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热度 3 liwei999 2017-2-17 04:27
“张三把眼睛哭肿了。” 眼睛都被张三哭肿了 张三眼睛被哭肿了 张三眼睛哭肿了 眼睛张三哭肿了 哭肿张三眼睛了 张三哭肿眼睛了 哭得张三眼睛肿了 张三哭得眼睛肿了 张三眼睛哭得肿了 张三的眼睛哭得肿了 眼睛 一句是主语 一句是宾语 句法不能说错。supposdly 到语义模块去统一到逻辑语义上去。 Me: 这一组图献给@刘群 老师 我们曾经争论过汉语语序的自由度问题 ,我说汉语语序除了极少数对svo有直接冲突的OVS(正解SVO)不被允许外,其自由灵活,到了几乎随心所欲、想啥说啥、有法无天的裸奔的程度。 刘老师颇不以为然,坚持孤立语的本性就是语序固定,汉语不会例外。 刘: 谢谢@wei 把这些图献给我 换个例子:猫咬了狗,狗咬了猫,猫狗咬了,狗猫咬了,咬了狗猫,咬了猫狗,……语序自由吗? Me: 自由度是一个区间,不是二值吧 ovs 不被允许,是其不自由的一面,不过数量上不自由的变式远小于自由的变式。 总之,不看数据的话,我们不会相信汉语如此任性。 刘: 我那个例子,osv,sov,vso,vos都不行啊 Me: 猫狗咬了,狗猫咬了 听上去没啥问题啊,还是我耳朵有问题? 刘: 不知道谁咬了谁 Me: 不知道也没啥问题啊 都是合法的 刘: 意思变了,就不是语序自由了。语序自由的前提当然是意思不能变。 Me: 拿语义或常识来纠缠句法语序自由, 不是一个好的辩护汉语总体语序不自由的路子 窃以为。这样辩论的话,我就给你: 鸡我吃了,我鸡吃了。自由还是不自由呢? 刘群: 你也是用例子来证明语序自由啊?并没有统计数据 规则都有反例,个别反例不能推翻整条规则 语言规则吧 Me: 你举的更像是反例,弄了个猫和狗,恰好是本体上平行的概念,都食肉,也都被食。 这种例子更像是反例 而不是 norm,所以我以子之矛可以还给你否。 当然 到目前 控辩双方都还停留在例句阶段。都还没有统计数据。 刘: 我的例子一点都不特殊:特朗普会见安倍,俄罗斯占领克里米亚,…… Me: 克里米亚俄罗斯啥时占领了 特朗普安倍会见了吗? 安倍特朗普真滴会见了啊? 会见了安倍特朗普还见了谁呢? 我的例子也不是 outliers 呀。说出来听起来都那么接地气 刘: 就用这个例子吧:”我的例子也不是 outliers 呀”:我的例子outliers也不是啊,outliers也不是啊我的例子,outliers我的例子也不是啊,也不是我的例子outliers啊,也不是outliers我的例子啊。 Me: 谢谢 欢迎刘老师站到我这边来! 这不正是语序自由的现身说法吗 刘: 嗯?你觉得上面那些句子都成立吗?我觉得大部分都不成立。 我是反驳你的说法 Me: 不成立? 刘: 不成立 Me: 看样子得 crowdsource 给 native speakers 去投票决定了。 我听起来无障碍,都理解了不算,感觉还蛮顺,至少是接地气:老百姓就是这么说话的。社会媒体更甚。 当然如果给新闻系教授, 他可能会教育学生不能这样写。在有很多个表达(不仅仅是语序自由)的时候,技术文献和新闻工作者会被教导去选择所谓规范的表达法。但语言事实和普罗通常不听这些指教。 其实 坚持汉语语序自由得不像话的观点,不是为论点而论点,而是提醒自己和同事,我们在写 parser 的时候,必须把语序自由作为一个重要的角度来看汉语。 否则无法做出一个鲁棒和召回率高的汉语解析器。 刘: 不管哪种语言,在社交媒体上,都不太讲究语法的,特别是短句子。这不能成为汉语语序自由的证据。英美人说话,口语、短句子、社交媒体上,不合法的句子比比皆是,不能因此说英语语法就要废除了。 Me: 我们当然希望语言都是语序固定的 这该省多少力气啊。线性pattern就是以次序(linear ordering)为基,语序灵活了,patterns 就成倍增长。非语序的其他因素可以在既定的pattern里面调控,无需增加patterns,唯有自由的语序是一件躲不过去的功/工。 刘: 即使是汉语,我们表达稍微复杂的内容的时候,一般都会用svo的,不会随便改语序,否则给自己添加麻烦 Me: 汉语操蛋就操蛋在这里: 你本来就没有形态,小词也是能省就省,你还要语序灵活自由,你还让人活不活?国人的投机取巧甚至在语言表达上也如此彰显。可是我们还是要面对现实。 刘: 没有这么可怕,汉语parser的准确率比英语并没有低太多 Me: 汉语 parser 比英语没低多少,是在新闻上么? 新闻是语言大海的三滴水。 刘: 其他领域没有确切的数据可比较。 Me: 还是可感觉的 这一回合,算是打平了,如果刘老师不坚持要我举白旗的话。 刘: 不能靠感觉。 @wei 老师客气了学术讨论,有争议很正常。 我也没有数据说服你。 【相关】 【语义计算沙龙:语序自由度之辩】 中文处理 Parsing 【置顶:立委NLP博文一览】 《朝华午拾》总目录
