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CIGR即任主席Fedro教授致辞-Today is truly a memorable day
wangyk 2010-4-15 02:12
王 应 宽 2010-04- 14 Beijing, China Today is truly a memorable day by Prof. Fedro Zazueta Incoming President and Editor-in-Chief of CIGR Ejournal University of Florida We are now reaping the rewards of the vision of one man, Dr. Bill Stout, to create a knowledge repository in agriculture and biosystems to serve our peers and clients worldwide. We are now in the process of making another major leap towards improving the effectiveness of this resource and improving its quality. During the meeting in Bonn in 2006 a proposal was presented to the Presidium modernize communication resources of CIGR to improve its capacity for outreach to all its stakeholders. The strategy focused on the use of modern IT and included a redesign of the CIGR web site, implementing an management system for the CIGR Journal, developing an online location for proceedings of conference, meetings, symposia and other CIGR events, and improving communications using teleconferencing technologies. During the CIGR International Conference in Brazil in 2008, a major focus was placed in moving the journal to the Open Journal System. With the Help of Dr. Jiannong Xin, Dr. Bill Stout, staff at the University of Florida and Staff at Texas AM University this was achieved in the following year. This established a modern online review system and repository for publications in our profession at no cost to the authors. Today, we are looking at a new horizon. With the support from CSAM and CSAE the level of the Journal is being raised to a higher standard with a dedicated professional editor, Dr. Yingkuan Wang. Im personally pleased and awaiting a new stage in the development of the Journal and its positive influence on our profession worldwide. Thank you and Im looking forward to this close collaboration between CSAM, CSAE and CIGR.
个人分类: 论文撰写与发表|4084 次阅读|0 个评论
slowlight 2009-10-25 11:16
期刊圈的博文大赛昨天正式结束,但它引起的对中国科技期刊出版的讨论还会继续下去。除了学术期刊,很多学会都有一类为会员而办的杂志,它们不发表纯粹的学术论文,但会通过各种报道介绍所在领域的一些研究成果,新鲜事。它们题裁多样,内容丰富,层次不同,有适合学生读的普及性的文章,也有最前沿的话题。大家熟知的有physics world, physics today, optics photonics news等。 作为非一线科研人员,像编辑、科研服务人员,很难去阅读PRL等杂志上的论文,通过会刊可以了解这个领域的一些最新的事情。同时,初级科研人员或者学生也可以从中学习一些新的知识,为以后的科研工作打基础。作为科研成果的普及和传播途径,它们的作用很难为其他刊物所代替。 从运营方面来看,会刊的主要收入从会费中来,作为对会员的一项服务,同时它还可以从广告、信息发布(招聘信息等)中取得一定的收入,另外对非会员也有一些发行收入。但如果没有学会的支撑,仅靠广告与发行,运营下去还是很困难的,除非做成大众科普。 国内中科院物理所的《物理》杂志是我最经常看的一份会刊,虽然内容/排版与physics world等有一定的差距,但有一些文章还是很有特色的。很少有编辑部会去办这样一本杂志,因为它在经济上并不能给编辑部带来很大的收益,或者说它的存在不能以经济收益来考核。他们的坚持,我想与物理学会和物理所的支撑也是分不开的。 总体来说,国内少有非常有特色的此类学会会刊,是没有需求还是没有人去做?如果有需要,那就是各个学会的责任。在中国能够持续做一些事情团结该领域研究人员的学会并不多,多的是一些挂名领导和碌碌的工作人员。在光学领域,美国光学学会(OSA)拥有世界一流的optics infobase,此外还会为会员提供一定的资助来开展一些活动,如参观、教育,而中国的counterpart 除了两年开一次大会,鲜有惠及普及会员、学生的活动。有的学会甚至连会费也少有人交,没有经费就没法开展活动,但没有给我带来帮助的会费,为什么又要交? 依托科研机构与科研人员的各类学会应该是学术活动、学术出版的主体,为科研人员服务,为科研事业服务。我对学会的工作并不熟悉,但从所在行业来看,我目前很少能感觉到它的影响。有人说学会办刊是中国学术期刊出版的出路,但从小小的一本会刊折射出的服务能力和认识水平来看,把科技期刊的希望寄托在有些学会身上几乎是不现实的。
个人分类: 编辑部的故事|5403 次阅读|1 个评论

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