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[转载]英国古植物学的传承(1)--W. C. Williamson
livingfossil 2010-12-29 11:05
古植物学的故事(86) 英国古植物学的传承(1)--William Crawford Williamson William Crawford Williamson(1816--1895)是19世纪英国历史上一位有名的博物学家和古植物学家。1854年William Crawford Williamson当选为 英国皇家学会会员(院士-FRS) 。他还是瑞典皇家科学院外籍院士。有人认为,他可以与 Adolphe Theodore Brongniart (1801--1876)一起被称为古植物学之父。 在William Crawford Williamson的学生中,Sir Albert Charles Seward (1863--1941)是一位著名的古植物学家,Dukinfield Henry Scott (1854--1934)也跟随William Crawford Williamson学习和研究过古植物学。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Charles_Seward http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dukinfield_Henry_Scott 孙启高 2010年12月28日星期二 --------------------------- Obituary: William Crawford Williamson.pdf ----------------- William Crawford Williamson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Crawford_Williamson William Crawford Williamson (24 November 1816 23 June 1895) was an English naturalist and palaeobotanist . Williamson was born at Scarborough, North Yorkshire . His father, John Williamson, after beginning life as a gardener, became a well-known local naturalist, who, in conjunction with William Bean, first explored the rich fossiliferous beds of the Yorkshire coast. He was for many years first curator of the Scarborough natural history museum (Rotunda Museum), and the younger Williamson was thus from the first brought up among scientific surroundings and in association with scientific people. William Smith , the father of English geology , lived for two years in the Williamsons' house. Young Williamson's maternal grandfather was a lapidary , and from him he learnt the art of cutting stones, an accomplishment which he found of great use in later years, when he undertook his work on the structure of fossil plants. Williamson very early made a beginning as an original contributor to science. When little more than sixteen he published a paper on the rare birds of Yorkshire, in 1834 a monograph on the Gristhorpe Man, and still in 1834, presented to the Geological Society of London his first memoir on the Mesozoic fossils of his native district. In the meantime he had assisted Lindley and Hutton in the preparation of their Fossil Flora of Great Britain. On entering the medical profession he still found time to carry on his scientific work during his student days, and for three years acted as curator of the Natural History Society's museum at Manchester . After completing his medical studies at University College, London , in 1841, he returned to Manchester to practise his profession, in which he met with much success. When Owen's College at Manchester was founded in 1851 he became professor of natural history there, with the duty of teaching geology, zoology and botany . A very necessary division of labour took place as additional professors were appointed, but he retained the chair of botany down to 1892. Shortly afterwards he removed to Clapham , where he died. Williamson's teaching work was not confined to his university classes, for he was also a successful popular lecturer, especially for the Gilchrist Trustees . His scientific work, pursued with remarkable energy throughout life, in the midst of official and professional duties, had a wide scope. In geology, his early work on the zones of distribution of Mesozoic fossils (begun in 1834), and on the part played by microscopic organisms in the formation of marine deposits (1845), was of fundamental importance. In zoology, his investigations of the development of the teeth and bones of fishes (18421851), and on recent Foraminifera, a group on which he wrote a monograph for the Ray Society in 1857, were no less valuable. In botany, in addition to a remarkable memoir on the minute structure of Volvox (1852), his work on the structure of fossil plants established British palaeobotany on a scientific basis; on the ground of these researches Williamson may rank with Adolphe Theodore Brongniart as one of the founders of this branch of science. A full account of Williamson's career can be found in his autobiography, entitled Reminiscences of a Yorkshire Naturalist, edited by his wife (London, 1896). References Chisholm, Hugh, ed (1911). Williamson, William Crawford . Encyclopdia Britannica (Eleventh ed.). Cambridge University Press. This articleincorporates text from a publication now in the public domain :Chisholm, Hugh, ed (1911). Encyclopdia Britannica (Eleventh ed.). Cambridge University Press.
