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firefox link and form info
zoubinbin100 2016-5-10 09:31
个人分类: 生物信息|2 次阅读|0 个评论
link mining:a survey
hxs91 2013-4-7 14:58
在看上一篇文章的时候,里边提到了一篇比较好的 survey ,所以这一周看了看相关内容。 2005_SIGKDD_link mining.a survey 文章指出, link mining 主要是有以下几个内容: object ranking , groupdetection , collective classification , linkprediction , subgraph discovery 。 虽然这篇文章是在 2005 年的时候发表的,但是作者很有遇见性的指出当今数据挖掘面临的问题:就是数据越来越结构化以及异构化,而基于异构数据的挖掘正是现在挖掘的热门领域。 这篇 survey 主要贡献如下: 1 ,探讨了数据表示( datarepresentation ) 2 ,对 8 个 link mining 问题进行了概括 3 ,提出了一些还没受到有效关注的领域 我主要看了三个常见领域也对相关文献进行了调研 1 LINKBASED OBJECT RANKING ( LBR ) 介绍了 ranking 这方面比较经典的两个方法: PageRank 和 HITS 以及相关的改进工作,同时提到了相似度,这与之前看的文章联系了起来。 介绍了在动态 ranking 方面的相关工作 2 LINKBASEDOBJECTCLASSIFICATION ( LBC ) LBC 面临的问题是:在很多情况下,相关对象的标签是互相关联的。这提出了一个“集体分类( collective classification )”的概念,也即将一个组来进行分类。 3 LINK PREDICTION 之前看的文章基本都是 link prediction 或者 inferring link ,因此着重看了这方面的工作,值得注意的是一种称作“ relational data ”的数据与异构数据比较接近,而也有人在这方面进行了相关工作。 在处理这方面问题上基本都用的是概率手段。
个人分类: record|5 次阅读|0 个评论
A story about USD2.75 vs USD124, on Link Light Rail in SEA
zuojun 2011-8-13 07:29
I enjoyed everything about my first visit to Seattle after 11 years, except for the mess at the Sea-Tac airport. So, I was determined to take the Link Light Rail from downtown to Sea-Tac at the end of my visit. (I was also told by a friend that rental car picked up at the airport is usually more expensive, another reason to take a public transportation to the Sea-Tac.) Finding the entrance to the Light Rail was not easy, because it is not marked. Most people would start the trip by taking a bus to the "bus tunnel," from where it's easy to get to the Light Rail. When we finally found the entrance (next to the Nordstrom store), the adventure continued... First, I didn't read every small sign on the way down to the platform. I just wanted to get there. I didn't even bother to use the elevator at the end, just carried my luggage and walked downstairs. When I got there, I didn't know what the Light Rail looked like, and asked a guy in uniform. He said this is where you get on the rail. I looked around and didn't see how I could get a ticket. So, I was sent back upstairs; this time, I used the elevator. Someone helped me to start the conversation with the ticket machine, and the rest was easy. A one-way ticket costs $2.75, and can be purchased using a credit card. No one was there to check the ticket, and we all got on the rail. I was curious about the system, and started to look around. There were some handouts, one of which says "A fine of USD 124" for not having the ticket (or not using the pre-paid card correctly). I wondered if anyone would dare to get on a cheap rail and risk the fine of USD 124. Midway, two guys in uniform showed up to check tickets. To my surprise, two people were "caught" without proper "tickets." One looked like a foreigner (non-Asian), who held dollar bills in her hand. She was lectured, but not fined. The other looked like a student in college. He was told that he didn't initiate the pre-paid card properly, and was put into the city data base for the record. Both were NOT fined. Clearly, the system is still new, and the fine will not come any time soon. The goal is to educate people! Link to the SoundTransit in Seattle: http://www.soundtransit.org/Rider-Guide/Link-light-rail.xml
