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[转载]solution of error-relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32
zwli 2013-6-5 15:29
solution of error-relocation truncated to fit: R_X86_64_PC32 解决办法: The default memory model for the PGI compilers is the “small” model. This requires that the object be smaller than 2 GB in size. The PGI compilers support the “medium” memory model, which allows objects to be larger than 2 GB. Unfortunately, for a code to use the medium memory model, all objects and static libraries must be compiled under the medium memory model. 在编译选项中加如选项:-mcmodel=medium,重新编译程序
个人分类: 科学用具指南|0 个评论
[转载]GeneMapper fragment size menu
genesquared 2013-2-6 15:21
Size-Matching/Size-Calling Algorithm Size-Matching Size-Calling Algorithm This algorithm uses a dynamic programming approach that is efficient (runs in low polynomial time and space) and guarantees an optimal solution. It first matches a list of peaks from the electropherogram to a list of fragment sizes from the size standard. It then derives quality values statistically by examining the similarity between the theoretical and actual distance between the fragments. Size-Matching Algorithm Example Figure 3-14 shows an example of how the size-matching/calling algorithm works using contaminated GeneScan™ 120 size standard data. Detected peaks (standard and contamination) are indicated by blue lower bars along the x-axis. The size standard fragments as determined by the algorithm (and their corresponding lengths in base pairs) are designated by the upper green bars. Note that there are more peaks than size standard locations because the standard was purposely contaminated to test the algorithm. The algorithm correctly identifies all the size standard peaks and removes the contamination peaks (indicated by the black triangles) from consideration. The large peak is excluded from the candidate list by a filter that identifies the peak as being atypical with respect to the other peaks. Figure 3-14 Size-matching example
个人分类: 3500|0 个评论
word 单词分开 solution
chnfirst 2013-1-2 13:05
word 单词分开: 解决办法: 1.自己: 选中text, Paragraph - Asian Typography - 取消勾选“Allow Latin text to wrap in the middle of a word” 2.网络: Ctrl+A全选或自行点选某段。 在选取的文字上右击===〉段落==〉中文版式===〉取消 。 如果不行,则应该是你在单词中间多打了空格
个人分类: 电脑、办公|1 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 tj403 2012-12-9 20:45
本人写的一个针对硫化铅量子点太阳能电池的最新综述,对2011-2012年间量子点太阳能电池的研究做了一些总结,欢迎感兴趣的朋友下载讨论: Recent development in colloidal quantum dots photovoltaics Frontiers of Optoelectronics 2012, DOI 10.1007/s12200-012-0285-7. Li Peng , Jiang Tang*, Mingqiang Zhu 摘要:The increasing demanding for sustainable and green energy supply spurred the surging research on high- ef fi ciency, low-cost photovoltaics. Colloidal quantum dot solar cell (CQDSC) is a new type of photovoltaic device using lead chalcogenide quantum dot film as the absorber materials. It not only has the potential to break the 33 % Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit for single junction solar cell, but also possesses the low-temperature, high-throughput solution processing. Since its first report in 2005, CQDSCs experienced rapid progress achieving acertified 7% efficiency in 2012, an averaged 1% efficiency gain per year. In this paper, we reviewed the research progress reported in the last two years. We started with background introduction and motivation for CQDSC research. We then briefly introduced the evolution history of CQDSC development as well as multiple exciton generation effect. We further focused on the latest efforts in improving the light absorption and carrier collection efficiency, including the bulk-heterojunction structure, quantum funnel concept, band alignment optimization and quantum dot passivation. Afterwards, we discussed the tandem solar cell and device stability, and concluded this article with a perspective. Hopefully, this review paper covers the major achievement in this field in year 2011 –2012 and provides readers with a concise and clear understanding of recent CQDSC development.
7136 次阅读|8 个评论
焦点解决模式(solution focused approach)的六大原则
热度 3 honluo 2012-11-13 07:26
