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American palaeobotanist—Charles Jack Smiley (1924--1996)
livingfossil 2015-1-30 00:28
Charles Jack Smiley (1924—1996)是20世纪美国著名古植物学家。20世纪50年代,他在加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley; UC Berkeley)师从20世纪美国古植物学的著名学术领袖Ralph Works Chaney (钱耐,1890—1971)。 ( 1)Charles Jack Smiley的硕士学位论文: Title: A preliminary report on the Ellensburg flora of Washington :with special reference to the genus Paulownia / by Charles Jack Smiley. Author: Smiley, Charles J. Published:1954 CallNo.: CU-T 1060 ; Location: Master Negatives Description:iii, 45 leaves : ill. Thesis: (M.A. in Paleontology)--University of California, Berkeley, June 1954. Bibliography:Bibliography: leaves 29-30. Reproduction:Microfilm. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, Library PhotographicService, . 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 6 ft., 35 mm. LocalNote: MNEG; CU-T 1060: Original shelved as: 308t.S6392 MAIN Subject:Paleobotany – Tertiary; Paulownia. ; Paleobotany -- Washington(State) -- Ellensburg. DirectLink http://oskicat.berkeley.edu/record=b12095621~S53 ( 2)Charles Jack Smiley的博士学位论文: Title: The Ellensburg and Selah floras of Central Washington / by Charles Jack Smiley. Author: Smiley, Charles J. Published:1960 Call No.: CU-T 4699 ; Location: Master Negatives Description: vii, 278 leaves :ill. (some folded), maps ; 28 cm.Thesis: Thesis (Ph. D. inPaleontology)--University of California, Berkeley, June 1960. Bibliography: Bibliography: leaves 214-225. Reproduction:Microfilm. Berkeley, Calif. : University of California, Library PhotographicService, . 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 25 ft., 35 mm. LocalNote: MNEG; CU-T 4699: Original shelved as: 308t.1960.308 MAIN Subject: Paleobotany -- Washington(State) ; Paleobotany– Tertiary DirectLink http://oskicat.berkeley.edu/record=b12095362~S53 ----------- DirectLink http://oskicat.berkeley.edu/record=b12095364~S53 CallNo.: 308t 1960 308 ; Location: Main (Gardner) Stacks (NRLF) ( 3)Charles Jack Smiley1962年开始供职于美国西 北部 爱达荷 大学( The University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho )。 1967年担任教授。1990年退休。 ( 4 ) CharlesJack Smiley教授主要研究新近纪植物与环境变迁,代表性工作,如: Title:Late Cenozoic history of the Pacific Northwest : interdisciplinarystudies on the Clarkia fossil beds of northern Idaho Editor: Charles J. Smiley. Published: San Francisco, Calif. :Pacific Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science,1985. Note: Proceedings of a symposium organized for the 1979 annual meeting of the Pacific Division, AmericanAssociation for the Advancement of Science, held at the University of Idaho,Moscow, Idaho. Spine title: Late Cenozoic history. Physical Description :417 p. : ill. ; 675px. ( 5 ) CharlesJack Smiley教授培养了很多研究生,包括来自中国大陆的学生—杨洪。目前,杨洪担任Bryant University(Smithfield, Rhode Island) Charles Jack Smiley讲席教授。 关于 Charles Jack Smiley的生平和学术成就,参见:Yang Hong, 1996. Charles Jack Smiley (1924--1996), IOP Newsletter (No.57), pp.4-6 ================== 本期编目 古植物学的故事 27 6 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.2 7 6 ) Umbrella of American palaeobotany— 7 7 : Charles Jack Smiley (1924—1996) Amherican palaeobotanist— Charles Jack Smiley (1924--1996) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-863909.html 2015-1-30 00:28 ====================== 相关阅读: Catalogue of Umbrella of American Palaeobotany http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-843288.html Umbrella of American palaeobotany--1: An unfinished list of American palaeobotanists http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-826366.html 古植物学的故事 254 期 Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.254) Umbrella of American palaeobotany—62: 我所知道的 UC Berkeley(加州大学伯克利分校) A historical perspective of the palaeobotany of the University of California at Berkeley http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-849778.html 2014-12-10 01:52 R alphWorks Chaney (1890--1971)—20 世纪国际古植物学的著名学术领袖 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-225931-403166.html ================== Catalogue of Amhercian palaeobotany unmbrella AZ(1 to 77)--Jan 29-15.pdf Catalogue of Amhercian palaeobotany unmbrella ZA (77 to 1)--Jan 29-15.pdf ==================
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3198 次阅读|0 个评论
liwei999 2014-9-22 10:55
这几天,阿里巴巴老大马云,Jack Ma,成为全世界媒体的英雄。其貌不扬的马云春风得意马蹄疾,一跃为中国首富,面对美国媒体的镜头谈笑风生。阿里巴巴成功上市为历史上最大的IPO,一下子使 Jack Ma 成为家喻户晓的东方传奇。 社会媒体呢?这位东方英雄,在全球社交媒体中形象如何?不妨也挖掘一下。 树大招风,吐槽嫉妒诅咒谩骂声也不少嘛。 转一个微信朋友圈里疯传的帖子: Zt 阿里巴巴的成就 一、老板成了中国首富;二、17000名员工中1万人成千万富翁、三百人以上成亿万富翁 ;三、圈的都是美国人的钱。在阿里身上看到了共产主义。四、最牛逼的是他完成了中华民族一项史无 前例 的壮举:让美国人管他的公司叫:爸爸「股票代码:BABA」 【相关】 全球社交媒体热议阿里巴巴上市 【置顶:立委科学网博客NLP博文一览(定期更新版)】
个人分类: 社媒挖掘|4227 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Jack Szostak: 诺奖得主忆导师吴瑞
rwmf 2013-10-9 10:48
