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livingfossil 2010-11-13 02:07
古植物学的故事(专辑): 古植物学家的遗言和葬礼 Part I 古植物学家徐仁先生( 1910--1992 )的遗言 著名古植物学家徐仁先生1910年8月22日生于安徽芜湖,1992年11月18日在北京逝世。 徐仁先生得了脑血栓后,最不放心的是古植物学的前途和古植物学研究室主任的接班人。他常常挂在嘴上不断地说:古植物室怎么办?古植物室怎么办?他写过遗言:他死后他的书都捐给图书馆。 文字出处: 古植物学的故事(71): 一位古植物学家的女儿对父母的回忆(作者:徐竺声) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=370754 发表于 2010-10-8 5:17:57 Part II 古植物学家李星学先生( 1917--2010 )的葬礼 著名古植物学家李星学先生1917年4月8日生于湖南郴县,2010年10月31日在南京逝世。 《李星学院士遗体告别仪式在南京举行》 报道出处: http://www.nigpas.cas.cn/xwzx/zhxw/201011/t20101104_3003259.html 2010-11-04 另见: 古植物学的故事(79) 古植物学家的葬礼---李星学院士遗体告别仪式在南京举行 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=381070 发表于 2010-11-6 21:23:28 Part III 相关文章 古植物学的故事( 5 ):徐仁与中国古植物学的兴起 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=252212 2009-8-29 22:52:50 古植物学的故事(8):中国古植物学的院士(学部委员)名单 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=255714 2009-9-15 11:59:18 古植物学的故事( 10 ) 勤、谨、和、缓:古植物学家徐仁院士的学术人生(转) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=262961 2009-10-17 1:10:29 古植物学的故事(40): 不是为了忘却的纪念而是为了永远的激励 -----纪念著名古植物学家徐仁先生诞辰100周年 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=330068 发表于 2010-5-29 20:37:39 古植物学的故事(41): 关于著名古植物学家徐仁先生学术历史研究的若干问题 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=330892 发表于 2010-6-1 11:39:09 古植物学的故事(52 ):走进南亚 让印度古植物学的故事在中国流传 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=338233 发表于 2010-6-24 6:51:55 古植物学的故事(75): 中国与美国古植物学交流与合作的大门是如何被打开的? http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=378602 发表于 2010-10-30 11:36:36 古植物学的故事(75)附件资料 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=380195 发表于 2010-11-4 0:12:56 古植物学的故事(77) 美国植物学会古植物学领域的通讯会员 (资料截止到2010年11月1日) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=380221 发表于 2010-11-4 7:36:26 古植物学的故事 (76) 著名古植物学家李星学院士的学术人生( 作者: 何琦 王军) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=379441 发表于 2010-11-1 21:09:03 纪念古植物学前辈 --- 努力攀登学术历史、学术思想和学术道德的高峰 ---- 致海内外同事 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=379483 发表于 2010-11-1 23:03:16 孙启高 2010年11月12日编辑整理
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3732 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-11-6 21:23
古植物学的故事(79) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.79)-SPS79 古植物学家的葬礼---李星学院士遗体告别仪式在南京举行 关键词:李星学;古植物学家;葬礼 李星学院士遗体告别仪式在南京举行 报道出处: http://www.nigpas.cas.cn/xwzx/zhxw/201011/t20101104_3003259.html 2010-11-04 11月4日上午,南京石子岗殡仪馆告别大厅内花圈似海,挽联如潮。中国科学院院士、国际著名古植物学家和地质学家、中国古生物学会原理事长、中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所研究员李星学先生遗体告别仪式在这里举行。李星学先生的生前友好、同事、亲属和有关政府、高校、科研院所、博物馆等单位代表、国际友人约200人出席了李星学先生的遗体告别仪式。 李星学院士因病于2010年10月31日18时57分在南京逝世,享年94岁。 李星学院士逝世后,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席胡锦涛委托中办打来电话,表示深切哀悼,对其亲属表示慰问。中共中央政治局常委、国务院总理温家宝,中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席贾庆林,中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记、国家副主席、中央军委副主席习近平,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强,中共中央政治局常委、中央政法委书记、中央综治委主任周永康也分别以不同方式表示深切哀悼,对其亲属表示慰问,并送了花圈。表示哀悼和慰问的还有王刚、刘延东、李源潮、张高丽、朱镕基、吴官正、路甬祥。此外,刘延东、李源潮、吴官正、路甬祥分别向李星学先生送了花圈。 江苏省领导梁保华、王国生、石泰峰、何权、徐南平,中国科学院及有关单位领导李静海、丁仲礼、秦大河、陈骏、周健民等向李星学院士送了花圈。 中共中央组织部,中共江苏省委、省委组织部、省人才工作领导小组办公室,江苏省人民政府,中国科学院学部主席团向李星学院士发来唁电、唁函或送了花圈。 此外,中国科学院院士安芷生、郭令智、李德生、李吉均、李廷栋、马在田、邱占祥、沈其韩、苏纪兰、孙枢、汪集旸、汪品先、王德滋、文圣常、吴新智、吴征镒、肖序常、许厚泽、许志琴、薛禹群、杨文采、袁道先、张国伟、张经、张弥曼、周卫健、朱显谟等发来唁电、唁函表示哀悼,陈旭、顾知微、郭令智、李吉均、李廷栋、戎嘉余、沈其韩、孙枢、王德滋、王颖、吴征镒、肖序常、薛禹群、赵其国、周志炎、朱兆良等分别向李星学先生敬送花圈。 向李星学院士发来唁电、唁函或敬送花圈的还有:科技部基础研究司,国家自然科学基金委地球科学部,江苏省国土资源厅,中国科学院地学部、院士工作局、资源环境科学与技术局、南京分院、地球环境研究所、地质与地球物理研究所、古脊椎动物与古人类研究所、昆明植物研究所、兰州地质研究所、青藏高原研究所、西双版纳热带植物园、植物研究所、紫金山天文台、南京地质古生物研究所、南京土壤研究所、南京地理与湖泊研究所、国家天文台南京天文光学技术研究所、南京中科天文仪器有限公司、研究生院地球科学学院,江苏省地质调查研究院,南京地质矿产研究所,南京地质博物馆,北京自然博物馆,中国地质科学院地质研究所、地质力学研究所,煤炭科学研究总院西安研究院地质研究所,中国石油化工股份有限公司石油勘探开发研究院、无锡石油地质研究所,中共大庆油田委员会、大庆油田有限责任公司,重庆大学,吉林大学,南京师范大学,中国地质大学(北京),北京大学地球空间科学学院、史前生命与环境科学研究所,吉林大学古生物学与地层学研究中心、东北亚国际地学研究与教学中心、东北亚生物演化与环境教育部重点实验室,兰州大学资源环境学院、古生物研究所,南京大学地球科学与工程学院,沈阳师范大学古生物研究所,辽宁古生物博物馆,同济大学海洋与地球科学学院、海洋地质国家重点实验室,西北大学地质学系,中国地质大学(武汉)地球生物系,中国矿业大学资源与地球科学学院,胜利油田地质科学研究院地层古生物实验室,全国科学技术名词审定委员会,中国古生物学会,中国古生物学会古植物学分会、孢粉学分会,中国植物学会古植物学分会,江苏省古生物学会,湖北省古生物学会,中国煤炭学会煤田地质专业委员会,中国地质学会煤田地质专业委员会,长沙市雅礼中学、雅礼中学校友会,重庆大学校友总会等。 国际古植物学会主席、美国俄亥俄大学Gar Rothwell教授,中国科学院外籍院士、丹麦皇家科学和文学院院士、瑞典皇家科学院院士、挪威科学和文学院院士、瑞典自然历史博物馆Else Marie Friis教授,美国科学院院士、美国佛罗里达大学David Dilcher教授,美国科学院院士、总统科学顾问、美国堪萨斯大学Tom Taylor教授,英国皇家学会会员Bill Chaloner教授,俄罗斯科学院通讯院士、俄罗斯科学院地质研究所Mikhail Akhmetiev教授,《Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology》主编、德国明斯特大学Hans Kerp教授,美国堪萨斯大学自然历史博物馆苗德岁教授,中科院外籍专家特聘研究员、英国南安普敦大学John Marshall教授,中科院外籍专家特聘研究员Chris Hill博士,西班牙哥尔多巴植物园Robert H. Wagner教授,日本中央大学Harufumi Nishida教授,东京自然史研究所Tamiko Ohana博士,日本国家自然科学博物馆Kazuhiko Uemura博士,日本千叶大学MidoriMatsumoto博士等国际友人以及李星学先生的众多生前好友、学生也纷纷发来唁电、唁函或敬送花圈表达了哀悼之情。 李星学先生系湖南郴县(今郴州市)人。1917年4月8日生,1942年7月毕业于重庆大学理学院地质系,1942年7月-1946年8月在重庆北碚中央地质调查所任技佐,1946年9月-1950年1月在南京中央地质调查所任技佐、技士,1950年1月-1951年5月在中国地质工作计划指导委员会任工程师,1951年5月以来,历任中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所副研究员、研究员,研究室主任、所学术委员会主任。1980年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士)。曾任江苏省第五届、第六届政治协商会议委员。历任全国地层委员会顾问,中国古生物学会理事长,中国古生物学会古植物学分会理事长,第一届、第二届古生物学名词审定委员会副主任、主任,南京早期人类文化遗址综合研究专家组组长,南京大学地质系(地球科学系)兼职教授,吉林大学兼职教授及古生物学与地层学研究中心学术委员会主任。先后任《中国古生物志》编委,《地层学杂志》编委,《华夏古生物志》副主编,《古生物学报》主编。在国际地质古生物学界历任国际古植物学会中国地区代表,国际植物命名委员会植物化石委员会委员,国际地科联地层委员会石炭纪地层分会选举委员,中国科学院与法国科学研究中心有关中国古生代植物合作研究项目中方首席代表,国际教科文组织国际地质对比计划(IGCP-237项目)科学顾问。 李星学先生的一生,为中国及东亚古植物学和地层古生物学的发展做出了卓越贡献,他是我国古植物学的重要奠基人。半个世纪以来,他已先后发表140多篇论文和11种专著。 代表作有:《华北月门沟群植物化石》、《中国晚古生代陆相地层》、《华南大羽羊齿类的生殖器官》、《东亚华夏植物群的起源、演替与分布》、《北祁连山东段纳缪尔期地层和生物群》和《中国与邻区晚古生代植物地理区分》等。 多次荣获国家自然科学奖、中国科学院重大科技成果奖和部省级科技进步奖。 1992 年,被美国植物学会授予通讯会员终身荣誉称号。 1993年,荣获中国古生物学会最高荣誉尹赞勋基金会的地层古生物学奖。1994年,被江苏省人民政府聘为南京早期人类文化遗址综合研究专家组组长。1996年,荣获国际古植物协会颁发的沙尼奖章。
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3079 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-11-1 21:09
古植物学的故事 (76) 著名古植物学家李星学院士的学术人生( 作者: 何琦 王军) 关键词:古植物学家;李星学 原题: 走近古生物学家李星学院士 写在《李星学文集》出版之际 作者: 何 琦 王军 文献出处: http://news.sciencenet.cn/html/shownews.aspx?id=177439 何 琦 王 军 来源:科学新闻 发布时间:2007-4-16 16:23:9 2007 年春天,著名的古生物学家和地层学家李星学院士迎来他的90岁寿辰,从事地质古生物工作业已65个春秋。为此,中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所编辑出版了《李星学文集》(2007,中国科技大学出版社。以下简称《文集》)。笔者参与了《文集》的整理编辑和出版的全过程,因而有幸集中查阅了李先生全部论文著作。由于结识先生时间已久,堪称忘年交,读其著作颇有当面聆听之感,刻板的文字也变得栩栩如生。同时,又由于先生的著作除了大量学术方面的,还有不少人物传记,历史评述,科普教育,以及记录其奋斗历程的人生感悟等等。静静地读着《文集》中一篇篇论述,宛如在跟先生作心灵的沟通,让人体味到他恬淡的生活态度和执著的进取精神,感受先生在求学、处世等多方面的谆谆教诲。在六十多年的学术生涯中,先生以孜孜不倦的求学精神和高尚的人格魅力为我们年轻一代树立了一个成功的典范,开启了一扇智慧的大门。这些宝贵的心理品质使我们超越了古生物学范畴,从一个独特的视角走近古生物学家李星学院士,跟随先生回忆他的人生心路历程,领悟先生的奋斗成功之道。 学贵有恒业精于勤 长期的科研工作中,李先生一直以学贵有恒,业精于勤为治学和工作中的座铭来自勉。地层古生物研究工作往往需要参考古今中外的许多资料,因而多掌握一种语言就等于多一个通向知识宝库的大门。李先生没留过学,在中学和大学时期只学过一门英语。参加工作后,他利用各种学习机会,虚心讨教,基本具备了阅读俄、德、法专业书籍的能力。特别在学习法语时,李先生已年近半百,是参加学习班的30 多人中年龄最大的,他除了坚持每周3小时听课外,还充分利用早晚空闲时间背单词,做练习,从不间断。4个月后,成为学习班中少数几个能一直坚持学下来的人,并在结业考试中取得了较好的成绩。在后来的工作中,李先生能够自如地运用英、俄、德、法语的专业文献资料与他持之以恒的勤奋精神是分不开的。 先生的勤勉,无疑是他取得巨大成就的法宝。用他自己的话讲,我这个人其实并不聪敏,学识也不在一般人之上。之所以大半生还能做些工作,多少是由于始终铭记着前辈教诲的这样一句话:勤奋的人虽然不一定都会成功,但成功的人没有一个不是勤奋的。李先生曾在不同场合不止一次表示了他认为勤奋是做学问和立身之本。笔者借用本所欧阳舒先生对李先生的评述,同时也表达自己的感受:李先生从不以自己的资质自傲,相反,他历来用勤能补拙、好记性不如赖笔头自律。他参加学术会议,任何人作报告,哪怕是无名小字辈,他都虚怀若谷,埋头作笔记。他长期坚持做化石属种卡,而且不断补充新记载,至今仍乐此不疲。这种勤勉的境界,像我这样疏懒的晚辈是很难望其项背的。 民族责任感和爱国赤子心 李先生从小就接受了很好的爱国主义教育,并且被所接触的先辈们浓烈地感染,对他一生影响至深。他就学的长沙雅礼中学是当时湖南省著名的重点中学,一向重视科学与爱国主义教育,经常邀请一些社会名流、专家学者做专题报告,以其亲身经历激发学生的学习和爱国热情。饱经战乱之苦的他一直在坚持不懈地探索和参与救国救民的行动。1938 年,他曾参加张治中领导的湖南省民众训练班,旨在促进全民抗战。在经历了一系列战乱和动荡之后,他终于悟出了自强自立才能强大起来和科学救国的道理。 考上大学以后,在重庆大学地质系期间接受朱森、李春昱、俞建章、张更、李学清、李庆远、丁骕等著名学者的授课,聆听李四光、黄汲清、杨钟健等名师的讲座或学术报告。这些参与奠基中国地质学事业的学者们的高度爱国热忱,为培育地质人才和发展中国地质事业而呕心沥血的敬业精神,给了青年李星学极其深远的影响。 李先生参加工作之后的导师斯行健先生也是一位具有强烈的民族责任感和爱国心的先辈。斯老十分反对盲目崇洋,主张民族的自强自立,并身体力行的将这种强烈的民族责任感融入到古生物学研究中。这种爱国精神进一步让年轻的李星学耳濡目染。可以说,当他走入古植物学领域,能够独立开展研究工作的时候,已经在各方面经受了极大的锻炼,从而也奠定了他一生对人处世和治学的基础。天下兴亡,匹夫有责的民族感和爱国心给他的心灵打上了深深地烙印。 我们能够感受到正是这种民族感和爱国心成为李先生事业奋斗的动力,那么我们也就不难理解先生一生从事的绝大多数研究专题和科研任务都是为了满足特定时期的国家需求,而非以个人兴趣为主。几十年来,他先后赴美、英、法、澳大利亚、日本、印度、巴西、西班牙、前苏联和韩国等访问、讲学或出席国际学术会议,无论走到哪里,他都牢记自己不仅是一位古植物学者,更是一位国家和民族的使者,通过与国外进行广泛联系,了解国际学科动向,为中国古植物学走向世界,跻身于国际先进行列做努力。1996 年始,他还担任了2000年在我国召开的第6届国际古植物学大会组委会主席,并撰文《中国古植物学的发展史和展望∶一个世纪评述》,让国内外学者对我国古植物的研究现状与发展历史有一较全面的了解,以利于我国古植物学在国际学术界地位的提高。尽管先生总是谦虚地表示自己是被赶鸭子上架,但这位耄耋之年的老人还是欣然地接受了组委会所安排的重任,直接负责会议的组织实施,表现出老一代科学家强烈的民族责任感和爱国情怀。 在古生物研究领域,化石标本是进行研究的基础,每一块标本上都包含了其科研价值和古生物工作者的辛勤劳动。可是,在一些国际合作中,有些学者却将一些标本,特别是正式发表了的模式标本交由国外有关单位保存,李先生对此颇有看法。近年来,我国有不少珍贵化石标本流失海外,李先生对此甚是忧心,积极加入到参与呼吁对我国的化石资源进行保护的队伍,对制定我国相关的化石资源保护法做出了一个老科学家力所能及的贡献。 个人志趣与国家需求 李先生与地质古生物学结缘,并最终选择古植物学颇有戏剧性。1938 年秋,已通过考核,犹豫于选择金陵大学物理学或同济大学医学的李星学在向他二舅、著名地质学家朱森先生征求意见时,被舅舅鉴于国家需求极力劝说改学地质,于是就读于重庆大学地质系。从此与地质古生物学结下了终生的不解之缘。1942年,他在重庆大学地质系毕业,获理学学士学位。同年考入中央地质调查所,历任练习员、技佐、技士等职,早年曾作为尹赞勋先生的助手先后两次共赴四川南川县,为中国地质学会第19次年会筹办其会后的《南川地质旅行》。1943年跟随边兆祥先生到宁夏、内蒙古贺兰山地区进行较为全面的地质矿产考查。1944年回所后不久,受领导指派随正在北碚任兼职研究员的斯行健先生研习古植物学,从此走进了古植物学及其相关领域研究。 在长期艰苦的科学研究中,李先生不像当代科学家那样能够主要按照自己的兴趣选择科研方向进行专题研究,而更多的是为了不同时代的国家需求。华北月门沟群植物化石这一重大科研成果的发表是为了满足20 世纪50-60年代煤田地质勘探和国民经济建设需要,理顺含煤地层划分对比关系;中国古生代植物、中国中生代植物等也都是应当时地质野外工作者之急需的较通俗实用的专业书籍;中国晚古生代陆相地层则为了第一届全国地层大会之急;西藏北部双湖地区晚二叠世植物群等青藏高原古植物及地层的研究缘于1980年在我国举办的第一次青藏科考国际会议;北祁连山东段纳缪尔期地层和生物群始于1987年在我国举办的第11届国际石炭纪地层会议,为了推荐我国甘肃靖远纳缪尔早期地层作为国际石炭纪中间界线侯选层型剖面,李先生及其同仁进行了大量的地层古生物综合研究,并增补了后续多方面相关工作积累的专著。凡此种种,均缘于特定时期的国家需求。先生不计个人得失,以国家之需为己任的爱国主义情感由此可见一斑。 实际上,先生的导师斯行健先生早年也先国家的利益而放弃了自己的专业,选择了古植物学。据悉,上世纪20年代,我国古植物研究的基础薄弱,有关地层问题得不到解决,严重地阻碍了地质工作的进展,长期以来不得不把化石寄往国外,请国外有关专家研究鉴定。为了扭转这种不正常的局面,当时中央研究院地质研究所所长李四光力劝在德国攻读古脊椎动物学的斯行健以祖国地质事业的发展为重,放下个人兴趣,改攻古植物学。先生和他的导师斯行健先生都投身于古植物学的研究工作,其成就与贡献为学术界所共识,然而,他们早年都未能按照自己的兴趣选择专业。联想到当今有些青年学子以狭隘的就业观来决定自己的专业,相比之下让人汗颜不已。 恬淡的生活态度崇高的人生境界 李先生事业上的成就和他执著敬业的事迹大家知之甚多,可是作为一位著名的科学家,他又有着怎样的生活态度和情趣呢?走近李先生,从生活中的点点滴滴,我们感受到李先生恬淡的生活态度和崇高的人生境界。 笔者与先生结识大约是十多年前,当时对先生充满了敬畏却无亲近感。生活中的先生是什么样子,毫无感受。逐渐熟悉之后,发现李先生的生活真是再平凡不过了。我们首先把《文集》中李先生自述内谈及夫人刘艺珍时的一段话摘录如下,体会先生是怎样一位体贴而充满爱心的丈夫和人生伴侣: 她作为我这个地质古生物工作者的妻室也真不容易。特别是在上世纪五六十年代,我常年工作在外,儿女还幼小,家庭生活操持和儿女的管教都集于她一身。有时,我就是在家里,由于任务紧迫而日夜赶工时,她也总是给我以莫大的支持与谅解。可以说,几乎我所有的工作成果都包含着她不少的辛勤劳动。我俩自1948 年秋结婚以来,50多个春秋了,也历经了不少生活困难和命运坎坷阶段,我们都挺过来了。现在我们虽然年老多病,还是过着和谐的幸福生活。我认为,幸福的家庭或美满的婚姻主要依赖于夫妻双方的互敬、互爱与互谅,才能在任何艰难的境遇下,都能相濡以沫地走出困境。 作为古生物学界的前辈,先生却从不以前辈自居,总是保持着平易近人的生活态度,对周围的每一个人都充满了爱心,笔者对这一点深有感触。1997 年,我们到南京地质古生物所博士后站,由于到南京生活不久,我们各自的家长亲人也都遥远无助,生活上缺乏照应,颇有漂泊流离之感,先生对晚辈的学习,生活都给予了无微不至的关怀。特别是在后来怀孕期间,先生偕夫人居然亲自带着礼品,来到我们的住所,嘘寒问暖。为此他还特地收集了一些音乐磁带送给我们,有的还是国外同行所赠。他认为适合于胎教,有益于孩子发展音乐天分。现在,我们的孩子也已经上小学了,音乐方面的确从小就表现出了浓厚的兴趣和一定的天赋,并且已经在课余时间学习钢琴演奏。一些电视、电影的主题曲,孩子多听几遍,很快自己就能够写出乐谱并演奏出来,甚至孩子的音乐教师也对其音乐方面的悟性表示惊讶。这其中的收获和感受到的温暖是无法用语言表达的。长期以来,在先生的言传身教下,我们也学会了怎样以一颗爱心对待自己的学生,对待周围的每一个人。 在与同事们的相处时,先生更是平易近人,完全没有高高在上的权威情结。对待学生的疑问,总是耐心做答,毫无保留。在艰苦的野外考察中,也总是身先士卒,手把手地传授化石的采集、鉴别知识,培养学生们实践能力。由于年龄上的巨大差距,笔者未能和李先生一起从事过野外地质考察,但有幸和先生一起攀登华山,一睹先生老当益壮不言老的风采。 2001 年5月,中国古生物学会第21届学术年会在西安召开,85岁的李先生应邀与会。笔者之一被会务组安排负责照顾先生的生活起居,期间安排登华山。知道先生要登山时,笔者着实心里没底,85岁的老人能不能顺利登上雄伟陡峭的华山,大家心里都暗暗地捏了一把汗。结果,他与大家一道乘缆车到达北峰后完全靠自己攀登到达五云峰。 天梯是华山最陡峻的一段,这里布满了悬崖峭壁, 石级很陡,直插云霄,不觉让人头晕目眩,可谓一夫当关,万夫莫开。我们意识到登上天梯不宜半途休息,因为短暂的停留就可能导致后面攀登者的滞留等候,于是在天梯下的一块平地坐下小憩。 喂,李老师,您真了不起!您甚至在我前面爬到了天梯跟前,同样来自南京地质古生物研究所、已退休的刘第墉先生从后面跟了上来吃惊地问候先生。 嗨,刘大哥,您不也上来了嘛,大家彼此彼此。何况我还有保镖呢,没啥大不了的。先生用他与刘先生多年来非正式场合一贯的称谓招呼着,他风趣幽默的话语顿时化解了大家的紧张、疲劳。 了不起,了不起,我到您这年纪恐怕连登山的勇气都没了,刘先生道。 大约10 分钟之后,先生起身准备继续前行。 等我一下,李老师,咱们一起下去。刘先生也连忙起身,边低头收拾自己的东西边说。 啊?李老师,原来您还要往上走啊!我本来是计划爬到这里返回的,现在看来得霸王硬上弓,陪你继续上啊? 李先生没有丝毫的犹豫,和年轻人一起,迈着稳健的步伐,从容地走过了华山最陡峭的天梯。最后,我们到了五云峰,因时间关系调头回返。沿途不少游客看到当天华山上最年长的李先生都热心打招呼,猜其年龄,问其职业,邀其合影,李先生都一一耐心作答。 上山容易下山难,但先生轻松地按时返回北峰与大部会议代表汇合,途中还讲了斧劈石、舍身崖等有关华山美丽的传说和典故。 登华山的经历不仅让人吃惊李先生作为地质人所具备的好体质,也看到了他像山一样博大宽广的胸怀,看到了他作为一个普通长辈的平和、慈祥。 先生常说:一个人的幸福快乐不在乎他拥有的多,而在于计较的少。多有时是负担累赘,是另一种失落。总之,烦恼来自贪欲,快乐源于宽容安祥。这是不是他能够以平常心对待生活的内在因素呢? 业余爱好与终身学习 李先生业余爱好十分广泛。阅读报纸杂志除外,参加体育运动、欣赏音乐、集邮、集硬币、摄影等活动也都很有些年头了。李先生自己把这些统称为闲趣。年轻时,他是体育能手,对各种球类运动都颇为爱好。现在年事已高,但只要有重要体育赛事的电视直播,几乎一场不漏地要看。受其影响,妻子儿女大都也是体育迷。在音乐方面,由于中国人特有的内敛,笔者至今未曾听就先生一展歌喉。不过,听师母说过,他闲暇时独自哼哼也颇为开心。先生中学时代就自备有抄歌手册,当时的抗战歌曲,电影插曲和中外著名民歌几乎都收入其中。还包括像汉宫秋月、雨打芭蕉等粤剧的曲谱都密密麻麻的抄入了他的手册中。他爱好集邮和收集硬币大多是平常和国内外亲友、同行书信交往中保存下来的。不知不觉之中,先生已收集有20 多本邮册和40多个国家、地区的硬币了。此外,家中现有的二三十本相册,又是他摄影和收集相片的见证。先生的这些业余爱好为他广博而深厚的文化修养奠定了基础。通过读报纸杂志,他领略和学习时事短评、小品趣事、科技新知、名家书法、保健知识、抒情散文等等;通过剪贴整理,他收藏了许多精美书法和经世格言,用他自己的体会,收藏二字的内涵,就在于收的喜悦,藏的乐趣;通过集邮和硬币,包括摄影,他涉略了天南海北的美景胜境、异域风俗人情,古今名人或名著故事等,所谓方寸之间,世界万千。 正如教育规律所揭示的,人文知识的学习和积累,可以促进发散性思维的发展,最终实现知识的迁移,对于理工科的学习研究可起到潜移默化的推动作用。通过学习哲学、历史,带给人们解决问题的新方法论,构建新的思维模式;通过学习文学、外语,使人认识自我、认识外界,创设新的思维空间;通过学习绘画、音乐,可以折射出生活中的真善美,产生新的创作灵感。其实,如果认真研读李先生的代表作华北月门沟群植物化石和中国晚古生代陆相地层,便能够对先生深厚的文化素养领略一二。不仅是其扎实的学术研究和旁征博引对有关论题的论述,而且其正、反辩论和运用与驾驭文字的深厚功底也足以令人叹服。两部著作创建起来的华夏植物群的植物组合序列,提出的我国及东亚地区晚古生代含煤地层的划分对比关系,及其从古植物学角度对我国晚古生代陆相地层进行的全面系统论述,几十年来都经受了实践检验,成为从事我国晚古生代植物及相关地层学工作者案头必备的参考书。所以如此,著作本身的学术内容固然重要,但能够成为经典之作,与其提出问题的独特视角和解决问题的多维思考模式,论述问题的深厚的文字功底以及丰富的实践经验都有密不可分的关系。 翻看先生的论著名单,除了文革期间,他几十年来一直都有论文发表,而且在他80 岁以后也一直保持每年都有文章发表。随着年事增高,阅读文献和掌握最新进展亦非易事,但他始终关注着学术界各领域的研究进展,并坚持浏览和阅读文献。除了作为美国植物学会的终身荣誉通讯委员需要定期完成自己的有关责任和义务外,他和国内外同行们始终保持着交流和联系。笔者经常替李先生回复电子邮件,因而熟知李先生与国内外同行联系之频繁。这样高龄而活跃的同行,国内外并不多见。近年来,先生已不再从事一线研究工作,除撰写科普或评述性文稿以外,更多的精力用于提携后人,甘做年轻一代的铺路石。他热心为年轻学者发表论著写序,积极为申请项目或奖学金写推荐信不计其数。他凭借自己多年来在国际学术界确立的威信和结交的朋友,帮助所里年轻人申请国外知名奖学金,不遗余力地将年轻人推向古生物学界的国际舞台,为提高我国古生物学研究的国际地位做出了重要贡献。试想,先生如果没有与国际同行们长期的学术交流合作,在国际学术界也就不会有这么持久的影响力。能够如此,正得益于先生有一颗永远充满活力的上进心。近年来,全社会都在倡导全民终身学习,李先生堪称终身学习的典范。 丰硕的科研成果辉煌的事业历程 迄今为止,李先生已独立或合作发表论文140 余篇(本),专著11部。这些厚重的论著,清晰地折射出先生的事业历程。 李先生在上世纪40-50 年代期间论文有若干篇是与斯行健教授合作发表的,那是在师从斯老研习古植物学时期的见证。50年代后期到60年代大量独立完成的成果特别是代表性著作的问世,逐步确立了自己的学术地位,从斯老那里接过接力棒,成为学术带头人。十年浩劫期间,一切业务工作处于停顿状态,但先生克服了重重困难,坚持与同仁们共同编著完成了《中国古生代植物》一书。70年代以后与人合作成果显著增加,那是在牵头完成国家的科研任务,并培养下一代古植物学接班人。近年来评述性和科普宣传性论著明显增多,则反映他仍然老骥伏枥,为了国家和民族的科普事业不遗余力。 一次,笔者偶然看到,美国宾夕法尼亚大学H.W. Pfefferkorn 教授赠送给李先生一本书,是美国著名作家赛珍珠(Peal S. Buck)的名著Pavilion of Women,扉页上的赠语:To Professor Li and Mrs. Li, who have seen several periods of Chinese history, and who have made many contributions to the country and worldwide.。我们恍然意识到,李先生本身就是一部浓缩的中国古植物学发展史。《李星学院士文集》的出版,必将是地质古生物学的珍贵财富,留给我们的不仅是它的科学价值,还将留给我们更多的思考。 2007 年6月,第16届国际石炭-二叠纪大会将在南京召开。同时,中国古生物学会古植物学分会也将召开第8届会员代表大会暨庆贺李星学院士90华诞学术讨论会。国际、国内同行将欢聚一堂,畅叙友情,庆贺我国地层古生物领域近年来所取得的成就,庆贺李星学院士90华诞,而《李星学院士文集》的及时出版,更为会议增辉添彩。在此喜庆之时,作为他的学生,回顾十年间跟随李先生学习的点点滴滴,一鳞半爪地写点对李先生的认识,以及一些与先生相处的琐事,试图从另一个侧面,解读一位老科学家的人生心路历程,作为向李先生的祝贺。另外,从李先生身上,我们也看到了超越智力因素以外的良好的个性品质对于成功的重大影响,即将迈入90华诞的李先生以他的亲身经历生动地诠释了非智力因素(动机、兴趣、情感、意志和性格等)在学习上的重要意义,给我们今天的年轻人以借鉴学习,让我们思索,催我们奋进。 (作者单位:中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所) 李星学院士简介 : 字行之,国际著名的地质学家与古生物学家。1917 年生于湖南郴县一个知识分子家庭,1942年毕业于重庆大学地质系。1951年起到中科院南京地质古生物研究所工作至今。他长期从事地质古生物研究工作,特别以研究古植物学及非海相地层学见长,诸如《华北月门沟群植物化石》、《中国晚古生代陆相地层》、《大羽羊齿植物生殖器官化石在华南的发现》、《中国及邻区晚古生代植物地理分区》等重要科研成果,引起了国内外学者的广泛关注,并成为古植物学的重要参考文献。1980年当选为中国科学院学部委员(院士);曾任国内数种学术组织负责人及学术刊物的主编或副主编,并在多种国际学术组织或合作项目任选举委员、科学顾问或中方代表等职。1992年,他被美国植物学会授予通讯会员终身荣誉称号,1993年获中国地层古生物学最高荣誉的尹赞勋奖,1996年他获得了国际古植物协会沙尼奖章。
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|2724 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-10-8 05:17