焦点解决这一名词,来自对“ Solution-Focused ”的翻译,国内也有学者把它译为“聚焦解决”或“集中于答案”。其核心含义在于表达出这一模式的关注点在于 :如何建构有效解决方案上 ,为此,焦点解决模式有时也被称为“建构解决模式”( Solution-Building Approach )。其中所谓的“建构”强调了由治疗师与当事人一起达成预期的目标,并利用当事人的资源来创造性地寻求解决方案( BergDe Jong,1986 )。 与传统的问题解决模式( Problem-Solving Approach )相比,聚焦解决模式是在积极心理学背景下发展起来的一种充分尊重个体、相信其自身资源和潜能的临床干预模式。它强调把我们解决问题的关注点集中在人的正向方面,并且寻求最大化地挖掘个体 / 团体的力量、优势和能力。由于聚焦解决模式主张在问题原因和解决办法之间没有必然的联系,因此,该模式指出,为了促进改变的发生而探究原因是没有必要的,这与传统问题解决模式中探究问题的原因从而引出解决方案形成了极大的反差。 聚焦解决模式的发展最先源于心理学家们对传统问题解决模式的反思。传统的问题解决模式常常强调以寻找“问题原因”为核心的线性、分析式的逻辑推理过程。然而,由于人类的思维决策存在验证偏见( confirmation bias ,指总是寻找支持自己观点证据) 和固执( fixation ,指墨守陈规)的倾向 。因而,传统问题解决模式可能导致,问题产生的原因被看的过重,个体也会因为一味地寻找问题发生的根源而忽略了对那些有利的事情的发现。由于我们面对的一些问题通常无法完全解决,这也容易导致个体出现消极、悲观的情绪。与之相反,聚焦解决模式则强调了创造性和非理性思维在达成目标中的重要性,这种新的模式不仅仅看重对问题本身的认识,而是更看重如何利用自身的资源来防止问题的再次出现,或者说使情况变得更好。 这里从本土化实践的角度归纳了帮助我们理解焦点解决的六个原则。这些原则体现了焦点的核心思想,但也强调了本土化应用中需要考虑的文化因素。 1 系统动态原则—— 学习焦点解决的时候,常常会听到“事出未必有因”这句焦点的名言!理解这句话对于不少没有形成系统思维模式的治疗师来说相当的费劲。如何理解系统思维模式呢? Insoo 在介绍焦点理念时,常常采用东方思想中的太极图,这在很大程度上体现了焦点中系统观的思想。系统观不同与传统思维模式下的因果论,前者强调“阴”与“阳”构成并服从于统一的矛盾结构,“阴”不能离开“阳”而单独存在,反之“阳”离开了“阴”也同样失去了自身存在的意义,两者之间的制约和影响是内在的、共时的、双向的。基于太极图所传递的理念,焦点解决模式中把个体的行为结果视为系统中各种因素综合作用的结果,心理困惑也是个体生活系统内各种因素相互联系相互作用的动态结果,随时随刻地在改变着,并不存在绝对的好坏、对错和真假之分。而我们平常习惯的“因果思维”则常常假设“因”与“果”之间是相对独立的因素,“因”不依赖于“果”而存在,“果”一旦由“因”产生出来也具有同样的独立属性,为此,解决个体困惑的方法便是“挖掘原因并尽可能的消除原因”。可以说焦点解决给出了治疗师完全不同的问题解决的视角,正是基于这一思想,焦点解决的原则中强调“如果没有破就不要去修补”( If it isn ’ t broken don ’ t fix it ),顺着这一理念,我们可以跳出个案的问题本身来看问题,或是把它放在一个更大的系统中去理解其中各个因素相互的关系,这样在帮助个案解决问题时我们就会坚信,个案问题的后面一定有很多积极因素以及好的改变,既然这样的话,为什么我们不挖掘和扩大个案那些积极有效的变化呢。即便此刻没有好的解决办法,但事物总是在动态的变化,坚持“做不一样的事情”,解决办法便孕育在这一动态改变的过程中。 基于系统动态原则,心理困惑的产生可以被假设为当事人过多的关注了“阴”(指消极的、劣势的),为此,治疗的关注点就是引导当事人如何扩大对“阳”(指积极的、优势的)的认识。在整个心理治疗的过程中,治疗师应持有动态发展观,从而推动事物自然地向前发展。但这种“自然的发展”是一种“积极的发展”,美国科学家 Levin Kelly 曾经这样富有激情的描述积极的发展——“发展,持续的发展。生命变得越来越复杂、深奥、神秘并且不断变化发展。生命的发展以自我催化的程式循环不息,点燃自带的火花,产生更多生命、更多激情和更多进展。生命无时无刻不在持续发展,超越自我。”从一定意义上讲,焦点对每个生命的理解是积极的,持有一种积极的人性观是每个焦点治疗师所必备的一种信念。 2 好奇欣赏原则—— 基于系统动态的理念,既然缺点(阴)的背后就是优点(阳),而优点是一定存在的,那么治疗师该持以何种态度与当事人互动也是非常明确的。 焦点解决模式相信“个案是解决自己问题的专家”并且相信“解决办法一定隐藏在个案生活的系统中”。有了这一信念,在心理干预中,不管当事人心理困惑有多么严重,治疗师始终保持着好奇之心,由于坚信当事人一定拥有资源和已经发生的积极改变,此时治疗的任务从过去的发现问题进行纠错变成了“与个案一起挖掘资源”,而好奇会把咨询过程聚焦在“好汉重提当年勇”的愉快过程。在这种心态下,我们采用积极欣赏的态度与个案一起重新审视问题并面对未来。这一理念所传递的信息要求运用焦点解决的治疗师要学会关注积极和用欣赏的心态去面对期望,而不是固执于存在的问题。 由于传统问题解决模式可能导致问题产生的原因被看的过重,个体也会因为一味地寻找问题发生的根源而忽略了对那些有利的事情的发现。同时,由于我们面对的一些问题通常无法完全解决,这也容易导致个体出现消极、悲观的情绪。为此,好奇欣赏原则着重强调了在帮助个案的过程中我们应当如何地给予当事人正向的鼓舞和激励。根据这一原则,我们在治疗过程中的落脚点不仅仅是看重对问题本身的认识,更看重的是让当事人意识到自己已经做出的积极改变,并进一步思考如果使情况变得更好以及帮助当事人利用自身资源来防止问题的再次出现。 好奇欣赏原则的理解并不困难,然而在实践中能够熟练应用这一原则却相当的不容易。这就如同我们习惯把手表戴在左手腕上,突然一刻需要天天把手表戴在右手腕上一样,即便理论上接受,但实践初期仍然会感到应用时极不自然。毕竟我们在探究解决之道时,已经相当熟悉问“为什么”了。而基于焦点的系统观思想,治疗师就不能仅把关注点集中在“原因的探寻”上,而是需要更多地通过建立“怎么办”的思维方式来挖据当事人的内在期望是什么,当事人已经做了哪些积极改变,当事人有哪些应对资源可以帮助其实现目标。 好奇欣赏原则意味着我们相信人类最易于被内在促进因素所激励,而非外在的奖励或惩罚。这些本能的激励因素包括人类的学习能力、对美好事物的渴望和希望被理解的本能。 就不断变化的系统而言,应对日新月异的现实生活太多的讨论似乎显得没有什么意义,许多过去的观点或者过去的行为方式很难再对我们的未来有更多的 指导。当然,好奇欣赏原则并不是否认过去,或者不在乎过去,而恰恰要求我们用恰当的心态来听个案描述自己的问题。美国著名的心理咨询大师 Egan ( 1998 )曾指出,一个人应当这样看待“过去”:如果“过去”能够对我们现在的经历、行为以及情感提供线索,帮助我们如何改变自我设限的思维方式和行为,那么我们就有理由去讨论它。如果我们的注意力只是想为探究过去而探究过去,那么这种对过去的留恋很可能会令我们丧失了大步前进的动力。 3 互动合作原则—— 不管其他心理治疗模式如何强调治疗师与当事人之间的关系,治疗师与当事人的关系似乎总是不平等的,例如:认知行为学派认为治疗师承担着引导和教育角色;心理动力学则认为治疗师是解释求助者经历的专家,人本主义学派尽管充分信任当事人,但似乎治疗师又太超脱了些。但在焦点解决模式中,治疗师与当事人的关系非常明确的是一种互动合作的关系。基于一个大的系统,基于“黑白共存”的理念,治疗师本身也是个案问题解决体系中的一部分,换言之,只要我们与当事人有了交流和沟通,那么这个互动的结果要么产生问题解决方案,要么加重问题。这正像我们平常说的:咨询一定会发挥作用,不是在帮人就是在害人一样。由于治疗师坚持“好奇欣赏”的原则,我们始终以探寻当事人身上究竟发生了什么积极的改变为己任,在此刻治疗师承担的不是专家的角色,而是求助者心路旅行中的一个同伴。然而,治疗师也不一定完全是同伴,在需要建构解决方案时,治疗师又会利用自己的专业训练帮助个案澄清自己的改变目标。所以,在治疗的过程中,治疗师和当事人的身份关系是不断变化的,没有绝对的平等,也不强调谁主谁此。当然,焦点模式在一定意义上更突出强调了治疗师应当放下专家的意识,这并不是说治疗师不需要具备专业技巧。不强调专家的角色目的只是为了克服治疗师和求助者之间的差距感,如果我们一味强调治疗师的技能、知识和经验,只会使求助者感到无能,进一步丧失自信,这无益于我们实现问题解决。事实上,在焦点解决模式中始终存在着相互学习的关系。治疗师是探访求助者生活经历的一个客人,求助者可以信任并且尝试着怎样用好指导者。只要治疗师专注地关注求助者,求助者就可以帮助治疗师提高效率。如果治疗师暂时不知道求助者的问题是什么,或者解决方法是什么,通过提问,求助者就能够展现出他们已有的应对问题的才智。当然,信任求助者具有足够的能力并不是表明治疗师可以任由欺骗或者是天真的。正如 Mcloughlim(1995) 指出的,即使是那些自己来寻求帮助的求助者也会给别人帮助自己设置障碍。人与人在寻求建立一种相互关系的时候,都希望自己能够扮演主人的角色,而别人扮演客人的角色。从这个意义上理解,互动合作原则也在强调通过我们向求助者学习,激发求助者更多地意识到自己的资源和潜在的能力。 这里,社会建构主义的观点还可以给我们一个更新的哲学理念:由于问题的事实有赖于我们的表述,为此我们可以这样描述,也可以那样描述,但归根结底,这种表述既不能被复原也不能被再造。假如我们的过去有一连串的问题,那么唯一有效的做法可能是着眼未来寻求“新”的理解和“新”的行为,而不是仅仅的在过去和将来之间建立起一个因果联系。既然如此,治疗师在协助当事人解决困惑的时候就没有必要固守着什么真理和信念,只要坚持通过交流这个言语的平台澄清当事人的资源令当事人发生解决方案就可以了。因为我们相信改变是一个互动学习的过程,而一味地强调彼此的身份只会加大“人与人”之间的距离感,而忽略了每个人在改变中所具有的积极因素。 4 情境适应原则—— 系统、动态、互动这些原则都令心理治疗的过程和结果充满了“不确定性”,似乎还是没有告诉我们到底该怎么解决当事人的问题,但基于焦点解决理念,既然我们生活在一个每时每刻都在变化的世界里,为什么还要相信解决问题会存在一种已有的办法。过去我们 总试图寻找一种既定的策略和方法来指导我们的实践,但大多数时候结果往往令人沮丧,或许我们真正的问题正在于此,毕竟在动态系统中不存在绝对静止的事物,自然也不存在绝对正确的办法,更何况正确与错误本身就是相对的且随时在转化的。 进一步对传统原因导向思维的反思,我们发现既往一个根本的误区恰恰在于我们太习惯于学习他人的经验,却忽略了最为重要的属于改变主体的个人情境因素。一个简单的道理,每一个个案都是生活在属于自己的不同生活情境中,这也是为什么我们很难直接照搬他人先进经验的原因,再好的解决方法离开了当事人个人环境就变得没有价值。所以,焦点强调情境适应的原则,并由此推出了焦点解决模式的一条行动准则:那就是解决方法必须适合个体此时此刻所处的情境而不仅仅是问题或者问题原因本身。在这种理念指导下,治疗师在协助当事人寻求有效改变方法时需要帮助求助者对自己整个生活环境的理解而不仅仅是对有问题的那个部分的理解。焦点解决模式相信当我们能够从一定的个体情境中来了解我们试图帮助的当事人时,就会产生很多有积极意义地解决方案。不容置疑,焦点始终保持着积极的人性观,因为焦点相信人类解决问题的方案是无止尽的,人类正是在不断地适应环境和战胜了成千上万个问题后才得以成功地进化地。为此,焦点提倡的是“一切试情况而定”的解决策略,在这一理念之下“不确定性”变得不是那么可怕,因为其本身就成为拥有了无数的解决方案的巨大宝藏。 同时,情境适应原则还提示了我们必须意识到解决方案就是孕育在生活中诸多彼此相互关联的事物中。在非洲流传着这样一句谚语:“我独自一人欣赏各种奇观,但没有一个是真实的。”