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Photonics Research成为中国激光杂志社第2本被SCI收录的期刊
热度 6 slowlight 2015-2-13 16:11
近日, Photonics Research ( PR )期刊收到美国 汤森路透集团 的通知,自 2013 年创刊起所有文章将被国际著名检索系统 Science Citation IndexExpanded (SCIE) 收录。 PR 是上海光机所、中国激光杂志社与美国光学学会( OSA )合作出版的开放获取的英文期刊,创刊于 2013 年 6 月,双月刊, 发文范围覆盖光学与光子学领域。期刊的数字化出版依托在光学界具有广泛国际影响力的中国光学期刊网与 Optics InfoBase 。 创刊伊始 PR 就坚持走国际化道路,期刊编委会由世界知名光学与光子学专家组成,北京大学周治平教授担任期刊主编,副主编由 北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校 MichaelA. Fiddy 教授担任 。 截至 2015 年 2 月, PR 网络出版文章 84 篇,其中约 60% 为 国外知名课题组投稿,目前在 Web of Science TM 上检索到的引用达 160 余次。 PR 的出版是中国激光杂志社在国际合作和期刊国际化方面的重要举措,藉此中国激光杂志社将为光学界提供更加优质的期刊出版服务。 关于中国激光杂志社 中国激光杂志社( CLP ),拥有七刊二网,以出版发行光电类学术期刊和行业杂志为特色,以国际化、数字化、集群化和多元化媒体产品为发展方向。 CLP 目前出版 Chinese Optics Letters , High Power Laser Science and Engineering , Photonics Research , 《光学学报》 , 《中国激光》 , 《激光与光电子学进展》 等专业期刊。近年来, CLP 荣获中国出版政府奖等多项荣誉称号。 更多信息请访问 www.opticsjournal.net. 关于美国光学学会 美国光学学会( OSA ),成立于 1916 年,发展至今已经拥有超过 18 万位会员,通过专业的出版物、学术会议和各种活动及其他服务实现它的宗旨:促进光学和光子学知识的发展、应用和保存,并将这些知识传播到全世界。更多信息请访问 www.osa.org.
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[转载]Modeling an electrically driven graphene-nanoribbon laser
gcshan 2013-2-20 10:54
Modeling an electrically driven graphene-nanoribbon laser for optical interconnects This paper appears in: Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 2012 Date of Conference: 13-16 Dec. 2012 Author(s): Shan, Guangcun Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR Shek, Chan-Hung Department of Physics and Materials Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong KongSAR Page(s): 1 - 5 Product Type: Conference Publications Abstract Graphene has two very important optical properties of population inversion of electrons, and broadband optical gain. As a result, graphene has potential for use in lasers and amplifiers. In this work, we presented a quantum master model and analyzed the properties for the electrically pumped single-AGNR vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) to investigate the lasing action and laser properties for realistic experimental parameters. A semiclassical approximation for the output power and laser linewidth is also derived. The laser threshold power was several orders of magnitude lower than that currently achievable with semiconductor microlasers. Our results have demonstrated that a single-AGNR VCSEL can serve as a nanolaser with ultralow lasing threshold. Implementation of such a GNR-based VCSEL is especially promising for optical interconnection systems since VCSELs emit low optical power and single longitudinal mode over a wide wavelength spectral range through tailoring GNRs. IEEEGPC2012Electrically driven graphene-nanoribbon laser.pdf Index Terms IEEE Terms Atomic measurements , Optical coupling , Optical interconnections , Optical pumping , Photonics , Stimulated emission , Vertical cavity surface emitting lasers
个人分类: 科学札记|2060 次阅读|0 个评论
OSA前主席Joseph Eberly教授与出版人Kelly Cohen女士来访
热度 1 slowlight 2012-9-25 10:58
OSA前主席Joseph Eberly教授与出版人Kelly Cohen女士来访
美国光学学会前主席 Joseph Eberly 教授与出版人 Kelly Cohen 女士访问中国激光杂志社 9 月 18 日至 20 日,美国罗切斯特大学教授、美国光学学会 (OSA) 前主席 Joseph Eberly 教授和 OSA 资深出版人 Kelly Cohen 女士 来中国激光杂志社进行了为期两天的工作访问交流。 访问期间,双方回顾了合作出版 Chinese Optics Letters (COL) 的 7 年历程,分析了 COL 在 Optics Infobase 和中国光学期刊网的论文年下载量数据,讨论了 COL 与 OSA 的进一步合作事宜。 在讨论中,双方确定了新刊 Photonics Research 的工作进度计划。 Eberly 教授是著名光学期刊 Optics Express 的创始人,对于办刊有着丰富的经验和独到的见解,他就新刊如何选择编委、组织优秀稿件、提高新期刊知名度等方面提出了非常有价值的建议。 Kelly Cohen 女士演示了 OSA 的稿件处理系统( ADS )的操作, ADS 将专门为新刊提供投稿与送审通道,该通道预计在今年 12 月正式开放。 最后,双方还就共同开展面向中国光学研究人员的课程培训、共同开发 Optics InfoBase 的中文网站等问题进行了探讨。 杂志社总经理杨蕾、 COL 现任执行主编周常河研究员,以及杂志社英文编辑部王晓峰、胡艳芳等参与了此次交流。 Photonics Research 首任主编周治平教授也通过网络参与了部分议题的讨论。 随着 Photonics Research 出版工作的推进,中国激光杂志社与 OSA 的合作将会更加密切。 关于 Photonics Research Photonics Research 为中科院上海光机所、中国激光杂志社与美国光学学会合作出版的纯网络版期刊,第 1 期预计于 2013 年 6 月正式出版,届时读者可以通过 Optics Infobase 和中国光学期刊网浏览、下载期刊论文 。
个人分类: 编辑部的故事|6213 次阅读|2 个评论
slowlight 2012-9-17 11:26
9月13日下午,中国激光杂志社与美国光学学会(OSA)联合办刊签约仪式在上海光机所举行。双方将于2013年开始共同出版英文期刊Photonics Research。上海光机所副所长陈卫标,美国光学学会主席Tony Heinz,执行总裁Elizabeth Rogan, 中国激光杂志社总经理杨蕾,Photonics Research首任主编北京大学教授周治平,Chinese Optics Letters执行主编上海光机所研究员周常河等出席了签约仪式。签约仪式由周常河研究员主持。 签约仪式上,陈卫标副所长和Tony Heinz教授分别致辞,回顾了双方的合作历史,希望双方发挥各自优势,不断推进在期刊出版等领域的合作。Tony Heinz教授说,在OSA上百年的发展历史中创办了十本期刊,并合作出了多种期刊。OSA对于期刊出版非常慎重,特别是合作办刊,与上海光机所多年愉快的合作鼓励他们决定合作出版第二本期刊。 中国激光杂志社总经理杨蕾与OSA执行总裁Elizabeth Rogan共同签署了合作办刊协议。随后,陈卫标副所长和Tony Heinz教授向Photonics Research首任主编周治平教授颁发了主编证书。 周治平教授在主编致辞中表示,上海光机所与OSA在各自领域均享有盛誉,为新刊的创办带来了先天的优势,他将在双方的共同支持下全力推进新刊的发展,并希望新刊可以尽快跻身国际光学强刊之列。 继合作出版Chinese Optics Letters 之后,再次强强联手出版Photonics Research,标志着中国激光杂志社与OSA在期刊出版方面的合作达到了新的高度。这是OSA与上海光机所合作出版的第二本期刊,也是与中国光学界合作出版的第二本期刊。 Photonics Research合作签约仪式,(前左)OSA执行总裁Elizabeth Rogan,(前右)中国激光杂志社总经理杨蕾,(后左一)Chinese Optics Letters执行主编周常河研究员,(后左二)上海光机所副所长陈卫标研究员,(后右二)美国光学学会主席Tony Heinz,(后右一)Photonics Research首任主编北京大学周治平教授 陈卫标副所长(中)与Tony Heinz教授(左)向Photonics Research首任主编周治平教授(右)颁发聘书