古植物学的故事( 71 ): 一位古植物学家的女儿对父母的回忆 ( 作者:徐竺声) 2010 年 7 月 6 日完稿于北京, 8 月 10 日修改 关键词:古植物学家;徐仁;张玉珍 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.71) : A Chinese palaeobotanists daughter recalls her parents (Author: Xu Zhu-sheng; Editor: Qigao Sun) ---------------------------------------------- 启高博士: 你提的关于我母亲的家庭背景、童年及成长,我知道的不多。我不知到如何写,想到那里就写到那里。不知是否合你的要求。 母亲身世 我母亲张玉珍出生于 1913 年 4月8日,去世于1984年3月18日13点. ,是安徽当涂人,外祖父是 小地主兼小杂货商 。母亲只有一个弟弟(张承典,学建筑 结构 的,生前在上海的某大学任教)。小时候家境还好。听母亲说,她读完高中时已过了 20 岁。这是由于过去的封建思想,认为女孩子能认识些字,小学毕业就行了。到了中学要去远处,在外抛头露面不好。因此小学毕业后(或是初中毕业后)停学在家 2 年,家长不让再继续读书。但母亲坚持要出去念书,经过斗争后来才同意读完高中,考上了大学。 父亲为什么读书? 下面我想回忆一下我父亲 小时候的故事,(在李文漪记的徐仁回忆录中有的我就不重复了。) 父亲青少年为什么读书那么用功?和家庭及家境有关。他出生书香门第,我的曾祖父(徐性初)和祖父(徐晋)(号中实)都是拔贡,只不过祖父考取了拔贡后不久,清朝就废除了科举制度,后又考取了中国大学政治经济系(现在好像在天津),他通晓英文、精通文学,毕业后在北京中国银行任职。因人耿直,清高,不爱拍马屁,在我父亲 14 岁时我祖父被解雇,在回老家安徽乘船时抱着我姑姑上船不小心掉进河中,回家后就生病加上心情不愉快,很快去世。失去维持生活的经济来源,故祖母将我小姑送了人(给了亲戚家)以减轻负担。我父亲从小就知道在家庭中责任重大,因此读书刻苦努力。亲友都劝父亲别考大学,早点去做事,来维持家庭生活。但父亲热爱自然科学,立志从事科学事业,一定要考上全国第一流的大学。原来想学医,最好的是协和医院要 8 年,家庭经济不允许,后来我父亲就报考了清华大学( 1929 年,受张景 鉞影响,详情略 )。我父亲数学好,但考数学时,晚到了,头一张卷子是速算题占 10 分,没有让他进。收完第一张卷子后才让他进考场答第二张卷子,就这样,成绩还占全考场第 8 名。 父亲从小养成了节俭的习惯(如在 60 年代,包装绳是纸的,卖东西回家后都一一留着包装绳和纸利用。这些习惯一直影响到我如今也这样做,爱留着包装绳,和塑料口袋)。父亲小时候弹奏月琴、吹箫,读书累了就摆弄自娱,因此学习效率高。他总是以第一名的成绩得到免交学费的奖励。那时候一班只有一个第一名,他们班上数学也是 100 分的另一名学生不服气,说为什么我是第二名徐仁是第一?老师说:徐仁一步就得答案,你绕了几个圈才得答案,所以第一名给了徐仁 , 气的那个学生说,以后不能和徐仁一个班了。 关于父亲为什么近视眼高达 1000 度?是因为读大学时,因家境困难要靠在校打工挣钱来维持生活,打工耽误的学习时间只能用晚上开夜车来弥补。学校熄灯后他只好在路灯下看书到深夜,久而久之成了高度近视。 关于父亲的名字:父亲名字原来叫徐本仁。家中只有一个男孩,因此好吃的,如水果之类,都先尽我父亲吃。但是他并不是只顾自己吃,每次都要问妹妹们吃了没有,如果没有就要分给妹妹们。大人说他的心地善良仁慈。因此把名字改成了徐仁。 父母的婚姻 我母亲家境虽较好,但她不愿在家坐吃等喝,愿意念书学习,将来出去工作。那时到了谈婚论嫁的年龄时,长辈可能会先在亲友中,或邻居中给他们挑选对象。就像 小说或 电影家、春、秋里的那样。我父亲中学在南京念的书。他们虽然念书不在一个城市,但由于是姨表兄妹,小时候他们也都见过面,大致知道对方的一些情况。我父亲年轻时一表人才,学习又好,人品也好。母亲小时候长得也还不错。他们算得上是郎才女貌。那时候女子找婆家都要找家境好的,以免以后受苦。那时候父亲家境贫寒,读大学靠勤工俭学(一、二年级),和亲友的救助(三、四年级),父亲毕业后在北京大学任教,工资除了养母亲外,还要供二个妹妹读书。但我母亲仰慕我父亲的才华和人品愿意嫁给我父亲。我父亲看中我母亲什么,我也不太清楚。我母亲人贤惠,人稳重实诚,但不善言辞和社交。那时候女子能读书的不多,母亲喜欢 教育 ,高中毕业后考上了 上海大夏 大学的 教育 系。父亲 1933 年清华毕业后,在北大任教以后家长给他们提亲 先定婚 ,定亲的具体时间我不太清楚。之后,我父亲让我母亲不要去那个学校读 教育 ,说那个学校不是名牌,让我母亲第一年去北大生物系当旁听生,考及格了第二年就可以转为正式生。于是我母亲放弃了读 教育 ,到了北大当了旁听生。我的家中有父母在南京千秋照相馆的结婚照,他们应该是在南京结的婚。结婚时间我说不准。根据我哥哥 1937 年 10 月出生,推算他们大约是 1937 年元旦结的婚。我母亲在北大生物系只读了一个学期就不读了。一是因为生物系学生要解剖青蛙,我母亲感到很不舒服;二来她已怀孕,去上学很不好意思。 抗日战争时期的苦难生活 抗战爆发后不久,母亲临产。父亲把她送回安徽老家,托付给祖母、舅舅,自己随学校搬迁昆明 成立三校合办的西南联大 。哥哥起名叫金声,金有敲锣的金属声的意思,日本兵来了农村都有打锣的习惯,听到锣声大家一起来打鬼子。起名金声以纪念抗战。作为青年教师的父亲,参加了青年师生的南下旅行团,沿途 步行向老百姓 宣传抗日救亡。母亲生下哥哥才 40 天,便和祖母、舅舅匆匆离开老家跟百姓一起逃难,南下去找我父亲。他们仅有的一点盘缠在混乱中丢失了,身无分文,靠 难民证 沿途乞讨。 听祖母说:由于大人吃不饱,母亲没有奶水,只好让舅舅抱着哥哥向老百姓家里要点米汤喂哥哥吃,才没有饿死。 历经辛苦随同难民潮流到达了昆明和父亲团聚。听父亲讲那时兵慌马乱,土匪又多。快过年了,父亲进城采办年货,给幼小的哥哥买了点饼干之类的东西放在小麻袋中背着,当穿过一片小树林时,对面来了 3 个土匪 。 这时父亲比较镇定把东西从右肩换到左肩,同时把右手往裤兜里插。土匪以为父亲在掏枪,(那时很多人都买枪防身)吓的跑了去找同伙。看到土匪跑了,父亲赶紧逃命,当跑到家时,一看饼干都快漏光了(口袋不知何时破了一个洞)很是心痛 。 母亲安慰他,只要人没事,饼干漏光了怕什么。 在昆明市住,不仅物价贵,而且不安全。听祖母说:日本侵略军的飞机经常轰炸昆明市。一次日本侵略军的飞机轰炸后,父亲回到家里不见有人,赶紧往靠近的防空洞方向去找,却听群众讲防空洞已被炸封了口,进不去人,而里外都是被炸死亡的老百姓。突然父亲在炸弹坑边捡到一个幼儿被炸断的小腿和鞋袜很像我哥哥的,他流着泪提起来到处找我母亲和奶奶的尸体;偶然看到我母亲抱着完整的哥哥同奶奶在一个大炸弹坑里往外爬;原来她们老(祖母)、弱(母亲已怀孕姐姐)、幼(哥)三人行动得太慢,快炸完了才跑出去,是躲在炸弹坑里往外爬出。 母亲对我讲过她和父亲那时经常唱抗日救亡的歌《河边对唱》:张老三,我问你,你得家乡在哪里对着还小的哥哥唱阿宝,等着我,我们一起打回老家去(歌词)。还有《夜半歌声》等歌 ( 歌本从中国带到印度,又带回一直保存到文革才被毁掉了。 ) 我姐姐是 1941 年 5 月在昆明出生的,我是 1943 年 12 月在贵州桐梓出生的。母亲生我的时候父亲在印度,故给我起名叫竺声(印度古称天竺国)。母亲说我的头发为什么后来变得粗,是因为那时候在桐梓的小县城住我满头的虱子无法弄掉,只好剃光了头。老剃光头,头发就长粗了。抗战期间在西南生活条件很差,很艰苦。记得母亲给我们讲过,她带着我和姐姐睡,半夜姐姐哭,母亲不知姐姐闹什么,回头打了姐姐一巴掌,一看手上都是血,才知道原来是老鼠咬破了姐姐的头,此时母亲抱着姐姐心痛的哭了。那时一家人颠沛流离、不得温饱。母亲上有我奶奶,下有 3 个幼小的孩子。 家里穷得实在没有办法时,有一天奶奶拿了一个饭碗给我姐姐,并把她自己的拐杖也拿给姐姐以防狗咬。刚走出门,母亲哭着把姐姐又牵回来。 母亲为了支持父亲的报国宏图, 做出了艰难困苦而 伟大的奉献。当时 尽管有入大学的一点经历在桐梓县也找不到工作,好不容易才找到了一份短期做计件工资的印刷工;因上有老下有小,只好把计件的印刷信纸信封工作拿回家里做。由于工资收入很低,母亲还干过卷烟工,也是把工作拿回家里做计件的。幸好姑母未婚是助产士,偶然能邮寄一点钱给祖母。 就是在这种与家人绝少音信的情况下,背负着振兴祖国的科学和教育事业的使命,父亲在印度勒克脑大学获得了出色的研究成果, 泥盆纪微化石研究被 国际上威望很高的 Sahni 先生和国际上的一名英国教授与一名瑞典教授三人同意 授予哲学博士学位,并获 得 该校首次颁发的金质奖章。 全家人在印度时的生活时光 抗日胜利后,父亲在北京大学教书(副教授),为了避免当时国民党反动派的镇压, 1948 年底父亲带我们全家去印度。记得我们刚到不久,父亲就离开我们去了瑞典。我们住的是一家贵族人家原来宽敞的 餐厅 (他们只租给我们 餐厅 的左半边)。 餐厅 的天花板离地很高约有 4 ~ 5 米,正面墙上边有一排天窗。(因印度热)我们在 餐厅 左半边的地 面 上,用离地 2 米 多高 麻布刷白的 屏风做 隔断 墙,上边还是连通着。这样隔成了几间,分别用作卧室和 起居室 。 餐厅 右半边堆放着房东家不用的二十多套沙发 、桌椅板凳 ,还有其他一些家具。里面藏了很多老鼠。到了半夜,老鼠就乱串,吱吱的叫着;地上爬着热带一种黑呼呼的大毛毛虫,背上有两排像眼睛、又像灯笼,发出绿黄色荧光的光斑;墙上挂着大黑蜘蛛(肚子有 2 ~ 4 厘米长);天刚亮猴子就从天窗上跳进了屋里,偷东西吃,还抓人简直是恐怖极了。天气热 得 要命。那时家中唯一的男子我哥哥(才 10 岁)泡在澡盆中睡觉,盆边凳子上放了一把 长的菜刀 子,一有响动声,就拿起刀子把凳子拍的啪啪响,一是给自己壮胆,二来好吓走老鼠或猴子和坏人。在我记忆中,父亲不在身边的这段日子是最可怕的。 我们刚到印度时,曾经找了个男佣人(印度都是男人出去当佣人,女人在家看孩子)白天来家中帮助买菜和做家务。母亲婚后多年不学英语,突然到国外,闹出好多笑话。如安徽说烧开水为做开水。因此,母亲让佣人烧开水时说成: make water ,佣人眨着俩眼,不知什么意思。等父亲回来后得知,哈哈大笑。说:你讲的是撒尿不是做开水,正确的应该是 boiling water ,而我母亲想:做的英语是 make ,因此再加上水就成了 make water 了。还有母亲想要多喝一点茶,不知怎么表达就说 I want tea , tea ,认为 2 个 tea 就比一个多一些。这时父亲给母亲买了一些学英语的书,在家母亲认真看,练习阅读,很快英语会话就提高了。 在印度父亲给我们联系学校一定要找好学校,我和姐姐在拉马听(译音) La Martinery School 读书,是意大利教会办的。上课老师都用英语讲课。平时父亲忙于工作很少有空带我们去玩,只有到了炎热的夏季,研究所放暑假时,父亲带我们全家去山区避暑度假,才有空带我们游玩,这是我记忆中最美好的时光。记得在 Mussoorie 避暑时,早晨,我跟着他后面走,听他读法语: Bonjour monsieur , Bonjourmadame (先生你好,太太你好),(他利用假期跟一个法国老太婆学法语)。他还教我背唐诗:《静思夜》、《回乡偶书》,倾注着他思乡之情。他爱读英国作家的小说《双城记》,还给我讲雾都孤儿等故事。他一有空就去书店买英文版的名著小说,回国时带了几箱。有一次度假,父亲曾抽空在 20 多天中教哥哥学完了代数课程,还带我们到山上去采集标本,教我们制作标本。我记得哥哥制作的蕨类带大孢子叶的标本和其他标本有 2 本(每一本都有近 20 页)还带回了国。他年轻时,有空总是这样循循善诱,身体力行地教育我们。父亲非常重视教育,在避暑时,还给我们联系了学校,哥哥姐姐住校,而我因年纪小不住校。怕我们在国外忘了祖国的语言,出国时,把小学 1-6 年级的国语中文书都买了带到了印度,一有空妈妈就教我们。父亲年轻时也爱运动,度假时还教哥哥打羽毛球,带我们到河里游泳,到附近小山上去玩耍和野餐,有时候还骑马。记得在 Mussoorie 时,有一天他和两个 欧美 侨民上山去野游,由于观点不同,发生争执,谈不到一块儿,就和他们分手了。结果由于地形不熟,认不得回来的路,天都黑了那 两 个人都回来几个小时了,但父亲还没到家。天黑了山上有 豹子 出没,母亲非常担心,通过厨师同当地的体育大学生联合会和工会取得联系后,学生会主动组织了人员打着火把一边走,一边叫 啦哪,啦哪,呼! (译音),举着的火把在山上成之字形, 吓唬豹子, 非常壮观。父亲半天没有进食,肚子非常饿,都快走不动了,一摸口袋里还有哥哥在父亲临出门时给他的 几个新鲜荔枝 ,当时真解决问题。父亲看到火把后,随光找路,很晚才回到家。 在印度时,父亲工作很忙,早上上班中午不回家吃饭,那 里 没有食堂,母亲做好饭有公务员到家取饭,这样可以省时间,吃完饭可以接着工作。下午有午茶,晚饭很晚才回家吃。母亲在家操持家务,做编织毛衣、绣花等手工活。她会编织各种花样。影响到我现在爱编织毛衣。每天早上母亲送我和姐姐上学,买菜回来做饭,中午还要给我和姐姐送饭。我记得那时低年级班的学生都由家长送饭(面包夹火腿、菜、鸡蛋等,还有汤、点心、水果)临回国前的夏季,我们在外面乘凉时,父亲为了带回古植物文献,冒着酷暑,天天在屋子里冲洗胶卷,家里工作条件差,没有暗室,就用被子围挡起来操作,终于把长达 1200 多米的缩微胶片做完带回中国。当 Sahni 夫人得知父亲要回国时,诚心要留父亲,要委任父亲当所长,父亲推说要探望祖母。膝下没有子女的 Sahni 夫人又提出要留下姐姐,认为这样可以牵制父亲。父亲只得婉言推托谢绝,说怕给她带来麻烦,说以后还要回印度来,在住处留下几个大铁箱子,里面装了些旧衣服,还留了一些家具。这样最后 在聘任期满时, 终于得到了夫人的允许, 1952 年父亲带我们全家回到了祖国。 回归祖国 1952 年回国时我们乘的是一条英国远洋客轮,该船由加拿大出发,经过英国、印度西海岸的孟卖海港( Bombay )行程一个月。我们是在中途由孟卖港上船的,经过新加坡,终点到达香港。下船后,再由香港进入广州和上海,分别在我的两个姑姑家住了近一个月后, 7 月到了南京,住成贤街 72 号中国科学院宿舍。母亲给我和姐姐联系的是南大附小,哥哥上的是十中(都是重点学校)。父亲是一个性格开朗的人,那时晚上空闲时,带领全家学唱《二郎山》二呀么二郎山呀,高呀么高万丈等歌曲。 1954 年 7 ~ 8 月我们家搬到了北京,当时百万庄那片楼群还没全盖好我们就住进去了。楼上面的人走着脚步声和路线听得清清楚楚。周围都是工地,灰土飞扬,到处乱糟糟的,环境极差,附近没有小学校,我只好每天步行到较远的马尾沟小学上学。父亲忙着办煤岩训练班,自己编教材,刻蜡板,学生一批一批的,络绎不绝。在地质科学院时,由于家离办公室很近,下了班,几乎每天都有学生来家请教问题,改文章。父亲都不厌其烦的一一修改,有的文章几乎等于是父亲在重写。整风反右时,父亲出于好心提了不少意见,现在看来基本上是正确的,可在当时不得了,差点被带上帽子。说父亲反苏,是因为父亲的观点与一位苏联专家存在分歧时, 大部分人都迷信苏联专家。但实际上 苏联专家的 分析认识有问题。因此父亲 说不要崇洋媚外,迷信苏联专家,苏联专家说 的不一定都正确,就是针对这个具体情况而言的。 1956 年大批苏联专家来中国后,掀起了学俄语高潮,当时缺俄文打字员,和管理俄文文献的人。母亲参加了地质科学院办的俄文学习班,当时已经 40 多岁了,还和 20 几岁的年轻人一起学习,考试成绩基本是 5 分,( 5 级分制)排在前几名,结业后,先后在地科院地质研究所搞俄文打字和图书资料室当管理员,后到情报所图书馆工作。 1962 年困难时期,紧缩编制,要下放大批干部,动员母亲退职,好把位置让给家庭困难的年轻人。母亲虽不愿意,但也无法,大约是在 1964 办的退职。 1966 年文革开始,我们住在百万庄卯区 22 楼, 2 室一厅,没有过道。我和姐姐住一间,另一间屋被迫让给了另一户 3 口,两大人带一个 2 岁多的孩子,我父母住在外面客厅。里屋的人从客厅里过来过去的,客厅成了过道了,只好拉了块塑料布遮挡。吵得很,父亲休息不好,血压那时升高了。因父亲已调到植物所,地科院住房紧,经常赶我们走。我们大约是 1968 年搬到了当时中关村 14 楼与陈焕庸家 合住 。 父亲的科学态度 文革期间,好多人不敢说真话,不敢坚持真理,有的随风倒。父亲为了科学敢于坚持真理。那时随着张铁生的一张白卷 掀起了不要搞基本理论的歪风,植物所有的造反派,包括搞分类的人说:不要标本了,应该烧掉古植物不要系统发育。我对植物和古植物不太懂。但记得父亲坚持要搞系统发育。记得有一阵北京大学生物系只有生物物理,和生物化学专业,没有设普通植物学和动物学专业。听父亲讲他为此找过陈世镶(曾当过动物所所长)要联名上书。父亲曾写文章针对当时教育上的这种不重视基础学科的情况,统计了国外很多文献和数字,说明植物学和动物学是生物学的基础,国外都设置动植物专业。我国大学生物系不应该没有这 2 个基础专业,(我见过文章写好的手稿,可能没有正式发表。) 做学问,父亲最反对写文章为了充数而乱写,不认真,图虚名。他发表文章前一定要仔细、认真的阅读文献,研究材料后再写。我看父亲发表的每篇文章手稿都不止是修改 2 、 3 遍 ,有的改了又改,逐字斟酌,直到满意为止。父亲给我的印象是:他认为搞科研的人一定要尊重科学,讲科学,不要华而不实,胡乱吹。 做人要本分、老实、事实求是。他最讨厌为了图名利而追求做官往上爬的人。他一生不图名利(有的学生为了稿费而争,他则把自己的稿费拿出来给他们分,以免争吵)不争官位,一心为国家的科学事业而搞科研。 回忆父亲的一生不只是热爱自然科学,他热爱祖国,热爱人民,对一切不科学的做法敢于斗争。他贵在敢说真话,敢于坚持真理。如南岭会议之争; 1956 年他与苏联某专家的分歧是出自对方分析有问题,父亲冒着被戴反苏帽子的风险,敢于坚持真理,不同意签字)。 1964 年派他带队到河南省信阳专区搞四清时看到农民生活太苦,但队员他们都不敢提搞经济,怕戴走资本主义、经济主义帽子,当时他就建议大队发展副业,增加经济收入改善农民生活。他从没学过打针,竟每天给得骨结核的放牛娃打链霉素,使已不能起床的病娃居然能病愈等等。这些品德是他从小养成,而一贯坚持的。这又得要说起在中学读书时,五卅惨案发生后,他退出教会学校,以响应收回教育权的运动,到 9.18 参加宣传抗日,为了抗日还曾在清华大学化学系的实验室研究防毒面具,到新中国建立后拒绝了在印度任所长的优裕生活回国参加建设。成立人民公社时,生产队缺房子,父亲写信给当地政府,把老家的一整套房子( 3 进房,有十来间)都捐献给了人民公社,这些都是爱国、爱社会主义的表现。 你问起我父亲对家庭的态度与贡献? 他是比较顾家和孝顺的。他很孝顺母亲,自去印度后,奶奶就和我在上海的姑姑一起生活。记得父亲每月都寄给她生活费,直到去世。年轻时对妹妹们的生活也很照顾。我们小时候,对我们学习很关心,总是给我们联系好学校。但很少有时间陪我们玩,由于工作忙,他没有过多的时间照顾家庭,每天在家写文章都到半夜。自从有了孙子后,特别疼爱,由于我哥嫂都在三线流动搞建设,生下孩子就走了,没有北京户口,幼儿园不收,我父亲每天送接孙子上植物所幼儿园。(只有植物所幼儿园照顾才收)父亲不会做饭。只会下挂面。但很勤快,家中虽有保姆,但小衣物从来都自己洗。每天工作写书前,都要用手摸一下书桌,有灰,就一定把书桌擦干净后再干工作。 父亲的人才观 父亲对育人理念,到底是什么?我说不全面,只能从一些事例来揣摩。 他认为: 1 ) 名师出高徒 --- 他自己上学要读名校,如考大学一定读一流的大学(清华大学),解放前留学都去欧美,名气大。但我父亲却去印度,因为有世界知名的古植物学家 Sahni 。他招研究生一般要从北大挑选(北大梁家骥曾是父亲的学生,父亲找梁商量后把他的学生挖来)。 2 ) 父亲爱惜人才 --- 如当时,宋书如在后勤卖饭票时,大家都不看好她,父亲知道她英语还好,打字快,卖饭票太屈才,就把她调到室里当秘书,管文献资料。 3 ) 父亲看事情比较远,不随波逐流 --- 如 1959 年我考上高中时学的是俄语班。(学校英俄语班各一半由老师分配)当时亲苏,都愿意学俄语。被分到英语班的学生有的都哭了。后来我得了急性黄胆性肝炎,休学了一年。当复学时,父亲让我改学英语,说:英语是世界性语言,用处广。俄语局限性大,不要随大流,赶时髦。要我写申请,改英语班的理由是:因病身体不好,小时候在国外学过英语,可减轻学习负担。后来我被改到了英语班。我真庆幸听了父亲的话。到了文革期间我在家待分配工作,身体也不好,心情压抑。父亲劝我学英语,学打字。可当时学校都停课了,学外语有什么用?他讲:年轻时我学滑冰,至今都有用。冬天走在结冰的路面上,虽然人老了,但能掌握平衡、不会摔跤。听了父亲的教诲,我在家自学许国璋编的英语课本,学语法,并学会了打字。真没想到,十几年后我在图书馆工作时,这些技能还真派上了用场。我如今计算机会盲打,还是那时的基础。又如, 1983 年我在所资料室时,中国科学院要在中关村盖楼房(文革后首批给知识分子盖楼)需要从各个所临时调人搞基建,在我所资料室看中了我,要我管图纸。期限 2 年,好处是盖好房子后,可以给曾加一套房子,当时我家只有一间房子,父亲家和文丽珠合住,所里没有房子调。我想给家里和父亲增加房子,当征求父亲意见时,父亲当时虽然很需要房子,但对我说:不要为了眼前的利益放弃了工作和学习。房子将来是会有的,但学习的机会难得。那时我想报考成人大学提高文化素质,当考上中科院干部管理学院后就放弃了这个机会。我报考时已 39 岁是最后一次机会(限 40 岁以下)。我体会到,听了父亲的教诲接收了高等教育就为以后的工作和学习打下了基础。 4 ) 不 违本人志向,不强迫孩子去从事他不愿做的工作 ---- 父亲总希望孩子们中有一个跟他学古植物。但哥哥不喜欢生物,喜欢画图画,要报建筑专业,只好随他去。等到我婚后父亲曾劝我爱人考研究生,还和他大谈大陆漂流、板块学说、植物演化与区系划分关系的过程中,又不失时机劝他攻研孢粉学,不料他说:隔行如隔山,您的学生分布在全国许多部门为数众多,我就在地质方面为您的观点敲敲边鼓吧。父亲尊重了他的意见并不勉强,也继续与地质学术活动保持着密切的联系。那时姐姐有风湿关节炎,就让她报考了幼儿师范。当时很少有人愿意搞幼儿教育,父亲认为从小教育儿童很重要,以后和儿童在一起,环境好,对身体有利。我初中学习还好,父亲让我考高中,好升大学。但我高中得了肝炎后,加上困难时期身体总不能恢复。大学招生又少,父亲除了北大生物系其它学校也没让我报考,结果没考上。他本来想让我学孢子花粉鉴定,说我搞不了古植物,考虑在一个室不好处,当时我英语还好,就想让我到图书馆, 1965 年和当时的主任王宗训提出,后来手续都办好了。没想到文革一开始,就耽搁了下来。 1969 年我才正式到了植物所,随植物所干部下放到湖北五七干校。 母亲遗言 母亲有何遗言,我不太清楚。去世时我正在怀柔中科院管理干部学院上学。但她最不放心的是她孙子,因孙子(小宏)从一生下来 56 天后就由我母亲带他长大到 9 岁,父母才调回京。小宏离开他父母太久、不亲近,因此母亲不放心。母亲结肠癌转子宫癌不久,一次大出血后人就不行了,临去世前,她已无力说话了,但睁大了双眼不肯闭上,姐姐问她:是不是不放心小宏?然后说:你放心吧我会关照小宏的。此时母亲才闭上了双眼,昏迷睡着,不久就去世了。我母亲对父亲 还是放心的 ,因她知道我们子女会关照父亲的生活的。当她结肠癌确诊时已是晚期了,准备做手术前,我回家住了几天 ( 我哥一家与他们同住 ) ,因为哥嫂上班远,工作忙,所有家务都是她在操持,她不放心家里,怕住院后父亲找不到东西,把家里东西谁的放在什么地方一一向我交待,还把要给谁的东西都有交代。还想到过年是外孙(我儿子) 10 岁生日怕活不到那时,就提前给外孙买好了一套衣服的料子,让我做她在病榻上还给孙子编织毛衣。并嘱咐她工作时攒下的钱给她孙子作教育费。这些,应该都算是她的临终遗言吧。母亲去世时,遗体告别时我们没有让父亲去火葬场,怕他难过。火葬完第 2 天父亲就出差到南京开会,以分散哀思。回京后,父亲家从 14 楼搬到了 804 楼。家的环境改变了一下,父亲就又忙于工作了 。 父亲遗言 父亲得了脑血栓后,最不放心的是古植物的前途和古植物室主任的接班人。他常常挂在嘴上不断地说:古植物室怎么办?古植物室怎么办?他写过遗言:他死后他的书都捐给图书馆。可当时大家都忙于工作,没时间整理他的书籍(放在我姐住处)。地质大学太远怕学生用起来不方便,后来就给了组里。组里为了免得别人说闲话,要付书款,我就象征性的收了 1000 元。 徐竺声 2010-7-6
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|9801 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]讣闻:前苏联植物学家和古植物学家S. G. Zhilin
livingfossil 2010-10-6 04:28
讣闻:前苏联植物学家和古植物学家Sergey Glebovich Zhilin(1932--2010) 关键词:S. G. Zhilin;前苏联;古植物学家 转发材料系2010年4月《国际古植物学协会通讯》(第91期)刊发的前苏联植物学家和古植物学家Sergey Glebovich Zhilin(1932--2010)讣闻 。资料来源于国际古植物学协会(International Organization of Palaeobotany)官方网站: http://www.palaeobotany.org/ IOP Newsletter 91 p.9-10 April 2010 http://www.palaeobotany.org/newsletter/ 孙启高 2010年10月4日 ------------------------------------- In memoriam Sergey Glebovich Zhilin IOP Newsletter 91 p.9-10 April 2010 Sergey Glebovich Zhilin, Russian palaeobotanist of the Komarov Palaeobotanical Institute in St. Petersburg passed away in a Cordial Clinic on February 3, 2010 at the age of 77. Sergey had severe health problems that got worse over the past months. Sergey Zhilin was born in Leningrad in 1932. He graduated from the Leningrad State University as botanist and palaeobotanist in 1964. During his study he had got stratigraphical, palynological and geological experience at the Geological Institute, working in several expeditions in Kazakhstan. On materials collected in the Turgai region in 1968 he defended his Ph. D. thesis Oligocene Flora of Ustyurt under the Academician Armen Takhtajan. In cooperation with colleagues many works in modern botany were produced. In particular, he was an editor and author of a multi-volume edition of The Life of Plants . But lifelong Sergey Zhilin was involved in various aspects of palaeobotany. Initially, he continued his study of Kazakh Cretaceous and Tertiary floras. He organized expeditions and made very extensive collections (1965--1996). Sergey Zhilin significantly contributed to the study of fossil plants of the former USSR (Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as, in part, Armenia, Ukraine, and Abkhazia) as well as China. Since 1969 A. L. Takhtajan invited him to participate in the editorial and research work on Fossil Flowering Plants of USSR . Sergey Zhilin spent a lot of work identifying the generic names of fossil plants published in regional publications. More than 200, mainly Palaeozoic and Mesozoic, generic names have been published by him in a three-volume Index Nominum Genericorum (Platarum) , 1979. Very important is his book Tertiary Flora in Ustyurt (1974), which summarized the first results of the study of the so-called Turgai palaeofloras. Later Zhilin published two more books: The main stages of the temperate forest flora in the Oligoceneearly Miocene of Kazakhstan (1984) and History of Development of the Temperate Forest Flora in Kazakhstan, U.S.S.R. from the Oligocene to the Early Miocene (published in New York, 1989). The Turgai floristic complex was divided into five, faunistically well dated, phases of development (Zhilin, 1999, 2001), which allows comparing them with very accurately stratified palaeofloristic complexes established by V. P. Nikitin (1998) for Western Siberia. Sergey Zhilin also found palaeogeographical and stratigraphical boundaries of the Turgai floras. In recent years, since 1990, he got especially interested in anatomy and ultrastructure of fossil plants, as well as the idea to find fossil deoxyribonucleic acid remnants in fossil leaves that are 20-50 million years old. Professionally, Sergey Zhilin served as an executive committee member of several societies, including the Botanical and Palaeontological Societies of Russia, the Palaeogene committee, and member of editorial board of the Botanical Journal. Sergey Zhilin was a thoroughly educated man, very interested in many fields. He wrote a lot of biographical articles, traced the history of the palaeobotanical schools in Russia and the botanical school of his teacher A. L. Takhtajan. Much he did for the protection and conservation of the localities of fossil plants. In addition to palaeobotany, he wrote articles for onomastics, poems, and he had extensive knowledge of literature, history, and the work of many artists. Communicating with him was always interesting and enriching. He died several days before his 78 th birthday. We will keep him in good commemoration. Sergey Vikhulin (St. Petersburg)
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|2619 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-8-21 04:52
古植物学的故事(67): 谁敢梦想成为古植物学家? Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.67) : Who dare to dream of a palaeobotanist in the future?(by Qigao Sun) (in Chinese) 关键词: 古植物学 ; 古植物学家;梦想 孙启高 2010年8月5日完稿,8月19日修改 有些青年朋友看了《古植物学的故事》后给我来信,和我交流立志从事古植物学研究的学习计划并梦想成为古植物学家的良好愿望。每每收到这种来信,我总是坦率回复青年朋友:古植物学是地地道道的 全球性的 冷门专业,建议尽量选择易于安身立命、易于养家糊口的专业;要综合家庭情况和个人志趣做出较为理性的选择。也许我的回复是令人扫兴的,但我诚恳地告诉青年朋友我的建议毫无欲擒故纵的意,因为摆在我们面前的客观实际情况是很残酷的:读研敢于选择古植物学专业的是猛士,读完研敢于选择这个专业做职业的是勇士,选择在科研圈内为古植物学奋斗,固执不与科研圈内游戏规则妥协的人更是壮士,然后死不悔改被淘汰的人遂成烈士! 我期望《古植物学的故事》是一部古植物学史诗,试图将科学理想主义和现实主义结合起来,但并不期望它误导青年朋友。为了避免这种情形的发生,我期望青年朋友有必要对 国内外古植物学的历史与现状有所了解, 请参阅有关文章,如:《 古植物学有什么用 ? 》 、《 掀开古植物学的神秘面纱》、《岌岌可危的中国古植物学将走向何方?》。 江山代有人才出 --- 谁敢梦想成为古植物学家呢?本文将探讨有关古植物学专业选择的主要问题,供青年朋友参考。 一、生计和科研 --- 谁为兴趣成为古植物学家? 《在马克思墓前的讲话》是恩格斯写的一篇 著名悼文。该文有个著名论断十分精辟: 人们首先必须吃、喝、住、穿,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等等。 显然,从事科学研究的人必须具有基本的生存条件,否则无法从事科研。这是必要条件,但不是充分条件 ---衣食无忧的人未必必须要投身于科学研究,也未必有兴趣从事科学研究! 俗话说:男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎。许多家长对孩子的专业选择非常关心,因为养家糊口是非常真实的事情。家长们一般期望孩子学习既热门又实用的专业,将来容易找到收入高、待遇好的工作。在欧美,律师和医生的工作属于较为理想的传统职业,便于谋生。 达尔文的祖父 Erasmus Darwin(1731--1802) 和父亲 Robert Waring Darwin(1766--1848) 都是名医,也都是英国皇家学会的院士(或称会员)。由于家庭的影响,达尔文原本要子承父业当医生,他在爱丁堡大学学过医。但达尔文不堪忍受手术台上的鲜血,他放弃学医,到剑桥大学学习神学,准备作牧师。达尔文毕业后,他的老师 --- 剑桥植物学教授 John Stevens Henslow (1796--1861) 将他引荐给贝格尔号船长 Robert FitzRoy (18051865) ( The captain of HMS Beagle )。 1831--1836 年达尔文随贝格尔号船长进行了长达 5 年的环球旅行。达尔文在贝格尔号的确切身份是作为船长没有工资的博物学家和陪同( The post of unpaid naturalist and companion to the captain on HMS Beagle )。 在物欲横流、急功近利的现实社会里,有些人梦想成为金融家,有些人梦想成为歌唱家;有些人梦想成为公务员,有些人梦想成为大法官世界上的梦想各种各样,谁梦想成为古植物学家? 科研人员的动机是多种多样的,有的人为了远大的抱负和理想,为科学而献身,如:邓稼先( 1924--1986)。有的人家庭背景优越,衣食无忧,纯粹为了兴趣玩科学(play with science),如:达尔文(1809--1882)。有的人从事科研的目的也许整个一生为了衣食而谋,或者在某个人生阶段纯粹为了生计。有的人似乎很幸运,从事科研的目的既为了生计又为了兴趣,兼而有之。 我们不能否认,现代科学研究越来越来专门化与职业化,已成为一种实实在在的谋生手段,这是客观事实。实际上,纯粹为了生计的科学研究早已不是偶然现象。这是可以理解的,也是无可指责的,因为任何科研人员都不是神,也不可能生活在真空中。从逻辑上看,生计与科研之间并没有内在的冲突与矛盾,但两者之间也并不是毫无关联的。科学兴趣和学术道德对于科学研究至关重要,可是它们在巨大的生存压力面前往往变得很苍白,也很难持久。科学研究毕竟是严肃而神圣的事业和追求,我们深信,坚持和崇尚科学态度、科学精神、敬业精神、职业操守、学术良知和学术诚信极为重要。 二、偶然与必然 ----谁有奇缘成为古植物学家? 在英国古植物学界有个奇迹, 师徒 5代古植物学家当选为英国皇家学会院士,他们是:William Crawford Williamson (1816--1895)、 Albert Charles Seward (1863--1941) 、 ThomasMaxwell Harris (1903--1983)、William Gilbert Chaloner(1928--)和Peter Robert Crane(1954--)。 1996年3月14日,古植物学家Dianne Edwards(1942--)当选为英国皇家学会院士。迄今为止,她是英国皇家学会350年历史上第一位女性古植物学院士。这也是英国古植物学界的奇迹。Dianne Edwards在剑桥大学获得本科与博士学位。Dianne Edwards曾跟我说过,她涉足古植物学研究是非常偶然的。在剑桥,Dianne Edwards跟随 Kenneth R. Sporne 从事科学研究。 K. R. Sporne 虽然不是古植物学家,但他对古植物学非常感兴趣。 K. R. Sporne 出版过几本教科书,其中包含了许多古植物学内容。 有一年,美国康奈尔大学的著名古植物学家 Harlan P. Banks (1913--1998) 访问剑桥大学。 Dianne Edwards聆听了 Harlan P. Banks的学术报告,对早期陆地植物研究(early land plants)产生了浓厚兴趣。1965年, Dianne Edwards在剑桥开始研究早泥盆纪植物(Lower Devonian plants,距今约4亿年),作为她的博士论文研究工作。 Dianne Edwards从剑桥大学获得博士学位后到康奈尔大学跟随 Harlan P. Banks从事博士后研究。Harlan P. Banks是20世纪最伟大的研究泥盆纪植物的古植物学家之一,他于1980年当选为美国科学院院士。Harlan P. Banks对 Dianne Edwards的学术生涯影响巨大。 在结束康奈尔大学的博士后研究后, Dianne Edwards回到英国威尔士大学 继续她的科学研究。几十年来, Dianne Edwards一直聚焦早泥盆纪植物的研究,这种持之以恒的工作非常不容易。 她坚持不懈,一以贯之,为早期陆地植物的研究做出了重要贡献。 三、挑战与机遇 ---- 谁为梦想成为古植物学家 ? 让古植物学在中国全面崛起,这是我们这个时代的一个学术梦想。然而,现实很残酷,形势很严峻。 中国与美国古植物学综合实力的差距实在太大。 美国古植物学的发展历史大约200年,其科学积累速较快,持续发展,综合实力与国际竞争力不断得到提升。美国已成为古植物学研究的学术大国和学术强国之一。 一个世纪以来中国古植物学取得了历史性的进步,但科学积累较为缓慢。与美国古植物学的综合实力相比,中国在以下3个方面尚存在巨大差距:一是中国地区的植物化石标本积累少得可怜;二是中国急需优秀的古植物学家;三是学术体制不完善(包括学术评价体系、学会问题等)。这三大因素直接制约着中国古植物学研究的国家体系建设和长远发展。 客观地说,中国古植物学的发展格局还远未成形,未来中国古植物学具有很大的发展空间,但面临很大的挑战和不确定性。振兴中国古植物学的瓶颈问题之一是人才问题。 杰出古植物学人才的培养是很复杂的系统工程,受制于许多主客观条件。中国到底需要多少职业古植物学家?虽然我们很难给出一个确切的数字,但是我确信这个数量非常有限。 生存大计是一个普遍性的根本问题。中国社会快速转型,社会保障体系尚不健全,很多科研人员面临着巨大的生存压力。在拜金主义和功利主义日益盛行的社会大环境中,人们的学术动机和学术传承在各种世俗利益面前都变得不再单纯,而是变得日益多样化、复杂化。纯粹为了生活出路的科学研究虽然十分无奈,也很难进行对与错的界定,但是可能带来较多的盲目性。不过,生于忧患、死于安乐是一条很深刻的生活法则。 现在的科研竞争日趋激烈,极为残酷。在学术体制尚不完善的形势下,各种学术潜规则非常横行, 适者生存往往是明智的选择。有人认为,如今科学研究已成为风险很高的职业。 在当前社会大环境和科研竞争中,传统学科(如古植物学)的生存境遇面临严重危机。关于中国古植物学的未来发展,我并不担心后继乏人,因为我相信江山代有人才出。 古植物学是探索自然历史的重要内容,它垂而不死,充满未知,挑战人类的智慧和思维。人类对化石植物的好奇和研究无休无止。古植物学研究似乎属于贵族化的科学活动。也许将来会有 不为衣食忧、也不为稻粱谋的青年朋友因为兴趣而钟情于化石植物,不受生计俗务之困扰,非常体面地专注研究,真正为了梦想成为纯粹的古植物学家。 ----------------------------- 相关阅读资料: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Stevens_Henslow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Fitzroy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dianne_Edwards 古植物学的故事( 26 ):古植物学有什么用 ? http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=288048 古植物学的故事(66):走近古植物学 岌岌可危的中国古植物学 将走向何方? http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=353788 古植物学的故事(65)走近古植物学 掀开古植物学的神秘面纱 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=352495 发表于 2010-8-13 2:27:56 著名悼文有著名论断: 转载《在马克思墓前的讲话》(中文与英文) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=322556 发表于 2010-5-11 6:07:38 古植物学的故事(39 )---350年来与古植物学有缘的英国皇家学会院士与外籍院士(1660--2010) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=328266 发表于 2010-5-24 23:43:30 申请基金的成功之道 = 学术硬实力 + 乞讨 软实力 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=258369 发表于 2009-9-28 10:55:08
