox fans even though no longer residing in Boston and as far away as California and Africa. My youngest daughter while stationed in Africa gets to watch or listen to every Red sox game through the US Arm force satellite network. But being a Red Sox fan, one must be somewhat masochistic. Since 1918, when the Red Sox won the World Series championship, there was a break of 86 years before they did it again in the miracle year of 2004. If the team had been bad or mediocre since 1918, that is one thing. But the Sox since 1918 has always been a near great team with all kinds of talent but always find the last effort at championship wanting in 1946, 1967, 1975, and 1987 and many other last minute collapses that induce heartbreaks in the fans of the “Red Sox Nation” (as the special diehard fan group is known). In fact, my two secret wishes had been “live to see a Chinese American elected to the US Congress and the Red Sox won the World Series championship”Although the dry spell was broken in 2004 and 2007, both championships were won away from Boston and not in front of the home crowd. Also, in 2012 due to a lousy manager, the Sox ended the season in last place nationally. No one gave the Sox a chance even with a new manager this year. Thus to come from so far behind and to win the world series in front of a home crowd after 95 years is an epic event. In particular this series of games was nail biting. And because of time zone difference, the last three away from home games play well past midnight. Being retired, I did not have to worry about getting up early to go to work the next morning. But I am sure the work efficiency all over New England area suffered during this week. Even my wife who is not a sports fan worked up enough enthusiasm to watch these games with me till the end. Life is good for Red Sox fan these days! Note added at 11:30 pm: Actually I posted this blog more than one hour before the Red Sox officially won. But I was so excited and so sure that the team will win the championship that I posted the blog before the real event. While I don't expect my Chinese reader to catch this little white lie, my north American reader are probably watching the game and have no time to check my blog. Thus I got away with it. Please forgive me.
个人分类: 生活点滴|8944 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 1 sulihong 2012-12-27 22:00
石墨烯制备出后,对朗道的二维晶体理论论述有质疑之声不断.但是我们的研究实际证明朗道关于二维晶体的论述仍然部分正确。 我们的研究结果在延伸到极限温度OK时,二维晶体可以无限尺寸制备,这与朗道的理论完全一致。但是Giem老师的试验,打破了朗道的部分论述,高于0K,实际是边界(或者褶皱边界)在此起了作用,这也决定了常温下石墨烯的完美尺寸有限性。前面有老师问到我对于朗道二维晶体理论的看法,我肯定的认为朗道论述部分正确,但是纳米材料的发展和时代的限制,超出了朗道这样伟大的天才科学家的想象而已,二维晶体以一种新的形态存在,我们的研究结果既可以解释Giem老师所制石墨烯稳定问题,又可以在0K极限温度下与朗道论述一致。 我在Boston开完MRS会议后,与MIT的老师讨论中,还是强调了朗道关于二维晶体论述仍然部分正确这一点,MIT老师对此也很赞同。
个人分类: 石墨烯|6150 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 sulihong 2012-12-17 21:31
