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zhpd55 2020-7-8 16:24
部分 2020 镇压期刊的自引比例之变 (2) 诸平 在介绍了2020年被镇压期刊一览表—— JCR: 2020年镇压期刊一览表 之后,补充了 “ 部分2020镇压期刊的自引比例之变 ”,其中涉及到仅有10种被镇压期刊,将另外23种期刊近年来自引率的变化,作为“部分2020镇压期刊的自引比例之变(2)”,以图示形式介绍于下,仅供参考 。 Cognitive Neurodynamics Cognitive Neuropsychology Current Genetics Environmental Engineering and Management Journal Fish Shellfish Immunology Food and Agricultural Immunology Forensic Science International-Genetics GeroScience IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity Industria Textila International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology Journal of Biomolecular Structure Dynamics Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Journal of Human Evolution Journal of Medical Biochemistry Marine Biotechnology Microbes and Environments Pakistan Journal of Zoology Rejuvenation Research Xenotransplantation Zootaxa
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|3498 次阅读|0 个评论
zhpd55 2020-7-6 17:30
部分 2020 镇压期刊的自引比例之变 诸平 昨天介绍了2020年被镇压期刊一览表—— JCR: 2020年镇压期刊一览表 ,为了进一步研究这些期刊近年来自引比例的变化,详见下面给出的10种期刊的自引率变化图示。 Acta Cardiologica Sinica Adicciones Aerosol and Air Quality Research Aging Male American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education Body Image Business Ethics Cellulose Chemistry and Technology CNS Neurological Disorders-Drug Targets Cognitive Computation
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|3464 次阅读|0 个评论
JCR: 2020年镇压期刊一览表
zhpd55 2020-7-5 15:25
JRC: 2020 年镇压期刊一览表 诸平 期刊评价主要看引用频次,无论是近3年内还是2年内的总引用次数,都是以此多少作为衡量标准进行相关计算。因此,高自引已经成为某些期刊片面追求高引用频次的捷径之一,其中有一种期刊70%以上的引用都是针对该期刊的其他论文。另外,也有作者发表了一篇论文,引用了某杂志发表的近200篇其他文章。这些例证足以可见期刊自引的泛滥程度。更为严重的是不合理的自引,会造成期刊影响因子失真,因此近年来,每年都有因为过度自引或者引用堆积而被镇压的期刊,2020年也不例外。 现在,提供“影响因子( Impact Factor )”的公司科睿唯安(Clarivate)正在采取措施打击这种不正当引用行为,2020年将禁止对33种期刊(见表1)提供索引服务,在2020年公布的期刊引证报告( Web of Science Journal Citation Reports™ (JCR) )中,不公布其2019年的影响因子 。并对另外15种期刊(见表3)的高自引表达了担忧,这些自引明显提高了期刊的排名。下面将给出2020年镇压的33种期刊名称(表1)、镇压期刊的关键数据点(表2)以及部分期刊的自引贡献(表3)。 表2列出了各期刊的类别(注意,各期刊可能包含在多个类别中)、自引在期刊影响因子分子中所占的被引率,以及自引导致的类别排名失真比例。 分类排名的扭曲是基于对JCR中所有分类的所有期刊的分析,包括有无自引。在此,失真等于自引被包括和被排除不同情况下期刊的排名的百分比变化。 表1 2020年镇压 (33种) 期刊一览表 表2 自引对期刊在不同分类中排序的影响 表3 部分期刊的自引贡献 更多信息请注意浏览相关报道 https://retractionwatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Title-Suppress-2.pdf https://retractionwatch.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2020-JCR-Editorial-Expression-of-Concern-FINAL-SENT-1-2.pdf https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2020/06/jcr-suppression-policy-2020.pdf
个人分类: 科技期刊研究|12282 次阅读|0 个评论
zhpd55 2019-9-12 15:14
何碧玉的高引论文统计结果 诸平 何碧玉曾经是 河南省一位年仅14岁的考生,高考以750满分的成绩考上清华大学,成为我国最厉害的高考学霸。这位 14岁进入清华大学的才女,在 清华大学生物学系,经过大学四年完成本科学业后 , 何碧玉选择到美国的圣路易斯华盛顿留学,并且也选择了在当地发展,在美国获得神经科学博士学位后, 在美国国立卫生研究院作为早期独立研究员从事研究工作,现如今已经成为美国纽约大学医学院神经学系的一名助理教授,同时还是 神经科学与生理学系助理教授和放射学系助理教授 。 对其有关研究论文中的部分高引论文进行统计,结果见截图和下表。 表1 何碧玉高引论文(被引频次10) 标题 引用次数 年份 Breakdown of functional connectivity in frontoparietal networks underlies behavioral deficits in spatial neglect BJ He, AZ Snyder, JL Vincent, A Epstein, GL Shulman, M Corbetta Neuron 53 (6), 905-918 756 2007 Electrophysiological correlates of the brain's intrinsic large-scale functional architecture BJ He, AZ Snyder, JM Zempel, MD Smyth, ME Raichle Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (41), 16039-16044 528 2008 The temporal structures and functional significance of scale-free brain activity BJ He, JM Zempel, AZ Snyder, ME Raichle Neuron 66 (3), 353-369 510 2010 The fMRI signal, slow cortical potential and consciousness BJ He, ME Raichle Trends in cognitive sciences 13 (7), 302-309 285 2009 Loss of resting interhemispheric functional connectivity after complete section of the corpus callosum JM Johnston, SN Vaishnavi, MD Smyth, D Zhang, BJ He, JM Zempel, ... Journal of Neuroscience 28 (25), 6453-6458 254 2008 Scale-free properties of the functional magnetic resonance imaging signal during rest and task BJ He Journal of Neuroscience 31 (39), 13786-13795 220 2011 Scale-free brain activity: past, present, and future BJ He Trends in cognitive sciences 18 (9), 480-487 191 2014 Spontaneous and task-evoked brain activity negatively interact BJ He Journal of Neuroscience 33 (11), 4672-4682 130 2013 The role of impaired neuronal communication in neurological disorders BJ He, GL Shulman, AZ Snyder, M Corbetta Current opinion in neurology 20 (6), 655-660 123 2007 A behavioral analysis of spatial neglect and its recovery after stroke J Rengachary, BJ He, G Shulman, M Corbetta Frontiers in human neuroscience 5, 29 113 2011 Impaired and facilitated functional networks in temporal lobe epilepsy L Maccotta, BJ He, AZ Snyder, LN Eisenman, TL Benzinger, BM Ances, ... NeuroImage: clinical 2, 862-872 87 2013 Anatomical correlates of directional hypokinesia in patients with hemispatial neglect A Sapir, JB Kaplan, BJ He, M Corbetta Journal of Neuroscience 27 (15), 4045-4051 65 2007 Interplay between functional connectivity and scale-free dynamics in intrinsic fMRI networks P Ciuciu, P Abry, BJ He NeuroImage 95, 248-263 63 2014 Brain mechanisms for simple perception and bistable perception M Wang, D Arteaga, BJ He Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (35), E3350-E3359 58 2013 Task-driven activity reduces the cortical activity space of the brain: experiment and whole-brain modeling A Ponce-Alvarez, BJ He, P Hagmann, G Deco PLoS computational biology 11 (8), e1004445 39 2015 Spontaneous neural dynamics and multi-scale network organization BL Foster, BJ He, CJ Honey, K Jerbi, A Maier, YB Saalmann Frontiers in systems neuroscience 10, 7 34 2016 Average Is Optimal: An Inverted-U Relationship between Trial-to-Trial Brain Activity and Behavioral Performance BJ He, JM Zempel PLOS Computational Biology 9 (11), e1003348 34 2013 Spatiotemporal dissociation of brain activity underlying subjective awareness, objective performance and confidence Q Li, Z Hill, BJ He Journal of Neuroscience 34 (12), 4382-4395 33 2014 Modulating conscious movement intention by noninvasive brain stimulation and the underlying neural mechanisms ZH Douglas, B Maniscalco, M Hallett, EM Wassermann, BJ He Journal of Neuroscience 35 (18), 7239-7255 28 2015 Editorial AK Seth, BJ He, J Hohwy Neuroscience of Consciousness 2015 (1) 24 * 2015 Scale-free dynamics and critical phenomena in cortical activity TW Boonstra, BJ He, A Daffertshofer Frontiers in physiology 4 16 2013 Beyond trial-based paradigms: Continuous behavior, ongoing neural activity, and natural stimuli A Huk, K Bonnen, BJ He Journal of Neuroscience 38 (35), 7551-7558 13 2018 Initial-state-dependent, robust, transient neural dynamics encode conscious visual perception. AT Baria, B Maniscalco, BJ He PLoS Comput Biol 13 (11), e1005806 12 2017 Volition and Action in the Human Brain: Processes, Pathologies, and Reasons I Fried, P Haggard, BJ He, A Schurger Journal of Neuroscience 37 (45), 10842-10847 10 2017 更多信息请注意浏览 纽约大学医学中心官方网站 。 Faculty profiles Biyu J. He, PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Physiology Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology Other results Filter Results Filter Results Research(2) News(1) Publications | Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory ... , Matthew W. Flounders, Leana E. King, Tom Holroyd, and Biyu J. He. A dual role of prestimulus spontaneous ... Supplemental Material, click here. Audrey J. Sederberg, Aurélie Pala, He J. V. Zheng, Biyu J. He, and Garrett B ... https://med.nyu.edu/helab/publications Lab News and Events | Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory ... Presentations Recent lab presentations Ella Podvalny, Matthew W Flounders, Leana E King, Tom Holroyd, Biyu J He ... , Jennifer Lee, Brian Maniscalco, Matthew W. Flounders, Thomas Baumgarten, Biyu J. He. Neural time windows ... https://med.nyu.edu/helab/lab-news-and-events Open Positions | Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory ... Laboratory (PI: Biyu J. He, Ph.D.) at New York University is currently recruiting for a post-doctoral fellow ... and career goals, and names and contacts of three referees to Prof. Biyu Jade He (email: biyu.jade.he ... https://med.nyu.edu/helab/open-positions Lab Members | Perception and Brain Dynamics Laboratory ... Lab Members PI Biyu Jade He Biyu attained her B.S. in biology from Tsinghua University, Beijing ... activity. Email: Biyu.He@nyumc.org Curriculum Vitae Lab Members Post-doctoral Fellows Richard Hardstone ... https://med.nyu.edu/helab/lab-members Neuroscience Institute Faculty | NYU Langone Health NYU Langone’s Neuroscience Institute research faculty drive biomedical innovation through interdisciplinary research. https://med.nyu.edu/departments-institutes/neuroscience/faculty Neuroscience Institute Job Openings | NYU Langone Health NYU Langone’s Neuroscience Institute seeks accomplished individuals to join our team. https://med.nyu.edu/departments-institutes/neuroscience/about-us/job-openings Leon Levy Fellowship Program in Neuroscience | NYU Langone Health The Leon Levy Fellowship Program in Neuroscience supports outstanding early-career neuroscientists at NYU Langone. https://med.nyu.edu/departments-institutes/neuroscience/education/postdoctoral-training/le... Comprehensive Epilepsy Center Research | NYU Langone Health At NYU Langone’s Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, we are dedicated to researching epilepsy and seizure disorders to improve treatment options. https://med.nyu.edu/departments-institutes/neurology/divisions-centers/epilepsy/research Research Honors Awards | NYU Langone Health NYU Langone Health faculty are recognized with prestigious national and international honors and awards. https://med.nyu.edu/research/news-events-awards/honors-awards/ Research Honors Awards | NYU Langone Health NYU Langone Health faculty are recognized with prestigious national and international honors and awards. https://med.nyu.edu/research/news-events-awards/honors-awards
个人分类: 新观察|11929 次阅读|0 个评论
zhpd55 2019-9-12 14:57
冯爱玲博士的高引论文统计结果 诸平 之前对于冯爱玲博士的部分高引论文已有介绍,本文将最新统计结果介绍于下,根据谷歌学术搜索统计结果,截至2019年9月12日,累计被引1103次,2014年以来被引频次1040次;累计被引频次大于100次的论文有2篇,分别发表于2008年和2015年;2016和2017年发表的4篇论文,有2篇均被引76次,另外2篇均被引65次;2019年发表的论文中有3篇分别被引11次、15次和28次;更多被引频次详见截图和下表。 表1 冯爱玲博士的高引论文(被引10次) 标题 引用次数 年份 Preparation, mechanical properties and in vitro biodegradation of porous magnesium scaffolds H Zhuang, Y Han, A Feng Materials Science and Engineering: C 28 (8), 1462-1466 121 2008 Distance-dependent plasmon-enhanced fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticles using polyelectrolyte multilayers as tunable spacers AL Feng, ML You, L Tian, S Singamaneni, M Liu, Z Duan, TJ Lu, F Xu, ... Scientific reports 5, 7779 120 2015 In situ polymerization of modified graphene/polyimide composite with improved mechanical and thermal properties G Wu, Y Cheng, Z Wang, K Wang, A Feng Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28 (1), 576-581 76 2017 Facile synthesis and application of multi-shelled SnO 2 hollow spheres in lithium ion battery G Wu, H Wu, K Wang, C Zheng, Y Wang, A Feng Rsc Advances 6 (63), 58069-58076 76 2016 In situ synthesis and preparation of TiO 2 /polyimide composite containing phenolphthalein functional group G Wu, J Li, K Wang, Y Wang, C Pan, A Feng Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28 (9), 6544-6551 65 2017 Fabrication and characterization of OMMt/BMI/CE composites with low dielectric properties and high thermal stability for electronic packaging G Wu, Y Cheng, K Wang, Y Wang, A Feng Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27 (6), 5592-5599 65 2016 Synthesis, preparation and mechanical property of wood fiber-reinforced poly (vinyl chloride) composites A Feng, G Wu, Y Wang, C Pan Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17 (6), 3859-3863 64 2017 The effect of modified AlN on the thermal conductivity, mechanical and thermal properties of AlN/polystyrene composites G Wu, Y Wang, K Wang, A Feng RSC Advances 6 (104), 102542-102548 58 2016 The microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of calcium polyphosphate reinforced ZK60A magnesium alloy composites A Feng, Y Han Journal of Alloys and Compounds 504 (2), 585-593 56 2010 Mechanical and in vitro degradation behavior of ultrafine calcium polyphosphate reinforced magnesium-alloy composites A Feng, Y Han Materials Design 32 (5), 2813-2820 52 2011 The behavior of acid treating carbon fiber and the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of phenolic resin matrix composites A Feng, G Wu, C Pan, Y Wang Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17 (6), 3786-3791 44 2017 Development of Fe/Fe3O4@ C composite with excellent electromagnetic absorption performance A Feng, Z Jia, Y Zhao, H Lv Journal of Alloys and Compounds 745, 547-554 41 2018 Mechanical, thermal conductive and dielectrical properties of organic montmorillonite reinforced benzoxazine/cyanate ester copolymer for electronic packaging Y Wang, G Wu, K Kou, C Pan, A Feng Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27 (8), 8279-8287 36 2016 Enhancement of Cerenkov luminescence imaging by dual excitation of Er3+, Yb3+-doped rare-earth microparticles X Ma, F Kang, F Xu, A Feng, Y Zhao, T Lu, W Yang, Z Wang, M Lin, ... PLOs one 8 (10), e77926 35 2013 The effect of bis allyl benzoxazine on the thermal, mechanical and dielectric properties of bismaleimide–cyanate blend polymers Y Wang, K Kou, G Wu, A Feng, L Zhuo RSC Advances 5 (72), 58821-58831 34 2015 Mesoporous carbon hollow microspheres with tunable pore size and shell thickness as efficient electromagnetic wave absorbers H Zhang, B Wang, A Feng, N Zhang, Z Jia, Z Huang, X Liu, G Wu Composites Part B: Engineering 167, 690-699 28 2019 Preparation and characterization of carbon nanotubes/carbon fiber/phenolic composites on mechanical and thermal conductivity properties A Feng, Z Jia, Q Yu, H Zhang, G Wu Nano 13 (04), 1850037 22 2018 Fabrication of NixCo3-xS4 hollow nanosphere as wideband electromagnetic absorber at thin matched thickness Z Jia, B Wang, A Feng, J Liu, C Zhang, M Zhang, G Wu Ceramics International 15 2019 Selective enhancement of red emission from upconversion nanoparticles via surface plasmon-coupled emission AL Feng, M Lin, L Tian, HY Zhu, H Guo, S Singamaneni, Z Duan, TJ Lu, ... RSC Advances 5 (94), 76825-76835 15 2015 Fabrication and characterization of micro-nano AlN co-filled PTFE composites with enhanced thermal conductivity: a morphology-promoted synergistic effect C Pan, K Kou, Q Jia, Y Zhang, Y Wang, G Wu, A Feng Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 27 (11), 11909-11916 12 2016 Development of spindle-cone shaped of Fe/α-Fe2O3 hybrids and their superior wideband electromagnetic absorption performance Z Jia, B Wang, A Feng, J Liu, M Zhang, Z Huang, G Wu Journal of Alloys and Compounds 11 2019 氟尿嘧啶纳米乳剂的制备与性质 杨青艳, 吴道澄, 吴红, 冯爱玲 解放军药学学报 21 (3), 170-173 11 2005