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4440 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-7-6 23:07
古植物学的故事(58): 介绍俄罗斯科学院的古植物学院士---- Valentin A. Krassilov(1937---) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.58) : Valentin A. Krassilov(1937---)--- Famous palaeobotanist as Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Short introduction in Chinese and Professor Krassilovs CV in English) 关键词:俄罗斯;古植物学家;Valentin A. Krassilov 俄罗斯著名古植物学家Valentin A. Krassilov是当今国际古植物学家界颇有名望的学者之一。1937年12月1日V. A. Krassilov出生在乌克兰的基辅市。1991年当选为俄罗斯科学院院士 。现供职于俄罗斯科学院古生物学研究所(莫斯科)和以色列Haifa大学。 关于Valentin A. Krassilov的学术背景及成就,请参见其个人网页。 俄罗斯的博士训练和培养与东欧一些国家(如波兰、捷克)很相似,而与中国、美国、英国等国家都不同。 一位俄罗斯同行说:俄罗斯本国人获得俄罗斯的科学博士头衔往往不太容易。 孙启高 (Qigao Sun) 2010年7月2日 ------------------------------------------ 俄罗斯著名古植物学家V. A. Krassilov http://paleobotany.ru/ http://evolution.haifa.ac.il/html/html_eng/valentin_a.html (一)教育背景 1955---1960年 乌克兰Kharkov国立大学理学硕士 M.Sc.: Kharkov State University, Kharkov, Ukraine, 1955 - 1960. 1965年在位于莫斯科的前苏联科学院地质研究所获得古生物学与地层学的哲学博士学位 Ph.D (Candidate of Sciences) in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy Thesis: Early Cretaceous Flora of Primorye (Far East) and Stratigraphic Applications. Institute of Geology, Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, 1965. 1973年在位于Novosibirsk的前苏联科学院西伯利亚分院地质与地球物理研究所获得古生物学与地层学的科学博士学位 D.Sc (Doctor of Sciences) in Palaeontology and Stratigraphy. Thesis: Palaeoecology of Terrestrial Plants and Stratigraphy of Continental Deposits. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Acad.Sci. USSR, Siberian Branch, Novosibirsk 1973. (二)工作经历 1961 1971 : Researcher in the Institute of Geology, Far-Eastern Branch, Acad. Sci. USSR, Vladivostok 1971 1989 : Head of Palaeobotany Lab., Head of Evolutionary Dep., Institute of Biology and Pedology, Far-Eastern Branch, Acad. Sci. USSR, Vladivostok 1989 1994 : Director of All-Union Institute of Nature Conservation, Ministry of Ecology, Moscow. 1994 present: Head of Palaeobotany Dep., Palaeontological Institute, Russian Acad. Sci., Moscow 2001 present: Professor of the Institute of Evolution, Haifa University, Haifa. (三)研究兴趣 Palaeontology, Structural geology, Ecology, Climatology, Global Environmental Change, Biodiversity, Evolution. (四)科学成就 - Series of Monographs on Fossil Floras and Floristic Evolution in the Russian Far East, 1961 1990. - Discovery/first detailed systematic study of Fossil Plants in Siberia, Crimea, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Mali, Israel, Lebanon, 1980 - 2001. - New Taxa: New Order of Heterosporous Plants Heroleandrales, 2000; New Order of Proangiospems Leptostrobales, 1975; New Family of Proangiosperms Dirhopalostachyaceae, 1975; 47 New Species of Fungi, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (1965 2000). - Centres of plant diversity in Russia - defined and analysed in relation to geological history and climates. - New model of Angiosperm Origins by Parallel/Reticulate Evolution, including (1) the Proangiosperm Concept, advanced and substantiated with palaeontological data; (2) the Arogenic Community Concept, of biotic communities showing exceptionally high evolution rates and their environmental enhancers, examplified by the novel plant assemblages with diverse proangiosperms in the Early Cretaceous of Transbaikalia, and (3) the Concept of Multiple Origination Centers, with one such center for angiosperm origins in eastern Asia studied in detail. - New reconstruction of Seed Plant Phylogeny based on geochronological sequences and transitional forms, showing periodic bursts of radiation as well as parallel development. - Initiation of modern studies in Plant Palaeoecology by advancing the methods and formulating the basic principles (1972 1975) that received recognition and stimulated numerous studies worldwide. - Initiation of pollination palaeoecology and plant insect co-evolution studies using a new method of electronic microscopy of pollen grains preserved in gut contents of fossil insects (the Permian to Cretaceous). An outcome of these studies is a Hypothesis of Parallel Evolution by Microbial Gene Transfere facilitated by the insect pollination vectors (1985 2001). - New concepts and analytical methods in Ecosystem Evolution, including a method of quantitative assessment of biomass fluctuations over time. Functional advancement of ecosystems over time is measured by an increase of the biomass to dead mass ratio that is directly correlated with biological diversity. A new approach to estimating standing crop diversity is worked out, using the present day species/area correlations. An original model of biospheric crises is construed on the basis of evolutionary developments over the critical boundaries (the Permian/Triassic, Cretaceous/Tertiary, Eocene/Oligocene) involving the mutually interdependent palaeomagnetic, tectonic, eustatic and climatic events, their concerted impact on the terrestrial and marine ecosystems. - Analytical approach to Developmental/Evolutionary Parallelism of Natural Ecosystems and Human Egosystems revealing General Regularities of Systemic Evolution. (五)论著出版 发表文章330 多篇。 著作有: Krassilov, V.A. Early Cretaceous flora of South Primorye and its stratigraphic significance. Moscow: Nauka, 1967, 264pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Mesozoic flora of Bureya River. Ginkgoales and Czekanowskiales. Moskow: Nauka, 1972, 152 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Palaeoecology of terrestrial plants. Basic methods and principles. Vladivostok: Acad. Sci. USSR, Far East Branch, 1972, 208 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Paleoecology of terrestrial plants. Basic Principles and techniques. N.Y. Toronto: Wiley (Israeli Program of Scientific Translations, Jerusalem), 1975, 283 pp. (Engl). Krassilov, V.A. Evolution and Biostratigraphy. Nauka, Moscow, 1976, 254 pp.(Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Tsagajan flora of Amur Province. Moscow: Nauka, 1976, 92 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Cretaceous flora of Sakhalin. Moscow, Nauka, 1979, 182 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Early Cretaceous flora of Mongolia. Stuttgart, Palaeontographica, 1982, 181B, 43 pp. (Engl). Krassilov, V.A. Cretaceous Period. Evolution of Earth Crust and Biosphere. Moscow; Nauka, 1985, 240 pp. (Rus). Naidin, D.P., Krassilov, V.A. Pokhialaynen, V.P., Katz, Yu.I., Cretaceous Period. Palaeogeography and Palaeooceanology. Moscow: Nauka, 1985, 262 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A., Zubakov, V.A., Schuldiner, V.I., Remisovsky, V.I.Ecostratigraphy. Theory and Methods. Vladivostok: Acad. Sci. USSR, Far East Branch, 1985, 220 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Unsolved Problems of Evolutionary Theory. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 1986, 147 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A., Blokhina, N.I., Markevitch, V.S., Serova, M.Ya. The Cretaceous Palaeogene of the Lesser Kuril Islands. Vladivostok, Acad. Sci. USSR, Far East Branch, 1988, 140 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Origin and early evolution of angiosperms. Moscow: Nauka, 1989, 263 pp. (Rus). Krassilov, V.A. Nature Conservation: Principles, Problems, Priorities. Moscow: Inst. Nat. Cons., 1992, 173 pp. (Russ). Ochev, V.G., Krassilov, V.A., Rautian A.S., et al.. Palaeontology and Palaeoecology. Guide to terminology. Moscow: Nedra, 1995, 494 pp. (Rus., Ukr. Transl.). Krassilov, V.A. Ecosystem and Egosystem Evolution. Pensoft, Sofia, 1995, 172 pp. (Engl). Krassilov, V.A. Angiosperm Origins: Morphological and Ecological Aspects. Pensoft, Sophia, 1997, 270 pp. (Engl). Krassilov, V.A. Metaecology. Moscow: Palaeontol. Inst., 1998, 207 pp. (Russ). Krassilov, V.A. Terrestrial Palaeoecology and Global Change (in preparation) (Engl). 代表性论文: 1. Krassilov, V.A. Long time scale Phanerozoic temperature curve inferred from the shifts of phytogeographical boundaries// Proceedings 4th EPPC, 1997. V. 58. P. 35-42 (Engl). 2. Krassilov, V.A. Density, Diversity and a General Model of Ecosystem Evolution// Evolution of the Biosphere. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery, Launceston, 1997. V. 104. P. 75 79 (Engl). 3. Krassilov, V.A., Bugdaeva, E.V., Markevich, V.S., Maslova, N.P. Proangiosperms and the origins of flowering plants// Russian Science: Endure and Recover. Moscow: Nauka, 1997. P.294-302 (Rus). 4. Krassilov, V.A.., Zherikhin, V.V., Rasnitsyn, A.P. Pollen in the gut of fossil insects as evidence of co-evolution// Sci. Repts. Rus. Acad. Sci. 1997. _ 354 (1). _. 135-138. 5. Krassilov, V.A. Horizontal gene transfere// Nature (Priroda). 1997. _ 2. P. 50 51 (Rus). 6. Krassilov, V.A. On formalization of palaeobotanical descriptions// Reedings in Memory of S.V. Meyen, 26 March 1997 (Abstr.). Moscow: Geol. Inst. 1997. P. 8 (Rus). 7. Krassilov, V.A. Angiosperm Origins: Mophological and Ecological Aspects. Pensoft, 1997, 270 pp. (Engl). 8. Maslova, N.P., Krassilov, V.A. New hamamelid infructescences from the Paleocene of western Kamchatka, Russia// Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 1997. Vol. 97. P. 67 78 (Engl). 9. Krassilov, V.A. Major climatic changes, causes and consequences// D.K.Ferguson H.A.Kollmann (Eds), Climates: Past, Present and Future. 2nd European Palaeontological Congress. (Vienna, 1997), 1997. P. 43 (Engl). 10. Krassilov, V.A., Bugdaeva, E.V. Percursory angiosperm characters in the Early Cretaceous gnetophytes// E. Smets, L.P. et al. (Eds.) 13th Symposium on Morphology, Anatomy and Systematics (Leuven, April 7-11, 1997), Scripta Bot. Belg. 1997. V. 15. P. 98 (Engl). 11. Krassilov, V.A., Zherikhin, V.V., Rasnitsyn, A.P. Classopollis in the guts of Jurassic insects// Palaeontology, 1997. V. 40. Pt. 4. P. 1095 1101 (Engl). 12. Krassilov, V.A. Xeromorphism as climatic indicator// Palaeontol. J. (Moscow). 1997. _ 2. P. 3-12 (Rus). 13. Krassilov, V.A., Rasnitsyn, A.P. Pollen in the guts of Permian insects: first evidence of pollinivory and its evolutionary significance// Lethaia, 1997. V. 29. P. 369-372 (Rus). 14. Krassilov, V.A. Metaecology. Moscow: Palaeontol. Inst., 1998, 207 pp. (Rus). 15. Krassilov, V.A.., Dobruskina, I.A. Gramminoid plant from the Cretaceous of Middle East// Palaeontol. J. (Moscow). 1998. _ 4. P. 106-110 (Rus, Engl transl). 16. Krassilov, V.A. Character parallelism and reticulation in the origin of angiosperms //Horizontal Gene Transfer. Chapman and Hall, London, 1998. P. 411- 424 (Engl). 17. Krassilov, V.A. Ecological approach to diversity evaluation and the estimates of standing crop palaeodiversities // International symposium Paleodiversifications: land and sea compared. Lions. 6 - 8 July 1998. P. 36 (Engl) 18. Krassilov, V.A., Dilcher D.L., Douglas J.G. New ephedroid plant from the Lower Cretaceous Koonwarra Fossil Bed, Victoria, Australia// Alcheringa, 1998. V. 22. P. 123 133 (Engl). 19. Krassilov, V.A. Controversies in the methodology of modern stratigraphy// General Problems of Stratigraphic Correlation. Saratov: Saratov Univ. Press. 1999. P. 3 17 (Rus). 20. Krassilov, V.A. Reappearance of archaic structure in the Late Permian seeds// Palaeontol. J. (Moscow)1999. _ 3. P. 123-125 (Rus). 21. Krassilov. V.A. Global climate change and redistribution of terrestrial biomass// Sci. Repts. Rus. Acad. Sci. 1999. V. 369. _ 2. P. 234-237 (Rus, Engl transl). 22. Krassilov V.A., Golovneva L.B. A new heterosporous plant from the Cretaceous of West Siberia // Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 1999. V. 105. P. 75-84 (Engl). 23. Krassilov, V.A., Rasnitsyn, A.P. Plant remains from the guts of fossil insects: evolutionary and palaeoecological inferences. Proc. 1st Intern. Palaeoentomol. Conf., Moscow, 1998. AMBA Projects AM/PFICM-98/1.99, 65-72 (Engl). 24. Krassilov, V.A., Rasnitsyn, A.P., Afonin, S.A. Pollen morphotypes from the intestine of a Permian booklouse// Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 1999. V. 106. P. 89-96 (Engl). 25. Krassilov, V.A., Afonin, S.A., Lozovsky, V.R. Floristic Evidence of Transitional Permian-Triassic Deposits of the Volga - Dvina Region// Permophiles. 1999. V. 34. P. 12-14 (Engl). 26. Krassilov, V.A., Afonin, S.A., Naugolnykh, S.V. Permotheca with in situ pollen grains for the Lower Permian of the Urals// Palaeobotanist, 1999. V. 48. P. 19-25 (Engl). 27. Krassilov, V.A., Bugdaeva, E.V. An angiosperm cradle community and new proangiosperm taxa// Acta Palaeobot. 1999. Suppl. 2. P. 111-127 (Engl). 28. Krassilov, V.A., Golovneva, L.B. New order of heterosporous plants from the Upper Cretaceous of Kem River, West Siberia// Palaeontol. J. (Moscow). 2000, _ 1. P. 84-92 (Rus). 29. Krassilov, V.A.., Lozovski, Afonin, S.A., Morkovin, I.A. First data on the flora of a transboundary Permian Triassic sequence in Moscow Synclise// Sci. Repts. Rus. Acad. Sci. 2000, _. 372, _ 3, P. 354-355 (Rus, Engl transl). 30. Rasnitsyn, A.P., Krassilov, V.A. First evidence of phyllophgy in pre-Cretaceous insects: leaf tissues in the guts of Late Jurassic insects from Karatau (Kazakhstan)// Palaeontol. J. (Moscow). 2000. _ 3. 31. Krassilov, V.A., Bugdaeva, E.V. Gnetophyte assemblage from the Early Cretaceous of Transbaikalia// Palaeontographica Abt. B, 2000, vol. 253, pp. 139-151 (Engl). 32. Krassilov, V.A., Bacchia, F. Cenomanian florule of Nammoura, Lebanon// Cretaceous Res. 2000. V. 21. P. 785-799 (Engl). 33. Krassilov, V.A. (Ed.) Palynology and Phytostratigraphy// Palaeontol. J. Suppl. 2000. V. 34 (1) (Engl). 34. Krassilov, V.A. Factors of palynomorphological evolution// Palaeontol. J. 2000. V. 34, Suppl. 1, 2-13 (Engl) 35. Krassilov, V.A. Permian phytogeographic zonality and its implications for continental positions and climates// Palaeontol. J. 2000. 34, Suppl. 1, 87-98 (Engl). 36. Krassilov, V.A., Golovneva, L.B. New genus of heterosporous ferns from the Upper Cretaceous of Kazakhstan// Palaeontol. J. (Moscow). 2000 _ 2 (Rus). 37. Krassilov, V.A., Golovneva, L.B., Inflorescence with tricolpate pollen grains from the Cenomanian of Chulymo-Yeniey Basin, West Siberia// Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 2001, 115: 99-106 (Engl). 38. Krassilov, V.A., Naugolnykh, S.V. Permian biomes. Ecotones and climatic zones. In Ecosystem Restructurings, 4. Moscow: Paleontological Institute RAS, 2001, 53-63 (Rus). 39. Krassilov, V.A. A model of biospheric crises. In Ecosystem Restructurings, 4. Moscow: Paleontological Institute RAS, 2001, 9-16 (Rus). 40. Krassilov, V.A. Macroevolution and evolutionary synthesis. In Krassilov, V.A. (ed.) Evolution, Ecology, Biodiversity. Conf. Proc. In honor of N.N. Vorontsov. Moscow: Moscow UP, 2001, 27-47. 41. Lozovski, V.R., Krassilov, V.A., Afonin, S.A., et al. On new member of Vokhminsk Formation, Lower Triassic of Moscow Synclise. Bull. Reg. Strat. Com., 3. Moscow: Inter. Stratigr. Com., 150-163. 42. Krassilov, V.A. Character parallelism and reticulation in the origin of angiosperms. In Syvanen, M., Kado, C.I. Horizontal gene transfere, 2nd ed., San Diego, etc. Acad Press, 373-382. 43. Maslova, N.P., Krassilov, V.A. New genus of Platanaceae from the Paleogene of Amur Region. Paleont. Zh. 2002, 6:106-100 Rus., Engl. trnsl.) ......
