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照片:1995 天津大学百年校庆研究生院学术报告会(一等奖论文)
热度 4 zlyang 2017-10-23 20:00
照片:1995 天津大学百年校庆研究生院学术报告会(一等奖论文) “从 NP结构到超级计算 机分类理论”,天津大学百年校庆研究生院学术报告会(一等奖论文), 1995年10月。 “A supercomputer classification theory from the hierarchy of NP problem”, the Student Academic Symposium of Graduate School to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Tianjin University, October 1995. The first prize paper. (1)证书的封皮 (2)证书的内容 (3)报告会封皮 (4)报告会的论文一览表 (5)报告会论文摘要汇编封皮 (6)报告会论文摘要汇编内容 (6-2)上图裁剪出的细节,经过自动曝光处理 相关链接: 2012-3-23, P对NP:请郝克刚教授等专家指教(一) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-550859.html 2011-09-15, A FULL PROOF to the P versus NP problem http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-486692.html http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/thread-523235-1-1.html 2011-04-13, “P对NP(P versus NP, P vs NP)”问题的描述、难度、可能的答案 http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/thread-266338-1-1.html 2011-09-05, Vinay Deolalikar宣称自己证明了“P!= NP”(P 不等于 NP) http://bbs.sciencenet.cn/thread-106360-2-1.html 2011-09-06,My report and papers on the P versus NP problem (P vs NP) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-483639.html 1995 天津大学百年校庆研究生院学术报告会(一等奖论文),Student Academic Symposium of Graduate School to Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of Tianjin University http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=107667do=albumid=52751 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误!
个人分类: 代表性个人学术观点|4668 次阅读|10 个评论
xiaoxiaochun 2014-3-6 18:08
2014 年3月4日晚7:00,国际著名太赫兹领域研究专家、美国罗彻斯特大学光学研究所所长,华中科技大学武汉光电国家实验室教授张希成给华中科技大学武汉光电国家实验室的研究生学子们带来一场题为“The Institute of Optics, OSA and Optics Letters” 的精彩报告,报告由华中科技大学副校长、武汉光电国家实验室常务副主任骆清铭教授主持。 据悉张希成教授刚被选上美国光学学会(OSA)理事会理事(2014-2016)、国际权威期刊Optics Letters主编(2014-2016),为了鼓励广大研究生学子们投身科研工作,推动他们积极参与国际重大学术组织,张希成教授专门向华科大学子们介绍了OSA组织和Optics Letters的情况。张希成教授首先介绍了美国罗彻斯特光学研究所的发展历程,历数这一国际顶尖光学研究中心的知名科学家事迹,接着详细介绍了OSA组织及其下属的学生俱乐部(student chapter) 等基本情况,最后介绍了 国际权威期刊Optics Letters接收中国学者论文的情况,号召同学做科研要注重质量提升水平。 在张希成教授的报告后,由 OSA 学生俱乐部学术指导老师付玲教授主持, 现场的华中科技大学 OSA 学生俱乐部的同学和他展开了互动,华中科技大学 OSA 学生俱乐部主席刘昆龙博士介绍了学生俱乐部的基本情况,提出了一些问题,张教授给出了一些很好的建议。听取此次报告会后,同学纷纷表示对 美国光学学会(OSA)有了一个基本的了解,并期待成为该组织的一员 。 众微信 Weixin/WeChat: 敬请微信关注 (可以随时了解武汉光电国家实验室、 POEM2014 国际会议、光电论坛等学术科研动态) 方法1:微信“添加朋友” “查找微信公众账号”搜索“ WNLO_POEM ” , 或直接扫一下二维码加“关注”即可 方法2:新版微信“发现” “添加朋友” “查找公众号”,输入“POEM与光电论坛”(或关键词模糊查找),开启“接收消息”,在订阅号中接收信息。 新浪微博 Sina MicroBlog: WNLO_POEM
4197 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Obamacare 101: What college students need to know
zuojun 2013-11-15 15:43
Obamacare 101: What collegestudents need to know http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/DC-Decoder/2013/1002/Obamacare-101-What-college-students-need-to-know
个人分类: Health & Health-Care System|1697 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 forrestbao 2013-10-13 00:15
Position details Two fully funded (4-year) Research Assistant positions are now available for PhD students interested in 1) medical image/signal processing , or 2) artificial intelligence (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics), in Dr. Forrest Sheng Bao’s lab in the Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering, University of Akron (Akron, Ohio). Outstanding master students will also be considered. The positions are expected to start in the Spring 2014 or Fall 2014 semester. The stipend will be no less than $1500/mo. Performance-based bonus is available. Students who are passionate about (or addicted to) research are strongly encouraged to email Dr. Bao at FORREST.BAO GMAIL.COM, along with his/her CV and an optional brief description of his/her research experience. Requirements Applicants are preferred to have a bachelor degree (or near completion) in computer engineering, computer science, electrical/electronics