个人分类: 新观察|3464 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zhpd55 2019-7-12 08:28
预印本可以提高文章的引用率和提及率 诸平 据 2019 年 7 月 9 日《自然指数·新闻》( Nature Index News )报道, 提前将论文上传到预印本文库(如 bioRxiv ),可以提高文章的引用频次(至少 3 年内持续增加)和提及率。在预印本服务器上发布新手稿的好处,不仅仅是加快出版过程和使研究结果更容易获得他人参考。有一项新的分析研究结果表明,在同行评审的期刊正式发表之前,作为预印本发表的期刊文章比没有预印本的同期发表的论文吸引更多的引用和在线提及。 德国莱布尼茨经济信息中心 ( Leibniz Information Centre for Economics , German y ) 、莱布尼茨社会科学研究所( Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences )以及基尔大学( Kiel University )的研究人员组成合作研究团队,他们检索了 2013 年 11月至2017 年 12月期间发表在 bioRxiv 生物信息库上的 18841 篇论文,并将它们与随后发表在同行评议期刊上的文章进行比对。 尼古拉斯·弗雷泽说,研究结果表明,在 bioRxiv 预印本文库公开自己的手稿,其影响不仅仅是引用频次的问题。“如果有良好的研究可以在早期获得,并与相关协会或者学会成员共享,会使其研究成果可以在网上迅速产生重大影响,而不管该期刊的声誉或引文影响如何。” 利用 Scopus 和替代计量学( Altmetrics )的数据,研究团队比较了三组论文之间的引文和在线共享情况 : 预印本和相应的期刊发表的论文 ; 以及在期刊发表之前没有发表在 bioRxiv 上公开的论文。他们分析了 7087 篇有预印本的论文和同样数量没有预印本的论文作为对照。当研究者对在 bioRxiv 公开之后,又在期刊发表的论文和那些未在 bioRxiv 公开的同期发表的论文的引用率相比较时 , 他们发现在 2013 年至 2017 年之间,具有预印本的论文平均被引频次接近 7 次 / 篇;而那些没有预印本的论文获得的被引频次则更低,平均只有 4 次多 /篇。在期刊出版后,被引用的增长至少持续了3 年。其 3年内的月平均被引频次变化见图1 。 图 1 不同论文发表之后 3 年内的月平均被引频次 上传到 bioRxiv 的预印本也让它们相应的期刊发表的文章在网上传播有了优势。尼古拉斯·弗雷泽等人的这项分析结果本身已经在 bioRxiv 预印本文库发表。研究发现,在预印本文库上发表的论文最终在 ( Twitter )、博客 (Blogs) 和新闻文章中被提及的次数,平均而言比那些没有预印本的论文要多,详见图 2 和图 3。 图 2 不同类型的论文在推特中的引用情况 图 3 博客、新闻以及维基百科对不同类型论文的引用比较 图 2 和图 3 也揭示了一些关于在线观众情况。尽管先上传到预印本文库,随后在期刊发表的论文在推特( Twitter )和博客 (Blogs) 中被提及的平均数量相近,但是 bioRxiv 预印本在新闻文章和维基百科( Wikipedia )页面上被引用的较少(见图 3 )。这表明,学者和那些拥有专业知识的人更愿意在推特上或博客上发表有关预印本的文章,而不是主流媒体。主流媒体相对比较谨慎,他们不愿引用并非就是不愿推动研究,而是处于对其可靠性的担忧,除非经过同行评审程序的合法化,他们才会认为是可靠的。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。 Nicholas Fraser, Fakhri Momeni, Philipp Mayr, Isabella Peters. The effect of bioRxiv preprints on citations and altmetrics . bioRxiv preprint first posted online Jun. 22, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/673665 Preprints boost article citations and mentions
个人分类: 新观察|8203 次阅读|2 个评论
zhpd55 2019-7-9 09:43
谷歌学术引用排行榜(1000次):中国高校 诸平 谷歌学术引用 ( Google Scholar Citation , GSC ) 超过1000次的中国高校有近400所,其中大陆(China)地区近300所,台湾(Taiwan)地区84所,香港(Hong Kong)地区14所,澳门(Macao)地区5所,共计397所。之前发表的博文可能因为某些问题被屏蔽了。今天对其逐条进行了修改,并附上中文校名,特别是对涉台高校进行了详细校改。中国入选的近400所高校排行榜中第一名是香港大学,被引496916次;香港城市大学名列第二,被引436027次;第三名是香港中文大学,被引412868次;清华大学(北京)排名第四,被引399094次,第五名是台湾大学,被引382942次。如果按照地区进行分类,青海、西藏未有高校入选。全国文理学院有多所,但是只有重庆文理学院榜上有名;师范学院特别是(专升本) 新建 院校,有淮阴师范学院和洛阳师范学院入围;新建院校还有嘉兴学院、莆田学院、丽水学院以及许昌学院;体育院校只有台湾体育大学入选,其他更多信息详见下表。注意下表是来自西班牙网络计量学实验室( Cybermetrics Lab )2019年公布的相关数据( Rankings of Google Scholar Profiles by country )。 UNIVERSITY REGION CITATIONS 香港大学 University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 496916 香港城市大学 City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 436027 香港中文大学 Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 412868 清华大学(北京) Tsinghua University China 399094 台湾大学 Taiwan University Taiwan 382942 香港科技大学 Hong Kong University of Science Technology Hong Kong 348523 香港理工大学 Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong 321124 山东大学 Shandong University China 302745 浙江大学 Zhejiang University (National Che Kiang University) China 294934 中国科技大学 University of Science Technology of China China 294627 北京大学 Peking University China 278912 西安交通大学 Xi'An Jiaotong University China 278239 南京大学 Nanjing University China 272945 台湾交通大学 Chiao Tung University Taiwan 266870 哈尔滨工业大学 Harbin Institute of Technology China 263954 苏州大学 Soochow University China 241632 上海交通大学 Shanghai Jiao Tong University China 229551 东南大学 Southeast University China 226441 武汉大学 Wuhan University China 211535 复旦大学 Fudan University (Shanghai Medical University) China 202795 华中科技大学 Huazhong University of Science Technology China 197400 台湾中心大学 Central University Taiwan 194868 南开大学 Nankai University China 192973 台湾成功大学 Cheng Kung University Taiwan 190169 中山大学 Sun Yat Sen University (Zhongshan University) China 175858 华南理工大学 South China University of Technology China 175115 华东理工大学 East China University of Science Technology China 168789 南京农业大学 Nanjing Agricultural University China 168356 天津大学 Tianjin University China 165174 北京师范大学 Beijing Normal University China 156934 台湾中山大学 Sun Yat Sen University Taiwan 154304 重庆大学 Chongqing University China 154070 湖南大学 (1) Hunan University China 152122 台湾清华大学 Tsing Hua University Taiwan Taiwan 151604 电子科技大学 University of Electronic Science Technology of China China 150846 四川大学 Sichuan University China 146395 吉林大学 Jilin University China 144974 厦门大学 Xiamen University China 142887 中南大学 Central South University (Zhongnan University) China 141245 同济大学 Tongji University China 141104 北京航空航天大学 Beihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics) China 138422 上海大学 Shanghai University China 136626 北京理工大学 Beijing Institute of Technology China 134886 兰州大学 Lanzhou University China 127912 北京化工大学 Beijing University of Chemical Technology China 116629 香港浸会大 学 Hong Kong Baptist University Hong Kong 115154 北京交通大学 (1) Beijing (Northern) Jiaotong University China 112833 深圳大学 Shenzhen University China 110367 华东师范大学 East China Normal University China 110292 华中农业大学 Huazhong (Central China) Agriculture University China 103938 台湾科技大学 Taiwan University of Science Technology Taiwan 103780 南方科技大学 South University of Science and Technology of China China 103584 中国农业大学 China Agricultural University China 102508 南京航空航天大学 Nanjing University of Aeronautics Astronautics China 100099 郑州大学 Zhengzhou University China 97573 西安电子科技大学 Xidian University China 96623 武汉理工大 学 Wuhan University of Technology China 89145 西北工业大学 Northwestern Polytechnical University China 84150 华侨大学 Huaqiao University China 79873 河海大学 Hohai University China 79379 南京理工大 学 Nanjing University of Science Technology China 78866 台湾阳明大学 Yang Ming University Taiwan 77794 西北大学 Northeastern University China China 75976 福州大学 Fuzhou University China 75751 浙江理工大 学 Zhejiang SCI-TECH University China 75427 北京科技大学 University of Science Technology Beijing China 73912 台湾师范大学 Taiwan Normal University Taiwan 73251 大连理工大学 Dalian University of Technology China 67512 西南交通大学 Southwest Jiaotong University China 67117 中国地质大学 China University of Geosciences China 66255 中国地质大学(北京) China University of Geoscience Beijing China 65621 河南理工大 学 Henan Polytechnic University China 65412 北京工业大学 Beijing University of Technology (Beijing Polytechnic University) China 63312 淡江大学 Tamkang University Taiwan 62573 中国科学院大学 (1) University of Chinese Academy of Sciences China 61387 元智 大学 Yuan Ze University Taiwan 60290 南京工业大学 Nanjing Tech University China 58158 香港教育大学 Education University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong Institute of Education) Hong Kong 57222 北京邮电大学 Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications China 55236 宁波诺丁汉大学 University of Nottingham Ningbo China China 54354 中原大学 Chung Yuan Christian University Taiwan 53573 台湾中兴大学 Chung Hsing University Taiwan 51818 高雄医学大学 Kaohsiung Medical University Taiwan 51108 台湾东华大学 Dong Hwa University (Hualien University of Education) Taiwan 51070 华中师范大学 Central China Normal University China 50845 长庚大学 Chang Gung University Taiwan 50269 暨南大学 Jinan University China 50036 宁波大学 Ningbo University China 48977 哈尔滨工程大学 Harbin Engineering University China 48835 安徽农业大学 Anhui Agricultural University China 47537 台湾海洋大学 Taiwan Ocean University Taiwan 47379 人民大学 Renmin University of China China 47064 台北医科大学 Taipei Medical University Taiwan 46914 第三军医大学 Third Military Medical University China 46523 华南师范大学 South China Normal University China 46522 中国海洋大学 Ocean University of China China 46402 中国石油大学 China University of Petroleum China 45480 北京大学健康科学中心 (3) Peking University Health Science Center (Beijing Medical University) China 45372 西南大学 (1) Southwest University China 44993 西交利物浦大学 Xi'An Jiaotong-Liverpool University China 44423 浙江工业大学 Zhejiang University of Technology China 44294 东华大学 Donghua University China 41751 台北大学 University of Taipei (Taipei Municipal University of Education) Taiwan 40707 华南农业大学 South China Agricultural University China 40152 合肥工业大学 Hefei University of Technology China 39362 深圳香港中文大学 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Shenzhen China 39332 香港岭南大学 Lingnan University Hong Kong 38724 西北农林科技大学 Northwest A F University China 38587 扬州大学 Yangzhou University China 37965 山西大学 Shanxi University China 37048 青岛科技大学 Qingdao University of Science Technology China 36482 南京信息工程大学 Nanjing University of Information Science Technology (ex-Institute of Meteorology) China 36117 台湾中医大学 China Medical University Taiwan Taiwan 36074 太原理工大学 Taiyuan University of Technology China 35781 重庆邮电大学 Chongqing University of Posts Telecommunications China 34555 台湾暨南国际大学 Chi Nan University Taiwan 34518 中国矿业大学 China University of Mining Technology China 34199 江苏大学 Jiangsu University China 33777 南京医科大学 Nanjing Medical University China 33702 逢甲大学 Feng Chia University Taiwan 32987 台湾高雄第一科技大学 Kaohsiung First University of Science Technology Taiwan 31958 广州大学 Guangzhou University China 31865 台湾亚洲大学 Asia University Taiwan Taiwan 31005 南京邮电大学 Nanjing University of Posts Telecommunications China 30055 台湾政治大学 Chengchi University Taiwan 29958 江南大学 Jiangnan University (Southern Yangtze University) China 29576 东北师范大学 Northeast Normal University China 29386 台湾彰化教育大学 Changhua University of Education Taiwan 29187 台北科技大学 Taipei University of Technology Taiwan 29139 北京林业大学 Beijing Forestry University China 28112 中欧国际工商学院 China Europe International Business School China 27808 台湾中正大学 Chung Cheng University Taiwan 27687 燕山大学 Yanshan University China 27131 陕西师范大学 (1) Shaanxi Normal University China 26378 南京师范大学 Nanjing Normal University China 25759 上海师范大学 Shanghai Normal University China 25464 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院 (3) Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School China 25392 西北大学 Northwest University China 25335 湘潭大学 Xiangtan University China 25282 中华大学 Chung Hua University Taiwan 25174 台湾云林科技大 学 Yunlin University of Science Technology Taiwan 24608 上海科技大学 Shanghai Tech University China 24537 东海大学 Tunghai University Taiwan 24414 青岛大学 Qingdao University China 24370 台南科技大学 Southern Taiwan University of Science Technology Taiwan 23680 首都师范大学 Capital Normal University China 23663 澳门科技大学 Macau University of Science Technology Macao 23332 河南大学 Henan University China 22880 第四军医大学 The Fourth Military Medical University China 22700 福建师范大学 Fujian Normal University China 22539 明志科技大学 Ming Chi University of Technology Taiwan 21352 华北电力大学 North China Electric Power University China 20912 北京大学深圳研究生院 (3) Shenzhen Graduate School Peking University China 20646 朝阳科技大 学 Chaoyang University of Technology Taiwan 20022 台湾宜兰大学 Ilan University Taiwan 19906 南方医科大学 (1) Southern Medical University (First Military Medical University) China 19792 杭州师范大学 Hangzhou Normal University China 19526 台湾台北大学 Taipei University Taiwan 19524 第二军医大学 The Second Military Medical University China 18540 国防大学 National University of Defense Technology (National Defense University) China 18310 台湾高雄大学 University of Kaohsiung Taiwan 17975 山东农业大学 Shandong Agricultural University China 17669 湖北大学 Hubei University China 17568 中国石油大学(北京) China University of Petroleum Beijing China 17542 温州大学 Wenzhou University China 17398 天津工业大学 Tianjin University of Technology China 16578 广东工业大学 Guangdong University of Technology China 16576 汕头大学 Shantou (Swatow) University China 16445 浙江师范大学 Zhejiang Normal University China 15981 台湾台南大学 University of Tainan Taiwan 15939 华北水利电力大学 North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power China 15546 南昌大学 Nanchang University China 15447 天主教辅仁大 学 Fu Jen Catholic University Taiwan 15167 广西大学 Guangxi University China 14924 宁夏大学 Ningxia University China 14754 安徽大学 Anhui University China 14391 大连海事大学 Dalian Maritime University China 14262 济南大学 University of Jinan China 14120 河北工业大学 Hebei University of Technology China 13908 中国计量大学 China Jiliang University China 13866 桂林理工大学 Guilin University of Technology China 13816 铭传大 学 Ming Chuan University Taiwan 13514 上海理工大 学 University of Shanghai for Science Technology China 13021 西南财经大学 Southwestern University of Finance Economics China 12660 昆明理工大学 Kunming University of Science Technology (Yunnan Polytechnic University) China 12605 哈尔滨医科大学 Harbin Medical University China 12483 台湾嘉义大学 Chiayi University Taiwan 12156 湖南师范大学 Hunan Normal University China 12150 上海海洋大学 Shanghai Ocean University (Shanghai Fisheries University) China 12085 台湾高雄应用科技大学 Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences Taiwan 11771 长安大学 Chang'an University China 11631 常州大学 Changzhou University China 11574 杭州电子科技大学 Hangzhou Dianzi University China 11537 上海海事大学 Shanghai Maritime University China 11518 中国矿业大学(北京) China University of Mining Technology Beijing China 11497 江苏师范大学 (1) Jiangsu Normal University China 11462 中国药科大学 China Pharmaceutical University China 11383 武汉科技大学 Wuhan University of Science Technology China 11054 中山医科大学 Chung Shan Medical University Taiwan 11054 河北师范大学 Hebei Normal University China 11044 安徽师范大学 Anhui Normal University China 11013 南通大学 Nantong University China 10810 广州医科大学 Guangzhou Medical University China 10711 四川农业大学 Sichuan Agricultural University China 10684 台湾联合大学 Taiwan United University Taiwan 10507 南京林业大学 Nanjing Forestry University China 10431 台湾 虎尾科技大 学 Formosa University Taiwan 10005 中央财经大学 Central University of Finance Economics China 9927 广东以色列理工学院 Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology GTIIT Guangdong Technion China 9916 湖南科技大学 (1) Hunan University of Science Technology China 9753 上海工业大学 Shanghai Polytechnic University China 9579 天津工业大学 Tianjin Polytechnic University China 8889 义守大 学 I Shou University Taiwan 8726 台湾台北商业大学 Taipei University of Business Taiwan 8554 首都医科大学 Capital Medical University China 8451 东吴大学(台湾) Soochow University Taiwan Taiwan 8286 上海工程技术大学 Shanghai University of Engineering Science