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[转载] Can this happen in any other country?
热度 1 zuojun 2012-11-2 06:49
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|1819 次阅读|2 个评论
《return to innocence》------The Girl With April In Her Eyes
freefloating 2012-10-24 20:05
《return to innocence》------The Girl With April In Her Eyes
The Girl With April In Her Eyes Chris De Burgh there once was a king, who called for the spring, for his world was still covered with snow, but the spring had not been, for he was wicked and mean, in his winter fields nothing would grow; and when a traveller called, seeking help at the door, only food and a bed for a night, he ordered his slave to turn her away, the girl with april in her eyes.. ay...................................... oh, oh, oh, on and on she goes, through the winter's night, the wild wind and the snow, hi, hi, hi, on and on she rides, someone help the girl with april in her eyes... ay................ she rode through the night till she came to the light, of a humble man's home in the woods, he brought her inside, by the firelight she died, and he buried her gently and good; oh the morning was bright, all the world snow-white, but when he came to the place where she lay, his field was ablaze with flowers on the grave, of the girl with april in her eyes... ay...................................... oh, oh, oh, on and on she goes, through the winter's night, the wild wind and the snow, hi, hi, hi, on and on she flies, she is gone, the girl with april in her eyes... ooh
个人分类: 长歌当空|3778 次阅读|0 个评论
zuojun 2010-5-29 00:15
China, do I know you anymore? I feel compelled to share this sad joke. 同事出差去了,叫我这两天照顾 一 下她女儿伙食(她离异,没再结婚), 小姑娘刚读六年级,嘴巴很厉害, 昨天带她去吃赛百味,吃到一半,邻座一对恋人模样的男女吵起来了,最后男的扔下一句侬再这样子,也不要谈结婚了!,说完就一个人走了,留下女的一个在 那里一言不发。。。 这时小姑娘说话了: 姐姐你晓得吗?现在女人是有标准的, 好女人,有丈夫有情人; 坏女人,有情人没丈夫; 堕落女人,没情人没丈夫,但有男人。。。 我一下子愣住了,还没来及问她这话哪里听来的, 她最后给我来了一句,孤独女人:只有丈夫。。。
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2311 次阅读|5 个评论
Devil's advocate (1): a girl's birth & a country's future
zuojun 2010-5-24 06:13
The sky is falling! Why? Because 姚明 and his wife decided (?) to have their baby girl born in the U.S. See 我 们对中国的未来还有信心么 ? by 刘锋 Cheer up! This is good for China: one less person to count toward its population, one (or three) less people to contribute to the carbon footprint in China, one more space in an expensive private daycare for another baby born in China, and ... I can go on and on... Before I finish, let's hope that this girl will be the first Chinese-American FEMALE president in the U.S. 30-40 years from now! Devil's advocate: In common parlance , a devil's advocate is someone who takes a position he or she does not necessarily agree with for the sake of argument . This process can also be used to test the quality of the original argument and identify weaknesses in its structure.--From Wikipedia
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3504 次阅读|1 个评论
TWO friendS
jlpemail 2010-3-11 06:55
a woman phoned her female (thousands miles distance) friend, ON7 MARCH 2010. W1: (do i )think of you...? W2: do you think...?
个人分类: 学术现场|2620 次阅读|0 个评论
A Call to the President of Zhejiang University…
zuojun 2009-10-25 08:28
浙江大学(海 归)涂序新博 士 is gone; no one could bring him back. There are probably many lessons to learn from this incident, for all of us. First, lets do something for Dr. Tus surviving family. I would like to request that the university set up an educational trust fund for Dr. Tus little girl. Donations from all sources should be accepted, professionally managed, and used for this unfortunate girl, making sure she is being well taken care of. p.s. As I was writing the Blog, a memory flashed back. It was a lesson I learned about 17 years ago, during a workshop on Equatorial Ocean Dynamics funded by the U.S. NSF. A handful of well-known professors from different universities gave daily lectures to a group of Ph.D. candidates. I was one of the workshop students. We lived together for about a month like a family, one professor with 4-5 students in a single family house. We cooked and ate dinner together, and played card games in some evenings, too. One evening, our family had some visitors. One guest accidently stepped through a screen door, so the whole screen door panel caved in. Bang! Our parent jumped up from his card-game table and went straight to the visitor: Are you alright? Another person went straight to the screen door, to check if the door was damaged. I stood there, feeling so ashamed of myself because I was more worried about the door (if damaged, we had to pay to fix it) than the visitor. People should always come first, no matter where and when!
个人分类: Education|1391 次阅读|10 个评论

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