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Information Literacy(信息素养)成为2011年版MeSH正式主题词
XUPEIYANG 2010-10-10 08:33
http://www.nlm.nih.gov/cgi/mesh/2011/MB_cgi?mode=index=26086field=allHM=II=PA=form=input = National Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings 2011 MeSH MeSH Descriptor Data Return to Entry Page Standard View. Go to Concept View ; Go to Expanded Concept View MeSH Heading Information Literacy 信息素养 Tree Number L01.143.450 Scope Note The ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate, evaluate, and use the needed information effectively. See Also Computer Literacy 计算机素养 See Also Information Seeking Behavior 信息获取行为 Allowable Qualifiers HI Previous Indexing Computer Literacy 计算机素养 (1991-2010) Previous Indexing Information Storage and Retrieval 信息存储与检索 (1996-2010) History Note 2011 Date of Entry 20100625 Unique ID D058980 MeSH Tree Structures Information Science Communication Access to Information Advertising as Topic Answering Services Communication Barriers Computer Literacy Cybernetics + Diffusion of Innovation + Health Communication Hotlines Information Dissemination Information Literacy Information Seeking Behavior Interdisciplinary Communication Language + Negotiating Nonverbal Communication + Persuasive Communication Propaganda Reminder Systems
个人分类: 信息检索|3428 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Extracting text from Wikipedia articles - Summary
timy 2010-9-9 11:28
Dear CORPORA Mailing list Members, I would like to thank very much everybody who replied to my question and to post a summary of the responses I received. Best regards, Irina Temnikova PhD Student in Computational Linguistics Editorial Assistant of the Journal of Natural Language Engineering Research Group in Computational Linguistics Research Institute of Information and Language Processing University of Wolverhampton, UK ============= Question: Dear CORPORA mailing list members, Do any of you know of any tool for extracting text specifically from Wikipedia articles, besides those for extracting text from HTML pages? I only need the title and the text, without any of the formal elements present in every Wikipedia article (such as From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, This article is about .., , the list of languages,Main article:,Categories:) and without Contents, See also, References, Notes and External links. Can you give me any suggestions? ============= Answers: ------------- Roman Klinger wrote: Users can add arbitrary HTML code. If you want to interpret that (to get the plain text) you could use the text based web browser lynx, which can dump to a text file. That works quite well, but is a HTML extraction method you excluded. Another approach a colleague pointed me to and told me to work -- I did not try it by myself -- is described here: http://evanjones.ca/software/wikipedia2text.html ------------- Goran Rakic wrote: Some time ago I have used a Python script by Antonio Fuschetto. This script can work on a Wikipedia database dump (XML file) from http://download.wikimedia.org and knows how to process individual articles, strip all Wiki tags and provide a plain text output. Google shows me that the script was available from http://medialab.di.unipi.it/wiki/Wikipedia_Extractor but this site currently seems to be down. You can download a slightly modified version from http://alas.matf.bg.ac.rs/~mr04069/WikiExtractor.py To run the script against the downloaded database dump, pass it as a standard input using shell redirection. Change the process_page() method to fit your need. ------------- Srinivas Gokavarapu wrote: This is a tool for extracting information from wikipedia. http://wikipedia-miner.sourceforge.net/ Have a look at it. ------------- Nitin Madnani wrote: I recently did this. I downloaded the freebase wikipedia extraction (google that) and used BeautifulSoup to extract just the text part. It was a couple of days' work at the most. ------------- Trevor Jenkins wrote: Your requirements are rather specific. But as (the English language) WikiPedia uses a consistent markup scheme with those formal elements named (either by explicit id or implicit class names in attributes) you might be able to strip out just the textual content by running a XSLT stylesheet processor over the download files and delete the junk you don't want. ------------- Eros Zanchetta wrote: I recommend Antonio Fuschetto's WikiExtractor too: I used it recently to create a corpus of texts extracted from Wikipedia and it worked like a charm. As Goran Rakic said the site is currently down, but you can download the original script from here (this is a temporary link, don't count on this to stay online long): http://sslmit.unibo.it/~eros/WikiExtractor.py.gz You'll need to download the XML dump from the wikipedia repository and run the script on it, something like this: bunzip2 -c enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 | WikiExtractor.py ------------- Hartmut Oldenbrger wrote: besides regarding singular, possibly costly tools, you should consider more strongly enduring, free open source means: R is a very high script programming language, apt for text manipulation, and processing, mathematical, and statistical analysis, rich graphical output, controllable by several graphical user interfaces. Meanwhile R is a lingua franca, available for almost all computer systems at http://cran.at.r-project.org/ It has multi-language documentation, a journal, mailing-lists, user conferences for the worldwide experts, and users. For your purpose within the ~2500 packages for application, there is http://cran.at.r-project.org/web/packages/tm/vignettes/tm.pdf giving the entrance for text mining, and corpus analysis. After installing R, and 'tm', it will give you a basis for your scientific development(s). For me, it is an amazing enlightening experience since 1996/7 for developing, and work. ------------- Cyrus Shaoul wrote: I am not sure if this helps you, but I have extracted the text for the English version of Wikipedia (in April of this year) using the WikiExtractor http://medialab.di.unipi.it/wiki/Wikipedia_Extractor toolset and created a 990 million word corpus that is freely available on my web site: http://www.psych.ualberta.ca/~westburylab/downloads/westburylab.wikicorp.download.html ------------- Matthias Richter wrote: My answer is perl and the xmldump, but there is a degree of nastyness in the details and it depends on what one expects from the quality of the results. There is also Wikiprep from Evgeny Gabrilovich floating around that didn't exist then and that I didn't look at yet (but they are using it at Leipzig now for producing WP2010 corpora), And