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2571 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 8 jiangjiping 2011-6-16 05:01
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }a:link { color: rgb(0, 0, 255); } 科技人员如何正当地争“功利”? 蒋继平 2011 年 6 月 15 日 前几天我在本网发表了“科研上该不该有“功利心”( http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php ? )的博文, 有的网友同意我的观点, 认为功利心人谐有之,关键是一个“度”的问题。 有的人继而要我谈谈如何掌握“度”的问题, 也就是正确地争“功利”。 这就是本博文的主题。 首先应当调正心态。 在共产主义思潮的影响下, 一提到功利两个字就会引起人们的反感,认为是资产阶级的东西, 是势利的想法和行为, 是不值得提倡的。 其实这种想法是不正确的。 这是因为生存和繁衍是人的一种本能属性, 这种自然属性必然受到当时社会环境的影响。 在当前的社会环境下, 一切以商品交换为生存的前提。 在社会上地位越高的人, 其得到的“功利”越多, 对其生存越有利, 对其后代越有利。 鉴于此, 人们争功利是很自然的, 不应当受到指责。 问题的关键是, 我们应当采取正当的途径来争。 中国古代的思想家墨子就积极主张功利主义。不过他的功利主义是社会功利主义。他认为利他也是利己,损人必定损己。 他的这种观点是正确的。 只要我们大家做的事有利于社会,有利于他人, 我们就应该争着去做, 在为他人提供利益的同时, 也给自己挣得好处,有什么不对的呢? 其次是量力而行。 在调正好心态后, 认识到争功利是正常的行为, 我们就可以理直气壮地去争功利。 但是, 不能盲目地去争, 也不是蛮不讲理地去争。 首先要根据自己的才能, 根据自己已经做出的成绩和贡献, 通过评估自己的劳动产生的社会经济价值, 然后分析自己的的社会价值。 通过分析对比, 尤其是与自己周围同等情况的人对比一下, 看看自己是否受到了公正的待遇。 要是认为自己创造的社会价值远远高出自己从社会得到的回报, 那么,你就可以理所当然地提出自己的“功利”要求。 这种争是合理的。 要不然,您可能会被认为是“大傻瓜”,“老实人”。鲁迅先生曾经说过:“老实是无用的别名。”但是,要是您作出的成绩和贡献所产生的社会效益是很有限的, 而且社会已经给了您充分的回报, 您还要争取更多的功利, 那就是属于不正当的了,就会被人看成是“势利小人”。还有, 更为重要的是, 要有自知之明, 要知道自己的分量到底有多重, 只有半斤, 绝对不要说成一斤, 或者当成一斤来用。 说到这里, 我想起了一件让我终生难忘的事。 那是 2004 年初的事。 当时我所在的研究站接待来自参加全球青椒研讨会的世界各国的青椒研究科技人员。 我是这个研究站抗病育种部门的负责人。 在面对世界各国的科技人员做本部门的介绍时, 当研究站经理把话筒交到我的手中的时候, 正当我要发言时,我的助手急不及待地和毫无商量地从我的手中抢过话筒, 当着那些专家们讲起我们的工作。 她是一位中国人,从来没有生物学的基本知识, 连细菌,真菌, 和病毒的概念都分不清。 我找她作助手,主要是受到太太的影响,因为太太和她是熟人, 为了帮助她找一份工作, 就让我“关照”一下。当时我确实有这个权力,所以, 就聘用了她。在她作介绍的时候,一些专家提出了一些很专业的问题,也是很常见和最基本的问题, 比如说,这个病毒病的传播途径是什么?这个病毒的载体是什么?您们是用载体接种还是人工接种?面对这些专家的提问,她一个字都答不上来, 但是,她就是不愿意也不肯把话筒交还给我,真是让我尴尬之极, 也让一旁的本站许多科技人员感到很难为情, 很丢脸。在这种大庭广众之下, 我们也没有其他办法来扭转这种局面。 反正我知道这件事丢尽了中国人的脸。这个女人的做法就是典型的盲目和蛮不讲理的争“功名”。是千万要不得的。 再者是通过合理的途径。 我们做任何事情都要讲究方式方法, 争功利也不例外。 具体地来说, 要根据具体的情势, 在适当的时机,在适当的场合, 用适当的语言向决定您“功利”的上级提出您的合理要求。 我想大家都知道, 上级一般是不会主动给您“功利”的。 不管是国营企业,还是私人公司的老板, 他们都希望把生产成本降到最低限度,以便获得最大的利益, 这对他们都有好处。给您提职加薪, 您从中获得功利, 这必然增加他们的负担, 因而,他们是不会主动地去做这种“亏本事”的。所以,您必须自己去争。 我现在用我自己的一个例子来具体地说明这一点。 1995 年初, 我在公司已经工作了三年, 期间做出了许多科研成果,对公司的贡献很大。 我自己知道,公司领导和同事们也知道,所以,我就主动向老板提出提职加薪的要求,第二天就获得了提职加薪的通知, 从一级研究员升到二级研究员,工资提升 18% 。但是, 不是所有的提职加薪的要求会得到满足的。 要是您得不到正面的回应, 可能会导致上下级关系的紧张, 由此造成了对工作和生活环境不利的影响。 如果出现这样的结局, 您就得考虑换一个工作环境。在 1999 年, 由于原公司合并后出现了许多内部问题,严重影响到科研的正常进行,我对原公司的前途失去了信心, 就决定换一家公司。 当时正好有一家竞争对手要找一位植物病理学家, 我就申请。 结果那家公司立即聘请了我, 并给我提供了优惠的待遇,给我的职称是三级研究员,工资比原来的公司高 12% 。 因为生活地区的差别,这 12% 相当于 30% 的提升。 从这一点上来说,要是您确实很有价值, 别的单位会乐意接受您的。 所以,有的人会利用别的单位提供任职的机会, 向自己的老板提出提职加薪的要求。 实际上,这确实是一个好机会。 为了功利,换一个工作环境, 不应当受到指责,要不然的话,您只有永远受“剥削”的份。受剥削是不合理的。 最后也是最重要的是争功利要对得起良心。 我们作为一个知识分子,一位科技人员, 也是社会的一分子,是社会群体的一个基本组成单元, 我们的生活不是单独的,是属于社会整体的一部分, 我们的行为必然影响到他人和社会的利益, 反过来, 他人和社会的行为也必然产生对我们的影响。 这是很明显的现象和道理。 所以,我们做什么都必须问一问自己的良心, 这样做符合公道吗, 对社会是有益的, 还是有害的? 要是我们大家都能这样从良知上行事,去争取正当的功利,三鹿的毒奶粉事件还会发生吗? 综上所述, 我们应该怀着正常的心态去争取应有的功利, 这就像农民通过自己的辛勤劳动而获得收成一样。 但是, 争功利必须量力而行和通过合理合适的方法途径, 也必须对得起自己的良心。 为了个人的名利, 不顾后果, 不考虑造成的社会影响, 蛮不讲理的争功利是万万要不得的。 读完这篇文章,您知道自己的“度”吗?您知道如何去争取您应有的功利吗? (声明:我从现在开始,要到中国出差大约两个星期,其间因为行程安排很紧凑,可能很少有上网的时间, 所以,可能不能及时回复各位的评论, 敬请大家原谅。)