诺奖得主忆导师吴瑞:他从不与自己的学生竞争 ​ 吴瑞 1973年,我幸运地成为吴瑞教授众多研究生中的一员。吴瑞教授以其在DNA测序领域的开创性研究闻名于世,当时,他的实验室正为寻找到DNA标记、测序和合成的新方法而兴奋不已。 回想起来,我对吴瑞教授接收我进入他的实验室仍感到惊奇。我的专业既不是化学也不是生物化学。由于对完成自己设计的幼稚课题感到希望渺茫,当时我试图从外系转过来。我想用我的亲身经历来告诉大家我是如何来到吴教授的实验室工作,借此展示他人格的魅力,特别是教授重视支持和扶持年轻但缺乏经验的学生。如果吴瑞教授发现了学生具备潜质,他会尽一切所能为学生提供成为科学家的机会和资源。 1973年,我与另一名研究生John Stiles共同设计了一种技术难度大但很新颖的检测特定mRNA的方法。在我们看来,在康奈尔大学的教授中,吴瑞教授的实验室是开展此项课题最好的,也可能是唯一可行的地方。可是大名鼎鼎的吴瑞教授会耐下心来听两个无名小卒的疯狂计划吗? 我和约翰怀着忐忑的心情去见吴教授,紧张地向他解释我们的想法。幸运的是,吴教授对我们的想法很感兴趣,他很快理解了我们的想法,微笑着点头说“很有趣”(后来我才知道,这是吴瑞教授给出的最高评价)。最终,吴教授同意帮助我们实施这一课题,并安排我们与Fred Sherman实验室建立了研究协作。 我花了更多的时间来说服吴教授以转系生的身份接收我做他的学生,这样我便可以在他的实验室完成课题中DNA寡核苷酸的化学合成部分。当时,在康奈尔大学,学生转系并不多见,吴教授不希望被误解为挖走别人的学生而得罪人。我缺乏从事这一课题所必要的化学经验,也可能是他犹豫不决的原因。我始终不知道吴教授为此付出了多少的努力,在幕后默默地为我转系扫清障碍。最终,困难都如春天融冰般逐步消散了。我想,或许是我的坚持,最终吴瑞教授同意给我这个难得的机会。1974年1月,在一个伊萨卡常有的寒冷的雪天,我在吴瑞实验室里开始学习基本的有机化学知识以便化学合成我们的项目所需要的15-聚体寡核苷酸。 吴瑞实验室之所以是当时最吸引人的地方,是因为吴教授有条不紊地安排着新兴的分子生物学领域所需要的一切资源,这样才使得实验工作进展顺利。只要有重要的新技术产生,吴教授似乎都会认识新技术的研发者,并保证此项技术可以引进到自己的实验室。吴瑞确保我们拥有第一个克隆载体、第一个限制性酶和最新的测序方法。吴教授平和的日常管理方式有利于自由科学气氛的形成。他从不微观管理,通常他允许学生去探索自己的想法;他从不严厉批评,这使得学生们自由地尝试自己的想法。当然,每当实验室有新进展时,吴教授总是很高兴,并且如果需要,他会很高兴提建议。 为了让我能尽快开展课题研究,吴教授特意让我和他的一名化学博士后——Chander Bahl共同工作,以便于我能直接从Chander身上获得从事这方面研究所需的技能。接下来的一年,因为合成不太顺利,我觉得我没有给吴教授留下很好的印象。这一年,吴教授展现了他伟大的胸怀——特别具有的耐心。他总是给予我支持和同情,从未批评我的实验缺乏进展。后来,他意识到要最终完成寡核苷酸合成我需要更多的帮助。 他并没有认为一切都要在他实验室学,他马上打电话给他的好朋友和同事、加拿大国家研究理事会的Saran Narang博士。吴教授和Saran 安排我去渥太华进行两周的强化训练。这简直太妙了,由此我也得到了一个伟大而持久的心得:当遇到困难的时候,不是无休止的自我挣扎,而是寻找最好的专家请求帮助。这个计划起作用了,当回到康奈尔时,我已经可以完成寡核苷酸的合成了。此后不久,我和约翰就能用放射物标记我们合成的DNA片段,用它在酵母基因组DNA检测细胞色素C基因,以及从酵母的总RNA中检测相应的mRNA。 吴瑞还通过选择不同领域学生和博士后的方法,影响实验室的研究方向。从1976年至1977年,吴瑞教授邀请到Radney Rothstein到他的实验室做博士后。Rad 之前是Fred Sherman 的研究生,因此他的到来增加了与Sherman实验室在研究思路和人员方面的持续性交流合作。Rad为吴教授的实验室带来了酵母遗传学的新理念和新方法。机缘巧合,将DNA导入酵母的方法在附近的Gerry Fink实验室研发成功。吴教授喜欢不同学科之间的融汇交融,他的实验室是一个真正的跨学科的科学环境。 Rad到来后,我没有按照惯例去新的实验室做博士后,而是留在吴教授的实验室。这样做虽然不合常规,吴教授还是乐意我留下来,但是他的前提是我从事完全不同方向的研究,学习新的知识。当我们离开实验室的时候,吴瑞教授慷慨地让我们带走了自己的研究课题。他从不与自己的学生竞争,更愿意看到他们进行独立的科学研究。 吴教授的办公室很小,堆满了书和杂志,房门打开可直接通向实验室。这样可以方便教授在进出办公室时与实验室的学生随意交谈,使他很容易了解我们实验的进展。但是他的办公室与实验室的连接也有不好之处。Rad和我经常天马行空地谈论新的想法,有时我们的讨论会兴奋过头,我记得教授偶尔会从办公室来到实验室分享我们的喜悦,同时会轻声建议我们尽量将讨论的声音降低,不要影响其他同学的实验。 1979年我离开吴瑞实验室后,就不能经常见到他了。之后,我回过康奈尔大学五六次,每次遇到吴教授总是非常开心,我们总是分享各自实验室的最新进展。令我印象深刻的是,在20世纪80-90年代,吴教授实验室的研究方向已经转向水稻的分子生物学研究,并且获得了丰硕的研究成果。也就是在这个时期,吴瑞在中国发起了CUSBEA项目。 1998年,为庆祝吴瑞教授70岁生日,来自世界各地的吴瑞的学生以及吴瑞的太太Christina和儿子Albert共同在康奈尔大学召开了一个研讨会。我曾经在教授家里举行的实验室晚宴中见过他们。几年以后,我们又一次与教授和他的家人在波士顿举办愉快的午餐会。吴教授喜欢与我们积极保持联系,关注我们的最新研究进展。我依然记得几年前在他的办公室与他交谈。当时他已76岁高龄但仍然精力充沛地投入到水稻基因的研究中,并在追求新想法。他对其它的事也很感兴趣。 吴瑞教授不是一个热情奔放的人,他为人安静而内敛。他对你所说或所做的事的最高赞赏就是“很有趣”。教授的许多学生和博士后都独立从事研究,这的确很有趣味。他为我们能取得今天的成绩而骄傲,我们同样感谢这位伟大科学家的培养与谆谆教导。 吴瑞(Ray Wu),国际知名的科学家,康奈尔大学分子生物学与遗传学教授、植物基因工程创建人之一。1928年生于北京,2008年在美国去世,是著名生物化学家吴宪的长子。1981年,吴瑞创建了著名的中美生物化学联合招生项目,获得该项目资助的100多人,如王小凡、袁钧瑛、韩珉、施扬、吴虹、马骏、傅向东、傅新元、王晓东、金亦石、骆利群等,皆在全球知名大学任教或在产业界担任重要职位。 (作者系哈佛大学终身教授、诺贝尔生理学或医学奖获得者)
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45岁提出板块构造的Jack Oliver在美国去世
毛宁波 2011-1-13 22:50
美国地震学家/板块构造先驱者Jack Oliver于2011年1月5日在美国去世,享年87岁(September 26, 1923 January 5, 2011)。他的去世是世界地球物理学界和地质学界的重大损失。 他31岁(1953年)毕业于哥伦比亚大学地球物理专业。他长期致力于地震学的研究,最终提供地震证据支持了板块构造理论。1968年(45岁)他和他的学生在美国《地球物理杂志》(JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH)发表了题为Seismology and the New Global Tectonic的文章( PDF下载 ),这篇45页的文章带来了地学革命性的进展。 这篇文章没有在《科学》,《自然》上发表,Jack Oliver还不是第一作者,同样让他成为板块构造的先驱者。 Jack Oliver生平:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ertle_Oliver http://www.mssu.edu/seg-vm/bio_jack_e__oliver.html
个人分类: 地球物理勘探进展|5470 次阅读|1 个评论
古植物学的故事(36):悼念杰出的古植物学家Jack Albert Wolfe
livingfossil 2010-5-19 10:46
古植物学的故事(36):悼念杰出的古植物学家Jack Albert Wolfe (19362005) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.36): Remember Jack Albert Wolfe (19362005) (authors: Bob Spicer and Estella Leopold) 关键词:Jack Albert Wolfe;古植物学家;Palaeobotanist 上一期《古植物学的故事》(第35期)的题目是:为古植物学而生、为古植物学而死---纪念杰出的古植物学家Jack Albert Wolfe (19362005)。我在文中提到一篇悼文,现给予转载。 转载文章由英国古植物学家 Bob Spicer教授和美国科学院院士、古孢粉学家、古植物学家Estella Leopold教授撰写。出处为: Spicer,R.A. and E. Leopold, 2006, Memorial to Jack Albert Wolfe (1936-2005). Geological Society of America Memorials, 35: 59-61. PLANT SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2006 VOLUME 52. http://mcintosh.botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-2006-52-2.php#Jack 相关文章还有: Spicer, R.A. , 2007, Recent and Future Developments of CLAMP: Building on the Legacy of Jack A. Wolfe. Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg . 258:109-118. Upchurch, G.R., Spicer, R.A., and Leopold, E.B., 2007, The Life and Career of Jack A Wolfe (July 10 1936 - August 12 2005). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg . 258:11-19. 上文附有Jack Albert Wolfe一生发表论著的完整目录。 孙启高 (Qigao Sun) 2010年5月17日 --------------------------- Announcements In Memoriam: Jack A. Wolfe, 1936-2005. Paleobotanist http://mcintosh.botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-2006-52-2.php#Jack On August 12 th 2005 the world of paleobotany lost one of its greatest research minds of the last half of the 20 th Century. Jack Wolfe was not only an extraordinary systematist with an encyclopedic knowledge of angiosperm leaf architecture, but he went where few paleobotanists dare go; he ventured into the realms of multivariate statistics in pursuit of quantifying the relationship between foliar physiognomy and climate. His ability to go well beyond botanical observation and description into using fossil leaves as tools for understanding environmental change through time has defined an area in modern palaeobotany that has found application is fields as diverse as meteorology and crustal dynamics. Born and raised in Portland Oregon, Jack Albert Wolfe attended Franklin High School where, with the encouragement of his biology teacher Anne Bohlen, he first developed his interest in palaeobotany. Anne was the adviser to the school Science Club and in 1952 she arranged a club visit to the fossil museum that Lon Hancock, a retired postal worker