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热度 5 zlyang 2020-9-2 14:53
谢力 教授高兴得哭了! 从前,2004年6月或7月,堪培拉的飞机场:谢力教授高兴得笑了! 《国际科学编辑,2019-01-11,关于同行评审和Publons,你知道多少?》 http://www.internationalscienceediting.cn/solution-103.html https://www.sohu.com/a/288177449_100191228 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/54621785?from_voters_page=true 说: 这种制度在美国学界也经常受到批评。 美国学者认为同行评审看上去是个很好的机制,但实际上是有缺点和带倾向性的。 第一,由于现代学术和科学的发展,任何专家除了自己的专门领域之外,对自己专门研究之外的领域实际上所知有限,特别对一些超出自己知识结构的创新性研究的判断难免失准。 第二,同行评审在本质上是带有倾向性的。 许多观察家感叹,欺骗或错误的结果仍然登载在经过同行评议杂志的页面上。其他人抱怨的 同行评审制度有利于已确立的思想和知名人士,会扼杀科学创新。 实际上,论文的发表于否,主要是评审人说算。期刊编辑否定评审人意见的情况,一般不会发生。 幸运儿爱因斯坦,1905年多处小毛病的“划时代论文”,没有送给审稿人啊! 同行评议有利于“已经成名者”。如“ 从 2001~2018 年,造假长达17年。美国人皮耶罗·安韦萨(Piero Anversa)已有31篇论文撤稿。他主持过各种项目110个。 ” 谢力教授的论文终于在SCI期刊发表了。恭喜贺喜! (1)Optimal two-impulse space interception with multiple constraints https://link.springer.com/article/10.1631/FITEE.1800763 http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/periodical/zjdxxbc-e202007011 Xie, L., Zhang, Y. Xu, J. Optimal two-impulse space interception with multiple constraints. Front Inform Technol Electron Eng 21, 1085–1107 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1631 IDS 号: MT1OF (2)Hohmann transfer via constrained optimization http://www.zjujournals.com/xueshu/fitee/CN/abstract/abstract40720.shtml https://link.springer.com/article/10.1631%2FFITEE.1800295 https://kns.cnki.net/KCMS/detail/detail.aspx?dbcode=CJFDfilename=JZUS201811012 Xie, L., Zhang, Y. Xu, J. Hohmann transfer via constrained optimization. Frontiers Inf Technol Electronic Eng 19, 1444–1458 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1800295 IDS 号: HF7JW 现在,谢教授高兴得都哭了! http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-669170-1248821.html 权威资料: 特稿:学术不端是怎样的一种全球麻烦,2019-02-17 15:09:53,新华网 http://www.xinhuanet.com/2019-02/17/c_1124125941.htm 骗了全世界十余年 干细胞“学术大牛”走下神坛,2018-10-18 07:53:45,科技日报 http://www.xinhuanet.com/tech/2018-10/18/c_1123574783.htm?baike 国内心脏干细胞研究陷入“造假大地震”?2018-11-05 13:09:37,作者:甘晓、高雅丽,中国科学报 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2018/11/419233.shtm 推荐阅读: 谢力,2020-09-01,独怆然而泪下 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-669170-1248821.html 谢力,2018-07-13,那个天才告诉你“霍曼转移”最优 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-669170-1123761.html 相关链接: 2020-05-31,谢力教授与“霍曼转移”最优 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1235779.html 2019-12-06,同行评议“不靠谱”的本世纪一些典型事件 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1209027.html 2020-01-20,Donald W. Braben:杀死同行评议,拯救人类文明! http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1214979.html 2020-08-01, 艾萨克·牛顿斗不过“同行评议”! http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1244556.html 2019-12-21,爱因斯坦“奇迹年”的直接原因:没有“同行评议” http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-107667-1210941.html 感谢您的指教! 感谢您指正以上任何错误! 感谢您提供更多的相关资料!
