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How to simulate traffic using SUMO and OpenStreetMap
yihu58 2016-1-27 02:57
see some references: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZOFUqrV9hk http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_701273660102v9pv.html Steps: 1)Install python 2)Install SUMO 3)Download OSM data from: OpenStreetMap 4)copy additional Polygons: http://sumo.dlr.de/wiki/Networks/Import/ remove: power save as: typemap.xml 5)run start-command-line.bat 6)netconvert --osm-files map.osm -o belfort.net.xml (only map. note: 025 is bad, so it is generated by netedit.exe--net.net.xml) 7)polyconvert --net-file belfort.net.xml --osm-files belfort.osm --type-file typemap.xml -o belfort.poly.xml (check:sumo-gui -n belfort.net.xml -a belfort.poly.xml) -------------------------- 8)python C:\sumo024\sumo\tools\randomTrips.py -n belfort.net.xml -e 100 -l 9)python C:\sumo024\sumo\tools\randomTrips.py -n belfort.net.xml -r belfort.rou.xml -e 100 -l note: 100 can be modified to any mumber to generate vehicles, ex. 1000 10)copy and edit config file (test.sumo.cfg C:\sumo024\sumo\tools\contributed\traci4j\test\sumo_maps\variable_speed_signs) --------belfort.sumo.cfg (in map) 11)change contents in belfort.sumo.cfg: 1.net.net.xml---------belfort.net.xml 2.input_route.rou.xml-----------belfort.rou.xml 3.pois.poi.xml,e3_detectors.xml---------- belfort.poly.xml 12)sumo-gui belfort.sumo.cfg note: (8)(9)can process any .net.xml file generated by netedit and produce the .rou.xml file. We can simulate the .sumocfg file by modifying the net.net.xml and input_routes.rou.xml
个人分类: 计算机|2 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]PAPER-WRITING: A Guide for Transportation Students
zhangdong 2015-7-20 00:18
交通界大神加州大学伯克利分校 Daganzo 教授的殷殷教诲,建议交通学科的研究生都打印一份贴床头,早晚各膜拜一次,各种SCI必然随便发,我已经准备这么搞了~ http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/~daganzo/WRITING.pdf PAPER-WRITING A Guide for Transportation Students .pdf
2088 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]China\'s Urban Nightmare: Gridlock
王飞跃 2014-1-4 01:22
CHINA NEWS China's Urban Nightmare: GridlockChronic traffic jams are posing a huge challenge for China's leaders. By COLUM MURPHY CONNECT Jan. 2, 2014 8:23 p.m. ET Heavy traffic and pollution plague China's big cities, including Wuhan, above, raising concerns about the nation's urbanization plans. Agence France-Presse / Getty Images WUHAN, China—To understand true gridlock—and a huge challenge for China's leaders as they try to move residents from the countryside into cities—take a look at Wuhan. This inland Chinese city of more than eight million people, famous for its hot weather and spicy noodles, has a traffic problem. A 2011 study by investment bank UBS shows cars chug through the city at an average of 12.7 miles an hour, slower than in New York and Tokyo. Traffic congestion is one of the biggest headaches for China's new leaders, who are banking on an urbanization strategy to drive economic growth. The WSJ's Jake Lee speaks with Colum Murphy about why traffic could get worse. Huang Liang, a dance teacher, recalled a scorching day this past summer when his car moved just over a mile in 3½ hours as work on a new elevated highway brought street-level traffic to a standstill. Frustrated and out of gas, Mr. Huang abandoned his car curbside and hitched a ride home from a friend. Enlarge Image Sitting in the car was like being in a sauna, he said. Traffic congestion is one of the biggest headaches for China's new leaders who are banking on an urbanization strategy to help drive economic growth. In Wuhan, the government is in the midst of a subway-building frenzy—constructing nine subway lines at the same time. The city is also busy building elevated highways and ring roads. Yet congestion persists. To try to fix the problem, about two years ago Wuhan became the first Chinese city to charge electronic tolls to reach its bustling downtown area, joining more-global cities such as London and Singapore. But that move is also unpopular with some drivers who say the tolls are expensive and ineffective, and illustrates the thorny questions China faces as it tries to get more of its people to move to cities. The system has done little to reduce traffic volume as there is a huge demand from commuters, said Efan Kang, a financial-industry worker. Experts say for toll systems to be effective, commuters need to have viable alternatives such as a robust public-transportation system, something that Wuhan is still in the process of building. China's top leaders last month reaffirmed their intention to bring hundreds of millions of rural dwellers to cities to empower a Chinese consumer class that can help the economy ease its reliance on exports and big government spending. But many people already living in cities fear China's massive rural population—which makes up nearly half of the country's 1.3 billion total population—will strain schools and hospitals and rev