had made in his home. Lon was an amateur who had helped furnish localities and material to both Ralph Chaney and Chester Arnold , and was a founder of the Oregon Museum of Science Industry (OMSI). Lon, under the auspices of OMSI, started a summer field camp in the John Day Basin of central Oregon. Looking for a research project to write up for the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, Jack attended the second year of the OMSI field camp and became fascinated with two classic palaeobotanical sites near the camp: the Clarno nut bed and the Bridge Creek leaf flora. Jack's project must have been impressive because, as one of 40 finalists, he won a trip to Washington and one of the contest judges, the Harvard astronomer Harlow Shapley, encouraged Jack to apply to both Harvard and Princeton. Unfortunately the application and scholarship deadlines had both passed, but still Shapley made encouraging noises. In the end Jack finished in the top 10 and went to Harvard in 1953 on a full scholarship. At Harvard, Jack did his undergraduate research under the direction of botanist Elso S. Barghoorn and where for almost every day for 3 years Jack had lunch and coffee with the group that included I.W. Bailey , Don Whitehead, and Margaret Davis, among others, and visitors such as Sherwin Carlquist. With the stimulation of such company and building on his avid collecting in the Pacific Northwest, Jack had his first paleobotanical publication only a year after being admitted to Harvard. It was on the Collawash flora of the upper Clackamas River Basin and appeared in the Newsletter of the Geological Society of Oregon. During the summers at Harvard Jack gained further field experience joining, on separate occasions, Roland Brown, Dallas Peck and J.F. Smith who were all with the US Geological Survey (USGS). In this way Jack gained a breadth of experience that went way beyond palaeobotany and saw him mapping Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the Cascades and Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks in Nevada. In 1957 Jack began his graduate studies in paleobotany at Berkeley under Wayne L. Fry, A.S. Foster and Herbert L. Mason and in 1959 was awarded an M.A. in Palaeontology after writing a thesis on the Tertiary Juglandaceae of Western North America. At Berkeley, Jack was particularly influenced by J. Wyatt Durham, the mollusk/echinoderm worker. Jack realized that mollusk workers had rigorous criteria for identifying their material and this prompted him to try the same approach with angiosperm leaves. With the encouragement of Adriance Foster (an I.W. Bailey connection) Jack starting leaf clearing in 1958 and by 1969 this had evolved into a project to survey modern dicots using cleared leaves. Eventually the USGS cleared leaf collection (now housed at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington) represented around 15,000 species and Jack had become, in his own words, the largest herbarium beetle known to exist. His rigorous approach was one of the major foundation stones of modern leaf architectural analysis in fossil angiosperm leaf identification and comparative studies. In 1960 (when still only 23) Jack completed his PhD dissertation on the early Miocene floras of northwest Oregon. This rapid academic advancement was achieved alongside reporting on referred fossils for the US Geological Survey under the supervision of Preston E. Cloud. Jack's industry was rewarded with a post that led him to being Research Geologist with the US Geological Survey, Menlo Park California. Jack remained with the USGS throughout much of his career, mostly at Menlo Park, but with spells in Washington DC (1961-65) and Denver (1982-1992). In 1969 Jack produced his first major work on fossil floras: it was a synthesis of his findings on the Late Tertiary floras of the Pacific Northwest, which he published in Madrono in time for it to be handed out to attendees of the International Botanical Congress in Seattle that year. In the 1960's Jack also began work on the Tertiary floras of Alaska. In publications with David Hopkins, Clyde Wahrhaftig and Estella Leopold, he presented a first cut on dating the younger floras of the Kenai Lowland as Late Tertiary. Before this biostratigraphic work, many prominent geologists considered the rocks of the Kenai Group as being of Paleogene age. Jack continued and produced in 1977 a monumental and thoughtful work on the Paleogene floras of Alaska and Wrangellia , which still stands as an exceptional monograph. One of the reasons it was so notable is that he established for the first time that truly subtropical floras existed as far north as 60 N. Lat. Jack's primary role at the USGS was to use plant megafossils for biostratigraphic and paleoenvironmental determinations, but through his collaboration with Elso Barghoorn he also factored the pollen record into his deliberations. He not only undertook fieldwork himself, primarily in the western US including Alaska, but also identified material brought in to him by scores of geologists working throughout the United States. After a long and highly productive career at the USGS Jack retired to and adjunct position with the University of Arizona in 1992, where he remained an active researcher and, as at Berkeley, actively supervised research students, most of whom have continued