个人分类: 经验交流|3623 次阅读|15 个评论
热度 6 liuli66 2011-5-20 23:36
Dear Dr. XXXXX, Thank you once again for reviewing the above-referenced paper. With your help the following final decision has now been reached: Accept We appreciate your time and effort in reviewing this paper and greatly value your assistance as a reviewer for XXX XXX. If you have not yet activated or completed your 30 days of access to Scopus, you can still access Scopus via this link: http://scopees.elsevier.com/ees_login.xxxxxxxxxx You can use your EES password to access Scopus via the URL above. You can save your 30 days access period, but access will expire 6 months after you accepted to review. Yours sincerely, XXX XXX, Dr. Editor xxxxxx journal
220 次阅读|15 个评论
lcj2212916 2011-3-13 17:13
题目:DATA COMPRESSION FOR RADAR SIGNALS: AN SVD BASED APPROACH 作者:ZHEN ZHOU 学位:MASTER OF SCIENCE 学校:STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT BINGHAMTON 时间:2001.5 摘要: Multiple platform coherent location systems operate by computing the time difference of arrival (TDOA) and frequency difference of arrival (FDOA) among signals received at geographically separated platforms. The bandwidth of the data link is the major bottleneck in the processing. Previously developed data compression methods can not satisfy the compression ratio and the accuracy requirements because they were designed for the generic signal case and do not fully exploit the characteristics of the radar signal. A new compression scheme presented in this thesis is built from the ground up with the characteristics of the radar signal in mind. It is based on the idea that a radar pulse train can be modelled as one prototype pulse and a parameter vector for each pulse to transform the prototype pulse to each specific pulse. A compression ratio of 10 20 : 1 has been achieved with minor, if any, FDOA/TDOA accuracies degradation in most cases. The two major techniques involved here are the fractional delay filter and the singular value decomposition (SVD). This thesis starts with some preliminary technical background used later in this thesis. Then two chapters are dedicated to the fractional delay filter and the SVD method, respectively. In addition to presenting and verifying our compression scheme, a newly developed LMS adaptive FIR fractional delay filter and an alternative to the cross-ambiguity processing based on the parameterization method are developed. Extensive simulation results are presented throughout the thesis. In the last chapter, conclusions and suggestions for future work are given. 本文主要解决多平台定位中各平台之间通信时的雷达数据压缩问题,以降低系统的复杂度。 论文共四章,67页。 1 Background 2 The fractional delay filters 3 The SVD method 4 Conclusions and suggestions for future work 2001-05Data compression for radar signals an SVD based approach.pdf
