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GWAS学习笔记——imputation的含义 (Truth of Imputation)
热度 2 baoyu 2009-8-30 11:07
Do not imput onther's sin to yourself scheme of imputation in statistics GWAS 学习笔记—— imputation 的含义 (Truth of Imputation) by Baoyu 7 月份参加了 Fudan 主办的首期 GWAS 研修班,对国内外 GWAS 有了系统、深入的感知。学习过程中,需要精准地理解一些重要概念,才能避免一知半解。 GWAS 相关重要的名词有 Effect heterogeneity , Pooling , Replication\Joint\Pooled analysis , Geographic variation , Hierarchical Clustering , imputation , marginal effects , Manhattan Forest , GWAS consortium ( 如 Genetic Association Information Network, GAIN) 。这次班上不少老师把 Manhattan Forest 改称为 Pudong Forest , Pudong 楼群的高度和密度都不亚于 Manhattan) ,呵呵。 GWAS 研究中, imputation 前承高通量测序,下启数据分析;对缺失数据的 imputation 是进行数据分析的前提,重要性不言而喻。 Impute 愿意是归罪 , 归咎 , 归因 , 非难 , 诋毁。 Merian-Webster 辞典的解释既是此义: Main Entry: impute Function: transitive verb Inflected Form:imputed ; imputing Etymology: Middle English inputen, from Latin imputare, from in- + putare to consider Date: 14th century 1: to l ay the responsibility or blame for often falsely or unjustly 2: to credit to a person or a cause : ATTRIBUTE *our vices as well as our virtues have been imputed to bodily derangement B. N. Cardozo synonyms see ASCRIBE. 统计遗传学中意为预测、插补,由已知的基因型预测未知的基因型并对缺失的数据进行补缺,如这句: This imputation method uses the dense genotype data available from the HapMap CEU samples and the linkage disequilibrium (LD) relationships of the SNPs to impute (predict) genotypes for a large number of SNPs that were not measured experimentally in our Finnish cases and controls. Statistical genetics 中 imputation 的三个主要作用: Allows testing of untyped variation , Allows easy combination of data across genotyping platforms , Provides complete data for analysis with multiple SNPs. 实现 imputation 的 常用软件 : 1. IMPUTE Developed by Jonathan Marchini Nature Genetics, Advance online publication http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~marchini/#software 2. Mach 1.0, Markov Chain Haplotyping Developed by Goncalo Abecasis http://www.sph.umich.edu/csg/abecasis/MACH/ 附件 1 是 U Michigen 的小牛 Scott 对 imputation 等分析方法的一个介绍。 附件 2 是 Eric E Schadt (Rosetta Inpharmatics) 实验室最近在 BMC Genetis 上一篇题为 GWAS 中插补( imputation )准确度及对关联分析统计效力的影响,值得一读。 附件 1 Scott_Handling and analyzing data of GWAS 附件 2 09 Accuracy of genome-wide imputation of untyped m arkers and...
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