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Blow-up rates for the general curve shortening flow
热度 1 huangrongli 2012-11-25 21:31
The blow-up rates of derivatives of the curvature function will be presented when the closed curves contract to a point in finite time under the general curve shortening flow. In particular, this generalizes a theorem of M.E. Gage and R.S. Hamilton about mean curvature flow in R2.
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[转载]Report of the Task Force on General Education
whyhoo 2012-10-7 19:28
Preface This report describes a new program of general education at Harvard College—the set of requirements, outside the concentration, that all students must meet before they can receive a Harvard degree. We believe that the program complements ongoing initiatives in undergraduate education: changes in the concentrations and the creation of secondary fields; the mounting of new courses in the sciences and humanities; efforts to renew and reward faculty commitments to teaching and pedagogical innovation; and the many opportunities Harvard offers for extracurricular experiences that can be linked to learning in the formal curriculum. The ambition of the program of general education we describe in this report is to enable undergraduates to put all the learning they are doing at Harvard, outside as well as inside the classroom, in the context of the people they will be and the lives they will lead after college. In the pages that follow, we propose: • a new rationale for general education at Harvard; • eight subject areas for courses in general education; • new guidelines for determining which courses may be used for general education, allowing students more choice in finding ways to satisfy their requirements; • wider adoption of innovative pedagogical techniques in general education courses and throughout the curriculum; • an activity-based learning initiative to explore procedures for linking extracurricular activities to the classroom experience. General education is one distinct component of a liberal education, and it is effective only when the other components of the undergraduate experience are working in concert with it. In conjunction with our proposals for general education, we therefore enthusiastically support ongoing efforts by our Faculty to promote: • a fresh examination of the structure and requirements of the concentrations; • a broader commitment by concentrations to instruction in written and oral communication; • the development of more departmental electives that meet the needs and interests of non-concentrators; • the further development of interdisciplinary and divisional courses and the creation of nimble administrative structures to support them; • opportunities for increased contact between undergraduates and ladder faculty. Our Task Force has had the advantage of looking back over the history of the Harvard College Curricular Review; we have also observed the many fresh initiatives in teaching and learning that are currently underway in Harvard College. The Faculty is making great progress in revitalizing the undergraduate experience. We have undertaken our work in a spirit of partnership with these enterprises, and we hope that our proposals will make some contribution toward bringing all of this good work into focus. 原文见 http://isites.harvard.edu/fs/docs/icb.topic830823.files/Report%20of%20the%20 Taskforce%20on %20 General% 20Education.pdf
个人分类: 教育|1550 次阅读|0 个评论
R语言:Project Euler Problem 31
itellin 2012-9-22 18:56
In England the currency is made up of pound, , and pence, p, and there are eight coins in general circulation: 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, 1 (100p) and 2 (200p). It is possible to make 2 in the following way: 1 1 + 1 50p + 2 20p + 1 5p + 1 2p + 3 1p How many different ways can 2 be made using any number of coins? mat = cbind(matrix(1,201,1),matrix(0,201,7)) coins = c(1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200) for ( i in 1:201) { for (j in 2:ncol(mat)) { if ( i coins ) { mat = mat + mat mat = mat + mat ,j] } else { mat = mat } } } mat 73682
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[转载]PROCAR of vasp
热度 1 shengxianlei06 2012-9-21 17:56
For normal spin polarized calculations, and if lorbit=11, the general layout for the procar file is: spin up{ k-point: i kx ky kz weight { band 1: energy: E1 { atom1: s py pz px dxy dyz dz2 dxz dx2 total (all atoms) total ..... } {all bands} } {all kpoints} } {spin down} to view it with a normal data plotter ( i. e. gnuplot, origin, etc) you need to parse these data into a table arranged like this (or watever you find useful) for every band: (kpoint distance) Energy (s py pz px dxy dyz dz2 dxz dx2)_totals This layout changes a little if you perform spin-orbit calculations. Instead of having spin up and spin down datablocks, for each band you have four blocks with m_tot, m_x, m_y and m_z contributions for all atoms. Hope This helps! if this is wrong, I will also be grateful to anyone who can point me to the section in the manual where this is clearly explained! About p4v, it is a great tool if you can make it run in your system, so I recommend you to try!
个人分类: VASP|10927 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 bnuzgy 2012-8-21 22:12
重复测量资料(repeated measurement data)是指同一受试对象的同一观察指标在不同时间点上进行多次测量所得的资料,常用来分析该观察指标在不同时间点上的变化特点。 举例(注:此例子为不等距重复测量): 为了解某药物对某种疾病模型大鼠的体重影响,将20只Wistar大鼠随机分成3组,阴性对照组(7只)、正常对照组(6只)和待测药物组(7只)。阴性对照组,造模14天后肌注生理盐水;正常对照组,14天后肌注生理盐水;待测药物组,造模14天后肌注待测药物,连续给药8天。分别记录造模后第10、15、20、24天的大鼠体重。 SPSS分析步骤:  Analyze→General Linear Model(一般线性模型)→Repeated Measures…→出现Repeated Measures Define Factors对话框,在Within?Subject Factor Name中键入t (重复测量的变量名);在Number of levels中键入4 (重复测量的次数),单击Add→ Define,进入Repeated Measures 主对话框:将t10~t24(代表四次测量结果)调入Within?Subjects Variables(t)框中; group调入Between?Subjects Factor(s) 框中→ Model,进入Repeated Measures :Model对话框,选中Custom(自定义模型),将time调入Within?Subjects Model框(分析4次测量间有无随时间变化的趋势);group调入Between?Subjects Model框,→Build Term(s)菜单中选中 Main effects(只分析主效应) ,单击Continue返回→ Paste,进入SPSS Syntax Editor程序编辑窗口,将/WSFACTOR=t 4 Polynomial 语句修改为/WSFACTOR=t 4 Polynomial (10 15 20 24)→单击Run→ All 。 输出结果: 表2 球形检验结果(略)   表3 组内因素的一元方差分析检验结果(略)   表4 组内因素的多元方差分析检验结果(略)   表5 组间因素的一元方差分析检验结果(略)   表2为SPSS给出的球形检验结果。表3是针对组内因素t及t与组间因素group的交互作用即t * group进行的一元方差分析检验,表中后3行是校正后的结果(校正系数Epsilon)。表4是针对t和t* group进行的多元方差分析检验,SPSS对此具体采用了4种多元检验方法,一般以Pillai's Trace结果为准。表5是组间因素group的检验结果。   此例中球形检验结果χ2=23.574, P0.05,数据不符合Huynh?Feldt条件,不满足球形假设,说明重复测量的数据间高度相关,应以多元检验结果为准[2] ,即表4第1行的数据。同时可参考校正后的一元方差分析结果,多推荐Greenhouse?Geisser的校正结果,即表3第2行的数据。   若数据满足球形假设,则说明重复测量的数据间实际上不存在相关性,可直接进行一元方差分析,无需校正,应采用表3第1行的数据。 各组资料在不同时间点上的差别   在不同处理组与不同时间上的差别均有统计学意义时,可进一步进行两两比较,本例就属此种情况。SPSS中的操作步骤如下:Analyze→Multivariate(多元方差分析模型)→向Dependent variablesk框中调入t10~t24;Fixed factors中调入group,单击Continue→ Model,选中Custom,将group调入Model框,Build Term(s)菜单中选中 Main effects,单击Continue →单击Post Hoc,在Post Hoc Tests for 框中调入group,选中LSD(两两比较方法的选择原则与单因素方差分析一致),单击Continue →单击Options,在Display means for框中调入 group,选中Disply Descriptive statistics(输出对数据的统计描述)单击Continue→OK。 在对重复测量资料进行分析时要注意下面几点:①球形检验之后,若p0.05, 说明重复测量数据之间不存在相关性,满足Huynh-Feldt条件,可以使用重复测量资料的单变量方差分析。若p0.05,说明不满足Huynh-Feldt条件,需要对组内效应进行校正,校正系数为Epsilon而组间效应无需校正;②不等距重复测量资料在SPSS中不能直接利用菜单完成,可利用Paste按钮和Syntax Editor程序编辑窗口;③重复测量资料的结果较复杂,在给出解释时要慎重。 参考文献 丛珊,李凡. 医学研究中不等距重复测量资料的分析及在SPSS16.0中的实现.
