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wangyk 2008-4-13 03:50
源自维客 (Wiki) 的自我存档 (Self-archiving) 文献 国外关于开放存取的研究比较丰富,维客搜集有关开放存档的网址链接和相关文献近 50 篇,涉及有关开放存档的综合论述、政策建议、模型研究、同行评审、版权策略、对比分析、调查报告等。博主整理转贴于此供需要者分享。 以下资料来自 : http://www.wiki.cn/wiki/Self-archiving Jump to: navigation , search Self-archiving involves depositing a free copy of a digital document on the World WideWeb in order to provide open access to it. The term usually refers to the self-archiving of peer reviewed research journal and conference articles as well as theses, deposited in the author's own institutional repository or open archive for the purpose of maximizing its accessibility, usage and citation impact . Self-archiving is one of two general methods for providing open access. The other is open access publishing in an open access journal . The former is sometimes called the green and the latter the golden road to open access. Self-archiving was first explicitly proposed as a universal practice by Stevan Harnad in his 1994 posting Subversive Proposal , although computer scientists had been doing it spontaneously in anonymous FTP archives since at least the 1980s (see CiteSeer ) and physicists since the early 1990s on the web (see arXiv ). About 94% of peer-reviewed journals already endorse authors self-archiving preprint and/or postprint versions of their papers. Whereas the right to self-archive postprints is a copyright matter, the right to self-archive preprints is merely a question of journal policy . See also Berlin Declaration Budapest Open Access Initiative Subversive Proposal External links A Subversive Proposal by S. Harnad , (1995), in Okerson, A. and O'Donnell, J., Eds. Scholarly Journals at the Crossroads: A Subversive Proposal for Electronic Publishing Association of Research Libraries Self Archiving FAQ : Answers to most of the questions you might have about self-archiving. There is also a Glossary of Terms in case you find yourself wading in jargon. Publisher copyright policies self-archiving SelfArchive.org : a self-archiving wiki Registry of Open Access Repository Material Archiving Policy (ROARMAP) Open Access News by Peter Suber science-advisor.net Openarchives.eu - The European Guide to OAI-PMH Digital Repositories in the World References Berners-Lee, T., De Roure, D., Harnad, S. and Shadbolt, N. (2005) Journal publishing and author self-archiving: Peaceful Co-Existence and Fruitful Collaboration. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11160/ Brody T, Harnad, S. (2004) Using Web Statistics as a Predictor of Citation Impact. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/timcorr.doc Hajjem, C., Harnad, S. and Gingras, Y. (2005) Ten-Year Cross-Disciplinary Comparison of the Growth of Open Access and How it Increases Research Citation Impact. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin 28(4) pp. 39-47. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11688/ Harnad, Stevan (1990). Scholarly Skywriting and the Prepublication Continuum of Scientific Inquiry. Psychological Science 1, no. 6: 342-344. http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00001581/index.html Harnad, Stevan (1991). Post-Gutenberg Galaxy: The Fourth Revolution in the Means of Production of Knowledge. The Public-Access Computer Systems Review 2, no. 1: 39-53. http://info.lib.uh.edu/pr/v2/n1/harnad.2n1 Harnad, Stevan (1992). Interactive Publication: Extending the American Physical Society's Discipline-Specific Model for Electronic Publishing. Serials Review 18, no. 1/2: 58-61. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Papers/Harnad/harnad92.interactivpub.html Harnad, Stevan (1995). The Post-Gutenberg Galaxy: How to Get There from Here. The Information Society 11, no. 4: 285-291. http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00001689/00/thes.html --- 1996. Implementing Peer Review on the Net: Scientific Quality Control in Scholarly Electronic Journals. In Scholarly Publishing: The Electronic Frontier, edited by Robin P. Peek and Gregory B. Newby, 103-118. Cambridge , MA : The MIT Press,. http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00001692/00/harnad96.peer.review.html --- (1997). How to Fast-Forward Learned Serials to the Inevitable and the Optimal for Scholars and Scientists. The Serials Librarian 30, no. 3/4: 73-81. http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00001695/00/harnad97.learned.serials.html --- (1997). Learned Inquiry and the Net: The Role of Peer Review, Peer Commentary and Copyright. Antiquity, no. 274: 1042-1048. http://intarch.ac.uk/antiquity/electronics/harnad.html --- (1997). The Paper House of Cards (and Why It's Taking So Long to Collapse). Ariadne, no. 8. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue8/harnad/ --- (1998). The Invisible Hand of Peer Review. Nature Web Matters, 5 November 1998. http://www.nature.com/nature/webmatters/invisible/invisible.html --- (1999). Free at Last: The Future of Peer-Reviewed Journals. D-Lib Magazine 5, no. 12 http://www.dlib.org/dlib/december99/12harnad.html --- (2000). Freeing the Refereed Journal Corpus Online. Computer Law Security Report 16, no. 2: 78-87. http://cogprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/archive/00001701/index.html --- (2001). Minotaur: Six Proposals for Freeing the Refereed Literature Online: A Comparison. Ariadne, no. 28. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue28/minotaur/ --- (2001/3). For Whom the Gate Tolls? Open Access to Peer-Reviewed Research Through Author/Institution Self-Archiving: Maximizing Research Impact by Maximizing Online Access. In: Law, Derek Judith Andrews, Eds. Digital Libraries: Policy Planning and Practice. Ashgate Publishing 2003. http://cogprints.soton.ac.uk/documents/disk0/00/00/16/39/index.html --- (2003). Open Access to Peer-Reviewed Research through Author/Institution Self-Archiving: Maximizing Research Impact by Maximizing Online Access. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 49, no. 4: 337-342. http://www.jpgmonline.com/article.asp?issn=0022-3859;year=2003;volume=49;issue=4;spage=337;epage=342;aulast=Harnad --- (2003). Maximizing University Research Impact through Self-Archiving. JCOM: Journal of Science Communication 2, no. 4. http://jcom.sissa.it/article/art020401.html --- (2003). The Research-Impact Cycle. Information Services Use 23, no. 2-3: 139-142. --- (2003). Self-Archive Unto Others as Ye Would Have Them Self-Archive Unto You. JCOM: Journal of Science Communication 2, no. 3. http://jcom.sissa.it/focus/foc020303.html --- (2003). Electronic Preprints and Postprints. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science Marcel Dekker, Inc. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/eprints.htm --- (2003). Online Archives for Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications. International Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. John Feather Paul Sturges (eds). Routledge. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/archives.htm --- (2003). Back to the Oral Tradition Through Skywriting at the Speed of Thought. Interdisciplines. http://www.interdisciplines.org/defispublicationweb/papers/6 --- (2005) Fast-Forward on the Green Road to Open Access: The Case Against Mixing Up Green and Gold. Ariadne 42. http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue42/harnad/ --- (2006) Publish or Perish Self-Archive to Flourish: The Green Route to Open Access. ERCIM News 64. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11715/ --- (2006) Maximizing Research Impact Through Institutional and National Open-Access Self-Archiving Mandates. In Proceedings of CRIS2006. Current Research Information Systems: Open Access Institutional Repositories (in press), Bergen , Norway . Jeffrey, K., Eds. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/12093/ --- (2006) Opening Access by Overcoming Zeno's Paralysis, in Jacobs, N., Eds. Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects, chapter 8. Chandos. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/12094/ Harnad, Stevan, Les Carr, and Tim Brody. How and Why to Free All Refereed Research from Access- and Impact-Barriers Online, Now. High Energy Physics Libraries Webzine, no. 4 (2001). http://library.cern.ch/HEPLW/4/papers/1/ Harnad, Stevan, and Matt Hemus. All or None: No Stable Hybrid or Half-Way Solutions for Launching the Learned Periodical Literature into the Post-Gutenberg Galaxy. In The Impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community: An International Workshop Organized by the Academia Europaea and the Wenner-Gren Foundation, dited by I. Butterworth. London : Portland Press, 1998. http://www.portlandpress.com/pp/books/online/tiepac/session1/ch5.htm Harnad, S., Carr, L., Brody, T. Oppenheim, C. (2003) Mandated online RAE CVs Linked to University Eprint Archives: Improving the UK Research Assessment Exercise whilst making it cheaper and easier. Ariadne. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/Ariadne-RAE.htm Harnad, S., Brody, T., Vallieres, F., Carr, L., Hitchcock, S., Gingras, Y, Oppenheim, C., Stamerjohanns, H., Hilf, E. (2004) The Access/Impact Problem and the Green and Gold Roads to Open Access. Serials Review 30. http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/~harnad/Temp/impact.html Harnad, S. Brody, T. (2004) Comparing the Impact of Open Access (OA) vs. Non-OA Articles in the Same Journals, D-Lib Magazine 10 (6) June http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june04/harnad/06harnad.html Japanese translation http://www.nii.ac.jp/metadata/irp/harnad/ Sale , Arthur (2006) Researchers and institutional repositories, in Jacobs, Neil, Eds. Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects, chapter 9, pages 87-100. Chandos Publishing ( Oxford ) Limited. http://eprints.comp.utas.edu.au:81/archive/00000257/ Sale , Arthur (2006) Comparison of IR content policies in Australia . First Monday 11(4). http://eprints.comp.utas.edu.au:81/archive/00000264/ Sale , Arthur (2006) The impact of mandatory policies on ETD acquisition. D-Lib Magazine 12(4). http://eprints.comp.utas.edu.au:81/archive/00000267/ Sale , Arthur (2006) Generic Risk Analysis - Open Access for your institution. Technical Report, School of Computing, University of Tasmania . http://eprints.comp.utas.edu.au:81/archive/00000266/ Sale , Arthur (2006) Maximizing the research impact of your publications. Technical Report, School of Computing, University of Tasmania . http://eprints.comp.utas.edu.au:81/archive/00000279/ Shadbolt, N., Brody, T., Carr, L. and Harnad, S. (2006) The Open Research Web: A Preview of the Optimal and the Inevitable, in Jacobs, N., Eds. Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects, chapter 21. Chandos. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/12453/ Swan, A. (2005) JISC Open Access Briefing Paper. Technical Report, JISC, HEFCE. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11005/ Swan, A. (2005) Open access self-archiving: An Introduction. Technical Report, JISC, HEFCE. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11006/ Swan, A. (2006) Overview of scholarly communication, in Jacobs, N., Eds. Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects, chapter 1. Chandos. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/12427/ Swan, A. (2006) The culture of Open Access: researchers views and responses, in Jacobs, N., Eds. Open Access: Key Strategic, Technical and Economic Aspects, chapter 7. Chandos. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/12428/ Swan, A. and Brown, S. (2004) ISC/OSI JOURNAL AUTHORS SURVEY Report. Technical Report, JISC, HEFCE. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11002/ Swan, A. and Brown, S. (2004) Authors and open access publishing. Learned Publishing 17(3) pp. 219-224. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11003/ Swan, A. and Brown, S. (2005) Open access self-archiving: An author study. Technical Report, External Collaborators, Key Perspectives Inc. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/10999/ Swan, A., Needham, P., Probets, S., Muir, A., Oppenheim, C., OBrien, A., Hardy, R., Rowland, F. and Brown, S. (2005) Developing a model for e-prints and open access journal content in UK further and higher education. Learned Publishing 18(1) pp. 25-40. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11000/ Swan, A., Needham, P., Probets, S., Muir, A., Oppenheim, C., OBrien, A., Hardy, R. and Rowland, F. (2005) Delivery, Management and Access Model for E-prints and Open Access Journals within Further and Higher Education. Technical Report, JISC, HEFCE. http://eprints.ecs.soton.ac.uk/11001/ 取自 http://www.wiki.cn/wiki/Self-archiving
个人分类: OA开放存取|7281 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2008-4-13 03:44
开放存取的绿色之路自我存档( Self-Archiving) 根据布达佩斯开放存取倡议( BOAI )提出的统一的双重开放存取策略: 1 ) BOAI-1 ( 绿色, green ) :在适当的付费访问期刊发表论文( http://romeo.eprints.org/ ); 2 )或者( OR ) BOAI-2 ( 金色, gold) :在适当的开放存取期刊 (open-access journal) 发表论文,如果当时已存在那样的期刊( http://www.doaj.org/ )。 并且( AND )在以上两种情况下,把论文的副本自我存档到作者单位的机构仓储中( http://www.eprints.org/self-faq/ ; http://archives.eprints.org/ )。 根据 BOAI-1 策略,实现开放存取的方法之一就是作者在传统期刊发表论文然后进行自我存档( Self-Archiving ),研究者需要软件帮助把发表在传统期刊中的论文的后印本存储在开放的电子文档库中,当这些文档符合开放文档协议( OAI )标准,搜索引擎和其他检索工具就可以发现,用户无须知道文档库的名称与位置就可以找到与使用其内容。 电子印本文档库 (E-print Archive) 是开放仓储的主要形式。电子印本( E-print )又包括预印本( Preprint )和后印本( Postprint )。预印本是指同行评议和出版发表之前的任何版本,通常指提交给期刊时的版本。后印本是指经同行评议之后的任何版本。有时区别两种后印本: 1 )指经过同行评议后但尚未进行编辑加工的版本, 2 )指既经同行评议又经过编辑加工的版本。有些期刊允许作者在 OA 仓储中存储第一种类型的后印本,而不允许存储第二种后印本。文档库( Archive ),有的称仓储库 (Repository) ,有时两者可以通用,但前者似乎更正式,因为很多正式的名称都使用术语 文档库( Archive ) ,如 机构文档库注册( Institutional Archives Registry ) , 开放存档协议( Open Archives Initiative , OAI ) , 自我存档( Self-archive ) 。有时认为仓储库( Repository )更大,不仅仅包括电子印本,还包括灰色文献( Grey literature )。 开放存取的存储内容( Repository Content )既 包括已发表的内容( Published Material ),还包括灰色文献 ( Gray Literature )。若只存储发表后的内容,则 只存储期刊论文的后印本。 绝大多数仓储库两类文献均收录,但也有的开放仓储库只只收录经同行评审并正式发表的文献,如 PubMed Central 收录文献全部为经过同行评审后的期刊论文(后印本),且只收录全文为英语的论文,不接收预印本文献,也不接收非英语文献 ;还有的只存储灰色文献,如欧洲的灰色文献开发联盟( European Association for Grey Literature Exploitation , EAGLE) 。 开放存档的内容十分丰富,已经扩展到期刊论文后印本之外,包括各种数字化材料:文档,诸如论文( Articles )、预印本( preprints )、技术报告( Technical reports )、工作论文( Working papers )与会议论文( Conference papers );书籍( Books );电子(学位)论文( E-theses );数据集,包括统计数据、地理信息数据、数学等( Datasets: Statistical, Geospatial, Matlab );图像,包括可视化图像、科学图表等( Images: visual, scientific );声频文件( Audio files );视频文件( Video files );可视化、模拟及其他模型;多媒体出版物( Multimedia publications );计算机程序( Computer programs );书目数据库( Bibliographic datasets );学习对象( Learning objects );重定格式后的数字图书馆馆藏( Reformatted digital library collections ),等等。 摘自:王应宽 . 中国科技学术期刊的开放存取出版研究 . 北京 : 北京大学 ,2006,12.
