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chengdong166 2013-8-19 21:50
Panel Override defaults with $.fn.panel.defaults. The panel is used as a container for other contents. It is the base component for building other components such as layout, tabs, accordion, etc. It also provides built-in collapsible, closable, maximizable and minimizable behavior and other customized behavior. Panels can be easily embedded into any position of web page. How to use this component, we take the picture as an example. The Panel is a container which can containt other components or elements, take the layout for example, the main codes as: div id=p class=easyui- panel title=My Panel style=width:500px;height:150px;padding:20px;background:#fafafa; iconCls=icon-save closable=true collapsible=true minimizable=true maximizable=true div class=easyui-layout data-options=fit:true div region='west' split=true style=width:100px;padding:10px; Left Content /div div region='center' style=padding:10px; Right Content /div /div /div it is contained by other component such as layout, etc.. we can create the Panle by javascript, the main codes is div id=pp class=easyui-panel script type=text/javascript $(function() { $ (#pp).panel({ width:500, height:150, title:my Panel, collapsible:true, //minimizable=true, //maximizable=true, //minimized:true, //maximized:true, //closable:true, //noheader:true, content:ullispanApple /lilispanOrange/li/ul, tools: , onBeforeOpen:onBeforeOpen, onOpen: onOpen, onBeforeCollapse:onBeforeCollapse, onCollapse:onCollapse, onBeforeExpand:onBeforeExpand, onExpand:onExpand }); }); $ (#pp).panel(move, { top : 500, left : 500 }); function add() { alert(add); } function edit() { alert(edit); } function cut() { alert(cut); } function help() { alert(help); } function loadData(){ $ ('#pp').panel('refresh', '../panel/_content.html'); } function save() { alert(save); } function onBeforeOpen() { alert(onBeforeOpen); } function onOpen() { alert(onOpen); } function onBeforeCollapse() { alert(onBeforeCollapse); } function onCollapse() { alert(onCollapse); } function onBeforeExpand() { alert(onBeforeExpand); } function onExpand() { alert(onExpand); } /script reference url: http://www.jeasyui.com/documentation/index.php# basic.html
个人分类: jQuery学习|10813 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 14 tangchangjie 2011-7-6 16:25
我们的研究团队成员参加过、也组织过多次国际会议,每次会前,老师会提醒学生们不要错过最后的压场戏---panel,最好先做些准备,争取能在Panel上提出有深度的问题,如能引起学术朋友的注意,对其后的研学将大有裨益。       Panel何许物也 第一次参加国际会议的同学总会好奇,什么是panel?   以前常用央视的《实话实说》节目来比喻,专题+嘉宾+听众+主持人,主持人引导思想交锋或文化碰撞;参与者都可争取发言;共同完成一个专题的讨论,而电视观众是受益者。       直观与派生语义. 英文单词Panel 的对应于实物的语义是多仪表控制板;在逻辑上加以引申,派生出的语义是“多专家讨论组”,旨在辨明对象的是非黑白或灰度;panel的语义维度丰富,投影到法律上即陪审团,讨论一个人有罪无罪或过错程度;投影到到学术会议上是专题讨论小组,常辩论一个领域未来几年的发展,讨论“XXX向何处去”这样的大问题;   典型的panel常有下列要素: 一组论题、两个观点(或多个观点)和三大主体(几位主辩人或专家,听众和主持人);如果缺失一些元素,称为非典Panel。 百年经典panel 如今,有了一个更好的例子,在电影《建党伟业》中,在五四运动之前的北大图书馆,那一场辩论就是百年难得的典型panel。先看其中的几个要素: 一个论题 : 新文化 vs. 旧文化, 辩论主持人:蔡元培, 两个阵营 : 正方:新文化三杰:陈独秀, 李大钊,胡适;反方:辜鸿铭; 三大主体 :主持人:蔡元培,双方发言人;听众:五四三杰:罗家伦、刘仁静、张国焘等听众数百人(为线索简单,这里不提及演员,请谅)。当年王羲之写《兰亭集序》时,未见过如此阵仗的panel, 这才真的是“群贤毕至,少长咸集”,(有点时空穿越了)。 过程 :新文化三杰轮番向 “保守派”辜鸿铭提问,妙语连珠,如胡适的“干不了”,引起一阵阵掌声和笑声;而辜鸿铭不惊不咤,不退不让,... 听众 可以发言是Panel 的特色(所以提倡今天的年轻人在Panel 上积极发言),五四三杰之一的罗家伦(暂不论人物后来的变化),以晚辈身份向一代偶像的辜鸿铭的提问,质疑孔学之用场问题,这是个有深度,挺难回答的问题。辜的“三三得九”论虽属诡辩,却表现了学贯中西的大师功底,…. 这段戏是擅长时空穿越的编剧董哲的艺术创作。考究历史。其人却真有其言,只不过编剧用了些许四维空间的乾坤大挪移功夫,在此意义上,剧本做到了“大事不虚,小事不拘”,增加了可看性和故事性,难得。 有哪些精彩的的看点呢?    看历史思潮 通过剧中的几场辩论(Panel),观众感觉了那个年代的历史思潮;   那是一个上下求索的年代,人们在古今中外搜索救国的大道,但却没有今天的百度、谷歌这样的搜索工具以及数据挖掘和知识发现工具;那是一个沉渣泛起、鱼龙混杂的时代,军阀们好像注射了权欲的鸡血,走马灯式地登场,但口里喊的也是强国口号;那是一个年轻人想大事、做大事的时代,看那些五四青年,一声口号就能点燃热血;那是一个连大师和哲人都会困惑的年代,李大钊、陈独秀,毛泽东都在苦苦求索,直到十月革命那声炮响才豁然开朗。       看强国的思想奠基. 《荀子.强国篇》说“积微,月不胜日,时不胜月,岁不胜时。…小事之至也数,其悬日也博,其为积也大,…能积微者速成”。讲的是做大事须从小事做起。影片中基于事实组装的几场Panel,是建党前的思想酝酿和舆论准备工作的缩影。先驱们从文化做起,从思想奠基做起,从宣传群众做起,从培养年青一代做起,台下的那些人才,成了以后各方的精英,那时散布的思想火种,影响了那以后中国的几十年。       看经典人物的多个侧面 在那几场百年经典的panel中,对台上的几个人物,不同的人有不同的看法,历史学家会用长篇专著来分析他们思想的发生发展和转折,革命家会分析他们的人生观世界观和立场(已有很多这方面的评论)。   此外,还有一个较少提到的角度,用今天的职称评定标准,台上的几个人物,以他们的学术造诣,如果申报个院士、会士或博导,应该没有太大的问题;至于说到“大师”,这是个未严格定义的概念,少见有红头文件规定其量化评定标准;说台上的人物都是大师,说台下的听众都是人才,想必也比较容易达成共识。   看完故事,感叹求索真理之难、感叹救国之不易,也不禁要感叹,那时的北大,怎么能聚集了那么多的大师,聚集了那么多的人才! 其它系列博文的入口 唐常杰博客主页 科学博客主页