49023 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 1 niehuihua 2012-7-3 12:41
【按】30多年前,哈佛大学启动了一场以核心课程(core curriculum)为基础的“通识教育”(liberal education)改革运动,影响了全世界的高等教育。2007年之后,哈佛再度引领高等教育界的革命,摒弃通识教育,代之以“全面教育”(general education)。通识教育的目的,是让学生学习专业知识以外的学科知识,而全面教育则是将教育的触角延伸到整个社会,是将知识与社会连接。一句话概括,全面教育的目的是培养人的全面发展。不久前,中国大陆高校还在开始大规模推广通识教育,而忽视了新的改革动向,这样只能一步落后、步步落后。人民大学的宗旨是培养“国民表率、社会栋梁”,更应清醒地认识到当前高等教育改革的方向,尽快更新课程设计和教师资源,引导学生如何将所学知识应用到生活中和社会中去,培养学生健全的人格和广泛的能力。当然,作为教师的一员,我深感压力巨大。如何教授给学生有用的知识和灵活的头脑,无疑是所有教师的共同难题。对全面教育感兴趣的读者,可以访问哈佛大学文理学院的教改网站: http://www.generaleducation.fas.harvard.edu 。 下面附上香港科大丁学良教授的访谈。 丁学良:用“全面教育”替代“通识教育” 2011年03月03日 09:19:00  来源: 文汇报 除了豪华的师资阵容,南科大最为外界所道的,或许是她全新的课程设计。 社科界著名学者、香港科技大学教授丁学良,此前应南科大之邀,领衔组织设计人文教育课程。根据国内多家媒体的报道,丁学良“将把通识教育课程引进南科大”。 通识教育?完全是误解!在接受文汇报记者独家采访时,丁学良教授反复强调,南科大即将实施的并非“通识教育”,而是“全面教育”,“这两者之间并非名称有差别,而是具有本质区别”。 国内大学正积极推行的“通识教育”,按照丁学良的看法,已经“落伍”了。“过去10多年,中国高等教育走的路越来越窄。我们要培养的也许不仅仅是人才,而应该是全面的人。”正是基于这样的认识,此番在南科大启动的“全面教育”,被丁学良视为一项重要的教学改革实验。 两种教育传达不同育人观 文汇报:如果“全面教育”和“通识教育”是完全不同的两个概念,那么请您解释一下,两者之间究竟有什么区别? 丁学良:“全面教育”和“通识教育”是截然不同的两种教育,传达着两种截然不同的育人观念。 “全面教育”来源于美国哈佛大学的General Education,是哈佛自2007年启动的一项新的教学改革。为此,学校花费数百万美元,邀请美国、欧洲的教授以及自己的学生,经过长时间讨论进行课程设计。 此前,哈佛实施了30多年核心课程教育,即很多国内大学正在推开的所谓“通识教育”。“通识教育”建立在各个知识大类基础上,每位学生入学后第一年,必须先选择一些核心课,这些课可能与专业有联系,也可能没有联系。而现在实施的“全面教育”,是指所有课程都必须包含除了知识以外的更多内容,例如伦理、情感、态度、能力等等,使学生永远都处于探索和接近真知的过程中。 举个课堂案例。美国人很爱吃冰激凌,但是肥胖已经成为美国的国家安全问题,因为肥胖导致合格的服兵役者越来越少,还增加了国家的医疗和公共卫生费用支出,以及其他一系列问题。老师会就此在课堂上给学生布置课题:重新设计冰激凌配方,让它又好吃又好看,副作用少。如果研制出来,学生还必须找到公司加工这种冰淇淋,争取上市销售。对学生来说,这个课题涉及的领域太多了。学生不是在上不同的课程,而是在完成一个课题的过程中,对很多领域进行研究。 文汇报:为什么会出现从核心课程到全面教育的变化? 丁学良:核心课程是哈佛在上世纪60年代开始实行的改革。这种对学生实施通识教育的核心课程,独立于院系之外,是新生入学后第一年的必修课。核心课程的提出和实施,不仅使哈佛在教育质量、科研水平和人才培养中名列美国各大学前茅,而且对提高美国大学课程教育也产生了广泛的影响,对英国、澳大利亚、德国等国家的高等教育更带来了极大的冲击。 但是几十年后,核心课程受到越来越多的批评。批评者认为它过于狭窄,只是集中在学术议题(academic topics)上,而不是针对现实生活中遇到的问题(real-life issues)。 此外,核心课程太强调学科特点。实施这一课程形式,意味着学生在进入专业学习之前,要接受除自己专业以外的学科知识教育。但从过去几十年的发展看,很多学术发展的突破点,往往在交叉学科和边缘学科,通过核心课程实施的通识教育,未免太隔离知识之间的界限。此外,现代信息技术的发展,使得知识的传授显得并不那么重要,无论哪所大学,都不能以教会学生知识点作为大学教学的功能。即便是哈佛这样的学校,也面临着学生毕业后发现自己学到的知识已经落伍的问题。 在大学里,学生必须学会如何自己探索知识。哈佛的全面课程教育中用的词是Approach,这个词很准确,但是很难翻译出来,主要的意思是让学生永远都探索知识,无限接近真知。因为哈佛越来越意识到,所有的毕业生不论从事什么工作,首先需要具备的是道德意识和伦理意识。随着生命科学、新能源等新兴学科的出现,社会和科学的发展,这一点越来越重要。而这些教育目标,只有全面教育才能涵盖。当然这些需求不是只有哈佛大学有,很多大学都有,只不过哈佛带头做了这样的改革。 全面教育课程注重能力培养 文汇报:您曾多次呼吁内地大学改变现在对通识教育的不准确理解,现在在南方科技大学,您将如何设计全面教育的课程体系? 丁学良:在和南方科技大学沟通时,朱清时教授表达了愿意实验全面教育的意愿。学生3月20日回到学校后,我还会去给学生讲为什么要实行全面教育,全面教育和传统教育以及通识教育的区别在哪里,学生可以期待什么。 哈佛的全面教育共分8个方面,包括美学与诠释、文化和信仰、经验的推理、伦理、生命系统科学、物理世界科学、世界各社会、世界中的美国等。 我根据南方科技大学和中国的社会特点,为南方科技大学设计了全面教育体系,其中包含与社会经济相关的、与政治相关的、与国际事务相关的、与技术和能力相关的等等。比如,有一门课叫“移民”,包括国内移民、国内外移民,这门课中,社会、国际、环境生态、经济、政治、心理学等相关学科知识都包含在内。现在中国许多大型城市都是移民城市,学生在上这门课时,还必须尝试实地解决具体问题,进而锻炼自己融入当地文化的能力。 学生通过全面教育课程,要获得的是思考问题、解决问题的思路和能力。因此课程设计都要尽可能把核心的、相关的内容包含在内。上课不是为了学知识,而是为了拓展开放性思维。 全面教育课程还会和工学平台、理学平台打通,所有的老师每个学期至少碰头一次,看自己的课有没有可能融合起来。我们计划在未来3到5年内,形成全面教育的不同构建。 文汇报:现在内地大学实行的都是通识教育,这是否是因为这些大学对全面教育有误解所造成的? 丁学良:这不能完全说是国内大学的误解。即便在美国,在过去两年中,对于全面教育也有不同的看法。 哈佛大学的教授们,也认为实行全面教育带来了很大挑战。全面教育从2007年提出并试行后,去年在本科生院全面推广。今年1月,哈佛给校友们发布了推广全面教育的调查,结果显示总体反应非常正面。 本科生们反映,全面教育改变了他们对于知识的感受,也改变了他们对于公民的看法。而教授的反映更有趣。教授们说,以前没有设计全面教育课程时,觉得自己在某个研究领域中已经“功成名就”,给学生上课,效果也很不错,于是更多的时间用在自己的研究领域上;但是全面教育课程却迫使他们必须跳出固有的研究领域,这个时候再来看自己的研究和教育,感受完全不同。也就是说,哈佛教授们自己对于知识也开始重新认识,他们也处于一个探索和接近真知的过程中。 让独立思考和独立探索互联 文汇报:南科大的全面教育成功后,会不会向其他大学推广? 丁学良:希望在南方科技大学进行的全面教育试验,能够获得一些成功。我也会思考,试验成功后,在其他学校如何推广,教师该做些什么准备。在我看来,过去10多年,中国高等教育走的路越来越窄。我们要培养的也许不仅仅是人才,而应该是全面的人。国家提出要建设自主创新的国家,我的看法是,首先要自主,即便是在教育领域。按照现在的教育模式,什么都是被动的,给什么就接受什么,怎么可能培养出自主创新的人才?我们要培养的是独立探索、独立思考的全面的人,并且这些独立思考和独立探索能够像互联网一样串联起来,这样才有可能创新。 哈佛也是如此。哈佛认为他们培养的人不能以后只考虑他是一个科学家,或者是政治家或者是教授,首先培养的是丈夫、妻子、父亲、母亲,首先必须是一个人。所以我为南科大起草的全面教育方案的第一句话是:为21世纪的中国和世界培养全面发展的个人。他当然必须有知识,但是有知识还不够,还要能够把自己的所学互联起来。 (记者姜澎 樊丽萍)
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郑玉峰 2012-3-31 09:33