finally http://users.softlab.ece.ntua.gr/~ttsiod/buildWikipediaOffline.html may be a worthwhile source for readning and tinkering. ------------- Anas Tawileh wrote: Check this tool out (WP2TXT: Wikipedia to Text Converter): http://wp2txt.rubyforge.org/ ------------- Gemma Boleda wrote: we've developed a Java-based parser to do just this. It is available for download at: http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~nlp/wikicorpus ------------- Raphael Rubino wrote: I have modified this one http://www.u.arizona.edu/~jjberry/nowiki-xml2txt.py to output trectext format which is xml, maybe the original one is good for you. ------------- Sven Hartrumpf wrote: We did this with the additional requirement that headings and paragraph starts are still marked up. We tested our tool only on the German Wikipedia (dewiki-20100603-pages-articles.xml); sample results can be seen here: http://ki220.fernuni-hagen.de/wikipedia/de/20100603/ ------------ Constantin Orasan wrote: There is a version of Palinka which has a plugin to import Wikipedia articles. That version is available directly from the author. http://clg.wlv.ac.uk/projects/PALinkA/ ------------ Torsten Zesch wrote: the Java Wikipedia Library (JWPL) contains a parser for the MediaWiki syntax that allows you (among other things) to access the plain-text of a Wikipedia article: http://www.ukp.tu-darmstadt.de/software/jwpl/ ===================
个人分类: 自然语言处理|4595 次阅读|0 个评论
Information Collection and English Language Proficiency
waterlilyqd 2010-8-21 10:36
No one can denythat the collected information qualitywill greatly rely on one's English proficiency under the backgroud of globalization. If you just want to getdomestic information, maybe it's unnecesary for youtomaster any foreign languages. However, nowadays, even many Chinese publish their papers in English in order to let their papers known by more people all over the world. Some researchers only have their papers published on the international well-known magazines, especially their high quality research achievements. So it's difficult to get all the needy informationjust bysearching or retrieving the domestic literature webpages or databases. A professional information worker should master at least one foreign language,especially English. Over 60percent of research papers are written in English, and over 95 percent of the SCI-includedpapers are written in English. No matter as a science researcher or an information retrieval service provider, it's very important to retrieveliterature information in English.Otherwise, as a researcher, their research design will be imperfect,and their research may be just the repetition of other's work;as an imformationprovider, their service quality will be very low, sometimes evenuseless.
个人分类: 信息分析|3584 次阅读|0 个评论
Summary on the training course in Beijing in 2003
waterlilyqd 2010-8-21 09:46
Summary on the training course on Electronic Production of Agricultural Documents and Bibliographic Database Management in Beijing A 7-day training course, sponsored by the FAO Waicent ( http://www.fao.org/waicent ) and organized by the Literature and Information Centre of CAAS, was held in Beijing in October, 2003. People attending the training inlcuded about 30 information workers from more than 20 provincial academies of agricultural sciences and several agricultural universities. All the training courseswere given by Waicent officials and staffs in English. Prof. He, in Literature and Information Centre of CAAS, acted as the interpreter. After the training, everytraineewas required to write an evaluation on this training course in English. Several representatives were selected to talk about what they have gained from the training andwhat needs to be furtherly improved. The following is my commentary on this training. _____________________________ I can summarize this training course with three ‘ G’s: Good teaching contents, Good teachers, Good results. 1. About the teaching contents: The internet has brought about information revolution. It’s more convenient and quicker for people to get information. They don’t need to look up one book or one article through shelves to shelves of the holdings. They just need input several keywords, the title of onearticle or the book name,the names of the authors orotherinformation related to the book or the article, then they can immediately get the desired information only if the information can be available and accessible on the internet. So the important problem is how to let the information available and accessible. This training course has given presentation on many basic concepts related to web and database, online library, electronic publishing, such as the metadata, DTD, AGMES, HTML, XML, and on how to create XML or HTML files, and how to create Word Processing template, how to create a webpage using XML or HTML, how to conduct data exchange among different languages, how to retrieve information via internet or from the (FAO) Agris database and other online databases, and how to log in web agris and download information. 2. About the teachers and the teaching methods: All the teachers are so excellent. Although English is not their native language, they all can speak perfect English. They are expert at computer knowledge and operational skills, so they can solve any problemsimmediately during the class. And they have good teaching experience. They organize their materials very well and present them in well-designed slides with words and pictures, graphics, which greatly facilitate us to understand the contents. Johannes, Anne and Stefano are so patient and kind with us. We are very happy to be in the class and learn so much useful knowledge from them. 3. About the study results: Under the interesting topic “Electronic production of agricultural documents and bibliographic database management”, and under the teachers’ good presentation and guide, we have learned much. Through this training, I have learned how to retrieve information more effectively and efficiently, how to login the (FAO) database and retrieve information or provide data for the Web agris, how to create webpages with HTML. We have also learnt the work flow of the electronic publishing; the data (words, graphics, tables) processing, scanning, the transformation between different document types. ★ I also have some suggestions 1. Make the FAO Agris with richer information and try to provide as possible more abstracts for the readers; 2. Enlarge the subject thesaurus to facilitate the information indexing; 3. Organize more such kinds of training and have more information exchange among agricultural information service workers in the future.