4375 次阅读|26 个评论
PhD transfer exam
maocier 2015-12-23 22:40
上周二通过了自己的PhD transfer exam,松了一口气。去年刚到组里的时候,另一位博士生说自己在准备transfer exam,我就在纳闷这是什么,他说明年你就知道了,到时候你也要做。果然,今年六月份导师跟我说,你现在有空就准备transfer report吧,我才开始去了解什么是transfer exam。 在爱尔兰高校里本科毕业就可以进行博士研究项目(类似于国内的直博?),所以Transfer是从MSc到PhD,一般是在就读12-18月后就需要进行的。意思是通过该exam来看学生是否已经理解透彻了课题,是否已经具备了继续进行课题的条件,已经做的课题是否具备足够的创新性。其实应该是跟国内的博士生开题报告挺像了。 我其实心里是抗拒的,因为听说别的课题组的学生也没做这个Transfer exam。便跟导师说我已经在中国取得硕士学位了,我可不可以不做,还是期望把时间和精力放在实验上。导师是个老派作风的人,只是说了it’s good for you。 Transfer report一般包括三章。第一章是文献综述,基本是未来PhD thesis的第一章。第二章是这一年来做的一些实验工作。第三章是未来的工作展望。尤其在写第一章的时候,发现对博士生帮助很大:一来“被迫”静下心来读一些经典文献,夯实了基础,理顺了topic的发展路线,不再“一瓶子不满,半瓶子咣当”;二来对自己的topic有了更深入和宽泛的理解,还可能会产生新的想法;三来第一章未来进行修改后可以直接用在PhD论文里,节省时间。 导师对论文的修改也是精益求精,他习惯于每一章分开修改,每一处语法错误都不放过。他虽才年逾五旬,一直耳朵听力却已不大好,用键盘打字使用“一指禅”。另外他是dean,白天经常开会,一个接着一个,所以一般晚上十点多会收到他的修改稿。更喜欢把论文打印出来,用笔直接修改,虽然我们会抱怨老大爷的字迹太难辨认了。最近我们有篇小的综述要改,我看他打印出来,趴在上面勾勾画画,十来分钟吧,就给我改好了些许语法。每当我们的每一章节发给他的时候,我们都开玩笑的说句sorry,辛苦您啦。他说this is my job。 Transfer report写完打印出来后,导师就需要找examiner和chair了。两名examiner都是学院里的老师,他们分别是一个做电化学的lecturer和一个做biomass的副教授,其中的一个会作为我将来博士答辩的internal examiner,因为他会知道我的进展是怎样的。External examiner则会在校外找(到时候我希望导师可以邀请个做生物电化学的大牛来哈哈)。Examiner会在至少两周前拿到report阅读,修改。 Transfer talk则是在exam当天的第一个环节,一般是15-25分钟的presentation,任何有兴趣的人都可以参加,并提问。观众离场后,两名examiner就report逐个有疑问的点进行提问,这时我才发现他们是很认真的读了,而且尝试理解我做的工作。所以第一章里写的每一句都必须要有理有据,不然他们就会提出质疑。大约四十分钟的提问,我还算从容应对,问题都是些很细节的,让我十分感动。被问到SCE和SHE的电势差时,我差点笑了,这也太也细节和“小儿科”了。我告诉他,使用3 M KCl时是0.2412 V。我看到坐在一旁细听的老板都笑了(提问过程中他只能听,不能替我回答)。提问环节后,我跟老板离场,两个examiner要讨论结果(是否pass)。最后,他们跟我握手说我做的不错,你通过了。最最后,两位examiner把他们修改标注后的我的report还给我。我看着上面细致的标记,感受到了他们的认真。 现在再回头看,transfer exam是导师培养学生的一种途径,其他组不做transfer则是另一种途径(可能他们导师开组会多等等)。学生从中理解了课题,拓宽了知识背景,尤其对于科研新手和非母语为英语的人来说,这是一次很好的锻炼。Examiner也给出了有益的建议,对课题将来的进展也有帮助。
7472 次阅读|0 个评论
Water-Soluble Hybrid Nanocomposite for Photoinduced CT
gcshan 2012-4-7 15:11
Design of a Water-Soluble Hybrid Nanocomposite of CdTe Quantum Dots and an Iridium Complex for Photoinduced Charge Transfer Yu Wang, Steve Li, StephenV. Kershaw*, Frederik Hetsch, AnthonyY.Y. Tam, Guangcun Shan, AndreiS. Susha, Chi-Chiu Ko, Vivian Wing-WahYam, KennethK.W. Lo*, AndreyL. Rogach Yu Wang, Dr. Steve Li, Dr. Stephen V. Kershaw, Frederik Hetsch, Anthony Y. Y. Tam, Guangcun Shan, Dr. Andrei S. Susha, Prof. Chi-Chiu Ko, Prof. Vivian Wing-Wah Yam, Prof. Kenneth K. W. Lo and Prof. Andrey L. Rogach Article first published online: 12 APR 2012 | DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201101005 Fast electron transfer : Picosecond charge transfer between CdTe quantum dots and a novel water-soluble organo-Ir dye is shown. This process allows hot electron transfer from the nanoparticles to the organic component before cooling is complete and before Auger relaxation processes can compete for the carrier’s excess energy. Understanding and controlling fast charge transfer is a key to making improved solar-energy conversion devices. Keywords: charge transfer; dyes; iridium; quantum dots; time-resolved spectroscopy
个人分类: 科学札记|4886 次阅读|0 个评论
Job Opportunity: Project Manager for Technology Transfer
自我源于思考 2012-3-13 11:46
About Us: China pharmaceutical Technology Transfer Center(CPTTC) has been built for 15 years in China as the leader in Pharmaceutical technology commercialization. We contributed our effort to validate and commercialize the technologies which has potential to be developed to pharmaceutical products or medical devices. Since 2010, CPTTC has been worked with Shanghai Fengxian Bio-pharm Industry Park to set up a branch organization which consists of 3 core members in the Park. This is a new model for industrializing the bio-pharm technologies. After one year’s development, we have achieved great success. Now we invite anyone to join us to strive for even greater complishment. For more information, you can visit our website: http://www.pharmtec.org.cn/ Job Description Work closely with team members. Thoroughly analyze the key market acceptance parameters of a technology and/or business for potential value creation relates with life science. Primary focus will be to evaluate and understand the “China market” for an