由于进入FDA要安检,加上进去后会议室绕来绕去才找到,还要现场领取标牌,所以进入会议室的时候前面的开幕式结束了,正在开始学术报告: 08:30 – 09:00 Tentative Title: In-vivo studies on Mg implants in musculoskeletal and cardiovascular applications: Current and past experiences. Speaker: Frank Witte, Hannover Medical School, Germany Topics to address: General concept of Biodegradable Metals Mg implants has been used in humans already Challenges of in-vivo and in-vitro testing (general) Methods to measure corrosion in-vivo Corrosion control in-vivo Corrosion products and elemental distribution Frank一如既往的讲的很基础,不过很清晰地介绍了体外和体内降解的各种测试方法及其新进展,包括在体的PH检测和气体成分分析等。 (看到Frank引用我们的工作在大谈腐蚀机理,很happy) 09:15 – 09:45 Tentative Title: Biodegradable Iron implants for cardiovascular applications - and outlook on musculoskeletal applications Speaker: Diego Mantovani, Uni. Laval, Quebec, Canada Topics: Idea of biodegradable stents, advantage of metals Production of pure iron stents and iron alloys Influence of microstructure Results of in-vitro and in-vivo studies Diego一如既往的幽默,经常像猫头鹰一样闭上一只他的大眼睛,呵呵,抱歉,Diego,你太可爱了。(这里也提醒下各位,第四届可降解金属会议的拟参加会议代表,请尽快提交abstrac,因为很快第一批要签证的参会者的摘要会被第一批送审,然后发邀请信)。 Diego最酷的就是对镁的没兴趣,他说从2006年开始他就不做镁了,就做铁,然后分3个层次讲了铁的医用的研究,我会后问他对如何加快铁的降解速度的看法,他没有回答。看来他也没有什么特别的办法。 10:30 – 11:00 Tentative Title: Production of Mg alloys for biomedical purposes: the influence of microstructure and impurities on mechanical and corrosion properties Speaker: Norbert Hort, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany Topics: Production routes for magnesium and its alloys Influence of production route on impurities and microstructure Designing biodegradable Mg Norbert的报告是最基本的镁合金的材料学,包括合金化元素的选择等,其中对于稀土的价格变化,导致镁合金的价格的变动倒是很关注,同时借用工程界使用一种新镁合金情况下可能提到的问题,移到医用镁合金上,提出可能要关心的问题包括铸造性能、室温力学性能、腐蚀抗力、生物相容性、价格等。 我个人认为Nobert没有他在Quebec city讲的好。 11:15 – 11:45 Tentative Title: From material to device design with biodegradable metals Speaker: William Wagner, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA Topics: Alloy design and characterization Coatings and surface modification Sensors to evaluate biocompatibility Orthopedic, craniofacial and cardiopulmonary devices Bill的报告是对ERC的工作整体介绍,包括很多教授的工作。他总结了近年来在镁和不锈钢方面的文章和引用情况,看到最近3-5年的快速增长。估计这也是他又一次同意我们的第四届可降解金属会议可以在Acta Biomaterialia上发专刊的原因。 13:00 – 13:45 Tentative Title: Cytotoxicity and in-vitro test-systems for evaluation of biodegradable metals Speaker: Frank Feyerabend, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany Topics: Challenges of in-vitro tests for biodegradable Mg How to modify existing ISO standards for cytotoxicity to test biodegradable metals Jag Sankar介绍的时候说他把GKSS 的Frank叫 other Frank以便和Frank Witte区别开来。Other Frank的报告是我认为最有吸引力的报告,尤其是关于各种影响体外生物相容性等的测试方面的问题和挑战说的很透。包括元代细胞作为模型测试细胞毒性。
3068 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 何毓琦 2012-3-24 22:09
Fornew readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. This is a general talk given by John Maeda, president of the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) www.risd.edu and former professor of computer science and media arts at MIT, in ourtown recently. RISD is a small but well known college of arts and design in the US. Her graduates are engaged in commercial, graphics, and computer arts and design. STEM stand for S cience, T echnology, E ngineering,and M athematics. The need for STEM in modern education is without question. It is in fact part of the educational policy of the US government in her effort to improve citizen’s knowledge and competence in the modern world. Maeda’s message is that STEM is not enough, we need to add A RTS to STEM and push for STEAM instead. Of course, he is helping to publicize his school.But he has a point when we realize that the iPhone probably would not have been invented just by STEM but only with STEAM. Without the arts, our world will be far less interesting. There are more materials on the web for RISD and STEM toSTEAM. Just google the subjects.