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4921 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-7-4 20:50
《古植物学的故事》(57)附件资料---介绍千年难遇的学术大师Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan(1910---2009) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.57) : Foursupplementary files about Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan (compiled by Qigao Sun) (one file in Chinese andthree in English) 原题:《千年难遇的学术大师---俄罗斯著名植物学家和古植物学家Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan(1910---2009)》 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=341159 关键词:Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan;植物学家;古植物学家 为了方便阅读,现转载有关A. L. Takhtajan的资料。 ------------------------------- ( 1 )英文维基百科有关 A. L. Takhtajan 的词条: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armen_Takhtajan Armen Leonovich Takhtajan or Takhtajian ( Russian : Армен Леонович Тахтаджян; surname also transliterated Takhtadjan or Takhtadzhian) (June 10, 1910 November 13, 2009), was a Soviet - Armenian botanist , one of the most important figures in 20th century plant evolution and systematics and biogeography . His other interests included morphology of flowering plants , paleobotany , and the flora of the Caucasus . He was born in Shushi . Takhtajan worked at the Komarov Botanical Institute in Leningrad , where he developed his 1940 classification scheme for flowering plants , which emphasized phylogenetic relationships between plants. His system did not become known to botanists in the West until after 1950, and in the late 1950s he began a correspondence and collaboration with the prominent American botanist Arthur Cronquist , whose plant classification scheme was heavily influenced by his collaboration with Takhtajan and other botanists at Komarov. The Takhtajan system of flowering plant classification treats flowering plants as a division (phylum), Magnoliophyta , with two classes , Magnoliopsida (dicots) and Liliopsida (monocots). These two classes are subdivided into subclasses, and then superorders, orders, and families. The Takhtajan system is similar to the Cronquist system , but with somewhat greater complexity at the higher levels. He favors smaller orders and families, to allow character and evolutionary relationships to be more easily grasped. The Takhtajan classification system remains influential; it is used, for example, by the Montral Botanical Garden . Takhtajan also developed a system of floristic regions . Takhtajan was a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences , as well as a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences since 1971. He was also the academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, the president of the Soviet All-Union Botanical Society (1973) and the International Association for Plant Taxonomy (1975), member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Literature (1971), the German Academy of Naturalists Leopoldina (1972) ]and other scientific societies. In 1932 he graduated from the Soviet (All-Union) Institute of Subtropical Crops ( Tbilisi ). In 1938-48 he headed a Department at the Yerevan State University , in 1944-48- director of the Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Professor of the Leningrad State University . He is an author of works on the origin of flowering and paleobotanics. He developed a system of higher plants. He worked on the Flora of Armenia (vol. 1-6, 1954-73) and Fossil flowering plants of the USSR (v. 1, 1974) books. The standard author abbreviation Takht. is used to indicate this individual as the author when citing a botanical name . Selected works A. Takhtajan, Th.J. Crovello and A. Cronquist (1986). Floristic Regions of the World. A. Takhtajan (1991). Evolutionary Trends in Flowering Plants A. Takhtajan (1997) Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants A. Takhtajan (2009). Flowering Plants. Springer Verlag. ------- 注:关于The German Academy of Naturalists at Leopoldina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_Academy_of_Sciences_Leopoldina German Academy of Sciences at Leopoldina is the national academy of Germany . Historically it was known under the German name Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina until 2007, when it was declared the national academy of Germany by the German government. The Leopoldina is currently located in Halle , but the future seat of the academy has not yet been decided upon. Founded in 1652, the Leopoldina is , p. 5 the oldest continuously existing learned society in the world. ------------------------------------------------------ ( 2 )中文维基百科有关 A. L. Takhtajan 的词条(内容依据英文维基词条翻译成中文): http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%A1%94%E8%B5%AB%E5%A1%94%E6%B1%9F 亚美因列奥诺维奇塔赫塔江( 英语 :Armen Leonovich Takhtajan, 俄文 :Армен Леонович Тахтаджян, 亚美尼亚语 ????? ?????????,中文旧也译为塔赫他间, 1910年 6月10日 - 2009年 11月13日 ), 于1910年出生于 舒沙 (今属 阿塞拜疆 ),是一位 前苏联 亚美尼亚 裔的 植物学家 。他是20世纪植物进化、 植物分类学 和 生物地理学 领域最重要的学者之一。 他的其他研究兴趣还包括 被子植物 植物形态学 、 古植物学 和 高加索 植物区系。 1932年他毕业于 第比利斯 的苏维埃全国亚热带作物研究院。1938-1948年间,他是 埃里温国立大学 的系主任,其中1944-1948年间他还兼任亚美尼亚苏维埃社会主义共和国科学院植物研究所主任。1949年-1961年任 列宁格勒国立大学 教授。1962年起供职于 圣彼得堡 ( 列宁格勒 )的 科马洛夫植物研究所 ,并从1976年起任研究所所长,直至1986年退休。在研究所工作期间,他于 1940年 首次提出一个被子植物的新分类大纲,这个大纲强调了植物之间的 系统发育 关系。在1950年之前,他的系统一直不为欧美的植物学家所知。1950年代后期,他和著名美国植物学家阿瑟 克朗奎斯特 建立了通信联系和合作关系,克朗奎斯特提出的 克朗奎斯特系统 即深受塔赫塔江和科马洛夫研究所其他植物学家的影响。 被子植物分类的 塔赫塔江系统 将被子植物处理为一个 门 (phylum),即 木兰植物门 (Magnoliophyta),下分两个 纲 , 木兰纲 (Magnoliopsida)(即 双子叶植物 )和 百合纲 (Liliopsida)(即 单子叶植物 )。这两个纲再分为亚纲,之下依次是超目、目和科。塔赫塔江系统和克朗奎斯特系统相似,但在较高阶元上的处理比较复杂。他偏爱将一些小目和小科分出,以使每个类群的性状和进化关系更易于掌握。塔赫塔江系统至今仍有一定的影响力,使用该系统的机构有 蒙特利尔植物园 等。 塔赫塔江还提出了一个新的 植物区系 系统,并参与了《亚美尼亚植物志》(第1-6卷,1954-73)和《苏联被子植物化石》(Fossil Flowering Plants of the USSR(第1卷,1974)的撰写。 塔赫塔江在 1971年 被选为 俄罗斯科学院 院士和 美国国家科学院 外籍院士。他还是 亚美尼亚苏维埃社会主义共和国 科学院院士,苏维埃全国植物协会主席(1973),国际植物分类学协会主席(1975),芬兰科学与文学研究院会员(1971),德国博物学院列奥波蒂纳会员(1972)和其他许多科学机构的会员。 塔赫塔江一直反对 李森科 的学说,是敢于公开反对李森科学说的少数前苏联生物学家之一,并因此在1990年被 戈尔巴乔夫 授予 劳动英雄 称号。 2009年11月13日在圣彼得堡逝世,葬于圣彼得堡 斯摩棱斯克公墓 亚美尼亚区。 主要著作: A. Takhtajan, Th.J. Crovello and A. Cronquist (1986). Floristic Regions of the World. A. Takhtajan (1991). Evolutionary Trends in Flowering Plants A. Takhtajan (1997) Diversity and Classification of Flowering Plants 在 引证 由亚美因塔赫塔江命名的一个 植物学名 时,该作者的标准 命名人缩写 是 Takht. 。 ---------------- ( 3 )《纽约时报》于 1993 年 4 月 6 日刊载有关 A. L. Takhtajan 的专访文章 SCIENTIST AT WORK: Armen Takhtajan; Botanist Plans Survey of World's Flowers http://www.nytimes.com/1993/04/06/science/scientist-at-work-armen-takhtajan-botanist-plans-survey-of-world-s-flowers.html?pagewanted=1 By WILLIAM K. STEVENS Published: April 6, 1993 BORN before the Soviet Union existed, Dr. Armen Takhtajan has outlasted both it and the pall it cast over genetics to stand today among the small number of botanists at the top of their field. Years ago, when biologists in the Soviet Union were commonly fired or even imprisoned if they taught classic genetics in defiance of an adviser to Stalin, T. D. Lysenko, Dr. Takhtajan openly fought Lysenko's theories and supporters. Both are long gone, while Dr. Takhtajan has come to be regarded by his fellow botanists as perhaps the foremost living expert on the classification and family groupings of plants. And now, at age 82, he is hard at work in a small guest office at the New York Botanical Garden, where he is on leave from his home laboratory at the Komarov Botanical Institute in St. Petersburg, finishing up what he describes in softly spoken English as my main life work. In his ambitious opus , Dr. Takhtajan (pronounced TAHK-tuh-jahn) is attempting to sort out and formally classify the world's flowering plants on the basis of their evolutionary relationships. Colleagues familiar with the work say that it promises to realign his previous, highly respected version of plant genealogy in ways sure to provoke controversy. A genealogy of this kind continually evolves as more evidence comes in. Producing a good one requires extensive and detailed personal knowledge of plants , an eye for differences and similarities and the ability to analyze vast amounts of sometimes conflicting new data. The aim is to weigh the evidence and come up with a classification that most faithfully reflects the globe's biological diversity. It must be accurate enough for practical use by, for instance, conservationists and those who prospect for pharmaceutical plants. The task is made all the more arduous by the speed at which botanical discoveries and new insights from molecular biology are changing the science of classifying plants and animals, called taxonomy or systematics. Almost every day there is some new bit of evidence for Dr. Takhtajan to take into account. It is very, very difficult , Dr. Takhtajan says of his project. It occupies all my time . Taxonomy is not one of those sciences where young brilliance tends to shine most. Rather, it is a cumulative enterprise in which experience counts big. Dr. Peter H. Raven, a close colleague who directs the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis, describes Dr. Takhtajan's work as a distillation of over 60 years of understanding and mastering the intricacies of the plant kingdom in all of its manifest diversity and glory and geographical spread. Taxonomical programs like Dr. Takhtajan's have moved into prominence as the foundation of efforts to preserve the world's diminishing store of plants and animals. A strong-featured, bushy-browed man, Dr. Takhtajan has been working since last October at the botanical garden in the Bronx, mining its rich library and 5.5-million-specimen plant collection with undiminished enthusiasm. For a person like him, it's a kid in a candy store; he sucks it up, said Dr. Brian Boom, the garden's vice president for botanical science. Dr. Takhtajan plans to return to St. Petersburg later this month. He said that he had been enjoying full professional freedom only since the breakup of the Soviet Union, and that only after Mikhail S. Gorbachev came to power was he able to travel abroad with Alice, his wife of 45 years. He attributes the earlier restrictions placed on him largely to his unceasing opposition to the doctrines of Lysenko, who won the backing of Stalin and Khrushchev from the 1930's to the 1960's in virtually outlawing the teaching of classical genetics. Oh, Lysenko, Dr. Takhtajan said with a contemptuous, dismissive wave of his hand. Very ignorant. Very ignorant. How did he become so influential? Mrs. Takhtajan, a retired linguistics expert and now her husband's chief assistant, answers: Because the government was ignorant. Honored by Gorbachev. Dr. Takhtajan joins others in blaming Lysenko for destroying the career of Nikolai I. Vavilov, who created one of the world's most important seed banks, the Vavilov collection in St. Petersburg. Vavilov was arrested in 1940 and died in prison three years later. I met him a few times, said Dr. Takhtajan. He was a charming man, a great man. It is hard to teach plant taxonomy without making use of classical genetics, a circumstance that inevitably brought Dr. Takhtajan into conflict with the Lysenkoists. They won the first round, firing him in 1948 from the two botanical posts he held in his native Armenia. But the more independent Leningrad University took him on the next year. There, says Dr. Raven, he ran a lab that explicitly rejected Lysenko. Dr. Takhtajan says that in my lectures, I tried to explain some elements of classic genetics to my students, which was illegal. He even fired Lysenkoists from his laboratory. For his resistance to Lysenkoism, he was made a Hero of Labor in 1990 by Mr. Gorbachev. Despite travel restrictions, Dr. Takhtajan was able to correspond with Western botanists, and his reputation grew both at home and abroad. He was made a foreign associate of the United States' National Academy of Sciences in 1971, and the Soviet Union conferred on him its ultimate scientific accolade of full Academician the same year. After a long association with the Komarov institute, he served as its director from 1976 to 1986, when he retired and became an adviser. The Komarov, founded by Peter the Great in 1714 , is widely regarded as one of the world's best botanical research institutes, along with Kew Gardens in Britain and the New York Botanical Garden. Yet just as the Komarov's botanists have at last attained full professional freedom, the institute itself is in severe danger of falling apart. Its facilities are in such decay that the plants in its conservatory are threatened and its greenhouse is in danger of collapse. A survey commissioned by the Missouri Botanical Garden, where Dr. Takhtajan also does research, found that the Komarov needs $7 million in emergency repairs and another $18 million to $20 million for restoration. Given Russia's present financial crisis, a private fund-raising campaign has been mounted to save the institute. Over the years, Dr. Takhtajan has written at least 45 books. He was particularly close to Dr. Arthur Cronquist, his opposite number at the New York Botanical Garden and another eminent systematist. After Dr. Cronquist's death in March 1992, botanists like Dr. Raven regard Dr. Takhtajan as the pre-eminent member of their specialty. Splitting of the Species Among plant systematists, Dr. Takhtajan is noted for his powers of synthesis. Whereas Dr. Cronquist was a lumper -- an analyst who prefers to consolidate plants into larger taxonomic groupings rather than smaller ones, Dr. Takhtajan belongs to the splitter school. If something is a little different, he will separate that out as its own family or group, said Dr. Dennis Stevenson, a botanist at the New York garden who has been working closely with him. This, Dr. Stevenson said, means that Dr. Takhtajan's classifications are more useful in some ways, both to other taxonomists who have smaller units to deal with rather than a big amorphous lump , and to field botanists, because smaller groupings may better reflect biological diversity. Greater splitting of species helps conservation botanists pinpoint areas of greater species diversity. Dr. Takhtajan expects to finish his magnum opus later this year. Written in English and titled Flowering Plants: Classification and Phylogeny, it presents a complete revision of his system of plant groups. That will be controversial, I assure you, Dr. Boom said after a recent seminar given by Dr. Takhtajan. He's going to buck tradition, he said risking scorn on the part of traditionalists, and just go with what he believes is natural. Dr. Peter Stevens, a biologist at Harvard University, said that depending on what he does, it could be rather smashing -- or something archaic. That is, he said, systematics is changing so fast that it is a fun time to be working in the field, but it must be hell to be working on a book like that right now. Certainly, new data will continue to flood in after Dr. Takhtajan's book is published. No system will ever be carved in stone, said Dr. Stevenson of the New York Botanical Garden. For his part, Dr. Takhtajan hopes merely that his masterwork will be useful to academic botanists, evolutionary biologists, students and applied botanists who prospect for medicinal plants or work to preserve plant species, especially those whose habitat is limited to small areas and are therefore on the rare side. In any case, the book will probably stand out in at least one sense. There is no one on the horizon who's going to be able to do this, said Dr. Boom. If there were, I think we'd have known. Photo: Dr. Armen Takhtajan, whom fellow botanists rank as perhaps the foremost living expert on plant classification, at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx. (Steve Hart for The New York Times) ------------------------ (4) 讣闻:前苏联植物学家和古植物学家 Armen Leonovich Takhtajan ( 1910--2009 ) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=370090 发表于 2010-10-6 4:20:03 ---------------------------
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livingfossil 2010-7-4 20:20
古植物学的故事(57): 千年难遇的学术大师---俄罗斯著名植物学家和古植物学家Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan(1910---2009) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.57) : Russian botanist and palaeobotanist----Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan(1910---2009)(by Qigao Sun) (in Chinese) 关键词:Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan;植物学家;古植物学家 尽管我完全同意学术界要慎用学术大师之称谓,但是我认为称颂俄罗斯著名植物学家和古植物学家Armen Levonovi? Takhtajan(1910---2009)为学术大师是毫无争议的 ,也是情不自禁的 。我们敬称A. L. Takhtajan为学术大师的可靠理由并不是因为他一生中拥有多国科学院的院士头衔,而是由于他可贵的科学精神与重大的学术贡献。 20世纪30年代50年代初,李森科主义在前苏联极为盛行。 A. L. Takhtajan在学术与政治交织的恐怖中公开反对李森科学说。他因此在1990年被戈尔巴乔夫授予劳动英雄之称号。 实际上,A. L. Takhtajan创造了一个学术巅峰---高高地矗立在世界植物学与古植物学的研究天地。他是名副其实的学术大师---千年难遇。 1971年,A. L. Takhtajan当选为前苏联科学院院士。同年,他还当选为美国科学院外籍院士。他还是亚美尼亚苏维埃社会主义共和国科学院院士、德国科学院院士及其他科学院的院士。 (1)英文维基百科有关A. L. Takhtajan的词条: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armen_Takhtajan (2)中文维基百科有关A. L. Takhtajan的词条(有关专家依据英文维基词条的内容翻译成中文): http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E5%A1%94%E8%B5%AB%E5%A1%94%E6%B1%9F (3)《纽约时报》于1993年4月6日刊载有关A. L. Takhtajan的专访文章(作者: WILLIAM K. STEVENS): SCIENTIST AT WORK: Armen Takhtajan---Botanist Plans Survey of World's Flowers http://www.nytimes.com/1993/04/06/science/scientist-at-work-armen-takhtajan-botanist-plans-survey-of-world-s-flowers.html?pagewanted=1 孙启高 2010年7月1日写于美国康州 -------------------------------
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livingfossil 2010-7-4 20:13
古植物学的故事(56): 前苏联伟大的地质学家和古植物学家---A. H. 克里什托弗维奇(1885---1953) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.56) : Soviet Union geologist and palaeobotanist--- Afrikan Nikolaevich Krishtofovich (1885---1953) (by Qigao Sun) (in Chinese with English citation) 关键词:A.N. Krishtofovich ;前苏联;古植物学家;地质学家 孙启高 2010 年7 月1 日 A. H. 克里什托弗维奇 是前苏联一位伟大的地质学家和古植物学 家 。维基百科关于A.N. Krishtofovich 的介绍很短,内容如下: Afrikan Nikolaevich Krishtofovich (Африкан Николаевич Криштофович) (1885 1953) was a Soviet paleobotanist . He gathered extensive collections of the Mesozoic flora . In 1932 he published his book Geological review of the countries of the Far East. A crater on Mars was named in his honor. (参见--- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afrikan_Nikolaevich_Krishtofovich ) 根据有关文献,现将A. H. 克里什托弗维奇的生平和学术成就简介如下: 1908 年从位于Novorossiysk 的University of Odessa 毕业。 自1914 年起,在一个地质委员会工作。 自1924 年起,在列宁格勒的前苏联 中心植物园 工作。该植物园为现在的俄罗斯科学院柯莫洛夫(Komarov )植物研究所。同时,在数个高等教育机构从事教学活动。 1930 年3 月10 日在著名的 前苏联科学院案 (Academics Case---The Case of the Academy of Sciences of USSR) 中遭到逮捕。 被捕前系列宁格 勒 大学教授 (Leningrad State University) 和煤炭勘探研究院的高级地质学家。 ( 参见 ---http ://en .wikipedia .org /wiki /Russian _Academy _of _Sciences ) 1933--1934 年,他曾在Sverdlovsk 生活。他在乌拉尔矿业学院(Ural Mining Institute) 等学术机构讲授古植物学。 1945 年当选为乌克兰科学院院士。 1953 年当选为前苏联科学院通讯院士。 1967 年,他在死后被恢复名誉。 A. H. 克里什托弗维奇的古植物学研究范围几乎涵盖前苏联的整个疆域,甚至包括中国、朝鲜和日本的某些地区,研究材料的地质时代涵盖新近纪、中生代和古生代地层。他在亚洲东北部第三纪与中生代含煤地层开展了重要研究。他建立了地质历史时期植被分布的区划,否定了石炭纪世界气候的单调性之陈旧观念。 A.H. 克里什托弗维奇一生著作等身。 他 编写的《古植物学》俄文教科书影响极大,共出版4 次,1941 年出版第3 版,于1946 年获斯大林奖章。作者于1953 年去世,其《古植物学》(第4 版)于1957 年出版。该教科书中译本于1965 年在中国出版,成为中国地区第一本正式出版的、全面而系统地探讨化石植物研究的《古植物学》中文教科书。 A.H. 克里什托弗维奇编纂的《地质学词典》(俄文,2 卷)于1955 年出版。
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古植物学的故事(53):瑞典著名古植物学家Thore Gustaf Halle (
livingfossil 2010-6-25 23:44
古植物学的故事(53): 瑞典著名古植物学家Thore Gustaf Halle (1884-1964)----因为中国而永恒 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.53) : Swedish palaeobotanist Thore Gustaf Halle (1884-1964) and China (by Qigao Sun) (in Chinese with an English appendix) 关键词:瑞典;中国;古植物学家;Halle 瑞典著名古植物学家Thore Gustaf Halle (1884-1964)是20世纪伟大的古植物学家之一。如果我们要深入研究中国古植物学的历史,Thore Gustaf Halle是一位绕不过去的代表人物。我在前面数期《古植物学的故事》提到T. G. Halle教授,现在作个小结。 Episode I T. G. Halle 一生的代表作之一是: 《山西古生界之植物化石》。这是一部很厚重的专著,于 1927 年用英文在 《中国古生物志》发表: Halle, T. G., 1927. Palaezoic Plants from Central Shansi. Palaeontologica Sinica Series A 2(1): 1-316. 关于中国植物化石的研究,他还著有 《中国西南古植物化石》(见:《中国古生物志》甲种第一号第二册, 1927 , 1-26 )、《云南古生代植物化石》(见:《中国古生物志》甲种第一号第四册, 1936 , 1-38 )。 虽然我没有深入研究有关 T. G. Halle 等瑞典科学家与中国合作研究的协议内容,但我对上述重要研究成果在中国正式出版感到很愉快。 研究中国地区的植物化石标本,然后将研究成果用英文发表在中国地区的刊物上,这对中国地区的读者是很方便的。当然,这种做法属于一种很传统的职业操守。 时过境迁,现在我们已进入网络化、信息化、全球化的新时代。我们有时为了纯粹追求 SCIScience Citation Index 的点数可能将中国某地的现代植物或化石植物的几页鉴定工作发表在中国之外的某个刊物上! 参见 ---- 古植物学的故事( 2 )和 古植物学的故事(31) 古植物学的故事( 2 ):丁文江与中国古植物学的兴起 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=252205 2009-8-29 22:31:13 古植物学的故事(31):看瑞典 简述中国与瑞典在古植物学领域的密切联系 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=291299 发表于 2010-1-30 2:42:04 -------------------- Episode II 19181923 年周赞衡先生( 1893---1967 )到瑞典跟随 T. G. Halle 学习古植物学。 周赞衡是用现代科学方法研究古植物学的第一位中国学者。周赞衡在中国古植物学的发展史上拥有数个 第一 : 周赞衡是中国研究古植物学的第一位学者; 周赞衡是中国古植物学领域的第一位出国留学生,也是第一位 海归 ; 周赞衡于 1923 年发表的《山东白垩纪植物化石》是中国人自己撰写的第一篇古植物学论文; 周赞衡是前中央地质调查所古植物学研究室的第一位主任。 参见-----古植物学的故事(28): 中国最早研究古植物学的学者----周赞衡(1893---1967) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=289876 发表于 2010-1-24 12:15:47 ------------------------- Episode III 1928--1931 年中国著名古植物学家、 中国古植物学之父 斯行健先生( 19011964 )在柏林跟随 Walther Gothan 教授( 1879--1954 )学习古植物学。 1930 年, 斯行健与他的导师 Walther Gothan 教授一起赴英国剑桥大学参加了第五届国际植物学大学,大会设有 Palaeobotanical Section 。这届大会的主席是剑桥大学教授、著名古植物学大师 Albert Charles Seward (1863--1941) 。瑞典古植物学家 T. G. Halle 参加了会议。 1931 年,斯行健在柏林大学获得博士学位后,赴瑞典自然历史博物馆跟随 T. G. Halle 从事古植物学研究。 参见-----古植物学的故事(3):斯行健与中国古植物学的兴起 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=252207 发表于 2009-8-29 22:38:57 ------------------- Episode IV 1950 年,中国著名古植物学家徐仁先生( 1912---1992 )从印度赴瑞典斯德哥尔摩参加了第 7 届国际植物学大会。 Walther Gothan 教授 担任本次大会名誉主席。 徐仁先生分别做了题为 Devonian spores from Yunnann, China 及 New information on Homoxylon rajmahalense Sahni 的口头学术报告。 趁此次开会之机,徐仁先生访问了瑞典斯德哥尔摩的自然历史博物馆。 参见 ---- 古植物学的故事( 5 ):徐仁与中国古植物学的兴起 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=252212 发表于 2009-8-29 22:52:50 关于 T. G. Halle 与中国古植物学的历史渊源,值得深入研究。我将一篇有关 T. G. Halle 的生平资料和学术贡献的英文文章附在后面(见附件),供感兴趣的朋友进一步阅读。 孙启高 2010 年 6 月 25 日星期五 ----------------------------------------- 附件 T. G. Halle ( 1884---1964 )的生平资料和学术贡献 作者: Ove Johansson. 资料出处: http://www.nrm.se/en/menu/researchandcollections/departments/palaeobotany/history/halle.866_en.html Thore Gustaf Halle (1884-1964) Thore Gustaf Halle was a very versatile, careful and self-critical scientist. At the same time he handled a range of responsibilities being Head of the Swedish Museum of Natural History and Head of the Department of Palaeobotany, and he was Vice-Secretary at the Swedish Academy of Science. Halle was an appreciated colleague, not only because of his carefulness and self-criticism, but also because of his tolerance and tactful manner with people around him. His most important scientific efforts are found in palaeobotanical investigations of morphology, anatomy and biostratigraphy of floras. Some of his most important works include Palaeozoic Plants from Central Shansi published in 1927, along with his Ph.D.-thesis On the geological structure and history of the Falkland Islands (1911), Lower Devonian plants from Rragen in Norway (1916) and The Mesozoic flora of Graham Land (1913) all which have an important impact on the development of palaeobotany. Halle also made considerable efforts within the area of morphology and he developed the investigation methods of palaeobotany. In a tribute on the 60th birthday of Halle, Florin (1948) states The great quality the work of Halle is known among Palaeobotanists. With great technical inventiveness and skill... combined with critical attitude towards himself and his work, he must be regarded as one of the most important scientists in the 20th century with respect to the development of palaeobotany...With his extraordinary human qualities Thore Halle was well liked, respected, and highly esteemed among his colleagues. Growth, education and career Thore Gustaf Halle was born the 25th of September 1884 in Nykyrka close to Mullsj in the county of Vstergtland, Sweden. His mother was Eva Cornelia Larsson and his father was the shopkeeper Carl Otto Gustafson. He went to Elementary school in Gunnarsbo, Nykyrka, and began his academic career at the secondary grammar school of Jnkping. During this time Halle developed a strong interest in science, especially in botany. In 1903 he began study at the University of Uppsala and 1905 he published his first scientific article Bidrag till Hkenssbygdens mossflora. In 1906 he graduated as Bachelor of Science with geology as the main subject. He participated at the lectures of Docent Rutger Sernander and became interested in the development of the Quaternary flora of Sweden and postglacial climate. In 1906 he published an article on a small investigation of calcareous sediments in the parish of Frjels on the island of Gotland. Through his studies of the calcareous sediments Halle came in contact with professor A. G. Nathorst at the Department of Fossil Plants and Archaegoniates (present Department of Palaeobotany) at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. This contact led to the engagement of Halle in investigations at the department by 1907. The first works considered club mosses of the Palaeozoic (1907) and horsetails of the Mesozoic (1908). It is interesting to note that Nathorst, like Halle, had an early interest in the postglacial flora of Sweden. 1911 he received the title Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Uppsala and he same year he was appointed docent at the University of Stockholm. The first years Halle was fee-remunerated at the department and 1914 he was hired as scientific help and later as assistant. Nathorst retired in 1917 and the 22nd of February the following year Halle was appointed professor and the successor of Nathorst at position as Head of the Department, which was now situated at its present site, in Frescati, to the north of Stockholm. Halle was in addition to this, also the head of the museum from 1921 until 1947. He retired in 1950 and his successor was Olof Hugo Selling. In 1930 Halle was appointed Doctor of Honour at the University of Cambridge and 1933 he became Vice-Secretary of the Swedish Academy of Science. Mosses, Quaternary geology and flora As mentioned Halle was initially interested in the Quaternary flora of Sweden and he published a few articles on the subject (e.g. Halle 1915), including the above mentioned on calcareous sediments on Gotland. This interest extended to other parts of the world, for example, On quaternary deposits and changes of level in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego (Halle 1910) . As a bryologist Halle is mostly famous as a collector. He took part in the collection of more than 10 000 samples, now kept at the Department of Cryptogamic Botany at the Swedish Museum of Natural History. He made collections all over Sweden, but mainly in the area of Stockholm. Halle was especially interested in aquatic mosses (Krusenstjerna, 1964). Two other palaeobotanists at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Hjalmar Mller and Rudolf Florin , shared the same interest of the moss flora. Mller eventually went on full time to the study of mosses (Krusenstjerna, 1964). The only published contribution by Halle in this area was Bidrag till Hkenssbygdens mossflora (1905), published under his birth name Gustafsson. Together with the collections of Florin and Mller, Halles collections of more than 10 000 samples are of great importance, especially for the first mapping of the moss flora of the Stockholm area (Krusenstjerna, 1964) Palaeobotanical work Halles knowledge was extended to most areas of palaeobotany. They were geological as well as biostratigraphical and morphologically. As mentioned, the subject of the first palaeobotanical publication of Halle was on herbaceous club mosses from Palaeozoikum and Mesozoikum, published in Arkiv fr Botanik 1907. The studied material originated from e.g., Zwickau in Sachsen, Bjuv and Skromberga in Scania. The following year he published an article on Mesozoic horsetails, using material from e.g., Hr, Bjuv and Stabbarp in Scania. He described the new genera Neocalamites and new species of Equisetites. Halle mentions the flora of Scania in other publications, e.g., descriptions of Mesozoic fossil floras in the southeast of Scania (1913, together with Hjalmar Mller). In 1916 Halle described plants from the Lower Devonian of Rragen, Norway. Lundblad (1969a, 1969b) describes these works as a starting point to an intense period of studies on the oldest land plants and their morphology. Andrews (1980) found it an important work on the early vascular land plants. The work contains morphological descriptions of psilophytes and a discussion on their phylogeny. The psilophytes became important to Halle who was one of the first to advocate Zimmermans telome theory. Most of his work contains evidence on his qualities as a morphologist and developer of methods. Further examples on morphological and anatomical investigations are, e.g., The morphology of Whittleseya and related forms (1931) and The structure of certain fossil spore-bearing organs believed to belong to the Pteridosperms (1933). Walton (1966) mentions the importance of the techniques of Halle in the latter publication, used on the harder, more resistant carboniferous material. The techniques made it possible to e.g., distinguish the position of pollen in the complex organs that produced them (Andrews, 1980), which earlier have not been possible. With the same publication in mind Lundblad (1969a) describes his reconstructions of the reproductive organs of the pteridosperms as classical. The last great work by Halle was De utdda vxterna (1938-1940) in Carl Skottsbergs Vxternas liv and has the characteristic of a Swedish textbook on palaeobotany a nd is unique of its kind. Lundblad (1969a, 1969b) and Andrews (1980) were both sorry that these works never were translated into some of the great cultural languages. Palaeobotanical activities in the Antarctic and South America In 1901-1903 Otto Nordenskjld led a Swedish expedition to the Antarctic. One of the scientific staff members was the geologist Johan Gunnar Andersson (1874-1960), later famous and known in Sweden as China-Gunnar. He found and collected a black shale with a lot of fossil plant impressions at Hope bay, Graham Land that Halle investigated and found to be Jurassic in age, published in The Mesozic Flora of Graham Land (1913). In 1907-1909 Halle participated himself on an expedition to South America, led by Carl Skottsberg. Halle collected plant fossils in the Tierra del Fuego, Falkland Islands, Brazil, Chile and Patagonia. In the Falkland Islands he discovered a Glossopteris Flora, described in his PhD thesis On the geological structure and history of the Falkland Island (1911). The geological description also contains the sensational discovery of tillite as witness of a glaciation in the Permian-Carboniferous periods. Already at this time Halle made proof of his capability in combined palaeofloristic and geological studies. Halle T G 与中国 Cooperation with China-Gunnar Johan Gunnar Kina-Gunnar Andersson became in 1914 the Chinese governments adviser in mine affairs and managed to inspire Halle to mount a research expedition to the provinces of Hebei, Jiangxi and Henan. Halle made extensive collections, collected by himself, China-Gunnar and Chinese geologists. The transport of this material to Sweden ended in a disaster when the ship, the Swedish steamer Peking went shipwrecked in a typhoon at the Chinese Sea 1919 and the whole of the collection was lost. China-Gunnar managed, at least partly, to replace the lost specimens in cooperation with the Chinese Geological Survey, and these new collections arrived safely to Halle in Stockholm. He also received specimens from Erik Norin (1895-1982). Norin made collections in China during the year 1921-1922 on the invitation of professor Erik T. Nystrm at the University of Jiangxi. Lundblad (1969a) states that Halle used this collection as a base in his great work Palaeozoic plants from Central Shansi (1927), which is basic to the knowledge on the Permo-Carboniferous floras of China. Andrews (1980) stated Halles greatest single publication is his monumental volume on the Palaeozoic plants from Central Shansi. An assertion supported by the careful documentation of the collection where all specimens are located to individual beds. References Andrews, H. N., 1980. The fossil Hunters. In Search of Ancient Plants. Cornell University Press. London. 421pp. Florin, R., 1948. Thore Gustav Halle Zum sechzigsten Geburtsdag. Palaeontographica 88(B4-6): V-IX. Gustafson, T., 1905. Bidrag till Hkenssbygdens mossflora. Arkiv fr botanik 4(11): 1-32. Halle, T. G., 1906. En fossilfrande kalktuff vid Botarfve i Frjels socken p Gotland. Geologiska Freningens i Stockholms Frhandlingar 28(1): 19-54. Halle, T. G., 1907. Einige Krautartige Lycopodiaceen Palozoischen und Mesozoischen Alters. Arkiv fr Botanik 7(5): 1-17. Halle, T. G., 1908. Zur Kenntnis der Mesozoischen Equisetales Schwedens. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 43(1): 1-40. Halle, T. G., 1910. A Gymnosperm with Cordaitean-like leaves from the Rhaetic Beds of Scania. Arkiv fr Botanik 9(14): 1-7. Halle, T. G., 1910. On the Swedish species of Sagenopteris Presl and of Hydropterangium nov. gen. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 45(7): 1-16. Halle, T. G., 1911. On the geological structure and history of the Falkland Islands. Bulletin of the Geological Institution of University of Uppsala 11: 115-229. Halle, T. G., 1913. The Mesozoic flora of Graham Land. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Sdpolar-Expedition 1901 - 1903 unter Mitwirkung zahlreicher Fachgenossenen 3(14): 1-123. Generalstabens litografiska Anstalt. Stockholm. Halle, T. G., 1915. Some xerophytic leaf-structures in Mesozoic plants. Geologiska Freningens i Stockholm Frhandlingar 37(5): 493-520. Halle, T. G., 1916. Lower Devonian plants from Rragen in Norway. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 57(1): 1-46. Halle, T. G., 1921. On the sporangia of some Mesozoic ferns. Arkiv fr Botanik 17(1): 1-28. Halle, T. G., 1927. Palaezoic Plants from Central Shansi. Palaeontologica Sinica Series A 2(1): 1-316. Halle, T. G., 1931. The morphology of Whittleseya and related forms. Fifth International Botanical Congress in Cambridge. Report of Proceedings: 472. Halle, T. G., 1933. The structure of certain fossil spore-bearing organs believed to belong to the Pteridosperms. Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar 12(6): 1-103. Halle, T. G., 1938-1940. De utdda vxterna. Del 1. I Skottsberg, C. (red.). Vxternas liv 4: 445-667. Nordisk familjeboks frlags AB. Stockholm. Halle, T. G., 1938-1940. De utdda vxterna. Del 2. I Skottsberg, C. (red.). Vxternas liv 5: 1-136. Nordisk familjeboks frlags AB. Stockholm. Krusenstjerna, E. von, 1964. Stockholmstraktens bladmossor. P. A. Norstedt Sner. Stockholm. 129pp. Lundblad, B., 1969a. Utvecklingslinjer i svensk paleoboanik 1870-1945. Fauna och flora 64: 269-281. Lundblad, B, 1969b. Halle, Thore Gustaf. I Svenskt biografiskt lexikon 18: 15-18. Mller, H. and Halle, T. G., 1913. The fossil flora of the coal-bearing deposits of South-Eastern Scania. Arkiv fr Botanik 13(7): 1-45. Norin, E., 1922. The Late Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic Sediments of Central Shansi. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of China 4: 1-80. Skottsberg, C., 1909. Btfrder och vildmarksridter: minnen frn en forskningsfrd genom Patagonien och Eldslandet. Stockholm. 374pp Walton, John, 1966. Thore G. Halle. The Year Book of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1966: 20-22. Text: Ove Johansson.