identified technology versus existing or competing technologies (in China) – and establish a SWOT on market acceptance/growth. Technology Screening: Perform “market” and “process” due diligence and analysis to determine the potential competitiveness and interest in new drugs(chemical, herbal or biological) , vaccines or medical devices. Identify Emerging Technologies: Identify and be responsible for technical evaluation of emerging and existing Chinese technologies related to new drugs(chemical, herbal or biological) , vaccines or medical devices. Clients Screening: Analysing and comunncating with bio-pharmatical companies. Exchange key information with their key managers. Understand their technology needs for the very next step and for the long run. Technology Recommendations: Make recommendations to acquire selected technologies for clients who most likely interested. Responsible for preparing business plan, participating in negotiation, signing the contract. Further commercialization: Oversee and review technology transfers and validation processes and procedures, making recommendations for changes and/or improvements. To assist the clinets indstrialize the technology and market the products. Job Requirements: 1. Achieve at least a master degree in bio-pharmaceutical or life science. 2. Have at least one year’s work experience. If you are completely confident and immencely interested in the job, and only one term listed above you donot qualify, you can still contact with me. Please send your CV and brief introduction to the Email: fxbiotech@pharmtec.org.cn We are looking forward to work with you to achieve greater successat Shanghai.
个人分类: 医药|4674 次阅读|0 个评论
jmzhao 2011-10-24 13:36
On the Derivation of Vector Radiative Transfer Equation for Polarized Radiative Transport in Graded Index Media J.M. Zhao(jmzhao@hit.edu.cn), J.Y. Tan(tanjy.hit.edu.cn), L.H. Liu(lhliu@hit.edu.cn) ABSTRACT: Light transport in graded index media follows a curved trajectory determined by the Fermat’s principle. Besides the effect of variation of the refractive index on the transport of radiative intensity, the curved ray trajectory will induce geometrical effects on the transport of polarization ellipse. This paper presents a complete derivation of vector radiative transfer equation for polarized radiation transport in absorption, emission and scattering graded index media. The derivation is based on the analysis of the conserved quantities for polarized light transport along curved trajectory and a novel approach. The obtained transfer equation can be considered as a generalization of the classic vector radiative transfer equation that is only valid for uniform refractive index media. Several variant forms of the transport equation are also presented, which include the form for Stokes parameters defined with a fixed reference and the Eulerian forms in the ray coordinate and in several common orthogonal coordinate systems. This paper has been accepted by JQSRT. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2011.11.002 The preprint can be download here or from the preprint server athttp://arxiv.org/abs/1110.5134 (or by click arXiv:1110.5134v1 )
个人分类: 科研论文|5261 次阅读|0 个评论
hdtown 2010-12-9 11:18
很久没来了,发个广告 TheAtmosphericSciencesDivisionofBrookhavenNational Laboratoryhasanimmediateopeningofresearchassociate position.ThepositionrequiresaPh.D.inAtmospheric Sciencesorrelatedfield.Experienceintwoormoreofthefollowing areasarepreferred:radiativetransfer,cloudphysicsandclimate modeling.Skillsindatamining,appliedmathematics,andstatistics arealsodesirable.CloseinteractionswithscientistsbothfromBNL andwillingnesstoworkinateamenvironmentareexpected.This positionwillprimarilyfocusondevelopingnewmethodstoaccountfor small-scalecloudvariabilityinlarge-scalemodels.Underthe directionofD.Huang(dhuang@bnl.gov),EnvironmentalSciencesDepartment.When applyingforaposition,pleaseaddthecontactandemailaddressof atleastthreereferencesintheReferenceboxlocatedonthe applicationpage.BNLpolicystatesthatResearchAssociate appointmentsmaybemadetothosewhohavereceivedtheirdoctoral degreeswithinthepastfiveyears.