working in paleobotany and have co-authored papers with him. One of his important monographs, published in 1979, was the climatic analysis of the forest types in eastern China described by Wang Chi Wu in the 1960's. He adapted the quantitative comparison of mean annual temperature with seasonal range of temperatures in different forest types. It resulted in his development of nomograms that sketch out the climatic parameters of the forest types, not only for eastern China, but for eastern and western North America and Australia. His nomogram models are widely used by botanists today. While Jack's reputation as a systematist and biostratigrapher will be remembered for a long time, probably his most innovative work was in quantifying the relationship between leaf form and environmental conditions, primarily climate . Following on from the pioneering work of I.W. Bailey and E. W. Sinnott, Jack recognised that leaf form is controlled by an interplay between the genotype honed through evolution and a spectrum of environmental factors. As early as the late 1970's he realised that the best way to decode the complex form/climate relationship was through multivariate analysis. He set about building and testing a unique database of foliar physiognomic characters derived from leaves of woody dicots growing in vegetation for which the climate (weather-station data) is quantified through long term observation. His rigorous collecting methodology incorporated the full observable morphological range rendering the approach remarkably robust in the face of taphonomic filters. The technique, which he named CLAMP (Climate Leaf Multivariate Programme ), has found application not only in the North America and Japan where the calibration datasets have their origin, but in Russia, Europe, South America and New Zealand. Most spectacularly the technique yields data on enthalpy, a property of a parcel of air that can be used to determine paleoelevation. In recent years this approach has been applied to the uplift of Tibet and the Andes. However for some years Jack had an interest in the uplift history of the western US and it was here that he tested the technique, something he was still working on when he died falling from an outcrop in the eastern Sierras. Jack always had an eye for detail and abhorred what he regarded as sloppy work. This, coupled with a tendency to be fairly brusque, a trait that he sometimes resorted to in order to disguise his innate shyness, led to feuds with some colleagues and he was a critical reviewer. Nevertheless those who became his close friends discovered a man of great intellect, loyalty, warmth and generosity. Jack Wolfe is already sorely missed by his colleagues and students. We have lost a singular leader and scholar of paleobotany. We are privileged to honour his life by following where he led in the study of the major evolutionary and stratigraphic problems, and the relationship between plants and climate: areas of endeavour where Jack blazed an important trail. Bob Spicer and Estella Leopold
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4417 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 livingfossil 2010-2-25 04:47
古植物学的故事(35): 为古植物学而生、为古植物学而死---纪念杰出的古植物学家JackAlbertWolfe(1936—2005) Story of Palaeobotany Series (No.35): To be born and dead for palaeobotany—in memory of Jack Albert Wolfe (1936—2005)(by Qigao Sun) 关键词:JackAlbertWolfe;古植物学;古植物学家 题记----谨以此文献给现在与未来的中国古植物学家们! 孙启高 2010年2月24日写于美国 在这个世界上,同年同月同日出生的人并不少见。我知道有两个美国人 同年同月同日生 Jack Albert Wolfe ,于1936年7月10日出生在 俄勒冈州的 Portland; 另一位是 David L. Dilcher,于该日 出生在艾奥瓦( Iowa )州的 Cedar Falls ,但 在明尼苏达州的Anoka长大。非常有趣的是, Jack A. Wolfe和 David L. Dilcher均成为学界公认的杰出古植物学家,这堪称世界古植物学史上的一个奇迹。他们在古植物学研究领域既是同行,又是朋友。 David L. Dilcher 的名气很大,他是美国科学院院士,曾任美国植物学会主席、国际古植物学协会副主席,他是2009年度中国政府“友谊奖”得主。David L. Dilcher 一直致力于早期被子植物的研究,为全球被子植物起源与早期演化研究做出了贡献。中国媒体关于古植物学家David L. Dilcher 的报道较多,但Jack Albert Wolfe的名字不为大家所熟知。 Jack Albert Wolfe曾在哈佛大学完成本科学习,后到加州大学伯克莱分校攻读古植物学博士学位。他曾供职于美国地质调查局(USGS)。Jack A. Wolfe教授一生著述颇丰,在新生代植物与古气候、古地理等方面做出了不可磨灭的贡献。本期《古植物学的故事》简述有关Jack Albert Wolfe 的故事。 一、生命易逝 -他随风而去 2004年春,美国同行Steven Manchester(系David L. Dilcher教授早年的学生)和英国同行Robert A. Spicer(系Jack A. Wolfe生前的博士后)开始商议2006年春在美国 举行一个学术会议以庆贺David L. Dilcher 教授和 Jack A. Wolfe教授七十华诞。在会议筹备过程中,Jack A. Wolfe教授于2005年8月12日在美国内华达进行野外工作时从一个剖面上不慎跌落,不治身亡。我可以这样大胆地说,在新生代植物与全球变化的研究领域里,Jack A. Wolfe的逝世意味着一个时代的结束。 Episode I Robert A. Spicer致同行的电子邮件 Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:21 AM Subject: Sad News Dear All, I have just heard that Jack Wolfe died last Friday (i.e. August 12, 2005) after falling down the side of an outcrop near Quincy on the eastern side of the Sierras. He was with his partner Tony and Howard Schorn from Berkeley. I have spoken with them both and it appears Jack is likely to have died instantly. He will be cremated without ceremony (his wish), but in due course I hope we can celebrate his life in some way. Naturally everyone is stunned by this but I will be talking to Tony and Howard again over the next few days. Bob. ------------- Episode II QG SUN回复Robert A. Spicer的电子邮件 Sent: Friday, August 19, 2005 10:48 AM Subject: Re: Sad News Dear Bob, I am so shocked at Professor Jack A. Wolfe’s sudden death in field work. I appreciate his great help and enthusiastic guidance for my research. Please convey my deep condolence to Jack’s relatives if possible. Last year you told me that you and Steve Manchester would organize a symposium to celebrate Jack Wolfe and David Dilcher’s 70 th birthday. I expect that the symposium will be held as scheduled. In this case, I try my every effort to attend the symposium next year. Best wishes, Sun 二、追思 Jack A. Wolfe教授 上述会议如期举行。