个人分类: 观察感悟|17179 次阅读|29 个评论
My (old) notes after severing on a NASA review panel (before 2005)
zuojun 2010-7-21 08:08
Who should read this Blog? Any first-time PI, who intends to write a proposal to NASA for funding. Or anyone who is interested in knowing how a U.S. funding agent decides on which proposals to fund or not. Background for posting these old notes: A friend of mine is serving on a review panel to decide the fate of 350 proposals. This reminded me of my past experience as a panel member, which I shared (reluctantly) with some of my colleagues. If you dont know some of the abbreviations in my notes below, you may assume its a government agent (such as NASA, NOAA, NSF), or a program (such as ESE/NRA), or an institute/center (such as JPL, APDRC), or an ocean model (OGCM), or a data product (such as ECCO). Dear colleagues, Toni (not her real name) encouraged me to forward my notes to you, the notes I took during and after I severed on a NASA panel to review proposals. I am reluctant, because I don't like to put things in writing. However, I trust her good intention, so here it is, with some additions in bold-faced fonts. Regards, Zuojun 1) For this panel, there were 128 proposals. No mail reviews conducted. 2) Each of the 20 some panel members received a FedEx package a month before the panel meeting. 3) There were about three weeks of time for reviewers to read the assigned proposals, to write the reviews, and to submit them electronically. The web site was closed for review submission one week before the panel met in D.C. In theory, each reviewer should have enough time to finish the assignment, working on one proposal per day (meaning reading a proposal and writing the review). In practice, I read on average two proposals per day, some read 4-5 proposals per day just before the deadline for web submission, and some never submitted much writing before the deadline. My point here is that the proposal has to be very well written to convince the reviewers of its value. 4) When the panel finally met, each proposal was given about 15 minutes of time for the primary reviewer to have the opening remark, followed by the two secondary reviewers, questions and comments were then welcomed by the panel members before their votes were counted. The reviewers were allowed to change their original scores for many reasons... (The most important one was triggered by the exercise the program manager did at the beginning of the panel meeting: He started the meeting with Group 0 proposals, about five of them all together. When Group 0 was finished, we realized that they were post child for Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair proposal ratings. Following that exercise, some of the reviewers adjusted their scores during the rest of the week.) 5) The panel's votes were calculated into one score, which was entered as 1/4 of the final score. So, a dynamics primary reviewer in favor of the proposal was critical, so were the opinions of the secondary reviewers, because the rest of the panel did not read the proposal in discussion. Each panel member was given the whole collection of the 128 abstracts before the meeting, and one may request a copy of a proposal of particular interest to him. There was a copy available for the panel at the time of discussion as well. 6) The role of the program manager: He read all the 128 proposals and made notes of his opinions. He also spoke of his views whenever he wanted to, and sometimes quite authoritatively . 