个人分类: 生活点滴|11577 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]Grads 处理 [GRIB] 格式文件的准备
xiaoxinghe 2012-1-7 21:10
Grads 处理 【GRIB】 格式文件的准备 1 开场说明 WHAT IS GRIB? GRIB (GRIdded Binary) is an international, public, binary format for the efficient storage of meteorological/oceanographic variables. Typically, GRIB data c o ns ists of a sequence of 2-D (lon,lat) chunks of a (in most general sense) 4-D variable (e.g., u comp on the wind = f(lon,lat,level,time)). The sequence is commonly organized in files containing all variables at a particular time (i.e., 3-D (lon,lat,level) volume). 大气所的 NCEP再分析资料使用这种格式。 这里针对 6 小时一次的 1°×1°,26 层数据来处理。 Grads中识别路径的方式基本为 Unix的方式,即路径中用斜杠/,而不是反斜杠\,cmd 中也 支持这种方式,所以,使用 Grads及其相关组件时,指定路径用斜杠/会很方便。 Grads 中用!pwd 可以看到当前目录,C:盘对应/cygdrive/c/,d:盘对应/cygdrive/d/。cmd 中用 pwd 看到的也是如此,cygdrive 是怎么来的?与 cygwin 程序有关,它能把 Unix 程序嫁接到 windows 下使用,它的目录系统以/cygdrive/为根目录。 如果 ctl 文件中,数据文件指定不是全路径,而是^,则可以在 open 命令中指定上述形式的 全路径,例如: ga- open /cygdrive/d/data/ncep/grib2006060100.ctl 它等效于: ga- open d:/data/ncep/grib2006060100.ctl 2 生成描述文件 PCGrads 软件的 User’s Guide 中介绍了 GRIB 及其处理方法,但不完全。实际上有两 种方法:1)利用工具 grib2ctl.exe 生成整个文件的描述文件.ctl,再利用工具 gribmap.exe 生 成映射文件.idx;2)利用工具 wgrib.exe 解码文件中需要使用的部分记录,建立新的数据文 件,然后人工建立描述文件.ctl。 为了使用方便,环境变量 Path 中增加 Grads 可执行文件所在目录,则在 cmd 中其他路 径下亦可访问所有该目录下的工具。 2.1 方法 1 使用工具 grib2ctl.exe 生成 GRIB 数据文件的描述文件 ctl,之后还要使用 gribmap 工具 生成映射文件.idx。 1. 工具 grib2ctl.exe 的获得。 查看相关信息: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/grib2ctl.html 一般网上得到的是源码文件 grib2ctl.pl。 ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/wgrib.scripts/grib2ctl.pl grib2ctl.pl 是 perl 语言代码,转换成 exe 格式需要使用 perl2exe 工具。转换的过程还需 要借助 perl 编译器,如 ActivePerl。 perl2exe 工具可从以下网址查看和下载: http://www.indigostar.com/perl2exe.htm http://www.indigostar.com/download/p2x-8.60-Win32.zip ActivePerl 可从以下网址下载: http://ftp.activestate.com/ActivePerl/Windows/5.8/ActivePerl- ActivePerl 下载后安装好, perl2exe 下载后解压到某个目录,把 grib2ctl.pl 拷贝入该目录。 在 cmd 命令行窗口执行: perl2exe grib2ctl.pl 于是生成 grib2ctl.exe。为了方便使用,把它拷贝到 Grads 目录下,这里是 PCGrads\win32e\。 2. 工具 grib2ctl.exe 的使用。 使用过程中要用到 wgrib 工具,Grads自带了但不是最新的,最新版本需要自己下载。 查看: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/wesley/wgrib.html 可选择下载源码或已编译版本。 这里使用已编译版本,下载 wgrib.exe 和其依赖的 cygwin1.dll 文件: ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/wgrib/machines/Windows/wgrib.exe ftp://ftp.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/wd51we/wgrib/machines/Windows/cygwin1.dll 把这两个文件放置在可以访问到的地方,例如和 grib2ctl.exe 放置在同一目录下,在 cmd 命令行窗口,cd 到数据文件所在路径(这里是 d:/data/ncep/),然后执行: grib2ctl.exe grib2006060100 grib2006060100.ctl 注意,这样生成的.ctl 文件还不能直接使用,需要处理: 去掉文件结尾多余部分,即 ENDVARS 之后的关于 Perl2exe 声明的部分(因为我们按 照前文地址得到的 Perl2exe 是试用版)。 得到的 ctl 文件举例见附录 1。 3.gribmap的使用 在 cmd 命令行窗口,cd 到数据文件所在路径,然后执行: gribmap –v –i grib2006060100.ctl b.txt 则,该路径下生成映射文件 grib2006060100.idx,b.txt 中记录了映射的过程,打开它可 以查看所有 field 匹配的情况,全是!!!!!MATCH才是完全匹配成功。(这里发现有的行不 是!!!!!MATCH,而是..... NOOOO,问题已经解决,见 2.3 节) leeyork.yanbing@yahoo.com.cn 如果不需要诊断,直接执行: gribmap –i grib2006060100.ctl 保证数据文件、ctl 文件、idx 文件,三者齐全,则 Grads下可以用命令打开: ga-open d:/data/ncep/grib2006060100.ctl 4.总结 实际使用过程就是: z d:\data\ncep grib2ctl.exe grib2006060100 grib2006060100.ctl z 打开 ctl 文件,把结尾多余信息去掉 z d:\data\ncep gribmap –v –i grib2006060100.ctl b.txt z 根据 gribmap 的映射过程文件 b.txt 确定匹配情况,根据需要修改 ctl 文件(分析和 修改过程见 2.3 节的例子),再次 gribmap 2.2 方法 2 利用工具 wgrib.exe 解码文件中需要使用的部分记录,建立新的数据文件,然后人工建 立描述文件.ctl。这种方法需要生成数据的备份,所以会占用较多的磁盘空间。 1.提取数据 工具 wgrid.exe 除了像方法 1 中那样被 grib2ctl 工具调用外,还可以单独使用,用于选 择性地解码 GRIB 文件中的记录。 要确定选择哪些记录,需要查看记录信息列表,用 wgrib 来生成,在数据文件路径下执 行: wgrib –v grib2006060100 a.txt 该文本文件就包含了数据文件中所有记录的列表,包括记录号、变量名、变量描述等。 一般我们要解码的是多条记录,可利用批处理文件。 例如,这里我们要解码 T、U、V三个变量,可以通过查看记录信息列表获知对应的记 录号,然后编写批处理文件,见附录 2。这个批处理带有两个参数, %1 表示输入的 ncep 资料文件名,%2 表示输出的二进制数据文件名,使用举例: ncep.bat grib2006060100 2006060100TUV.dat 2.建立描述文件 解码后的数据文件要配上 ctl 文件才能使用,这要手工建立。注意 ctl 中要有 OPTI O NS yrev,表示 y轴数据是反向的,因为 Grads默认 y轴(纬度)从南到北,而解码出的数据(纬 度)排列是从北到南。前面生成的数据文件对应的 ctl 内容应为: DSET ^2006060100TUV.dat TITLE TUV data UNDEF -9.99E33 OPTI O NS yrev XDEF 360 LINEAR 0 1 YDEF 181 LINEAR -90 1 ZDEF 26 LEVELS 1000 975 950 925 900 850 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 70 50 30 20 10 TDEF 1 LINEAR 01jun2006 06hr VARS 3 temp 26 99 temperature u 26 99 u wind v 26 99 v wind ENDVARS 2.3 解决 idx 中不匹配问题 原来生成映射过程文件 b.txt 中,发现有 7 行不是!!!!!MATCH,而是..... NOOOO,这 个错误已经解决! 下面举例说明解决过程(针对最后一个..... NOOOO): z 调查现场找线索 1. gribmap –v –i grib2006060100.ctl b.txt 生成的 b.txt 中的出事现场 ..... NOOOO: 285 23782648 3 1 0 27 100 500 (后面省略) 可以发现出错的地方对应 field 号是 285。 2. 用 wgrib –v grib2006060100 a.txt得到的数据 field描述文件中, 285 号 field附近的 现场 284:23592070 =2006060100:GPA:1000 mb:kpds=27,100,1000:anl:"Geopotential height anomaly 285:23698038 =2006060100:GPA:500 mb:kpds=27,100,500:anl:"Geopotential height anomaly 可以发现 285 号的 field表示的是 500hpa 的“Geopotential height anomaly” ,另有 284 号 field 表示的是 1000hpa 的“Geopotential height anomaly”,两者简称都是“GPA”。 3. grib2ctl grib2006060100 grib2006060100.ctl 生成的 grib2006060100.ctl 中与 “Geopotential height anomaly”及“GPA”相关的现场 GPAprs 2 27,100,0 ** (profile) Geopotential height anomaly 可以发现,284 和 285 号的 field 被 grib2ctl 合成了一个 2 层的 Va r,即 GPAprs。 z 分析 现场 3 中,如果按照 GPAprs 这样的 2层 Va r定义方式,那么对应的两个气压层次应该是 zdef 26 levels中最初的 2 层,即 1000 和 975,1000 对应现场 2 中284 号 field 是对的,但 975 无 法对应 285 号 field,因为这个 field 表示的层次是 500,这就是问题所在了! z 纠正错误 修改 ctl 文件,把现场 3 中的 2 层 GPAprs 变量改成 2 个 0 层的变量,kpds 要对应现场 2: GPA1000hpa 0 27,100,1000 ** 1000hpa Geopotential height anomaly GPA500hpa 0 27,100,500 ** 500hpa Geopotential height anomaly 然后,还要记得把变量数 Va r s 95 改成 Va r s 96,保存,这时新的 ctl 就更正确了一些,再用 gribmap 诊断发现原错误行变成了!!!!!MATCH。 其他的错误行可用类似的办法修正! 需要说明的是,如果你需要使用的变量都!!!!!MATCH成功,上文的这种修改就不是 必须的,如果追求完美,那自然要修改至清一色!!!!!MATCH为止,这是你的自由!