个人分类: 科学研究|5069 次阅读|0 个评论
OTL: A Framework of Online Transfer Learning
petrelli 2010-9-13 17:25
文章首次用online框架来解决transfer learning的问题, 思路可以借鉴,文章仅仅与PA在transfer learning 上的实现做比较, 所以文章的主要贡献还是在这个思路.
个人分类: ICML2010|128 次阅读|0 个评论
Computational Efficiency of the Finite Element Method Based On the Second-Order
jmzhao 2010-7-14 12:12
This is a paper presented in the 6th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer (Rad-10) ABSTRACT. The second-order radiative transfer equation (SORTE) is in a form like diffusion equation, hence no additional artificial diffusion or upwinding treatment is needed in the numerical discretization for stabilization. The computational efficiency of the finite element method based on SORTE is investigated by comparison with that of the finite element methods based on original first order radiative transfer equation (FORTE). The FORTE based finite element methods considered are the finite element method with Galerkin approach (Galerkin-FORTE) and the finite element method with least-square approach (LS-FORTE). By comparison, the accuracy of the finite element method based on the SORTE is generally better than those based on the FORTE under the same discretization scheme, spatial grid and angular grid. The finite element method based on the SORTE shows the best computational efficiency among the three finite element methods, i.e., to obtain the same target accuracy, the least computational time is required. J.M. Zhao, J.Y. Tan, L.H. Liu. Computational Efficiency of the Finite Element Method Based On the Second-Order Radiative Transfer Equation. The 6th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer. 13~19 June, 2010, Antalya, Turkey. download My presentation is here .
个人分类: 科研论文|6313 次阅读|0 个评论
Chebyshev collocation spectral approach for combined radiation and conduction he
yssun 2010-4-10 16:33
Y.S. Sun , B.W. Li. Chebyshev collocation spectral approach for combined radiation and conduction heat transfer in one-dimensional semitransparent medium with graded index. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 2010, 53(7-8): 1491-1497. download Abstract: The Chebyshev collocation spectral method for discrete ordinates equation is presented to solve combined radiation and conduction heat transfer problem in semitransparent graded index media. The angular dependence of the problem is discretized by discrete ordinates method, and the space dependence is expressed by Chebyshev polynomial and discretized by collocation spectral method. The exponential convergence characteristic of the spectral methods is studied. The comparisons between the present results and those available in references indicate that, the Chebyshev collocation spectral-discrete ordinates method (SP-DOM so called) for combined radiation and conduction heat transfer in one-dimensional semitransparent medium with graded index is accurate and efficient.
个人分类: 科研论文|3564 次阅读|0 个评论
Finite Element Method for Modeling Radiative Transfer in Semitransparent Graded
热度 1 jmzhao 2009-10-9 19:27
L. Zhang, J.M. Zhao, L.H. Liu . Finite Element Method for Modeling Radiative Transfer in Semitransparent Graded index Cylindrical Medium. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer . 2009, 110: 10851096. download Abstract: Both Galerkin finite element method (GFEM) and least squares finite element method (LSFEM) are developed and their performances are compared for solving the Radiative Transfer Equation of Graded index medium in Cylindrical coordinate system (RTEGC). The angular redistribution term of the RTEGC is discretized by finite difference approach and after angular discretization the RTEGC is formulated into a discrete-ordinates form, which is then discretized based on Galerkin or least squares finite element approach. To overcome the RTEGC-led numerical singularity at the origin of cylindrical coordinate system, a pole condition is proposed as a special mathematical boundary condition. Compared with the GFEM, the LSFEM has very good numerical properties and can effectively mitigate the nonphysical oscillation appeared in the GFEM solutions. Various problems of both axisymmetry and nonaxisymmetry, and with medium of uniform refractive index distribution or graded refractive index distribution are tested. The results show that both the finite element approaches have good accuracy to predict the radiative heat transfer in semitransparent graded index cylindrical medium, while the LSFEM has better numerical stability.