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[转载]Table of Contents Alert for APL: Organic Electronics and Pho
AIPBeijing2010 2011-8-1 07:38
show details 1:11 PM (0 minutes ago) From: Scitation TOC Alert Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2011 03:22 To: AIP-APL-OEP-Alert@AIP.ORG Subject: Table of Contents Alert for APL: Organic Electronics and Photonics Join the Applied Physics Letters group on UniPHY - AIP's social and professional networking site UniPHY has recently added a new feature that allows users to create and join discussion groups. Join the Applied Physics Letters group to take part in the discussion, or create your own private or public group! APL: Organic Electronics and Photonics -- July 2011 Volume 4, Issue 7 Tetracene thin film transistors with polymer gate dielectrics Simone Bertolazzi, Julia Wünsche, Fabio Cicoira, and Clara Santato Applied Physics Letters 99,013301 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order ORGANIC ELECTRONICS AND PHOTONICS On the efficiency of exciton dissociation at the interface between a conjugated polymer and an electron acceptor M. Wiemer, A. V. Nenashev, F. Jansson, and S. D. Baranovskii Applied Physics Letters 99,013302 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Extending the voltage window in the characterization of electrical transport of large-area molecular junctions Ilias Katsouras, Auke J. Kronemeijer, Edsger C. P. Smits, Paul A. van Hal, Tom C. T. Geuns, Paul W. M. Blom, and Dago M. de Leeuw Applied Physics Letters 99,013303 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Utilizing n-type vanadium oxide films as hole-extracting layers for small molecule organic photovoltaics I. Hancox, L. A. Rochford, D. Clare, P. Sullivan, and T. S. Jones Applied Physics Letters 99,013304 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Capacitance-voltage characteristics of organic Schottky diode with and without deep traps Akanksha Sharma, Pramod Kumar, Budhi Singh, Sumita Ray Chaudhuri, and Subhasis Ghosh Applied Physics Letters 99,023301 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Manganese-doped indium oxide and its application in organic light-emitting diodes Yaqin Liao, Qipeng Lu, Yi Fan, and Xingyuan Liu Applied Physics Letters 99,023302 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Organic bistable memory based on Au nanoparticle/ZnO nanorods composite embedded in poly (vinylpyrrolidone) layer C. W. Lin, T. S. Pan, M. C. Chen, Y. J. Yang, Y. Tai, and Y. F. Chen Applied Physics Letters 99,023303 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Ambipolar organic thin film transistors based on a soluble pentacene derivative Dilek Işık, Ying Shu, Giuseppe Tarabella, Nicola Coppedè, Salvatore Iannotta, Luca Lutterotti, Fabio Cicoira, John Edward Anthony, and Clara Santato Applied Physics Letters 99,023304 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order High performance small molecule photodetector with broad spectral response range from 200 to 900 nm Shuang-hong Wu, Wen-lian Li, Bei Chu, Zi-sheng Su, Feng Zhang, and C. S. Lee Applied Physics Letters 99,023305 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Enhancing light harvesting in organic solar cells with pyramidal rear reflectors Weiran Cao, Jason D. Myers, Ying Zheng, William T. Hammond, Edward Wrzesniewski, and Jiangeng Xue Applied Physics Letters 99,023306 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Open-circuit voltage dependency on hole-extraction layers in planar heterojunction organic solar cells Chandramouli Kulshreshtha, Jin Woo Choi, Jeong-kyu Kim, Woo Sik Jeon, Min Chul Suh, Yougsup Park, and Jang Hyuk Kwon Applied Physics Letters 99,023308 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Voltage-controlled tuning of an organic semiconductor distributed feedback laser using liquid crystals Sönke Klinkhammer, Nico Heussner, Klaus Huska, Tobias Bocksrocker, Felix Geislhöringer, Christoph Vannahme, Timo Mappes, and Uli Lemmer Applied Physics Letters 99,023307 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Improved initial drop in operational lifetime of blue phosphorescent organic light emitting device fabricated under ultra high vacuum condition H. Yamamoto, J. Brooks, M. S. Weaver, J. J. Brown, T. Murakami, and H. Murata Applied Physics Letters 99,033301 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Stability enhancement in organic photovoltaic device by using polymerized fluorocarbon anode buffer layer M. F. Lo, T. W. Ng, S. L. Lai, M. K. Fung, S. T. Lee, and C. S. Lee Applied Physics Letters 99,033302 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order A compact physical model for morphology induced intrinsic degradation of organic bulk heterojunction solar cell Biswajit Ray and Muhammad A. Alam Applied Physics Letters 99,033303 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Indium-free bottom electrodes for inverted organic solar cells with simplified cell architectures H. Schmidt, T. Winkler, I. Baumann, S. Schmale, H. Flügge, H.