个人分类: 立委科普|4015 次阅读|3 个评论
SQL 简易教程--- SQL ORDER BY(7)
helloating1990 2015-12-30 09:57
ORDER BY 语句用于对结果集进行排序。 ORDER BY 语句 ORDER BY 语句用于根据指定的列对结果集进行排序,默认升序 如果您希望按照降序对记录进行排序,可以使用 DESC 关键字。 原始的表 (用在例子中的): Orders 表: Company OrderNumber IBM 3532 W3School 2356 Apple 4698 W3School 6953 实例 1 以字母顺序显示公司名称: SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company结果: Company OrderNumber Apple 4698 IBM 3532 W3School 6953 W3School 2356 实例 2 以字母顺序显示公司名称(Company),并以数字顺序显示顺序号(OrderNumber): SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company, OrderNumber 结果: Company OrderNumber Apple 4698 IBM 3532 W3School 2356 W3School 6953 实例 3 以逆字母顺序显示公司名称: SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company DESC结果: Company OrderNumber W3School 6953 W3School 2356 IBM 3532 Apple 4698 实例 4 以逆字母顺序显示公司名称,并以数字顺序显示顺序号: SELECT Company, OrderNumber FROM Orders ORDER BY Company DESC, OrderNumber ASC结果: Company OrderNumber W3School 2356 W3School 6953 IBM 3532 Apple 4698 注意: 在以上的结果中有两个相等的公司名称 (W3School)。只有这一次,在第一列中有相同的值时,第二列是以升序排列的。如果第一列中有些值为 nulls 时,情况也是这样的。
个人分类: 数据库|744 次阅读|0 个评论
Reduction of Giraffe_VIII_Wavelength and Order
dabing 2015-11-21 04:14
Wavelength calibration and Extraction of orders
个人分类: MIDAS note|4 次阅读|0 个评论
Reduction of Giraffe_IV_Define Order and Background Table
dabing 2015-11-13 22:10
在reduce_back_giraffe.prg里 分几步来做, 两次调用tableasciitest.prg: 1) Determination of Offset Slitlength 2) Subtraction of Background 3) Extraction of the Orders
个人分类: MIDAS note|7 次阅读|0 个评论
Reduction of Giraffe_III_Define Order and Background Table
dabing 2015-11-13 21:14
定义阶数和定义一个表格用于提取背景值 ,注意reduce_orderdef_giraffe.prg里还要调用后面的3个子程序。
个人分类: MIDAS note|4 次阅读|0 个评论
It's all about timing!