它背后所包含的寓意是指,每个生命都存在于复杂、交错、纷扰的关系体系中,只有彼此的适应,共同的改变和创新才会创造出一个客观存在的现在。从一定意义上讲,对情境适应这一原则的把握,本身就形成了解决方案,而这个解决方案的精妙之处正在于:每个人都对这一原则负责,但每个人又都可以自由地决定如何运用这一原则,它充分尊重当事人多元化的需求和应有的创造力。 5 持续非线性原则—— “ small change can lead to bigger changes ” , 小改变引发大改变的“滚雪球效应”是焦点解决在形成具体解决方案时的一个根本策略,其背后的理念在于焦点认为:有效的改变不是“一触而就”的,同时也不是简单的因果改变。既然在系统中没有绝对的因果,那么只要事物之间彼此的关系在发生变化,解决总是有可能产生的。正因为如此,焦点解决模式视整个治疗的过程应“尽可能的简单”( keep therapy as simple as possible )。实践中,我们常常看到的现象是:不少求助者寻求改变的结局是做了一些尝试就放弃了,究其原因,大多是因为效果不好,或者没有近期成效。焦点解决模式则强调“有效就坚持”( if it’s working keep doing it )、“无效就停止” (if it’s not working stop doing it) 这些最为简单的行动原则。从一定意义上讲,持续非线性原则要求我们把关注点更多地集中在“自然的过程”而不是某个想当然的结果。持续意味着我们更看重每一步的小改变和小的进步,非线性意味着我们更强调集思广益,寻找适合情境的解决之道,而不是寻求一劳永逸。毕竟这个世界唯一不变的就是变化,有了这样的大局观,即便暂时走了弯路,也是可以根据目标来及时修正我们的行动方案的。既然如此,整个心理干预就没有必要变得非常复杂,治疗本身追求的不过是当事人努力下的自然结果。 也正是基于这个意义,焦点解决不提倡做长程的治疗,它把治疗的目标锁定在“出现解决方法”,而非问题消失,更非达成目标。正因为如此,治疗师“快进快出”使得焦点解决成了短期心理治疗的代表,这与其持续非线性的理念是分不开的。 6 价值感知原则—— 关于心理治疗的目标, Basch ( 1988 )曾提出是治疗师如何切入当事人的发展循环以重建或抚育出更具建设性的发展过程,据此,他认为个体的心理困惑常来自于无法做出有效的选择,如果心理干预过程中当事人的选择带出了有效的行为,那么就能得到胜任感,随之就会产生自我价值感( self-esteem )。简言之,个体的发展遵循着“做决定→付诸行动→胜任感→自我价值感→做决定”这一循环。可以说,近些年来,越来越多的心理治疗开始质疑传统问题解决模式下的病理性思维(即把查找病因作为问题解决的关键),这使得焦点解决模式聚焦当事人非病理性( nonpathological focus )特点显得尤为突出,如何帮助当事人感受自我价值是治疗中首要的任务,而如何赋能( empowering )成了焦点治疗师最重要的技术。 在上面的众多原则中,我们已经从各个角度来阐述尊重和激发当事人价值感的意义,在这里不再赘述。这里我们谈谈治疗师价值感提升的意义。传统思维模式下,任何人要向别人表白自己,即使向自己信任的人也都是需要勇气的。但为了准确地分析问题的原因,治疗师常常希望求助者能够对自己多信任一点,我们会有意识或无意识地要求求助者向我们打开心门,然而这个过程不仅仅是在实施技术上要求很高,对于治疗师自身的心智也是一种极大的“消耗”。固然我们有信心面对和应对“问题的挑战”,但有时挖掘当事人问题的根源就像是打开“潘朵拉的盒子”,连治疗师自己都不知能否把握和承受,这也使得治疗师在助人的过程中经常会感到一种倦怠( burnout ),心理咨询或治疗本身成为了一种高风险的职业!与问题导向思维不同,焦点解决模式认为未来是由我们共同创造的,为此它尊重当事人创造的本能,鼓励当事人与别人分享自己的成功的经历和那些积极的愿望,关注地是当事人对未来的行动力,并相信当事人在“做决定→付诸行动→胜任感→自我价值感→做决定”这一循环的任何一点进入有效的切入,都能够保持自己正常的发展循环。因而,除非求助者邀请,治疗师没有必要,也没有责任走入求助者的内心世界太深。从这个意义上说,焦点解决模式令治疗师不用再治疗中背负太多“挽救当事人”的责任,既然没有破,就不需要修补,有的只是共同的分享和创造,焦点这种快乐的理念让治疗师在治疗过程中更能感受人性中积极能量的一面,进而提升自身的职业价值感。 在实践中,焦点解决模式中上述原则相互渗透融合,正如 Bill O’Connell ( 2003 )描述的“焦点解决模式是一种未来导向的、能力为基础的、聚焦策略的方法,这种方法显示出了对当事人自身正向能量及应对策略极大的尊重和信任。” (摘自拙作《焦点解决模式:理论和应用》,人民卫生出版社,2010年出版)
个人分类: 焦点论坛|18504 次阅读|5 个评论
Exact Solution of Brownian Motion and Diffusion in Fluid
guanky 2012-6-30 11:08
Can the complex motions in fluid, such as Brownian motion and diffusion, be described with the exact solution of the motion equations of fluid? This problem is closely related to the famous " Millennium Prize Problems " established by the Clay Mathematics Institute of Cambridge, Massachusetts,for celebrating mathematics of new millennium. One of them is about the Navier-Stokes equation. This problem was introduced shortly and vividly in the website of the Clay Institute as follows: Waves follow our boat as we meander across the lake, and turbulent air currents follow our flight in a modern jet. Mathematicians and physicists believe that an explanation for and the prediction of both the breeze and the turbulence can be found through an understanding of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Although these equations were written down in 19th Century, our understanding of them remains minimal. The challenge is to make substantial progress toward a mathematical theory which will unlock the secrets hidden in the Navier-Stokes equations. Obviously, one of the possible explorations to the this problem is to try to give an exact solution to the Euler equation (which is the simplest case of Navier-Stokes equations) for describing some complex fluid motions. In the past thirty years, several exact solutions of such kind were given, such as in , , and . But these solutions usually need some complex and unnatural external force in the Euler equation, i.e., the corresponding complex motions were driven by the complex and unnatural external force (here, the "unnatural external force" means a non-potential force). So, these solutions are somehow not quite satisfactory. From 2006 to 2008, this problem was also studied by me and my graduate students Weiwei Yu and Minghui Liu. Based on the "pseudo-potential" conception proposed by Weiwei Yu, a kind of exact solution of the Euler equation was found out. This kind of exact solution contains two arbitrary given functions and three arbitrary given parameters, and the external force of the corresponding Euler equation could be zero or any given potential force. Based on the choice of the two functions and three parameters contained in the solution, and based on the KAM theory and Melnikov Method, it is proven that the Brownian motion and diffusion of the fluid can described by the chosen exact solution. The concrete exact solutions and the sketch of the related proofs are introduced in my blog paper A