个人分类: 科学研究|3820 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]NTCIR-9 Cross-lingual Link Discovery Task
热度 1 timy 2010-11-4 10:40
NTCIR-9 Cross-lingual Link Discovery Task http://ntcir.nii.ac.jp/CrossLink ############################################################ Introduction: Cross-lingual link discovery (CLLD) is a way of automatically finding potential linking between isolated documents in different languages. It is not very dissimilar from traditional cross-lingual information retrieval (CLIR) because CLIR can be viewed as a process of creating a virtual link between the provided cross-lingual query and the retrieved documents; on the other hand, CLLD recommends a set of meaningful anchors actively in the source document and use them as queries with the contextual information from the text to establish actual linking with documents in other languages. Wikipedia is an online multilingual encyclopaedia that contains enormous articles covering most written languages in this planet and so includes extensive hypertext links between documents of same language for easy reading and referencing. However, the pages in different languages are rarely interrelated except for the cross-lingual link between pages about the same subject. This could pose serious difficulties for users who try to seek information or knowledge from different lingual sources. Therefore, cross-lingual link discovery tries to break the language barrier in knowledge sharing. With CLLD users are allowed to discover documents in languages which they either are familiar with (or not), or which have a richer set of documents than in their language of choice. For English there are several link discovery tools, which assist topic curators in discovering prospective anchors and targets for a given document. No such tools yet exist, that support the cross linking of documents from multiple languages. This task aims to incubate the technologies assisting CLLD and enhance the user experience in viewing or editing documents in cross-lingual manner. The language difference, ambiguities and other language issues such as Chinese segmentation could all make this task even more challenging. Researchers who interest in cross-lingual link discovery are all welcome to join us. Particularly, researchers from either CLIR or link discovery community are encouraged to participate in this exciting task. To participate, please visit the registration pages: http://research.nii.ac.jp/ntcir/ntcir-9/howto.html , also you will have to sign a user agreement form - details will be announced from NII later Task Definition: Generally, the link between documents can be classified as either outgoing or incoming, but in this task we mainly focus on the outgoing link starting from English source documents and being pointed to Chinese, Korean, and Japanese target documents. The whole CLLD task is comprised of following three subtasks: * English to Chinese CLLD * English to Japanese CLLD * English to Korean CLLD Participants can choose