热度 2 zuojun 2012-7-19 02:09
Someone needs work done fast, and someone needs work. I am six hours ahead of my clients in China, and my subcontractor on the east coast is six hours ahead of me. For the first time, I am really enjoying the time difference!
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|2822 次阅读|4 个评论
liwenbianji 2012-6-5 10:15
科 学探索可以用不同形式来表现,因此就有了各种类型的论文,其中包括论著、综述、病例研究、方法学和理论性论文。目前,论著最常见的格式是IMRaD格式, 也就是引言、方法、结果和讨论(introduction, methods, results and discussion)的缩写。这些部分一般位于摘要和参考文献之间,但也有些期刊中将“方法”部分居于最后。国际医学期刊编辑委员会(ICMJE) 在其出版的《生物医学期刊投稿统一要求: 生物医学论文撰写和编辑》第IV.A.1.a节(“通则”)中IMRaD格式及其目的作了如下说明: “ 观察性和实验性论文通常(并非必须)分为以下几部分: 引言、方法、结果、 讨论,亦即“IMRAD” 结构。该结构并非强制性的论文格式,但的确能直观地反映科学发现的过程。长篇幅的论文中的某些部分可采用子标题(尤其是“结果”和“讨论”),从而使其内 容更加清晰。” 在以后的帖子里,我们将分别阐述IMRaD各个部分的要点以及一些应避免的常见错误。但要说明的一点是:各部分的撰写顺序和他们在论文中出现的顺序(和我们这里讲述的顺序)是不同的。好的撰写顺序应该使论文尽可能清晰、连贯。这里推荐如下撰写顺序(外加摘要和标题) : •方法 •结果 •简介 •讨论 •标题 •摘要 “方法”部分在研究开展过程中就可以写完,标准试验步骤甚至在做试验之前就可以完成。尽早完成“方法”部分使你能发现研究设计中潜在的问题,或之前未考虑到的额外对照。这样做的好处是:方法在实验开始之前还可以调整,避免将来费时费钱地重复做已经做过的试验。 “ 方法”写好、试验完成之后,接下来就是分析结果来确定它们是否支持你的假设,阐明他们到底揭示了什么。在此阶段就写“引言”属于不得要领,因为你的结果将 决定你该如何“编排”你的论文,或者说把你的结果放在哪个背景下予以阐述。因此,第二步应该是分析和撰写“结果”。在这个阶段,你要决定如何表述资料(例 如,用表、图、示意图还是照片;参见“图”部分的注意事项),如何分析这些数据(参见“统计学”注意事项),以及他们说明什么。作出上述决定后,你就需要 来描述它们。 至此,你应该已清楚你的结果如何支持你的假设,也了解该领域的现有文献。此时如有必要,你尚可修改你的研究问题或更改研究的 侧重点;如果你决定要修改,可能也另需重新分析数据和/或补充试验,才能构建出一个完整的研究故事。待这些都完成之后,再写“引言”来说明你工作的背景, 然后撰写“讨论”来说明你的结果和背景之间的关联。最后,趁热打铁,完成摘要和标题。摘要和标题的要素请参见前一章的注意事项。 英文原文 The ‘write’ order and IMRaD Scientific enquiry can take a number of different forms. As a result, there is a variety of publication types, including papers describing original research, reviews, case studies, methodology papers and theoretical papers. By far the most common format for writing scientific papers describing original research is the IMRaD format. The letters in this acronym stand for introduction, methods, results and discussion, representing the sections lying between the abstract and references in such manuscripts (although in some journals, the methods section is presented at the end rather than after the introduction, while in other journals the results and discussion sections are combined). The order of these sections reflects the process of scientific discovery, which is why it is a near universal format for research papers. The following posts describe the important components of each of these sections as well as some common mistakes to avoid. However, it is worth mentioning that these sections should not be written in the order in which they appear (or in which they are described here); rather, there is a specific order in which the sections of a manuscript should be written to achieve maximum clarity and consistency throughout. The recommended order for writing these sections, with the addition of the abstract and title, is as follows: • Methods • Results • Introduction • Discussion • Title • Abstract The methods can be written while you are performing the research or, for certain standard protocols, before it has even begun. Doing this early in the course of your research could make you aware of any potential problems in your study design, or point to additional controls you might not previously have considered. The advantage of this is that the methods can be adjusted before performing experiments, preventing the need for time-consuming and costly repeats of experiments already performed. With the methods written up and the experiments performed, you will want to analyze your results to determine how they relate to your hypothesis, and what they actually show. It is