Series along the Nature and Beauty in Chinese. The exact solutions and the obtained second order Melnikov function are also listed on the attached pdf file Main Mathematical Formulae in English. Main Mathematical Formulae.pdf To show the complex motion (diffusion), an animation (click on the animation to watch it) was made with the software Mathematica. In this animation, 40000 fluid particles are initially distributed to four small circles, and the four groups of particles are each dyed with a different color, so that each circle has their own unified color. The animation shows how the 40000 particles move according to the chosen exact solution, and how the four colored circles develop into four different closed curves following the fluid particles on it. It is a well known fact that if infinitely many particles are continuously distributed on the four circles, following the motions of the fluid particles, the shapes of the four circles will develop into four closed curves (homotopic to the original four circles), while the areas surrounded by them are maintained respectively, and the four closed curves will never intersect each other. This means the true diffusion (or osmosis) can not really happen if the continuity of the curves is not destroyed. However, for a practical fluid, the fluid particles are always with finite number, no matter how large the number is. So, each circles are formed with only a finite number fluid particles. When the "pseudo-continuous" curves are stretched and deformed drastically, the "continuity" of these curves will be destroyed, obviously, and the diffusion (or osmosis) will really happen between the particles distributed on the four closed curves, shown this way by the animation. The velocity field described by the chosen exact solution used for the animation is periodic both in time and in the coordinates of the two dimensional plane. It is proven by calculation that the mean value of the velocity over time and over space is zero, while the mean value of the square of the velocity is a positive number if the motion exists. Clearly, the larger the mean value of the square of the velocity is, the stronger the complex motion of the fluid is. Therefore, if the period of time and period of space are small from the view point of macro-scope, then the exact solution obtained can be treated as a module of static water with temperature which is proportional the mean value of the square of the velocity. References: T.H.Solomon and J.P. Gollub, Chaotic particle transport in time-dependent Rayleigh-Benard convection , Physical Review A. Vol.38 No. 12, (1988) 6280-6286 S. Wiggins, The dynamical systems approach to Lagrangian transport in oceanic flows , Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 37, (2005) 295–328. N. Malhotra and S. Wiggins, Geometric Structures, Lobe Dynamics, and Lagrangian Transport in Flows with Aperiodic Time-Dependence, with Applications to Rossby Wave Flow ,J. Nonlinear Sci. Vol. 8: pp. 401–456 (1998) Author: Keying Guan (Science College, Beijing Jiaotong University) email: keying.guan@gmail.com
3777 次阅读|0 个评论
honeycomb structures films composed of graphene sheets
hubin 2012-5-10 10:40
Assembly of Graphene Sheets into Hierarchical Structures for High-Performance Energy Storage The graphene oxide (GO) solution was subjected to another 30 min of centrifugation at 14000 rpm. We then adjusted the pH value of the top clean solution to about 9 with 1 mol/L NaOH aqueous solution. After that, we titrated the GO aqueous solution with 1 mg/mL DODA.Br chloroform solution. When the color of aqueous solution changed to light yellow, we stopped adding DODA.Br chloroform solution. The organic phase was then separated and washed by DI water. Finally, the composite material GO/DODA was obtained by evaporating the chloroform to dryness. Typically, the honeycomb thin films were prepared by direct casting GO/DODA complex chloroform solution (1 mg/mL) onto the glass substrates under a moist airflow (relative humidity ca. 85%). The brown thin films covering an area of ca. 2 cm2 were left behind after the complete evaporation of the solvent and water within 30-60 s.The control experiments without humid airflow had been performed in the desiccators (relative humidity ca. 30%) and no macroporous structures developed, leaving only unpatterned flat films as a result. To keep the macroporous structure, we used the hydrazine vapor to reduce the film. The films were then put into the autoclave, and then 10 μL of hydrazine monohydrate was added into the autoclave. Finally, the autoclave was heated at 90 ℃ for 16 h to get the reduced films.