2006 年3月12-15日,在佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆召开了“古植物学研究进展”学术会议,目的是庆祝David L. Dilcher和Jack A. Wolfe两位著名古植物学家70华诞,赞誉他们的杰出学术贡献(Advance in Palaeobotany----Recognizing the Contribution of David L. Dilcher and Jack A. Wolfe on the Occasion of their 70 th Birthday),该会议由佛罗里达大学自然历史博物馆和美国植物学会古植物学分会(Paleobotanical Section, Botanical Society of America)联合举办 。 来自世界各地的古植物学同行100 多人出席了会议。时任国际古植物学协会(International Organization of Palaeobotany--IOP)主席、伦敦大学Royal Holloway学院Margaret E. Collinson教授以及时任该协会秘书长 Gar Rothwell教授参加会议。 关于这次会议的议程和摘要可以参见: http://flmnh.ufl.edu/paleobotany/AdvancesInPaleobotany.htm 会议组织者特别安排了 Jack A. Wolfe教授追思会 。Robert A. Spicer 是 Jack A. Wolfe教授的第一位博士后研究人员,与 Jack A. Wolfe有长期而密切的合作。Spicer教授播放了 Jack A. Wolfe教授生前从事野外工作的一些照片与记录片。 David L. Dilcher教授做了非常感人的书面发言,他高度评价了Jack A. Wolfe教授的学术成就,追忆 Jack A. Wolfe教授的真诚和友谊。美国Smithsonian Institution古生物部Scott Wing博士和德克萨斯州立大学生物系Gary R. Upchurch博士都曾跟随 Jack A. Wolfe教授从事博士后研究,他们回忆了与 Jack A. Wolfe教授一起工作的学术经历。 Jack A. Wolfe教授生前的同事和合作者,如:美国西俄勒冈大学地球科学系Jeffrey A. Myers博士、科罗拉多州国家公园服务处Herbert W. Meyer博士等也在会上介绍了与 Jack A. Wolfe教授合作研究的一些往事,表达了对Wolfe教授的怀念。 三、 Jack A. Wolfe教授的学术贡献 美国艾达荷大学(University of Idaho )古气候学家Judith Totman Parrish 教授做了题为“The Impact of Jack A. Wolfe’s Work on Paleoclimatology—A Paleoclimatologist’s View”的报告。她在报告中介绍了Jack A. Wolfe 在古气候学研究中的贡献与影响: Quantitative estimates of mean annual temperature and other paleoclimatic parameters from angiosperm leaves ; Quantitative estimates of climate from forest structure ; The importance of evolution in assessing the paleoclimatic information in plants; The importance of sample provenance in paleoclimatic analysis ; Academic scions (此处指“博士后”研究人员). Jack A. Wolfe教授生前主要供职于美国地质调查局(USGS),他只招收博士后研究人员,其中包括 Bob Spicer, Scott Wing, Gary Upchurch ,这3位古植物学家在过去的25年里 发表文章已超过110篇,即每年至少4篇。 很多同行都认为 Jack A. Wolfe非常聪明。我特别感激他生前对我的帮助和鼓励。他确实是TALENT INDIVIDUAL,而且学识广博。他对科学研究无比执著,一以贯之,让人敬仰。Jack A. Wolfe的研究工作很严谨、很系统,有些论文非常厚重、且具有长期影响,让人敬畏。他在叶相分析中的开拓性工作展示了他的科学天赋和敬业精神。毫无疑问,Jack A. Wolfe是新生代植物与全球变化研究的一面旗帜,他的工作对于这一领域的深入研究具有长期影响。 我认为生是偶然的,死是必然的。对我们自身而言,我们无法选择生,但是我们可以选择死:我们在追求一种工作方式或生活方式的同时,实际上是在追寻一种死亡的方式。除了 Jack A. Wolfe,还有一位科学家的名字时常在我的脑海里闪现----他就是为世人敬仰的邓稼先(1924—1986)。我相信,如果一位科学工作者能明白他(或她)确实“为科学而生、为科学而死”,那么,他(或她)会有无私无畏、一往无前的勇气和力量。 四、推荐一篇文章 Bob Spicer 和 Estella Leopold 曾合作撰写一篇怀念 Jack A. Wolfe教授的文章。该文比较详细地叙述了Jack A. Wolfe的成长经历和奋斗历程。感兴趣的朋友参阅: Announcements In Memoriam: Jack A. Wolfe, 1936-2005. Paleobotanist http://mcintosh.botany.org/plantsciencebulletin/psb-2006-52-2.php#Jack 五、 Jack A. Wolfe教授的文章目录(部分) Jack A. Wolfe教授独著: Wolfe, J.A. 1969. Neogene floristic and vegetational history of the Pacific Northwest. Madrono 20:83-110. Wolfe JA. 1971. Tertiary climatic fluctuations and methods of analysis of Tertiary floras. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatic.Palaeoecol. 9(1): 27-57 Wolfe J. A. 1972. An interpretation of Alaska Tertiary floras, inGraham, Alan, ed., Floristics and Palaeofloristics of Asia and Eastern North America: Amsterdam, Elsevier, p. 210-233. Wolfe, J. A., 1974. Fossil forms of Amentiferae. Brittonia, 23:334-355 Wolfe, J. A., 1976. Stratigraphic interpretations of some pollen types from the Campanian and lower Maestrichtian rocks (Upper Cretaceous ) of the Middle Atlantic States. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. pap., 977., 18pp Wolfe, J.A. 1977. Paleogene floras from the Gulf of Alaska region. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 997:1-108. Wolfe J. A. 1978. A palaeobotanical interpretation of Tertiary climates in the Northern Hemisphere. Am. Sci. 66: 694-703 Wolfe, J.A. 1979. Temperature parameters of humid to mesic forests of eastern Asia and relation to forests of other regions of the Northern Hemisphere and Australasia. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1106:1-37. Wolfe, J.A. 1980. Tertiary climates and floristic relationships at high latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, and Palaeoecology 30:313-323. Wolfe, J. A., 1981. Palaeoclimatic significance of the Oligocene and Neogene floras of northwestern United States. In: K. J.Niklas (Editor) Paleobotany, Paleoecology and Evolution, vol. 2. Praeger, New York, N, Y., pp.79-101 Wolfe JA. 1985. Distribution of major vegetational types during the Tertiary (Geohpys. Monogr., 32). In The Carbon Cycle and Atmosphere CO2: Natural Variations Archean to Present, ed. ET Sundquist, WS Broecker, Am. Geophys. Union, Washington, D. C.,pp. 357-375. Wolfe, J. A., 1985. Probabilities of high-latitude glaciers during the Tertiary. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Program. 17(7):753 Wolfe, J. A., 1987. Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic history of deciduousness and the terminal Cretaceous event. Paleobiology. 