up competition for services. Congestion is part of that equation. In a 2011 survey from International Business Machines Corp. IBM +0.38% on the emotional and economic toll of commuting, Beijing and the southern boomtown of Shenzhen were second only to Mexico City in terms of commuter misery. To grapple with congestion and with pollution—another drawback to growth—Beijing said last month it would slash the quota of license plates it gives out to 150,000 a year from 240,000. Lanzhou, a city in China's northwestern Gansu province, said recently it would ban cars on alternate days depending on whether the license plate numbers end with an even or odd number. According to the Wuhan government, more than 1.45 million motor vehicles were registered in the city as of July. In the past five years, the city has seen a more than 20% annual increase in automobile registrations. Meanwhile, the length of roads increased only slightly, to about 8,000 miles at the end of 2011 compared with about 7,830 miles at the end of 2010. City officials in Wuhan declined to be interviewed. The Yangtze and Han rivers divide Wuhan into three main districts connected by a handful of bridges and a tunnel. Wuhan currently has only two metro lines. There are too many people. Public transportation is far from sufficient to satisfy demand, said King Zhu, a real-estate industry professional. Congestion is everywhere. Subways and elevated highways are being built along the vital streets, narrowing the four-lane roads into two-lane ones, and riders of electric bikes always intrude into the motorways, said Li Fuyuan, a 33-year-old Wuhan taxi driver. To relieve its clogged thoroughfares, Wuhan introduced its electronic toll-collecting system in 2011. It uses a transponder people carry in their cars, enabling their accounts to be automatically charged. The system charges at least eight yuan (about $1.30) for every use of the bridges and the tunnel. Alternatively, they can buy an annual card for unlimited usage. Bus and taxi drivers are charged 500 yuan a year, while private individual drivers pay 2,400 yuan. Mr. Kang, the finance-industry worker, said while city was adding transportation infrastructure at an accelerating pace, it still wasn't fast enough to catch up with the increase in the number of cars.Traffic has become unbearable, he said. Fang Ke, lead transport specialist with the World Bank who has worked extensively on transportation projects in Wuhan, said some other approaches to easing congestion being rolled out there may only magnify the problem. Elevated highways, for example, could leave passengers stranded in the air, he said. Wuhan chose the wrong development model…. If they keep using this kind of approach they will have big problems. —Rose Yu contributed to this article. Write to Colum Murphy at colum.murphy@wsj.com
个人分类: 感言社会|9553 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 2012年11月03日 20:15 (星期六)
xupeiyang 2012-11-4 12:46
http://scienceblog.com/ Researchers ask public for help to study Post-Sandy traffic in Manhattan Difficult-to-read font reduces political polarity Georgia Tech Study Grades Presidents on the Economy Predicting what topics will trend on Twitter Explosion of universe’s earliest stars New target for lung cancer treatment How the negative trumps the positive in politics Trickle-Down Anxiety: Parental Behaviors that Create Anxious Children Church-going teens go further with school Asteroid Belts of Just the Right Size are Friendly to Life Iskandar. Malaysia may offer model for urban growth Brain May ‘See’ More Than the Eyes
个人分类: 科学博客|1720 次阅读|0 个评论
Noise level in Beijing
热度 1 zuojun 2012-9-6 21:41
is as high as that in Singapore. My hotel windows face the 4th Ring, and the traffic is busy even at mid night. I don't know where these people are heading to. How much I wish to open the window for some fresh air, but I give in to noises...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2837 次阅读|2 个评论
Sunny, but very noisy (Shanghai)
热度 1 zuojun 2012-5-18 10:10
To look for a plain shop for some local breakfast, I ventured out of my hotel. The temperature was just right, if you were in the shade. The traffic was mad, with cars, bicycles, and people on foot, all jammed at intersections. I saw a woman pushing away a bike's wheel in order to across the street. I wondered how far I could walk... Not very far, just a block here and there. I couldn't stand the heat under the sun, or the noises all around me, mainly from cars and horns. I retreated to my shelter, the hotel. Grabbing a bag of pastry, I admit I am nothing but a timid visitor from a foreign land. The sweet bread with a touch of red beans was pretty good. I called Y.C., but she was on her way to the Pudong Airport. I should have called her yesterday.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2347 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 5 wangzhe 2012-4-4 16:13