个人分类: OA开放存取|7689 次阅读|0 个评论
wangyk 2008-4-9 21:26
推荐新书:既是 OA 的,又可 OA 的 由印度人 Anup Kumar Das 编著,联合国教科文组织 UNESCO 出版的关于开放存取( Open access )的专著 《知识与信息的开放存取:学术文献与数字图书馆首倡 - 南亚背景》 (博主拙译,请以原著为准)已经正式出版。兹提供书目信息、序言、目录如下。该书内容是关于开放存取的,其全文也是可以免费开放获取的。感兴趣的朋友可以免费下载全文。下载地址: http://openmed.nic.in/2789/ . Open Access to Knowledge and Information: Scholarly Literature and Digital Library Initiatives The South Asian Scenario Anup Kumar Das Edited by: Bimal Kanti Sen and Jocelyne Josiah UNESCO 2008 ISBN 978-81-89218-21-8 This publication may be reproduced in any media appropriately acknowledging UNESCO and the authors. Design, Typesetting Graphics: Nikhil Offset Printers, New Delhi Published by: The United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO) UNESCO House B-5/29, Safdarjung Enclave New Delhi 110029 India Phone: +91-11-26713000 Fax: +91-11-26713001/2 Email: newdelhi@unesco.org Disclaimer The authors are responsible for the choice and the presentation of the facts contained in this publication and for the opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization. The designations employed and the presentation of materials throughout the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status of any county, territory, city or area or of its frontiers or boundaries. Foreword Universal access to information and knowledge lies UNESCO's overall mandate to promote the free flow of information by word and by image and thus to place information and knowledge at the doorsteps of communities. UNESCO strives to forge an enabling environment to facilitate and open up avenues for universal access to information and knowledge. Open Access to information and knowledge is an innovative mode of scholarly communication within the digital environment aimed at achievement of universal access to information and knowledge. While Open Access helps digital inclusion of citizens in developing countries by bringing within easy reach full-text contents of scholarly works, documentary heritage collections and development-related literature, the Digital Library remains a knowledge repository of such citizens, indigenous people, communities and institutions. Open Access to knowledge is a model adopted by many international and intergovernmental fora, such as the World Summit on the information Society (WSIS), for disseminating full-text contents to online communities. The South Asia sub-region is now in the forefront of the Open Access movement within developing countries in the world, with India being the most prominent partner in terms of its successful Open Access and Digital Library initiatives. Institutional and policy frameworks in India also facilitate innovative solutions for increasing international visibility and accessibility of scholarly literature and documentary heritage in this country. This publication has its genesis in the recommendations and proceedings of UNESCO-supported international conferences and workshops including the 4th International Conference of Asian Digital Libraries (ICADL2001, Bangalore); the International Conferences on Digital Libraries (ICDL2004 ICDL2006, New Delhi); and the International Workshop on Greenstone Digital Library software (2006, Kozhikode), where many information professionals of this sub-region demonstrated their Digital Library and Open Access Initiatives. It discusses successful activities in the South Asia subregion bringing closer to the worldwide audience, the subject of access to scholarly literature and documentary heritage. This may thus be considered an authoritative source-book on Open Access Development in this sub-region. Jocelyne Josiah Adviser in communication and information for Asia UNESCO New Delhi Contents Introduction 1 Digital Library Initiatives 7 Open Courseware Initiatives 43 Open Access Journals 56 Metadata Harvesting Services 69 National-Level Open Access Repositories 83 Institutional Repositories 96 Conclusion 128 References 129 Annexure 130 Book Chapters Index 133 Other Useful Open Access Resources and Knowledge Portals 136
个人分类: OA开放存取|4113 次阅读|1 个评论

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