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中医科学院与卡罗林斯卡学院展示“鱼的经络图谱 fish meridian”
热度 3 rongqiaohe 2018-9-6 16:36
经络存在吗?看得见吗?这个问题已经争论了几十年!最近,中国中医科学院张维波博士领导的小组与瑞典卡罗林斯卡学院的Fuxe博士合作,展示了黑裙鱼( G. melanocheir )的经络图谱,发现鱼的经络与人类经络的类似之 处。他们的工作让 国内外的人们能够看到经络的存在! “经络看不见”的观点终将成为历史! Figure 1 Sketch map of meridian-like tracks( 类似经络的示意图 ). BMT1 is the surface branch of back middle track along the dorsal fin. LMT1 is the superficial part of lateral middle track. BLT1 and BLT2 are the two tracks between LMT1 and BMT1. AMT1 and AMT2 are the two segments of the abdomen middle track. ALT1, AlT2, and ALT3 are three tracks between LMT1 and AMT1. AMT Z abdomen middle track; BMT Z back middle track; BLT Z back lateral track; LMT Z lateral middle track. 图2的结果:通过实验标记,展示了鱼有类似人类督脉的存在。 Figure 2. (A) The governor meridian on the middle back of human body ( 在人体中央的督脉 ). (B) BMT including BMT1 (arrow-), BMT2 (blue - arrow ), and BMT3 (red - arrow ) distributes on the middle back of fish body in different layers. BMT Z back middle track. � � 图3、从不角度展示督脉以及部分胆经。 瑞典皇家科学院院士、瑞典 卡罗林斯卡医学院 著名神经科学家Fuxe(福克斯)教授提出的 “ 经络 信号的容积传 传输 ” 理论,对经络的基础提出了新的学说。在该理论假设的前提条件下,他们对鱼的经络进行了标记,获得了经络途径的显示。 同时,他们也证明了督脉在黑裙鱼体内的存在和分布。 参考文献 Weibo Zhang 1 , Ze Wang 1 , Shuyong Jia 1 , Yuying Tian 1 , Guangjun Wang 1 , Hongyan Li 1 , Kjell Fuxe 2 , * Is There Volume Transmission Along Extracellular Fluid Pathways Corresponding to the Acupuncture Meridians? JAMS 2017;10(1):5e19 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jams.2016.12.004
个人分类: 学术交流|4994 次阅读|9 个评论
[转载]arvgis API中的map属性方法
linqy 2018-7-30 14:27
1、鼠标在地图上面移动; 2、按住鼠标左键拖拽鼠标; 3、拉框放大地图; 4、拉框缩小地图。 https://blog.csdn.net/giserstone/article/details/46310531
个人分类: ArcGIS 二次开发|902 次阅读|0 个评论
iggcas010 2018-6-19 16:35
各位在用map函数时是不是也有个疑问, 特别是3.x以上的版本 ,在2.x的版本中map函数很好理解,现在版本升级了反而越来越难搞了, map这个函数在高版本中竟然是一个对象了??! 完全是一脸懵逼的, 而map后的对象有种“阅后即焚”的感觉 ,不信咱试试哈。如下举例: 1、想获取对象中的东西,也就是该对象到底是啥? a= , ] a2=map(set,a) a2 mapobjectat0x000000000C462438 #a2是个对象啊 #将a2中的东西全部打印出来 foritemina2: print(item) {1,2,3,4,6} {2,3,4,5,6} a2 mapobjectat0x000000000C462438 #再次查看a2地址没变,但是再次遍历打印为空 foritemina2: print(item) #a2再也不愿意出来了见客了,只能使用它一次,再用它就不理你了 list(a2) , ] b2=map(set,b) b2 mapobjectat0x0000000002F49F60 list(b2) b2 mapobjectat0x0000000002F49F60 #用过一次它就消失了 list(b2) , ] c2=map(set,c) c3=c2 forijinc2: print(ij) {1,2,3,4,6} {2,3,4,5,6} list(c3) , ] f2=map(set,f) f3=copy.copy(f2) f3 mapobjectat0x000000000C3D1A58 f2 mapobjectat0x000000000C462748 #浅复制后的地址不同,我以为要成功了,其实不是 forminf2: print(m) {1,2,3,4,6} {2,3,4,5,6} forninf3: print(n) #仍旧“阅后即焚” #深复制 importcopy g= , ] g2=map(set,g) g3=copy.deepcopy(g2) g3 mapobjectat0x000000000C462AC8 g2 mapobjectat0x000000000C462908 list(g2) list(g3) #深复制后可以啊,可以用了,但仍旧是只能用一次,想用多少次就要先深复制几次 len(list(g3)) 0 #无奈而又不失礼貌的微笑 有人要疑惑了,我想知道map后的对象到底是啥都不行吗?这个map太娇气了,欠揍。 我也无奈啊!!!谁知道python开发者到底是咋想的啊,越来越差劲了。
2702 次阅读|0 个评论
C++中list, vector, map, set 区别与用法比较
linqy 2017-10-22 18:13
List封装了链表,Vector封装了数组, list和vector得最主要的区别在于vector使用连续内存存储的,他支持 。 Vector对于随机访问的速度很快,但是对于插入尤其是在头部插入元素速度很慢,在尾部插入速度很快。 List对于随机访问速度慢得多,因为可能要遍历整个链表才能做到,但是对于插入就快的多了,不需要拷贝和移动数据, 只需要改变指针的指向就可以了。另外对于新添加的元素,Vector有一套算法,而List可以任意加入。 Map,Set属于标准关联容器,使用了非常高效的平衡检索二叉树:红黑树,他的插入删除效率比其他序列容器高是 因为不需要做内存拷贝和内存移动,而直接替换指向节点的指针即可。 Set和Vector的区别在于Set不包含重复的数据。 Set和Map的区别在于Set只含有Key,而Map有一个Key和Key所对应的Value两个元素。 Map和Hash_Map的区别是Hash_Map使用了Hash算法来加快查找过程,但是需要更多的内存来存放这些Hash桶元素, 因此可以算得上是采用空间来换取时间策略。 参考: http://www.cnblogs.com/smiler/p/4457622.html C++map 映照容器 http://www.cppblog.com/vontroy/archive/2010/05/16/115501.html C++STL中list队列用法实例 http://www.cnblogs.com/madlas/articles/1364503.html C++STL中vector容器的用法 http://xiamaogeng.blog.163.com/blog/static/1670023742010102494039234/
个人分类: C++|10568 次阅读|0 个评论
zhanghouxing 2017-7-1 11:49
update:2017/7/26 先上一个图,说说填充等值线图是什么样子: 采用origin绘图填充等值线图,需要注意一下三个要点: (1)数据准备 book表中的第一列和第一行用于定义等值线图的横纵坐标,其他值构成填充图。 绘图时,是从上往下绘图,这样汇出的图和数据的对应关系是上下相反。 如下: (2)移动或放缩图片 画出来的Contour map,你会发现和其它简单的图不一样,不能选择。原来是这样,你需要点击图片边框处,才能选中,如下图,这时候便可以放缩操作了。关于移动,如果只选择图片区,不能移动,若要移动还要选取legend,这一点很重要。 (3) legend前后的空白区 初步绘出的图,legend前后有空白区,如下图, 前面是白色,后面是黑色,修改方式:点击legend,选择property,然后按照下图方式设置: 关于其它一下操作,比如等值线设置等等都比较简单,这里不讲了。最后上一个我最终得到的图:
24082 次阅读|0 个评论
alinatingting 2015-3-19 09:48
近日,千年基因与欧洲著名的生物信息公司 Genalice 签署战略合作协议。双方将在海量数据的高效挖掘及精准分析方面建立合作,千年基因将应用专业的信息分析软件 Genalice Map 为全球研究人员提供最强大的信息分析解决方案。 千年基因拥有最全面的测序平台,主要包括 HiSeq X Ten 、 HiSeq 2000/2500 、 454/454 + 、 Ion Proton 、 PacBio RS II 等,每天产出海量的测序数据亟待分析, Genalice Map 则能以超高的效率及精准度对海量数据进行处理及分析。以常用的比对软件 BWA 为例, Genalice Map 进行数据比对的效率比 BWA 提升了 100 多倍。对于人类基因组数据,从数据比对至变异检出最快仅需 30 分钟,同时 SNP 及 InDel 的检出准确性也大幅提升。因此,千年基因与 Genalice 的合作将使其信息分析实力得到空前提升。在面对海量数据的挑战时,千年基因将以更高的效率向研究人员提供更可靠的数据分析结果。 对于此次战略合作,千年基因总部的 CEO Hyonyong Chong 表示,自 2014 年于全球首家提供 HiSeq X Ten 人全基因组测序服务以来,千年基因进一步巩固了其在测序科研市场的全球领导地位。 Genalice 提供的高质量及高效数据分析流程对于千年基因向客户提供更好的临床测序服务是至关重要的, 基于此次双方的 合作, 千年基因将进一步实现其在测序临床市场的领导地位。 自 千年基因官网 。
个人分类: 公司资讯|2772 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]ggmap quickstart
zhangdong 2014-10-4 23:01
source: https://www.nceas.ucsb.edu/~frazier/RSpatialGuides/ggmap/ggmapCheatsheet.pdf ggmapCheatsheet.pdf
2101 次阅读|0 个评论
Logistic Map notes
sunoval 2014-3-26 23:28
最近因为一个 project 的关系,需要用到非线性动力学的一些分析方法和技巧,因此花了点时间学习了下 nonlinear dynamics and chaos 的内容。我自己虽然不是主攻这个方向的,但是学习下来,还是感觉到这个领域的有趣,有料和有深度。虽然看起来理论性和技巧性的东西偏多,但是混沌的研究应该能够揭示自然更深层次的一些东西,同时这些研究在各个学科也都各有用武之地 。 作为一个形式简单的一维、二次映射, logistic map 通常被作为一个典型的非线性、具有 chaotic 特性的动力学系统作为入门研究。自从 1976 年 被提出以来,关于这个系统的研究,不说汗牛充栋也算是不可胜数。你可以在网络上找到上千篇涉及到这个系统的文献。本文作为我学习的一个笔记,归纳总结了我所认为重要的一些 logistic map 的性质,难免会有遗漏,欢迎指正。所有的图像都在 Matlab 下编码实现 (available upon request) ,特此声明。 1. The logistic map The logistic map 本质上是一个参数 r-dependent 的 iterative map, 它的数学形式如下: (1) 对于最初提出的人口问题来说, 代表的是在第 n 年的人口与最大可能人口的比值,r 则代表着人口出生率和死亡率所形成增长率。对于大于 3.57 的r 值, 的最终取值严重依赖于初始值 。关于初始值的一点微小变化,反映在最终值 的路径将是一个巨大无比的变化,这也是具有 chaos 特性的系统的一个显著特征,我们将在后面的分析中观察到。下图所显示的是一个典型的logistic map 在 phase space 和随着时间的迭代路径。 2. Fixed point ( 定点 ) 解决一个简单的一元二次方程,我们可以很容易的找到这个动力学系统的 fixed point. (2) 这个二次方程的两个根,代表着这个系统的两个稳定点,分别是 (3) 3. Linearized stability 通过将非线性系统线性化,我们可以分析系统在 fixed point 附近的局部稳定性。 (4) 其中 λ被叫做系统的 multiplier 或者 eigenvalue. 将式子(3) 中所得的两个 fixed point 带入式子(4) ,我们得到 (5) 对于离散系统,我们知道系统获得局部稳定性的条件是 ,因此对于参数r -dependent 的 logistic map , 我们可以定性的得到 (6) 这里,通过观察我们可以发现,当 , fixed point is a non-hyperbolic fixed point, 事实上,根据 bifurcation( 分叉 ) 的定义,我们知道 is a transcritical bifurcation point of logistic map. . 当 , 从稳定的 attractor 转变为不稳定的 repeller, 同时 fixed point 变成正的,也即称为 attractor, 这种相互转换正是被称为 transcritical point 的原因。 同样的道理,当 是另一个 non-hyperbolicfixed point, 事实上这是一个 period-doubling bifurcation point of themapping. 对于初始的 mapping f, 我们得到 a transcritical bifurcation at , and a period doubling bifurcation at . 类似的,对于 map, a period doublingbifurcation 发生在 , map, a period doublingbifurcation 发生在 . 