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Homology of connected sum of real projective spaces
yuewenxiong 2015-10-6 23:29
Homology of connected sum of real projective spaces
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George FR Ellis: Causality in the real world
sunbohua 2014-10-12 04:38
2015-2-24晚上参加Prof. Ellis的报告会。 George F R Ellis George F. R. Ellis The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences ( AIMS) Public Lecture series “Causality in the real world” by Professor George Ellis FR FRSSAf Abstract: Physics is not deterministic because of quantum uncertainty, what is happening on Earth today cannot possibly have been written into the initial data of the universe. That data allows it to happen but does not uniquely determine the outcome. So how does complexity, life, the mind, cities, computer systems arise? Hierarchical emergent structures come into existence, partly through bottom up assembly, and partly through top-down processes such as adaptive selection or design. They then constrain lower levels in the hierarchy of complexity in such a way that lower level physics and molecular biology is channelled to fulfil higher level goals and purposes; for example the electronic flows in computer gates instantiate abstract algorithms coded in programming languages, and higher level of structure in biology act down to control what happens at lower levels through physiological and epigenetic pro-cesses. Randomness plays a key role in enabling these adaptive processes to happen in a way that is free of the shackles of bottom-up determinism. George Francis Rayner Ellis , FRS , Hon. FRSSAf, (born 11 August 1939), is the Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Complex Systems in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Cape Town in South Africa . He co-authored The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time with University of Cambridge physicist Stephen Hawking , published in 1973, and is considered one of the world's leading theorists in cosmology . He is an active Quaker and in 2004 he won the Templeton Prize . From 1989 to 1992 he served as President of the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation . He is a past President of the International Society for Science and Religion . He is an A-rated researcher with the NRF . Ellis was a vocal opponent of apartheid during the National Party reign in the 1970s and 1980s, and it is during this period that Ellis' research has focused on the more philosophical aspects of cosmology , for which he won the Templeton Prize . He was also awarded the Order of the Star of South Africa by Nelson Mandela , in 1999. On 18 May 2007, he was elected a Fellow of the British Royal Society . In 2005 Ellis appeared as a guest speaker at the Nobel Conference in St. Peter, Minnesota .
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Sina Weibo IPO and its automatic real time monitoring
热度 1 liwei999 2014-4-17 21:09
Sina Weibo is IPO-ing now! We are monitoring this historical event in Chinese social media live using the newest technology product Pulse, which automatically mines thousands and thoudsands of social media posts every minute and shows the dynamic trends of the sentiments and buzz of the topic WeiBo IPO from social media discussions. Pulse of Sina Weibo IPO Sina Weibo has its great success in public social media domain. It also has come across a number of severe challenges, so severe that at one point it almost could not financially survive if not for the timely injection of a big investment from the influential IT giant Alibaba and its legendary founder Ma Yun (Jack Ma). Sina Weibo has played a key role in Chines public opinions and social life, having provided an open platform forsocial media VIPs (called big Vs in China for verified IDs who have thousands or even millions of followers) as well as ordinary Netizens to follow currentevents interactively. In a country where the official media are tightly controlled by government, this channel is almost the only outlet for people to air opinions instantly and relatively freely. Sina Weibo had been dominating Chinese social media until more recently another social network, named WeChat by Tencent (a wireless social media offering, the top app in smartphones, with similar but more comprehensive functionality of Facebook and WhatsApp combined), was gaining crazy popularity. Since then analysts observe that WeChat indeed has taken away some users from Weibo. However,WeChat serves fundamentally a different role in social media than Weibo does. WeChat is mainly for a private social network for mobile users while Weibo has always been the primary platform for public network. There are no signs of any other offering that can even get close to Sina Weibo for the impact on public opinions and social events. A big challenge is still in their business model and how quickly and effectively they can turn their huge user base into a money-making business. They have reported profits at some period of time, but most of the