个人分类: 科研笔记|2796 次阅读|0 个评论
Preparation of Graphite Oxide (to be supplemented)
hubin 2012-5-9 16:10
Assembly of Graphene Sheets into Hierarchical Structures for High-Performance Energy Storage Graphite oxide was prepared from natural graphite powder (Sigma, 45 μm) via a modified Hummers method. Typically, graphite powder (0.3 g) was put into an 80 ℃ solution of concentrated H 2 SO 4 (2.4 mL), K 2 S 2 O 8 (0.5 g), and P 2 O 5 (0.5 g). The mixture was kept at 80 ℃ for 4 h and then cooled to room temperature, diluted with deionized water (DI, 0.5 L), and then filtrated. The powder produced was preoxidized product. The preoxidized graphite was further oxidized in concentrated H 2 SO 4 (12 mL) and KMnO 4 (1.5 g). After the addition of KMnO 4 , the mixture was stirred at 35 ℃ for 2 h. Then, the mixture was diluted with DI water (25 mL) in an ice bath to keep the temperature below 50 ℃. After it was stirred for 2 h, it was further diluted with DI water (70 mL). Then 30% H 2 O 2 (2 mL) was added to the mixture, and a brilliant yellow product was formed. The product was filtrated and washed with HCl aqueous solution (1:10, 1 L) and DI water (1 L). Purified graphite oxide suspensions were then dispersed in water to create a 0.1 wt % dispersion. Exfoliation of graphite oxide was achieved by ultrasonication for 2 h. The obtained brown dispersion was then subjected to 30 min of centrifugation at 3000 rpm to remove any unexfoliated graphite oxide (usually present in a very small amount), using a themo-centrifuge with a rotor radius of 14 cm.
个人分类: 科研笔记|4944 次阅读|0 个评论
Transiesta error:wrong solution method 解决办法
huazhongguo 2012-4-22 22:55
ransiesta计算时往往会出现 Transiesta error:wrong solution method 通过下面断方法可以加以解决 在siesta的Src目录中找到m_ts_global_vars.f90文件,将语句logical :: TSinit=.false.,TSrun=.false.改为logical :: TSinit=.true.,TSrun=.false. ,保存,然后重新编译,make transiesta, 运行 新编译的transiesta应该可以解决问题了。
5602 次阅读|0 个评论
hard carbon spherules
hubin 2012-4-6 10:32
2001 Monodispersed hard carbon spherules with uniform nanopores In this work, sugar was selected as the precursor. The typical preparation process can be described simply in two steps, namely dewatering at low temperatures and carbonization at high temperatures. In the dewatering process,aqueous sugar solution of 1.5 mol/ l was filled in a stainless steel autoclave with a fill rate of 90%. After 5 h hydrothermal treatment at 190℃, the obtained black powder was further carbonized in a tube furnace in argon atmosphere. The argon flow rate, final temperature and heating rate of the furnace were 25 ml/min, 1000℃ and 1℃/min below 500℃, 5℃/min above 500℃, respectively.
个人分类: 科研笔记|2322 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 seesky 2011-12-6 07:14
环境污染已经威胁到几乎所有中国人的健康,已经是不争的事实。面对这样的环境灾难,政府却无能为力,甚至看不出有改变的意愿,不能不让人痛心。 这几天,科学网一些有影响力的科学家抱怨北京的空气污染问题 (参见施一公及颜宁的博文: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=46212do=blogid=515155 ; http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=65865do=blogid=512179 )。 难道一定要等到名科学家揭发这些问题,政府才会注意问题的严重吗?一想到这些,忍不住要骂几声,骂的对象很广很广,包括骂自己。可是骂归骂,事情和问题还是要解决的。怎么解决环境的问题咧?我就先抛一块砖头吧。 1, 问题的根源。窃以为所有这些问题的根源在于两个字:能源。所有的历史的问题,人类问题,文明的延续的硬性基础取决于能源的获取。人类本来不需要“电”,不需要“石油”,如今这些东西成了必需品,没有这些,现代文明立即崩溃,毫无疑问。因而,能源的需求还是必需的,也就是说电是一定要有的。 2, 产生电的途径。途径是多样的,但是所有电的终极来源必然是太阳,包括石油,生物能源以及风等等等。 3, 既然所有电的来源是太阳,为何不直接利用光能?这是废话,没有人或者哪个国家不想直接利用太阳光的。最重要的问题来了,如何建立太阳能发电站?技术上存在困难,不过目前两大途径似乎有可能有戏: I ,依赖生物的 Photosynthetic 途径。利用 synthetic biology 的技术建立人工高效利用光能的生物。 II, Photovoltaic 途径,直接将光能转化为电能。虽然我是学生物的,但是个人觉得第二种途径似乎更可能提前解决能源问题。假如要是确立 Photovoltaic 途径是主要途径,问题是怎么避开老天爷的眼色,因为阴雨天是没有太阳的。 4, 建立 空间太阳能发电站 (从此不怕老天爷)。如果建立空间发电站,不知技术可行否。 1 )要问航空方面的人 2 )还要问制造太阳能发电器的人 3 )远距离电传输的问题,比如无线传输直流电的问题,乃至通古斯传输的问题。 5, 建立不周山那样的擎天柱(改作 擎电柱 似乎更适合,有一点怕风神)。要是建立象不周山那样的 擎电柱 ,就要设计擎电柱的高度,比如云层通常的高度是多少,这样的数据很容易得到,你要是做飞机就可以粗略计算云层的高度。问题是这样的擎电柱 是否足够坚固 , 这就要看工程领域的大牛们了。 暂时想这么多吧,我愿意去想,我也愿意去做,虽然我不太看好生物质能源,但是我觉得依照我的专业,我还是可以做做 synthetic biology 里面的一些小问题。愚蒙等诮, 更欢迎扔砖头,不要扔向我,扔向煤电发电厂最好,或者中石油或中石化也行。。
5376 次阅读|7 个评论
热度 1 sfw111 2011-11-29 12:49
Abstract: Catalan conjecture is well-known elementary number theory mathematical problems, although already in 2004 by the Swiss mathematician proof, but proof of his use of cyclotomic fields such as mathematics tools. This article attempts to use elementary mathematical methods, give a proof of the conjecture. Key words: Number Theory; Indeterminate equation; Three cubic equation; lnteger solution 摘要: 卡特兰(Catalan)猜想是初等数论中著名的数学难题,虽然已于2004年被瑞士数学家证明,但在他的证明中运用了分圆域等高等数学工具。本文试图运用初等数论的方法给出一个该猜想成立的证明。 关键词: 数论,不定方程,连续数猜想,整数解 卡特兰猜想的证明.pdf
个人分类: 科学研究|398 次阅读|1 个评论
Gutter oil debate: Joint efforts can cut profit chain
蒋高明 2011-11-4 18:28
Gutter oil debate: Joint efforts can cut profit chain