engineering or biomedical engineering. Research experience in image/signal processing, AI (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics), bioinformatics, and medical instrumentation/system is a plus. Requirements at department, college and university level must be met. About Dr. Bao Having published 20+ papers (300+ citations and h-index: 7), including several that have been presented at top conferences such as AAAI, Dr. Bao has become widely recognized for his research. In 2013, he was appointed an editorial member of IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine and a Program Committee member of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13). His work has been reported by MIT Technology Review and Epilepsy Foundation of America. For more details, check Dr.Bao's homepage: gozips.uakron.edu/~fbao5/ About the College, the Department and the City of Akron University of Akron's College of Engineering is ranked 119th nationally in 2014, according to US News World Report. It has the 4th fastest growing engineering program in the US (ASEE). The College has set the goal to become Top100 engineering school in the US by 2020. Two IEEE Fellows are with Electrical Computer Engineering Department. Within Cleveland metropolitan area, Akron is the 5th most populated city in the state of Ohio. In the middle of everywhere, Akron is 2 hours from Pittsburgh, PA and Columbus, OH; 3 hours from Buffalo, NY and Niagara Fall (Canada!); 4 hours from Cincinnati, OH; 5 hours from Chicago, IL, and Indianapolis, IN; and 7 hours from NYC. Please do NOT send me CV/resume that contains your personal information, including but not limited to personal photo, date of birth, nationality/residence, race/ethnicity, gender, marital status, etc. Chinese version: 今有两个4年全额资助的助研岗位面向PhD学生开放。Akron大学电气与电脑工程系鲍博士(助理教授)的实验室邀请对下列两个方向有兴趣的同学加入:1) 医学图像与信号处理 或 2)人工智能 (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics) . 热爱(或沉溺)科研的同学请将简历和简短研究经历说明(optional)发送至鲍博士的邮箱 FORREST.BAO GMAIL.COM. 其个人主页位于 http://gozips.uakron.edu/~fbao5/ 优秀master学生亦会被考虑. 月薪不低于1500美元,并有丰厚绩效奖金. 申请人需有或即将获得在下列领域或相关领域的学士学位: computer engineering, computer science, electrical/electronics engineering or biomedical engineering. 在下列领域的研究经历优先: image/signal processing, AI (knowledge engineering, machine learning, computer vision, and robotics), bioinformatics, and medical instrumentation/system. 系、院和校级录取要求亦须满足。 鲍博士迄今发表了20余篇论文,共被引用超过300次, h 指数达7. 在2013年,他担任 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 的编委和 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'13)的委员。他的研究被 麻省理工技术评论(MIT Technology Review) 和美国癫痫基金会(Epilepsy Foundation of America)报道过。 Akron大学的工学院2014年全美排119名(US News World Report). Akron工学院是全美第四快发展的工学院(ASEE). 工学院的目标是在2020年跻身全美Top100. 电气与电脑工程系(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering)共有2位IEEE Fellow. 位于克里夫兰(Cleveland)都市圈,Akron是Ohio州第5大城市。Akron亦近于众多大城市,距匹兹堡(Pittsburgh)和哥伦布(Columbus) 2小时,距水牛城(Buffalo)和Niagara大瀑布(加拿大!)3小时,距辛辛那提(Cincinnati) 4小时,距芝加哥(Chicago)和Indianapolis 5小时,即便纽约城也在7小时之内。 关于博士后,访问学者和访问学生位置,亦欢迎询问鲍博士。 请勿发送含有个人信息(照片,国籍,性别,年龄,等)的简历。
4335 次阅读|7 个评论
[转载]PhD student position in Library and Information Science
PZhou 2013-6-15 08:18
http://www8.umu.se/umu/aktuellt/arkiv/lediga_tjanster/313-590-13.html#eng A PhD student position in Library and Information Science is open at Umeå University. Our research team in Library and Information Science is located at the department of sociology, and has a particularly strong supervisory capacity within bibliometrics and science studies. The PhD student will be employed at the department, and financed with a doctoral studentship. PhD students are expected to pursue their studies full-time and actively take part in the department’s activities. Departmental duties (typically teaching and administration) at a level of at most 20% can be included in the