个人分类: 信息分析|3663 次阅读|0 个评论
SCI论文附supporting information 指的什么?
tang11100 2010-7-28 10:07
个人分类: 投稿指南|19148 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]New book: Cross-Language Information Retrieval
timy 2010-6-22 22:04
From: http://www.morganclaypool.com/doi/abs/10.2200/S00266ED1V01Y201005HLT008 Cross-Language Information Retrieval Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies 2010, 125 pages, (doi:10.2200/S00266ED1V01Y201005HLT008) Jian-Yun Nie University of Montreal Abstract Search for information is no longer exclusively limited within the native language of the user, but is more and more extended to other languages. This gives rise to the problem of cross-language information retrieval (CLIR), whose goal is to find relevant information written in a different language to a query. In addition to the problems of monolingual information retrieval (IR), translation is the key problem in CLIR: one should translate either the query or the documents from a language to another. However, this translation problem is not identical to full-text machine translation (MT): the goal is not to produce a human-readable translation, but a translation suitable for finding relevant documents. Specific translation methods are thus required. The goal of this book is to provide a comprehensive description of the specific problems arising in CLIR, the solutions proposed in this area, as well as the remaining problems. The book starts with a general description of the monolingual IR and CLIR problems. Different classes of approaches to translation are then presented: approaches using an MT system, dictionary-based translation and approaches based on parallel and comparable corpora. In addition, the typical retrieval effectiveness using different approaches is compared. It will be shown that translation approaches specifically designed for CLIR can rival and outperform high-quality MT systems. Finally, the book offers a look into the future that draws a strong parallel between query expansion in monolingual IR and query translation in CLIR, suggesting that many approaches developed in monolingual IR can be adapted to CLIR. The book can be used as an introduction to CLIR. Advanced readers can also find more technical details and discussions about the remaining research challenges in the future. It is suitable to new researchers who intend to carry out research on CLIR. Table of Contents : Preface Introduction Using Manually Constructed Translation Systems and Resources for CLIR Translation Based on Parallel and Comparable Corpora Other Methods to Improve CLIR A Look into the Future: Toward a Unified View of Monolingual IR and CLIR? References Author Biography
个人分类: 信息检索|2747 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]CFP: IWWIP 2010
timy 2010-4-8 11:03
http://www.icmlc.com/iwwip/iwwip_welcome.htm Organized By: IEEE System, Man and Cybernetic Society, Shenzhen Chapter Harbin Institute of Technology(Shenzhen), China The World Wide Web (WWW) is an extremely important information source, which is widely used by people from every walk of life. In addition, due to the growing popularity of the WWW, information on the web gets richer and richer everyday. But, this does not come in at no cost. The growing amount of information over the WWW renders information processing more and more complex and hence more time consuming. This leads to the inception of the International Workshop on Web Information Processing (IWWIP) series. IWWIP 2010 will provide a forum for researchers on information processing to explore techniques for retrieving, organizing, analyzing, mining and learning of both structured and unstructured information on the WWW. Especially, IWWIP 2010 focuses on research on the application of text mining, natural language processing and natural language understanding techniques to process large amount of complex Web information. IWWIP 2010 will be held as part of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (ICMLC 2010). Participants are free to attend sessions, tutorials, panels, and demonstrations offered by both ICMLC 2010 and IWWIP 2010. All IWWIP 2010 papers will be published in the ICMLC 2010 Proceedings and appear in IEEE Xplore (All past ICMLC papers are EI indexed). Furthermore, selected papers will be recommended for publication in the International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Far East Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence and International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Topics of Interest We invite submissions in all Web information processing related areas. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: Content-based Web Information Filtering Intelligent Human-Web Interaction Machine Learning for Information Processing Ontology-Based Information Extraction and Retrieval Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis Search Engines and Meta-search Engines Social Networks Model and Mining Soft Computing for Information Processing Language Generation Parsing and Chunking Question Answering Web Information Extraction Semantic Role Labeling for Information Processing Machine Translation Multilingual Processing Multimodal Systems and Representations Statistical and Machine Learning Methods Knowledge Grids and Grid Intelligence Text Mining and Web Content Mining Web Information Categorization Web Information Clustering Web Information Retrieval Web-Based Ontology Learning Paper Submission Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 6 pages (one extra page would be allowed with additional payment). The papers must be written in English and should be formatted according to the ICMLC 2010 paper format requirements (please refer to ICMLC 2010 website). All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers on the basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. The workshop only accepts on-line submissions. Organization and Committees Conference