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[转载]古植物学的故事(48):缅怀德国著名古植物学家 Winfried R
livingfossil 2010-6-14 10:30
古植物学的故事(48 ) 缅怀德国著名古植物学家 Winfried Remy ( 19242005 ) ----- 因 Rhynie Chert 植物化石研究而永恒 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.48): German palaeobotanist--- Winfried Remy ( 19242005 )(compiled by Qigao Sun) 关键词: 德国;古植物学家; Winfried Remy 这篇纪念性文章由德国 古 植物学家Hans Kerp和Hagen Hass 以及美国古植物学家、美国科学院院士Thomas N. Taylor 共同撰写。中文标题是我拟定的。 Winfried Remy 是一位古植物学奇才,他与他太太一起天才般地研究了早泥盆纪 (距今约 4 亿年)莱尼燧石中( Rhynie Chert )植物化石的生活史 (Life cycle) 。 具有历史意义的代表作: Remy, W. Remy, R. 1980. Devonian gametophytes with anatomically preserved gametangia. Science, 208: 295-296. Remy, W. 1982. Lower Devonian gametophytes: Relation to the phylogeny of land plants. Science, 215: 1625- 1627. 与莱尼燧石中( Rhynie Chert )植物化石研究的相关论文: Remy, W. 1978. Der Dehiszenzmechanismus der Sporangien von Rhynia. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 5: 23-30. Remy, W. 1980. Der Generationswechsel der archegoniaten Pflanzen im bergangsfeld von aquatischer zu terrestrischer Lebensweise. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 6: 139-155. Remy, W. 1982a. Die Vorfahren der Landpflanzen - Gametophyten vor 380 Millionen Jahren. DFG Forschung, 2: 12-13. Remy, W. 1982b. Lower Devonian gametophytes: Relation to the phylogeny of land plants. Science, 215: 1625- 1627. Remy, W. 1986. Neue Aspekte zu alten Problemen in der Palobotanik. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 7: 1-8. Remy, W. Hass, H. 1986. Das Ur-Pflanzen-Konzept unter besonderer Bercksichtigung der Organisation Altdevonischer Gametophyten. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 7: 173-214. Remy, W. Hass, H. 1991a. Ergnzende Beobachtungen an Lyonophyton rhyniensis. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 1-27. Remy, W. Hass, H. 1991b. Kidstonophyton discoides nov. gen. nov. spec., ein Gametophyt aus dem Chert von Rhynie (Unterdevon, Schottland). Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 29-45. Remy, W. Hass, H. 1991c. Langiophyton mackiei nov. gen., nov. spec., ein Gametophyt mit Archegoniophoren aus dem Chert von Rhynie (Unterdevon Schottland). Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 69-117. Remy, W. Hass, H. 1991d. Gametophyten und Sporophyten im Unterdevon - Fakten und Spekulationen. Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 8: 193-223. Remy, W. Hass, H. 1996. New information on gametophytes and sporophytes of Aglaophyton major and inferences about possible environmental adaptations. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 90: 175-193. Remy, W. Remy, R. 1980a. Devonian gametophytes with anatomically preserved gametangia. Science, 208: 295-296. Remy, W. Remy, R. 1980b. Lyonophyton rhyniensis n.gen. et nov. spec., ein Gametophyt aus dem Chert von Rhynie (Unterdevon, Schottland). Argumenta Palaeobotanica, 6: 37-72. Remy, W. , Gensel, P. G. Hass, H. 1993. The gametophyte generation of some Early Devonian Land Plants. International Journal of Plant Science, 154: 35-58. *Remy, W., Selden, P. A. Trewin, N. H. 1999. Gli strati di Rhynie. In: Pinna, G. (ed.), Alle radici della storia naturale d'Europa, Eur. Palaeont. Assoc., Jaca Book, Milano,pp. 28-35. *Remy, W., Selden, P. A. Trewin, N. H. 2000. Der Rhynie chert, Unter-Devon, Schottland. In: Pinna, G. Meischner, D. (eds), Europische Fossillagersttten, Eur. Palaeont. Assoc., Springer, Berlin, pp. 28-35. Remy, W. , Taylor, T. N. Hass, H. 1994. Early Devonian fungi: A blastocladalean fungus with sexual reproduction. American Journal of Botany, 81: 690-702. Remy, W. , Taylor, T. N., Hass, H. Kerp, H. 1994. Four hundred-million-year-old vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 91: 11841-11843. 孙启高 (Qigao Sun) 2010 年 6 月 13 日编辑 ---------------------------------- 文章出处: http://botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-1996-42-1.php Plant Science Bulletin, Spring 1996, Volume 42, No.1, P.12 The Botanical Society of America In Memorium WINFRIED REMY 1924-1995 On December 30th, 1995 Prof. Dr. Winfried Remy peacefully passed away after a long illness. He was born on March 21, 1924 in Breslau, Silesia (now Wroclaw, Poland) but grew up in Berlin. He began studying geology in 1946 at the Humboldt University in East Berlin. Walther Gothan, who gave him a student assistantship in 1948, aroused his interest in palaeobotany. Because of the political climate, Remy who lived in West Berlin but worked in the East, received his Ph.D. in 1952 in Tubingen from Schindewolf and Zimmermann on a study of Late Palaeozoic pteridosperm fructifications. Three years later he received his habilitation. After Gothan's death Remy became the leader of the research institute of palaeobotany and coal science in East Berlin. In the 1950s and early 1960s he authored numerous publications, primarily on Carboniferous and Permian plants. Apart from the more classical hiostratigraphically oriented papers, he also published a series of contributions on fructifications, on in situ spores and pollen, and cuticular analysis. Many of these papers were written together with his wife Renate. In addition, he published two richly illustrated books on Palaeozoic floras: the first with Gothan on paralic coal basins (1957) and the second with his wife Renate on limnic coal basins (1959). A synthesis on Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian floras was published by Remy and Remy in 1977. The construction of the Berlin wall in 1961 forced the Remys to leave their work in the Berlin institute and move to Munster where Winfried was offered a lectureship in the geology department. In 1965 he became professor, and in 1968 head of the newly founded Forschungsstelle fur Palaobotanik, a position he held until his retirement in 1989. For nearly thirty years, and without a permanent staff, he managed to develop a well-equipped, internationally recognized palaeobotanical institute. Although he rarely left Munstcr until a few years ago, he continued to be an active researcher as is well documented by his numerous publications. In 1968 he and his wife started the joumal Argunmenta Palaeobotanica of which eight issues have been published. In 1978 Winfried Remy published the first of what would become a long series of papers on the Rhynic Chert flora, and in so doing returned to a subject that he had briefly addressed early in his career (1952). Although he continued to publish on Carboniferous and Permian floras, his interests had clearly shifted to the earliest land plants, thereby concentrating on the anatomically pre-served material from the Rhynie Chert, and on compression floras from the Lower Devonian of western Germany. Although the Rhynie Chert flora was discovered and first described in the beginning of this century, Winfried Remy, his wife Renate and colleagues were responsible for a series of important new contributions. They described several types of anatomically preserved gametophytes of the earliest land plants, including examples still showing exceptional details such as sperm preserved in antheridia, and neck and egg cells of archegonia, which are documented by numerous specimens of each taxon. The Rhynie Chert plants possessed gametophytes and sporophytes which were in many respects very similar in organization and size, but unlike those found in modern vascular plants. Various stages in the life cycle of these Early Devonian Rhynie Chert plants were demonstrated, ranging from the sporogenesis, dispersal of spores, germination to the various growth stages showing the development of the vascular system and the formation of the gametangia. As a result of these investigations the life history biology of these 400 million year old plants is now better documented and understood than for many extant plants. In addition to the detailed work on gamctophytes, other aspects of the Rhynie Chert flora were studied as well. Some of these include the general and functional morphology of the sporophytes, various in situ algae and fungi, and the general ecology of the Rhynic Chert biotope. Noteworthy in Remy's Rhynie Chert studies are fungi, illustrating several stages of the life cycle, examples of parasitism, and the recent discovery of the oldest anatomically preserved lichen. With his work on Devonian compression floras, e.g., the discovery of gametophytes in the Lower Devonian of Germany and one of the earliest Trimerophytes which still shows anatomical details, Remy demonstrated that even `ordinary' compression floras can, if they are carefully studied, yield much more information than is commonly believed. Remy continued his research after his formal retirement in 1989. In his later years he developed successful cooperation with several North American palaeobotanists. Highlights of this later phase in his career included visits to the United States in 1991 as the guest of the Botanical Society of America, to Argentina in March 1994 where he participated in the Symposium on The Paleobiology of Fossil Plants: New Insights and Perspectives, and the International Workshop on Early Devonian plants held in September 1994 in Munster which attracted specialists from all over the world. Al-though he was increasingly slowed by his illness, he continued to work and visited the institute he founded until a very few days before his death. Winfried Remy never promoted himself or his work; for a long time he even refrained from attending scientific meetings, but when he reappeared on the congress scene a few years ago many were thrilled to meet the author of these meticulously documented papers, that showed incredible details such as germinating spores. He had a very broad, interdisciplinary and flexible approach to his science that integrated biological and geological, information that was directed at understanding the functional morphology of fossil plants, their ecology and role in the community structure, and the mutual influences that existed between plants and their environment mil-lions of years ago. He was not hampered by dogmatic concepts and theories, and often challenged traditional views by showing the botanical and geological communities the exciting potential of fossil plant studies. His innovative work on Lower Devonian floras has had an impact reaching well beyond the limits of our discipline. He was elected a corresponding member of the Botanical Society of America in 1994 and in that same year was awarded the W.J. Jongmans Medal at the 4th European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Congress in Heerlen. His friends and students will remember him as an original and devoted scientist, a warmhearted colleague and an enthusiastic, inspiring and often thought-provoking teacher. Winfried Remy had a passion for palaeobotany that is reflected in his work, and that will be greatly missed by his colleagues. His contributions to the discipline he so greatly loved will serve as an inspiration for those that follow. Hans Kerp, Hagen Hass and Thomas N. Taylor ------------------ WINFRIED AND RENATE REMEY award was established at the 1996 meeting of the International Organization of Paleobotanists in Santa Barbara and instigated by the Paleobotanical Section of the Botanical Society of America to honor the life and work of Winfried and Renata Remy. Winfried Remy was an honorary member of the Paleobotanical Section and a Corresponding Member of the Botanical Society of America, and together with his wife Renata published a long list of internationally acclaimed scholarly contributions, including their reports on the Rhynie chert organisms. Since the designation of this award, paleobotanists from around the world have contributed to fund this prize. The Winfried Renate Remy Award is given annually at the BSA banquet for the best published paper in paleobotany or palynology during the previous year. -----------------
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[转载]古植物学的故事(47):德国古植物学家Hans Joachim Schwei
livingfossil 2010-6-14 10:18
古植物学的故事( 47) 德国古植物学家 Hans Joachim Schweitzer(1928--2007):与中国有密切联系 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.47): German palaeobotanist--- Hans Joachim Schweitzer(1928--2007) 关键词: 德国;古植物学家; Hans Joachim Schweitzer 文章出处: http://www.nrm.se/en/menu/researchandcollections/departments/palaeobotany/collections/databases/schweitzer/schweitzerbiography.9408.html SCHWEITZER COLLECTION A short biography of Professor Hans-Joachim Schweitzer ( February 7, 1928 - July 20, 2007) Professor Hans-Joachim Schweitzer died of cancer on the 20th of July, 2007. He was a paleobotanist who spent a large part of his life studying fossil plant assemblages around the world that provided key windows into the evolution of the history of plant life on Earth. A brief outline of his life is charted below. Early life Hans-Joachim Schweitzer was born and raised in Kassel , a city in Hessen, west central Germany, where his father was a bank clerk. His father transferred an interest in nature to Hans-Joachim at an early age. As a seven-year-old, Hans-Joachim began to collect butterflies and plants. His interest in living plants influenced him for the rest of his life. His childhood and youth were disrupted by the political and social changes wrought by the rise to power of the National Socialist Party in the 1930s and 40s. The Schweitzer family suffered deprivations and increased scrutiny owing to their opposing political stance. In 1943, at the age of 15, he was forced to serve as an aide in the anti-aircraft artillery, hence the final four years of high school were lost. Schweitzer attained a glider licence and took the entry test for officers in the army. In 1945, at the age of 17, he was commanded to take part in the final battles against the US Army in the Harz Mountains . To evade captivity, he trekked cross-country from the Harz Mountains to Kassel where he discovered his home and herbarium collections destroyed by bombing. Immediately following the war, Schweitzer worked as a handyman on construction sites, returned to school, and finally achieved his high-school diploma. University studies From 1947 to 1949 he trained as a substitute-pharmacist, then studied pharmacy at Marburgand FrankfurtUniversities between 1950 and 1953. In 1953, Schweitzer graduated in pharmacy (Staatsexamen) and in 1954, after working for one year, he became a licensed pharmacist (Approbation). However, while working as a pharmacist he began studying botany. Even before completing his pharmacy degree in Frankfurt , Schweitzer as a volunteer had taken over management of the fern collection at the Senckenberg Natural History Museum where he met Dr Richard Krusel, a palaeobotanist of international reputation. Krusel agreed to s upervise Schweitzers doctoral thesis on Wood anatomical studies of the history of Dipterocarpaceae. Krusel had selected this exceedingly dry and sedating topic to tone down his restless temper. Nevertheless, Schweitzer completed his doctorate in 1956, hence concluding his formal study of extant botany, which he had combined with chemistry and physics. A university position In 1954, the older generation of German palaeobotanists called for the preservation of palaeobotany as a research field within the nations universities. The group of W. Gothan, F. Kirchheimer, R. Krusel, K. Mgdefrau, K. Oberste-Brink, S. Strugger, W. Thomson, H. Weyland, W. Zimmermann and R. Potoni argued that ...We do think that at least one university (in Germany) should have a chair and a Department of Palaeobotany which is not created just for one scholar, but which shouId be filled continuously. Only such a set-up could prevent the demise of palaeobotany as an academic discipline and hence ensure continuity of our science in Germany. The plea was answered by Prof. Roland Brinkmann of the Department of Geology and Palaeontology at the Universityof Bonn where retired Professor P.W. Thomson was teaching and researching palaeobotany. When Krusel recommended Schweitzer as a promising junior researcher, Brinkmann offered him a position as assistant. Schweitzer went to Bonn, declining a job offer from the chemical industry, where he had been offered work on stabilising agents for blood plasma. Schweitzer took the position in Bonn with the expectation that a Department of Palaeobotany would be created that would establish a base for his future teaching and research and the opportunity to develop the field of palaeobotany within Germany. After the sudden death of Thomson, Brinkmann entrusted Schweitzer with palaeobotanical matters in Bonn. Schweitzer obtained his lecturer qualification (Habilitation) in 1962 with a study of The fertile cone of Pseudovoltzia liebeana and its relevance for conifer phylogeny. However, the opportunity to develop an independent department of palaeobotany disappeared after the retirement of Brinkmann, when preference was given to the emerging field of micropalaeontology. At this time, palaeobotany existed as an independent section within the Department of Palaeontology headed by Schweitzer. In 1966, Schweitzer was appointed professor and Wissenschaftlicher Rat (scientific councillor), after which he remained a researcher and teacher at the University of Bonn until his retirement at age 65. During his career he maintained a full schedule of lectures and field excursions and was editor in chief of the palaeobotanical journal Palaeontographica Abteilung B for nearly 20 years. Following his retirement, Schweitzer continued to fully devote his life to palaeobotanical research. He published detailed systematic papers right up to his death. Research Schweitzers primary interests were in fossil plants but most of his earliest papers (between 1953 and 1958) were on living plants, and he continued studies on extant floras throughout his career, undertaking several trips in the 1970s and 1980s specifically to study the flora of northern and western Poland with local colleagues. In several cases he combined studies of the modern flora with fieldtrips ostensibly aimed to study fossils. This resulted in, for example, papers on the modern flora of Svalbard, BearIslandand Jan Meyen in the Arctic. Schweitzer published 95 papers over a period of 54 years. His palaeobotanical studies spanned the entire temporal span of plant life on land. His publications are particularly appreciated for their detailed drawings and reconstructions of the fossil plants compiled by various scientific illustrators. Between 1957 and 1962, he studied Late Permian floras from the Lower Rhine region. He studied both permineralized and adpressed ?? plant macrofossils in these assemblages together fossil spores and pollen in collaboration with Professor R. Potoni and Dr H. Grebe. Soon after working on the Permian floras, a Middle Devonian flora was discovered in a quarry at Lindlar in the Eifel region. Schweitzer immediately purchased the quarry to prevent destruction of the fossil material and paid the quarry workers to collect the rare and enigmatic plants from this early terrestrial flora. Five key papers ensued from the study of this flora (from 1966 to 2008) including description of plants that illustrate the development of early leaves and the transition from herbaceous plants to the first trees. He simultaneously carried out research on another Middle Devonian flora at Wuppertal with Professor H. Weyland resulting in another four papers. Schweitzer also maintained a lasting interest in the Early Devonian floras of the Lower Rhine region. Studies of these floras, with the help of his family and local collectors, allowed him to document the alternation of generations and developmental stages in some of the early land plants in this flora and enabled him to interpret the environment in which these plants grew. Apart from work on the Devonian floras, Schweitzer also took an interest in the wealth of mid-Cenozoic plant fossils preserved in the Rhenian brown coal deposits . He collected material from these deposits for over ten years but, unfortunately, much of the material was lost in 1970 due to a clean-up of the Bonn department while Schweitzer was away. Part of the fruit and seed collection was recovered and is now housed in the Swedish Natural History Museum. Between 1961 and 1970, and again in 1990, Schweitzer undertook seven expeditions to Spitzbergen and Bear Island in the Arctic. Such large volumes of fossils were recovered that only half the material could be stored in Bonn. Some was sent to the Fuhlrott Museum in Wuppertal, while other material was stored at his house. From the 1960s, Schweitzer published a series of papers describing the content of the Spitzbergen and Bear Island Devonian (Gedinian to Givetian) floras and he published a monographic overview of the floras in 1999. He elaborated on his studies of the worlds Devonian floras with publication of a large monograph on the Middle Devonian floras of south China with C. Cai . The Arctic expeditions were ambitious field programs, undertaken in the early years without radio contact, and with only small wooden rowboats or a rubber dinghy with small outboard motor to navigate the coastal waters of Spitzbergen. He and his companions lived in tents and local huts, enduring wet and icy conditions while amassing their large collections of fossils. While much of Schweitzers attention focussed on the Devonian floras of the Arctic, he also published work on the Cenozoic conifers of Spitzbergen incorporating in his studies the collections held by the Swedish Natural History Museum. He noted that the Arctic floras of the Paleogene had the signatures of warm-climate vegetation. Schweitzer undertook expeditions to Iran and Afghanistan in 1971, 1972 and 1975 that lasted several months. The large amount of fossils he collected was the subject of two dissertations that he supervised. Eleven key papers were published on these floras from 1977 to 2008. Some of the material collected came from remote and inaccessible localities, and due to subsequent political instability in the region, some of these sites are currently inaccessible to palaeobotanists. Schweitzers material represents the best representation of these fossil floras available to science and includes rare and previously undescribed elements, such as Irania hermaphroditica and Palissya oleschinskii that may play important roles in understanding seed-plant relationships. Funding for scientific expeditions was always a problem. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council) generously supported his many expeditions and subsequent research. It was also thanks to the German Research Council that Schweitzer was able to maintain a degree of independence in Bonn and it is a credit to him that as an individual he was able to maximise his potential and aptitude for scientific research with limited funding, and become such an eminent scientist. Science played a major role in the Schweitzer family. Fossilised plants, rock specimens of varying shapes and sizes, drawings, books and papers filled the house throughout the childhood of his five children. Doris, his wife, not only tolerated a scientifically biased home, but also helped him in the documentation of many papers and publications, in addition to dealing with all family matters, while her husband was away on his numerous expeditions and field trips, often for many weeks at a time.
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4225 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-5-29 20:37
古植物学的故事(40): 不是为了忘却的纪念而是为了 永远 的激励 ----纪念著名古植物学家徐仁先生(1910—1992)诞辰100周年 永驻天国的中国古植物学家(之三) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.40): Remember the centenary of Jen Hsü (Xu Ren, 1910–1992)(by Qigao Sun) 关键词:古植物学家;徐仁;诞辰;100周年 中国著名古植物学家徐仁先生1910年8月22日生于安徽芜湖,1992年11月18日在北京逝世。本期《古植物学的故事》旨在纪念徐仁先生诞辰100周年,铭记徐仁先生的夫人----一位“科嫂”张玉珍女士(1913—1984)的默默奉献,并激励后学为中国古植物学的未来发展而不懈努力。 (一) 徐仁先生于1929年考入清华大学生物系,1933年从清华大学毕业,然后到北京大学跟随植物形态学家张景钺教授(1895—1975)做助教。徐仁的学术生涯深受张景钺的影响----即用严谨的现代植物学思想与方法研究化石植物。这种学术思想属于20世纪上半叶古植物学研究的历史性进步。 张景钺于1920—1922年在美国芝加哥大学跟随 Charles Joseph Chamberlain (1863 – 1943)学习植物形态解剖学。值得注意的是张景钺教授对古植物学有浓厚的兴趣。早在1924年他撰文介绍美国古植物学的重要发现—即“煤核”(coal ball)的发现。1929年他发表化石木的研究论文,真正涉猎古植物学研究。 在张景钺教授的指导下,徐仁先生不仅在现代植物的形态解剖学研究领域打下了深厚功底,而且对化石植物的研究产生了兴趣。由于张景钺教授的推荐,徐仁于1944年离开西南联大,从昆明到印度Lucknow University跟随著名古植物学家 Birbal Sahni FRS (1891---1949)学习。1946年徐仁回国,在北京大学讲授古植物学。1948年 徐仁第二次赴印度,于1952年回国服务。关于徐仁先生的生平,可以参见有关文献。 (二) 在纪念 徐仁先生诞辰100周年之际,我们不应该淡忘一位平凡女性----徐仁先生的夫人张玉珍女士(1913年4月8日出生,1984年3月18日去世)。 人们喜欢称颂“军嫂”,但很少关注“科嫂”----科学工作者的眷属。从某种意义讲,学术进步离不开“科嫂”们的忍耐和奉献!绝大数科学工作者都是默默无闻的,“科嫂”们通常更是默默无闻。在实际生活中, “夫贵”未必“妻荣”。即便徐仁是著名的古植物学家(中国科学院院士),他夫人在学术圈子里也是鲜为人知的。 徐仁先生自少年时代起勤奋努力,一心向学。他夫人张玉珍女士心地善良,操持家务,相夫教子,支持徐仁先生全身心地投入工作,伴随徐仁先生走过数十年的古植物学人生。很遗憾,我们现在很难从徐仁先生的论著里发现他夫人的踪影。但我期望将来有人会深入细致地研究徐仁先生的学术与人生,包括追忆他夫人的生活经历和默默奉献。 (三) 现代古植物学研究主要是从欧美逐渐传到中国的,因此中国的古植物学是舶来品。徐仁先生所经历的社会时代见证了中国古植物学的兴起过程。回望历史,中国古植物学的发展已有百年的历程。同欧美古植物学的发展历史相比,中国古植物学的发展历史虽不悠久但也不短暂。 经过几代人的不懈努力中国古植物学在本土化、国际化的历史进程中已取得了重要进展。 但与欧美古植物学研究强国相比,中国在古植物学研究领域的综合实力和国际竞争力都存在很大的差距,主要表现在:一是中国地区的植物化石标本积累少得可怜,二是中国急需优秀的古植物学家,三是学术体制不完善。这三大因素不利于开展有长期影响的工作,也直接制约着中国古植物学研究国家体系建设和长远发展。 欧美古植物学研究的发展历史表明:古植物学研究需要 真功夫、硬功夫和慢功夫。 提高中国古植物学的综合实力和国际竞争力不可能一蹴而就,需要一个长期稳步而有效的积累过程。就目前的 实际情况看,中国古植物学的综合实力要达到欧美强国的现有水准,可能需要 100 年(或 200 年或更长时间)扎扎实实的努力。 结尾 如果我们认为徐仁先生“为古植物学而生、为古植物学而死”,那么我们似乎可以这样认为:他的夫人张玉珍女士在某种意义上即是“为古植物学家而生、为古植物学家而死”! 科学研究是一个历史与文化的过程。我们应该站在历史的高度,用世界的眼光和发展的眼光审视中国古植物学的发展历程和未来命运。经过百年探索与奋斗,中国的现代古植物学研究从无到有,逐渐根植于中国社会的历史与文化土壤。 伟大的哥白尼说:“人的天职在于探索真理。”中国古植物学的未来发展将呼唤一代又一代的有志青年大胆探索、顽强工作,承前启后、继往开来,从而使徐仁先生所追求的事业不断进步和发扬光大。 致谢:在写作过程中,承蒙徐仁先生的女儿徐竺声女士提供她母亲的生平资料,宫晓林女士给予热情帮助,在此一并致谢。 孙启高 2010年5月29日写于美国康州 ----------------- 附相关文章: 徐仁与中国古植物学的兴起 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=252212 中国古植物学的院士(学部委员)名单 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=255714 “勤、谨、和、缓”:古植物学家徐仁院士的学术人生 http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=262961
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|5850 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-5-20 04:08
古植物学的故事(37):历史上的著名古植物学家 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.37): Renowned palaeobotanists in the history of palaeobotany 关键词:古植物学家;历史;palaeobotanist 链接古植物学家(Links for palaeobotanists )是一个很好的专业网站( http://www.equisetites.de/palbot1.html )。本期《古植物学的故事》特别转载该网站有关著名古植物学家(Renowned Palaeobotanists)的网页资料。如果我们根据链接顺藤摸瓜,我们可以获得273位已故著名古植物学的生平与学术资料,可以阅读很多有趣的古植物学的故事,如:现代古植物学之奠基人 Adolphe-Thodore Brongniart (1801-1876)以及前两期《古植物学的故事》的主人公----- Jack Albert Wolfe (1936-2005)。我相信,这些珍贵的学术历史资料是青年后学钻研古植物学的极好的入门材料,也是科学史专家探讨有关问题的重要材料。 显然,任何学术是要靠有血有肉的人来传承的,古植物学也不例外。从世界范围看,现代古植物学的兴起经历一个很漫长的发展历史,其内在过程呈现密切的网状联系。客观地说,每位古植物学工作者都是学术发展历史上的一个节点。如果我们要探讨某一历史时期、或某一地区、或某一研究领域的古植物学发展历史,那些绕不过去的学者可能被世人称为著名古植物学家。一般而言,有些人之所以在学术上名垂青史,是因为他们曾经进行过有长期影响的重要工作。 孙启高 (Qigao Sun) 2010年5月19日 ---------------------------- 资料出处: http://www.equisetites.de/palbot/science_history/palaeobotanists.html 1. Curtis Schuhs Biobibliography: Carl Justus Andrae (Andr). (1816-1885). He published 1865 Vorweltliche Pflanzen aus dem Steinkohlengebirge der preussischen Rheinlande und Westphalens (in German). 2. Tom L. Phillips (2006), Biographical Memoirs, 88: Henry Nathaniel Andrews Jr. (1910-2002). PDF file. Paleobotanical Section Botanical Society of America, BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AMERICAN PALEOBOTANY FOR 2001 . Scroll to page 1 (PDF page 5): In Memoriam: Henry N. Andrews, Jr., Paleobotanist, Educator and Explorer, 1910-2002 P. Gensel (2002), IOP Newsletter 72 (PDF file). Scroll to page 8: Obituaries: Henry N. Andrews Jr. (1910-2002). 3. Owen Davis: Ernst Valdemar Antevs (1888-1974). See also here (M. Gansen, Anthropology Biography Web). 4. BookRags: Edward Alexander Newell Arber (1870-1918). See also: Rudolf Schmid (2001): Agnes Arber, nee Robertson (1879-1960): Fragments of her Life ... . PDF file, Annals of Botany, 88: 1105-1128. Including a photograph of Edward Alexander Newell Arber. Worth checking out: Regine Claen-Bockhoff (2001): Plant Morphology: The Historic Concepts of Wilhelm Troll, Walter Zimmermann and Agnes Arber . Free PDF file, Annals of Botany, 88: 1153-1172. 5. Speedylook.com: Chester Arthur Arnold (1901-1977). C.B. Beck (1978), IOP Newsletter 5 (PDF file), Obituaries, scroll to page 6: C.A. Arnold (1901-1977). 6. Robin Peel, Chesterton, Peterborough: Edmund Tyrell Artis (1789-1847). Britains pioneering Carboniferous palaeobotanist. Christopher J. Cleal et al. (2009): The Forests Before the Flood: The Palaeobotanical Contributions of Edmund Tyrell Artis (1789-1847) . Abstract. 7. Charles H. Smith et al., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Daniel Isaac Axelrod (1910-1998). Jere H. Lipps, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley (Botanical Electronic News (BEN) Archive, 202, September 12, 1998): Daniel Isaak Axelrod (1910-1998). See also here (M.G. Barbour, J. Doyle, M. Sanderson: Calisphere, University of California). B. Tiffney (1998), in: IOP Newsletter 64 (PDF file). Scroll to page 5: Obituaries: D.I. Axelrod (1910-1998). Charles H. Smith: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists. Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Daniel Isaac Axelrod (1910-1998). See also here (F. Burkhart, Obituary, The New York Times). 8. Plant Science Bulletin and the Botanical Society of America: Harlan P. Banks (1913-1998). W.G. Chaloner (1999), in: IOP Newsletter 66 (PDF file). Scroll to page 5: Obituaries: Harlan Banks (1913-1998). 9. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Elso Sterrenberg Barghoorn (1915-1984). See also here (American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists). Bruce H. Tiffney, Andrew H. Knoll (1984), in: IOP Newsletter 24 (PDF file), scroll to page 3: Obituary: Elso Sterrenberg Barghoorn Jr. (1915-1984). 10. K.L. Alvin (1985), in: IOP Newsletter 26 (PDF file), scroll to page 9: Obituary: Peter David Weiste Barnard (1932-1984). 11. The LuEsther T. Mertz Library, The New York Botanical Garden: Herman F. Becker (1907-1985). D.L. Dilcher (1987), in: IOP Newsletter 34 (PDF file). Scroll to page 19: Obituaries: Hermann F. Becker (1907-1985). 12. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Walter Andrew Bell (1889-1969). A pioneer of Canadian palaeobotany. See also here (Nova Scotia Museum). 13. Oxford Biography Index: Margaret Benson (1859-1936). See also here Obituary (1936), Nature, 138: 17-17. 14. Global Ant Project, World Ant Taxonomists: Georg Carl Berendt (1790-1850). He published 1845 a work concerning botanical amber inclusions: Der Bernstein und die in ihm befindlichen Pflanzenreste der Vorwelt. See also here (Wikipedia). 15. Charles H. Smith et al., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Edward Wilber Berry (1875-1945). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Edward W. Berry (1875-1945). Ernst Cloos, pp. 60-100; Biographical Memoirs V.45 (1974): Office of the Home Secretary, National Academy of Sciences. Edward Wilber Berry (1875-1945). PDF file. See also here (National Academy of Sciences, in html. 16. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Charles Eugne Bertrand (1851-1917). In French. J.-P. Laveine (1995); In: P.C. Lyons et al., Google books, limited preview, Geol. Soc. America Mem., 185: Historical perspective of Early Twentieth Century Carboniferous Paleobotany in North America . Scroll to page 99: Paul Bertrand (1879-1944). Abstract. See also here (biographical notice, in French). 17. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Edward William Binney (1812-1881). He was the first investigator of the Lancashire coal balls (internal structures of trees). See also: here (1911 Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica). F.W. Oliver (1913): Makers of British botany; a collection of biographies by living botanists (PDf file, 33 MB). Scroll to page 245, Edward William Binney (1812-1881). 18. J.C. Lendemer (2002): Rediscovery of lost Triassic fossil plant types: Components of the Wilhelm Bock Collection in The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and in the Yale Peabody Museum . PDF file, Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 152: 205-214. About Wilhelm Bock (1897?-1972). See also here (abstract), and there (Google Books). 19. Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Crdoba, Argentina: Guillermo Bodenbender (1857-1941). In Spanish. He was a pioneer of palaeobotany in Argentina. See also here (M.A. Hnicken: Doctor Guillermo Bodenbender, su Obra Geolgica en Argentina). 20. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johann Georg Bornemann (1831-1896). In German. Bornemann was a pioneer in cuticular analysis. 21. J. Broutin (2000), IOP Newsletter 68 (PDF file). Scroll to page 5: Obituary: Edouard Boureau (1913-1999). 22. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Frederick Orpen Bower (1855-1948). See also here (in German), and there . 23. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: James Scott Bowerbank (1797-1877). He published 1840: A History of the Fossil Fruits and Seeds of the London Clay. 24. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Braun (1800-1864) In German. See also here (Wikisource, ADB). 25. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Adolphe-Thodore Brongniart (1801-1876). He was one of the most prominent botanists of his time and an early proponent of evolutionary theory. Brongniart published 1828-1847 the first complete account of fossil plants. He is (together with Sternberg) considered to be the founder of modern palaeobotany. Brongniart believed in progressive changes in the fossil record. See also here (1911 Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica). Charles H. Smith: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists. Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Adolphe-Thodore Brongniart (1801-1876). See also here (Portrait, Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation), and there (in French, Musum National dHistoire Naturelle, Paris). Including A. Brongniarts bibliography . 26. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Robert Brown (1773-1858). He determined fossil wood from Argentina. 27. Herman F. Becker (1962), Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. 89: 260-261: Roland W. Brown (1893-1961). 28. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Christian Leopold von Buch (1774-1853). He and Oswald Heer discovered the significance of leaf venation. See also here (in German). 29. Margery Frape, Mildenhall Museum: Charles James Fox Bunbury , Charles Lyell and Charles Darwin . Ex Libris//Bookplates: Sir Charles James Fox Bunbury (1809-1886). 30. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Louis douard Bureau . 31. Z. Kvacek (1993), IOP Newsletter 48 (PDF file), Obituaries, scroll to page 7: Cestmir Buzek (1933-1992). 32. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: William Carruthers (1830-1922). In German. See also here (NationMaster.com). 33. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: (Johann Xaver) Robert Caspary (1818-1887). In German. Pioneer explorer of fossil plants in Baltic amber, see: Die Flora des Bernsteins und anderer fossiler Harze des ostpreussischen Tertirs. Nach dem Nachlasse des Verstorbenen bearbeitet von Richard Klebs (1906). 34. Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources: Alberto Castellanos (1896-1968). He was a pioneer in Argentinas palaeobotany. See also here (R. Singer 1969, Taxon, 18: 308-309. First page only). 35. A.C. Scott (2001): Federico Cesi and his field studies on the origin of fossils between 1610 and 1630 . PDF file, Endeavour, vol. 25. Early descriptions of fossil wood! C.L.E. Lewis and S.J. Knell (2009), in: The Making of the Geological Society of London (Google books, limited preview). Go to page 400, Marjorie Chandler (1897-1983). 36. K.I.M. Chesters (1983), IOP Newsletter 22 (PDF file), scroll to page 5: Obituaries: Marjorie Elizabeth Jane Chandler (1897-1983). 37. Charles H. Smith et al., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Ralph Works Chaney (1890-1971). See also here (Calisphere), and there (Jane Gray, PDF file). 38. T.N. Taylor (1987), in: IOP Newsletter 34 (PDF file). Scroll to page 17: Obituaries: Michael Anthony Cichan (1954-1987). 39. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: William Branwhite Clarke (1798-1878). A pioneer of Australias palaeobotany (the dispute over the age of Australias coal deposits). He is also deemed as the father of Australias geology. See also here (L. Robin, Review of A. Moyal 2003: Rev. W.B. Clarke, PDF file), and there (Bright Sparcs Biographical entry). 40. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hugo Wilhelm Conwentz (1855-1922). In German. A research pioneer in baltic amber. See also here (Ostdeutsche Biografie, in German). 41. J.-P. Laveine (2004), IOP Newsletter 75 (PDF file). Scroll to page 7: Obituaries: Robert Coquel (1941-2003). 42. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Isabel Clifton Cookson (1893-1973). See also here (Australian Dictionary of Biography Online), and there (Bright Sparcs Biographical entry). 43. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: August Karl Joseph Corda (1809-1849). In German. He described and figured numerous Palaeozoic plants, mainly from the standpoint of internal structure. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): August Joseph Corda (1809-1849). Click S. 356; 473. 44. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Bernhard von Cotta (1808-1879). Author of Die Dendrolithen in Beziehung auf ihren inneren Bau (1832). One of the earliest attempts of permineralized fossil wood determination. See also here . Palaeobotanical collection, Museum fr Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, at the Humboldt University Berlin. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Heinrich Cotta (1763-1844). Silviculturist and collector of petrified wood (more then 500 trunks from Middle-Germany), father of Bernhard von Cotta. 45. Owen K. Davis: Lucy May Cranwell (Mrs. S. Watson Smith) 1907-2000. She does pioneering work in New Zealand palynology. A.D. Thomson, wudhi.com (?): Lucy May Cranwell Smith 1907-2000 (doc file). 46. B.A. Thomas (1981), IOP Newsletter 14 (PDF file), Obituary, scroll to page 11: Robert Crookall (1890-1981). 46. A. Hummel (1982), IOP Newsletter 19 (PDF file), Obituary, scroll to page 2: Hanna Czeczott (-1982). 47. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Emanuel Mendez da Costa (1717-1791). He published 1757 A Natural History of Fossils. 48. The William Culp Darrah Papers, 1946-1972; A Register of the Collection at the Utah State Historical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah: William Culp Darrah . A short biographical note. 49. Barry A. Thomas (2009): Darwin and plant fossils . (PDF file). Scroll to page 24 (PDF page 26). The Linnean, 25. Peter R. Crane, Else Marie Friis, and William G. Chaloner (2010): Darwin and the Evolution of Flowers . PDF file, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 365: 347-350. See also here . dmoz: Science: Biology: History: People: Charles Darwin (a link list). 50. P.R. and J.S. Eakins, Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: Sir John William Dawson (1820-1899). See also here , and there (McGill Herbarium, with portrait). Susan Sheets-Pyenson, Department of Philosophy, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec (page provided by GeoClio): John William (Sir William) Dawson : Geologist and Educator . Dawson has been called the grandfather of Paleozoic paleobotany in North America (Geological History of Plants, 1888). Reprinted from GSA Today, September 1998. See also here (Nova Scotia Museum). Howard J. Falcon-Lang and John H. Calder: Sir William Dawson (1820-1899): a very modern paleobotanist (PDF file). Early Plant Taphonomy! From the Atlantic Geology volume on the classic Carboniferous site at Joggins, Nova Scotia. See also here . Atlantic Geology, 2005. 51. Encyclopaedia Universalis France S.A.: Georges Deflandre (1897-1973). In French. See also here , (AASP Primary Records Program). 52. Chris Cleal, International Organisation of Palaeobotany (IOP): Palaeobotany Pioneers, Emily Dix (1904-1972). Cynthia Burek, University College Chester, Chester, UK: Emily Dix , palaeobotanist: a promising career cut short. (PDF file). 53. Palaeobotany Staff, Strasbourg (1994): IOP Newsletter 53 (PDF file). Scroll to page 11: Obituary: Jeanne Doubinger (1921-1994). 54. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Alcide Charles Victor Marie Dessalines dOrbigny (1802-1857). He was one of the founders of micropalaeontology. 55. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Andrew Ellicott Douglass (1867-1962). Regarded as the father of dendrochronology. 56. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Per Karl Hjalmar Dusn (1855-1926). In Spanish. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): Christian Ehrenberg (1795-1876). 57. Helmholtz-Zentrum fr Kulturtechnik der Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin: Christian Ehrenberg (1795-1876). In German. See also here , and there (another portrait). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg (1795-1876). See also here (1911 Edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica). 58. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Karl Eduard von Eichwald (1795-1876). In German. 59. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Marie Louis Emberger (1897-1969). In Spanish. 60. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): Otto Gunnar Elias Erdtman (1897-1973). See also here (PDF file, S. Nilsson and J. Praglowski (1978), Grana, 17: 1-4), and there (portrait). 61. D. Cleveland, Division of Biological Sciences, University of California, Davis: Remembering Katherine Esau (1898-1997). See also here . 62. Wapedia: Robert Etheridge (1819-1903). 63. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Constantin von Ettingshausen (1826-1897). See also here , (the freedictionary.com), and there . AEIOU, the Austrian cultural information system of the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK): Constantin Freiherr von Ettingshausen (1826-1897). In German, with portrait. 64. Ottokar Feistmantel (1848-1891). See: Pioneers and leaders: a record of Australian palaeontology in the nineteenth century . 65. C.H. Smith et al., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Merritt Lyndon Fernald (1873-1950). 66. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Franz Firbas (1902-1964). In German. 67. C.H. Smith, Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists. Chrono-Biographical Sketches: (Carl) Rudolf Florin (1894-1965). 68. William Morris Fontaine (1835-1913). See History and Bibliography of West Virginia Paleobotany . 69. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Joaqun Frenguelli (1883-1958). In Spanish. E. Boltovskoy (1959): Joaqun Frenguelli (1883-1958). First page, micropaleontology, 5: 379-381. 70. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hanns Bruno Geinitz (1814-1900). F.E. Geinitz (1900), Leopoldina 36: Hanns Bruno Geinitz : ein Lebensbild aus dem 19. Jahrhundert (PDF file, in German). Go to page 59 (PDF page 2). M. Fengler and M. Gpfert, kreidefossilien.de: Hanns Bruno Geinitz (1814-1900). In German. 71. C.H. Smith et al., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Sir Harry Godwin (1901-1985). 72. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johann Heinrich Robert Gppert 1800-1884 (in German, detailed), and here (in English). See also here (Encyclopedia.com), and there (Rathay-Biographien, in German). 73. M. Banerjee (1985), in: IOP Newsletter 27 (PDF file), scroll to page 8: Obituary: Amia Kumar Ghosh (1905-1985). 74. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Walther Gothan (1879-1954). In German. R. Florin (1955), Taxon, 4: 52-53: Walther Gothan (1879-1954). First page only. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Walter Gothan (1879-1954). Click S. 654. 75. U. Schmitt et al. (2009), Wood Science and Technology, 43: Helmut Gottwald (1918-2008). First page only. 76. IOP Newsletter 4 , 1977 (PDF file), Obituary, scroll to page 9: Louis Grambast. P. Bertrand, Annales des Mines: Franois Cyrille GrandEury (1839-1917). In French. 77. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): August von Gutbier (1798-1866). Click S. 216. 78. L. Grauvogel-Stamm, J. Anderson (1987), in: IOP Newsletter 34 (PDF file). Scroll to page 20: Obituaries: Louis Grauvogel (1902-1987). 79. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Asa Gray (1810-1888). 80. (1984), in: IOP Newsletter 24 (PDF file). Scroll to page 14: Obituary: Pl Greguss (1889-1984). 81. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712). The first observer of pollen grains under a microscope. 82. F.W. Oliver (1913): Makers of British botany; a collection of biographies by living botanists (PDf file, 33 MB). Scroll to page 44, Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712). 83. D.M. Simpkins, encyclopedia.com: David Thomas Gwynne-Vaughan (1871-1915). See also here . 84. Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm: Thore Gustaf Halle (1884-1964). See also here (Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources). 85. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Thomas Maxwell Harris (1903-1983). Worth checking out: Harris Garden . See also here (PDF file, W.G. Chaloner, Biogr. Mems Fell. R. Soc. 1985 31, 228-260). K. Alvin, H.N. Andrews, S. Archangelsky, P.D.W. Barnard, W. and E. Baxendale, M.N. Bose, W.G. Chaloner, C. Hill, N.F. Hughes, W.S. Lacey, B. Lundblad, S.B. Manum, D.D. Pant, J. Watson, (1983), IOP Newsletter 21 (PDF file), scroll to page 2-13: Appreciations to the late T.M. Harris. 86. H. Kerp, W. Remy (1995), in: IOP Newsletter 55 (PDF file). Scroll to page 10: Obituaries: Wolfgang Hartung (1907-1995). See also: E.P. Lhnert (2002): Zur Geschichte der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nordwestdeutscher Geologen. Teil 2 . (PDF file, in German). Scroll to page 121 (PDF page 7). 87. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Oswald Heer (1809-1883). See also here , and there (Wikisource, in German). C.H. Smith et al., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Oswald Heer (1809-1883). See also here (Zoological Museum of the University of Zurich). T.D.A. Cockerell (1998), World Wide School, Seattle, WA: A Visit to Oeningen . About Oswald Heer (amongst others). ETH Life: 200. Geburtstag des Schweizer Darwins . About Charles Darwins penfriend Oswald Heer (in German). 88. A.G. Kluge and Bernd Hennig (The Willi Hennig Society): Willi Hennig (1913-1976). 89. Parnassia: The Newsletter of the Liverpool Botanical Society (1998): Rev. Henry Higgins, a local Victorian Naturalist (scroll to page 16 (bottom), PDF file). About Henry Hugh Higgins (1814-1893). 90. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Max Hirmer (1893-1981). In German. 91. O. Khn (1956), Mitteilungen der Geologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 49 (PDF file). Scroll to page 357 (PDF page 2): Elise Hofmann (1889-1955). In German. See also here (B. Bischof and T. Cernajsek, Biografia, biografische Datenbank und Lexikon sterreichischer Frauen. In German). 92. A.C. Seward (1917), Obituary: Ruth Holden (1890-1917). First page only. See also here (Harvard University Library). 93. The New York Botanical Garden: Charles Arthur Hollick (1857-1933). See also here (Wikipedia, in Dutch). 94. B. Meyer-Berthaud, J. Galtier (1990), in: IOP Newsletter 41 (PDF file). Scroll to page 6: Obituaries: John Holmes (1949-1989). 95. Z. Kvacek (1984), in: IOP Newsletter 25 (PDF file), scroll to page 7: Obituaries: Frantisek Holy (1935-1984). 96. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Robert Hooke (1635-1703). He discovered 1665 by means of the microscope cells in cork and a short time later in living plant tissue. He was an early proponent of biological evolution (believed that fossils were of organic origin). 97. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911). He was one of Charles Darwins closest friends and worked as a palaeobotanist with the Geological Survey. See also here (Encyclopedia.com). 98. Datenbank Universittsmuseen und -sammlungen in Deutschland: August Hosius (1825-1896). In German. He described 1880 the fossil plant Zamites iburgensis . See also here (geoberg.de, in German). 99. D.J. Batten (1994): The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): AASP Primary Records Program, Norman Hughes (1918-1994). AASP Newsletter 27: 7-9. D.J. Batten (1994), in: IOP Newsletter 53 (PDF file). Scroll to page 11: Obituary: Norman F. Hughes (1918-1994). 100. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: William Hutton (1798-1860). 101. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Wataru Ishijima (1906-1980). He was a researcher of fossil calcareous algae. 102. Wikisource: Georg Friedrich von Jger (1785-1867). In German. 103. M. Reymanowna (1984), in: IOP Newsletter 23 (PDF file), scroll to page 6: Obituary: Janina Jentys-Szaferowa (1895-1983). 104. Australian Dictionary of Biography Online: Robert Mackenzie Johnston (1843 - 1918). See also here (Bright Sparcs Biographical entry). 105. W.C. Darrah et al., Historical perspective of early twentieth century Carboniferous paleobotany in North America (Google Books, p. 75): W.J. Jongmanns . 106. H. van Konijnenburg-van Cittert, H. Kerp (1995), in: IOP Newsletter 55 (PDF file). Scroll to page 10: Obituaries: Fredrick Pieter Jonker (1912-1995). See also here (PDF file, Scroll to PDF page 22, portrait drawing of F.P. Jonker), an there (Search for: A short life history of Prof. Dr. F.P. Jonker, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 26 (1978): 1-7). 107. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Karl Alfons Jurasky (1903-1945). In German. Department of Geology, Freiberg University: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Karl Alfons Jurasky : 100 Jahre . PDF file, in German. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Karl Alfons Jurasky . Click S. 700. 108. C.H. Smith, Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists. Chrono-Biographical Sketches: Theodor Karl Just (1904-1960). 109. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Alexander Friedrich Michael Lebrecht Nikolaus Arthur Graf von Keyserling (1815-1891). In German. He did important work on the geology and palaeobotany of the Urals. 110. C.A. Thomson and I.P. Wilkinson, British Geological Survey, Nottingham: Robert Kidston (1852-1924): a biography of a Scottish Palaeobotanist. PDF file, with photographs. R. Crookall (1938): The Kidston Collection of Fossil Plants. With an Account of the Life and Work of Robert Kidston . PDF file, with portrait and publication list. Geological Survey of Great Britain. Dept. of Geology Petroleum Geology, Kings College, University of Aberdeen: The Biota of Early Terrestrial Ecosystems: The Rhynie Chert, History of Research at Rhynie . Photographs of Robert Kidston, William Mackie, David Thomas Gwynne-Vaughan. 111. T. Ohama (2002), IOP Newsletter 71 (PDF file). Scroll to page 8: Obituaries: Tatsuaki Kimura (1925-2001). 112. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Franz Kirchheimer (1911-1984). In German. 113. I. Draxler (1988): Wilhelm Klaus (1921-1987). PDF file, in German. See also here . (Search for: O. Cichocki, J. Nebelsick, R. Zetter 1988: A farewell to Wilhelm Klaus. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 56: 1-4). 114. Z. Kvacek (2004), in: IOP Newsletter 77 (PDF file). Scroll to page 7: Obituaries: Erwin Knobloch (1934-2004). 115. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Georg Wolfgang Knorr (1705-1761). In German. His work has been posthumously published by J.E.I. Walch in his four-volume Die Naturgeschichte der Versteinerungen (The Natural History of Petrifactions). 116. Encyclopedia Britannica: Frank Hall Knowlton (1860-1926). See also here (Wikispecies). 117. Kotora Hatai (1962): The science reports of the Tohoku University. Second series, Geology. Special volume: Enzo Konno (PDF file). 118. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): Robert M. Kosanke (1917-1996). See also here (The Illinois State Geological Survey). 119. Tudsnaptr Histria: Gyula Kovcs (1815-1873). In Hungarian. He is deemed to be the first Hungarian palaeobotanist. See also here (Magyar Termszettudomnyi Mzeum). 120. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Fridolin Krasser (1863-1922). In German. 121. D. Dilcher, Florida Museum of Natural History, and F. Schaarschmidt, (1992): Richard Krusel : His life and work . PDF file, Cour. Forsch.-Inst. Senckenberg, 147: 7-18. D.L. Dilcher (1967): Richard Krusel , 1890-1966. PDF file, Plant Science Bull. 13: 8. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Richard Krusel . Click S. 642-443. See also here (from Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources). 122. O.K. Davis: Gerhard Otto Wilhelm Kremp (1913-1994). 123. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Afrikan Nikolaevich Krishtofovich (1885-1953). 124. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Johann Gottlob von Kurr (1798-1870). Click S. 416-417. Kurr published 1845 his Beitrge zur fossilen Flora der Juraformation Wrttembergs. 125. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Federico Kurtz (1854-1921). In Spanish. See also here (from Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources). 126. F.H. Hibbert (1995), in: IOP Newsletter 55 (PDF file). Scroll to page 11: Obituaries: W.S. Lacey (1912-1995). 127. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: William Henry Lang (1874-1960). See also here (E.J. Salisbury, 1961, first page), and there (Encyclopedia.com). 128. Palaeobotany Staff, Liege (1994), in: IOP Newsletter 52 (PDF file). Scroll to page 10: Obituary: Suzanne Leclercq (1901-1994). 129. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Leo Lesquereux (1806-1889). Americas first paleobotanist. See also here (I. Ramsey, James Madison University, the Internet School Library Media Center Paleontologists Page ISLMC), and there (A. Schmidt, Earth Science Department, Emporia State University, Kansas). 130. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Edward Lhuyd or Lhwyd (1660-1709). He was one of the early pioneers in palaeontology and palaeobotany. Eduardi Luidii 1699: Lithophylacii Britannici Ichnographia (including fossil plants). See also here (Canolfan Edward Llwyd). H. Rance: Introduction, The Present is the Key to the Past (PDF file). Scroll to page 12 (PDF page 2): (?Edmund) Edward Lhwyd (1660-1709). 131. E.C. Jeffrey (1916): Octave Lignier (1855-). Abstract, Botanical Gazette, 62: 507-508. See also here (Nature, 97: 143-144). 132. T. von der Kall: Auf Otto Lincks Spuren (PDF file, in German). Otto Linck (1892-1985). He does pioneering work on the Triassic Flora of Germany. 133. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: John Lindley (1799-1865). Lindley and Hutton published in 1831-1837 their three volumes on the Fossil Flora of Great Britain. See also here (Australian National Botanic Gardens - Biography). F.W. Oliver (1913): Makers of British botany; a collection of biographies by living botanists (PDf file, 33 MB). Scroll to page 164, John Lindley (1799-1865). W.G. Chaloner and H.L. Pearson (2005): John Lindley : the reluctant palaeobotanist . Abstract, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 241: 29-39. 134. Linnean Society of London: Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778). The father of modern plant and animal classification. See also here (NAHSTE project, University of Edinburgh), and there (Berkeley Natural History Museum). 135. B. Lundblad (1982), IOP Newsletter 18 (PDF file), Obituaries, scroll to page 7: Tore Linnell (-1979). 136. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Martin Lister (1638-1712). 137. A.C. Howell in: A.J. Bowden et al. (2005), History of palaeobotany: selected essays (Google books): James Lomax (1857-1934). He was an amateur palaeobotanist who became a professional thin section preparator of fossil plants. Bolton Museum: James Lomax (1857-1934). 138. B.A. Thomas and R.M. Bateman (1999), IOP Newsletter 66 (PDF file). Scroll to page 6: Obituaries: Albert George Long (1915-1999). See also here (PDF file, C.D. Waterston, The Royal Society of Edinburgh). 139. L. Grauvogel-Stamm (2007), in: IOP Newsletter 81 (PDF file). Scroll to page 9: Obituaries: Bernard Lugardon (1930-2007). See also here (C.H. Wellman et al. (2009), Abstract, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 156: 2-6). 140. Botanicus (a portal to historic botanical literature from the Missouri Botanical Garden Library): Harry Dunlap Macginitie (1896-1987). See also here (WorldCat Identities). 141. V. Wilde (2004), IOP Newsletter 75 (PDF file). Scroll to page 6: Obituaries: Karl Mdler (1902-2003). See also here (The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists), and there (Scroll to page 31, M.E. Schudack, Palontologie Aktuell 49, 2003; PDF file (44.7 MB!), in German). 142. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Karl Mgdefrau (1907-1999). In German. See also here (University Tbingen, in German), and there (Scroll to page 19 (PDF page 21), F. Oberwinkler, Palontologie Aktuell 40, PDF file, 1999, in German) 143. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johann Christian Mahr (1787-1869). In German. See also here . Palaeobotanical collection, Museum fr Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, at the Humboldt University Berlin. 144. D. Chaney, P. Conklin, B. DiMichele, T. Phillips, T. Dutro, H. Pfefferkorn, F. Whitmore (2008), IOP Newsletter 85 (PDF file). Scroll to page 9: Obituary: Sergius H. Mamay (1920-2008). See also here (PDF file, Paleobotanical Section of Botanical Society of America. Scroll to page 9: Obituary). The Paleobotanical Section of Botanical Society of America: Go to Page 4, OBITUARY . Sergius H. Mamay (1920-2008). See also here . (P. Sullivan, Washington Post, Obituaries). 145. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Gideon Algernon Mantell (1790-1852). A pioneer of palynology. 146. Wikispecies: Abramo Bartolommeo Massalongo (1824-1860). L.F. Ward (1885), Sketch of paleobotany . (PDF file, 4.8 MB). Scroll to to PDF page 27: Abramo Massalongo (1824-1860). 147. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Ernst W. Mayr (1904-2005). See also: T. Junker (2007): Ernst Mayr (1904-2005) and the New Philosophy of Biology . PDF file, Journal for General Philosophy of Science 38: 1-17. T. Junker (1996): Factors Shaping Ernst Mayr s Concepts in the History of Biology . Journal of the History of Biology, 29: 29-77. A. Meyer, Die Zeit, Germany: Der Altmeister erklrt die Evolution (in German): Ernst Mayr . An obituary, in German. See also here (C. Schwgerl, FAZ). 148. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Sir Frederick McCoy (1817-1899). One of the pioneers of Australian palaeobotany. See also here (Bright Sparcs Biographical entry). 149. W.S. Lacey and H.P. Wilkinson (1985), in: IOP Newsletter 28 (PDF file). Scroll to page 9: Obituaries: R. Melville (1903-1985). 150. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Paul Menzel (1864-1927) . Click S. 105. 151. A.V. Gomankov (1987), in: IOP Newsletter 33 (PDF file). Scroll to page 10: Obituary: Sergei Viktorovich Meyen (1935-1987). See also Letters of Appreciation of the late S.V. Meyen. Go to: IOP Newsletter 38 (PDF file). Scroll to PDF page 12. I.A. Ignatiev: Sergei Viktorovich Meyen (1935-1987). Biographical reference, no abstract. See also here (Wikispecies). 152. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hugh Miller (1802-1856). See also here (PDF file, by S.J. Knell M.A. Taylor: Hugh Miller: fossils, landscape and literary geology), or there (by L.I. Anderson, Abstract: Hugh Miller: introducing palaeobotany to a wider audience). 153. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel (1811-1871). Palaeobotanical studies (fossil cycads), collaboration with Gppert. 154. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hugo von Mohl (1805-1872). One of the pioneers of palynology. 155. WorldCat Identities: Lon Moret (1890-1973). He published the Manuel de palontologie vgtale (6 editions, published between 1943 and 1964, in French). See also here (announcement: M. Roubault, Obituary of Leon Moret, in French). 156. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Baron Sir Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von Mueller (1825-1896). He was a pioneer in Australian botany and palaeobotanical research. 157. IOP Newsletter 22 (PDF file), scroll to page 6: Obituaries: Jan Muller (1922-1983). 158. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Wolfgang Mller-Stoll (1909-1994). In German. 159. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Georg zu Mnster (1776-1844). 160. M.E.C. Bernardes-de-Oliveira (2007): IOP Newsletter 83 (PDF file). Scroll to page 7: Diana Mussa (1932-2007). Palaeobotanical pioneering work in Brazil. 161. M. Barthel, Rundbrief des Arbeitskreises fr Palobotanik und Palynologie Juni 2009 (PDF file, in German). Scroll to page 4: Ein palobotanisches Doppeljubilum. About G.F. Mylius: Memorabilium Saxoni subterrane... ...Des Unterirdischen Sachsens seltsamer Wunder der Natur (1709-1718). One of the earliest books showing fossil plants (from Manebach, Thuringia). 162. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Alfred Gabriel Nathorst (1850-1921). See also here (The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm), and there (Encyclopedia.com). 