个人分类: wgrib|2933 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Struggling to keep the promise of Berkeley
whyhoo 2012-1-3 10:46
The normally docile faculty and well-behaved students who gathered at Sproul Plaza to observe a general strike in November were taken by surprise by the thwack of police clubs on flesh and bone. So was our former poet laureate, Robert Hass, whose soulful response to having been bludgeoned in the belly with a University of California policeman’s truncheon tells part of the tragic story. But why were faculty and students being knocked around and dragged by the hair by the campus police? The crisis at the University of California is not about faculty and staff pay cuts (which we have had to swallow), faculty bonuses (they don’t exist), or academic perks (if they ever existed). Faculty at large public institutions like the University of California at Berkeley buy their own notebooks, pencils, and pens. Those who still use chalk steal it from their toddlers’ cubbies and bring it to class in their pockets. We use our own cellphones for business calls. Faculty under pressure University professors (unless they have a large research grant) have no secretaries to prepare their manuscripts for publication or the hundreds of letters of recommendation, the purgatorial price professors pay for the opportunity to teach and shape the next generation of scholars. We no longer write those letters on embossed university letterhead, also a thing of the past. Despite what you might think, professors at public universities grade most of their undergraduate student papers and all of their graduate student theses and dissertations without assistance. University professors are dedicated, hard-working people, with largely old-time values. Most are not on the make or “on the market” for higher salaries and better perks. We’re there for the long haul, seeing graduate students through seven or eight years of specialized training. The crisis at Berkeley is about the failed promise of reasonably attainable higher education. It is about the escalating costs of college that are turning a younger generation into debt-peons, and about the difficulty of obtaining jobs after graduation. The current crisis is fundamentally about privatization and the dismantling of a national public treasure. The students and professors who were whacked by billy clubs want to preserve a grand public university that took a century to build to its present pre-eminence and is taking just a few years to destroy. Held hostage to attacks on public institutions Although public universities are under attack throughout the United States, the University of California is taking a particularly hard beating, metaphorically and literally. In California, the public university (the 10 campuses of UC, the state-college system, and the community colleges)—like public libraries and day-care centers—is being held hostage to citizens who have waged tax rebellions since 1978 and whose heirs still refuse to support any civic institution that doesn’t directly affect their private lives or needs. (“Who needs a public library?”; “Our children attend private schools”; “Public housing is a nuisance.”) Consequently, our children are less literate, and our streets are filling up with homeless warriors returned from the battlefields of the Middle East. Meanwhile, state support for the University of California is steadily shrinking, undergraduate tuition has almost doubled since 2007 , and classroom spaces once reserved for California residents are being sold to affluent students from out of state and abroad. Diversity is good for any institution, but a diversity limited to those who can buy it is not diversity at all. Cut to the bone Outsourcing is another survival strategy. The much-heralded agreement to open a Berkeley-Shanghai campus is one solution to bankruptcy, but will it help our struggling undergraduates—most of whom work double shifts, carrying a full plate of demanding courses and working at outside jobs more than 20 hours a week—defray the expenses of room and board and Wi-Fi? Digital, long-distance learning is another vaunted solution, but what might work for basic language, math, and science classes won’t work for the give and take of face-to-face undergraduate classes, not to mention the hyperinteractiveness of science labs or the intellectually combative graduate seminars that teach students to think on their feet. Public higher education is dying. As senior faculty retire, their positions and programs are going with them, not to be replaced. There is always talk about closing “expensive” departments: the humanities, the arts, and the social sciences in particular. Gov. Rick Scott of Florida recently declared that anthropologists were not needed in his state: “It’s a great degree if people want to get it, but we don’t need them here.” On another occasion he said, “Do you want to use your tax money to educate more people who can’t get jobs in anthropology? I don’t.” And there are other signs of institutional decline, at least in California. Custodial staff, cut to the bone, do their best, but university hallways, stairwells, and bathrooms are unsanitary, elevators are out of order for six months at a time, and “smart” classrooms (those with PowerPoint and video capacity) are scarcer than hen’s teeth. Against the backdrop of a deep recession, a failing war in Afghanistan, stalled efforts to overhaul American health care, the sudden appearance of the “new” working-class poor in shelters and food kitchens, why should anyone give a hoot about a crisis in public higher education? Conflicting views on the role of a university There are two views of the university. One is the university as a critical institution engaged in the political and social transformation of the society of which it is a part. The second sees the university as a cloister, a secular monastery of reclusive scribes and writers, safely removed from the influence of the larger society and the world. That view has been advanced most forcefully by President John Sexton of New York University, who has referred to the university as a “sacred space,” drawing on Cardinal Newman’s essay “The Idea of the University,” published in 1852. Newman described the university as a place for preserving and teaching “universal knowledge.” But in truth the university has never been isolated. It always responds to external interests—sometimes for patronage and gain, sometimes for power and political clout. Higher education also has the responsibility to support and drive economic growth, as it did so forcefully in California throughout most of the 20th century. During World War II, for example, UC served the war effort in ways that today would make many progressive professors cringe. After the war, the U.S. Department of State and the California legislature considered the public university a weapon—hence the tense and often faculty-contested incorporation of federally financed nuclear research at UC—as well as an engine for fueling economic and political prowess, through advancing technological dominance. Area-studies programs focusing on Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa were developed to protect American interests and to keep our educated citizens informed of foreign affairs. But the public university is hamstrung if state government and its citizens won’t support it. Its once proud and powerful influence is shrinking partly through lack of financial support and partly through threats to academic freedom. For example, the legal Catch-22s within “homeland security” expose visiting professors and scholars from other countries to invasive screening and background checks. Many are denied entry without just cause. Others receive their visas so late that they cannot attend the conferences at which they were scheduled to speak or accept the postdoctoral research fellowships offered to them. Thus we lose the contributions of some of the world’s most gifted students and scholars, diminishing our capacity to understand other societies and cultures and to see ourselves in relation to the rest of the world. Global intellectual exchange on our campuses is in grave danger. Meanwhile, the infiltration of corporate business models into every aspect of academic life has led to the devaluation of the arts, humanities, and social sciences, which are seen either as luxuries or intellectual enemies of the global economy. Harvard University President Drew Gilpin Faust noted in 2009 the growing dominance of economic justifications for the existence of universities, to the exclusion of its other missions, such as fostering a broad, liberal education, disinterested scholarship, and social citizenship. Higher education, she wrote, is not about delivering a commodity—a university degree—but about fostering public good. Universities are meant to produce skepticism as well as knowledge. They should afflict the comfortable but unexamined notions that often undermine democratic societies. Universities, said Faust, should be “creative and unruly places, safe spaces for dissent, allowing for a polyphony of disparate voices.” Struggling to keep the promise of Berkeley The prospects are grim, but Berkeley faculty and students are struggling to keep their promise—of an open, free, independent, and diverse public institution—to the people of California, even while the public has not kept its promises to them. It took a faculty rebellion in 1919-20 to force the California legislature and UC regents to recognize the Academic Senate and its role in shared governance of the university. Clark Kerr, Berkeley’s chancellor from 1952 to 1958, fought against the firing of faculty who refused to sign the anti-communist loyalty oath the regents required employees to sign during the McCarthy era. And Chancellor Chang-Lin Tien fought against the regents’ 1995 ban on affirmative action in undergraduate admissions by raising more than a billion dollars, part of which was used to recruit and prepare disadvantaged minorities for admission to the Berkeley campus. Berkeley students started the free-speech movement in 1964, and students and faculty fought against military recruitment on campus during the Vietnam War, held anti-apartheid divestment strikes, and fought for affirmative action. Not all these struggles were successful, but all of them were worthy fights. Today faculty and students are trying to prevent tuition increases that would erode a public university and change it into a public-private enterprise. They are also committed to preventing further police brutality against demonstrators and protecting their constitutional right of nonviolent civil disobedience. Nonviolent resistance has lost some of its luster in recent decades, overshadowed by the “war against terror” and a resurgence of what used to be called authoritarianism. Faculty members tend to embrace a decorous civility. Civil disobedience doesn’t come easily to most people of good conscience. We are raised to be accommodating. But now is not the time for accommodation. 原文见 http://blogs.berkeley.edu/2011/12/20/promise-of-berkeley/
个人分类: 教育|1303 次阅读|0 个评论
General relativity is not completed...
wangxiong868 2011-12-8 17:18
The gauge transformations for classical (i.e., non-quantum mechanical) general relativity are arbitrary coordinate transformations.The onlyrequirement isthe transformations must be invertible. But in fact,both the transformation and its inverseare unreasonablely assumed tobe smooth, in the sense of being differentiable an arbitrary number of times. Only coordinate systems related through sufficiently differentiable transformations are considered. This has no physical reason! Only because mathematicans can't deal with genearl arbitrary coordinate transformations... So, General relativity is not completed...