13:215-226 Wolfe J. A., 1989. A leaf architectural analysis of the Hamamelididae, in Crane P. R., and Blackmore S., eds., Evolution, systematics, and fossil history of the Hamamelidae, V.1----Introduction and "lower" Hamamelidae: Oxford, England,Clarendon Press, p. 75-104. Wolfe J. A., 1990a. Estimates of Pliocene precipitation and temperature based on multivariate analysis of leaf physiognomy, in Gosnell L.B., and Poore R. Z., eds., Pliocene climates-- Scenario for global warming: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 90-94, p. 39-42. Wolfe JA. 1990b. Palaeobotanical evidence for a marked temperature increase following the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Nature. 343:153-156 Wolfe JA. 1992a. An analysis of present-day terrestrial lapse rates in the western conterminous United States and their significance to paleoaltitudinal estimates. US Geol. Surv. Bull. 1964. p. 35 Wolfe JA. 1992b. Climatic, floristic, and vegetational changes near the Eocene/Oligocene boundary in North America. In Eocene- Oligocene Climatic and Biotic Evolution, ed. DR Prothero, WA Berggren, pp. 421-436. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press Wolfe, J.A. 1993. A method of obtaining climatic parameters from leaf assemblages. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2040, 71 pp. Wolfe JA. 1994a. Tertiary climatic changes at middle latitudes ofwestern North America. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 108:195-205 Wolfe JA. 1994b. An analysis of Neogene climates in Beringia. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 108:207-216 Wolfe, J.A. 1995. Paleoclimatic estimates from Tertiary leaf assemblages. Annual Reviews of Earth and Planetary Science 23:119-142. Jack A. Wolfe为第一作者的合著文章: Wolfe J.A., and Hopkins D.M. 1967. Climatic changes recorded by Tertiary and floras in northwestern North American. In Tertiary Correlations and Climatic Changes in the Pacific, ed. K. Hatai, pp. 67-76, Japan: Sasaki Wolfe, J. A. and Pakiser, H. M., 1971. Stratigraphic interpretations of some Cretaceous microfossil floras of the Middle Atlantic States. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap., 750-B:B35-B47 Wolfe, J.A. and T. Tanai. 1980. The Miocene Seldovia Point flora from the Kenai Group, Alaska. U.S.G.S. Professional Paper 1105:1-52. Wolfe J.A., and Poore RZ. 1982. Tertiary marine and nonmarine climatic trends. In Climate in Earth History, ed. W. Berger, JC. Crowell, pp. 154-158. Washington, DC: Natl. Acad. Sci. Wolfe, J.A. and G.R. Upchurch, Jr. 1986. Vegetation, climate and floral changes at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Nature 324:148-152. Wolfe, J.A. and G.R. Upchurch, Jr. 1987. Leaf assemblages across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Raton Basin, New Mexico and Colorado. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A. 84:5096-5100. Wolfe J.A. and Upchurch GR. Jr. 1987. North American nonmarineclimates during the Late Cretaceous. Palaeogeogr.Palaeoclimatol.Palaeoecol. 61:33-77 Wolfe J. A. and Schorn H. E., 1989. Palaeoecologic, paleoclimatic,and evolutionary significance of the Oligocene Creek flora, Colorado: Palaeobiology, v.15, p. 180-198. Wolfe J.A., and Wehr WC. 1991. Significance of the Eocene fossil plants at Republic, Washington. Washington Geol. 19:18-24 Wolfe, J.A., H.E. Schorn, C.E. Forest and P. Molnar. 1997. Paleobotanical evidence for high altitudes in Nevada during the Miocene. Science 276:1672-1675. Wolfe J. A., Forest C. E.and Molnar P., 1998. Paleobotanical evidence of Eocene and Oligocene paleoaltitudes in midlatitude western North America. Geological Society of America Bulletin 110:664-678
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|4834 次阅读|0 个评论
纪念胡先骕(7):胡先骕在哈佛大学留学时的老师John George Jack
livingfossil 2009-11-13 11:11
纪念 胡先骕 (7): 介绍 胡先骕在哈佛大学留学时的老师John George Jack (18611949) http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=270704 发表于 2009-11-13 11:11:32 胡先骕; 哈佛大学; John George Jack 胡先骕先生于1923至1925年在哈佛大学阿诺德树木园留学时的老师是John George Jack (18611949) 。 胡先骕在其编著Synopsis of Chinese Genera of Phanerogams with Descriptions of Representative Species(《中国种子植物属志》)致谢中提到John George Jack,但称谓不确切,也可能系打印有误。 -------------------------- John George Jack (18611949) http://www.arboretum.harvard.edu/programs/eastern_asia/explorers_jack2.html Born in Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada on April 15, 1861, John George Jack was one of twelve children of Robert and Annie Jack. Robert Jack (1821-1900) was a farmer and fruit grower who, for over 40 years, introduced and experimented with varieties of fruit new to the Province of Quebec. Annie Linda Jack (1839-1912), a poet, author and a noted horticulturist wrote a series of newspaper articles entitled Garden Talks and authored The Canadian Garden; a Pocket Help for the Amateur (1903). As a boy, J. G. Jack was interested in natural history with a special attraction to insects. Self taught with a minimum of private instruction, his formal education included only approximately 6 months of high school. Through his observations and collections he was introduced to a variety of correspondents including Sir John William Dawson, the Principal of McGill University (1855-1893) who helped establish the Peter Redpath Museum of Natural History and who became Jacks friend and mentor. Jack became a member of the American Association for the advancement of Science in 1882 where he made contacts that eventually let to employment at the Arnold Arboretum. Beginning in 1882 and continuing for the next three years Jack spent the winter months in Boston, Massachusetts attending lectures given by Harvard professors including