个人分类: 科研论文|4403 次阅读|1 个评论
A Conservative Stabilization Scheme of Spectral / Finite Element Method for Solv
jmzhao 2009-10-9 19:13
J.M. Zhao , L.H. Liu. A Conservative Stabilization Scheme of Spectral / Finite Element Method for Solving Radiative Transfer Equation. The 7th International Symposium on Heat Transfer (ISHT 7). October 26-29, 2008, Beijing , China , 2008. download Abstract: Based on a recently proposed stabilization scheme of spectral element method (SEM) for solving radiative transfer equation, namely, adaptive isotropical diffusion (AISO) scheme, which can effectively mitigate the ray effects in the solution of radiative transfer equation, a conservative adaptive isotropical diffusion (CAISO) scheme that satisfies radiation energy equation is developed, as such, overcomes the drawback of AISO scheme which can not strictly preserve the radiative energy per unit volume. In the CAISO scheme, besides an artificially added isotropical diffusion term, a new compensate term is designed and added to recover the energy loss caused by the artifical diffusion term, hence the energy equation is exactly satisfied. A SEM based on the CAISO scheme (CAISO-SEM) is presented. The performances of the CAISO-SEM for solving radiative transfer equation are verified by benchmark problems. The CAISO scheme inherited the advantages of AISO scheme, such as, easy and efficient to be implemented under the spectral or finite element method framework, and very good performance in mitigating the wiggles in both low and high order spatial approximation. Numerical experiments show that the CAISO-SEM is stable, high order accurate and effective to solve radiative transfer in simple and complex geometry, and also robust to mitigate ray effects of different origins.
个人分类: 科研论文|3929 次阅读|0 个评论
Spectral Element Method with Adaptive Artificial Diffusion for Solving Radiative
jmzhao 2009-10-9 19:07
J.M. Zhao , L.H. Liu . Spectral Element Method with Adaptive Artificial Diffusion for Solving Radiative Transfer Equation. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B , 2008, 53(6): 536-554. download Abstract: An adaptive isotropically artificial diffusion (AISO) scheme is developed for the spectral element method to mitigate the ray effects encountered in the solution of radiative transfer problems. By considering the coupled manner of ray effects and false scattering, the artificial diffusion coefficient is determined heuristically from both local angular discretization scale and local spatial discretization scale. The scheme is easily and efficiently implemented under the spectral or finite-element method framework. The performance of various artificial diffusion schemes is studied and compared. The streamwise artificial diffusion schemes are only responsible for stabilization of strong convection-induced instability, while the isotropically artificial diffusion scheme shows very good performance in mitigating the wiggles in both low- and high-order spatial approximation. Numerical experiments show that the spectral element method with the AISO scheme is stable, high-order-accurate, and effective for solving radiative transfer in simple and complex geometries, and also robust for mitigating ray effects of various origins.
个人分类: 科研论文|3505 次阅读|0 个评论
Least-Squares Spectral Element Method for Radiative Heat Transfer in Semitranspa
jmzhao 2009-10-9 16:30
J.M. Zhao , L.H. Liu. Least-Squares Spectral Element Method for Radiative Heat Transfer in Semitransparent Media. Numerical Heat Transfer Part B . 2006, 50(5): 473-489. download Abstract: Least-squares spectral element method based on the discrete-ordinate equation is developed to solve multidimensional radiative heat transfer problems in semitransparent media. An efficient algorithm for implementation of the method is presented. Chebyshev polynomials are employed as basis functions for the spectral element discretization. The p-convergence characteristics of the least-squares spectral element method are studied. The convergence rate is very fast and approximately follows the exponential law. Four test problems are taken as examples to verify the least-squares spectral element formulation. The predicted temperature distributions and radiative heat flux are determined by the least-squares spectral element method and compared with data in the references. The results show that the least-squares spectral element method developed in this article has good accuracy for solving multidimensional radiative heat transfer problems.
个人分类: 科研论文|3287 次阅读|0 个评论

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