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linpandr 2011-11-21 21:21
在matlab的file下面的set path把它加上,把路径加进去后在 file→Preferences→General的Toolbox Path Caching里点击update Toolbox Path Cache更新一下,就OK了 以下是我在别的地方看到的,转过来你参考一下吧。 首先说说添加到matlab搜索路径好处:1 对 n——你只需要存储一个副本,就可以在其他地方使用。具体来说,假设你在数据盘D上新建了两个目录abc和def,这两个工程(每个目录下的所有程序相应地称为一个工程)都需要调用同一个(些)函数(简称工具箱),这时候,如果你没有把该工具箱添加到matlab的搜索路径下,则需要分别把工具箱中所有用到的文件都复制到目录abc和def下才能正确运行。这显然浪费空间,所以,matlab提供了一个搜索路径(默认在matlab安装目录下的toolbox中),只要把工具箱对应的整个文件夹复制到搜索路径对应的目录下,并且通知matlab一声(把该路径正确添加到搜索路径中),就可以在abc和def中使用这个工具箱了(即无论你的工程文件在哪个目录(有效的目录)下都可以访问这个工具箱中的函数)。下面就以matlab安装目录下的toolbox目录作为默认的添加路径进行详细说明。 1. 如何添加工具箱? 以下是添加工具箱的方法:(论坛很多人转载过,这里就不作区分了,下面的举例也一样) 如果是Matlab安装光盘上的工具箱,重新执行安装程序,选中即可。如果是单独下载的工具箱,则需要把新的工具箱(以下假设工具箱名字为svm)解压到toolbox目录下,然后用addpath或者pathtool把该工具箱的路径添加到matlab的搜索路径中,最后用which newtoolbox_command.m来检验是否可以访问。如果能够显示新设置的路径,则表明该工具箱可以使用了。具体请看工具箱自己代的README文件。 1.1 举例: 要添加的工具箱为svm,则解压后,里边有一个目录svm,假设matlab安装在D:\MATLAB6p5,将svm目录拷贝至D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox,然后运行matlab,在命令窗口输入addpath D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm回车,来添加路径。然后在svm目录下,任意找一个m文件,以svcinfo.m为例,在命令窗口中输入which svcinfo.m。如果显示出该文件路径,如 D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm\svcinfo.m,则安装成功,当然也可以在命令窗口输入path来查看。 上面的说明和例子基本上介绍了在matlab中如何添加工具箱,下面是其他补充: 1.2 添加方式总结: 事实上,有两种添加工具箱到matlab搜索路径的方法:其一是用代码,其二是用界面。其实无论用哪种方法,都是修改pathdef.m这个文件,阁下如果是高手,可以直接打开该文件修改,呵呵,对此这里不作讨论。 1.2.1 代码方式: 适用于添加下载的工具箱(别人的): 在命令窗口输入addpath D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm 或者addpath(‘D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm’); 但是这种方法只能添加svm目录,如果该目录下有其他子文件夹,并且运行时候“隐式”调用到这些子文件夹(例如假设svm目录下存在子文件夹matdata,该子文件夹下有logo.mat这个文件,且在m文件代码中使用了诸如 load logo 这样的句子,即没有显式给出logo.mat的具体路径,则称为“隐式”),则不能正确访问。因此,有必要在添加时使用以下语句把svm目录下所有文件夹都添加到搜索路径中: 500){this.resized=true;this.style.width=500;}" 程序代码 addpath(genpath(D:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\svm)); 另外,如果只使用以上代码,则退出matlab后,新添加的路径不会被保存下来,下次重新启动matlab后又需要重新添加。可以用savepath来解决这个问题,即在命令窗口中使用 savepath 便可。不过保存路径操作只对matlab 2006a、2006b有效(应该对版本7.0以上的都有效,因没有测试,所以不敢肯定),对6.5版本的matlab无效(该版本没有savepath这个命令)。 适用于添加自己的工具箱(即工具箱自己编写,然后希望别人下载后当运行主文件时自动把路径添加到matlab搜索路径中): 在主文件中加入如下代码; 500){this.resized=true;this.style.width=500;}" 程序代码 sCurrPath = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); addpath(genpath(sCurrPath)); %如果该工具箱没有其他子目录,则可以不需要用genpath savepath; %这句可根据各人需要自行选择,相信上一节的解释已经很清楚 1.2.2 界面方式: 首先把主界面调出来,有两种方式,一种是在命令窗口输入pathtool,另一种是在matlab菜单调用(File - Set Path…)。打开主界面后,相信不用太多解释了。Add Folder… 或者 Add with subfolders… 就可以了,添加完毕后,如果需要保存该路径,则在close前save一下就可以了。 这种方式的好处是如果路径有问题,matlab会马上报错,告诉用户添加失败。 2 工具箱添加失败: 2.1 work目录和toolbox目录问题: 你当然可以单独把一个或多个文件(不含文件夹)放在work目录下来实现“1对n”,因为work目录是其中一个matlab默认的搜索路径,但显然不能包含文件夹,如果包含文件夹,则同样需要把该文件夹添加到搜索路径中。相反,你不能单独把一个或多个文件(不含文件夹)放在toolbox目录下来实现“1对n”,因为toolbox这个目录并非matlab的一个默认搜索路径,除非你把toolbox文件夹添加到搜索路径中。 2.2 由于路径名称而导致添加失败的总结: 2.2.1 路径存在空格: 错误:addpath C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2006b\toolbox\finity 正确:addpath(‘C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2006b\toolbox\finity’) 或者使用界面方式添加 说明:在6.5版本的matlab不推荐使用带空格的路径,因为matlab6.5的安装路径是不允许有空格的,因此不晓得带空格的工具箱路径会出现什么问题。7.0以上应该没有问题。 界面方式则估计没有问题,有问题matlab会自动报错的。 2.2.2 路径存在中文: 用addpath和界面方式均可以成功添加,但不推荐,最好使用英文路径。 2.2.3 路径存在“@”字符: 均不成功,不要使用“@”字符 小结:出现其他与添加相关的错误时,用标准的路径和文件名试试吧。 3 正确添加了工具箱,但运行调用时出错: 3.1 版本问题: 对于工具箱检测到matlab版本不兼容的问题,先引用一下happy教授的回复: =====================happy================================ 这个是有用的,估计是作者考虑到随着matlab的升级会出现不兼容的问题,因此加了类似的设置error('unsupported matlab version. please send an email.');以提示大家。从这一设置上看4.x和5.x版本的是完全没有问题的,之后的版本可能会出现问题,是否真的会出现需要进行测试 ========================================================= 我也遇到过这类问题(如3.3节提到的spm5,下载得到的文件如果遇到2006版本的matlab则无法成功运行),但不是matlab的直接回复说“版本不支持”,而是普通的语法出错。我的经验是根据错误提示调试一下,看看问题出在哪里,然后再对程序作相应修改。例如在我的问题中,由于不支持最新的版本,所以2006a和2006b版本分别用下面的语句进行检查:strcmp(version('-release'),'2006a') 和 strcmp(version('-release'),'2006b')。 3.2 程序中其他语法错误: 估计部分语法不兼容,例如7.0版本以上的matlab可以使用、||、@(x)等等之类的符号,但是在6.5版本下无效,这种错误也需要自己手动修改一下代码。 3.3 工具箱中的函数重名问题: Happy教授也提到过,除了改名,没有太好的办法。但是如果改的地方不止一个,例如遇到该文件进行了多次的自我调用(一个典型例子是以switch 和case语句进行区分不同的操作),或者其他文件存在对该文件的调用时,这是个很头痛的事情。根据我的经验,也没有找到太好的解决办法。以我所用的两个工具箱为例,它们的文件夹名字不同(一个是spm2,一个是spm5),但是里面的主m文件名字都一样,为spm.m,如果两个工具箱同处于matlab的搜索路径中,会导致其中一个工具箱失效,更别说两者之间通过切换来进行调用了。我一般的解决方法是安装两个matlab,例如一个是6.5版,一个是2006版,把两个工具箱分别添加到不同的matlab中,这样就可以启动不同版本的matlab使用不同版本的工具箱了,呵呵,算是一个补救的方法吧。 3.4 找不到m文件的问题: 如果你已经把工具箱正确添加到搜索路径下,这种情况一般不会发生。也就是说,通过“文件夹copy - 运行matlab -添加路径”步骤后,该文件夹下所有文件应该都可以访问到。但是,当你对该文件夹下的m文件更新(包括修改和新增)了以后,此时如果你不重启matlab,则可能会出现找不到m文件的问题(特别是该工具箱中的文件没有依赖关系,它们只是被放在一起方便调用,当你新增一个m文件到该文件夹下而不重启matlab的时候,会造成这一新增m文件访问失败)。解决这个问题的方法之一显然是重启matlab,如果你不想重启,也可用第二个方法:在命令窗口输入: rehash toolbox ,“强制”matlab刷新toolbox目录下的所有文件,这样就可以正确访问了。
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AAAS Abstract #7389 - 2012 AAAS Annual Meeting (16-20 Feb.)