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3112 次阅读|0 个评论
英国小莫奈 Kieron Williamson
热度 1 zlyang 2010-8-20 18:38
英国小莫奈 Kieron Williamson 英国八岁男孩“小莫奈 Mini Monet ” Kieron Williamson ,最近创造了 33 幅画卖 $235,804 (150,000 英镑 ) 的奇迹。 London’s Daily Mail dubbed Kieron “Mini Monet” after Kieron raked in $235,804 (150,000 British pounds) at a gallery show in his hometown, where all 33 of the works exhibited sold in under a half hour. 来自: Mini Monet’: Boy of 8 sells paintings for $235,803 http://www.today.msnbc.msn.com/id/38553499/?GT1=43001 Kieron Williamson 的个人网站: Kieron Williamson Home http://www.kieronwilliamson.com/ 以下图片来自: http://www.today.msnbc.msn.com/id/38553499/?GT1=43001 ———— 莫奈 Claude Monet 的绘画 ———— http://www.abcgallery.com/M/monet/monet146.html Claude Monet. Water-Lilies. 1914. Oil on canvas. National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, Japan. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Claude_Monet_-_Water_Lilies_-_1906,_Ryerson.jpg Claude Monet. Water Lilies , 1906, Art Institute of Chicago http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Nympheas_71293_3.jpg Claude Monet. Nympheas , 1915, Neue Pinakothek, Munich http://www.abcgallery.com/M/monet/monet98.html Claude Monet. Poplars on the Bank of the River Epte . 1890. Oil on canvas. Tate Gallery, London, UK. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Claude_Monet_040.jpg Claude Monet. 1900. Poplars at the Epte ———— ———— ———— ———— ———— 卫星拍到北大西洋大片海藻如莫奈画作 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/8/236256.shtm
个人分类: 科学 - 艺术 - 社会|18606 次阅读|5 个评论
诺贝尔经济学奖得主Oliver E. Williamson论文引文情况
wanyuehua 2009-10-15 07:14
通过Web of Science的Science Citation Index Expanded、Social Sciences Citation Index、Arts Humanities Citation Index对诺贝尔经济学奖得主奥利弗伊顿威廉森(Oliver E. Williamson)的论文根据公布的单位加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(Univ Calif Berkeley)以及工作过的宾夕法尼亚大学(Univ Penn)、耶鲁大学(Yale Univ)、印第安娜大学(Indiana Univ)检索得出以下发文与引文情况。 截至到 2009 年 10 月 12 日 Web of Science 的 SSCI 、 AHCI 数据库收录 诺贝尔经济学奖得主 诺贝尔经济学奖得主奥利弗伊顿威廉森(Oliver E. Williamson) 文章 79 篇( SSCI 收录 78 篇、 AHCI 收录 1 篇),其中 2008 年 2 篇、 2005 年 2 篇、 2003 年 1 篇, 2002 年 1 篇,见图 1 1974-2009 年 SSCI 收录 诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Oliver E. Williamson 发文量。 图 1 1975-2009 年 SSCI 收录 诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Oliver E. Williamson 发文量 79 篇论文包括学术论文 42 篇、书评 13 篇、会议论文 13 篇、社论 4 篇、通讯 3 篇、评论 1 篇、书目 1 篇、其他 2 篇。 79篇论文发文单位为加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(Univ Calif Berkeley)39篇、宾夕法尼亚大学(Univ Penn)24篇、耶鲁大学(Yale Univ)11篇、印第安娜大学(Indiana Univ)3篇。 79 篇论文共被引用 5,788 次,其中 2005 年被引用 282 次, 2006 年被引用 334 次, 2007 年被引用 334 次, 2008 年被引用 448 次, 2009 年被引用 398 次,平均引用 73.27 次,平均引用次数 / 年 165.37 , H 指数为 24 (有 24 篇文章每篇最少被引用 24 次),见图 2 1974-2009 年 S SCI 收录诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Oliver E. Williamson 发表论文被引用情况 。 图2 1975-2009年SSCI收录诺贝尔经济学奖得主Oliver E. Williamson发表论文被引用情况 79篇论文发表在32种SCI收录期刊上、1种SSCI收录期刊上,涉及经济学、法律、商业、管理、金融等学科期刊,其中发文量居前十位的期刊如下表 : 表一 诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Oliver E. Williamson 发文量居前十位的期刊 排名 期刊名称 发文量 占总文章量的百分比(%) 1 AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 9 11.3924 % 2 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR ORGANIZATION 9 11.3924 % 3 JOURNAL OF INSTITUTIONAL AND THEORETICAL ECONOMICS-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR DIE GESAMTE STAATSWISSENSCHAFT 7 8.8608 % 4 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE 5 6.3291 % 5 YALE LAW JOURNAL 5 6.3291 % 6 BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 4 5.0633 % 7 JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS 4 5.0633 % 8 JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS ORGANIZATION 4 5.0633 % 9 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVES 3 3.7975 % 10 UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA LAW REVIEW 3 3.7975 % 79篇论文发表32种SCI收录期刊上、1种SSCI收录期刊上,共被引用5,788次,其中表二为被引用居前十位论文。 