163. BookRags: Sofiya Nickolaevna Naumova (1902-1974). 164. G.K. Srivastava (1999), IOP Newsletter 67 (PDF file). Scroll to page 12: Obituary: Davendra Dutt Nautiyal (1934-1999). 165. BookRags: Maria Feodorovna Neuburg (1894-1962). 167. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: John Strong Newberry (1822-1892). See also here (from Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources), and there (Encyclopedia.com). 168. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: William Nicol (1770-1851). For the first time (also by Henry Witham) thin sections of fossil plants. 169. The Illinois State Geological Survey: Adolph C. No (1873-1939). 170. T.L. Phillips et al. (1973): Development of paleobotany in the Illinois Basin . PDF file. Scroll to page 9 (PDF page 13): Adolph C. No (1873-1939). 171. A.J. Bowden et al. (2005), History of palaeobotany: selected essays (Google books): Francis Wall Oliver (1864-1952). E.J. Salisbury (1952): Francis Wall Oliver (1864-1951). First page, Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society, 8: 229-240. 172. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Fritz Theodor Overbeck (1898-1983). In German. 173. P.C. Srivastava (2002), IOP Newsletter 71 (PDF file). Scroll to page 9: Obituaries: Divya Darshan Pant (1919-2001). P.C. Srivastava (2001): A link with the past: Divya Darshan Pant (1919-2001) . PDF file, Current Science, 81. See also here (Lalit Mohan Joshi, Obituary, The Guardian). 174. S. Zeller, Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online: David Pearce Penhallow (1854-1910). See also here (McGill Herbarium, with portrait). 175. E.J. Romero (1985), in: IOP Newsletter 28 (PDF file). Scroll to page 9: Obituaries: T.B. Petriella (1942-1984). T.N. Taylor et al. (2009), Paleobotany: the biology and evolution of fossil plants (Google books, limited view): Scroll to page 621, portrait of Bruno Petriella. 176. Biology Centre, Linz-Dornach, The Upper Austrian State Museums: Julius Pia (1887-1943). PDF file, in German, with portrait. A pioneer in research of fossil Dasycladaceae. 177. R.J. Rayner (1989), IOP Newsletter 39 (PDF file). Scroll to page 14: Obituaries: Edna Pauline Plumstead (1903-1989). 178. Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg: Portrait of Edna Plumstead (1903-1989). See also here (WorldCat Identities), and there (from Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources). 179. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Ernst Jakob Lennart von Post (1884-1951). Von Post was one of the founders of palynology and also a pioneer in New Zealand palynology. See also here (A.A. Manten 1967: Lennart von Post and the foundation of modern palynology. PDF file, Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 1: 11-22). 180. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Henry Potoni (1857-1913). In German. 181. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Robert Potonie (1889-1974). Click S. 613. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): AASP Primary Records Program, Enconium for Robert Potoni . PALYNOS 12(2): 1-2, 1989. 182. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Carl Borivoj Presl (1794-1852). 183. Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources: Ana Maria Ragonese (1928-1999). Doing research in the palaeobotany division of the Argentine Museum of Natural Sciences Bernardino Rivadavia in Buenos Aires. 184. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Arthur Raistrick (1896-1991). He undertook pioneering work on the pollen analysis of peat and used this knowledge to correlate Carboniferous coal seams. See also here (J.E.A. Marshall, 2005; Abstract, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 241: 161-179). 185. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: John Ray (1627-1705). Ray insisted that fossils had once been alive. 186. S.H. Mamay et al. (Google Books): Charles Brian Read (1907-1979). 187. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Joseph Bancroft Reade (1801-1870). A pioneer in palynology (fossil dinoflagellate cysts). See also here (bibliography J.B. Reade). 188. Thomas N. Taylor (1995); In: P.C. Lyons et al., Google books, limited preview, Geol. Soc. America Mem., 185: Historical perspective of Early Twentieth Century Carboniferous Paleobotany in North America . Scroll to page 183: Fredda Doris Reed (1894-1988). See also here . T.N. Taylor: Fredda Doris Reed (1894-1988): Educator and paleobotanist. (PDF file). 189. C.H. Smith: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists. Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Clement Reid (1853-1916). 190. C.V. Burek (2009): The first female Fellows and the status of women in the Geological Society of London . In: C.L.E. Lewis and S.J. Knell, The Making of the Geological Society of London, page 400: Wynne Edwards (Mrs Eleanor Mary Reid ) (1860-1953). Provided by Google books. 191. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Bernard Renault (1836-1904). In French. 192. A. Deck-Partyka: Poland, a Unique Country and Its People (provided by Google books): Maria Reymanowna (1920-1997). 193. J. Ziaja (1997), in: IOP Newsletter 62 (PDF file). Scroll to page 10: Obituary: Maria Reymanwna (1920-1997). 194. Forschungsstelle fr Palbotanik, Westflische Wilhelms-Universitt, Mnster: Winfried Remy (1924-1995). H. Kerp, H. Hass, T.N. Taylor (1996), in: IOP Newsletter 57 (PDF file). Scroll to page 4: Obituaries: Winfried Remy (1924-1995). 195. Datenbank Universittsmuseen und -sammlungen in Deutschland: Gerhard Roselt (1915-2000). In German. 196. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Emil Adolf Romler (1806-1867). In German. He published 1840 Die Versteinerungen des Braunkohlensandsteins aus der Gegend von Altsattel in Bhmen. See also here (Schsische Biografie, in German). 197. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hugo Rhle von Lilienstern (1882-1946). See also here . Palaeobotanical collection, Museum fr Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, at the Humboldt University Berlin. 198. N. Prakash, International Organisation of Palaeobotany (IOP): Palaeobotany Pioneers, Birbal Sahni (1891-1949). See also here (PDF file; M.O.P. Iyengar in Current Science). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Birbal Sahni (1891-1949). See also here (The Palaeobotanical Society, Lucknow, India). 199. WorldCat Identities: Ethel Ida Sanborn (1883-) 200. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Gaston de Saporta (1823-1895). In German. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database, (University of Cambridge). The project exists to publish the definitive edition of letters to and from Charles Darwin. Go to: Louis Charles Joseph Gaston Saporta (1823-1895). 201. R. Fensome (2002), CAP Newsletter 25: 6-8: William Antony Swithin Sarjeant (1935-2002). See also here (The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, AASP). 202. V. Wilde, D.H. Mai, H. Walther, S. Rietschel, K. Schmidt (2006), Palaeontographica, Abteilung B, 273 (website hosted by Wanfang Data): Johannes Friedemann Schaarschmidt (1934-2005). In German. 203. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: August Schenk (1815-1891). In German. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): August Schenk (1815-1891). Click S. 749. 204. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733). See also here (this entry was originally from the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica). Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Linda Hall Library: Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733). 205. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Wilhelm Philipp Schimper (1808-1880). The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Wilhelm Philipp Schimper (1808-1880). Click S. 783; 277. 206. The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Ernst Friedrich Freiherr von Schlotheim (1764-1832). Click S. 550. See also here . Palaeobotanical collection, Museum fr Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, at the Humboldt University Berlin. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Ernst Friedrich von Schlotheim (1764-1832). In German. 207. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johannes Theodor Schmalhausen (1849-1894). He was one of the founding fathers of Russian paleobotany. 208. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Johann Lukas Schnlein (1793-1864). Schnleins daughters published 1865 posthumously: Schoenlein, J.L.: Abbildungen von fossilen Pflanzen aus dem Keuper (13 plates, text by August Schenk). See also here . (a portrait, by portrait.kaar.at), and there (Clendening Library Portrait Collection). K.-P. Kelber, (1994): J.L. Schnlein als Frderer der palobotanischen Wissenschaft . (PDF file, 2.4 MB, in German). See also here . Palaeobotanical collection, Museum fr Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Research on Evolution and Biodiversity, at the Humboldt University Berlin. Whonamedit.com, a biographical dictionary of medical eponyms: Johann Lukas Schnlein (1793-1864). See also here (Portrait Collection Robert Wiedersheim). 209. H.N. Andrews (1979), IOP Newsletter 8 (PDF file), Obituaries, scroll to page 7: J.M. Schopf (1911-1978). The Illinois State Geological Survey: James M. Schopf (1911-1978). 210. D.M. Raup (1984), Evolution 38, Eulogy: Thomas James Morton Schopf (1939-1984). First page only. 211. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Julius Schuster (1886-1949). Only in Spanish, alas ... See also here (Gerd Simon and Ulrich Schermaul, Tbingen. PDF file, in German). 212. The Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm: Schweitzer Collection, A short biography of Professor Hans-Joachim Schweitzer (1928-2007). See also here (S.M. Snigirevsky and N.S. Snigirevskaya). 213. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Dunkinfield Henry Scott (1854-1934). See also here (Biography.com). 214. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Rutger Sernander (1866-1944) In German. One of the founders of palynology. 215. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Albert Charles Seward (1863-1941). C.H. Smith et al., Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green: Some Biogeographers, Evolutionists and Ecologists: Chrono-Biographical Sketches, Albert Charles Seward (1863-1941). The Geological Society of London: From the Archive . Scroll down to: Sir Albert Charles Seward (1863-1941). See also here . 216. Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources: Bohumil Shimek (1861-1937). 217. T. Majewski (2006): Alina Skirgiello (1911-2007). PDF file, Acta Mycol., 41: 5-6. See also here (PDF file, M. Lawrynowicz and M. Wrzosek). 218. Hong Yang (1996), in: IOP Newsletter 57 (PDF file). Scroll to page 5: Obituaries: Charles Jack Smiley (1924-1996). 219. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: William Johnson Sollas (1849-1936). He isolated 1901 microspores (or miospores) from the Triassic. 220. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hermann zu Solms-Laubach (1842-1915) In German. See also here (Review W. Herter: L. Jost (1916), Ber. deutsch. Bot. Gesellschaft, 33: 95-112; PDF file, in German). 221. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Anton Sprengel (1803-1851). In Spanish. He published 1828 his paper Commentatio de Psarolithis ..., a description of silicified fern stems of Palaeozoic age. 222. M. Teichmller (1989): Erich Stach (1896-1987). Article citation, International Journal of Coal Geology, 14: 1-4. 223. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: George Ledyard Stebbins (1906-2000). P.H. Raven, pp. 3-5; In: F.J. Ayala, W.M. Fitch, and M.T. Clegg (eds.); Variation and Evolution in Plants and Microorganisms: Toward a New Synthesis 50 Years after Stebbins.- National Academy of Sciences, 2000. George Ledyard Stebbins . American botanist and geneticist known for his application of the modern synthetic theory of evolution to plants. V.B. Smocovitis (1997): G. Ledyard Stebbins , Jr. and the evolutionary synthesis (1924-1950) PDF file, American Journal of Botany, 84: 1625-1637. 224. H.S. Torrens (2005): The Moravian minister Rev. Henry Steinhauer (1782-1818); his work on fossil plants, their first scientific description and the planned Mineral Botany . Abstract, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 241: 13-28. 225. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Niels Stensen (Nicolaus Steno, 1638-1686). In German. 226. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Kaspar Maria von Sternberg (1761-1838). See also here (Dictionary of Scientific Biography). The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Kaspar Maria Graf von Sternberg 1761-1838). Click S. 118. Count Kaspar Maria Sternberg 1761-1838 (provided by the National Museum Prague and Czech Geological Survey): Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt . Some pages and plates (online demo version). Dont miss the Gallery . C. Schweizer (2004): Johann Wolfgang von Goethe und Kaspar Maria von Sternberg : Naturforscher und Gleichgesinnte (Google books). sterreich-Lexikon: Caspar Graf Sternberg (1761-1838). Lithography by J. Kriehuber, 1837 (Bildarchiv der sterreichischen Nationalbibliothek, Wien). Sternberg established the Bohemian National Museum in Prague. He is deemed to be one of the pioneers of modern palaeobotany. See also: Antiquariaat Junk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: STERNBERG, K. M. VON. Versuch einer geognostisch-botanischen Darstellung der Flora der Vorwelt. Leipzig, Prag, Regensburg, Fleischer/ Brenck, (1820-) 1825-1838. Detail picture page . 227. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johann Traugott Sterzel (1841-1914). In German. 228. G. Rothwell (2006), Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 133 (provided by findarticles.com): DEDICATION: To The Upward Outlook of Wilson Nichols Stewart . See also here (with portrait). K. Pigg (2004), IOP Newsletter 76 (PDF file). Scroll to page 7: Obituaries: Wilson N. Stewart (-2004). 229. M. Fairon-Demart (1986), in: IOP Newsletter 31 (PDF file). Scroll to page 11: Obituaries: Francois Stockmans (1904-1986). 230. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Marie Carmichael Stopes (1880-1958). See also here (Geological Survey of Canada), and there (BBC). H.J. Falcon-Lang, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, UK: Marie Stopes and the Jurassic floras of Brora, NE Scotland. Abstract, Scottish Journal of Geology 44, (1), 65-73, 2008. See also here (Passionate about palaeobotany). H.L. Pearson, THE LINNEAN, (2005) VOLUME 21: Marie Stopes and a century of seed ferns . PDF file, scroll to page 25 (PDF page 27). See also here (The Family Education Network, Infoplease), and there (NNDB). 231. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Dions Rudolf Josef Str (1827-1893). In German. See also here (sterreich-Lexikon, in German). The Darwin Correspondence Online Database, (University of Cambridge). The project exists to publish the definitive edition of letters to and from Charles Darwin. Go to: Dnes Rudolf Jossef (Dionys) Stur (1827-1893). 232. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Wladyslaw Szafer (1886-1970). In German. 233. Q.-G. Sun in: A.J. Bowden et al. (2005), History of palaeobotany: selected essays (Google books) Hsing-Chien Sze (1901-1964). One of the founders of Chinese palaeobotany. 234. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Armen Takhtajan (1910-2009). 235. DGMK Deutsche Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft fr Erdl, Erdgas und Kohle e.V. (in German): Marlies Teichmller (1914-2000). PDF file. P.C. Lyons and A.T. Cross (2005): Marlies Teichmller (1914-2000), pioneering genetic coal petrologist: some paleobotanical, palynological, and botanical influences on her research . Abstract, International Journal of Coal Geology, 62: 71-84. See also here (B.A.R. Mohr and A. Vogt (2006), Abstract, Earth Sciences History, 25: 117-139). 236. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Julian Edmund Tenison Woods (1832-1889). One of the pioneers of Australian palaeobotany. See also here (Bright Sparcs Biographical entry). 237. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hugh Hamshaw Thomas (1885-1962). In German. See also here (T.M. Harris, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society; PDF file). 238. U. Horst, Palont. Z., 35: 235-241, first page only: Paul William Thomson (1891-1957). PDF file (free preview), in German. 239. W.B.K. Holmes (2001): Equisetalean Plant Remains from the Early to Middle Triassic of New South Wales, Australia (PDF file). Scroll to page 14 (PDF page 6): Etymology John A. Townrow. See also here (WorldCat Identities). 240. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): Hans Tralau . (-1977). 241. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): Robert Tschudy (1908-1986). 242. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Franz Unger (1800-1870). See also here (sterreich Lexikon, in German. Lithography by A. Dauthage). The Biographical Portal. A cooperative project (ADB, NDB, BL, HLS); more than 100,000 scholarly biographies of persons (in German): Franz von Unger (1800-1870). Click S. 286. The Darwin Correspondence Online Database, (University of Cambridge). The project exists to publish the definitive edition of letters to and from Charles Darwin. Go to: Franz Unger (1800-1870). See also Antiquariaat Junk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: UNGER, F. Chloris protogaea. Beitrge zur Flora der Vorwelt. Leipzig, in Commission bei W. Engelmann, (1841)-1847. Detail picture page . Institute of Plant Physiology, University of Vienna: Franz Unger (1800-1870). Viennas first true plant physiologist, was a true all-rounder with a profound knowledge in anatomy, physiology, ecology, pathology and, last but not least, in palaeobotany. 243. S.V. Meyen (1987), in: IOP Newsletter 32 (PDF file). Scroll to page 16: Obituary: Vsevolod Andreevich Vakhrameev (1912-1986). Vsevolod Andreevich Vakhrameev (1912-1986). See here . 244. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Jacob Gijsbertus Samul van Breda (1788-1867). Van Breda published studies on fossil plants found in the coal mines (see here ). 245. Nature (1949), 163: 902-902: Josef Velenovsk (1858-1949). See also here (Cybertruffle), and here (from Aluka, an initiative building an online digital library of scholarly resources). 246. E. Zastawniak, in: IOP Newsletter 82 (PDF file). Scroll to page 6: Obituary: Felix Yulianovich Velichkevich (1942-2006). 247. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Dieter Vogellehner (1937-2002). In German. 248. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johann Ernst Immanuel Walch (1725-1778). Author of Die Naturgeschichte der Versteinerungen 1768-1773 (The Natural History of Petrifactions), which is based on the work of Georg Wolfgang Knorr. 249. Australian Dictionary of Biography Online: Arthur Bache Walkom (1889-1976). He did pioneering palaeobotanical research in Australia (particularly in Queensland and New South Wales). See also here (Wikipedia), and there (Bright Sparcs Biographical entry). 250. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Lester Frank Ward (1841-1913). See also here (Encyclopedia.com). 251. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Carl Albert Weber (1856-1931). In German. One of the German pioneers in Quaternary palynology. 252. T. Bolling, Odegaard Undergraduate Library, University of Washington: Wesley Conrad Wehr (1929-2004). See also here (Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution). 253. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Johannes Weigelt (1890-1948). In German. See also here (Catalogus-Professorum-Halensis.de, in German). 254. Wikisource: Christian Ernst Weiss (1833-1890). In German. 255. H.H. Thomas (1953), Obit. Not. Fell. R. Soc., 8: 601-608: Frederick Ernest Weiss (1865-1953). PDF file. See also here . First page only. 256. H.L. Pearson (2002), The Linnean, 18 (PDF file). Scroll to page 48, Obituary, Alan Wesley (1926-2000). 257. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Hermann Weyland (1888-1974). In German. 258. W.C. Darrah et al., Historical perspective of early twentieth century Carboniferous paleobotany in North America (Google Books, p. 135): David White (1862-1935). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Charles David White (1862-1935). 259. Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven: Who Was Who at the Peabody Museum, George Reber Wieland (1865-1953) . See also here (Wikipedia, in French). George Reber Wieland, (photograph). Go to: Vincent L. Santucci, National Park Service, Kemmerer, WY, and Marikka Hughes, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Paleobotany Division, New Haven: Fossil Cycad National Monument: A Case of Paleontological Resource Mismanagement. See also here (Wikipedia, Fossil Cycad National Monument). 260. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: William Crawford Williamson (1851-1892). English naturalist, a founder of modern palaeobotany. BookRags: William Crawford Williamson (1816-1895). William Crawford Williamson (Google books, limited preview): Reminiscences of a Yorkshire Naturalist . Autobiography, edited by his wife. F.W. Oliver (1913): Makers of British botany; a collection of biographies by living botanists (PDf file, 33 MB). Scroll to page 247, William Crawford Williamson. 261. A.T. Cross (1998), CAP Newsletter 21: 14-17: Leonard Richard Wilson (1906-1998). See also here (AASP Primary Records Program). 262. Paleobotanical Section of Botanical Society of America, Membership Mailing 2008 (PDF file). Scroll to page 3, Obituary: Marcia Ring Winslow (1931-2007). 263. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Henry Witham 1779-1844 (H. Witham of Lartington). For the first time (also by W. Nicol) thin sections of fossil plants. Discovered 1833 palaeozoic spores in petrological thin sections of coals from Lancashire (Sarjeant 2002). Henry Witham of Lartington published 1833 his book: The Internal Structure of Fossil Vegetables. F.W. Oliver (1913): Makers of British botany; a collection of biographies by living botanists (PDf file, 33 MB). Scroll to page 245, Henry Witham of Lartington. Portrait on page 244. 264. Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm: The Crafoord Prize 2003 . The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Crafoord Prize in Biosciences 2003 of USD 500 000 to Carl R. Woese , University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, USA for his discovery of a third domain of life. 265. B. Spicer and E. Leopold (2006): Memorial to Jack Albert Wolfe (1936-2005). PDF file, Geological Society of America Memorials, 35: 59-61. See also here (Wikipedia), and there . (PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2006 VOLUME 52). 266. International Organization of Palaeobotany, Newsletter 43 (1990): PDF file. Scroll to Obituaries, scroll to page 6: Frederick Maurice Wonnacott (1902-1990). 267. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: John Woodward (1665-1728). 268. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Jens Jacob Asmussen Worsaae (1821-1885). He was a pioneer in the development of paleobotany through his excavation work in the peat bogs of Jutland. See also here (Absolute Astronomy). 269. BookRags: Elena Dmitrievna Zaklinskaia (1910-1989). 270. Annales des Mines: Ren Charles Zeiller (1847-1915) . In French. See also here (Botanical Gazette). 271. H.L. Pearson (2005): Baron Achille de Zigno : an Italian palaeobotanist of the 19th century . Abstract, Geological Society, London, Special Publications; v. 241; p. 85-94. 272. Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Walter Zimmermann (1892-1980). In German. Worth checking out: Regine Claen-Bockhoff (2001), Plant Morphology: The Historic Concepts of Wilhelm Troll, Walter Zimmermann and Agnes Arber . Free PDF file, Annals of Botany, 88: 1153-1172. 273. The American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP): Teresa Zwolinska (1910-1989).
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|11782 次阅读|0 个评论
古植物学的故事(36):悼念杰出的古植物学家Jack Albert Wolfe
livingfossil 2010-5-19 10:46
古植物学的故事(36):悼念杰出的古植物学家Jack Albert Wolfe (19362005) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.36): Remember Jack Albert Wolfe (19362005) (authors: Bob Spicer and Estella Leopold) 关键词:Jack Albert Wolfe;古植物学家;Palaeobotanist 上一期《古植物学的故事》(第35期)的题目是:为古植物学而生、为古植物学而死---纪念杰出的古植物学家Jack Albert Wolfe (19362005)。我在文中提到一篇悼文,现给予转载。 转载文章由英国古植物学家 Bob Spicer教授和美国科学院院士、古孢粉学家、古植物学家Estella Leopold教授撰写。出处为: Spicer,R.A. and E. Leopold, 2006, Memorial to Jack Albert Wolfe (1936-2005). Geological Society of America Memorials, 35: 59-61. PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2006 VOLUME 52. http://mcintosh.botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-2006-52-2.php#Jack 相关文章还有: Spicer, R.A. , 2007, Recent and Future Developments of CLAMP: Building on the Legacy of Jack A. Wolfe. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg . 258:109-118. Upchurch, G.R., Spicer, R.A., and Leopold, E.B., 2007, The Life and Career of Jack A Wolfe (July 10 1936 - August 12 2005). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg . 258:11-19. 上文附有Jack Albert Wolfe一生发表论著的完整目录。 孙启高 (Qigao Sun) 2010年5月17日 --------------------------- Announcements In Memoriam: Jack A. Wolfe, 1936-2005. Paleobotanist http://mcintosh.botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-2006-52-2.php#Jack On August 12 th 2005 the world of paleobotany lost one of its greatest research minds of the last half of the 20 th Century. Jack Wolfe was not only an extraordinary systematist with an encyclopedic knowledge of angiosperm leaf architecture, but he went where few paleobotanists dare go; he ventured into the realms of multivariate statistics in pursuit of quantifying the relationship between foliar physiognomy and climate. His ability to go well beyond botanical observation and description into using fossil leaves as tools for understanding environmental change through time has defined an area in modern palaeobotany that has found application is fields as diverse as meteorology and crustal dynamics. Born and raised in Portland Oregon, Jack Albert Wolfe attended Franklin High School where, with the encouragement of his biology teacher Anne Bohlen, he first developed his interest in palaeobotany. Anne was the adviser to the school Science Club and in 1952 she arranged a club visit to the fossil museum that Lon Hancock, a retired postal worker had made in his home. Lon was an amateur who had helped furnish localities and material to both Ralph Chaney and Chester Arnold , and was a founder of the Oregon Museum of Science Industry (OMSI). Lon, under the auspices of OMSI, started a summer field camp in the John Day Basin of central Oregon. Looking for a research project to write up for the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, Jack attended the second year of the OMSI field camp and became fascinated with two classic palaeobotanical sites near the camp: the Clarno nut bed and the Bridge Creek leaf flora. Jack's project must have been impressive because, as one of 40 finalists, he won a trip to Washington and one of the contest judges, the Harvard astronomer Harlow Shapley, encouraged Jack to apply to both Harvard and Princeton. Unfortunately the application and scholarship deadlines had both passed, but still Shapley made encouraging noises. In the end Jack finished in the top 10 and went to Harvard in 1953 on a full scholarship. At Harvard, Jack did his undergraduate research under the direction of botanist Elso S. Barghoorn and where for almost every day for 3 years Jack had lunch and coffee with the group that included I.W. Bailey , Don Whitehead, and Margaret Davis, among others, and visitors such as Sherwin Carlquist. With the stimulation of such company and building on his avid collecting in the Pacific Northwest, Jack had his first paleobotanical publication only a year after being admitted to Harvard. It was on the Collawash flora of the upper Clackamas River Basin and appeared in the Newsletter of the Geological Society of Oregon. During the summers at Harvard Jack gained further field experience joining, on separate occasions, Roland Brown, Dallas Peck and J.F. Smith who were all with the US Geological Survey (USGS). In this way Jack gained a breadth of experience that went way beyond palaeobotany and saw him mapping Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Cascades and Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks in Nevada. In 1957 Jack began his graduate studies in paleobotany at Berkeley under Wayne L. Fry, A.S. Foster and Herbert L. Mason and in 1959 was awarded an M.A. in Palaeontology after writing a thesis on the Tertiary Juglandaceae of Western North America. At Berkeley, Jack was particularly influenced by J. Wyatt Durham, the mollusk/echinoderm worker. Jack realized that mollusk workers had rigorous criteria for identifying their material and this prompted him to try the same approach with angiosperm leaves. With the encouragement of Adriance Foster (an I.W. Bailey connection) Jack starting leaf clearing in 1958 and by 1969 this had evolved into a project to survey modern dicots using cleared leaves. Eventually the USGS cleared leaf collection (now housed at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington) represented around 15,000 species and Jack had become, in his own words, the largest herbarium beetle known to exist. His rigorous approach was one of the major foundation stones of modern leaf architectural analysis in fossil angiosperm leaf identification and comparative studies. In 1960 (when still only 23) Jack completed his PhD dissertation on the early Miocene floras of northwest Oregon. This rapid academic advancement was achieved alongside reporting on referred fossils for the US Geological Survey under the supervision of Preston E. Cloud. Jack's industry was rewarded with a post that led him to being Research Geologist with the US Geological Survey, Menlo Park California. Jack remained with the USGS throughout much of his career, mostly at Menlo Park, but with spells in Washington DC (1961-65) and Denver (1982-1992). In 1969 Jack produced his first major work on fossil floras: it was a synthesis of his findings on the Late Tertiary floras of the Pacific Northwest, which he published in Madrono in time for it to be handed out to attendees of the International Botanical Congress in Seattle that year. In the 1960's Jack also began work on the Tertiary floras of Alaska. In publications with David Hopkins, Clyde Wahrhaftig and Estella Leopold, he presented a first cut on dating the younger floras of the Kenai Lowland as Late Tertiary. Before this biostratigraphic work, many prominent geologists considered the rocks of the Kenai Group as being of Paleogene age. Jack continued and produced in 1977 a monumental and thoughtful work on the Paleogene floras of Alaska and Wrangellia , which still stands as an exceptional monograph. One of the reasons it was so notable is that he established for the first time that truly subtropical floras existed as far north as 60 N. Lat. Jack's primary role at the USGS was to use plant megafossils for biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental determinations, but through his collaboration with Elso Barghoorn he also factored the pollen record into his deliberations. He not only undertook fieldwork himself, primarily in the western US including Alaska, but also identified material brought in to him by scores of geologists working throughout the United States. After a long and highly productive career at the USGS Jack retired to and adjunct position with the University of Arizona in 1992, where he remained an active researcher and, as at Berkeley, actively supervised research students, most of whom have continued working in paleobotany and have co-authored papers with him. One of his important monographs, published in 1979, was the climatic analysis of the forest types in eastern China described by Wang Chi Wu in the 1960's. He adapted the quantitative comparison of mean annual temperature with seasonal range of temperatures in different forest types. It resulted in his development of nomograms that sketch out the climatic parameters of the forest types, not only for eastern China, but for eastern and western North America and Australia. His nomogram models are widely used by botanists today. While Jack's reputation as a systematist and biostratigrapher will be remembered for a long time, probably his most innovative work was in quantifying the relationship between leaf form and environmental conditions, primarily climate . Following on from the pioneering work of I.W. Bailey and E. W. Sinnott, Jack recognised that leaf form is controlled by an interplay between the genotype honed through evolution and a spectrum of environmental factors. As early as the late 1970's he realised that the best way to decode the complex form/climate relationship was through multivariate analysis. He set about building and testing a unique database of foliar physiognomic characters derived from leaves of woody dicots growing in vegetation for which the climate (weather-station data) is quantified through long term observation. His rigorous collecting methodology incorporated the full observable morphological range rendering the approach remarkably robust in the face of taphonomic filters. The technique, which he named CLAMP (Climate Leaf Multivariate Programme ), has found application not only in the North America and Japan where the calibration datasets have their origin, but in Russia, Europe, South America and New Zealand. Most spectacularly the technique yields data on enthalpy, a property of a parcel of air that can be used to determine paleoelevation. In recent years this approach has been applied to the uplift of Tibet and the Andes. However for some years Jack had an interest in the uplift history of the western US and it was here that he tested the technique, something he was still working on when he died falling from an outcrop in the eastern Sierras. Jack always had an eye for detail and abhorred what he regarded as sloppy work. This, coupled with a tendency to be fairly brusque, a trait that he sometimes resorted to in order to disguise his innate shyness, led to feuds with some colleagues and he was a critical reviewer. Nevertheless those who became his close friends discovered a man of great intellect, loyalty, warmth and generosity. Jack Wolfe is already sorely missed by his colleagues and students. We have lost a singular leader and scholar of paleobotany. We are privileged to honour his life by following where he led in the study of the major evolutionary and stratigraphic problems, and the relationship between plants and climate: areas of endeavour where Jack blazed an important trail. Bob Spicer and Estella Leopold