position. Applicants should have either (i) 240 ECTS-credits of higher education studies of which 60 should be on an advanced level (Master’s level) and at least 90 in Library and information science, or (ii)160 Swedish (old) credits (Swe. Poäng; corresponding to 240 ECTS credits) of higher education studies if they were taken before July 1, 2007, or equivalent competence. The application should contain a CV, academic grades, a copy of the Master thesis and other relevant publications, a personal letter describing the personal motivation for applying for this position. The applicant should also send in a short research plan specifying a proposal for the PhD project (max 4 pages). Applicants should also give at two references (name, email and phone number) familiar with the applicants qualifications. Documents are sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format. For more information, contact Senior lecturer Rickard Danell, +46-90-786 95 11, rickard.danell@soc.umu.se , or by Professor Olle Persson, +46-90-786 56 98, olle.persson@soc.umu.se . Position starting date from 2013-09-01, or 2014-01-01 at the latest.
2025 次阅读|0 个评论
Can a student submit a manuscript on his own?
zuojun 2011-11-12 02:52
The answer is “Sure, why not?” But, please think about the unique situation in today’s China (that’s another Blog for non-Chinese), and then you may change your mind… Why do I say so? Here are some of my encounters as a freelancer. Case 1: Student XY asked me to edit her paper, with her professor’s name listed as a co-author. Since I knew the professor, I assumed the student came to me under the advice of the professor. Big mistake. After I edited the paper, I felt the “research method” was not adequate. So, I emailed the professor, politely telling her “if you are going to have another student continue this work, you may want to consider doing it this way…” Her reply came: “I never knew my student went to you for editing. This work is not finished.” Skipping a few cases in between… Case N: Student YY came to me recently, and his email identified his professor. I happened to know the professor quite well, who always sends me manuscripts himself as he did this morning. So, I asked the student whether or not the professor was on travel. Then, the student revealed the truth: “This is my paper, and my professor’s name is not on it, since he does not agree with me on this work. I will pay for your editing myself.” If I were only after money, I would have said “Sure.” But, I am not. So, I sent him this note that I send to every student who asks me for editing. (Clearly, I had enough cases to deal with to come up with such a note in both Chinese and English. This is because one student insisted that his English was no good, but never told me so during our repeated email exchanges.) If you are a graduate student, please include the name , email, and phone number of your thesis adviser. We will contact your adviser to ensure the originality of the research before we perform any editing. Note that our service corrects English writing itself and marks where the writing is not clear. However, we cannot guarantee that your manuscript will be accepted after our editing, because an acceptance mainly depends on the scientific merits seen by the reviewers and the editor. 如果你是研究生,请在申请我们的服务时附上你的论文指导老师的名字、电邮地址和电话号码。我们在进行英语编辑前,将与你的指导老师联络以确保该论文的原创性。因为这是国内外所有英文杂志对所投稿件的基本要求。 我们只提供英文编辑,不能保证你的文章经我们英文编辑后就一定会被杂志接受。因为你的文章是否能被接受取决于审稿者和杂志编辑是否认可该论文本身的学术价值。 I actually felt so unsettled after having sent off this email, wondering what if the student’s scientific idea is correct (and the professor is wrong scientifically speaking, which can happen). Hopefully, this student can find another freelancer to help him, since there are so many editing companies around (even I get spam email that asks me if I need editing service).
