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热度 1 Helmholtz 2012-10-24 10:08
欧盟EU及其成员国MS十分关注中国近些年的科技成长,并且正在组织各成员国家联合研究中欧关系以及开发未来对华科技合作战略。 附件是本博主新得到的以法国为主提交的一份41页仍待进一步研究报告初稿 可供关心中欧关系以及了解双边科技合作下一步重点领域的人士进一步研究借鉴。 (全文见附件 欧盟对华科技合作态度以及重点合作领域研究.pdf ), ---何宏 Europe’s views EU/MS – China Joint Strategic Agenda on Research and Innovation This draft is based on: - EU/MS-India Joint Strategic Agenda on Research and Innovation - Manfred Horvat and Svend Remøe, Partnering with a future superpower: Key issues of Chinese science and technology. A reflection paper presented to the Task Force "Priority Setting" of the Strategic Forum for International ST Cooperation (SFIC), September 2010 - Approaching China: towards a more coherent EU/Member States China strategy. Summary report of the workshop, 3-4 May 2011, Brussels - China Links Meeting – 7 December 2011 - Mobility of European researchers to China. Meeting Report - Workshop on Improving framework conditions for successful cooperation with China, Brussels, 15 December 2011 (report) - SFIC - Roadmap towards China - SFIC recommendations for thematic priorities in cooperation with China - SFIC Annual report 2011 - Science, Research and Innovation: Co-operation between the European Union, Member States and China, compiled by the Delegation of the European Union to China, May 2012 1. Policy background and rationale China became recently the second major scientific actor worldwide considering bibliometrics and will overtake US by 2020 with the current progress. The rate for research budget in Chinese GDP increased from 0.57 % GDP in 1995 to 1.7 % in 2010. China is undergoing a tremendous transformation and industrialisation, with vast shifts in labour composition and sectoral dislocation. The transformation is to a large extent driven by ST investments, and China will surpass Europe in gross investments in RD with a year or two. China represents a vastly growing market for European industry, with the associated need to gear RD towards the driving factors of this market. China’s industrialisation has huge consequences for the environment, with significant degradation of key resources, pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. China is changing also in its demography and public health situation, with an ageing population and increasing life style and health problems such as diabetes or cancer. Moreover, China and Europe are important strategic partners in the field of research and innovation. Many European countries started early with cooperation schemes, the earliest ones already in the 1960s. These state to state agreements were then mostly cultural exchange programmes. Today this has grown into a European-wide pattern of ST cooperation amounting to more than 90 programmes. Agreements are signed at the level of the Chinese Government (as part of general diplomacy) or, with national research institutions (CAS , CASS ) and research funding bodies (NSCF ) as well as with the best universities. In recent years many bilateral agreements covering science and technology have been signed or renewed by several Member States and the EU with China. The EU through the Framework Programme is engaging in cooperation with China as part of the general opening of the FP, and China is today the third largest participating 3 rd country. However, the Framework Programme is funding a big share of the Chinese participation. Cooperation takes place through a mix of mechanisms, traditionally through mobility and programme cooperation, but also more recently through institutional cooperation like joint research centres. Since December 2008 the European Commission and the Member States formed a partnership to better coordinate their international science and technology policies and programmes. The new partnership is coordinated by the Strategic Forum for International Science and Technology Cooperation (SFIC), formed by high level representatives from the EU Member States and from the Commission. The SFIC contributes to joint the efforts so that EU/MS act as one towards third countries, contributing to a common international scientific cooperation strategy, so as to get more leverage effect than the sum of individual Member States and EU forces , and to strengthen the perception of Europe as an attractive place for researcher's world wide. Against this background and along the lines of its Work Programme 2009/10 (see doc. CREST-SFIC 1356/09) SFIC identified China as a relevant strategic partner country on which the Forum wants to focus on - besides its other “pilot initiatives” with the objective to develop balanced and more coordinated ST collaborations with China based on mutual interest and mutual benefit. In its meeting on 28 April 2010, SFIC endorsed the development of a broader base for a strategic approach towards cooperation with China and to work towards a more coherent EU/MS strategy vis-à-vis and with China. The SFIC organised workshops . The first one took place in May 2011 focussing on key characteristics of the ST development in China and possible thematic priorities (“Approaching China: towards a more coherent EU/Member States China strategy”) to improve knowledge of the EU/Member States/Associated Countries on STI with China, based on an analysis of strengths and weaknesses, and exchange of information about policies, strategies and activities (including best practices and lessons learnt) of the EU and the Member States towards cooperation with China , to achieve a joint understanding and common knowledge base on how to approach cooperation in science and technology with China , to identify policy priorities for cooperating jointly vis-à-vis China , to agree on the next steps to develop a coherent approach vis-à-vis China . T he second workshop in December 2011 focussed on framework conditions for cooperation with China (“ Improving framework conditions for successful cooperation with China ”). A roadmap was developed as a first step towards the present strategic agenda. The SFIC approved in April 2012 recommendations for thematic priorities (see below). Moreover, the EU and the MS consider mobility as a key element in EU/MS-China STI cooperation. Therefore, the Delegation of the EU to China organised on 7 December 2011 in Beijing a workshop on long term mobility of European researchers to China and the SFIC organised in collaboration with the Steering Group on Human Resources and Mobility (SGHRM) a workshop on EU/MS-BRIC countries researcher’s mobility on 12 June 2012 in Brussels. The Europe-China Strategic Agenda on research and innovation could be endorsed at the highest political level, by a China- EU/Member States Ministerial meeting. Furthermore it will be necessary to put in place adequate mechanisms for reviewing priorities, increasing coherence, promoting synergies, agreeing joint or coordinated actions, and monitoring progress. It is therefore proposed to organise periodically joint Senior Official Meetings (SOM) involving China, the EU and Member States, taking place alternately in China and in Europe, responsible for overseeing the progress of implementation and agree on future actions . Chinese Academy of Science Chinese Academy of Social Sciences National Science Foundation China Associated countries are observers in the SFIC and participate to the Pilot Initiatives on a voluntary basis.