Published by China Daily on 31 October, 2011 Recycled cooking oil is proliferating because illegal companies make money at every stage of the process. Two experts have opposing views on a waste-to- energy solution. Here is some of opinions, see others please enter: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2011-10/31/content_14004907.htm Jiang Gaoming Joint efforts can cut profit chain A nationwide crackdown on "gutter oil", or recycled cooking oil, is on. To prevent recycled cooking oil from appearing on our dinner tables, some people suggest a waste-to-energy transfer is better than a crackdown by police. But that is easier said than done. The government first launched a crackdown on "gutter oil" 10 years ago, but the situation, against all expectations, has only deteriorated. As the cooking oil scandal shows, a strong profit chain has been formed in the illegal oil processing industry: illegal operators collect waste cooking oil from sewages and restaurants and sell it at 4,000 yuan ($629) a ton to underground factories. The illegal factories then process the oil and sell it for 6,000 yuan a ton to middlemen, who then sell it to restaurants for about 8,000 yuan a ton, which is still a lot cheaper than normal cooking oil that cost about 12,000 yuan a ton. Lured by the huge profits that can be made at every stage of the illegal process, many individuals and enterprises have joined the illegal oil recycling sector. The result: the vicious industry is growing by the day. Some people suggest that we learn from the practices of developed countries, most of which have established a mechanism for dealing with waste oil. For instance, a law passed in Germany in the 1970s makes it mandatory for all restaurants to sign a contract with the government and keep an accurate record of every drum of kitchen garbage they produce, thus preventing waste cooking oil from returning to the dinner table. In the US and Japan, it is mandatory for restaurants to sell (or give) garbage containing used cooking oil to only certain collectors so that it can be dealt with in an environmentally friendly way. Japanese collectors even add inedible castor oil to the waste oil they sell to prevent it from being reused as cooking oil. It, still, can be processed as biodiesel that can be used in the garbage trucks, which certainly is a healthy cycle. Some people advise that we should emulate these examples, and help the biodiesel industry replace the underground factories. They say that because biodiesel is sold at almost the same price as petrochemical products - about 7,500 yuan a ton - the government should offer subsidies to biodiesel producers to keep illegal "gutter oil" collectors at bay. That may be a piece of good advice but people who advise it forget how much cooking oil waste is produced in China everyday. The general consumption habit in China is to order more food in a restaurant than we can eat and create unnecessary waste, owing to which an amazingly high amount - 2 to 3 million tons - of waste cooking oil is generated every year. The latest figure I found, shows that in April 2006, Japan's garbage dumps collected less than 1,500 tons of waste cooking oil. Small amounts of subsidy can work in countries like Japan, but China has to provide huge amounts of subsidy - a heavy burden on taxpayers - to just get things going. Besides, even with government subsidies, it would be difficult for biodiesel producers to fight a price war with illegal oil recycling factories, for there is too big a gap between their profit margins. To raise their sales, underground factories generally sell recycled cooking oil at 8,000 yuan a ton, still about 2,000 to 4,000 yuan less than fresh cooking oil. Once biodiesel producers enter the market, underground factories can easily raise the collection price by 1,500 yuan a ton to compete with them, something that can debilitate biodiesel producers that rely on government subsidies for survival. So promoting a healthy industry to recycle waste cooking oil for non -edible use may be a good practice in other countries, but not so practical in China. What we should learn from the countries that have laws or regulations on recycling used cooking oil to pre-empt public health hazards is stricter supervision and detection. Instead of passing laws for collecting of waste cooking oil from restaurants, the government should strengthen supervision over the oil they use to prevent waste cooking oil from returning to the dinner table. That would be more effective and more convenient both. No less important than detecting waste cooking oil is curtailing over-ordering, given people's consumption habit in China. That would require consumers to change their habits. Every consumer should bear in mind that each morsel or bit of food he/she leaves on the table could be used to reprocess cooking oil - that's why he/she should take away the uneaten food instead of wasting it. Perhaps the government should introduce some measures - fines, for instance - to punish people who waste food. In other words, the problem of waste cooking oil is deep-rooted in China and can be solved only with the help and efforts of all. (The author is a researcher from Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences)
个人分类: 环保呐喊|3744 次阅读|0 个评论
jiandanjinxin 2011-9-22 14:19
谈谈计算数学- 从计算数学的字面来看,应该与计算机有密切的联系,也强调了实践对于计算数学的重要性。也许Parlett教授的一段话能最好地说明这个问题:How could someone as brilliant as von Neumann think hard about a subject as mundane as triangular factoriz-ation of an invertible matrix and not perceive that, with suitable pivoting, the results are impressively good? Partial answers can be suggested-lack of hands-on experience, concentration on the inverse rather than on the solution of Ax = b -but I do not find them adequate. Why did Wilkinson keep the QR algorithm as a backup to a Laguerre-based method for the unsymmetric eigenproblem for at least two years after the appearance of QR? Why did more than 20 years pass before the properties of the Lanczos algorithm were understood? I believe that the explanation must involve the impediments to comprehension of the effects of finite-precision arithmetic.(引自 www.siam.org/siamnews/11-03/matrix.pdf) 既然是计算数学专业的学生,就不能对自己领域内的专家不有所了解。