Dr. Hermann August Hagen (1817-1893) a Professor of Entomology and author of Bibliotheca Entomologia, published in 1862-63. He also studied zoolology with Professor Alpheus Hyatt and attended lectures on botany given by Professor by George Goodale. In 1883, Jack spent the summer working at River Edge, New Jersey, on the 80 acre farm of Elbert Sillick Carman (1836- ), editor-in-chief of The Rural New Yorker (1878-1964) where Carmen had been conducting experiments on economic plants as well as woody plants since 1877. In April 1886, Jack visited the director of the Arboretum Charles Sprague Sargent (1841-1927) at his Brookline estate Holm Lea. Promised only manual labor at small compensation he began working at the Arnold Arboretum, but within a short time his botanical knowledge became apparent earning Sargents confidence and an increase in his pay to a dollar a day. Jack continued his education by taking a Harvard Summer Course in Botany and attending various lectures. By the terms of the Arboretums original indenture, the director, as the Arnold Professor of Botany, was to teach the knowledge of trees at the College. Sargent delegated this function, with the approval of the trustees, to Jack who became Lecturer in Arboriculture in 1890 (the title was later changed to Lecturer in Forestry). Jack taught forestry both at Harvard, often with Richard T. Fisher (1876-1934), the first director of the Harvard Forest, and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he also held a lectureship from 1899 to 1908. In 1907, Jack married Cerise Emily Agnes Carmen ( -1935), daughter of his former employer, E. S. Carmen, and in 1908 he was made an Assistant Professor of Dendrology at the Arnold Arboretum. Jack taught throughout his career. In the fall and spring he conducted courses in dendrology using the Arboretums living collections as his classroom. Jacks courses were geared toward the layperson and his amicable disposition made his classes popular. According to Sargents annual report for 1890/91, Jack gave twice a week during the months of May and June, instruction to a class of twenty-six men and women who paid a small fee for the privilege. His lessons, which treated of the plants, in their botanical, economic, and ornamental aspects, were practical and interesting. With well over 100 citations in Garden and Forest he was also regular contributor to the Arboretums Bulletin of Popular Information. Soon after Jack joined the Arboretum, he began collecting and documenting plants in the United States and abroad. During the summers of 1898 and 1900, Jack was an agent for the U.S. Geological Survey and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. He explored the forests of central Colorado and the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming and produced a detailed documentation and photographs of the forest and soil conditions of the Pikes Peak, Plum Creek and South Platte Forest Reserves. In 1891, he visited botanic gardens in France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, and England and in 1904 he and Arboretum taxonomist Alfred Rehder collected plant specimens and took photographs in the western United States and in Canada. Already experienced in plant exploration when he embarked on a year-long trip to the Far East in 1905, Jack became the first staff member after Sargent to visit Asia. He focused his travels on Korea and Japan, as political unrest at the time made travel in mainland China dangerous. Although Sargents Annual Report for the Year Ending July 31, 1905, states that Mr. J. G. Jack has started on a journey to the East to obtain material for the Arboretum in Japan, Korea, and northern China, his year long Asian journey was self-financed. Jack may have planned his trip to spend time with his younger brother, the Reverend Milton Jack of the Presbyterian Foreign Ministry, who had long been stationed in Taiwan. Jacks introduction to an undated, unpublished manuscript entitled Notes on Some Recently Introduced Trees and Shrubs outlined his goals and itinerary for the Asian trip: On the first of July, 1905, I left Boston for Japan . . . The object of my trip was primarily rest and recreation for three or four months, combined with a desire to observe some of the interesting arborescent flora of central and northeastern Japan . . . A short visit was also made to Korea and to Peking in China. In addition to collecting seeds and herbarium specimens representing 258 plants, Jack took photographs of individual specimens and of landscape views and returned with 172 images, many of them as lantern slides, a format especially useful for his teaching. Jack photographed the forest preserves and activities of the lumbering industry around Mt. Fuji and elsewhere in Japan, as well as scenes he captured in Beijing that include formal portraits of people in traditional costumes. Jack retired from full time employment at the Arboretum in September 1935 at age 74. His wife Cerise died later that same year. Jack spent his retirement at his home Folly Farm, in East Walpole, Massachusetts with his daughter, Betty Jack Wirth and her husband. In 1948, while tending his orchard Jack fell and broke his hip and was confined to bed. The following year on May 20, John George Jack, Arnold Arboretum Assistant Professor of Dendrology, Emeritus, died at age 88.