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3416 次阅读|0 个评论
How far is a college student willing to go (in the US)?
热度 2 zuojun 2011-3-6 09:26
Tuition is not cheap for out-of-state students at a state university. So, you would think that they would come to classes and do their homework so that their money or their parents' money is not wasted. Well, one of my former students said her brother died (so she had to be away for days), but could not provide any evidence. I heard that such excuse is used routinely by undergraduate students. May God bless these students' relatives!
个人分类: Education|3047 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 edisonlou 2010-5-14 22:48
关于弗莱堡找房的一些心得 我来弗莱堡不到半年,已经深深体会到了弗莱堡的房子是----价格前三名,难找第一名。我已经住了3个地方,即将住进第四个---应该也是最后一个地方,对于找房子有一些心得,和大家分享一下。 / B4 {$ y7 ^3 E/ V2 G2 `4 J6 mX$ P w$ w# q3 C' ^ 1. 个人关于房价的评判标准。 很多人关注什么km,什么nk之类的,我个人认为不全面,不要看那些租房网站上的所谓每平米7欧,每平米8欧。你难道能够不用电的住?你难道能够不扔垃圾?你难道能够不上网?所以我评价房子的价格是否合理,是用 总 相关费用,即 km+nk+垃圾+电+网络+交通+家具+佣金(即手续费,这个费用一般大家不会有) ,除以 房间总面积 。(不包括押金)得到的每平米的价钱来衡量。 + L1 a: X/ }* ~ 个人感觉均价是这样的:市中心和herdern区,大约14-16欧/平米,比如我同事有在此区住的, 总 费用400/25平米, 总 费用500/31平米, 总 费用550/35平米。 5 Q# O* g3 }' J) g, a- ` X8 H3 @ 其他地图范围区域,甚至包括很多做s-B要20min的区域,价格在11-13欧/平米。比如我有朋友在zalingen 640/55平米,在st geoge 370/26平米,haslach 370/26平米,stulinger 550/36平米。钱数都是km+nk+垃圾+电+网络。 , g D7 {9 ]% b: q* x% M 如果你找个房子,在偏远的交通不便的地方,算下来如果每平米还很贵,比如16,17欧,那我觉得这房子性价比就不高了。 值得注意的是,如果你住的很远,骑车不便,那么恐怕你还要把每个月40欧左右的交通费用算在房租总费用中,来计算,因为,这个费用是因为你的房子远而造成的。 如果你的房子是空房子,你要买家具,比如花了360欧,你准备住36个月,那么用360除以36等于10,相当于你每个月的房租总费用要加10元。不过如果你到时候能够卖掉家具,那么每月的家具费用就会低于10元。 ! l- f; h( Y% ^; h8 o; O. U h1 z7 z E0 F8 n 2. 宿舍便宜吗? 1 i$ ?% }% e: q. v% L 个人认为,可能除了部分的政府廉租房、极少数学校特殊项目的房子、比如seepark 10号楼、洪堡楼之外,宿舍每平米的总费用,和私房的每平米总费用差别不大。比如WG,14平左右的, 总 费用180欧;appartment 26平, 总 费用350;wohnunon 40平 总 500欧;这都是我在seepark了解的情况。