随着 r 的增加, period doubling 发生在 and bifurcate 在 。 这些 的序列遵循 Feigenbaum rule: (7) 也即,当 n 趋近于无穷, 。 4. Logistic map bifurcation diagram Bifurcation diagram 显示的是系统的稳定的 fixed points 的分布情况,这种分布取决于 的取值是不断变化的 , 如图所示。 · 当 , period doubling cascade of the sequence 决定了 attracting fixed points. · 当 , fixed point 分布在整个 的区间。这个时候,系统表现为 chaos 的特性。 总而言之,对于 logistic map , “depending on the value ofthe parameter r, orbits of the logistic map may appear orderly or chaotic”. 如图所示,横坐标轴显示的是作为参数的 r 的变化,纵坐标显示的可能的长期的 x 的取之情况。通过这个 diagram 前面我们所讨论的各种情况都变得显而易见的清楚。 5. Chaos and the Logistic Map 所谓的 chaos, 指的是在确定性的系统中所表现出的具有随机性特征的现象, i.e. “ Stochastic behavior in a deterministic system”. 根据 Strogatz , “Chaos is aperodic long-termbehavior in a deterministic system that exhibits sensitive dependence oninitial conditions”. 具有 chaos 的系统一般具备以下特征 · 对初始值敏感 - 意味着不可预测性 · Topological mixing · Density of periodic orbits · Strange attractors Sensitive dependence on 初始值,可能是 chaotic 系统最为显著,也最具困惑性的特点。它从理论上决定了 chaotic system 的不可预测性 (unpredictability) ,起始于非常接近的两个初始条件,经过一系列循环之后,相互之间的路径可能以指数形式迅速 divergence , 由此就引出了关于 Lyapunovexponents 的研究。 下图显示的是,当 r 分别为 3.55 和 3.7 时, logistic map 的迭代情况,分别对应了非 chaotic 和 chaotic 的情况。对于每一个 r 值,我们取两个非常接近的 initialcondition (eps = 0.0001). 我们发现,对于非 chaotic 系统,经过 60 步的迭代之后,两条路径仍然吻合的很好;而同时对于 chaotic 的系统,在经过不到 20 步的迭代,两个 orbit 的差距迅速拉开,从一个方面反映了系统对初始值敏感和复杂性。 Lyapunov exponent 是一项非常有效的衡量系统离散型的指标。粗略来说,如果一个系统的 Lyapunovexponent 是大于零的数,那么整个系统就是指数发散的,是个 chaos 的系统,如果小于零,那么系统不具备 chaotic 的特征。如下图所示,我们可以看到 logistic map 的 lyapunovexponent 随着 r 值的变化的分布情况,同时我们可以看到,这个变化趋势与 bifurcationdiagram 是一致的。他们是从不同的方面展示的同一系统的同一特性: chaotic. 另外一个比较能反应 logistic map 的 parameter r dependent 的方法是 cobweb(stair) map. 对于不同的 r 值,我们可以看到不同的 map 递归情况。 6. 参考文献 Strogatz, S. H., 2006, Nonlinear dynamics and chaos (withapplications to physics, biology, chemistry a, Perseus Publishing. May, R. M., 1976, Simple Mathematical-Models withVery Complicated Dynamics, Nature, 261(5560), pp. 459-467. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_theory .
个人分类: 学习笔记|10022 次阅读|0 个评论
使用tda绘制aduna cluster map——以专利权人为例
热度 1 lucheng918 2014-1-22 14:06
主要是根据组绘制,选定数据添加到制定组,而后在绘图选项中选定,这是根据共现情况绘制的aduna cluster map。 还有根据组生成共现矩阵: 结果展示:
个人分类: 技术控|7017 次阅读|2 个评论
google map中的有趣物理学
热度 4 aeinstein 2013-12-11 03:04
Google map 无疑凝聚了许多当代最先进的科学和技术。前一阵子听说有人还用它做出了科学上的重要发现 — 从 googlemap 上他看到有一块绿色的区域没有任何标识,于是他按图索骥找到那个地方,发现了一处不为人知的热带雨林。 我们虽然不期待做出重大发现,但是透过精美的 google map 图片,能够看到其中蕴含的一些物理规律还是非常有趣的。这篇博文要讲的就是 google 的卫星拍下来的船在水面留下的波纹。 如图一所示,在一些港口,河流附近,很容易发现一些非常清晰的行船照片。图一来自上海黄浦江。我们注意到船的后面留下了一个精致的波纹图案。这个被称作兴波( wake )的波纹与许多人熟悉的“马赫角”有些关系。 图一:黄浦江上的船波。 当飞机,子弹等以超音速在空气中飞行时,它们所激发起来的声波被落在了身后,如图二所示。子弹在 A 点处激发起来的各种频率的声波向外扩张(图中以 A 为圆心的圆代表了声波的波前),由于各种频率的波具有相同的速度,所以它们齐头并进。当 t 时刻,子弹到达 B 点时,声波的波前到达了 O 点。 BO 两点的连线与 AB 的夹角满足 , 即声波速度与子弹速度之比。此角为马赫角。容易证明, AB 连线上其他点所发出的声波的波前在 t 时刻也到达了 BO 连线上。所以所有声波的能量都被局限在了马赫角内。通过测量马赫角的大小,以及对声波速度的了解(大约三百多米每秒),我们就能推断出子弹的速度来。图三上图显示了子弹的马赫角,而图三下图则显示了飞机的速度刚刚超过声速时,突破所谓“音障”,此时马赫角 度(图片来自网站 http://www.acs.psu.edu/drussell/Demos/doppler/doppler.html )。 图二:马赫角。 图三:马赫角的实例。 那么我们能否通过测量船身后的波纹所形成的夹角来推算出船的速度呢?一百多年前,伟大的开尔文勋爵告诉我们这是不可能的。他的计算显示,不论船的速度大小,其波纹形成的夹角始终为 39 度多一点。因此船的波纹被称为 Kelvinwave 。 那么船在水面的波纹与子弹在空气中的“波纹”为什么会有如此大的差别呢?这完全来自于空气和水的不同色散关系。空气中所有声波,不论波长的长短(在一定的波长范围内),都有相同的声速,这被称为没有色散的介质;而水面上的波纹,波长越长的速度越大(适用于深水区),这被称为有色散的介质。 图四显示了这两种介质的不同。图四上图是空气中的情形 ,下图是水面的情形。空气中,由于各种声波的速度都一样,在某一时刻, O 点处接收到的声波都是从 A 点发出的,从其他点发出的声波无法达到 O 点(如图中的红色圆圈代表从 C 点发出的声波),所以 BO 连线上的点总是能接收到单一波源发出的很强的声波,不会由于不同波源之间的干涉而减弱。而水面的情况就不一样了。因为任何一点发出的水波的波长有长有短,波速也有快有慢,所以从 A 点发出的某一种波长的水波和从 C 点发出的更长波长的水波可以在 O 点相遇形成干涉。实际上, AB 连线上的各点发出的波都有可能在 O 点相遇,通常情况下由于这些波的相位,波长和波速千差万别,它们会在那里干涉相消,从而看不到波纹。 图四:无色散与有色散的介质。 可以计算表明(见参考资料 1 , 2 ),水面上从 A 点发出的各种波长的波,与其他点发出的波干涉之后,只在一个有限的区域内不会干涉相消,这个区域如图五所示,它是一个圆, A 是圆周上的一点,圆的直径 AC 等于船行驶距离 AB 的一半。这样,所有的水波都被局限在了一个夹角内,其角度 满足 ,即 约为 19 度,也就是说 BO 和 BO’ 之间的角度为 38 度左右。图一中黄浦江上的船后面形成的波纹夹角就为 35 度左右,考虑到一些测量和照片的误差,已经非常接近理论预期了。 图五:计算船波夹角。 用某个物理学家的话说,无论是一只鸭子还是一艘万吨巨轮,其身后留下的波纹形状都是类似的。物理之美也许就体现在这里了吧! 参考资料: 1:Scientific American 1988 年的相关文章 http://jesseenterprises.net/amsci/1988/02/1988-02-fs.html 2:H. D. Keith, Simplified Theory of Ship Waves, American Journal of Physics, 25, 466(1957)
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plot map of Moho depth
shenxzh 2013-5-27 16:03
#!/bin/csh # plot map of Moho depth gmtset MEASURE_UNIT inch BASEMAP_TYPE plain PAPER_MEDIA A4+ ANOT_FONT_SIZE 12 LABEL_FONT_SIZE 16 set ps=mohomap.ps set x1=11.5 set x2=17.8 set y1=-23.2 set y2=-16.8 set j=M7 set r=${x1}/${x2}/${y1}/${y2} psbasemap -R$r -J$j -B0 -K -X0.7 -Y3 -P $ps # Moho depth set cpt=moho.cpt makecpt -Ccopper -T25/50/5 -Z -I $cpt set f=moho.dat awk 'NR1 {if (NF==6) print $3,$2,$6}' $f data.xyz surface data.xyz -R$r -I0.01 -fg -Gdata.grd psmask data.xyz -R$r -J$j -I0.01 -S1.2 -O -K -V $ps grdimage data.grd -C$cpt -J$j -O -K -V $ps grdcontour data.grd -J$j -C5 -A5+kwhite -G2.0i/10 -W3,white -O -K $ps psmask -C -O -K $ps psscale -C$cpt -D1.3/0.9/2/0.15h -B5:Moho depth (km): -O -K -V $ps #goto end # topo #grdcontour etopo2_namibia.grd -J$j -R$r -C500 -A1000+kyellow -G3.0i/50 -W2,yellow -O -K $ps # political boundaries pscoast -R$r -J$j -Ba1 -Df -Na/3 -W3 -K -O $ps # tectonic boundaries #sed 's///g' dama.bound | psxy -R -J$j -K -O -W6,blue -m $ps sed 's///g' dama.bound.main | psxy -R -J$j -K -O -W6,blue -m $ps # stations psxy data.xyz -R$r -J$j -St0.16 -W2 -Gred -O -K -V $ps end: psxy -R$r -J$j -O /dev/null $ps \rm .gmtcommands* .gmtdefaults* gv $ps
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[转载]Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain
aloneone 2013-3-12 00:23
The Obama administration is planning a decade-long scientific effort to examine the workings of the human brain and build a comprehensive map of its activity, seeking to do for the brain what the Human Genome Project did for genetics . The project, which the administration has been looking to unveil as early as March, will include federal agencies, private foundations and teams of neuroscientists and nanoscientists in a concerted effort to advance the knowledge of the brain’s billions of neurons and gain greater insights into perception, actions and, ultimately, consciousness. Scientists with the highest hopes for the project also see it as a way to develop the technology essential to understanding diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s , as well as to find new therapies for a variety of mental illnesses. Moreover, the project holds the potential of paving the way for advances in artificial intelligence. The project, which could ultimately cost billions of dollars, is expected to be part of the president’s budget proposal next month. And, four scientists and representatives of research institutions said they had participated in planning for what is being called the Brain Activity Map