受美国材料协会主席邀请参加了在美国Boston召开的MRS(MATERIAL RESEARCH SOCIETY 2012 FALLING MEEETING)年会,并担任分会议主席.参会人员很多,包括了数十个国家.会议专题探讨内容可以对世界当前科研领域的热点有粗略的反映,我对会议大致有如下印象: 内容印象: 1.涉及能源的材料问题属于被研究较多的内容,看来世界各国科研工作者都对此予以关注.大致分为太阳能材料,与风能配套分散式热储能材料和超级电容,锂电池及燃料电池材料,核能材料和人工光合作用催化剂材料等.纳米作为一个概念贯穿其间. 2.对于功能材料研究也较多,多以纳米材料为切入点,涉及传感器和光电磁等特性等. 3.其他还有碳,高分子,合金和玻璃等. 4.材料分析仪器. 5.材料理论论文. 论文数目大致从多到少如上排列. 人员印象: 参会人员很多,包括多位诺奖得主.我因此也见到和认识了不少新老朋友, 美国居多.但是以色列和俄罗斯研究者这给我的印象最为深刻,其次是美国,日本,英法德意韩的研究者,还有新加坡,葡萄牙,巴西,西班牙等.之所以印象深刻,我仅仅是依我听其论文报告工作,仅仅是初步印象.美日和欧的研究者,其中大公司IBM,HP,五百强等公司等来了不少研究者。虽然同为IT公司和世界五百强,国内还未听说中石油、华为和联想有参会的,它们很多会认为这样的会议与其主营业务差得很远,这已经很能说明问题,我与HP的高级研究人员在组委会给各位主席举办的招待烛光酒会上大家相谈甚欢,知道她们参会的竟有十多人.后来我与参会院士谈及此事,他对有这么多五百强公司研究人员参会交流有同感,何时中国的大公司知道去寻找这样的会议中的技术价值。
个人分类: 评论|4401 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 27 wsyokemos 2012-11-4 21:41
美国的州府,相当于我国的省会(或自治区首府)。在我国,省会基本都是本省数一、数二(起码也要数三吧)的大城市。按照我国的大城市之标准,大城市至少要有 50-100 万非农业常住人口,而在美国,只有 1% 的人口从事农业,所以农业人口在美国的城市中基本没有。我原来以为美国的州府中连“铁岭”这样的“大城市”也不一定有,但是网上查了一下,发现:尽管整个铁岭市尽管有超过 300 万人口,但是市区人口只有不到 50 万,所以铁岭还真算不上“大”城市。 和我国的省会不同,美国的 50 个州的州府中(参见下图),人口超过50万并且是所在州的最大城市的州府并不多,不完全统计如下: 1)亚利桑那州的凤凰城(人口:144万);2)印第安纳州的印第安纳波利斯(83万);3)俄亥俄州的哥伦布(80万);4) 科罗拉多州的丹佛(62万,今年有个诺贝尔奖获得者即在该城市工作);5)马塞储塞 (MA) 州的波士顿(63万)。所以 上述5个州府中,只有凤凰城的人口过百万(144万),为全美第六大城市,顺便提一下,在美国,只要城市人口过百万,肯定是全美前10大城市。 简单的说,如果不算相当于我国直辖市兼首都的华盛顿,美国的 50 个州府中,只有上述5座城市可以算得上是大城市,其城市人口均超过了 50 万, 即使是著名的波士顿人口也只有 62-63 万(当然不算郊区或者大都市地区),这个人口数在美国进不了前 20 名,而我国超过 100 万的城市就有上百个,人口不到 百万 的城市在我国自然排不上号。另外华人比较熟悉的大城市的所在州,州府基本都是默默无闻的小城市,比如: - Harrisburg 是宾西法尼亚州的州府,而非费城或者匹斯堡; - Albany 是纽约州的州府,而非著名的纽约市; -Tallahassee 是 佛罗里 达的州府,而非迈阿密; - Sacramento (华人戏译为三块馒头)是 加利福尼亚 的州府, 而非洛杉矶或者三藩; - Helena 是 华盛顿州的州府,而非西雅图; - Lansing 是 密西根的州府而非底特律(尽管底特律曾经是密西根的州府) - Springfield 是伊利诺的州府,而非芝加哥; - Austin (奥斯汀)是德克萨斯的州府 ,而非休斯敦或者达拉斯。 那么为何美国的州府几乎都选这些是在不少人看来都是连鸟都不拉屎的的小县城甚至是乡镇呢?我个人觉得有如下几种原因,还望高人指点或补充。 1. 美国的州府,大多处于该州的或者地理中心,或者是人口中心,便于政界人士,尤其是州议员来州府公干。 2. 当初建州,选州府时,州府城市原来就是本州的最大城市,后来由于经济的发展,本州的有些城市就发展成了大城市,甚至远远超过州府的人口和经济实力。 3. 美国州府的选择尽管是政府或者选民选择的,但是城市的建设却主要还要靠市场驱动,靠私人投资的,这和我国政府主导的对省会城市的大投资、大城建有很大不同。所以,在美国,有不少州府都是“屌丝”,可以说又穷又破,这和我国的省会城市相对于其他一般城市的华丽城市面貌有很大的不同。 另外,整两句题外话:美国曾经有6个城市举办了8次奥运会(包括冬季),是世界上举办奥运会次数最多的国家,上述6个城市有一半在本文中提到(注:这个是基于初稿),不知是否有体育迷(体育爱好者)都能说出来?(答案参见3楼评论) 参考资料: State Capitals and Largest Cities : http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0763765.html (王守业写于 2012 年 11 月4 日,最后修改于 2013 年 5 月1 日,感谢吴国清博主对本文的指正。 本文中的地图链接自 http://www.50states.com 网站,致谢作者,本文引文地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=563591do=blogquickforward=1id=629301 )
个人分类: 乱弹杂谈|29655 次阅读|60 个评论
Boston Dynamics的四足机器人
热度 2 outcrop 2012-9-7 11:03
Boston Dynamics的四足机器人
Boston Dynamics的四足机器人,和机器狗之类的玩具不同,都比较……猛?想不到一个合适的词来形容;国内目前还没有见到类似的研究作品公开发布。 Cheetah猎豹四足机器人,目前在跑步机上跑的最快的四足机器人,已经超过了人类的博尔特创下的极限速度: AlphaDog四足机器人,目前野外负重行进最厉害的四足机器人,是BigDog的进化品: Wildcat野猫四足机器人,还没面世,Cheetah猎豹四足机器人进化品。 延伸阅读 Boston Dynamics' Cheetah Robot Now Faster than Fastest Human 四足机器人跑行速度超越人类 四足机器人陈列馆 =============================关于博主============================= 博主的主要兴趣是:知识管理;相关兴趣有:语义网、机电及DIY、哲学与心理、信息安全、科幻等。 我的常用博客在科学网 (访问可点链接,下同); 新浪微博是@outcrop ,欢迎互粉;建了一个超级QQ群:17662971,希望能闲聊无白丁,欢迎加入;自己打理着一个 机电工程师 小网站,欢迎来玩。最近在科学网关注“ 科学网大学 ”,欢迎加入 科学网大学群组 讨论、尝试。
个人分类: 机电工程|9085 次阅读|3 个评论
First day in Boston
sivaxin 2012-7-18 10:52
真正意义上在波士顿的第一天,印象最深的是白花花的大太阳。一早收到BOSS邮件说今天须到ISSO check in,否则visa status invalid就遭了。于是可爱的倩姑娘陪着我从她家chester str一路沿着commonwealth ave走到,那个暴晒呀,而且一路各种肤色的人们人来人往,竟然没有一个人打阳伞,于是我也硬着头皮暴晒,心底下决心明天一定要擦防晒霜,否则回上海得变黑炭了。走了足足20分钟,到达ISSO,先在前台填list然后等待,终于有工作人员接待我,笑容挺灿烂,态度也很友善,办完后约了下周一过来参加orientation。从ISSO出来继续顶太阳步行,下一站到银行open account,美国的银行人真少,我说要办debit card一个胖胖的客户服务经理便接待我,边聊天边让我填了一系列的表格,问了我一些消费需求方面的问题,便十分专业地将卡给我办好了,最后让我跟这个银行的manager见面打个招呼后便把跟卡有关的a pack of doc交给我,算是完成帐户开办了。 在starbuck简单解决午餐后,便又一路逛回去,沿街都是些不高的小楼,大多是BU的房子,