-H. Johannes, S. Hamwi, T. Rabe, T. Riedl, and W. Kowalsky Applied Physics Letters 99,033304 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Enhanced short-circuit current density in poly(3-hexylthiophene) and 1-(3-methoxycarbonyl)-propyl-1-phenyl-(6,6)C61 based organic solar cells by doping small molecular perylene Yanhui Lou, Zhaokui Wang, Shigeki Naka, and Hiroyuki Okada Applied Physics Letters 99,033305 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Highly efficient semitransparent tandem organic solar cells with complementary absorber materials Jan Meiss, Torben Menke, Karl Leo, Christian Uhrich, Wolf-Michael Gnehr, Stefan Sonntag, Martin Pfeiffer, and Moritz Riede Applied Physics Letters 99,043301 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Bloch surface waves-controlled emission of organic dyes grafted on a one-dimensional photonic crystal Mirko Ballarini, Francesca Frascella, Francesco Michelotti, Gabriella Digregorio, Paola Rivolo, Vincent Paeder, Valeria Musi, Fabrizio Giorgis, and Emiliano Descrovi Applied Physics Letters 99,043302 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Gated electronic currents modulation and designs of logic gates with single molecular field effect transistors Yuqing Xu, Changfeng Fang, Bin Cui, Guomin Ji, Yaxin Zhai, and Desheng Liu Applied Physics Letters 99,043304 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Thermal annealing and temperature dependences of memory effect in organic memory transistor X. C. Ren, S. M. Wang, C. W. Leung, F. Yan, and P. K. L. Chan Applied Physics Letters 99,043303 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Doping of organic semiconductors induced by lithium fluoride/aluminum electrodes studied by electron spin resonance and infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy E. D. G owacki, K. L. Marshall, C. W. Tang, and N. S. Sariciftci Applied Physics Letters 99,043305 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Enhanced performance of dye-sensitized solar cells via plasmonic sandwiched structure Su-Jien Lin, Kuang-Che Lee, Jyun-Lin Wu, and Jun-Yi Wu Applied Physics Letters 99,043306 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Polymer-electrolyte gated graphene transistors for analog and digital phase detection Adarsh Sagar, Kannan Balasubramanian, Marko Burghard, Klaus Kern, and Roman Sordan Applied Physics Letters 99,043307 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Vertical orientation of copper phthalocyanine in organic solar cells using a small molecular weight organic templating layer Kyoung Soo Yook, Byung Doo Chin, Jun Yeob Lee, Brian E. Lassiter, and Stephen R. Forrest Applied Physics Letters 99,043308 (2011) ( 3 pages ) Abstract Full Text: Order Is there an article that interests you? Nonsubscribers to the journal can purchase the article for immediate online delivery via DocumentStore . 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[转载]Nature Photonics contents September Volume 4 Number 9 pp 579-662
XUPEIYANG 2010-8-31 20:17
NATURE PHOTONICS September 2010 Volume 4 Number 9, pp 579 - 662 Visit Nature Photonics online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=7m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Photonics online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=76m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=26m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== NPG Asia Materials - free weekly research highlights and field reviews by top materials researchers from the Asia-Pacific region. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=11m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Latest reviews Volume 2 Issue 3 | July 2010 - Integrated devices based on nanotube-nanowire networks - Advances in crystalline silicon solar cell technology - Self-assembled supramolecular hydrogels for drug delivery Register for weekly email alerts and never miss the latest in Asian materials research! http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=54m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== 2010 Nature Photonics Technology Conference Future Perspectives on Photovoltaics Date: 19-21 October 2010 Venue: Tokyo Fashion Town (TFT) Hall, Ariake, Tokyo, Japan The Nature Photonics Technology Conference is an international conference hosted by Nature Photonics with the aim of disseminating information concerning the latest trends in the research and development of photonic technologies. 'Future Perspectives on Photovoltaics', the second conference organized by Nature Photonics, will feature a series of lectures (around 30 sessions) by leading experts from Japan and the rest of the world. All the lectures will be free to attend by pre-registering online. Apply online now http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=59m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ===================================================================== ---------------------- EDITORIAL ---------------------- Understanding artwork p579 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.218 Given that an article can't be published until any artwork issues are resolved, it makes sense to get it right first time and avoid delays. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=105m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Our choice from the recent literature pp580 - 581 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.202 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=115m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- NEWS AND VIEWS ---------------------- Optical communications: Modulation at femtojoule scale pp583 - 584 Christian Koos, Juerg Leuthold and Wolfgang Freude doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.212 Photonic crystal nanocavities can strongly enhance the interaction between light and matter. Researchers have now demonstrated high-speed signal generation and all-optical switching with energies in the femtojoule and sub-femtojoule regime. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=111m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Biophotonics: Fluidic camera aids surgery p585 Oliver Graydon doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.200 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=118m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Quantum optics: The quest for higher dimensionality pp585 - 586 Stanislav Straupe and Sergei Kulik doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.215 Using a clever design of polarization optic, Italian researchers have successfully created four-level 'ququart' quantum states using the polarization and orbital angular momentum of single photons. This approach may help to realize more effective forms of quantum communication. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=120m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Optical encryption: The ghost holds a secret p587 David Pile doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.206 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=125m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Biophotonics: A light to move the heart pp587 - 589 Nicholas I. Smith doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.198 An infrared laser pacemaker that can optically synchronize the beat of an embryonic heart shows great promise for developmental biology, and perhaps ultimately for use as a pacemaker in humans. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=139m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 X-ray science: X-ray FEL shines brightly pp589 - 591 Steven Jamison doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.210 The Linac Coherent Light Source at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center in the USA is producing coherent soft and hard X-rays at a brightness nearly ten orders of magnitude larger than synchrotron sources, heralding a new era in ultrafast science. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=134m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 View from... Nonlinear photonics 2010: Revisiting solitons pp591 - 592 Rachel Won doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.217 The study of dissipative solitons is not only increasing our understanding of nonlinear systems but may also help develop high-performance short-pulse lasers and devices for optical information processing. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=132m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 --------------------- TECHNOLOGY FOCUS: Solar cells ---------------------- Technology focus EDITORIAL ---------------------- New horizons p595 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.207 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=99m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- Technology focus BUSINESS NEWS ---------------------- Business boom continues p596 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.208 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=101m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- Technology focus RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Our choice from the recent literature p597 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.199 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=112m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- Technology focus PROFILE ---------------------- Concentrating on the future pp599 - 600 Nadya Anscombe doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.194 The concentrator photovoltaics market is becoming increasingly crowded. Nadya Anscombe finds out what makes German company Concentrix Solar stand out from the crowd. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=117m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- Technology focus INDUSTRY PERSPECTIVE ---------------------- Silicon cells: Catching rays pp602 - 603 Kenichi Taira and Josuke Nakata doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.193 Sphelar solar-cell technology uses an array of tiny spheres of silicon within a transparent matrix to generate power, promising new opportunities for the use of solar cells in power-generating windows and portable, foldable power supplies. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=106m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- Quantum dot solar cells: The best of both worlds pp604 - 605 Ghassan E. Jabbour and David Doderer doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.209 Quantum-dot-based solar cells promise to deliver efficiencies approaching those of crystalline solar cells but with the manufacturing simplicity of organics. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=81m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Technology focus PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Microcrack inspection systems, bio-backsheets and more p607 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.201 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=78m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Technology focus INTERVIEW ---------------------- Organic evolution p608 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.192 Belgian research institute imec is uniquely capable of manufacturing both polymer and small-molecule organic photovoltaic technology. Nadya Anscombe talks to Tom Aernouts, team leader of the organic photovoltaic division at imec, about these competing technologies. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=89m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- ---------------------- REVIEW ---------------------- Graphene photonics and optoelectronics pp611 - 622 F. Bonaccorso, Z. Sun, T. Hasan and A. C. Ferrari doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.186 Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=21m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=86m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- LETTERS ---------------------- Optical pacing of the embryonic heart pp623 - 626 M. W. Jenkins, A. R. Duke, S. Gu, Y. Doughman, H. J. Chiel, H. Fujioka, M. Watanabe, E. D. Jansen and A. M. Rollins doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.166 The ability of pulsed near-infrared laser light to pace the heart beat of a quail embryo is demonstrated, suggesting that such optical pacing may become a useful tool for developmental cardiology. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=25m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=58m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Broadband terahertz wave remote sensing using coherent manipulation of fluorescence from asymmetrically ionized gases pp627 - 631 Jingle Liu, Jianming Dai, See Leang Chin and X.-C. Zhang doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.165 An /`all-optical/' technique is proposed that can be used to detect broadband terahertz waves by coherently manipulating fluorescence emission from a gas plasma. This technique can be used to measure terahertz pulses at a distance of 10 m with unlimited directionality, even in the presence of water vapour absorption. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=24m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=64m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Two-photon interference of the emission from electrically tunable remote quantum dots pp632 - 635 Raj B. Patel, Anthony J. Bennett, Ian Farrer, Christine A. Nicoll, David A. Ritchie and Andrew J. Shields doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.161 Truly remote, independent InGaAs quantum dots are tuned to the same energy using large applied electric fields of up to -500 kV cm-1. This allows for two-photon interference of their emission under coincidence gating, and opens up the possibility of transferring quantum information between remote solid-state sources. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=19m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=69m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Phase-locking of a 2.7-THz quantum cascade laser to a mode-locked erbium-doped fibre laser pp636 - 640 Stefano Barbieri, Pierre Gellie, Giorgio Santarelli, Lu Ding, Wilfried Maineult, Carlo Sirtori, Raffaele Colombelli, Harvey Beere and David Ritchie doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.125 The phase locking of a longitudinal mode of a 2.7 THz quantum cascade laser was achieved using the spectral bandwidth of a mode-locked erbium-doped fibre laser. This technique is applicable to any terahertz quantum cascade laser source, and is an ideal tool for controlling the phase of different quantum cascade lasers. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=18m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=48m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- ARTICLES ---------------------- First lasing and operation of an angstrom-wavelength free-electron laser pp641 - 647 P. Emma, R. Akre, J. Arthur, R. Bionta, C. Bostedt, J. Bozek, A. Brachmann, P. Bucksbaum, R. Coffee, F.-J. Decker, Y. Ding, D. Dowell, S. Edstrom, A. Fisher, J. Frisch, S. Gilevich, J. Hastings, G. Hays, Ph. Hering, Z. Huang, R. Iverson, H. Loos, M. Messerschmidt, A. Miahnahri, S. Moeller, H.-D. Nuhn, G. Pile, D. Ratner, J. Rzepiela, D. Schultz, T. Smith, P. Stefan, H. Tompkins, J. Turner, J. Welch, W. White, J. Wu, G. Yocky and J. Galayda doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.176 The Linac Coherent Light Source free-electron laser has now achieved coherent X-ray generation down to a wavelength of 1.2 A and at a brightness that is nearly ten orders of magnitude higher than conventional synchrotrons. Researchers detail the first operation and beam characteristics of the system, which give hope for imaging at atomic spatial and temporal scales. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=20m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=45m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 High-speed ultracompact buried heterostructure photonic-crystal laser with 13 fJ of energy consumed per bit transmitted pp648 - 654 Shinji Matsuo, Akihiko Shinya, Takaaki Kakitsuka, Kengo Nozaki, Toru Segawa, Tomonari Sato, Yoshihiro Kawaguchi and Masaya Notomi doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.177 Advanced on-chip photonic networks require integrated nanoscale lasers with low power consumption. Researchers have now demonstrated high-speed modulation of a compact heterostructure photonic crystal laser at room temperature with an unprecedented low required energy of 13 fJ per bit transmitted. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=15m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=42m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Non-Gaussian operation based on photon subtraction using a photon-number-resolving detector at a telecommunications wavelength pp655 - 660 Naoto Namekata, Yuta Takahashi, Go Fujii, Daiji Fukuda, Sunao Kurimura and Shuichiro Inoue doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.158 Non-Gaussian continuous variable operations are demonstrated for the first time at telecommunications wavelengths. Squeezed states were generated using a titanium superconducting sensor that can resolve the incident photon number. Reconstructed Wigner functions of the generated quantum states indicated non-Gaussian operation. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=14m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- CORRIGENDUM ---------------------- Silicon optical modulators p660 G. T. Reed, G. Mashanovich, F. Y. Gardes and D. J. Thomson doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.219 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=29m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- INTERVIEW ---------------------- Searching for terahertz waves p662 doi:10.1038/nphoton.2010.216 A scheme for the remote sensing of terahertz waves over distances of tens of metres could have important applications in security and biology. Xi-Cheng Zhang from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute spoke to Nature Photonics about his group's latest work in this field. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=67m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== 55 Articles Published. 40% Open Access. Don't miss out on the others! http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=56m=35748163r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=ODA4MDIxNjYS1mt=1rt=0 Nature Communications, the new online, multidisciplinary journal, gives authors the option to publish manuscripts open access, ensuring that, from publication, researchers worldwide have access to these research papers - all such content can be identified with an OPEN logo. However, starting October 1, 2010, all subscribed-access content will only be available through a subscribing institution. 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个人分类: 自然杂志|5278 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Nature Photonics contents June 2010 Volume 4 Number 6 pp339-402
xupeiyang 2010-5-28 16:58
NATURE PHOTONICS June 2010 Volume 4 Number 6, pp 339 - 402 Visit Nature Photonics online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=8m=34927737r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=NzQ2NDQyNTES1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Photonics online. To purchase a subscription, please visit: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=11m=34927737r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=NzQ2NDQyNTES1mt=1rt=0 Alternatively, to recommend a subscription to your library, please visit http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=148m=34927737r=NDU1MzI2NDE2MgS2b=2j=NzQ2NDQyNTES1mt=1rt=0
个人分类: 信息资源|1926 次阅读|0 个评论
Nature Photonics亮点暗孤子!