project. The details are not final, and it is not clear how much federal money would be proposed or approved for the project in a time of fiscal constraint or how far the research would be able to get without significant federal financing. In his State of the Union address , President Obama cited brain research as an example of how the government should “invest in the best ideas.” “Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy — every dollar,” he said. “Today our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer’s. They’re developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs, devising new materials to make batteries 10 times more powerful. Now is not the time to gut these job-creating investments in science and innovation.” Story C. Landis, the director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, said that when she heard Mr. Obama’s speech, she thought he was referring to an existing National Institutes of Health project to map the static human brain. “But he wasn’t,” she said. “He was referring to a new project to map the active human brain that the N.I.H. hopes to fund next year.” Indeed, after the speech, Francis S. Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, may have inadvertently confirmed the plan when he wrote in a Twitter message : “Obama mentions the #NIH Brain Activity Map in #SOTU.” A spokesman for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy declined to comment about the project. The initiative, if successful, could provide a lift for the economy. “The Human Genome Project was on the order of about $300 million a year for a decade,” said George M. Church , a Harvard University molecular biologist who helped create that project and said he was helping to plan the Brain Activity Map project. “If you look at the total spending in neuroscience and nanoscience that might be relative to this today, we are already spending more than that. We probably won’t spend less money, but we will probably get a lot more bang for the buck.” Scientists involved in the planning said they hoped that federal financing for the project would be more than $300 million a year, which if approved by Congress would amount to at least $3 billion over the 10 years. The Human Genome Project cost $3.8 billion. It was begun in 1990 and its goal, the mapping of the complete human genome, or all the genes in human DNA, was achieved ahead of schedule, in April 2003. A federal government study of the impact of the project indicated that it returned $800 billion by 2010. The advent of new technology that allows scientists to identify firing neurons in the brain has led to numerous brain research projects around the world. Yet the brain remains one of the greatest scientific mysteries. Composed of roughly 100 billion neurons that each electrically “spike” in response to outside stimuli, as well as in vast ensembles based on conscious and unconscious activity, the human brain is so complex that scientists have not yet found a way to record the activity of more than a small number of neurons at once, and in most cases that is done invasively with physical probes. But a group of nanotechnologists and neuroscientists say they believe that technologies are at hand to make it possible to observe and gain a more complete understanding of the brain, and to do it less intrusively. In June in the journal Neuron, six leading scientists proposed pursuing a number of new approaches for mapping the brain. One possibility is to build a complete model map of brain activity by creating fleets of molecule-size machines to noninvasively act as sensors to measure and store brain activity at the cellular level. The proposal envisions using synthetic DNA as a storage mechanism for brain activity. “Not least, we might expect novel understanding and therapies for diseases such as schizophrenia and autism ,” wrote the scientists, who include Dr. Church; Ralph J. Greenspan, the associate director of the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind at the University of California, San Diego; A. Paul Alivisatos, the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Miyoung Chun, a molecular geneticist who is the vice president for science programs at the Kavli Foundation; Michael L. Roukes, a physicist at the California Institute of Technology; and Rafael Yuste, a neuroscientist at Columbia University. The Obama initiative is markedly different from a recently announced European project that will invest 1 billion euros in a Swiss-led effort to build a silicon-based “brain.” The project seeks to construct a supercomputer simulation using the best research about the inner workings of the brain. Critics, however, say the simulation will be built on knowledge that is still theoretical, incomplete or inaccurate. The Obama proposal seems to have evolved in a manner similar to the Human Genome Project, scientists said. “The genome project arguably began in 1984, where there were a dozen of us who were kind of independently moving in that direction but didn’t really realize there were other people who were as weird as we were,” Dr. Church said. However, a number of scientists said that mapping and understanding the human brain presented a drastically more significant challenge than mapping the genome. “It’s different in that the nature of the question is a much more intricate question,” said Dr. Greenspan, who said he is involved in the brain project. “It was very easy to define what the genome project’s goal was. In this case, we have a more difficult and fascinating question of what are brainwide activity patterns and ultimately how do they make things happen?” The initiative will be organized by the Office of Science and Technology Policy, according to scientists who have participated in planning meetings. The National Institutes of Health, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation will also participate in the project, the scientists said, as will private foundations like the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Chevy Chase, Md., and the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle. A meeting held on Jan. 17 at the California Institute of Technology was attended by the three government agencies, as well as neuroscientists, nanoscientists and representatives from Google, Microsoft and Qualcomm. According to a summary of the meeting, it was held to determine whether computing facilities existed to capture and analyze the vast amounts of data that would come from the project. The scientists and technologists concluded that they did. They also said that a series of national brain “observatories” should be created as part of the project, like astronomical observatories.