Zhe Wang, Kai Hu, Ke Xu, Baolin Yin, Xiaowen Dong. Structural analysis of network traffic matrix via relaxed principal component pursuit. Elsevier Computer Networks, vol. 56, no. 7, pp. 2049–2067, 2012. The network traffic matrix is widely used in network operation and management. It is therefore of crucial importance to analyze the components and the structure of the network traffic matrix, for which several mathematical approaches such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were proposed. In this paper, we first argue that PCA performs poorly for analyzing traffic matrix that is polluted by large volume anomalies, and then propose a new decomposition model for the network traffic matrix. According to this model, we carry out the structural analysis by decomposing the network traffic matrix into three sub-matrices, namely, the deterministic traffic, the anomaly traffic and the noise traffic matrix, which is similar to the Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) problem previously studied in . Based on the Relaxed Principal Component Pursuit (Relaxed PCP) method and the Accelerated Proximal Gradient (APG) algorithm, we present an iterative approach for decomposing a traffic matrix, and demonstrate its efficiency and flexibility by experimental results. Finally, we further discuss several features of the deterministic and noise traffic. Our study develops a novel method for the problem of structural analysis of the traffic matrix, which is robust against pollution of large volume anomalies. Keywords: Network measurement, Traffic matrix structural analysis, Robust principal component analysis, Relaxed principal component pursuit, Accelerated proximal gradient algorithm paper.pdf
个人分类: 生活点滴|7180 次阅读|8 个评论
Network Traffic Modeling
热度 2 huangfuqiang 2012-3-25 12:58
网络流量建模是计算机网络研究的基础性问题。涉及众多理论交叉与工程问题。流量模型及建模方法现在很多,除了文中提到的方法外,还有小波、多重分形等等。相关方面还有网络流量整形、网络流量预测方法及建模。 下文版权属于:Thomas M. Chen Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas OUTLINE: 1. Introduction 1.1. Packets, flows, and sessions 1.2. The modeling process 1.3. Uses of traffic models 2. Source Traffic Statistics 2.1. Simple statistics 2.2. Burstiness measures 2.3. Long range dependence and self similarity 2.4. Multiresolution timescale 2.5. Scaling 3. Continuous-Time Source Models 3.1. Traditional Poisson process 3.2. Simple on/off model 3.3. Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP) 3.4. Stochastic fluid model 3.5. Fractional Brownian motion 4. Discrete-Time Source Models 4.1. Time series 4.2. Box-Jenkins methodology 5. Application-Specific Models 5.1. Web traffic 5.2. Peer-to-peer traffic 5.3. Video 6. Access Regulated Sources 6.1. Leaky bucket regulated sources 6.2. Bounding-interval-dependent (BIND) model 7. Congestion-Dependent Flows 7.1. TCP flows with congestion avoidance 7.2. TCP flows with active queue management 8. Conclusions Network Traffic Modeling.pdf
个人分类: 计算机网络理论与工程|5654 次阅读|5 个评论
hongyuhuang2011 2012-1-4 10:07
之前的新闻(旧闻):http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=589753do=blogid=465949 UK government awards police forces £2.7 million to tackle motorway closures Written by Department of Transport Friday, 30 December 2011 Drivers across England are to benefit from shorter motorway closures after crashes thanks to the roll-out of 3D laser scanning technology funded by the Government and police, Roads Minister Mike Penning announced today. The Department for Transport has awarded 27 police forces across England a total of £2.7million. The funding, together with police and the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA) contributions, will enable them to purchase 37 scanners. The technology saves time by quickly making a 3D image of the whole crash site, rather than investigators painstakingly surveying multiple sections of a scene. This digital image of the site can then be viewed on a computer screen remotely allowing investigators to take measurements of where vehicles are in relation to each other and examine other important evidence. The wider roll-out of 3D laser scanning technology is part of a Government-led initiative known as ‘CLEAR’. This initiative is delivering an action plan aimed at reducing delays caused by incidents in order to keep traffic moving - a vital element in securing the UK’s prosperity. Mike Penning said: “There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck in a traffic jam for hours on end. But even worse than that is the shocking £1 billion cost of those lost hours for our economy. That is why we are determined to improve the clear-up of accidents so we can get our motorways re-opened as quickly as possible. “Today’s £2.7 million DfT funding award will see 3D laser scanners rolled out quickly where they are needed most. This will benefit drivers by reducing incident clear up times by 39 minutes on average. "I would like to thank police forces for seizing this opportunity to purchase laser scanners and contributing funds towards the purchase. This clearly demonstrates how forces