早些年华人在计算数学领域里面占有一席之地是因为冯康院士独立于西方,创立了有限元方法,而后又提出辛算法。这里只是列出几位比较年轻的华人计算数学专家,因为他们代表了当前计算数学的研究热点,也反映华人对计算数学的发展的贡献。 侯一钊(加州理工) 研究方向:计算流体力学、多尺度计算与模拟、多相流 http://www.acm.caltech.edu/~hou/ 鄂维南(Princeton大学) 北京大学长江学者,研究方向:多尺度计算与模拟 http://ccse.pku.edu.cn/staff/weinane.htm 包刚(Michigan州立大学) 吉林大学长江学者,研究方向:光学与电磁场中的计算等 http://www.mth.msu.edu/~bao/ 金石(Wisconsin大学) 清华大学长江学者,研究方向:双曲守恒律、计算流体力学、 动力学理论等 http://www.math.wisc.edu/~jin/ 汤涛(香港浸会大学) 中科院,研究方向:移动网格法等 http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/~ttang/ 舒其望(Brown大学) 中科大长江学者,研究方向:计算流体力学、谱方法 http://www.dam.brown.edu/people/shu/home.html 陈汉夫(香港中文大学) 研究方向:数值线性代数 http://www.math.cuhk.edu.hk/~rchan/ 许进超(Pennsylvania州立大学) 北京大学长江学者,研究方向:有限元、多重网格法 http://www.math.psu.edu/xu/ 袁亚湘 中科院,研究方向为非线性最优化 http://lsec.cc.ac.cn/~yyx/ 张平文(北京大学) 北京大学长江学者,研究方向为复杂流体的模拟、多尺度计算与 模拟、移动网格法等 http://www.math.pku.edu.cn/pzhang/index.html 陈志明(中科院) 研究方向:科学计算与数值分析,主要为有限元法 http://lsec.cc.ac.cn/~zmchen/index-c.html 其他还有黄维章、吴宗敏、Xu Kun、程今等人也非常突出 作为计算数学专业的学生,经常阅读本专业中的主要杂志也许 是颇有裨益的。 理论: 最好的基本是 Mathematics of Computation Numerische Mathematik SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis Applications SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 较好的有: BIT IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Advances in Computational Mathematics Inverse Problems 还有应用性质的杂志: Journal of Computational Physics International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids Computers and Fluids Computational Mechanics 还有很多带有Computational字眼的其他学科的期刊:Journal of Computational Chemistry,Computational Material Sciences 也可以浏览。 但是作为入门来说,大家的综述特别能帮助我们这些新人迅速把握了解、把握一个领域,因而值得特别重视。这方面最好的是剑桥大学出版社出版的Acta Numerica连续出版物。Acta Numerica每年出版一本,作者均是该领域的顶尖人物。比如说最近几年水平集方法非常热门,05年就有一篇水平集方法创始人之一的Stanley Osher写的Level Set Method in Image Science。其他论题有:entropy stability (Tadmor E),radial basis function (Buhmann MD)等 等。该出版物我们学校没有订,不过可以从网上可以找到不少。我 这里大概也有二三十篇,可以提供上载。 另外一本就是SIAM Review。SIAM Review的每一期里面都有几篇文 章关于计算数学的内容的,经常从实际问题引伸出计算的问题,或 者是介绍每一个领域的最新进展等。 SIAM News的每一期也有关于 计算的有意思的短文,不妨浏览浏览。 作为数学系的学生,无疑是需要读很多数学书。计算数学的书可以 称得上是汗牛充栋。以前在系版上提到过几本。现在再补充一些。 微分方程数值解是计算数学中的核心论题。传统的方法有有限差分 法、有限元法、边界元法和谱方法。 有限差分法想法最为简单,比较容易理解。李荣华的那本《微分方程 数值解》就介绍了最基本的东西:收敛性、相容性和稳定性。 Richtmeyer Morton的《Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems》则是差分法方面的经典著作。R. LeVeque最近也有一本 《Finite Difference Method for Differential Equations》也很有意思,介绍了差分方法的新的现代概念。LeVeque的书可以在他的主页( http://www.amath.washington.edu/~rjl/ )上下载,他的另外一本书《Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws》是守恒律数值方法方面非常出色的著作。 有限元法方面自然是推荐使用Ciarlet的《The Finite Element Method for Elliptic Problems》。这也是系里专业科的教材,另外Brenner Scott的《Mathematical Theory of the Finite Element Method》据说也是不错的。 谱方法对于规则区域上的问题往往是最为有效的方法。华东师大的 郭本瑜教授在这方面做过很好的工作,他的《Spectral Methods and Their Applications》广受好评。Purdue大学的沈捷教授也有 很出色的工作,他的一个讲义可从他的主页( http://www.math.purdue.edu/~shen/ ) 上下载,同时还有相关的Matlab和Fortran程序。谱方法方面最好的 入门书为Trefethen的《Spectral Methods in Matlab》,其他的还 有Canuto等人的《Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics》,不过 不知道能不能再学校里找到。除了上面这些方法之外,还有近年来比较热门的无网格方法,这些可以参考张雄和刘岩的《无网格方法》(清华大学出版社,2003,50¥)。计算数学的主要工具是泛函分析。一般推荐的Yoshida的《Functional Analysis》(有中译本:吉田耕作,《泛函分析》)或者Rudin的 《Functional Analysis》。这两本书都是非常难的,但是也是非常经典的书,可能当字典比较合适。但是,泛函分析里面重要的定理在计算里面并不见得特别有用,所以我们要甄别那些可能有用的东西,Sawyer的《数值泛函分析引论》也许是比较合适的入门读物。这本书里面介绍了一些泛函分析概念的来由,如 Holder不等式的导出,也有泛函分析在计算数学中的应用,比如Kantorovich迭代收敛性准则的解释。张恭庆的《泛函分析》强调泛函分析的应用,里面 也有一些应用于数值计算的例子,比如Lax等价定理,值得读一下。 计算数学还有其他许多重要的分枝,如矩阵计算、反问题、计算流体力学、最优化、逼近论等。由于这方面本人涉略甚少,这里也没有什么好说的了。希望计算数学这些方向的其他同许能补充上去。最后补充一句,订阅mailing list也是不错的,可以迅速获得关于计算数学会议、新出版文章等的信息。中文的推荐使用CAM,可在下面的网址注册 http://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/cam-net/indexcn.html 英文的推荐订阅Clever Moler的NA Digest,可在下面的网址注册 http://www.netlib.org/na-net 先订正一个错误:Sawyer的那本书的题目我 记错了,应该叫《数值泛函分析初览》,系资料室和图书馆 都有中译本的。接下来介绍几本矩阵计算方面的书的。浙大的张振跃老师在这方面有很出色的工作,中科院的白中治,北京大学的徐树方,复旦的魏益民和曹志浩,澳门大学的金小庆都是这方向的,还有复旦出去的柏兆俊。肯定还有许多学者在这方面有很突出的工作,可惜我基本上没什么涉略,这里也不能列出来。 国外的大牛有Golub,很多这个方向的大家都是他的学生。 Kahan, James Demmel, Peter Stewart, L N Trefethen, Higham,这个名单可以列的很长,这些人是矩阵计算方面 的大家。 矩阵计算方面最经典的书应该是J H Wilkinson的《The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem》(有中译本,石钟慈等 人译,《代数特征值问题》,科学出版社,学校图书馆有, 系里有英文版的)。这本书虽然老,但是据说读一下还是 很有启发的。现在的经典是Golub和van Loan的《Matrix Computation》(有中译本,袁亚湘译,《矩阵计算》,科学出版社),英文版的电子版可以在网上找到的。其他的书有Demmel的《Applied Numerical Linear Algebra》,Trefethen Bau 的《Numerical Linear Algebra》据说也是很好的。Yousef Saad有两本书《Iterative methods for sparse systems》和 《Numerical methods for large eigenvalue problems》,写的挺有意思的,在他的主页 ( http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~saad/ )上可以down。说到矩阵计算,还得提到Householder的一本老书,《The theory of matrices in numerical analysis》(有中译本,系里中英文版的都有)。 LN Trefethen现在是剑桥大学的教授,他写的每一本书都很经典,前面已经到过他的几本书了,《Spectral Method in Matlab》,《Numerical Linear Algebra》,还有《Finite Difference and Spectral methods》(在他的主页上可以down, http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/work/nick.trefethen/ )。读他的书和文章感觉也是人生的一大享受。他在Cornell大学任教时,曾上过一门课,就是阅读数值计算的经典文献。为此他写过一个短文,列举了数值计算中的十三篇经典文献,也许对大家有点启发。 1. Cooley Tukey (1965) the Fast Fourier Transform 2. Courant, Friedrichs Lewy (1928)finite difference methods for PDE 3. Householder (1958)QR factorization of matrices 4. Curtiss Hirschfelder (1952)stiffness of ODEs; BD formulas 5. de Boor (1972)calculations with B-splines 6. Courant (1943)finite element methods for PDE 7. Golub Kahan (1965)the singular value decomposition 8. Brandt (1977)multigrid algorithms 9. Hestenes Stiefel (1952) the conjugate gradient iteration 10. Fletcher Powell (1963)optimization via quasi-Newton updates 11. Wanner, Hairer Norsett (1978) order stars and applications to ODE 12. Karmarkar (1984)interior pt. methods for linear prog. 13. Greengard Rokhlin (1987)multipole methods for particles 他的remark也很有意思,We were struck by how young many of the authors were when they wrote these papers (averageage: 34), and by how short an influential paper can be (Householder: 3.3 pages, Cooley Tukey: 4.4).