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4417 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 livingfossil 2010-2-25 04:47
古植物学的故事(35): 为古植物学而生、为古植物学而死---纪念杰出的古植物学家JackAlbertWolfe(1936—2005) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.35): To be born and dead for palaeobotany—in memory of Jack Albert Wolfe (1936—2005)(by Qigao Sun) 关键词:JackAlbertWolfe;古植物学;古植物学家 题记----谨以此文献给现在与未来的中国古植物学家们! 孙启高 2010年2月24日写于美国 在这个世界上,同年同月同日出生的人并不少见。我知道有两个美国人 同年同月同日生 Jack Albert Wolfe ,于1936年7月10日出生在 俄勒冈州的 Portland; 另一位是 David L. Dilcher,于该日 出生在艾奥瓦( Iowa )州的 Cedar Falls ,但 在明尼苏达州的Anoka长大。非常有趣的是, Jack A. Wolfe和 David L. Dilcher均成为学界公认的杰出古植物学家,这堪称世界古植物学史上的一个奇迹。他们在古植物学研究领域既是同行,又是朋友。 David L. Dilcher 的名气很大,他是美国科学院院士,曾任美国植物学会主席、国际古植物学协会副主席,他是2009年度中国政府“友谊奖”得主。David L. Dilcher 一直致力于早期被子植物的研究,为全球被子植物起源与早期演化研究做出了贡献。中国媒体关于古植物学家David L. Dilcher 的报道较多,但Jack Albert Wolfe的名字不为大家所熟知。 Jack Albert Wolfe曾在哈佛大学完成本科学习,后到加州大学伯克莱分校攻读古植物学博士学位。他曾供职于美国地质调查局(USGS)。Jack A. Wolfe教授一生著述颇丰,在新生代植物与古气候、古地理等方面做出了不可磨灭的贡献。本期《古植物学的故事》简述有关Jack Albert Wolfe 的故事。 一、生命易逝 -他随风而去 2004年春,美国同行Steven Manchester(系David L. Dilcher教授早年的学生)和英国同行Robert A. Spicer(系Jack A. Wolfe生前的博士后)开始商议2006年春在美国 举行一个学术会议以庆贺David L. Dilcher 教授和 Jack A. Wolfe教授七十华诞。在会议筹备过程中,Jack A. Wolfe教授于2005年8月12日在美国内华达进行野外工作时从一个剖面上不慎跌落,不治身亡。我可以这样大胆地说,在新生代植物与全球变化的研究领域里,Jack A. Wolfe的逝世意味着一个时代的结束。 Episode I Robert A. Spicer致同行的电子邮件 Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:21 AM Subject: Sad News Dear All, I have just heard that Jack Wolfe died last Friday (i.e. August 12, 2005) after falling down the side of an outcrop near Quincy on the eastern side of the Sierras. He was with his partner Tony and Howard Schorn from Berkeley. I have spoken with them both and it appears Jack is likely to have died instantly. He will be cremated without ceremony (his wish), but in due course I hope we can celebrate his life in some way. Naturally everyone is stunned by this but I will be talking to Tony and Howard again over the next few days. Bob. ------------- Episode II QG SUN回复Robert A. Spicer的电子邮件 Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:48 AM Subject: Re: Sad News Dear Bob, I am so shocked at Professor Jack A. Wolfe’s sudden death in field work. I appreciate his great help and enthusiastic guidance for my research. Please convey my deep condolence to Jack’s relatives if possible. Last year you told me that you and Steve Manchester would organize a symposium to celebrate Jack Wolfe and David Dilcher’s 70 th birthday. I expect that the symposium will be held as scheduled. In this case, I try my every effort to attend the symposium next year. Best wishes, Sun 二、追思 Jack A. Wolfe教授 上述会议如期举行。2006 年3月12-15日,在佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆召开了“古植物学研究进展”学术会议,目的是庆祝David L. Dilcher和Jack A. Wolfe两位著名古植物学家70华诞,赞誉他们的杰出学术贡献(Advance in Palaeobotany----Recognizing the Contribution of David L. Dilcher and Jack A. Wolfe on the Occasion of their 70 th Birthday),该会议由佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆和美国植物学会古植物学分会(Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America)联合举办 。 来自世界各地的古植物学同行100 多人出席了会议。时任国际古植物学协会(International Organization of Palaeobotany--IOP)主席、伦敦大学Royal Holloway学院Margaret E. Collinson教授以及时任该协会秘书长 Gar Rothwell教授参加会议。 关于这次会议的议程和摘要可以参见: http://flmnh.ufl.edu/paleobotany/AdvancesInPaleobotany.htm 会议组织者特别安排了 Jack A. Wolfe教授追思会 。Robert A. Spicer 是 Jack A. Wolfe教授的第一位博士后研究人员,与 Jack A. Wolfe有长期而密切的合作。Spicer教授播放了 Jack A. Wolfe教授生前从事野外工作的一些照片与记录片。 David L. Dilcher教授做了非常感人的书面发言,他高度评价了Jack A. Wolfe教授的学术成就,追忆 Jack A. Wolfe教授的真诚和友谊。美国Smithsonian Institution古生物部Scott Wing博士和德克萨斯州立大学生物系Gary R. Upchurch博士都曾跟随 Jack A. Wolfe教授从事博士后研究,他们回忆了与 Jack A. Wolfe教授一起工作的学术经历。 Jack A. Wolfe教授生前的同事和合作者,如:美国西俄勒冈大学地球科学系Jeffrey A. Myers博士、科罗拉多州国家公园服务处Herbert W. Meyer博士等也在会上介绍了与 Jack A. Wolfe教授合作研究的一些往事,表达了对Wolfe教授的怀念。 三、 Jack A. Wolfe教授的学术贡献 美国艾达荷大学(University of Idaho )古气候学家Judith Totman Parrish 教授做了题为“The Impact of Jack A. Wolfe’s Work on Paleoclimatology—A Paleoclimatologist’s View”的报告。她在报告中介绍了Jack A. Wolfe 在古气候学研究中的贡献与影响: Quantitative estimates of mean annual temperature and other paleoclimatic parameters from angiosperm leaves ; Quantitative estimates of climate from forest structure ; The importance of evolution in assessing the paleoclimatic information in plants; The importance of sample provenance in paleoclimatic analysis ; Academic scions (此处指“博士后”研究人员). Jack A. Wolfe教授生前主要供职于美国地质调查局(USGS),他只招收博士后研究人员,其中包括 Bob Spicer, Scott Wing, Gary Upchurch ,这3位古植物学家在过去的25年里 发表文章已超过110篇,即每年至少4篇。 很多同行都认为 Jack A. Wolfe非常聪明。我特别感激他生前对我的帮助和鼓励。他确实是TALENT INDIVIDUAL,而且学识广博。他对科学研究无比执著,一以贯之,让人敬仰。Jack A. Wolfe的研究工作很严谨、很系统,有些论文非常厚重、且具有长期影响,让人敬畏。他在叶相分析中的开拓性工作展示了他的科学天赋和敬业精神。毫无疑问,Jack A. Wolfe是新生代植物与全球变化研究的一面旗帜,他的工作对于这一领域的深入研究具有长期影响。 我认为生是偶然的,死是必然的。对我们自身而言,我们无法选择生,但是我们可以选择死:我们在追求一种工作方式或生活方式的同时,实际上是在追寻一种死亡的方式。除了 Jack A. Wolfe,还有一位科学家的名字时常在我的脑海里闪现----他就是为世人敬仰的邓稼先(1924—1986)。我相信,如果一位科学工作者能明白他(或她)确实“为科学而生、为科学而死”,那么,他(或她)会有无私无畏、一往无前的勇气和力量。 四、推荐一篇文章 Bob Spicer 和 Estella Leopold 曾合作撰写一篇怀念 Jack A. Wolfe教授的文章。该文比较详细地叙述了Jack A. Wolfe的成长经历和奋斗历程。感兴趣的朋友参阅: Announcements In Memoriam: Jack A. Wolfe, 1936-2005. Paleobotanist http://mcintosh.botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-2006-52-2.php#Jack 五、 Jack A. Wolfe教授的文章目录(部分) Jack A. Wolfe教授独著: Wolfe, J.A. 1969. Neogene floristic and vegetational history of the Pacific Northwest. Madrono 20:83-110. Wolfe JA. 1971. Tertiary climatic fluctuations and methods of analysis of Tertiary floras. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatic.Palaeoecol. 9(1): 27-57 Wolfe J. A. 1972. An interpretation of Alaska Tertiary floras, inGraham, Alan, ed., Floristics and Palaeofloristics of Asia and Eastern North America: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 210-233. Wolfe, J. A., 1974. Fossil forms of Amentiferae. Brittonia, 23:334-355 Wolfe, J. A., 1976. Stratigraphic interpretations of some pollen types from the Campanian and lower Maestrichtian rocks (Upper Cretaceous ) of the Middle Atlantic States. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. pap., 977., 18pp Wolfe, J.A. 1977. Paleogene floras from the Gulf of Alaska region. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 997:1-108. Wolfe J. A. 1978. A palaeobotanical interpretation of Tertiary climates in the Northern Hemisphere. Am. Sci. 66: 694-703 Wolfe, J.A. 1979. Temperature parameters of humid to mesic forests of eastern Asia and relation to forests of other regions of the Northern Hemisphere and Australasia. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1106:1-37. Wolfe, J.A. 1980. Tertiary climates and floristic relationships at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology 30:313-323. Wolfe, J. A., 1981. Palaeoclimatic significance of the Oligocene and Neogene floras of northwestern United States. In: K. J.Niklas (Editor) Paleobotany, Paleoecology and Evolution, vol. 2. Praeger, New York, N, Y., pp.79-101 Wolfe JA. 1985. Distribution of major vegetational types during the Tertiary (Geohpys. Monogr., 32). In The Carbon Cycle and Atmosphere CO2: Natural Variations Archean to Present, ed. ET Sundquist, WS Broecker, Am. Geophys. Union, Washington, D. C.,pp. 357-375. Wolfe, J. A., 1985. Probabilities of high-latitude glaciers during the Tertiary. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Program. 17(7):753 Wolfe, J. A., 1987. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic history of deciduousness and the terminal Cretaceous event. Paleobiology. 13:215-226 Wolfe J. A., 1989. A leaf architectural analysis of the Hamamelididae, in Crane P. R., and Blackmore S., eds., Evolution, systematics, and fossil history of the Hamamelidae, V.1----Introduction and "lower" Hamamelidae: Oxford, England,Clarendon Press, p. 75-104. Wolfe J. A., 1990a. Estimates of Pliocene precipitation and temperature based on multivariate analysis of leaf physiognomy, in Gosnell L.B., and Poore R. Z., eds., Pliocene climates-- Scenario for global warming: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-94, p. 39-42. Wolfe JA. 1990b. Palaeobotanical evidence for a marked temperature increase following the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Nature. 343:153-156 Wolfe JA. 1992a. An analysis of present-day terrestrial lapse rates in the western conterminous United States and their significance to paleoaltitudinal estimates. US Geol. Surv. Bull. 1964. p. 35 Wolfe JA. 1992b. Climatic, floristic, and vegetational changes near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in North America. In Eocene- Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution, ed. DR Prothero, WA Berggren, pp. 421-436. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press Wolfe, J.A. 1993. A method of obtaining climatic parameters from leaf assemblages. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2040, 71 pp. Wolfe JA. 1994a. Tertiary climatic changes at middle latitudes ofwestern North America. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 108:195-205 Wolfe JA. 1994b. An analysis of Neogene climates in Beringia. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 108:207-216 Wolfe, J.A. 1995. Paleoclimatic estimates from Tertiary leaf assemblages. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science 23:119-142. Jack A. Wolfe为第一作者的合著文章: Wolfe J.A., and Hopkins D.M. 1967. Climatic changes recorded by Tertiary and floras in northwestern North American. In Tertiary Correlations and Climatic Changes in the Pacific, ed. K. Hatai, pp. 67-76, Japan: Sasaki Wolfe, J. A. and Pakiser, H. M., 1971. Stratigraphic interpretations of some Cretaceous microfossil floras of the Middle Atlantic States. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 750-B:B35-B47 Wolfe, J.A. and T. Tanai. 1980. The Miocene Seldovia Point flora from the Kenai Group, Alaska. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1105:1-52. Wolfe J.A., and Poore RZ. 1982. Tertiary marine and nonmarine climatic trends. In Climate in Earth History, ed. W. Berger, JC. Crowell, pp. 154-158. Washington, DC: Natl. Acad. Sci. Wolfe, J.A. and G.R. Upchurch, Jr. 1986. Vegetation, climate and floral changes at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Nature 324:148-152. Wolfe, J.A. and G.R. Upchurch, Jr. 1987. Leaf assemblages across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A. 84:5096-5100. Wolfe J.A. and Upchurch GR. Jr. 1987. North American nonmarineclimates during the Late Cretaceous. Palaeogeogr.Palaeoclimatol.Palaeoecol. 61:33-77 Wolfe J. A. and Schorn H. E., 1989. Palaeoecologic, paleoclimatic,and evolutionary significance of the Oligocene Creek flora, Colorado: Palaeobiology, v.15, p. 180-198. Wolfe J.A., and Wehr WC. 1991. Significance of the Eocene fossil plants at Republic, Washington. Washington Geol. 19:18-24 Wolfe, J.A., H.E. Schorn, C.E. Forest and P. Molnar. 1997. Paleobotanical evidence for high altitudes in Nevada during the Miocene. Science 276:1672-1675. Wolfe J. A., Forest C. E.and Molnar P., 1998. Paleobotanical evidence of Eocene and Oligocene paleoaltitudes in midlatitude western North America. Geological Society of America Bulletin 110:664-678
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4834 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2010-1-28 01:00
古植物学的故事(29): 不是院士胜似院士-----介绍自强不息的中国古植物学家王自强先生 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.29) :Introduction to a great Chinese palaeobotanist---Wang Zi-qiang (by Qigao Sun) 关键词:古植物学;古植物学家;王自强 本期《古植物学的故事》将特别介绍默默无闻但自强不息的中国古植物学家王自强先生。王自强先生对古植物学的热爱与执着令人敬佩。我们为中国拥有像王自强先生这样的古植物学家而感到无比骄傲,他属于中国古植物学的脊梁,当属中国年轻一代古植物学工作者认真学习的榜样,也理应是整个中国学术界的楷模。 王自强先生在退休前系国土资源部系统的天津地质矿产研究所研究员。王自强先生退而不休,对于科学研究一以贯之。我记得,我第一次见到王自强先生是1996年在北京。为了查阅文献,他专程从天津来到北京。他给我的印象是:为人低调,工作认真。我喜欢听他讲古植物学的故事。王先生说,他很少参加会议,他也没有时间到国外访问。在20世纪80年代初,有位法国同行热情邀请他赴法国进行为期3个月的学术研究。要知道,在改革开放初期,出国机会很少。王先生婉拒法国同行说:3个月的时间太短,做不成什么研究,反而要浪费许多时间办理乱七八糟的手续。凭借扎实的工作与研究实力,王自强先生曾连续、多次获得国家自然科学基金的支持。 我第二次见到王自强先生是2006年。那年初夏,我访问南京一家学术机构,正好碰到王自强先生。王先生告诉我,他用集装箱将他研究的植物化石标本从天津运送到南京,目的是使(orphaned)植物化石标本得到永久的妥善保存。这正是一位普通科学工作者的良知和责任!关于当前的学术生态环境,王先生颇为感叹,他说:有些同行真聪明,喜欢请老外帮忙写文章。 据我所知,早在1980年王自强先生就用英文在国际学术期刊发表论文。王自强先生著述颇丰,成绩斐然。尽管他没有得到应有的学术地位和社会知名度,但是他坚忍不拔、一往无前的工作精神和学术贡献将永载中国古植物学的史册! 关于王自强先生的学习经历、工作经历和文章目录,我用百度等搜索引擎收集的资料十分匮乏(附后)。烦请同行帮忙搜罗,谢谢先! 孙启高 2010年元月26日写于美国 ---------------------------- 附:王自强先生文章目录(烦请同行帮忙搜罗、添加) 王自强.华北古-中植代交替之际植物群落演替趋势.科学通报,1992,37(6):532-??? 王自强.华北二叠纪古风活动之古植物学证据.科学通报,1993,38(11):1024-??? 王自强,张志平.华北二叠纪末集群绝灭前的裸子植物及其生存对策.科学通报1997,42(20)2134-2141 WangZiqiang.RecoveryofvegetationfromtheterminalPermianmassextinctioninNorthChina.ReviewofPalaeobotanyandPalynology,1996,91:121142 WangZiqiang,ANewPermianGnetaleanConeasFossilEvidenceforSupportingCurrentMolecularPhylogeny.AnnalsofBotany,2004,94(2):281-288 (有待补充)
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|6335 次阅读|1 个评论
古植物学的故事(10): 勤谨和缓--古植物学家徐仁院士的学术人生
livingfossil 2009-10-17 01:10
古植物学的故事( 10 ) 勤、谨、和、缓:古植物学家徐仁院士的学术人生(转) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=262961 发表于 2009-10-17 1:10:29 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.10): Introduction to a famous Chinese palaeobotanist-- Xu Ren 关键词:勤谨和缓;古植物学家;徐仁; 以下材料引自: http://www.cdstm.cn/zhuanlue/persondetails.jsp?personid=172167 http://baike.baidu.com/view/196807.htm 导言 ---- 浓缩人生之精华 徐仁是 古植物学家 、 植物学家 、孢粉学家。他是中国从生物学角度研究化石植物的首创人,奠定了中国化石植物生物学研究的基础。他又是中国 古孢粉学 研究的创建人,亲自培养了新中国第一批古孢粉学的研究者。他对 东亚 和北美植物间断分布的独到见解科学地回答了 140 年来植物地理学中悬而未决的问题。他通过化石植物的研究论证了青藏高原隆升的时代、原因和幅度。他的《地质时期中国各主要地区植物景观》一书开创了中国古景观学研究的先河。 徐仁先生 晚年在研究自然科学的同时,大量阅读哲学书籍,思考和探讨哲学问题。随着自然科学各个领域研究手段的发展和科学分科越来越细,微观研究和宏观综合的有机结合变得越来越重要。他曾经语重心长地指出:一个自然科学工作者如果不能按照辩证法的观点去认识问题,就会走入迷途。随着分子生物学研究的不断深入,科学工作者应该经常从自己熟悉的微观领域里跳出来,看看植物学在宏观领域里的发展,处理好微观研究和宏观研究的关系,才能保证科研工作的顺利发展。 生平简介    1910 年 8 月 22 日 生于安徽芜湖。    1929 年 考入清华大学,在生物学系学习。    1933 年 毕业于 清华大学 ,获得学士学位。    1933-1939 年 任 北京大学 生物学系助教。    1939-1944 年 任云南大学生物学系讲师和副教授。    1944-1946 年 任印度勒克瑙大学研究院客座教授。    1946-1948 年 任北京大学副教授。    1948-1952 年 任印度古植物学研究所教授。    1952-1954 年 任中国科学院古生物研究所研究员。    1954-1962 年 先后任地质部地质矿产司孢粉学实验室主任,地质部地质研究所孢粉学和古植物学研究室主任,地层学和古生物学研究室主任。    1959 年 在中国科学院植物研究所创建古植物学研究室,任研究室主任。    1962-1992 年 任中国科学院植物研究所研究员。    1979 年 当选为中国孢粉学会理事长。    1980 年 当选为 中国科学院 学部委员(院士),同年兼任北京自然博物馆副馆长。    1992 年 11 月 18 日 病逝于北京,享年 82 岁。    生平活动   徐仁,字本仁。 1910 年 8 月 22 日生于 安徽 芜湖。祖父徐性初是清朝拔贡,父亲徐晋早年就读于北京中国大学政治经济系,后在北京中国银行任职。徐仁幼年随祖父生活在济南。 1918 年随父亲到北京。 1923 年返回安徽,就读于芜湖一所教会中学。 1925 年,父亲去世,家中境况不佳,依靠伯父和亲友资助维持生活。 1929 年,徐仁以优异成绩考入清华大学。在植物学家张景钺的影响下,他接受当时生物学系系主任陈祯建议,到生物学系学习,主修植物学。 1933 年毕业,获得学士学位。同年,徐仁受聘于北京大学生物学系,任助教。 1939 年转到 云南大学 生物学系,先后担任讲师、副教授。 1944 年,西南联合大学开设古植物学课程,经张景钺举荐,徐仁决定到英国格拉斯哥大学学习古植物学。时值第二次世界大战期间,交通中断,未能成行。此时,印度勒克瑙大学研究院古植物学家 B. 萨尼( Birbal Sahni )教授邀请徐仁到勒克瑙大学任客座教授。    1944 年春,徐仁开始在勒克瑙大学从事研究工作。他研究了中国云南泥盆纪植物,对克什米尔地区地质和地层进行了考察,他还研究了克锐阿峡谷紫色砂岩中的微体化石。徐仁对微体古植物的成功研究使他成为国际上微体化石研究的先驱者之一。 1946 年勒克瑙大学授予徐仁哲学博士学位,并向他颁发了金质奖章,表彰他在古植物学研究方面的贡献。 1946 年徐仁回国,他在北京大学生物学系和地质学系任副教授,讲授植物形态学、解剖学和古植物学。    1948 年,应萨尼的邀请,徐仁再次赴印度,在萨尼领导的世界上唯一的古植物学研究所开展研究工作。在此期间,徐仁访问了瑞典和英国,与世界著名的古植物学家 T. 哈勒( T. Halle )和 T.M. 哈里斯( T. M. Harris )进行学术交流,探讨古植物学的研究方法,同时大量收集文献和资料。 1949 年,萨尼逝世后,徐仁担任萨尼古植物学研究所副教授兼代所长,并主持了《古植物学家》(《 The Palaeobotanist 》)创刊、编辑和发行工作。    1949 年 中华人民共和国 成立,徐仁得知后,欢欣鼓舞,积极准备回国投入新中国的科学事业和国家建设。但是,萨尼夫人鉴于徐仁的学术成就、为人处世和管理能力,千方百计地挽留他留在印度,并举荐他担任萨尼古植物学研究所的所长,甚至当时的印度总理尼赫鲁也希望徐仁留在印度。 1951 年中国科学院代表团访问印度 。代表团带着周恩来总理、中国科学院李四光副院长和竺可桢副院长的委托,积极争取在印度的徐仁等科学家早日回国参加新中国的建设。同年夏,徐仁义无返顾,携带家眷回国。印度方面一再致函给中国科学院,希望徐仁能够重返印度,竺副院长回信予以辞谢。    1952 年徐仁回国后 ,在南京中国科学院古生物研究所(现中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所)任研究员。 1954 年调到北京,先后任地质部地矿司孢粉学实验室主任,地质部地质研究所孢粉学和古植物学研究室主任,地层学和古生物学研究室主任等。 1959 年,徐仁在中国科学院植物研究所创建古植物学研究室,并担任研究室主任。 1962 年正式调到植物研究所,从事植物演化、系统发育和植物区系的研究。 1980 年当选为中国科学院学部委员,同年兼任北京自然博物馆副馆长。   徐仁早年研究植物形态学和解剖学,进而从生物学的角度研究化石植物,成就卓著,在国内外植物学界、古生物学界和地质学界享有很高声誉。他担任过中国植物学会常务理事、中国古生物学会秘书长、中国第四纪研究委员会学术委员会委员、中国博物馆学会副理事长、中国植物学会古植物学分会主任、中国孢粉学会理事长和中国古生物学会古植物学分会名誉理事长。在国际上,他一直是印度古植物学会会员和名誉会员。 1981 年被选为第 13 届国际植物学大会副主席,先后访问过英国、瑞典、美国、加拿大和法国等国家,国内外合作者和朋友比比皆是。几十年来,徐仁研究植物学、古植物学、孢粉学、第四纪地质学及其所涉及的相关领域,在中国外学术刊物上发表论文 70 多篇,合作专著 6 本。这些论著对植物学和古植物学的发展做出了重要贡献,在国内外产生了深远的影响。    科学研究   古孢粉学的研究不仅可以解决没有保存生物大化石的所谓哑地层的时代对比问题,而且是调查石油和煤炭等重要矿产资源、开展古环境和古气候研究的关键手段之一。   徐仁是中国古孢粉学的创建人。 20 世纪 50 年代回国后,他先后在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所、地质部地质科学研究院和中国科学院植物研究所创建了三个孢粉学实验室。亲自培养了新中国第一代古孢粉学研究者,基本满足了建国初期蓬勃发展的地质学研究的需要。这些学者已经成为中国孢粉学领域的研究和教学核心骨干,以及相关领域,如石油等勘探和开发的关键技术人员。这三个孢粉学实验室在中国孢粉学的发展过程中起了重要的先导作用。    1958 年,徐仁的《根据孢粉组合推断湖南汝城文明司红色岩系的地质时代》一文,是中国首次依据孢粉学研究的资料确定地层时代。 20 世纪 60 年代对周口店猿人化石层孢粉学的研究,开创了中国根据孢粉学资料探讨和恢复古环境的先例。 80 年代对中国更新世云杉 冷杉植物群的研究,进一步在利用孢粉学资料研究古环境方面取得重要进展。 1979 年,徐仁任中国地质学会《地质学报》与《地质论评》编辑委员会委员。同年在徐仁的倡导和组织下,中国孢粉学会诞生,从而使中国孢粉学界有了自己的全国性学术组织。在大家拥戴下,徐仁连任中国孢粉学会第一届和第二届理事长。他还是国际孢粉学会的理事。 -------------------------------------------------- 主要科学技术成就 ( 1 )对植物解剖学研究的贡献 徐仁在著名植物学家张景钺的熏陶和亲自指导下,早年专攻植物学。他在植物形态学和解剖学方面成绩尤为显著。20世纪30年代,他的学术论文《中国卷柏苗尖的解剖和发生》(1937)首次揭示了卷柏茎端生长点原体的各部分细胞在器官形成中的作用。40年代,他的又一篇重要的学术论文《吊丝球竹苗端的结构和生长》在《美国植物学报》发表。该项成果以辩证的观点详细阐明了竹的茎端生长点在植物个体发育过程中的动态变化过程及其特征性和规律性。长期以来,这两篇论文成为欧美植物学教科书的经典文献,被广泛引用。 ( 2 ) 从生物学角度研究化石植物 中国古植物学研究的新学派 古植物学的诞生和发展综合了地质学和植物学两门学科的内容。早期古植物学的研究偏重于地层学和沉积学,产生了古植物学研究的地质学派。而对化石植物的形态、结构、生殖和生态的综合的生物学研究,逐渐产生了古植物学研究的生物学派。徐仁早年从事植物形态学和解剖学研究达十年之久,凭借他的现代植物学研究的雄厚根底,逐步拓展到古植物学、孢粉学和地质学的研究领域,赋予化石植物研究以新的生命力,揭示地质历史时期陆地植被丰富多彩的景观和植物界生动活泼的演化过程。徐仁不仅是中国古植物学研究生物学派的创始人,而且是国际古植物学研究生物学派的早期代表之一。 早在20世纪40年代,徐仁对我国云南泥盆纪植物进行过深入研究,包括对植物大化石和微体化石的研究。他的研究论文成为我国古植物学界早期文献中的一个重要部分。徐仁对印度同型木的重新研究,证实该植物具有岁髓、次生木质部、韧皮部和木栓,其结构与裸子植物的本内苏铁相似。因此,这种植物不属于被子植物而属于裸子植物,改变了原有的认识。徐仁的研究论文《同型木的进一步研究》发表后,他在国际古植物学界的声誉得到进一步提高。 在含煤地层中的钙质结核(又称为 煤核)里保存完好的植物器官、组织和细胞为古植物解剖学的研究提供了最好的材料。煤核植物的研究也是国际古植物分类和演化研究的热点之一。徐仁在中国首先确认了煤核植物的存在,倡导了煤核植物的研究工作。硅化木是矿化的化石植物,对化石木材解剖结构的研究同样是古植物解剖学研究的热点,这类研究不仅涉及植物的演化,而且可以为古环境的研究提供直接的数据。徐仁早在 20世纪四五十年代就开始研究化石木材,而且始终不断地积极推动中国的这类研究工作。 1978年国家恢复研究生制度后,他及时抓住国际古植物学研究的热点,积极安排研究生在国内率先开展陆地植物起源和煤核植物解剖学的研究工作,抢占国际前沿。其中,华南早期陆地维管植物研究方面所取得的成果获得了中国科学院自然科学二等奖和国家自然科学三等奖。 20世纪70年代初,徐仁组织、指导和完成了我国南方中生代含煤地层及其植物群的研究工作,并且取得了丰硕成果。有关专著《中国晚三叠世宝鼎植物群》系统介绍了该项研究成果中有关沉积地层、植物群以及对煤炭资源分布的新认识。1985年,这项成果获中国科学院重大科技成果二等奖。 徐仁主要参与编著的《中国古生代植物》和《中国新生代植物》两种大型基础性研究专著,是中国古植物学研究的重要的阶段性成果。该书以资料翔实和图版清晰颇得国内外同行的褒扬。 (3) 对古植物地理学和植物古生态学的贡献 如何认识和解释东亚和北美植物间断分布的现象是植物地理学长期悬而未决的问题。徐仁积几十年研究的成果,依据丰富的古植物学的资料,全面深入地讨论了东亚和北美植物区系的关系,明确指出这两个相距很远的植物区系中存在不少相同的属应该是地质历史时期同类植物遗留下来的原地孑遗分子,而不是植物迁移的结果。这个全新的观点从根本上解决了东亚和北美植物间断分布的问题。他在《中国晚白垩世和新生代植被及其与北美的关系》的研究论文中详述了这个新观点。这篇论文自1983年在美国发表以来,已经成为国际植物学界和古植物学界广泛引用的重要文献之一。徐仁在隔离分化理论上迈出了中国植物学家和古植物学家领先的一步。 世界屋脊青藏高原形成和发展不仅对全球气候和东亚环境产生了巨大影响,而且对青藏高原及其周边地区生物的发展也产生了不可估量的作用。在我国科学界对青藏高原进行综合研究时,徐仁也积极投身到这项重大的科学研究中。他根据青藏高原古植物学研究所获得的丰富资料,论证了青藏高原和喜马拉雅山隆起的时代、原因和抬升幅度,进一步依据板块学说的理论解释了喜马拉雅山地区古植物群落分布和演变的规律。他的论文《希夏邦马峰高山枥化石层的发现及其在植物学和地质学上的意义》和《藏南舌羊齿植物群的发现和其在地质学及古地理学上的意义》是这个时期工作的代表性研究论文。这些论文得到国内外学者的高度评价。徐仁关于青藏高原隆升幅度的见解至今仍然被视作经典观点之一。 徐仁长期积累的丰富的古植物学知识和资料,以及他在相关研究领域的探索,促使他不断地开拓新的学科发展领域。他综合古植物学、古地理学、古生态学等方面的资料,以崭新的思想勾画出古自然景观。他采用大型彩色图幅的形式,把植物界长达35 亿年的演化过程中的重要时段的自然景观加以复原。其成果就是《地质时期中国各主要地区植物景观》一书,内含25幅栩栩如生的彩图。这不仅是中国第一部古植被景观的大型图册,而且在世界上也是独一无二的。该书已经在国内外引起重视,颇得好评。徐仁长期积累的丰富的古植物学知识和资料,以及他在相关研究领域的探索,促使他不断地开拓新的学科发展领域。他综合古植物学、古地理学、古生态学等方面的资料,以崭新的思想勾画出古自然景观。他采用大型彩色图幅的形式,把植物界长达35 亿年的演化过程中的重要时段的自然景观加以复原。其成果就是《地质时期中国各主要地区植物景观》一书,内含25幅栩栩如生的彩图。这不仅是中国第一部古植被景观的大型图册,而且在世界上也是独一无二的。该书已经在国内外引起重视,颇得好评。 (4) 开创中国古孢粉学研究之先河 古孢粉学的研究不仅可以解决没有保存生物大化石的所谓哑地层的时代对比问题,而且是调查石油和煤炭等重要矿产资源、开展古环境和古气候研究的关键手段之一。 徐仁是中国古孢粉学的创建人。20世纪50年代回国后,他先后在中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所、地质部地质科学研究院和中国科学院植物研究所创建了三个孢粉学实验室。亲自培养了新中国第一代古孢粉学研究者,基本满足了建国初期蓬勃发展的地质学研究的需要。这些学者已经成为我国孢粉学领域的研究和教学核心骨干,以及相关领域,如石油等勘探和开发的关键技术人员。这三个孢粉学实验室在我国孢粉学的发展过程中起了重要的先导作用。 1958年,徐仁的《根据孢粉组合推断湖南汝城文明司红色岩系的地质时代》一文,是国内首次依据孢粉学研究的资料确定地层时代。20世纪60年代对周口店猿人化石层孢粉学的研究,开创了我国根据孢粉学资料探讨和恢复古环境的先例。80年代对我国更新世云杉冷杉植物群的研究,进一步在利用孢粉学资料研究古环境方面取得重要进展。 1979年,徐仁任中国地质学会《地质学报》与《地质论评》编辑委员会委员。同年在徐仁的倡导和组织下,中国孢粉学会诞生,从而使中国孢粉学界有了自己的全国性学术组织。在大家拥戴下,徐仁连任中国孢粉学会第一届和第二届理事长。他还是国际孢粉学会的理事。 (5) 为生产与科学普及事业服务 在基础理论研究与生产实践相结合,促进国家经济建设等方面,徐仁身体力行,勇于探索,积极工作,同样取得了重大成就,成为后人的楷模。为了解决新中国建设初期急需矿产资源的困难,他走遍祖国各地,实地考察含煤、含油和产铁矿的地层,从植物化石研究和孢粉分析两个方面的研究提供资料,探讨和解决含矿产资源的地质时代和地层对比。徐仁依据丰富的资料,以辩证的观点明确指出我国南方中生代含煤地层主要是晚三叠世的沉积,随着时间的迁移和地域的改变,含煤沉积的时代从我国的西南西北向东向北由晚三叠世逐渐过渡到早侏罗世,为我国南方找煤指明了方向。徐仁为国家亲自培养的孢粉学工作者现已成为石油和煤炭等行业上的主要技术力量。 徐仁积极参与普及植物科学知识和宣传进化论的各项社会活动。他参加了《生物史丛书》的编写工作,单独完成了《植物的发展》一书,该书图文并茂,文字深入浅出,通俗易懂,深受广大读者的欢迎。 徐仁晚年在研究自然科学的同时,大量阅读哲学书籍,思考和探讨哲学问题。随着自然科学各个领域研究手段的发展和科学分科越来越细,微观研究和宏观综合的有机结合变得越来越重要。他曾经语重心长地指出:一个自然科学工作者如果不能按照辩证法的观点去认识问题,就会走入迷途。随着分子生物学研究的不断深入,科学工作者应该经常从自己熟悉的微观领域里跳出来,看看植物学在宏观领域里的发展,处理好微观研究和宏观研究的关系,才能保证科研工作的顺利发展。 徐仁毕生追求真理,探索生物进化的规律。在半个多世纪的时间里,他勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业,实事求是,严谨治学,成就卓著。他一生发表论文70多篇,主持和参与完成专著6本。他对学术问题上的不同意见和观点,允许保留和公平讨论,但是绝不苟同。在魏格纳的大陆飘移学说受到封杀的时候,他却能从古植物的角度支持该学说。对于学术问题上的是与非,他一贯主张让科学发展的事实和历史去做结论。徐仁平易近人,为人诚恳,诲人不倦,尤其对青年人关怀备至。 徐仁毕生追求真理,探索生物进化的规律。在半个多世纪的时间里,他勤勤恳恳,兢兢业业,实事求是,严谨治学,成就卓著。他一生发表论文70多篇,主持和参与完成专著6本。他对学术问题上的不同意见和观点,允许保留和公平讨论,但是绝不苟同。在魏格纳的大陆飘移学说受到封杀的时候,他却能从古植物的角度支持该学说。对于学术问题上的是与非,他一贯主张让科学发展的事实和历史去做结论。徐仁平易近人,为人诚恳,诲人不倦,尤其对青年人关怀备至。 (李承森) 主要论著    1 徐仁 . 华北松柏叶的解剖 . 北京大学理科报告, 1936 , 1 ( 2 ): 1-39    2 徐仁 . 两种华北松柏叶的解剖 . 北京大学理科报告, 1936 , 1 ( 2 ): 39-58    3 Hsu Jen. Anatomy, Development and life history of Selaginella sinensis . Bulletin of Chinese Botanical Society. China, 1937, 3 (1), 75-95    4 Hsu Jen. Structure and growth of the shoot apex of Sinocalamus beecheyana McClure. Ameri. J. Bot. , 1944, 31 (7) : 404-411    5 Hsu Ren. Plant fragments from Devonian beds in central Yunnan, China. M. O. P. Iyengar Commemoration volume, J. Indian Bot. Soc. , 1946: 339-360    6 Hsu Jen. Search for microfossils in the purple sandstone, Khewra. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. , 1946, 16 (2-4): 92-94    7 Hsu Jen. On some fragments of bennettitalean flowers from the Liling coal series of east Hunan. Nat. Peking Univ. Fiftieth Anniversary Papers Geol. Series, 1948, 57-68    8 Hsu Jen. Devonian spores from Yunnan, China. Proc. On the 7. Intern. Bot. Congr. Stockholm. 1950    9 Hsu Jen. Fossil plants from the K' uangshanch' ang coal series of NorthEastern Yunnan, China. Palaeobotanist, 1952, 1: 245-262    10 Hsu Jen, Bose M. N. Further information on Homoxylon rajmahalense Sahni. J. Indian Bot. Soc. , 1952, 31 (1-2) : 1-12    11 Hsu Jen, Bose M. N. On a new Cordaitean stem, Cordaites Sahnii ,from central Shansi, China. Palaeobotanist, 1952, 1 (B. Sahni Memorial Vol. ): 241-244    12 Bose M. N. , Hsu Jen. On some coniferous cones, probably of Brachyphyllum , from the Jurassic of the Rajmahal Hilis, Bihar, India. Proc. Nat. Inst. Indian, 1952: 203-209    13 徐仁 . 山东即墨一种化石木与石菌丝的发现 . 古生物学报, 1953 , 1 ( 2 ): 80-86    14 徐仁,周和仪 . 根据孢粉组合推论甘肃酒泉下惠回堡系底部的地质时代 . 古生物学报, 1956 , 4 ( 4 ): 491-507 ; 509-524    15 徐仁 . 根据孢粉组合推论湖南汝城文明司红色岩系的地质时代 . 古生物学报, 1958 , 6 ( 2 ): 141-158    16 徐仁 . 克什米尔第四纪第一次间冰期的孢子花粉分析 . 中国第四纪研究, 1958 , 1 ( 1 ): 131-132    17 徐仁,宋之琛,周和仪 . 柴达木第三纪沉积中的孢粉组合及其在地质学上的意义 . 古生物学报, 1958 , 6 ( 4 ): 430-440    18 Hsu Jen.The climatic condition in north China during the time of Sinanthropus .Collected Papers on Quaternary.China , 1965 , 4 ( 1 ): 77-83    19 徐仁 . 云南泥盆纪植物化石和其在该区泥盆系地层划分上的意义 . 植物学报, 1966 , 14 ( 1 ): 50-70    20 徐仁,孔昭宸,杜乃秋 . 西藏南部珠穆朗玛峰地区植物化石的发现及其意义 . 植物学报, 1973 , 15 ( 2 ): 254-258    21 Hsu Jen.On the palaeobotanical evidence for continental drift and Himalayan uplift.The Palaeobotanist , 1978 , 25 : 131-145    22 徐仁 . 中国植物化石(第三册) 中国新生代植物 . 北京:科学出版社, 1978 : 186-211    23 徐仁 . 中国晚三叠世宝鼎植物群 . 北京:科学出版社, 1979    24 徐仁,孔昭宸,杜乃秋 . 中国更新世的云杉 冷杉植物群及其在第四纪研究上的意义 . 中国第四纪研究, 1980 , 5 ( 1 ): 48-56    25 徐仁 . 中国新生代植被的发展和演变 . 见:中国植被第三章 . 北京:科学出版社, 1980 : 61-81    26 徐仁 . 生物史,第二分册:植物的发展 . 北京:科学出版社, 1980    27 徐仁,王秀琴 . 地质时期中国主要地区植物景观 . 北京:科学出版社, 1982    28 Hsu Jen. Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic vegetation in China, emphasizing their connections with North America. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. , 1983,70: 490-508    29 Hsu Jen. Changes of the palaeoenvironment of Southern East Asia since the Late Tertiary. Centre Asian Studies, Univ. of Hong Kong, 1984, 419-425    30 Hsu Jen. Changes of the vegetation in China since the Late Tertiary. Centre. Asian Studies, Univ. of Hong Kong, 1984, 426-432 31 Hsu Jen. Studies on a new plant Proteridophyton devonicum assigned to primitive fern from South China. Palaeontographica, 1987, 207 : 111 .
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|8498 次阅读|0 个评论
livingfossil 2009-9-15 12:04
古植物学的故事(9) 国家自然科学基金是古植物学家的一条生命线! Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.9): NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China is a very important life line for palaeobotanists. (by Qigao Sun) 由于古植物学(Palaeobotany)的学科特色,即:它既是古生物学的一个分支,又是植物学的一个分支,所以我国古植物学科研人员既可以从国家自然科学基金委员会地球科学部申请项目,又可以从生命科学部申请项目。从近20年来的情况看,地球科学部古生物学科和生命科学部植物学科每年都要给古植物学以不同程度的项目支持。古生物学科支持的项目数量要多一点,强度要大一些。我认为,国家自然科学基金应该是国内最公平的科学基金。作为古植物学研究最重要的资助渠道之一,国家自然科学基金对拯救和维系中国古植物学的发展功不可没。对于某些科研院所的古植物学同行,国家自然科学基金几乎是一条生命线!从某种意义上讲,国家自然科学基金首先养活了一群古植物学工作者,其次造就了一批中国古植物学家。 按照有关规定,获得国家自然科学基金资助的研究人员有机会申请相关国际合作项目,因此,国家自然科学基金又是古植物学同仁开展国际合作的重要渠道之一。国际合作项目经费的增加为中国古植物学的发展带来机会。国际合作的目标、内容及水准均取决于综合实力。 欧美古植物学的发展经历了漫长的发展历史,已形成符合古植物学自身发展规律的研究体制。中国古植物学兴起于20世纪初,经过几代人的不懈努力虽在本土化、国际化的历史进程中取得了重要进展,但在研究体制、研究基础、研究水平、人才培养等方面存在亟待解决的问题。中国古植物学研究基础依然非常薄弱,在新理论、新技术、新方法、新发现等方面鲜有独创性工作,专著性的、系统性的基础研究非常匮乏;在国际合作中缺乏主动性,凸现基础薄弱,存在依赖西方同行发表论文的现象,严重损害中国古植物学研究的自主创新和学术尊严。在未来50年里,我们要从整体上逐步提高中国古植物学的综合实力和研究水平,不断提升国际竞争力和影响力。 鼓励科研人员凝练科学问题并针对科学问题进行大胆的自由探索,强调科学研究过程中的原创性与自主性,这已是申请与资助国家自然科学基金项目的重要原则。然而,国家自然科学基金有必要从国家层面对某个学科或研究领域的历史现状和未来发展战略进行总体性的考虑,而且有必要针对学科特点从多层次(申请者、学术团队、供职学术机构、所属部门)对学术信用、学术水平和发展潜力做出综合评估。国家自然科学基金可以利用项目支持或政策倾斜这一有力手段逐步提升某个学科的综合实力和整体水平,并促进学术诚信制度之建设。我们期望国家自然科学基金对中国古植物学研究事业的长远发展将发挥越来越重要的作用。 孙启高 2009年7月7日完稿,9月14晚修改 ------------------ 《古植物学的故事》资料补充与更正 (第2次) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=352783 发表于 2010-8-13 23:16:33 古植物学的故事( 9)补充一个附件资料: 附件 中国国家自然科学基金委员会关于古植物学的学科编码与学科归类 (资料来源于中国国家自然科学基金委员会官方网站 www.nsfc.gov.cn ) 古植物学在生命科学部的编码为 C020302,属于植物进化生物学的一个分支,这样古植物学有了明确的归口。但在实际工作中,古植物学与植物形态解剖学、植物分类学等密切相关。 --------------- C02 植物学 C0201 植物结构学 C020101 植物形态结构与功能 C020102 植物形态与发生 C0202 植物分类学 C020201 种子植物分类 C020202 孢子植物分类 C020203 植物地理学 C0203 植物进化生物学 C020301 植物系统发育 C020302 古植物学与孢粉学 C020303 植物进化与发育 -------------------- 可能系技术操作的原因地球科学部没有设置古植物学之学科编码,但一直受理古植物学申请项目,主要与地质学的很多分支学科有关,如:古生物学和古生态学、地层学、石油与天然气地质学、煤地质学、第四纪地质学、前寒武纪地质学、构造地质学与活动构造以及生物地质学。 D02地质学 D0201古生物学和古生态学 D020101古生物学 D020102古人类学 D020103古生态学 D020104地球环境与生命演化 D0202地层学 D0203矿物学(含矿物物理学) D0204岩石学 D0205矿床学 D0206沉积学和盆地动力学 D0207石油、天然气地质学 D0208煤地质学 D0209第四纪地质学 D0210前寒武纪地质学 D0211构造地质学与活动构造 D021101构造地质学 D021102活动构造 D021103构造物理与流变学 D0212大地构造学 D0213水文地质学(含地热地质学) D0214工程地质学 D0215数学地质学与遥感地质学 D0216火山学 D0217生物地质学 D0218环境地质学和灾害地质学
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|5338 次阅读|1 个评论

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