个人分类: 波士顿一年|1 次阅读|0 个评论
Medicine 2.0'12 (Boston, USA) September 15-16, 2012
xupeiyang 2012-6-2 06:42
Joseph B. Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School September 15, 2012 – September 16, 2012 http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2012 http://www.medicine20congress.com/ocs/index.php/med/med2011/schedConf/program
个人分类: 信息交流|2282 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 BlueAdagio 2011-10-13 05:12
Boston is often acclaimed as the most exciting city in America in which to drive. Who would argue? Herewith, for newcomers and visitors, are a few basic rules: 1. To obtain a general idea of how to drive in Boston, go to a Celtics game and carefully watch the fast break. Then get behind the wheel of your car and practice it. 2. It’s traditional in Boston to honk your horns at cars that don’t move the second the light changes 3. There is no such thing as a shortcut during rush-hour traffic in Boston. 4. Never put your faith in signs that purport to provide directions. They are put there to confuse people. 5. Taxicabs should always have the right of way, unless you are bent on suicide. 6. Double-park in the North End or Chinatown of Boston, unless triple-parking is available. 7. Learn to swerve abruptly. Boston is the home of slalom driving, thanks to the Registry of Motor Vehicles, which puts potholes in key locations to test drivers’ reflexes and keep them on their toes. 8. Never take a green light at face value. Always look right and left before proceeding. 9. Also, always look both ways when running a red light. 10. When in doubt, accelerate. 11. Teenage drivers believe they are immortal. Don’t yield to the temptation to teach them otherwise. 12. The first parking space you see will be the last parking space you see. So grab it. 13. While it is possible to fit a 15-foot car into a 15-foot parking space, it is seldom possible to fit a 16-foot car into a 15-foot parking space. Sad but true. 14. Drivers whose cars have “I Brake for Animals” bumper stickers may brake for animals, but they may not brake for you. 15. Steer clear of people with anti-nuclear, anti-war, “Save our earth” etc. bumper stickers. They are interested in preserving mankind, which is admirable. But they are not necessarily interested in preserving you, or themselves, for that matter. They have more important things to think about. 16. Never drive behind a person whose head doesn’t reach the top of the steering wheel. 17. Never get in the way of a car that needs extensive body work. 备注:照片来源于网络。
个人分类: 笑口常开|2355 次阅读|3 个评论
wangyk 2009-8-29 18:14
王 应 宽 2009-08-29 UTC-6 CST UMN, St Paul 美国访学见闻( 16 ):雾中游波士顿 7 月 2 日 ,游览一个新旧文化交融、充满活力的历史文化名城波士顿。因为天降中雨,加之港口城市水雾弥漫,整个城市笼罩在迷雾丛中。这是此次游程的最后一天,我们预订从波士顿返航,旅游大巴需要在下午 6 点以前赶到纽约,因此只有半天时间,主要参观了红砖碧瓦的哈佛大学、培养高科技人才的麻省理工学院、乘船在雨中游览了诗情画意的查理士河,最后去了昆西市场( Quincy Market )就餐和购物,然后作鸟兽散,各奔东西。 波士顿的唐人街 本人是学农的,在麻省理工也找到其技术应用的领域包括农业
个人分类: 游学美国|5705 次阅读|1 个评论

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