这说明大家 都还是很有希望的,呵呵。 反问题无疑是计算数学中最热门的方向之一。该方向现在有如下 几本杂志:Inverse Problems,Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed 买Problems, Inverse Problems in Sciences and Engineering(以前叫Inverse Problems in Engineering).第一本杂志最好,第二本杂志上面有很多苏联人的工作,第三本偏向于应用。在很多高档次的杂志中都有反问题方面的文章,比如SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications,SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing上也有不少反问题方面的文章。在国内做反问题做的最好的应该是复旦大学的程晋老师,他在反问题的理论估计方面有不少工作,南京大学的金其年老师也有不少好的结果(很年轻!),哈工大有几个人是做应用方面的工作的(他们的前校长就是做地球物理中的反问题的)。国际上知名的有HW Engl(澳大利亚),Yamamoto(日本), Kress(德国), Martin Hanke(德国), Isakov(美国)等。反问题的一个重要特点就是与实际问题联系特别紧密,往往需要根据问题的特点设计专门的算法,这也是反问题的难点所在。很多应用领域与反问题结合之后成为一个单独的研究领域,如EIT。 水平集方法应用于反问题似乎是当前反问题算法研究中的一个热点。明尼苏达大学 的Fadil Santosa最早将水平集方法应用于求解反问题,但是没有很大的反响。Engl的学生Martin Burger在2000年将水平集方法应用于反问题(发表在Inverse Problems上),在国际上 有很大的反响。Martin Burger在博士毕业后就被邀请到UCLA的Osher的小组作研究,并和Osher一起就水平集方法在反问题的应用作了一个综述和展望,值得参考。反问题反面最为经典的当属Tikhonov和Arsenin的《Solutions of Ill-posed Problems》(有中译本,《不适定问题的解法》,学校里有,英文版的系里有)。现在反问题反面每篇重要的文章基本上都要引用这本书。这本书比较抽象,算法方面有所涉及,但是不多。后来Tikhonov和Yogola等人一起写过非线性反问题反问题理论方面的书,还写过一本算法方面的书,可惜书名我已经忘记的。个人感觉Groetsch的《The theory of Tikhonov regularization for Fredholm equation of the first kind》是比较好的入门书,这本书比较薄,也比较容易读懂。读了这本 书之后,阅读反问题理论方面应该不会有很大问题。Kress的《Linear Integral Equations》和Kirsch的《An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems》也是不错 的入门书。这些书在系资料室里都能找到。Engl等人的《Regularization of Inverse Problems》广受好评,应该可以作为进一步阅读的材料。专门的著作有很多,如Isakov的《Inverse problems for partial differential equations》,Martin Hanke的《Conjugate Gradient Type Methods for Ill-posed Problems》应该也是不错的。在反问题的数值算法方面的书籍不多,只有Hansen的《Rank-deficient and discrete ill-posed problems》和 Vogel的《Computational Methods for Inverse Problems》。两本书都是非常棒的,要求的基础基本上类似,对矩阵计算的基本概念非常熟悉。但是侧重点有所不同,Hansen的书容易阅读,所以在工程师里面也是很 popular。Vogel的书稍微数学化,涉及的范围也稍微广一点,比如说很重要的Total Variation regularization在Hansen的书里就不讨论,但是Vogel的书里做了非常详细的讨论。Tikhonov的算法书应该也有很大的参考价值,可惜我没办法搞到,所以也没法评论了。 反问题的reading list 可以在下面的链接中找到: http://infohost.nmt.edu/~borchers/geop529/readings/readings.html 计算的热点似乎有两个特点:一个是与具体的应用结合形成新的学科,比如说计算流体力学、计算空气动力学、计算力学、计算物理。这里强调的是为新的学科的发展做出贡献,也就是所谓的作为除实验和理论之外的第三种研究手段。材料和生物中的计算问题似乎将是以后的计算数学中的一个热点,可以参考鄂维南老师的评论文章。一个是应用新的数学工具。比如说应用Lie群理论构造保格式的微分方程数值解法,拓扑引出的continuation method。其缘由可能是基于某种物理上的考虑,但是可以通过引入新的数学工具来解决。这也应该是一个值得注意的地方。
2195 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 Liushli 2011-6-4 03:03
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1587808383_0_1.html http://videolectures.net/etvc08_vetterli_ssvoat/ http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5ea4087f0100c8lb.html 一缕清风的博客 桂冠的博客
个人分类: 压缩传感|100 次阅读|1 个评论
Princeton 2011-4-18 10:39
在论文写作中,有时候会遇到某一个表格水平跨度太长,但是latex不能根据页面的宽度自动断开单元格内的内容,会出现表格内容跨出文档水平长度无法显示。这里提供四种解决方案: 第一,最简单也是最初级的方法,就是缩小表格里面的内容显示字体。这种处理往往不能很好的满足一些期刊要求。 第二,使用表格中的p{width}来限定某一列的长度,比如p{5cm}。 第三,换一种表格生成环境,换成tabular*环境或者tabularx环境。 第四,如果制作的表格水平跨度确实非常长,而且表格也很大,这时最好的处理方式是将表格旋转为纵向放置,使用rotating宏包。
个人分类: Table|35957 次阅读|0 个评论
Iterative and direct Chebyshev collocation spectral methods for one-dimensional
yssun 2010-4-10 16:34
B.W. Li, Y.S. Sun . Iterative and direct Chebyshev collocation spectral methods for one-dimensional radiative heat transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ,2008, 51(25-26): 5887-5894. download Abstract: In this paper, the Chebyshev collocation spectral method for one-dimensional radiative heat transfer equation with participating media is presented; and sequentially the iterative and direct solvers are developed. Implementation of the new method shows its flexibility to complex problems: highly anisotropic and space-dependent scattering. The new solvers can provide exponential convergence in space and can capture large oscillations. Numerical results verified the high accuracy of the new method, and its competitive ability compared with other newly appeared methods.
个人分类: 科研论文|3411 次阅读|0 个评论
A direct spectral collocation method for radiative heat transfer inside a plane-
yssun 2010-4-9 13:35
Y.S. Sun , B.W. Li. A direct spectral collocation method for radiative heat transfer inside a plane-parallel participating medium with a graded index. 6th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer , (to be prepared). download Abstract: A spectral collocation method based on discrete-ordinates equation is employed to directly solve one dimensional radiative heat transfer in an absorbing, emitting and scattering medium with a graded index. Numerical results by the direct spectral collocation method are compared with those available data in references. The results show that the direct spectral collocation method has good accuracy for one dimensional radiative heat transfer even with space-dependent anisotropic scattering and graded index medium. The CPU time cost comparisons against the resolutions between the direct and iterative solvers are made using MATLAB computer languages. The CPU time cost of direct solver is shorter than that of iterative solver for the same nodes.
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