pointless writing the introduction prior to this stage because the results you obtain will determine how the paper needs to be ‘framed’, that is, what context the results are described in. Therefore, the results should be analyzed and written up second. During this stage you will determine how your data should be presented (for example, in tables, graphs, schematics or photographs; see the chapter on graphics), how they need to be analyzed (see the chapter on statistics), and what they mean; once decided, you will then need to describe them. By now you will have a good idea of how your findings relate to your hypothesis and the existing literature in your field. It might be necessary at this point to ask a different research question or to change the focus of your research. Following such a change, re-analyses of your data and/or additional experiments might be necessary to make a complete story. Once these are done, the introduction can be written, to provide the context, and then the discussion can be written to describe the relevance of your findings within that context. Finally, with all of that fresh in your head, the abstract and title, the important components of which are described in previous tips, should be written last. Dr Daniel McGowan 分子神经学博士 理文编辑学术总监
4030 次阅读|0 个评论
Peck order与南京大屠杀
热度 2 smallland 2012-2-23 11:11
动 物园巨大的铁网内,若干种类的鸟和平共处。饲养员撒下好吃的,他知道谁应该第一个来啄食,谁应该第二个来,有个基本固定的顺序,被称为peck order。这个order很重要,关系到生死存亡的问题。序位低的要让高位的先来,就相当于我们“让领导先走”。这样的等级制度存在于许多动物,尤其是 社会关系复杂的动物。在人类,这个自然很夸张。在若干情况下,尊重好似与实际的利益无关,但尊卑有序,还是必须的,我们的传统也提倡这个。在日常生活中, 我们每个人其实也是很在意的,这个就不多说了。 我 们有妄自尊大的传统文明,只要你能尊重我,我就可以不考虑实际利益。只要能来朝拜我,我给你东西也行,甚至不顾国民死活。汉武帝是大英雄,穷兵黩武,也算 给中华民族挣了口气。匈奴有一支因为内部矛盾前来投降,汉武帝要求征发万两车几万马隆重迎接,甚至要处死耽误此事的官员(连年征战,这事很难啊)。类似的 事情,我们后来也做过。当年,我们的国民还吃不饱,也要保证监狱里的日本战犯吃上雪白的大米饭。我堂堂大中华,具有宽阔的胸襟,容不下几个“小日本” (他们自称大和,也不认为自己小) ?我们自己的国民少吃一点,没什么,只要能让他们尊重我们,让他们世世代代对我们感恩戴德,提高我们的peck order,有什么不值得的?所以,大米干饭给他们吃了,后来据说也放了,是否发路费,俺也不敢猜测。 有人谈起名古屋与南京,很气愤,我觉得,没什么,应该的。我们既然有那样的胸襟,那样的气量,怎么容不下战犯的儿孙说几句话?他的逻辑,有问题吗?我们当初的气量,哪里去了? =========== 俺不了解历史,仅凭道听途说,任何事实都不确定--官方也没告诉我们。
3258 次阅读|4 个评论
Computational Efficiency of the Finite Element Method Based On the Second-Order
jmzhao 2010-7-14 12:12
This is a paper presented in the 6th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer (Rad-10) ABSTRACT. The second-order radiative transfer equation (SORTE) is in a form like diffusion equation, hence no additional artificial diffusion or upwinding treatment is needed in the numerical discretization for stabilization. The computational efficiency of the finite element method based on SORTE is investigated by comparison with that of the finite element methods based on original first order radiative transfer equation (FORTE). The FORTE based finite element methods considered are the finite element method with Galerkin approach (Galerkin-FORTE) and the finite element method with least-square approach (LS-FORTE). By comparison, the accuracy of the finite element method based on the SORTE is generally better than those based on the FORTE under the same discretization scheme, spatial grid and angular grid. The finite element method based on the SORTE shows the best computational efficiency among the three finite element methods, i.e., to obtain the same target accuracy, the least computational time is required. J.M. Zhao, J.Y. Tan, L.H. Liu. Computational Efficiency of the Finite Element Method Based On the Second-Order Radiative Transfer Equation. The 6th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer. 13~19 June, 2010, Antalya, Turkey. download My presentation is here .