Co-Chairs: Xiaolong Wang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Kam-Fai Wong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Daniel Yeung, South China University of Technology, China General Co-Chair: Qingcai Chen, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Key-Sun Choi, Korea Advanced Institute of Science Technology, Korea Program Co-Chairs: Chunyu Kit, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ruifeng Xu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Steering Committee Co-Chairs: Chu-Ren Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Qin Lu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China Maosong Sun, Tsinghua University, China Shiwen, Yu, Peking University, China Chengqing, Zong, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Organization Chair: Bingquan Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Publication Chair: Chengjie Sun, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Program Committee: Yuxing, Ding, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Guohong Fu, Heilongjiang University, China Jun He, Renmin University of China, China Xuanjing Huang, Fudan University, China Lun-Wei Ku, National Taiwan University, Taiwan Wei Lam, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Haizhou Li, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Sujian Li, Beijing University, China Wenjie Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong HongFei Lin, Dalian University of Technology, China Qun Liu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Tao Liu, Renmin University of China, China Ting Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jian-Yun Nie, University de Montreal, Canada Bing Qin, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jian Su, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Zhifang Sui, Beijing University, China Le Sun, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Songbo Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China XiaoJun Wan, Peking University, China Ting Wang, National University of Defense Technology, China Bin Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Yunqing Xia, Tsinghua University, China Hongbo Xu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Endong Xun, Beijing Language and Culture University, China Muyun Yang, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Jianmin Yao, Suzhou University, China Tianfang Yao, ShangHai Jiao Tong University, China Min Zhang, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore Hai Zhao, ShangHai Jiao Tong University, China Jun Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Tiejun Zhao, Harbin Institute of Technology, China Guodong Zhou, Suzhou University, China Lina Zhou, University of Maryland at Baltimore County, USA Jingbo Zhu, Northeastern University, China Important Date: Submission Due: April 20, 2010 Notification of Acceptance: May 15, 2010 Registration Due: May 22, 2010 Camera-Ready: May 24, 2010 Conference: July 12-13, 2010 For further details or clarifications, please see our websites: Conference website: http://www.icmlc.com Workshop website: http://www.icmlc.com/iwwip or contact the PC co-chairs: Ruifeng Xu xuruifeng@hitsz.edu.cn Chunyu Kit ctckit@cityu.edu.hk
个人分类: 研究方法|2887 次阅读|0 个评论
DailyMed:Drug Information at the NLM,NIH
xupeiyang 2009-12-10 14:20
详细信息见: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/presentations/DIA2007_drug_information/index.htm Drug Information at the National Library of Medicine Table of Contents Drug Information at the National Library of Medicine Notice to Presenters Fish Out of Water This Talk is Not About What Do I Want to Talk About? What is RxNorm? Example of NDC codes DailyMed Presentation Issues (1) Presentation Issues (2) DailyMed Status DailyMed Futures Dose Form Images Challenges MyMedicationList Take Home Messages Further Information Questions? Author: Stuart J. Nelson, MD Email: nelson@nlm.nih.gov Home Page: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/
个人分类: 知识组织|5011 次阅读|0 个评论
Science Magazine: Information for Authors
icstu1 2009-11-27 09:46
Science Magazine: Information for Authors http://www.sciencemag.org/about/authors/index.dtl
个人分类: E 请教专家看法和学习的访谈|1053 次阅读|0 个评论
【转摘】图书馆Information Commons建设实践研究
icstu1 2009-11-24 10:14
【转摘】图书馆Information Commons建设实践研究 (转)图书馆Information Commons建设实践研究
个人分类: G 人物特征描述和成果展示|731 次阅读|0 个评论
Towards Information Literacy
icstu1 2009-11-23 15:41
Towards Information Literacy Towards Information Literacy
个人分类: B 主题分类信息与解说|704 次阅读|0 个评论
情报科学(Information Science)MeSH分类体系
xupeiyang 2009-11-21 16:24
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/68007254?ordinalpos=1itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Mesh.Mesh_ResultsPanel.Mesh_RVFull Information Science The field of knowledge, theory, and technology dealing with the collection of facts and figures, and the processes and methods involved in their manipulation, storage, dissemination, publication, and retrieval. It includes the fields of COMMUNICATION; PUBLISHING; LIBRARY SCIENCE; and informatics. Year introduced: 1993 Subheadings: This list includes those paired at least once with this heading in MEDLINE and may not reflect current rules for allowable combinations. economics education ethics history instrumentation legislation and jurisprudence manpower methods organization and administration standards statistics and numerical data trends Restrict Search to Major Topic headings only. Do Not Explode this term (i.e., do not include MeSH terms found below this term in the MeSH tree). Entry Terms: Information Sciences Science, Information Sciences, Information Previous Indexing: Information Services (1966-1992) Information Systems (1966-1992) All MeSH Categories Information Science Category Information Science Book Collecting Chronology as Topic Classification Phylogeny Communication Advertising as Topic Answering Services Communication Barriers Computer Literacy Cybernetics + Diffusion of Innovation + Hotlines Information Dissemination Interdisciplinary Communication Language + Negotiating Nonverbal Communication + Persuasive Communication Propaganda Reminder Systems Communications Media Erotica Library Materials Mass Media + Publications + Teaching Materials + Telecommunications + Computer Security Computing Methodologies Algorithms Artificial Intelligence + Automatic Data Processing + Computer Graphics + Computer Simulation Computer Systems + Computers, Molecular Image Processing, Computer-Assisted + Mathematical Computing + Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted + Software + Copying Processes Microfilming Tape Recording + Telefacsimile Video Recording + Data Collection Geriatric Assessment Interviews as Topic + Narration Questionnaires + Records as Topic + Registries + Vital Statistics + Data Display Computer Graphics + Informatics Dental Informatics Medical Informatics Nursing Informatics Public Health Informatics Information Centers Archives Libraries + Information Management Information Services Bibliography as Topic + Book Selection Documentation + Drug Information Services + Human Genome Project Library Services + Library Technical Services + Information Storage and Retrieval Data Compression Databases as Topic + Information Theory Knowledge Library Science Library Administration Library Associations Library Automation Library Collection Development Library Schools Library Services + Library Surveys Library Technical Services Medical Informatics Medical Informatics Applications + Medical Informatics Computing Pattern Recognition, Automated Neural Networks (Computer) Publishing Access to Information Book Industry + Copyright Duplicate Publication as Topic Editorial Policies Journalism + Peer Review, Research Plagiarism Printing Publication Bias Retraction of Publication as Topic Systems Analysis Operations Research + Systems Integration
个人分类: 信息分析|2805 次阅读|0 个评论
rbwxy197301 2009-9-21 22:11
http://ir.exp.sis.pitt.edu/res2/resources.php How Do I Use This Tool? Information Retrieval Education Resources supports students and instructors in learning and teaching about the topic of information retrieval. This Resource is designed to address the apex of learning needs as they intersect between the category, the type of learning resource, and the specific subject within the topic of information retrieval. Select a Resource Category There are two choices for resource categories; class schedule or available chapters in the Korfhage book. By selecting one of these categories you are designating the overall structure of topics by which the other resources fall. The class schedule refers to the schedule of topics discussed in Dr. Brusilovsky's Information Retrieval Class. Select a Type of Resource All : Selecting all will provide a listing under each topic sequenced to present the tutorial or descriptive information, demonstrations which can be viewed individually or presented by instructors in a classroom, and software resources that can be used in student projects. Tutorials : Tutorials are howtos of the subject consisting primarily of hyperlinked documents. Demonstration : These are dynamic demonstrations of concepts, sometimes accompanied by explanation. Software : Software refers to either demonstrations of concepts, resources such as lists of items that can be used in student projects, or in some cases source code.
个人分类: 信息检索|3513 次阅读|0 个评论
The Economics of Information Security
huangfuqiang 2009-4-10 17:51
The Economics of Information Security Ross Anderson and Tyler Moore University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory 15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, United Kingdom firstname.lastname@cl.cam.ac.uk Abstract The economics of information security has recently become a thriving and fast-moving discipline. As distributed systems are assembled from machines belonging to principals with divergent interests, we find that incentives are becoming as important as technical design in achieving dependability. The new field provides valuable insights not just into security topics (such as bugs, spam, phishing, and law enforcement strategy) but into more general areas such as the design of peer-to-peer systems, the optimal balance of effort by programmers and testers, why privacy gets eroded, and the politics of digital rights management. 论文pdf地址
个人分类: 信息安全理论与工程|3926 次阅读|0 个评论
Computer and Information Ethics
huangfuqiang 2009-4-1 12:04
Computer and Information Ethics 来源于stanford First published Tue Aug 14, 2001; substantive revision Thu Oct 23, 2008 In most countries of the world, the information revolution has altered many aspects of life significantly: commerce, employment, medicine, security, transportation, entertainment, and so on. Consequently, information and communication technology (ICT) has affected in both good ways and bad ways community life, family life, human relationships, education, careers, freedom, and democracy (to name just a few examples). Computer and information ethics, in the broadest sense of this phrase, can be understood as that branch of applied ethics which studies and analyzes such social and ethical impacts of ICT. The present essay concerns this broad new field of applied ethics. The more specific term computer ethics has been used to refer to applications by professional philosophers of traditional Western theories like utilitarianism, Kantianism, or virtue ethics, to ethical cases that significantly involve computers and computer networks. Computer ethics also has been used to refer to a kind of professional ethics in which computer professionals apply codes of ethics and standards of good practice within their profession. In addition, other more specific names, like cyberethics and Internet ethics, have been used to refer to aspects of computer ethics associated with the Internet. During the past several decades, the robust and rapidly growing field of computer and information ethics has generated new university courses, research professorships, research centers, conferences, workshops, professional organizations, curriculum materials, books and journals. 1. Some Historical Milestones 1.1 The Foundation of Computer and Information Ethics 1.2 Defining Computer Ethics 2. Example Topics in Computer Ethics 2.1 Computers in the Workplace 2.2 Computer Crime 2.3 Privacy and Anonymity 2.4 Intellectual Property 2.5 Professional Responsibility 2.6 Globalization Bibliography Other Internet Resources Related Entries