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[转载]HREM 模拟图像
chnfirst 2013-2-20 22:03
http://cimewww.epfl.ch/people/stadelmann/jemsWebSite/HREMImageMap.html 6. HREM image map The simulation of High Resolution Electron microscope image maps is possible by either the multislice or the Blochwave methods. 6.1 Multislice method After loading or creating a crystal file, activate the "Multislicer" window (menu Image, item Multisclice or Alt+I, Ctrl+M), this will open the multislicer window as shown on figure 6.1 : Figure 6.1 (Multislicer) The multislicer consists in 6 different programs that perform the following calculation for a specific crystal and a specific zone axis direction. Fresnel propagator generates and shows the complex Fresnel propagator Phase object function generates and shows the complex phase object function Projected potential generates and shows the complex projected potential Atom position generates and shows the projected position of the atoms HREM map calculates High Resolution Electron Microscope image maps Super-cell image calculates High Resolution Electron Microscope images Direct access to the microscope selection dialog , the specimen settings dialog and the transfer function window . Further more the generated images can be saved using the save dialog . The real part of the Fresnel propagator for ZnO in the direction is calculated by clicking on the start button. It is shown on figure 6.2: Figure 6.2 (ZnO Fresnel propagator) Clicking on the imaginary "tab" would display its imaginary part. The complex phase object image is obtained by selecting the "Phase object function" tab and clicking the start button as for the Fresnel propagator. Its imaginary part (the weak phase object) is shown on figure 6.3 where Ce atoms are located at the largest and brightest spots position (Ce and O have very different atomic form factors that result in a much larger projected potential for Ce than for O). A mouse click on the bright dots identifies the atom column. Figure 6.3 (Phase object function) The positions of the cerium atoms are given on figure 6.4: Figure 6.4 (Ce positions) The positions of the oxygen atoms or of both the Cerium and oxygen would be obtained by selecting the "O" or "All" tab. These images can be saved as .gif images by activating the icon. The image of the O atoms is: Figure 6.5 (O position image) Finally, in order to calculate HREM map it is necessary to define several parameters for the multislice iteration, the imaging parameters and the illumination. The HREM map dialog is shown on figure 6.6. At its top left corner one finds icons that allows to save the HREM map or beam plot, , to print the HREM map or beam plot, , to adjust the microscope settings, , to change the specimen orientation, , and to work out the transfer conditions, . Figure 6.6 (HREM dialogue) The illumination conditions, imaging parameters and iteration parameters are organized in three panels. The illumination panel contains two sliders that controls the coherence of the illumination: spatial coherence : half-convergence of the illumination (mrad), temporal coherence : defocus spread (nm), plot of the transfer function with the reflections transmitted in the selected zone axis (indexing is done by positioning the mouse on a line and clicking). The imaging panel contains six controls: Defocus min / nm is set to 94 : the first image is calculated for a defocus of 94 nm (in jems as the "z" axis is pointing up, i.e. towards the electron source, positive defocus is under focus). Defocus step / nm is set to 2 : the defocus between to images of a map's row will be 4 nm. Defocus number is set to 8 : each map row will contains 16 images. Image dup-x is set to 2 : individual images are repeated 2 times in the horizontal direction. Image dup-y is set to 2 : individual images are repeated 2 times in the vertical direction. Noise % is set to 20 % : random noise of value 0.20 is added to the calculated images The iteration panel contains three controls: Start after is set to 2 : the first HREM image is calculated for a crystal 2 unit cells thick in the selected direction. Number is set to 8 : the image map will contain 16 rows of images each row for a different thickness. Increment is set to 2 : between two rows the thickness increases by 2 unit cells. and an option box that at present allows to make image maps with the projected potential, wave function and HREM images placed side-by-side. The beam plot box controls the type (if any) of the beam plot: conventional amplitude versus thickness, Argand or diffraction. Furthermore, Transmission Cross-Coefficients are used to produce the images, a Plot of the beams' amplitude and phase is required. Clicking on the start button fires the calculation. After about 7 seconds (5 reflections transmitted by the objective aperture, Pentium III at 450 MHz), the image map is put into the map window and into a dedicated window. The calculation time is very much dependent on the number of beams that participate to the image formation. This number is selected using the microscope dialog . The HREM map dialog is now shown on figure 6.7. Using the scroll bars located below and on the right of the map, all the map can be inspected. Figure 6.7 HREM dialogue after calculation (Au 300 kV, the wave function at 2.4 nm is highlighted) Selecting the Plot "tab" would show either a amplitude/phase versus thickness plot, an Argand plot (complex plot) or the dynamical diffraction patterns for 2, 4, 6, .. unit cells thick Al crystals. Figure 6.8 shows the thickness plot, 6.9 the Argand plot and 6.10 the diffraction pattern. The slider on the left of the plots changes the beam that is shown (thickness/Argand plot) or the thickness of the diffraction pattern. The slider on the right changes the gamma correction used for the gray lookup table. Figure 6.8 Intensity versus thickness plot (Au 300kV) Figure 6.9 Argand plot (Au 300 kV) Figure 6.10 Dynamical diffraction plot (Au 300 kV, only the beams passing through the "objective aperture" are shown) The image of the dedicated HREM montage map window is shown on figure 6.11: Figure 6.11 HREM map image with identified atomic columns The icons at its top left are used to print , save or to overlay thickness/defocus information on a HREM map as show below on figure 6.12: Figure 6.12 (Annotated HREM map image) Moving the mouse on the window will also show the defocus/thickness values of the individual images. A click of the mouse on the atomic column position identifies the column, Figure 6.13 shows a very large map of Si at 200 kV, direction that contains image features (extra "lattice" planes) due to interference effects between the reflections (non-linear imaging effects). Figure 6.13 (HREM map image Si 200 kV, The effect of the objective lens aberrations like astigmatism (2- and 3-fold), coma, image shift and specimen vibration and drift can be imaged interactively (see paragraph 6.4 ). Images of crystalline defects are calculated when the super-cell image panel is selected (see paragraph 6.5 ). 6.2 Blochwave method The Blochwave method proceeds in the same spirit, but could be much faster for high zone axis. Furthermore High Order Laue Zone reflections are included in the calculation of the exit wave function. The HRTEM dialogue is part of the larger Blochwaver dialogue. Figure 6.14 shows the panel as it appears after selection: Figure 6.14 (HRTEM map - Blochwaver dialogue) It is organized in two sub-panels, the left sub-panel controls the calculation, the right sub-panel shows the calculation results. The "Beam plot" box controls the plot of the amplitude/phase of the diffracted beam (either amplitude/phase versus thickness, complex or diffraction). On the sides of the diffraction sub-sub-panel, the left slider controls the camera length, the right slider the deviation parameter (i.e. the number of reflections considered). The green cross is positioned at the Laue Circle Center. Selecting it, and moving it under mouse control allows to change the tilt of the illumination. The orientation of the specimen, as well as the number of Laue zones considered or the foil normal are controlled by the specimen dialogue, . The microscope dialogue, , allows to change the accelerating voltage, the size of the objective aperture and the position of the optical axis. On the left of the HREM map panel, the "Illumination" panel allows to control the image formation under coherent, partially coherent (envelope functions) or partially coherent using Transmission Cross Coefficients. Two sliders allow to modify the incident beam convergence (spatial coherence) and the defocus spread (temporal coherence). The reflections (up to 0.1 nm) are shown on the transfer function plot. They are indexed using the mouse. The imaging panel is shown on figure 6.15. The 6 sliders are used to calculate series of defocused images, the first image is calculated at "Defocus min", the subsequent at a defocus increased by "Defocus step". The series size is "Defocus number", each image is duplicated horizontally by "Image dup-x" and vertically by "Image dup-y". Some random noise can be added to the image. On figure 6.15, the center of the Laue circle (crystal tilt) has been moved to (1,1,0). Reflections (2,0,0), (0,2,0) and (2,2,0) are at Bragg condition. Clicking on a disk will display the reflection indices distance to (0,0,0) and deviation. Figure 6.15 (Imaging panel of the HRTEM map panel) Having adjusted the imaging conditions, the dynamical calculation parameters are selected using the "Iteration" sub-panel shown on figure 6.16. The iteration conditions selected are: a crystal of initial thickness 1 nm, 20 wave functions will be calculated at thickness increasing by 8 increments of 0.25 nm (i.e. 2 nm), and the number of reflections that will be considered strong is 25. The check boxes labeled "Bethe", "All" and "Save" tells the program to use Bethe potential to