7) Final show: three blocks for each subject, core physical oceanography, air-sea fluxes, new instrument development, etc. The program manager went over each block, citing his reasons for the placement (ranking of proposals) and asking for advice. My notes/hints taken during the panel meeting: 1) Write well; including logically organizing the proposal, giving detailed work plan (year by year ), and using larger fonts and italicized or bold-faced fonts to highlight the hypothesis, etc. (Toni asked:How about the English? Yes, good English is very important. This remark is not directed to non-native speakers, because I read some poorly written proposals by English-speaking colleagues.This was before I became a freelance English editor.) 2) Emphasize the proposal's relevance to ESE/NRA, especially what the PI can give back to NASA! 3) Know the past literature well, including citing seminal papers in the field as (30-year-) old as they may be; 4) Attach unpublished manuscript and pubs in press (so the reviewers can't complain, even if they don't have time to read any). Also, some reviewers were critical about PIs' past experience (in terms of pubs in the proposed field), they might give a low score to a proposal simply because the PI never before did any work on the subject (say biology, or numerical modeling); 5) Don't propose new field research, use existing fund instead to get at least one pub out first); 6) Don't assume the reviewers are from the same field (unlike NSF's mail review process); e.g., some satellite people reviewed a numerical modeling proposal, and gave a low score because he didn't know what penetrative shortwave radiation meant in an OGCM, and didn't see an equation for it nor any explanation for how to implement the term; the last two points were valid criticisms though; 7) Validation, validation, validation; some numerical modeling proposals without validation component by field observations can be rated down; 8) Follow the budget rules (1/4 million dollars/year for this NRA); 9) Disclose related funding (especially those from NASA for similar type of work); 10) If collaborating with NOAA personnel, one should be extremely cautious about the relevance with NASA (why should NASA fund this proposal, not NOAA?) and ask for NO money for buying NOAA computing facility). My other thoughts/observations: 1) The primary reviewer is very important, but the secondary reviewers with strong-opinions are also critical because each casts 1/4 of the overall score; 2) Consensus form: Wording was required to match the overall score, the only score that the PI will see, especially for those at 3 or lower; more weaknesses were asked for proposals on the bubble in case they are turned down at the end due to limited funds available; 3) Two okay proposals may help to bring one UP for funding? 4) ECCO is considered NASA product/investment, so someone should validate/use it. Right now, ECCO is mostly used by ECCO people at JPL; so you should write a proposal using ECCO; 5) If one might lose his job when this proposal doesn't get funded, the manager might want to save his career. My advice for NOAA researchers: One should look at the statistics: How many NOAA (related) people actually get funded by NASA (before spending any time on writing NASA proposals).