history shows the opposite: the bigger their business becomes with larger user base, the more they lose money. Nevertheless, as many analysts are optimistic on their future as those who are losing the patience in their abilities of maintaining a sustainable business. Put that in the perspectives of the recent volatility of Twitter stocks, it is expected that the Sina Weibo IPO may well turn out to be a path of big ups and downs, and may even repeat the Facebook setback in the initial months of the IPO. Nevertheless, just like Facebook who eventually recovered from the IPO disaster, Sina Weibo with its unique impact on Chinesesocial life and market has all the characteristics of standing as a long-termvalue investments. This is Wei Li reporting live from nowhere in America. (I am actually on a campus trip accompanying my daughter in her final selection of where to spend her next four years of college life.) 【相关】 新浪微博下周要大跌?舆情指数不看好,负面评价太多 2014-04-19 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|5776 次阅读|2 个评论
Linux中time命令输出的Real time, User time and Sys time
bigdataage 2014-4-6 19:20
Linux中time命令输出的Real time, User time and Sys time 在运行的程序之前加 time 最后得出三个时间 real、 user、 sys, real是程序的实际运行时间,sys是内核态的时间,user是用户态的时间,单核情况,real远远大于user和sys之和。 real,从程序开始到程序执行结束时所消耗的时间,包括CPU的用时和所有延迟程序执行的因素的总和。CPU用时被划分为user和sys两块。user表示程序本身,以及它所调用的库中的子 例程 使用的时间。sys是由程序直接或间接调用的 系统调用 执行的时间。 real=cpu用时+其他因素时间 cpu 用时=user+sys 所以: real user + sys ( 单核情况 ) time命令结果有三行组成:real、user和sys。CPU用时被划分为user和sys两块。 real值 表示从程序开始到程序执行结束时所消耗的时间,包括CPU的用时 。 user值表示程序本身,以及它所调用的库中的子例程使用的时间 。 sys是由程序直接或间接调用的系统调用执行的时间 。 在单处理器上,real值和整个CPU用时之差,也就是real - ( user + sys )是所有延迟程序执行的因素的总和。 在SMP上,这个值近似为real * number_of_processors - ( user + sys )。这些因素包括: •调入程序文本和数据的IO操作 •获取程序实际使用内存的IO操作 •由其它程序消耗的CPU用时 •由操作系统消耗的CPU用时 * Real 是时钟时间,程序从开始至结束的总时间。他包括期间其他进程所占用的时间片和进程被阻塞的时间(如IO等待的时间) * User 被测试程序在用户模式下所花的CPU时间。他是进程执行的正真的CPU时间。其他进程调度的时间片以及阻塞(如IO)的时间不包含在内。 * Sys 是进程在内核中所花费的CPU时间。他表示进程在内核调用中所花的CPU时间,而程序的库调用仍然运行在用户空间下。 User+Sys表示程序所执行的CPU时间(不包括IO以及其他进程的CPU时间). Real指的是实际经过的时间,User和Sys指的是该进程使用的CPU时间。 1. Real是墙上时间(wall clock time),也就是进程从开始到结束所用的实际时间。这个时间包括其他进程使用的时间片和进程阻塞的时间(比如等待I/O完成)。 2. User指进程执行用户态代码(核心之外)所使用的时间。这是执行此进程所消耗的实际CPU时间,其他进程和此进程阻塞的时间并不包括在内。 3. Sys指进程在内核态消耗的CPU时间,即在内核执行系统调用所使用的CPU时间。 那么,为什么进程开始到结束所经过的时间会比进程所消耗的用户时间和系统时间(user time + sys time)小呢? User+Sys为进程所使用的实际CPU时间。注意,如果有多个线程,User+Sys的时间有可能大于Real时间。同时,User和Sys时间包括子进程所使用的时间。 time命令的输出数据是由几个不同的系统调用得来的。User time和Sys time从ait(2)或times(2)系统调用(依赖不同的系统)得来。Real time是由gettimeofday(2)中结束时间和起始时间相减得到。不同的操作系统还可能有其他的信息,比如time可以记录上下文切换的次数。 在多处理器的系统上,一个进程如果有多个线程或者有多个子进程可能导致Real time比CPU time(User + Sys time)要小,这是因为不同的线程或进程可以并行执行。 内容综合整理自: http://blog.csdn.net/nevasun/article/details/7004355 http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=m9-PUjLTV7J4-ZTOsbfYwAxCv5eQz2S5L4pgqZ3sPjFnQ-y8f2mEZUHC8OnDsUcsqRf53hwBV2BaZvkIDc1k5K
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2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estat
yangzhihe 2014-2-23 21:26
2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management September 27th-28th, 2014, Kunming, P.R. China Official website ( http://www.iccrem.com/en/index.php ) ORGANIZED BY CO-ORGANIZED BY ABOUT THE CONFERENCE The 2014 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2014) is jointly organized by Harbin Institute of Technology, China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. LTD, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, North Dakota State University, Louisiana State University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, University of Florida, Purdue University, Queensland University of Technology, University of Salford, University of the West of England and National University of Singapore. The Conference is a continuation of the ICCREM series which have been held annually since 2003. Papers of the 2003 to 2012 conferences were included in the ISTP databases or ISSHP databases, and papers of the 2013 conference were all included in the EI databases. ICCREM 2014 will be held by China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. LTD in Kunming, P.R. China from Sep. 27th-28th, 2014. The conference will be co-sponsored by the Construction Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Modernization of Management Committee (MMC) of the China Construction Industry Association (CCIA). The conference proceeding will be published by ASCE Press, and all the papers of the conference will be included in the ASCE’s digital archive and submitted for indexing to EI/Compendex and ISI Web of Knowledge. SCOPE TOPICS The conference organizing committee is soliciting a wide range of papers that cover topics on research, practice and education. Papers must be written in English. The following are some of example topics:  Construction Industry Management  Construction Innovation and Technology Management  Green Construction and Sustainable Construction  Global Construction Management  Knowledge Management  Project Management  Construction and Real Estate Enterprise Management  Real Estate