China 8227 贵州大学 Guizhou University (Institute of Technology) China 8163 上海电力大学 Shanghai University of Electric Power China 8071 台湾屏东科技大学 Pingtung University of Science Technology Taiwan 8050 静宜大 学 Providence University Taiwan 8046 台湾台中大学 Taichung University Taiwan 8025 澳门大学 University of Macau Macao 7923 慈济大 学 Tzu Chi University Taiwan 7714 山东理工大学 Shandong University of Technology China 7584 福建医科大学 Fujian Medical University China 7566 海南大学 Hainan University (South China Tropical Agricultural University) China 7525 大同大 学 Tatung University Taiwan 7467 天津医科大学 (1) Tianjin Medical University China 7402 浙江工商大学 (1) Zhejiang Gongshang University China 7342 联合国际学院 United International College Hong Kong 7304 上海财经大学 Shanghai University of Finance Economics China 7142 广西师范大学 Guangxi Normal University China 7129 内蒙古大学 Inner Mongolia University China 6977 云南大学 Yunnan University China 6969 江苏农业科学院 Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences China 6831 重庆医科大学 Chongqing Medical University China 6750 澳门工业大学 Macau Polytechnic Institute Macao 6575 河南工业大学 Henan University of Technology China 6482 中国文化大 学 Chinese Culture University Taiwan 6391 西南石油大学 Southwest Petroleum University China 6381 上海交大医学院 (3) Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (Second Medical University) China 6295 武汉工程大 学 Wuhan Institute of Technology (Institute of Chemical Technology) China 6288 山东师范大学 Shandong Normal University China 6267 江西师范大学 Jiangxi Normal University (National Chung Cheng University) China 6256 河北大学 Hebei University China 6161 长江大学 Yangtze University China 6134 重庆理工大学 Chongqing University of Technology China 6087 福建农林大学 Fujian Agriculture Forestry University China 5896 西北师范大学 Northwest Normal University China 5817 台湾勤益科技大学 Chin Yi University of Technology Taiwan 5767 正修科技大 学 Cheng Shiu University Taiwan 5516 香港开放大学 Open University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 5488 齐鲁工业大学 (1) Qilu University of Technology China 5137 中国医科大学 China Medical University China 5129 香港树仁大 学 Hong Kong Shue Yan University Hong Kong 4968 东北林业大学 Northeast Forestry University China 4828 渤海大学 Bohai University China 4824 洛阳师范学院 (1) Luoyang Normal University China 4808 嘉南药理大学 Chia Nan University of Pharmacy Science Taiwan 4779 大连工业大学 Dalian Polytechnic University China 4738 重庆工商大学 Chongqing Technology Business University China 4727 桂林电子科技大学 Guilin University of Electronic Technology China 4712 山东科技大学 Shandong University of Science Technology China 4668 兰州工业大学 (1) Lanzhou University of Technology (Gansu University of Technology) China 4645 长沙理工大学 Changsha University of Science Technology China 4642 台湾高雄师范大学 Kaohsiung Normal University Taiwan 4596 温州医科大学 Wenzhou Medical University China 4586 郑州轻工业大学 (1) Zhengzhou University of Light Industry China 4534 长江商学 院 Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business China 4442 对外经济贸易大 学 University of International Business Economics China 4371 西南科技大学 Southwest University of Science Technology China 4294 天津师范大学 Tianjin Normal University China 4270 台湾防卫大学 Defense University Taiwan Taiwan 4183 广东外国语大学 Guangdong University of Foreign Studies China 4158 台湾 高雄海洋科技大 学 Kaohsiung Marine University Taiwan 4037 四川师范大学 Sichuan Normal University China 4036 台湾高雄餐旅大学 Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism Taiwan 3967 西安理工大学 Xi'An University of Technology China 3867 重庆师范大学 Chongqing Normal University China 3832 圣若瑟大 学 University of Saint Joseph (Macau Inter-University Institute) Macao 3777 湖南农业大学 Hunan Agricultural University China 3733 陕西科技大学 Shaanxi University of Science Technology China 3714 哈工大威海分校 (3) Harbin Institute of Technology Weihai China 3690 华中科技大学同济医学院 (3) Tongji Medical College Huazhong University of Science and Technology China 3669 天津医科大学 (1) Tianjin Medical University China 3668 中南民族大学 South Central University for Nationalities China 3644 哈尔滨师范大学 Harbin Normal University China 3605 新疆大学 Xinjiang University China 3563 大叶大学 Da Yeh University Taiwan 3558 天津科技大学 (1) Tianjin University of Science Technology China 3506 开南大学 Kainan University Taiwan 3496 重庆文理学院 (1) Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences (Western Chongqing University) China 3466 南昌航空大学 Nanchang Hangkong University (Aviation University) China 3415 北京信息科技大 学 Beijing Information Science Technology University China 3380 台湾台东大学 Taitung University Taiwan 3355 北京建筑大学 Beijing University of Civil Engineering Architecture China 3347 香港大学专业进修学院 School of Professional and Continuing Education Hong Kong 3332 浙江农林大学 Zhejiang A F University China 3305 北方工业大学 North China University of Technology China 3263 台湾台北教育大学 Taipei University of Education Taiwan 3200 台南应用科技大 学 Tainan University of Technology Taiwan 3064 成都理工大学 Chengdu University of Technology China 3031 长春理工大学 Changchun University of Science Technology China 3029 河南师范大学 (1) Henan Normal University (Xinxiang Teachers College) China 2979 鲁东大学 (1) Ludong University China 2951 浙江海洋大学 (1) Zhejiang Ocean University China 2942 淮阴师范学院 Huaiyin Normal University China 2925 广州中医药大学 Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine China 2915 上海中医药大学 (1) Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine China 2794 龙华科技大 学 Lunghwa University of Science Technology Taiwan 2714 南华大学 Nanhua University Taiwan Taiwan 2707 东莞理工学院 Dongguan University of Technology China 2695 嘉兴学院 Jiaxing University China 2669 辽宁大学 Liaoning University China 2611 湖北工业大学 Hubei University of Technology China 2608 黑龙江大学 Heilongjiang University China 2566 健行科技大学 Chien Hsin University of Science Technology (Ching Yun University) Taiwan 2502 临沂大学 Linyi University (Linyi Normal University) China 2403 河北工程大学 Hebei University of Engineering China 2370 北京语言文化大学 Beijing Language and Culture University China 2335 景德镇陶瓷学院 Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute China 2335 长荣大 学 Chang Jung Christian University Taiwan 2331 台湾台北教育大学 Taipei University of Education Taiwan 3200 闽南师范大学 Minnan Normal University China 2244 信阳师范学院 Xinyang Normal University China 2241 河北科技大学 Hebei University of Science Technology China 2231 武汉纺织大学 Wuhan Textile University China 2205 北京工商大学 Beijing Technology Business University China 2190 内蒙古农业大学 Inner Mongolia Agricultural University China 2185 广西医科大学 Guangxi Medical University China 2171 圣约翰科技大 学 Saint John's University Taiwan Taiwan 2166 浙江财经大学 Zhejiang University of Finance Economics China 2149 东北农业大学 Northeast Agricultural University China 2060 青岛农业大学 Qingdao Agricultural University (Laiyang Agricultural College) China 2034 成都信息工程大学 Chengdu University of Information Technology China 2020 中台科技大学 Central Taiwan University of Science Technology Taiwan 1986 西南医科大学 Southwest Medical University China 1980 马偕医学 院 Mackay Medical College Taiwan 1922 中国医学科学院暨北京协和医学院 Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences Peking Union Medical College China 1896 珠海学院 Chu Hai College of Higher Education Hong Kong 1893 中国传媒大学 Communication University of China (Beijing Broadcasting Institute) China 1890 大连民族大学 Dalian Nationalities University China 1856 西安石油大学 (1) Xi'An Shiyou University China 1840 大连大学 Dalian University China 1831 江苏理工学院 (1) Jiangsu University of Technology China 1804 厦门理工学院 Xiamen University of Technology (Lujiang University) China 1804 台湾体育大学 Taiwan University of Sport Taiwan 1795 中国民航大学 Civil Aviation University of China China 1767 河南师范大学 Henan Normal University China 1747 淮海工学院 Huaihai Institute of Technology China 1727 昆山杜克大学 Duke Kunshan University China 1689 安徽医科大学 Anhui Medical University China 1632 台湾金门大学 Quemoy University Taiwan 1622 宁波工程学院 Ningbo University of Technology China 1607 湖北师范大学 Hubei Normal University China 1606 湖南科技大学 Hunan University of Technology China 1599 江苏科技大学 Jiangsu University of Science Technology China 1599 长春理工大学 Changchun University of Technology China 1585 香港恒生大 学 Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Hong Kong 1579 常熟理工学院 Changshu Institute of Technology China 1571 南京中医药大学 (1) Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine China 1521 兰州交通大学 (1) Lanzhou Jiaotong University China 1475 大连医科大学 Dalian Medical University China 1465 树德科技大 学 Shu-Te University Taiwan 1447 台湾台北护理健康大学 Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences Taiwan 1391 青岛理工大学 (1) Qingdao University of Technology China 1385 徐州医科大学 Xuzhou Medical University China 1366 曲阜师范大学 Qufu Normal University China 1360 天津商业大学 Tianjin University of Commerce China 1359 侨光科技大学 Overseas Chinese University of Science and Technology Taiwan 1351 沈阳农业大学 Shenyang Agricultural University China 1349 西安科技大学 Xi'An University of Science Technology China 1344 河南科技大学 Henan University of Science Technology China 1312 淮阴工学院 Huaiyin Institute of Technology China 1280 莆田学院 Putian University China 1239 丽水学院 Lishui University China 1230 哈尔滨科技学院 Harbin University of Science Technology China 1222 台湾屏东大学 Pingtung University Taiwan 1206 中南林业科技大 学 Central South University of Forestry Technology China 1197 育达科技大 学 Yu Da University of Science Technology Taiwan 1187 澳门旅游学院 Institute for Tourism Studies Macau Macao 1184 南京财经大学 Nanjing University of Finance Economics China 1176 真理大学 Aletheia University Taiwan 1176 山峡大学 China Three Gorges University China 1175 许昌学院 Xuchang University China 1175 岭东科技大学 Ling Tung University Taiwan 1165 贵阳医学院 Guiyang Medical University China 1145 华夏科技大 学 Hwa Hsia University of Technology Taiwan 1132 烟台大学 Yantai University China 1112 南昌理工学院 (1) Nanchang Institute of Technology China 1107 上海外国语大 学 Shanghai International Studies University China 1095 中北大学 North University of China China 1085 佛山科学技术 学院 Foshan University China 1061 西安建筑科技大学 Xi'An University of Architecture Technology China 1053 首都经济贸易大学 Capital University of Economics Business China 1017 苏州科技大学 Suzhou University of Science Technology China 1017
个人分类: 新观察|15 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 4 zhpd55 2019-6-4 03:00
论文标题中的连字符危害被引频次和期刊影响因子 诸平 As more hyphens appear in a paper title, its citations will decrease. This phenomenon applies to all major subject areas, regardless of the quality of the publication. Credit: @The University of Hong Kong 之前有人研究过论文标题长短与被引频次之间的关系,发现论文标题长短与被引频次成反比,论文标题越长,被引的几率越低,也有人曾经讨论过合作度对被引频次的影响,合作都高者被引频次较高。2019 年 5月31 日, 香港大学 ( span style=font-size:13px;font-family:color:black;text-underline:noneThe University of Hong Kong , HKU )在物理学家组织网( Phys.org ) 撰文指出 ,论文标题中的连字符危害论文的被引频次,进而牵连到期刊的影响因子( JIF )。如果论文标题中出现更多的连字符,其被引频次会减少。而且指出这一现象适用于所有主要的学科(包括生物学、化学、数学、物理学、医学以及计算机科学等)领域,不论出版物的质量如何。相关研究结果于 2019 年 5月7 日已经在《 IEEE 软件工程学报》 ( IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering ) 网站上发表 —— Zhi Quan Zhou ; T.H. Tse ; Matt Witheridge. Metamorphic Robustness Testing: Exposing Hidden Defects in Citation Statistics and Journal Impact Factors . IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2019). DOI: 10.1109/TSE.2019.2915065 (点击可以免费浏览原文) 根据最新的研究结果,无论文章质量如何,学术论文标题中简单连字符的存在都会对引文统计产生负面影响。这一现象适用于所有的主要学科领域。因此,在世界范围内,经常用于教授评估的引文数和期刊影响因素是不可靠的。 这一突破性的发现对确定论文、期刊和教授的贡献的游戏规则提出了根本性的挑战。它是在一篇名为“变质鲁棒性测试 : 揭示引文统计和期刊影响因素中的隐藏缺陷( Metamorphic Robustness Testing: Exposing Hidden Defects in Citation Statistics and Journal Impact Factors )”的论文中提出的,该论文 2019 年 5月7 日发表在该领域的顶级期刊《 IEEE 软件工程学报》 ( IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering ) 网站。 T.H. Tse 是 HKU 计算机科学荣誉教授。周志泉 (Zhi Quan Zhou 音译 )博士毕业于香港大学,现任澳洲伍伦贡大学 ( University of Wollongong )软件工程副教授。马特·威瑟里奇( Matt Witheridge )是伍伦贡大学的博士生。 Scopus 和 Web of Science 是两个领先的引文索引系统。 Scopus 提供引文统计数据,以支持泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排名( Times Higher Education World University Rankings )和 QS 世界大学排名( QS World University Rankings )。 Web of Science 提供的统计结果支持主要期刊排名的期刊影响因子。由于这两种索引系统的重要性,保证它们的质量至关重要。特别是,鲁棒性测试是指验证系统处理错误输入或意外情况的能力。例如,如果在引用论文标题时出现一些小的拼写错误,索引系统能否正确处理引文 ? T.H. Tse 教授和他的团队成员提出了一种创新的方法——“变质鲁棒性测试”来验证 Scopus 和 Web of Science 。深入研究发现,这两种系统都存在鲁棒性缺陷,可能会导致标题中有连字符的论文出现错误的引用计数,因此随后计算出的期刊影响因子是有问题的。 回到 2015 年, Letchford 和他的同事对 Scopus 进行了一项大规模的研究,发现标题较短的论文比标题较长的论文更容易被引用。详见 Letchford A , Moat H S , Preis T . The advantage of short paper titles . R Soc Open Sci. 2015 Aug 26; 2(8): 150266. doi: 10.1098/rsos.150266. Paiva C E , Lima J P , Paiva B S . Articles with short titles describing the results are cited more often. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2012; 67(5): 509-513. doi: 10.6061/clinics/2012(05)17 相反, T.H. Tse 教授和现在的研究小组发现,实际上,标题中连字符的数量才是影响引文数量的主要因素。通常,连字符的数量与文章的标题长度有关,从而产生了引文数量依赖于标题长度的误解。 引文实践因学科领域而异。某些领域的出版物可能比其他领域的出版物有更高的系统引用数。例如,有人可能会争辩说,在化学领域的论文 ( 论文标题通常带有连字符作为化学命名法的一部分 ) 只得到相对有限的引用数量,从而导致连字符与引用之间存在虚假的负相关关系。因此,该团队对特定学科领域的期刊进行了重点研究。结果表明,即使本研究仅局限于某一特定学科,连字符也会对论文的引用数量产生负面影响。 为了建立在文章和学科层面研究结果的基础上,研究小组调查了期刊层面论文标题中连字符的影响。期刊影响因子 (JIF) 是确定学术期刊被引频次的常用指标。它经常被用来表示期刊在其领域内的相对重要性。一项软件工程领域的研究表明, JIF 排名越高的期刊发表的带有连字符标题的论文比例越低。研究小组进一步分析了研究的有效性,避免陷入因果关系等同的陷阱。 T.H. Tse 教授说:“我们的研究结果质疑了学术界、政府和资助机构的普遍看法,即引文数量是衡量论文贡献和重要性的可靠指标。事实上,它们可以被文章标题中连字符的存在所扭曲,这与研究的质量无关。同样,我们的研究结果也对期刊影响因素的有效性提出了挑战。“”这些令人惊讶的结果不仅让寻求终身职位或晋升的教授感兴趣,也让总裁、院长和主管等高级管理人员感兴趣。因为它们适用于任何大学的所有院系。”更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道。 Abstract: We propose a robustness testing approach for software systems that process large amounts of data. Our method uses metamorphic relations to check software output for erroneous input in the absence of a tangible test oracle. We use this technique to test two major citation database systems: Scopus and the Web of Science. We report a surprising finding that the inclusion of hyphens in paper titles impedes citation counts, and that this is a result of the lack of robustness of the citation database systems in handling hyphenated paper titles. Our results are valid for the entire literature as well as for individual fields such as chemistry. We further find a strong and significant negative correlation between the journal impact factor (JIF) of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE) and the percentage of hyphenated paper titles published in TSE. Similar results are found for ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. A software engineering field-wide study reveals that the higher JIF-ranked journals are publishing a lower percentage of papers with hyphenated titles. Our results challenge the common belief that citation counts and JIFs are reliable measures of the impact of papers and journals, as they can be distorted simply by the presence of hyphens in paper titles.