zhanghan 2010-1-14 11:02
暗孤子工作终于得到孤子界重视了 最近的一期nature photonics上面,亮点我们的暗孤子工作。 这份工作可是波折万分,被Optics Letters拖了近半年, 拒了两次,当时感觉只能上optics communications了。幸运的是,PRA很友好的接受了我们的工作。然后又被Nature photonics亮点了,呵呵,算上石墨烯锁模被NPG亮点,这是我们第二次上NPG。 http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=280281 希望接下来的工作更容易展开,研究石墨烯锁模以及暗孤子的同行越来越多!也希望有更多的工作被NPG亮点,如果能发表一两篇当然是更好了。 勉励一下自己吧!在2010年,走出被 Optics Letters鄙视的阴影吧(略为统计了下,被 Optics Letters拒了7次,只中了一次 )! 暗孤子论文: Han Zhang , Dingyuan Tang, Luming Zhao and Wu Xuan, Dark pulse emission of a fiber laser Physical Review A , 80, 045803 (2009). Solitons Dark laser debut Phys. Rev. A80, 045803 (2009) Although lasers are well known to emit bright pulses of light, a team of researchers in Singapore have now demonstrated the exact opposite a fibre laser that emits a stream of 'dark pulses'. The erbium-doped fibre laser developed by Han Zhang and co-workers from Nanyang Technological University emits a series of intensity dips in a continuous-wave background of laser emission. The scientists attribute the phenomenon to dark-soliton shaping in the laser cavity. The laser consists of a fibre ring cavity that contains a 5 m length of erbium-doped fibre to provide optical gain and a 150 m length of dispersion compensation fibre. It also features a polarization controller, an isolator, a 50:50 output coupler and a multiplexer for injecting 1,480 nm pump light into the cavity. The researchers observed a series of dark pulses at the fundamental cavity repetition rate. They also say that by carefully controlling the pump strength and orientation of the polarization controller, the output could be reduced to a single dark pulse. Analysis suggests that the dark pulses have a hyperbolic-tangent profile and a typical pulse width of 8 ps, and are transform-limited.
个人分类: NPG Highlight|8880 次阅读|7 个评论
BaoQiaoliang 2009-9-6 22:05
Title: Atomic layer graphene as saturable absorber for ultrafast pulsed lasers The optical conductance of monolayer graphene is defined solely by the fine structure constant, = e 2 /hc (where e is the electron charge, h is Diracs constant and c is the speed of light). The absorbance has been predicted to be independent of frequency. In principle, the interband optical absorption in zero-gap graphene could be saturated readily under strong excitation due to Pauli blocking. Here, we demonstrate the use of atomic layer graphene as saturable absorber in a mode-locked fiber laser for the generation of ultrashort soliton pulses (756 fs) at the telecommunication band. The modulation depth can be tuned in a wide range from 66.5% to 6.2% by varying the thickness of graphene. Our results suggest that ultrathin graphene films are potentially useful as optical elements in fiber lasers. Graphene as a laser mode locker can have many merits such as lower saturation intensity, ultrafast recovery time, tunable modulation depth and wideband tuneability. DOI: 10.1002/adfm.200901007
个人分类: Graphene Research|10787 次阅读|0 个评论

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