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热度 1 yanbohang 2015-5-19 08:37
超冷极性分子新成员 超冷极性分子的实现是 2008 年十大科学进展之一。首先制造两种不同的超冷原子,利用 Feshbach 共振产生 Feshabach 分子,然后再利用双光子受激 Raman 绝热布局,将 Feshbach 分子转移到分子的基态,从而产生了基态超冷分子。获得基态 超冷 极性分子后,就可以研究很多新奇的偶极相互作用过程。因此超冷分子迅速成为一个热门研究课题。但是由于实验的难度,在过后很多年内,除了 JILA 的 KRb 分子外,一直没有其他的基态超冷极性分子产生。 最近两年,出现了两种新的超冷极性分子。一个是 RbCs , Innsbruck 研究这个分子很长时间了。英国的 Cornish 小组也在去年实现了 RbCs 的基态分子,RbCs是玻色子。另外一个就是刚出现的 NaK 分子,是 MIT 的 MartinZwierlein 小组完成的,两个星期前在 arxiv 上贴出来了,今天就出现在 PRL 上(PRL 114, 205302 (2015)),速度是非常快。想来大家对新的超冷极性分子期待已久。 NaK 是费米子,并且理论计算没有化学反应,同时具有很大的电偶极矩,因此大家都期待能用他实现极性分子的费米量子简并态。他们所用的 STIRAP 光是 804.7nm 和 566.9nm ,做出来 NaK 分子数目在 5000 左右,寿命达到 2.5s ,应该是比较长的。由于 NaK 理论计算的结果很好,国际上有许多小组在做这个分子, Zwierlein 小组的结果出来后,应该会推动超冷极性分子新的研究热潮。 图 1 : NaK 基态分子的 STIRAP 过程。
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谁来讲十分钟:Ultracold fermions in a graphene-type optical lattice
GrandFT 2009-11-7 17:15
Ultracold fermions in a graphene-type optical lattice Kean Loon Lee (李健伦), Benot Grmaud, Rui Han (韩睿), Berthold-Georg Englert, and Christian Miniatura Phys. Rev. A 80, 043411 (Published October 19, 2009) Two highly active fields of physics have merged in recent years, as researchers work to build models of condensed matter systems using ultracold atoms suspended in optical lattices. Graphene provides an environment for many intriguing physics problems, with its massless fermions, unusually high carrier mobility, and anomalous quantum Hall behavior. Now, Kean Loon Lee and colleagues at the National University of Singapore, and at Ecole Normale Suprieure and Institut Non Linaire de Nice in France, report in Physical Review A their theoretical studies of ultracold atoms arranged in a hexagonal graphenelike optical lattice. When atoms are loaded into optical traps researchers can control their position and the strength of their interactions. The authors model a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice of traps created by the interference of three laser beams. They then carry out tight-binding calculations of the band structure to show that a signature of graphenetransport of massless excitationscould indeed exist in this analogous system. Lee et al. also study the hopping of nearest-neighbor atoms and the influence of lattice distortions, providing a useful guidepost to future experimental efforts. David Voss
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