更邪门的是,在OKIOS,学校曾经给我提供过一个4人wg中的一间,16平,要340欧。。。所以,目前我了解到的情况就是,多数情况下,住学校的房子不比外面便宜多少。 I3 {2 W ~z. N: k | 3. WG便宜吗? 个人认为,WG的性价比很难计算,如果以 总 费用除以你的那间屋子的面积,WG的性价比是相当低的,比如 14平280欧=20欧/平,300欧/8平=35欧/平,诸如此类。但是WG有很多公用设施,无形中,你的使用面积就会大了很多。 n3 }9 `. f) t t7 ~ 4. WG好住吗? : X2 ]+ e6 l* i% W* B7 ? N: f 不好入住,很多WG,尤其是学校宿舍,他们会挑选志同道合的人一起住,每周可能都有party或其他活动,你若是和别人格格不入,还是不住为妙。 5. 几人合租2、3-zimmer便宜吗? 不知道其他城市,但是在弗莱堡,合租一点也不比单人租appartment便宜。比如2-zimmer wohnung,50平,可能费用是km=400,nk=200,加上垃圾=15、网=25、电=40,不算交通和家具,就已经产生了680的总费用,那么每平米费用是13.6欧=单间appartment的价格。当然,你们两人都可以用公用的厨房,厕所,因此,每人的实际使用面积=自己房间+厨房+厕所,这是大于50/2=25平的,似乎每人分摊680/2=340的同时,可以支配的面积大于25平米,性价比提高。但是,与此相伴的,两个不是夫妻或者情侣的人住在一起生活是否方便,是很难讲的,需要权衡利弊。 8 _$ o6 e1 h9 5 w* n http://www.studenten-wg.de/ ( r* B# g1 x) w0 w+ TY: t http://www.wg-gesucht.de/ : g' d8 {1 h- V: k/ h7 C- K 这是我从约10个网站中选定好网站,优点是基本上都是房主直接发帖,所以不需要中介费。 4 V' x; s9 F# E8 d7 Z. g Zypress网站的房子最多,但是我不喜欢,因为上面的信息太简略,你要打电话具体询问。 0 }$ |g. ~+ c, e 无论是哪个网站,只要是房主登出来的租房广告,都会有一样的问题,那就是会有n多人看到广告,然后申请去看房子,通常房主会记录下每个想租房的人的信息,然后从中挑选一个幸运儿。通常都会有7,8个以上的看房者,能轮到你的几率不大。不过据说,如果你是有工资或者奖学金的博士生,或者你的租房时间很长,那么会增大你中奖的几率。 * L7 r( ]: A$ U4 M J) {' P 7 T- @9 f zO, ^ 8. 和房东一起住house好不好? 我是绝对不会住的。麻烦很多的。 $ x# yD# h, f9 ?' V 周围有同学住在一栋别墅的一间,房东也在别墅里住,我同学备受欺负。可能主要是中外生活习惯不同。 % B+ e DD F4 K 当然,很多房东对中国人是很好的,但是问题也来了,如果你想搞个party之类的聚会,你好意思因此打扰你的房东和他的家庭吗? # M7 L$ b c( W0 D- N , w: P! U5 u: R2 ]9 V0 M! L 9. 最重要的一点------什么是最有效的找房途径? . a, h: q# m6 b' r$ X 上Zypress网站,花5.5欧元,登一条三行的广告,说你是中国的博士生,想长期租房,约30平,seepark附近,有厨房,能洗衣之类的。每周三、六出版。在此情况下,你若是收到电话,那就是在seepark附近有30平房子的、想长期租给中国博士生的房东,他就是想把房子租给你!只要你满意他的房子就行。这样,你们达成共识的几率比你像没头苍蝇一样看人家的广告高十倍以上! 9 h ]0 \7 `1 C 8 |0 |@! m3 r4 w) z3 K' D T: S OK,以上就是个人关于房子的一点心得,希望在弗莱堡生活的同胞们都能找到称心如意的房子,开心地学习工作生活
个人分类: 相关论文|7719 次阅读|0 个评论

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