个人分类: 新观察|10312 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 2 zhpd55 2019-1-8 21:12
高引撤稿论文 Top10 及撤稿排行榜 诸平 2018年已经结束,2019年已经开始,在过去被撤稿的论文中有些论文可能根本无人问津,但是也有些论文则频频被引,下面就列举出被引频次最高的前10篇撤稿论文 (被引频次超过620次,最高达到1900余次;而且有些论文撤稿后还继续被引40次到977次不等) ,同时附上撤稿数量最多的前32名,仅供参考。 Top 10 most highly cited retracted papers Ever curious which retracted papers have been most cited by other scientists? Below, we present the list of the 10 most highly cited retractions as of October 2018. Readers will see some familiar entries, such as the infamous Lancet paper by Andrew Wakefield that originally suggested a link between autism and childhood vaccines . You’ll note that many papers — including the #2 most cited paper — received more citations after they were retracted, which research has shown is an ongoing problem . Although just missing out on the top ten and coming in at number 11 – with 605 citing articles – this article is also designated as a “Highly Cited Paper” by Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science, meaning it was ranked in the top one percent of all papers in its subject field in the last 10 years: Selective killing of cancer cells by a small molecule targeting the stress response to ROS . NATURE July 14, 2011. (by: Lakshmi Raj, Takao Ide, Aditi U. Gurkar, Michael Foley, Monica Schenone, Xiaoyu Li, Nicola J. Tolliday, Todd R. Golub, Steven A. Carr, Alykhan F. Shamji, Andrew M. Stern, Anna Mandinova, Stuart L. Schreiber, Sam W. Lee). Article Year of retraction Citing Articles before retraction Citing Articles after retraction Total cites (journals indexed by Web of Science) Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease with a Mediterranean Diet . N Engl J Med April 4, 2013 Estruch R, Ros E, Salas-Salvado J, Covas MI, Corella, D, Aros F, Gomez-Gracia E, Ruiz-Gutiérrez V, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Lamuela-Raventos RM, Serra-Majem L, Pinto X, Basora J, Munoz MA, Sorli JV, Martinez JA, Martinez-Gonzalez MA, et al., for the PREDIMED Study Investigators 2018 1792 79 1917 2. Visfatin: A protein secreted by visceral fat that mimics the effects of insulin .SCIENCE, JAN 21 2005 Fukuhara A, Matsuda M, Nishizawa M, Segawa K, Tanaka M, Kishimoto K, Matsuki Y, Murakami M, Ichisaka T, Murakami H, Watanabe E, Takagi T, Akiyoshi M, Ohtsubo T, Kihara S, Yamashita S, Makishima M, Funahashi T, Yamanaka S, Hiramatsu R, Matsuzawa Y, Shimomura I. 2007 224 977 1255 3. Ileal-lymphoid-nodular hyperplasia, non-specific colitis, and pervasive developmental disorder in children .LANCET, FEB 28 1998 Wakefield AJ, Murch SH, Anthony A, Linnell J, Casson DM, Malik M, Berelowitz M, Dhillon AP, Thomson MA, Harvey P, Valentine A, Davies SE, Walker-Smith JA 2010 647 512 1206 4. An enhanced transient expression system in plants based on suppression of gene silencing by the p19 protein of tomato bushy stunt virus .PLANT JOURNAL, MAR 2003 Voinnet O, Rivas S, Mestre P, Baulcombe D. 2015 900 201 1103 5. Purification and ex vivo expansion of postnatal human marrow mesodermal progenitor cells .BLOOD, NOV 1 2001 Reyes M, Lund T, Lenvik T, Aguiar D, Koodie L, Verfaillie CM. 2009 578 289 887 6. TREEFINDER: a powerful graphical analysis environment for molecular phylogenetics .BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY, JUN 28 2004 Jobb G, von Haeseler A, Strimmer K. 2015 748 114 862 7. Viral pathogenicity determinants are suppressors of transgene silencing in Nicotiana benthamiana .EMBO JOURNAL, NOV 16 1998 Brigneti G, Voinnet O, Li WX, Ji LH, Ding SW, Baulcombe DC 2015 769 40 811 8. Spontaneous human adult stem cell transformation .CANCER RESEARCH, APR 15 2005 Rubio D, Garcia-Castro J, Martín MC, de la Fuente R, Cigudosa JC, Lloyd AC, Bernad A. 2010 318 383 725 9. Combination treatment of angiotensin-II receptor blocker and angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor in non-diabetic renal disease (COOPERATE): a randomised controlled trial .LANCET, JAN 11 2003 Nakao N, Yoshimura A, Morita H, Takada M, Kayano T, Ideura T. 2009 547 127 722 10. A pleiotropically acting microRNA, miR-31, inhibits breast cancer metastasis .CELL, JUN 12 2009 Valastyan S, Reinhardt F, Benaich N, Calogrias D, Szász AM, Wang ZC, Brock JE, Richardson AL, Weinberg RA. 2015 494 121 622 撤稿排行榜 ( Top32 ) Who has the most retractions? Here’s our unofficial list (see notes on methodology), which we’ll update as more information comes to light: Yoshitaka Fujii (total retractions: 183) See also: Final report of investigating committee , our reporting, additional coverage Joachim Boldt (96) See also: Editors-in-chief statement , our coverage Diederik Stapel (58) See also: our coverage Adrian Maxim (48) See also: our coverage Yuhji Saitoh (48) See also: our coverage Yoshihiro Sato (48) See also: our coverage Jun Iwamoto (44) See also: our coverage Chen-Yuan (Peter) Chen (43) See also: SAGE , our coverage Fazlul Sarkar (41) See also: our coverage Hua Zhong (41) See also: journal notice Shigeaki Kato (40) See also: our coverage James Hunton (37) See also: our coverage Hyung-In Moon (35) See also: our coverage Naoki Mori (32) See also: our coverage Jan Hendrik Schön (32) See also: our coverage Soon-Gi Shin (30) See also: our coverage Tao Liu (29) See also: our coverage Bharat Aggarwal (28) See also: our coverage Cheng-Wu Chen (28) See also: our coverage A Salar Elahi (27) See also: our coverage Richard L E Barnett (26) See also: our coverage Antonio Orlandi (26) See also: our coverage Prashant K Sharma (26) See also: our coverage Rashmi Madhuri (24) See also: our coverage Scott Reuben (24) See also: our coverage M Ghoranneviss (22) See also: our coverage Anil K Jaiswal (22) See also: our coverage Gilson Khang (22) See also: our coverage Noel Chia (21) See also: our coverage Alfredo Fusco (21) See also: our coverage Friedhelm Herrmann (21) See also: our coverage Stanley Rapoport (21) See also: our coverage
个人分类: 新观察|3959 次阅读|3 个评论
zhpd55 2018-8-31 16:21
部分热休克蛋白 90(HSP90) 高引( 700 次)论文 诸平 将部分与热休克蛋白90(heat-shock protein 90,HSP90)相关的高引(被引超过700次)论文,摘引如下,仅供参考 。 Hsp90as a capacitor for morphological evolution 1998in Nature Suzanne L. Rutherford 1 (Howard Hughes Medical Institute) , Susan Lindquist 117 (University of California, Irvine) The heat-shock proteinHsp90supports diverse but specific signal transducers and lies at the interface of several developmental pathways. We report here that when DrosophilaHsp90is mutant or pharmacologically impaired, phenotypic variation affecting nearly any adult structure is produced, with specific variants depending on the genetic background and occurring both in laboratory strains and in ... Ref 34 Cited 1490 Source Cite this paper Add Collection HSP90and the chaperoning of cancer 2005in Nature Reviews Cancer Luke Whitesell 47 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) , Susan Lindquist 117 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Standing watch over the proteome, molecular chaperones are an ancient and evolutionarily conserved class of proteins that guide the normal folding, intracellular disposition and proteolytic turnover of many of the key regulators of cell growth, differentiation and survival. This essential guardian function is subverted during oncogenesis to allow malignant transformation and to facilitate rapid so... Ref 148 Cited 1457 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Hsp70 chaperones: cellular functions and molecular mechanism. 2005in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences Matthias P. Mayer 44 (Heidelberg University) , Bernd Bukau 70 (Heidelberg University) Hsp70 proteins are central components of the cellular network of molecular chaperones and folding catalysts. They assist a large variety of protein folding processes in the cell by transient association of their substrate binding domain with short hydrophobic peptide segments within their substrate proteins. The substrate binding and release cycle is driven by the switching of Hsp70 between the lo... Ref 126 Cited 1401 Download Pdf Cite this paper Add Collection Steroid receptor interactions with heat shock protein and immunophilin chaperones 1997in Endocrine Reviews William B. Pratt 73 (University of Michigan) , David O. Toft 62 (Mayo Clinic) I. Introduction II. 9S Receptors A. Estrogen receptors (ERs) B. Progesterone receptors (PRs) C. Androgen receptors (ARs) D. Glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) E. Mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs) F. Dioxin receptors (DRs) G. Antheridiol receptors III. Receptor Transformation A. Transformed receptors bind polyanions B. Artifactual transforming conditions C. Models of cytosolic receptor transformation D... Cited 1241 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Inhibition of heat shock protein HSP90-pp60v-src heteroprotein complex formation by benzoquinone ansamycins: essential role for stress proteins in oncogenic transformation 1994in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America L Whitesell 1 , E G Mimnaugh 1 , B R de Costa 2 ... (2 others) Abstract The molecular mechanisms by which oncogenic tyrosine kinases induce cellular transformation are unclear. Herbimycin A, geldanamycin, and certain other benzoquinone ansamycins display an unusual capacity to revert tyrosine kinase-induced oncogenic transformation. As an approach to the study of v-src-mediated transformation, we examined ansamycin action in transformed cells and found that d... Cited 1093 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Small heat shock proteins are molecular chaperones. 1993in Journal of Biological Chemistry Ursula Jakob 49 (University of Michigan) , Matthias Gaestel 3 (Technische Universität München) , K Engel 2 ... (1 others) Abstract Small heat shock proteins (sHsp) with a molecular mass of 15-30 kDa are ubiquitous and conserved. Up to now their function has remained enigmatic. Increased expression under heat shock conditions and their protective effect on cell viability at elevated temperatures suggest that they may have a function in the formation or maintenance of the native conformation of cytosolic proteins. To t... Cited 1061 Download Pdf Add Collection Regulation of Signaling Protein Function and Trafficking by the hsp90/hsp70-Based Chaperone Machinery 2003in Experimental Biology and Medicine William B. Pratt 73 (University of Michigan) , David O. Toft 62 (University of Rochester) Nearly 100 proteins are known to be regulated byhsp90.Most of these substrates or “client proteins” are involved in signal transduction, and they are brought into complex withhsp90by a multlprotein hsp90/hsp70-based chaperone machinery. In addition to binding substrate proteins at the chaperone site(s),hsp90binds cofactors at other sites that are part of the heterocomplex assembly machinery ... Ref 298 Cited 1049 Download Pdf Cite this paper Add Collection Crystal structure of an Hsp90-geldanamycin complex: targeting of a protein chaperone by an antitumor agent. 1997in Cell Charles E. Stebbins 3 (Cornell University) , Alicia A. Russo 9 (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) , Christine Schneider 3 (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) ... (3 others) Abstract TheHsp90chaperone is required for the activation of several families of eukaryotic protein kinases and nuclear hormone receptors, many of which are proto-oncogenic and play a prominent role in cancer. The geldanamycin antibiotic has antiproliferative and antitumor effects, as it binds toHsp90,inhibits the Hsp90-mediated conformational maturation/refolding reaction, and results in the ... Ref 58 Cited 1006 Download Pdf Cite this paper Add Collection A high-affinity conformation ofHsp90confers tumour selectivity onHsp90inhibitors. 2003in Nature Adeela Kamal 17 (University of California, San Diego) , Lia Thao 2 , John Sensintaffar 2 (Chiron Corporation) ... (4 others) Heat shock protein 90(Hsp90)is a molecular chaperone that plays a key role in the conformational maturation of oncogenic signalling proteins, including HER-2/ErbB2, Akt, Raf-1, Bcr-Abl and mutated p53 1-7 .Hsp90inhibitors bind toHsp90,and induce the proteasomal degradation ofHsp90client proteins 6,8-11 . AlthoughHsp90is highly expressed in most cells,Hsp90inhibitors selectively kill ca... Ref 30 Cited 942 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Identification and structural characterization of the ATP/ADP-binding site in theHsp90molecular chaperone. 1997in Cell Chrisostomos Prodromou 44 (University College London) , S. Mark Roe 31 (University College London) , Ronan O'Brien 22 (University College London) ... (3 others) Hsp90molecular chaperones in eukaryotic cells play essential roles in the folding and activation of a range of client proteins involved in cell cycle regulation, steroid hormone responsiveness, and signal transduction. The biochemical mechanism ofHsp90is poorly understood, and the involvement of ATP in particular is controversial. Crystal structures of complexes between the N-terminal domain of... Ref 56 Cited 929 Source Cite this paper Add Collection CD91 Is a Common Receptor for Heat Shock Proteins gp96, hsp90, hsp70, and Calreticulin 2001in Immunity Sreyashi Basu 15 (University of Connecticut) , Robert J. Binder 20 (University of Connecticut) , Thirumalai R. Ramalingam 27 (University of Connecticut) ... (1 others) Abstract Complexes of the heat shock protein gp96 and antigenic peptides are taken up by antigen-presenting cells and presented by MHC class I molecules. In order to explain the unusual efficiency of this process, the uptake of gp96 had been postulated to occur through a receptor, identified recently as CD91. We show here that complexes of peptides with heat shock proteins hsp90, calreticulin, and... Ref 32 Cited 883 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Hsp90 as a capacitor of phenotypic variation. 2002in Nature Christine Queitsch 20 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) , Todd A. Sangster 9 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) , Susan Lindquist 117 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) chaperones the maturation of many regulatory proteins and, in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, buffers genetic variation in morphogenetic pathways. Levels and patterns of genetic variation differ greatly between obligatorily outbreeding species such as fruitflies and self-fertilizing species such as the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Also, plant development is more ... Ref 27 Cited 877 Download Pdf Cite this paper Add Collection Structure of TPR domain-peptide complexes: critical elements in the assembly of the Hsp70-Hsp90 multichaperone machine 2000in Cell Clemens Scheufler 5 (Max Planck Society) , Achim Brinker 3 (Max Planck Society) , Gleb P. Bourenkov 19 (Max Planck Society) ... (5 others) Abstract The adaptor protein Hop mediates the association of the molecular chaperones Hsp70 and Hsp90. The TPR1 domain of Hop specifically recognizes the C-terminal heptapeptide of Hsp70 while the TPR2A domain binds the C-terminal pentapeptide of Hsp90. Both sequences end with the motif EEVD. The crystal structures of the TPR–peptide complexes show the peptides in an extended conformation, spannin... Ref 54 Cited 831 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Dynamic activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by Hsp90 1998in Nature Guillermo García-Cardeña 53 (Harvard University) , Roger Fan 2 (Yale University) , Vijay Shah 3 (Yale University) ... (4 others) Heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) coordinates the trafficking and regulation of diverse signalling proteins, but its precise role in regulating specific cellular targets is not known 1,2 . Here we show that Hsp90 associates with endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and is rapidly recruited to the eNOS complex by agonists that stimulate production of nitric oxide, namely vascular endothelial growth... Ref 31 Cited 796 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Repression of Heat Shock Transcription Factor HSF1 Activation by HSP90 (HSP90 Complex) that Forms a Stress-Sensitive Complex with HSF1 1998in Cell Jiangying Zou 3 (University of Miami) , Yongle Guo 4 (University of Miami) , Toumy Guettouche 8 (University of Miami) ... (2 others) Abstract Heat shock and other proteotoxic stresses cause accumulation of nonnative proteins that trigger activation of heat shock protein (Hsp) genes. A chaperone/Hsp functioning as repressor of heat shock transcription factor (HSF) could make activation of hsp genes dependent on protein unfolding. In a novel in vitro system, in which human HSF1 can be activated by nonnative protein, heat, and gel... Ref 54 Cited 791 Source Cite this paper Add Collection HSP90 at the hub of protein homeostasis: emerging mechanistic insights 2010in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology Mikko Taipale 23 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) , Daniel F. Jarosz 18 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) , Susan Lindquist 117 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) HSP90 is a highly conserved chaperone that facilitates the maturation of a wide range of proteins. Recent studies have provided insight into the regulation of the HSP90 chaperone cycle and revealed numerous processes that HSP90 regulates directly or indirectly. Ref 180 Cited 790 Source Cite this paper Add Collection The 90-kDa Molecular Chaperone Family: Structure, Function, and Clinical Applications. A Comprehensive Review 1998in Pharmacology Therapeutics Péter Csermely 52 (Semmelweis University) , Tamás Schnaider 10 (Semmelweis University) , Csaba Soti 23 (Semmelweis University) ... (2 others) The 90-kDa molecular chaperone family (which comprises, among other proteins, the 90-kDa heat-shock protein, hsp90 and the 94-kDa glucose-regulated protein, grp94, major molecular chaperones of the cytosol and of the endoplasmic reticulum, respectively) has become an increasingly active subject of research in the past couple of years. These ubiquitous, well-conserved proteins account for 1–2% of a... Ref 516 Cited 742 Download Pdf Cite this paper Add Collection Targeting the dynamic HSP90 complex in cancer 2010in Nature Reviews Cancer Jane B. Trepel 61 (National Institutes of Health) , Mehdi Mollapour 30 (National Institutes of Health) , Giuseppe Giaccone 44 (National Institutes of Health) ... (1 others) Numerous oncoproteins depend on the molecular chaperone heat shock protein 90 (HSP90). However, the optimal use of HSP90-targeted therapeutics will depend on understanding the complexity of HSP90 regulation and the degree to which the chaperone participates in both neoplastic and normal cellular physiology. Ref 176 Cited 738 Download Pdf Cite this paper Add Collection The co-chaperone CHIP regulates protein triage decisions mediated by heat-shock proteins. 