个人分类: 纪念Hu Hsen-Hsu|4127 次阅读|0 个评论
诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主Jack W. Szostak论文引文情况
wanyuehua 2009-10-17 08:06
通过Web of Science的Science Citation Index Expanded对诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主杰克绍斯塔克(Jack W. Szostak)的论文根据公布的单位马萨诸塞综合医院(Massachusetts Gen Hosp)以及工作过的康奈尔大学(Cornell Univ)、哈佛大学(Harvard Univ)、霍华德休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Med Inst)检索得出以下发文与引文情况。 截至到 2009 年 10 月 12 日 Web of Science 的 SCI 数据库收录 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主杰克绍斯塔克(Jack W. Szostak) 文章 195 篇,其中 2009 年 7 篇、 2008 年 5 篇、 2007 年 6 篇、 2006 年 8 篇、 2005 年 15 篇、 2004 年 10 篇、 2003 年 7 篇、 2002 年 1 篇,见图 1 1977-2009 年 SCI 收录 诺贝尔 生理学或医学奖 得主 Jack W. Szostak 发文量。 图 1 1977-2009 年 SCI 收录 诺贝尔 生理学或医学奖 得主 Jack W. Szostak 发文量 195 篇论文包括学术论文 1 41 篇、会议摘要 26 篇、评论 12 篇、社论 8 篇、会议论文 3 篇、其他 5 篇。 195篇论文发文单位为马萨诸塞综合医院(Massachusetts Gen Hosp)165篇、哈佛大学(Harvard Univ)45篇、康奈尔大学(Cornell Univ)5篇、霍华德休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Med Inst)5篇。 195 篇论文共被引用 18,510 次,其中 2005 年被引用 811 次, 2006 年被引用 777 次, 2007 年被引用 886 次, 2008 年被引用 975 次, 2009 年被引用 896 次,平均引用 94.92 次,平均引用次数 / 年 560.91 , H 指数为 67 (有 67 篇文章每篇最少被引用 67 次),见图 2 1977-2009 年 SCI 收录诺贝尔 生理学或医学奖 得主 Jack W. Szostak 发表论文被引用情况 。 图 2 1977-2009 年 SCI 收录诺贝尔 生理学或医学奖 得主 Jack W. Szostak 发表论文被引用情况 195 篇论文发表在52种SCI收录期刊上,涉及生物化学与分子生物学、细胞生物学、化学、生物物理学、生物学等学科期刊,其中发文量居前十位的期刊如下表 : 表一 诺贝尔 生理学或医学奖 得主 Jack W. Szostak 发文量居前十位的期刊 排名 期刊名称 发文量 占总文章量的百分比(%) 1 NATURE 30 15.3846 % 2 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 20 10.2564 % 3 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 14 7.1795 % 4 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY 13 6.6667 % 5 CELL 10 5.1282 % 6 SCIENCE 9 4.6154 % 7 BIOCHEMISTRY 8 4.1026 % 8 ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 7 3.5897 % 9 NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 7 3.5897 % 10 BIOPOLYMERS 6 3.0769 % 195篇论文发表52种SCI收录期刊上,共被引用 18,510 次,其中表二为被引用居前十位论文。 表二 截至到2009年10月12日诺贝尔生理学或医学奖 得主 Jack W. Szostak被引用居前十位论文 排名 论文题目、作者、期刊 2005 被引次数 2006 被引次数 2007 被引次数 2008 被引次数 2009 被引次数 合计 平均引用次数 / 年 811 777 886 975 896 18,510 560.91 1 标题 : THE DOUBLE-STRAND-BREAK REPAIR MODEL FOR RECOMBINATION 作者 : SZOSTAK JW , ORRWEAVER TL, ROTHSTEIN RJ, et al. 来源出版物 : CELL 卷 : 33 期 : 1 页 : 25-35 出版年 : 1983 48 37 50 44 36 1,617 59.89 2 标题 : INVITRO SELECTION OF RNA MOLECULES THAT BIND SPECIFIC LIGANDS 作者 : ELLINGTON AD, SZOSTAK JW 来源出版物 : NATURE 卷 : 346 期 : 6287 页 : 818-822 出版年 : AUG 30 1990 112 112 155 211 200 1,604 80.20 3 标题 : YEAST TRANSFORMATION - A MODEL SYSTEM FOR THE STUDY OF RECOMBINATION 作者 : ORRWEAVER TL, SZOSTAK JW , ROTHSTEIN RJ 来源出版物 : PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 卷 : 78 期 : 10 页 : 6354-6358 出版年 : 1981 9 10 7 8 11 1,106 38.14 4 标题 : THE MOLECULAR-STRUCTURE OF CENTROMERES AND TELOMERES 作者 : BLACKBURN EH, SZOSTAK JW 来源出版物 : ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 53 页 : 163-194 出版年 : 1984 3 9 6 9 5 523 20.12 5 标题 : A MUTANT WITH A DEFECT IN TELOMERE ELONGATION LEADS TO SENESCENCE IN YEAST 作者 : LUNDBLAD V, SZOSTAK JW 来源出版物 : CELL 卷 : 57 期 : 4 页 : 633-643 出版年 : MAY 19 1989 30 22 21 18 14 500 23.81 6 标题 : ISOLATION OF NEW RIBOZYMES FROM A LARGE POOL OF RANDOM SEQUENCES 作者 : BARTEL DP, SZOSTAK JW 来源出版物 : SCIENCE 卷 : 261 期 : 5127 页 : 1411-1418 出版年 : SEP 10 1993 23 14 21 14 22 439 25.82 7 标题 : In vitro selection of functional nucleic acids 作者 : Wilson DS, Szostak JW 来源出版物 : ANNUAL REVIEW OF BIOCHEMISTRY 卷 : 68 页 : 611-647 出版年 : 1999 49 45 57 46 36 412 37.45 8 标题 : DOUBLE-STRAND BREAKS AT AN INITIATION SITE FOR MEIOTIC GENE CONVERSION 作者 : SUN H, TRECO D, SCHULTES NP, et al. 来源出版物 : NATURE 卷 : 338 期 : 6210 页 : 87-90 出版年 : MAR 2 1989 17 11 7 10 4 392 18.67 9 标题 : EXTENSIVE 3'-OVERHANGING, SINGLE-STRANDED-DNA ASSOCIATED WITH THE MEIOSIS-SPECIFIC DOUBLE-STRAND BREAKS AT THE ARG4 RECOMBINATION INITIATION SITE 作者 : SUN H, TRECO D, SZOSTAK JW 来源出版物 : CELL 卷 : 64 期 : 6 页 : 1155-1161 出版年 : MAR 22 1991 14 13 5 9 8 379 19.95 10 标题 : GENETIC APPLICATIONS OF YEAST TRANSFORMATION WITH LINEAR AND GAPPED PLASMIDS 作者 : ORRWEAVER TL, SZOSTAK JW , ROTHSTEIN RJ 来源出版物 : METHODS IN ENZYMOLOGY 卷 : 101 页 : 228-245 子辑 : Part C 出版年 : 1983 9 1 4 6 4 358 13.26 诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主杰克绍斯塔克( Jack W. Szostak )被引用最多的论文为在《 CELL 》(《细胞》) 1983 年第 33 卷第 1 期上发表的 THE DOUBLE-STRAND-BREAK REPAIR MODEL FOR RECOMBINATION 论文,被引用 1617 次。
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