are committed to helping to keep traffic moving, in support of economic growth, as well as continuing to deliver their vital role in ensuring the safety and security of all road users. I would also like to thank the National Policing Improvement Agency for providing a contribution to the funding." Last year (2010) there were more than 18,000 full or partial motorway closures lasting a total of more than 20,000 hours. A Government strategy to tackle congestion caused by motorway closures and drive down the £1bn annual cost to the economy was published in May by the Minister. Assistant Chief Constable Sean White, of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), said: “On behalf of the police service we welcome enormously this important funding opportunity that has been made possible by Government through the Department for Transport. The provision of the latest, leading edge 3D laser scanning technology to assist in the expeditious and detailed scanning of collision scenes will make a very important contribution to properly investigating fatal and life changing collisions whilst always being mindful of the level of economic and other disruption that closures of the strategic road network inevitably cause. "Police forces acquiring this equipment will be in a better position to manage such critical events in a more efficient way and present the most accurate and detailed evidence from the laser scanning devices to criminal, civil and coroners’ courts. The equipment will be deployed day and night across England and will make a real difference to improving the capability of collision investigators, reducing delays for all road users and re-opening motorways and other strategic roads at the earliest opportunity. "As agencies we will work together in the months ahead to closely monitor the introduction of this new equipment to ensure that the benefits of this investment are fully realised both for collision investigation and the free flow of traffic.” Chief Constable Nick Gargan, the Chief Executive of the National Policing Improvement Agency (NPIA), said: "The 3D laser scanning project is innovative and will enable motorways to be opened more quickly after incidents, passing a direct benefit to the public. The National Policing Improvement Agency is pleased to support the project, which also brings significant improvements in supporting better outcomes in policing and increased efficiency in officer time. "The project also supports a standardised approach to surveying motorway incident scenes, in line with the police service’s Information Systems Improvement Strategy (ISIS) strategy of using IT to enable business change within the service." To view the table that accompanies this release, please follow the link below; http://nds.coi.gov.uk/ImageLibrary/DownloadMedia.ashx?MediaDetailsID=4970 Successful bidders will start to receive their grants in January 2012 to enable them to put the technology to use quickly on motorways and major A roads – benefiting road users across the country. 1. 27个警署37台扫描仪, 型号为Riegl VZ-400 和Leica C10。总价值是3.86百万英镑;平均每台10万英镑。 2. 采用激光扫描仪对事故现场进行采样,平均可减少现场清理时间39分钟, 节约近一半的时间。 Normal 0 false false false EN-US ZH-CN X-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } /* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:普通表格; mso-tstyle-rowband-size:0; mso-tstyle-colband-size:0; mso-style-noshow:yes; mso-style-priority:99; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt; mso-para-margin:0cm; mso-para-margin-bottom:.0001pt; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:"Calibri","sans-serif"; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:宋体; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-fareast; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi;} POLICE FORCE(S) Grant Awarded by DfT £ No of laser scanner units Essex 69,204 1 Thames Valley / Hampshire 395,675 5 Warwickshire 64, 873 1 Surrey 152,880 2 Hertfordshire + Bedfordshire 158,270 2 Kent 159,390 2 Dorset 56,333 1 Nottinghamshire 64,803 1 West Mids + Staffordshire 194,408 3 West Yorkshire 79,135 1 Derbyshire 64,873 1 Devon Cornwall 129,605 2 Avon Somerset 155,260 2 North Yorkshire 76,454 1 Sussex 155,890 2 West Mercia 131,800 2 Cleveland + Durham 157,744 2 Leicestershire 79,765 1 Northamptonshire 79,765 1 South Yorkshire 64,803 1 Cambridgeshire 76,755 1 Norfolk + Suffolk 146,370 2 Total 2,714,055 37
个人分类: LiDAR|3297 次阅读|0 个评论
Fast train, slow taxi
热度 1 zuojun 2011-12-10 20:40
It took three hours to travel from Nanjing to Hangzhou by a fast train (for RMB218). (I heard the travel time will be less than two hours when Gao Tie is finished.) However, it took 40 mins to get a taxi at Hanghzhou Station, where people mountain people sea was more than being accurate. Thanks to bad traffic on a Saturday afternoon around 4pm (why?), I was freezing to death in a taxi filled with stinky cigarette odor.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2294 次阅读|5 个评论
I can feel APEC's impact ...