表二 截至到2009年10月12日诺贝尔经济学奖得主Oliver E. Williamson被引用居前十位论文 排名 论文题目、作者、期刊 2005 被引次数 2006 被引次数 2007 被引次数 2008 被引次数 2009 被引次数 合计 平均引用次数 / 年 282 335 334 448 398 5,788 165.37 1 标题 : TRANSACTION-COST ECONOMICS - GOVERNANCE OF CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS 卷 : 22 期 : 2 页 : 233-261 出版年 : 1979 48 51 53 84 66 1,101 35.52 2 标题 : COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC-ORGANIZATION - THE ANALYSIS OF DISCRETE STRUCTURAL ALTERNATIVES 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 来源出版物 : ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE QUARTERLY 卷 : 36 期 : 2 页 : 269-296 出版年 : JUN 1991 60 65 59 84 75 848 44.63 3 标题 : THE ECONOMICS OF ORGANIZATION - THE TRANSACTION COST APPROACH 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 来源出版物 : AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY 卷 : 87 期 : 3 页 : 548-577 出版年 : 1981 26 42 50 50 58 647 22.31 4 标题 : CREDIBLE COMMITMENTS - USING HOSTAGES TO SUPPORT EXCHANGE 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 来源出版物 : AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW 卷 : 73 期 : 4 页 : 519-540 出版年 : 1983 19 17 21 27 28 498 18.44 5 标题 : THE MODERN CORPORATION - ORIGINS, EVOLUTION, ATTRIBUTES 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC LITERATURE 卷 : 19 期 : 4 页 : 1537-1568 出版年 : 1981 10 11 9 19 13 414 14.79 6 标题 : CALCULATIVENESS, TRUST, AND ECONOMIC-ORGANIZATION 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 会议信息 : John M Olin Centennial Conference in Law and Economics, APR 07-09, 1992 UNIV CHICAGO LAW SCH, CHICAGO, IL 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS 卷 : 36 期 : 1 页 : 453-486 子辑 : Part 2 出版年 : APR 1993 26 31 28 40 25 315 18.53 7 标题 : UNDERSTANDING EMPLOYMENT RELATION - ANALYSIS OF IDIOSYNCRATIC EXCHANGE 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE , WACHTER ML, HARRIS JE 来源出版物 : BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 卷 : 6 期 : 1 页 : 250-278 出版年 : 1975 6 2 5 11 7 236 6.74 8 标题 : CORPORATE-FINANCE AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 来源出版物 : JOURNAL OF FINANCE 卷 : 43 期 : 3 页 : 567-591 出版年 : JUL 1988 12 14 14 14 22 212 9.64 9 标题 : FRANCHISE BIDDING FOR NATURAL MONOPOLIES IN GENERAL AND WITH RESPECT TO CATV 作者 : WILLIAMSON OE 来源出版物 : BELL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 卷 : 7 期 : 1 页 : 73-104 出版年 : 1976 7 5 3 8 2 211 6.21 10 标题 : Strategy research: Governance and competence perspectives 作者 : Williamson OE 会议信息 : Conference on Competences, Governance, and Entrepreneurship, JUN, 1998 BORNHOLM ISL, DENMARK 来源出版物 : STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT JOURNAL 卷 : 20 期 : 12 页 : 1087-1108 出版年 : DEC 1999 14 24 32 28 22 179 16.27 诺贝尔经济学奖得主奥利弗伊顿威廉森(Oliver E. Williamson)被引用最多的论文为在《JOURNAL OF LAW ECONOMICS》(《法律与经济学杂志》)1979年第22卷第2期上发表的TRANSACTION-COST ECONOMICS - GOVERNANCE OF CONTRACTUAL RELATIONS论文,被引用1101次。
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