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3123 次阅读|1 个评论
zhao1198 2010-2-12 09:11
Panel Data Econometrics: STATA Command *************************** * Panel的设置 和描述性统计 . tsset // Declare a dataset to be panel data panel variable: firmid (unbalanced) time variable: yeara, 1990 to 2006, but with gaps . xtdes firmid: 1 , 2 , ..., 3218 n = 3219 yeara: 1989 , 1990 , ..., 2006 T = 18 Delta(yeara) = 1 ; (2006-1989)+1 = 18 (firmid*yeara uniquely identifies each observation) . xtsum // Summarize xt data . xttab // Tabulate xt data *************************** * Hausman test http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-c/s2009/327/ec327.s2009.php use traffic, clear summarize fatal beertax spircons unrate perincK * Fixed-effects (within) regression xtreg fatal beertax spircons unrate perincK, fe * Fixed-effects (within) regression,adding year dummies first qui tabulate year, generate(yr) local j 0 forvalues i=82/87 { local ++j rename yrj yri qui replace yri = yri - yr7 } drop yr7 xtreg fatal beertax spircons unrate perincK yr*, fe test yr82 yr83 yr84 yr85 yr86 yr87 * Between regression (regression on group means) xtreg fatal beertax spircons unrate perincK, be * Random-effects GLS regression xtreg fatal beertax spircons unrate perincK, re * Hausman test qui xtreg fatal beertax spircons unrate perincK, fe estimates store fix qui xtreg fatal beertax spircons unrate perincK, re hausman fix . *************************** * Dynamic panel: xtabond2 http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-c/s2009/327/xtabond2.pdf use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r7/abdata.dta,clear * Dynamic panel- data estimation, one-step difference GMM xtabond2 n l.n l(0/1).(w k) yr1980-yr1984, gmm(l.n w k) iv(yr1980-yr1984) /// noleveleq small * Dynamic panel-data estimation, two-step system GMM xtabond2 n l.n l(0/1).(w k) yr1980-yr1984, gmm(l.n w k) iv(yr1980-yr1984, mz) /// robust twostep small h(2) xtabond2 n l(1/2).n l(0/1).w l(0/2).(k ys) yr1980-yr1984, gmm(l.n w k) iv(yr1980-yr1984) /// robust twostep small xtabond2 n l(1/2).n l(0/1).w l(0/2).(k ys), gmm(w k, lag(1 .)) gmm(ys, lag(2 .)) iv(yr198*, eq(lev)) /// robust twostep *************************** * Dynamic panel: xtabond2 http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-c/s2009/327/ec327.s2009.php http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-c/s2009/327/xtabond2.pdf * Dynamic panel-data estimation, two-step difference GMM xtabond2 fatal L.fatal spircons year, /// gmmstyle(beertax spircons unrate perincK) /// ivstyle(year) twostep robust noleveleq * Dynamic panel-data estimation, two-step system GMM xtabond2 fatal L.fatal spircons year, /// gmmstyle(beertax spircons unrate perincK) /// ivstyle(year) twostep robust ----------------------- Using Arellano Bond Dynamic Panel GMM Estimators in Stata(Elitza Mileva) tsset ctry_dum year ssc install xtabond2,replace * Dynamic panel-data estimation, one-step difference GMM // * gmm( ) lists the endogenous var // * lag (2 2) instruct to use only the second lag of the endogenous variables as instruments // * iv ( ) lists all strictly exogenous variables (l.growth, uncert, tot, dev_m2) as well as the additional instrumental variables (fin_integr, trans_index, flows_eeca), which are not part of equation (1) and, therefore, are not listed before the comma in the Stata command . // * nolevel (or noleveleq) tells Stata to apply the difference