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3497 次阅读|0 个评论
Luciano Floridi
huangfuqiang 2009-3-6 22:17
Dr Luciano Floridi (弗洛里迪) Research Associate and Fellow in Information Policy Wolfson Building, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QD interests Philosophy of Information, Information and Computer Ethics, Epistemology and Philosophy of Logic and the History and Philosophy of Scepticism. biography Luciano Floridi (Laurea Rome La Sapienza, MPhil and PhD Warwick, MA Oxon. www.philosophyofinformation.net ) is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hertfordshire, where he holds the Research Chair in Philosophy of Information in the School of Humanities, and Fellow of St Cross College , Oxford University. He is the founder and director of the Information Ethics research Group at the University of Oxford , and of the research Group in Philosophy of Information at the University of Hertfordshire . He is best known for his pioneering work on two new areas of philosophical research, which he has contributed to establish: the philosophy of information and information ethics. His publications include over a hundred papers on epistemology and the philosophy of computing and information and several books, and have been translated into many languages. He is currently working on a new book entitled The Philosophy of Information for Oxford University Press, and editing the Handbook of Computer Ethics for Cambridge University Press. He is President of the International Association for Philosophy and Computing ( www.ia-cap.org ). info themes Foundations,LogicandStructures activities PhilosophyofInformation
个人分类: 信息&工程&逻辑哲学|3609 次阅读|0 个评论
What is the Philosophy of Information (PI)?
huangfuqiang 2009-3-5 19:47
来自: InfoSciPhi What is the Philosophy of Information (PI)? April 25th, 2006 Before I get much further along in discussions of the various topics and issues in this field, perhaps a short definition and some background information would be in order. I will try not to get too esoteric and technical with philosophical jargon in my writings on PI, since I want to keep you as readers. However, I have to do justice to the topic and to you as thinkers and educated, literate professionals by at least dealing with the basics of the discipline in the somewhat complex vernacular required. As early as the 1950s there was speculation about computers and intelligence as mathematician Alan Turing developed his Turing Test . He said, I propose to consider the question Can machines think? This should begin with definitions of the meaning of the terms machine and think. The advent of the computer has forced philosophers and computer scientists to consider new theoretical positions about the mind, cognition, consciousness, metaphysics , language, and much more. Until a few decades ago, professional philosophers have avoided the topics of PI and left them to other disciplines. The interdisciplinary nature of the issues in PI made it so that no particular specialty perceived these issues to be their own. Luciano Floridi , Associate Professor of Logic and Epistemology at Oxford , was incremental in defining the Philosophy of Information and has written extensively on various topics in the field. In his essay titled What is the Philosophy of Information he defines it thusly: Philosophy of information (PI) is the philosophical field concerned with a) the critical investigation of the conceptual nature and basic principles of information, including its dynamics, utilization, and sciences, and b) the elaboration and application of information-theoretical and computational methodologies to philosophical problems. The dynamics of information could refer to such things as information life cycles (the various stages in form and functional activity through which information can pass), the constitution and modeling of information environments (one of which could be the library), or computation. Floridi says PI is prescriptive about what may count as information, and how information should be adequately created, processed, managed, and used. He goes on to state that that PI can be discussed through the perspectives of the ancient, classical, and modern authors such as Descartes , Plato , and Nietzsche , who wrote well before the current information age . I know that this is pretty dense subject matter, but I hope you can see why an informed discussion of PI is relevant to Library and Information Science. Floridi makes its importance clear as he concludes this essay with this paragraph: PI, understood as a foundational philosophy of information modeling and design, can explain and guide the purposeful construction of our intellectual environment, and provide the systematic treatment of the conceptual foundations of contemporary society. It enables humanity to make sense of the world and construct it responsibly, reaching a new stage in the semanticization of being. If what has been suggested here is correct, the current development of PI may be delayed but remains inevitable, and it will affect the overall way in which we address both new and old philosophical problems, bringing about a substantial innovation of the philosophical system. This will represent the information turn in philosophy. Clearly, PI promises to be one of the most exciting and fruitful areas of philosophical research of our time.