个人分类: 综合性资料|3638 次阅读|14 个评论
pikeliu 2010-9-13 21:28
复旦大学积极探索与国际科技合作的产学研机制 http://www.edu.cn 2009-12-02  教育部   今日推荐 2010年度国家科学技术奖初评结果公布 从调结构到转基因 中科院两年开展54项咨询... 我国第四颗北斗导航卫星准确进入地球静止轨道 转变经济发展方式 科技界有义不容辞的责任   近日,复旦大学被科技部授予储能技术国际科技合作基地称号,首次成为该类国家级国际合作基地。科技部设立国际科技合作基地是为了更有效地整合国内外科研资源,实现国际合作方式从一般性人员交流和项目合作向项目基地人才相结合的战略转变,提升我国国家科技合作水平。   复旦大学围绕国家需求和国家科技发展规划纲要,进一步沿着基地-人才-项目-产业化的建设和发展思路,充分利用上海以及国内的科技优势,协同国内各方面力量开展国际科技合作攻关,在解决储能与转换体系领域关键科学问题,形成国际合作与产业化平台紧密衔接的产学研基地。    组建科研团队,集中校内研究力量。 储能技术是复旦大学能源化工领域的重要研究方向之一。学校组建了由化学系赵东元院士领衔的研究团队,汇集多位从事能源的储存与转换技术研究的教授,研究方向包括锂电池、超级电容器、燃料电池和新型储能系统及关键材料,其中部分储能系统和关键材料已经实现产业化。    引进优秀人才,提升创新研究能力。 为提升在新型储能材料与电化学系统领域的研发水平,学校先后引进了多名优秀中青年人才,并积极加强了与日本、韩国、意大利、德国以及南非等国家的国际顶尖科研机构企业的密切合作,取得了很好的成效。优秀人才的引进与良好的国际交流,推动了学校在该领域的创新研究能力,研究团队先后承担了包括国家自然科学基金会A3(中日韩)前瞻计划在内的多项科技国际合作项目;同时还培养了一批高水平的研究人才:赵东元教授2007年当选中科院院士,夏永姚教授2009年获得国家自然科学基金杰出青年,3名博士生获得全国百篇优秀博士论文。    加强校企合作,做好科研成果转化。 学校对相关技术的引进吸收,促进了科研成果在国内的产业化进程。其中,超级电容器高性能有序介孔碳电极材料的相关技术已被上海奥威科技公司采纳,拟用于上海市电动公共汽车;电动汽车用新型动力电池的相关研究成果已与国内民族企业奇瑞汽车有限公司进行合作;锂离子电池高性能电极材料得以产业化,半自动锂离子电池生产线已建成。在储能与转换体系及其关键材料领域,已与国内企业合作,成立了校企联合实验室、联合研究中心4个。
个人分类: shanghai|41 次阅读|0 个评论
helmholtz 2009-10-16 20:49
德国与法国最近在癌症研究领域启动了一项合作计划。德国教研部国务秘书Frieder Meyer-Krahmer 星期四在巴黎,在与法国研究部长Franois Goulard共同出席一个欧洲学术沙龙的揭牌仪式中,双方联合提出了这项新德法合作癌症研究计划。Meyer-Krahmer说,这个领域的双边的科学家、尤其是青年科学家应当获得更多的经费资助。 Meyer-Krahmer说,各个科研小组之间的强强联合,有助于更快和更有成效的实现研究目标。充分利用两国科研条件的互补性,一方面可以保证两国的青年科学家们更好地工作,另外还能保证两国合作的持续性。Meyer-Krahmer说:德法两国在癌症领域的合作研究对欧洲的科研也是个很好的推动。 本合作项目在德国方面将由德意志学术交流中心牵头,在法国方面则由国家癌症研究中心负责。这项涵盖了癌症研究的全部领域的合作计划,将资助因学术交流而产生的相关费用,包括实验室参观、客座访问、会议差旅、博士和博士后奖学金以及因在东道国实验室工作而需要的补贴。每个合作项目最多两年,最高资助可以达50000欧元。联合项目的申请截止日期是2006年8月15日,至2008年之前预计还将有另外两轮项目申请通知。 攻克癌症同属于德国和法国在医学健康领域研究中的国家优先科研任务之一。一方面,德国联邦教育和研究部以科研事业费的形式资助癌症科研活动,比如亥姆霍兹联合会下属的一些研究中心,包括海德堡的德国癌症研究中心DKFZ、柏林马克斯-德尔布鲁克中心MDC、布伦瑞克的生物技术研究中心GBF和慕尼黑环境与健康研究中心GSF,仅仅在2005年就获得了高达七千五百万欧元的用于癌症研究的纵向基本经费;另一方面,联邦教育和研究部还通过项目经费,支持了三个与癌症相关的医学科研协作网(分别是白血病、恶性淋巴结瘤、儿科肿瘤),并于1999年到2007年间拨付了三千九百万欧元的财政经费。作为国家基因组学协作网的有机组成部分,这三个协作网还以癌症研究为主题从中获得了超过一千五百万欧元的经费。
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