GMM estimator. By default xtabond2 will apply the system GMM, if you dont specify nolevel. // * small tells Stata to use the small-sample adjustment and report t - instead of z-statistics and the Wald chi-squared test instead of the F test. // * twostep specifies that the two-step estimator is calculated instead of the default one-step. In two-step estimation, the standard covariance matrix is robust to panel-specific autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity, but the standard errors are downward biased. Use twostep robust to get the finite-sample corrected two-step covariance matrix. // * robust specifies that the resulting standard errors are consistent with panel-specific autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity in one-step estimation. xtabond2 inv l.inv fdi loans portfolio l.growth uncert tot dev_m2, gmm (inv fdi loans portfolio, lag (2 2)) iv(fin_integr trans_index flows_eeca l.growth uncert tot dev_m2) nolevel small * Dynamic panel-data estimation, one-step system GMM // * equation () sub-option, which specifies which equation should use the instruments: first-difference only ( equation (diff) ) or levels only ( equation (level) ). The default is both equations. xtabond2 inv l.inv fdi loans portfolio l.growth uncert tot dev_m2, gmm (inv fdi loans portfolio, lag (3 3)) iv(fin_integr trans_index flows_eeca l.growth uncert tot dev_m2) small noconst
个人分类: Stata|181 次阅读|0 个评论
zhao1198 2009-10-2 17:26
Stata: Unbalanced to Balanced 将非平行面板转换为平行面板的命令 :xtbalance http://blog.cnfol.com/arlion/article/1183850.html 使用范例: xtbalance , range(1998 2005) 下载解压后存放到 personal 文件夹下即可。也可以放到其他的文件夹中,但需要采用 adopath + 命令指定文件夹的路径。 帮助文件: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- help for xtbalance version1.0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trans the dataset into balance Panel Data xtbalance, range(numlist) You must tsset your data before using xtbalance; see help tsset. Description: xtbalance Trans the dataset into balance Panel Data with sample range specified by option range . Options : range(numlist) specifies sample range to be transfored.numlist must be two integers and specified in ascending order. Examples: . help xtbalance . xtbalance, range(1998 2005) For problems and suggestions login my blog http://blog.cnfol.com/arlion Author: Yu-Jun Lian, Jinhe Center, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. ================== FAQ: 应对安装中可能出现的问题,方法如下: 不知怎么回事,照您的方法做还是不能在 STATA9.0 添加 xtbalance 。真是苦恼! 以下为 blog 主人的回复: 执行如下命令再运行 xtbalance , try 一下 adopath + D:\stata9\ado\personal 以下为 blog 主人的回复: 不知道你的 STATA 中是否设定了 profile.do 文件,如果没有,可以设一个。它的作用是把一些基本的设定定义好,在每次运行 STATA 时自动执行。 设定方法:把下面的代码粘贴到 do 文件编辑器中,保存到 D:\stata9 中,名称为 profile.do 。当然,你也可以根据自己的需要添加或删除命令。 adopath + D:\stata9\ado\personal adopath + D:\stata9\ado\personal\invt adopath + D:\stata9\ado\personal\update2 //adopath + D:\statawd\chung //adopath + D:\statawd\mine local fn = subinstr(`c(current_time)',:,,2) log using d:\stata9\ado\do\s`fn'.log, text replace cmdlog using d:\stata9\ado\do\c`fn'.log, replace sysdir set PLUS D:\stata9\ado\plus sysdir set OLDPLACE D:\ado sysdir set PERSONAL D:\stata9\ado\personal set matsize 2000 set more off,perma cd d:\stata9\ado\personal 下面的命令可保持时间跨度不变,将 unbalance 转化为 balance : tsset firm year,yearly xtdes by firm: gen obs=_N drop if obsr(max) xtbalance_ado
个人分类: Stata|288 次阅读|0 个评论

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