2001in Nature Cell Biology Patrice Connell 2 (University of Texas Medical Branch) , Carol A. Ballinger 10 (University of Texas Medical Branch) , Jihong Jiang 2 (University of Texas Medical Branch) ... (4 others) To maintain quality control in cells, mechanisms distinguish among improperly folded peptides, mature and functional proteins, and proteins to be targeted for degradation. The molecular chaperones, including heat-shock protein Hsp90, have the ability to recognize misfolded proteins and assist in their conversion to a functional conformation. Disruption of Hsp90 heterocomplexes by the Hsp90 inhibit... Cited 710 Source Cite this paper Add Collection Structure and Mechanism of the Hsp90 Molecular Chaperone Machinery 2006in Annual Review of Biochemistry Laurence H. Pearl 75 (University of Sussex) , Chrisostomos Prodromou 44 (University of Sussex) Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone essential for activating many signaling proteins in the eukaryotic cell. Biochemical and structural analysis of Hsp90 has revealed a complex mechanism of ATPase-coupled conformational changes and interactions with cochaperone proteins, which facilitate activation of Hsp90's diverse clientele. Despite recent progress, key aspects of the ATPas... Ref 120 Cited 695 Download Pdf Cite this paper Add Collection
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zhpd55 2018-5-13 04:27
基因组高引文献检索结果(被引频次7000次) 诸平 如果我们从 1920 年 德国 汉堡大学 ( University of Hamburg ) 植物学 教授汉斯 · 温克勒( Hans Winkler, 1877-1945 )首次使用基因组( genome )这一名词算起,至今也不足百年。但是近百年来与基因组相关的研究却发生了翻天覆地的变化。我们以 PubMed 数据库收录量为例,近几十年每年以千篇以上的文献递增,特别是进入 21 世纪以来,每年收录文献数量的变化几乎呈现出直线上升的发展势头。与基因组相关的基因组学( genomics )研究文献的变化,也有类似的趋势,详见图 1 所示。 图 1 PUBMED 数据库基因组 (genome) 文献数量之变 1. 高引论文(被引频次7000次) Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. Feb 15 2001, Nature , volume 409, issue 6822, pp 860-921 Authors: Eric S. Lander ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) Lauren M. Linton ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) Bruce Birren ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) Chad Nusbaum ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) Michael C. Zody ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) , +244 others Show all The human genome holds an extraordinary trove of information about human development, physiology, medicine and evolution. Here we report the results of an international collaboration to produce and make freely available a draft sequence of the human genome. We also present an initial analysis of the data, describing some of the insights that can be gleaned from the sequence. Citations (22,357) * Cluster analysis and display of genome-wide expression patterns Dec 8 1998, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ,volume 95,issue 25,pp 14863-14868 Authors: Michael B. Eisen ( Stanford University ) Paul T. Spellman ( Stanford University ) Patrick O. Brown ( Stanford University ) David Botstein ( Stanford University ) +-1 others A system of cluster analysis for genome-wide expression data from DNA microarray hybridization is de- scribed that uses standard statistical algorithms to arrange genes according to similarity in pattern of gene expression. The output is displayed graphically, conveying the clustering and the underlying expression data simultaneously in a form intuitive for biologists. We have found in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that clustering gene expression data groups together efficiently genes of known similar function, and we find a similar tendency in human data. Thus patterns seen in genome-wide expression experiments can be inter- preted as indications of the status of cellular processes. Also, coexpression of genes of known function with poorly charac- terized or novel genes may provide a simple means of gaining leads to the functions of many genes for which information is not available currently. Citations (17,684) * The Sequence of the Human Genome Feb 16 2001, Science ,volume 291,issue 5507,pp 1304-1351. Authors: J. Craig Venter ( Celera Corporation ) Mark D. Adams ( Celera Corporation ) Eugene W. Myers ( Celera Corporation ) Peter W. Li ( Celera Corporation ) Richard J. Mural ( Celera Corporation ) +268 others A 2.91-billion base pair (bp) consensus sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome was generated by the whole-genome shotgun sequencing method. The 14.8-billion bp DNA sequence was generated over 9 months from 27,271,853 high-quality sequence reads (5.11-fold coverage of the genome) from both ends of plasmid clones made from the DNA of five individuals. Two assembly strategies—a whole-genome assembly and a regional chromosome assembly—were used, each combining sequence data from Celera and the publicly funded genome effort. The public data were shredded into 550-bp segments to create a 2.9-fold coverage of those genome regions that had been sequenced, without including biases inherent in the cloning and assembly procedure used by the publicly funded group. This brought the effective coverage in the assemblies to eightfold, reducing the number and size of gaps in the final assembly over what would be obtained with 5.11-fold coverage. The two assembly strategies yielded very similar results that largely agree with independent mapping data. The assemblies effectively cover the euchromatic regions of the human chromosomes. More than 90% of the genome is in scaffold assemblies of 100,000 bp or more, and 25% of the genome is in scaffolds of 10 million bp or larger. Analysis of the genome sequence revealed 26,588 protein-encoding transcripts for which there was strong corroborating evidence and an additional ∼12,000 computationally derived genes with mouse matches or other weak supporting evidence. Although gene-dense clusters are obvious, almost half the genes are dispersed in low G+C sequence separated by large tracts of apparently noncoding sequence. Only 1.1% of the genome is spanned by exons, whereas 24% is in introns, with 75% of the genome being intergenic DNA. Duplications of segmental blocks, ranging in size up to chromosomal lengths, are abundant throughout the genome and reveal a complex evolutionary history. Comparative genomic analysis indicates vertebrate expansions of genes associated with neuronal function, with tissue-specific developmental regulation, and with the hemostasis and immune systems. DNA sequence comparisons between the consensus sequence and publicly funded genome data provided locations of 2.1 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A random pair of human haploid genomes differed at a rate of 1 bp per 1250 on average, but there was marked heterogeneity in the level of polymorphism across the genome. Less than 1% of all SNPs resulted in variation in proteins, but the task of determining which SNPs have functional consequences remains an open challenge. Citations (15,813) * Gene set enrichment analysis: A knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles Oct 25 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America ,volume 102,issue 43,pp 15545-15550. Authors: Aravind Subramanian ( Broad Institute ) Pablo Tamayo ( University of California, San Diego ) Vamsi K. Mootha ( Harvard University ) Sayan Mukherjee ( Duke University ) Benjamin L. Ebert ( Brigham and Women's Hospital ) +6 others Although genomewide RNA expression analysis has become a routine tool in biomedical research, extracting biological insight from such information remains a major challenge. Here, we describe a powerful analytical method called Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) for interpreting gene expression data. The method derives its power by focusing on gene sets, that is, groups of genes that share common biological function, chromosomal location, or regulation. We demonstrate how GSEA yields insights into several cancer-related data sets, including leukemia and lung cancer. Notably, where single-gene analysis finds little similarity between two independent studies of patient survival in lung cancer, GSEA reveals many biological pathways in common. The GSEA method is embodied in a freely available software package, together with an initial database of 1,325 biologically defined gene sets. Citations (14,000) * DnaSP v5 Jun 1 2009, Bioinformatics, volume 25,issue 11,pp 1451-1452 Authors: Pablo Librado ( University of Barcelona ) Julio Rozas ( University of Barcelona ) +-3 others Motivation: DnaSP is a software package for a comprehensive analysis of DNA polymorphism data. Version 5 implements a number of new features and analytical methods allowing extensive DNA polymorphism analyses on large datasets. Among other features, the newly implemented methods allow for: (i) analyses on multiple data files; (ii) haplotype phasing; (iii) analyses on insertion/deletion polymorphism data; (iv) visualizing sliding window results integrated with available genome annotations in the UCSC browser. Availability: Freely available to academic users from: http://www.ub.edu/dnasp Citations (13,125) * KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Jan 1 1999, Nucleic Acids Research ,volume 28,issue 1,pp 27-30 Authors: Minoru Kanehisa ( Kyoto University ) Susumu Goto ( Kyoto University ) +-3 others KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) is a knowledge base for systematic analysis of gene functions, linking genomic information with higher order functional information. The genomic information is stored in the GENES database, which is a collection of gene catalogs for all the completely sequenced genomes and some partial genomes with up-to-date annotation of gene functions. The higher order functional information is stored in the PATHWAY database, which contains graphical representations of cellular processes, such as metabolism, membrane transport, signal transduction and cell cycle. The PATHWAY database is supplemented by a set of ortholog group tables for the information about conserved subpathways (pathway motifs), which are often encoded by positionally coupled genes on the chromosome and which are especially useful in predicting gene functions. A third database in KEGG is LIGAND for the information about chemical compounds, enzyme molecules and enzymatic reactions. KEGG provides Java graphics tools for browsing genome maps, comparing two genome maps and manipulating expression maps, as well as computational tools for sequence comparison, graph comparison and path computation. The KEGG databases are daily updated and made freely available (http://www.genome.ad.jp/kegg/ ). Citations (10,756) * Analysis of the genome sequence of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Jan 1 2000, Nature ,volume 408, issue 6814,pp 796-815 Authors: Arabidopsis Genome Initiative ( J. Craig Venter Institute ) +-4 others The flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana is an important model system for identifying genes and determining their functions. Here we report the analysis of the genomic sequence of Arabidopsis. The sequenced regions cover 115.4 megabases of the 125-megabase genome and extend into centromeric regions. The evolution of Arabidopsis involved a whole-genome duplication, followed by subsequent gene loss and extensive local gene duplications, giving rise to a dynamic genome enriched by lateral gene transfer from a cyanobacterial-like ancestor of the plastid. The genome contains 25,498 genes encoding proteins from 11,000 families, similar to the functional diversity of Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans - the other sequenced multicellular eukaryotes. Arabidopsis has many families of new proteins but also lacks several common protein families, indicating that the sets of common proteins have undergone differential expansion and contraction in the three multicellular eukaryotes. This is the first complete genome sequence of a plant and provides the foundations for more comprehensive comparison of conserved processes in all eukaryotes, identifying a wide range of plant-specific gene functions and establishing rapid systematic ways to identify genes for crop improvement. Citations (8,398) * Deciphering the biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from the complete genome sequence. Jan 11 1998, Nature ,volume 393, issue 6685, pp 537-544 Authors: S. T. Cole ( Pasteur Institute ) R. Brosch ( University College Dublin ) J. Parkhill ( Wellcome Trust ) T. Garnier ( Pasteur Institute ) C. Churcher ( Wellcome Trust ) +37 others Countless millions of people have died from tuberculosis, a chronic infectious disease caused by the tubercle bacillus. The complete genome sequence of the best-characterized strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, H37Rv, has been determined and analysed in order to improve our understanding of the biology of this slow-growing pathogen and to help the conception of new prophylactic and therapeutic interventions. The genome comprises 4,411,529 base pairs, contains around 4,000 genes, and has a very high guanine + cytosine content that is reflected in the biased amino-acid content of the proteins. M. tuberculosis differs radically from other bacteria in that a very large portion of its coding capacity is devoted to the production of enzymes involved in lipogenesis and lipolysis, and to two new families of glycine-rich proteins with a repetitive structure that may represent a source of antigenic variation. Citations (7,986) * The Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli K-12 Sep 5 1997, Science ,volume 277,issue 5331,pp 1453-1462 Authors: Frederick R. Blattner ( University of Wisconsin-Madison ) Guy Plunkett ( University of Wisconsin-Madison ) Craig A. Bloch ( University of Michigan ) Nicole T. Perna ( University of Wisconsin-Madison ) Valerie Burland ( University of Wisconsin-Madison ) +12 others The 4,639,221‐ base pair sequence of Escherichia coli K-12 is presented. Of 4288 protein-coding genes annotated, 38 percent have no attributed function. Comparison with five other sequenced microbes reveals ubiquitous as well as narrowly distributed gene families; many families of similar genes within E. coli are also evident. The largest family of paralogous proteins contains 80 ABC transporters. The genome as a whole is strikingly organized with respect to the local direction of replication; guanines, oligonucleotides possibly related to replication and recombination, and most genes are so oriented. The genome also contains insertion sequence (IS) elements, phage remnants, and many other patches of unusual composition indicating genome plasticity through horizontal transfer. Citations (7,758) * Fingerprinting genomes using PCR with arbitrary primers Jan 1 1990, Nucleic Acids Research , volume 18, issue 24, pp 7213-7218 Authors: John Welsh ( Columbia University ) Michael McClelland ( University of California, Irvine ) +-3 others Simple and reproducible fingerprints of complex genomes can be generated using single arbitrarily chosen primers and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). No prior sequence information is required. The method, arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR), involves two cycles of low stringency amplification followed by PCR at higher stringency. We show that strains can be distinguished by comparing polymorphisms in genomic fingerprints. The generality of the method is demonstrated by application to twenty four strains from five species of Staphylococcus, eleven strains of Streptococcus pyogenes and three varieties of Oryza sativa (rice). Citations (7,693) * Mass spectrometry-based proteomics Mar 1 2003, Nature , volume 422, issue 6928, pp 198-207 Authors: Ruedi Aebersold ( Institute for Systems Biology ) Matthias Mann ( University of Southern Denmark ) +-3 others Recent successes illustrate the role of mass spectrometry-based proteomics as an indispensable tool for molecular and cellular biology and for the emerging field of systems biology. These include the study of protein–protein interactions via affinity-based isolations on a small and proteome-wide scale, the mapping of numerous organelles, the concurrent description of the malaria parasite genome and proteome, and the generation of quantitative protein profiles from diverse species. The ability of mass spectrometry to identify and, increasingly, to precisely quantify thousands of proteins from complex samples can be expected to impact broadly on biology and medicine. Citations (7,139) * Sequencing technologies - the next generation. Jan 1 2010, Nature Reviews Genetics , volume 11, issue 1, pp 31-46 Authors: Michael L. Metzker ( Human Genome Sequencing Center ) +-4 others There is an increasing demand for next-generation sequencing technologies that rapidly deliver high volumes of accurate genome information at a low cost. This Review provides a guide to the features of the different platforms, and describes the recent advances in this fast-moving area. Citations (7,055) * 2 主要作者 Eric S. Lander Richard Wilson David Haussler Elaine R. Mardis Ewan Birney W. James Kent Steven L. Salzberg Peer Bork Robert S. Fulton J. Craig Venter Evan E. Eichler Francis S. Collins Jean Weissenbach Marco A. Marra Huanming Yang Mark S. Guyer LaDeana W. Hillier Tim Hubbard Roderic Guigó Jeremy Schmutz 3 Eric S. Lander的高引论文(被引频次5000次) Gene set enrichment analysis: a knowledge-based approach for interpreting genome-wide expression profiles …, SL Pomeroy , TR Golub, ES Lander …- Proceedings of the…, 2005 - National Acad Sciences Although genomewide RNA expression analysis has become a routine tool in biomedical research, extracting biological insight from such information remains a major challenge. Here, we describe a powerful analytical method called Gene Set Enrichment Analysis… Cited by 13946 Related articles All 45 versions marcottelab.org Molecular classification of cancer: class discovery and class prediction by gene expression monitoring …, MA Caligiuri, CD Bloomfield , ES Lander - …, 1999 - science.sciencemag.org Although cancer classification has improved over the past 30 years, there has been no general approach for identifying new cancer classes (class discovery) or for assigning tumors to known classes (class prediction). Here, a generic approach to cancer classification… Cited by 12593 Related articles All 82 versions MAPMAKER: an interactive computer package for constructing primary genetic linkage maps of experimental and natural populations ES Lander , P Green , J Abrahamson , A Barlow, MJ Daly …- Genomics, 1987 - Elsevier With the advent of RFLPs, genetic linkage maps are now being assembled for a number of organisms including both inbred experimental populations such as maize and outhred natural populations such as humans. Accurate construction of such genetic maps requires… Cited by 7456 Related articles All 13 versions genetics.org Mapping mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits using RFLP linkage maps. ES Lander , D Botstein - Genetics, 1989 - Genetics Soc America The advent of complete genetic linkage maps consisting of codominant DNA markers has stimulated interest in the systematic genetic dissection of discrete Mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits in… Cited by 5858 Related articles All 29 versions mit.edu The structure of haplotype blocks in the human genome …, A Adeyemo , R Cooper , R Ward, ES Lander …- …, 2002 - science.sciencemag.org Haplotype-based methods offer a powerful approach to disease gene mapping, based on the association between causal mutations and the ancestral haplotypes on which they arose. As part of The SNP Consortium Allele Frequency Projects, we characterized… Cited by 5406 Related articles All 21 versions 4 主要研究机构 Broad Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harvard University National Institutes of Health Wellcome Trust Washington University in St. Louis Baylor College of Medicine University of Oxford University of California, Santa Cruz University of Washington Stanford University Cornell University European Bioinformatics Institute University of California, San Diego University of Michigan Max Planck Society Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Affymetrix Institute for Systems Biology Case Western Reserve University
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热度 1 zhpd55 2018-5-13 02:30
计算机科学高被引论著 top 300 诸平 通过 CiteSeerX 搜索得到计算机科学高度被引用的论著(按照被引频次排序)摘引前300篇于下,仅供参考。不同的搜索引擎,可能获得的结果有所差异。例如, SF Altschul 等人1990年发表的 Basic local alignment search tool 一文, CiteSeerX 搜索 被引不足5000次,但是,谷歌学术检索结果超过7.1万次,相差超过14倍,详见如下摘引: Basic local alignment search tool SF Altschul , W Gish, W Miller , EW Myers …- Journal of molecular…, 1990 - Elsevier A new approach to rapid sequence comparison, basic local alignment search tool (BLAST), directly approximates alignments that optimize a measure of local similarity, the maximal segment pair (MSP) score. Recent mathematical results on the stochastic properties of MSP… Cited by 71556 Related articles All 103 versions M R Garey, D S Johnson Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NPCompleteness” W.H. 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热度 1 zhpd55 2018-3-6 00:22
科学奇闻:一项研究 能 发33篇论文 诸平 我们经常听到有些人为了充数,将一项研究结果分成若干个小问题分别发表,但充其量也就是3-4篇而已。这种论文发表方式被称之为“萨拉米出版( Salami publication )”或者“香肠论文( salami slicing )”而据《发现者》( Discover ) 杂志网站2018年3月3日报道,《伊朗医学档案》( Archives of Iranian Medicine )将一项伊朗人心理健康方面的研究结果分成33篇论文分别发表,其目的可能与试图提高引用频次有关,而且作者之一是该杂志的副主编,在所有论文的致谢中都提到该杂志主编,看来如此切香肠式多篇发表主编和副主编知晓或者直接参与其中。另外,33篇论文中有31篇是同一天发表的。更多信息请浏览原文: Scientific Salami Slicing: 33 Papers from 1 Study By Neuroskeptic | March 3, 2018 5:49 am “ Salami slicing ” refers to the practice of breaking scientific studies down into small chunks and publishing each part as a seperate paper. Given that scientists are judged in large part by the number of peer-reviewed papers they produce, it’s easy to understand the temptation to engage in salami publication. It’s officialy discouraged , but it’s still very common to see researchers writing perhaps 3 or 4 papers based on a single project that could, realistically, have been one big paper. But I’ve just come across a salami that’s been sliced up so thinly that it’s just absurd. The journal Archives of Iranian Medicine just published a set of 33 papers about one study. Here they are – this is a rather silly image, but it’s a silly situation: Search results, Items: 33 Select item 294811471. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Zanjan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Armani Kian A, Nasr S. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S127-S130. PMID: 29481147 Similar articles Select item 294811462. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Yazd, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Yasini Ardekani SM, Farahzadi MH, Zare F. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S123-S126. PMID: 29481146 Similar articles Select item 294811453. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of West Azarbaijan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Sedighnia A, Karimi H. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S119-S122. PMID: 29481145 Similar articles Select item 294811444. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Tehran, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Abbasinejad M, Zarkesh A, Amirloo F, Ghafarzadeh M. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S115-S118. PMID: 29481144 Similar articles Select item 294811435. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of South Khorasan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Akbari A, Kazemi B. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S111-S114. PMID: 29481143 Similar articles Select item 294811426. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Sistan and Bluchestan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Shakiba M, Sargazi F, Shahriari S. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S107-S110. PMID: 29481142 Similar articles Select item 294811417. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Semnan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Mozhdehi Fard M, Haghighat S, Mohammadi Rad A. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S103-S106. PMID: 29481141 Similar articles Select item 294811408. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Razavi Khorasan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Ghazizadeh Hashemi F, Okhravi N. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S99-S102. PMID: 29481140 Similar articles Select item 294811399. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Qom, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Noroozinejad G, Bagheri M. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S95-S98. PMID: 29481139 Similar articles Select item 2948113810. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Qazvin, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Jafarinia M, Mohammadizadeh L. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S91-S94. PMID: 29481138 Similar articles Select item 2948113711. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of North Khorasan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Akbari A, Yousefnejad Z. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S87-S90. PMID: 29481137 Similar articles Select item 2948113612. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Mazandaran, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Shakiba A, Hashem Zehi MR. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S83-S86. PMID: 29481136 Similar articles Select item 2948113513. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Markazi, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Mozhdehi Fard M, Ghasemzadeh M, Zari Moghaddam Z. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S79-S82. PMID: 29481135 Similar articles Select item 2948113414. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Lorestan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Rahimnia M, Mansouri F. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S75-S78. PMID: 29481134 Similar articles Select item 2948113315. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Kordestan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Rezaei F, Vafaei F. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S71-S74. PMID: 29481133 Similar articles Select item 2948113216. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Kohghilouyeh and Bouyerahmad, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Hormozpour M, Aranpour H. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S67-S70. PMID: 29481132 Similar articles Select item 2948113117. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Khouzestan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Noroozinejad GH, DavasazTehrani R. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S63-S66. PMID: 29481131 Similar articles Select item 2948113018. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Kermanshah, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Nejatisafa AA, Haghighian RM. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S59-S62. PMID: 29481130 Similar articles Select item 2948112919. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Kerman, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Divsalar P, Kaviani N, Sarhadi Z, Bashar A. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S55-S58. PMID: 29481129 Similar articles Select item 2948112820. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Isfahan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Sharafi SE, Geramian N. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S51-S54. PMID: 29481128 Similar articles Select item 2948112721. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Ilam, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Yahyavi ST, Baluchi S. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S47-S50. PMID: 29481127 Similar articles Select item 2948112622. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Hormozgan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Yasini Ardekani SM, Golamzadeh T. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S43-S46. PMID: 29481126 Similar articles Select item 2948112523. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Hamadan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Abbasi Nejad M, Solgi A. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S39-S42. PMID: 29481125 Similar articles Select item 2948112424. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Golestan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Shakiba A, Hashemi Nasab SM. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S35-S38. PMID: 29481124 Similar articles Select item 2948112325. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Gilan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Shakiba A, Baftahchi S, Skandari B. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S31-S34. PMID: 29481123 Similar articles Select item 2948112226. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Fars, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Hedayati A, Rezaei F, Sahraeian L. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S27-S30. PMID: 29481122 Similar articles Select item 2948112127. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of East Azarbaijan, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Sedighnia A, Asle Rahimi V. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S23-S26. PMID: 29481121 Similar articles Select item 2948112028. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Shahmansouri N, Shakeri M. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S19-S22. PMID: 29481120 Similar articles Select item 2948111929. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Bushehr, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Hedayati A, Akbari Zadeh F. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S15-S18. PMID: 29481119 Similar articles Select item 2948111830. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Ardebil, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Sedighnia A, Azimi A. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S11-S14. PMID: 29481118 Similar articles Select item 2948111731. A Survey on Mental Health Status of Adult Population Aged 15 and above in the Province of Alborz, Iran. Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Ghazizadeh Hashemi F, Asadi A, Niknejad M. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S7-S10. PMID: 29481117 Similar articles Select item 2948111632. Trends of Mental Health Status in Iranian Population Aged 15 and above between 1999 and 2015 . Noorbala AA, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Faghihzadeh E, Hajebi A, Akhondzadeh S, Esalatmanesh S, Bagheri Yazdi H, Abbasinejad M, Asadi A. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Nov 1;20(11 Suppl. 1):S2-S6. PMID: 29481116 Similar articles Select item 2828780533. Mental Health Survey of the Iranian Adult Population in 2015 . Noorbala AA, Faghihzadeh S, Kamali K, Bagheri Yazdi SA, Hajebi A, Mousavi MT, Akhondzadeh S, Faghihzadeh E, Nouri B. Arch Iran Med . 2017 Mar;20(3):128-134. doi: 0172003/AIM.003. PMID: 28287805 Free Article Similar articles Yes, a single survey of the mental health of the Iranian population has been published 33 times. 31 of these papers (all published on the same day) are devoted to the Iranian provinces – there are 31 provinces of Iran , and each province got its own paper listing the results from that area. The author lists are more or less identical every time. This degree of slicing is not standard practice when publishing national epidemiological statistics, for obvious reasons. For one thing, it will make it difficult for readers to compare rates of disease across different provinces. They’d need to consult all 31 papers. Then they would need 31 citations to refer to all of those papers if they publish the comparison. It’s just not practical. Writing the 31 provincal papers would also have been a huge amount of work for the authors, although they seem to have cut some corners here, because the papers contain a lot of overlapping text . I guess however you slice a sausage, all the pieces contain the same meat. Here’s a sample of the overlap: As well as the 31 province papers, there are 2 other Archives of Iranian Medicine papers that sum up the whole mental health survey ( 1 , 2 ). One or two summary papers like this are what you’d expect to see from a study of this kind. The provincal data would usually be included in these papers as a supplementary material. Oh, and one of the summary papers has already been cited 34 times – guess where 33 of those citations come from? So why did Archives of Iranian Medicine allow this? On Twitter, it was spotted that one of the authors is an associate editor at the journal , which may be relevant. The Editor-in-Chief of Archives of Iranian Medicine is not listed as an author, but he is thanked in all of the papers for his “comprehensive support” of the project. Overall, this is the worst case of salami slicing – or sosis slicing – I’ve ever seen.