geneculture 2011-11-18 12:27
Abstract #7389 Analysis on the General Characteristics of Teacher Development Research in America: Based on the Selected Translation and Comments on Classics from Eight Experts Liu Qiong Jr. , Dalian University, Dalian, China Abstract Text: By adopting the method of computer-assisted bilingual information processing to efficiently translate and comment on classics about teacher development from eight distinguished American experts who have great distribution to the field, this study is aimed at revealing the general characteristics of research on teacher development in America, and further more, helping readers to grasp the original idea of those experts, who are Frances Fuller, Lilian Katz, Burden Paul, Betty Steffy, Burke Ralph Fessler, Allan Glatthorn, David Berliner and Robert Sternberg. This study proposes that there are three general characteristics underlying the research on teacher development in America: practicalness, scientific inherence of empirical way and interdisciplinary studies, which are concerned diachronically and individually from the practical, historical and theoretical point of view, hoping to providing certain implications to those countries or regions where less studies are done in the field of teacher development. Title: Analysis on the General Characteristics of Teacher Development Research in America: Based on the Selected Translation and Comments on Classics from Eight Experts Subject Category: Social Sciences Submitter's E-mail Address: 623522521@qq.com Session Selection: AAAS Student Poster Competition Slot: : Saturday, February 18, 2012: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM First author Presenter Liu Qiong Jr. Dalian University English Language Department Dalian economic technological development zone, Xue Fu Avenue 10, Liaoning Dalian, 116622 China Phone Number: 86-0-15942425667 Email: 623522521@qq.com Alternate Email: qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn -- Will not be published Advisor Zou Xiaohui Sr. Visiting Professor in CUGBHEI; Visiting Scholar in PKU China University of Geosciences (Beijing) Xue Yuan Lu 29 ,100083 Beijing, 100083 China Phone Number: 15300239971 Fax Number: 82321006 Email: qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn Alternate Email: geneculture@gmail.com -- Will not be published http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2012/poster/papers/index.cgi?username=7389password=266314 AAAS Abstract #7389 - 2012 AAAS Annual Meeting (16-20 February 2012) 发件人: aaas@confex.com 收件人: 623522521@qq.com qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn 有标示的邮件 2011年10月5日, 星期三, 下午 4:22 邮件内文 Dear LIU Qiong Jr., Your poster submission, "Analysis on the General Characteristics of Teacher Development Research in America: Based on the Selected Translation and Comments on Classics from Eight Experts," has been received. By submitting this poster your submission is complete and you are confirming that you and your co-authors conducted the research, used experimental methods/methodology, and developed the results. In regard to a large research project involving post-doctoral scholars, principal investigators, or other professionals, you are confirming that you and your co-author(s) are presenting the portion of the experiment for which you and your co-authors are responsible. If the you and your co-authors do not meet this criteria, the poster should be withdrawn. For the purposes of this poster competion, co-authors are defined as additional undergraduate or graduate students who also participated in the research project under the supervision of an advisor or principal investgator. Note: Advisors, program directors, other professionals, doctoral candidates, and post-doctoral scholars cannot be listed as co-authors. To view, edit, or for a print-friendly summary of your submission go here: http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2012/poster/papers/index.cgi?username=7389password=266314 If you are challenged for a username and password, enter the following: Username: 7389 Password: 266314 Click the link below to view the Poster Presentation and Design. http://www.aaas.org/meetings If you have any questions, please contact Cassandra Jones at (202) 326-6410 or cjones@aaas.org . Thank you for your submission, AAAS Meetings AAAS Abstract #7388 - 2012 AAAS Annual Meeting (16-20 February 2012) 发件人: aaas@confex.com 收件人: 623522521@qq.com qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn 有标示的邮件 2011年10月5日, 星期三, 下午 4:23 邮件内文 Dear LIU Qiong Jr., Your poster submission, "CAI Bilingually on Teacher Development Research in America: Based on the Selected Translation and Comments from Eight Experts," has been received. By submitting this poster your submission is complete and you are confirming that you and your co-authors conducted the research, used experimental methods/methodology, and developed the results. In regard to a large research project involving post-doctoral scholars, principal investigators, or other professionals, you are confirming that you and your co-author(s) are presenting the portion of the experiment for which you and your co-authors are responsible. If the you and your co-authors do not meet this criteria, the poster should be withdrawn. For the purposes of this poster competion, co-authors are defined as additional undergraduate or graduate students who also participated in the research project under the supervision of an advisor or principal investgator. Note: Advisors, program directors, other professionals, doctoral candidates, and post-doctoral scholars cannot be listed as co-authors. To view, edit, or for a print-friendly summary of your submission go here: http://aaas.confex.com/aaas/2012/poster/papers/index.cgi?username=7388password=814684 If you are challenged for a username and password, enter the following: Username: 7388 Password: 814684 Click the link below to view the Poster Presentation and Design. http://www.aaas.org/meetings If you have any questions, please contact Cassandra Jones at (202) 326-6410 or cjones@aaas.org . Thank you for your submission, AAAS Meetings AAAS 2012 Student Poster Session 发件人: meetings@aaas.org 收件人: 623522521@qq.com qhkjy@yahoo.com.cn 有标示的邮件 2011年11月17日, 星期四, 上午 12:13 邮件内文 Dear Poster Submitter: Congratulations! You have been invited to present your poster at the 2012 AAAS Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada. The Student Poster Session is scheduled for Saturday, 18 February 2012, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm at the Vancouver Convention Centre, West Exhibit Hall A-B1. Please read the following email in full. Please note that since your poster has been accepted based on a review process no substantive changes may be made to the poster. Read below for very Important Information. Meeting Registration As a poster presenter you are responsible for your own hotel and travel arrangements. ALL student poster presenters must be registered in a paid registration category, unless a student presenter is confirmed and registered as a session aide. Meeting Attendee Badges MUST be shown at poster check-in. Co-authors are expected to pay if they are presenting as well. There are NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have not already registered for the Annual Meeting, please go to Meeting Registration here: http://registration3.experient-inc.com/ShowAAA121/Default.aspx Go to the RED General Attendee Box and register as a general attendee. Your name badge will be mailed to you in advance, and you will pick up your badge holder and meeting materials at the Advanced Registration kiosk in the Vancouver Convention Centre outside Exhibit Hall A-B1. If it doesn't arrive in time, a new one can be made on-site; please bring your registration