include weak reflections, to include all reflections (selected with the deviation slider on the right of the Diffraction panel) and to save the beams amplitude/phase as a function of crystal thickness. In this figure, the convergence of the incident beam is quite large. Figure 6.16 (Iteration sub-panel) Figures 6.17 a and b show the microscope dialogue that allows to set the aperture diameter and the optical axis position. Figure 6.17a and b (Objective aperture size and position, optical axis position) With these settings pushing the start button makes the program calculates the following HREM map (Figure 6.18), where the incident beam convergence has been decreased (better spatial coherence) from 4.8 (a) to 0.8 nm -1 (b), and the defocus spread from 20 (b) to 6 (c) nm. The effect of the crystal tilt (Laue circle center), beam tilt (optical axis position) and objective aperture centering are obvious. Figure 6.18a,b,c (HREM map, Al 300 kV, CLC at (1,1,0), CM-300 UT) Adjusting the crystal tilt, i.e. setting the Center of the Laue Circle (CLC) at (0,0,0) produces image a) of 6.19, centering the objective aperture image b) and adjusting the optical axis image c). Figure 6.19 a, b, c (Improving imaging parameters) The specimen orientation and other related parameters are set using the " Specimen dialogue ". The Bloch wave approach is easy to apply to zone axis directions of high . Figure 6.20 shows a montage of Al in the direction. Figure 6.20 (HREM montage Al in ) The dynamical diffraction pattern corresponding to the wave function at 7.5 nm is shown on figure 6.21. Figure 6.21 (Dynamical diffraction pattern) 6.3 Exporting .ems images 6.3.1 Saving or loading images from or into jems jems HREM and CBED images can be saved in the *.ems format described below and loaded back without loosing the image map information or CBED information. HREM image in .ems format are automatically generated when the HREM image maps are saved as *.gif files. Figure 6.22 (How to load .ems images) 6.3.2 Loading .ems images into Mathematica The following lines show the Mathematica code used to read into Mathematica .ems images, . To set the directory where the image files are: SetDirectory Off To show all files that have a name with Si114: FileNames To open and read the image: in = OpenReadBinary col = ReadBinary ; row = ReadBinary ; data = ReadBinary , {row}]]; Close Show , AspectRatio - Automatic]]; To plot line scans: ListPlot ], PlotJoined - True, PlotRange - All]; ListPlot ], {150, 250}], PlotJoined - True, PlotRange - All]; The .ems image format is quite simple to read as it starts with two 32 bit integers that gives the number of rows and columns of the image. It is followed by the image data. The data points are Real 4 Bytes ( single precision floating point). Figures 6.23 and 6.24 a, b show a HREM montage map as loaded into Mathematica and line scans across it. Figure 6.23 ( HREM montage as displayed by Mathematica bitmap). Figure 6.24 a, b (line scans across Mathematica image) Several simple Mathematica notebooks are given in jemsData/MathematicaCode. 6.3.3 Loading ems images into DigitalMicrograph It is equally easy to read these images into DigitalMicrograph . The following procedure loads the .ems images into DM3.4: start DigitalMicrograph and select the import Data item of the File menu, select the .ems image, the DM import image opens, specify the width (number of columns) and height (number of rows) of the image, select the Real 4 Byte data type, select Binary and an offset of 8 bytes (the two 32 bit integers that specify the image dimension), select Swap Data Bytes. Figures 6.25 a, b show some image filtering on noisy HREM montage. Figure 6.25 a, b (DigitalMicrograph processing of HREM montage map) 6.4 Objective lens aberrations and specimen vibration and drift When one selects the "Plot" panel and the "Image" radio button of the "Beam plot" box, the HREM image at a given thickness and defocus is displayed. The thickness of the crystal is selected using the slider positioned on the left, the right slider changes the gamma correction. Figure 6.26 shows the panel controlling 2-fold, 3-fold astigmatism and axial coma. The sliders change the amplitude of these aberrations and the compasses the angle. The image contrast depends on the illumination condition (coherent, envelope or TCC). The transmission cross-coefficients take fully into account 2-fold, 3-fold, axial coma and image shift. Figure 6.26 2-fold, 3-fold and axial coma controls The controls of the illumination, imaging, objective lens, shift and vibrations panel will modify interactively the high resolution image allowing to see their various effects in real time. A click on the image will draw the normal to two basis planes (figure 6.27). Figure 6.27 Normal to the planes (reciprocal basis, Au ) 6.5 Super-cell images A panel similar to the HREM map panel controls the simulation of HREM images of crystal defects. When the defect has a 3-D structure one prepares several slices. The wavefunction propagates through the slices from top (first slice) to bottom (last slice). Figure 6.28 shows a Sigma 5 310 interface in Au. It is distorded due to 3-fold astigmatism. A detail of the distortion is given on figure 6.29. Figure 6.28 Image simulation of crystal defects When 3-fold astigmatism is present it is easily demonstrated that , the orientation of the interface is of upper-most importance for obtaining an image without distortion. Figure 6.29 Detail of right panel of figure 6.28
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GRDCONTOUR and GRDMATH (GMT)-Plot event map
热度 1 shenxzh 2013-1-27 13:09
gmtset FRAME_PEN 1.0p gmtset FRAME_WIDTH 0.1c gmtset HEADER_FONT 5 gmtset LABEL_FONT 5 gmtset HEADER_FONT_SIZE 10 gmtset LABEL_FONT_SIZE 12 gmtset ANOT_FONT_SIZE 10 gmtset BASEMAP_TYPE plain gmtset TICK_LENGTH -0.1c gmtset TICK_PEN 1.0p gmtset LABEL_OFFSET 0.1c gmtset MAP_TITLE_OFFSET 5p set ps=yuanzhen.ps set scale=2.4e8 set eq=eq.txt set lon=103.6 set lat=36.0 rem grdmath -R-180/180/2/4 -I6/0.1 X 4 MUL PI MUL 180 DIV COS Y 2 POW MUL = dist.nc grdmath -Rg -I1 %lon% %lat% SDIST = dist.nc grdmath -Rg -I1 %lon% %lat% SBAZ = baz.nc rem grdmath -Rg -I1 %lon% %lat% SDIST = dist.nc rem pscoast -R-180/180/-90/90 -Je103.6/36/1:%scale% -B30g30 -Ggray -K -A2500 -Dh -X3.5i -Y1.25i %ps% pscoast -R0/360/-90/90 -Je103.6/36/1:%scale% -I2/0.25p,blue -N1/0.25p -W0.25p,white -Ggreen -Sblue -K -A2500 -Dh -X3.0i -Y1.1i %ps% rem pscoast -R-180/180/-90/90 -JA103.6/36/6i -I2/0.25p,blue -N1/0.25p -W0.25p,white -Ggreen -Sblue -K -A2500 -Dh -X3.0i -Y1.1i %ps% rem pscoast -R-180/180/2/4 -JP6i -I2/0.25p,blue -N1/0.25p -W0.25p,white -Ggreen -Sblue -K -A2500 -Dh -X3.5i -Y1.25i %ps% grdcontour dist.nc -A60 -C30 -S8 -K -O -R -J -Wathick,black -Wcthin,black %ps% rem grdcontour dist.nc -B30Ns -P -C2 -S4 --PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT=+ddd %ps% grdcontour baz.nc -C45 -S8 -K -O -R -J -Wcthicker,white,- %ps% rem grdcontour dist.nc -A15+u+fblack -S8 -O -K -J -Wathin,black %ps% gawk "{print $1,$2,$3*$3*$3/1000}" %eq% |psxy -: -R -J -O -K -Sc -Gred -Wthinnest %ps% rem psxy -: %eq% -R -J -O -K -Sc0.08 -Gblack -Wthinnest %ps% echo %lon% %lat% | psxy -R -J -O -K -St0.7 -Gblack -Wthin %ps% pause del dist.nc .gmt*
个人分类: Resear note|6991 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]How to Plan an Essay Using a Mind Map
shanshanfeng 2012-11-26 22:01
1 Beware mind mapping essays can make them too complicated, a list of key points is an alternative. 2 Write your title down . If you have a choice of titles decide NOW and write it down. " wikiHow should not be editable". How far do you agree? 3 Decide on your paragraphs and these come off your title . You must have an introduction and a conclusion. You need about three other paragraphs. Vandalism, Range of Subjects, Rules and regulating 4 Start researching . Find points to put in your middle paragraphs. Some paragraphs might only have one point but others may have three, four or five! This is one of the hardest steps and is the core to your essay. It only needs to be written in short hand. Keep a record of websites, books (including page numbers) and articles you use to help you More People More knowledge, people work in different fields. 5 Back up your points . For each point you write you need to find evidence to prove it. This could be a quote or an example. If it's a quote be sure you write it down exactly how it is so you can copy it from your mind map. How to Teach Piano would require a piano teacher to write it and How to Read and Speak Like a TV News Reporter would need the experience of a reporter. 6 Write your introduction . Just a few key points for the plan. Make sure you don't try to put too much in the introduction. At the moment wikiHow is editable by everyone. This is its unique feature and makes it an ever expanding compilation of "how to's". However, it can lead to some problems. 7 Write the conclusion points . Make sure you tie up everything nicely and that you've answered the question. You should also say your opinion here if appropriate. Overall I think that wikiHow should be editable by all because this is what makes it so useful. 8 Write links between the paragraphs . The best essays will link between the paragraphs so it all flows smoothly. Often this is quite difficult and sometimes you might just have to move abruptly to a new topic but avoid this as much as possible. There are so many subjects (paragraph 2) but there have to be ways in which the public can decide when topics are irrelevant (1) 9 Consider all the help that you've got from teachers such as the mark scheme . Make sure you've included everything they've suggested. It might be useful to make a checklist. For some things you'll have to wait until you've written it. Check this again after you've finished it too. 10 Write your essay . Don't feel you need to stick to your plan but have it nearby because you'll find it helpful.