Valuation  Partnership and strategic management  Construction Economics  Project Financing and Investment  BIM Application and Construction Information  Project Risk Management  Supply Chain and Value Management  Real Estate Marketing and Economics  Real Estate Investment Finance  Facility Management  Land Use and Management  Civil and Infrastructure Management  Construction and Real Estate Education CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS The conference proceeding of ICCREM 2014 will be published by ASCE Press, and all the papers of the conference will be included in the ASCE’s digital archive and submitted for indexing to EI/Compendex and ISI Web of Knowledge. The word-length of an abstract should be about 150 words. All papers must be written using the specified format which is available on the conference website. A final paper should not be less than four A4 pages, but not exceed 8 pages. Submissions should be made electronically using a MS-Word file. Please register and submit papers via the conference website. The papers without the registration fee paid before the deadline will not be accepted or published. IMPORTANT DATES  Submission of abstract Mar. 05th, 2014  Acceptance of abstract Mar. 10th, 2014  Submission of full paper Mar. 31st, 2014  Notification of acceptance Apr. 30th, 2014  Submission of revised full paper May 10th, 2014  Date of the conference Sep. 27th-28th, 2014 REGISTRATION FEES Early Bird Registration: $650 per person (before Jul. 10th, 2014) Standard Registration: $700 per person (before Sep. 20th, 2014) Student Registration: $350 per person (before Sep. 27th, 2014, only for full-time graduate students) Pay online via Credit card. Please click the link http://meeting.5upay.com/web/index.action?meetingId=103 , which has been published on the Notice of ICCREM 2014 web site ( http://www.iccrem.com ). ABOUT KUNMING, P.R.CHINA Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, is one of the first 24 historical cities of P.R. China. The city was built 2200 years ago, and the Dianchi Lake area has a 3,000-year civilization history. In 2012, the main city zone covers 360 square kilometres, the population is 3.6 million, the urban green coverage rate is 30%, and the per capita public green area is 7.8 square meters. It is a graden ctiy not only in Yunnan Province but also in China. The city has more than 200 cultural relics, among which are national and provincial famous scenic spots, such as the Stone Forest World Geo-park, Dianchi Lake, Anning Hotspring, Jiuxiang, Yangzong Lake, Jiaozi Snow Mountain, as well as more than 100 key scenic spots, such as the World Gardening Exposition and Yunnan Nationalities Village. ORGANIZING COMM ITTEE Conference Executive Chair: Prof. Haowen Ye China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. LTD, Committee Chairs: Prof. Yaowu Wang Harbin Institute of Technology Prof. Geoffrey Q.P. Shen Hong Kong Polytechnic University CONTACT INFORMATION  Mr. Yuelong Yu, Mr. Zhihe Yang Tel.: +86 451 86402180 Fax: +86 451 86402181 Web: http://www.iccrem.com E-mail: iccrem@vip.163.com Point your phone at the QR code to official website
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Real food chain
augustwang 2013-5-16 13:44
It is animals and plants which lived in or near water whose remains are most likely to be preserved, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, where mud and silt have been continuously deposited, that bodies and the like can be rapidly covered over and preserved. But even in the most favorable circumstances only a small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets n or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them. After all, all creatures live by feeding on something else, whether it be plant or animals, dead or alive, and it is only by chance that such a fate is avoided. 因为一切生物都是靠吃别的生命来活命的,不管这种东西是植物还是动物,死的还是活的,因此,生物偶尔才能避免被吃掉的命运。
个人分类: 杂记|2123 次阅读|0 个评论
Ecosystem modeling and the real ocean...
zuojun 2012-4-11 13:15
I wish you could watch the video below... http://andrewsullivan.thedailybeast.com/2012/04/the-life-below.html I have already thought about starting my presentation by apologizing to marine biologists who will be at my seminar on ecosystem modeling. Why? Well, the model we use is sooooooooo simple, all the marine animals are represented by one variable, Z, which stands for zooplankton. All other living things (non-animals) are lumped into P, for phytoplankton. Should I quit such idealized modeling? No! You would be amazed by how well a simple model can reveal the complex dynamics at work, say behind the oxygen minimum zones in the northern Indian Ocean.
个人分类: My Research Interests|2574 次阅读|0 个评论
Giving More than 100%
zuojun 2009-10-7 09:17
Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and xxx will get you there; however, it's the yyy and zzz that will put you over the top! For answers, go to giving_more_than_100
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3503 次阅读|0 个评论

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