个人分类: 科研论文|6323 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Do buyers and sellers behave similarly in a limit order book?
shawfee 2010-6-21 16:05
Do buyers and sellers behave similarly in a limit order book? A high-frequency data examination of the Finnish stock exchange Kaj Hedvall a , , , Jonas Niemeyer b and Gunnar Rosenqvist a a Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, P.O. Box 479, 00101, Helsinki, Finland b Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden Available online 10 June 1998. Abstract The symmetry of an electronic limit order book is studied using high-frequency data. Is the order flow generated by buyers of the same structure as the one by sellers or would factors such as short selling restrictions and information trading result in asymmetries in the order flow? A model expressing the symmetry of a limit order book is developed and tested within a log-linear Poisson regression framework. Although the orderflow was found to be quite symmetric in general, clear asymmetries were identified for various trade categories suggesting differences between the order submission of buyers and sellers using a limit order book. Author Keywords: Market microstructure; Limit order book; Log-linear Poisson regression; Quasi symmetry JEL classification codes: C25; G14; G15
个人分类: Microstructure|1933 次阅读|0 个评论
Fourth order equations with critical growth in Riemannian geometry
ChinaAbel 2010-1-13 21:02
Fourth order equations with critical growth in Riemannian geometry
个人分类: Higher Order Partial Differential Equati|214 次阅读|0 个评论
Some fourth order differential equations related to differential geometry
ChinaAbel 2010-1-13 20:49
Some fourth order differential equations related to differential geometry
个人分类: Higher Order Partial Differential Equati|161 次阅读|0 个评论
Paths to synchronization on complex networks
kingroupxz 2010-1-2 22:27
PRL 98, 034101 (2007) Abstract:The understanding of emergent collective phenomena in natural and social systems has driven the interest of scientists from different disciplines during decades. Among these phenomena, the synchronization of a set of interacting individuals or units has been intensively studied because of its ubiquity in the natural world. In this Letter, we show how for fixed coupling strengths local patterns of synchronization emerge differently in homogeneous and heterogeneous complex networks, driving the process towards a certain global synchronization degree following different paths. The dependence of the dynamics on the coupling strength and on the topology is unveiled. This study provides a new perspective and tools to understand this emerging phenomena. 这篇文献,我没有仔细地阅读,但也有粗略的观感如下: 1.Kuramoto 模型,研究了ER和SF两种拓扑结构的网络,在由完全非同步向完全同步转化过程中的差异。这种转化过程是发生时,网络拓扑结构是静态的,但耦合的强度是改变的。据了解,这个思路也不是第一次出现在这篇文章中。 2.利用KM模型的相对简单特性,给出了 关于全局和局域同步范围的量度r,rlink。这样的思路,如何体现在一个具体一些极限环模型中呢?即在其他模型中如何定义这两个量度?如果说KM就抽象可以代表所有极限环振子系统,那么对于相位不是那么方便定义的混沌振子系统,如Lronz系统,这种方法还如何办呢? 3.In the presence of hubs, a giant component of synchronized pairs of oscillators forms and grows by recruiting nodes linked to them.这说明了了hubs结点在同步过程中的作用。 4.我感兴趣的是给定一个耦合强度,如果在完全非同步的初始状态下,向可能的同步状态演化过程中hubs结点的作用是不是与本文所述的一样呢?
个人分类: 文献阅读|5239 次阅读|1 个评论
Note for P311 Smoller_Second order contact
zjzhang 2009-11-20 23:32
A Note for P311 Smoller_Second order contact
个人分类: 数学|2758 次阅读|0 个评论

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