3039 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]perl map 函数详解
jiewencai 2012-9-30 13:44
转载自 http://techbbs.zol.com.cn/1/84_308.html (一)map函数 map BLOCK LIST map EXPR, LIST map函数对LIST里的每个元素按BLOCK或EXPR进行计算,遍历LIST时,临时将LIST里的每个元素赋值给$_变量。map对每次的计算返回一个结果列表,它在列表上下文里计算BLOCK或EXPR。每个LIST元素可能在输出列表里产生0个,1个,或多个元素。 (仙子注:上文是说遍历每个LIST元素时产生一个结果列表,而不是说总的map结果是个列表,不要搞混了哦。) 在标量上下文里,map返回结果列表的元素数量。在HASH上下文里,输出列表(a,b,c,d...)会变成这样的形式: ( a =; b, c =; d, ... )。假如输出列表的元素数量非对称,那么最后的hash元素的值就是undef了。 避免在BLOCK或EXPR里修改$_,因为这会修改LIST里的元素。另外,避免使用map返回的的列表作为左值,因为这也会修改LIST里的元素。(所谓左值,就是在某个表达式左边的变量。) (二)Map vs. grep vs. foreach map跟grep一样,从数组里选择元素。下列2句是一样的: @selected = grep EXPR, @input; @selected = map { if (EXPR) { $_ } } @input; 另外,map也是foreach陈述的特殊形式。假如@transformed数组当前未定义或为空,那么下列2句亦相等: foreach (@input) { push @transformed, EXPR; } @transformed = map EXPR, @input; 通常,用grep来从数组里选择元素,用map来从数组里转换元素。当然,数组处理也能使用标准的循环语句来完成(foreach, for, while, until, do while, do until, redo)。 (三)map用法示例 1. 转换文件名为文件大小 @sizes = map { -s $_ } @file_names; -s是个文件测试操作符,它返回某个文件的size。所以上面这句就返回@file_names数组里每个文件的大小,结果也是个数组。 2. 转换数组到hash:找到某个数组值的索引 代替重复的搜索数组,我们可以用map来转换数组到hash,并通过hash关键字来进行直接查找。如下的map用法相对于重复的数组搜索,更简单高效。 @teams = qw(Miami Oregon Florida Tennessee Texas Oklahoma Nebraska LSU Colorado Maryland); %rank = map { $teams , $_ + 1 } 0 .. $#teams; print "Colorado: $rank{Colorado}n"; print "Texas: $rank{Texas} (hook 'em, Horns!)n"; 打印结果是: Colorado: 9 Texas: 5 (hook 'em, Horns!) 上述code容易理解哦,0 ..$#teams 是个列表,$#teams代表@teams最后一个元素的下标值(这里是9),所以这个列表就是0-9这几个数了。map遍历上述列表,将每个列表元素临时设置为$_,并对$_在中间的{}里进行计算;{ $teams , $_ + 1 },这里每次计算后返回一个2元素的列表,列表结果是某个数组值和对应的数组下标加1,明白了呀? 由于对每个LIST元素进行计算时,都产生一个2元素的列表,所以总的map结果就可看作一个hash了。hash关键字就是数组元素,hash值是对应的数组下标加1。 3. 转换数组到hash:查找拼错单词 转换数组到hash是map的最普遍用法。在本示例里,hash的值是无关紧要的,我们仅检查hash关键字是否存在。 %dictionary = map { $_, 1 } qw(cat dog man woman hat glove); @words = qw(dog kat wimen hat man gloove); foreach $word (@words) { if (not $dictionary{$word}) { print "Possible misspelled word: $wordn"; } } 打印结果是: Possible misspelled word: kat Possible misspelled word: wimen Possible misspelled word: gloove 看看第1句的map用法,它跟前面示例里的差不多哦。qw()这里是个列表,map对这个列表里的每个元素进行{ $_, 1 }计算,每次计算的结果返回一个2元素的列表,换句话说,就是%dictionary的key和value呀。所以map最终的结果就是一个hash了,关键字是qw()里的元素,值总是1,无关紧要的。 然后下面的foreach语句就容易了哦,如果@words里的元素不构成%dictionary的关键字的话,就打印一条出错消息。如果把%dictionary看成标准字典的话,那么就可用它来检验你自己的@words字库里是否有错字了呀。 4. 转换数组到hash:存储选中的CGI参数 hash通常是存储传递给程序或子函数的参数的最便利的方法,而map通常是创建这个hash的最便利的方法。 use CGI qw(param); %params = map { $_, ( param($_) ) } grep { lc($_) ne 'submit' } param(); 这里你可能要了解一下CGI模块的基本知识哦。param()调用返回CGI参数名的列表;param($_)调用返回指定的CGI参数名的值。假如param($_)返回某个CGI参数的多个值,那么( param($_) ) 只取第一个值,以便hash仍被良好定义。 上述code的意思是,将param()的结果作为输入列表,它的元素是多个CGI参数名,然后从这些参数名里grep出参数名不等于'submit'的,结果是一个临时列表,map的{ $_, ( param($_) ) }语句再次遍历这个临时列表,并获取到参数名,和对应的参数值,将结果赋给%params。所以%params里就存储了页面提交过来的,除了submit外的其他CGI参数名和参数值(只取第1个)。 很巧妙的用法,是不是?它结合用了map和grep,使code显得很简洁。 (话外一句:偶在Cornell读书时,偶的师兄们很喜欢这种用法,他们往往在中间多次使用map,grep,sort进行堆叠,结果产生的code也许高效,但不容易看懂。读这样的code时,你要从右往左读,因为右边表达式产生的临时列表,是左边表达式的输入条件。) 5. 产生随机密码 @a = (0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'z'); $password = join '', map { $a } 0 .. 7; print "$passwordn"; 每次运行它会得到不同的结果,但长度总是8位,由0 .. 7这个决定。如下是可能的输出: y2ti3dal 它是个随机值,也许你能用它来做密码。 这里,需要先明白几个函数,rand产生一个随机值,它后面的@a其实是个标量哦,表示@a数组的长度,rand @a的结果可能是个小数,所以再用int函数来取整。int rand @a的结果是个整数,它;=0但小于@a的长度。所以$a 就表示从@a数组里随机取出一个字符了。0..7表示总共取8次,返回的结果再用join连接起来,就构成一个8位随机密码了呀。 当然,(0 .. 9, 'a' .. 'z')数组元素太少了,你可以修改它,使其包含大小写字符,数字和标点符号,这样密码强度就高些。 6. 从数组元素里剥离数字 已经说了哦,不要在EXPR里修改LIST值。如下做法是不好的: @digitless = map { tr/0-9//d; $_ } @array; 它虽然从数组元素里剥离了数字,但同样破坏了该数组,:( 如下做法是good: @digitless = map { ($x = $_) =~ tr/0-9//d; $x; } @array; 它将tr的结果赋给临时变量$x,并返回$x的值,这样就保护数组了呀。 7. 打印"just another perl hacker",让你晕到家 print map( { chr } ('10611711511603209711011111610410111' . '4032112101114108032104097099107101114') =~ /.../g ), "n"; 打印的结果是: just another perl hacker chr函数将单个数字转换到相应的ASCII字符。()=~/.../g语法以3个数字长度为单位,分割数字串到新的串列表。 比较无聊的用法,还不如用pack()和unpack(),:P 8. 转置矩阵 @matrix = ( , , ); foreach $xyz (@matrix) { print "$xyz-; $xyz-; $xyz-; n"; } @transposed = map { $x = $_; } 0 .. $#matrix ]; } 0 .. $#{$matrix }; print "n"; foreach $xyz (@transposed) { print "$xyz-; $xyz-; $xyz-; n"; 打印结果是: 123 456 789 147 258 369 这里稍微有点复杂哦,让我们分2步看看。 @matrix = ( , , ); foreach $xyz (@matrix) { print "$xyz-; $xyz-; $xyz-; n"; } 这里不难明白,( , , ) 是个数组,它的每个元素又是个匿名数组,这样在$xyz遍历数组时,$xyz-; ,$xyz-; ,$xyz-; 就可以访问到匿名数组里的元素了。所以会打印出: 123 456 789 @transposed = map { $x = $_; } 0 .. $#matrix ]; } 0 .. $#{$matrix }; 这里复杂点,0 .. $#{$matrix }是个列表,$#{$matrix }表示$matrix 这个匿名数组的最大下标值,0 .. $#{$matrix }表示矩阵的横向。$x = $_;这里将$_的值赋给$x,为什么呢?因为它后面又有个map嘛,$_的值会改变的,所以要先存储起来。外围的map返回的值是 匿名数组形式返回。 这里先纵再横,就把矩阵值置换了一下。所以返回的结果列表@transposed就包含置换后的矩阵了哦。 是否有点糊涂?那举例看看。这样看可能好点: , , 外围的map遍历时,先是横向下标遍历,停留在横向0位。然后第二个map,就是纵向下标遍历了,它要遍历所有纵向下标,这样在横向0位,就先返回 的列表了,然后在横向1位,又返回 的列表,最后在横向2位,返回 的列表。 还不明白呀?那偶也讲不清了,自己多想想,:P 9. 查找质数:警示用法 foreach $num (1 .. 1000) { @expr = map { '$_ % ' . $_ . ' ' } 2 .. int sqrt $num; if (eval "grep { @expr 1 } $num") { print "$num " } } 打印结果是: 1 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 ... 该code能工作,但它如此麻烦,违背了程序最基本的明晰法则。用如下直观的code代替它就可以了呀: CANDIDATE: foreach $num (1 .. 1000) { foreach $factor (2 .. int sqrt $num) { unless ($num % $factor) { next CANDIDATE } } print "$num "; }
个人分类: Perl|3437 次阅读|0 个评论
关于Cognitive Map....
stillcool2004 2012-8-19 10:43
最近在搜索认知无线电方面的文章,发现很多文章中带有cognitive map字样,甚不解,遂查之。发现这个认知地图原来是行为地理学中的研究内容。白鼠走迷宫之所以成功,并不是因为白鼠记住了路径顺序,使得一连串刺激和反应之间建立了联系,而是因为在它脑内形成了迷宫的格局,这种格局就是cognitive map! 相关文献请参见: 认知地图综述: http://wenku.baidu.com/view/3c516b52ad02de80d4d84018.html 百度百科--认知地图: http://baike.baidu.com/view/1240415.htm 百度空间--认知地图: http://hi.baidu.com/trader/item/08ce770f458364cf9157185c 维基百科——认知地图: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_map
4994 次阅读|0 个评论
Do you know east, south, west and north (in a big city)?
zuojun 2012-5-6 10:26
I never had to worry about finding my way in Beijing before. It's not because I knew Beijing well, but because I had a local guide. This time, I am on my own (though I can email and call for help). So, how can I NOT get lost? I had no sense of directions until I had to drive. A friend majored in geology taught me this trick: Put yourself on the map, so you always know which direction you are going. It worked like a charm when I was in South Florida, in D.C., and in Seattle. After we have moved to Honolulu, I had to learn one more thing: toward the ocean or toward the mountain. Yes, when you are in Hawaii, that's how the locals will give you the direction. ps. LH, this Blog is for you.