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Information theory
huangfuqiang 2008-12-8 21:45
Not to be confused with information technology , information science , or informatics . Information theory is a branch of applied mathematics and electrical engineering involving the quantification of information . Historically, information theory was developed to find fundamental limits on compressing and reliably communicating data. Since its inception it has broadened to find applications in many other areas, including statistical inference , natural language processing , cryptography generally, networks other than communication networks -- as in neurobiology , the evolution and function of molecular codes, model selection in ecology, thermal physics, quantum computing , plagiarism detection and other forms of data analysis . A key measure of information in the theory is known as information entropy (熵), which is usually expressed by the average number of bits needed for storage or communication. Intuitively, entropy quantifies the uncertainty involved when encountering a random variable . For example, a fair coin flip (2 equally likely outcomes) will have less entropy than a roll of a die (6 equally likely outcomes). Applications of fundamental topics of information theory include lossless data compression (e.g. ZIP files ), lossy data compression (e.g. MP3s ), and channel coding (e.g. for DSL lines). The field is at the intersection of mathematics , statistics , computer science , physics , neurobiology , and electrical engineering . Its impact has been crucial to the success of the Voyager missions to deep space, the invention of the CD, the feasibility of mobile phones, the development of the Internet , the study of linguistics and of human perception, the understanding of black holes , and numerous other fields . Important sub-fields of information theory are source coding, channel coding, algorithmic complexity theory, algorithmic information theory, and measures of information. wiki_Information_theory
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On the Factors Influence the Determination of the User's
tengyi1960 2008-1-4 14:26
On the Factors Influence the Determination of the User's Information Demand Teng, yi The Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences 33 Beisihuan Xilu, Zhongguancun , Beijing P.R.China ,100190 The user's information demand is a kind of complicated phenomenon existing in the objective world. It is related to the governmental behavior, the development level of science and technology in the state or area, the economic conditions and the people's mode of thinking and method of handling the problem. It is directly related to the factors of the librarian's and the user's psychological state, behavioral mode and level of knowledge. These factors, to a great extent, determine the accuracy of the user's demand. It is shown in the following aspects: 1.The influence of vigorous Activities OF PUBLIC RELATIONSHIP ON Determining the User's Demand The Library's activities of public relationship are a kind of activities in view of the whole society and the whole nationality. The main goals are to promote the whole society and the whole nationality to understand the library, and, in the sense of the whole society, to attract the users and to satisfy their demands so as to extend the influence of the library. It can be divided into two levels. The first level is the activities acting on the governmental responsible (policy -making) department so as to strive for the privilege and support on the information policy. In the country that lags behind, the government usually uses the experience of the developed countries as reference to develop its own information industry by adopting the leading style of information policy. The information industry, therefore, is profoundly influenced by the governmental behavior; i.e., the economic activities and the activities of science and technology are mainly controlled by the governmental policies. In the meantime, due to the influence of the governmental behavior, some of the users of the information service institutes come to the fixed channels that are set by administrative means. The users are more interested in the service results that will be approved by the governmental responsible department than in the service results themselves. Therefore, the result of the activities of public relationship acting on the governmental responsible department not only can have the priority to the understanding of the changes of the users' demands that will take place or have already taken place from the government plan, but also establish the source of the users of information service from the policies. The second level is the activities acting on the users. Under the circumstances that the users are lack of consciousness of information, most of the users do not understand much about what the library can do for them. To take the initiative on acting the public relationship activities on the users can effectively eliminate the obstacles to users' understanding and psychology and encourage the users to express their demands.( For the users in Xinjiang, the result of taking initiative on holding the inducing inquiries has raised the users, who take initiative on expressing their information demands, from 3% to about 33%. In the meantime, the result has changed a part of purposeless and pastime users into the purposeful consumers of information products.) The public relationship activities are merely the bases of attracting the users to express their real demands. But the users are more interested in the ultimate service result after inquiry, i.e., what the library and the librarians can help them to do and how the service results will act on their work. The effective service activities can eliminate the users' psychological obstacles to expressing the demand and increase their confidence of expressing. The practice indicates :after receiving the effective service, when the user receiving the service next time, he can take initiative on providing the librarian with the information of the feasible report, the research progress and the technical characteristics. In addition, some users are constrained to give up receiving service due to the lower ability to pay fees. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the actual paying ability of the users when laying down the charge standard. The reasonable charge can also make the user express their demands. 