zuojun 2011-11-8 03:45
... in a negative way for the locals. The traffic to work (at U. Hawaii) was much worse than usual. I wish I could stay home for the rest of the week. http://www.civilbeat.com/topics/apec-2011-hawaii-survival-guide/
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2313 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 majian 2011-7-13 22:38
最近几个月在写程序,show一下初步的结果。 Pedestrian flow in a subway station. Pedestrian flow passing ticket checking machines
个人分类: 复杂系统|3638 次阅读|7 个评论
zhshbox 2010-10-8 23:29
张诗波 提到交通静化技术的发展,稍微深入一些遍会知道美国ITE学会1999年出版的Traffic Calming :state of the practice 是迄今为止此领域最经典的成果,由Ewing, Reid H.教授主导,历时数年积累形成的. 改报告有250页, 是一本手册性质的书.这本书一方面是对美国交通静化技术的一个总结,另一方面也是对美国各地交通静化设计的一个指导. Reid 教授一直是美国交通静化技术的极力倡导者和推广者,在他的努力下,交通静化已经在美国被广泛认可.当然,美国人做的东西跟我们中国的实际情况还是有差距的.美国是地广人稀,人喜欢住郊区;我们国家是人多地少,还都喜欢住城里面. 不管怎样,要在中国推广研究交通静化,Reid 的这个报告是必须要先研读的.
个人分类: 交通静化|4533 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 zhshbox 2010-10-7 20:16
张诗波 好几年前还在读书的时候就接触过交通静化的概念,那个时候没有太在意.近一两年来,由于在交通安全方面的研究关注比较多,逐渐的深入到了交通静化技术的精髓,发现,其实其在中国的发展有很大空间. 交通静化英文Traffic Calming, 其起源是1970年的荷兰的Delft市民为了与机动车争取社区空间,从而形成的一种以人为本, 还路与人的社区道路优化技术. 在中国,说实话,这个概念还比较新,一般翻译成交通静化,也有翻译成交通稳静化的.目前在欧美国家,该技术的应用已经比较广泛,已经形成了一些比较成熟的guidelines 和manuals. 但是在中国,首先交通静化的这种理念还没有在广大老百姓和政府官员以及道路设计人员中形成,这也许是我们国家的城市化进程和机动化进程还没有发展到那种有足够精力和时间来精雕细琢我们的社区甚至城市道路的交通环境. 但是我相信,在不远的将来,随着中国学者的深入研究和社会的发展,交通静化技术也会在中国得到广泛应用. 我将进一步关注并研究.