confirmation. If you signed up to be a student session aide, you will pick up your badge and meeting materials at orientation. We're still taking applications for student session aides (you can volunteer at the meeting in exchange for free meeting registration). For details visit: http://www.aaas.org/meetings/2012/ts/aides.shtml The deadline to sign up to be a student session aide is Tuesday, January 24. Advance registration ends on January 26. After this date, you can still register online or onsite but higher registration rates will be in effect. For on-site registration, please go to the Registration counters in the Vancouver Convention Centre outside Exhibit Hall A-B1. There will be lines so leave yourself ample time if you plan on checking in at meeting registration on the day of your Poster Session. If you have a balance due, all fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the Poster Session. Poster Check-in You must check-in to receive your poster board assignment. Please be wearing your Meeting Badge. Check-in will start 12 noon on Saturday, 18 February 2012, in the Exhibit Hall (next to the AAAS Job Zone). Poster Presentation All posters must be confined to the 4 ft high x 8 ft wide display board provided. Computer display equipment, sound or projection equipment, or freestanding displays are not permitted. All material must be removable. You may not write, paint, or use paste on the display board. All posters must be set up in the time allotted before the session, and must remain up until the Student Poster Session ends at 5PM. At 5 pm materials must be removed promptly from the board and your area cleaned up. AAAS will not be responsible for material left on boards after any of the poster sessions. If you want your materials back, take them with you when you leave. Items to Bring 1. BRING YOUR OWN PUSH PINS or Velcro to affix your poster material to the display board. 2. Water and a snack is suggested since you will be in the hall for a at least 4 hours, and there won't be time to leave for snack breaks. 3. Any handouts you want to have available for judges or meeting attendees. Poster Design Specifications http://www.aaas.org/meetings/2012/program/posters/media/student_poster_guidelines_2012.pdf Judging for Student Poster Competition You are expected to be at your poster during the entire 4 hour session. At least two judges will review your poster. Please be brief when speaking to a judge (no more than 10 minutes) so they can ask questions as well as review all entries in the allotted time. Poster winners will be announced 4 weeks AFTER the annual meeting and you will be notified by e-mail. General conference attendees will also be walking around the hall at all times, and you will want to be at your poster and available to take questions as much as possible. For example, students have received job leads to pursue after graduation. If you have business cards, bring them with you. We are so pleased that you will be part of the AAAS Annual Meeting. You can get updates on the meeting by checking the AAAS website ( http://www.aaas.org/meetings ) or by following us on Twitter and/or Facebook ( http://www.aaas.org/meetings/2012/#networking ) If you have any questions, please contact the Meetings Office, at meetings@aaas.org or 202-326-6450. Look forward to seeing you in Vancouver! AAAS Meetings 1200 New York Ave., NW Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 326-6450 Fax: (202) 326-4021 http://www.aaas.org/meetings/
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[转载]Huw Edwards Partial and General Equilibrium Resources
zhao1198 2011-6-6 15:49
Huw Edwards Partial and General Equilibrium Resources Page http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~ecthe/General%20Equilibrium%20Resources%20Page.htm Modelling tools For any but the simplest general equilibrium and partial equilibrium work, I would recommend people use GAMS . This is a language which sets up multi-equation economic models for solution by a system solver. Good solvers include: CONOPT3 (for large, nonlinear, static models). PATH (for mixed integer models or dynamic models). GAMS is available online for small (limited model size) applications, and we have a full license for a limited number of users within Loughborough. Standard equation formats : most general equilibrium models use either Leontief (fixed input-output coefficient), Cobb-Douglas or CES functional forms. Some notes on the latter two are available here. Short lecture course on GE modelling 1 . Basics of Taxation Models 2 . Basics of CGE 3 . Exercise 4 . Social Accounting Matrices for a Climate Model 5 . Solving GE models 6 . Calibrated versus estimated models in economics 7 . Specimen GE model in Excel Dawkins, Srinivasan and Whalley’s chapter on Calibration (in Handbook of Econometrics). Link. James Markusen’s webpage , with background material on GAMS/CGE modelling and phd level trade material. A list of CGE references , kindly sent me by Mark Horridge. Link to the GTAP network (Global Trade Analysis Project) – a collaborative database and modelling network, based in Purdue University. Mark Horridge’s information on GEMPACK (an alternative, more specialised General Equilibrium Solver package, frequently used with the GTAP model): http://www.monash.edu.au/policy/archivep.htm http://www.monash.edu.au/policy/gempack.htm
个人分类: GAMS|0 个评论
GMT 及Win4GMT简介及其安装技巧
热度 1 kiger 2009-9-19 17:17
GMT-The Generic Mapping Tools ,即通用制图工具,是一个开源的工具集,主要用于 XY 和 XYZ 数据的处理和显示,包括栅格化、过滤和各种地图投影等操作。 GMT 最初是由哥伦比亚大学的两位毕业生 Paul Wessel 和 Walter H. F. Smith 于 1988 年创建的,至今已经发展到版本 4.5.0 。 经过这段时间的了解,感觉该软件主要有以下几个优点:( 1 )完全免费;( 2 )源代码是开放的,可以进行二次开发;( 3 )可以在多种系统下安装和使用,如 UNIX , Linux , MkLinux , Mac OS 9 , Windows 和 OS/2 ,但是每个系统下的安装要求是不一样的;(4) GMT 好比一个工具箱,每个工具之间相对独立,操作起来更为灵活,这也是 GMT 研究小组的一个特别考虑;( 5 )有很多免费数据资源都可以被 GMT 调用,尤其是 NOAA , USGS , NGDC , NEIC 等;( 6 )制作出来的图形图像精美,感觉比 ArcGis 和 MapGis 等软件成图的效果要好。正是由于以上诸多优点,该软件已经被较为广泛应用于医学,工程,物理,数学,地球科学,社会科学等领域。 由于该软件的最初是在 UNIX 系统上发展的,所以对于初学者来说早期的版本安装和使用方面还是有点麻烦的,我也是学习第一次安装该软件,经过摸索,终于在 Windows XP 系统下安装成功。习惯了 Windows 操作的人来说,突然要用 DOS 操作,确实需要一段时间的适应,故可以安装一个 GUI (图形交互界面)软件 Win4GMT 。具体安装过程如下: 1. Install GMT 3 (E g : C : \GMT\ ) . As you will see GMT3 programs will be installed in C : \GMT\ bin and rivers, border, shorelines, patterns etc in C:\GMT\share\coast and gmtenv.bat in C : \GMT\ ( Note: I n GMT 4 .5.0 , gmtenv.bat cant be need any more, and the installer has done the work and set the path. ) 2. S et Home: Modify gmtenv.bat with an ASCII editor in order to set your home dir . SET NETCDF= C : \GMT\ SET GMTHOME= C : \GMT\ SET HOME= C : \ USERS \ USERS \ PROJECTS or C :\ GMT \ TEMP SET PATH=%PATH%; %GMTHOME%\BIN; %NETCDF%\LIB 3. R un cmd command to open this window i n a DOS window . I n GMT 4 .5.0 , .gmtdefaults is created by default in C : \ GMT \bin, you should copy it to C : \GMT\. Then c lose the window . 4. if necessary, install Ghostsview or other postscript viewer or editor . 5. Put netcdf.dll in C : \GMT\. 6. Unzip the Win4GMT and r un setup.exe to install it . To avoid problems , Please install Win4GMT in the GMT Home Directory ( C : \GMT ). 7. Reboot the computer . 8. Configure folders in Preferences menu when starts the program or edit win4gmt.ini in C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT folder . Notes: Setup will create a subdirectory ( man ) where will be installed the html version of the GMT manuals. If you have problems with OLEAUT32.DLL (in some cases, problems has been reported) . R ename your oleaut32.dll (just in case) and copy the ftp file in your system directory ( C : \WINDOWS\S ystem) . Then r estart the computer. 其它: GMT下载地址: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/ Win4GMT下载地址: http://www.icm.csic.es/gma
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