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热度 6 jimmy198360 2012-4-19 16:13
提供大家两个我这个土鳖常去逛的两个网站,而且可以设置职位信息邮件提醒。在国内高校倾向于要海归的情况下,让土鳖们也做一回海外人才,放眼全球,为全人类服务。相比之下,进入国内现在的二三流院校工作的话(不是绝对),热情于研究的你基本上研究就二三等残废了,不是歧视这些学校什么的,是教育研究资源分配本身不是很公平。 其实国内土鳖毕业的语言水平足以应付学术交流和日常的交流,已有的学习能力和国外宽松自由的学术环境也使得土鳖们容易适应国外的研究和工作环境。发展好可以继续在国外谋取稳定的职位,长期在国外发展,发展遇到瓶颈或者有报国热忱可以再做一回海归,回国发展。 相信自己,勇敢地带着家眷,或者孤身一人去找属于你自己你热爱的工作吧! 这是一个地球村的时代,要放眼全球! 1、 http://www.findaphd.com/ 提供全球(当然主要是欧美,极少量国内院校)master、phd职位信息,还有posdoc职位和大学教职。 FindAPhD began in 2001 and has rapidly become the leading site for advertisers wishing to recruit the best PhD students. We strive to continually update the site for students and advertisers alike. Our major overhaul of the administration section of the site makes managing projects 10 x simpler. 2、 http://www.jobs.ac.uk/ 这个域名虽属于UK,但是也是一个着眼全球学术招聘和人才流动的网站,专门面向学术专业人才,有大量的posdoc职位,研究职位,教职信息实时更新和邮件提醒(UK和其他EU国家最多)。 欢迎大家提供其他常用的靠谱的网站。 ps:在国外很容易做出好的成果,因为团队和研究梯队合作分工都很明确而且有着很好的研究基础,一个朋友博士期间在国外待了整一年发了两篇不错的文章,当然也抓的紧,实验室一个近40岁的老师出去做访问学者性质的研究(其实也得干活做实验)15个月,做出了两篇第一作者的文章,一篇第二作者的文章。对比下这两天贴出来的在国内发展四五年的毕业博士的成绩,可想而知。 国外的工作也不难找,国内像我们这样的土鳖关键还是在心理上的突破。
6348 次阅读|12 个评论
Two biophysics positions due in October, 2009
sunon77 2009-9-16 17:00
TITLE: PostDoc: Control of organelle shape by Myosin 1b Possible starting date: October 2009 A 3 year post-doc position is available at the Institut Curie (Paris, France), both in the Laboratories PhysicoChimie Curie and Compartimentation et Dynamique Cellulaires. The project is financially supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Coord.: E. Coudrier ). Recent progress in studying the role of myosins in membrane traffic has provided new insight on the link between these motors and other protein machineries involved in trafficking. The challenge now is to understand the molecular mechanisms by which these myosins contribute to membrane traffic and whether they act in a coordinated way with the other protein complexes to control the shape of organelles. The goal of our project is to unravel the molecular mechanism by which one of the single headed myosin involved in membrane traffic, myosin1b (Myo1b) regulates the traffic along the endocytic pathway. The mechanochemical properties of Myo1b suggest that it is a membrane-associated motor able to develop tension on membrane domains. In controlling the site of polymerisation of actin on sorting endosomes, Myo1b may localise and transduce the force generated by actin polymerization on the membrane of endosomes and thereby be one of the players involved in membrane budding or membrane scission. The objective of the post-doc will be to develop biomimetic assays to measure the force generated by Myo1b and determine whether this force contributes to membrane tension of endosomes and control their shape. The project will involve Myosin 1b and mutants purification, in vitro study of its interaction with lipid membranes, and eventually physical measurements of membrane tension and forces using optical tweezers on Giant liposomes This project involves different teams in the Curie Institute, working in cell biology (E. Coudrier), electron microscopy (G. Raposos and D. Lvy) and biophysics (P. Bassereau and C. Sykes). Profile: The applicant should have a PhD in experimental physics, chemical engineering or biophysics, and show interest for interdisciplinary work at the interface between physics, biology and biochemistry. Experience in membrane micromanipulation would be appreciated, but is not absolutely required. There is no nationality restriction. If you are interested by this proposal, please send your CV, a motivation letter, and contact information of two researchers with whom you have worked in the past. CONTACTS : 1- Patricia BASSEREAU e-mail: patricia.bassereau@curie.fr phone : +33 (0)1 56 24 67 84 web site: http://www.curie.fr/equipe/300 2- Evelyne COUDRIER e-mail: evelyne.coudrier@curie.fr phone: +33(0)156 24 63 70 http://www.curie.fr/equipe/26 2. FACULTY POSITIONS AT THE ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY The Rockefeller University seeks exceptional, interactive, and creative scientists to join its faculty. We invite applications from outstanding candidates for tenure-track positions and also encourage tenured scientists to apply, provided that they are at an early stage of their career. The Rockefeller University provides strong financial support for the research work of its faculty. The positions offer highly competitive salary, benefits and start-up funds, new or recently renovated laboratory space, access to numerous state-of-the art core facilities and extensive opportunities for collaboration both within the University and with neighboring institutions. The University also provides very strong continuing support for research work beyond start-up, including full support for graduate students. The University has a laboratory based organization structure that fosters interdisciplinary research in the following areas: - Physical Mathematical Biology - Chemical and Structural Biology - Neurosciences and Behavior - Immunology, Virology and Microbiology - Medical Sciences and Human Genetics - Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology - Organismal Biology, Evolution Ecology Details about specific subjects of research can be found at http://www.rockefeller.edu/ facultysearch . Applications are being accepted electronically through our Online Application System at http://oas.rockefeller.edu . Applicants should follow the online application procedure. The deadline for receipt of applications is October 16, 2009 . If you have questions regarding submitting an application, please contact our Administrator at facultysearch@rockefeller.edu . The Rockefeller University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity/VEVRAA Employer and solicits applications from women and under-represented minorities.
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