个人分类: 交通静化|4478 次阅读|1 个评论
weberfrank 2010-10-6 10:37
俗语有云,衣食住行,代表着人们生活的四种基本需求。这个顺序的排列,是民间智慧的总结。关于出行,位列最后,也就意味着需求的迫切程度最次。 然而,令人好奇的是,与衣食住条件逐节攀升不同,自从百年前,关于行的追求明显地越来越强,结果却显得愈发令人难以满意。不妨就看国内,近30年的过程,是西方经济和生活发展的浓缩。温饱/小康/福利目标逐一实现,甚至住房矛盾也不是不可调和。始终萦绕无解的,却只剩位列最末关于行的问题。 有关行事,最受关注的是交通拥挤。这一世界难题,愈演愈烈,蔓延成燎原之势。交通拥挤并非不治之症,系列博文在前已有初探,这里却是题外话。本文打算换个角度,想说的是,行事乃生活质量的一部分。也许或者即便,交通拥挤的困扰无法免除,但我们仍能够追求更有质量的交通。这是关于稳静交通的话题。 稳静的交通,外文是Traffic Calming,国内专家又多称交通宁静。我独喜多个稳字的说法。一字之差,交通的质量,又增半边新天地。 让我讲个故事吧,是我自己最新的经历。又逢国庆长假,外出旅游者众。我携夫人,就市内逛街购物,意在闹中取静,添置些家用物什。为保证精神和体力,早上足睡饱餐,十点钟出门。最近的公交车站,需要步行1km左右,中间过个信号路口。一路规矩,走人行道,刺耳的喇叭声充斥着路段和路口。有的车鸣车,要超车。有的是鸣自行车,要从非机动车道闯红灯。有的电动三轮车在尖叫,是汽车停在了非机动车道等红灯。我们步行着,隐隐担忧安全,将夫人揽到自己右手边,再取耳塞堵起一直紧张地竖立的双耳。这效果恰到好处,能听到喇叭,足以确保安全,但又至遭受刺耳的骚扰。如今,除眼镜外,耳塞已成为我们出门必带之物品。戴上它们,如同自己身在密闭的汽车内,喇叭声听起来像是自己按下的,冲别人在尖叫。呵呵。 乘上公交,开始一项独具特色体育活动。这运动,考究体力/集中力/平衡感,要求腕力/腰腹力/扎马步多项功夫。一路上,公交一边加速减速,一边左右换道,有时抢红灯赶绿灯,有时争车位堵加塞。乘客如同立在水流湍急的摆渡之上,享受4D颠簸的效果。有人稍不留神,荡了开去,可能撞出人体一串,鞋脚一叠,怨声一片。 据说,为解放饱受折磨的市民,成都JG有奇招:公交限速,30km/h。留心的朋友,在成都公交上,会听到嘟嘟的报警声,是动用了GPS瞬时测速的成果。效果怎么样?答曰:那嘟嘟声蛮大的(一笑)。 再换乘一次公交,用一个半小时到达目的地后,人已如经历了场惊涛骇浪的小舟,几欲散架。边歇边逛2小时后,仓促打车回家,倒头睡了一觉,人才缓过来了些。 这是说,交通也关乎生活质量,多一点稳静是该追逐方向。车水马龙的道路边,笛鸣不休,商户们谈笑风生,围炉煮饭,那只是无奈后的习惯。没人愿意,自家窗外,车流不息,呼啸不绝于耳。 亲爱的朋友,你是否意识到,你按下的喇叭,不止会冲挡了你道路的家伙大鸣大放,还会扩散波及其他无辜的人。在夜深人静的时候,人们常常发现一声车鸣,会扩散很远,甚至至半个城市。所以,当你按下的时候,请注意喇叭声不是没有波及那么远,而是常常被其他人更大的噪音淹没了。每个坐在车窗内的人,请少按些喇叭吧,如果可以,就请轻轻地按。 稳静的交通在国外炒得热,是对密封车窗外交通和生活的追求和平衡。其中涉及到的元素很丰富。禁鸣区和限速是关注临街居民和商贩的生活质量;6m宽的非机动车道,1.5m高的机非隔离是对骑车人的关怀;优先或/专用的公交车道,平稳地换道与加减速(决非低速也)也关怀了选择了低碳交通方式的乘客;轻声细语的众人则表现着彼此对公共环境的尊重。 朋友,最后这点,是你我都能做到的。
个人分类: TRANSPORTATION|3513 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 majian 2010-6-27 11:13
已经发表的文章(更新中...) 1. 标题: Multi-grid simulation of pedestrian counter flow with topological interaction 作者: Ma, JA; Song, WG; Liao, GX 来源出版物: CHINESE PHYSICS B 卷: 19 期: 12 文献编号: 128901 出版年: 2010 被引频次: 0 2. 标题: Experimental study on microscopic moving characteristics of pedestrians in built corridor based on digital image processing 作者: Ma J , Song WG , Fang ZM, et al. 下载: bae 来源出版物: BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 卷: 45 期: 10 页: 2160-2169 出版年: OCT 2010 被引频次: 0 3. 标题: k-Nearest-Neighbor interaction induced self-organized pedestrian counter flow 作者: Ma J , Song WG , Zhang J, et al. 下载: physa.rar 来源出版物: PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 卷: 389 期: 10 页: 2101-2117 出版年: MAY 15 2010 被引频次: 1 4. 标题: Artificial neural network approach for modeling the impact of population density and weather parameters on forest fire risk 作者: Li LM, Song WG , Ma J , et al. 来源出版物: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WILDLAND FIRE 卷: 18 期: 6 页: 640-647 出版年: 2009 被引频次: 0 5. 6. 标题: Simulating Spatiotemporal Features of Pedestrians-Vehicle Interaction 作者: Ma J , Song WG , Xiao XK, et al. 