2.The influence of User's Demand Simulation On Determining the User's Demand The user's demand simulation is a main means to determine the user's demand. The user's inquiry has its indistinction. This is because the matter he wants to describe is not the matter he knows well but is the matter he does not quite understand. This is what Plato expressed: ". . .If he knows, it is unnecessary to ask, if he does not know, he does not know now to ask..." Therefore, the user's demand simulation is one of the main methods to determine the user's demand. This is the work can only be finished by the cooperation of the librarian with the users. It is the course of common affirmation of the demand from not knowing and little knowing to being able to know and knowing well. In the past, the method of the user's demand simulation is commonly adopting the analogue representation of classification according to the users' professions and branches of learning, i. e. , from the users' classification according to professions and branches of learning, to determine the common characteristics of the users' demands on information, on primary and secondary documents and tertiary publication, and on service mode, such as, to classify the user group of engineers and technicians engaged in designing or activities of experiment development in the technical and industrial department and the user group of the administrators, planners and other plan-makers engaged in coordinative development in the local, national or international department of science and technology. It is determined by the common characteristics of information demand of the main user types. This kind of simulation has its limitations: macroscopically, it cannot carry out the demand guide and the demand simulation for the analogous users in a wider range, and, microscopically, it cannot discover the particularity of each user's demand. The supplementary method is to carry out the subject simulation, i.e., to carry out the demand guide and demand simulation in view of the users in the similar environment of economy, nature and resource or under the different time conditions. For instance, after carrying out the patent search service of "the technique of wetting and coloring of raisins", carry out the demand guide and the demand simulation for the other two kinds of similar users, the result discovers that the contents among the three users' demands have repetitions. The other supplementary method is to carry out the specialty search of the users' demands, i.e., in the course of the user making use of information through providing him with necessary help, the librarian progressively understands and grasps the specialty of the user's demand. The final goal of the specialty search of the user's demand is to carry out the specialty simulation of the user's demand. The affections are:(1) Objectively, there is a potential demand when the user and the librarian have not been conscious of but can be conscious of progressively; ( 2) Subjectively, the user and the librarian have been conscious of the demand but are not clear about it, but can make it definite through the course and the result of checking and searching; and ( 3) There is a definite demand when the user is lack of expressing it, the librarian can carry out the demand simulation through the phenomena of the user's behaviors. 3.The Influence of Consultation Talk on Determining the User's Demand The consultation talk indicates gaining some additional information from clarifying one problem and is a bidirectional exchange of the librarian setting forth his own understanding about the reference question through inquiry and encouraging the user to express his own problem with accurate speech. It is an important means for determining the user's demand.. The practice results show that most of the users usually appear the circumstances of something fuzzy or not enough information, such as the circumstances of not real inquiry, not able to determine the subject, fuzzy inquiry and incompleteness, no concrete information, lacking related information and lacking related limitation. At this time, the first step of the consultation talk is to encourage the user to express his own inquiry requirements fully, i. e. ,to carry out the unlimited inquiry by using the words "What", "when", " how "and "where", do not use the possible choice during inquiry, and the answer should be decided by the user. The second step is to connect the user's reference question with the information source that can be made use of, i. e. , using the limited inquiry. Since the user cannot simply answer the questions with "yes" or "no" when using the unlimited inquiry, this will make the user give explanation and provide supplementary information. And by using the limited inquiry, the user's real demand purpose can be further determined or limited, and this can make the user's demand tend to be clearer. 4. The Influence of Concept Transformation and Its Standard Expression on Determining the User's Demand To realize the user's search purpose, the user's demand must be expressed by information system distinguishable speech, i. e., to solve the three differences between the special demand and the actual expression, between the expression of different languages, and between the subjective demand and the information system requirement . As most of the users have not received enough information education ,they often create the user's decision with prejudice, thus causing the failure in using question words. The user's demand can be clarified through the librarian's help. The librarian's help to the user's demand is often realized through the concept transformation and its standard expression, i. e., to determine the tagged target facet through the concept having the independent search meaning and directly showing the category of search question; to determine the tagged course facet through the concept of course of action coming from or exerting on the target facet; to determine the tagged condition facet ( such as: time ,space, environment and background) through the concepts showing the objective category and objective conditions of the concept of the target facet or the course facet; to determine the tagged method facet through the concept of showing the method and means that the course facet has the aid of; to determine the tagged property facet through the concept showing the properties and characteristics of the target facet through the conclusive concept showing the result, the effectiveness ,the output and the product and to set up the mode of basic search inquiry according to the information system's requirement and some logic relations. 5.The Influence of Quality of Librarian on Determining the User's Demand The librarian is the medium linking the users with the information system. His own quality, level of knowledge and technical ability on specialities, has the catalytic action on determining the user's demand. The ideal librarian must have three requirements: the technical ability on the specialities of library and information, more profound knowledge in a certain branch of learning and the abilities of linguistic expression and comprehensive analysis. The investigation result shows that over 90% of the users hope to obtain the help from the librarian who grasps the newest result that the user has been studied and who can make use of the search system .This also proves how the librarian affects the user's demand. Moreover, the librarian must clearly understand that his ultimate goal of his work is to solve the problems for the users. He, therefore , not only should grasp and enhance the three above-mentioned technical abilities but also should understand the user's psychology ,and should unceasingly learn from the users according to the particularity of the user's demands until he really understands the user's demands, ponders and acts the same as the user and is in perfect harmony with the knowledge, thought and action of specific user. References 1.Hu Yin-min: "Expert system for vocabulary selection ". Journal of the China society for Scientific and Technical Information. 1993.12 (3) 188 -194 2. He Jia- xun: "On the Negligence and Omission of Information: Classification, Causes and Prevention". Library and Information Service. 1993 (3) 8-13,37 3.Wang Ke-ming: "The Failure Analysis of the Strategy of Information Search and the Counter-measure Regulation". Information Science. 1993(3) 41,46
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