个人分类: 新观察|4746 次阅读|2 个评论
zhpd55 2017-9-11 09:08
BUAS2017 部分论文题录 ( 3 ) 诸平 以前曾经写过“ BUAS2017部分论文题录 ”即 宝鸡文理学院(BUAS)作者2017年发表的部分论文题录摘引以及 BUAS2017 部分论文题录 ( 2 ) ”。 今天再补充一点,因此取名为“ BUAS2017 部分论文题录 (3 ) ”。对于 BUAS作者2017年发表的部分论文题录摘引如下,其中涉及到BUAS电子电气工程学院张文娟、化学化工学院高鹏、李慧琴、文平、温普红、张朝阳、张锋 ;物理与光电技术学院张云;地理与环境工程学院 ,数学与信息科学学院高磊、李燕英、李晓波,机械工程学院李飞洲,仅供参考。 New error bounds for the linear complementarity problem of QN-matrices Gao, L. , Wang, Y. , Li, C. 2017 Numerical Algorithms 待刊论文 0 查看摘要 An improved error bound for linear complementarity problems for B-matrices Gao, L. , Li, C. 2017 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 开放访问 0 A mild and one-step synthesis of 2,8-dioxabicyclo nonane derivatives via classical Knoevenagel condensation Yang, D.-S. , Ke, S. , Du, X. , (...), Zhu, H.-T. , Fan, M.-J. 2017 Tetrahedron 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Synthesis of Substituted 2-Amino-1,3-oxazoles via Copper-Catalyzed Oxidative Cyclization of Enamines and N,N-Dialkyl Formamides Gao, P. , Wang, J. , Bai, Z. , (...), Fan, M.-J. , Guan, Z.-H. 2017 Chemistry - An Asian Journal 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Carbon Tetrabromide/Triphenylphosphine-Activated Beckmann Rearrangement of Ketoximes for Synthesis of Amides Gao, P. , Bai, Z. 2017 Chinese Journal of Chemistry 待刊论文 0 Rh nanoparticles supported on ultrathin carbon nanosheets for high-performance oxygen reduction reaction and catalytic hydrogenation Lin, C. , Wu, G. , Li, H. , (...), Liu, B. , Jin, J. 2017 Nanoscale 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Distance Dependence of Fluorescence Enhancement in Au Nanoparticle@Mesoporous Silica@Europium Complex Li, H. , Kang, J. , Yang, J. , Wu, B. 2016 Journal of Physical Chemistry C 1 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Fabrication of Aunanoparticle@mSiO2@Y2O3:Eu nanocomposites with enhanced fluorescence Li, H. , Kang, J. , Yang, J. , Wu, B. 2016 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 6 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Antimicrobial and toxicological evaluations of binuclear mercury(ii)bis(alkynyl) complexes containing oligothiophenes and bithiazoles Lam, P.L. , Lu, G.L. , Choi, K.H. , (...), Wong, W.Y. , Chui, C.H. 2016 RSC Advances 5 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Global finite-time stabilization for a class of high-order nonlinear systems with multiple unknown control directions Li, J. , Wu, J. , Guo, X. , Li, X. , Ai, L. 2017 International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Adaptive fuzzy control for full states constrained systems with nonstrict-feedback form and unknown nonlinear dead zone Wu, J. , Su, B. , Li, J. , (...), Li, X. , Chen, W. 2017 Information Sciences 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Observer-based consensus of second-order multi-agent system with fixed and stochastically switching topology via sampled data Chen, W. , Li, X. 2014 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 33 Design analysis and experimental verification of YC675-PSL2 travelling block Li, F. 2017 C e Ca 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A combined experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study on the miscibility of Eucommia Ulmoides Gum with several rubbers Li, F.-Z. , Lu, Z.-L. , Tian, D.-P. 2017 Polymers and Polymer Composites 0 A modified support vector regression: Integrated selection of training subset and model Che, J. , Yang, Y. , Li, L. , Li, Y. , Zhu, S. 2017 Applied Soft Computing Journal 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 An incremental electric load forecasting model based on support vector regression Yang, Y. , Che, J. , Li, Y. , Zhao, Y. , Zhu, S. 2016 Energy 1 The synthesis and tribological properties of dicarboxylic acid ionic liquids Dong, R. , Wen, P. , Zhang, S. , (...), Zhou, F. , Liu, W. 2017 Tribology International 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Triazine-based covalent-organic frameworks: A novel lubricant additive with excellent tribological performances Wen, P. , Zhang, C. , Yang, Z. , (...), Fan, M. , Wang, J. 2017 Tribology International 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 An asymmetric supercapacitor with ultrahigh energy density based on nickle cobalt sulfide nanocluster anchoring multi-wall carbon nanotubes hybrid Wen, P. , Fan, M. , Yang, D. , (...), Cheng, H. , Wang, J. 2016 Journal of Power Sources 17 查看摘要 | 相关文献 In-situ synthesis of crystalline Ag-Nb2O5 nanobelt clusters with enhanced solar photo-electrochemical performance for splitting water Wen, P. , Ai, L. , Wei, F. , (...), Yao, F. , Liu, T. 2017 Materials and Design 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Hydrothermal topological synthesis and photocatalyst performance of orthorhombic Nb2O5 rectangle nanosheet crystals with dominantly exposed (010) facet Wen, P. , Ai, L. , Liu, T. , Hu, D. , Yao, F. 2017 Materials and Design 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Soft chemical in situ synthesis, formation mechanism and electrochemical performances of 1D bead-like AgVO3 nanoarchitectures Kong, X. , Guo, Z. , Zeng, C. , (...), Feng, Q. , Xu, Z. 2015 Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 Electrodeposition of ZnO film with enhanced photocatalytic activity towards methylene blue degradation Zhang, F. , Zhang, W. , Luo, X. , Feng, G. , Zhao, L.F. 2017 International Journal of Electrochemical Science 开放访问 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Degradation of phenol with Horseradish Peroxidase immobilized on ZnO nanocrystals under combined irradiation of microwaves and ultrasound Zhang, F. , Zhang, W. , Zhao, L. , Liu, H. 2016 Desalination and Water Treatment 待刊论文 0 Prediction of huge magnetic anisotropy in organometallic molecules Zhang, Y. , Pang, J. , Wang, N. , (...), Cao, J. , Xu, Q. 2017 Computational Materials Science 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 The synthesis and tribological properties of dicarboxylic acid ionic liquids Dong, R. , Wen, P. , Zhang, S. , (...), Zhou, F. , Liu, W. 2017 Tribology International 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Triazine-based covalent-organic frameworks: A novel lubricant additive with excellent tribological performances Wen, P. , Zhang, C. , Yang, Z. , (...), Fan, M. , Wang, J. 2017 Tribology International 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Biobased Green Lubricants: Physicochemical, Tribological and Toxicological Properties of Fatty Acid Ionic Liquids Fan, M. , Ma, L. , Zhang, C. , (...), Zhou, F. , Liu, W. 2017 Tribology Transactions 待刊论文 0 查看摘要 Study on the synthesis and tribological properties of anti-corrosion benzotriazole ionic liquid Zhang, S. , Ma, L. , Dong, R. , (...), Zhou, F. , Liu, W.M. 2017 RSC Advances 1 Electrodeposition of ZnO film with enhanced photocatalytic activity towards methylene blue degradation Zhang, F. , Zhang, W. , Luo, X. , Feng, G. , Zhao, L.F. 2017 International Journal of Electrochemical Science 开放访问 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Degradation of phenol with Horseradish Peroxidase immobilized on ZnO nanocrystals under combined irradiation of microwaves and ultrasound Zhang, F. , Zhang, W. , Zhao, L. , Liu, H. 2016 Desalination and Water Treatment 待刊论文 0 查看摘要 其他待续
个人分类: 新观察|2886 次阅读|0 个评论
zhpd55 2017-9-10 16:01
BUAS2017 部分论文题录 ( 2 ) 诸平 以前曾经写过“ BUAS2017部分论文题录 ”即 宝鸡文理学院(BUAS)作者2017年发表的部分论文题录摘引 ,今天再补充一点,因此取名为“ BUAS2017部分论文题录 (2)”。对于 BUAS作者2017年发表的部分论文题录摘引如下,其中涉及到BUAS化学化工学院张盛、祝海涛、刘涛涛、胡登卫 、段东珠 ;物理与光电技术学院张刚泰、张亚妮、张美光、钱郁、冯爱玲、赵雅茹;地理与环境工程学院周旗 、郁耀闯 ,数学与信息科学学院刘淳安、机械工程学院张永春,仅供参考。 Zhang Yongchun(张永春) Anodic behavior and microstructure of Pb-Ca-0.6%Sn, Pb-Co3O4 and Pb-WC composite anodes during Cu electrowinning Zhang, Y. , Guo, Z. 2017 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 First-principles investigation on crystal structure and physical properties of HfB4 Zhang, G. , Gao, R. , Zhao, Y. , Bai, T. , Hu, Y. 2017 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 First-principles investigation on elastic and thermodynamic properties of Pnnm -CN under high pressure Zhao, Y.-R. , Zhang, H.-R. , Zhang, G.-T. , Wei, Q. , Yuan, Y.-Q. 2016 AIP Advances 开放访问 1 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A new superhard phase and physical properties of ZrB3 from first-principles calculations Zhang, G. , Bai, T. , Zhao, Y. , Hu, Y. 2016 Materials 开放访问 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 First-principles investigations of the structure and physical properties for new TcN crystal structure Zhao, Y.-R. , Zhang, G.-T. , Yan, H.-Y. , (...), Zheng, B.-B. , Yuan, Y.-Q. 2016 Molecular Physics 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A new hard phase and physical properties of Tc2C predicted from first principles Zhang, G. , Zhao, Y. , Bai, T. , Wei, Q. , Yuan, Y. 2016 RSC Advances 2 Supercontinuum generation in highly nonlinear low-dispersion photonic crystal fiber Xu, Q. , Zhao, Y. , Wang, M. , Zhang, Y. , Hao, B. 2017 Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A novel polarization splitter based on dual-core photonic crystal fibers Xu, Q. , Wang, M. , Lin, S. , (...), Zhang, L. , Miao, R. 2016 Optik 2 High-energy coordination polymers (CPs) exhibiting good catalytic effect on the thermal decomposition of ammonium dinitramide Li, X. , Han, J. , Zhang, S. , (...), Chen, S. , Gao, S. 2017 Journal of Solid State Chemistry 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Photoluminescence Properties of Lanthanide-Organic Frameworks (LnOFs) with Thiophene-2,5-Dicarboxylate and Acetate Han, J. , Zhang, S. , Wei, Q. , Xie, G. , Chen, S. 2017 Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Copper-Catalyzed Chemoselective and Enantioselective Friedel-Crafts 1,2-Addition of Pyrrole with β,γ-Unsaturated α-Ketoesters Sun, J. , Hu, Y. , Li, Y. , (...), Zha, Z. , Wang, Z. 2017 Journal of Organic Chemistry 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Electrostatic Potential Determined Magnetic Dynamics Observed in Two Mononuclear β-Diketone Dysprosium(III) Single-Molecule Magnets Cen, P.-P. , Zhang, S. , Liu, X.-Y. , (...), Xie, G. , Chen, S.-P. 2017 Inorganic Chemistry 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Fine-Tuning Ligand Fields with Schiff-Base Ligands in Dy2Compounds Li, M. , Wu, H. , Zhang, S. , (...), Chen, S. , Gao, S. 2017 European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Superior Thermostability, Good Detonation Properties, Insensitivity, and the Effect on the Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate for a New Solvent-Free 3D Energetic Pb II -MOF Yang, Q. , Yang, G. , Zhang, W. , (...), Chen, S. , Gao, S. 2017 Chemistry - A European Journal 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Pore-size-tuned host-guest interactions in Co-MOFs via in situ microcalorimetry: adsorption and magnetism Qiao, C. , Sun, L. , Zhang, S. , (...), Chen, S. , Gao, S. 2017 Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A solvent-free dense energetic metal-organic framework (EMOF): To improve stability and energetic performance via in situ microcalorimetry Zhang, Y. , Zhang, S. , Sun, L. , (...), Chen, S. , Gao, S. 2017 Chemical Communications 3 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Ligand field fine-tuning on the modulation of the magnetic properties and relaxation dynamics of dysprosium(iii) single-ion magnets (SIMs): synthesis, structure, magnetism and ab initio calculations Zhang, S. , Wu, H. , Sun, L. , (...), Yang, D. , Gao, S. 2017 Journal of Materials Chemistry C 0 Modeling the elastic anisotropies and mechanical strengths of Ir3X intermetallics Yan, H. , Zhang, M. , Zheng, B. , Wei, Q. , Zhang, Y. 2017 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A new superhard carbon allotrope: tetragonal C64 Wei, Q. , Zhang, Q. , Yan, H. , Zhang, M. 2017 Journal of Materials Science 5 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Exploring the mechanical anisotropy and ideal strengths of tetragonal B4CO4 Zheng, B. , Zhang, M. , Wang, C. 2017 Materials 开放访问 0 Complementary optical absorption and enhanced solar thermal conversion of CuO-ATO nanofluids Chen, N. , Ma, H. , Li, Y. , (...), Wu, D. , Zhu, H. 2017 Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Broad-band absorption and photo-thermal conversion properties of zirconium carbide aqueous nanofluids Meng, Z. , Li, Y. , Chen, N. , Wu, D. , Zhu, H. 2017 Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 待刊论文 0 In-situ synthesis of crystalline Ag-Nb2O5 nanobelt clusters with enhanced solar photo-electrochemical performance for splitting water Wen, P. , Ai, L. , Wei, F. , (...), Yao, F. , Liu, T. 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-CN under high pressure Zhao, Y.-R. , Zhang, H.-R. , Zhang, G.-T. , Wei, Q. , Yuan, Y.-Q. 2016 AIP Advances 开放访问 1 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A new superhard phase and physical properties of ZrB3 from first-principles calculations Zhang, G. , Bai, T. , Zhao, Y. , Hu, Y. 2016 Materials 开放访问 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 First-principles investigations of the structure and physical properties for new TcN crystal structure Zhao, Y.-R. , Zhang, G.-T. , Yan, H.-Y. , (...), Zheng, B.-B. , Yuan, Y.-Q. 2016 Molecular Physics 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Probing the structural and electronic properties of cationic rubidium-gold clusters: + (n = 1-10) Zhao, Y.-R. , Zhang, H.-R. , Qian, Y. , Duan, X.-C. , Hu, Y.-F. 2016 Molecular Physics 1 查看摘要 | 相关文献 A new hard phase and physical properties of Tc2C predicted from first principles Zhang, G. , Zhao, Y. , Bai, T. , Wei, Q. , Yuan, Y. 2016 RSC Advances 2 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Highly oxygenated caryophyllene-type and drimane-type sesquiterpenes from Pestalotiopsis adusta, an endophytic fungus of 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Wang, X.-L. , Jiao, F.-R. , Yu, M. , (...), Duan, D.-Z. , Xie, G. 2017 Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Hydrological cycle and water balance estimates for the megadune–lake region of the Badain Jaran Desert, China Ma, Y.-D. , Zhao, J.-B. , Luo, X.-Q. , (...), Dong, Z.-B. , Zhou, Q. 2017 Hydrological Processes 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 Identification of runoff type and an assessment of water balance for the megadune area of the Badain Jaran Desert Ma, Y.-D. , Zhao, J.-B. , Zhou, Q. , (...), Shao, T.-J. , Yue, D.-P. 2017 Environmental Earth Sciences 0 查看摘要 | 相关文献 其他待续
个人分类: 新观察|2103 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 zhpd55 2017-1-15 09:50
计算机科学高引论文(被引频次2500次/篇) 诸平 根据 CiteSeerX 网站提供的信息,将被引频次大于2500次的计算机科学领域的高引论文摘引如下,供大家参考。 其中最高被引频次到达11468次,是 M R Garey和D S Johnson的相关研究成果—— Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NPCompleteness ; 其次是 J Sambrook, E F Fritsch和T Maniatis合作著的 Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Vol. 1, 2nd edn ,被引频次到达10362次。更多信息请浏览: Most Cited Computer Science Citations M R Garey, D S Johnson Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NPCompleteness” W.H. Feeman and 1979 11468 J Sambrook, E F Fritsch, T Maniatis Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual, Vol. 1, 2nd edn Nucleic Acids Research, 1989 10362 V Vapnik Statistical Learning Theory . 1998 9898 T M Cover, J A Thomas Elements of Information Theory Series in Telecommunications, 1991 9198 U K Laemmli Cleavage of structural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. 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Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2003 2630 M Granovetter The strength of weak ties American Journal of Sociology, 0 2624 B Silverman Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis 1986 2614 Thomas R Gruber A translation approach to portable ontology specifications . Knowledge Acquisition, 1993 2610 American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 1994 2598 J D Hamilton Time Series Analysis 1994 2558 A Aho, J Hopcroft, J Ullman The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms 1974 2553 Altschul SF, Madden TL, Schaffer AA, J Zhang, Z Zhang Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs Nucleic Acids Res, 1997 2544 D B Johnson, D A Maltz Dynamic source routing in ad hoc wireless networks . in Mobile Computing, Imielinski and Korth, Eds, 1996 2544 N Metropolis, A W Rosenbluth, M N Rosenbluth, A H Teller, E Teller Equation of state calculations by fast computing machines J. Chem. Phys, 1953 2515 更多信息请浏览 All Years | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015
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热度 5 liueditor 2016-11-18 20:01
长期以来,国内很多学者在评价我国论文产出数量和质量时总认为,我国SCI论文数量虽然排在第2位,但质量不高,理由是论文被引频次和篇均被引频次较低。 2011年7月4日发布的国家“十二五”科学和技术发展规划中,明确提出到2015年,我国SCI论文被引用次数进入世界前5位,实际上ESI数据库中我国SCI论文2013年7月就已升至第5位,在刚刚更新的ESI数据库中,我国SCI论文被引频次(15518230)已经超过英国(15480646),跃升至第3位(见下图),仅次于美国和德国(15541027)。相信会迅速超过德国,跃居第2位。至于篇均被引频次(8.68次/篇)偏低,主要与我国论文数量的快速增长有关。由于大量的新论文进入数据库,短期内这些论文被引频次远未达到高峰,所以拉低了我国论文的篇均被引频次。可喜的是,我国论文数、论文被引频次和篇均被引频次都在持续增长,位次也在迅速攀升。祝福中国!