下载: 2008ISSST.rar 会议信息: International Symposium on Safety Science and Technology, SEP 24-27, 2008 Beijing, PEOPLES R CHINA 来源出版物: PROGRESS IN SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VOL VII, PTS A AND B 丛书: PROGRESS IN SAFETY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SERIES 卷: 7 页: 2021-2027 子辑: Part A-B 出版年: 2008 被引频次: 0 标题: Weather-driven model indicative of spatiotemporal power laws 作者: Song WG , Zheng HY, Wang J, et al. 来源出版物: PHYSICAL REVIEW E 卷: 75 期: 1 文献编号: 016109 子辑: Part 2 出版年: JAN 2007 被引频次: 2 发表过文章的几个杂志的影响因子,聊作消遣 Journal ISSN Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-life Eigenfacotr Score Article Influence Score CHINESE PHYS B 1674-1056 1141 1.293 1.294 0.182 887 1.4 0.00244 0.155 PHYSICA A 0378-4371 14746 1.562 1.643 0.403 536 6.4 0.04693 0.547 BUILD ENVIRON 0360-1323 3488 1.797 1.749 0.401 269 4.3 0.01276 0.519 INT J WILDLAND FIRE 1049-8001 1405 1.901 2.442 0.442 77 5.9 0.00495 0.853 PHYS REV E 1539-3755 70802 2.4 2.603 0.505 2456 6.7 0.24908 1.016
个人分类: 百家|5088 次阅读|3 个评论
majian 2010-5-24 10:36
刚被Chinese Physics B接收的一篇论文。 考虑拓扑作用的多格子对向行人流模拟 通过建立考虑拓扑作用的多格子对向行人流模型模拟研究行人相向运动的动力学特性。模型中,每个行人占据多个格子而非一个格子,并通过拓扑作用的形式与其他行人相互作用,也就是说每个行人考虑与他距离最近的一定数目的对向行人来决定自身的运动方向。因此,模型对时间和空间的划分更加精细,个体的决策过程更加合理,使得行人的运动行为和边界条件的变化更符合实际。与实际观测相比可以发现,这种改进的模型能够更好地重现行人的集群行为,例如:动态变化的行人带,同向行人的聚集等。同时,根据模型模拟计算得到的基本图与实际行人流的基本图在自由流区域符合较好。进一步分析得知:随着系统规模的增长,壅塞变得不易发生;行人间相互作用的范围的增加并不改变系统由自由流向壅塞流的转变点;边界上添加行人的非对称性对相向运动的行人流从自由流转变为壅塞有直接影响,对称的流动使得系统更容易进入转变为壅塞状态。
个人分类: 复杂系统|4251 次阅读|0 个评论
Trajectories Mining for Traffic Condition Renewing
guodanhuai 2009-9-8 16:49
Advances in wireless transmission and increasing quantity of GPS in vehicles flood us with massive amount of trajectory data. The large amounts of trajectories imply considerable quantity of interesting road condition that current traffic database lacks. Mining live traffic condition from trajectories is a challenge due to complexity of road network model, uncertainty of driving behavior as well as imprecision of trajectories. In this paper, road linear reference system, road segmentation and road condition models are employed in preprocessing trajectory data to lower dimension of trajectory mining problems and reduce uncertainties and imprecision of raw trajectories. The trajectory mining problem includes the one near road intersection and the one in general road segment. The former focuses on finding turn information of road intersection, while the latter focuses on extracting road live condition. The experimental results show that the mining algorithm is effective and efficient in traffic condition mining.
个人分类: GIsystem & GIscience|21 次阅读|0 个评论

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