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2743 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]GPS与心智地图 201201
pikeliu 2012-1-23 09:28
Can't go anywhere without your sat-nav? You might be wiping out your memory We're losing our mental maps, scientists claim By Amy Oliver Last updated at 11:35 PM on 19th January 2012 Comments ( 67 ) Share They are supposed to make getting around easier. But over-reliance on sat-navs could leave us completely lost, a study has suggested. Scientists think our memory for places is like a mental map which we have learnt from looking at a real map of where we live. Lost your plot: Researchers are worried that the increasing reliance on GPS devices will eventually erase memorised maps from our brains Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Germany tested 26 residents of a town, all of whom had lived there for at least two years. They were put into a virtual-reality headset which showed a 3D model of the town at locations familiar to them, but under fog. More... IBM creates world's smallest map... of the world Email in your eye? Next-generation video screen glasses could lay messages or GPS over your field of vision They had to point to a place they could not see, for example the fire station. Disorientating: Researchers put participants in a virtual 3D photo-realistic model of their hometown at familiar locations surrounded by fog Ever which way: Participants were oriented in 12 directions in each of the initial virtual locations They were then asked to draw a map of the town, including all the test locations. Though participants’ maps of Tubingen, Germany, differed, the results showed everyone performed most accurately when facing north. Pugh's take on our reliance on sat-navs Previous theories of how we find out where we are maintained that the further away an invisible location is, the longer it takes us to point in its direction. But given the accuracy of locating northwards, researchers concluded all participants had seen and remembered a map of the town at some point. Mr Meilinge thinks GPS devices will eventually erase these memories. He said: ‘If somebody doesn’t care to learn the environment, that’s fine. ‘But they shouldn’t complain if their mobile is not working and they are completely lost.’ The question is how should you avoid this? 'Look at maps before you start your trip, keep them at hand, but navigate yourself, and try to rely on your memory,' Dr Meilinger said. 'It will work better than you expect.' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2088944/Lost-You-rely-sat-nav-say-scientists.html#ixzz1kEuytb2W
个人分类: 认知心理学|2136 次阅读|0 个评论
A picture is worth a thousand words (on forest)
热度 1 zuojun 2011-3-7 07:09
I will teach forests on Monday. I thought you may be interested in what a physical oceanographer has to say about world forests. Take a look at the three maps (= three thousand words?) in my lecture ppt. How do you feel as a Chinese? Forests_spr2011_4p.pdf
个人分类: Education|3067 次阅读|4 个评论
火鸡(遗传图谱)SNP based linkage map of the turkey genome
jjb8104149 2010-12-31 17:34
火鸡 即吐绶鸡(turkey)。鸡形目吐绶鸡科吐绶鸡属的一种; 是一种重 要的农业物种,对世界家禽肉制品生产的贡献居第二位。 火鸡基因组2010年发表在PLoS Biology,应用Roche 454和illumina技术相结合测序组装出火鸡的基因组草图,Contig N50 为12.6kb,Scaffold N50 为1.5Mb,而遗传图谱的构建不仅可用于QTL定位分析,还可作为框架使测序所得scaffold组装成染色体。同时遗传图谱的构建还能反应火鸡的重组热点,反应出火鸡在染色体水平上的重组和交换关系;而且通过比较基因组学的分析,例如和鸡基因组基因组比较分析,研究基因组进化机制及有助于鉴定基因组重组、复制、缺失等不常发生的基因组事件。 Aslam 等( BMC genomics , 2010 )通过对 18 个近亲家系 1008 ( 35F1 和 973F2 )只火鸡群体 , 应用 775 个 SNPs 进行分型,其中 570 个 SNPs 构建了火鸡的遗传图谱,总的遗传图距为 2,234c M, 覆盖了 28 个连锁群。此连锁图谱比先前报道应用SSR等标记的图谱高,具有更均匀的标记( markers )分布,并且本图基于 SNP 标记,比先前连锁图中所用微卫星标记相比, SNP 标记可更方便和快捷地用于基因分型分析。本研究显示火鸡和家鸡仅含有相当少数目的染色体间和体内的基因组重组而具有高度保守的基因组结构。 Aslam et al.: A SNP based linkage map of the turkey genome reveals multiple intrachromosomal rearrangements between the Turkey and Chicken genomes. BMC Genomics 2010 11:647.
个人分类: 未分类|5914 次阅读|1 个评论
NCBI Map Viewer如:查找和定位基因
ENT020 2010-12-25 15:17
个人分类: 生物信息学|9698 次阅读|1 个评论
High-density SNP-based chicken linkage map
jjb8104149 2010-12-22 13:30
基因组学的快速发展带动了遗传连锁图谱的构建,遗传连锁图谱的构建加速了基因组学水平上的研究,通过遗传连锁图可以在染色体水平上对基因组进行比较研究,使得比较基因组学能够得以直观的表现出来。而且遗传图谱可以反应物种在减数分裂过程中的重组与交换事件,从而得出重组率以及重组热点,这些基础研究将为以后的育种研究提供理论依据,我们可以更加清晰地进行杂交育种、对群体进行人工选择。从而加速育种进程,获得我们所需要的优良品种。 鸡肉居全世界家禽肉消费之首,同时鸡蛋也是人们不可或缺的食物之一,其经济价值不言而喻,由此关于鸡的研究也是非常之多,自2004年家鸡基因组测序组装完成以来,关于鸡的研究paper也是越来越多,并且在基因组学水平进行的研究更是非常众多,其研究界的大牛 Leif Andersson 更是发表了无数关于鸡的paper,以下是genome research中的一篇关于应用SNP分子标记构建遗传图谱进行的研究。 Martien A.M. Groenen, Per Wahlberg, Mario Foglio, et al. A high-density SNP-based linkage map of the chicken genome reveals sequence features correlated with recombination rate. Genome Research. 2009 19: 510-519. paper中通过12,945 SNPs对三个已经存在的的鸡作图群体(52 BC1\ 456 F2\ 47 F2, 4 F1, 4 F0)进行genotyping,得到高密度的遗传图谱,图谱总长度达3228cM, 图谱由34个连锁群组成,其中至少覆盖了38条常染色体中的29条。并研究了鸡的重组热点。
个人分类: 未分类|4156 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]A map of human genome variation from population-scale
xupeiyang 2010-11-1 08:02
http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v467/n7319/full/nature09534.html#/affil-auth A map of human genome variation from population-scale sequencing The 1000 Genomes Project Consortium Affiliations Contributions Corresponding author Journal name: Nature Volume: 467 , Pages: 10611073 Date published: (28 October 2010) DOI: doi:10.1038/nature09534 Received 20 July 2010 Accepted 30 September 2010 Published online 27 October 2010 Abstract Abstract Introduction Data generation, alignment and variant discovery Power to detect variants Genotype accuracy Putative functional variants Application to association studies Mutation, recombination and natural selection Discussion Methods References Acknowledgements Author information Supplementary information Comments Article tools 日本語要約 Print Email Download PDF Download citation Order reprints Rights and permissions Share/bookmark Connotea Cite U Like Facebook Twitter Delicious Digg The 1000 Genomes Project aims to provide a deep characterization of human genome sequence variation as a foundation for investigating the relationship between genotype and phenotype. Here we present results of the pilot phase of the project, designed to develop and compare different strategies for genome-wide sequencing with high-throughput platforms. We undertook three projects: low-coverage whole-genome sequencing of 179 individuals from four populations; high-coverage sequencing of two motherfatherchild trios; and exon-targeted sequencing of 697 individuals from seven populations. We describe the location, allele frequency and local haplotype structure of approximately 15 million single nucleotide polymorphisms, 1 million short insertions and deletions, and 20,000 structural variants, most of which were previously undescribed. We show that, because we have catalogued the vast majority of common variation, over 95% of the currently accessible variants found in any individual are present in this data set. On average, each person is found to carry approximately 250 to 300 loss-of-function variants in annotated genes and 50 to 100 variants previously implicated in inherited disorders. We demonstrate how these results can be used to inform association and functional studies. From the two trios, we directly estimate the rate of de novo germline base substitution mutations to be approximately 10 8 per base pair per generation. We explore the data with regard to signatures of natural selection, and identify a marked reduction of genetic variation in the neighbourhood of genes, due to selection at linked sites. These methods and public data will support the next phase of human genetic research. Subject terms: Genetics Genomics
个人分类: 自然杂志|2926 次阅读|0 个评论
科学论文引证关系图(Citation Map)的作用
xupeiyang 2010-9-2 11:38
科学论文引证关系图(Citation Map)可以揭示科学文献间的相互继承关系。利用Citation Map可以帮助您快速深入理解科学研究课题发展的来龙去脉,追踪历史,把握现状、预测未来。 科学论文引证关系图(Citation Map)实例见: 王振义院士等研究者1988年发表的这篇论文至今引用了1454次,可以从 论文引证关系图(Citation Map)看出研究者之间的关系。 请你见关系图 http://bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org/cgi/citemap?id=bloodjournal;72/2/567 ME Huang, YC Ye, SR Chen, JR Chai, JX Lu, L Zhoa, LJ Gu, and ZY Wang Use of all-trans retinoic acid in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia Blood, Aug 1988; 72: 567 - 572. ME Huang, YC Ye, SR Chen, JR Chai, - , 1988 - bloodjournal.hematologylibrary.org By Huang Meng-er, Ye Yu-chen, Chen Shu-rong. Chai Jin-ren, Lu Jia-Xiang, Zhoa Lin, Gu Long-jun. and Wang Zhen-yi ... Twenty-four patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (API) were treated with all - trans retinoic acid (45 to 100 ... 1 6 cases were previously ... Cited by 1454 - Related articles - All 5 versions Citation Map (What's this?) What is it? Citation Map is a graphical representation of the articles citing or cited by your selected article. The map is based on the references found in the full text articles of the HighWire-hosted journals. The initial number of citations viewed in the map is 10, but you can change this number if you desire. What is it for? Develop reading lists to get up to speed on a new topic Generate bulk citation lists for import into literature-management programs Assist in refereeing or writing a review article What it does: Given a starting reference, Citation Map finds all articles related by citations either citing the article, or cited by the article. The result set is expanded outward from the starting article to make a collection of all the articles related by citation to the starting article. By noting the number of times each article in the collection is cited, the related papers with the greatest impact are graphed, along with the citing/cited-by relations among the articles in the collection. This shows you the most important papers related to a starting article, as well as temporal and line-of-cite relationships between these articles.