个人分类: 一己之见|4114 次阅读|7 个评论
zhpd55 2015-12-15 17:13
中科院专家:请“核心期刊”走下神坛! 来源:仪器信息网 原文链接: http://www.instrument.com.cn/news/20151204/179217.shtml     导语   2006年的国际数学大会把菲尔兹奖颁给了证明庞加莱猜想的俄罗斯数学家格里戈里·佩雷尔曼。但是,佩雷尔曼的论文仅仅发表在开放预印本库arXiv.org,这在中国的科研评价看来,根本就不能算“学术论文”,更别谈获奖了!   中国“核心期刊”从过去的检索手段,如今演变成为科研评价的绝对指标,同时,交叉重叠、莫衷一是的量化标准更加剧了科研评价的不公平、不公正。这种现状反映着背后僵化的量化思维,亟待改变。请“核心期刊”走下神坛,倡议发展更加丰富多元、求真务实的科研评价机制,正是本文作者对这现状的回应。   《中文核心期刊要目总览2014》(简称《总览》)发布后,我们针对它在计算期刊学科影响力时的不科学不合理做法,已经做了若干评论(详见文末参考文献)。通过这些分析,我们开始意识到,问题的根源可能就在于“核心期刊”概念本身,在于我国学术界、期刊界,乃至科技管理领域的“核心期刊”情结。因此,有必要对“核心期刊”正本清源,避免造成对“核心期刊”及“核心期刊目录”的误解甚至迷信。    中国特色的“核心期刊”现象   1. “核心期刊”的“绝对”与“脆弱”   在我国,“核心期刊”是一个重要的现象、指标和名誉。许多机构都明确和公开地选用某个核心期刊目录(或者自己选定一组期刊组成“核心期刊”),规定在应聘、晋升、考核、申请项目、奖励时只接受发表在“核心期刊”中的论文。   这似乎在说,一篇论文发表在核心期刊上就是好论文,一种核心期刊上的所有论文都达到了一定的学术水平;反之,一篇论文无论其真实学术水平如何、实际效果有多大,只要没有发表在核心期刊上就不能算数。笔者多年在管理岗位和各种评聘中的经验也证明,没有发表在核心期刊的论文往往没有资格进入评审,而对于那些“核心期刊”论文,实际评聘过程中也没有多少人仔细阅读和评价。   但是,有所求就会有所应。许多著名机构对编选“核心期刊目录”进行了长期研究,投入规模大,积累时间长;许多期刊把进入核心期刊目录作为努力的目标、在进入某个目录后就在期刊封面显著注明自己的核心期刊地位;许多作者费心费力、采取各种方式要把论文“发表”在“核心期刊”上。   但国际学术机构却并不看重所谓的“核心期刊”,而是最看重学术科研本身。2006年国际数学家大会将当年的菲尔兹奖授予了证明庞加莱猜想的俄罗斯数学家格里戈里·佩雷尔曼,美国克雷数学研究所也在2010年将100万美元的千禧年数学大奖给予了佩雷尔曼,而佩雷尔曼证明庞加莱猜想的论文从来就没有发表在任何期刊上,更不用说什么核心期刊了,而是发布在开放预印本库arXiv.org上。   如果按照我国许多机构的规定,佩雷尔曼的论文根本就不能算“学术论文”呢!难道在我国学术生活和职业发展中如此举足轻重的“核心期刊”概念,在真正的科学大奖面前就如此不堪一击了吗?    2. 优秀论文不问出身   我们仔细想想,几乎所有的科技发达国家里,很少有严肃的科研教育机构会事先规定一个核心期刊目录,要求人们在应聘、晋升、考核、奖励时呈交的论文必须来自这个核心期刊目录中的期刊。人们会根据论文本身而不是它们的“出身”来判断论文的学术水平。英国英格兰高等教育资助理事会(HEFCE)等组织的英国大学学术卓越性评价(Research Excellence Framework)并不要求提交评价的论文的“出身”,澳大利亚学术评价(Excellence in Research for Australia)在2012年及以后的评审中取消了原来依靠一个期刊排序表的做法而依靠评审专家的专业判断。   那么,我们是对评审专家的学术水平、学术公正或者学术诚信不自信,因此才会依赖一个核心期刊名单?或者是实在没有时间或不愿意花时间去评价论文本身、才让一个“核心期刊”目录作为“过滤器”来减轻负担?要回答这个问题,有必要对“核心期刊”及其遴选机制进行追根溯源。    “核心期刊”概念可能是笔糊涂账?   1. 核心期刊的前身:作为检索手段的遴选代理   我们也许应该看看“核心期刊”的历史内涵。   从某种意义上讲,“核心期刊”是纸本时代的一种检索手段。在纸本时代,人们面对发表在众多期刊上的众多论文,自然希望先选择少数“可能刊登了较多较高水平论文的期刊”作为一个遴选代理,帮助自己缩小需要阅读的范围来“找到值得读的论文”。这也许就产生了评价期刊质量、遴选“核心期刊”的需求。另一方面,“核心期刊”也是图书馆在纸本时代的一种选刊手段,图书馆因为采购经费限制,只能选订一部分期刊,因此也需要遴选出那些平均论文水平比较高的期刊作为“值得订阅的期刊”。   为遴选这样的核心期刊,有的机构依靠自己的学者进行遴选,也有的机构依靠某个客观机制来选择,例如汤森路透公司的期刊影响因子。期刊影响因子通过期刊在一个时间段内发表论文的被引次数来反映“期刊学术质量”,这种指标本身有一定的合理性。一种期刊通过自己的学术标准、同行评议专家水平、学术诚信控制能力、编辑能力等,努力保障自己所发表论文的学术水平,而论文的学术水平可以在一定程度上通过论文的被引用频次来体现。   因此一般来说,期刊的学术质量水平与所发表论文的平均学术水平正相关,因此也与其平均被引频次正相关。这样,利用以前发表论文的平均被引频次就可以在一定程度上反映该刊的学术质量水平。所以,人们用如此计算得来的期刊影响因子在一定程度上反映该刊的学术水平。    2. 期刊的高质量不保证论文的高质量   但是,即使我们承认引用统计能在一定程度上反映学术期刊的学术影响力,而影响因子本质上是且只是期刊质量的评价指标。期刊的高影响因子从来就不能简单等同于发表在这个期刊上的某篇具体论文的高质量,高影响因子期刊上也有许多论文无人引用或者所发表论文也会因为学术不端或失误等被撤销。例如,Nature不得不撤销弄虚作假的小保方晴子的论文;有研究指出,多种著名期刊都有多篇论文(其中不乏高引用率论文)因为科学不端行为而被撤销。   因此,不能因为一篇论文发表在某个高影响因子的期刊上就认为这篇论文一定是高水平的。那种通过发文期刊的影响因子来代表具体论文水平的做法本身是不科学的,那些宣传“论文影响因子”、计算某个研究人员的“发文平均影响因子”、或者统计某个研究团队或研究机构的“论文平均影响因子”或“论文累计影响因子”的做法更是已在荒唐的边缘。   3. 互联网检索淡化了学术期刊的“核心”价值   值得关注的是,有研究发现,来自高影响因子期刊的高被引论文比例在不断下降,来自非高影响因子期刊的高被引论文比例在不断上升。其实,这反映了学术期刊网络化检索利用的现实。在Google、Bing、百度、CNKI以及大规模集成检索系统已经成为人们检索文献的主要工具时,以期刊为主的文献检索已经让位于以论文为主的文献检索,期刊本身作为一种遴选机制的作用迅速下降,而图书馆采用的Big Deal采购机制(购买大规模期刊数据库而非单独期刊)也明显淡化了“核心期刊”的作用。    “核心期刊目录”及其遴选可能出了什么错?   1. 不合时宜的期刊遴选 莫衷一是的量化标准   在期刊遴选作用实际上不断弱化的同时,我国的“核心期刊”评选依然方兴未艾,而且我国的“核心期刊”名单何其多也!不仅多个研究机构编制了多个核心期刊目录,国务院学位委员会等也提出了自己的核心期刊目录,许多教育科研单位又有自己的目录。   这些目录一方面都是在一定程度上依据论文引用数据作为基本客观数据,另一方面又“各有创新”引入许多间接指标,再加上出于种种原因各自设计出不同的分类体系,因此造成一种期刊在不同评价体系中出现在不同类别、出现在不同排名位置,甚至在有的体系中排名很高的期刊在另一个体系中名落孙山。而且,近些年又有许多新的“评价指标”被不断地“研究”出来,使得几乎每一个稍稍正经点的期刊似乎都能找到一个有利指标来彰显自己的“高水平”。这样,“核心期刊”遴选成为研究热点,相关“市场”也持续火爆。    2. 互相庇护的引用联盟 发展艰难的专门期刊   这种局面往往导致学术期刊为获得某个体系的青睐而采取种种“有利于提高期刊影响力”的非学术做法。例如,《总览》惩罚那些发表跨学科论文的期刊,就会助长期刊只关注和发表“本学科”的内容,因为在有限发文量内发表跨学科论文将导致自己的“本学科论文的引用量”的减少,这实际上导致“画地为牢”和必然的“坐井观天”。这还容易驱使部分期刊建立“引用联盟”,相互“友情”引用来提高自己被引量,毕竟“引用联盟”只有在“本学科”中才能有效建立。另外,这往往造成对特色化专门化期刊发展的阻碍。   为什么在我国专门化期刊难以发展呢?除了管理体制的原因(例如许多属地办刊)外,要获得较多“学科内引用”,就要发表这个学科领域内不同人员都读得懂的论文,或者在本学科所有主题领域都发表论文来覆盖各种引用可能,因此涉及宏观主题、宏大叙事和“热点主题”的论文以及综述等可能就受欢迎,因此许多期刊发表了上至宏观哲学般内容、下至非常高深细微的技术内容,不管自己的评审专家或编辑是否能看懂。   有的评价体系不得不承认自己的遴选方法对一部分期刊不公平,却宣称自己本身就没打算进行全面评价,因此是否客观和公平似乎就没关系。但是,当这些体系采用的核心评价方法与科学研究主要趋势不一致、与学术期刊本身推进学科发展的宗旨不相符、与真正的符合发展趋势的学术质量无关时,它就已经失去了整体上的可信度。何况实际上,没有一个体系会说自己只是“部分期刊的核心期刊目录”,人们也会在实践中把它作为一个普适的体系来应用。    3. 评选暧昧 呼吁透明   还有,许多“核心期刊目录”的评选过程并不透明,数据来源及其计算不清楚,往往还人为加入了许多主观“调整”,而“调整”的依据以及“调整”操作者信息也不公开。我们没有证据说明其中存在“任性”,但我们也没有数据可以对其进行重复验证。我们呼吁所有的“核心期刊目录”体系公开自己的所有数据及其计算方法,公布自己主观评选时的定性指标及其判断依据,公布自己“调整”遴选结果的依据。如果这些评选及其调整是科学、严谨、规范的,其结果就应该在同样的数据、标准和流程条件下可重复验证。将数据、过程和责任人员予以公开,这已经成了科研领域和出版领域的基本要求,也是公信力的基础。   其实,国际科技界《研究评价的旧金山宣言》、《关于研究评价原则的莱顿宣言》和中国科学院学部主席团《追求卓越科学》宣言中都要求科学地应用评价指标和评价体系。如果仍然坚持对“核心期刊”的迷信和对“核心期刊目录”的迷信,本身就说明在学术评价和期刊评价上的肤浅和不负责任。    都是“指标驱动”惹的祸?   1. 科研评价依赖显性量化 痴迷指标引发学术不端   也许应该指出,“核心期刊”神圣化以及“影响因子”神圣化本身还不是问题的全部。问题还在于我们对科学的评价过度地依赖某种显性的、最好是量化的指标。这种对指标的依赖似乎已经在很大程度上绑架了我们的意识,造成“指标驱动的评价”,甚至“指标驱动的研究”。   笔者曾在Nature举办的一个讨论会上反复听到我国研究人员问“我怎样才能在Nature上发表论文”,尽管Nature编辑回答说“你需要做一个高水平的研究”,但提问者明显感到“不解决问题”。我们看到,问题和答案的出发点有明显的差异,很可能导致人们行为的差异。   对于提问者来说,发文--在核心期刊发文--在影响因子尽可能高的期刊发文,已经成了科研是否成功、工作能否“交账”和“职业生涯”能否发展的主要(甚至全部)依据,成了各类机构的宣传重点、成就象征和评价条件。这就在潜意识上、甚至在实际评价和管理中造成只要发了文章就“功成名就”,至于是否真正解决了问题、是否解决了对科学或对发展真正重要的问题,那已经无关紧要了。那么,为了快发文、多发文、发那些高影响因子期刊“喜欢发”的论文,可能就直接导致追风式科研、短平快科研、碎片化科研等,也容易诱导科学不端行为。   对指标的痴迷也对办刊理念和办刊方法带来负面影响。例如,前面已经提到的对跨学科内容的回避、对特色化办刊的回避、对“热点”主题的盲目追逐、对冷门问题的冷漠,等等。而且,对指标的痴迷还会驱使期刊“想方设法”把引用量“做上去”,这在一些圈子里已经成了交流的热点、密室交换的利器,甚至专业化“杀手锏”。有些期刊在这方面颇有“创新”意识,例如少发文章、发表综述文章、奖励作者引用自己刊物、建立“引用联盟”等等。    2. 热门引用不等于杰出思想 引用指标一样要走下神坛   其实,许多看似神圣的指标本身应该走下神坛。前面我们对“核心期刊”去神圣化,现在来分析“引用”这个指标本身。“引用”作为影响力指标,是假定“引用”代表了使用、使用代表了影响、影响促进了科学发展。在大量文章的大量引用情况下,从平均来说“引用”确实能够从一个方面体现“关注”和“影响”,但是,引用本身有很多原因,热门引用论文不一定代表了杰出科学思想,引用量并非一定与论文的学术水平严格正相关。   Nature在2014年发文指出,许多提出了后来获得诺贝尔奖的发现或创造的论文并不在高被引论文名单上,“史上引用量最高”的论文往往是与方法、数据等有关。尽管我们承认这些论文的效用,但它们往往不能代表所在学科的学术创造方向和一流学术水平。   而且必须看到,引用指标严重偏向基础研究论文,因为人们写一篇论文时必须引用其读过的另一篇论文才产生“引用”,因此“引用“作为指标有利于把学术论文作为主要产出的基础研究领域。但是,技术应用、科学普及、政策研究等方面的学术和研究,它们的读者受到“影响”后往往不是再写一篇研究论文,而是开发技术和工具、改变或完善政策、组织生产或管理、开展教育等。因此对这些领域,即使很大的“影响”也往往不是通过其他新的论文来体现,也可能带不来很多的引用量,因此在那些以引用量为基础的评价体系中就缺乏“价值”。   另外,区域性主题、细节化问题,甚至高深的突破性的创新,往往比那些“全球性”问题或“宏观性”问题的“受众”少,因此,无论其研究水平和创新程度有多高,自然也不会有多少引用。试想,如果霍金没有写《时间简史》,有多少人知道他呢?   我们不反对采用指标,包括采用量化指标。许多指标,如果正确地计算和正确地应用,有其客观的有限的作用。但是,把任何指标用到它本身力所不逮的程度就变成了荒唐,真理超过一步就是谬误。   最后需要说明,我们批判某些指标体系的错误,并不指望甚至不希望又出现一个超级精细和“全面”的指标体系。任何指标都无非是从某一个角度观察复杂世界的投影,而异常复杂纠缠的指标体系往往可能存在更多的问题。我们的目的是排除对指标的迷信,不被指标(更不用说其中错误百出者)所裹胁。
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