one or more of the above three subtasks to participate in. The English topics and the target corpus consist of actual Wikipedia pages in xml format with rich structured information. To submit a run, participants are required to choose the most suitable anchors from the topic document, and for each anchor identify the most suitable documents in the test corpus. For each topic we will allow up to 50 anchors, each with up to 5 targets may, so there is a total of 250 outgoing links per topic. Topic and Document Collections: Two sets of 25 articles chosen from the English Wikipedia will be used as topics for the uses of creating dry run and formal run separately. These topics will be orphaned by removing all links to then (from the collection) and from them (to the collection). The corresponding pages in Chinese, Japanese and Korean will also be removed from those collections. The training and test collections for the three subtasks are exactly the same. The collections are formed by search engine friendly xml files created from Wikipedia mysql database dumps taken on June 2010. The details of the collections are given as following (the language of the corpus, the number of articles, the size of the corpus, and date of dump): Chinese 318,736 2.7G 27/06/2010 Japanese 716,088 6.1G 24/06/2010 Korean 201,596 1.2G 28/06/2010 Assessment and Evaluation: There will be two types of assessments: automatic assessment using the Wikipedia ground truth (existing cross-lingual links); and manual assessment done by human assessors. For the latter, all submissions will be pooled and a GUI tool for efficient assessment will be used. In manual assessment, either the anchor candidate or the target link could be identified relevant (or non-relevant). Once the anchor candidate is assessed as non-relevant, all anchors and associated links inside this anchor will become non-relevant. After the assessment, the performance of cross-lingual link discovery system then will be evaluated using Precision, Recall and Mean Average Precision metrics. FOR MORE DETAILS: Please visit http://ntcir.nii.ac.jp/CrossLink Please also note that the registration deadline is December 20, 2010 (for all NTCIR-9 tasks). ORGANIZERS: Shlomo Geva, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Andrew Trotman, University of Otago, New Zealand Yue Xu, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Eric Tang, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Darren Huang, Queensland University of Technology, Australia If you have any questions, please contact Eric Tang ( l4.tang@qut.edu.au ) or send an email to the task mailing list: crosslink@lists.otago.ac.nz
个人分类: 信息检索|3338 次阅读|0 个评论
error LNK2005: xxx already defined in libcmt.lib(xxx.obj) MSVCRT.lib
热度 1 wqfeng 2010-9-15 15:39