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Knowledge Typology Map
huangfuqiang 2010-6-25 18:25
信息来源于: 主页 这个资料很好,图也很好! Wisdom Knowledge Information Data http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/knowledge/knowledge_typology.html
个人分类: 信息管理与信息系统研究|3970 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]The Scientist Science on the map 2010年1月28日(星期四) 23:01
xupeiyang 2010-1-29 07:28
January 28, 2010 Science on the map Researchers have used a decade of citation data to map out changes in the landscape of scientific disciplines By Jef Akst Tricky T cells A new lymphocyte behind autoimmunity has created feverish excitementand raised as many questions as it answers By Katherine Bagley Scientist to Watch: Tara Kieffer From helix to hepatitis By Katherine Bagley Monty Python's take on science Ever had a colleague like this one? Tell us about it By The Scientist Community Will Obama's freeze chill science? Science advocates fear a steep budget drop-off with the US president's expected call for a three-year freeze on non-defense spending By Bob Grant Pluripotency not required In a striking demonstration of cellular flexibility, scientists have created functioning neurons directly from fibroblasts with no intermediate pluripotent stage By Jef Akst Radical journal's fate at risk A panel has recommended that Elsevier tame its most radical journal By Jef Akst Power couples Three highly productive couples give advice on how to balance life at home and in the lab By Victoria Stern Balancing oversight Should the NIH have a stronger hand in overseeing the projects it funds? By Jef Akst Baby bellies Dirty diapers help map the infant intestinal microbiota By Victoria Stern News in a nutshell European Research Council chief quits, a sharp rise in orphan drugs, and new rules for DNA forensics By Bob Grant Sonar links bats and whales In a striking example of evolutionary convergence, two very different organisms seem to have a lot in common By Jef Akst Bush stem cell line ok for approval One of the most heavily used embryonic stem cell lines was recommended for inclusion into the new stem cell registry By Jef Akst
个人分类: 科学研究|1468 次阅读|0 个评论
How do I graph data onto a map with tmap?stata_faq
zhao1198 2009-9-28 13:11
How do I graph data onto a map with tmap? http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/graphics/tmap.html
个人分类: Stata|2861 次阅读|0 个评论
Guide to creating maps with Stata
zhao1198 2009-9-28 13:09
Guide to creating maps with Stata The graphs and maps on this site are created with the Stata statistical package. This article describes how to make maps like those showing Millennium Development Goal regions and UNICEF regions in Stata from a shapefile. Shapefiles store geographic features and related information and were developed by ESRI for its ArcGIS line of software. The shapefile format is used by many other programs and maps in this format can be downloaded from various sites on the Internet. Another common map format is the MapInfo Interchange Format for use with the MapInfo software. Shapefile data is usually stored in a set of three files (.shp, .shx, .dbf), while MapInfo data is stored in two files (.mif, .mid). Some sources for shapefiles and other data are listed on the website of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under Resources for Creating Public Health Maps . The CDC itself provides shapefiles for all countries with administrative boundaries down to the state level. Please note that these shapefiles are not in the public domain and are intended for use with the CDC's Epi Info software only. Other sources of shapefiles can be found with a Google search. This guide is divided into two parts. Read part 1 if you have Stata 9 or 10 and part 2 if you have Stata 8. The creation of maps is not supported in older versions of Stata. Part 1: Creating maps with Stata 9 or 10 To create a map with Stata 9 or 10 you need the following software. Stata version 9.2 or newer. spmap: Stata module for drawing thematic maps, by Maurizio Pisati. Install in Stata with the command ssc install spmap . shp2dta: Stata module for converting shapefiles to Stata format, by Kevin Crow. Install in Stata with the command ssc install shp2dta . Shapefile: For the example in this guide, download world_adm0.zip (646 KB), a shapefile that contains the boundaries of all countries of the world. Step 1: Convert shapefile to Stata format Unzip world_adm0.zip to a folder that is visible to Stata. The archive contains three files called world_adm0.dbf, world_adm0.shp, and world_adm0.shx. Start Stata and run this command: shp2dta using world_adm0, data(world-d) coor(world-c) genid(id) Two new files will be created: world-d.dta (with the country names and other information) and world-c.dta (with the coordinates of the country boundaries). If you plan to superimpose labels on a map, for example country names, you should run the following command instead, which will add centroid coordinates to the file world-d.dta: shp2dta using world_adm0, data(world-d) coor(world-c) genid(id) genc(c) Please refer to the spmap documentation to learn more about labels because they are not covered in this guide. The DBF, SHP, and SHX files can be deleted. Some shapefiles are not compatible with the shp2dta command and Stata will abort the conversion with an error message. If this is the case, you can use a combination of two other programs, shp2mif and mif2dta. These programs are explained in the instructions for Stata 8 (see Step 1 and Step 2 in part 2 of this guide). Step 2: Draw map in Stata Open world-d.dta in Stata. The file contains no country-specific data that could be used for this example so we will create a variable with the length of each country's name. The Stata command for this is: generate length = length(NAME) Draw a map that indicates the length of all country names with this command: spmap length using world-c.dta, id(id) Be patient because spmap is slow if a map contains many features. The default map is monochrome, it shows Antarctica, the legend is too small and the legend values are arranged from high to low. We can draw a second map without Antarctica, with a blue palette, and with a bigger legend with values arranged from low to high: spmap length using world-c.dta if NAME!=Antarctica, id(id) fcolor(Blues) legend(symy(*2) symx(*2) size(*2)) legorder(lohi) You now have the map below. Darker colors indicate longer names, ranging from 4 letters (for example Cuba and Iraq) to 33 letters (Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)). To customize the map further, please read the Stata help file for spmap. Map created with spmap in Stata: length of country names The instructions above can be used to convert any shapefile to Stata format. If you have maps in MapInfo format you have to use another program called mif2dta that is described in part 2 of this guide. Part 2: Creating maps with Stata 8 To create a map with Stata 8 you need the following software. Stata version 8.2. tmap: Stata module for thematic mapping by Maurizio Pisati. Install in Stata with the command ssc install tmap . mif2dta: Stata module for converting files from MapInfo to Stata format, also by Maurizio Pisati. Install in Stata with the command ssc install mif2dta . SHP2MIF: DOS program for converting shapefiles to MapInfo format. Go to the the website of RouteWare and click on SHP2MIF (135 Kb) under the heading Converters to get ishp2mif.zip. Shapefile: For the example in this guide, download world_adm0.zip (646 KB), a shapefile that contains the boundaries of all countries of the world. Step 1: Convert shapefile to MapInfo format Unzip ishp2mif.zip. The archive contains three files, among them SHP2MIF.EXE. Unzip world_adm0.zip to the same folder as SHP2MIF.EXE. The archive contains three files called world_adm0.dbf, world_adm0.shp, and world_adm0.shx. Open a DOS command window: Windows Start menu - Run - command - OK. Change the path in the command window to the folder that contains SHP2MIF.EXE and the three map files. Use the DOS command cd to change the path. SHP2MIF works best with short file names in the 8.3 format (name up to 8 characters, extension up to 3 characters). Rename the map files with this DOS command: rename world_adm0.* world.* The map files are now called world.dbf, world.shp, and world.shx. Convert the maps to MapInfo format by typing shp2mif world in the DOS command window. This produces two new files: WORLD.MID and WORLD.MIF. Close the DOS command window. The DBF, SHP and SHX files can be deleted. Step 2: Convert MapInfo files to Stata format Move the MIF and MID files to a folder that is visible to Stata. Start Stata and run this command: mif2dta world, genid(id) Two new files will be created: world-Coordinates.dta (with the country boundaries) and world-Database.dta (with the country names and other information). If you plan to superimpose labels on a map, for example country names, you should run the following command instead, which will add centroid coordinates to the file world-Database.dta: mif2dta world, genid(id) genc(c) Please refer to the tmap documentation to learn more about labels because they are not covered in this guide. The MIF and MID files can be deleted. Step 3: Draw map in Stata Open world-Database.dta in Stata. The file contains no country-specific data that could be used for this example so we will create a variable with the length of each country's name. The Stata command for this is: generate length = length(name) Draw a map that indicates the length of all country names with this command: tmap choropleth length, map(world-Coordinates.dta) id(id) Be patient because tmap is slow if a map contains many features. The default map is monochrome, it shows Antarctica and the legend is too small. We can draw a second map without Antarctica, with a blue palette, and with a bigger legend: tmap choropleth length if name!=Antarctica, map(world-Coordinates.dta) id(id) palette(Blues) legsize(2) To reduce the margins, display the graph again and set the margins to zero: graph display, margins(zero) You now have the map below. Darker colors indicate longer names, ranging from 4 letters (for example Cuba and Iraq) to 33 letters (Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)). To customize the map further, please read the Stata help file for tmap and the tmap user's guide by Maurizio Pisati. The user's guide and additional tmap files can be downloaded in Stata with the commands ssc describe tmap and net get tmap . Map created with tmap in Stata: length of country names The instructions above can be used to convert any shapefile to Stata format. If you have maps in MapInfo format you can skip step 1 of the instructions and start with step 2. Related articles Guide to integrating Stata and external text editors Guide to creating PNG images with Stata Guide to reading Statalist with Gmail External links Stata FAQ: How do I graph data onto a map? Wikipedia article on shapefiles Wikipedia article on MapInfo Interchange Format Resources for Creating Public Health Maps from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Friedrich Huebler, 6 November 2005 (edited 30 June 2009), Creative Commons License Permanent URL: http://huebler.blogspot.com/2005/11/creating-maps-with-stata.html http://huebler.blogspot.com/2005/11/creating-maps-with-stata.html
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