参考: 这个错误是微软设计错误,因此如果遇到这个错误,我们只能躲过这个链接错误。具体的办法就是将那个提示出错的库放到另外一个库的前面。另外选择不同的C函数库,可能会引起这个错误。MS,C有两种C函数库,一种是普通的函数库:LIBC.LIB,不支持多线程。另外一种是支持多线程的:msvcrt.lib。如果一个工程里,这两种函数库混合使用,可能会引起这个错误。因此建议使用支持多线程的msvcrt.lib。 需要注意的是,当使用其他的库的时候最容易产生这种错误,例如boost和wxWindow使用/MD来编译的,也就是使用支持多线程的C函数库。这时候如果自己的程序没有指明/MD的话,就会提示两种C函数冲突,并且还有LNK2005错误。因此如果使用boost,wxWindow的话,需要指明/MD。 msvcrt.lib是VC中的MultithreadedDLL版本的C运行时库,而libcmt.lib是Multithreaded的运行时库。在同一个项目中,所有的源文件必须链接相同的C运行时库。如果某一文件用了MultithreadedDLL版本,而其他文件用了Single-Threaded或者Multithreaded版本的库,也就是说用了不同的库,就会导致这个警告的出现。 VC中的C运行时库一共有6种 Single-threaded(libc.lib) libcmt.lib,msvcrt.lib,libcd.lib,libcmtd.lib,msvcrtd.lib Multithreaded(libcmt.lib) libc.lib,msvcrt.lib,libcd.lib,libcmtd.lib,msvcrtd.lib MultithreadedusingDLL(msvcrt.lib) libc.lib,libcmt.lib,libcd.lib,libcmtd.lib,msvcrtd.lib DebugSingle-threaded(libcd.lib) libc.lib,libcmt.lib,msvcrt.lib,libcmtd.lib,msvcrtd.lib DebugMultithreaded(libcmtd.lib) libc.lib,libcmt.lib,msvcrt.lib,libcd.lib,msvcrtd.lib DebugMultithreadedusingDLL(msvcrtd.lib) libc.lib,libcmt.lib,msvcrt.lib,libcd.lib,libcmtd.lib runtimelibrary中设置,实际上和静态dll和动态dll有关 解决办法: ProjectSettings: IgnoreSpecificLibrary:libcmtd libcmtd这个库有时候不能忽略,忽略后会有不能解析的外部符号错误 其实有个方便的方法链接时加入参数/FORCE:MULTIPLE
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wanyou9 2010-7-6 22:55
11.6.1族 R提供了一系列广义线性建模工具,从类型上来说包括gaussian,二项式,poisson,反gaussian和gamma模型的响应变量分布以及在响应变量分布没有明确给定时的逆似然(quasi-likelihood)模型。在后者,方差函数(variancefunction)可以认为是均值的函数,但是在另外一些情况下,该函数可以由响应变量的分布得到。 每一种响应分布允许各种关联函数将均值和线性预测器关联起来。这些自动关联函数如下表所示: Familyname Linkfunctions binomial logit,probit,log,cloglog gaussian identity,log,inverse Gamma identity,inverse,log inverse.aussian 1/mu^2,identity,inverse,log poisson identity,log,sqrt quasi logit,probit,cloglog,identity,inverse,log,1/mu^2,sqrt 这些用于模型构建过程中的响应分布,关联函数和各种其他必要的信息统称为广义线性模型的族(family)。 http://www.biosino.org/pages/newhtm/r/schtml/Families.html#Families R导论 本文档是对R(“GNUS”)的入门介绍。R是一种为统计计算和图形显示而设计的语言及环境,它和贝尔实验室(BellLaboratories)JohnChambers等人开发的S系统相似。它提供了一系列统计和图形显示工具(线性和非线性模型,统计检验,时间序列分析,分类,聚类,……)。 该文档提供了有关R的数据类型,编程原理,统计建模和图形显示等方面的信息。 提供最新的pdf文档http://www.biosino.org/R/R-doc/。 丁国徽(ghding@gmail.com)译。 ISBN3-900051-12-7
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Two newly published papers on Link Prediction
babyann519 2009-10-28 02:53
Many complex systems can be well described by networks where nodes present individuals or agents, and links denote the relations or interactions between nodes. Recently, the link prediction of complex networks has attracted more and more attention from computer scientists and physicists. Link prediction aims at estimating the likelihood of the existence of a link between two nodes, based on the observed links and the attributes of the nodes. For example, classical information retrieval can be viewed as predicting missing links between words and documents, and the process of recommending items to a user can be considered as a link prediction problem in the user-item bipartite network. Attached please find two newly published papers about the problem of link prediction. One (EPJB)discussed missing links prediction via local information. The other (PRE) introduced an efficient and effective similarity index, called Local Path index for link prediction. PRE_80_046122 EPJB_71_623
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